What is All this Fuss about Rights?
Todd Hayen

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
People seem to think that anyone who complains about their “rights” is some sort of crybaby ninny. I hear comments all the time like, “Rights? You already don’t have any rights, why are you so upset about losing any more?” Or quite the opposite, “You don’t know what losing rights is all about, try living a week in North Korea!”
Neither one of these responses shows much intelligence or understanding of our current situation.
The first one is a particularly good example in this regard. Rights are being lost so quickly. When and if we finally wake up to that fact we will realize how much we indeed have already lost.
That still is not a good reason to ignore what is going on.
The second response shows that whoever is saying this doesn’t understand that North Korea is exactly where we are headed. It too is no reason not to be hyper-observant about what is currently happening.
History has clearly shown that if you don’t nip such things in the bud, totalitarianism or any of its oppressive derivatives is bound to eventually creep its way into the culture. We, as a free society, must constantly be aware of the possibility and see the early signs of it.
It is so interesting to me that people in general will slap on the label “paranoid” or better yet, “conspiracy theorist” if a person shows any concern for the abuse of power and possible corruption, no matter how significant, or insignificant, the concern may be. As Jordan Peterson once said:
Systems go terribly out of control when people don’t stop them when they are going mildly out of control.”
Making this stranger yet, we know that people, and lots of them, are still capable of acknowledging and acting against what they perceive as government corruption. This capability was made clearly evident during Donald Trump’s term as US President.
Whether Trump’s entire negative persona as president was fabricated by the press or not (I certainly doubt if all of it was) those on the left still responded as if it was a formidable problem, and of course still do.
As much as I was taken in by media hype at the time, I am still astounded how viciously adamant people were and are that Trump, and the Republican Party that supported him, are the only reason the country is in a tailspin. It all seems rather clear to me that Trump, and all that came with him, was at least in part, an insidious decoy.
So why is this? If the populace can see corruption in one circumstance (the alleged corruption of Trump’s administration and party), why can’t they see it in another (the government corruption we are experiencing now)—and in one that the evidence shows is indeed corrupt? Is this perception entirely caused by the media?—in my humble opinion, very likely so.
I believe that the cliché is true—the press really does control public opinion and public stance.
The press may be one of the roots of the massive weed that got us into this mess, but the press used to be only as powerful as their insistence on reporting the truth.
Now, obviously, it doesn’t matter to them at all if they are reporting the truth. So why is that?
The taproot is not the press, but the people consuming the media’s vomit of “information.” They typically do not know how to scrutinize truth from untruth. In fact, it seems that the distinction between fact and fiction doesn’t even matter.
I have seen situations with friends and family where a very clear evidential truth is finally presented (as is happening quite often now) and they STILL will not cry uncle, “I don’t care if it is true, I am sticking with what I believe.” It is a no-win situation.
I don’t think there is one answer to that question. But surely one of them is the power of past indoctrination. With regard to the freedom question, I truly believe many people simply do not want to be free.
For one thing, they don’t really know what freedom means, and as simple and facetious as it sounds, as long as they don’t have their video games, pot, porn, and other instant gratifiers taken away, they are as free as they care to be.
Think Brave New World and the prominent drug Soma as Huxley presented it in his joyous dystopia. Soma can take many forms today, and it replaces anything of any true value. It is a drug, just as the drugs we encounter today such as pot and alcohol, but also things we don’t think of as drugs like cell phones, computers, video games, pornography, new cars, fancy shoes and clothes, big houses, partying, sex, affairs, and so on.
Of course I am describing an extreme of the spectrum, but I think you get my point.
So my view is that many people do not care about the sort of freedom you and I would fight to the death to protect. Take freedom of speech. I am an old hippie (well, not exactly, but that is another story). Let’s just say I come from an era when freedom of speech, and the restrictions around it, was all a really big deal.
Free speech was the pillar of American democracy, and even a tiny seemingly insignificant oppression of it was tantamount to plunging a sword into the gut of everything the United States stood for. I still feel this way.
I got into one of these typical skirmishes on Facebook with a few very long-time friends. Some of them people who are my age as well and should have the same sentiments regarding freedom of speech as I do.
I played dumb for the most part, and responded to someone who was suggesting that people now boycott Twitter because the “free thinking” Elon Musk was taking over. I asked, “is that because you don’t like Elon Musk, or because you don’t like freedom of speech?”
Someone else then proceeded to give me a primer on Constitutional Law and said something like, “To paraphrase the constitution, ‘Congress shall make no law to restrict the freedom of speech.’ Last time I looked, Twitter was not Congress.” Implying that Twitter was not violating any law that they had to abide by, that only the government of the United States needed to be concerned about the illegality of limiting speech, a private company had nothing to worry about.
Now, I am not going to get into a discussion about any of this, i.e., whether Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, et al have the right to restrict speech, censor information, or what not. I do think there is an argument here, obviously, but that’s for another time.
What I AM going to comment on is the attitude of my compatriots taking the position of defending Twitter, or whomever, of their current practice to censor, restrict, and otherwise oppress the free exchange of information and opinions. What the hell?
The other oddity is that half a dozen people suddenly pounced on me for suggesting that Twitter had no right to manage their members who had all “signed” agreements of submission to Twitter’s “rules of engagement,” when that isn’t even what I was questioning.
People overall seem very sensitive about this. They are quite happy that these “information sources” are protecting their delicate ears from misinformation.
I hear this sort of thing all of the time—a blatant defense of privately owned companies to do whatever they damn well please… “a restaurant is not taking your rights away if they won’t let you in if you are not vaccinated, it is their right to bar service to anyone who does not meet their standards: ‘no shirt: no service, no vax: no service!!’”
OK, maybe that is true, maybe there are many cases where these companies have full right to do their form of vaccine discrimination, but why are these people defending that? Why aren’t they in an outrage? That, to me, is like defending someone’s right to bar people of color from entering a restaurant.
No one would stand for that, even if the people discriminating were on the right side of the law. It seems unconscionable to me that ANYONE would be on the side of someone, or a private company, who wishes to restrict speech. But that is where we are.
People honestly do not want to be free. They find comfort in being controlled, and having information controlled. With freedom comes responsibility, and today it seems no one is willing to take on any responsibility.
Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here
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With freedom comes responsibility, and part of the problem is a lack of desire to take personal responsibility for anything. It’s easier to play the blame game (and honestly, the media is complicit in that).
People are willing to give up their freedoms in exchange for ease, convenience and the illusion of safety. Personal privacy is all but gone. Freedom of speech is on the chopping block right now, as is our freedom of self determination in areas like health, food choices, etc.
I feel as you do about freedom of speech. I also feel that private businesses have a right to do business as they see fit. BUT, there seems to be an absence of logic on the part of those who defend the very thing they rail against, depending upon who is doing it.
There is a double standard; they are falling all over themselves to defend Twitter’s right to restrict the open exchange of ideas under previous ownership, while attempting to deny Musk’s right to do what he wants to do with the company he now owns. But they can’t have it both ways.
The TRUE measure of whether someone really believes in free speech is if they will defend someone else’s right to say something that they disagree with.
The sad thing is, I think many (most?) younger people are afraid of free speech because they fear being exposed to anything outside of what they are comfortable with, and moire to the point, they fear having to defend their own position because they don’t really know why they believe what they believe. (I teach high school and find that resistance to individual critical thinking is ubiquitous).
In Portugal there are efforts to make ammendments inorder to legalise “confinements outside the state of emergency”: https://www-associacao21–26-pt.translate.goog/agora-e-sempre/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp
People who don’t care about the truth are insane. They believe that 2 + 2 = 5; that black can be white; that a bachelor can be married; that a square is a circle; and so on.
Those people have no reason, they are unreasonable. Because of their lack of reason, they also lack conscience. If people believe any twisted lies, they are following the liar or the Big Lie into hell.
Truth is the absolute necessity for anything good. Without truth there are only lies to follow. Without truth there can be no justice, since the liars say ”injustice is justice”; without truth there can be no freedom, since the liars say ”slavery is freedom”; without truth there can be no equality, since the liars say ”inequality equals equality”. Or other such nonsense. Lies never make any sense.
People were born with reason and conscience (wisdom). If some people lost their reason and conscience, becoming unreasonable and unconscionable, they are not qualified to tell the truth or know wisdom.
Yes, every human has rights. If a human being doesn’t know or understand what a human being is, he’s not qualified to speak on behalf of humans, any human, or humanity. First thing a human must understand is who he or she is.
In other words, what it is to be human. Is it to be an animal? Of course not. Is it to be a robot or a product –no. Is it to be a producer of products, like robots –no. To be human one needs to be human. If one thinks, to be human is to be a mindless robot, one hasn’t thought. Mindless jargon is not thinking. Proper thoughts are logical and do not go against human wisdom.
All perversions and evils are on the side of the Devil. Perversion of truth is its first movement.
The Devil lies. It lies to cheat, to make fraud, deceit, to manipulate. Then it tries to kill you. The Devil is after your soul. The Soul already has won. Truth always wins. It defeats all lies simultaneously simply by existing. No amount of lies can ever kill truth, no matter how many votes the liars have, no matter how many believers in a lie exist.
So, in reality, it is the truth that kills all lies. And true justice kills injustices, true equality destroys inequalities, true freedom abolishes all unfreedoms.
Those who want to kill the truth – even if it’s impossible – say that truth doesn’t exist, or that it doesn’t matter.
We, modern moron slaves, ONLY have privileges… Which They can take back whenever They want. Seems that OPERATION COVIDIUS isn’t still good enough for slaves to understand this SIMPLE FACT.
Can only wait for the next OPERATION!
The day the herds of modern moron slaves want to be RESPONSIBLE hence FREE… Let me know!
Voz, in your first post you included yourself, hence in the ‘We’ in your quote: “We, modern moron slaves…” In your next post you appear to have distanced yourself from “the herds of modern moron slaves”. My question is have you now become free from being a bonded slave? If so, how did you manage to do just that within this corrupt system?
H.L. Mencken (1880 to 1956) said, “Democracy is the pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance”.
“The Planet” isn’t the only curious transcendent entity to dominate “our” lives. There is also ….. “water”.
“What does water want? Most humans seem to have forgotten”
And the question begging in that bizarre title would fill a couple of volumes. What does it even mean for “water” to “want” anything. And did humans ever “know” this only to “forget” it?
Well it seems water has not been it its “free” of “natural” state for …. ooh millennia I should say. Indeed the very activity of humanity intruded on those mystical flowings of water from the dawn of our history.
“The scale of our efforts to control water is vast. But control is illusory. Water does what it wants, as we are seeing increasingly often, as people around the world grapple with severe floods and droughts.”
A hugely suspect comment. Is the flooding and droughts a matter of water “getting its own back”? Are we returning here to some kind of primitive animism? Perhaps the sea god Poseidon is just waiting round the corner?
Well apparently our attempts to “deal” with these disasters only makes matters worse. Water is angry!
“In the wreckage of disasters in the US, like Hurricane Sandy in 2012 or Harvey in 2017, we see that homes built atop wetlands are the first to flood. We are reminded that water has agency, and our attempts at control actually make us more vulnerable.”
Water “has agency”? What the fuck? Mr Water is upset!
“Many industrialised societies prioritise human need….” How frightfully impolite of them! Water is getting angrier!
“…this ‘us first’ mentality isn’t doing humans any favours. Our domineering approach to water ignores the ways that hydrological systems interact with rocks, soil, plants, microbes and animals – including us. Disturbing these systems causes myriad unintended consequences.”
No longer us first! Rocks, soil, plants etc. – all converging (along with Mr Water) into some vast indomitable Being who has it in for us!
“….sooner or later, water always wins…..fresh water’s true nature is to flex with the rhythms of the earth …. in an eternal dance upon the land.”
We need “Slow Water” which “simultaneously supports local water availability, flood control, natural carbon storage, and other-than-human life”.
“Considering what water wants may sound a bit mystical, even radical.”
I would say even bat shit crazy – but let’s face it! There’s nothing crazy at all in this confidence trick.
“The climate crisis can seem overwhelming ….”
Especially when you’re doing your damndest to make it seem so!
“….but Slow Water empowers people to make their own communities more resilient.”
“Empowers”! “Resilient”! Ah we’re on familiar ground now!
“These more natural places can also cultivate more peaceful spaces within us, and greater personal adaptability. Slowing ourselves to observe the nuances of our environment – the ebb and flow of water, the growth and decay of plants, the behaviours of other animals – is meditative and joyful. These are invitations to get curious; to ask: ‘What does water want?’”
And by this point it should be obvious that the audience for this article isn’t the actual world population but only a tiny portion of. It’s the few remaining bourgeois hippie mystics of the Reset.
which brings me to holly water. No matter how carefully people of the cloth have blessed it, was it always done properly. Did water get the wrong idea. I Don’t think we should drop this whole investigation just yet. The ramifications I’m afraid… are endless (yawwwwwn)
The comedian Arj Barker (yes, there are other comedians in the world besides Herr Zelensky) has a wonderful stand-up routine about water (no link provided here, sorry).
remember “The Shape Of The Water” which went straight from my disgust to the Oscars
For what it’s worth, I didn’t like that movie either. It was too bizarre for me – and that is really saying something!
Sounding very Victor Shauberger or Callum Coates inspired?
Shauberger definitely knew what water wanted.
If I read this all right, I believe you are commenting on the arrogance and hubris of the global elite. If that’s correct, I’m not sure why the down-votes?
I have an overlord server called “getpocket” which is “a free service that makes it easy to discover great content that’s personalized to your interests, and save this content so you can return to it later – on any device, at any time”.
“Personalized to my interests”? Well how helpful of them. And they clearly have my soul to save since they direct me to something called popsci – or “popular science”, a fascinating term. Science is, or ought to be, a serious venture. And usually carried out by specialists. So what is “popular science”? It’s the science presented to you by these caring … entities of some description.
Anyway – they dished up this:
It dates from July 2021 but they are eternally watchful.
They say this:
“UFO conspiracies can be more dangerous than you think”
“More dangerous”? Really? I didn’t even know they were “dangerous”!
Anyway, the upshot is that these cutesy UFO groups have a “darker side.
“Covering up a vaccine”? You mean wrapping it in a towel?
But consistent sense is not what you expect from this Ministry of Truth. Of course the whole thing is about information management in which there are these imaginary groups called “conspiracy communities” which can be “cute” cf: the old Ufology lot – which I have no doubt gets a lot of funding and direction from various paid moles who work hard to ensure that genuine investigations into real bullshit are constantly linked with extraterrestrials, flat earth notions, the supernatural etc. At which point the corresponding paid up moles of “The Science” and “popular science” (which is the same thing) can write their concerned articles that take the deliberately mixed brew of the UFO lot and separate out the “troublesome bits” (i.e. the true bits) and guide us back to the Klingons and Daleks.
Well George I got a say… you keep going out there at your own peril to uncover the ridiculous, and I don’t think we appreciate enough the countless times you avoided us the worst… Just be careful will you? 🥹
I appreciate that. And I’m afraid I’ve another one pending which I kinda regret. I just can’t stop myself!
In doubts, just remember what most people say about regrets on their death bed 😀
You never know what you’re going to do on your deathbed (apart from dying of course which is pretty much a done deal!) I’ve heard that John Wayne converted from Presbyterianism to Catholicism on his deathbed. Well why not?
When I was a kid, I panicked when the outcome was near. “…no heads, no tails!”
Priest: Pick a faith Mr. Wayne
Bishop: We both agree it won’t make much of a difference
Which all begs the question Mr. Mc, where’s Buddha when you need a good laugh
Buddha is in Nirvana clapping one hand and listening to the sound of silence; wearing a happy smile.
I know. It was a rhetorical question
<what is “popular science”?>
In the early 1800s Sir Humphrey Davy and his assistant, Plain Michael Faraday thrilled the children of the Royal Family with Christmas Lectures at the Royal Institution. In the late 1970s the same Royal Institution Christmas Lectures were still popular with children, including my own.
But “popscience” is newspeak. You are right to suspect some PR campaign by the same Con artists who brought you “The Science” of Con-19.
LOL, the government themselves make it easy to believe they are covering things up. Watergate anyone? Agent Orange? Thalidomide? Glyphosate? …
There is a history of cover ups covering up coverups. They must really think we are that stupid. Trouble is, a lot of people are.
“Why it is Groper Joe in a Hawaiian Luau shirt sniffling Mini Me while four other sock puppet nasties watch. Seems like the Doctor Evil look is out.”

“Now a message from our Psycho Nazi owners to all us pleb/prole untermenschen useless eaters.”

“Corporate Fascism and Eugenics forever!”
From your Link to GlobalResearch:
“Oxfam review of IMF COVID-19 loans showed that 33 African countries were encouraged to pursue austerity policies. The world’s poorest countries are due to pay $43 billion in debt repayments in 2022, which could otherwise cover the costs of their food imports.
According to Prof Michel Chossudovsky of the Centre for Research on Globalization, the closure of the world economy by Lockdown imposed on more than 190 countries has triggered an unprecedented process of global indebtedness. Governments are now under the control of global creditors in the post-COVID era. What we are seeing is a de facto privatisation of the state by Western financial institutions.
Moreover, these debts are largely U$dollar-denominated, helping to strengthen the U$dollar [and U$ “soft power” over regimes that force their countries to swallow the debt bait].
It raises the question: what was COVID really about?”
The subtext to all of this is that people don’t have the critical thinking skills to evaluate the veracity of any of the media they’re exposed to. Like do pro censorship people fear if they see an Alex Jones video they might agree with it? Or do they just think that OTHER stupid ppl can’t differentiate or parse out fact from fiction? It does seem like some of these people believe that “objective” journalism exists.
Off topic but one of my son’s carers has grown his hair, dyed it blond and now wants to be addressed by a female name. I was too depressed to enquire.
And on that topic,1984 updated:
An open mind. Have you even contemplated being called Georgina (ok I’ll stop, this is the last one I almost promise… but stop the temptation please)
Abandon physical genitalia and all you have to guide you is the way you feel – which is how the media condition you to feel. And you know what happens to open minds – they tend to spill out onto the floor.
Loll… Food for thoughts for the next guy… but forget about sexual appetites
I tried to post the following just over an hour ago, but have just seen that (for absolutely no reason) it says ‘pending’. So will try again.
In this month’s issue of the excellent truth-telling publication, ‘The Light’ Paper, it has an item called “A selection of words and phrases with their ‘Oldspeak’ definitions”.
In each month’s issue, they have an item covering two pages, featuring some aspect of the evil global takeover that began [in earnest…] in early 2020. The above item is this month’s two-page item, and can be found by scrolling down to pp 14-15 at the link below:
“In this month’s issue of the excellent truth-telling publication, ‘The Light’ Paper, it has an item called “HIV Was the Rehearsal for Covid-19″)”
That excellent truth-telling publication has its heart in the right place, fighting the good fight against Con-19; but I take exception to that particular article. It repeats an old claim (which I remember from the 1970s) that HIV is not caused by the HIV virus. It goes on to repeat an even older claim from Victorian times: that there are no viral diseases (which I remember reading in Bernard Shaw who suffered from Smallpox after being vaccinated against the disease).
This article also cites Kary Mullis out of context: Mullis was protesting against misuse of his PCR reaction as a specific diagnostic test for a single virus (eg, as misused by Con-19 artists for a diagnostic of the Covid-19 virus). PCR is completely non-specific; PCR will amplify any and every fragment of a nucleic acid polymer that happens to be floating around in a sample of bodily fluids. The purpose of PCR amplifyer reaction is to provide enough DNA for confirmation by separation and sequencing. Without sequencing the PCR product (which Con-19 medics never do), PCR is useless as a test for Covid-19 (or any other virus). This is what Mullis was protesting about: the misuse of his invention as “The Test” for HIV (and later, for Covid-19).
Re: “Pending”. All my posts start out stamped Pending, but they all end up as regular post on OffG.
“All things come to those who WIP” — Wait in Patience.
Yes, I understand that the PCR process is completely non-specific: that it’s useless as a test for any specific virus (or ‘virus’… I personally am not sure whether they, viruses [in the pathogenic sense] exist or not. Some data makes me think that yes, they probably do [though most definitely not the claimed ‘covid-19’…], and other data [sort of…] supports that they don’t… Am currently on the fence, re. that).
Right from the start of all this, in early-mid 2020, I’ve been trying to enlighten my family members and friends that the PCR process is not a diagnostic test… but they still choose to obtain their ‘information’/’news’ from the MSM. Nothing will make them see sense. More fool them.
I sympathise, having lost communication with friends and family by revealing the truth about Con-19. One is met with frozen silence at best, with active hostility at worst. The Cancel Culture has supplanted former tolerance. We no longer amiably Agree to Disagree.
“We never mention Uncle Henry: he’s a Democrat”
Yes, right from the start of this global takeover, I’ve been providing a veritable wealth of trustworthy information from honest doctors, scientists, lawyers, the rare honest politician (for eg, the German, Christine Anderson), etc etc, to my relatives and friends which proves that (as you say) what’s going on is ‘Con-19′. But they steadfastly refuse to address the many evidences that that is so. They are so immensely gullible, brainwashed, naive, and so choose to ‘believe’ what they’re told on their beloved TVs.
As a result, they’ve all had three injections each (and, in the case of my sister’s husband [75] and two of my friends [in their late 80s], four ‘jabs’ each… I’ve been providing them all with the many evidences of the horrific effects of these injections, but they still choose to continue to roll up their sleeves…
Yes, ‘frozen silence at best, active hostility at worst’ perfectly sums up the reactions I’ve received, too… (my younger brother [now 57] has been the relative who’s subjected to me a great deal of active hostility; no matter what information I’ve given them, he still has chosen to subject me to ridicule and abuse. Oh, I ‘gave as good as I got’, in reply, but with proven facts!
We do all still communicate well enough on other subjects, but I do so wish that they’d stop being so naive, so gullible, so brainwashed.
That’s what’s so weird about the Elizabeth Holmes case — why is it fraud when she did it, but not fraud for COVID?
I tried to post an item an hour ago (11.31am today), but it peculiarly says ‘pending’… for no reason whatsoever. Will try to post it again.
It must be terribly inconvenient for these global barons that their gated community matrix world isn’t here yet. Look at all the parties they have had to postpone! Fucking uppity plebs!
They’re obviously calling to the world population to help speed it up
The latest edition of the excellent ‘The Light’ Paper is out. In each month’s issue, there is a double-page spread featuring some aspect of the evil that is being perpetrated worldwide.
The November 2022 double-page spread is entitled “A selection of words and phrases with their Oldspeak definitions”, and can be found at the following link at pp 14-15. Just scroll down to the relevant pages!
Some examples of the content of the item are as follows:
“Conspiracy theory/Misinformation” = The truth
“Conspiracy Theorist” = critical thinker
“Safe and Effective” = highly dangerous and totally useless
“Died suddenly and/or mysteriously” = often comes after ‘vigorously promoting the ‘covid’ ‘vaccine’
“Smart” = spying
“Fact-checker” = Censor/propagandist
Matt Hancock has admitted in his current TV performance that the Convid “rules” and “laws” were in truth “guidelines”. Another thing on which those crazy conspiracy theorists turned out to be correct.
Otherwise Hancock has been demonstrating all the classic symptoms of the narcissist and psychopath e.g. taking no real responsibility for his actions, trying to position himself as the true victim etc.
Viz. Erich Fromm, Escape from Freedom (1941), in which he asserts that the majority of people prefer to become what he calls conformist automatons to escape the crushing psychological weight of deciding for themselves.
Jung, in an essay from the 1950s, warned of psychic epidemics, worse than wars or revolutions in their consequences, that grip the minds of millions in a shared delusion: we are living through such a one or a series (covid, Ukraine, climate…), induced and/or opportunistically exploited by those with power. Desmet nicely explains the mechanisms, I think, by mass formation. For these thinkers, the author of this article and most of its readers, maintaining the capacity to think critically as an individual is paramount to being truly human. It’s vital too, that such individuals make common cause against the dominant group think, and no contradiction.
“The lust for power is not rooted in strength but in weakness. It is the expression of the inability of the individual self to stand alone and live. It is the desperate attempt to gain secondary strength where genuine strength is lacking.
The word power has a twofold meaning. One is the possession of power over somebody, the ability to dominate him; the other meaning is the possession of power to do something, to be able, to be potent. The latter meaning has nothing to do with domination; it expresses mastery in the sense of ability.”
~ Erich Fromm, Escape from Freedom
Jung might have been referring to this phenomenon: >
Mass psychogenic illness (MPI), also called mass sociogenic illness, mass psychogenic disorder, epidemic hysteria, or mass hysteria, involves the spread of illness symptoms through a population where there is no infectious agent responsible for contagion.
It is the rapid spread of illness signs and symptoms affecting members of a cohesive group, originating from a nervous system disturbance involving excitation, loss, or alteration of function, whereby physical complaints that are exhibited unconsciously have no corresponding organic causes.
Mass psychogenic illness – Wikipedia
Something similar but more innocuous underlies the success of propaganda: political (including religious) and commercial. “Morphic resonance” may be a factor.
Close, and as a medical man Jung would surely have been aware of this, and may even have been inspired by it. But what he clearly means in this context, writing as far back, I now see, as 1934 (The Development of Personality), is purely psychological contagion, a shared delusion spread in an entire population or populations by fear, prejudice, ignorance, conformism et al, to produce massive crowd-think akin to Desmet’s description of mass formation. Jung, too, at the time he wrote, was all too aware of the rise of totalitarianism. ‘The gigantic catastrophes that threaten us today are not elemental happenings of a physical or biological order, but psychic events. At any moment several millions of human beings may be smitten with a new madness…’. In a late essay, published in 1957 (The Undiscovered Self), he again warns of the dangers of psychic epidemic and State Absolutism. The obsession with demonic possession, persecution of heretics and witch trials are examples of psychic epidemic from older times; Fascism, Stalinism, the Red, AIDS, terror and climate hysterias, and, of course, pandemic/Covid (par excellence) examples from times closer to our own. All, incidentally (?), incited, excited and manipulated by the contemporary powers that be—whether Church, State, Big Business or Big Brother.
Leaving the last word to the Swiss psychologist (we’re not all WEF here): ‘The mass crushes out the insight and reflection that are still possible with the individual, and this necessarily leads to doctrinaire and authoritarian tyranny if ever the constitutional State should succumb to a fit of weakness.’
Hello St Stephen: I came by this definition years ago, following an episode of intense delusion with a person I “loved”. The definition covers many such “shared” occurrences… >
Folie à deux, also known as shared psychosis or shared delusional disorder, is a psychiatric syndrome in which symptoms of a delusional belief, and sometimes hallucinations, are transmitted from one individual to another…
An alternate definition of mutual sponsorship: > Folie imposée
Folie imposée is where a dominant person (known as the ‘primary’, ‘inducer’ or ‘principal’) initially forms a delusional belief during a psychotic episode and imposes it on another person or persons (known as the ‘secondary’, ‘acceptor’ or ‘associate’) with the assumption that the secondary person might not have become deluded if left to his or her own devices…
Hello, Paul Vonharnish. Yes, as the french suggests, “madness for two”, a term familier to psychiatry, exists at an intimate level, between two people. The second term (with which I wasn’t familiar) also, judging from its definition. Whereas, in a psychic epidemic, entire populations share the same delusion(s), in a folie des millions.
Just got a brochure in my letterbox.
Makes for interesting reading.
More here:
Yes, interesting reading. Heartbreaking. Thanks for sharing. I wish they would have a more detailed ‘About’ section to know who they are affiliated with/sponsored by (if anyone other than individuals). They announce on the site that there is a new version coming soon, so maybe they will update that info. Until then I will remain cautiously optimistic. 🙂
The sheep want to be safe.
Government knows this, so paralyses them
with fear.
MSM is the cancer..
As some have tried to get understood,
‘Lockdown wasnt imposed to protect the world from a new virus but because the real economy had to be shut down.’ (Simon Elmer).
‘…what most of us didnt know was that the Great Reset of the global financial system supposedly justified and even necessitated by the ‘pandemic’ was initiated six months before (the pandemic) was officially declared, and not in response to a virus.’
‘Lockdown wasnt imposed to protect the world economy from a “civilization threatening” new virus but because the real economy had to be shut down – with most business transactions and consumer spending suspended – in order to ‘insulate’ it from the vast sums of money being pumped into the collapsing financial sector.’
And the ‘covid’ pandemic provided the cover story for rapid roll-out of 5g – necessary forthe Global total Surveillance Prison:
You can go round and ask “the folk” if they believe they have a right to breathe freely.
Probably gonna get around 100% “Yes” on that question.
Next ask them if through the last two years they slapped a mask over their mouth when their government told them to. Gonna get a lot of rubbery explanations about that.
“The folk” better wake up pretty damn quick and get control of this runaway train before that filthy mask over their mouth becomes an obligatory appendage on the digital plantation.
That discussion about rights will be foreclosed if this doesn’t happen shortly. Those free breaths are going to be harder to come by with the boot on your neck.
‘boot on the neck’ or gasping for breath with a compromised immune system.
Henceforth, if and once the reset is truly sprung, there ain’t gonna be no Rights, only the Bill of Wrongs.
Busload of what looks like military men being dropped off in Ireland. We are under attack, make no mistake – from within. The enemy class is doing this from within
Ireland’s Final Days (bitchute.com)
Same thing in Perth Scotland. Two of largest hotels. Station and Queens Hotels. now closed to the public. Filled with asylum seekers.
They don’t have a fucking clue:
Only one thing makes me suspicious of Orwell’s ultimate motives:
The fact that “1984” didn’t have a happy ending.
Even Plato condemned Homer a couple of thousand years ago for allowing some of his fictional heroes to perish in ignominy. He thought it immoral to allow that because of the effect it would have upon the reader.
The group-psyche of mankind currently needs help, and the subtle undertones of renowned literature can provide that help, or sabotage it.
If we just think about the principle involved here for a minute:
How many impressionable teenagers in, say, 1965, came out of a James Bond movie fondly imagining that they were a potential Bond…? Answer: A great number of them.
Now, how many impressionable teenagers back then came out of a cinema after watching “1984”, fondly imagining that they were a potential Winston? Answer: Not one.
I don’t know enough about Orwell to judge him, and I do think “1984” is a great, and very important book, but the fashion of recent decades has been to leave story lines either hanging in the air, or just having downright miserable endings.
It’s the modern fashion of chaos, meaninglessness, lack of principle, and unbridled ego.
In keeping with that trend, and, just as Franklin D. Roosevelt said: “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.”, it seems to me quite obvious that today’s media are enthusiastic participants in the same shadowy parlour game – and that goes for certain authors too.
I believe much (perhaps too much) modern literature wishes to engage the reader rather than have him a passive spectator. This could have some bearing on the ambiguity inhabiting much of the work: let the reader decide how it ends.
This is not necessarily a bad thing; and it’s in part a reaction to the overly in-your-face obviousness of most TV and movie fare.
After all, the history of humanity suggests that it’s rarely good that vanquishes evil but rather a greater evil does.
Agree. An unrealistic upbringing will only drive people to accept fanciful dogmas.
Law Enforcement order followers are trained to call people that bring up rights “sovereign citizens”.
As if anyone that doesn’t immediately kowtow to their authority is a law breaker.
What all these morons don’t know is that per USC Title 18, Sections 240-242, everytime they use their authority to violate rights, they are the ones committing a crime.
The very reason they are given unconstitutional power by the courts, like qualified immunity.
The police in each australian state as well as the federal police are all private corporations. They all have an ABN (Aust Business Number). This is not hidden as you can look up the ABN of any business, but most people, as usual, are unaware.
Thus, they have no authority and must use force on those who are aware and ‘disobedient’. That’s why they’re now called “Police Force”.
The minute I saw news on the purchase of twatr, and the promisse of free speech I thought “Ah! They want to localize conspiracy theorists”… But how to prevent them from having a voice and convince a few people. I got my confirmation days after the purchase. Let’s send a bunch of paid trolls identifying as conspiracy t’s and have them vomit the most outrageous comments, followed immediately by celebrities (who will by miracle stubble upon said comments) and have them publicly point out to those, claiming they will leave the platform. Then the detractors of free speech and c.t.’s will have all the time to make up their mind and say “see!?, free speech is not always good and those c.t.’s are a bunch of dangerous crackpots…” etc… Twatr doesn’t have to do a thing (publicly that is)…
Interesting thoughts. Only I believe that your fellow beings certainly do know what freedom is. They just don’t want to go down that path, the road less travelled, the one where you have to take responsibility for your actions and the consequences.
Trashed by GREED:
Sam my comment has gone into spam again.
Sorted that for you. A2
Has your site been compromised?
There seems to be a lot of comments getting ‘stuck’ in pending or spam limbo.
Is there a simple explanation for that?
You run the risk of losing readers.
No, you were diverting to SPAM. I don’t know quite why, it just happens sometimes.
Have no fear, this site is regularly scanned by multiple third-party virus software.
Obviously we strive to provide an excellent experience for our commenters, but there are many comments and our team is small. Sometimes things go awry, so try to be patient.
In terms of losing readers, OFFG’s analytics have always indicated that those whose focus is mainly/solely on the comments are a statistically small (but no less significant) percentage of our readership.
It’s been suggested OFFG might limit commenting and it’d run more efficiently without sacrificing much of its circulation. However, we continue to put our resources into maintaining the comments because we feel it’s staying true to the original OFFG vision, providing readers a voice, a place to reach out to one another and share info.
With our viewing numbers we could have compromised OFFG’s vision a long time ago and shut down comments, as well as introducing banner ads/sponsored posts while we were at it, and we’d be a bigger, wealthier alt. media site now lol
But anyway, I’m chewing your ear off. Thank you for flagging your comments up, I’ve restored them and I’ll look into the cause. A2
Thanks Sam.
Daniel definitely got fired after this…
Todd Heyen cites Jordan Peterson:
“Systems go terribly out of control when people don’t stop them when they are going mildly out of control.”
The problem at this juncture is that the so-called “systems” have already gone out of control and if the “controllers” in power have no inclination to stop the rot, it’s down to the people to do it for them. Is that going to happen?
Well, the rumblings have already started at the grass roots level as more people are gradually beginning to see through the smoke and mirrors and becoming familiar with the true Law of the Land and the means by which true Justice, and their inalienable rights and freedoms (which supersede governmental statutes and regulations) can be restored.
Warning: The dark forces are now out to discredit joining the Common Law Court with accusations of “infiltration” or ad hominem attacks on John Smith as a “government agent” and other such unsubstantiated accusations and baloney. Being online you have already been personally “infiltrated” nothing is private now if you believe otherwise, you are just kidding yourself! Time to stop the rot.
Let’s please disabuse ourselves of talking about a known-by-everyone 30 year+ crook who The Klub ALLOWED to become prez…
… He is not a victim or of value to anyone and would stab anyone in the back he felt was in his way. Instead, let’s discuss the fact that denial of First Amendment guarantees have been the history of this country, except for those classes, races and affiliations that have been privileged to access those rights. From white, propertied wealthy of 1789 some rights slowly transitioned out to others as needs and demands for rights affected mandatory concession-changes in society. These demands for human rights, to thwart being victimized and to allow equal access, has never stopped, anywhere on Earth. There were rebellions to redress grievances from the very beginning of the US on. The rich and powerful have been fought against in tax rebellions, the industrial magnates of slavery, cotton, rail, steel, Gilded, Banksters, oil & coal, and now techno transhumanist globalism. All the movements against the above exploitation has faced deadly oppression of First Amendment rights in specific and human rights in general. This is NOT new. It’s not out of the blue. It is and has been the existing status quo on Earth for the 99% of Humanity for 5,000 years.
I want an evolutionary revolution to a sustainable egalitarian occupation of Earth for all, sans the excess wealthy and greedy tyrant class that assumes they are the grand PARENT class of genetic overlord. Yes We Can. Onward!
“Governments dont have Rights, they have Rifles.”…(anon: though i suspect it was Mousey Tung)…
‘I have seen situations with friends and family where a very clear evidential truth is finally presented (as is happening quite often now) and they STILL will not cry uncle, “I don’t care if it is true, I am sticking with what I believe.” It is a no-win situation.’
What the author doesn’t seem to understand is the emotional frailty of vast numbers of people, seemingly terrified of opening Pandora’s box due to a belief that life will no longer be worth living if they do.
I do understand this concept as I didn’t want the reality of my family to come into sharp focus when my beliefs about what family should be about were so very different. So when I was young, I simply decamped as far away as was practicable and didn’t try and confront a family whose modus operandum during ‘debate’ was to sneer, chide, belittle and decry, never being open to mature adult disagreement. I needed to spend many years building my own emotional fortress before I was ready to confront and be comfortable being confronted, knowing that I had simply grown beyond the nature of the family I had grown up in.
Many people prioritise survival above freedom, it’s the old Maslow Hierarchy of Needs in action.
Freedoms come quite high up that list, they aren’t the first port of call. The first port of call is survival, healthy eating and exercise, protection of family, particularly children. Few people sacrifice those things to fight for freedom. There’s little surprise in seeing that the most politically active groups are the young (pre- having to earn a living fund a dwelling and support children brought into the world); and those who are comfortably retired with an empty nest. Of course, there are exceptions in all the other groups, but the smallest barriers to political activism occur in those two groups I mentioned.
After all, if you wait for a perfect world of freedoms to come along before you decide to procreate, you may die without procreating. The only way the species continues is if people prioritise reproduction ahead of political utopias.
What’s actually happened in those countries which didn’t? You know, Germany, Italy, Spain etc. Well, hordes of immigrants came in and bred like rabbits, so that the whole nature of European societies is changing radically as the traditional anglo-saxon caucasian genes are being over-run by Arab-African-Indian subcontinental alternatives. It’s rather like watching the Red Squirrel being over-run by the Brown Squirrel….
The whole aim of the moneyed classes was to mutate all labour-promoting organisations into pale imitations of overtly money-promoting ‘opponents’. Just look at the Democrats in the USA, the Labour Party in the UK. Neither have the slightest interest in working people any more, they are both obsessed with being ‘woke’, pushing feminism, Black Lives Matter, Jewish exceptionalism etc etc.
Because of that, those most vulnerable to political bullying no longer have safe political homes.
That’s why they don’t fight, it’s because their natural homes were taken from them.
The way to change that is to build again from the bottom up, being overt in prioritising the needs of the workers, those born in that country (that’s not racist, it’s only racist to those who want to over-run nations with immigrants) and those not having a family trust fund.
But most people are too busy paying their mortgatges/rents, providing for their children to worry/obsess about being political heavyweights.
It might sound fatalistic, but that’s how most people are. They prioritise a roof over their heads, a stable family home and social communities rather than abstract politics.
Spot on Rhys.
How can we soar like eagles when we’re surrounded by ducks?
(Dare I say it: dead ducks).
Johnny, the dead ducks will always remain dead ducks unless they are spurred into action for the good but very few regular posters here are forthcoming with positive peaceful suggestions to further that and don’t like critical comments at the best of times.
Repetition is the rule here which to a certain extent is unavoidable when new posters come on the scene. However, it also perhaps serves a useful purpose of expressing ‘righteous anger’ with regard to the criminals in power and the dark NWO agenda they are still pushing in this quiet war against the global population.
How do we soar like eagles? I’ve said my piece in numerous other posts so what’s your suggestions (if any)? By the way, when I usually ask that question the cyber-silence is usually deafening!
Most of what you have stated sounds like an apologia for doing next to nothing Rhys. Well, the so-called “abstract politics” that you mention are no longer abstract they are knocking at your door in case you haven’t noticed and are very ‘concrete’ in practical terms!
What’s more, if most people carry on the way they are going and don’t get off their asses and organize themselves quickly they won’t have to worry too much regarding a stable family home and a roof over their heads because when poverty begins to knock love starts to fly out of the window along with other things!
As for social communities they need to be built at the moment that is not happening fast enough there is little informed organization and strategy to cope with what’s to come and camaraderie is not yet widespread.
Immigrants have always been used as scapegoats for when the bent politicians get us in the shit and they certainly have done a great job in just doing that, and thanks to current traitors in government they will continue to do so. That is, so long as people let them.
An important aim of mass immigration, undermining labour unions, austerity, etc. is to drive down wages. As Prof. Michael Hudson said, this is the only factor in production that does not have an international price.
In mass immigration under any excuse, the criminals responsible are government leaders accepting the related UN treaties and legislators ratifying it by way of domestic laws.
Yes, mgeo, ‘scapegoating’ re immigration is a tactic that can be used for a number of different problems caused by criminals in government. The sooner they are removed from office the better – but not replaced by those of the same ilk. Can that be done peacefully? Yes, if and only if the bulk of the population are informed as to what’s really been going on in the world and how they have been effectively deceived and conned over many years by the very people they have voted for.
Starting salary in the fast food industry in California is about to move up to 47K (22 bucks per hour). Plus benefits. Why have a union?
Average starting salary for a first year teacher is 41K and that is because of unions. And most have amassed huge school debt.
Meanwhile, governments are relying more and more on volunteers to fill vacancies that often require a college education.
At the same time, government is facilitating college tuition increases by handing out loan money to children of middle class families that don’t have the cash.
Then only the extremely poor can take advantage of the tuition payback program which comes out of the middle class’s pocket. The only thing a middle class family can do is claim a limited income tax write off depending on their income bracket.
Democrats have fucked things up so bad and will never stop. They are using every play in the book to gain favor, votes and power.
And legislators are not helping anyone but themselves while pushing a radical agenda that is helping no none.
The sky is not falling. We cannot stop or slow climate change by eliminating the use of fossil fuels.
Lie. Cheat. Steal. Murder. The ends justify the means………………
The language of rights was purposely perverted over the past half century as corporate class power advanced by neoliberalism and globalization targeted national sovereignty and constitutional law ostensibly protecting citizenry. As exemplified from tort law to international treaty, the rights that mattered most if at all were those of private property, not that of small enterprises which went bankrupt at a rate of over 600 per week in the U$, but that of big bizzness reaping the spoils of class war and extending the corporatization of the economy.
One of the popularized means by which the “invisible government” of corporate controlled media “pull(ed) the wires which control the public mind” (Bernays) was to recast rights as entitlements, not in any juridical sense but as a psychological fault for favoritism and privilege, even ‘rights without responsibility’ as we the people were no longer associated with citizenship but with spoiled brats, crybaby ninnies (TH), or as stereotyped in the covid coup’s assaults, Karens and Kevins.
As made clear by planning documents like the 1971 Powell Memo/Manifesto and 1975 Trilateral Commission’s report on the ‘crisis of democracy’ (that is, elites’ representative government of passive masses), central to this corporate class agenda was the rollback of rights gained by common people during ‘the 60s’, an era of popular uprisings more than a decade long beginning in the 50s with the civil rights movement and ending in the 70s as the post-WWII welfare society was dismantled along with Bretton Woods.
Those who rule us want us to understand rights as what they permit or grant us. But as history has consistently shown, whatever (limited) rights we the people have gained have been fought for – by us. The American Bill of Rights was in fact an afterthought for the ‘founding fathers’ seeking ratification from ‘the people’ (lesser propertied white males) of their self-serving constitutional coup and conspiracy behind locked doors in Philadelphia. Knowing their ‘federalism’ (e.g., centralized control of commerce and currency, monopolization of armed force, expansion of continental empire) represented counter-revolutionary betrayal of commoners who fought for independence from Britain, and risked continued uprisings like that of Shay’s Rebellion, still fresh in their minds, they also knew these civil rights remained paper rights as the vast majority of the ruled lacked political and economic power. Accordingly, the 1798 Sedition Act soon came along to ‘temporarily’ and then permanently suspend people’s liberty when that threatened the state’s ‘right’ to wage war.
We’re a long way from 1776. Corporate fronts of class rule have acquired the ‘rights’ or fictions of personhood, though they have neither bodies to punish nor souls to damn (Thurlow). And in the new abnormal their unaccountable might-makes-right to rule raises the stakes of our very survival. It may be now or never that we rejoin the revolutionary spirit and struggle.
Private Central Banks, who loan unbacked fiat currency with interest to our Corporate governments, enable all of the downstream corruption.
“Human Rights” was a concept developed during the latter stages of the Cold War to further differentiate “them” from “us”. Its been successfully inculcated into global populations so people now actually believe that they have innate rights because they exist. This is never the case — anyone who has even a slight knowledge of history knows that rights had to be fought for and constantly defended. Even here in the US where rights were codified there’s a constant battle to push back against their constant erosion (and once the scepter of “National Security” is raised a lot of those rights just go out of the window).
Since the article mentioned North Korea as a “for instance” it would be interesting to find out what rights people living there have. We’re constantly told that they — and Chinese and whoever we don’t like this week — “have no rights” but nobody enumerates them. Likewise here in the US we’ve got lots of rights……until we don’t have lots of rights. Its the same with the nebulous concept of “democracy” which as we all know, we have and they don’t.
Just because we’ve always had to fight for our rights, doesn’t mean we do not have innate rights. Just as all living beings do. Trampling over these rights by a select few does not invalidate these rights.
Universal natural law determines everyone’s rights, not man-made laws.
Orwell didn’t write Animal Farm for nothing. And wasn’t it Plato that first coined the term “sheeple”? Anyone who uses Twitter is a twit. Sorry if that offends anyone, but I don’t see it under any circumstance.
People are doing exactly what they’ve been trained to do. The constant misinformation screeching, which happened to have been led by Donald “King of the Vaccine” Trump, has conditioned people to accept that there must be censorship against these evil conspiracy theories, and the Alex Jones’ of the world who are hurting people’s feelings and even endangering people’s lives, so they believe. Same as anything else, being led by the nose, just as Plato suggested.
Plato also wrote the Allegory of the Cave to describe the prison of false perception that most people are stuck in.
The story goes something like this:
There were prisoners living in a cave who could only see one particular wall of the cave due to the chains that held them in that orientation.
Behind them was a fire they could not see, and people and animals walked past between the flames and the prisoners, casting shadows against the wall. These shadows were the entire world to these prisoners. Some of these prisoners ‘studied’ these shadows and became acknowledged ‘experts’ on perceived reality.
Totally agree. People think the earth is about to come to an end if anything happens to Twitter. FFS it’s just a social media platform and part of the mind control grid in my view. They shut my account about a year ago for no apparent reason so I’ve said FU then, and I can’t say I miss it…
Hey, man — didn’t you hear? Kyrie Irving did “great harm” to a lot of people, according to Lebron James, last seen sitting on the bench wearing a ridiculous Ruth Bader Ginsburg collar.
Your fuckd from the get go.
Human rights.
define human in the legal sense.????
As we’ve been brought up on there language’s indoctrinated in to there system’s code edicts.
When alt media discuss;s freedom of speech sigh, yet was willing to only let the logged in able to vote and NONE of the hardcore outspoken commentators members said f*ck all.
Did the big mouth article writers.? did they fuk to scared.
Go on Richie Allen or any of them lot i.e David Icke etc and mentioned where did the equipment or money go from the people voice, or Holly Gregg.
They cancel just as quickly as the MSM lot.
Now wear your mask and stand on that spot slave BTW whats your birth certification number whilst you have theses invisible rights – human rights LOL- freedom of speech argument which is retarded.
90+% of you still want to be governed hence why you watch that type of alternative medusa.
Being Windows it didn’t work.
In Windows you need to reformat the hard drive……….
Yep… and we’re surrounded with reformatted hard drives
Here’s an instance of so egregious an overreach that a basic freedom is trampled – yet almost no one would see it that way.
It involves Comcast. Two months ago they stopped sending paper statements – no advance notice, just an email giving October’s amount. I was able to print out the actual statement and pay from that. October’s payment was fine. But November’s has not been posted. True, I’m assuming it wasn’t lost in the mail – that Concast simply chooses not to post it. In other words: to FORCE me to pay electronically.
I don’t mind paying electronically – but I prefer to pay by check. Don’t I have a right to pay a bill as I see fit? Who is Concast to tell me my check’s no good any longer?
Because of this I’m seriously considering dropping the Internet (FIOS is the only other provider in my area – even worse than Comcast). I don’t have TV anyway, just Internet.
When the hell did it get changed around? When did the consumer get kicked out of the driver’s seat and the vendor worm its way in? I’ll answer my own question: when the consumer had to agree to the hideously totalitarian Terms of Service.
When did it get changed around? When pushy people became push notifications!
For years I’ve been saying that the single most important thing ordinary people could do would be to create a Consumer Terms of Service – which any company wishing our business must agree to.
Yeah, they can easily ignore a few or even a few hundred consumers refusing to use their service. But they cannot ignore millions.
I think it’s just a matter of time till governments have their own overt Terms of Service – covertly they do already. Things we must agree to if we’re to use their “service.” And we are being primed to accept it as “part of doing business.”
Hi Howard,
I’ve been involved with the internet since the early days and even back at the beginning of the 1980s the powers that be were talking about shifting all transactions to the net, creating cashless societies and through those things and enhanced surveiilance being able to influence and control our bahaviour by controlling our gadgets. It was just a question of wailing until the net was so deeply entrenched in our lives we would not be able to complain when all other choices were removed.
Though habitually suspicious of authority I was at the time foolish enough to think this was just another example of wealthy, powerful control freaks talking bollocks.
If it’s any consolation, the glue on those envelopes will probably poisonous if not already.
I haven’t licked an envelope since I saw a Seinfeld episode where George’s fiancee died after licking the envelopes containing their wedding invitations.
Is that where I got this… hun
The same “policy” change occurred with Frontier phone and internet services last year. The consumer is no longer notified of service changes, and electronic payments are strongly advertised.
Just more corporate twats expressing their lust for control over every. fucking. thing.
All of our problems stem from the same root – our world is controlled by a bunch of criminal scumbags. Everything they touch turns to shit. The entire human race is being controlled by the most disgusting no soul people you could ever imagine. The kind of folk who employ Matt Hancock to engineer the murder of tens of thousands of elderly people in order to create a mass of fake convid death numbers to create the fake news to generate the right level of terror in the population to then coerce blackmail and bully people into being injected with something which will screw their health up forever. Those people. The people who control the British Government, for example.
We can do better than this. Just a small example of the kind of world we are missing out on because of these pieces of dirt, on the theme of technology suppression. Because of course, the people who are trying to desecrate the world’s culture and the potential for mankind on the fraudulent basis that there is a climate emergency caused by the slayer of Mother Earth aka Carbon Dioxide that has been generated by mankind (yeah, CO2 is the Devil – if you put your faith in a bunch of Satan worshipping liars, that is) – are at the same time, suppressing all manner of technology which could solve the problems they claim to be so concerned about.
Video explaining the kind of technology they are suppressing while crying crocodile tears about the environment. Or are they now referred to as Matt Hancock tears?
Magnetic Motors | Supressed Technology | 432hz [hd 720p] (bitchute.com)
There are also stories of water powered engines being suppressed and lots of shenanigans involving the inventor(s)
Announce that in San Francisco and they will award you with a steady income. Homeless trannies have been declared as most at risk and deserve special protections over and above other members of the homeless community.
These stories about ‘suppressed technologies’ have been around for decades. Yet no-one ever seems able to produce a working prototype of the sort of wunder-machinen that the sci-fi devotees believe in so ardently. Like any reasonable person, I’ll believe it when someone can show me one; that can be inspected in detail by engineers and scientists, to work out just how it does its wunder-stuff.
There was a complete video a few years ago showing some American in his suburb powering his pickup truck with a hydrogen cell fed by water… he just drove off down the street with his vehicle at the end… All you need is start the generator with a small batterie initially, then the cell propels the car and recharge the battery of course. I think it consumed a gallon of water per 400 miles or something that ridiculous
Love it. I think the only whole Tartaria rabbit hole is really interesting. Imagine if we could start harnessing etheric energy ourselves. We could totally reject all these scumbag governments and their overpriced energy bs. That would absolutely be taking back control…
The rights you, have are the rights you, can express. If you, cannot express it, then you have no rights. Legal is implied; law is expressed; If it is not spelt the same; it does not mean the same thing;
What you, have is property: that which is proper to you; that which you, can claim exclusive to all others in a society; which is what you, have the right to set the law for; it is the highest right you, have; and the foundation of every right you, have;
I’m playing devil’s advocate here, but it’s very much up for debate what “rights” really are.
For example, most of our modern sense of morality, justice, ethics and sense of right and wrong is built upon a Judeo-Christian tradition as expounded by the Bible and other scriptures.
Yet the only place in the Bible where you will find anything like, “And God saith unto Norman and his friends, ye shall have dominion over Fred and his kin, because you are obedient, while Fred and his progeny think for themselves”, is in the Old Testament.
I don’t recall Jesus saying a single word about ‘rights’, despite the fact that He had something to say about practically everything else.
Like any sane person, I refuse to accept that my ‘rights’, such as they are, have been given to me by the likes of Schwab, Gates, Fauci, Hancock, Johnson, May, Truss, Biden, Trump, or anybody else, but what these rights are, and where they came from, is something which surely belongs in the equation somewhere?
I reckon it is always dangerous and counterproductive to assume that anything “goes without saying”, and our rights, unfortunately, seem subject to the same arbitrary human fashions and temporal whims as a lot of our other common attributes.
But I digress… The Nuremberg framework on rights is good enough for me. It’s just that when some numskull like Schwab tries to redefine those rights, we need to be able to refute his drivel with some clear indications of their true origins.
That said, arguing with numskulls often involves disengaging from the conversation with a parting shot of, “f. u.”, and that is also good enough for me.
The US Bill of rights does a pretty good job of defining what is meant and understood as “rights”.
Being an amendment to the constitution, it obviously came about to address what were seen as injustices and codified them so that it was clear what you could expect from the state (Or states)
Can we really hope for any more than a consensus on what is right and wrong ?
I was aiming at a more fundamental definition of ‘rights’ than an American document from a mere couple of hundred years ago.
After all, the US wasn’t the first nation to respect human values or to strive for valid moral definitions.
I wasn’t really aiming at a ‘consensus’ either, since what people generally agree upon isn’t necessarily right from a wider philosophical viewpoint.
As I said, Nuremberg is good enough for me as a working model, but what I was looking for was a broad, even universal, definition of rights that can stand its ground in an intelligent argument, without needing any Founding Fathers – along with their traditions, prejudices and unavoidable preferences – to support it.
In other words, back to real basics, and to my mind, that goes back to Biblical times.
Even George Carlin, in his extremely irreverent way, pointed to a serious search for the truth when he managed to reduce the Ten Commandments to only one: “Thou shalt not be a dishonest person”… 🙂
And of course “honest” is pretty hard to find – or define – these days…
I’d say English common law is a good place to start. It is inherently permissive in that it’s starting point is everything is allowed unless otherwise stated, as opposed to Roman law which is the reverse in that it is understood that rights are given by authorities and a be taken away at will. The problems in England really began when the primacy of parliamentary law over common law was acknowledged and accepted….
From the article: “Whether Trump’s entire negative persona as president was fabricated by the press or not (I certainly doubt if all of it was) those on the left still responded as if it was a formidable problem, and of course still do.”
Donald Trump didn’t need any help from the press. Every time he opened his mouth, the negative persona glittered like a falling star…
I still can’t believe he didn’t have a war named after him! Only president in, what, 70-170-245 years to accomplish this feat … A serious and unUSAmerican failing. Bad Donald!
Demanding free speech will put you in the same category as those believing in lizard people.
Because we demand free speech at the same time as demanding, for example, that people look at vaxx damage stats, the two are lumped together and, of course, anyone who demands clarity on vaxx damage also believes in lizard people.
And when the symphony is played an ocatave out it sounds like a racket….
ickky and pals are allowed to play slghtly off tune to make it hard to decipher the notes, one gets the general “din” but it makes tuning in much harder
As far as the USAmerican’s power elites are concerned, they only ever considered “democracy” a limited hangout … and time’s up.
‘With freedom comes responsibility, and today it seems no one is willing to take on any responsibility.’
Not sure about ‘no one’, but agree to a large degree with the statement and it’s a good statement that one can use when he is looking at the mirror.
Rights are a luxury that are felt as not really necessary as long as one’s own standard of living is high. Salon socialists always talk about rights and how others should have rights too and blablabla, but at the same time consider it completely normal that they can drive around in electric cars while children and young adults in third world countries slave around among sulphuric acid mines to get the ‘ingredient’ for their batteries that run the salon socialist’s car. And that is just one example of how unfair the distribution of wealth is and always has been.
I wish that everyone on this planet could be able to drive around in electric cars, without the need of slave labour, (as just one example how the world needs equality) but that’s a no-no.
It seems to me that the slave based countries are getting a bit more wealth, although not to the level that they no longer need to slave around in acidic sulphur mines, and all can drive an electric car on roads that do not (yet) exist…
It also seems to me that our owners have decided that we own too much and that our wealth should be leveled towards the level of third world countries. Then we finally have equality and no longer need rights which we may have had, but never used except in some lofty expressions which made salon socialists feel good without having to be responsible for their own actions where they, fi, buy an electric car that is produced by means of slave labour.
You are right, I should not have written “no one”…
Archipel GULAG on a global scale.
In Europe we have no access to RT and various other Russian websites. How does that fit in with our rights:
You are 100% right, mon Docteur. Luckily, with a little persistence, you can find work arounds. That said, the censorship is intolerable.
Don’t know if you can still download it, but I got the RT app as soon as the censorship bs started and it still works fine…
RT has published URLs for alternative access. Not hard to find. Sputnik, however, seems to be gone.
Explain to all the millions of children and people trafficked across the plane[t], and killed, they have rights as a human. D’oh!
its enough to do your dome in
You bring a double edged sword to the forum. Those who talk the loudest about “rights” (i.e., the Five Eyes nations, which are rapidly losing theirs) are the most likely to ignore the “rights” of those outside the English speaking world.
If they have something we want and need, and if we perceive their “rights” as obstacles to our getting it…they thereby forfeit those “rights.”