This Week in the New Normal #53

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
1. Overpopulation and climate change
The big population news, reported late last month, is that we just crossed 8 billion humans on the planet (the fact the media can happily assert the population is still steadily growing despite the huge mega death disease is a piece of doublethink to analyse another time).
This week, to coincide with the COP27 and G20 meetings, this news was parlayed into a climate change narrative.
DW asks “How can 8 billion people sustainably share a planet?” while Reuters reports that a population of 8 billion makes “climate justice harder”.
As usual, the most brazenly anti-human nonsense comes from the Guardian, whose environmental editor has a long piece headlined: “It should not be controversial to say a population of 8 billion will have a grave impact on the climate”
Which includes this paragraph:
So of course the rich must change their behaviour. But making climate breakdown all about consumption has become an excuse for countries to do nowhere near enough to reduce their populations.
How exactly countries should go about “reducing their population” is left delightfully vague.
What’s brilliant about all this is the sheer lack of reality behind every single aspect of the story.
- The world is not over-populated, that is a myth.
- Climate change “science” is a scam.
- They don’t even know how many people there really are, the global population figure is a guess based on modelling and old census data.
But the most fun article on this story is from Reuters, who actually fact-checked a viral social media post claiming overpopulation is a myth, and every human on earth could fit in a square 50 miles across.
They don’t fact-check the guys math, they even admit he’s completely correct, but then they say the figures “lack context”, and ask the opinion of an “expert” who reassures everyone “nowhere on earth could support that population density”.
No kidding guys.
2. Euthanasia for the Homeless
Amir Fasoud, a Canadian homeless man, applied to be euthanised, claiming he would rather die with dignity at a time of his choosing, than live on the streets and die of hunger or exposure.
After this story hit the headlines, “strangers” allegedly set up a GoFundMe for page for Mr Fasoud, raising 60,000 dollars and saving his life.
Now, real or not, this story has created a precedent and suddenly “euthanasia for the homeless” is in the headlines. Even the stories deploring the idea are talking about something we would never have even discussed ten years ago.
That’s how it works. It goes from universally unconscionable and beyond question, to “we shouldn’t do this”, to “we shouldn’t do this except under very particular circumstances” to “we should do it all the time” over the span of just a few months.
They did the same with torture – sorry “enhanced interrogation” – during the early 2000s.
3. The US midterms are still counting
It was predicted to be a big republican win, with apparent poll leads and Democratic candidates who appeared to be literally physically incapable of taking office.
The early polls produced leads for republicans, which were slowly erased over a week of “vote counting” thanks to dumps of mail-in ballots – most specifically in Arizona and Georgia, swinging key races to democrat wins by less than 1% of the vote.
Stop me when it sounds familiar.
Of course we’re not talking about the 2020 presidential election, we’re talking about the US midterms which have seen almost a week of vote counting result in near deadlock.
Which is the whole point.
The election machinery is not about democracy, it is about narrative and maintaining the carefully constructed state of uselessness.
Key republican candidates – mostly those who are staunch “election deniers” – were clearly cheated of their seats to send the message that you’re not allowed to publicly question 2020. Others were allowed or assisted to win, because the entire purpose of the house is to be deadlocked.
A “red wave” does no more good than a democratic triumph. 51-49 is the way to go, in voting and results.
The likelihood right now is that they end up with a 1 person democratic majority in the senate, and a 5-10 Republican majority in the house.
Not enough power for either party to actually change anything, but plenty of fodder for violent disagreements inside the narrow Overton window of permissible opinion.
It is the original fake binary, and it’s still going strong.
BONUS: PR nonsense of the week
Following in BoJo’s stumbling footsteps, new UK Prime Minister made a “surprise visit” to Kiev this week to meet with Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelensky:
#London will support #Kyiv “until #Ukraine’s victory” said the British PM Rishi Sunak, who had arrived to Ukrainian capital and met with Zelensky. “Afterwards we will support you when you will be rebuilding your great country” added Sunak during a press-conference. @dwglavnoe
— Voices from Belarus (@VoicesBelarus) November 20, 2022
Just like Boris, Sunak sees no issue with wandering around a potential warzone with no bodyguards and sporting nothing but a suit.
It’s not all bad…
Further good news on the vaccine mandate front. Last month saw a New York judge overturn the mandate and order the fired employees rehired with back-pay. This week saw similar orders in Toronto and Windsor Ontario.
And here’s Bob Moran’s take on the G20 meeting:

All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention China’s latest “Covid outbreak”, the woman on the “all bug diet”, or the Yale economist promoting renting over home ownership.
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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There is actually nothing real in what is being shown on screen. It is ALL a lie, including the things we take for granted.
And they do this because they know people are so dumbed down from fear and anxiety and smart phones they will not notice the perversion of the original statement ( that the amount of people on the planet could fit in a square 50 miles across is twisted to say that we can afford to have such a population density)….. These tricks come from the entites that wrote the Bible, via modern day intelligence agencies. That’s the kind of intelligence they specialise in.
One article might be written off, two looks like a trend (remembering that NYT article back in July):
Unsurprisingly the Fraud is even worse because what do they conclude about this glut of cannibal films?….
” Having gone from villain to antihero, the cannibal has now become a fully sympathetic dramatic lead. Today she is a victim of harsh social pressures in films that use bloody body horror as a symbol for primal human struggles. Or as Yellowjackets creator Bart Nickerson says: “What portion of our revulsion to these things is a fear of the ecstasy of them?””
Fully sympathetic? Ecstasy? This is about as sinister as it gets.
So apparently Rishi Sunak’s wife earns tens of millions through the Infosys (digital ID) company that – still – operates out of Moscow. He says he knows nothing about it..….
Polish officials outraged after Ukraine appoints deputy foreign minister who praised WWII-era nationalist [Nazionalist[ responsible for killing tens of thousands of Poles
Stepan Bandera and his VolksDeutsch Nazionalists were also responsible for helping the German Nazis to kill hundreds of thousands of Jews. The Bandera Nazis were stout patriots so they also killed a fair number of the German Nazi army of occupation of the Polish Ukraina .
The U$ “cookie” regime, which Biden and Nudelman installed by a bloody coup in Ukraine, is run by a Jewish president and Jewish oligarchs with Banderista Nazis as their NATZO armed muscle. This is today’s Ukraine which Poland, Germany and the “Collective West” have vowed to help.
Yes, the New Normal is as crazy as that.
The Polish outrage may be another plank in the planned balkanisation of Ukraine. Poland wants its share.
The Natzis were the best thing that ever happened for the Zionist cause. In this context, Zelensky makes perfect sense. Ukraine is Israel’s chapter in Europe.
Sign the pledge
This is why republicans & democrats vote for Ukraine funding, its a slush fund, a money laundering scheme; give our tax money Ukraine, Ukraine sends some to FTX, FTX then donates to repubs & dems–Dr Paul Alexander
I am a contemporary visual artist. In the 80’s as Reagan/Thatcherism front-runned the me-me-meism of the rich seeking ownership of EVERYTHING, the art world flipped into a commodity casino for the 1%. Spectacle replace intellectual integrity and the purpose of contemporary art production. Postmodernism, the argument that all opinions are equal in importance thus nothing has meaning, replaced reason. The 50+ year evolution of everything is valid/nothing is valid, has climaxed with NFT’s and AI “art”. Now “nothing” is art with NFT’s (non-fungible tokens). But the real orgasm for society-owner-class is “nothing” is the greatest artist ever. The article below and associated links to the application of AI art “generators” like DALL-E makes clear you will make nothing, you will own nothing, you will do nothing… and you will be happy!
The products of AI, as exampled by DALL-E, are empty, vampire-art, black holes. No heart or soul or presence. AI has no skin in the game of Life and never will. There was a precursor artist in the 80’s that was actually channeling this vapid future: Julian Schnabel. He somehow thought he could channel any art output as his own, as i witnessed at an SFMOMA exhibit in 1988, and has proven the rest of his career.
[Art criticism, like everything else, has become vacuous promotions for the wonders of Shark Tank capitalism and the techie’s “progress” products and if anyone dare protests, postmodernism is used as the blunt weapon to beat back the heathens against progress.]
Great comment! A2
Off-G should invite him to submit an article.
Thank you! I’d be honored to do so. The art world is a microcosm of the aspirations of society and a fractal of the 1%’s cutting edge prosecution of domestic ideological empire. There is a thread of representation as regulating social behavioral going back to Plato’s Allegory of the Cave in “Republic”, documented in Duchamp’s and Magritte’s works in different ways, identified with hyper clarity by Marshall McLuhan’s “Gutenberg Galaxy” & “Understanding Media” and now is being self-exposed on grand scale by the owner-class with a rollback of the Wizard’s curtain of postmodernism and transhumanism. The AI DALL-E Kronos is an example of the attempt at a final manifestation of social-brainwashing-to-accept totalitarian social controls. Although a tad esoteric, it may be of interest to more than a few. Love to do it!
With illustrations, I hope. “A tad esoteric” maybe, but the art scene is sensitive to currents of feeling, opinion and aspiration which later enter the general public consciousness. The way Impressionism opened the curtains, let in the light and announced a more casual, more spontaneous lifestyle.
There is another side to the cancel culture/wokeism/art by the numbers coin – a side represented all too often in this very forum.
It finds its best expression in a statement like “We’re fighting for our lives here! We have no time for frivolity like art!”
Judging art to be frivolous is of the same type as the most extreme post-modern concept – and dovetails almost seamlessly with it.
Of all human endeavors art is the very least frivolous (despite Plato’s dismissal of art as “a copy of a copy.”). Real art cannot help but enlighten and encourage human thought. Nothing frivolous about that.
Nothing at all. I agree with much of what you are saying. Extreme ideologies/totalitarianism sees art as a threat, as they see openness and questioning as a threat. Artists question and vet everything and provide a valuable virtualizing service for Humanity. Postmodernism and it’s spawn AI progress-ism is an attempt to shut down the finding and vetting of the truth so Humanity can make good decisions about our collective futures.
We have to see through the false consciousness they are projecting and art is a most valuable way.
Plato is not perfect. I think his Allegory of the Cave is the result an artist’s perceptive skills. But then he did not like democracy and favored plutocracy, the very evil paradigm we face now.
A more beaudacious view of post-modern idiocy is yet to be applauded.
Sandy– Thank you for your perfect observation “ Postmodernism, the argument that all opinions are equal in importance thus nothing has meaning, replaced reason.”
In fact, judging anything, inside or out of the art world became immoral. Or even expressing a PREFERENCE.
A diagrammatic critique of “postmodernism” can be found reading John Zerzan, an American anarchist here in Oregon. I new there was something deeply wrong happening long ago, but he put the finger on it indelibly. Highly recommend his observations.
Yep agree. From bricks in the Tate to an unmade bed it’s a total con which the wealthy few feed on and promote. Con ceptual ‘art’ is the end game. Julian Spaulding sums it all up in his excellent book, The Eclipse of Art.
And don’t forget ‘Banksy’ – a graffiti ‘artist’ who the British ‘authorities’ somehow never catch and now even finds his way to Ukraine!
Maybe the coppers have better things to do than go after a guy doing street art- or maybe his dad is a 33rd degree…. but please tell us how Banksy is an agent of the Illuminati.
I will check that book out. Not sure the specifics of where it goes, but i do not through all modern or contemporary art under the bus because most people “do not understand it”. There is a very good reason for why visual art is misunderstood while literature is “understood”. Visual Communication is not taught in most education systems until one specializes in the university art bubble. The reasoning, tactics. skills, and intents are never discussed in modern society, much less in college. It’s up to each of us to dig up this information, that exists hidden in plain sight everywhere, and apply it. While college rhetoric would thread thru historic precedent and rigorous study of artists works, and technical skills (commercial assets) are developed, the questions of why and the importance of social and intellectual issues in content seems to be radioactive.
Do people within the system, the gallerists, curators, artists in “stables”, fear being openly condemned for having identifiable content or issues and thus threatening their only patrons, the top 3% (now starting in the US at 300k/yr income) and mostly the ultra rich? I believe so. To tell your students they’d better find a teaching job or other profitable side job to couple with thin exhibit income, would place you in the administrator’s dog house to unemployment on any campus. I have come to thank Universe for not being greeted with open arms into this now postmodern system. My tuitions were blessedly 30x less than today. I have been free to think and create outside their commodity expectations, tackle both aesthetics and social issues and maintain my self-intergrity and imho, high quality, useful works.
I can recommend Sarah Thornton’s “Seven Days in the Art World” and “33 artists in 3 Acts” as excellent separating of the good in the art world from the bad. Like the brilliant unblinking insights of Ai WeiWei to the vacuous and empty Jeff Koons.
I don’t pay much attention to art and what you say may very well be true about Julian Schnabel as a solo artist but I have to say I did like the film he directed, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly … but then perhaps in that case he chose his collaborators extremely well … although that of itself reflects artistic choices I guess.
Gotta admit, his directing in his Basquiat film was equal to Speilberg. He’s found his stride in Hollywood and should stay there. But his giant replicas of Duchamp’s 1946 sperm on black velvet, and the rest of his channeling past painters just needs to quit.
Oh, and I recently i read the Basquiat “paintings” in his film are not Basquiats. Perfectly in standing with how he works, Schnabel painted them, channeling Basquiat. The ultimate forger.
Amazing coincidence! Just last night having had no previous interest or knowledge with regard to the subject generally whatsoever I started watching a series of 10-minute episodes on Britain’s so-called Greatest Forger, Shaun Greenhalgh. In the series, art critic, Waldemar Januszczak, goes to visit Shaun to ask him to make a copy of a mug by Gauguin and in each episode we see a little more of how he does it.
A number of years earlier, Waldemar made a TV program in an exhibition where he comments on a Gauguin sculpture, The Faun – turned out it was a fake made by Shaun (I think a completely made up fake not a copy of anything) and Shaun ended up going to prison. I started watching it late and skipped a few episodes to the end but I’ll fill in the other episodes. Quite fascinating.
Interesting article on Schnabel and the Basquiat film.
The half hour story of art channeler-forger Wolfgang Beltracchi on CBS 60 minutes is a mind blower. His skill and creativity over a 40 year period lays waste to all theories of value in the arts and especially the high end art world commodity madness. Valuing art works past a common worker’s year salary is pure pyramid scheme based upon a false sense of scarcity that has nothing to with excellence of creativity or hanging a picture on one’s wall. It’s all fraud, they know it and it should fall along with all the other scarcity based value systems. I couldn’t find the full 25 minute vid which is incredible.
Some administrator substituted the above Carlin piece for the Beltracchi interview i originally posted. This is fraud. Can an admin tell me what happened?
I think what happens is that it looks like a different video to you because YouTube moves what you see to the next video but for others they get the correct link. In any case, that video wasn’t available for me to watch in Australia however I did find another 13-minute version of the CBS interview (was that what it was?) and also other stuff on him.
Love it when he responds to the question, “Do you think you did anything wrong?” “I used titanium white.” Funny how that seems to be the only thing that would show the painting they caught him on was a forgery.
Also, funny how Max Ernst’s widow said his Max Ernst paintings were as good as Max’s and it seems “his” Campendonk was the best! – well it sold for the most money! That’s really hilarious.
It really is hilarious. He is so casual about it all. My afterthought was that what he did was the greatest performance art ever in exposing the false value system of capitalism. Scarcity, provenance and reputation are substituted for the intrinsic qualities of visual art that exist in a work. His best ever “Max Ernst” says it all.
The real value in art is the work itself. Ever go to the museum and see a lesser known, even unknown artist’s work that is just brilliant and beautiful? Because it is. And subjectivity is not a known quantity that the art world would like to be the expert judge of. Right now the world is so out of balance from the systemic hegemony of those with all the excess disposable income. It’s got to right balance sometime soon.
There was also another 60 minutes piece a few years ago about the crisis in authentication related to Pollock’s works where they just stopped authenticating. The docu even estimated as much as 50% of collectible paintings in circulation were forgeries. One Pollock expert looked so terrified he’d jump out a window before doing another appraisal/authentication. 😝
Look at the proportion of recycled and tweaked music. Science itself is no better; its primary duty is to serve capital.
Well, when one uses the term “science” it does not refer to the money-lopsided business con called corporate science. And actually all works are influenced by previous works, so as far as sampling goes i’m not opposed unless it clearly copies another’s works without value.
In full agreement with you.I am also an artist.Postmodernism is the complete subversion of all meaning and true value.
Absolutely. John Zerzan has the best examination of the phenomena i know of…
As Admin already said: Great Comment.
BTW, in a whimsical sense the degradation of what art means brought to mind Betsy. Do you know who Betsy was? She was a chimpanzee in the Baltimore Zoo who painted. I believe this was in the 60s. But there was no attempt to pass her creations off as real art. It was presented (mostly on local Baltimore news) as a light-hearted whimsy. What do you want to bet Betsy would be taken deadly seriously by today’s art critics?
Betsy, certainly had greater integrity! She had skin in the game!
It’s Modernism (a.k.a. Rationalism) which is leading humanity toward a transhumanist nightmare. This has been noted by contrarian thinkers since the early days of the Luciferian and pretentiously named “Enlightenment” – e.g. by Swift, Blake, Chesterton. Postmodernism is a necessary corrective. Thankfully, most of Modernism’s technocratic, hive-mind enablers have taken the “medicine”.
G.K. Chesterton – Eugenics and Other Evils (1922):
The thing that really is trying to tyrannise through government is Science. The thing that really does use the secular arm is Science. And the creed that really is levying tithes and capturing schools, the creed that really is enforced by fine and imprisonment, the creed that really is proclaimed not in sermons but in statutes, and spread not by pilgrims but by policemen – that creed is the great but disputed system of thought which began with Evolution and has ended in Eugenics. Materialism is really our established Church; for the Government will really help it to persecute its heretics. Vaccination, in its hundred years of experiment, has been disputed almost as much as baptism in its approximate two thousand. But it seems quite natural to our politicians to enforce vaccination; and it would seem to them madness to enforce baptism.
Breaking the fourth wall – people needed to see behind the curtain and to start questioning everything!
Jeet Heer
July 8, 2017
America’s First Postmodern President
That New Republic article is complete trash. Guy Debord, made the film version of his Situationist masterpiece “Society of the Spectacle”, but he is hardly a “filmmaker”. The Situationists condemned at the highest level, the visual Spectacle that has enslaved people’s minds. He/they took Marxist ideas and used them to analyze the alienation and destruction of society created by capitalist consumerist brainwashing. The Stuationist were the philosophical drivers of the Paris Rebellion of 1968, hardly a passive acceptance or approval of the spectacle. The predecessor of the Situationist and even Baudrillard’s work (no matter what he says about it re the Matrix film) is Plato’s Allegory of the Cave. Postmodernism has nothing to do with the mundane of the everyday or even Pop Art. Postmodernism is a black hole Kronos absorbing and destroying every idea as utterly irrelevant. Complete trash. Read John Zerzan for an accurate picture of what it really is…
Did anybody who identifies as a “postmodernist” ever make or defend that statement?
That’s the problem. They can’t see what their saying is pure gibberish designed to rationalize anything they do, included speaking gibberish.
You claim to represent “reason”, but all you have is a strawman argument. You make up any shit you want, stick it in bold to pretend it’s important, and claim it represents somebody else’s position.
Postmodernism offers nothing but equal opposing, or unopposing arguments. Great! Now what? That’s the problem. It has nothing to offer.
My argument in favour of postmodernism (the philosophy and political versions) is that it is a necessary corrective. It doesn’t hold or advance any specific positions of its own. Instead, it promotes the view that the opinions and perspectives of the relatively powerless should be considered valid, important, meaningful. Given the way power tends to work, it’s likely that postmodern methods will always be a necessary corrective. However, the specifics of what needs correcting will tend to evolve and may even completely invert.
As an illustration; back in the 1960s and 70s The Black and White Minstrel Show was peak-time entertainment. And the consideration of alternative perspectives was a necessary correction.
The Black and White Minstrel Show Part 3
Release date: 22 June 2018
Maybe some of them are doing it to subvert the established ways of thinking in a sort of desperate sarcasm brought on by the agonizing apathy of the masses. The fact that there is such a concept as “freedom lover” implies that there are people who prefer slavery….
The dead end in intellectual enquiry comes with the question “what does “meaning ” mean?
The only question really worth asking is “What does it mean to be human?” which is where the meaning of “meaning” lies.
That Enemy Hunt creature sure looks like he is enjoying telling the folks how bad things are going to get.
The very beginning is a little trashy, but it improves. Just ONE bit– Babies are having heart attacks in the womb!
Post this video everywhere. Make it seen universally.
The Central Banker’s Long Covid: An Incurable Condition.
‘The introduction of Digital Health Passport (only a year ago ridiculed as conspiracy theory) represents a critical juncture. The tagging of the masses is crucial if the elites are to gain our trust in the increasingly centralised power structure sold as an opportunity for emancipation.
‘After crossing the digital-ID Rubicon, the crackdown is likely to continue smoothly and gradually. as in Noam Chomsky’s Famous anecdote: If we throw a frog in a pot of boiling water, it will immediately come out with a prodigious leap; if, on the other hand, we immerse it in lukewarm water and slowly raise the temperature, the frog will not notice anything, even enjoying it; until, weakened and unable to react, it will end up boiled to death.’
‘The global financial system is a huge Ponzi scheme. If those who run it were to lose control of liquidity creation, the ensuing explosion would nuke the entire socio-economic fabric below. Simultaneously, a recession would deprive politicians of any credibility. That is why the elites only viable plan would seem to lie in synchronising controlled demolition of the economy (collapse of global supply chains resulting in ‘everything shortages’). with the rolling out of a global digital infrastructure for technocratic takeover.Timing is everything.’ (Rubio Vighi)…
The IDs come first.
Every time I read someone promoting depopulation, I’m always disappointed to see them show up the next day.
I’m thinking, maybe this one’s gonna walk the talk and be an inspiration… walking the talk that is, not kill myself that’s sick.
Climate change?
The next plank will be the roll out of fart meters in a bid to control the unhealthy amount of noxious gases that people pass into the atmosphere such as methane, along with the CO2 they exhale that the pseudoscientists also wish to control. Special masks will be invented for the purpose of monitoring the exhalations and there will be on the spot fines issued by fart wardens for excess farting and breathing and you will be happy. Have a nice day!
How about raids on kitchens to check whether the beans are cooked properly?
Yeah, mgeo, that follows after they’ve introduced the fart meters and no doubt there’ll be a fine for that too if the beans are not effectively cooked to their standard, or they might even force you to purchase their new brand of digestive enzymes -at the right price of course in a bid to limit fart production!! 😂
At the end of my annual asthma review at my GP,s the nurse said she had to inform me that the NHS are changing the make up of inhalers due to the NHS’ carbon footprint. The gas driven inhalers made up 2% of the NHS’ carbon output and, in future, a powder inhaler will be introduced.
You really cannot make it up.
Richard wrote: “You really cannot make it up”.
Another problem concerns cancer patients. The so-called learned doctors and consultants approve of giving their cancer patients those horrible NHS drinks loaded with sugar which actually promote the growth of cancer cells! Cancer cells switch over to obtain their energy for growth etc via the glycolytic pathway they don’t like the citric acid cycle which produces energy from fats and protein. They also like an acid environment from acid forming foods like red meat, pork, refined carbohydrates etc.
In terms of the resulting glucose in blood, there is little difference between refined carbs and sugar.
Yes, mgeo refined carbs such as cakes biscuits, sweets etc break down into simple sugars too and circulate in the blood, and also lead to acid production in the body. In addition to cancer cells, bacteria also feed off them in the mouth, gums and they produce acids eroding tooth enamel.
“Truth is stranger than fiction” — Byron (attrib)
The whole thing stinks to me Lol
Yes I got wind of that myself Lol come on this goes beyond satire it even out does monty python at there most surreal how could anyone with any brain cells on active duty take any of it seriously
Yes John, we are now living in a world that’s gone completely bonkers where Renes Descartes is still a “drunken fart”, “I drink therefore Iam” – and Monty Python certainly got it right, now we have got it right here too!!
Old Klaus Schwab was a drunken slob who was very rarely stable, and Billy Gates could down a crate and drink you under the table! 😂 lol.
Pax et Lux
Site looks interesting on a first glance:
“This time, the genocide will be televised.”
They are not interested for some strange reason.
Saturday Night Live, actually funny for once. Thanks, Covid!
Hilarious! First Dave Chapelle, now this. Looks like SNL’s back. Guess I’m going to have to start watching again.
Well written essay on this second century of self-destructive madness in Western Europe.
“Whom the Gods would Destroy …”.
“Europe has become a bug splat on the neoliberal windshield. The madness that drove the ship of Europe to be steered by a seemingly gnat sized mentality [with continent sized power] wasn’t due to the invasion of Ukraine. That level of madness must have been building and building for years.” [for the past 2 centuries at least]
Interesting article…
Fifty-nine years ago I was 18 months old.
In 2016 I visited the Dallas Book Depository and confirmed to my own satisfatction that a rifle equivalent to my schooldays’ Enfield 303 could scarcely have achieved 10 per cent accuracy in such a situation.
I moved to the Grassy Knoll and concluded that it was the perfect angle for the final shot.
Yet experts say I’m wrong. A boy in a drain duct took the final shot — though it would have offered little elbow room — and only with the car at a standstill could the angle have worked.
The mechanics of JFK’s execution is ultimately irrelevant. The point is whose interests it served:
The psychology management team have worked tirelessly to evoke the desired response. Thus “grassy knoll” provokes “knowing” smiles. This is the genius of the move: perfectly logical suppositions about conspiracy and cover up and inside jobs are rendered impotent purely by constant ridicule. No argument. No dialogue. Just endless smears.
The ridicule tool is applied at every scale. Laugh, mock and dismiss. Punch, kick spit.
Ridicule is always motivated by fear of the person/event being ridiculed.
And above all, Cancel!
“We never mention Uncle Henry.”
The grassy knoll put Jackie in too much jeopardy imo – the final shot is more likely to have come from further forward. The drain no longer exists so I don’t know how you could reach any conclusions about it.
There are multiple witnesses who said the car stopped or slowed considerably.
In a testament largely ignored since revealed deaf mute Ed Hoffman confirmed he saw 2 men on the knoll. A gunman and the spotter. The gunman handed the weapon over where it was collapsed and hidden by the second man immediately after the shooting.
These were dressed IIRC as railroad workers. There is an interview where he describes what he saw on YT although sadly he died recently.
I visited Dealey Plaza in July 2018. I took a photograph from the seventh floor of the Texas School Book Depository. Photography from the sixth floor is not permitted. It seemed to me that the pedestrian tunnel to the right of Elm street was a suitable location for the head shot. The notoriously corrupt and complicit DAPD could easily have blocked pedestrian access to the tunnel for the duration of the assassination.
Americas Untold Stories on you tube is worth a look .
UK Covid-19 Inquiry
Share your experience
Nothing like investigation by the people who committed the crime.
Growth is a Ponzi scheme.
Whether it’s economical or population growth it will come to a sorry end for those propping up the scheme.
And that’s where we are now.
The financial system as we know it will cease to exist and will be replaced with programmable CBDC allowing the elite their privileges but severely limiting EVERY aspect of most people’s lives
Those running the scheme are consolidating their positions with a massive wealth shift upwards and nothing trickling back down for the proles.
Witness Jeremy Hunt’s austerity pledge in UK, cutting infrastructure and services.
The proles will be left to pick up the tab after the elite have fled.
At that point the “well off” who egged on the scheme will realise, too late, that they are also proles.
And, the worst thing is, most normies who may come to read this post will snort their coffee on their keyboard in derision.
It can’t happen here…….until it does. Then watch the shrieking to those of us who tried to warn them that we didn’t yell loud enough, or some other such bullshit. Stupid is as stupid does.
Democracy itself is a euphemism for distraction, tyranny and plunder:
If interested, look up the remaining 10 links in this series at
The “change” in the air typically resembles the stench of baby diapers. Media sites such as OffGuardian need to sober up and quit peddling low-brow adolescent humor. When the stench of baby diapers becomes the overwhelming stench of rotting flesh, the twittering laughter will be over. >
Read the entire article. It describes the realities of fake media and false debate.
lighten up Paul
Fucking experts everywhere and nobody to tell me why my neighbour died within a week of a Pfizer jab: no SAD experts? Not really experts, they are really cowards, sneaks, the little shits that used to wander the playground and go tell teacher that you were shooting heroin … or having a fag (that’s a smoke, not a quick arse jab, for the uninitiated). The people let this happen, not the politicians, they are the inevitable filth that humanity generates, like shit in a cow field.
WHO defines a rare adverse effect as 1/1,000 to 1/10,000 subjects affected. Anything less is “very rare”. So, if 6 billion people are jabbed and 6 million of them drop dead, it is business as usual.
That meme is excellent. I reckon the Sunak doll would be a must have for Xmas mainly to stick pins in.
Whoever thought pre-covid they’d align so much with extreme right-wingers?
South Australian Liberal senator, Alex Antic:
— in parliament talking about pericarditis and myocarditis figures pre and post jabs
— saying how the Greens and Labor didn’t support his proposed order for production of contract documents between the Australian Government and pharmaceutical companies for mRNA jabs – unbelievable.
Whoever thought these people would align themselves with some of my wisdom? Not me.
Political dynamics may or may not be fact-based. I’d say there is a certain degree of correlation, but causation would be pushing it.
Strange how U.K blogs get all worked up over ……
When it been happening in your neck of the woods for over 10+ years and you hardly ever reported on it.
hold on. let me check…
You have never ever reported on welfare claimants or disabled or elderly who have use all there equity and being left to die.
and in typical alt media echo chamber format, you all scream look at Canada (notice the conservative shilling) whilst in your own home towns (not talking GCHQ) it happens on a regular bases under the guise of DWP CHDA Now called universal credit corrupt assessments or people left to die in old peoples death camps.
Do some real journalism get of your ass;s and get out in the real world, rather than repeat what your control op peers get you all to regurgitate which fits a political narrative.
‘Let down by the system’: Six-stone emaciated man deemed fit for work.

The link between benefit cuts and suicide can’t be ignored
Published: June 11, 2013 1.50am EDT
Carlin. Always the master of truth – and how to deliver it. He is speaking about the US here, but it applies worldwide.
Hey, I know how to reduce the population – encourage immigration. I know it sounds contradictory but once you understand the science behind climate change it’s quite logical.
Apropos of population growth. Female fertility and its decline has been the norm in the entire northern hemisphere. Obviously it takes two to make a baby, but nearly every country a 2.1 baby target falls short of the replacement level.
Declining fertility rates will likely mean almost every country has shrinking populations by the end of the century, according to a new study, triggering “major shifts” in global economic power.
A new report in the peer-reviewed medical journal The Lancet, published Tuesday, expects the global population to peak at 9.7 billion by the year 2064, with the number of people across the globe forecast to fall back to 8.8 billion by 2100.
The analysis says that improvements in access to modern contraception and the education of girls and women could underpin “widespread” and “sustained” declines in global fertility.
It means that, in the absence of liberal immigration policies, 183 of 195 countries on the planet will not be able to maintain current populations by the end of the century.
Populations in 23 countries, including Japan, Thailand, Italy and Spain, are forecast to see their respective populations shrink by more than half, while another 34 countries, including China, are set to see a drop of more than 25%.
In contrast, the population of sub-Saharan Africa is anticipated to triple over the course of the century, the research said, to 3.07 billion in 2100, up from an estimated level of 1.03 billion in 2017.
North Africa and the Middle East are the only other regions predicted to have a larger population in 2100 when compared to 2017.
“This important research charts a future we need to be planning for urgently,” Richard Horton, the editor-in-chief of The Lancet, said in a press release.
“It offers a vision for radical shifts in geopolitical power, challenges myths about immigration, and underlines the importance of protecting and strengthening the sexual and reproductive rights of women.”
“Africa and the Arab World will shape our future, while Europe and Asia will recede in their influence,” Horton continued. “By the end of the century, the world will be multipolar, with India, Nigeria, China, and the US the dominant powers. This will truly be a new world, one we should be preparing for today.”
Notice how it’s just assumed as indisputable fact that populations MUST retain a certain number for societies to remain viable.
“Oh dear God, save us, our population is falling – next it’ll be the sky! We had 300 million; tomorrow we only have 290 million; then on the day after tomorrow 257 million! We’re done for!”
Total nonsense.
we only had about 33 milion people after WW1 in britain – and less before then -they did perfectly well – built some fantastic buildings and town communities
I’m confused: wasn’t ‘degrowthing’ supposed to be a good thing? Whey are they so eager to get rid of it through immigration? I guess I’m no ‘expert’. 😉
They certainly want degrowth, but the chaos of uncontrolled immigration, manipulated behind the scenes, can be blamed for various failings. The short-term gain is lower wages.
Notice how they never mention the endocrine disrupting and fertility wrecking synthetic chemicals that have been foistered upon us through corrupt “science” and myriad pointless consumer products and “conveniences” by the oil/chemical/agro/pharma/media arms of the global octopus? Could it be because it is mainly male fertility that is wrecked by those chemicals and testosterone levels are plummeting across the developed World? After all the last thing that the parasitical elite want is a lot of virile, strong, men who get stuff done. Good luck finding many of them in the West.
Those chemicals are one of the reasons. Some are POPs (persistent organic pollutants): quite indestructible. These and tens of thousands of other poisons (many non-organic) affect us through air, food and through the skin.
in the absence of liberal immigration policies, 183 of 195 countries on the planet will not be able to maintain current populations
Governments already do their best to evade looking after the infirm (including elderly) whose relatives are almost all on low wages. Who will pay the immigrants’ wages? What about the additional facilities (welfare, housing, etc.) the immigrants will require?
The realisation that these psychopaths can only be hung once is distressing.
drawn and quartered takes a little longer…..
I had to read that Reuters “fact check”.
Please copy the link and keep it somewhere on your computer.
If anyone EVER asks you what a straw man argument is just send them the link.
Israel To Launch Fifth Covid Vaccination Campaign This Week › i24news › Covid-19
Fifth attempt with a vaccine that does not work against a disease that does not exist.
given to people that eventually will be unable to work and eventually not exist
The IDF surely just get water in the shots… or they have finally gone on self-destruct mode.
And at the world cup, still having homosexuality illegal is 100 times more evil than having bombed Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Serbia to smithereens the past 20 years.
There is no level of murdering which is anything but acceptable, so long as it is carried out by NATO. And there is nothing we agreed with 75 years ago that is not unconscionable now if backward, sexist, racist and homophobic Arab states are still doing it now.
How on earth can Martin Samuel live with himself going to that horrible place Qatar on expenses, when he should be becoming a salivating war reporter in the areas of Syria where his beloved masters, the USA, have been funding insurgents/terrorists the past decade? Not to mention putting his life on the line in Kyiv, by reporting on all the corruption associated with ‘arming Ukraine’ and how the money goes in kickbacks, the second-hand arms become third hand with the profits ending up in private bank accounts etc etc.
Oh, but taking the knee is just SO important, isn’t it??
Go ask Alex Scott what she feels about Hillary Clinton saying ‘We came, we bombed, he died’? Ask her about the thousands of innocents who had to die also, just so that a bogey man African leader who wanted to sell oil and gas in Euros or a gold-back African Union currency could meet the death his independent economic policy so richly deserved…..and ask her why she shouldn’t be bombed to death back in London by foreigners who oppose her stands on LGBTQ??
About time that lesbian black woman who the BBC thinks is perfect was made to express her true morality on TV…….
She won’t be able to without proving herself to be a media prostitute. Because if she does, she loses her job…..
I have my principles and if you don’t like them, I have others.
Remember that disgusting slug Madelaine Allbright saying that 500k dead children was worth the price and not to forget Blair and his bum chum Campbell who should be tightening ropes outside parliament.
One thing the western nations have in common is all our best friends are fucking war criminals like Albright and Kissinger.
Kissinger got a Nobel Peace Prize 😂
It was always obvious that a combination of ‘soccer’, a prosperous Muslim country and FIFA would put the US propaganda machine into overdrive via their crony journalists. The rest of the world just enjoys the football.
Great post, wells said.
Sorry should say well! Ficking predoctic tocs!
You say it’s our concern with LGBTQ that prompted the deaths of perhaps millions in the Middle East.
Wrong! It was our concern with stray feral cats that did it! Fuck the feral cats – I’d much rather save human lives, wouldn’t you?
even better Howard,
stop people having cats as living cuddly toys for their hollow (childless?? !) lives to take comfort from/upon… same goes for many dog owners etc etc etc
saving human lives? i’d rather just save Life.
humans remain a problem, the way they are when treated well, is worse than the opposite..?
I ain’t no cat fan, but they have a place. On a farm or as vermin control.
Humans? HUMANS???
; )
Or a show in the West End.
Were it not for cars I would agree with you completely that cats, like all beings, should be allowed to exist on their own terms. Now it’s generally true that feral cats do not live as long as house cats – but neither do feral humans live as long as house humans.
So we have to ask: what price longevity? Is what’s being given up worth the couple/few more decades of life. I think most humans would say “Yes!” (and I would too).
I would, however, respectfully disagree with the term “vermin” used for living creatures. True, squirrels, rats and mice can be terribly destructive. But they are not “vermin.”
At any rate, captivity seems to be the hallmark of “civilization.” We’re captives of our technology; so I guess we see no harm in forcing cats, dogs and other household “pets” into captivity.
mice and rats eating stores are still trouble, call them what you will,
but i get your take on “vermin”, it is a sick word when considered.
what do you call a cat scratching up your seed beds?
: )
Bravo, in Australia our rancid human rights hypocrisy is on display for all to see. We have just decided to release a few refugees from prison after 10 fucking years yet we lecture Myanmar over the detention of one man for 650 days after he was charged and convicted of something.
Today Penny Wong the foreign minister applauded the soccer team from Iran while we lock up and torture and murder and traffic Iranian refugees, one young woman who came as a 16 year old is still in limbo even though she is married to an Australian citizen.
We don’t allow babies of foreigners to be Australians till they are 10, a racist war on new borns started by the racist scum in the ALP in 1986, the prisons they started over 30 years are still beloved of the ALP and now after 10 years of illegal prison on Nauru 6 people damaged for life have been traded off to New Zealand.
And if I started on the abuse, torture and vicious incarceration of mainly Indigenous kids I would be here for 3 fucking days writing.
Yet we lecture about human rights, and we have bombed to bits all the nations the refugees have fled from at the behest of the USA and we left Australian citizen women and kids rotting in a Syrian prison for years while we bombed Syria and let the USA murder the husbands and even some little kids.
Then we have Assange who the new ALP have not said a single word about.
Never a truer word spoken.👍
Handmaidens to the Psychos:
(Order followers).
“Russia is, academically speaking, a backwater chickenshit economy, the size of fucking Texas. The GDP of both weigh in around $2.1 trillion. That’s less than Apple’s market cap.”…
A flea taking on a herd of elephants ?
True. And NL is a country that is much much smaller than Russia and an economic superpower
Unfair eh, all that inequality?
Well, the WEF is working on that and wants to reduce all economic power to the level of former USSR, so that we can all live in Russia.
Which is why the USSR had virtually all the tech that it needed to pose as a serious Cold War rival sold to it by those very rivals (some was pilfered from Germany in 1945 and some was added by espionage but not much. BTW what was Victor Rothschild doing as the fifth man in the Cambridge spy circle?).
The road that the USSR used to invade Kabul was built with US money…. MIG jets in the Korean War had Rolls-Royce Nene engines…. the Soviet ships carrying those missiles to Cuba were built in the West… the guidance systems on those missiles used US tech…. etc etc.
It happened throughout the Cold War but particularly under Johnson and Nixon so it was truly bipartisan.
It’s because:
A) it’s a five-minute photo-op and it would take longer than that to set up a sniper rifle even if the wannabe killer happened to be in the right place at the right time.
B) Sunak is one of Kissinger’s boys – same as Putin!
Kissinger, Putin, and the “New World Order”
by William F. Jasper January 9, 2009
Kissinger, never one to let a crisis got to waste, has been busy on an important new-world-order project in Russia with Vladimir Putin. Although it has gone virtually unreported in the U.S. media, Kissinger has been featured prominently in the Russian media during his many trips over the past decade to Moscow to meet with Putin and Yevgeny Primakov, the former KGB terror master for the Soviet Union in the Middle East. In 2007, Kissinger and Primakov were appointed by Putin to co-chair a bilateral “working group” of Russian and American political insiders to tackle issues such as global terrorism, nuclear proliferation, and nuclear threats.
Novosti, the Russian “news” agency run by Putin-friendly apparatchiks, reported on the new working group in an April 26, 2007 story, noting that “Kissinger, U.S. secretary of state from 1973 to 1977, has been a frequent guest in Russia since Putin took office in 2000.”
It’s a big club…
And we ain’t in it to quote the great George Carlin. How many deaths is that bloater Kissinger responsible for in his lifetime I wonder?
And every time some political leader smiles at Kissinger he feels validated, and no longer in need of inner reflection of any sort.
What should happen, of course, is that a leader who still belongs to the human race should spit in Kisso’s face, after which the latter might consider going home and learning to be ashamed of himself . . .
There are no such leaders any more, unfortunately.
man, there is me!
lets gofundme for meeeterrasupremissimo ; )
things would change.
And they used to call him “the peacemaker” 😂 lol.
Yeah, like Blair the Middle East peace envoy, that went well!
I cannot think of a more vile creature alive today… although the last 3 years revealed many candidates.
Aussie journalist Brendon O’Connnell (banished from Australia) has in-depth info on Kissinger, Putin and the Ukraine pre-determined event.
World premiere of Stew Peters’ “Died Suddenly”. It’s quite good and not sensationalistic.
Scared the bejesus out of me CK.
Saw this earlier today. My phone rang as I was watching and I learned a friends mother had just died this morning from blood clots causing a heart attack. She got the booster 2 weeks ago and was otherwise a healthy vegan. Thanks for posting this.It is important.
“Let us never forget what they have done to us” stands out at the end of the video as the most fitting comment for our time.
I decided 2 1/2 years ago that I would never forgive them, and I have never before thought that about any group of people in my whole life. What clinches it for me is that they had the same choices as the rest of us: – go the clean way, or go the black way – and they chose the black way.
Only one mitigating factor exists for the lower-caste collaborators in this: The threat of losing their job and their livelihood if they don’t comply. The same sort of thing as, “If you don’t shoot that subhuman, then you will be shot yourself.”
But the instigators, hatchers, installers, string-pullers, bribers and threateners in this agenda have no excuse, no back-door escape, and no defence.
They saw the line which no one is supposed to cross, and they crossed it.
They bought a vehicle with no reverse gear, and they stepped hard on the accelerator.
That’s what evil is.
Maybe Darwin had a point after all….
Thanks for posting the link. Interesting what they say about the increase in cancer after the jab. More specifically, the reoccurrence of it after a person has been been cured.
This happened to my mother who had breast cancer. She had been free of it for more than 10 years after treatment. Less than a year after her 2 jabs, it came back. I understand that cancer can reoccur after being free of it for many years, but the timing with her injections, leads me to believe otherwise.
Yes, I had a friend whose cancer returned in 2019 (interestingly a few months after she’d had her first flu shot which she only had for her job as a nurse working with aged care patients – she also got the flu for the very first time in her life around the time she got the returned cancer diagnosis). She went on medication and it seemed to be reasonably under control but then she had the covid jabs for her job and then the returned cancer was no longer under control. Cannot say it was the jabs that killed her but it’s interesting looking at the anti-vax literature where it was said back in the 1920s that cancer was caused by vaccination!
It’s quite fascinating that so many books in amazon on vaccination are anti-vax with very few pro-vax.
A good friend has just been given a month or so to live by her doctor. It’s widespread cancer.
Today I seriously found myself wondering whether they would ask her if she’d like another covid jab before she enters the home stretch.
The worst of it is that If they told her it would help the human race to rid itself of ‘covid’, I fear she would agree to it . . .
One can get so sad contemplating what is being done to us right now . . .
My heart goes out to you, and you friend.
She might suffer less from the jab than from the cancer treatment.
sorry to hear.
It gets worse, as she or he is now what they call very venerable due to the big C, they do recommend they get the latest vaccine/s to protect your self and others.
check out the dietitian menu they give them. literally heart attack on a plate.
VR wrote: Interesting what they say about the increase in cancer after the jab.
Not surprising, in energetic terms the vaccines contain dissolved particles with electric charge structures and also scalar potentials in the boding structure of the water in the vaccines that may cause or facilitate the uncontrolled multiplication of the normal growth forces of the etheric body which is an energetic template for the normal growth and repair of our physical body.
Our composite ego organization and astral body normally control the etheric growth forces by transforming and restraining them. However, under certain conditions they can fail to do that and withdraw from certain anatomical locations of the physical body due to a number of different reasons such as energy depletion or toxicity which can lead to rampant tumour growth in the particular area or areas in question. Also, if there happens to be a weakness in the etheric organization itself at a particular location in the body the physical forces can get the upper hand over the etheric forces resulting in tumour growth at that location.
Great documentary.
I can’t handle it.
Once loud, noisy, yelling music gets onto the sound-track, I just can’t listen any more.
Don’t people know what they’re doing when they add noise like that to an otherwise informative and stimulating video?
They are deadening our senses and discouraging us from remaining curious and critical. They are making us switch off, which is exactly what the ‘authorities’ want us to do right now.
Noise is one of the classic tools of political manipulators.
It undermines concentration and focus. It induces fear and panic reactions in our body.
It supports the enemy, and it’s everywhere.
I strongly advise vigilance on this, and protest where possible.
Noisy ‘music’ is when you go to a disco and want to lose yourself in the ambience, which is the opposite of wanting to study something and learn about it.
Okay, so I’ll try this video again and hop beyond the noise, but, really, it’s such an unnecessary obstacle . . .
Many have said (in these comment forums) that Stew Peters is perhaps the infamous “controlled opposition.” I don’t know. I do know, having watched a couple interviews he oversaw, that he’s extremely slick and even a little “oily.”
You may not be wrong in associating loud music with the attempt to quash critical observation.
Peters is just too slick for my taste. Too modern. I prefer the old school types. Even Alex Jones is laid back in comparison.
I can’t resist venting about a related tangent: the Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic has quashed my inclination to visit restaurants, which in any case was long ago reduced to going out with relatives on special occasions or during vacations.
I loathe noisy restaurants, which is most of them, even though I can grudgingly tolerate them. Anyway, a while back I read a long article addressing noise levels in restaurants– at least in the US. It was appalling, but as I read it I realized I should’ve sussed out the obvious, if dismal, truth revealed in the article.
First of all, the fact in present-day restaurants, the clamor and cacophony is not only not accidental, it is facilitated by professional consultants, down to the level of architects, interior designers, and acoustics specialists. Worse yet, the rule of thumb is “the noisier the better”. The degenerate rationale is that, all things being equal, restaurants hope to attract and retain a younger clientele because they spend more.
Furthermore, the received wisdom (“proven” by surveys, focus groups, etc.) is that mega-noise is “good” because for younger Normals, it connotes “cheerful”, “lively”, “happening”, etc. Conversely, “quiet” eateries struggle or fail because they are perceived as dull, “dead”, and generally repellent.
Of course, even I agree that entering a dead-quiet and mostly deserted restaurant is off-putting. But the article made clear that there is no moderation or “happy medium”– for any restauranteur who wants to maximize profits, and who isn’t catering exclusively to the elderly, the ironclad rule is “the louder, the better”.
The quaint notion that patrons might value and enjoy the ability to converse while dining has apparently become hopelessly obsolescent. And since reading that depressing article, I realized that the high-decibel purveyors know their clientele better than I do– nowadays, probably anyone under 50 sitting at the table is transfixed by their smartphones, the focus of their communication activity. The ear-bleeding ambient uproar is a welcome incentive to text more. Just shoot me! 😡
Conversations may be difficult to spy on.
Emotional, dramatic music in documentaries is like nails on a blackboard. I seriously resent the manipulation.
It is more of the universal slogan: quantity over quality.
It’s absolutely de rigueur orthodoxy amongst video/film-makers lately: whateverTF your subject, you MUST have idiot jiggy-jig muzak cluttering up the bloody sound track; mere unaccompanied speech or ambient sound isn’t good enough.
It’s got so bad lately that it’s become my yardstick to decide whether I’ll continue watching or not: Too much jiggy-jig? Then you can piss off – however ‘important’ your subject may be…
How many people are in London ?
No, it’s not spam.
Chopped up, but best version available thanks to Greedy Corporate Bastards who won’t allow full scene.
2022 re-visited.
Yes, 8 billion people is WAY more than enough.
If the Guardian folks want to reduce world population, shouldn’t they make a personal contribution by offing themselves?
OMG and FMD! How many UK PM’s are going to need to butt-kiss the leader of the country voted the most corrupt in Europe? How bloody embarrassing … to have to prostrate one-self for leadership, to have to arse-kiss a tyrannical ‘comedian’, who thumbs his nose at the idea of democracy, for international consumption, has got to be the lowest form of Cabala worship imaginable. Where the ef does one’s pride stop/start?
I think you’re being too hard on Mr. Z.
He is enormously talented.
How many people can play the piano with their penis?
Who gets to vote in this poll for “the most corrupt country”? Moreover, why hasn’t the UK been declared outright winner? Afterall, it’s just committed a Midazolam-fuelled democide against its old folk – all justified by a fake pandemic. And it’s killing lots more with a combination of toxic jabs, a fake fuel crisis, murderous health advice (“isolate and stay indoors”), and inflated food prices. As a democide, it’s probably only out ranked by the killing of babies – both pre and post-natal. Then consider the so-called “prime minister” – installed by a Kissingerian cabal of banksters; all because Truss was going a bit “MAGA” in implementing policies which would advance cheap energy. So all-in-all, it was Zelensky who was having to stoop!
Labour has the answer to UK corruption – Keir Starmer’s going to abolish the House of Lords! What’s the betting the replacement turns out to be some sort of “citizen’s assembly” stuffed full of WEF stooges?
I personally found the “euthanasia for the homeless” story quite inspirational. In fact I was so moved by it that it has inspired me to hereby start a grassroots – “euthanasia for the oligarchs” – movement! I’m guessing that given a choice, our oligarchy would much rather “die with dignity” from a lethal drug injection, than be chased down the streets by pitchfork wielding mobs bent on mounting their heads on pikes. I’m just saying – I mean it only seems like the ethical thing to do.
Those Turds wouldn’t know the meaning of the word.
I would settle for monthly jabs of all the “vaccines” they invested in.
This New World Order is supported wholeheartedly by the urban, millennial, educated, ethnic, professional, certainly young portion of the population. Ask yourself why the Biden regime, why Trudeau and why Macron can somehowccontinue seemingly forever in office while hated by most of the voting population. Some 40% routinely supports this agenda and the parties and governments promoting it.
The irony is that this demographic considers itself to be modern-day hippies…the heirs of the 1960s, of Jerry Rubin, of the Yippies, of Vietnam war protests, of communes, of pot-smoking, beachcombing and peace signs.
What happened to “Questuon Authority!”, what happened to tolerance, to individual liberty, to inclusiveness??
‘The irony is that this demographic considers itself to be modern-day hippies…the heirs of the 1960s, of Jerry Rubin, of the Yippies, of Vietnam war protests, of communes, of pot-smoking, beachcombing and peace signs.’
The double irony s that they are! If I understand my Dave McGowan (Laurel Canyon) correctly
“What happened to “Questuon Authority!”, what happened to tolerance, to individual liberty, to inclusiveness??”
The “education” that you mentioned didn’t include these….
You forgot horseface Ardern and Sadiq Kahn It just proves that it does not matter who you voted for its about who counts the votes ably proven by the latest farce in the USA.
I have no doubt that they could fix the elections in NZ if they wanted to, but in 2020 Ardern was riding high on the populalism of the idiots who believed she had just saved them from certain death. She is certainly a lot more hated now though, so we’ll see how the “votes” go next year.
“Elections” are always rigged.
What ever happened to questioning authority? Why, they became authority!
Oh, it might be OK for some of the “smart set” to question authority, but one does NOT buck authority. One follows the rules, no matter how idiotic they are, and if one does that then one will not only be OK, but will be a good virtuous person. If it happens that following along does not make one a good person, then one finds the nearest most compelling excuse and gets all the rest of the good followers on board with it. Herd mentality, and that’s an insult to herds of animals who usually know better than to jump to certain death, but humans forgot that kind of wisdom a long time ago. And really, that kind of wisdom is merely selfishness, one should be happy to jump off the cliff to save others in today’s dumbed down world.
As for thinking they’re the hippies, they only want to be the cool hippie, not the one who gets themselves in the big spot light for actually rejecting authoritarian rules and maybe gets in actual trouble for it with all those nasty disruptions to the good life that entails. They play along, wear their tie dye and tell themselves they’re the kewl kids, while those of us who demand real thinking and real facts are just old Luddites who won’t get with the new program.
Anybody got a good thing to say because I’m apoplectic watching the Inquiry into the Truckers thing here in Canada. Apoplectic…. I’m speechless.
Stop watching it, they want you speechless.
You must have heard that old maxim Syl:
‘One only holds an Inquiry when one already know the outcome’
i tried to spread puffball spore today, where i thought they might take ; )
The Romanian Supreme Court decided that the vaccination certificates are illegal. It confirmed a decision of the lower Bucharest Appeal Court:
It is true that in Romania, already for 8 months those certificates are not any more in use (the emergency situation was not continued after the war started in Ukraine, as many unvaccinated ukrainians were coming in Romania)
“The world is not over-populated, that is a myth.”
As long as Off-G goes on hosting this delusion, it’s obvious that there’s an embarrassing hole in your collective-editorial capacity for rational thought. Do study the facts listed below, about over-population episodes, frequently-occurring and widely understood as they are (amongst the ecologically-adequate):
a) Population-overshoot events are regular, if occasional, local events in the Earth’s lifeweb, involving a wide selection of species.
b) They ALWAYS get resolved by a die-off, as essential commodities of life for the overshooting species get used up too radically, just as is happening right now with all the commodities essential to human life. Sometimes the die-off is catastrophic, sometimes less steep, but it’s ALWAYS the final outcome, because exponential growth forever – or even for an extended time – on a finite planet, with finite endowment of essential commodities, is impossible.
c) Humans, despite our ludicrous self-importance, are in no way exempt from this iron rule of ecology. There is NO ecology-defying, cornucopian future for humankind, based on strictly-undeliverable startrekkytechietechie fantasies; precisely the opposite, in fact, (And unicorns probably don’t exist either. Sorry!)
The intelligent way to understand our situation is that Gaia sets the rules, and we, along with all her other children, obey. Faustus said “No!” to this rule, and look what happened to him!
Obviously, we’re not going to volunteer to do anything effective about our current overshoot dilemma, so it will be left to the usual negative feedback correctives. Something close to completion of this Gaian reduction process looks increasingly likely by the end of this century. And no amount of wilful self-delusion by us, such as the mooncalf line quoted above, is going to make any difference at all to that.
BTW, I suppose that the writer of this week’s TWITNN collection means ‘myth’ in the Populist-Illiterate USAmerican-English meaning, rather than the Educated-European-English meaning. Such illiteracy would certainly fit with the spectacularly-foolish, wilfully-delusional ignorance of the quote at the head of this post. (How are you with ‘phenomena/phenomenon’, btw? Secure? And would you EVER consent to say: “One of the only…” 😆 )
I don’t know if human’s earth population is “too high”, but I see nothing in your list that is relevant into determining it… What you want to do is sell that to people with low logic capabilities.
If 8 Billion humans aint “over-population” then how many billions are ?
Is it concern that we’ll be lumped in with little billy gates de-pop mob, and being accused of supporting their drastic technocratic de-pop solution, that encourages us to dismiss claims we’re over-popped ?
Will there be enough bugs to go around, to feed everyone ?
Will there be a remake of the Oliver twist movie, in which Oliver holds out his begging bowl and asks for “More bugs. Please. Sir.” ?
Ideologies can start to unravel if just one string is pulled loose. The entire “climate change” is a great big hoax ideology depends on each string to hold it together. And “the myth of overpopulation” is a lynchpin kind of string that must never be pulled loose or else the whole thing can unravel.
There’s no shortage of “reasons” why people starve. The only “reason” the ideology cannot sustain is that the planet simply cannot provide resources for so many people.
Somehow the notion has crept into the climate hoax ideology that humans transcend reality. Thirty billion people anyone? Let them eat cake.
“Over-population” seems always to be considered solely in terms of whether or not there’ll be enough food for everyone…It’s not simply about food !…
It’s about room to breathe…It’s about lebensraum…It’s about feeling (over)-crowded…It’s about the stress of being surrounded by a mass of strangers…
(And stress, chronic stress, is a BIG, silent killer. Chronic stress is implicated in many diseases of civilisation)…
Of course enough food can be grown to satisfy the hunger of 8 Billion, 10 billion, maybe more (backed up by little billy gates grub manufacturing factories, his grubs having been legally defined as “food”.)… But Imagine what 10, 12 Billion Farters will do to The Climate ! Farting is a Quality of Life Issue…
And the Kikikomori “lifestyle” doesnt appeal to everyone…
(What would Grata say ?)
“It’s about lebensraum…”
As Cain said when Abel jumped over his little fence, at a time when there were fewer than twenty people on earth: “Nothing personal, it’s just The Iron Law of Nature.”
It’s about food and ALL the other commodities which are non-negotiably essential to sustain a hitech industrial lifestyle, les. And the greatest of these is abundant, cheap energy.
Human population levels track average per-capita energy use with astonishing exactness; and the growth of per-capita use is now failing; actually beginning a downward trend, in fact. Along with LOTS of other non-substitutable essentials, total energy availability to keep the hitech-industrial society going is now getting constrained.
And that reality won’t reverse: ‘WIGIG: when it’s gone, it’s gone’. Simple to grasp, impossible to accept – for cornucopian delusionals. Hence: “There is NO over-population! ONLY eugenicist scum believe that! You CAN’T have too many humans, god’s annointed!!!”
OK! Roll on the downvotes! Under no circumstances consent to face unwelcome reality! Cornucopianism rools, OK! 😂
LOL trees certainly haven’t “died off” because of having too many. I kind of like places that have a lot of them. Should we then through that logic cut em’ down because we don’t want overpopulation? Wolves too? Beef?-(definitely- I will help eat em’) Maybe we should just let the natural processes take place for a minute and see what happens.
Maybe that’s because trees need far less essential resources to survive and the planet could handle having a lot more of them living than there are currently? SOme seriously fallacious resoning going on there.
“trees need far less essential resources to survive”
Trees gobble up sunlight, the most essential resource of life as we know it. Just ask the grass, they’ll tell you plenty against those big shady bullies. If it weren’t for browsers that nibble young tree shoots and shit on the ground there would be no grassy fields, no prairies, no cattle and no horses.
it is hardly that simple.
trees certainly do die-off due to too many:
250.000 seedlings per square metre at year 1; a single tree at year 20.
competition for resources, a very real thing.
Actually, R, watching the life-cycle of trees in my local woods (neglected by their transnational corporate ‘owners’ and so simply living wild), I actually see the point of that perennial die-off of seedlings.
It seems to be part of the trees’ survival strategy: Shower the ground around the trunks with seeds every year; let them all germinate and start growing; most won’t do more than make a few years growth before dying (though even those short lives will make a significant contribution to the natural CO2/Oxygen cycle that green plants run…)
BUT!… the whole forest floor stays permanently covered with little green mines, waiting quietly to explode upwards into the sunlight the moment a storm-gouged hole appears naturally in the canopy.
That is in fact an ace survival strategy. And as part of it, the mother trees continue to feed sugars through their roots to the mycelial mats in the soil community, that are one of the forests’ circulation AND communication systems; the mothers sending food to their little off-spring gathered around them; each waiting for that happenstance chance to see the Sun directly. And all who fail and die promptly compost back into the soil community, for rapid recycling… Bloody brilliant survival strategy! 😄
Yes, unlike we anthropoid apes, trees have had hundreds of millions of years to develope bloody brilliant survival strategies. Moreover those buried seedlings survive destruction by fire of the whole forest, and minerals from the ashes nourish its resurgent life. In his little book, “What is Life — Mind and Matter”, the great physicist Schroedinger said that trees can be said to show purpose because they “purposely” scatter their seeds “in order to” take over new territory.
We anthropoid apes have not been around for more than 10 million years, but I feel sure we must have developed some bloody brilliant survival strategies of our own. For a start. Sophocles has listed a few:in his chorus, “What a Wonderful thing is Mankind”. .
different trees/plants have different strategies – e.g. oak and large seeders don’t do that, but most “boreal” tree species, our common conifers, birches, willows, alders etc, do.
“ruderals” was the old speak.
conversely, the oaks and big nuts were K-strategist: slow forming, tolerant, long lived giants. . .
both form the real forest : ) and all their pals. all required.
we certainly agree the planet is a bit fukt and in some areas has been for a long time; ecosystem collapse. land use / improvement…bluh
this is fekn obvious to anyone who does have a vague clue, but the rest watch attenborough and gasp in their ignorance and donate to WWF…
all the other climate shtuff? jury out, all i see are chem trails and odd weather (25+ years on the hill). the weather changed here in the mid 80’s anyway….
[on a positive note, lol, opencast mining!! and a reduction in sheep have changed skelps of the uplands to something more natural. willow sitka scrub hahah, hoaching with wildlife tho’]
OG does need to wizen up on the eco-enviro-sphere, yes : )
I believe the beavers are already back in Scotland, r; and in east Kernow (Cornwall) too. But wait till you have wolves back in the Highlands; and – gasp! – bears; lynx and free-roaming big white cattle (aurochs’ niche-inheritors)! Then watch the landscape re-green (and re-sequester atmospheric-carbon to a canny balance). And watch the forest-fed prosperity come back to the Highlands’ human population!
The Second Great Wood can’t come too soon…
I prefer the methods of nature any day to those of any present human
in already ruined ecosystems, the right sort of disturbance goes a long way, breaks the stagnant homo-sphere ecological dystopia, ; )
releases old seed banks and Life.
There isn’t a population-overshoot of trees, B. There are too few of them presently; a dearth that will correct itself, as our numbers come down again, and as the survivors have less devastation-capability, because of the irreversible waning of commodities that are completely essential to the hitech industrial lifestyle – starting with lots of cheap, easy-get energy, of course, which is already on its way down.
But meanwhile, all the delusionals of the Pampered Twenty Percent can go on dreaming their startrekkytechietechie fantasies – for a short while longer. 😂
PS: Check out this interesting hard fact: Human population numbers ALWAYS track very closely to per-capita energy use. That’s why, as the per-capita level has risen over the past couple of centuries or so, so too have our numbers.
However, per-capita use is right now on its summit-dwell, and already beginning to show its new, long-term downward trend. As it sinks, so will our numbers. And – oh dear! – there is literally zero visible, actually realworld feasible replacement for the irreversibly-waning supply of fossil-hydrocarbon energy. As Clint Eastwood once put it: “Oh shit!” 😮
> LOL trees certainly haven’t “died off” because of having too many.
Are you for real?
Thumbs down on this one. Simply for your arrogance and superiority. “Educated-European-English meaning” what a crock of shit.
The language I learned in my youth, dear cultured Velvet. A time when ‘crock of shit’ was still an unknown USAmerican neologism in British English. LOL! i wouldn’t swap my native grasp of proper English for the current ignorant US populist-illiterate patois at any price! Keep it in you own fool mouth, by all means! 😂
The be honest, I too cringe at how people in the US these days speak (and write). But, that is evolution (or devolution depending on which side of the fence one is on) of language.
While lecturing at an English-language university in Prague, I was horrified at the papers my American exchange students would turn in. But the way they write, is unfortunately dictated by their use of text and social media these days. Not so very different from other languages (and cultures) around the world.
Take, for instance, Czech. Your ‘characterization’ could also be applied to it here in the Czech Republic. A wonderfully colorful language (far more so than English) which has, over the past 30+ years since the revolution, seen its share of degradation.
The proper construct and use of the language, pounded into students from day one at school, has given way to political, social, and yes, populist influences. Language experts and teachers lament about this change all the time. Unfortunately, as with every language, it is changing.
For Czechs, a nation of just over 10 million, huddled within a small land boarder with little political influence, the language is mostly what they have to hang on to to preserve their culture (it has been that way throughout Czech history). Hence, very important.
Maybe a bit like Britain in some ways (with respect to language). A former Empire which enjoyed influence spanning the world far and wide, now reduced to taking orders from Washington. No wonder the need to hang on to one of the only things left – the (old) language.
Don’t tell me that English in Britain is not changing. It has its share of political (also populist), social and media influence. And some of it is equally horrifying as US English.
My point is, generalizing in such a way shows little knowledge of the development of language over throughout the world.
Just because someone does not speak The Queen’s English, does not mean they are not educated – or brilliant for that matter.
One thing that US English (for better or worse) has done, is make the language a bit more colourful, emotive and expressive.
I do understand that accepting change is sometimes the hardest thing for us to grasp.
Unfortunately, your generalization of the ‘education level’ of (only) Americans and their use of the English language falls flat after reading papers from my second-year university exchange students from the UK and the US. Both, equally horrifying.
My students from Kazakhstan, Russia, Czech Republic, Ukraine, and South Korea (to name a few) all wrote better papers, and had a better grasp of proper English.
The UK students, surprisingly, were not even close to being able to write a proper essay, or able to actually put their names on their papers.
Agreed to both your posts above, V. Spot on!: 🙂 As you’ll know, old men moan about things – including speech – that aren’t as they were when we were young…
But yes indeed: a live language in daily use by a population is always going to evolve; unstoppably, and quite rightly. The only thing an uncrusted mind can do is to embrace at least the most elegant of the neologisms; and so I do in my speech and in my writing.
I should clarify: I’m not the sort of absolutist who insists that ‘nothing good can come from America’. Of course it can, and has; and I have indeed adopted many usages of modern transatlantic English. I do lament, though, as do many USAmericans themselves, the barbarisation of their culture, and the consequent degradation of linguistic and grammar skills. Time was when US eduction was as good as anywhere’s. Doesn’t seem so now.
John Cleese, 1960, first person to say ‘shit’ on British TV (definitely not British use of the word) . Don’t think he was ‘uneducated’. And, he was British, if I am not mistaken.
You may wish to reconsider your sense of what constitutes arrogance and superiority.
Downvoting someone because you don’t like The Way something was said strikes me as rather arrogant.
It’s like this: arrogance isn’t so much in the wording but in the thought behind the wording.
We all have different opinions and I certainly respect yours, as well as The Queen’s English fan that posted earlier. I have put out my thoughts on the original poster’s comment, and you have about my responses.
This is one of the great things about comments and discussion.
Oh look! All those downvotes! 😂 You’ve certainly collected yourselves a happy crowd of cornucopianist delusional btls with this hole in your understanding, Eds! Love it! Hilarious!
Do try to catch up soon, folks. Your delusions will have not the slightest effects on the Gaian corrective mechanisms. This overshoot sucker is going down, whatever nonsense you choose to believe. LOLOLOL! 😂
It’s interesting how even the most thoughtful among us have their blind spot – their “don’t go there!” space.
Covid, Ukraine, 911: just about every false flag going they see through. But they refuse (not that they can’t – they won’t) to even consider the possibility of overpopulation or climate issues.
“The climate is all sunspots” they will tell you. “The entire population of the planet could fit in the state of Texas, with room to spare” they will insist.
Wouldn’t you love to be stuck in Texas with 8 billion other humans? But not to worry: Texas has plenty of big bugs to go around.
Absolutely correct about Texas and big bugs! And let’s not forget about snakes! An abundance of nourishment for the NWO masses.
They always say “but the entire human population could fit in x amount of space and that’s tiny!” as if that’s all we are. My question is, when you take into account all the industrial, transport, agriculture, housing infrastructure along with any other human made artifacts, what space does that fill? And what resources does that use? Because that’s what “we” are and that’s what our effect on the planet is. I’ve yet to see some trees dig an open cast mine
You sound practically tumescent in your anticipation of these “Gaian corrective mechanisms”. Will you be securing a ringside table to salivate over these burning fools? Will you be undergoing spasms of ecstasy at the sound of their skin crackling or their last gasps as they go under those rising tides? Or perhaps you will be the first to jam cockroach candy down their throats and watch them squirm as you gleefully cackle?
get a life George, all of you over-consumption deniers. just sip another latte, eh..
your gibber sounds more like one of your fantasies watching leftists and WSW or whatever, burn, as you insanely repeat their mantra as parody?
or is that just the avatar?
ffs man.