JFK Assassination: 59 years of lies still haven’t buried the TRUTH
Kit Knightly

President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was not assassinated with three shots from the book depository fired by Lee Harvey Oswald. And almost all of us know it.
In opinion polls going back to November 29th 1963, just a week after the shooting, at least a sixty-percent majority has rejected the official line every single time.
In short, regarding JFK, the “crazy conspiracy theorists” make up two-thirds of the population, and always have done.
This is a good thing. A victory for truth in the face of stark odds, overcoming fifty-nine years of propaganda.
It doesn’t matter what you think of JFK the man – whether you believe he was trying to change things, or hail from the Chomsky school of “he was just like Obama” – the simple facts reflect he was killed by state agencies of his own government.
It was a coup.
We don’t need to go into the details, it has been endlessly written about, on this site and a million others.
Suffice it to say, nothing about the “official story” has ever made sense. You have to leave rationality behind to believe it.
Much like mask-usage and the “safe and effective” vaccines during the “pandemic”, embracing the mainstream story of the “lone gunman” and his “magic bullet” has passed beyond the realm of thoughts and opinions and become a tenet of a modern-day religion.
Blaming Lee Harvey Oswald is now an oath of fealty, a show of faith. A sign you are one of the initiated – the first and most debased commandment in the book of State Orthodoxy.
Question it, and you question everything. Pull on that thread and six decades of carefully crafted narratives unravel in minutes.
This is why – fifty-nine years after the fact – they are still lying about it.
Those truly responsible are more than likely all dead. The vast majority of the people living on the planet weren’t even born when it happened…and yet the deceptions still come.
Pathetic exercises in propaganda passed around by second and third generations of twisted servants of the establishment. Brainwashed children, repeating the lies their parents told them despite being surrounded by evidence of their delusion.
It would be tragic if it wasn’t so insidious. Its only saving grace is its ineptitude. (See this from the New York Post, or this from The Express).
It’s all painfully transparent. Exercises in saying, rather than believing.
A common factor in every propaganda narrative is the repetition of “the big lie”. Over and over and over again. In the case of JFK the catechism is a simple one:
Lee Harvey Oswald shot the 35th President in the back and head from the Texas School Book Depository.
The Express even uses that sentence, word for word. Not one part of this mantra has ever been proven. It’s just what you have to say.
Most tellingly it does not even reflect the official position of the US government, with the Church committee having found JFK’s death “a probable conspiracy” forty-six years ago.
As with Covid, when official sources conflict with official “truth” they are written out of the consensus. Rejected by the modern-day Council of Nicea. Left to gather dust in the archives like the gnostic gospels.
In 1992, following the release of Oliver Stone’s simply brilliant film JFK, the US Senate passed a new law, the Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act.
This law “requires that each assassination record be publicly disclosed in full and be made available in the collection no later than the date that is 25 years [after the law was passed]”.
As of October 2017 both the CIA and FBI are in breach of this law.
Politico has a long article about it, carefully explaining to everyone that it’s definitely not because they have anything to hide and they totally didn’t do it, but also acknowledging that the secrecy does feed into “corrosive conspiracy theories”.
In yet another betrayal of his “anti-establishment” image, The Donald let this slide. Biden is apparently going to pressure them to release something…but that’s just theatre.
Nothing will come of it, save perhaps a few pages of token talking points that subtly reinforce the official story.
Agencies like that won’t ever release real evidence of their own guilt, even supposing it wasn’t shredded, burned and buried next to Jimmy Hoffa decades ago.
But you know what? It doesn’t matter.
We don’t need official documents to corroborate the evidence of our own eyes, and we don’t need official permission before we can acknowledge the truth.
Let the media tell their empty stories to their dwindling readership, let their aging lies echo forever in hollow headlines.
None of us believe them. We all know what really happened, and we always have.
For a deep dive on the JFK assassination, we recommend JFK and the Unspeakable, you should also watch JFK by Oliver Stone which is a wonderfully engaging introduction to the topic. You can read all our past articles on JFK here, and Kit’s long essay on it here.
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Neville Chamberlain
I wonder if Neville Chamberlain was bumped off. His illness seems to have progressed at warp speed. More on this later.
The truth never set anybody free. It’s what you do based on knowing the truth that may set you free. And, when living under a 100% Corrupt, Cabal-Controlled, Inverted-Totalitarian, Police-State Government the ONLY thing that would set you free is said government’s total and violent eradication primarily, but not entirely, by guerilla warfare. If this action is not successfully performed, you’ve signed your death certificate.
For context, highly recommend, “America’s Last President” – What the World Lost When It Lost John F. Kennedy. ~ Monika Wiesak 2022 “The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend.” ~ Robertson Davies
Reading more about the situation that’s already known, voting, marching, protesting, quoting Jefferson, restating the situation over-and-over, bitching, commenting, when living under this level of totalitarian tyranny is the exact same thing as doing absolutely nothing.
A US President was shot down like a dog in broad daylight with millions of people watching, with complete impunity. They didn’t even bother to fake a plane/ helicopter crash or a poisoning, both CIA/ Mossad specialities.
The reason is clear – straightforward intimidation. Don’t cross us or we’ll do the same to you. We did it to Kennedy and we can do it to you.
USS Liberty and 9/11 followed. We can only expect more of the same in the future, on an even bigger scale.
Oliver Stone’s four-part documentary series JFK: Destiny Betrayed is also an eye-opener. Every step of the official story has major problems and this highlights them all.
Oh come on, how stupid can one be? Those conspiracy theoreticians are dumb and moronic fuckheads…a piece of shit has more intelligence…if you cite “The New York Post” this MAGA bullshit propaganda newspaper, you should SHUT UP and FUCK OFF!!!!
A man is known by the language he uses. You’re a man full of hate and impotent narcissism. You’re not to be taken seriously. Go out with your ANTIFA friends and throw a brick through a window. You’ll feel better.
You are a PANTIFA Pussy
You are a stupid sheep go get another booster
You can tell how far up the elites arse someone is or wants to be by asking them their opinions on the JFK assassination.
“On the trail of assassins” by Jim Garrison, recounts the only investigation of Kennedy’s murder that was ever undertaken.
Eugene Dinkin
The story of Eugene Dinkin, a US army codebrealer based in France at the time of the assassination is fascinating. Dinkin uncovered the plot by decoding cables and tried desperately to alert the authorities. He was locked up and subjected to psychiatric abuse for his efforts. (At the Walter Reed hospital in Washington DC, I think. This hospital no longer exists.)
There was another codebreaker that also intercepted cables that predicted the assassination. I forget his name but he was based in Scotland.
gU.S.govt has lied about EVERYTHING
I want to know did the USA learn their tricks from the UK or vice versa?
It’s not a conspiracy to acknowledge that at least TWO guns were in play. One that shot a round that went through body tissue and one round that blew apart tissue causing brain matter to fly everywhere. That simple fact completely negates the ‘official’ report
There were at least four shots shots. One, almost certainly fired from the Dal Tex bilding hit the pavement and created a concrete chip that hit a bystander on the cheek. It was this shot that forced Arlen Spector to concoct the magic bullet scenario. Arlen Spector ,shortly before he died, invited veteran truther Vince Salandria to dinner at a restaurant. He tried to plead incompetence rather than dishonesty. Salandria did not give Spector the satisfaction he sought.
Everything changed in Dallas that day. It was the beginning of the end of our country.
I remember that day. I was in my friends house we were practicing our dance moves, we never had the internet back then and made our own entertainment ! The TV news was on and we saw it happening. That was a dark day for everyone!
Become Ungovernable
Threatening both the (cia) and Israel (Dimona) can be hazardouis for your health
and nuff said.
Gaddafi was the first place I heard this and it makes more sense the whole Israel-Dimona plant connection
I would dare say that 9/11 was exactly the same thing. It was just a move by the deep state to get the Patriot act passed which was crucial for America to become a dictatorship. What’s 3,000 innocent lives, terrorists preach there is no such thing as innocent lives and that’s who our Government has become. And America is well on it’s way to dictatorship now that big business in on board. 9/11 Worked like a charm and it set the stage for genocide under Covid, also created by the deep state. I’m curious, was big business on board with Adolph Hitler as well? My guess would be yes. So you people keep on voting in your fake elections. Me? I take great refuge in my Bible. God help all of you.
Take comfort in old Jewish fables pushed by Christians practicing paganism some of us want to see yanks use that second amendment PROPERLY!!!!
Your constitution is a plaything used for the enrichment of the powerful and the punishment of the people.
Big business was very invested in the Hitler thing¹, from Deutschland to les États-Unis. Central banking was behind WWII, after all, as they are with most wars.
¹ Fascism in general necessitated big business to be involved in its ultranational socialism. It was just supposed to be, in theory, state-run. LOL to all that.
I keep saying this, we never defeated the Nazis we just drove them underground. They’ve infiltrated all departments of the US EU and UK governments which is why they are desperate to destroy Russia who stopped them from winning the last war!
German businessmen supported and installed Hitler because they were more afraid of Communism than Fascism..
Who had the most to gain? LBJ.
That too..
LBJ as the front man (psychopath that he was) — military industrial complex, Israel nuclear program, etc. as the cha-ching $$ winners.
Everyone needs to go listen to JFK’s American University speech.
Well, seeing the Warren Commission got it completely wrong, I would say coup.
Ask yourself, “cui bueno” or “who benefits. LBJ certainly benefited. J Edgar Hoover benefited as JFK was going to replace him after the 1964 election.
It takes 3 elements to successfully assassinate a president:
1. Means
2. Motive
3. Opportunity
The CIA, and its former director, Allen Dulles, benefited because they felt JFK had stabbed them in the back at the “Bay of Pigs.” Then JFK fired Allen Dulles, who in turn, was the chief administrator to the Warren Commission to manage and complete the coverup.
The “Anti-Castro” Cubans benefited because they too believe JFK stabbed them in the back at the “Bay of Pigs.” They thought they were led to believe the U.S. would provide air support but JFK never gave the order.
The Mafia benefited because Papa Joe Kennedy paid them to deliver Chicago so JFK could win the election. In return, the Kennedys would turn down the heat on the mob. Instead, RFK launched an even more aggressive attack on the mob.
LBJ benefited as Life Magazine was preparing an exposé to document LBJ’s corruption and graft related to the activities of his former aide Bobby Baker, and LBJ’s involvement in the frauds committed by Billy Sol Estes, a Texas con-man. The exposé was to run in the Dec 1, 1963 edition of Life. Had LBJ been exposed, he faced trial and probably a prison term instead of high national office.
LBJ realized he would never be elected to the office he coveted the most, the U.S. Presidency. As the arrogant “pip squeaks” surrounding JFK mocked LBJ and belittled him, the distance from a “heartbeat from the presidency” for a vice-president was very short for LBJ.
J. Edgar Hoover benefited because he knew that JFK would fire him after JFK was re-elected in 1964. LBJ was Hoover’s great friend who would allow Hoover’s grip on national law enforcement to continue.
“Big Oil” benefited because JFK was yielding to the Liberals in the Democrat Party to repeal the 27 1/2% Oil Depletion Allowance against Gross Revenue for every barrel produced. This was a “sacred” privilege to “Big Oil” who had delivered Texas to JFK by greasing pay-offs to George Parr in South Texas to vote the graveyards.
The Military Industrial Complex benefited because LBJ volunteered to push the United States into Vietnam. JFK approved National Security Action Memorandum #263 on Oct 11th to withdraw 1,000 U.S. Personnel by year end 1963. The memo stated a “major part of the U.S. military task can be completed by the end of 1965.” Many authors have claimed that President Kennedy planned to withdraw U.S. military forces from Vietnam and would have completed the withdrawal after achieving reelection in 1964.
LBJ wasted no time. “On November 26 [1963], Johnson approved NSAM [National Security Action Memorandum] 273, reaffirming the U.S. commitment to Vietnam and the continuation of Vietnam programs and policies of the Kennedy administration.”
Conveniently, the Honolulu Conference of senior cabinet and military officials on November 20–21 was called to review plans in the wake of the Saigon coup. The military and the CIA, however, planned to use that meeting to pull the rug from under the false optimism which some had used to rationalize NSAM 263. However, Kennedy did not himself believe that we were withdrawing with victory.
Convenient because these leaders were 4,000 miles away when JFK was murdered in Dallas.
So who had the
1. means: the VP, the FBI, the CIA, the Mafia, the Anti-Castro Cubans, Big Oil
2. Motives- outlined above
3. Opportunity- a stage was set so that the entire world could witness the murder in Dealy Plaza.
The real question is, “who didn’t kill JFK?” Answer: Lee Harvey Oswald, a minor functionary operative controlled by the CIA. Oswald was set up as the patsy. Think not?
The Christchurch Star newspaper in New Zealand, a half a world beyond the International Date Line and far away from Dallas, went to final press between 10:30 am to 11:00 am local time, which was only 3 hours after JFK was shot in Dallas. The paper had a complete front page news and feature spread on Oswald, his complete career, going to Russia then coming back, his Russian wife and his activities in New Orleans with the “Fairplay for Cuba.”
The Star put together the story in a 30 minute time frame from the announcement of Oswald’s arrest to the paper rolling off the presses. This occurred in the age of manual typesetting and creating inked molds for printing on to paper.
Fragmentary wire services and telephone calls to New Zealand were the only methods to deliver the news. The main publishing outlets in the United States were just beginning to report on Oswald at the time that the Star was published.
So how did a small newspaper in Christchurch have a complete story on the man suspected (at that time arrested only for the murder of Officer Tippet) of killing JFK?
Cover-up. LBJ and Hoover controlled it in Washington and answered the skeptical calls for a federal investigation by appointing the Warren Commission. Chief Justice Warren declined twice before Hoover twisted his arm. The goal? Whitewash the truth, pin it on Oswald, even if it took a “magic bullet” to do it.
Warren was only a figure head to give the Commission its weighty gravitas. Who was the real “manager” of the Warren Commission. The same Allen Dulles that JFK had fired from the directorship of the CIA. His friend LBJ made sure that Dulles was named to the Commission and given broad leeway in the conduct of the “whitewash.”
The United States not only suffered a traumatic event watching their president killed at noon on a sunny day in public in Dallas, its government was overthrown in a Coup d’état, meaning “the violent overthrow or alteration of an existing government by a small group.”
It was the day that government broke faith with the people and proceeded to do what is in the government’s self interest and not the people’s.
It continues today.
(numerous sources: latest read recommended is “JFK, An American Coup d’état, by Col. John Hughes-Wilson, retired British Intelligence Officer.)
excellent but you left out Dimona
Allen Dulles! Every person directly or indirectly involved in the JFK murder had a connection to him. Read “The Devil’s Chessboard”.
A retired FBI “manager” friend-of-family-member would regale us with the many fascinating events in his career. He was, back then one of the lead agents at the time of JFK’s murder. He had interviewed Oswald earlier when the guy was doing some lab rat work with Dr. Mary Sherman before the CIA murdered her. He also worshiped (there’s no other word) Dulles. One day I casually recited a list of the astonishing connections of Dulles to the coup, and his usual convivial loquaciousness turned to STONE. That was all I’ve ever needed – to know.
Very very interesting cheers for this
Fletcher Prouty
It was Fletcher Prouty that recounted the Christchurch Star episode. He was having breakfast in a restaurant that overlooked Mount Cook/Aoraki when the announcement of the assassination was made. I have been to that restaurant or perhaps one constructed later in that location. Unfortunately for me it was pouring rain with low clouds when I went there. I didn’t get to see the mountain.
Interesting. I’ve watched as many interviews with Prouty that I can find. I didn’t know he was in New Zealand at the time of the assassination. Obviously bad news travels fast if we are to believe official accounts. Prouty is an honest witness who confirms the story I learned about the newspaper publishing the profile on Oswald.
He was sent (perhaps deliberately) to Antarctica. He was on his way there or his way back.
Excellent summery.
Great summary (I don’t mean to nitpick – but it is “Cui Bono”). I would include the Israeli’s and JFK opposition to their nuclear program. A few of nuanced questions: Why did Jackie get the red roses at Love Field. but the other three stops is Texas – yellow roses? At 12:40 central time, why did CBS News/Walter Cronkite state on TV, “In Dallas, Texas three shots were fired…..”. Why not state the truth “In Dallas Texas, multiple shots were fired…?” Gaslighting anyone? Why would Oswald, trained on the M1 Garand in the Marine Corps – select the bolt-action Carcano Carbine? I own a 36″ Carcano – it is a clunky weapon.
Several people have mentioned the Israeli nuclear program. The question of why they were or were not included in the operation hinges on how closely the CIA worked with Mossad and how much the CIA trusted them. LBJ was hostile to the Israeli nuclear plan and desired to align more closely with the Arabs. The Episcopalians and the Jews on Wall Street had a complicated and not very trustworthy relationship.
George Herbert Walker worked at Brown Brothers Harriman on Wall Street in the 1920’s. The Union Banking Corporation was founded in New York in 1924 with George Herbert Walker as president. Walker made his son-in-law, Prescott Bush, another of the seed givers of GHW Bush and GW Bush, a job as a vice-president and Prescott was also a director of the bank along with Walker.
Allen Dulles entered into the picture when he joined the law firm of Sullivan and Cromwell in 1926. In 1933, both Allen and his brother John Foster Dulles attended a meeting in Germany where German industrialists agreed to back Hitler’s bid for power in exchange for his pledge to break the German unions. Allen would become the lawyer for the Thyssens’ Rotterdam bank and would also represent other German firms, including I.G. Farben.
Foreseeing the war to come in the late 1930’s, Fritz Thyssen moved large amounts of cash through his family’s Rotterdam bank and from there to the Union Banking Corporation in New York. He was aided in this by Prescott Bush, George Herbert Walker, and Allen Dulles.
The elaborate system of holding companies which Bush and Harriman had created in association with the bank started unraveling. Prescott Bush was charged with running Nazi front groups. All shares of the Union Banking Corporation were seized by the United States government on October 20, 1942 during World War II. This was done under the “U.S. Trading with the Enemy Act” and Executive Order No. 9095 signed by FDR.
Some historians believe that Allen Dulles became head of the newly formed CIA in large part to cover up his treasonous behavior and that of his clients.
JFK had worried that Israel’s nuclear program was a potentially serious proliferation risk and insisted that Israel permit periodic inspections to mitigate the danger. He put pressure on Ben Gurion to halt the program.
So how well did the Ben Gurion government in Tel-Aviv and Mossad really trust Dulles and the CIA given Dulles reputation? The question has not be definitively answered. Was the disagreement over the nuclear program strong enough for the Israelis to demand that Mossad be included in the hit job on JFK? Were tensions that high? The CIA had to consider that if Mossad flipped on the CIA, the CIA senior brass would have been in position to be blackmailed or ratted out.
I can’t read the mind of Walter Cronkite. I believe the story came to him from Merriman Smith of the AP who was riding in the press car several cars behind JFK. At what point did the media join the conspiracy? It’s unclear to me.
There were reports that a Mauser rifle was also found on the 6th floor that had been fired recently. One of the sheriff’s deputies held it up for photographs and then left the room. The Mauser was never seen again.
No ballistic tests were conducted on the Carcano in this “hide it before somebody asks” investigation. It was set up for the perpetrators to get a “clean get away” without a trace, except what was supplied on the 6th floor and the “witness” reports on Oswald. With what we know of the story, there is a pitiful amount of evidence to take anyone to trial.
There are still a hundred stories and questions that haven’t been addressed or haven’t been truthfully answered. We will always have a mystery because, even with a full release of all the documents. there will always be a redaction or a “loophole” in one document that isn’t covered in any other of the received material. Did the government hold back that important fact? Who knows?
I don’t believe we will ever get a true “smoking gun” on the truth. All we can do is hear the echo of Kevin Costner when he repeated “back and to the left” to the jury in JFK. It boils down to whether one believes all the documentation given us or we settle for what our “lyin’ eyes tell us.”
Then who did it? That’s the next question and it’s NOT a theory.
This has already been answered in the comments below.
To all the conspiracy believers, I would urge you to read Vincent Bugliosi’s exhaustive study of the JFK assassination, and the 1001 conspiracy theories. It’s called “Reclaiming History”.
” A joke told in the comparatively small anti-conspiracy community about the conspiracy buffs’ belief that just about everyone was involved in the cover-up of the assassination has them lined up in front of God at the end of time asking him, “Tell us, God, who really killed President Kennedy?” When God replies, “Listen, I’m just going to tell you one time and one time only, and then I want you to forget about this matter—Lee Harvey Oswald killed Kennedy and he acted alone,” the buffs, in terrible angst, nudge each other nervously and say, “This is a lot bigger than we thought.”
Vincent Bugliosi
Back then, the CIA had bullets that were able to traverse through JF around to the gov in the front seat. Nowdays, those folks mostly focus on the people’s choice and other enemies of the elite in DC.
The term “conspiracy theory” was popularized in the aftermath of the JFK assassination to discredit those seeking the truth. Whenever I hear someone denigrate “conspiracy theorists,” I know they’re not interested in the facts, evidence, or the truth.
BTW, how did JFK’s brains get onto the trunk of the limo, where Jackie climbed to retrieve them before she was pushed back into the car by Secret Service, if he was shot from behind?
It was part of the “single bullet theory.” Mostly contrived with pixie dust.
I watched Bugliosi present his case on a PBS documentary. It wasn’t convincing. I compared him to the dynamic attorney he was when he prosecuted Manson. The old Bugliosi was a shadow of himself and didn’t have the powers of reasoning he had back in the day. There are also people who believe the Earth is flat, but that doesn’t mean they are accurate. A dispassionate look at all the factors surrounding the JFK assassination leads to the conclusion that the full story hasn’t been told.
He framed Manson and sold 7 million copies of his fraudulent book Helter Skelter in the process.
As the wise ones often admonish us: follow the money!
An outstanding book by Donald Gibson. “Battling Wall Street: the Kennedy presidency” focuses on the banking interests and their antagonistic relations with JFK and his administration. Although EO 11110 was mentioned in Prof. Gibson’s book, published in 1996 ($4.3 billion interest–free money pumped into the economy through Treasury by way of silver–backed currency —— effectively doing an endrun around the Fed), there was no mention of Section 25 of the Federal Reserve Act as it still wasn’t well–known.
The second mention I saw of it was in Nomi Prins’ book (“All the Presidents’ Bankers” — 2014) —— President Johnson supported the amending of Section 25 of the Federal Reserve Act in 1966, thus allowing American banks to purchase foreign banks — the required step in establishing the Global Banking Cartel we now exist under today!
The first mention — although I didn’t grasp it then — was a cryptic note I read and copied at the Kennedy Presidential Library many years ago where I was doing research — basically a note by JFK referring to “DR” bothering him about Section 25 and JFK’s rejection of it?! (Had no idea about either that section nor “DR” —— but today assume that was David Rockefeller and now realize they were hounding President Kennedy about amending it —— which he refused!)
That note was dated close to his issuance of EO 11110 — and from declassified CIA documents we now know that within two weeks several CIA agents were dispatched to Lisbon to meet with assassin–for–hire, Jean Rene Souetre, and from a 1977 document mixed in with other FOIA’d declassified documents we know of the CIA expulsion order which was issued for the deportation of Jean Souetre [that French assassin/French Army deserter/escaped convict, previously contacted by the CIA] and just 18 hours after the assassination of President Kennedy in Dallas, Souetre was picked up at a Dallas holding cell by INS agent Virgil Bailey and deported out of the country. (CIA Document # 632-796)
Back in 2000, Chase Manhattan Bank (today JPMorganChase) bought Flemmings, an international bank connected to Hong Kong’s famous Jardine Flemming Bank, owned by the Flemming family who had a famous fictional author of 007 (James Bond), Ian Flemming. Ian Flemming came to DC as an assistant to the director of the UK’s MI6 to advise on the creation of the CIA many years ago.
Some five months prior to the assassination of JFK on Elm Street in Dallas, the FRBSF, or Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, experienced the disappearance of $16 million in securities, presumed to be accidentally destroyed?! The chairman then of the FRBSF was a fellow named Swan, uncle or granduncle to Robert Mueller, former special counsel who helped cover up that Russiagate Hoax (also former FBI director)!
Interesting to note that Mueller’s other granduncle (by marriage) was a fired CIA deputy director, Richard Bissell —- wonder if he knew Swan since he had married into the family?!?! (Wonder how much presidential assassinations cost back then?!)
There is a passage in one of Orwell’s lesser known novels – Coming Up For Air – first published in 1934. The main character, George Bowling, a commercial traveller, a complete cynic and full of loathing for the powers-that-be, tinned food, milk-bars, false teeth, and contemporary politics. Travelling up to London from the suburbs, he thought. ”The train was running along the embankment. A little below the roofs of the houses, these little red roofs were where the bombs are going to drop … Funny how we keep on thinking about bombs.
Of course there is no question that it is coming soon. You can tell how close it is by the cheer-up stuff in the newspapers. I was reading a piece in the News Chronicle on the train the other day – all bunk of course – where it said bombing planes can’t do any damage nowadays. The anti-aircraft guns have got so good that the bomber has to stay at twenty thousand feet.
The chap in the opposite seat thinks, however, thought that if an aeroplane is high enough the bombs wouldn’t really reach the ground! (sic) Or more likely what he really meant was that they will miss the Woolwich Arsenal and only hit places like Ellesmere Road, where I live.
Brilliant, or what!
It’s ‘or what’.
Bombers high enough that bombs would not reach the ground — were you sitting next to that genius Rep Hank Johnson who thought the Island of Guam would tip over from the weight of 8000 marines. Btw, the cognitively dim Dem Johnson is just a typical lefty.
I understand that if one wishes to rewatch Oliver Stone’s JFK, one should take care to watch the director’s cut and not the version released to the theaters.
What the f*** does this have to do with JFK? You lost me here. (Pity, because you’re right about JFK but the covid conspiracy woowoo is bollocks.)
Does seem a lot of commentators not buying the Oliver stone narrative which star’d Kevin Costner. Just like Indigenous(original) people not buying Dances with Wolves in which Kevin Costner stared and directed.
One thing Kit. You don’t know what really happened, you can’t know what really happened and if you claim to know the real truth, that makes you either as much of a charlatan as the people peddling the official lies, albeit on a smaller scale, or as deluded as the people who believe in them. Claims like the one that you make at the end of the article only serve to discredit everything that was written before it.
And I’m beginning to wonder about OG, maybe that’s the point? But to say that I know that there is something spooky going on here would put me in the realms of the charlatan or the deluded. Suspicion is not knowledge.
I think you miss the point, perhaps deliberately. No-one knows the minutiae nor do we need to. I am no lawyer but the burden of proof suggests that the only ones with the means, motive and opportunity were the Deep State (or whichever term you wish to give the CIA, MIC, Wall Street, Council of Foreign Affairs). The Masters of War (In Dylan’s phrase) had to destroy publicly anyone who dared challenge eternal war.
Finally, it is to OG’s great credit that they keep this eternal flame alight. But know this: JFK ‘s life was never in vain: he was the one man who prevented nuclear holocaust in October 1962. Talking of suspicious charlatans…if the black hat fits, why do you need an umbrella?
Thanks for injecting some highly educated thought into the matter!
The preponderance of even circumstantial evidence is quite enough. One thing for sure, a bullet cannot change trajectory.
Also, why did Brandon a few months ago extend the coverup date? Why?
It is an error of judgement to think Brandon will shed any light on the JFK coup. LBJ ordered that 75-year cover-up but he and Lady Bird will rise from their tombs and tell us before Brandon approves its opening.
The secret is America’s o.w.n. gov is the guilty party just like the 2020 coup. The American people could accept that Castro, or Krushchev, or the mafia don over Marilyn was behind it – were any of these true, the people could choose to respond or not. That is reasonable. What they could not accept would be to learn their OWN gov performed the deed.
Funny you should bring that up. I was just there recently.
Well done, Kit Knightly for once again nailing his colours to the mast. Kit also points out the one book worth all the others viz. James Douglas’ “JFK & The Unspeakable”. The fact that they had the sang froid to conduct the Coup in plain sight and in certain knowledge that they would get away with it – despite all the holes in the evidence – shows how corrupted the world has been for a very long time. There is a strategy coined by Lord Alfred Milner (architect of WWI) which deployment is becoming ever more apparent with each succeeding psy-op “Ignore the Screamers” i.e. the voices of truth and reason. However, the fact that “we are many, and they are few” gives me some crumb of consolation.
The JFK murder was a false flag and set the rules for the modern false flag. It was executed (pardon the pun) by the “real government,” and had a patsy ( Lee Harvey).
Yes, Rev. Douglass’ book was an outstandingingly brilliant work of real investigative research and effort, my favorite among many along with Donald Gibson’s “Battling Wall Street: the Kennedy presidency” —– another one, by Canadian academic and former journalist, Andrew Cohen (“Two Days in June”) captured the humanist spirit of JFK and his administration which ran counter to the Eisenhower and LBJ administrations!
Another brilliant piece is this article below:
My Mother told me that my Father told her in the early 70’s that people will buy bottled water, pay for tv, shop & send messages from their computers in their homes & carry pocket computers to watch news & send messages on. He worked for Westinghouse. A Military Industrial Complex Contractor. He died in 1988 when I was 18. He said that the Warfare State Party was Strong Internationally & Weak Domestically. And that the Welfare State Party was Strong Domestically but Weak Internationally. But they Both Agreed upon a Police State. That meant nothing to me when I was Young. Today I see it clearly. Wow!
After 2008 banking bailout we noticed on forums / comment boards just before the benefit street Mockumentarys came out, there was 1000’s of comments that would appear literally saying what you said Spooner.
Eventually we learnt they was either bots or soulless people on 6£$ euro+ a hour hired by the state paid for by the taxpayer to blame the poor on behalf of the rich.
Nudging and blaming.
Sorry Kit Knightly, this article is not accurate at all, and Oliver Stone’s film is a gigantic piece of misinformation and distraction, distracting people away from who really killed JFK: the MOSSAD with the aid of the CIA; it wasn’t even an ‘inside job’ as many parrot out there, it was an israeli Mossad job, because JFK didn’t want Israel to have nuclear capability!!! Simple as!!!
I’m attaching a link for anyone who wants to read the best book ever written about this subject: “Final Judgement” by Michael Collins Piper:
Yes a big Mazel tov to Kit & the Caboodlers here at OffGuardian who help bury the truth.
The CIA had a litany of reasons to make it happen. The Israeli angle could be one of those “worthy causes.” However, it was by no means the only cause for JFK’s murder. He and RFK had made a myriad of enemies each with their axe to grind.
I believe that the reason for the assassination of Kennedy was because he wanted to close down the CIA and the Federal Reserve bank.
Those motives moved the CIA to action in concert with the mob, the Cubans and the war hawks. It’s also been theorized that the real target was RFK but had he been killed first, JFK had the power to hunt down his killers. So they went for the top man. All to say that each group interested in toppling the Kennedy government had ample reason to do so.
My mother gave me one history lesson as a boy: ‘History is written by the winners’.
The rulers create the propaganda that shapes minds.They promote ‘historians’ who ‘analyse’ in the way they want them to. Just look at Andrew Roberts, now Lord Roberts courtesy of Bojo’s Honours List. They look for ‘media personalities’ who plug desired lines. They groom them, promote them and use them.
‘Being ambitious’ and seeking the truth are non-compatible activities in this day and age in the West. If you want to be ambitious, you learn to conform to the propaganda and mantras of the age. You consider truth to be an optional extra, easily expendable if needs must. And needs must pretty much all the time, to be honest…..
It was ever thus: the definition of a diplomat is someone ‘lying abroad for their masters’. It used to be ‘lying abroad for my country’, but nowadays, the interests of the country are never the interests of the masters.
The other point about history is that it is viewed differently in different countries of the world. You go learn about WW I in Austria, you learn a very different story to UK Propaganda.
You go talk to Serbians, you won’t in general hear US neoconservative claptrap. They saw things differently.
The current PTB have engineered a societal infantilisation around false binaries akin to being 8 year old gang members. Them vs us, right vs wrong, every other kind of childish over-simplification. I’m amazed people put up with it, but put up with it they do….
Additional excellent reading about the assassination would be Best Evidence by David Lifton and On the Trail of the Assassins by Jim Garrison.
So Jack Ruby aka Jacob Rubenstein, whoremaster, petty gangster, gun-runner to Israel and Meyer Lansky’s pawn – took a pistol into the Dallas Police basement and shot Oswald because he wanted to save ” Mrs. Kennedy the discomfiture of coming back to trial”.
What a nice man.
Anyone speculating that Ruby was really working for arch -Zionist Lansky and Israel is obviously anti-semantic.
Anti-semantic, against words?
the simple facts reflect he was killed by state agencies of his own government.
Why don’t the simple facts reflect that he was killed by the Mossad/Israeli Govt? Kennedy wanted to stop Dimona: He was too friendly with the Arabs: He was not controlled:
Johnson however allowed Israel to get the nuke and allowed them to destroy the USS Liberty:
Ruby is a bad fit with the “killed by state agencies” thesis.I don’t see any agency risking such a pivotal role, a virtual suicide mission, to a petty hood like Ruby. Ruby owed Lansky big-time, he was dead man walking.
Rubenstein worked as an investigator for a Rep. Richard Nixon on the House Select Committee on Un–American Activities (declassified FBI dcoument is source of this).
Also, Ruby was supposed to have run guns with the future mayor of Dallas, Earle Cabell, in the Caribbean for the CIA at one time.
If they can get away with World War 1 then 2.
then killing JFK was a piece of piss.
If you haven’t seen the film “JFK and 911 Everything is a Rich Mans Game” I suggest you watch it….The idiot box has seriously made idiots out of all of us! If we throw all of the tvz out , who will they lie to?
Oswald’s time in the USSR has to have been an intelligence operation. “Oswald” taught himself Russian and spoke it with a distinct regional accent? Who can buy this as remotely plausible?
When one eliminates the impossible, what’s left must be true however implausible – the man who went to the USSR was not the birth Oswald but a replacement, probably from a White Russian family. The Oswald family’s weird brief move to New York City was a good opportunity for a switch of identities.
Unsure of all the murky details, but overall agree with you!
His Marine radar team platoon mates in Japan never recall Oswald ever speaking or studying Russian, yet endless stories to the opposite have been published!
The photo Oswald’s older brother had of him bore no resemblance to the Oswald we see today in photos and the only other photos were in his school records — which were hand delivered to the FBI, which THEY PROMPTLY LOST, like they LOST Mac Wallace’s fingerprint, and Hunter’s laptop and Seth Rich’s laptop and those 21 evidence exhibits from the Charles Lieber trial and . . .
Oswald, the later one we see, sure did have lots of relatives proficient in Russian — most peculiar???
The top end stuff is mainly brought by the parasites.
bespoke items not the shit they sell in the city shops to the fashion eason clueless.
The outrage hasn’t made national news including it counterpart new alt mucus like the whole Cain o of the west did.
It goes to show what is deemed important.
The French fashion label Balenciaga has apologised for an ad campaign which featured young children holding teddy bears which had been dressed in Bondage gear.
Wow.The Elites just can’t keep it under wraps.What a wierd ad campaign.
Pushing the boundaries again. Bondage will follow drag. And what is it with those wine/champagne glasses in the image on the left?
I wholeheartedly recommend: JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man’s Trick
I am not endorsing it exactly, but it certainly puts a fresh spin on multiple points, as well as being excellent.
There is some interesting info in that video but overall repeats the 6M trope without question, doesn’t inform who were the ‘bankers’ who funded Hitler or mention that the same people were also behind the Russian revolution.
It talks about the Nazi’s but this time the American Nazi’s without ever providing any context into perhaps who or why. Interesting but limited….
Excellent points —- on the American/Nazi angle: over 3,000 were brought to America under Operation Paperclip, with some of them placed at the CIA (and in their MK ULTRA program) —– wonder where their children/grandchildren are today?
(CIA, DoJ, DHS, State and a national security advisor with a non–Germanic sounding name of Jake Sullivan!)
CIA incorporated wholesale Eastern European intelligence networks rebranding the Nazi network as BND while controlling the overall infrastructure. The only thing that really changed was the name.
And of course provided the basis for Gladio.
My thanks to other readers who have posted reference to Mr Kennedy’s address. An excerpt: >
“It requires a change in outlook, a change in tactics, a change in missions–by the government, by the people, by every businessman or labor leader, and by every newspaper. For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.
Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. It conducts the Cold War, in short, with a war-time discipline no democracy would ever hope or wish to match.”
President John F. Kennedy
Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York City
April 27, 1961
Mr Kennedy was of course, referring to the CIA and other such agency.
The most often played portion of his speech contains your quote. ““We are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies and secret oaths and secret proceedings but we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence on infiltration instead of invasion on subversion instead of elections on intimidation instead of freedom of choice. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources for the building of a tightly knit highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed and not published. Its mistakes are buried not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. That is why the Athenian lawmaker Sola decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy. And I am asking your help in the tremendous task of informing and alerting the American people. Confident that with your help man will be what he was born to be, free and independent.”
JFK was addressing the major media of the Eastern Establishment. One has to believe that he knew that the vast majority of the attendees were the creators of that highly efficient machine. Either he was a man of great courage in making that address, or he was naïve to believe that his words would have impact to change the direction of their efforts.
This speech is one of those clues that JFK made public about the battles that he was engaged in behind the curtains. The way in which he was executed warned the inhabitants of Congress and future executives in the White House that there were lines that couldn’t be crossed; that markers and boundaries had been set. Anyone stepping outside them did so at their own peril and risk. As I said in my original posting here, the successful coup d’etat occurred in broad daylight at high noon. It was the day that government stopped putting the interest of the people as the priority and have only looked after its own self interest since that day.
Yes. Mr Kennedy’s speech was aimed toward a number of topics, particularly the needed participation of the media. The media in the United States was hijacked by persons such as JP Morgan and Rudolf Hearst via Hearst Communications. There were also various Hollywood studios involved, and the CIA advised the content of many major hits…
There were “other” operatives and players involved in the hijack of our freedoms, and Mr Kennedy knew who these operative individuals were. Thanks for posting.
DaLimbraw Library has archived articles on many topics by various authors since its inception, here’s a word search on JFK – https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/search?q=JFK&updated-max=2022-11-21T08:23:00-08:00&max-results=20&start=0&by-date=false&m=1 – a list of headnotes.
I was 13-years-old when the Warren Commission explained quite empathically that I was going to have to start believing in a “Magic Bullet” if I hoped to grow up to be a good American. Thus I stopped being a “good American” at a rather tender age. The magnitude of being told to accept that the laws of physics don’t apply “if the government says they don’t” has resonated down through the decades to resurface in the case of the 9/11 building collapses. And now of course we see the same “if the government says so” approach applied in dismissing the basic scientific evidence available from the biological and medical sciences in the case of Covid and the “safe and effective” vaccines. In some ways the very public assassination of JFK was a sort of “mass vaccination” of the collective psyche of the entire American populace against “the very idea” that we could EVER TURN AGAINST WAR and the war machine. Seen in this light it is perhaps the most effective “vaccine” campaign in American history.
“Magic Bullet” is like the circuit breaker, 2 meter rule or asymptomatic.
It essentially aimed at thoses who have had 5 magic bullets and still caught covid via the magic bullet PCR tests.
The “Magic bullet” theory was invented by Arlen Specter.
“Everything I ever asked him to do to help Israel, he did, from linking Palestinian aid to compliance with Oslo; to fighting Arab terrorists; to supporting moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem; to opposing Strobe Talbott, a hostile Israel critic, for Undersecretary of State. (Few knew that two of his sisters were Orthodox, with one living in Israel.) Specter was Israel’s best friend among the 13 Jewish senators.” – Morton A. Klein, president of the Zionist Organization of America.
Listen to JFK issue his dire & direct threat to the most dangerous secret society of them all..
Maybe it was the Mafia.
The bankster mafia.
Yep. The Kosher Nostra.
It’s not spam.
It was edited a couple of times for clarity’s sake. That’s all.
This week Iceland is in on the subterfuge and distraction act too, this time with fairly obvious political motives. Reminds me of the “brutal attack” at the Capitol building recently. Here’s a report from grapevine.is (my bold text) :
“Shortly after a group stabbing was reported at Bankastræti Club over the weekend, videos of the incident found their way to some Icelandic media outlets, some of whom shared them. The brutality of the attack has prompted Minister of Justice to repeat his call for expanding police powers.
Vísir now reports that the video of the attack was most likely leaked by someone who works within the police department.
Two videos were leaked to the press, both of which were phone recordings of a computer screen. The person holding the phone does not exactly have a steady hand, and the video is not fullscreened, so some of the desktop shortcuts on the monitor can be seen. Amongst these is the shortcut for LÖKE, which is the national police registration system.
The police chief confirmed for reporters that it does appear as though the videos were leaked from within the police department. This would be a serious breach of confidential materials, he said, adding that he was “very displeased” with the leak and that the matter would be investigated fully.
What purpose someone in the police might have for leaking surveillance footage of a violent attack is unclear, but the Minister of Justice has pointed to the incident in his continued objective to expand police powers, having declared “war against organised crime” last Monday.”
Well, my impression is that the attack was only superficially “brutal”, and that the principal “victim” conveniently goes out of frame, while the camera is actually perfectly steady – this particular clip looks like CC footage. The “attackers” enter the room with apparently no idea of what they want, looking like kids who have been told to act as if they are breaking into a room, rummaging about a bit, and “attacking” somebody.
I saw no obvious stabbing, no blood, and certainly nobody lying on the ground looking injured – not even slightly.
I also have to say that the TV reporting of this incident over the past few days has been ridiculously suspicious, with the police spokesman’s behaviour furtive, obstructive and reticent. (in the interests of ‘national security’, anyone?)
I detest such bad acting, whether it’s Hollywood or our local ‘authorities’, and heaven knows we have been exposed to enough decades of Hollywood to know the difference between decent acting/directing and childish tomfoolery.
The producers of this farce are clearly convinced that we do NOT know the difference, and in any case I’m sure they don’t care. The only thing that matters is to get that “call for expanding police powers” narrative out there.
JFK Assassination just like ‘Epstein didn’t kill himself‘ implies they died, which they didn’t, standard cointel.
At last, banana has succinctly peeled back the matter to its heart. Sadly, Kit Knightly (a writer I generally admire) appears to have fallen into the same mantrap as all the other commenters who seem to blithely accept that JFK died on that day, and that “assassination” is the correctly applied nomenclature. The shoddy photo-‘evidence’ alone should paint another tale to any serious analyst, and for those of us who have delved further than one or two books or TV/Movie ‘documentaries’ into the subject, the whole issue still has to be left wide open. I would have hoped for an Off-Guardian article to, at minimum, offer the suggestion that one of the options is that JFK could have been party to the PSYOP/hoax/whatever, and whether or not that was the case, and/or he was/wasn’t killed – it seems clear to many of us that he did not die as a consequence of any gunshot administered during that particularly cited cavalcade. And… as to being recommended by Off-G to watch an Oliver Stone movie – well, words fail me.