New study blames VAXXED deaths on the UNVAXXED…because they cause anxiety. Seriously.
Kit Knightly

Two unvaccinated people attacking the heart of a vaccinated person.
I mean, the headline says it all really. A study published in August in the Journal of BioMedicine actually claims in its abstract:
Fear mongering and misinformation being peddled by people with no scientific training to terrorise people into staying unvaccinated is not just causing people to remain susceptible to viral outbreaks, but could also be causing more side effects seen in the vaccination process. This brief review will offer data that may demonstrate that misinformation perpetuated by the anti-vaccination movement may be causing more deaths and side effects from any vaccine.
Yes, apparently all those people suddenly dropping dead of heart attacks and strokes are being stressed into it by us anti-vaxxers warning them about heart attacks and strokes.
Now, if you’re thinking that’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever heard…well, you’re wrong. He’s done the research:
A mini review of published literature has been conducted and found that mental stress clearly causes vasoconstriction and arterial constriction of the blood vessels. Therefore, if subjects are panicked, concerned, stressed or scared of the vaccination, their arteries will constrict and become smaller in and around the time of receiving the vaccine.
See, they’re not dying because the vaccine gave them a heart attack…they’re dying because they were afraid it might.
Brilliant logic. And a sound argument for taking warnings off cigarettes and taking all the anti-alcohol ads off the TV. Just think how many people died of alcohol related heart problems because they were scared of alcohol.
…You don’t need me to tell you how absurd this is.
By far the most ridiculous explanation for vaccine-caused heart attacks yet, and that includes high energy bills and “post-pandeimc stress disorder”.
It’s been a rough couple of years for The ScienceTM, but this is a new low.
A shout-out to Mark Crispin Miller for featuring this study on his substack Notes From the Underground. A great read and a highly recommended subscribe.
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The study is bafflingly unscientific, because even if there were a possible stress mechanism, there’s no study group to show that it happened/how often it happened, and no testing arm where people signed up declaring that anti-vaxxers scared them beforehand. What if they were stressed because they were coerced and actually didn’t want it themselves?? Can we use this hypothesis to blame mandates then??
It was so infantile that I scrolled down to the bottom of the paper. Raymond D Palmer is seemingly not a doctor but is Chief Science Officer of Full Spectrum Biologics, whose website sells supplements, and the About page states “We are a team of experts with decades long experience in the herbal supplement and pharmaceutical industry.”
Also note at the bottom of the article:
“Articles from BioMedicine are provided here courtesy of China Medical University”
A quick search showed that China Medical University (CMU) was the first medical school established by the Chinese Communist Party.
SO tired of the newspeak word, “misinformation”, which really means, “saying things we don’t like”. And I really had to laugh out loud at the inclusion of “fearmongering”, which is exactly what TPTB have been doing since the start of the whole thing. They love to accuse others of exactly what they, themselves are doing. How do people not see the hypocrisy?
Gordon Bennett, as the author of this article says “a new low”!
Biomedicine was only started in 2020 by the looks of things.
It says about itself “BioMedicine, is a double blind peer-reviewed journal”.
So a case of blind in both eyes or blind leading the blind. There’s none so blind as those that can’t see.
Hardly worth troubling oneself with such tosh.
Once one wakes up to the whole virus and viral fraud, one then puts this whole picture together. It is nothing but a vast swindle. Iodine and a healthy Biome are proof of this Massive Tax payers Fraud. Never fear myths, rather fear a plate full of industrial garbage
There is also no statistical epidemiological data supporting that we ever went through a ‘pandemic’ of any sort – meaning there is no evidence that significantly more people than average were sick in 2020-21.
If, and it’s a big ‘if’ for me, but IF we also accept viruses just don’t exist then we are essentially discussing a big fat nothing burger, and listing alternative medical treatments in your reply (iodine, biome) becomes doubly redundant 😆
I point this out not to be a pedant and an asshole, but to acknowledge how easy it is for us to accidentally give concessions to the narrative that’s been on repeat for almost three years.
By accommodating a NEED to treat SOMETH8MG, sans empirical evidence that anything actually needed to be treated, then we give ground to the propaganda narrative. I do it myself all the time, it’s so easy.
The virus is the pandemic of lies over the ‘flu turned into a monster caused by ‘advertising’ a.k.a. medical Nazi propaganda.
Virology is fundamentally flawed as current theory came out of Germ-many hence foolish Germ theory.
If virus is anything, then it is the exosome, part of the body’s own defense mechanism, hence the confusion all these years, trying to fight the very system trying to keep us well.
Yeah but I do think there are contagious diseases, personally, based on my own observations, quite aside from the science. You can say it’s all in our head as easily as you can say ‘there is no spoon’, but this ought to be testable. Have any proponents of terrain theory conducted controlled experiments?
Presumably there are ways to test the hypothesis? If a person were around someone who had a ‘disease’, for instance, and didn’t know it, would they ever become sick themselves? I think I’ve seen this. I think it’s happened to me,
I personally think that in order for terrain theory to fit observable, day-to-dat reality our brains must be working on such a subconscious level that, regardless of the mechanism of apparent contagion, it’s a distinction without a difference, two ways of describing observable reality and therefore interchangeable.
If I became ill because my mind had ordered a detox based on having ‘caught’ an impulse to detox from the outside world, is that really any different from becoming ill because I caught a germ which attacked me? I’d use the same methods to avoid the illness. I’d boost my body’s health by eating nutritious, cleansing foods. I’d avoid being around ‘sick’ people for fear of triggering my own detox. I’d keep things clean, again for fear of triggering my own detox. If enough people detoxed at once, a ‘pandemic’ if you will, it would spread like a wave in the same sort of way.
I suppose the difference is it’d all be in our mind.
So could we practise preventative infectious medicine with Terrain theory, if contagion and ‘disease’ are illusions of the mind? You’d have to keep your body as healthy as possible, sure, but other than that, how to avoid ‘catching’ things? How to ‘vaccinate’? How to get ‘immunity’? Essentially, how to trick our mind into not running a detox cycle if given the right cues from others?
Well, if contagion is in our mind, when it comes to mind over matter all bets would be off. We could use any method we wanted, provided we believed it would work. Wouldn’t have to be scientifically-based, wouldn’t have to be rational, wouldn’t have to be consistent.
So masks might help. And vaccines and social distancing and lockdowns. And any kind of snake oil from anywhere would do the trick, if you believed it and it wasn’t toxic. Injections or supplements or crystals or prayer or fasting or ritual blood sacrifice. The process of warding off ‘contagion’ would be a subconscious, cognitively dissonant process. As soon as it became a conscious act of self deception it’d cease to work.
Preventative treatment of infectious disease in terrain theory, in this medicalised Inception movie, would essentially become eating a healthy diet and hunting for the next placebo. Seeking a series of totems to ward off our subconscious urge to detoxify. A battle with our own subconscious, a subconscious that isn’t always protecting us, it can rise up and kill us…
The detoxification process is not something purely natural and wholesome, despite how it sounds. If you aren’t careful you’ll detox so hard you’ll die. Kids can detox to death more easily than adults, and more often in the past… (I guess because kids’ ability to have faith in arbitrary remedies was less developed back then? I’m not so sure about that one. But anyway…)
So, wear a mask, take a vaccine, live in isolation, wear a sheep’s hoof on your head, put live slugs in your armpits… if we believe it helps, if we can trick our subconscious, it may save our life. Any witchdoctory will do. So throw out a bunch of cognitively dissonance nonsense and see what sticks.
PS. Maybe we HAVE been endangering people by bursting their placebo bubbles?
PPS. In a terrain theory universe, in order to prevent ‘infection’ and trick our subconscious mind out of sympathetically detoxing too often and potentially risking our life, we would ALWAYS need a set of mythological beliefs in order to contain our subconscious. Resisting ‘contagion’ would essentially be resisting our own minds and our own tendency to be influenced by others, and this would be a constant risk as long has we were around others. The mythological beliefs would be necessary because it would be impossible to do this consciously, as impossible as attempting to think about NOT thinking about something. Our subconscious is highly suggestible and it doesn’t process grammar. If we tell ourselves ‘don’t be influenced, don’t get sick’ our subconscious may just hear we ‘get sick’ and ‘be influenced”. Terrain theory medicine becomes more about manifesting a set of affirmations, which is a fantasy by its very nature. Therefore we need a whole elaborate psychosis covering not only the ‘symptoms’ but also the cause of those symptoms. A set of mythological proxies to our subconscious. Be it bad humours, viruses, spirits, demons, curses, displeased gods etc…. Doctors are essentially handmaidens to this belief system, whose sole job is to reinforce that belief. One of the roles of society is to help broadcast this belief system, our part of the social contract is to help reinforce it. None of it need make any logical sense, it just needs to be believed (although if it appears logical it’ll be easier to believe). Covid protocol didn’t need to make sense. As with all past plagues, Covid was a potentially deadly Mexican wave of sympathetic detox. The myths which sprung up around it, which changed from one minute to the next, were essential to avoiding being swept up in that wave (in which case, since we saw basically no evidence of an pandemic, maybe it worked extremely well?).
PPPS. If universally adopted overnight, would terrain theory burst all protective placebo bubbles of affirming psychosis currently in use? Would this be akin to taking antibiotics away overnight? Would our minds surge out of control? If terrain theory’s answer for contagion is correct, perhaps it can never be acknowledged consciously, or the plague to end all plagues would occur?
PPPPS. When we ‘catch’ sympathetic detox from others, do we also ‘catch’ the symptoms? In past plagues and epidemics widespread symptoms are reported. Are we psyching ourselves into these horrible trends based on observation alone? Blackened skin and bubos, or a scarlet bumpy rash, or a hacking cough and bleeding from the lungs? Are these only the latest in subconscious detox fashion?
PPPPPS. Processing the reality of terrain theory would become so meta, so self-referencing, so self-aware that I think we could possibly all go mad just trying to deal with it on a day-to-day level XD
Any bully effect can cause serious issues that may lead to disorders in health. Vaccinated or not, the idiot bullies exist in both camps.
The reality is there is no vaccine and hence there is no vaccinated. There is just the dimwits that believe what ever they are told. The sheep run both ways.
polymorphic semantics
True that idiot bullies exist in both camps, however, at least persuading someone not to take a vaccine better than persuading someone to take a vaccine.
There is a vaccine, just that all vaccines ever are basically the same. If not saline, then toxic to varying degree. Call them what you will, they are all plain pointless at best otherwise Nazi.
In April 2020 (when there was no vaccination and the entire scamdemic was at the beginning) I published an article, in Romanian, „The placebo effect and the nocebo effect. The criminal nature of panic makers”
Translation from this article:
„In the context of the COVID-19 hysteria, I think one thing should be remembered: The best defense against COVID-19, but also against other diseases, is a good immune system. Mental state influences the immune system. You tell a patient with COVID-19 that this virus is nothing and, through the placebo effect, you help the patient to heal. You tell a sick person with COVID-19 that this is a terrible killer virus, and through the nocebo effect, you help the sick person die. You destroy people’s psyche through the restrictions imposed by the state of emergency and the collateral problems it causes (economic insecurity, fear) and, through the nocebo effect, you kill people who do not have the virus but have other diseases. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and those who created the covid hysteria, some of them may be sincerely convinced that they are saving lives through the measures adopted, are actually killing more lives than they are saving”.
As I see, the idea that fear-mongering can kill people is again accepted. But the main fear-mongering came from those who started the covid hysteria and from the governments. WHO is telling that we need to be prepared for the future pandemics. They already are preparing future fear-mongering.
On a more serious note, is there a new pandemic already with us. Its early days but health statistics appear to show a very significant increase in cardiology cases which are affecting the Covid vaccinated population.
Don’t know but good. Let the herd fucking die from their fucking vaccine! They watched TV and BELIEVED WHAT IT SAID! Why is anyone concerned that someone that watches BBC news at 6 with sincerity is dying?!
Funny how the unvaccinated aren’t dropping dead, even though they are exposed to much more stress — fear-mongering on a greater scale via the media and government, and threats and job-loss on top of that. Must be something about having a non-poisoned immune system.
all the homeless streetsmart I know are still around. They stayed out .)
I wonder if the people who manufactured this study realize they just removed any justification for the government to scare us about anything.
Perhaps that was the point, see if there are still the Stupid wandering around the Net who will believe Biomedicine’s article.Anybody who hasn’t go it now must be a lost cause. Still, I keep saying to people, don’t take the vaccines, they won’t do you any good.
Stupid 20 is still around and will no doubt mutate next year. Biomedicine’s article must be the first sign of this. Stupid 20 is getting seriously deadly!!!
Sounds quite plausible to me. We must follow the science. Personally, I believe firmly that when all the scientists discovered that global warming, covid and earthquakes were all the result of a conspiracy by unvaxxed leprechauns, they were clearly on to something big. And there’s no smoke without fire. We must fight for all our freedumbs and follow the science, because those are our democratic values and that’s just who we are. Once we all have non stop gay anal sex with rainbow coloured dildos all round, and as many child trannies eating bugs as possible, then all these problems should resolve themselves in short order.
SCIENCE is now a curse word to me.
if the court(s) can equally and equitably find and penalise all psychological damage and attacks on dignity then it is a great news for humanity, for all politicians (99% of them), as well as the Covid-19 campaign architects and their minions, will receive multiple life sentences each.
Just make it death sentences please. Unless it is the lake of fir for ever more.
With Science© like this, who needs Comedy™? (And after all, the profound biochemical changes that laughter induces ~ especially in the more contagious stages~ could be moral & legal grounds for new mandates & even newer”vaxxines”. Seriously!)
Here’s my “mini review”. Sure when you are stressed your vassals constrict. But before your heart stops, there’s gonna be a violent reaction in your body to keep you alive by fixing that pronto… few minutes or a glass of scotch should help you pass through that discomfort. Of course if you’re attacked by an underlying condition, say, clogged arteries or a poisonous vaccine, you might not survive any stress… like being a 22 yo athlete and running after that ball for a couple of minutes.
If anyone is and was terrorising anyone it was the vaxxed, the masked, etc who were doing the terrorising. In some countries the level of gaslighting and even abuse by the C-cult was so intense that it violated the existing national laws – but no-one cared.
As for fearmongering, it was the government, the unelected ‘health’ officials and the mainstream media who scarred the majority witless, certainly not those with a more careful stance.
Inversion is the Cult’s MO.
I am still in awe, if an inverted version, of how quickly this global cult formed, by the billons? And it has the rigid tenacity of some other cults we’ve seen.
A spirit?
My thinking is that this was not a sudden development; these were the people who had just not woken up all along, either due to blissful ignorance or naivety for some of them, or due to wilful ignorance based largely in greed and selfishness for others.
Reason I say this is because not everyone who complied was nasty during the media-led witch hunt of the dissenters. Many, many, in my country were still generous and inclusive (in the real sense of the word). Though the ugly little helpers of fascism were certainly out in force more obviously in other countries. Germany comes to mind and, in the USA, those screeching, New Woke SJWs.
Germany is the visible root of the problem. Many in USA have Germanic roots. Blind obedience to authoritative rulers part of the psyche.
Nazis remained in Germany after WW2, and many went to the USA after the war, although there were those already there.
The spirit of the air, the air waves plus neuro-toxic poisoning of bodies.
Did you know the covid/vaccine cult has its own church service allegedly?
There’s an advert running on Australian TV featuring a large inflated Santa.
He becomes deflated, so his owner, an elderly woman, gives him a blowjob to reinflate him. The footage of the blowjob was cut from the ad on the advice “not in front of the children !”
Too hysterical for words. I’ve been ‘terrorized’–by non-Scientifics for not Getting Jabbed! Nope. I use my brain & do Independent research!
“The lunatics really are running the asylum, and should you dare to call out their madness, they’ll have you put in a straitjacket and injected with tranquilizers. It’s long past time to steal the keys and escape this nuthouse. And if there’s any spirit left in us, we’ll leave the asylum burning behind us.” (Joe Allen, from JOEBOT’s Singularity Weekly)
Medical Ethics and the COVID Pandemic. Give People “Morality Pills”
I don’t know how many times it has been repeated but the female fertility rates has been in decline for last 50 years. That has certainly been the case in the northern hemisphere but offset in Africa; but even there it has been in decline.
What explains the change in the number of children women have?
And don’t forget neuro-toxic big pharma drugs.
A substantial number of Embalmers from different parts of the world are now noticing a unique and never seen before phenomenon relating to cardiovascular problems & sudden deaths.
And there’s a newish documentary/interview with several embalmers and doctors who have documented what’s going on with that. The film is called Died Suddenly.
It’s worth following Robert Malone on gettr to help with perspective regarding Stew Peters and the film ‘Died Suddenly’.
There is a new version of the film which corrected a couple of minor errors and cut out most of the footage speculating as to motive for introducing harmful vaccinations. Malone and Kory have a primordial fear of being seen as “not serious”, and often seem motivated to act as gatekeepers of the vax freedom movement.
O.K. That’s an interesting comment. From what I could tell Kory is a top notch doctor and in that regard a very serious fellow. Otherwise he seems to be a rather humorous fellow in interviews I have watched. I can’t say about his fears. Malone appears to be a tireless worker. I don’t know about his fears either. From what I understand Malone was attacked by the Breggin’s for supporting the ideas of mass psychosis as presented by Desmet. Also as far as I interpreted Malone’s position was that certain people tried to play some dirty tricks or at least picked a fight with him perhaps to draw more attention to themselves. I’m no expert on all that but Malone seems like a genuinely sincere guy. I’ll try to stay open minded about your comment regarding their gate keeper motivations.
Accused of “Corona Insanity”: Swiss Doctor Locked Away in Mental Asylum for Speaking Against COVID Laws, April 2020
The pot calling the kettle black
It is interesting that in this strange twist of vaccine harm denial. It is only now that the nocebo effect is proffered as a thing. Yet not so when the world governments, experts and media were convincing whole world populations of a supposed new and deadly virus sweeping the world. They were happy enough to be stoking fear with constant death toll updates. Not to mention continually fear mongering over there being no cure and almost certain death if contracted. Oh and of course the carriers of death who don’t even know they are killing everyone in their wake and needed tests to tell them so.
Criminal in every way.
Virologist at the University of Michigan, Dr Almyra Oveta Fuller, 67, died suddenly recently. Interestingly, this clip from Michigan TV station, WDIV, from a year ago which talks about how Dr Fuller initially said no to the Pfizer jab (although eventually that’s the one she got) has comments turned off.
However, this clip, which has a story about her death does not have comments turned off even though most of the comments are not sympathetic – see examples below.
It’s sad when a person passes away but it is equally sad when “we the people” fail to recognize the reason she passed. She was probably unknowingly complicit in the largest crime against humanity. Let her passing not be in vain. Expose and prosecute those that are alive and who continue to push this toxic sludge into the arms of loyal Americans.
This is very sad news for her family. May she rest in peace. That being said, I can’t help but not reflect upon the sadness other members of the U. of M family have experienced as well these past two years. The University of Michigan, along with many other colleges and universities, forced experimental jabs upon students as a condition for enrollment! That was/is an unforgivable violation of the FDA’s own regulations for EUA approved medical products, and a violation of the Nuremberg code.
RIP. How many shots, batch number please.
‘DIED SUDDENLY’ after ‘brief unknown illness’.
It’s just so SADS.
The best part about being a conspiracy theorist is not getting myocarditis.
For six thousand years there hasn’t been any real consequence for the average coward who sides with corruption in high places…. until now.
A lesson to all people who trust wildly corrupt institutions.
That is so sad. She died 1 day before the documentary “DIED SUDDENLY” is coming out. What booster shot# was she on?
Boosted her way to the afterlife realm.
Go to Openvaers to look at the “legacy” she left and is now a part of.
Doctors are baffled.
ABV. Anything But the V. Wake up people.
we non jabbers aren’t dying suddenly
It wasn’t covid related, but maybe jab related?
Couldn’t have happened to a more relevant person, oh wait, Fauci is still around. [My comment: there’s no way he’s had it, at least she ate her own dog food.]
“Doctors are baffled.” Most mainstream doctors are ignorant morons. I have suffered from their incompetence. I have no sympathy with doctors who take the vaxxes without critical thinking and common sense. I worked it out, and I am not a doctor, so they should.
Too ridiculous for words … but with this sort of thing the insanity never ends it just goes on and on.
I just posted this on FB and as I have a feeling it will be hidden or removed I thought I’d post it here:
The consequences of buying the narrative.
You must accept without question:
14, 7, whatever number days quarantine
14, 7, 11 whatever number days isolation
Masks inside, masks outside, masks inside some places
Enforced testing
Enforced jab 1x, 2x, 3x, 4x, whatever number
Banned visiting of sick loved ones in hospital, nursing homes
Banned visiting of sick loved ones in hospital, nursing homes if unjabbed
Loss of job if unjabbed
I’d really hate to be in the position where I felt I had to go along with whatever controls were enforced because I went along with the basic premise. I’d really, really hate to be in that position.
Because I rejected the narrative from Day One in a sense I have a kind of freedom – it’s very simple for me to decide on the validity of the controls – I know all of them are purely about control and have zero to do with health – I have no doubt about a single one of them while I really do wonder about you out there who accept the narrative – do you just go – yes sir, no sir whatever you say about masks, jabs, isolation, jabs, hospital and care home visits – just yes sir, no sir, three bags full sir – whatever is decided it must be a good decision regardless of any seeming inhumanity about it.
While of course I cannot visit (or even speak on the phone with) my mother who has dementia and is in isolation (because she’s tested + but is not sick) in hospital recovering from an operation for over a week because I’m not jabbed (but if I were I’d have to put on the hazmat stuff because of +test and I don’t think I’d be prepared to do that) I’m not obliged to accept this ridiculous inhumane measure as a necessary evil I’m simply forced to accept it because I have no choice and strangely I’d rather be forced to accept it because I have no choice rather than accept it as a necessary evil because that kind of acceptance I’d find too ridiculous for words.
Well stated.
Sorry to hear about your situation regarding your mother. I got stuck in a few of those 14 days isolation orders and actually followed two before finally refusing the third. I regret following the first two but it took me a while to realize how badly we are being played and to be pissed off enough to start defying the authorities. I didn’t believe any of the bunk from day one but I realized the seriousness of quarantine laws and the huge associated fines and prison possibilities. It took me a while to learn more about my rights and about the lack of evidence or good reasoning behind the governments position and to feel like I could take them on in court and finally to start fighting back by refusing their orders. Anyhow, it has been a learning experience and finally it seems to me our governments are just following orders from the money people and have no regard for our health or freedoms or laws or any of the other things they portend to represent. Now that I have thoroughly lost faith in them I am ready to deal more effectively with their nonsense. Good luck to you.
Thanks Gordon. My mother went back to the nursing home today, her dementia having taken a turn for the worse which I think it often does after an operation but then perhaps her fall that led to the operation was a sign of her dementia worsening prior. But now we have BS to deal with at the nursing home. My sister went to the nursing home and had to wear the hazmat stuff and do a RAT there because they have some BS going on. It’s just so annoying. I actually have a fake vax that I could’ve used to see her in hospital but my sister opened her big mouth to the staff telling them we weren’t jabbed … to tell the truth though I’m kind of relieved I wasn’t able to see her because the thought of having to wear the hazmat stuff really puts me off though I guess I’m just going to have to deal with it now in the nursing home.
I’ve disobeyed every mandate I can and incurred fines which I ended up paying because I just didn’t want to go through the legal system but I really don’t want to cause a big scene at the nursing home – I will however enquire about the authority to impose this BS.
I got a couple of nice 5750 fines myself. They dropped the first one and the second is still outstanding but I am guessing they will drop it as they will likely lose in court due to the bogus premises the tickets are based on. I actually would like to fight them in court and force them to explain themselves. I expect they are the type that bully people until you stand up to them…. All these tyrants like The Turd in Canada and his hench-woman the Nazi loving C. Freenaziland.
Glad the first one was dropped, Gordon, and good luck with the second being dropped … but then fighting it might be best to expose this fraud. I’m thinking of maybe still going to court – arguing that I paid the fine because it was at a time I wasn’t able to fight it but when now I can.
German, Marvin Haberland, deliberately incurred a fine because he wanted to go to court! Interesting interview with Sam Bailey.
An admission from the Chief Scientist of WHO. Are you ready for this?
“What happens at WHO is that the technical departments do the guidelines, at the science division we just set the norms of how to do guidelines. So it was not my role and neither did anyone ask me to get involved at that stage,” she noted, adding that the WHO’s response paradigm is based on the flu, which is different from Covid-19.”
She seems like one very confused lady.
So the response paradigm is based on the flu … except for the glaring fact that it isn’t … but it shouldn’t be because it’s airborne (presumably unlike the flu) and we should have all been informed that it was airborne much earlier … but if we had been informed that it was airborne what difference would that have made?
^ ^ ^ He’s describing the willful ignorance of the masses. I’ve seen this firsthand over many years, especially since 9/11, the fake mass shootings, and now convid. My (now former) friends poo-poo’d any information contrary to their programmed beliefs without examining it. Over and over, this was the case. For me, this has proven that there’s some mental derangement syndrome they’re suffering from, en masse, brought to you by pfizer and the mind-controlling media. I really don’t even bother trying to wake anyone up any longer — double plus good because there’s nobody left in my circle of friends/family to even make a meager attempt with.
I learned this quite early on in proceedings, so I just shut up and left friends and family to it. Fortunately I’m not aware of any ‘dying suddenly’ however, there is time yet.
My beef is that ultimately the unjabbed will carry the cost of caring for the jabbed who endure lingering illnesses for the rest of their lives.
Those with healthier minds and bodies have been paying for the unconscious masses for ever.
I’ve noticed that so-called health care systems in the western world are being dismantled and the always sick, and now even sicker, will be largely left to their own devices, especially those with mysterious vaxx side-effects.
No such thing as “health” care just about anywhere. Allopathic medicine predominates all over the world, put into place by Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie in the early 1900’s. It is not a “healthcare” system, but one of disease maintenance…that’s how they make all their $…a system which promotes dis-ease and then maintains it…forever…
MDs know NOTHING about health, since all they study is disease!
Most mainstream doctors are morons, do more harm than good. I have suffered under their stupidity, I had to work it out myself what was going on.
I stopped trying to wake up anyone during the early months of 2020. You just gotta live and let live (or die).
The easily led are on a different frequency band to those with an expanded awareness. I believe we cannot ‘awaken’ another person; they have to do this for themselves.
Your sensible talk will go a long way towards bringing sanity back to our world.
Once they all evaporate, new ones arrive. It is called progress.
This latest hype from mainstream media is probably another distraction.
Meanwhile, a digital I.D. is being planned for Australia, possibly by next year 2023. Banks, the Post Office are now running trials.
This is the real agenda – COVID = Certificate of Vaccination I D., along with 5G.
The infrastructure for this is well advanced although not all 5G is operating yet. The larger cities and centres of population already have it. Where I live, semi-rural, the 5G boxes are up on the telegraph poles, but not yet active.
Shoot them down.
That’s a video I’d like to watch!
They’re rebranding the pandemic of the unvaccinated (and again deflecting from the plague of death from the Vax). Now fear of those who don’t fear the Virus is being moved more into the mental from the physical world. That’s because they’re pushing the misinformation pandemic, again, so thought police from the WEF and WHO to the DHS to your local cybercrime unit can expand operations further in locking us down in a surveillance prison. Inventing most absurd pretext (often lost upon audiences mesmerized by what ‘they’, ‘the experts’, are now saying) reveals that whatever means of a psyop is available is secondary to achieving this end, when it may be cast aside and forgotten (as audiences’ attention is now turned to the next current thing).
In this case, however, look for further developments in the theme of infection from the invisible enemy of the domestic terrorist and other thought criminals. After all, the field of mental health, based as well in biotechnological medicine, provides its own means of bringing this social engineering back around to the physical world where such plandemic coordinators as the Pharmafia can get back to work pushing terminal poisons, genetic modification, and digital implants on the general population. Primary targets will be those who are suffering from ‘information disorder’ among the latest inventions of disease by the pseudoscientific psychiatric industry, long having prepared an increasingly pathologized and medicated public for the kind of soma that will make us happy with handing over what in the world, and us in it, is not already under the control of people who are truly insane. (They already had pilot pieces in propaganda media early on from select experts for hire as absurd as this present programing, such as selfish people refusing to wear the Mask exhibiting narcissistic disorders, etc., that required medication.)
As usual, the real science going on is the political science, which after almost three years of absurd inventions has become painfully predictable as both the tragedy and farce of how humanity is losing a war to phantoms.
Why are my comments being continually put into pending limbo and ultimately killed, even though I’ve followed the guidelines and DON’T even use PROFANITIES like MANY others whose comments go right up, DO? 😔
Looks as though you were diverting to Spam, I’ll keep an eye on it. A2
“…mental stress clearly causes vasoconstriction and arterial constriction of the blood vessels. Therefore, if subjects are panicked, concerned, stressed or scared” of the 24/7 fear mongering by government/medical officials and its lackeys in the Media for the last 2 1/2 years.
My previous comment got binned to spam (as they always do), so I’ll try again.
“New study blames VAXXED deaths on the UNVAXXED…because they cause anxiety. Seriously”
Well, not really seriously. Because it’s a not serious study in a not serious journal written by a fake scientist that would likely have been entirely ignored if it hadn’t gotten picked up by outraged alt media like it has here. I feel like there’s a word to describe this sort of psy-op but it escapes me right now so I’ll just call it a wind up.
My update on the family. Everyone is all in except my Biden loving daughter-in-law. Talked with my nephews and son-in-law about Biden’s “talking points sheet” for dealing with “Republican uncles” during the holiday. We had a really really really good laugh. The litmus test I alluded to went as expected. I kissed and made up with everyone but my daughter-in-law. Oh boy! Going to take more time. She is still living by teacher’s lounge mentality. It will pass. But will take time. A long time. I might die before that happens. Hopefully, vaccine side effects won’t get her children, her or my son first. I am worried as any grandfather should be. Such a scary thought to think that it’s too late. I failed. I alienated myself without success. I could not be more worried for their health. And it only pisses me off. The desire to retaliate is overwhelming. Potentially, I can lose half of my family because of this. I only have one grandson that can carry on the family name and he is vaccinated……………….. And the lying sacks of shit in our government are the blame.
Contrary to the government claims, it is the jabbed who endanger the rest:
Great collection of links. And they all worked! Thanks for sharing them.
Given that at least half of the people I visited over the holiday were vaccinated, I am in for a rough ride and should be showing symptoms of “something” soon.
One I problem I have with all the the information (and I am not being critical) is this: How do most of these “authorities” know what they are talking about given that the tests are junk? (I had a good discussion with a doctor about the PCR tests and how they worked. He had no idea. He was unaware of who Kary Mullis was.)
By the way you would probably enjoy the Died Suddenly documentary created by Steve Kirsch.
Robert Malone on gettr says that Steve Kirsch did not create the Died Suddenly film. Robert Malone is an excellent source of balanced perspective.
Most of the links come from OfffG, especially people like Penelope. However, I draw a line at watching videos.
Spreading the truth is a good start against the lies and the liars.
They all get together on that site!

I’m going to increase my anti-miracle mRNA toxic spew jab warning to the herd of modern moron slaves.
Intrepid Rebekah tracks down the miscreant…
Miscreant spills the beans…
Below is the link to Steve Kirsche’s Documentary Died Suddenly. Highly recommended. Send it around. Full exposure.
It’s Stew Peters’ film. Kirsch promoting it.
Thanks for the correction. Just assumed. Kirsch was promoting it as his own. He may have funded it. Either way, it is astounding.
Robert Malone has condemned it. I went off Stew Peters hysterical reporting as it was as extreme as the media’s covid coverage and was simply designed to frighten people.
No one makes rational decisions when racked with fear from either side.
Thanks H.
Anyone interested in the Died Suddenly documentary may also be interested in Terrain: The Film
and The Viral Delusion
According to Malone this is not a Steve Kirsch film. See below from Malone’s Gettr.
While Steve Kirsch was interviewed in the film, he did not fund or sponsor the production, or have any input beyond his personal interview, and neither he or his organization endorses it.
Oh, come on… we all know Putin did it.
It’s what politicians do.
I find interesting to note that the people resistant to the covid hysteria are also highly suspicious of government hype over Ukraine.
I don’t like what’s happening in Ukraine but I don’t like what’s been happening there since 2014, events few people across the world were familiar with and to a great extent still aren’t.
No, no, H., nothing at all ever happened in Ukraine before 24/2/22, when Putin invaded it because he is evil and mad and got out of bed in a bad mood that morning. But we can all rest easy, because he is dying of Parkinson’s disease, cancer and athlete’s foot. In fact he has already died and been replaced by a body double, and he has gone mad and been put in a lunatic asylum. And all the generals he has had shot have risen up and deposed him because he is ab evil tyrant. And anyway, six million Russian troops have now been killed and the rest are demoralised because they have run out of missiles, bullets, food, can openers and computer chips. Zelensky will soon ride into Moscow on a white horse at the head of his million man army, led by the Ghost of Kiev and the Heroes of Snake Island. So we can all rest easy.
We’re all afraid of needles. It’s perfectly natural to fear the puncturing of our skin actually. It can cause a biological conflict (psychological shock) which then makes us “sick”, notwithstanding the potentially toxic content in the vials of course. They’ve proven Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer right again.
That moment when they realize they were NOT important enough to get the saline injection LOL

That’s hilarious, beyond parody.
Whatever next…
Were the people who were deceived suffering from a mental health problem? My latest: are all people vulnerable to spiritual attacks? And what does the Bible say about so-called mental illness?
Hi Nigel. I watched your video and tended to agree. During the beginning of this Covid madness I watched the normies queuing up to get jabbed and wearing their masks and said to my wife that this madness that we witnessed around us had an almost supernatural quality to it. I’m also of the opinion that Matt Hancock displayed a level of demonic possession when his tears of joy broke into suppressed laughter as he discussed the first lady in the UK to receive her covid vaccine on the BBC news. Pure evil, I’m sure we’re in the end of days.
Wasn’t it the first man – William Shakespeare? I think someone was messing with the script at this point.
The Bible just says they were taken by an evil spirit.
Makes perfect sense to me – the media are full of them these days.
A study of US TV Advertising leaves me wondering are they trying to sell something or just discard ammunition.
You would be correct.
Fear mongering and misinformation being peddled by people with no scientific training to terrorise people into staying unvaccinated is not just causing people to remain susceptible to viral outbreaks,but could also be causing more side effects seen in the vaccination process.
What utter bollocks!
People with the so-called “scientific training” can’t even get it right when it comes down to providing the rigorous proof and demonstration for the alleged existence of so-called pathogenic viruses and the efficacy of the experimental vaccines that are supposed to prevent or reduce the risk of contracting an alleged infectious disease.
So, Journal of BioMedicine where is your concrete scientific proof and evidence that cannot be refuted that viruses really do cause a so-called ‘infectious disease’ along with your proof that the disease is not due to other causes, which are non-viral and the same goes for the alleged efficacy toxic vaccines that are supposed to prevent them but don’t? I’ll bet you can’t do that! Why? Because all other causal factors must be EXCLUDED from consideration for that crap to work and for anyone to make that claim and that, dear Journal, is not possible or scientific its tantamount to fraud.
We now live in an Orwellian Bizzaro World. The fact that the psychopathic oligarchs and their wicked minions could actually push this insanity shows how depraved the overlord class is and how gullible so many of the “useless eaters” underclass is.
I watched some of a video this morning about the Chinese social credit system and how it’s coming to a “theater near you” soon. Of course, the sample lemmings were only samples, but they were almost overjoyed at such a system and the safety and fairness and security it gave them and how it motivated them to be better citizens. You can bet that will happen everywhere. I don’t think most people against such a system realize how close we are.
RE Social Credit System see
“You are going to have a social score, and they are going to connect that score to virtually everything in everyday life.”
I get my vaccine to prevent you from being terrified of my not being vaccinated. 😂
From the same entity’s who brought you
‘Pandemic of the unvaccinated’:
They are pumping all who go to complain of vax adverse effects with anti-depressants and teling them it’s stress. Prozac for example, which causes serious psychotic breakdowns sooner or later. Doctors and journalists are the parasites and vultures of modern society. I look forward to payday.
Maybe 18 months ago UK Column featured a gentleman who had written to Nadhim Zahawi (I think he was labelled UK Govt Vaccine Tsar or suchlike at the time but that’s immaterial). He described to Zahawi how, shortly after receiving the AZ vaccine, he’d been diagnosed with Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), even then a known side effect of the vaccines, and that he was disappointed in the reckless deployment of the vaccines. Zahawi sent a patronising response sympathising with the gentleman’s medical problems but said that GBS was known to be a “nerve problem” [ie nothing to do with the vaccines, and Zahawi was seemingly of the view that nerve problems meant neuroses] and he might find it helpful to contact his local Samaritans group. 🙄
I think they will discover that it is payback day and they will notice an absence of anyone trying to make it a smooth transaction.
FInd and watch the Documentary “Suddenly Died”.
The day of the rope is nigh.
Watched it last night, after watching ”The real Anthony Fauci’, shocking stories being totally ignored here in Australia where the media and governments still peddle the tripe that rapid antigen tests are ”cases”.
Fear virus II
virus – cirus – circus. The Corona Circus. The show must go on.
Just don’t expect the rope to be a government-approved model to be used through official channels.
They won’t hang their own.
Where were you Thomas when these came out? Equally sensational in every way. More so, in fact, if true.
Terrain: The Film
The Viral Delusion