Sand in the Gas Tank
Todd Hayen

Everyone knows if you pour sand in a car’s gas tank it will eventually destroy the engine. It will get all clogged up and fail to function. Kaput. Nice metaphor for what is happening these days with the vaccine, eh?
Now, I don’t want to be accused of being a fear monger, but they started it. So let’s just sit around the campfire with a few marshmallows on sticks and tell some horror stories before going to bed.
What if…
What if Henry Kissinger, the builders of the Georgia Guidestones (which no longer exist), Bill Gates, Father Schwab, and a few others who have mentioned such unmentionables such as the planet would be much better off with fewer people, were right? And let’s just imagine that “whomever” these people are, decided to implement such a plan?
One clever idea would be to invent a virus that was just barely dangerous enough to ensure that it would be relatively easy to send the masses into a panic.
Then have them begging for a medical solution to destroy the greatly feared boogieman who is hell-bent on killing half the population.
Then, let’s say, these same inventors of the “virus” cooked up a bogus cure in the form of a miracle vaccine and set out with a fear campaign to coerce every living soul to get jabbed. All in an effort to save their lives (not to mention saving the lives of all their friends and relatives).
This bogus vaccine would be indeed bogus in its claim to wipe out the virus, but not bogus in succeeding at its true, secret, mission—the elimination of most human life on the planet.
Ready to chuck the s’mores and crawl into your safe and snug sleeping bag? Not so fast.
So why didn’t they just accomplish wiping out human life with the original virus invention?
Oh, but that would be way too simple. Besides, a guaranteed lethal disease spread by human contact could get to anyone and everyone.
They have to make it safe enough so the culprits themselves don’t get it, but dangerous enough that they can bamboozle everyone else into taking the vaccine.
Besides, the virus is not as easily controlled as a vaccine would be (which could be why there may not be a virus at all).
Also, a horribly deadly disease unleashed on all of us intentionally is very messy—overcrowded hospitals, people dying in the streets, the wailing and gnashing of teeth—very messy.
It is also rather obvious. Eventually someone would find out the plan, and heads would roll (well, people HAVE discovered this part of the plan for sure…and I still don’t see any rolling heads).
So enter the vaccine. It is the key to making this genocide successful. Here are the good points.
- People will undoubtedly scramble to get the jab (I am still perplexed as to why so many people are that gullible, but here it is.)
- Not all jabs have to be effective at killing right away; eventually people will get jabbed over and over again, so the death jab will come soon enough. Best to spread it out a bit.
- Like sand in a gas tank, the ill effects could come slowly. Bodily systems will break down and collapse, and this will happen in several key, but distinct, areas of human physiology—cardiac, neurological, circulatory. It will even cause sterility and stillbirths in some. (Not all mind you! This uncertainty is an important part in maintaining the confusion.)
- As 3 above, the effects of the vaccine will be deceiving. Cancer as well may kill many. People who are not well educated in medical science will not believe that one little shot can have such negative ill effect on the entire body…but the science indeed tells us it can.
- Yes, part of the collateral damage will be people dying immediately from the jab, as we see now, but this is insignificant. The real damage could take decades to complete.
Seems like a perfect plan to me—first the virus was invented to create the fear base for the next step, which was the vaccine. The vaccine was designed to kill slowly, although at first there were some who had an acute response, but most did not. Over a decade or two (if not longer for some) people will succumb, birth rates will go down, and the population will be reduced.
Considering how stupid and irresponsible the general population has been with this whole thing, most people will not even notice.
Of course the powers that be will blame the demise of the human race on nearly everything else, Covid itself, climate change, Putin, Trump, and maybe even a few mushroom clouds thrown in for good measure—and to provide another scapegoat—“the high radiation levels are causing more cancer cases to show up…”
Yadda yadda. You get the gist of it.
This idea seems to be the most plausible and explains most of the actions we see taking place in the world today. The vaccine push is still going strong, with Trudeau’s (Canada’s Herr Klaus minion) recent (a few months recent) “threat” speech: “vaccinate or else.”
We see the empty vaccine threat still being hammered into insanely compliant sheep (yes, sheep) around the world. They don’t even need the fear base anymore. Just like Skinner’s behaviorally modified pigeons and rats, they just keep on pecking even with no food rewarded or shock administered.
Why still the Covid vaccine? Well, the more vaccinated the more they are ensured a success with the plan. Not everyone will die, again, that would not be prudent. So a very high percentage need to be jabbed to cover the death count that would make it worth their while—over time.
That is one reason why it is important to continue the booster campaign. They also want to ensure not too many babies can be born so another creation of useless eaters doesn’t hit the ground warming up the planet again (oh, right, a warming planet is just part of the fear base).
If Covid runs out of spunk, they’ll just whip up some other scare vehicle like RSV or even an “oldie but goody,” the ever-evolving common flu. All vaccines, for anything, will eventually be of the mRNA variety, so they are definitely covered.
Pretty brilliant, eh?
With fewer people on the planet, the remaining small number will be rather compliant due to the heavy brainwashing they have experienced. Survival of the fittest sheep so to speak. These folks will be carrying around digital IDs, no money they have control over, and no bodily autonomy.
Super sheep. Easy peasy.
Seems like this plan is foolproof. Only one rather glaring fault sticks out, which I cannot believe they have not accounted for. That’s us.
A rather large portion of the population that is left will be made up of dissidents and rebels—smart people who will not buy into these crazy shenanigans at any price—AND, they will be able to breed! What will they do with us? It doesn’t take too much of an imagination to figure that out.
But maybe we are indeed smart enough to not fall for that either. Let’s hope so.
Eat your s’mores and go to bed, story time is over.
Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here
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By the way, speaking of sand and gas, Lone Wolf responded thus to Pepe’s recent article on Iran:
“Iran can now enjoy the fruits of years of isolation, embargoes, sanctions, color revolutions and regime change attempts.”
“During its long struggle against criminal NATZO powers, Iran sacrificed blood and treasure to protect Syria against NATZO’s ISIS proxies, and was in turn protected by the long range air defense system which Russia installed in Syria — which is why NATZO were not able to “bomb bomb bomb Iran” after years of singing that old song. Now, with Iran’s acquisition of 24 SU-35s plus 36 more on order for a total flotilla of 60 super flankers, Iran is raising the stakes for potential attack by NATZO’s F-** fighter bombers.
Unfortunately, new NATZO proxies calling themselves “Kurds” have became NATZO’s Ukronazis of the ME. The future of “Kurdistan” looms as dark as that of “Ukraine” once the EU$A abandons both to their fate.Tehran just needs to wait, exercise restraint as usual, and observe much virtue signaling of Western values fizzle out.”
[To which NickM adds here: OffG claims that Con-19 is a Global Con-spiracy with Iran, Russia and China working alongside the EU$A to put “Sand in the Gas Tank” by imposing a Totalitarian Technocracy that will impair quality of life around the Globe. Possibly and perhaps probably; but if so, there is an obvious war between these two camps of alleged Globalist Con-spiritors.]
ps: The IMF (Ideological Military Financial) war between two camps of Global Power brokers is discussed from its financial aspect by Pepe Escobar, first published at The Cradle
“Slowly but surely, what is emerging is the Big Picture of an irretrievably fractured world featuring a dual trade/circulation system: one will be revolving around the remnants of the [EU$A] dollar, the other is being built by the financial consolidation of BRICS, EAEU, and SCO.”
In terms of “tawdry Eurocrat boss Borrell’s pathetic metaphor”, the 85% of the world population in what Borrel calls “the jungle” are now setting themselves up as equals of the 15% in Borrell’s EU$A “garden”. May the new international payment system with its new [goods based] currency halt for good the wild Western Age of Plunder [via fiat currency].
I’m a normal person get me out of here!
Is there potential for a parody? It would involve a dozen ordinary people being stuck in a cabinet-like boardroom. The first challenge would be to order 10 million doses of some end-of-life sedative so as to kill off the old folk – all under the cover of a fake pandemic. Is anyone around the table evil enough to go through with it?
I wrote this in 2020 having worked out was was going on. Not perhaps excellent or perhaps what you had in mind, but it amused me. I had nothing else to do at the time.
Disgraced former U.K. minister seeks redemption on reality TV show
I read about this in a paper. Made me shudder. Thought I had finished the little ****** off with this. I’ll try again.
What a dumb kind of bullshit written by a moronic fuckhead!! Do the world a favor and SHUT UP and FUCK OFF, moron!!!!
Calm down and don’t be so beastly. Can you say exactly WHY you think that? If you do really think this and are not just out to impress with your command of invective. I quite like the article and wish to understand why you so obviously don’t. And please don’t merely tell me to SHUT UP and FUCK OFF. Underneath your bristles, I’m sure you’re a beast capable of reason.
Thank you for your patience to try to reason with this comment, but there is a strong likelihood this guy is a troll. Or else he hates me for some reason. I have gotten similar attacks on other articles, and have tried to respond to no avail.
Again, I appreciate your effort and your willingness to do so is admirable.
You’re welcome. I’m no saint or martyr, despite my handle. I can be just as beastly to New Normals, but have come to believe an attempt should at least be made to save lost souls for the cause.
Your bio mentions that you’re a Jungian therapist, and I’m sure you’re aware (but others may not be) of the great Swiss psychologist’s prescient diagnosis of the ills we share in the present:
The gigantic catastrophes that threaten us today are not elemental happenings of a physical or biological order, but psychic events. To quite a terrifying degree we are threatened by wars and revolutions which are nothing other than psychic epidemics [my emphasis]. At any moment millions of human beings may be smitten with a new madness, and then we shall have another world war or devastating revolution. Instead of being at the mercy of wild beasts, earthquakes, landslides, and inundations [or faked pandemics], modern man is battered by the elemental forces of his own psyche.
C.G. Jung, from The Development of Personality (1934).
And this, from The Undiscovered Self (Past and Future) (1957):
Under the influence of scientific assumptions, not only the psyche but the individual man and, indeed, all individual events whatsoever suffer a levelling down and a process of blurring that distorts the picture of reality into a conceptual average. We ought not to underestimate the psychological effect of the statistical world picture: it thrusts aside the individual in favour of anonymous units that pile up into mass formations [see Desmet et al]. Instead of the concrete individual, you have the names of organizations and, at the highest point, the abstract idea of the State as the principle of political reality. The moral responsibility of the individual is then inevitably replaced by the policy of the State (raison d’etat)… The seemingly omnipotent State doctrine is for its part manipulated in the name of State policy by those occupying the highest positions in the government, where all the power is concentrated… They are more likely, however, to be the slaves of their own fictions.
He cannot be expected to have foreseen the complete takeover of the State by Big Business.
Thanks for these extracts, really interesting, A2
Pleased you find them so! There’s a minor typo in the second line of the first extract I can’t seem to fix: should be “but psychic events”.
Fixed 👍
It will not have read the article.
Blimey, must be vaxxed. I love witty repartee.
Why don’t you go & read The Sun? Why are you even here?
Once you’ve read the article, watch Stew Peters visual interpretation of it:
Died Suddenly – Full Movie (
wake up ffs
For completeness here is the expected debunk on the obvious inconsistencies, standard cointel yet again:
And they keep on dying in the thousands from the poison and others call their post jab illness ”long covid”,
I believe it might be better to call long covid, post jab silliness.I just call it the ‘flu for a long time.
Despite how we’ve been gaslit otherwise, post viral fatigue is a very real, very common thing. Just like losing your sense of taste and smell when you get a cold. Rebranding normal reality as somehow new and exotic and scary and unusual is part of the gaslighting process. A2
Sam here’s a bit more on gaslighting tactics:
Gaslighters in government, politics and medicine etc will initially lie about things, but the volume of misinformation soon grows, and the gaslighters may accuse the victims in the minority of a population who have discovered what’s really been going on also of lying, if they keep questioning the official narrative (this has happened with Convid etc).
The perpetraitors typically deploy occasional positive reinforcement in a bid to confuse the gaslit and ex-gaslit victims alike, but at the same time, they may attempt to turn those in the majority in the gaslit population (the ardent virus and vaccine advocates) against the minority of ex-victims (the now branded and stigmatized “virus deniers and antivaxxers”!).
Wherever the gaslighting has been effective even wrt their own friends and family (who are still part of the gaslit majority), they are actually using the gaslighting tactic unwittingly themselves and doing the work for the perpetraitors by telling the ex-gaslit victim he/she is either completely wrong, lying or delusional! This has been reported to me personally many times.
The goal of the gaslighter is therefore always to appear blameless, but to weaken resistance, break spirits, and create chaos and confusion in the mind of the “gaslight-tee.” Gaslighting is an insidious and persistent tactic that keeps you questioning yourself and those around you while slowly eroding your self-esteem and even your identity. Thus, over time, a gaslighter’s manipulations can grow more complex and potent, making it increasingly difficult for those who have succumbed to it to see the truth.
Pax et Lux
really interesting, thanks! A2
Thank you.
Granted post viral fatigue is very real and common, I am not saying it isn’t.. But that is the consequence of toxic poisoning. As I have posted before in my links if not separately:
“The ‘flu is the internal toxicosis of the body, mainly via urea, partly due to metabolism of food and partly due to the many poisons in our environment which can and do enter our bodies in the air, food and water. The ‘flu cannot be transmitted to someone else as it is individual to each person.
Unless your blood is given to someone in a blood transfusion, for example.
In essence urea is a neuro-toxin due to the nitrogen which the body may use up to a point but must ultimately excrete as it is from ammonia which is highly toxic.”
Long Covid/the ‘flu for a long time is merely the ongoing consequences of this. Primarily it will be low vitamin D levels plus any other neuro-toxins being taken in one form or another, including big p-harm-a drugs.
As I also say on my site the cure for Covid, long or otherwise, a.k.a. the ‘flu is in the name.
C Or VItamin D, stress on capitals. C for Cure, D for Defense.
Sounded like a conversation between me and my brothers after a couple Hop Slams.
Canadian Psychiatric Association Targets Anti-Vaxxers
British Columbia Bill C-36 lays the groundwork for forced vaccination for any illness the government chooses, and disciplinary measures for anyone who challenges prevailing public health narratives.
Read more:
Good interview outlining c-36 from Canada Health Alliance, including dr’s being fined 200 k for ‘false information’.
Steph, the doctors should be given jail sentences not 200k fines, since they are supposed to be in positions of trust. If they were prosecuted under common law in common law courts that would most probably happen. But not within the present corrupt legal system.
It’s the false information lies and deception from doctors, drug companies and politicians that have mainly contributed to the deaths and horrendous adverse reactions to the toxic crap in the experimental vaccines that they have pushed, not anti-vaxxers who are now being scapegoated for the crimes of the perpetraitors in power!
Pax et Lux and true Justice under God’s Law!
Based on the interview it’s the anti-vax doctors who will be fined by the health authority if bill c-36 passes, that’s my understanding.
In that case, it should be the other way around Steph, it’s the vaccine advocates and pushers that should go to jail for their crimes not the antivax doctors. The same applies to those who push the fictitious viruses that were claimed to justify the roll out of these toxic vaccines in the first place.
All assets taken away and then death sentences.
And throw that worthless servant into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
I wonder how is really true about all this. After all, the main idea of the exercise is to steal all the money, so while people are distracted over there, the pickpockets are in action.
When I say pickpockets I mean banksters and their minions.
Anyway, big pharma psychiatric medicine still neuro-toxic and will drive the mad madder, kindly paid for by taxpayers of course in the main.
BT, the situation is highly complex because there are so many different factors and conditions to consider – but as you correctly point out one such factor, namely, that the opposing forces invariably apply “distraction” tactics in a bid to keep people off track. In due course, there will be plenty of “weeping and gnashing of teeth” so long as people continue to sit on their asses and do nothing and allow evil to continue to rule over them (toxic psychiatry and all that goes with it included!).
Flight Attendant Dies From Heart Attack While In The Air (
At first, I thought the pushing of the mRNA so-called vaccines was about a small group of Oligarchs getting filthy rich. But, the recent deaths of so many including formerly healthy children and athletes have me thinking of something more sinister. There are also women’s reproductive systems being compromised by these shots and I have just learned that certain blood banks will not take blood from mRNA-vaccinated individuals. Is the agenda depopulation? We should be asking, ‘what else could it be?’
“‘Population Control quotes’ that show the ‘elites’ are quite eager to… reduce the number of people… on the planet”, at:
It is about lots of things.
On the plus side
waking up the world to the lies it has been told over generations and inspiring us to do something about it.
On the minus side
Making lots and lots of money for the wealthy
Harm and death a side line for making money.Vaccines, wars, whores you name it.
Working Perfectly
The clot shots are doing what they were mean’t to do. That wasn’t protecting you from a virtual disease.
So none can ever be designated as fully vaccinated. And the sheep go on!
…and they still don’t get it. The truth that is, not the vaxxes, they get those. ‘More, more!’ they cry. Masochists.
Immediate Concern
There are two developments which are of immediate and great concern.
The first is the G20 announcement of the imposition of vaccine passports. This means that the majority that travel will have to submit to needle rape continuously. Surely there should be mass global protests as this means most of us will die of whatever is in the vials. The second is the CDC decision to add the convid potion to the schedule for children. This applies only to the USA but undoubtedly other nations will follow as they have through the plandemic. These two developments mean a big cull is in the works.
Correct about the CDC unanimously “advising” that it be put on the list of required shots. The reality is however that it is ultimately up to each State to decide if they wish to implement it. If that happens, parents will yank their kids from school in a jiffy. In some places this has happened and continues to.
Brings a whole new meaning to WMD’s.
Thousands of great articulate reports, articles, papers etc and we are still to ask what happens to the brain matter of the masses? What to guard against in the realm of psychiatric fascism.
What will they do with us?
However many are not going along with the plandemic, and for reasons that count as more than mere indifference to whatever might be going on in the world around them, counts as next to nothing if there’s no real, on-the-ground resistance. Noncompliance on an individual, privatized basis hardly qualifies as dissidence and rebellion – open, public, organized. At this stage of the war on humanity the aggressors have gained such ground that we’re living under occupation to institutional centers of rule, supported by critical masses of the general population, all ready to roll out further strategic victories.
Just think of the lockdowns alone, the tip of the coup. Overnight, the planet was converted into a prison, the global gulag. Unprecedented in human history. And for the most part, apart from forgettable court cases and continued criticism in marginal alt-media, we the people have been marched along, even as if these gross violations never happened, to further stages of great reset agenda. Meanwhile, the lockdown infrastructure, with all its carceral components from masks to mandates, not only remains unaccountably in place but is being perfected behind the scenes of whatever is now managing public perception.
Noncompliance is effective compliance without movement of critical masses against the agenda. Until then, we are doing no more than commenting and clucking over what ‘they’ are doing – to us as well, chroniclers of our own demise. If ‘we’ remain scattered voices in virtual reality for instance, and overall infrastructure for control grids (QR codes, health passes, credit scores, etc.) is further institutionalized, then our increasing disposability within the confined conditions closing in on us, when it will more so signal futility of resistance if not that it’s too late, will indicate clearly enough what ‘they’ will do with us.
Resist or die.
So where do we many thousands of non-compliers show up and resist?
Just give us a date and time, and we’ll be there.
The date and time is now. Think of the place as not a geographical location, but a frequency.
It starts within. Lose fear of death and in doing so lose fear of ‘them’. Withold tax, stop funding the system, do everything in your power to disrupt it at the lowest level. Put spanners in all works possible.
Don’t hold out for others joining you, that’s a fool’s errand which keeps you treading water hoping for below average people to catch up, while they are all swilling beer over football and strictly come dancing. Waiting on the masses leads you to the masses’ fate.
Unplug yourself. Change your life, go and live elsewhere if it helps, find others like you and live your life well, according to truth, to love, to God.
Very well said.
I say make the nations laugh as we ridicule the ridiculous. Like Harry Potter and the Bogart. Bogart happens to be an area in Georgia where Atlanta lies. The CDC is in Atlanta.
Bogarts explode when ridiculed with out fear. No fear, laugh. Problem solved. I do my bit.
So why didn’t they just accomplish wiping out human life with the original virus invention?
Because they cannot.
A human being’s immune system is too robust for any manufactured virus.
That is why the “Experimental Gene Therapeutics” are so important to them.
You can accomplish anything if you’re willing to wait a generation. That’s why they said, “just give us the school books.”
A manufactured virus is a holywood movie script. There is no such thing.
Absolutely. They can produce Nazi chemicals but bioweapons were/are a non starter. We were fooled to believe otherwise.I believed otherwise before 2020. I changed my mind.
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario “Suggests”: Unvaccinated Patients Are Mentally Ill and Should be Put on Psychiatric Medication
Why the massive link? Anyways opened it in a browser sandbox with this result:
Hmm. We’re having trouble finding that site. . .
Sorry, I’m a klutz on the computer. I often try to edit my mistakes but am unable to do so due to that option here only available for a very short period, and this monstrosity was kept in pending where I wasn’t able to access it. See below where I finally get it right.
Ya been there. See your new link below thanks. 🙂
No problem. What’s the medication? A couple of Fosters a day?
‘Mental illness’ has been a boon to big pharma ever since asylums were defunded and emptied out after WW2 and drugs were developed, after the fact, to justify deinstitutionalization of that prison paradigm for the mad as a more humane alternative, while the marketing of the (never proven and repeatedly disproven) chemical imbalance theory and genetic and neurological claims provided psychiatry with the fraudulent credentials of biologically based medical science to oversee colonization of an ever expanding population of pathologized people (the first edition of the DSM listed around 100 ‘disorders’, the latest fifth edition close to 400).
The mentally ill, deprived of rights and forcibly incarcerated and medicated, have been a vulnerable, subject population of lab rats for succeeding generations of some of the most dangerous medications, often no more than rebranded for ongoing and other applications (e.g., treatment of depression), particularly so-called antipsychotics which do alter brain chemistry to create imbalanced states, including psychosis in the first place as well as worsened, and addiction which makes withdrawal very difficult. In essence, these more aptly named neuroleptics perform as chemical restraints and chemical lobotomies. These are the same ‘therapies’ used to treat political dissidents in psychiatric prisons of the USSR.
The history of ‘mental illness’ provides instructive background on the continued ‘science’ of eugenics and to the pathologized humanity of the plandemic for (de)population control. See, for instance, Robert Whitaker’s Mad in America.
There’s a mental institution not far from where I live, which I occasionally travel past. It’s set in a beautifully picturesque area with wonderful grounds.
The saddest thing about it is that I have never once seen anyone in those grounds; the patients presumably shut up in their rooms, as you described. The quaint movie image of slightly deranged patients playing blissfully in an institution’s garden seem lost to history.
There are undoubtedly those with real issues that need help but that’s certainly not the way to treat them
The 19th century example of ‘moral therapy’, originating among Quakers, provides the kind of humane alternative, and success, you’d probably find inspiring. There’s been some contemporary examples (e.g., Open Dialogue in Finland, Hearing Voices movement, psychiatric survivors networks, Soteria), though these, unsurprisingly, have been attacked and marginalized by mainstream medicine/pharma. You might also like checking out MindFreedom. By the way, holocaust survivor Vera Sharav, who’s been outspoken against covid, etc. as successor to Nazi eugenics, has been a longtime activist against psychiatric medicine after she lost her son to its drug regime, and was the personal inspiration for Whitaker’s Mad in America mentioned above.
I have seen inside a ward in the UK during the second lockdown. They were rather mad. They would wear masks regardless of common sense as they were told to do it.
Some cleaned surfaces religiously, others weren’t so thorough, but weren’t bothered when people walked in with muddy shoes.All of which suggested some mental disturbance.
They were quite happy for contractors to come in and use high speed drills and didn’t seem put out at all.
They could often be seen through the glass vision panels in their secure room, scribbling something on bits of paper.
Some of them seemed rather depressed, one or two got angry, and one seemed away with the fairies.
I am of course talking about the staff and I am NOT joking.
The ‘temporary residents’ on the other hand were rather nice and sensible, if a little confused by the actions of the staff. Most were not wearing masks. One chap kept repeating himself like a stuck record. It was hard to bear.
And that is mental care in a ward in the UK. Despicable.
Excellent comment!
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario “Suggests”: Unvaccinated Patients Are Mentally Ill and Should be Put on Psychiatric Medication
Baldmichael says physicians and Surgeons of Ontario and psychiatrists for good measure are mentally ill and should be locked away in a deep, dark dungeon.
The key is then to be thrown into the Mariana Trench. Anybody who goes looking for it will do so on pain of death.
So there!
One big fly in your gas tank — There is ZERO proof that there actually is a “virus.” Looks like it’s entirely a bunch of computer code passed off as a “virus,” enough to convince even skeptics like you, Todd.
What would be the signature difference between a DNA sequence and some computer code ?
Maybe I can help:
DNA sequences can work left-to-right, right-to-left simultaneously. Change one element and you change more than you bargained for.
Whereas computer code is restricted to left-to-right. Pretty limited in that sense. Sequential, linear. Boring, some might say.
One difference at least?
Also, DNA sequences sign like doctors, computer codes are more readable.
A little learning is a dangerous thing. This applies to genetics, physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology and I don’t know what else.
To clarify: Big Money has exploited this little learning.
The difference is not the appearance, but the provenance. Actual sequencing involves starting with a full genome and breaking it down into smaller and smaller segments, eventually getting the entire sequence. You know the origin of all the segments. What’s done in metsgenomics involves starting with small segments (150 base pairs or shorter), none of them of any proven origin, and then assembling possible genomes using segments with overlapping ends, no proof that the segments you assemble together actually come from the same genome. Out of all the 300K to 1.2M possible genomes obtained (depending upon the computer program used), one is selected on the basis of it being the best match of a genome which is used as the target, the jigsaw puzzle’s full picture. This target is assumed to be present, and it itself the product of computer assembling. There is absolutely no proof that the genome you assemble actually exists.
The source of the segments used is cell culture, cells such as monkey kidney cells, to which the researchers add extracts from someone who allegedly has the alleged virus. Since the very first cases this has been determined on the basis of a PCR test, which in fact was never calibrated with an actual genome, since no one has an isolated, purified genome, as has been admitted by 211 public health agencies responding to FOI requests from Canadian bio-statistician Christine Massey and her colleagues. To that mixture, the researchers add antibiotics, nutrients such as bovine fetal serum, and other stuff, with the mixture processed, etc. And then the fluid is tested, all nucleic segments are transformed into computer code, and the program goes to work assembling possible genomes. Again, at no point is there any proof that any of the segments came from a virus.
Thanks. An informative comment.
I don’t know if you’ve ever read ‘Viral – Alina Chan, Matt Ridley (2021)’. Goes with the Wuhan escape theory.
Seems pretty convincing, from my perspective. Would be interested in your thoughts on it, if you ever do
The entire lab leak notion rests upon the alleged validity of contagion theory, and this theory has never been proven in action. Witness the failed Rosenau experiments of 1918, with supposedly the most infectious virus of all time, the “Spanish” flu, and numerous other experiments.
Lab leak is garbage, it’s the other side of the system’s false binary, natural virus vs lab-made one, both designed to keep us in fear. Both Sam and Mark Bailey as well as Tom Cowan have repeatedly shredded the notion of lab leak. I think lots of people who think they oppose the system want to cling to the idea of a leaked virus because they have invested a lot of emotional energy in spreading that idea and believe the elite are so evil that they can do anything..
Covid is SARS-2, do you believe SARS-1 is also fake?
Sars-CoV-2 is a simulation of a virus, because
“The difference is not the appearance, but the provenance. Actual sequencing involves starting with a full genome and breaking it down into smaller and smaller segments, eventually getting the entire sequence. You know the origin of all the segments. What’s done in metsgenomics involves starting with small segments (150 base pairs or shorter), none of them of any proven origin, and then assembling possible genomes using segments with overlapping ends, no proof that the segments you assemble together actually come from the same genome. Out of all the 300K to 1.2M possible genomes obtained (depending upon the computer program used), one is selected on the basis of it being the best match of a genome which is used as the target, the jigsaw puzzle’s full picture. This target is assumed to be present, and it itself the product of computer assembling. There is absolutely no proof that the genome you assemble actually exists.
Thanks, Jeffrey.
So you’re saying sars-cov-1 is a legit virus in your opinion? I read funeral director O’Looney caught something severe with a respiratory feature and was hospitalized. Am left wondering what it was he had.
They are all computer generated chimeric in silico garbage.
sars-1, hiv, measles, mumps, chicken pox, spanish flu, influenza, hpv, polio virus, smallpox etc. do not exist. previously there was belief in demons and these didn’t exist either. When people stopped believing in demons more ‘scientific’ sounding mateirialistic explanation of viruses was invented to get people to believe.
Demons exist, but in the mind. Demon is de mon in French, in English ‘of me’. In other words we create our own demons, shadows of fear. Shine the light of truth on them and they disappear.
SARS-1 and 2. Both are in essence an elaborate hoax to scare people into doing stupid things.
I would add they would like to pin the blame on China as this is a tangible enemy rather than the true enemies which are less obvious, except to those in the know who wonder why everybody can’t see the blindingly obvious.
As I say the virus is the pandemic of lies over the seasonal ‘flu turned into a monster by persistent advertising. Add in toxic poisoning via PCR tests, fear, vaccines etc.
Wuhan was a psy op start to finish.
Virus if anything, as identified by so-called experts, is part of the body’s own defense system, the exosome. Medical profession not very bright to put it mildly.
“Only one rather glaring fault sticks out, which I cannot believe they have not accounted for. That’s us.
A rather large portion of the population that is left will be made up of dissidents and rebels—smart people who will not buy into these crazy shenanigans at any price—AND, they will be able to breed! What will they do with us? It doesn’t take too much of an imagination to figure that out.
But maybe we are indeed smart enough to not fall for that either.”
I’m not smart enough to figure out what they will do with us. I wish I knew what it was, so I wouldn’t fall for it.
I think it’ll be like in the Hunger Games. The dissidents and rebels outside the cities, ‘safe zones’ etc. They will allow us to survive, just, to be an eternal example to the people within the city gates, of how destitute and miserable life is outside the system.
Personally I think it’ll be great.
I don’t know how you remain zen. I think that by comparison with the future they’ve got laid out for us, Hollywood’s “Hunger Games” is a Teddy Bear’s picnic.
Things are changing. It looks grim, but it is always coldest at dawn before the light comes.
In the mean time keep your chin up, and laugh at the pantomime for that is what it all is the final act of the greatest show on earth!
Discrimination, repression, separation, concentration (camps), annihilation… You won’t fall for it, it’ll fall on you. If we let ’em.
Dunno. I think you just go by substance rather than hit-piece. Many take funding money and run with it.
Greenwald did ‘CitizenFour’ and wrote ‘No Place to Hide’; arguably a forerunner of Snowden’s own “Permanent Record”.
So in that sense, he made a contribution
He also left the Intercept because they were trying to censor his work and he saw what they had become – he seemed to really loathe the current editor who was a hardcore Russiagater.
I wonder whether anyone’s seen the following… more indoctrination of children…
“French media grooming children to believe the un’vaccinated’ should be put in jail” (video: 39 seconds), at:
That’s Quebecois, not French. That accent is as thick as molasses.
Yes, earlier today I saw quite a few people on Mark Crispin Miller’s Substack forums say that they’re Quebecois. Being an Englishwoman here in the UK, I didn’t know that, but did recognise that the French being spoken was not the accent of those in France itself.
That video was done early on when they started the vaccines. It caused quite a stir. Living in Quebec I remember it. I’m unsure if such things are still happening here. If we couple that video with the one of Trudeau calling the unvaccinated terrible people etc. also filmed in Quebec it makes Quebec very special indeed. They can say things here they wouldn’t dare say in English Canada. Quebec is often a world unto its own with limited information in English so alternative views can be hard to find. But then Quebecers are very clever and very gifted in many ways and politically extremely astute. I give them much more credit to see through things than the average Canadian. IMHO
The first thing I did as a young Quebecois was to learn English. Not for political reasons (I was also plastering “OUI” posters all night during the referendum for Quebec’s sovereignty), but for the sake of logic. You need to be able to access the majority of the globe, and it’s people. If we are to unite and achieve anything, we all need to meet in a common language. The concept is Biblical. Now this is not a Babel thing, we don’t want to go bothering God or anything, we just want to thrive… Remember thriving? Before we all got thrown back into surviving?… That being said, academics are often forcing me to reach for the Webster a couple of times a paragraph, and I curse them for it in the name of humanity.
God don’t mind being bothered. English is the language of the angels, having absorbed ll sorts of bits of language the world over including a great many French words.
I like French, but English is my mother tongue.
And I now realise that all languages are much more closely related phonetically than might be supposed.
I get it Charcoal is good for the Planet and every thing over on under it.
Lancs Yorks btw we eat our mallows raw so think on, err meaning think on while thinking on…I think still holds true.
Maybe the tide has finally turned… now that it’s politically expedient for it to do so. Anti-lockdowners are the now people of “remarkable bravery”. So reports Sky News, of all news outlets.
“Unlock Xinjiang, unlock China”
As a slight aside:
Ordinarily I would have edited the obvious error in that comment. Did you spot it? The superfluous ‘the’. There may be others. I’m not a pedant.
BUT.. unfortunately… nowadays it would seem, a minor change – such as removing a superfluous ‘the’ – can trigger the ignominy of the ‘Spam’ folder. With the uncertainty of ever being released from the lockdown.
The release is certainly not guaranteed. The ‘pending’ folder offers more hope for redemption from purgatory, than the ‘spam’ folder ever did.
“Unlock Xinjiang, unlock China”. “Unlock the pending folder”. “Unlock the spam folder”.
So alas, comments must remain unedited. The raw, wild, unadulterated first draft is all I can offer. ’nuff said.
edited comments in my case passes it to 24hrs delay from the consisted 4-6hrs… yes, on every comment… which is better than the two weeks where I completely disappeared including previous comments… just sayin’
Tide has indeed turned as we follow timeline similar to WW2. Bizarre it may seem, but as the Nazis never went away but morphed into more profitable sidelines it is true. History repeating itself.
But is it working for them in the UK?30% unvaxxed, maybe 50% in total wont take anymore,in USA percentage is greater.Their next hope for mass jabbing potential is the vaccine passport scheme, we must emphasise to all that it has very little logic, except as a stick for mass vaccination.
Actually it won’t, because there’s a filter between the fuel supply and the engine intake. Sand could possibly clog the filter but it won’t reach the cyclinders and destroy the engine, although the engine could choke.
The other widespread myth is sugar in the petrol tank. Utter nonsense.
Take a test tube half full of petrol and add as much sugar as you want. Come back in a week. Sugar still there in all its glory. I know, I’ve done it many times to prove to people it’s BS.
Why? Petrol and other liquid hydrocarbons like diesel cannot dissolve sugar (Water is a polar molecule and petrol isn’t.)
Jesus, get a life!
Jesus: – I do that every Easter, what do you want from me, you try it.
China never used MRNA and India used very little. Africa hardly any, Plenty of people still around.
Why would any country need an experimental injection for something with a flu-like death rate?
They had something remarkably quickly but there are unmistakable factors, not least of which rapid travel restrictions and to put it politely. the picture may not resemble your mother, grandmother or perhaps even her mother.
There are unmistakable World happening facts. For example The World Cup and the Crowds. Now, others may not like it. Which brings up another social gathering Public “House” point, then don’t bloody Watch it.
Thank You
Are you smoking something extra strong, Clive? There seems to be no discernible meaning in either of your posts above.
‘ What will they do with us?’
– They want society rebuilt, that’s our task, like it or not, so that’s what they’ll do with us.
It’s like pruning a garden: too much weed, so they used round up (mRNA therapy=round up). What remains of society will be another lush garden. For some time…
‘Bijltjesdag’ will come, but not for those who are really in charge. The Kaiser Sozes of this world are there, and then they’re gone. Yet they continue to rule the world.
Ah well. Too late anyway…
One thing is: if you look at the data, the excess mortality in 2022 seems less than 2021.
See fi graph in:
Me thinks that might be because the vaxx is toxic, but only over a short period of time. So if you stop boosting (and less and less people take the booster) excess mortality will fade.
So there is some optimism there. Not all who were stupid enough to take the vaxx will die like… weed dies from round up. But it’s just a hunch (I might be wrong).
The cancer thing is real. Two friends of mine (in their 30s), both fully vaxxed now have rare and severe forms of cancer. Okay, 2 is still not a study. But I am not the only one reporting on the non-disclosed side effects from the vaxx.
Also, the vaxxed seem terrified to me, if you bring up the subject of excess mortality and vaxx. I think for the simple reason that they know…
They may just be backing off for a while, to admire their handiwork and see how the whole picture looks.
But ‘flu season is well under way, and some people are already drivelling on about “covid is back”…
They won’t be stopped until real science overpowers the infantile mutant version in all the media.
Plants exchange genes through plasmids. Weeds acquire the vaunted resistance to round up from the genetically mutilated proprietary crop before long. That is how small farmers get ruined.
Here in my region Ottawa,there is a high number of stage 4 breast cancer in women , no age specified , which is being blamed on late diagnosis because of the health system delay and this delay is blamed on Covid ?
You have to be highly suspicious of the screening process. Worth researching.
However, toxic poisoning from vaccines and big pharma drugs real enough. Even at stage 4 natural healing possible, but avoid, slash, poison burn techniques of the cancer mongers, i.e. oncologists.
I think your comment correct. The thing is that the cancer industry is no different from the vaccine industry. I know having been misdiagnosed by the wretched NHS doctors.
Cancer is essentially a money scam caused by real toxic poisoning, scans of various types, dubious laboratories (anybody get more than one lab report on same biopsy??). My lab report said probably in essence, doctors letter said proven. Lying b*****d.
Real cause was sodium nitrite.
Beware of the ‘innocuous” poisons lurking in everyday life. For instance, I just saw a commercial for a holiday children’s gift – a PlayDoh ice cream maker!! It’s just begging for the young ones to ingest their colorful chemical creations.
Known as the “hero” of vaccines, Jonas Salk, was another eugenicist. He wrote a book called Survival of the Wisest in 1972. Here’s an analysis of it.
In light of the Balenciaga disgrace, some are recalling a warning by Kanye West that children were being exposed to harmful subliminal messaging in media.
“As we previously highlighted, despite news outlets declaring the issue to be a “conspiracy theory,” the fashion label was forced to apologize for a fashion shoot which sexualized kids.
Images to promote Balenciaga’s Paris Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2023 collection showed young girls holding plush bear bags adorned with bondage gear.
The bears are seen wearing padlocks, fishnets, leather harnesses, as well as ankle and wrist restraints.”
“The Out Of The Shadows documentary lifts the veil on how the mainstream media and Hollywood manipulate and control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content and goal is to expose and wake up the general public by shedding light on how we have all been lied to and brainwashed by hidden common enemy with a sinister agenda.”
Yuk! What’s on the label? No, this is where labels work against these colourful bling junk toy makers.
“Laura Kuenssberg: Is this the new winter of workers’ discontent?
The scale of possible unrest is bigger than anything we’ve seen for more than a decade – perhaps since 2011, when there was a huge bust-up between the government and public sector over pensions.”
I don’t recall the media ever announcing anticipated social upheaval with so much relish before. You don’t suppose there’s a certain convenience involved?
Perhaps the media getting bored and there are only so many lies that can be made up about Covid 19/the ‘flu. Most of MSM is made up to sell the paper. I reckon most of the articles since April Fool’s day are April Fools. Finding something sensible is bit like hunt the slipper.
That’s nice and all but 2 points
1 – they’re not even able to release a virus
2 – most of population growth will occur in Africa, and almost nobody there took any of these products
Also kaputt is with 2 t
Those easily duped & controlled however are the ones dying.
Leaving the not so compliant ones to deal with. Not exactly smart if you want to rule the planet, for that requires people go along with it.
In other words: This little logical misstep doesn’t quite square with the assertion there’s a brilliant grand plan at play somehow.
Personally I don’t think the covid jabs are “designed to kill”.
Look at the docs on the European vaccine lobby site pre 2020.
They see perpetual vaccines updated quickly with cheaper and easier mRNA technology as a business mode: healthy people as a market is 99x bigger than sick people.
If you read the “science” such as it on mRNA technology pre 2020, the biggest problem was the unpredictability of the vaccine. It’s dangerous due to all the LPNs etc, the manufacturing process is not refined and noticeable adverse effects were not anticipated.
If you want to design a killer vaccine, the way to do would be to have it knock out 1% of the population gradually, without anyone noticing and certainly no adverse effects.
Just because Gates, Schwab etc. tend to shoot their mouths off does not mean the corporations are smart enough or aligned enough with their goals to pull off their crazier plans.
I dropped back into the mode growing up. People spread diseases as in the flow of immigrants into Europe. The mask could have been a marker, just saying it’s possible. So it became A Fashion statement ala Vogue.
“Virus” is very much mainstream middle class American so are shots, so is by and large social distancing, But, this is also about the huge growth in Air Travell over the last 60yrs, possibly also Intercontinental Sea Cruises.
I have asked this question in a previous post.
Why would you kill all the sheep and leave the free thinkers ?
Surely, those left will be those that will rise up against you ?
How will they prevent revolt from this much reduced but more fiery population ?
Well, nearly everyone can be bought. They can offer fabulous opportunities for the people that are left.
A good analogy might be at the end of “Animal farm” where the pigs were flattered into wearing clothes and dining with humans.
Trillions of $/£/€ can buy a lot of compliance.
Think of it another way:
If you were going to send a spaceship to colonise another planet in order to continue the human race, who would you send ?
Sheep or shrews ?
Agree. Don’t subscribe to the idea they are killing off the world’s population with their fraudulent vaccine scheme which is making billions for the chosen few. Along with their money they can make spineless politicians dance to their tune and total control seems to be their objective. We are undoubtedly their main problem where any form of compliance will not be tolerated. Truth will out.
Revolt? How are we going to revolt? They’re definitely thinning the herd now. They don’t plan on having the slightest difficulty with the rest, they have all kinds of tricks up their sleeves. We’re a little smarter, maybe; but we’re still just sitting around with our popcorn waiting to see what happens next, so we can kvetch about it on some limited hangout forum.
If they are able to get rid of the compliant, by definition they will concentrate the non compliant.
Let’s hear it for Jacinda!
“Can you tax a cow’s burps? New Zealand will be the first to try.
…. last month, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern unveiled a plan for New Zealand’s farmers to pay new taxes based on calculations of their herds’ emissions.”
The aim is “to make our farmers not only the best in the world, but the best for the world.”
“For the world” is the code. It is a seemingly arbitrary and frankly crazy requirement slapped on to destroy these small businesses.
As always, note the total breath-taking assurance of the “farts are deadly” outlook. It’s “The Science” and you can’t argue with it. THE END!
Please correct me if I’m wrong, but I’d imagine that since there are billions more humans than cows on this planet then we must produce a great deal more ‘botty burps’ than cows. So what next? Will we eventually face a tax bill for our own gaseous expulsions? I’d like to see how that would be metered. Perhaps a rubber tube up the derriere and a balloon to collect the gas? Will our WEF proposed bug meat diet mean we create more gas or less? Will we perhaps even be offered a tax break if we contribute our output to a locally based collection facility, to power all the gas cookers/heating in the area? On the other hand, could the more enterprising amongst us find a way to ‘weaponise’ the gas? Yeah, it’s stupid, but we’re living in a stupid world run by stupid, dangerous people. Move over Star Wars, this is Fart Wars!
Smart masks and smart undies.
Good point. And as such, it will be completely ignored. Should you persist in this, you will be attacked for “trivialising” the “desperate situation”.
i am not sure you are correct so have a red thumb anyway ; )
but laugh at the images conjured,
i made a wee comic strip of “eco-pants” “for the eco-citizen” many years ago, tap loaded fart pants, heat your home after a good curry, lol
I’l try and dig it out and photo/upload… urghLudd
bless Viz, that inspirational tome
cheers for the laugh, thumb on chin ; )
As Wellington’s on the North Island, you could just get the South Island to secede from Wellington/Ardern’s control and declare themselves the new ‘Republic of Carnivorous Antipodeans’ or whatever.
Just hearing that pathetic name makes my blood boil.
That she is the head of NZ baffles the brain. Here in SA we are used to idiots in charge with not concept how to run a country. Shortages of electricity and water. And out silly slimy Cyril was off on a trip to see that new mad king Charlie. Lizbet must be turning in her grave!
Please delete this. I posted it again due to spam raptor.
Obviously leave one of the posts. Everything is going haywire today. I’m guessing spam raptor is out of control.
“On seeing a poster for Dolly Parton’s literacy programme in my local library I briefly assumed that she was coming there to read to the children herself.”
Well why not? Paedo-trannies are doing it. (Paranoid suspicion developing: Dolly’s boobs have always been unfeasibly large. You don’t suppose ….)
“It was not entirely improbable, since Dolly has the kind of philanthropy that seems to put her everywhere at once, a bit like Santa.”
Seriously creepy.
“That she gives 11,000 free books a month not just to children at home in Sevier County, Tennessee, but in the London borough of Islington is evidence of the reach of her long philanthropic arms.”
Even creepier.
“And in her eighth decade she continues to graduate from local to global do-gooding.”
Can you “graduate” in “do-gooding”?
“Last night she became the recipient of Jeff Bezos’s annual Courage and Civility Award – $100m bestowed upon “leaders who aim high, find solutions and who always do it with civility”, as Bezos’s partner Lauren Sanchez puts it.”
“Courage and Civility Award”? Here’s an idea: How about a new award for “Taking The Piss”?
“In the same month that Elon Musk, the richest man on earth, fired his new employees by email, it was nice to see recognition of people who give away lots of money politely.”
Oh come on! Nobody gives away money politely! They always do it with maximum ostentation.
Let’s leave the last word to DP:
“Vaccine, vaccine, vaccine, vaccine
I’m begging of you please don’t hesitate
Vaccine, vaccine, vaccine, vaccine
‘Cos once you’re dead, then that’s a bit too late.”
Dolly has been “global” from the start… hum
“On seeing a poster for Dolly Parton’s literacy programme in my local library I briefly assumed that she was coming there to read to the children herself.”
Well why not? Paedo-trannies are doing it. (Paranoid suspicion developing: Dolly’s boobs have always been unfeasibly large. You don’t suppose ….)
“It was not entirely improbable, since Dolly has the kind of philanthropy that seems to put her everywhere at once, a bit like Santa.”
Seriously creepy.
“That she gives 11,000 free books a month not just to children at home in Sevier County, Tennessee, but in the London borough of Islington is evidence of the reach of her long philanthropic arms.”
Even creepier.
“And in her eighth decade she continues to graduate from local to global do-gooding.”
Can you “graduate” in “do-gooding”?
“Last night she became the recipient of Jeff Bezos’s annual Courage and Civility Award – $100m bestowed upon “leaders who aim high, find solutions and who always do it with civility”, as Bezos’s partner Lauren Sanchez puts it.”
“Courage and Civility Award”? Here’s an idea: How about a new award for “Taking The Piss”?
“In the same month that Elon Musk, the richest man on earth, fired his new employees by email, it was nice to see recognition of people who give away lots of money politely.”
Oh come on! Nobody gives away money politely! They always do it with maximum ostentation.
Let’s leave the last word to DP:
“Vaccine, vaccine, vaccine, vaccine
I’m begging of you please don’t hesitate
Vaccine, vaccine, vaccine, vaccine
‘Cos once you’re dead, then that’s a bit too late.”
The jabbed have developed almost every type of illness, injury and disease including relapses. The current overall level of harm is enough to keep the authorities busy with deflections and denials. Almost all the experts and dissidents seem disinterested in the content of the jabs, though photos and videos of a drop at room temperature suggest self-assembling chips or antennae. Perhaps, most of the large-scale cull may come when the 5G street towers/antennae (which have a wider frequency range than necessary) are turned up.
Other ways of culling that have become routine include (a) destitution (food, shelter, heating/cooling, sanitation, safety) (b) withheld/unaffordable med. treatment (c) harmful med. treatment (injury, euthanasia, abortion) (d) poisoned food and environment, related to infertility. Of course, this does not address the current unrestricted right to reproduce and (according to UN) to migrate as a purported refugee.
The Great Reset goes beyond eugenics, the cull and greed (appropriating all private, public and planetary resources). It may also be an attempt at the following:
Neo-liberal desperation:
-deflecting blame for dysfunction, incompetence, destitution, wars, etc. caused by speculators and central banks
-blowing up unpayable debts selectively, e.g., (a) bankruptcy (b) more rescues through more government debt or bail-ins, until the currencies become worthless
-dismantling the productive economy in view of low demand (related to poverty) and shortage of materials including cheap fuel
-reverting to mined fuels (though limited in supply).
Totalitarianism (ending all pretence of civilised government):
-end to rights, e.g., (a) gatherings, travel (b) representative democracy, privacy, custody over children, property, compensation, dissent, litigation, legal represetation
-slavery: no job/pension (related to automation) leading to Social Credit, UBI, individual orders/permits
-brutality, e.g., isolation, detention, disappearance
-pervasive surveillance including biometrics, digital currency
-preparation to crush protests over climate and economic collapse.
NWO: centrally coordinated policies and enforcement.
I propose adding the words “rules based”, so we end up with –
NWO: centrally coordinated policies and rules based enforcement.
There is a French book entitled L’Avenir De La Vie (“The Future of
Life”) by Michel Salomon, who is a journalist and doctor back in 1981,
he interviewed twenty scientists including seven Nobel Prize winners,
and which thus relates his conversation with Jacques Attali, who at the
time was the adviser to François Mitterrand. In that interview, it
provides a clear warning of how they look down upon us, the great
unwashed, which is the blueprint for what they are doing using Covid-19
to change the world economically and politically.
“In the future it will be about
finding a way to reduce the population. We will start with the old,
because as soon as he is over 60-65 years of age, man lives longer than
he produces and costs society dearly. Then the weak and then the useless
who do nothing for society because there will be more and more of them,
and especially finally the stupid ones.
Euthanasia targeting these groups;
euthanasia will have to be an essential instrument of our future
societies, in all cases. Of course, we cannot execute people or set up
camps. We will get rid of it by making them believe it is for their own
good. Too large a population, and for the most part unnecessary, is
something economically too expensive.
Socially, it is also much better for
the human machine to come to a screeching halt rather than gradually
deteriorating. We won’t be able to give intelligence tests to millions
and millions of people, you can imagine!
We will find something or cause it, a
pandemic that targets certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a
virus that will affect the old or the big, it doesn’t matter, the weak
will succumb to it, the fearful and the stupid will believe it and ask
to be treated.
We will have taken care to have
planned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution. The
selection of idiots will thus be done by themselves: they will go to the
slaughterhouse on their own. “
“The future of life” – Jacques Attali, 1981, interview with Michel Salomon.
Bravo! Good find, ImpsObs. I have wondered about that myself: whether this whole Covid-psyop wasn’t just an exercise in unnatural selection — that is, getting rid of the stupid. But as a commenter above pointed out, they will then have to deal with a much smarter — and more sceptical — population than before. Could get dicey for them …
I try not to listen to predictions. The doom predicted by both “their” side and “our’s” has not yet come to pass. In fact, while elements of the new normal like masking and booster shots carry on, chunks of the old normal seem to be settling back in. One way I judge this is by seeing how Toyota, Mercedes and other car companies are all coming out with new cars knowing millions of normal people will buy them as they always have. Other businesses are making big investments for the future too. I’m recently seeing big ads for cruise lines. Understands that the scamdemic was just another marketing ploy. And did the pharmaceutical companies make bank! That we the people panicked and believed their sales pitch is our fault. That so many of us won’t get the follow up injections is a sign we’re smartening up. Yeah, a whole lot of problems will befall us in the future but it’ll be scattershot, a war here, a stock scandal there, etc. I hope there will be prosecutions and trials but I will make a prediction. None of the bastards will pay for their crime. A cruise might be just the thing.
You know, the band kept playing even as the Titanic sank. Moral: don’t get too cocky, Thom! 😉
So 5g is safe and effective then?
Even if we were to assume that the conventional notion of “viruses” is largely true, it is not possible to have a global pandemic of a virus which is both highly lethal and highly contagious. If the virus is lethal, it disables and kills people too quickly to be able to spread. Also, the less lethal variants spread more quickly and therefore help build natural immunity in the global population.
I agree. I’ve been saying that from the start … but normies won’t listen.
The slow-genocide angle does make a compelling argument;
As you say, it would be perfect, except for the last part:
The unjabbed, who are the “sand in the gears” of this narrative.
Why exterminate all the compliant sheep, and leave all the wild goats to thrive?
Perhaps this is why states like Israel and the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea exist,
an exercise in how to deal with the malcontent,
=> this way lies Zone 23, that way is 1984…
I think we grant the puppetmasters too much “altruism”, by imagining that these philanthropists want to cull the world for the good of mankind, like a bunch of demented Bond villains.
I doubt that they act out of anything more than fear & self interest, like the sheep they herd.
And what they fear is loss of power & status, & their own mortality.
The mRNA toxins were initially developed with the aim to overcome the things that cause the human body to fail,
Namely cancers and degenerative conditions.
Some things can be dealt with through cybernetics and transplants,
But others have no cure, the current trend is to boost the immune system to prevent the problems taking root.
(Y Harari discusses this in some of his books)
Of course the big issue with the mRNA tech is that so far as any research has shown,
it is 100% fatal in the animal studies.
So probably decades before it’s ready for human trials, which will be sadly too late for most of our current overlords.
And here we are:
The most massive global human trials ever.
Some deaths & adverse effects were expected but not necessarily desirable, considering that those unfortunates were compliant sheep.
Perhaps they do anticipate 100% kill rate, just like the cats & ferrets, but are hoping for some scientific breakthrough.
After all, one cannot expect to perfect an mRNA omelette without breaking a few billion eggs..
The mRNA ‘vaccines’ were actually initially developed as a scientific exercise in ‘can we find a way to get genetic material to be turned into protein in a mammalian body?’
It was a technical challenge. mRNA wasn’t the only option. Plasmid DNA was tried too (I personally tried a few ‘experiments’ like that on mice, subcontracted to a professional animal house). Viruses of various kinds were tried, like retroviruses, adenoviruses, vaccinia viruses etc etc (I made some retroviral vectors too). Delivery systems were tested too, with much work on different lipid encasements for mRNA/DNA. Chemical modifications to mRNA bases and DNA bases were also tested to optimise stability of the nucleic acids.
I know all about this because I was an active researcher in the decade of the 1990s, when the basic science was being developed. The 2000s were the decade of refined technical developments and early clinical trials (after the shock of killing a few people with adenovirus in the late 1990s). The 2010s was about tuning different approaches to different scenarios.
At least it was in honest scientific circles.
For those interested in the biggest heist going, the only possible solutions were DNA or mRNA, because they were by far the cheapest to produce. Virus production is expensive, so forget that.
We all know the rest…..
So Rhys, with your background might you be that elusive person who can prove finally to the sceptics that viruses really ARE real, after all. Will you take the Bailey et al challenge…?
The Camps are going to be renamed Room 101.
Let’s not forget the other horsemen of the apocalypse: war, famine, which will probably do the bulk of the work, not to mention how much an undernourished body is more susceptible to infections. The next few decades will smell of cadaver. And in fifty, hundred years, the history books will tell that a terrible pandemic killed billions of people.
Is this still OG ? What’s this “they” created a “virus” code-switch article doing here ?
Did “they” create something based upon an idea of a virus, or did they create a propaganda-mind virus, or some entirely different form of “toxin” (or fiction…)?
In answer to your – quite legitimate – question, Ed: the intellectually-meticulous position is that the very existence of viruses is indeed (back) in dispute again, due to the big shake up of the covid swindle; so it’s currently an unanswered question,
In the meantime, still using the old convention – illness caused by ‘dangerous viruses’ – remains a handy short-hand way of speaking, as long as we understand that it should be handled with serious scepticism.
After all whateverTF the real cause(es) may be, something makes a percentage of the populace ill with some sort of respiratory ill, every year. Quite possibly compromised terrain in the individual, rather than a ‘germ’. Maybe just a long-established Sheldrakian morphogenetic form, even, hundreth-monkey style. But something does.
And who knows: even working from a mistaken theoretical background (the trembling card-house of ‘virology’), the eegabeevas in the biowar labs now scattered all over the world quite probably stumble across ways to tamper with these ills and make them worse, just by trial and error. This being what technicians and engineers do mainly, regardless of the underlying conventional-wisdom theory of the day. That’s left to the mainly-useless-eater babbler-technocrat theorisers amongst the uni-plankton.
Meanwhile, the hands-on tamperers continue to tamper, since their grants/career/status depend on it; and now and then they stumble on something interestingly nasty which they find to be profitably weaponiseable in practice – whateverTF the true theoretical picture may be…
Once CBDC is rolled out and the entire financial system collapses, then the majority of people who are not self-sufficient will be forced to comply with future vaccine mandates in order to even eat.
The entire Great Reset will probably fail, though, because the wheels of the bus are coming off now. There really is an energy crisis so the power and wealth of the PTB is crashing and burning as we speak. If they can manage to control the collapse sufficiently, then they have a chance of pulling off their Reset. But if it all falls apart too fast, then it’ll be over for them and most of us. The Great Reset is really about the peak of conventional and unconventional oil, which occurred in 2018- hence the COVID hoax and Ukraine war.
Also a shortage of necessary minerals which cannot be mined, transported, refined, processed, manufactured, etc. etc. without the energy from fossil fuels. Die-sel, especially will be in short supply and there is already a shortage of copper.
“Minerals are the new oil”:
Not saying there’s no oil left, but it is rapidly becoming too costly to retrieve. Suggest you look up EROI – energy returned over energy invested. No company will drill for oil when they make a loss.
Demand for oil is very inelastic. I mean, people aren’t going to stop driving to work in the morning simply because the price of gas is too high, are they? So oil companies can simply pass on the added cost to consumers.
The energy “crisis” is closely managed.
If “they” chose not to have an energy crisis, there would not be one.
Dead wrong, Straws. The realworld geophysical availability of fossil (or abiotic if that grabs you) hydrocarbons is entirely indifferent to the delusions of humankind.
When it’s gone, it’s gone; and no amount of delusional theorising is going to touch that physical reality at all. The gics (gangsters-in-charge) can bugger about with their wilfully-caused-shortages machinations as much as they like, but it will make not a shred of difference to the underlying geophysics.
And now, about half of what’s theoretically down there – the sweet, light, easy-get, low-hanging-fruit half – is mainly gone (outside of Siberia); and the remainder is, in large part, beyond our reach for ever – startrekkytechietechie contortions notwithstanding – because of the unbuckable realities of EROEI (qv!).
Get used to it: loads of cheap, abundant fossil-hydrocarbon fuel is now a thing of the past. From here on we’re on the past-peak downward backslope; and there’s not a damned thing we can do about it. Put your faith in briefly delaying flash-in-the-pans like fracked lighter-fuel-grade barrel-scrapings if you like, but per-capita energy use – that critical measure – is now on its way back down again towards pre-Oil-Age levels.
I agree. And if this energy crisis were real, would the German be banning Russian natgas and closing the nuclear plants? Probably not. No, this energy crisis is being deliberately manufactured to control us better through shortages and rationing.
I agree that the globos will use rationing (energy, food,etc.) against we non-globos, and continue to raise the price of oil. Already oil companies are making record profits with the US claiming that its Putin’s fault although US has banned Russian oil. Its only 3% of California’s oil, by the way.
I believe that there is and will be a growing shortage of oil and I think this is the main event under the manufactured financial collapse and pseudo virus.
Cheap oil has created the industrial age which is now shrinking, along with cheap oil.
The globos know about this and no doubt they have stored large reserves of oil for themselves, while we get rationing and higher prices.
But,hey, its good for the planet, blah blah blah.
Oil is the second most abundant liquid on Earth.
Abundance is one thing, being able to mine that abundance is another. While almost everything we’ve been told, and are being told now, is lies, there are still physical limitations to just what can be done and just what resources can be accessed, all the tech “solutions” bleating be damned. We do live on a finite planet. While there is obviously “mismanagement” of resources, to put it mildly, there are still physical limits. While oil may be “renewable” is that oil really renewable in a time frame that matters to us now?
Is there any evidence for this statement?
No, never answered by the bot, because the chop-logic would be shot down in flames instantly. Just treat it as the bs that it is, and don’t get entangled.
Is there some automated troll-system pushing out this fool canard about “…the second most abundant…”? I keep seeing those exact – utter bullshit – words. And unicorns fart tri-lithium crystal fairy-dust which will keep our cars going forever. Sure!
Why does OG continue to write as if viruses exist?
That “30 points” list from last year was the worst – where you talked about infection and fatality rates etc. That’s pretty sketchy, kids.
We are often very careful to be noncommittal on the subject. It is divisive. When your enemies’ logic is faulty on its own terms (Ie. There’s a dangerous virus that doesn’t really harm many people, or there’s a pandemic but only the usual number of people are getting poorly) often it’s more helpful simply to point out these flaws rather than wrestle an additional beast and convince people that the flu doesn’t really exist. Inconsistencies are powerful tools to exploit, they are efficient and effective.
We’ve published Torsten Engelbrecht‘s wonderful work, such as Phantom Virus, which I thoroughly respect. However at some point, officially or unofficially, I think OFFG decided to get off at the next stop on that argument and try to tread a respectful line. And most of the time, if you’re dismantling Covid logic, treading this line causes zero issues.
I personally don’t know if I buy terrain theory, however. Arguing that all infection is a sort of sympathetic detox process triggered by observing another person’s detox process, and the mechanism of contagion is all in our head…
It takes an unannounced, unacknowledged turn into solipsism, and that for me feels problematic. A2
There is an issue that the author is missing … Bill Gates and his minions have been experimenting for several years with a ‘vaccinate one, vaccinate all’ approach — it’s been used in chickens so far, and it’s been successful.
Furthermore, there is getting to be more publicity of the fact that the ‘vaccine’ can be shed … that the jabbed can spread it to the un-jabbed merely by physical contact.
Combine these 2 and you’ve got no more pure-bloods left …
Vaccines, even fake ones like the mRNA toxic bombs, are theraputic, they act on the body & only on the body. The lunatics may be planning some sort of transmissible vaccines but they’re not there yet.
On the other hand, I have experienced the phenomenon of “spiking”, on no less than 3 occasions but only from recently-vaxxed sheep. I’ve encountered the same sheep at a later stage, without any reaction.
So if that’s the case how will the corrupt elites escape the shedding themselves.
If so, Bill Gates and his minions won’t be able to leave their bolt-holes in NZ for a long time yet.
“Imagine if they were right”? Planning and doing the deed is one thing, but that wouldn’t make them right under any circumstance, except in their own minds.
Up to now, I’ve not been convinced of the genocide angle. I’ve seen a lot of misinformation on “our” side also, a lot of conjecture and opinion and sensationalism, outright lies and make up bullshit, very similar to 9/11. Maybe it’s true, I don’t know. I haven’t seen proof. I have seen proof about their plans for the Great Reset and the technocratic fascism we’re already living under. I’ve seen it up close and personal already. We KNOW they want to control us. And the mRNA technology and health passports and all that are clearly part of the plan. Not necessarily genocide imo. Seems like the kind of global technocratic fascism they have in mind won’t work on a severely reduced population and the medical costs and non-availability would contribute to a rebellion they could not handle, not to mention the complete anarchy it would create. I’m more on the side that they made this whole thing up to implement the Great Reset and global technofascism to control the world population, not to make billions sick and die. And if it isn’t billions, what’s the purpose of a mini-genocide?
The ‘technocratic fascism’ isn’t just a plan — look at how 1.4 billion people are forced to live in china — TODAY …
It’s all there, and there those among US that are actively bringing it HERE … to the West …
Yes, I said “ the technocratic fascism we’re already living under”, and it’s not just in China, it’s everywhere. The plan is the Great Reset, or the New World Order, a long time in the making and this step with the fake pandemic appears to be what they need to shift into overdrive, or try anyway. The move toward digital currencies currently underway is another example.
The clot shots are harming large numbers of people. I have spoken to a seriously injured person and know of others in my small circle of acquaintances. I feel I myself may have been injured by the clot shots I was coerced into taking.
So have all vaccines, doesn’t mean it’s an intentionally planned and coordinated genocide of the human race down to whatever population those Georgia stones indicated. And I’m sorry you have had to experience that, my son has also.
A smaller population might be easier to control? Perhaps this is the way the globos think. They do believe they were born to rule,but I guess no one’s perfect.
A smaller population, especially one forced to accept significantly-lower per-capita energy availability, is going to do a lot less damage to the biosphere (on which we all still depend absolutely for our continued existence, all our Kurzweil-Harari-Schwaboid startrekkytechietechie delusions aside).
And in any case, whatever nasty fantasies the gics may be nurturing about eugenical-genocides, the fact is that we humankind are genuinely in a population-overshoot episode, right now, quite naturally occurring, as they do. And – as they do – it will cure itself automatically, by long-standing Gaian homeostasis mechanisms, whatever we do or don’t do; and certainly whatever delusions we choose to harbour about it.
The canny money says that the overshoot will be coming down quite noticeably, of its own accord, around the middle of this century. Just a bet, of course; but my money’s there. Ten, twenty, thirty billion humans? MarsyMoony colonies, and onward and outward into the universe? 😂 Forget it!
Our realworld, actually-practicable choices are two: fascistic neofeudalism, or egalitarian scarcity-socialism. Nothing else is genuinely, workably available.
If the problem’s bound to solve itself, then why is it a crisis?
It’s doing a fair bit if damage to the crucial ecosphere S, whilst it’s still running, Gaia will repair and refurbish all that, as she usually does; I hope and suppose so, anyway. But her usual time-frame for such restoration work is often in the thousands of years, at least. Shame to have to live with a ravaged and depleted ecosphere for all that time. I’d call that a mid-strength crisis.
But are the population figures accurate? I don’t trust any of their statistics. And how can we really know how many souls inhabit this earth?
Quite right, M. No-one knows exactly. It’s all rough-estimate work at bottom. But the overshoot itself is pretty obvious. And the ecologically-competent know how they resolve.
I don’t know, the mRNA, the Lipid Nanoparticles & the Spike Protein which is already in the fake vaxx are all independently toxic. The injections are little, multiple-warhead toxic bombs. The Japanese, for regulatory reasons, were the only country to independently test the vaxx for toxicity. Their conclusion:
8 shots = 100% mortality.
Maybe, I try not to rule out anything, but I try not to jump to the pedophiles at the pizza joint phase. In the end, it doesn’t really matter relative to those of us who want freedom and liberty for the human race, or at least for those humans who want freedom and liberty. We know the enemy, who they are and basically what they’re up to, and we have to stop them. The never-ending avoidance of talking about how to stop them, while discussing what they’re “really upt to” is the most frustrating part.
We stop them by uprising, Al. Nothing less will work. Shouldn’t have to wait much longer, as things get increasingly intolerable.
Funny how for many plandemic skeptics, 9/11 is a red pill they just can’t swallow.
Odd, if so. It only takes the averagely-educated ability to grasp the established fact that the three buildings were taken down by controlled demolitions, and that no other explanation has a hope of standing up, to be forced to the obvious conclusion:
Rigging buildings for CD is a big job, requiring teams of technicians and pallet-loads of materials into the buildings, with privileged-access permission from the owners, for an extended period of time. That points inexorably to an inside job; a classic false-flag. Anyone still not able to see that, after doing that basic due diligence about the CDs, is having serious common-sense problems.
Again, we wrestle with even the concept that there are people in the world so malevolent and demonic as to conceive such a plan. But all indications are that that is exactly what they did. Question is: Why now?
Maybe because now they’ve got the technology to do the whole show — the mRNA jabs can be made to do their bidding; the technology — look at China with cameras and face recognition software everywhere, plus digital currency and the whole social credit system, all made possible by 5G (and the upcoming 6G) — the technology is all available right now …