The REAL reason behind China’s “Zero Covid” policy
Kit Knightly

Most of the Western world is no longer in lockdown, some vaccine mandates are being loosened, mask wearers are distinctly the minority everywhere you look.
For now at least, and for want of a better phrase, we have largely “gone back to normal”…except, you know, now with a totally broken economy, more centralised financial power, dozens of alarming precedents set up for future deployment and millions upon millions of people injected with poison under false pretences.
But on the lockdown front at least, we’re normal…mostly.
Lockdowns are quickly becoming one of those embarrassing things that were only ever supported by other people, like wearing flares or voting for Thatcher. Politicians are feverishly passing the buck back and forth, claiming to have never wanted lockdowns in the firstplace.
…but not in China.
As the rest of the world “lives with Covid”, people in Chinese cities are still subject to dystopian levels of control and surveillance. Up to and including being welded inside their own homes.
Well, we can certainly rule out a few mainstream “explanations”:
- We know it’s not because Covid is a real disease or uniquely dangerous in any way whatsoever. The data has spoken on that.
- We know it’s not because lockdowns work to protect the health of the public or prevent disease outbreaks. The data has spoken on that too.
- We know it’s not because the Chinese government holds the lives of their citizens as more precious than their Western counterparts.
- And we know it’s not because they were the victim of some bio-engineered viral attack by the West. That idea was always absurd.
…so what’s the real explanation?
Well, there are really several answers to that, all of which come back to our old friend the fake binary.
1. Heel vs Face
If you accept that the Covid “pandemic” was in fact a global psy-op, carried out by most of the governments of the world working in concert at the behest of supra-national financial, corporate and political interests, then it de facto follows that any apparent differences in approach or attitude between those co-operating governments serve a role in the narrative.
In short, someone has to play “the bad guy”.
In this case, China’s brutal “zero-Covid” approach allows the Western governments to claim the “moderate” label simply by virtue of not being so cartoonishly “evil” as China.
Of course, this works in both directions.
“The West” can say to their citizens, “look how brutal China’s lockdown was, we would never go that far, because we care about your rights”.
Meanwhile, China can say “look how lax and disorganized the West’s Covid response was, we would never be that careless, because we care about your health”.
It is – and here’s that phrase again – a fake binary.
Each side serves as the good guy in their own narrative, and the bad guy in the other, and in that fashion they actually support each other whilst corralling each other’s dissidents into a controlled “alternative opinion”.
2. Promoting vaccines
In The Guardian two days ago, the now-ubiquitous Devi Sridhar actually defended China’s “tough decisions” on Zero Covid, coming at it from the angle that China has to be that harsh because their vaccines don’t work as well as ours do:
China’s population has a lower vaccination rate, with vaccines that appear less effective, than in most other countries. And many people don’t have any immunity gained from a previous infection either. If China gives up on containment and allows a large wave of infections, the country will take a huge loss of life given current vaccination levels
The entire column is really just a way of shilling “safe and effective” mRNA vaccines (as well as other agenda we’ll deal with below):
Rising concerns about the low effectiveness of the non-mRNA Chinese vaccines were also a concern: studies indicated that protection faded fast and was undetectable after six months […] China takes, it needs to improve its vaccines. But to do this it will need access to mRNA technology, and this has been stuck at an impasse. Moderna has refused to transfer its technology to Chinese firms for manufacturing, instead eager to sell directly to a large market. China has instead worked to develop a homegrown mRNA vaccine but this has caused delays in rollout […] China need to get mRNA vaccines to the biggest priority groups quickly
Again, the twin-sided narrative.
The West says, “see, we don’t need these brutal lockdowns, because we’ve got magical vaccines”, with the inevitable unspoken corollary of this being “we’ll need to go into lockdowns if you don’t get vaccinated enough” .
Meanwhile, China gets to lay the blame for their own lockdowns on Western selfishness, “the only reason we have these lockdowns is the mean selfish Western companies won’t share their technology”. This neatly turns ALL pro-Chinese voices in Western alternate media voices into pro-vaccine voices too.
3. Feeds the lie that “lockdowns work”
Lockdowns do not work to halt the spread of diseases and, before 2020, were never suggested or used in that manner.
Then, in the spring of 2020, almost every world government seemingly simultaneously took the unprecedented decision to go into lockdown to fight Covid. To justify this the mainstream narrative was in need of some evidence lockdowns work.
Enter China.
Over and over and over again you will read apparent “condemnation” of China’s lockdowns alongside the qualification of their supposedly low Covid death numbers.
In mainstream sources, the clear implication is left unspoken, but prominent alternative voices are happy to say it out loud: “These lockdowns may appear unethical, but they saved millions of lives.”
Since ALL Covid “cases” are entirely the product of PCR testing programs, and ALL “Covid deaths” are subject to ludicrously tortured definitions, we can conclude China’s Covid statistics are a contrivance designed to sell the idea that lockdowns actually work.
More than just lockdowns, an undercurrent of the pandemic narrative has been a softening of the public attitude to authoritarian governence in general, usually through compliments to China.
As early as March 2020 we had “experts” on Channel 4 praising China’s approach, we had Neil Ferguson lamenting the UK government didn’t have the power to follow China’s gameplan, we had western news outlets claiming China had “triumphed” over Covid.
The message was clear, and not at all subtle: “Man, obviously having no regard for individual rights is bad, but that approach really does seem to work, doesn’t it? Clearly, we would never do that, but you can’t deny it’s effective, can you?”
That messaging still carries on today, and it has nothing to do with China per se, and everything to do with the slow-burn legitimisation of tyranny by virtue of the ends justifying the means.
To sum up, China’s “zero covid” approach forms a vital piece of the overall pandemic narrative, working in conjunction with Western governments as a deliberately stark contrast:
- It promotes the idea that vaccines work and helped prevent further lockdowns here.
- It shines a flattering light on Western governments, who appear less draconian by comparison.
- It serves as an argument for the effectiveness of lockdowns and other authoritarian measures.
Perhaps most importantly, the supposed difference works to corral and control public debate.
Traditionally leftwing critics of Western capitalism are forced to defend vaccines and lockdowns by their ideological loyalty to China.
Conversely, right-wingers have China’s “socialist” practices to point their fingers at, whilst praising Western capitalist pharmaceutical innovation for saving us from the need for tighter lockdowns.
Each side is controlled by their ideology, not realising their loyalties are being used to position them inside the permissible spectrum of opinion.
All the while, both sides claim the virus is real and dangerous, both sides use the same PCR tests and both sides shill vaccines made by the same companies. The superficial “differences” serve only to sell their many points of agreement.
In other words, the divide over Covid tactics is as real as the fight over Ukraine. It all serves the same purpose, promoting the great reset and the global technocratic government. A system neither communist nor capitalist, but absorbing the worst vices of both whilst purging the virtues.
Zero Covid is just China working as the other side of the scissors.
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There is one possible reason for the Chinese Lockdowns, by looking at the facts of what they caused; 1) Massive increase of Shipping Costs by Containers by 10 20 x. Further, reduction of supplies to the West. Sum of effects; a major driver of inflation in Europe and USA, causing the current Economic crises to get much worse. 50% caused by Chinese Lockdowns, and perhaps 50% caused by the Gas and Energy crises, which the WEF Global Private Partnership is behind. The total effect is what we have. I believe these effects speaks for itself, and explains that the WEF and China and EU and USA works together to get these effects, and Chinese Lockdowns have dramatic negative effects on prices and moreover, a reduction in Chinese demand for Western goods, like German Luxury Cars.
The PCR test used for covid was discredited by its inventor, Kary B Mullis –
And the amplification factor was reduced from ~35 to 25 shortly after Biden was elected, meaning the number of positive results per test made plummeted, effectively halving case numbers at the time.
And the old chestnut, A.Fauci has still not proven HIV causes AIDS.
As most people who tested positive and barely/didn’t get sick will attest, if you need a test to prove you have it, it aint really a problem.
And we know it’s not because they were the victim of some bio-engineered viral attack by the West. That idea was always absurd.
Oh? Why?
Superb! Insightful accurate and crucial to understanding the scam
Covid 19 is FAKE !!!
One week later: The real reason why Xi Jinping did a 180-degree U turn on “zero-covid” on December 7th: in Beijing before the 20th Party congress already hospitals were having many “positive” cases. To avoid a ruckus they reported zero patients as Covid positive and gave other diagnoses, plus didn’t allow medical personal to go home. Now after the Congress the U turn is perfect to hide that sheniganism. Medical staff is totally overworked – like they were in the west 2 years prior – due to the mass hysteria. Chinese craving for tylerol / ibuprofen to suppress The natural infection reaction called fever, clueless. No patience creates many patients. Old people dying: a novelty, a proof!
NO one has proven the virus exist. No pictures, no samples so it’s all bull shit and China is playing it to the hilt because commies like to rule like this. They are in heaven when they can tell you what to do and nobody stops them.
On 3/22/2020 UK’s Neil Ferguson freely admitted that he had no computer model for Covid, that he’d been using a model he’d written 13 years earlier for a different disease, influenza. It’s still posted on his twitter:
“neil_ferguson @neil_ferguson Mar 22, 2020
I’m conscious that lots of people would like to see and run the pandemic simulation code we are using to model control measures against COVID-19. To explain the background – I wrote the code (thousands of lines of undocumented C) 13+ years ago to model flu pandemics…”
Behind his cowardly screen, poor Neil hears the increasing noise of sharpening pitchforks and crackling fire of the torches. It’s always better to be incompetent rather than criminal.
In other words the Hegelian Dialectic again. Thesis (Corporatism aka “The West”) -> Antithesis (China) -> Synthesis (Globalism)
“And we know it’s not because they were the victim of some bio-engineered viral attack by the West. That idea was always absurd.”
Do we know that is absurd? I don’t see why you claim that.
It’s the committed position of those on this forum that the entire plague narrative is hoakum, despite the data and statements by those affected who have not been injected or had sx before introduction of them.
It’s a deeply concerning obstinance that perplexes and calls into question the forum’s purpose.
i finding hard to believe this. as we have seen it all in early 2020, China was and is test bed for everyone else since post-Apollo space mission.
Just a little personal information that might help, first off I’ve never had the jabs. I had a bug last year which was very unpleasant, although I’ve had really nasty “flu” for want of another description twice before which completely clobbered me, this thing was very different, for over 3 weeks I lost most of my strength and had terrible headaches, easily the worst I’ve had( I suffer with migraine) was congested nasally, which comprised of alternatively nose bleeds and
thick blood clots, the blood thing gradually eased off over 5 weeks.
It does seem that a very unusual bug was about so I do tend to think that Covid could be a thing or that the jab caused the spike protein to be spread ?
By the way I don’t believe almost anything the mass media have put out for many years, too many brazen lies and ridiculous inconsistencies!
I believe China is attempting to wage a war against western financial interests using zero Covid-19 policy. China lockdowns always seems to target Shanghai the most perhaps because that’s where all western banks are headquartered in China.
By locking down Shanghai, China is disrupting these financial institutions ability to conduct business.
Now, why is China doing this, quite frankly I don’t know, perhaps they’re trying to asphyxiate Taiwan’s economy, or replace the dollar as a reserve currency? Perhaps to stay true to the agreed plan in implementing “the great reset” after most western governments ditched the plan under pressure from people protests? Who knows.
Is there much concrete evidence emerging that this might the case? A2
Anyone who buys stuff from China, or gets stuff made there, will tell you the Chinese have been delaying shipments “because of the pandemic”. Many (smaller) companies in the West are badly affected. It seems to be a deliberate throttling, and outsourcing everything to China doesn’t seem so smart anymore.
For sure this has much to do with imposing economic pain on the west.
Its placing stress on the inflation issue and prolonging the pressure by keeping goods out of the western economy and their box stores.
There is also another aspect and that is its preventing some wealthy Chinese from running with cash from China as they try to flee to the West in a bid to keep their lifestyles afloat. Naturally they are wrong and will soon be running back to Shanghai but for now there’s a strong measure to keep these snow birds grounded for the immediate near term and then some.
It has very little to do with vaccines or the rest of BS.
Well, so says you, although I’d argue there’s much, much more evidence of a strong, wide and focused coordination between sovereign nations through the WHO and Covid, which affected the lives of ordinary people in bigger and longer-lasting ways than anything since 911 or the 2008 financial crash. I think evidence of this collusion is all around us, and doesn’t rely on the Chinese equivalent of the ‘Russian Oligarch ‘ trope, or any of the other dated geopolitical tropes being rather unconvincingly warmed-over post-Covid.
Covid changed things. All of a sudden all any country wanted to do was clamp down economies and limit human rights for ‘the greater good’, a message so completely at odds with past messages, and accompanied by such ham fisted attempts to segue this into a happy clappy ‘great reset’, that it was all laughably obvious.
Many argue that we are being transitioned out of the illusion of market-driven economies, since Covid blasted that notion out of the water, and the illusion of democracy, into a mode of living where deprivation is being normalised and where our born-to-lead masters can finally come out from hiding and be served by faceless, subservient serfs as they live in finery. A transition to neo-feudalism and technocracy.
There’s a lot of retconning going on since then, to try and play this down and convince everyone we’re still living in the same world as before. But we’re not. The man behind the curtain was spotted.
I’m sure there are elements of what you say which are relevant, but please stop trying to minimise the last three years, there’s a lot of very important stuff you’re missing. 😀
Kit Knightly “We know it’s not because COVID is a real disease or uniquely dangerous in any way whatsoever. The data HAS spoken on that.”
Pro Tip 1: Anyone who knows anything about “data” know that “data” is the plural form. It’s the data HAVE spoken
Pro Tip 2: Knowing how to use the English language is the first step to credible journalism.
Thanks for injecting your pro edge. And there was me thinking credible journalism was more than policing one’s own grammar. Silly me. Should I correct your typos now? No, it’s ok, I guess there are more important things to be getting on with. Thanks for your input in these troubling times. A2
Excellent, excellent. Thank you.
The headline photo is totally chilling and does not bode well for anyone!
Hope the Chinese citizenry are able to riot and destroy the CCP. All Communists should now be treated as enemies of the peoples of the free world.
I would have the South African Communist Party in orange oneies yesterday already.
It’s beyond belief that they play such a huge roll in the South African society.
FWIW the headline photo was taken in April 2021. The emotional manipulation around this whole event is stunning.
OTOH with all the speculation about US labs creating this in, among other places, Wuhan then maybe the Chinese are getting a larger dose of the bio-terrorism and simply taking further precautions. Is the narrative just a cover story?
Instead of a centrally controlled great reset, we could also at least speculate about system dynamics: every big player wants to remain in business – power- and monetary-wise – and therefore the system balances the forces in such a way that the result is always more power for the elite.
I do not claim that coordination behind the scenes is impossible, I just want to point out that the power game — a systemic game where the powers just arrange themselves.
We can see the exact same dynamic between Turkey and Europe: Erdogan shouting at Europe and Europe indignantly retorting with both parties receiving praise from their constituencies. people wjo actually live or ahve lived in CHina disagree. Thh US and bioweaposn labs in Ukraine were targetngn Russian & Chinjese genetic identity.
Excellent piece as always Kit.
Albert Camus Resistance, Rebellion, and Death.“the welfare of Humanity has always been the alibi of Tyrants”
If governments were interested in saving lives there would be no wars.
I posted an article on Fakebook right after the onset of the Covid Scam, from an Independent Researcher, & he wrote that the 1st Installation of the 5G Towers was done in Wuhan–before any mention of a ‘virus & 5G Gets into the Cells!
But why would the CCP and Xi go along w this?
To remember:
China started the whole covid scam because in 2019 in Wuhan (and Hong Kong) there were big demonstrations against the government and the CCP is not used to tolerate such things.
It worked excellent, the population in Wuhan and Honk Kong was put into submission:
This year, it was a preparations for the Congress of the Chinese Communist Party. In Shanghai, especially, there was opposition to Xi Jinping, led by former chinese president Jiang Zemin (recently deceased).
‘Shanghai Gang’ Seeks Xi’s Ouster
With lockdowns based on covid pretense, Xi Jinping managed to stop the „Shanghai gang”. He was reelected (a strange moment with Hu Jintao during reelection, that nobody want to investigate)
Covid was always about population control.
They are relaxing the „zero covid” policy only as result of resistance of the people. This is the only way. Population control is a never ending goal for the Chinese Communist Party adn the Western governments are following its example.
I’m very glad to note that B L’s initial post is back up again, as I am absolutely certain it had (been?) disappeared for a time.
I sincerely hope the idea of a fake binary is not an article of faith here and that people are allowed to air their own understandings of what they see going on.
The Fake Unity
The Fake Unity believes in the monolithic oligarchy of global, centralised command and control. As in the above example, it typically deploys the definite article – “the”. It says there is just one “fight over Ukraine” and one “divide over Covid tactics”. Moreover, it says that this one “fight” and this one “divide” are contrived for the singular purpose of advancing the agenda of the Monolarchy (my term). Of course, the Fake Unity also includes a fake binary since it implies a “them and us”. And if the “us” (another fake unity) were to just stand up, we could overthrow the “them”.
Overall, the debates about “viruses”, “global warming”, “vaccines”, the war etc. is distraction methods: psychology tricks. The inner core of evilness, on which the agenda is founded, is the mindset to unite all people under one world government, ruled by one leader. Don’t make the mistake to reject this statement, because the people behind are so deceived themselves, that they don’t hide their plans. They feel safe and secure from anyone who tries to stop their madness. No man can stop their agenda and the insanity will continue to the end of times. This is the reason no lawyer, no doctor, no simple but enlightened man and woman, will be able to stop the plan of self destruction. This is the clash of minds and it’s dangerous.
This is why no serious and well educated man or woman can turn over the table by facts. The Great example of our time, is the in silico/computer generated “virus with fantasy strains”.
Example links about the non-existing illness:
Many of us were spot on about the fantasy hoax and here is the real proof :
1. Stefan Lanka has debunked the illusion illness based on real science and in a German court:
The German Court OLG Stuttgart Urteil vom 16.2.2016, 12 U 63/15
The experiment made by Stefan Lanka was debunked in a laboratory, using the same course of action as the virologists about the alleged illusion illness, without using the critical use of chemicals as the virology profession. Here explained by Mr. Lanka himself: “My Discussion with Stefan Lanka about Virology”
2. Torsten Engelbrecht, Dr. Klaus Köhnlein MD, Dr. Samantha Bailey MD, Dr. Stefano Scoglio Bsc PhD “Virus Mania” –
3. Dr. Mark Bailey – “Mark Bailey, MB ChB PGDipMSM MHealSc is a microbiology, medical industry and health researcher who worked in medical practice, including clinical trials, for two decades.” – “A Farewell To Virology (Expert Edition)” :
There is no illusion illness as the virology sci-fi community tries to tell you and ask yourself how Anthony Fauci could “predict” a “surprise outbreak” in 2017 a couple of years before it happened…
Watching a US expat video saying how China is a great place to live because, for one reason, the Chinese government genuinely cares about the people. He illustrates this by saying because the government believes the pandemic narrative it wants to eliminate the illness via the massive lockdown for everyone’s good health. If their reasoning was nefarious why would the government lock down so many economically productive people sacrificing so much economic activity if it didn’t believe they’d all be better off in the not too distant unlocked future.
There is a cost to all war and, in this case, the ‘costs’ to the CCP are more than acceptable, in order to achieve their own end goals.
One might just as well ask why the MSM has destroyed the trust and attention of vast swaths of their markets. To me, at least, it’s rather simple; the upper echelons believe the Globalists (of all stripes) will succeed and their only interest is in serving their chosen masters well, to better secure their future self-interests. After all, Pravda never really had to worry about readership revenues, did it?
God help us all, because only He can…
As I understand it, fake binary is the pot calling the kettle black in order to disguise the similarities and collusion between the two. It strikes me as being a keen insight. The hackneyed good cop/bad cop scenario we all know from movies and TV is probably the example of it that’s easiest to grasp and accept. And the assertion that something similar is going on at the geopolitical level seems to me to be rather plausible. I suspect Kit Knightly harps on this theme because he’s afraid we’ll give in to false hopes of China or Russia’s innate beneficence (as with God’s, somewhat contradicted by the facts on the ground). And, like him (Mr. Knightly, not God) I’m also dubious of binary good or not-quite-as-bad China and Russia, and bad bad Empire. A pox on ’em all! (Wait, that’s already been done.)
I believe your comment contains some non-sequiturs itself: conclusions that don’t follow from what goes before them. Does it follow that because the suffering of the people of the Donbass is real, the same people won’t suffer later under Russian authority? Or that the Russians won’t abandon them to the tender mercies of the Ukronazis if and when it suits them? Didn’t Russia participate in the G20 conference last month and sign the technototalitarian manifesto heralding the introduction of vaccine passports and CBDCs (but not, funnily enough, the declaration condemning its own special operation!)? Russian and, to a greater extent, Chinese enthusiasm for covidism and domestic repression is not hypothetical. Gangsters, whether criminal or political/governmental, often collude with one another even as they jockey for position, gun each other down or stick knives in each others’ backs. Hypothetical, yes, as to which gang is to be the preferred victor in a gang war or world war. Granted, World War I, the murderous onslaughts of the US on the Vietnamese under the guise of saving them from communism and Iraq using the faked justification of saving the world from Saddam Hussein and WMDs, the authoritarianism (or capitalism, for that matter) of the post-war Vietnamese government, the Iraqi dictator’s brutality or the invasion that destroyed his country are unlikely fake binaries. Whoever said they were? Again, hypothetically speaking, if a fake binary were to be associated with a major conflict such as those, why would it necessarily trivialise it, or the suffering associated with it, which might even be exacerbated by the hypothetical fake binary? Wouldn’t that be all the more reason to be outraged?
We’ve entered or, rather, been shoved into an age in which the old certainties mean nothing, where, as in Animal Farm pigs and men are barely distinguishable from one another, and the wicked West is looking and feeling more like the merciless East every day. Is it hard to believe that both our propagandists and theirs would not do their best to convince us otherwise?
Remain sceptical, brothers, as I believe the good priest Father Kit would have us be. Verily even of his own holy articles, including the fake binary. Remain sceptical, above all, of the good intentions of governments. All governments.
This comment was intended as a reply to another now way, way down the list and found its way up here, so may not be apropos. My apologies. I hope a few lines remain relevant to any reader.
“Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.” (Sun Tzu, The Art of War)
“A fundamental difference between modern dictatorships and all other tyrannies of the past is that terror is no longer used as a means to exterminate and frighten opponents, but as an instrument to rule masses of people who are perfectly obedient. Terror as we know it today strikes without any preliminary provocation, its victims are innocent even from the point of view of the persecutor. … Nobody, not even the executors, can ever be free of fear; in our context we are dealing merely with the arbitrariness by which victims are chosen, and for this it is decisive that they are objectively innocent, that they are chosen regardless of what they may or may not have done.” (Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism)
“The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous. Hierarchical society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. This new version is the past and no different past can ever have existed. In principle the war effort is always planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against its own subjects and its object is not the victory over either Eurasia or East Asia, but to keep the very structure of society intact.” (George Orwell, 1984, revised wording)
When all is said and done, perhaps the real reason for the war strategy of China under cover of covid is to test the totalitarian limits of placing people under permanent siege to terror, overruling any reason beyond the sheer exercise of power. There certainly are any number of rationales and objectives to be exploited by lockdown, from false binaries to misdirect subjects from globalist agenda, to disciplining and punishing human resources, especially unruly factions as in China, by economic scarcity and austerity leading subjects into globalist solutions like ‘sustainability’.
But it’s above all worth remembering the original meaning of lockdown as a prison protocol translated under cover of public health with covid into a shock-and-awe strategy of the war of bioterror which hangs over all these ancillaries like a boot to stamp on humanity, forever. Unlike an earlier national security state protecting ‘us’ from ‘them’, the biosecurity state protects us all from ourselves, innocent victims of invisible enemies of life itself making us all guilty of defiled existence, universal untermenschen.
China is the world’s first technate, as observed here in OG by Iain Davis and by others like Patrick Wood who recognize the technocratic form of governance now emerging across the world abolishes all previous political forms by which the many have been ruled by the few. As such, and with a substantial proportion of the world’s population, it’s the leading-edge laboratory where the new abnormal’s infrastructure for total control may be most advanced against humanity in pursuit of Agenda 21/2030. Whatever ‘mistakes’ it may make along the way may be ‘corrected’ by institutions of global rule like the WHO and its pandemic treaty to bind all nations of a prison planet.
If we in the west have for the moment left lockdowns behind, if only to preserve the slimmest semblance of representative government while our own system of medical martial law is laid (e.g., Biden Has Handed America Over To The Biodefense Cartel/, it’s because experimental research and development of prison conditions necessarily follows the uneven course of history and human societies. Nor should we overlook ruling elites biding their time as the ticking time bombs of ‘vaccines’ and related means of depopulation (e.g., starvation) work their ways among us in a steady war of attrition waged on multiple fronts.
Recalling the well-known words of Martin Niemoller, first they come for ‘others’ and then, when potential allies have been thinned out, they come for us. Divide and conquer. Our defeat is assured by our failure to unite and fight. We are all China, or rather the people under occupation to the (capitalist) state of China. If ever the international solidarity and resistance of the working class has made sense, it’s now.
“Now I will tell you the answer to my question. It is this. The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power. What pure power means you will understand presently. We are different from the oligarchies of the past in that we know what we are doing. All the others, even those who resembled ourselves, were cowards and hypocrites. The German Nazis and the Russian Communists came very close to us in their methods, but they never had the courage to recognize their own motives. They pretended, perhaps they even believed, that they had seized power unwillingly and for a limited time, and that just around the corner there lay a paradise where human beings would be free and equal. We are not like that. We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now you begin to understand me.” (Orwell)
“Whether the mask is labeled fascism, democracy, or dictatorship of the proletariat, our great adversary remains the apparatus—the bureaucracy, the police, the military. Not the one facing us across the frontier of the battle lines, which is not so much our enemy as our brothers’ enemy, but the one that calls itself our protector and makes us its slaves. No matter what the circumstances, the worst betrayal will always be to subordinate ourselves to this apparatus and to trample underfoot, in its service, all human values in ourselves and in others.” (Simone Weil)
What’s good is bad, what’s bad is good
You’ll find out when you reach the top
Your on the bottom
– Bob Dylan, Idiot Wind, 1974
From Global Times:
China Produces World’s Oldest Chopsticks
Pottery from Liangqiuzhuang Ruins Photo:VCG
Located in an ancient town near East China’s Jiangsu Province, the Longqiuzhuang Ruins yielded the oldest chopsticks ever discovered. Dating back 5,000 to 7,000 years ago, the ruins also contain a large number of well-made pottery wares. Fragments of cultivated rice unearthed at the site are of great significance for the study of the origins of rice farming.
“Emperors come, emperors go / Over the sands of time” — Kismet.
Nothing gets out of China unless someone wants it to. Why are we seeing the images we are being presented? Are they even real?
Oh please. Most of the images you see–allegedly about China –are not from Chinese media.
If China does nothing, it’s accused of spreading disease.
If it does something, it’s accused of dystopian totalitarianism.
When it announces a nothinburger covid death rate…it’s accused of coverup
NOTHING that China ever says or does will be good enough. Read the Canada Indo Pacific Strategy which says China is a threat. Ditto US, UK. They are scared of China’s growth and the fact that it’s middle class has grown, poverty has decreaed and the government gets decent approval ratings compared to any NATO basket case country,
hmm I think we need t8 be careful not to be trapped by the fake binary here. Many people acknowledge Chinese society’s strong points, and also its dark side. It’s actually not relevant to the point being made, that China has adopted Covid as its New Normal. This is extremely telling. The huge economic sacrifice isn’t justified by the epidemiology from this nothing burger ’pandemic’. Never was. Not in any country that rolled out higher authoritarianism under the Covid umbrella. Increasingly it seems as if market force economy is a myth, a myth that’s been propped up for a while and is now in the process of being shifted around the globe. A2
The image from China which I posted above (NickM
Dec 2, 2022 9:16 PM) is of a real pottery bowl decorated with Chinese looking characters. It might well be a photo of the rice bowl that archeologists actually found. Whether bowl or accompanying chopsticks are really 5,000-7,000 years old depends on the knowledge and honesty of the archeologists who found these artefacts.
Piltdown skull. Salvator Mundi. Caveat emptor!
I find it wildly improbable that people 7000 years ago ate rice, and even more so that they used chopsticks to do so. The CCP propagandists are not very good at faking stuff but they try, and their nationalism often gets them carried away 😀
Judging by the bot/military employee comments I think this article really nails it.
They REALLY need the false binary
Also I especially like the awareness on “Traditionally leftwing critics of Western capitalism are forced to defend vaccines and lockdowns by their ideological loyalty to China.” And would also add online national ism to that .
The “1. Heel vs Face” discussion reminded me of an early scamdemic outrage that demonstrates the point:
Way back in April, 2020, at the beginning of the Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic, I was in the habit of watching You Tube videos by Michael Tracey, a US independent journalist and videocaster, if that’s the right term for people who have a YouTube channel and make videos with “chat streams”.
One video made in those early days considered whether there was any merit to claims that the scamdemic (my term, decidedly not Michael’s at the time) might turn the US into a “police state”.
Tracey began by explaining that he’d recently visited the state of Delaware, so I wondered if he was going to address the governor’s remarkable edict mandating the wearing of masks for anyone leaving home– not just when entering business establishments, but outdoors. He didn’t address that at all; instead, he was concerned with the governor’s edict permitting Delaware police to stop and “investigate” any motor vehicle traveling in Delaware with out-of-state license plates.
Tracey did point out that there’s no particular public-health rationale or justification for arbitrarily using out-of-state license plates as a basis for public-health law enforcement. But he went on to say that the police spokespersons he interviewed made it clear that the police weren’t aggressively or zealously pulling over motorists. He also mentioned that he’d seen people on a Delaware beach without required masks, and that here too police weren’t actually patrolling to hassle (my term, not his) these delinquents.
Then, to my dismay but not surprise, Tracey concluded that it was likely that these illicit, harsh edicts were not intended to be rigidly enforced, but were a kind of “light coercion” (his term) to put the fear of the law into the public to boost cooperation with the health restrictions. He mused that this “light coercion” seemed “reasonable” to him, and not a harbinger of a deliberate campaign of draconian official oppression.
He went on to question whether the newly-publicized, loaded term “lockdown” was even appropriate. He compared the US’s restrictions with China’s reported initial response of “welding shut people’s doors”– now, that’s what he calls a lockdown.
Towards the end, he pointed out that he willingly wears a mask when he goes out to the park across the street from his residence. He then rhetorically questioned why anyone wouldn’t wear a mask. He made two sneering, derisive guesses: Because you’re (the unmasked rogues) “tough”? Because you’re “making a political statement”?
Somewhere in all of this, he said, “Of course, I do have ‘civil liberties’ concerns.” He might as well have said that the whole “police state” claim, or fear, is “hyperbole”. Talk about “SMH”. But at least the US wasn’t becoming a “China”!
Well Kit, if you happen to slave on a DNC run Plantation this is what happens:
And so it begins. I remember reading a year or maybe two ago now that Arizona would be the state to host the first “smart” city. The man who brought Walmart online shopping on (close) par with Amazon was leaving to help plan and build this prison. I wondered if this was why they opened the south western border and did not require vaccination of the immigrants. Cheap labor.
On the other hand, China could be using zero-covid to wage economic war against the West. The WHO can denounce it but it’s basically their, the WHO’s, policy-it’s the perfect alibi! So China can cut trans-Pacific supply chains- they have no need for trade with the USA if all they get is dollars. China is completely reorientating their economy to both self-sufficiency and the BRI- it is no longer a supplier of consumer goods to Walmart! No coincidence that they are divesting themselves of dollars at the same time. But this is outrageous, positively Machiavellian- something unimaginable to we of the West, we of pure heart. It’s called winning without fighting as opposed to the West’s strategy of losing with fighting( see Ukraine). Another valiant attempt by Off-Guardian to spin an anti-China or anti-Russia line under cover of fighting for the human rights whose main enemy is ourselves!
Sigh…We have never been either anti-China or anti-Russia as you must know full well if you have really bothered to follow our output. In fact we have for years been called a Russian disinfo site and Russian bots for our attempts to set the record straight about the 2014 Ukraine coup and Russia’s role in Syria.
But times change and narratives need to be updated. What you are doing here is striving to assert the empty fake binary in the face of our challenge to it.
I’m talking about the present!
Yes, so am I.
“And we know it’s not because they were the victim of some bio-engineered viral attack by the West. That idea was always absurd.”
Far from being absurd, Kit, I suspect that that is exactly what some strategic political thinkers in China do indeed fear – with good reason.
Once you’re up to speed with the cavortings at Fort Detrick, and with the doctrines of plausibly-denial biowar methods pushed by people like Robert Kadlec, that’s precisely the sort of attack that Chinese strategists could very well suspect the Swamp gangsters of attempting; the excessive responses of the Chinese authorities speak to precisely that fear.
This scenario seems to me actually more likely than the frankly unbelievable ‘All in it together’ conviction which seems to have taken firm root at Off-G.
Of course, mainstream doctrine in China – and in Russia too, apparently – still seems to be on board with the whole tottering structure of virology, which presumably means that they still believe in masks, isolation, (their own) vaccines, and all the other allegedly-correct responses to ‘viral pandemics’. They too still have to catch up on the likely truth about all that, just as orthodox conventional wisdom in the West still hasn’t got there either.
Occam’s razor: no need for actual bio warfare when so much can be achieved and so easily with spin. Actual viruses are too unpredictable. And the belief they are real only takes us back to the official mind meld.
Assuming the Chinese are aware of the low level of death and disease from Covid it follows that they are not doing what they are doing because of Covid.
No indeed Gordon. They will know by now that the imaginary pandemic was simply normal Winter flus re-branded for propaganda purposes. That much is coming clear, even if governments round the world, including the Russian and the Chinese, still don’t want to admit publicly that they’ve been conned by the globalist-gic faction that floated the covid con on everyone.
An awful lot of them remember sitting in – in good faith FFS! – on all those ‘future pandemic protection’ table-top exercises (as summarised by German investigative real-journalist Paul Schreyer here: ).
Many of these bamboozled techies must just now be starting to realise that they’ve been taken for useful idiots by that faction of globo-gics who have the WHO (and therefore all its dependent agencies within the individual states) in their pockets, and who decided to launch the covid swindle in 2020 – to multiply their investments in the quackzine rackets by 20, if nothing else, just as the over-bumptious fool Gates let slip.
(There were other, more ambitious aims too, of course, but which money-grubber oligarch gic could resist making a fast multi-buck on the side, whilst pulling the main scam? The gics behind the 11/9 false-flag even bought a rash of surefire money-making futures just before they set their 11 September scam going; helpless WealthPowerStatus addicts, all of the fools…)
But many of the Chinese technocrats also know the US gangsters-in-charge (gics) doctrine of moderately infectious, moderately lethal illnesses as bioweapons which can still screw up a victim state’s economy big-time, whilst remaining plausibly deniable as a deliberate act of war. And if lots of the Chinese influencer-class still believe the ‘virus’ idea, then they’ll believe the gof-tampering narrative as well: If you have actually-real viruses, then you must be able to gof-tamper with them, surely; as places like the Wuhan lab, along with hundreds of other US-influenced biolabs around the world have been striving to do.
It remains likely that all these gof shenanigans will turn out to be as reality based as extracting sunbeams from cucumbers – as per Jonathan Swift. But those still entranced by the ‘virus’ meme – a large tranche of the entire global technocrat class, including those in China – will go on believing that their country might still be at risk from such a disguised attack. And presumably they also believe therefore that draconian measures must be taken, not only to contain the hallucinated oncoming pandemic attacks, but also to show the world just how ready they are to deal with them, if they’re tried. Basically, this is the Chinese stating in their subtle, unconfrontational way: “Don’t fuck with us! THIS is what we can do, if you try it!”
I don’t think that the Chinese leadership, in any of their factions, are yet as confident about the fakeness of the covid ‘super-killer’ as are all we common-shlub renegades worldwide who’ve seen through the whole ‘covid pandemic’ swindle.
And we’ve also latched on to the remarkably re-awakened germs-versus-terrain controversy, now challenging the virus-troobleevers to prove, finally, conclusively, with genuinely water-tight, high-quality experimental science, that viruses exist at all, and can be purified and exhibited under electron-microscopy; something which none of the troobleevers can do, of course! LOL! Bet the gics didn’t table-top THAT unexpected outcome in their plotting sessions! 😆
China underwent SARS #1 that was quite deadly. I wonder how they managed to control it with little of this colossal fuss.
Also, I seem to recall that that disease failed to travel inter-continentally.
Huh? 3-4 thousand deaths?
That is deadly?
First, obviously Xi and his upper underlings know that the virus was a total hoax. You can’t pull off a major psy-ops without the top “leadership” understanding the details.
Second, when dealing with a major false flag decades in the planning (poor SARS-CoV-2 is the patsy), one should always realize that there are always many major objectives integrated into the plan. Singling out one to the elimination of others is counterproductive. I can name 10 major objectives to 9/11 barely stopping for breath. Third, there is a saying now among USA conservatives and libertarians – Go Woke – Go Broke. Most recently this has been applied to Disney and CNN. But this has to be taken into perspective. The Agenda is to push the entire planet into a Greater Depression and transfer power to the east. It will by necessary to bankrupt most western corporations including Woke ones. This is regarded by our overlords as a necessary and temporary+ sacrifice. As to China’s damage to its own economy, bear in mind that the USA and EU has exported most of its manufacturing capacity to China, so the apparently idiotic policy of “zero covid” will probably damage western economies even more than China’s.
I would write that the greatest threat to the overlords of the western pseudo-democracies is the firm recognition by a rising number of people, both vaxxed and unvaxxed, and particularly those who lost or had loved ones maimed, that the fake vaccines were and are an intentional genocidal bioweapon directed against humanity. If the percentage of the 99% reach that firm conclusion, it may have more power to alter the direction of The Agenda, than the coming energy debacle, famine, and the greater depression. Perhaps I shouldn’t refer to the populace as the 99%, as a surprising number of famous people with 8 digit “net worth” are “dying suddenly.” Apparently many of the very rich useful idiots were not tipped off, particularly entertainers.
Speaking of that, I would be curious to read an article review by Kit on the one hour documentary, Died Suddenly. I have my reservations regarding Stew Peters’ rigorous allegiance to facts, however as a person with a science background, and who has drilled down into all facets of the covid operation, while the film even strongly affected me emotionally, I could not pick out one aspect presented that was factually inaccurate.
China’s lockdowns are to supress dissent and ensure Xi’s transition to permanent power.
It can’t be permanent, he will die and he is going on 70 so his reign won’t be that long
Jiang Zemin died at 96. There is an old boy still politically active who is over a 100. They are pretty long-lived! Xi could easily go on for another 10 years as president.
Jiang Zemin and his followers from the Shanghai gang were the main reason that in this year, when the Congress of the Chinese Communist Party took place, lockdowns had a comeback in China.
That simple.
“And we know it’s not because they were the victim of some bio-engineered viral attack by the West. That idea was always absurd.”
A well argued approach Kit, thank you, and I must say your argument is certainly credible. However, I would challenge you on the point above. There is a lot of documented evidence that SARS-COV-2 was indeed engineered by the Americans in their Fort Detrick bioweapon lab in the last half of 2019.
They even tested a version in August 2019 on their own ground and blamed it on e-cigarettes. It is quite possible that the virus was transferred to Wuhan by the military when they attended war games there in October 2019. But the US had no idea of the effect on populations because it had not been tested. Therefore they set up Event 201. All this is documented and just one way to joined the dots.
I have contacts in China and it is implied that China is using lockdowns to prepare their populations for war, which they believe is inevitable, but dependent on how far the USA will go to preserve their ‘exceptional privilege’ unipolar world. The Chinese fear that a kinetic war will originate in the ME involving Iran and Israel.
The western mind has difficulty understanding and interpreting Chinese thinking, which is long term, typically inscrutable and far less reactive that the western short-term planning because of our ‘democratic’ 5-year election process. Once you understand where the City of London fits into all these geopolitical manoeuvrers, it becomes much clearer. This recent analysis on the subject is worthy of review IMHO:
Furthermore this analysis of China’s actions over the Covid pandemic puts an entirely different colour on the events over the last three years:
Thoughts anyone?
Since “the virus” may not even exist and certainly has never been associated with any unique disease, and since “COVID” is simply a new name for the symptom cluster previously called “flu”, your claim falls apart at the first hurdle.
I’m afraid you’ve just fallen for one of the numerous second string fake alternative narratives used to back up the core points of the official narrative while seeming to superficially oppose it.
You spit on Russia and China as much as the official narrative and fail to see that you are stooping to the level of Husein’s incubators and Gaddafi’s Viagra.
No we are evaluating the evidence fairly. Russia and China are into the Great Reset neck deep, if we care to be impartial for a moment. A2
What, Russia and China fully in cahoots with the Swamp creatures, and with the conspirator-oligarchs clustered around the WEF? Really? And events in the Ukraine are all play-acting, are they? You believe that, Sophie?
Erm – about these bridge shares I have for sale…
There have been dozens of articles posted here proving that Russia and China support the globalist GR.
For fucks sake man – they say it themselves.
Russia is busy promoting the fake pandemic, fake climate change and poison jabs and CBDC.
China is doing the same plus locking down their citizens.
How willfully blind do you need to be to still refuse to see what is being broadcast in front of your face on a fifty foot wide screen?
Considering the paymasters of the Globalists are the central bankers and the chief amongst them is the City of London headed by the Rothschilds, Vlad the impaler is not in their good books.
This is an excellent link, thank you Brian – I wasn’t aware of this debacle from 2011 – fits well into my dots! You may find this useful:
Yes, I have seen this before and Romanoff ‘s articles about the City of London and who controls it plus other financialcenters. It seems this topic for some reason is not discussed enough.
It seems that most people are not concerned probably because it needs careful attention and a good dose of curiosity – not wide spread I guess. At least we are on the same page. 🙂
Perhaps they just want the great reset on even terms with the west.
Both Russia and China want population control. There are some disagreements with the West about the role those countries will have in a future New World Order, but not about the necesity of population control.
Excellent reply.
Do you honestly believe that the virus may not exist? If it does not, then why do Robert Malone and so many others not in government say that it does? And, if it isn’t the virus that caused so many people to become sick, then what do you propose it was?
Malone is up to his neck in government/ biotech. He said he is a deep insider and knows Fauci personally etc.
There may have been a virus that was slightly more dangerous than the flu for a very slight amount of time and was used by TPTB to push the great reset. Also, Malone who spent his career working for and with the establishment appears now to be working to undermine their current and unethical great reset and poison injections.
Fear and hysteria, and let’s not for stupidity
Remdesivir, ventilators, lockdowns and now vaccines were making many people sick. The virus itself is a mild virus. In each year the virologists ca discover hundreds of such viruses if they receive enough money.
Sorry Sophie I didn’t make myself clear; for ‘virus’ read ‘toxin’ – I hold a wealth of scientific reports from reputable labs – they are highly technical. I cooperate with my colleague in Australia who is a well qualified clinical doctor and an experienced geneticist who is now working with thousands of like-minded doctors and scientists to treat victims of vaxx damage:
I have a little scientific knowledge and know enough to be sceptical. The truth is that even ‘germ theory’ is challenged so I think it is good enough to know that millions got sick from a ‘toxin’ which might have been anything because they have nanotech down to 2nm. A blood cell is 10,000nm.
My point is to accept that something dark and foreboding is afoot, which might be some toxic strand of genetic material. Steve Kirsch answers the problem I think and the comments reinforce it, accepting that he is wrong to claim a virus has been isolated:
On Steve Kirsch’s about page it says:
So someone at best in the early stages of waking up with decades to go before he can catch up with the likes of Lanka. He has a nerve mouthing off with LA times articles and pretending there is some ambiguity about what isolating means.
Yes Helen, Steve woke up late. But there go all of us in varying degrees of awareness. I was lucky in knowing a wonderful doctor in Australia when I got Covid in January 2020. He immediately advised Vitamin D & C plus zinc and green tea daily and to avoid all Big Pharma prescriptions.
My wife and I have practised this ever since and have never had even a sniffle, which is rare in UK in two winters. It is the boost to our natural, God-given immunity that is designed so magically to protect us until the call comes.
Believe and it shall be so – Mark 11;24
You got what ?
If you doubt that a virus-like particle was released, likely deliberately, then I ask what are all these bioweapon labs about? Time to mug up on VLPs:
Do you henestly believe that a virus which is affecting only old and already sick people is a bioweapon? Only stupid persons will make a bioweapon to kill old and already sick people.
To have value in a war, a bioweapon should kill young, healthy and combat-ready people.
Pension companies would disagree. You are focusing on outdated kinetic warfare – we have moved on from that. It is always and everywhere about the money.
Kirsch is spending a huge amount of time and money trying to help expose the corruption of the pharma controlled regulatory agencies. He is trying his best to expose the truth about how toxic the Mrna injections are. Just want to add some context to your Comment.
Sophie nails it; clearly stated by the CDC:
“Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, this system will suspend data collection for the 2020-21 influenza season.
Hello Austrian Peter: I agree with some of your assertions. However; the City of London is only one of a number of incorporated geopolitical entities. There are also the Vatican, Washington DC, and a number of banking conglomerates located in Switzerland and the Netherlands.
Unlike vaccinations results, the corona plague is an statistical illusion.
Chinese “leadership” is an oxymoron at best. As in all international trade and currency agreements, the yuan is a controlled asset.
Agreed Paul the web of networks is indeed beyond unravelling but I was rather hoping that Romanoff had at least pointed to one of the key Hydra heads.
Hello again: Romanoff (alternate from House of Romanov) was correct.
The “hydra” was the many faces of corporate syndication. Europe and the rest of the world have been carved into shreds of former Republics and Nations via public and private investment. Their investments are simple mass suicide…
Here’s an interesting perspective on the current situation.
“MONOPOLY – Who Owns The World?” by Tim Gielen
Published January 9, 2022
Many thanks Paul – I have already viewed this excellent vid and agree. We are all conditioned by these Khazarian pretend ‘Jews’ and they are lethal. The article on the City of London is quite correct in my experience – but then I could be wrong?
What exactly would be the point of creating an engineered ‘whatever you want to call it’ that has exactly the same set of symptoms, the same mortality as an average year, when we already have the flu / colds which achieve the same results.
Because take away COVID-19’s PR campaign and look at the real world data and that is all that is left of a quite intricate and utterly dishonest illusion.
As Off Guardian said at the time, if it was engineered as a bio-weapon it was a pretty pathetic failure of one. The PR campaign however is unfortunately a quite different story as we all know too well..
Question mark after ‘same results ?’
Don’t want to edit my post and incite the wrath of the spam god 😉
If you haven’t been following the money Paul – I am not surprised that you are confused about the release of an ineffectual ‘whatever we call it’ toxic pathogen in order to collapse economies enough to allow them to print some 33 trillion dollars (without inducing hyperinflation) to save the failing global financial system a la 2008 – wash, rinse, repeated on 16th September 2019 when Repo went to 10%+ . Larry Fink of Blackrock called it ‘Going Direct’ in August 1999. I wrote about it recently in response to one of my readers enquiries:
A reply which has absolutely nothing to do with whether it was an engineered bio-weapon as you claimed in your first post, apart from to accuse me of being ignorant. Thanks mate.
Yes, so it’s all about money, what a surprise if you’ve only just realised that you are 3 years late to the party. John Titus, among others, has been talking about the repo crash since it happened as well as the ongoing shenanigans. Not that confusing, really.
But you failed to even attempt to explain why you think having an actual bio-weapon that did nothing was essential to pulling it off. That’s where we disagree. Data shows it was a propaganda operation to convince people something out of the ordinary was happening and I’ve seen no convincing evidence it was. And that includes the links in your original post.
We can always agree to disagree Paul. I am sticking to my thesis for now but I keep an open mind, and accept further proof as and when.
I don’t think there is any deaths attributed to “colds”. If we look at the cdc website they classified 961 deaths as being “associated” with ‘influenza’ or having “underlying pneumonia and influenza causes”for 1986-87. Not even remotely close to what is being claimed with ‘covid’ i.e 385,000 in 2020.
From the lockdowns, temporary import/exort restrictions, temporary shutdown of polluting indiustries (before big events), the government gains info. on the exact importance (or not) and strength (or not) of each sub-sector of the ecomomy.
Very true mgeo – my strategy is to always follow the money – the dots eventually join up I find.
In USA, both Democrats and Republicans had a political reason to promote the idea that covid is indeed a very exceptional virus that justified exceptional measures against it. We should remember that Trump administration itself promoted the danger of covid and the vaccinations, and lockdowns were imposed even in Republican states.
The lab leak theory is supporting the idea of the exceptional nature of the virus.
As covid is a political problem, not a medical one, when there is a political demand for the lab leak theory, there will appear „experts” and „documents” that claim to support them. And such demand is coming from both Democrats and Republicans.
I continue to contend that it is always and everywhere about the money. The fiat US dollar is facing challenges from Eurasia which has them shaking in their boots. It is also of course political but that is merely theatre – it keeps the public entertained and distracted. behind the curtains the money men are pulling all their strings.
Since I think the pandemic is a scamdemic, I never understood the rationale behind China’s highly unpopular (even in China!) zero covid policy.
But I take note that
a) China has been blamed in 2003 and 2020 for creating a pandemic because they have “dirty cultural habits / substandard biolabs incapable of safety / highly competent biolabs capable of producing deadly “bioweapons”, are a Communist dictatorship living under the ghost of Mao / spooky surveillance society / squasher of human rights / mess around in the South China sea / please feel free to add to the list…..”
b) never imposed a national vaccine mandate despite attempts by power hungry regional and local politicians to create injection serfdoms
c) never spent billions on Pfizer and Moderna clot shots
d) never had a disease pass based on shots but only on NON INVASIVE salive swabs.
e) closed their borders so as not to be blamed for spreading disease.
f) the head of China’s CDC George Gao attended the scamdemic planning event and seems to be a key asset in China. He’s the one feeding info to the government.
If I consider all these, I can see that they had to put on some sort of pantomime to keep the NATO scamdemic organizers off their backs and as they started slowly reopening borders.
Compare to Italy:
a) Constiutional Court ruled yesterday that a clot shot obligation for doctors and teachers was totally legit and that suspending them for months on end without pay is totally legit. Almost two years for doctors. This despite the first sentence of the Italian Constitution saying that Italy is a republic based on (the right) work.
b) Fines for everyone over 50. All over 50s barred from working without clot shots. Unijected Under 50s needed to be nasally raped every 48 hours at a cost of 15 euros per test.
c) Non invasive saliva tests priced at almost 100 euros to make the uninjected suffer: a deliberate government choice.
d) all covid testing in Italy (400+ labs) has been run at a cycle threshold of over 40 cycles. Given that the pcr test is dodgy anyway, whatever China has been using is not the same as in Europe because they’re not actively trying to inflate numbers.
e) total clampdown on all protesting, heavy media censorship, stripping doctors of their credentials…the list of crimes is too long to list here.
“Up to and including being welded inside their own homes”
Come on Kit. I reall admire your writing but the only evidence I’ve seen for this are videos of people standing around a door and breathless voiceovers with spooky music claiming that people are being welded into their apartments.
China has NEVER claimed the virus is deadly. It was the Western media that was scaring people in Jan Feb 2020. Meanwhile Chinese doctors were giving press conferences that I listened to, which were boring as hell but in which they talked about treating covid in most people with various Chinese medicine formulations and the usual stuff for pneumonia etc. There were a couple of weeks in Jan Feb when the Wuhan population and even people in Beijing etc. had been scared out of their wits and ran to hospitals at the slightest cough. But things quickly calmed down and that’s when Western media SCREAMED “COVER UP”. All the urns that hadn’t been collected during lockdown were said to be proof of the “mass deaths”. The people dropping dead in the street came from Western media. Every single thing that China did to downplay the crisis in early 2020 was slammed by the West. China asked WHO NOT to declare a pandemic.
I have zero ideological loyalty to anyone but the picture painted of China as a dystopian surveillance society only comes from people who have never been to China, and/or make a living saying these things about China.
Almost every person in China must undergo the fake test often. If it is “posotove”, it is quarantine for them.
Bravo cs pa – at least there is one person not prepared to swallow the propaganda and try to understand the eastern mind – very difficult for a westerner. I have readers in China, I Skype with some and learn more each time as they explain their culture and way of life. They email many videos showing how China has progressed over such a short time, which took us 100 years.
AND This came in today:
A sick, malignantly degenerate world.
Here’s something to ponder:
Praised be he who was there and who is there,
~ forever and ever ~
Why would MIT – deep in the heart of MIC as it is – feel the need to defend China’s social credit system?…
And why did MSN feel the need to push it at me? A doughty sense of fair play?
Two points about fake binaries:
1) Different responses are allowed – what isn’t allowed is to question the reality of a major operation (except by those already defined as loons). Different responses generate data for future ops and what works.
2) The real underlying binary is always destruction and creation in an ordo ad chao dialectic. They call it synarchy.
Fwiw, I thought that this was set up as an ongoing interchanging good cop/bad cop ploy early on. The nation that did something harsh early was then allowed to be less restrictive first or more and vice versa.
Same with the climate change hoax: the UK is allowed to go on burning gas for electricity, but introduces some communist laws for homeowners. Germany does no such things, but is robbed of its gas source and forced to shut down its nuclear facilities completely.
And so on.
The article seems to suggest that the Chinese lockdown policy is purely about shaping narrative, but I don’t believe that’s concrete enough considering the cost to the Chinese economy, and latterly the cost to political credibility of the ruling party.
This is what I’m still scratching my head over. Is China just stupid ?
From what I know of the Chinese culture, I would not consider ‘stupid’, by which I mean lacking intelligence and/or reason, to apply to these people who have demonstrated their competence over the last few decades. It might well apply to USA though (the country not the people).
China does things incrementally and then does look back analysis to determine if the direction its last few increments encountered were positive to its long and short term goals. The result of analysis determines the next move. I suspect the lock down was just one of the increments.. It will be interesting to see what the viral threat policy is in a few years in China.
Several websites have announced those demonstrating in China are of but one class of persons.. HK infiltrators have been reported as composing most of the agitators? False flag chaos and peace destructive armies come to mind. basically the type of work intelligence services implement as conditioning needed to implement regime change. ?? ?? ??
China didn’t use the BigPharma vaccines because they didn’t want to use those toxins (i.e., mRNA/graphene/etc. bioweapons) on their own people; that would potentially render them sick and unable to work (like it did in the US), but that wouldn’t be good because they need their workers to keep making all the products for the western corporations. In order for the Globalist Cult’s agenda to work, they need China to remain productive, so that the western (US) economy can be ruined by its lack of production, thereby advancing China to a more powerful position. All the rest is just theater for the narrative.
I think it is a good idea to always look at these sort of things with the Cult’s agenda and goals in mind, then you can clearly see why they are doing it.
We often hear that propaganda plays a part in war but it’s really war that plays a part in propaganda.Did anyone else know about the WHO’s vaccine targets?
“The GVAP target to introduce at least one new vaccine by 2020”
It reminds me of Kennedy’s promise to get a man on the moon by the end of the decade and apparently achieving it.
Apparently, being the operative word.
maybe some memes? your geopolitics is just manipulation and propaganda 🙁
That Devi Sridhar is real piece of work isn’t she? Doubling down on mRNA vaccines just when people seem to have finally realised they are not (vaccines). I saw links to her Guardian article but didn’t read it. Thanks for the summary Kit.