AUDIO: Iain Davis & Jesse Zurawell talk China and Technocracy

In this recent episode of Perspective, host Jesse Zurawell is joined by frequent OffG contributor Iain Davis to discuss his most recent article China: The World’s First Technate.

Iain Davis is an author, blogger, researcher and short film maker. You can read more of Iain’s work at his blog IainDavis.com (Formerly InThisTogether), on UK Column or follow him on Twitter.
TNT Radio is a 24/7 internet radio station, available here. You can also listen to back-episodes of Perspective here and follow host Jesse Zurawell on Telegram here.


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Categories: China, latest, The "New Normal"
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colin buchanan
colin buchanan
Dec 4, 2022 1:42 PM

I admit to only listening to the opening comments. If you have evidence of a global government then I would give that evidence rather than making that assumption as a starting point. Starting with what you’re meant to prove makes things easier though- you can then back up your hypothesis with impressionistic suggestions. For example, you can point out that there is a consensus around the use of the term “sustainable development” i.e. the language of the Green agenda. But Johnson used Cop-26 to divide the world into “Team world” and the rest, particularly China. Cop27 was a total failure with China, in particular, failing to provide the required commitments. The Green agenda is obviously breaking down in the West too, culminating in Bidens new oil extraction plans.Any analysis has to distinguish between words and deeds. Anyway, having established a priori what really needs to demostrated I assume Davies will go on to dismiss any counter evidence as play-acting: seeming conflicts between nations being merely appearances, Russia and the West aren’t really at war, Putin really supports the woke agenda etc. I’m getting the hang of this now and I can’t really be bothered to sit through a long interview

Dec 21, 2022 2:08 AM
Reply to  colin buchanan

Those are just a few opinions from a personal perspective. There may be other objective views.

rik myers
rik myers
Dec 4, 2022 7:59 AM

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyXQFyQstYw amazing how people are not in china can report on it

cs pa
cs pa
Dec 4, 2022 10:30 AM
Reply to  rik myers

Yes! And the best part is that they don’t even speak any Chinese language.
The same people who criticize NATOstan media on most topics use that same media to launch their narratives on China.
Thanks for the link. I’d never heard of this channel. Will listen to the whole thing. In the first few minutes he mentions how panicking people rushing to hospital at the slightest sign of respiratory illness will overwhelm the system. This is exactly what happened in Northern Italy. There was no pandemic in Southern Italy in spring summer 2020. Most of the scary images came from a small handful of hospitals which simply collapsed under the assault of panicking people running there with mild coughs and colds. And the hospital wastes resources on separating the mild from the serious.

Whatever is happening in China, the thing that I find scary is that the NATO media can publish any nonsense about China (eg that they welded people into apartments) and supposedly “educated” professionals with “prestigious titles” in government, healthcare, business and academia…believe it, hook, line and sinker.

Who is more brainwashed and lives in the greater dystopia?

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Dec 4, 2022 12:01 AM

Does Jesse just love to hear himself talk? He takes so long to make a point, and seems to think his overuse of pauses has some dramatic affect – it doesn’t.

Dec 4, 2022 9:28 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen


Turn up the speed if you don’t much care for his gravitas.

Dec 3, 2022 6:40 PM

Why position China as the enemy with lab leaks, hypersonic missiles and the rest? Oh…


Then sell them the tech to defend against it and then start on the next generation bomber. It’s been the business model since at least 1945.

Dec 3, 2022 9:49 AM

This is prime example of amnesia & psychosis and Iain being a regular on the BBC which is U.K column sells this type of amnesia & psychosis.
Stage 2.2 of the Covid
Immigrants, benefit low paid workers.
Remind them how lucky they are by showing fake staged videos from china about the lockdown and thrown in a Russia video also.
Mention Trudeau in every 2nd article.
rinse repeat the same fake videos on all the controlled op alt media BBC type networks and this help sets the hypnotism in.

Dec 3, 2022 9:15 AM

Guess who said this:

“It’s really important that citizens be able to make themselves heard, that they are protesting on a specific issue that touches on so many others – of government control of authoritarian states – we, of course, stand with those protesters,” 

I’ll give you a clue– he has just made himself a most noticeable hypocrite & he’s North of the US.

Dec 3, 2022 7:37 AM

England: The World’s First Technate

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“The panopticon is a type of institutional building and a system of control designed by the English philosopher and social theorist Jeremy Bentham in the 18th century. The concept of the design is to allow all prisoners of an institution to be observed by a single security guard, without the inmates being able to tell whether they are being watched.

Although it is physically impossible for the single guard to observe all the inmates’ cells at once, the fact that the inmates cannot know when they are being watched means that they are motivated to act as though they are being watched at all times. Thus, the inmates are effectively compelled to regulate their own behaviour.”

Sounds familiar? Not too long ago, England installed the highest density of TV spy cameras in the world. It was done under the regime of PM TB.Liar, who instigated a show trial of truther David Kelly (RIP) as pretext for turning the BBC into a lying propaganda arm of the UK spy service MI5 and MI6.

If I remember correctly, it was a 20th century English essayist (Arnold Toynbee?) who said that the Ancient Greeks were nearer to the primitive than we were, but further from the madhouse. The classical scholar added that ancient Greeks would have regarded modern English life as the life of a slave. Ancient Greeks owned slaves, so they recognized what slavery looked like.

Sound Shapes Matter
Sound Shapes Matter
Dec 3, 2022 12:39 PM
Reply to  NickM

Nudge Unit eat your heart out

Dec 3, 2022 7:44 PM

Thanks for mentioning that Camoron (described as “a typical Eton thug”) nudged the country in the traditional direction.

“Nudge Unit” | The Institute for Governmenthttps://www.instituteforgovernment.org.uk › explainers

11 Mar 2020 — The Nudge Unit was established in the Cabinet Office in 2010 by David Cameron’s government to apply behavioural science to public policy.

Sound Shapes Matter
Sound Shapes Matter
Dec 4, 2022 10:01 AM
Reply to  NickM

Hello-hooray,what a nice day for the Eton Rifles,Eton Rifles…

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Dec 3, 2022 9:43 PM
Reply to  NickM

The Smartphone is today’s Panopticon.

Dec 4, 2022 5:20 AM
Reply to  NickM

The purpose of drumming up any threat – external, domestic, health, environment, etc. – is to extract public (primarily) and private wealth.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Dec 3, 2022 3:49 AM

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comment image

“Look Nazi Boy and the Reich have a fan.”

Dec 3, 2022 6:44 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

That thing should be wearing a NKVD uniform it would be more appropriate seeing as he is a fuc – king commie.

Dec 3, 2022 7:00 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

In the U.K. Sajid “Safe and Effective” Javid is to step down at the next general election. He imagines that he can look forward to a lucrative career untroubled by accusations of Crimes against humanity. As it currently stands no one is either responsible or accountable for anything that they did while in office.

Don’t tell them that pendulums also swing back.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Dec 3, 2022 7:41 AM
Reply to  MattC

If you controlled the BBC and Sky and broadcast the truth, the population would believe it…
Otherwise they will head to early graves accompanied by wilful ignorance…

Dec 3, 2022 3:11 AM

… regarding the CHINA Uprising, there is a new FREE podcast

by Jon Rappoport:

How the chief propagandists are trying to derail the story and kill it

Dec 2, 2022 11:28 PM

In the podcast, seizure of Russian assets is mentioned. There’s a NEW WRINKLE:

European Commission officials acknowledged Wednesday that the bloc cannot confiscate the frozen assets of the Russian Central Bank and transfer them to Ukraine. They have just realized after all these months that it is impossible to seize the Russian funds due to the international principle of state immunity . 

I wonder if that could have anything to do w Russia’s threat to confiscate the assets (ships and leased planes) of those who confiscate from Russia. Funny how it’s taken them all this time to realize they couldn’t confiscate Russian assets, but just a week after Russia’s threat. . . .

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Dec 3, 2022 1:22 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Your comments are sometimes diverting to spam because you’ve mistyped your email address, Btw. A2

Dec 3, 2022 8:42 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Sam, Thanks, I’ll watch it. I wonder who down-voted you for courtesy– silly doofus.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Dec 3, 2022 8:55 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Oh it’s pretty usual 🙄

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Dec 2, 2022 10:08 PM
Dec 2, 2022 9:39 PM

Looks like they’ve planted a fake story about a Malaysian doctor being executed for Convid jabs under the Nuremburg Codes in the hope that people would spread it without checking and discredit themselves (especially any recommends for ‘Died Suddenly’).

It’s a fairly basic one from the news’ management box of tricks.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Dec 2, 2022 10:11 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Yes very common trick. It’s amazing how they trot out the same old tricks over and over … and still have them work.

Paul Prichard
Paul Prichard
Dec 2, 2022 7:21 PM

Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-11-30. 20 cases in my circle: 4 gone, 4 terminal. Blood money 4 fake CoDs. Masks: medical vs N95 – 0 difference (blog, gab, tweet).

Dec 3, 2022 6:51 AM
Reply to  Paul Prichard

From your Blog:

“(At time of this blog post) 1520 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 1043 Dead, After COVID Shot (link).

‘It is definitely not normal for young athletes to suffer from cardiac arrests or to die while playing their sport, but this year it is happening. All of these heart issues and deaths come shortly after they got a COVID vaccine. While it is possible this can happen to people who did not get a COVID vaccine, the sheer numbers clearly point to the only obvious cause’.

‘The so-called health professionals running the COVID vaccine programs around the world keep repeating that “the COVID vaccine is a normal vaccine [!!??] and it is safe and effective.”

‘So in response to their pronouncement, here is a non-exhaustive and continuously growing list of mainly young athletes who had major medical issues in 2021 after receiving one or more COVID vaccines. Initially, many of these were not reported. We know that many people were told not to tell anyone about their adverse reactions and the media was not reporting them. They started happening after the first COVID vaccinations. The mainstream media still are not reporting most, but sports news cannot ignore the fact that soccer players and other stars collapse in the middle of a game due to a heart attack. Many of those die – more than 50%’.

‘That is the current list … all these athletes have suffered heart problems after COVID shots. At the time of initial writing, 28 died. That was not normal, but then, 10 days later, 56 deaths were listed, and the numbers are climbing. Any real vaccine would have been pulled off the market long before now. ’