The Scritchering

Sylvia Shawcross

Please note: This is not a humour column so avoid if despondent or if a highly judgmental holier-than-thou arse feeling omnipotent on a keyboard and by just writing that I realize that some people will get their backs up before even reading the piece and I’d like to remind everyone that medical experts say that getting your back up is bad for the lumbar spine and could lead to pain and frustration.

And I also realize that I’m being a holier-than-thou arse myself by criticizing here and possibly furthering the divisiveness however it is November and it is cold outside and to hell with self-reflection today and I’m only human which is more than I can say about some people but then…I digress…

Now, the long-horned beetle scrapes the ridges on their head on their bodies to produce that nails-on-chalkboard-styrofoam-rubbing-together noise that you can hear at night sometimes in parks up north in Canada where the forest floors are soft with rust coloured pine needles.

(Okay, maybe those are different beetles but they “could” be long-horned beetles for the sake of argument or at least for this opinion piece.)

Now, why the long-horned beetle decided to evolve to head-rubbing cacophony we really don’t know. Or maybe someone almost knows. Maybe some research scientist—who has probably taken up drinking copious amounts of cognac with cola in the starlit evenings to fend off the ferocious futility of not knowing why that damn beetle keeps scritching—maybe that scientist almost knows but doesn’t quite.

Always that damn scratching. To what end? It seems to serve no useful purpose after all. Evolutionary-wise anyway.

Now some would say our reigning politicians seem to be long-horned beetles. They scritch their heads when asked questions and make noises to the point that we simply find it very hard or even don’t listen to them anymore. They’re background. They are a repetitive pattern. They are just the beautiful people with bodies scritched smooth with all-the-same speeches to ubiquity.

We get no “inspired from the heart and soul” speech from any one of them. So will they limp into the historical records as just names we might once have known who were part of a group who wanted to change the world? We hungrily looked for inspiration, hope and courage and found oatmeal. The finest kind of course, all organic and steelcut but still just oatmeal. All the same oatmeal. Considering we paid for caviar….

They are beautiful though. We have to give them that. Macron, Trudeau, Ardern, Sunak, Marin, et al… It was in the job description. But still, they scritch. That awful noise. That awful awful noise.

Have they become the bugs they want us to eat? Have they become the smooth-skinned all-the-same robotic examples of intelligence being artificial; acting in concert without original thought? The script of the scritch? Do they scritch and pitch and snitch and bitch and ditch if appropriate?

Some believe that they are busy polishing their rigid ridges believing the noises that they make are symphonies—that they believe we like their noise—that what they think is music is going to save the world. They’re singing for us aren’t they? And don’t we all have to sing the same song to the same music? The maestro is waving frantically and we’re all just not paying attention anymore and he’s getting red in the face now.

Oh, the hubris of belief that they can make the world. The would-be-gods of this world who may not quite know the difference between dream and delusion. To be fair, it’s often hard at the beginning to tell the difference. And we are only at the beginning. And maybe there isn’t enough cognac and cola to get us through this right now. Or maybe there is but there’s no way for the truckers to get it to us. We’ll have to drink the raindrops in the storm.

Some say it is never a good idea to give wings to a bureaucrat. Even to save the world that might need saving. They are very nice sometimes, the bureaucrats, but still they are bureaucrats who tend to live in front of their eyes and never turn their heads to see a different landscape where most people live. They just never quite understand. They follow the plan. That’s what they do. They are civil servants who have forgotten now who they are to serve but they work hard for sure.

Yet, while remaking the world, what was the point of hurting us until that time when it would fail or succeed? Of poking and prodding and controlling and maiming and judging and frightening and wearing us down and sending us to war? What would have been the point? Do they care only for themselves and the planet they want for they seem not to be constructing one for all of us? Do they understand that those who own nothing have nothing left to lose. Or did they think of that at all?

We are simply incidental to the plan. We don’t know it to be different because they’ve not told us many truths. “If only we knew,” perhaps they’d say. Then perhaps they should have told us. We’re likely more able to handle it. We have learned to live in places they have never known and in ways they could not imagine and with a faith they would not understand.

But they tell us nothing.

Even though we are most of the world, they do not know us.

We are the not-them people. They live in bubbles and we live in pine forests where the needles from the trees are too soft to burst the bubbles of those that live in them. But even Ghandi understood the power of the vulnerable and the broken and those who were tender by nature and design. He knew that violence never did solve anything.

But how we want to burst their bubbles sometimes. Yet we are neither the monsters nor the fools they think we are. (When they actually choose to think of us at all.) We have compassion for their ignorance for it is not easy to live in a sphere breathing the same air, singing the same songs, drifting sifting lifting to wherever the wind blows favourably for some.

Because that’s what people in bubbles always do. They pay a price that we the not-them would never choose to pay. For we had elders who explained that the price we pay may not involve wealth and property and image. We needed no bubbles once we understood the protection afforded of a free and honest life well-lived.

Yes, we know it is not easy to live encased in a bubble that is strangely iridescent beautiful in the sun but a cage none-the-less. Some born to the bubble, some striven to it, some picked for it, some paid to it, some even blackmailed into it. But all in a cage drifting in the direction they’ve been steered. To turn and spin in the winds of war perhaps now. It’s where their bubbles led them.

But who steers the winds that sift and shift the air around the bubbles of the entitled? Are these ill winds driven not by reason nor by compassion but fear, control, conformity, power and ultimately greed? Do those in bubbles recognize the wind for what it is? What is the difference between a dream and a delusion when the winds are raging and all-encompassing?

Do they understand things really? Those who would rule the world. Perhaps they do and yet we who are the not-them will be blamed either way when the bubbles burst. This much we know. We’re used to guilt. They’ve taught us that. We munch it with our cricket protein smoothies every morning now.

Or maybe they really love us and want us to be happy and will cry for us. They can say they tried. And we can say we cried for we have already done all the trying we could when we could still do such things and when we thought they would listen. But now it is of course, our fault. But we will still never stop trying.

Ghandi would have cupped the long-horned beetle in his worn hands and laughed into the forest, because for all the noise it makes, it is still just a beetle scritching sounds into the dark skies. And we are just the forest creatures listening in the night waiting for daybreak.

We, who do not live in bubbles with our gentle souls have Ghandi. We do not lose faith in Humanity because it is an ocean.

We, the not-them, are an ocean.

Here’s an earworm for the elite as they plan the world for us all (because they love us):

And here’s a bug song suggested courtesy of Sean Veela from last week’s chat:

Favourite quote from last week’s chat from Ravensara:

“They can do whatever they like – and we do not know their goals, which may be unimportant! We know love, camaraderie, music, philosophy, ethics, the fact that we are all flawed and living here perhaps to learn wisdom in our souls. For what else?”

Favourite off-site suggestion that is perfectly suited as our new anthem of the age suggested by mig:


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Dec 4, 2022 10:58 AM

Another msm outlet spontaneously discovers the virtues of eating bugs:


Trustworthy source…. paper of record… it was a book by Deborah Davis called ‘Katharine the Great’ about Washington Post publisher Katharine Graham that revealed Operation Mockingbird. Carl Bernstein had already revealed many of the details but he didn’t reveal the name and pretended that his newspaper was magically exempt.

BTW for those who still don’t believe it, the article is loaded with occult numerology. For example 96 symbolises “as above, so below”, they being the only invertable numbers. The date of release 27/11 happens to encode 9/11.

Dec 5, 2022 7:43 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Revolting! There can be no doubt that this “scritchering” is part of an ongoing campaign to undermine conventional “gastrophysics” and socially engineer us into accepting ingesting insects.
BTW, Ms E.: Do you really believe “the article is loaded with occult numerology”, or are you only joshing us? If you were to come across three crickets on a leaf, would you count their legs and come up with the number of the beast?   :wpds_twisted: 

Dec 3, 2022 11:18 PM

I’m not exactly sure what I’m to make of this. Delightfully whimsical, though a little tedious, but ultimately kind-hearted, funky and spiritual… I will say, though, that it pays an undeserved compliment to the insects who run us on behalf of the real drones and queens. Beautiful?! Macron?! A creepily robotic creature, half-crazed and surely a repressed homosexual. Justin Trudeau? Far from bearing any resemblance to his rumoured true father, Fidel Castro, who was a real man, Trudeau has the facial features of a female transexual and looks just like his mother. Ardern, madonnaesque (Mother of God, not popstar) in one of her earlier periods, nowadays resembles a wicked, demented witch, her sectarian upbringing and fanatical certainty that she is always right visibly having sent her over the edge, like Thatcher in her later years. As for little Sunak, he reminds me of an organ-grinder’s monkey, jumping up and down at the feet of taller “world leaders”. (I’m ashamed to say I have no idea who Marin is. I don’t read the mainstream press any more and live in a bubble myself, but I’m sure he, she or they must be very beautiful.)

What strikes me is how ugly (if I may swap metaphors from insects to arachnids) are the spiders at the true centre of the web: Gates, Soros, Schwab, the Rockefellers (David looking better now dead, no doubt), Kissinger (looking more dead than alive)… Could that be the source of their will to power? Revenge on the world for their ugliness?

Dec 3, 2022 7:25 PM

Got two whole paragraphs in and officially got bored as fuck. If you’re going to start off articles like this make them interesting or at least state where you’re going with it. This could have been the greatest article ever written and it just bored me within seconds about big beetles that might be the wrong beetles head scratching and a scientist drinking cola ans cognac! Whatever mate.

Dec 3, 2022 8:27 AM

There’s a quote from online anarchist Larkin Rose regarding politicians/elites that I like a lot:

First you fight them, then you laugh at them, then you ignore them, then they’re gone….

Thom Sheaffer
Thom Sheaffer
Dec 3, 2022 5:56 AM

David Ray Griffin died November 26.

Dec 3, 2022 7:26 PM
Reply to  Thom Sheaffer

Just looked it up couldn’t believe it myself. He was a good man I believe. Or at least hope.

Dec 3, 2022 11:27 PM
Reply to  Thom Sheaffer

Perhaps you’d care to fill us in, those of us who may not know who the gentleman was who passed away, and why you mourn him.

Thom Sheaffer
Thom Sheaffer
Dec 4, 2022 1:17 AM
Reply to  StStephen

Oh man, he was the grandaddy of 9/11 Truth. And so respectable. He wrote books and they even let him on real TV to debate. Aaaaand …. it’s gone from the web.

Dec 3, 2022 3:52 AM

Thank you, again, Sylvia, for the Banquet; here’s another for your consideration!

Dec 3, 2022 12:43 AM

Insects. Again. When we’re not being told to eat them, we’re left to compare ourselves to them and contemplate their contemptible associations. The insect: served fresh daily as a master metaphor for the extermination era.

Dec 3, 2022 12:00 AM

I can expand on this topic but the continued “pending ” nonsense prevents me from investing much time writing comments that may or may not be seen…

les online
les online
Dec 2, 2022 11:52 PM

Blaming schooling for dumbing down the masses is a misunderstanding of what schooling is for…The masses are DUMB…Schooling’s function is to make them think they’re intelligent (Notice how the higher the grade one is schooled to is equated with being more intelligent)…Read the comments sections of online sites – lots of evidence of schooling’s success in getting lots of people believing they’re intelligent…

Many millionaires dropped out of school early…I’m not a millionaire…

Dec 3, 2022 7:29 PM
Reply to  les online

I’m in a rare but growing re open Auschwitz for MSM parakeets group. The people in general are as Hitler said “the masses are weak and effeminate”. He meant this especially about people who also supported him. Ever notice how when a woman loses an argument she goes to tears or appeals to emotions to try keep some support? Ever noticed how many “men” do that today?

Dec 4, 2022 3:21 PM
Reply to  Koba

As opposed to what? Punching the one who outsmarted him in the nose? Very few people on the planet “lose” gracefully.

(I of course exclude “losing” the cops if they’re chasing you.)

Dec 2, 2022 11:35 PM

They are not human. People are not born human- they become human if raised humanely, and that humanity can be lost through lust for power. They are not human; there is only a human form or appearance. They are incarnations of beings from the world that is just next to the physical, beings who live on the plane which we call the vital world. It is a world of all the desires and impulses and passions and of movements of violence and greed and cunning and every kind of ignorance; but all the dynamisms too are there, all the life-energies and all the powers. The beings of this world have by their nature a strange grip over the material world and can exercise upon it a sinister influence.Some of them are formed out of the remains of the human being that persist after death in the vital atmosphere near to the earth-plane. His desires and hungers still float there and remain in form even after the dissolution of the body; often they are moved to go on manifesting and satisfying themselves and the birth of these creatures of the vital world is the consequence. But these are minor beings and, if they can be very troublesome, it is yet not impossible to deal with them.There are others, far more dangerous, who have never been in human form; never were they born into a human body upon earth, for most often they refuse to accept this way of birth because it is slavery to matter and they prefer to remain in their own world, powerful and mischievous, and to control earthly beings from there. For, if they do not want to be born on earth, they do want to be in contact with the physical nature, but without being bound by… Read more »

Dec 2, 2022 11:01 PM

I’ll say it again, so you can remove it again, in a single word: Delicious!

Dec 2, 2022 10:46 PM

Thank you Sylvia – beautiful writing.

Peter Wright
Peter Wright
Dec 2, 2022 8:43 PM

Oh Sylvie, reading your piece today reminded me that my late and very British mother used to warn me that eating cheese and pickled onions before bedtime could cause the most awful nightmares. As usual, you are able to write about our current nightmares in a most amusing way.

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Dec 2, 2022 10:23 PM
Reply to  Peter Wright

My Romanian grandmother told me that drinking beer and eating Polski Ogorki pickles will give me explosive farts.

Dec 2, 2022 7:57 PM

Everyone, particularly as you get older, needs a good friend, and if you are very lucky a good wife.

She says do not write that….or you will get banned again.

I had given up Facebook about 2 years, cos I was losing all my friends

“Don’t get Jabbed”

3 Strikes and You are Out..Already been “Fact Checked” once

You will not be allowed to post on Facebook Again…

So I deleted everything, I had posted in the last few weeks from Facebook

She says it’s not wise to tell the truth, and make friends with our musician friends…

But I have already written it and posted it, and my wife got a response

I merely asked, if anyone knew of a cover band who did this, after the Girl in Fleetwood Mac Chris Mcvie dropped dead at the of 79.

One of our friends said she did, and I can guess who

I was merely asking after I realised it was going to be Fleetwood Mac songs until Christmas, if anyone knew of a Marilyn Manson Cover Band, and they did. The girls who talk to each other, will hopefully give me the details, and I might be invited.

“Marilyn Manson – mOBSCENE (Official Music Video)”

Sorry, Won’t do Facebook again


Dec 2, 2022 6:56 PM

“Please note: This is not a humour column” Your caustic wit is even more refined rhan CJ Hopkins, and you also spelt “humour” correctly. Personally, I have never been afraid of Spiders, even on a Trek, with my wife and daughter up to the inner depths of India, up the mountains to the most beautiful fresh water falls and lake, where we swam in it as if we were in new Zealand on a film shoot. On the way, we did however have to travel through an area of the most outrageous gross air polution, far worse than anything in Oldham when I was a kid. Even the rivers were grossly polluted far worse than the River Mersey, and The Fresh Water, out of the tap, tasted like metal. We asked the locals, who caused the problem. they were polite, and blamed the Japanese, though it was probably us British. We had been there for centuries, the Japanese mining companies had only just arrived. Whilst we love India to bits, Kerala is very much nicer, though hardly anyone speaks English. There is little if any industry there in South India…though it is very hot and humid. If I lived there, I could easily go Vegetarian. The nicest food,and the nicest people. I have been to Cuba, but not the USA nor Canada North Africa especially Morroco is wounderful. Not been to South America yet, but our son has a good friend who was born there and she shares the same sense of humour as me. Most people across the world are pretty much the same, if you turn up with a smile, and show a real interest in the people you meet. My wife (41 years together now) is extremely good at this. You’ve probably only got one life, so… Read more »

Victor G.
Victor G.
Dec 2, 2022 5:44 PM

Eva Bartlett, Giorgio Bianchi, Scott Creighton, Stephen Lendman, Ramzy Baroud, ecc … maybe not so funny/satiric/insightful but … time is short.

Dec 2, 2022 4:51 PM

You mean the stuff you tried to deny everyone when you locked us down in 2020?…


Dec 2, 2022 4:03 PM

Pssst, Sylvia Shawcross: never – repeat: never – include famous names in a writing unless you have nothing good to say about them. Otherwise…well, you can see for yourself what happens.

(Poor Gandhi, poor Martin Luther King Jr, poor Albert Einstein – why did they even bother ever saying anything nice if they were human? Leave nice words to those who clearly don’t mean them. As GoGo said in Beckett’s “Waiting for Godot”: “It’s safer.”)

Dec 2, 2022 7:00 PM
Reply to  Howard

Sylvia Shawcross can write what the f’ck she wants. She doesn’t need any advice from you Howard, even if you are the censor.

Dec 3, 2022 2:57 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

The day may yet come when you’re able to step outside your bubble and see things as they are rather than as they appear from inside your bubble.

Dec 3, 2022 12:49 AM
Reply to  Howard

Gandhi consistenly opposed the creation of a new entity in the Middle East and paid the ultimate price for it. Einstein urged Roosevelt to create the A bomb and was a Zionist.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Dec 2, 2022 3:32 PM

“Give Grandpa Groper a big wet one.”
comment image

“Now, on a higher note, some Malcolm.”
comment image

Critical Thinking! Critical Thinking!

Dec 2, 2022 7:38 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

has brandons grandaugher got a ladder in her tights?

Dec 2, 2022 2:42 PM

What’s worse: stridulating, stinking or flashing?

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Dec 2, 2022 2:33 PM

“Always that damn scratching. To what end? It seems to serve no useful purpose after all. Evolutionary-wise anyway.”

Crickets scratch to maintain body temperature. Politicians (scritch-scratch) to keep friendly wallets filled with corporate graft. Both species are cold blooded…

Dec 2, 2022 8:04 PM

Always thought that you could estimate ambient temperature by the number of chirps made by a cricket……….

Dec 4, 2022 3:28 PM

So crickets’ scratching and screeching isn’t a mating call? The crickets I yell at and tell them I don’t run a God damn bawdy house…are actually telling me the temperature? Talk about a game changer!

Dec 2, 2022 2:14 PM

Sylvia, your words are utterly beautiful.

It may be just me, but they recall my childhood in the tropics, where my baby sister, before she walked, had speedy reactions that could snatch a cockroach from its path. My youngest brother had a stranger habit of sifting bichus from the Copacabana sand.

More presciently you pin our politicians, as insects, to the board. And in so few words. Probably the best piece I’ve read in months.

Paul Prichard
Paul Prichard
Dec 2, 2022 2:12 PM

Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-11-30. 20 cases in my circle: 4 gone, 4 terminal. Blood money 4 fake CoDs. Masks: medical vs N95 – 0 difference (blog, gab, tweet).

Dec 2, 2022 11:55 AM

‘The Wings of the Beetle’ was by Aleister Crowley (Occultist, Freemason and MI6 agent). Paul McCartney loved it so much he named two bands after it. I’m afraid Gandhi isn’t the “gentle soul” of mainstream propaganda. Like Nehru, he seems to have been a big fan of Theosophy. It was Annie Besant who gave him the lable ‘Mahatma’ meaning ‘great soul’ which is a Theosophical term. The founder of Theosophy Blavatsky personally killed people during the Risorgimento, was found guilty of fraud and looks both part of a privileged bloodline (Count Witte was her cousin) and another intelligence agent. Gandhi got his marching orders from UCL and Oxford, had homosexual affairs (a common theme with members of the elite – at least it points towards blackmail) and treated most people he actually knew terribly, especially his wife (his love of humanity appears very much to be in the abstract). Joseph Lelyveld calls him “a sexual weirdo, a political incompetent and a fanatical faddist – one who was often downright cruel to those around him”. He also says Gandhi enjoyed naked “cuddles” with an underaged niece so again one finds a “hero” with a whiff of paedophilia and incest about him. He volunteered for the Boer War and said he was as much a racist as the Boers (see some of his statements about blacks). Gandhi claimed “all religions are true” which was derived from Theosophy and plays into the one world relgion part of the elite’s plan. Anyone the mainstream tells you is a hero needs deep examination. That’s especially true if they make mega-blockbuster films about them and throw a load of Oscars at them – and the filmmaker is related to one of the arch-pimps of climate change. Ditto Martin Luther King. It’s easy to advocate non-violence if… Read more »

Dec 2, 2022 12:32 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Kay Griggs alleges that Albert Einstein was frequently involved in the gay orgies her husband attended when he was Head of Special Operations at NATO and with the US Marine Corps.

Kay Griggs Reveals Evil Underbelly of Military and Government – MUST SEE!!! FULL Interview 1998 – YouTube

Dec 2, 2022 12:50 PM
Reply to  Mucho

She also said that this is how they made Nazi Germany the grim reality that it was – by filling up the ranks with deviants and perverts. She said that is what they have done to the US military. Hence, the Pink Swastika and all the hardcore stuff relating to it, which doesn’t get spoken about but which is very real.

Dec 2, 2022 2:31 PM
Reply to  Mucho

The censors are looking for any opporunity to invert reality.
It doesn’t matter whether you speak right or wrong.
Tim Cook

Dec 2, 2022 2:14 PM
Reply to  Edwige

So true about Crowley and Gandhi. Crowley, in fact, was one of the ‘lonely hearts’ depicted on the Sgt. Pepper album cover!

As far as MLK is concerned, you’re partly right: desegregation in the US was a priority for the Illuminati after the war, and as long as he stuck to that subject alone, King was useful to them. However, in the late sixties, he went off script and started denouncing Washington’s foreign policy. Viewed in the context of Muhammad Ali’s draft resistance, I don’t think the PTB wanted King to do that. So he was dead within a year.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Dec 2, 2022 2:55 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Gandhi had about the same caliber of intellect and motive as the current Dalai Lama. Both spent their lives scritching for support to stay warm…

Dec 3, 2022 1:21 AM

Gandhi opposed the creation of Israel and paid the ultimate price. The Dalai Lama has undoubtedly visited that country and it wouldn’t surprise me if he went to the wailing wall.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Dec 2, 2022 7:32 PM
Reply to  Edwige

So Buddy Holly and the Crickets had nothing to do with the name you allude to?
And could you please link to amazzone so I can purchase this mysterious work by A.C.? Actually, any link to that title will do … that shee must be public domain by now.
Shame about Gandhi but what a wonderful result!
I love seeing imperialist bastards get reamed. The only thing better would have been if the Indians in question were the inhabitants of Turtle Island and it was those Indians that pushed the same shitheel MFers back into the Atlantic Ocean to drown in its frigid waters (1620, say).
Finally, do you think Barry Manilow was so successful because his part was to bring Man’s music. to its nadir (low, get it?)?

Dec 3, 2022 12:15 AM
Reply to  Victor G.

It is highly unlikely Edwige has actually read any of Crowley’s books.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Dec 2, 2022 7:39 PM
Reply to  Edwige

PS with regard to Il Risorgimento … The Supreme Court for Constitutional (La Consulta) matters in Italy just passed a judgement that legitimizes vaccine mandates in complete contradiction to numerous articles of the Italian Constitution.
If you love pizza, mandolins, sunshine, and museums, you will hate this decision that throws Italia back into the early years of the 20th century. Revolting.

Dec 3, 2022 1:25 AM
Reply to  Edwige

There is a lot of anti Gandhi propaganda due to his anti Zionism. I think we should distinguish between those like JFK and Gandhi who were martyrred and those who weren’t.

Dec 2, 2022 11:00 AM

The New Normal strikes again. When does the fightback start then, or are we all just going to stand aside and let this happen?

Megha Thakur dead: TikTok star dies ‘suddenly and unexpectedly’ aged 21 – Mirror Online

comment image

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Dec 2, 2022 11:26 AM
Reply to  Mucho

Only when people see it on the MSM.
Until then it’s just conspiracy and coincidence…
They think the government has their best interests at heart!

Dec 2, 2022 12:51 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

Without being told directly it’s related to the jab, I think this will still fall under the radar of the majority of the Zombie class.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Dec 2, 2022 12:52 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

Yes, you’re right. The ‘normies’ will only understand that what we’ve been telling them is true when they see it on the MSM. (will that be at the same time as we see pigs fly??)

I’ve been providing my family members and friends with information/data re. what’s really going on, and re. the horrific effects of the injections, since it all began. But still they choose to ‘disbelieve’ what I’ve told them, due to their adamant stance that they ‘only believe’ something if it’s disseminated on their TVs!!!
My younger brother (now 57) had the audacity to say to me, sometime in mid-2021, re. the masses of factual information I’d provided them with, “You’ve still not given us any credible sources”… (haha!! He thinks that their TV is the ‘credible source’!!)

They’ve all had three [and, in the case of my sister’s husband, 75, and two of my friends in their late 80s, four…] injections each. A couple of weeks after my sister’s husband had his 4th, he had two transient ischaemic attacks… ie, ‘mini-strokes’. And yet still they slavishly absorb what they’re told by the MSM.

Dec 2, 2022 1:12 PM

Found the same here. Brainwashed brain cells indeed.

Dec 2, 2022 4:09 PM

Why on earth did you get three downvotes? Everything you said fits like a glove with what the vast majority of OffG readers believe. It’s puzzling.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Dec 2, 2022 5:15 PM
Reply to  Howard

I think (rightly or wrongly!) that at least one of the down-votes is what I call a ‘bot-troll’!!
As I mentioned here on OffG a couple or so weeks ago, many posts here receive down-votes where there’s no legitimate reason for a thumbs-down.
Hence my surmising that those thumbs-down, on many posts, are what I’m terming ‘bot-trolls’…!

Dec 2, 2022 8:27 PM
Reply to  Howard

12 👍  + 3 👎  = 11 👍 

12 👎  + 3 👍  = 11 👎 

30 👍  + 2 👎  = 30 👍 

45 👎  + 0 👍  =  🖕 

Dec 4, 2022 5:08 PM
Reply to  nmism

Lets see…
So that’s basically a wash.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Dec 2, 2022 6:14 PM

Sort of ppl that send a leak from fact checkers or Wiki and say its fact!

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Dec 2, 2022 8:41 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

Haha!! Paul, you’ve described my brother to a tee!! In September 2020, he started sending me some links to a couple of sites which I knew were some of the many scam ‘fact checker’ sites!! The links he sent me were items from those sites wrongly demonising and lying about many truth-telling sites. I thus sent my brother a couple of emails [in Sept. 2020], in which I included links to articles explaining about the existence and nature of the scam ‘fact checker’ sites, and a couple of articles that were specifically about one of the 2 scam ‘fact check’ sites which he, my brother, had sent me links to. The articles I sent him made the point that that site was a scam site, and also that that scam site had been taken to court by a truth-telling scientific site who had, oh so wrongly, been demonised and lied about by that particular ‘fact check’ site. Then, to my even greater (what word can I use, of my brother!) disbelief, he sent me a link to a Wiki item (!!) that was demonising one of the truth-telling sites which I’d provided my family members and friends information from. So I sent him an email, containing links to about 10 articles by an American bloke who, in those articles, had spelt out the nature of, and thus the untrustworthiness of, Wikipedia. I thought that my brother (who, under normal circumstances, is not stupid… he’s a computer consultant, has his own, very successful, business) would comprehend that he was the one who was wrong (and not me). So imagine my (oh, I really cannot think of an acceptable adjective, here, to describe my reaction to the following…) even greater disbelief when, in March 2022 (a full 18 months after I’d sent… Read more »

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Dec 2, 2022 9:24 PM

Brain washed doesn’t do it justice…
Just be grateful you are not one of them!

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Dec 2, 2022 9:50 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

Yes… to say they’re ‘brainwashed’ is the ultimate understatement!

Dec 3, 2022 1:10 AM

I admire your persistence, Christine! Early into this debacle, I put so much effort in trying to educate/convince (ex!) friends and family, but accepting failure, I’ve let them go… They will be welcome back in my life of/when the awaken of their own accord…

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Dec 3, 2022 3:04 PM
Reply to  Lulu

It’s important to keep stating the truths to the ‘normies’. The Belgian psychologist, Dr (or Professor?) Mattias Desmet (he who publicised the idea of ‘mass formation psychosis’, to explain the behaviour of the masses) says that it’s vitally important to keep telling them, the ‘normies’, the actual facts/truths. That tyranny succeeds if the dissenters stop stating the facts/truths. That it’s vital to keep talking!

Dec 3, 2022 3:13 AM

I’m of course in agreement with you here. But it doesn’t strike me as quite so clear cut as you present it.

Many of us here have become skeptical of these so called “fact checkers” because of information we obtained from sites and persons we generally trust.

But haven’t those who swear by these “fact checkers” also arrived at their point of view by way of sites and persons they generally trust?

It’s difficult to impossible to personally verify every piece of information we come by; so we have no choice but to rely on others. That kind of makes us all vulnerable to being played for fools.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Dec 2, 2022 9:31 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson


K. Cavan
K. Cavan
Dec 3, 2022 9:04 PM

Someone on four injections is halfway dead, according to the Japanese, who were the only country to test them for toxicity. Eight shots, they said, will lead to 100% mortality.
You can’t expect too much from half-dead people.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Dec 2, 2022 12:55 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

Another funeral director/embalmer speaks out. Here’s an American called Nicky Rupright King speaking to Jason Liosatos, here in the UK:

“Embalmer Nicky Rupright King exposes strange ‘blood clots’ in veins of ‘vaccinated’ deaths” (video: 1.05.30 hours; N.B., Liosatos’ talk with Nicky ends at the 50.56 minute point), at:


N.B., some of the ‘clots’ they’re finding are green in colour… one of these is shown, early on in the above video.

Dec 2, 2022 10:52 AM

Brendon O Connell with another highly informative, cutting-edge broadcast here. He opens the show with the clip if Heinz Kissinger addressing a Chinese bankster conference, letting it be known that the “world centre of gravity will shift from the Atlantic to the Pacific due to the Belt and Road initiative”. Also early in the show is the clip of Rouhani picking up his PHD in Sharia Law at Glasgow University, where he studied for a number of years. Good section on Iran. Nothing to do with British Intel of course. He also shows a US military official presentation from a few decades back showing a massive decline in population starting, errr, now. Right on cue. Great stuff as usual.

168. Russia & Nukes – How Heinz Kissinger & The Ayatollah of Iran Are In Complete Agreement – YouTube

Dec 2, 2022 2:05 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Sad but true. BRICS is not going to save us. They’re just Globalist Team B (Team A?). All of this alleged rivalry between them and the West — and even the war in Ukraine — are just part of a great, big puppet show designed to absorb all of our attention and energy. Don’t fall for it.

Dec 2, 2022 10:43 AM

Orange Is The New Black star Brad William Henke dead at 56 (msn.com)

Speaking of the sad news to E! News, Henke’s agent Sheree Cohen confirmed he had died in his sleep. However, an official cause of death has not yet been revealed.

Interestingly news of this appeared on the Daily Sceptic then their article disappeared.

comment image

Dec 2, 2022 10:45 AM
Reply to  Mucho

Meanwhile one of the main sales reps and engineers of this evil is on a celebrity gameshow and all these scumbags can do is deny deny deny any link to the injections. This is sick and evil beyond belief. When is this dam going to break?

Dec 2, 2022 2:08 PM
Reply to  Mucho

If ever the proverbial damn begins to break, beware! They might just be flipping the script for their own nefarious purposes. Perhaps they’re seeking to bankrupt our countries with long-term healthcare costs, so that the IMF can move in and ‘restructure’ us? Will that be when they roll out their CBDCs? At any rate, it’s a possibility to consider.

Dec 3, 2022 1:16 AM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

Sure, using the same old tried and tested tactics they use to seize control of “other countries”. It remains to be seen what is going to happen with these jabs but the next five years could be anything from relatively normal (say tptb decide to take the foot off the gas and it turns out all apart from those who have already shown injury got saline so life reverts back to some sort of “normality” – not that such a thing can ever truly exist) to billions of people dying before their time. We just don’t know. We’ve got some very strong evidence that people are making this white goo in their veins. Whatever it is it must be connected to blood in some way. On top of the white goo, we’ve got the people dying suddenly, unexpectedly, bizarre outcomes that just never normally happen, quite a few, most weeks, seemingly in celeb world, so it must be quite common. Is this the start of a big wave of death which will go on for five years? Dolores Cahill, who is highly qualified in the relevant fields, says all mRNA recipients will be dead within 5 years. Then we have the VAERS analysis, where strong evidence of killer batches and relatively harmless batches has been uncovered. But these dying in their sleep people, and SADS, they’re healthy and doing fine up to the point where they “suddenly die”. So these would be considered to have received a “safer” non-killer batch, which pushes expectation in to things will be on the worse end of the scale of possible outcomes, because folk are walking around fine one minute, and suddenly dying the next. During the summer I saw some 20 something turn up in a hospital having what looked like major heart… Read more »

Dec 3, 2022 2:11 AM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

always a card (or two) up their sleeve, a hidden hand.

Go Plissken !

Dec 3, 2022 9:16 PM
Reply to  boxofcrayons

I thought he was dead!

Dec 2, 2022 10:39 AM


Big Crow
Big Crow
Dec 2, 2022 10:05 AM

orgasm, multiple orgasms, I’d be scritching too…

Big Crow
Big Crow
Dec 2, 2022 10:04 AM

Bugs are like people, they’ll do anything for an orgasm.

Dec 2, 2022 8:28 AM

The entire establishment class which always knows what is the right thing to do and is always labouring in our best interests needs to be purged and put through a crematorium.

Their looted wealth needs returning to the people who were robbed, their legislation wiping from the statute books, their organisations need to be obliterated.

Then and only then will we be free.

Dec 2, 2022 1:24 PM
Reply to  MattC

Sorry to be contrary, well not sorry I suppose, but to the contrary – I will not burn bodies to set things straight. I don’t want any of that “wealth” they fabricated. I will not wipe their legislation from the statute books, I will destroy the statute books. If we aren’t free already, we will never be.