Strep A….the next next pandemic?
Kit Knightly

The UK headlines are full of talk of Strep A. The infection – formally referred to as Group A streptococcus – has allegedly killed seven children across England and Wales.
The familiar refrain is echoing again – “The disease is harmless in the vast majority of cases” – and experts are coming out and saying there’s nothing “particularly alarming or concerning” about the disease.
…and yet still the fear headlines churn out.
Where is this going? It’s hard to say. We already had the next pandemic, it was monkeypox and nothing much came of it in the end.
So, if they do try and make Strep A a thing, it would be the next next pandemic.
But don’t worry, there is a vaccine.
Or at least there will be soon…they started recruiting subjects for a trial five days ago.
Funny that.
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**I am not a doctor**
Study PAI-1 yourself, but here is some of what I found out from existing research papers.
PAI-1 is causing blood clots in people recovering from Covid-19
and those having received the Covid-19 vaccines. Blood clots can be dangerous as you certainly know by now.
PAI-1 occurs naturally in everyone (except for a few Amish with a genetic mutation, and these exceptions, by the way, live much longer than the average person). When you get an injury the body clots the injury so that it can heal over. The body generates PAI-1 as a flag to tell the body to leave the clot alone *for now*. Once healing has reached a certain stage the clot is no longer useful and the body stops generating PAI-1 so that the clot is dissolved by the body (fibrinolysis activity).
So, to counter the side effect of the vaccines and covid — excessive clotting because of too much PAI-1 — you would want something *safe* that inhibits PAI-1 and is fibrinolytic (dissolves clots).
The Japanese have had this “something” for over two thousand years. It is considered extremely safe (don’t take it if you are taking aspirin or warfarin or have an open wound).
It is called Nattokinase. You can buy it online. Alternately, you can buy a formula that additionally contains Serrapeptase for increased fibrinolytic activity.
**I am not a doctor**
Read the research for yourself. Maybe talk to the right doctor.
I know a few people who work in health centres. They are getting more and more worried/hysterical parents convinced that they children have coming in strep.
Pretty obvious that locking down and masking kids was going to wreck their immune systems. Interesting about the vaccine though… No surprises.
deja pu the feeling that youve heard this sh*t before and strep too
Yep – on the news, seven kids dead from Strep A, photo of girl with skin turning purple. Get ready for another roller coaster.
Seven . . . ?
Not twenty million . . . ?
Are they absolutely sure it wasn’t the Omigod variant of Covid19 . . . ?
They are updating the repertoire of illnesses.
Covid has been on stage for almost three years, and there is no much public left to follow it. Now there is a new epidemic of the useful flu, which comes again to the show, after being forcibly retired in 2020 by the producers. It comes also with its own mRNA choreography and lots of secret ingredients, and competes with the new production Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), full of nanotechnology and miraculous materials inside too.
When shall we start seeing the real pandemic, the first world brain rot syndrome?
That would be Mad-Cow Disease.
And to think they thought they had it under control . . .
At least the new variant seems to affect only politicians and other ‘authorities’
Most fitting, but of course it’s a burden on those of us who have to look after them . . .
This is more what the Strep A stories are about in the UK:
The “NHS can’t cope” narrative then plugs into a wider “the public sector’s in meltdown” narrative. Labour’s core public sector middle class constituency can feel the imminent ‘kerching!’ while they’ll be lucky to get a few crumbs and the real destination of “renewed investment in our public services” will be the new tech required by the Great Reset. This doesn’t mean there aren’t real problems in public services and their employees aren’t, like everyone else, feeling the squeeze of course.
Meanwhile, largely the same reasons are making Labour lose support in NZ. It’s a great example of the fake two-party system. St Jacinda’s love-in is, according to the latest poll, down…. to 33%.
It’s like Deja Vu all over again!
It’s like Deja Flu all over again!
It’s like Deja Flu all over again!
Déja Déja ‘Flu ‘Flu . . .
There are now vaccines for bacteria?!
There are now vaccines for vaccines . . .
Since the nineties, I have had the feeling that right now society could not advance, that living conditions had to deteriorate, restauration had to have it’s way, that capitalism must now triumph to it’s death.
Just now I feel that times they are a-changin. Everything is falling apart, everything is slipping away from the “decision-makers”grip.
Intuition tells me Convid was their ultimate power-trip and now their end is inevitable.
Question is, how will we the great unwashed, shape our future world?
My question is, how can we clear up the mess they are still making as we speak . . .?
How can we breathe in the psychologically toxic environment they are creating for us, since we are going to need to breathe if we are to shape our future world at all?
Perhaps the most we will be able to do is to shape that future world in our individual thoughts and deeds, and try in that way to leave behind enough culture – and maybe even wisdom – to inspire a future generation . . .
I have to say, nothing in my childhood prepared me for this chaos, but I suppose the drastic deeds of the Hindu gods I have read about could be a sort of preparation for what can happen to mankind from time to time . . .
However horrific some of those images from the distant past might be, there is always survival, along with the complex subject of karma and the concept of very slow evolution towards a higher state of being.
For the first time in my life, I really feel tested in that respect, and it’s often hard to avoid despair and rage. But it is possible, and I know others here are going through the same inner battles.
Here’s to survival!
I asked my husband/partner (we don’t have a legal state license but we are married) the other night how do we live with this knowledge in our heads that they are sacrificing children? How do we resolve this abomination of everything that is good and decent in our heads? He is an army vet, my dad was Vietnam SARS pilot. My husband said that in war innocents are often slaughtered. It’s what happens in war and this is war make no mistake. So we get our war brains on and be strong, courageous and even uplifting for others.
We are doing everything we can to help ourselves and others survive this. We are planting everything we can, preserving everything, staying healthy in our own way and trying to support all local likeminded community efforts.
We are going to get through this with the very large and growing number of other likeminded people locally and internationally. We will make a better world for our children. We will win in the end. We have to not only believe this but we have to conduct ourselves and all our endeavors to this end.
Thank you Cathy for that wonderful affirmation of the whole point of being alive.
I like to think that more of us feel that way than you would ever guess from reading the mainstream media.
Your reply also reminds me of some of the serious spiritual paths followed by mystics and sages, and one of the most important exercises in self-development is to learn to distinguish between the essential and the non-essential.
I would extend that idea to the notion of distinguishing between the things we can influence or fix, and those we can’t.
When confronted with something you just can’t fix, you have to move on and devote your energy to something else.
As you say, those of us who care are going to do everything we can to help ourselves and others survive this horrible nightmare.
Talking about ‘fixing’: My wife never really learnt to distrust government and other kinds of ‘authority’. It simply wasn’t in her upbringing – not that it was particularly in mine either – but she doesn’t seem to know where else to look for security in life.
There are mitigating circumstances for her – ‘security’ means more to her than to many others since there have been several tragedies in her life which would leave few people unscathed – but it’s still hard to find ways to help her see reality the way I do.
For me that’s just one of the things I can’t fix, but we are both doing our best to deal with life as we see it, and at least we do share an enthusiasm for any kind of creative endeavour wherever we see it.
All good wishes for your own endeavours!
Behind the ‘viruses’ distractions they plan to eliminate the middle class by ensuring you can’t afford your property. Their climate change rules will require you to upgrade your home to match ‘environmental standards’, which will cost plenty, forcing you to sell.
Without a home-owning middle class we once again become a feudal society with rich and poor.
Hello May Hem: The middle class have always been feudal. The only thing they’ve ever owned, is the mortgage instrument binding them to usury payments. Very few possess unencumbered property titles. All designed by kings, queens, and banking institutions such as those of the Rothschild family.
‘covid’ put the country heavily in debt…To raise money to pay off the debt home rates and taxes with skyrocket…Most will sell as it will be cheaper to rent…Blackrock, already buying up billions of dollars worth of housing stock will buy your for-sale property…You’ll no longer own a house but you’ll be happy…(for ‘covid’ read ‘politicians’)…
Housing environmental regulations have never been enforced in the way described (above) before and I don’t see why they will be this time around.
There are many things to worry about but this is not one of them.
well, if you’ve had your jabs you are probably unlikely to see the full horror of the housing eco wash mentioned above, indeed no point worrying about it.
The compulsory EPC is just the start of it. The regulations are being incrementally enforced already, the foot is long since in the door, doesn’t usually take them long to be sitting at the table.
Government acts and statutes do not apply to free men and women who don’t consent.
I know that Zen, but try not paying your rates to local council and you’ll find out if you really “own” “your” property- whether you consent or not. Even though local councils here are private companies.
Common Law has been tried but sadly I do not hear many success stories here in Australia.
I’ve been doing it for a while and it seems they are powerless, unless I enter into conversation with them or go to their fake courts. It’s all a scam, see through it.
Do you own a property? Do you pay rates? Would be interested to know, thanks.
Yes and no. Plenty are doing it successfully. You don’t need much knowledge.
I saw “Strep A” mentioned somewhere recently. I have no idea what it is but I thought it would probably be the “New Thing”. How depressing!
You can get it when your immune system is being depressed with drugs, vaccines and inadequate diet. It’s a common hospital “bug” that goes around – except hospital staff don’t seem to “catch” it. (That’s a hint that you can’t “catch” an infection).
When you get strep it’s important to get an antibiotic because the antibodies produced by your immune system has a tendency to attack the heart so a vaccine that “produces a strong antibody response” is truly just more of same deadly bullshit
“Antibodies” = anti your body.
Antibody titers have very little to nothing to do with immunity from disease. This has been known for decades, yet we are still told that this is what vaccines achieve to keep us safe.
Thanks Tas. It reminds me of the common cold- as a child, I thought you got one from getting cold. Later, the term virus became widespread but didn’t really catch on with me, being suspicious of authority in general. Now I don’t believe you HAVE to catch anything, particularly diseases or ideas, but I know we’re all susceptible to both.
BTW..did you know that
is being flagged as a ‘malware site’ by some google prick?? [Firefox]
I have no dealings with google, except looking at utube with an adblocker and no login.
It seems that the domain/site is not controlled by the original gang!
Specially after the NOV 15th “WATCH: The Betrayal by Technology: A Portrait of Jacques Ellul”
I know I’m bursting bubbles here, but… > I believe this to be one of the best presentations of contributory relationships between Covid-19 disease and the results of Covid-19 “vaccinations”. People are indeed being murdered with this combination bio-weapon.
These are verifiable facts, not idle speculations.
“Persons” (not corporations) within the medical community need to be prosecuted for mass genocide and crimes against humanity… Of course, we all know who they are.
What is Causing the Blood Clots from “Died Suddenly?”
A Midwestern Doctor
November 25, 2022
What is Causing the Blood Clots from “Died Suddenly?” (
This doctor is not in agreement with the overblown hype of the above mentioned film.
There’s also this:
“Died Suddenly” update: Stew Peters lost all credibility for including footage from a heart surgery that happened in 2019 – The COVID Blog™
I have a cousin that just recently died from blood clots. His obit in the newspaper stated that he died “peacefully” no mention of the blood clotting. I am seeing a lot of obits stating that people are dying “peacefully”.
If all those people spinning to the right while looking up and swatting or reaching are those in the throes of a sudden blood clot, it does not look like a ‘peaceful.’ departure. And the convulsions they go into at the very end…
Hello Albert Anderson: Yes. The included footage was a huge mistake. Whether this mistaken footage was intentional or not, it pretty much destroyed the credibility of the film. This is one of the unaddressed problems of video presentations. The media has reduced life to a Hollywood movie.
Which was the whole point as I said from the beginning. Shill Peters’ docu was a major psy-op to discredit the waking masses.
Lost all credibility!
What you returned to the credible MSM!
Never fails to amaze me how alternative media lose credibility over one erroneous report like Alex Jones and Sandy Hook.
However the MSM can regurgitate lie after lie but bizarrely are not held to account, or the same standards.
When your salary depends on you not understand something, it’s clear the medical profession value their jobs over lives..
“Don’t rock the boat” applies everywhere. Doctors, priests, teachers, professors, politicians and cult followers included.
Let’s admit, it takes courage to risk your livelihood, and for many people, their job IS their life.
I can’t bring myself to be too hard on doctors at any rate, although I have two caveats:
1) I am not going to become their victim, however sympathetic I might be to their quandary.
2) I don’t consider “the medical profession” to be synonymous with “doctors”.
My sights are on:
a) The deans of university medical science departments.
b) The lobbyists for government funding of whatever appallingly risky medical enterprise they think might be profitable next.
c) The hospital heads who turn a blind eye to patients being used as guinea-pigs.
d) The media who allow themselves to be bribed and bullied into regurgitating all the frightful non-science involved in all of the above.
“A new bacterial disease? No, it’s just more fearmongering” by Dawn Lester:
It must be pretty weird being an intelligent doctor these days . . .
You don’t get to be a good doctor without wanting some answers to complicated questions, but since asking questions is now aggressively discouraged, that means you don’t get to be a good doctor at all . . .
It’s becoming harder and harder to have compassion for anyone who gets injured after being gullible enough to volunteer to be jabbed with another experimental witch’s brew against the latest thing. How can anyone have failed to connect the dots by now?
I understand your reasoning and basically agree, i even up-voted you. But why assume that everyone is even seeing dots? Or that many people are seeing dots which are already “connected” in false ways? Fear tends to overwhelm even the best reasoning powers if it’s pumped up high enough.
Don’t forget RSV. Still in the headlines. Coincidentally, Pfizer and 4 other companies have applied for FDA approval of a vaccine. I am seeing a pattern here: News reports of a disease (harmful or not) = FDA application for a vaccine = a new pandemic to push the vaccine.
“Now a message from sock puppet Nazi Boy and Billy Eugenics Enterprises to all the untermenshen useless eaters:

Die already and deplete the surplus population.”
Is that a picture of a useless eater?
Interesting quotation from archaeologist George Carter about one of the mechanisms at work in “the science”:
“When a new idea is advanced, it necessarily challenges the previous idea. This disturbs the holders of the previous idea and threatens their security. The normal reaction is anger. The new idea is then attacked, and support of it is required to be of a higher order of certainty. The greater the departure from the previous idea, the greater the degree of certainty required, so it is said. I have never been able to accept this. It assumes that the old order was established on high orders of proof, and on examination this is seldom found to be true”.
Carter is surely right not to accept this, and the familiar maxim (where did it come from?) that “extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof” that has become a programmed response is bunk. The apparent thinness of the evidence behind so many mainstream scientific theories becomes more comprehensible in this light.
Doctors in Canada who tell the truth re. what’s really going on might potentially be in some danger…
“Doctors who are accused of spreading ‘misleading information’ could be jailed under new British Columbia law”, at:
This study uses an adjuvanted conjugated peptide vaccine. The vaccine contains synthetic peptides (similar to small proteins) mixed with Alum (referred to as an adjuvant) to help generate antibodies for a Group A Strep infection. The study vaccine contains no active virus.
Unfortunately not a m[iracle]RNA jab!
I came across this excellent article yesterday: it sums up the situation which we, the human race, are in…
“We are trapped in a Truman Show directed by psychopaths”, at:
thank you Christine for the article.
I have been using the Truman Show movie the past 2 years to try and explain to others that we, the public, are being conditioned to believe in a false narrative when it comes to accepting the elites explanation of the Plandemic. This article has a lot of good points.
From what I’m seeing, they’re still “playing the hits” e.g. from something called Medpage Today,
“Why the Now-Dominant BQ COVID Strains Are Cause for Concern
— Increasing cases from BQ.1 and BQ.1.1 expected in the coming months”
Of course that’s Medpage TODAY. Who knows what Medpage Tomorrow or even This Afternoon will say? With the speed of “The Science” and all that.
It strikes me that if these scare sheets really want to make an impact, they shoukd start giving away free gifts like in the old comics e.g. the loud cardboard banger or some species of cute hat.
George – it’s BrazenRay from Moneycircus’ Discord server. As you may already know, Discord have booted Mark off Discord. I’ve set up an Element room as an alternative. If you set up an Element account, send me a message and I’ll send you an invite to the new Moneycircus Element room.
Same goes for any other waifs and strays who congregated in the Moneycircus Discord treehouse:
I tried to set up an account on Element and it just hung there. I filled in my name and pass word and all but it just seems to stop. This is about the third attempt I’ve made to join MC’s new chat space. God I fucking hate technology. No wonder the bastards up there are laughing.
Here’s the link George:
Fyi Mark is now aware of the Element space and will be paying his first visit later today, so no need to post on his substack.
Groovy times!
George – it’s BrazenRay from Mark / Moneycircus’ Discord. I’ve set up an Element Roon as a temporary replacement for his Discord server. Set up an Element account if you haven’t already done so, and then send a message to and I’ll send you the invite. I’ve reached out to Mark via his protonmail account – if you could leave a message for him on his Substack I’d be grateful, only I’m not a subscriber (shame on me!).
Hope to see you there!
A global Bio security state is the phrase for a convergence of technology and bio – that is us – life.
The driven narrative is of bio-insecurity as a means to make you safe.
This makes no sense unless what is being masked from is included.
The stakeholders in the Body OS – or body as a distance and masking of control via personae can ONLY run in darkness generated by conflicted intention and attention.
It MUST then seek reset of its core program of power set in conflict as separate powers projected away from the mind that made them.
But to zoom out a bit for my readers, it insinuates and appeals to the use of bio-insecurity as a mask or weapon by which to run a control agenda covertly.
Justifictions set in grievance by which to assign CAUSE to Other and attack it as a means of ‘salvation’.
Because we are stakeholders in such a belief, we are not awake to hidden cause with a level of self running beneath personae. But can we be ‘victim’ to our own persistent and protected belief?
Yes – but not Really!
Truth will reveal a freedom that self-illusion kept obscure.
But truth set as weapon makes self-illusion sacred, or special and running as a securitised narrative.
As long as it’s not Strep Z because that would be illegal…or a Russian bioweapon.
People are going to get confused. What should I freak about? Monkey pox? Omega? Pi? Strep? Flu 2.0? Pneumonia 3.0?
Respiratory illness is a good target. Almost everyone may get a sniffle or cough at some point in a year and snot or spit may land on someone else, which is never pleasant, regardless of disease. Harder to create panic around stomach ache, backache, headache.
Besides: a pox actually requires … pox.
I ought to have added a “sarc” tag after the bioweapon bit…
“projectile vomit disease”… ; )
it’ll be mandatory lol
At bottom this covid hysteria has been fabricated on the basis of the Malthusian theory of overpopulation. It is a simple arithmetical human reproduction and runs as follows:
1,2,4,8,16,32,64, and so on until we reach millions, trillions and so forth. Output, however remains static = ergo, mass starvation … blah, blah, blah.
Of course this does not stand up. Output grows faster than human reproduction. Simple law of economics.
Let us assume that Robinson Crusoe produces X output for his sustenance. But then along comes Man Friday. Shock, horror! Population has doubled, mass starvation is upon us. Of course this neglects the obvious fact that human labour doubles and increases output since Man Friday is now working alongside Robinson Crusoe. Man Friday is not a useless eater. ‘O’ level arithmetic ok!?
And then of course there is the assumption that population is always increasing. Sorry chaps but the opposite is true. World population particularly in the northern hemisphere is actually declining. Check out female fertility rates.
And then of course there is the question of war … but that’s another issue …
> Of course this does not stand up. Output grows faster than human reproduction. Simple law of economics.
Law of economics, haha – one day you will wake up to the hard realities of physics.
All of which would be great if we lived a planet with infinite resources, but you, know, we don’t. This has nothing to do with economics (money, being the abstract concept that is is, is an infinite resource, albeit on that you can’t eat or burn to stay warm) and everything to do with resources, specifically energy resources and I’m afraid we’ve had all the low hanging fruit. Unarguably, the global population has grown greatly in the last 100 years. The exact number is unknown and it isn’t really important. The parasitical “elite” aren’t wrong with the Malthusian theories. In fact, I’m pretty sure that they are right over the mark. But here’s the kicker. It’s them who have caused the problem, not us. It’s them who created the profligate and wasteful disposable consumerist culture that we in the west live in. It’s them who use far more than their share of our finite resources than anybody else on the planet and largely, I think most of our global problems could be solved by removing them and their lickspittle lackeys from the equation in entirety.
It is all about energy and energy resources, and we are undoubtedly at a bottleneck where they are concerned and there will be a mass die off, whether that happens naturally or because the parasitcal elite have managed to fool the brainwashed masses into killing themselves, eith withg some injected poison or with a pointless war. It’s pretty much irrelevant whether you think Malthusian theory is correct or not. It is happening by accident or design. The real question is: How will you survive what is currently happening?
Erm… More and more people doing less and less work doesn’t fit your Man Friday picture very well.
Recent population and birth decline statistics fit pretty well into the proposed 10-15% reductions sought by our WEF palies…
Where is this going? To a great extent, we’re already there, a biosecurity state keeping captive populations on alert to the latest sniffle or sore throat signaling some further rationale to tighten the screws a bit more, get some more jabs in for big pHarma, and move us along down the tracks of the killing train. For those who think people can’t be turned into permanent patients of medical tyranny, perhaps it’s worth recalling the permanent warfare normalized with 9/11’s war of terror.
The lies which rule us are not defeated by disbelief but by rebellion. Violence is the midwife of history because of the powers which make revolution necessary.
Lies are defeated by truth not violence. Evil loves the dark and hates the light Exposure is a great disinfectant.
Rebel? You might as well play whac a mole.
You need a military that honours its oath to protect the people, not the king and queen.
And no more central no more printing money.
Gold/precious metal/food backed currency,
If you borrow money it goes back to the government not private central banks. That way the money goes back into the country and people.
I agree with both previous staements, they both have some truth to them.
Revolution seems difficult with all the government agents that exist everywhere to make things difficult for patriots.
I think fixing the judges so they follow the contitution is one of the first steps. Also fixing the politicians that pass illegal or unconstitutional laws. They should not be allowed to rewrite a law that was found unconstitutional, they should have been banned from serving in any governmental role for eternity for that crime. Perhaps the death benalty is a better reward.
Since we have no laws or police force to enforce the upholding of the constitution, it must fall to us.
If hit men, snipers, or any other vigalante justice warriors start taking out all the judges and politicians that don’t follow their oath to uphold the constitution we will make change. First, some of them will change their ways and realise they were wrong, for fear of death. Eventually there will be less of the evil slavery loving individuals left in those rolls and they will be less of a problem.
I also beleive any rews person who said ”safe & effective” is now up for death due to the nurremburg code. And any CEO or governor who gave prises for vaccines is also up for nurremburg death.
Anyone who can show proof that they said those things should then be allowed to kill the perpetrator, like a hunting license. Or let the kill come first, then show proof it was justified.
By not killing off the evil, we are harming the innocent.
It’s the violence of the powers that shouldn’t be I’m referring to. This violence is institutionalized not only in standing armies but bizzness as usual that unleashes hell on earth, economic policies, or warfare, as from central banks, which lead to mass murder of starvation as surely as military aggression. Or the forced medicalization of the population for depopulation.
Such systemic violence is being established in full spectrum dominance of the planet, supported by means of enforcement like weaponized surveillance from space, geoengineering and climate control, penetration and colonization of life by nanotechnology, and more. The previous historical option of resistance to imperial ‘civilization’ by withdrawal from the madness is fading.
Those who can may buy a little more time by escaping, or fighting the fascist creep in captured courts and legislatures and institutions running the racket of the rule of law. But the self-defense we really need are mass movements to fundamentally reverse if not overthrow a system of society built on violence. Truth remains little more than sentiment if it’s not organized as power in its own right.
If the means of revolt is to be consistent with the end, then nonviolence is the way forward. But ruling powers will still be around to do their worst to defend their corruption and criminality.
Drive-By Truckers
“Sink Hole”
I’ve always been a religious man, I ‘ve always been a religious man
But I met the banker and it felt like sin, he turned my bailout down
The Banker Man, he let into me, let into me, let into me
The Banker Man, he let into me and spread my name around
He thinks I ain’t got a lick of sense cause I talk slow and my money’s spent
Now, I ain’t the type to hold it against, but he better stay off my farm
Cause it was my Daddy’s and his Daddy’s before
And his Daddy’s before and his Daddy’s before
Five generations and an unlocked door and a loaded burglar alarm.
Lots of pictures of my purdy family, lots of pictures of my purdy family
Lots of pictures of my purdy family in the house where I was born.
House has stood through five tornadoes,
Droughts, floods, and five tornadoes.
I’d rather wrastle an alligator than to face the Banker’s scorn
Cause he won’t even look me in the eye
He just takes my land and apologize,
With pen, paper, and a friendly smile, he says the deed is done.
The sound you hear is my Daddy spinning, The sound you hear is my Daddy spinning
The sound you hear is my Daddy spinning over what the Banker done.
Like to invite him for some pot roast beef and mashed potatoes and sweet tea
Follow it up with some banana pudding and a walk around the farm
Show him the view from McGee Town Hill
Let him stand in my shoes and see how it feels
To lose the last thing on earth that’s real
I’d rather lose my legs and arms
Bury his body in the old sink hole Bury his body in the old sink hole
Bury his body in the old sink hole under cold November sky
Then damned if I wouldn’t go to church on Sunday
Damned if I wouldn’t go to church on Sunday
Damned if I wouldn’t go to church on Sunday
And look the Preacher in the eye.
Hot tip:
Same crap different smell.
System is not built on violence. It is built on lies, censure and false narratives.
Once a society starts living a lie it degenerates.
Truth and exposure is the way.
Truth is a force that cannot be stopped.
When authorities criticise people the weaken the will to speak. Eg anyone who says anything against the virus. As an example “listen to the experts” really means you’re too dumb to think and shut up. This kind of rhetoric crushes free speak as do masks.
The (noble) lies are there to cover for organized crimes against humanity under the rule of law. Move to the margins and beyond the pale of the law, as with poor people without purchasing power (useless eaters), and there the big guns behind the fig leaves come out more openly. “The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread.” (Anatole France) Meanwhile, the rich get richer and the poor get prison. Or take the people in China now confronting the lies of the state…off to the ‘quarantine’ camps. In the ‘free west’ where pretenses of the old abnormal of ‘liberal democracy’ remain, dissenters are being targeted more discretely and discreetly, perhaps, as the infrastructure for a prison society is laid in place. But the mask of ‘our’ criminal justice system is coming off.
Lot more Britons dropping out of the workforce –
We can all guess what the msm will put this down to (everything but…. ) and what their solutions will be.
exact same script from 2008.
within 6 month it will be work shy brits and this must happen.
and new laws brought in.
I presume the “Strep A” rebrand is part of the decolonisation agenda.
Japanese professor losing his shit about harm from the so-called vaccine:
(Google are trying to hide this – put a string of terms incuding the Professor’s precise name into their search engine and the first hit is “Get your booster before Christmas”! KInda curious name though…. ).
Am I being over-optimistic in thinking this is a sign of things not quite going to plan?
Nobody’s taking their boosters even though they are regularly asked to do so, monkey pox was such a flop that they have now rebranded it as the more mysterious mpox, RSV was met with indifference, and all the while, the effects of their injections are emerging (too slowly, but still).
Xmas variant to open with the advent calendar.
Ovid variation will turn into Winter September.
Gay variant during pride August.
Alleges turned into new variants during the summer.
effecting blacks mostly variants during black history month.
there wont be a j*w variants ever, even the virus will avoid that cancel culture.
The fear porn continues..
In the Hall of the Mountain King counterpointing vaccine efficacy.
The missing piece of information is how many of the dead children had been given the CV19 jabs?
These are STILL experimental, unproven drugs and the establishment is more than happy to suppress data on any side effects.
Strep A-Z (26 new pandemics)! And the vaccine for every single one will simply be a relabeled COVID one!
It’s apparent now that the idea they actually manufactured BILLIONs of COVID doses is yet another LIE:
That is an interesting fact, the time it would take to make that much covid jab. But, that is assuming it takes time to make them. If it is just a poison that they can mass produce, perhaps they can make huge tanks full of it by mixing the right chemicals together. The only bottle neck then is the rate at whick you can fill the vials. With big enough filling machines, or many of them, you could do it faster. They can certainly make a lot of filled coke cans in a day, faster that one a second with all the automated machinery.
Elon doing his bit for the trusty old left-right dialectic there….
Oh dear…
Red-white-black Templar colour scheme… spider symbolism (see the quote from “Shakespeare” at the entrance to Bohemian Grove)…. same old same old.
It’s Supertwat
Well, what can you do, landing in a family like that . . .?
Anti-vaxxer nurse who injected up to 8,600 elderly patients with saltwater instead of Covid vaccine walks FREE from court in Germany
That’s a good news story,
Poms And Victorians started screeching for her to be hung for killing people.
Here in Iceland, I’d gladly swap our climate for yours, but otherwise, I feel I should invite you to come and live here. It sounds terrible in Victoria.
Unfortunately, we’re filling up with Ukrainians . . .
A half a tea spoon of salt in glass of water makes one throw up…..
injecting someone with salt especially older generation would kill them.
Bullshit article.
No, bullshit comment. What do you think ‘saline solution’ is? That universal stand-by of injectors. The Heilwhores say ‘salt’ to make it sound worse. Did you take the bait?
“no harm was caused”.
Truth be told, a significant percentage of the world’s population has probably been injected with neat saline, including most politicians, and it will have reduced their risk of premature death.
If thats the case then, there wouldn’t be so many death or injury’s and I have witnessed many injury’s and death after they had the jab and magical appearance of cancer.
so much for saline!!!!
Normal saline will not kill anyone, it’s a tiny amount
What do you think saline is? You need the salt content to match the bodie’s level. Salt water from the ocean would kill people, even if you sterilised it, but saline is used all the time to replenish lost fluids along with other reasons.
Coconut water is also just right for the human body and can be injected just like saline.
Seriously, have you never heard of a saline drip?!
The ‘vaccine’ against it was probably patented by a Rockefeller 50 years ago…
Strep A lives harmlessly is all our throats for all our lives, there will be an uptick due to fucking face nappies.
In this case, the expletive is justified.
I find they are almost always justified, growing up with 11 uncles, 2 farming grand fathers and a mechanic father it’s just how I speak.
Indeed it does, but that is of no interest to an ambitious Rockefeller.
The propaganda will still sell his ‘vaccine’ . . .
And then there is an influenza and “camel flu” outbreak at the World Cup wherein all the MSN stories about it is no mention of the covid.
MERS-22 would be an appropriate name.
This isn’t a new type pf bacteria, its very common one. Its a nuisance infection that can be dangerous if it gets into the bloodstream. Even then it only kills a very small numbere of those infected and then only because their care is neglected.
Don’t underestimate the advances in health care to the point that we take it for granted. My mother’s generation was one where just cutting yourself while gardening could result in a fatal infection. This seems unthinkable now but its not because the bacterial threat has gone away, its because our response to it has improved immeasurably.
You may wanna start learning basic biology
O3, ozone, is the most powerful natural healer of the body. Oxygen is the root of all healing. Ozone treatment delivers O3 (we breathe O2), it’s nature’s most powerful oxidizer, it’s a cleanser, it leaves no toxic residue and our own white blood cells produce it. You get much better blood flow and oxygen into the cell.
It was fast becoming THE healing tool by the end of the 19th century, but JD Rockefeller started a quack campaign against everything but his petrochemical pharmaceuticals, which have yet to cure anything, just suppress symptoms. Tesla patented the first ozone generator. It’s time we had ozone therapy treatment provided in every hospital and even home.
“Actually, it’s just the US medical establishment that keeps its head in the sand. It seems ozone is widely used by medical doctors in Japan, Germany, Cuba and maybe Italy. It’s widespread use in Germany apparently resulted from the need for powerful medicine after World War II when there was no money for it.”
looks like they are running “Britain got pandemic” show. There will be many contestants and just one winner. There will predictably be acts like “farting tunes”, just to keep folks entertained. And there will a winner, like “One Direction”, as in “one government”, “one religion”, “one currency”, “one digital ID” etc . And the masses will greet the winner with a standing ovation!
The most clever thing these people did was create a “vaccine” for their bogus virus that attacks the immune system…then every disease and affliction in the world become their executioners. And no one, but those in the know, know where to point the finger.
Thank’s Kit…
Wasn’t it the other way round ?
The “virus” was created for the “vaccine” that they already had.
Maybe! It still seems in question whether viruses actually exist. They can’t get the scientific studies to work out, ever.
An illusion that then creates another illusion. Magic.
It’s possible infectious viruses exist but their genomes (e.g. spike protein) are certainly FAKE.
Sure, that works as well!
isn’t that why we wash our hands?
Ah, but what about all the other bits . . . ?
Or obstruct our airways….