Dangerous Precedent: NZ court orders baby removed from “anti-vax” parents
Kit Knightly

A court in New Zealand has awarded temporary custody of a baby to medical professionals, after the parents insisted their child be given only unvaccinated blood transfusions during surgery.
CNN reports:
A critically-ill six-month-old baby will be placed under the temporary guardianship of New Zealand’s High Court after his parents refused to allow him to undergo lifesaving heart surgery using blood from people vaccinated against Covid-19 […] The baby’s parents believed there were “spike proteins in the blood of people who have been vaccinated and that these proteins were causing unexpected deaths relating to transfusions,” according to the judgment.
The key detail here is that the parents have not, in any way, refused their child medical care – the usual prerequisite for this kind of court order. They want their son to have the surgery, they are simply setting reasonable terms.
Now, whether or not the parents are correct and spike proteins do pose a threat, they have every right to try and do the best for their child as they see fit.
To any pro “vaccine” people out there who are not OK with this, answer this simple question: What if parents of a vaccinated child had specifically requested vaccinated blood transfusions, and the court had removed the baby and injected it with unvaccinated blood…would that be OK?
I’m guessing not. And the principle is clearly the same.
This isn’t about the health of the baby, obviously. After all, literally ALL of the blood in its body is already unvaccinated. If that were the issue, the court could have ordered he be vaccinated.
In fact, the minimum age for Covid “vaccination” in New Zealand is 5 years old. So in administering vaccinated blood to a baby, the hospital would potentially be going against both the WHO guidance on Covid “vaccines”, and their own government regulations.
Given that, you’d think ensuring a baby be given unvaccinated blood would not only be possible, but preferable.
Instead, it has become a headline grabbing issue. Why?
Because this case is about setting an important precedent, undermining the sovereignty of parenthood, and putting children in the stewardship of the state first and their family a distant second.
Further, it erodes the ability of people to avoid contact with the Covid “vaccine” legally.
But more than that, it also increasingly divides society, pulling on frayed threads of distrust between vaccinated and unvaccinated people.
The erosion of individual rights in the face of the ever-hungry state is rightly the primary concern here.
However, there’s a secondary potential fall-out of this. It’s possible we may see a situation where the establishment “concedes” the point, and allows people to avoid contact with the vaccine.
While it could be framed as a victory for covid sceptics, the practical result would be tiptoeing towards a segregated society. Unlikely, for sure, but certainly something to keep an eye on.
Oh, and there’s this of course (again, from CNN):
The case has drawn attention to the ramifications of vaccine misinformation two years into global inoculation drives.
It’s probably going to devolve into an excuse to “crack down” on free speech, just like everything else does.
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I don’t think blood banks separate blood out by vax status . Therefore, insisting on “unvaxxed” blood is the same as refusing transfusion, which could mean death in a surgical situation.
Therefore, these people are irrational and perhaps delusional. Death before vaccination? That’s idiotic, sorry.
seems like this is a perfect example of violence against the tyrannical STATE and its NAZI-thug-cop minions being FULLY JUSTIFIED, leading to an all out bloody revolution against the tyrants who have passed such evil legislation.
While I feel your passion, anger and the same burning sense of injustice, we must also be careful not to appear to condone or incite violence. Yes, there should be firm justice delivered to would-be oppressors everywhere , but we must also seek to break the cycle of violence and abuse.
If swords ever clashed I would certainly be prepared to fight for my cause, but that is not my wish or my intention. I believe that this fight has always been about using knowledge and truth to win hearts and minds, that is what keeps tyranny in check. The internet of things is as much our weapon as theirs, and they will always be more vulnerable to our voice of truth than we are to their voice of lies and propaganda. A2
Agent provocateur alert.
I would shoot the people who came to take my baby, and become an international fugitive before I let any government pedoclown take him.
NZHerald are reporting:
I thought there might be something like this when I heard “conspiracy theorists” were accused. One of them was apparently a “respected school principle” until fairly recently:
Donated blood is just a medical product.
If the parents asked for one type of accepted anathesia to be used rather than another no one would care.
Donated blood can easily be sourced from unvaccinated people and is definetely safer than the blood of vaccinated people as no one knows what the impact of the unvacinated getting vaccinated blood would be.
On this basis alone it is clearly safer for the infant to receive natural unvaccinated blood.
I don’t think the “easily sourced” part is true. Are blood banks tracking vax status on donations? I don’t think so.
The point here is parental rights and responsibility as well as the continuation of fundamental human rights and civil liberties are under attack and being denied. The parents have every right bolstered by constitutional privilege to demand their child is given unvaccinated blood, that by all accounts should not be a problem as blood donors are required to confirm vaccinated status or not and other detailed health information. Further, it is now known that the vaccines have an adverse effect in creating blood clots that should by any medical intervention have a central bearing and consideration on the operation and be considered as a possible variable of negative outcome. Particularly as the intervention is heart related. The medical profession alongside rigid health policy is causing a clear conflict of interest in that the rigidity may in fact be detrimental to the intervention.
“Which should be more important: personal choice or social responsibility” (substack.com)
Where your social resposibility is what corrupt politicians say it is.
Do parents “rights” include denying critical care to a child? What about the child’s rights?
This is not as open and shut as it seems.
Video of NaZis removing baby from parents. prepare to rage.
None of this is okay.
People who even think about their own species in this way are scientifically illiterate and morally decrepit. Basically, inhuman, in fact – and there’s a lot of it about in 2022.
The NZ court judgement relating to vaccinated versus unvaccinated blood donors is wrong but not for the reasons being published.
There is very clear evidence that Covid vaccination is linked to myocarditis and pericarditis in a small proportion of the population. The mechanism or cause of this side effect is unknown. Consequently, it is impossible for any medical “expert” to determine whether or not that risk is transferrable by blood donation. (I have highlighted the word expert because there is no such thing as expertise on the side effects of mRNA vaccines.)
The parents of the child involved were simply trying to eliminate a risk for that child. There was no obstacle or difficulty in eliminating that risk (Excepting the politics of Covid.)
Yes but untrained lawyers are fucking morons.
When was this ever about medicine? The profession of Western Medicine lost its adherence to the Hippocratic oath a very long time ago, just as the ambulance service went into partnership with MI5/6 to use noise violence against pre-targeted pedestrians when sirens are absolutely not needed for emergency purposes.
Doctors are a very, very powerful Trades Union, intimately linked to the blackmailing services and maintaining a self-righteous ‘right to self-regulation’ which should have been revoked over a decade ago. Like the over-paid, over-powerful lawyers in London, in fact.
If you want the truth about a controversial medical matter, you never, ever seek advice from a mainstream NHS Consultant. They are politicians, not doctors and when push comes to shove, their political masters hold sway. I’m sure it’s the same in the Southern Hemisphere, in the USA and in Canada too.
I don’t personally believe that Jacinda Adern should retain the right to parenthood based on her manic non-leadership of New Zealand the past three years.
But what are the ramifications of questioning such a right for a holier-than-thou leader?
Who knows. But it’s about time that those with nothing to lose forced the issue……
”When was this ever about medicine?” Indeed! It has always been about politics and geopolitics. Moreover, the issue of the noisy empty ambulances and now police cars careering around our streets trying to frighten everyone and generally getting on peoples’ nerves. They – the PTB – think we don’t know what’s going on.
And there is a poison abroad that really seeps into your soul and destroys your sanity. And you realise that it does indeed come down to your own surrender to the temptation of paying attention to what is the most hideous psychologically mutilating programmed nihilism. There’s a Graud article (and what a demeaning and dehumanizing heap of shit that paper has become!) with the headline:
The sheer arrogant presumption of that is gobsmacking.
“You can’t”? – Just fucking watch me!
“Everything you wanted to know…” – Actually I don’t want to know anything about this because there is nothing to know. It’s sheer distraction.
The article itself (I have no intention of linking to it) continues with the same air of bloated certainty:
Now at this point the eye bouncing is being helpfully performed by the piece itself. What you have here is a familiar media programme in which the tiniest minority are blandly dictating to everyone else “How It Will Be!” – indeed, more than that: they are dictating “What Is Actually Happening Right Now!” with the implication that “You Can’t Do Anything About It!”
After which, we launch into the tale: “Jamie Forsstroem is excited. ….”
Eye bounce bounce bounce! There is no point in reading any further in this typically gargantuan slice of moral instruction. Whatever is oozed out here is pure poison seeping from the pens of these obsequious hacks. Though it may be amusing to know that St Billy Bragg gets a mention with ““The frontline now is trans rights”. And so this concerned scribe cheerfully assigns himself to the rank of class traitor. So no change there then.
OK hypocrite time. I had to peek more and ….
“Just look at the complexities of that bus stop conversation: in order to avoid using either their birth name or “her” – both legally obsolete – or “him” – which is sometimes chronologically inaccurate, given that “he” may have been “she” at the time that we’re talking about – I fall back on “my child” to refer to someone who is now 29 years old. Using “they” smooths the whole thing out.”
So let’s recap: Using a birth name or a specific gender pronoun is “legally obsolete”? Using the other gender pronoun is “chronologically inaccurate”? What a heap of fucking self-obsessed bourgeois pedantry over a totally manufactured non-issue!
I’m sorry, but the whole “they” thing isn’t even proper grammar for God’s sake. I realize no one wants to be called “it” but that would indeed be the singular address for one individual.
I see we must have some fans of “they” out here, with the down votes you got for simply mentioning it. Sad. And makes your point about this being a demand spot on George. And yes, it is all a grand distraction. While people argue over gender pronouns, our owners are consolidating wealth and power, same as it’s always been….
The trans bullshit is an attempt to destroy language itself.
”Freedom of the intellect means the freedom to report what one has seen, heard, and felt, and not be obliged to fabricate imaginary facts and feelings. The familiar tirades against against ‘escapism’, and ‘individualism’, ‘romanticism’ and so forth, are merely a forensic device, the aim of which is to make a perversion of history seem respectable.”
”From the totalitarian point of view history is something to be created rather than learned. A totalitarian state is in effect a theocracy, and its ruling caste in order to keep its position has to be thought of as infallible.”
George Orwell – The Prevention of Literature.
”We – the oligarchy – we grind you revolutionists under our heel, and we shall walk on your faces. The world is ours, we are its Lords, and ours it shall remain. As for the host of Labour it has been in the dirt since history began, and I read history aright. And it shall remain in the dirt since history began as I and mine and those that come afterwards have the power. Power, not God, not Mammon but power. Pour it over your tongue till it tingles with it – Power.”
Jack London – The Iron Heel.
And that dear friends is what we are up against.
I identify as a “Conspiracy Factist” with pronouns “Told/Ya/So”
The intention is to make us diffident, shut up and obey.
No need to eye bounce when the media does it for you. Headlines from the hydra:
“Zero-Covid has hewn China into separate fiefdoms”
“What archaeologists discovered about climate change in prehistoric England”
“Men are slowly losing their Y chromosome, but a new sex gene discovery in spiny rats brings hope for humanity”
With all that screaming excreta, who would even bother reading further?
At best, a contribution to the shortages and inflation economic model; at worst, some sort of ritual sacrifice to their gods:
““If an industry can only remain by culling millions of animals it is not sustainable”.
Do they have a short-term solution?
“Both Webby and Stegeman believe vaccines are needed, but they are controversial”.
Who’d have guessed it?
A “segregated” society, at least over the next ten years, is inevitable and probably desirable. The only way I see the dystopian monsters to be defeated with all their “power and wealth” advantages, is for non-NPC’s to set up cohesive alternative communities outside of the targeted urban centers. Hopefully, as conditions inevitably deteriorate for the sheeple, more and more will drift toward the alternative communities. The NPC communities will also dwindle in size as their populations die off “suddenly” from the continuously injected bioweapons.
Hello el Gallinazo: True. But “alternative community” option is only available to an extremely small segment of society. These “alternate” communities best have armed guards, attack dogs, mine fields, and armor piercing long range riffles available 24 hours a day. They’ll need all of the above, and more, to survive the drifters…
This is exactly what I am not referring to. The alternative communities I am referring to are people who want personal liberty and detest the rulers (archons 🙂 and their central bankers. They are people who for the most part intend to grow much if not all of their food, do hard physical work, barter their goods, use Monero or BC, or PM’s. I think the gated community crowd will be quite surprised when our overlords eat them in one big gulp or their armed guards think that they will make even better parasites, shoot them, and take their stuff.. An example of real alternative communities is put forward by freedomcells.org.
Hello el Gallinazo: Yes. Believe me, I know Exactly what scenario you’re embracing. It defines a utopian-like existence within a remote paradise. Civil populations have been chasing the utopian dream for thousands of years. No cigar…
I have no problem with the “dream” as such, but humans tend to congregate in massive groups that eventually consume and destroy local resources. When the resource pool runs out, they organize armies and initiate the theft of resources in adjacent lands. It’s been the same modus for over 6000 years.
There are always too many mouths to feed… Too bad…
The community must also ward off the increasingly desperate oligarchy – or ex-oligarchy.
that’s a lovely idea, and i really look forward to my organic, free, Life.. (i sincerely mean that).
do i hear drones?
: ) just saying, do you really think we’d be left alone?
Hard to tell. If everyone owns an AR-15 and the groups are cohesive and trained in self-defense, and the scumbags have enough problems and riots on their plates with their NPC control in their dumb cities, screwing with the communities might not be worth the cost.
fair comment, but amongst the general population, who owns assault rifles around here (western europe)?
oh, the beloved Swiss ; )
I understand that the Ukrainian government is now running a Christmas sale on them.
How? The Machine will just send their low IQ protcted pet classes wherever you try to set up an alternative. They’ll come up with some fabricated reason to send in armed agents. They were trying to take an Amish farm last I checked.
This ends when the authoritarians are in the ground. They will never, ever stop otherwise. They have the incurable madness of self-righteousness.
children, parents – pair-rents – pair that rents, mother, father – these are titles, which do diminish the status of a man, or a woman. This is why mister or missus state can take “children” from “parents”, as the parents do give their authority to do so, as they are not taking property, in this instance a son, or daughter, from a man, and/or woman. Now a man, and woman, claiming their property, that which is proper to them, that which they can claim exclusive to all others in a socity, in this instance their son, then different ballgame.
i have read in a book called ‘how i clobbered every bureaucratic cash-confiscatory agency known to man’…a spiritual economics book on $$$ and remembering who you are
by mary elizabeth: croft available for free download on max igan’s crowhouse site, that if you do not register the birth of your child with the so called authorities they then have no legal jurisdiction to take sed child away. this is a book everyone should read especially if you are in debt and enslaved to pretend money like most are
If a birth parent does not have priority control over their child, then what other individual can make that claim, no matter how many of those individuals group together, and no matter what title they give to that group?
There are two ways you can check your general health status without an health care professional:
1. Your walking speed
2. Your right hand grip strength against normative data
Good article. Disappointing situation in New Zealand.
Just saw this December 1st interview of Matt Ridley by Jordan B Peterson. https://youtu.be/FEh5JyZC218
Xi Jinping’s C19 fear now looks more rational, as it was this lab leak C19 was a CCP / PLA creation, with human to human airway spread inserted. Wuhan BSL4 deleted their public bat DNA database in September 2019, why? It would have been the definite proof of their innocence. Thanks God C19 turned out a bit of a bio weapon dud outside de PRC…
Hiding this were the CCP top, Dazrak, Fauci, and more GOF virologists-sociopaths.
Someone is determined to keep the nonsensical “bio weapon” narrative going.
The spike protein in the vaccine behaves like a bioweapon and the same spike is in the virus.
You want to take the possibility of bio weapon research of viruses in Wuhan off the table? Fauci, Xi & co love you! The dud of Covid19 does not mean for me that viruses don’t exist. Only the last decade giant viruses were discovered, visible with a normal optical microscope: some have huge DNA genomes. The dud of Covid “vaccinations” also doesn’t prove to me that all vaccinations are harmful. I am writing this as someone who doesn’t want these C19 jabs, believes in the importance off terrain theory for immune systems but won’t dump the baby seed with the massive bath water.
“You want to take the possibility of bio weapon research of viruses in Wuhan off the table?”
No! Looks like the “research” was quite probable. That this “research” led to a gain-of-function physical virus that actually caused a new disease is quite improbable. It certainly did lead to a lot of taxpayer money laundering for Fauci and his fellow psychopathic, power freak grifters. If the fictional SARS-CoV-2 is the “best” that these assholes can produce with their tens of millions of dollars, we have little to worry about in that regard, at least.
The Wuhan Lab story also has another function which appeals particularly to misguided patriot conservatives of the US, UK, and EU. It can form a fear/hate focus for the coming Chinese-Western war ostensibly over Taiwan. Another weapons of mass destruction story.
Optical sized viruses have very little in common with 150 nm purported viruses. Even Stefan Lanka observed these. I will believe in pathogenic viruses when I locate one peer reviewed paper proving their existence which is not full of fraud and pseudo-science in its methodology.
I didn’t say viruses don’t exist. But the “bio weapon” story, complete with those risible Fauci “leaked emails” was never any more than a backdoor way of selling the reality of a scary virus.
The agenda-managers know people are always suckers for a story that appears to confirm some of their beliefs. They use that against us all the time, selling a superficially “alternative” narrative like “it’s a bio weapon” that, on a deeper level, is just another route to the same destination.
Why are only leaked Fauci e-mails risible? If this was a man made virus we could halt future GOF madness. In the same Ridley interview it was said that new GOF research proposals by Eco health alliance have been send till today, as if nothing happened. Do we want that?
What about the graphene oxide and nanoparticle inside ?
It is more of a tracking device people have now. Santa Klaus Schwab did inform us nicely that by 2026 we all would be chipped ; do you think he would first ask us permission? nah do not think so and why should he?
Here he is explaining it,
And this is an interesting research as well and see it worked what Santa Klaus was referring to, you can do it yourself and yes it works, just check it.
Who couldn’t of predicted a Internet created fake psychologist Jordan B Peterson who’s been in the recommended section off you tube for 5 years solid becoming a full blown oligarchy spokesman military intelligence complex shill.
Forget that messenger: is there anything true is his message here?
listened to him twice and that was enough.
He is pure bullshit wrapped in the latest created phony sparkle.
1000000’s of better psychologists out there.
billions of better talkers.
From 2012, U$ investigated bats in multiple regions for SARS, MERS, etc. [Dilyana Gaytandzhieva 2022 quoting US govt. website 2022]; it only ended such investigation in China in 2020-03 [Sputnik 2022 quoting US govt. website]. It holds patents on the SARS [Sergei Kolesnikov c. 2020], and ebola viruses. It modified the SARS virus to attack cells that line the passages in human lungs [Nature 2015].
Correct. Idiots that keep pressing the no bio-weapons button should give the virus a first hand try.
ITS NOT A NORMAL COLD, dumb fucks. And calling it “the flu” is even more idiotic…
EcoHealth president Daszak had lots to hide: Emails show Wuhan lab collaborator played central role in public messaging about COVID-19 origins
Stiff Person Syndrome ??!!
Celine Dion Holds Back Tears As She Announces Heartbreaking Health Diagnosis (msn.com)
Corpses are stiff too.
Bizarre only the vaccinated are suffering these one in a million syndromes.
Rod Stewart, who called anit vaxers murderers, just had to deal with his eleven year old son having a heart attack.
These people must be awful at jigsaw- they appear to need every last piece to be in place, before seeing the picture…
stealing that last line ..
Just heard a post op interview with the parents. They were being cagey, but it sounds like the operation was performed behind the scenes with unvaxxd blood. Probably have some sort of non disclosure agreement. They said they would give more information at a later date.
This is a link to the interview if anyone is interested… https://www.bitchute.com/video/egQQGEVdRp8P/
The Conversation grudgingly admits that we’ll have to resign ourselves to a “haphazard” approach with The Deadly Virus. However,
“COVID treatments and prevention are still improving – so the longer you can avoid it the better”
The imperative is on more research, more vaccines, more intra-violet death rays etc.
Upshot: “Don’t rely on natural immunity. Shield yourself …. (thus lowering your resistance and making yourself eligible for the next death statistic whilst we cream off more money to invest in sheep piss.)”
In 2010, Pfizer was convicted of fraud and racketeering. The jury held that Pfizer was a racketeering influenced corrupt organization, that had engaged in an ongoing repetitive pattern to deceive doctors and their patients about medical products. According to the jury, the extent of Pfizer’s criminality was shocking.
More ominous, is that even after the facts and science became clear, the defrauded doctors chose to remain silent, rather than speaking up about the harm Pfizer had caused their patients.
Doctors who now choose to forget Pfizer is a convicted racketeer, and remain silent in response to FDA approval of their “vaccine,” condemn us to repeat the past- but must our children suffer for this malfeasance?
Pfizer’s corporate rap sheet is of course required reading (indeed, all of them except Moderna who’d never made a product before).
Le Carre’s THE CONSTANT GARDENER is based on Pfizer killing Nigerian children in the supposed quest for a generic antibiotic.
This is as it should. Mentally insane persons (in this case stupid antivaxxer assholes) should not have children and if they have, the children must be protected from those fuckhead-parents!!!
I cannot believe that anyone could be so insensitive as to post a comment like this.
I hope that you are being at best a little provocative.
Jeff posts here a bit.
It is somewhat amusing.
I’m sure Jeff’s comments are satirical. He always gives me a good laugh anyway!
Jeff’s comment is testament to a great principle – that all amongst us are entitled to speak. Those who believe censorship is necessary to preserve speech, should thank Jeff for reminding us, that if we protect ourselves too much from the depravity and ignorance that our fellow man is capable of expressing, we might be surprised when confronted by it unawares, and too late to wage a meaningful response.
Make sure you get boosted Jeff, you sound like your in withdrawals.
Jeff works for fact checkers in the evening..
Divide and conquer! NZ has lost it’s marbles. I no longer consider them as anything but lemmings. The South Island must go their own way. All the bloody loonies live in the North Island.Been to Auckland and no desire to go back. The south was sublime.
As for that bitch running (ruining) the country, the sooner she is removed and arrested for crimes against humanity the better. I pity my fellow South Africans who thought the grass was greener on the other side. For a little safety they now live in tyranny.
“Those that give up freedom for safety deserve neither.” Ben Franklin.
Italian anti-vax parents lose appeal over unvaccinated blood transfusion for child’s heart surgery | The Independent
It’s simply fucking hopeless :“
“The base-rate fallacy led to armchair virologists underestimating the efficacy of the vaccines. One science journalist made a fool of herself by not understanding the (admittedly unobvious) distinction between excess winter deaths and excess deaths in winter. Reporting lags in the mortality data encouraged “lockdown sceptics” to believe that there was no second wave at a time when COVID-19 was killing a thousand people a day.”
Covid has never killed anyone.
Mental Gymnastics: Info About Vaccine Injury/Death is the Main Cause of Vaccine Injury/Death (TLAV Substack)
An organization called Full Spectrum Biologics in Australia has published a study on PubMed entitled Covid 19 vaccines and the misinterpretation of perceived side effects clarity on the safety of vaccines. This one takes the cake. It literally attempts to argue that the main cause of adverse events from the Covid injection (including heart attacks, blood clots, strokes and death) are due to the stress produced from receiving information about adverse events from the Covid injection.
This is from the abstract of the the study:
Whatever next.
Incredible that ppl will believe this.
Australia is still in thrall of the crackpot Fauci, believe that the PCR diagnose something and flatly refuse to notice that no healhy unjabbed people are sick, in hospital or dying.
“Such an institution [The State] of coercion—centralizing immorality, directing theft and murder, and coordinating oppression on a scale inconceivable by random criminality – exists. It is the Mob of mobs, Gang of gangs, Conspiracy of conspiracies. It has murdered more people in a few recent years than all the deaths in history before that time; it has stolen in a few recent years more than all the wealth produced in history to that time; it has deluded – for its survival – more minds in a few recent years than all the irrationality of history to that time; Our Enemy, The State.” – Samuel Edward Konkin III, New Libertarian Manifesto, 1983
Libertarians want central banks and mega-corporations to rule. Forty years of that shows how inept the private sector is at governing because they have no interest in it at all. That’s why they want to digitize whatever is left of government services. Big Property Owners and Others, who will own nothing, not even citizenship. Privatization is at the core of fascism.
“In a libertarian society, there is no commons or public space. There are property lines, not borders. When it comes to real property and physical movement across such real property, there are owners, guests, licensees, business invitees, and trespassers — not legal and illegal immigrants.”
~ Jeff Deist, president of the Mises Institute
Central banks and mega corporations are the antithesis of the libertarian philosophy
I agree with Sophie’s comment.
You are confusing classic Libertarianism with what I would label Neolibertarianism. Just as the Democratic party has embraced Neoliberalism – which has almost nothing to do with classic Liberalism – the tenets of the Libertarian party of today are a corruption of ideas that go back many years. In fact, the Libertarian party was birthed through the funding of the Koch Brothers – miscreants if there ever were any. The Koch Brothers also heavily funded many of the modern Libertarian organizations, including the Mises Institute. Samuel Konkin referred to the brothers as the “Kochtopus” as they had their tendrils firmly in hold of many of the so-called Libertarian organizations that were created in the early 1970s.
BTW, Konkin came up with a philosophy known as Agorism, which is a variation of Anarchism.
If you’re interested in learning more, you should read the work I cited in the quote:
Karen Kingston says State AGs have the authority to seize the vaxx without a warrant.
See it here on video
or read it here
Can We Take Civil or Criminal Actions Against Big Pharma?
There’s more chance of something coming out through state AGs than through the federal government.
However I wouldn’t overrate that chance either – there are plenty of controlled figues at lower levels judging by where they’ve got their campaign funding from and remember that Acosta was state AG for Florida when he was told it was “above his pay grade” to decide about Epstein (i.e. there is a crypto-government because in constitutional theory Acosta was the highest law officer in the state).
of course you can, but you should be aware you’re entering a completely corrupt ‘legal’ system – if you have enough money to buy more ‘justice’ than big pharma, go for it …
Does it matter if they destroy the weapons before any corrupt ‘legal’ system can interfere?
It’s been said “climate change happens 4 times each year” –
more often if included is the missus’s moods.
We could do with some of that global warming in the UK at the moment.
it’s rather fresh indeed. the sun is shining tho’ all day for days : )
New Zealand revealed itself as a far-left fascist nation in 2020. Nothing surprising here.
according to the BBC alt media.
Hungary, U.k. Italy. Brazil. Netherlands, Germany. topped New zealand.
Even USA locked down 2nd, under fighting the deep state Donald.
“Far left fascist”. No such thing.
Privatization is fascism. Once everything “public” is gone, the Big Property Owners want us to “own nothing and be happy”.
“The first group of privatizations occurred in the first fascist nation, Italy, in the 1920s; and the second group of privatizations occurred in the second fascist nation, Germany, in the 1930s. Privatizations started under Mussolini, and then were instituted under Hitler.
That got the fascist ball rolling; and, after a few decades of hiatus in the wake of fascism’s embarrassing supposed defeat in WW II, it resurfaced and then surged yet again after 1970, when fascist forces in the global aristocracy, such as via the CIA, IMF, Bilderberg group, and Trilateral Commission, imposed the global reign of the world’s main private holders of bonds and of stocks: the world’s aristocrats are taking on an increasing percentage of what were previously public assets.”
“Only, this time, it’s called instead by such names as “libertarianism” or “neoliberalism,” no longer “fascism,” so that only the true-believing fascists, the aristocrats, will even know that it’s actually fascism. It’s their Big Con. It’s their Big Lie. Just renaming fascism as “libertarianism” or “neoliberalism,” has fooled the masses to think that it’s pro-democratic. “Capitalism” has thus come to be re-defined to refer to only the aristocratically controlled form of capitalism: fascism. The ideological battle has thus apparently been won by a cheap terminological deceit. That’s all it takes for dictatorship to be able to win.”
“The core of fascism is the idea that there is some elite, whether ‘Aryan’ or ‘chosen by God,’ or otherwise, who should run things, and that everyone else exists in order to serve that elite. Inevitably, this official elite consists of the people whom the powers-that-be assign as constituting the owners of almost everything that’s valuable. Increasingly, things become those people’s private possession — even what was formerly a public asset becomes now private. Beaches become private. Schools become private. Natural resources become private. It’s not just the art that was stolen by the Nazis and privatized to them and/or shown at museums that they control, which becomes private; it’s whatever the elite want to have, and to control: it’s all now private. That’s the fascist ideal.”
If you ever wondered what happens when intelligence agencies, central banks and mega corporations run your country, just take a look around you. ~ Michael Krieger
Which baby? This one I hope: Jacinda Ardern makes history with baby Neve at UN general assembly | Jacinda Ardern | The Guardian
No, it is a boy baby. Name has not been released to the public.
That baby looks like a young Klaus Schwab. Perhaps horse-riding is among Klausi’s hobbies.
there’s over 5 million people resident in NZ….they can stop this madness forthwith, otherwise, complance is tantamount to accepting the leadership of browbeating despots, which to me says, they value themselves (and will be weighed) at no greater scale than the detritus of Swine..
Very disturbing.
I send out my wishes of strength, perseverance, love and healing for the child and parents.
We must find away to stand against this tyranny. Our own hospitals would be a good start.
Getting unvaxxed blood isn’t the problem. It’s owning up to the fact that vaxxed blood contains dangerous spike protein and other contaminants. The parent’s rights and the infant’s health must be nixxed to hide the truth and maintain the lie. The complicit judiciary have been bought and paid for. Pure evil.
Indeed. Prior to this, seeking direct donor blood wasn’t an issue. It was only after the word “vaccinated” was said. The government even removed the information about direct donor blood from the official website. Now the family are to be ritualistically shamed and humiliated and the child sacrificed at the altar of Pfizer.
Learn about the Real NWO
Equivalent evil here in US:
Covers proposed NY State quarantine camp to which people cd be sentenced w/o exposure or illness; it was overturned by the efforts of one atty. (People didn’t know about it cuz media didn’t cover it of course.)
Atty Bobbie Anne Cox also speaks about a then-pending NY law to permit minors to make all medical decisions themselves, secretly. (also covered up by the media)
Ambitious female politicians have more to prove than their male counterparts, hence the ‘overkill’, if you’ll pardon the pun.
Rabid dogs with smooth tongues, so to speak.
Heartened by the success of their Every Body Must Get Vaxxed** campaign, Big Pharma has brazenly gone after homeopathy and scored another goal…
FDA Declares Homeopathy Illegal:
But there’s plenty of push-back against Big Pharma’s War Against Health:
Turtles All The Way Down. A review:
**To the tune of “Everybody Must Get Stoned”. (1960s folksinger)…
As much influence as the FDA has, I don’t think they can declare something “illegal.” The Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act of 1938 gives regulatory power to the FDA. But the ability to regulate something is not the same as the ability to decide its legality per se.
Right, Howard. It’s delusions of grandeur.
Maybe we should teach them that killing people is illegal.
Big Pharma works in concert with Big Ag to denigrate the real medicine with GMOs and toxic pesticides, or growing hydroponic crops sans soil nutrients.
It’s not just about whether or not there’s spike protein in the blood pool – insofar as spike proteins aren’t also just an in silico invention.
It’s the nano technology, the toxic metals, etc. that will also be floating around the blood that the parents don’t want to expose their child to.
Australian Doctor Finds Chips, ‘Self-assembling’ Structures Forming in Pfizer Vaccine Contents
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-12-07. Mimic clinical specimen, since no quantified virus isolates 2019-nCoV. 5 myocarditis, 6 strokes, 11 clots (blog, gab, tweet).
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-12-05. Cancers up 10k%. All animal studies since 1989 failed. Doctors tell patients side effects common, serious? (blog, gab, tweet).
So, what they’re going to have to do is make mis/disinformation illegal, which they have with some things (i.e., holocaust denial) and have in effect with others (like you lose your job or can’t go to school). But if they really want to stop “it”, i.e., citizens like us finding, knowing and spreading the truth, they will have to do more than just censor twitter and facebook or even block internet sites. They’ll have to set up their Ministries of Truth, aka, 1984, and become the supreme arbiters of information. If we lose the internet, we’ll adapt because the truth won’t go away and neither will those of us who know the truth. The cat is very much out of the bag, not just on the fake Covid-19, but EVERYTHING. Remains to be seen how far “they” will take it, but those that doubt they’ll go “all the way”, might want to reassess who we’re dealing with.
The BBC is The Ministry of Truth
Could be a fake story to make sure the winter uptake hits it target…
Many still think people are mental for not getting the wonder protection and story’s like this around Xmas with baby Jesus blood transfusions helps sell it..
Opposite side of the fake dialectic, some fake politicians have mentioned the vaccine side effects.
Seems scripted…
Not a fake story. This is extremely distressing and ominous.
Even if it was a fake story, and I don’t believe it is, the very fact that it is being discussed and considered is the problem. Very ominous. I for one would not want any transfusion of vaxxed blood, period.
Petra the forum queen OFF everything is fake- fools for blood fusion at Christmas.
Symbol literal – darling your not.
Not a fake story. Voices for Freedom, the organisation most committed to fighting against government mandates and attacks on our rights, is very actively opposing this seizure of the infant, supporting the parents, and publicising the way this prefigures what is to come.
Just to say that fake stories have certain characteristics. They virtually always show their fakery in strange anomalies – contradictions within the story, things that don’t add up, irrelevant info or info missing you’d expect, unconvincing people, etc.
Sorry pet, you’ve been told this before.
Your not symbol literate or understand astro theology..
the announcement date very important- full moon and rare mars conjunction the names are important astrology etymology linguists numerology!!
A Full ‘Cold Moon’ Occults Mars On A Rare And Auspicious Night mars means deem dom deem in Arabic means blood. what colour was the full moon ..? what was the issue about blood.
what area of the body does it happen to be effecting.. heart or near that area.
Dr Kirsten Finucane, the chief pediatric cardiac surgeon at Auckland’s Starship Hospital
Finucane is an Irish surname (Anglicized form of the Gaelic Ó Fionnmhacáin, meaning “descendant of Fionnmhacán”. Fionnmhacán is a name meaning “fionn ‘fair, white’ + the diminutive of mac ‘son'”)
Kirsten = christen (v.)c. 1200, “to baptize into the Christian church,” from Old English cristnian “to baptize,” literally “to make Christian,” from cristen “Christian” (see Christian). Especially to baptize and name as an infant, hence “give a name to at baptism” (mid-15c.) and the general sense of “give a name to” anything, without reference to baptism (1530s). Related: Christened; christening.
Starship hospice – doesnt sound christmassy
Following the court’s ruling, Dr. Mike Shepherd LOL
wake up.
I live in New Zealand. This situation is so dreadful. It is my understanding that the parents had already found non-vaccinated compatible donors, but the health care system (government run) would not permit them to specify which donors would be used for the operation. There is no guarantee that the child will be returned to the parents afterward. The atmosphere here in NZ has been toxic against those who declined to take the useless and harmful Covid jabs for well over a year now. PM Jacinda Ardern and her government have used the supposed health crisis to attack individual rights and freedoms. This is just the latest round in an ongoing fight. What passes for the “the left” here has hailed her, but her poll numbers are down and an election is coming. The problem is, I don’t know that the opposition parties are much better on this issue at least.
If you continue to cower, it will only get worse.
Why are you accusing me of cowering?? Why all the upvotes for your totally unwarranted insult?
aye i get that, but think of it more as an incitation to battle, not an insult ; )
Ardern is a blairite she’s also
A WEF globalist with Klaus Schwab’s great reset ideologies
She should be removed this is just the start of it it’s things will get much worse on that these evil people she’s I know that one of the devil’s disciples.
The clock is ticking not just for Ardem but for all those talking heads of the “safe and effective “ brigade. The ringleaders who control these puppets worldwide with their monetary power will face the backlash as the vile Scamdemic begins to unravel.
She’ll be just fine.
These creatures are always just fine.
There’s no way to distinguish ‘unvaccinated blood’ from ‘vaccinated blood’ so the parents are implicitly denying the infant medical care.
There is one way you could guarantee that the blood is unvaccinated and that’s if you get it from a volunteer donor that you know is unvaccinated — that is, they donate the blood specifically for this purpose. There’s no guarantee that there won’t be Covid antibodies in that blood since we generate those naturally. (The Covid vaccination process stimulates the production of antibodies using its ‘alien’ spike protein. The spike protein is swept up by the body’s immune system and disposed of fairly quickly; its the antibodies that persist.)
Not that I subscribe to the virus myth… but:
An antibody titer test cannot measure immunity because immunity to specific viruses is reliant not on antibodies, but on memory cells, which we have no way to measure.
Memory cells are what prompt the immune system to create antibodies and dispatch them to an infection caused by the virus it “remembers.” Memory cells don’t need “reminders” in the form of re-vaccination to keep producing antibodies.
(Science, 1999; “Immune system’s memory does not need reminders.”)
More recently, scientists showed that the antibodies raised by vaccinations are not needed.
Scientists from HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL, M.I.T., MASSECHUSSETES GENEERAL, SAN RAFAELE INSTITUTE (Italy), and other institutes, co-authored and published on how they removed all antibodies from mice, leaving only B-Cells, which successfully fought off lethal viruses.
This debunks the vaccine myth, according to which vaccines are necessary to convey immunity.
This could also point to the reason why repeated vaccinations may be the reason why some vaccinated people lose their natural immunities, as their body tends to unnaturally rely on temporary immunity.
Immunity 2012 Mar 23; 36(3): 415-426:
The parents had 20 unvaccinated blood donors lined up and ready to go
Yeah, I think you miss the point. It isn’t “covid” antibodies they are worried about, it’s the gene editing poison that’s in the blood of you and your “vaccinated” cohort that they want to avoid exposing their child to.
Luckily there is a way to distinguish disingenuous c*nts.