LIVE: David Ray Griffin, 1939 to 2022 – A Celebration of his Life and Work

OffG is sad to report the death of David Ray Griffin, who finally lost his long battle with cancer on November 25th. He was 83 years old.

Professor Griffin was a distinguished intellectual and giant of the 9/11 truth movement, authoring over fifty books (including 15 on the subject of 9/11). His contribution to exposing the truth of 9/11 cannot be overstated.

To honor Prof Griffin’s memory and celebrate his life, Richard Gage and Elizabeth Woodworth will be hosting a live streamed tribute panel tomorrow (December 9th) at 8pm UK time (3pm Eastern, 12pm Pacific).

The panel of distinguished guests includes Peter Dale Scott, Paul Craig Roberts, Fran Shure, Niels Harrit, Steven Jones, Barbara Honegger, David Chandler, and Ken Jenkins.

You can read more details about the panel, as well as Richard’s personal tribute to Prof Griffin, on his website.

Professor Griffin’s books are available here, and recordings of his presentations can be found here.

We will be updating this post with the video when it goes live. Viewers can also watch and leave real-time comments on YouTube, Rokfin and through RichardGage911.com. We will also be publishing written memorials from friends and colleagues this Sunday.


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Categories: 9/11, latest, video
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Colin Doran
Colin Doran
Dec 19, 2022 7:03 AM

The central theme of David Ray Griffin’s work was the ease with which many people can be manipulated and fooled into believing things that are not true. Then using many different techniques he demonstrated just how easily people can be manipulated. Tell them that they were being lied to , that they were just being told a ‘story’ , that he was going , on the other hand present ‘the evidence’, and ‘the truth’ , and basically you could get them to believe anything. If you can take maybe the most obvious, most witnessed plane crash in the history of aviation. in the middle of a city suburb. on a bright sunny morning, and make people believe that it didn’t actually happen at all, and get them to take pride in not believing it, then that is a clear demonstration of how people can be manipulated. Whether this was his intention or not I find it hard judge but it certainly was the effect.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Dec 11, 2022 4:26 AM

As Fran Shure says, as a highly-regarded academic scholar, DRG brought huge credibility to the 9/11 truth movement. Capturing his large body of work in over 10 books on the subject as opposed to on the more ephemeral internet further leant credibility and was a way of ensuring better longevity. Probably DRG’s most pithy and pertinent statement on 9/11 is: “If journalists continue to endorse the official account of the destruction of the World Trade Centre, they should begin their articles by saying: ‘I believe in miracles – lots of them.’” It’s an interesting phenomenon that those of an atheistic persuasion who rubbish notions of loaves and fishes miracles swallow wholesale the fifteen 9/11 miracles identified by DRG here: https://off-guardian.org/2018/02/27/44920/ The question that this statement should prompt but hasn’t though is, “How do those in power succeed in their expectation that people will believe in miracles no more believable than turning water into wine?” While I cannot provide a proper psycho-socio explanation, these three things are very obvious: — the Emperor’s New Clothes effect has a limitless elasticity in relation to the majority of the population — those in power understand and exploit this limitless elasticity — those analysing power do not take this limitless elasticity and reliance on it into account in their analysis and this is a grave omission that limits understanding of their propaganda strategies While DRG has done great work on the subject of 9/11, what it and that of the prominent truth movement in general lacks is the viewing of 9/11 through the psyop lens. If you don’t look through the psyop lens you simply miss the kind of event 9/11 is at its core: a psyop. It is a psyop, it is about making people believe things that aren’t true not through any kind… Read more »

Dec 10, 2022 4:17 AM

Limited Hangout

I have mixed feelings about limited hangout. On the one hand they do point out that the official narrative is false. On the other hand they protect the perpetrators from exposure to the worst aspects of their actions and defend some sections of the perps such as the media.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 9, 2022 7:42 PM

DRG’s New Pearl Harbour changed my life. And set me on a rich journey leading to what I can only describe as a rebirth with a totally altered view of the world around me. Also, unlike a few others in the “9/11 truth movement”, I never once thought DRG himself was ever less than sincere.

Dec 9, 2022 5:37 PM

After the 911 control collapse of the World Trade Center Towers that ushered in their New World Order agenda. HERE IS WHAT HAPPENS NEXT…@myrontmoore

comment image

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Dec 11, 2022 2:52 AM
Reply to  ophiaps

There’s no way that’s an accident.

Dec 9, 2022 1:22 PM

David Ray Griffin’s interview with Yuri Bezmenov is one of the most important out there. It clearly lays out, from the horse’s mouth, what we are up against – the Communist Mafia. Yuri states categorically that America is (was) the last free place on Earth, and that it is under attack and in a state of war, courtesy of the folk who were running the Soviet Union. Yuri’s warning was never heeded, and now the USA is a pseudo Communist shit hole, at least in parts it is (New York and California for example – formerly its most celebrated regions).

David raised the alarm, way ahead of his time. He did things with great dignity and was a truly great member of the human race, someone who in his own humble way, stood up to and stared in the eye this insidious antihuman criminal machine which is ruining the world intentionally. David saw that and had the guts to actually do something about it.

FULL INTERVIEW with Yuri Bezmenov: The Four Stages of Ideological Subversion (1984) – YouTube

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Dec 9, 2022 3:59 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Mucho, you do understand, don’t you, that G. Edward Griffin – the interviewer in your linked video – isn’t the same person as David Ray Griffin? And have you ever looked up the dictionary definition of the word ‘communism’?

Dec 9, 2022 5:35 PM

, that G. Edward Griffin – the interviewer in your linked video – isn’t the same person as David Ray Griffin


les online
les online
Dec 9, 2022 9:35 PM

How reliable are dictionaries ? They are descriptive, not proscriptive. They’re a record of the (main) uses of a word…My 30 year old Collins dictionary informs what “pandemic” meant Back Then / Before Covid (BC)…Online dictionaries seem to be subject to revision, of always being brought ‘up-to-date’…
There is a full-on, never ending battle over the meanings of political words…Whatever the meaning of ‘communism’ is, when used in an north American’s post or opinion, i know it’s not in agreement with any reality but is a really nasty accusation… There are not many Alices challenging Humpty Dumpty’s arrogant monopolisation of the right to decide what a word means…

Dec 9, 2022 11:05 PM

Well they look very similar in that photo which is what made me think it was him, an optical association, but then I did also think that (what I now know to be) G Edward Griffin would be commemorated by and associated with a better gaggle of truth people than Gage and co. Anything involving Gage is suspect and a diversion from the real story of 9/11. I never watch his material, although I have in the past and it’s like watching paint dry, which I suspect is the point of it. In terms of Communism, I’m talking about the spirit of Communism and active powerful world stage players like Henry Kissinger, and the Rothschilds, who still rule the Earth and were heavily involved with funding and engineering and running Bolshevism (the Rothschilds) for example. Living Communists who have transformed and destroyed America from within, exactly as Yuri describes. I also use the word Communism to portray a planned, grey, controlled, soulless shit world which is what we increasingly inhabit and is exactly what these scumbags specialise in creating, as they did in the Soviet Union, and as emanates from the influence in the UK of organisations like the Common Purpose. It’s all related in my opinion, it’s Communism, because the power is still centred in the same hands. But now there is this enormous corporate monster as well, corporatism is how Brendon O Connell characterises it. They never use the word Communism because it’s such a dirty word – now they use Communitarianism, hoping you won’t notice. It seems to be working. When I use the word, it’s not about ticking all the boxes of what the school textbooks tell you Communism is, clearly we have moved beyond that (not all of us though, I see) it’s about the… Read more »

Dec 9, 2022 11:17 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Here’s a short film to add a bit of weight to what I am saying. If you can’t see the parallels between what is described here, and the shithole world we are being forced to inhabit by these fucking scumbags, you must be blind, so I can’t help you.

The Communist Takeover Explained (1966) – YouTube

Dec 10, 2022 12:16 AM
Reply to  Mucho

I’ve never seen the point of linking the object of our criticism with Communism.
Of course there is Communism as an ideal, but there is also Communism as effectively practised.
The very word, “Communism” implies sharing and equality, attributes which have never been a conspicuous feature of the governmental regimes that practise it. “Totalitarian dictatorships” is a much better definition of what they are.

Schwab and other similar specimens are not by any stretch of the imagination “communists”. They are ruthless, over-indulged tyrants.

Dec 10, 2022 1:49 AM
Reply to  wardropper

You do realise that one of the central aims of the Communists was to destroy property rights. What do you think “you will own nothing and be happy?” is all about? It’s a continuation of the same bullshit system, which seeks to establish a one world government, centrally controlled, led the same bunch of banker Bolshevik scumbags.

5 Things Marx Wanted to Abolish (Besides Private Property) – Foundation for Economic Education (fee.org)

“The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims,” Marx declared in his famous manifesto. “They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communistic revolution.”

Marx’s manifesto is famous for summing up his theory of Communism with a single sentence: “Abolition of private property.” But this was hardly the only thing the philosopher believed must be abolished from bourgeois society in the proletariat’s march to utopia. In his manifesto, Marx highlighted five additional ideas and institutions for eradication.

1. The Family

2. Individuality

3. Eternal Truths

4. Nations

5. The Past

Are you not seeing the pattern here? Is none of this ringing any bells?

This article says what I am trying to say quite well, you can read it through the adverts. I’m surprised by your shallow response here wardropper.

The One World Government Is Communism 2.0 (2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com)

Dec 10, 2022 1:52 AM
Reply to  Mucho
Dec 10, 2022 8:00 PM
Reply to  Mucho

You’re missing the real issue, which isn’t property rights. It’s all about control. Ideology is secondary.

Dec 10, 2022 2:23 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Also Agenda 2030 is all about bringing the free world and the third world in line with each other, ie to make the world more equal. It’s all underpinned by Communitarian Law, a synthesis of Communism and capitalism which is heavy on the Communist side, led by a guy called Amitai Etzioni who writes pieces describing how national borders and nationalism need to be destroyed – just like the Communists wanted. It’s pretty clear, Communism is alive and well.

James Robertson
James Robertson
Dec 10, 2022 4:19 AM
Reply to  wardropper

The goal is Communitarianism, in many ways (centralised command and control ) this is similar to Communism, but with the promise of economic equality removed.
In Communitarianism the rights and freedoms of the individual are completely subsumed by the claimed greater good of the group
If you read the Agenda 30 document it does echo the ridiculous utopian claims of Communism(just give us total power and we will create a perfect eirld)

Dec 10, 2022 7:39 AM
Reply to  wardropper

That’s the beauty of brainwashing from childhood on capitalism, neo-liberalism, free enterprise, free market, liberty, evil regimes, etc.

Dec 10, 2022 7:55 PM
Reply to  Mucho

The human family seems rather “communist”, from the horse’s mouth: something like, “to each according to his need, from each according to his ability to produce.”

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 9, 2022 6:48 PM
Reply to  Mucho

The misidentification of the Griffins seems apt. The whole USA as a “pseudo Communist shit hole” (confused even in itself – is the USA “communist” or “pseudo-communist”?) is a species of bullshit several steps out of date i.e. we have moved on to much more complex layers of bullshit now.

Dec 9, 2022 11:19 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I said New York and California, not the whole of the US. I made that very clear, but clearly not clear enough for some.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 10, 2022 7:41 AM
Reply to  Mucho

Which makes even less sense. So this (pseudo) communism is relegated to certain states where the capitalist system has been mysteriously annulled?

Dec 10, 2022 1:37 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Read my other comments. If you can’t understand it, try mumsnet

Dec 9, 2022 11:34 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Nuance not your forte, no?

Francis Crowe
Francis Crowe
Dec 9, 2022 12:51 PM

RIP Mr Griffin. A life well lived.

Dec 9, 2022 9:20 AM

I was just thinking of David Ray Griffin the other day, mainly because of those who attacked him and are now in the forefront of TruthTM, facetiously speaking. I refer to two fakes in particular, the current darlings of dissent: Tucker Carlson and Matt Taibbi, both of whom had extremely contentious “debates” with Griffin about 9/11. It’s so pathetic to see them and their ilk running “opposition.” I should say ruining, not running.

David Ray Griffin was one of the first authors and researchers I paid attention to in 2003-4 when I began questioning 9/11. The New Pearl Harbor was so well written — a digest, so to speak, of other researchers’ work at that time, presented in a digestible way. RIP good man.

Dec 9, 2022 9:42 AM
Reply to  Tike

He set out to discredit “disinfo” and came to his own conclusion. Seemingly rare today.
He was of a generation which instinctively rejects hive mind.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Dec 9, 2022 1:17 PM
Reply to  Tike

I studied the so-called Taibbi-Griffin debate in detail. I concluded that Taibbi was just too smart to believe his own fabrications, and his arguments were pure deception and BS. I have never trusted him since. I regard him as the Emily Osler of the 9/11 movement. Be a nice to apologise to the spirit of DRG, Matt.

Dec 9, 2022 10:54 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

Only one party showed up to actually “debate”, as opposed to performing like an intoxicated frat-boy determined to “win the argument” by scornfully blustering and sneering his opponent to extinction.

One particularly appalling theme to Taibbi’s stint as an über-trutherphobe is that he purported to be outraged at the way the so-called “truther community” was undermining “the left”‘s reputation.

I don’t think Taibbi explicitly identified himself as a stalwart “leftist”, but the idea that “the left” needed the likes of Taibbi to defend or rehabilitate leftism was patently ludicrous.

I don’t follow Tabbi closely enough to know whether he ever renounced his aggressive “trutherphobe” interlude, or even admitted that he was just being an arrogant ass on the subject.  😠 

Dec 9, 2022 1:36 PM
Reply to  Tike

Brendon O Connell – a big fan of David Ray Griffin – has done loads of work exposing Tucker Carlson. Tucker hails from the Steve Pieczenik/Henry Kissinger stable, working to destroy America.

This has some good info to that end:

169.The Great Conspiracy – Ukraine & Kissinger & Associates – YouTube

Dec 9, 2022 5:42 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Cia carlson who David icke posts daily on his website, icke may as well have a advertisement banner for 666 news.

Tucker Carlson, Company Man

Dec 9, 2022 9:17 AM

We can now see how popular sites thrive by dint of deep state suppression of alt voices. The supposedly meritocratic environment of “order out of chaos” is totally manipulated.

#infowars, to whom, how?

The #TwitterFiles have laid bare the manipulation of the town square conversation.

However, no-one would ever suggest that popular sites need to somehow, impossibly, prove that they were not given a free pass, the gate opened, let alone promoted.

One thing is clear: the vector of information, and the (increasingly official) voices that presume to bestow veracity upon individuals, need to fade.
From a supporter: https://moneycircus.substack.com

Dec 9, 2022 9:09 AM

Gerard Holmgren

No Planer Gerard Holmgren died of cancer (like Neville Chamberlain and Jack Ruby) at age 52 many years ago. I wonder if he was bumped off. Towards the end he was obviously quite frightened and asked those hosting his articles to remove them.

Dec 9, 2022 7:47 AM

Thank you, OffG. for publishing this tribute to a man who made a difference. I used to believe the main stream story (Bin Laden Dunnit) until someone pointed me toward Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth”. Such people are both a guide and an inspiration.

“You shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free” — New Testament.

Dec 9, 2022 2:47 AM

911 will be dwarfed by the Great Reset. If civilization survive, then perhaps we’ll use “PC” (post-COVID) instead of the current AD time-keeping.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Dec 9, 2022 12:22 PM
Reply to  CK_

Those of us who are emphatically not ‘christians’ don’t use the ‘BC’/’AD’ time-keeping… we use the NON-‘christian’ system of ‘BCE’ & ‘CE’: BCE = ‘Before the Common Era’ & CE is ‘the Common Era’.

Dec 9, 2022 1:18 PM

Oh God.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Dec 9, 2022 4:43 PM
Reply to  Violet

The people who’ve thumbed-down my comment are quite obviously not aware that very many historians around the world also use the ‘BCE’ and ‘CE’ terminology. For they, too, do not go along with the ‘christian’ cr*p.
People who do go along with the ‘BC’ and ‘AD’ system are brainwashed, it’s as simple as that.

Dec 9, 2022 5:44 PM

Christians another bunch of mind controlled victims.
Jesus = new age nonsense…

Dec 10, 2022 11:41 PM

Some of us don’t like to change language we have grown up with for basically ideological reasons. We also don’t like publicly rejecting what, for better or worse, has been the religious belief of our culture for centuries.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Dec 11, 2022 12:01 PM
Reply to  Lysias

The masses are brainwashed, it’s as simple as that. They should read some books which provide at least a great deal of evidence which much supports the claim that ‘jesus’ is a merely mythical character: ie, that there was no actual historical person.

One such book (the contents of which would greatly shock most ‘christian”believers) being “The Christ Conspiracy: the greatest story ever SOLD”, by ‘Acharya S’.
The author who wrote under that pseudonym was an American woman called [if I recall correctly] Dorothy something. I can’t recall her name without looking it up. Will add it to this post [as a further short post underneath] when this gets printed.

The contents of that book (and others) much explain many of the truly nonsensical claims about the life of the claimed ‘jesus’.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Dec 11, 2022 1:43 PM

See my post above: the author’s actual name was Dorothy M Murdock [1960-2015].

A lot of the contents of the so-called ‘bible’ are allegorical: a manifestation of what’s termed astro-theology… they used to worship the Sun in those days… and they referred to the Sun as ‘the Lord’…

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Dec 9, 2022 4:41 PM

Hello Christine Thompson: Heh… I see you managed to raise the ire of other reader/commentators. Alas… I agree that BCE represents a more accurate time frame.

I use my own designation: PIE. Pre Idiocy Era. The calendar begins in pre-Sumerian lands about 6600 years ago…

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Dec 9, 2022 10:18 PM

Hi Paul,

Sorry, I didn’t see your comment earlier!

The commentators who thumbed-down my post of earlier today are manifesting their brainwashed nature…

(As I’ve stated in posts on previous OffG articles, whilst I’m most definitely not a ‘christian’ [and therefore very deliberately do not use the ‘BC’ and ‘AD’ terminology], I am most definitely factually informed on the absolutely proven fact that we all survive (in our immortal spirit body form – that being the thing which literally animates our physical body whilst we’re here on Earth, in each of our eternal soul’s many, many lifetimes…) the illusory event that’s wholly incorrectly termed ‘death’. There exist, in fact, 20+ [twenty+…] different categories of the multi-faceted evidences which absolutely prove that we all survive that event. We happen to reside in a multi-dimensional cosmos; there is far, far more to existence than ‘merely’ this physical dimension.

Not being a ‘christian’ does not mean that one assumes that ‘death’ is the end of personal existence! [unless, of course, one is an uninformed materialist; the latter category of people do assume that… but they’ll get a very big shock one day!!])

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Dec 9, 2022 12:37 AM

David Ray Griffin was my first 9/11 hero. RIP.

Dec 9, 2022 2:16 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

Same here he was one of the good guys.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Dec 9, 2022 4:05 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

Don’t forget Mike Ruppert: On to the 11/9 false-flag within days. A rough diamond compared to David, but another early truth speaker about the scam. RIP for both of them: good men both.