You’re Gonna Get Sick, Get Used to It
Todd Hayen

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
Zero Covid, zero disease, zero suffering, zero death. Unrealistic goals? You bet—although many countries (particularly China) have seemingly adopted a “Zero Covid” stance and have made a rather destructive effort to eliminate any occurrence of Covid-19 from their citizenry—boarding people up in their apartments, attacking people trying to escape, all those fun things fascists like to do.
This effort to maintain a “Zero Covid” environment is yet another piece of the agenda intended to brainwash and thus control the populace. The powers that be know that, but most of the people they are controlling do not.
The people might think “Zero Covid” sounds like a good idea, but it is fantasy, and typically you can’t count too much on fantasy in a nitty-gritty real world.
Now, I’m not knocking fantasy. Sometimes it is just what we need to get through the day. But this isn’t our own personal fantasy, this is fantasy put upon us by an authority that has a nefarious agenda. It is a sleight of hand card trick, it is an intentional deception—a deception premeditated to cause harm to some (most) and benefit others (a few).
What is the card trick regarding “Zero Covid?” Well, it is once again an effort to convince us that being human is a problem. Isn’t all that is going on in the world right now have the same intention?—the “Woke Culture,” the “Cancel Culture,” the “transgender/identity” issue? Need I list more examples?
It seems that whatever “power that be entity” that likes to dabble in human cognitive dissonance has been assigned the task of doing whatever possible to make humans confused, and thus dissatisfied, with their human-ness.
Should people born a certain biological (human) sex really be encouraged to mess with their humanness and alter it to “look like” a different sex? Sure, psychologically people can “feel” all sorts of “identities” and even act out on them, but why destroy the physical “human” part of ourselves as a result? Why be encouraged to insert microchips in our brains to make us smarter or more efficient than what nature intended us to be?
As a result of all of this fluidity to “alter” our nature, we become more and more comfortable with this idea that there is something wrong with how we came out of the box. We find our inability to live forever, or ward off all disease, or remove all physical danger from our lives, to be a defect—a manufacturer’s error. And then we go bonkers to compensate for our human problem.
I shouldn’t say we “become comfortable” with the idea of innate imperfection, because it is anything but comfortable, in fact, it is downright crazy making. Of course this doesn’t apply to all of us, but those that it does apply to are among us.
Where did this insane desire to alter our normal human “is-ness” come from? Well, we certainly have seen it from day one. Humans obviously have not evolved from their origin into creatures that integrate with the natural environment the way all other creatures have done. This is an age-old question, and nearly everything “human” has become part of that all-important question, from all the “good things” such as art, music, and other creativity from the heart, to all the bad things such as weaponry, pollution, and genetic engineering.
I find it difficult not to include any advancement in technology with the “bad things.” Any of the things we could say are “good” have only been effective in providing convenience, avoidance of hard work, and the extension of life, which are not necessarily noble accomplishments.
If hard pressed I would say hygiene, and the mitigation of suffering can definitely be included in the “good human advancements,” but advancements in hygiene, such as clean water, waste disposal, etc. is only needed after humans moved from a natural environment to a man-made one…any other suggestions?
Needless to say this argument can get complicated and dicey, possibly moving into the other argument, which suggests that we should never have moved out of caves—which obviously is not plausible nor necessarily desireable. Is there a way to be human without entering into the obsession to be “better than human?” Probably not, and possibly we have just reached the level of technology where becoming “better than human” moves us most definitely into a phase of transhuman ascendance.
But there is another element to factor in here—is our advancement a natural movement, or is it a coerced movement? Are we, as a whole, being manipulated into advancing too fast, or in a particular trajectory that will eventually destroy us? Maybe a little bit of both is at work here.
Obviously in cave days some overlord with the intention of destroying the masses with fire did not trigger the quest for fire—that desire more than likely came naturally. But can you say the same for the invention of the atomic bomb? Was it really for the good of mankind as a whole to destroy Imperial Japan, or was the incentive for creating such a horrific form of destruction have less humanitarian underpinnings?
We have reached a point in human development where it has been made clear that the development of the mRNA vaccine to treat another human engineered invention, the SARSCoV2 “virus,” does not have a humanitarian intention.
This all has clearly happened for the benefit of a few at the expense of many. And part of what has made this possible—the ease in implementation of these bioweapons in the complying bodies of those masses—is to convince people their “god given right” is to live forever and not face nature’s natural challenges.
If we follow the “rules of nature” and take care of ourselves naturally—eat healthy foods (which also is nearly impossible due to the pressures from above to do otherwise), exercise, fill the mind with less toxic thoughts, have meaning and purpose in our lives, didn’t pollute our environment, and never became possessed to consume everything in sight—then in my humble opinion very few diseases and “challenges of nature” would always be powerful enough to make us suffer intolerably, or to, as an end result, kill us—unless we have lived long enough or nature decided it was time to cull our species.
We all die. We all suffer. We seem to have mostly come to a conclusion that we can skirt the natural systems and rely on technology to erase all of life’s dangers and dispel with nature’s wisdom.
People have been brainwashed to believe that only man-made medication and medical intervention can cure us. Most people give no credit to the human immune system and its miraculous ability to confront nearly any pathogen and give it a run for its money. Of course part of the agenda is to create an environment so toxic and contrary to the natural way of things that we are indeed faced with more formidable pathogens for our immune systems to deal with. Again, it is a complicated issue.
But the Covid hoax, to be successful, had to be released on people who believed a limited belief: humans are not capable of withstanding a natural phenomenon (a virus). This is what the people were told, which was always an illusion, yet still created as a fantasy bogeyman, and that the only way to face it and dispel it was to rely on man-made preventions (masks, social distancing and lockdowns) and cures (bogus vaccines).
Couple this with our insane insistence that we continue moving toward transhumanism (which at this time is still primarily a fantasy) and are above pain, suffering, illness, and particularly death, and you have the formula for madness.
If we are human, and not machines, or dependent on the assistance of machines (nano or macro), then we are going to get sick. Plain and simple. It is nature’s way of doing things and has been since humans crawled out of the primordial muck. Get used to it.
Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here
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There is a study from imperial college where they claim they gave people “sars-cov2” but it doesn’t have a control group.
what they gave them is a manufactured product. It says “the virus was isolated by inoculation of a qualified cGMP Vero cell line with the clinical sample”, a “nose/throat swab” i.e. they made something and called it “the virus” rather than isolated ‘a virus’ from nature. Then:
” A seed virus stock was then generated by a further passage on the same cGMP Vero cell line. The seed virus stock was then used to manufacture the challenge virus in accordance with cGMP at the Zayed Centre for Research GMP manufacturing facility of Great Ormond Street Hospital, and a challenge virus master virus bank (MVB) was produced. Individual dose inoculum vials were then produced in accordance with cGMP by dilution of the cGMP MVB with sucrose diluent. ”
This in no way represents something that would actually happen in normal life. The participants might have been stressed by the belief they were being infected with a dangerous virus with symptoms that they had already been conditioned to expect. This could thus have caused a nocebo effect together with a reaction to the decaying proteins etc..
Participants were “paid about £4,000 for their two to three-week stay” and shown pictures of people playing computer games, reading books, smiling at their clipboards etc. in corporate quarantine faciltites owned by the ‘challenge virus’ manufacturers. They were told it was to “develop vaccines” rather than establish if there was a virus:
The sun labelled participants “hero Brits” and said “One keen volunteer told The Times: “If I die, better to die gloriously.””
Maybe they were thus on friendly terms with their hosts and under pressure to provide desirable results that could not in anycase be verified. They could have been preselected based on their attitudes to ‘vaccines’ and the location where adverts were placed, asked about in the registration form.. There was an option of flyer/handout for example.
“Open Orphan plc, has signed a contract with Imperial College London, as part of a Wellcome Trust funded initiative to manufacture a SARS-CoV-2 challenge virus. The contract is worth £3 million and under this agreement hVIVO will develop a new SARS-CoV-2 challenge virus”
at no point was ‘a virus’ labelled “sars-cov2” isolated that could have been used in this study. only a pcr process linked to some primers was used to tie any of this to a computer generated sequence labelled sars-cov2. I’d say the clue about what they were really doing might be “Open Orphan” plc.—In-Silico-
Thinking about this I think I made an error suggesting the thing was just decaying proteins. Maybe they were using it as a loophole to illegally conduct a non medical regulated trial whilst it was actually a ‘vaccine’ or ‘biological’ of sorts that needed to have medicinal value. they were up to no good that’s for sure. there is a legal case there I think to prosecute them. an important one aswell. The trial was mostly males and quite young age group with very strict inclusion requirments for contraceptives.
Honestly, I don’t even get sick. I eat the least amount possible of their garbage food and take a few basic minerals when I need them and that’s it. No colds or flu or whatever they’re calling COViD for years. And I’m almost 50. I appreciate that the article exposes this whole lie that you are weak or sickly or racist or whatever. You are amazing. In fact you are absolutely positively impossible. Except here you are. Armed with the same tools that have made your impossible existence possible for a million years. No virus or disease or catastrophe has managed to kill more than a few % of you. You are nearly perfect in every way. So just TAKE CARE OF WHAT YOU GOT. Eat smart, exercise moderately, avoid packaged or mass produced foods and eat1 or 2 times a day at most. You will never need a doctor and never should go to one. He has nothing close to the knowledge or tools to heal you that you were already born with. Remember you’re amazing, be amazing and stay amazing. Do nothing more than that and the demons don’t stand a chance
Truly sounds amazing, Deuce. But then you die. Then what? Would you call God a liar who gave us his word that there is judgement after death? Is he a liar who told us he created us to know him; that he freely justified us by his grace by the finished work of the cross 2,000 yrs ago, taking our debt of sin upon himself so we could receive eternal life in a new heaven and earth, without corruption, by simply believing him? I wonder if you were born into an impoverished life in Africa, without an education, sold by your parents into sex slavery, you would still think you were amazing? No. Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures. He was buried and raised again the third day. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved today, to live forever in a new body that will never see death again.
The human immune system was sufficient to allow us to survive and prosper for over 2 million years, all without the supposed benefit of pharma’s vaccines.
Another Scamdemic planned for the near future!
Bill Gates has just selected a new Fuhrer for the WHO, for whom Gates is the biggest benefactor (INFLUENCER). Sounds like the right choice for Gates & Adolf Schwab and their sinister (WEF) New World Order. Their World Health Organisation is now the marketing arm of Pfizer & others that sell vaccines.
Their Newly conned powers will allow them to pretend a new Scamdemic has been released and immediately impose their draconian restrictions that didn’t work last time but devastated the planet by destroying the financial viability of all nations. The restrictions, that this new ‘Commandant’ has been appointed to introduce, will cause further excess deaths from Vaccines that don’t work.
The DEADLY injections (Called Covid Vaccines) caused children to miss vital years of learning and how to behave socially in public. The useless masks were also detrimental to children and babies because they lost the ability to react to facial expressions & moods. The masks were also an indicator as to how cooperative us minions were behaving (Virtual signalling).
The WHO ‘Gestapo’ have a new leader (Jeremy Farrar) selected by Bill Gates to pretend the next Scamdemic and then justify CONTROL and more need for the vastly PROFITABLE but useless injections that contain non-medicinal materials that will enable our ‘CONTROLLERS’ to quell any uprising with radio frequencies that can be activated and directed specifically at dissenters. No doubt he will have been instructed to MANDATE more DEADLY injections!
Why do Big Pharma assume they still have IMMUNITY from LIABILITY for any/every/all injuries and DEATHS directly related to their poisonous injections?
In 1976 Big Pharma were granted a TEMPORARY Emergency Use Authorisation ‘EUA’ (because Ivermectin and several other proven SAFE and Effective medicines were hidden, in plain sight, from the FDA). The ‘concession’, to avoid LIABILITY for a Swine Flu ‘EXPERIMENTAL’ injection, failed dramatically! After 50(+/-) vax-related DEATHS the Swine Flu Vax Experiment was abandoned – deemed to be “TOO DANGEROUS”. This time around, millions are dying directly from Covid vax?
‘Temporary’ was assumed by Big Pharma to mean PERMANENT because they still pretend they have IMMUNITY from LIABILITY and expect pathetic Governments to take responsibility for DEATHS & INJURIES that can be proved to be directly responsible for these victims!
By having NO LIABILITY, Big Pharma can churn out any useless, ineffective dangerous crap and call it a ‘VACCINE’ without consequence and complete impunity. That cannot be right or fair after 46 years of ‘TEMPORARY’?
Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed because I asked questions and joined the dots.
Excellent article. Thank you. Just one correction: It’s “sleight” of hand, not “slight” of hand.
Aah I believe you’re right, thanks! A2
Pointing out unnecessary minutiae in order to call attention to one’s
own pretentiousness.
“We find our inability to live forever, or ward off all disease, or remove all physical danger from our lives, to be a defect—a manufacturer’s error. And then we go bonkers to compensate for our human problem.”
Well, isn’t it like human nature to try to ward off disease and remove danger? Sure, we don’t always succeed. But we do try our best. And what’s wrong with trying?
They just found another way of KONTROL. First, it was to save yourself from the capitalist pigs. When that didn’t work (we ended up feeding and clothing and even arming the inept commies), then it became to SAVE the planet shit and when that started to make every commie start to starve, then it became we gots to save ourselves from a virus.
It’s not a fantasy anymore. It’s very real and ironically will get everyone KILLED and not KONTROLLED under these demon men.
The only thing we need to save us is from ourselves of whatever lie we are currently embracing.
If you can post here with anonymously- how can you be banned ?
You should ask yourself how will you change your identity or IP address every time.
Hegel would love it if – China drop Covid … then……. Huge cases spike… we shirk – should have never dropped
In Germany, You Must Be Fully Vaxxed before Your Death by Assisted Suicide
They could save a bit of money if the clot shot works.
12 Dec, 2022 03:44HomeWorld News Musk says Fauci lied, people died “My pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci,” the new Twitter boss said
[It probably can be said that Fauci was] “Biden’s chief medical adviser and as director of the NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID),”
I believe It can be said that Fauci led the COVID 19 response in USA governed America.
I quote from the article
Babies are born with zero immune system, blank. Still, humanity survived the GOF Covid19 virus much easier than the natural bacterium Yersinia pestis. Even the mRNA injection experiments were in general no match for our immune system, honed to perfection over millions of years by Evolution for anything thrown at it,
Just support it by healthy food, habits and doctor choice.
“Health and safety”
Never have 3 words been used to promote a outcome while being devoid of its meaning.
Stay safe being another mantra that is sickening.
Here’s another: In the interests of the children.
Hear it all the time in the family court system — not once did I se anything done in the interests of the children.
Here’s another: “safe and effective.”
When people tell me to “stay safe” I generally tell them to “stay strong”, or “stay skeptical.” They never know quite what to make of it.
“our insane insistence that we continue moving toward transhumanism”
OUR? Nonsense; it’s a weapon used against us.
.”If we are human, and not machines, or dependent on the assistance of machines (nano or macro), then we are going to get sick.” Double nonsense. Depending on machines in many ways enriches & extends life.
Machines are tools. The increasing evil to which we are subjected is not a product of the machines, but of evil humans.
Mr.Hayen. Covid-19 is not real hence its highly plausible that we do have a zero covid environment but I do understand what your objectively attempting to say.
The issue here is that again and again we are subjected to writings that partake in optics. these optics cause damage as the optics of Covid-19 have and as a result we are subjected to more counter optics like in your essay.
There will come a time when a vaccine is required to help our immune response and save lives. This will most likely not involve any agency like our government or its proxy the WHO, who will most likely take a reactive role at best for they would never see it coming.
Similarly China is not fascist and there’s more optics there too. There are reasons why they instigated such draconian measures upon their populace however it was not for the same reasons we did it to ours.
My suggestion is we are already “sick” and its evident with such essays.
There’s a simple statement to be made and it goes something like this…. the physiology of the human body is tremendously sublime and powerful. Equally true is the human mind. To fuck with either when there’s no need to is basically evil.
Through diversity we achieve strength and nature shows us this. nature is a powerful tool and we need to heed to it once and a while before it heeds us back to the primordial muck that many have yet to get out of.
During the COVID-19 pandemic sizeable groups of unvaccinated minorities persist even in countries with high vaccine access1. Consequently, vaccination became a controversial subject of debate and even protest2. Here, we assess whether people express discriminatory attitudes in the form of negative affect, stereotypes and exclusionary attitudes in family and political settings across groups defined by COVID-19 vaccination status. We quantify discriminatory attitudes between vaccinated and unvaccinated citizens in 21 countries, covering a diverse set of cultures across the world. Across three conjoint experimental studies (N=15,233), we demonstrate that vaccinated people express discriminatory attitudes towards the unvaccinated, as high as the discriminatory attitudes suffered by common targets like immigrant and minority populations3,4.5. In contrast, there is an absence of evidence that unvaccinated individuals display discriminatory attitudes towards vaccinated people, except for the presence of negative affect in Germany and United States. We find evidence in support of discriminatory attitudes against the unvaccinated in all countries except Hungary and Romania and find that discriminatory attitudes are more strongly expressed in cultures with stronger cooperative norms. Prior research on the psychology of cooperation has shown that individuals react negatively against perceived free-riders6,7 including in the domain of vaccinations8,9. Consistent with this, the present findings suggest that contributors to the public good of epidemic control (i.e., the vaccinated) react with discriminatory attitudes against perceived free-riders (i.e., the unvaccinated). Elites and the vaccinated general public appealed to moral obligations to increase COVID-19 vaccine uptake10,11 but the present findings suggest that discriminatory attitudes including support for the removal of fundamental rights simultaneously emerged.
How to you write,“god given right” to live forever and humans crawled out of the primordial muck?
One side knows there is eternal life the other not. The other don’t think it’s a God given right. One side doesn’t need to change what God has given you the other does.
Quite the conundrum.
Can’t have life without life.
In an insane or unreal war, one may side with illusions against acceptance of truth, but never rest in or attain such a ‘deciding’. And so declare ‘life is war!’ while developing the mask of caring.
To make illusion real to you, attack it!
My sense of ‘what’s going on’ is the Call to live (to embrace life) from a true foundation – instead of persisting in a false.
Garbage in; garbage out.
So instead of whack-mole-on shifting symptoms of blame, clear out the Temple (consecrated to devotion) of that which has no true belonging in you.
What is death?
What is sickness?
What is life?
Any real questioning peels away assumptions to uncover an experiential recognition – as we are willing or ready to accept. Or we can think to ourself as if we already know.
Our mind can run on derivative currencies of no real connection to anything real, or set in reversals such as to mask a toxic debt in a complex financial instrument or mathematical model set in genetic dogma. Well – here’s a question! – Is it your mind, and how can you be perfectly certain rather than phished by a belief thief?
I long felt the firstborn son to mean our private thinking and the father of it.
Yet the willingness to yield this is the restoring of a healed and realigned ‘thinking’ as in conscious covenant rather than running blind to its own self-destructive or mis-creative self-image.
It’s envisioned by A.I for the betterment of feeble society
You could add to your Zero List Zero Tolerance
I am seeing posters more and more saying we have Zero Tolerance.
At dentists , Hospital and in Shops . We have Zero Tolerance.
They are talking about Zero Tolerance to Harassment.
Yes it is not nice if you get verbal harassment when you are doing your job.
But are people snow flakes. Do you melt with harassment.
When a person is in pain or anxious is this not the time for more Tolerance not less.
I am not shy to complain when required. If the music in Tesco is to loud I will request that it is turned down below pain level. I am normally polite. But so unused to any complaint by the compliant public that the reaction can be resistant. During the crazy Covid times I would just make fun of the silly rules to puzzled reactions. The responses were funny.
The classic ‘but people are dying’ as if this was a new thing that had never happened before.
Or the other one ‘I hope you get it’ Yes people actually wished I would get sick.
“If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream – and not make dreams your master;
If you can think – and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to broken,
And stoop and build ’em up with wornout tools:
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings – nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run –
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And – which is more – you’ll be a Man my son!”
Thanks. It is beautiful, isn’t it?
Literally brimming with sexism and jingoism. And probably a few other “isms” as well. Thank God (or your own politically correct divine entity) our children are no longer exposed to such hateful excuses for literature in our schools. There is so much more now to being a Man now – like not identifying as one.
I love your irony.
brecht says the same more succinctly, better?
“remember others sat before you..
who lost their heads,..
… learn to learn, and remember for what, ” (para)
Now that our new god, SCIENCE, in almost weekly press releases, dangles tantalizing possibilities of extended and indefinite lifespans (eternal life!), how much more fearful death is! The horror, to die today, when a year, or a month, or a day more and SCIENCE may have delivered us. And yet it seems as if nothing is ever cured by SCIENCE. There is apparently far more money in “managing” illnesses, or “conditions” than curing them. By this we know what is the GOD that SCIENCE worships.
Great article, Mr. Hayden
Wash your brain with NEW Dimwit laundry powder. Yes folks, just put your brain into your TV set and add Dimwit for a thorough wash. Added bonus! Dimwit works well for the family wash too.
Thanks Todd. This was all so beautifully and precisely stated with very clear insight.
Ratcheting bio-insecurity status is the conditions for funding control from willing sacrifice.
Identifying IN or as a body is already distanced, masked, locked down, lockstepped and normalised as the human condition – once called the mortal condition, for there is a felt awareness of a different order to the predictive modelling set for a self-protection against Disclosure.
What better proof you are NOT a ‘Son of God’ (love’s own) than a frail and sick body? A victim of circumstances at the hand of another – that ultimately points to at the hand of a cruel God, or if your prefer ‘unlucky genes’.
Consciousness is not so compartmentalised as to really be a thing in and of itself. So there is an embracing reality that we are mostly filtering out or discarding so as to keep our focus and balance in our world. The disturbances that unsettle us deeply can cause many to double down in control, or resetting core defences against fear of pain of loss.
But also in some and in part to open the opportunity to question what had been be-lived as reality, but now clearly isnt! But even this is likely blocked by grievance, blame and rage turned to powerlessness.
Blessings on your day!
At the last Western Australian state election the governing Labor Party was returned by a landslide that effectively extinguished all political opposition…
The governing party was rewarded for turning WA into a garrison state to protect the people from eastern staters bringing a ‘virus’ into WA. (It remains a State Secret how the air-bourne ‘viruses’ were turned back. No photos of giant fans installed along the WA border have surfaced)…
The results of the more recent Victorian state election saw Dictator Dan’s governing Labor Party returned by “a bigger majority than it had in the last term.” Seems Dictator Dan was rewarded for crushing all dissent against his extremist ‘covid’ lockdowns…
Undoubtedly politicians in all Western democracies are studying both regimes – to learn how to use Fear and Brute Force to obtain dictatorial power while maintaining a democratic facade…
The lesson most glaring; Fear Works ! The use of Fear to control populations works best when explicit…No more gentle Nudges !!
Fraud works too. The electoral kind
I have pondered these big wins …qld did the same ….very poor opposition candidates seem to emerge as alternative premiers which leads me to wonder how authentic any of it actually is and in qld case the involvement of the way the votes are now counted also has me wondering….
we have never questioned election results…just assumed people are too prepared to go along with things,,,,in qld case I didn’t think this was necessarily true…too much big money is being made these days for us to not questions results…
Who questions their ‘reality’ when to do so would open them to deep fear?
But once ‘reality’ breaks open, the freedom to question becomes attractive to to the cost of dishonesty made conscious.
When you’re given the opportunity to vote, you have to understand that, in reality, your vote counts for nothing.
You’re just a prole & they don’t care much for proles or their wishes. Or their health. Or their well-being. Or their lives.
“Nothing spreads like fear.”
Kit and company have previously pointed out the propaganda potential of zero covid policy in China for feeding the fake binary of the not so free west claiming some political high ground while implementing its own policies for techno-totalitarian biosecurity. China’s boot-stamping on human faces complements creeping fascism sold us on the unfree market from QR codes and digital IDs to gain access to goods and services and smart meters in homes with penalties like energy shutoffs for those who don’t buy into the scheme, to such initiatives of public-private partnership like the Food Is Medicine campaign from the Biden executive to facilitate transition to control grids of UBI, health passes, and credit scores for purchase of Frankenfoods like lab meat and insects (they care about cardiac health). Political and economic warfare – two sides of the same coin of capital rule, as Eastasia and Oceania (and Eurasia) go at it again with their good-cop/bad-cop routines.
Here Todd zeroes in further on the Orwellian nature of all this class warfare by calling attention to the obvious cruelties dispatched down the memory hole by newspeak and doublethink. Once again, what’s officially deemed public health is deadly dangerous. Zero covid means zero tolerance for humanity in all its diseased forms as diagnosed by authoritarian caretakers, treatment of which may require prison protocol made public with lockdown, causing far more, unofficial, countless injuries and deaths across a broad spectrum of conditions, from starvation to suicide, beyond fixation on the Virus. And plandemic lockdown has already gone global with the early covid coup to such extent that we may expect to remain under siege to further potentials like climate crisis lockdowns, even as pilot projects for smart, sustainable cities are in the works. As the eugenicist bioethics behind the hot air of global warming so often puts it, our species is itself the Virus, the cancer, which plagues the planet, so best turn it into a prison for purposes of reducing the threat, as through depopulation.
The cure has always been worse than the disease for people in the Free West who have long been captive customers in bizzness fronts of health care setting up a system of sick care for lifelong, revolving-door patient-prisoners of a medical cartel which covers for the adverse effects of class rule, from exploitation of labor to toxification of nature, by invention of germ warfare to individualize the social abuse and trauma and pump more poisons into us, courtesy of the Pharmafia. It’s a racket that takes us back full circle to the origins of modern medicine in Rockefeller snake oil.
What’s being built back better in Oceania upon the heels of the devastation already wrought by disaster capitalism is the same technate in principle if not always practice as has been pioneered in Eastasia. The world grows madder by the minute as multiple psyops converge upon final solution to the zero sum game of class war which we the people have yet to fight.
I did not go through your long comment, but wish to point out:
:- All GMOs food is Frankenfood.
:- The Net Zero mantra as now used in connection with sustainability is similar to Zero Covid: a plan for tyranny and plunder. I am not implying that we need not act on sustainability.
Do you think China has a better knowledge of the reality of the USA or vice versa?
“China’s boot-stamping on human faces”….the reason the free West is able to get away with what it does….is because people like you believe what you hear about the Axis of Evil. No matter how evil, the West is, there will be always be someone more evil (or they’re all equally evil and in on it together) to distract you.
The Chinese government does not spend billions on demonizing the West. The evidence for that can be seen in the fact that the second tiers of the brightest Chinese in any field….if they fail to get into the top Chinese universities, go the West. But with the brainwashing that goes in the West, hardly any young people would consider going to China or any place on the Axis of Evil to actually learn something firsthand about those places.
There are a few that go for reasons of family ancestry or a romance or because they’re passionate about all things China. All the “Chinese studies” programs in NATO universities have the objectives of creating neocolonialist “China experts” to further the develop the narratives about “boot stamping China” that you believe.
I would encourage you to learn something about an issue before having such strong opinions.
State attorney generals, state attorneys, county prosecutors: any one of these can demand a grand jury and seek indictments for murder and conspiracy to commit murder.
–Dr. Frances Boyle author of the 1989 Bioweapons and Antiterrorism Act
We can stop the vaxx murder now. See
19 US States Pushing Back Against Climate Agenda
BlackRock and Vanguard’s dystopian climate agenda is being curtailed by US States that are pushing back against the ESG tactics being implemented to control industries, force “green energy,” and monitor people’s every move, decision, and dollar spent.
On Tuesday, House Republicans launched an investigation to probe into climate groups spearheading the environmental, social, and corporate governance (“ESG”) movement. And hours after officials in the state of Texas announced a hearing, Vanguard announced it has withdrawn from the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative.
-more here-
Wrong. It was the investors and big oil who said this green stuff isn’t going to work.
Blackrock and the others had little choice but to scrap the idea or lose vast amounts of money. Watch the Crypto news if you want up to date info.
This news is months old BTW.
Lord Snot, it’s a fact that 19 States took action to withdraw their investment funds. The story continues to develop:
Read more: Vanguard Drops Out of Climate Initiative as Reaction Against Woke Investing Continues, The Daily Wire, 7 December 2022
“The move occurred hours after officials in the state of Texas announced a hearing over asset managers’ purported mismanagement of taxpayer dollars driven by ideological motives. “
It’s a fact big investors who were in balls deep decided to pull the funding as far back as 2018 because big oil hold the reigns and old habits are hard to break.
The States have only now decided to voice their opinions because their next elections depend on it. Next scam pending…
A mournful plea:
“Masking could fight the ‘tripledemic’, experts say. Will anyone listen?”
The concerned voice comes from one John Swartzberg whose credentials as a really expert expert of truly expert expertise are given twice – just in case you’re not paying attention. The repetitive groove seemingly infects JS himself as he tells us the “good news”:
“Masks work against covid, masks work against RSV, masks work against influenza and masks work against other respiratory viruses.”
Masks work! They really really really do!
Another expert expert – one Abraar Karan agrees. He also drops a telling anecdote about how the one time he did get infected, it was from someone in his own home! And we’re back to that old chestnut – Can you trust the people in your own home?
And a rueful observation:
“But, as anyone who’s gone to a grocery store or ridden a subway in recent months knows, trying to find someone in a mask these days can feel like a round of Where’s Waldo?”
And we meet yet another expert expert who has written a book, Pandemic Politics: The Deadly Toll of Partisanship in the Age of Covid. Gosh wonder what that’s about?
And the article gushes on and on about how mask wearing has become “politicised”. “Become”?
And that sound you hear in the background – that click click click – is the sound of a stuck record.
The Science is absolute, ready-made from the very beginning, and unalterable: Masks masks masks must be worn forever at all times!
I knew I was in for a treat with that Pandemic Politics: The Deadly Toll of Partisanship in the Age of Covid:
“COVID-19 has killed more people than any war or public health crisis in American history, but the scale and grim human toll of the pandemic were not inevitable. Pandemic Politics examines how Donald Trump politicized COVID-19, shedding new light on how his administration tied the pandemic to the president’s political fate in an election year and chose partisanship over public health, with disastrous consequences for all of us.”
Which is quite educational in the way it underlines Trump’s role in the pandemic pantomime.
“Health is not an inherently polarizing issue, but the Trump administration’s partisan response to COVID-19 led ….” etc etc.
A marvellous production – and clearly long in the making.
It struck me again today that so many people live their whole lives as if death was something ‘unnatural’ . . .
People like Christopher Hitchens, with some justification, took institutionalized religion as a personal affront, but they didn’t look out of the window and realize that every living thing they could see out there was going to die. That death was simply part of the way things were, and that any attempt to understand our existence on this earth was going to have to take that bald fact into account.
Whatever materialistic scientific view one might have about the origins of the universe, none of those elements and chemicals of which we have such penetrating knowledge today were ever going to metamorphose – by themselves – into something which could be called ‘Life’. Which is why a robot, by definition, is never going to be ‘alive’.
Life came from somewhere else, and, with it, its shadow identity, ‘Death’.
Our job here is to live as good and creative a life as we can and to deal with the shadows when they appear. Why is that ‘unnatural’, when Nature herself encompasses all those shadows with the greatest of ease?
In the spirit of Jordan Peterson’s admonition to “Bear your cross!”, I would encourage the same attitude of, “Deal with your life – don’t avoid it. You never know which event might be your last chance to learn something important.”
The confusion of the timeless with the temporal gives rise to a reversal.
The message of the Cross is the Resurrection – or just read 1984 for the Cross without Resurrection and die inside as he did.
The temporal real or experience can be called a realm of death because everything changes and to the attachment of the heart set in habits of mind this is grievous pain of loss. But its can also be called Behold I make all things new!
That is to say a Creative act within wholeness of the recognition of self and life in all.
There’s no way to get to that with this, but there is the way of yielding to the truth of being, which in psychic terms is a death and rebirth. Be still and know. What? God moved over the waters – that is you are already the movement within being that is uniquely you, but were too busy to notice. yet from such a grounded sense of reality is a capacity to let our perceptions be healed. To release a past of fear, pain and loss to a present appreciation, a disposition of radiance, simple joys. The Infinite participates in washing dishes. How do I know? Because i release a presumption of knowing to a gift of the moment.
To a fear of life in idea of death, the moment is grabbed and already lost.
But now is the closest to Always that this world allows.
The mistake as I see it is always an attempt to pre-empt or usurp what the Spirit of God gives freely. As if to DO being and get in our own way – even to the point of terrifying ourselves with experience of separation, abandonment, rejection, betrayal.
We all come through some part in that or we wouldn’t be ‘here’ in such a specific focus of dilemma. There IS nowhere ELSE than where you are, but dissociation takes time for exploring ways to seek what and who you are from an mis-taken identity in what you are not.
Change our mind about our mind, the rest will follow.
Very deep, but fine material for contemplation.
Some of the factors for the evasion of death I see:
:- Government and society evading the needs of aging: expenses, hospices, painkillers, children struggling with multiple low-wage jobs…
:- Leaving death to disparate religions.
:- Leaving critical decisions to doctors.
:- Profiteering by the medical and funeral industries.
Very well encapsulated.
So many of us are controlled by mentally sick people running organizations in a perverted way.
As a materialist clear down to my toenails, I must insist that the very fact of death disproves any “outside” agency’s involvement in the beginning of life.
If life were a condition apart from, say, the coming together of atoms to form inanimate objects, it should have a different trajectory. It should continue rather than be broken down eventually by entropy or the like – by the very things which eventually break down inanimate objects.
The thing we fail to grasp about “matter” is simply it’s very nature: we don’t really know what that is. Matter may have properties we’ve yet to discover – properties which, if known to us, would make the “creation” of life not only understandable but inevitable.
We don’t really need a God to create life when matter itself does it so perfectly.
I agree that we don’t literally need a god in order to trundle our way robotically through life, but I don’t call that life at all.
When you think of it, we don’t literally need death either, but something gave rise to it.
But all that says nothing about the quality of life engendered by the perception that mere survival does not satisfy our innate need for meaning, or our ability to appreciate why one thing is beautiful and worthy of pursuit, while another is ugly and can lead us to mental ruin.
Our ability to work with matter in all its forms is astonishing, but there has not been a parallel development in our self-perception and all that it entails.
All of these issues arise out of something more than some clever guy thousands of years ago deciding that he could profit from manipulating this complex universal system. He would have to be a god himself in order to know the first thing about how to set about doing that.
“We don’t really need a God to create life when matter itself does it so perfectly.”
And how is it that matter knows how to do that?
Even better is when one gets sick[dies] due to the “treatment”!
And the previous peak on the graph, before the jab rollout, was due to the elderly taking that year’s annual flu jab.
Epic take-down of kovidians by Ozzie senator- the room is mostly empty of course because real governance is taking place elsewhere.
Exactly. There are weeds that annoy. There are bugs that annoy. There is illness that annoys. There is freezing cold and storm. There is hot and sunny. There is temperate and pleasant. Everything is possible danger because this planetary ecosystem is a spinning ball in space and Universe has found a way to make Earth serve as our safe home. We have allowed a parent-tyrant superior class of human, a ruling elite, to dictate our future, like God Emperor of “Dune”, with ecosystem changing technologies. We are not children requiring supervision. We are all adults and need to collectively decide the technology and deployment that makes life better for all, not the God Emperor few. We need to have human limits to poverty and wealth so that everyone can be an informed, vested, equal participant in joint decision making. We all know what happens when the few make decisions in a God Emperor bubble of authority. We now experience that terror of technology, and it’s authority, in their hands. We need take back our lives from them and make an egalitarian adult world of consent and voluntarily participating adults.
I have had a cough and sinus congestion for two weeks following the first night of fever and 48 hours of low fever and aches. The G.P. would ask for nasal swab to test for Cv19 or RSV to bolster the reigning paradigm, while the N.P. chooses ivermectin, natural immune- supporting supplements and budesonide inhaler, knowing that ANY viral infection can be treated in such a way.
Now, do I feel frustrated with being ill and having to put up with uncomfortable symptoms? Of course! But over my 69 years, this had occurred perhaps more than a dozen times (or averaging once every 5 or 6 years) and IT IS COMPLETELY NORMAL. I DON’T EVER WANT THE GOVERNMENT TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT MY HEALTH.
So give me back the money you stole to spend on grants and building labs and bribing officials…$trillions$. I never asked for it. And by and large it has not produced anything enhancing health only enhancing the wealth of the well-connected. Just another deep fraud perpetrated by Leviathan government.
For the medical industry, the ability of IVM, HCQ, etc. to deal with multiple diseases now ascribed to viruses is a potential nightmare. Its strategy is to ridicule, condemn (even in fake articles in “leading” journals) and ban.
What’s a “human”?
The image of the Creator
And what’s that image?
The image and likeness of the Creator is a Creative spirit.
You may not identify with this but that wont stop your thought from creating your experience. So we can obviously create in image and likeness UNlike our source and nature, but this gives us an experience of choice, as to whether to join in shared purpose with another, or join in a masking of private agenda in seeming to join.
Imagination can be released to true creation by releasing it from fear running predictive control. (instead)
A decontextualised human being. If you don’t like hu-man, just read ‘living being’.
Being is a verb not a noun.
The term humans is general currency now that humans have been insinuated as the ‘enemy’ against which we identify against, thanks to Greenwash & Gaslight.
As if we are lab specimen even in our own discourse?
I like the term “ooze” better. Primordial ooze. Then I think of the mud wallowing “walking catfish” that has a swim bladder that functions as a primitive lung………
Even while still “part of nature” the relationship between people and nature was, likely, less harmonious as one might think. It does not take long to infect a local water supply. Slashing and burning and migrating was most likely a necessity for that reason. (Oddly, those same abandoned woodland openings were later occupied by pioneering families in North America. Hardy sons of bitches!).
Just pointing out the obvious.
We are adept at making a past to reinforce our present.
In such a present it seems that the world is as you think it is.
yet this has been the experience of many even now who live a completely different world, let alone our forbears who were much more psychically embedded if less able to ‘rationalise’ themselves to themselves or each other.
The harmony in nature is aligning in your nature so as to know how to be in the situation at hand. Shocks and challenges are part of life. Our true nature will call us from unconsciousness to qualities of experience that cannot be caught, taught or defined.
Based on personal experience it looks like “colds and flu season” is now “colds, flu and Covid season” — its now a permanent part of our world. Everyone seems to have had a dose (some more than once) — except me, of course (I’m just the local super-spreader I guess) — but the Covid of today is nothing like as serious as the Covid of a couple of years ago.
This is to be expected. Other epidemics have broken out, caused havoc for a couple of years and then just faded as the population became more or less immune. We’re now dealing with what we could call the ‘bureaucratic hangover’ where our institutions and government, primed to deal with it as an existential threat, are paralyzed due to them being unable to take any other position than “100% — End Of World” and “0% — There Is No Disease”. (The truth is somewhere in between.) Other scourges such as cholera wait in the wings to ambush us whenever we drop our guard (all it takes is to start getting careless with drinking water and sanitation and its off and killing. We keep them in check by an effective public health program that monitors for problems and manages any outbreaks. (Its what the CDC does for a living…..along with the WHO…..and the local health departments. We tend to take them for granted because they work.)
This article is so well said. It opens my eyes to the true foundation of this entire mess with the vaccine. I never really thought about it all this way…thoughtlessly jumping to a quick “cure” rather than stepping back and considering first the strength of our human immune system. Making choices not based on fear but based on the trust of our humanness.
I asked this question 2 years ago – – it still applies….more than ever!
You have to hand it to the propagandists. How else could they so quickly impose such ferocious censorship and draconian fascistic repression on a (relatively) free society than to drum up a huge health scare in which “misinformation” can “cost lives”?
Similarly, the indoctrination of the masses into utter rejection and horror at mundane aches and pains and coughs and sneezes, sets up a despair inducing ever retreating horizon of “zero tolerance” of those very same mundane phenomena. The most delicious of all gravy trains and totalitarian terror regimes extending into the future forever.
They’ve been playing this game for a long long time.
ask war elders and there tell ya that cheap talk cost lives which equate to dont talk. In todays terms dont hug – rule of 6 – dont let the unvaccd into the same house.
Old war poster from WW2

Rock bottom?
After the blasé restatement of the millions of gazillions of covid deaths and cases from Worldometer and WHO estimates “that the number of Long COVID sufferers now number 17 million people”, this:
“The UK is one telling example. Official tracking of the virus has been almost completely abandoned by the government. Using self-reported data from voluntary participants across the UK (excluding Northern Ireland), the Zoe Health study group estimates that on December 9 there were 182,579 new infections. This single day total is over five times larger than the UK government’s official weekly tally of 28,830 (including Northern Ireland).”
So it has come to this: “self-reported data from voluntary participants”!
Yes, apparently the reason why VAERS and the Yellow Card scheme are unreliable as well. But don’t expect logical consistency from these zealots. Quite the opposite.
I agree that transhumanism is an abomination; and humans should remain as they’ve been all along: competing to see who can destroy all life on the planet first.
However, I don’t agree that nature is necessarily compatible with or amenable to human existence. It has placed a time bomb within every human ever born: a genetic marker which can and will kick in at a time and place of nature’s choosing to kiss the human bye bye.
Call me cynical, but that does not make nature some kind of imaginary guardian angel watching over us.
Nature is change. Death is change. What’s the big deal? (said the stoics).(Not sure what the cynics said.)
We are all going to kill each other before we die?
Good start. You put the virus in quotes but then proceed to talk about trusting our immune systems. There is no immune system, no constant outside microbial, pathogenic, and or cytogenic attack… no virus!
Sure, but absent any mechanism for contagion the alternative explanation is some sort of muddy psychosomatic product of the subconscious… and the only way to ward off potential Mexican waves of mutual-detox ‘dis-ease’ is presumably by placebo alone? Inc. presumably masks, injections, 6 metre rules, voodo dolls, crystals…
Blows the whole argument against lockdowns out of the water, doesn’t it?
Perhaps the antivaxxers really are endangering the vaccinated by pissing all over their placebo?
The human body apparently regularly sympathetically detoxes itself to death. Including adopting current trends in detox expression, what we commonly mislabel as ‘symptoms”.
Our subconscious is a danger to us, any and all means to control it must be employed, including constructing elaborate, cognitively dissonant fantasy narratives in order to fool it. A2
There’s no contagion, no mechanism, not proven. It’s theoretical, and quite the 150yr+ old fraudulent boon to big pharma, et al.
Environmental poisons, toxic food, toxic medical-“care”, and multiple level depravities are hardly muddy psychosomaticisms. And, yes, sometimes, gently, preexisting conditions might just have more sympathy toward mortality than the immortality sought.
(Psst, maybe we doing it wrong. Maybe)
Subconscious, hmm? Maybe talk to someone about the “Mexican waves of mutual detox disease” comment. Sounds serious.
I’ll ponder those amber waves of grain…
Long ago, I read of an experiment demonstrating this: One can get drunk on some non-alcoholic drink, as long as one believes it is alcohol.
Germ theory is an insanity that comes from: Hatred of the body, hatred of nature (it was bats that made people sick! or those primitive Africans breeding variants!), hatred of the feminine (including feminine forms of divinity), hartred of humanity- it was all prescribed in the Old Testament and the script is still being played out.
The conflation and confusion of religious and cultural identity- which are options- with race – which you are born with, did not choose and cannot change, is deliberate and it is intended to prevent the destruction of this narrative by misleading people into looking elsewhere for the cause of the disease.
Everything else is beating about the bush, not getting to the core of the isue, chasing your own tail.
The disease is spiritual and nothing will change until the Abrahamic / Semitic script is een for what it is and cancelled. It is not about race, it is about spirtual disease which afflcits people of all colours. The Khazarians are very visibly white caucasians! This is something apprarently totally overlooked by the usual suspects.
Right, it’s an epic spiritual battle against ‘Khazarians’ and your evidence for this far outweighs the evidence for germs. Ok. A2
Wrong. I did not say anything about any epic battle- this is what the script calls for ( Armageddon). You can attack the scapegoats all you want- it just makes it worse.
I wrote about a spiritual disease that afflicts people everywhere. I put that part in bold in vein, it seems. I am not going to write an essay here in hope it will be allowed to appear, so this huge topic has to be condensed into a forum comment.
The mention of Khazarians being Caucasians was so I can distance myself from the people who usually talk against the Semitic/Abrahamic narrative ( white supremacists).
Germ theory comes from the demonisation of nature and the destruction of natural cures performed in the middle ages by the Christian churches. The modern view of health and disease is insane and out of touch with reality- which brings us to people wearing muzzles, vaccines, etc etc.
It is about constant warfare (hence the repeated use of the term “on the frontline” y covidinas referring to nurses) and seeing enemies everywhere.
Bolshevism/Maoism also comes from the same script, in case anyone says “what about China?” Because false religion leads to materialsim and atheism, which are the foundations of Bolshevism/Maoism ( along with aforementioned hate against humanity)
Thanks for publishing the comment – but I wonder if this was so you could offer your snarky response and show the world you are not one of those crazy anti-semites?
The evidence you are asking for (and which I do no need to provide because this is not a trial and people need to research and think for themselves- is in black and white in the Old Testament which you can find very easily.
Here is a small sample:
-The concept of “social distancing” is in the Talmud. In tractate Bava Metzia 59b it states “the distance that one must maintain from an ostracized individual” is “four cubits.” A cubit is 18 in., 4 cubits is 72 in., exactly 6 feet.
Hatred of trees (nature):
You shall not plant you a grove of any trees near to the altar of the LORD your God, which you shall make you.
Exodus 34:13
But ye shall destroy their altars, break their images, and cut down their groves:
(The Taliban of their day)
General hatred against life, women and humanity:
–The Lord is a man of war; Yahweh is his name.” – Exodus 15.3.
“And that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams, shall be put to death … thou shalt surely kill him.”
– Deuteronomy 13.5,9.
“But if this thing be true, and the tokens of virginity be not found for the damsel: Then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father’s house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she die.” – Deuteronomy 22.20,21.
“A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them.” – Leviticus 20:27.
“The one who has stolen what was set apart for destruction will himself be burned with fire, along with everything he has, for he has broken the covenant of the LORD and has done a horrible thing in Israel.” (Joshua 7:15 NLT)
and on and on and on. These are just a few samples.
I am not even getting into male genital mutilation ordered by “god” or into the sequel – the Book of Revelation here….. DH Lawrence has done a good job with Apocalypse .
I am not against faith, I have faith of sorts, but I can’t get away from the fact that quote mining ancient texts, out of context, could probably make a case for literally anything. No, you aren’t on trial, but people should be able to research and corroborate things we say. Proselytising about an evil race of people, supported by cherrypicked doom laden literal exegesis, doesn’t really provide that. Let people learn more, link to stuff, and let’s try to keep sermons inside places of worship. Thanks, A2
Not only do you quote out of context but you have no idea what those civilisations where like (ittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, Jebusites). Human and child sacrifice was very common.
Great article. Couldn’t have agreed with you more when you correctly stated “Most people give no credit to the human immune system and its miraculous ability to confront nearly any pathogen and give it a run for its money.”
Thw “immune system” is just another theory that ties into germ theory. It is not like the other systems described by anatomy & physiology which consist of specific organs and structures in the body.
In short, they don’t know what the fuck they are talking about when it comes to HEALING. They hate that word.
nope, YOU don’t.
We know so little about how anything works that it’s difficult for us to comprehend what is actually going on.
We’ve come to understand how organs function – mostly it seems through hormones, enzymes, proteins, etc; but we still haven’t determined the “why” of that dynamic.
Why does the adrenal gland dispense its hormones? Why does the thyroid dispense its hormones – and why sometimes too little, sometimes too much?
Is it all genetic? Environmental? Pathological?
Yet even not knowing why something happens, the medical establishment proceeds to offer us “Healing.” Perhaps that’s why their “healing” so often doesn’t work?
I strongly recommend a perusal of a book entitled “Parasite Rex” by Carl Zimmer. It isn’t about what we classify as “pathogens” but rather good old fashioned parasites. And it does indeed tend to cast doubt on the human immune system’s ability to protect the body from invasion. (And it ain’t pretty.)
I was just reading this Twitter thread about the baby in NZ and the vaxxed/ unvaxxed blood.
It is a perfect example of the polarisation of the public.
The majority is pro choice but I was amazed at the number of people defending the government especially as there is a very emotive video showing the baby being taken away.
I mentioned in a previous post that we were at the “Being prodded to see if we’re done” stage.
This video and the comments certainly ticks the box for a compliance experiment.
I would say we’re not yet cooked and some never will be.
It’s all gonna come down to numbers.
Interesting story. But yet they still run special blood drives for people with rare blood needs. Taking over the custody of a child is barbaric. Just like parents of children with cancer. Parents have no real say in how doctors choose to treat it. Protests usually end in the loss of guardianship. Controversial but not new. What is most amazing about this line of thought is how the Covid controversy has shown how incompetent and unscrupulous medical doctors really are. Eventually they all knew the vaccines were worthless and dangerous but they stuck to the narrative to protect themselves and their credibility. This is more of the same. They know blood supplies can’t be safe. All the data pouring into the mainstream is documenting it, at least marginally. It is out in the open but yet they are still ignoring it. As I have said before, how do these doctors sleep at night knowing that they are committing crimes against humanity? It is mind boggling.
Yup. Maybe the doctors will prove to be the weak link in their chain.
There must be thousands just waiting for the right moment.
Here in Sunny nth qld the testing kits are running hot. Seems some general cold has descended upon us …not the icy type given it is heat time here. The sniffles time…. The covid vax types are filled with joy along with the test sellers. I have covid is announced with joy…..or I tested xyz times and tested neg…said with tinges of disappointment. The tests they bought sadly refused to let them join the club. And I could hear their grief. Funny though they don’t tell me this is because I am vax. This club is the covid one not the vax club. We have moved on here..time for the special covid only members club
humans are crazy bastards. They seem to just love clubs ….
me ? I am happy to leave them to it.
I have to admit I got covid for the first time at Thanksgiving (I am unvaccinated)…and I fell right into the type of behavior you described above. ME…the person who made huge fun of the facebook gang showing their vaccine status proudly. I certainly did not post my covid status, but it was a great lesson to realize that as a human some of us want to be part of the group…even the covid group, yikes. I am pretty mortified that at first I was happy to see that I had become a covid member. Scary, but I learned something (I hope).
> I have to admit I got covid for the first time at Thanksgiving …
According to the o so reliable PCR “test”?
How do know it wasn’t the flu (or a “bad”cold)? Statistics prove that this “event” was no different than a common flu outbreak. The only difference this time was the use of the faulty Covid PCR testing. Don’t take this personally. Any time I see a statement like this, I respond the same way. A good friend started a phone conversation the same exact way several months ago. My response was the same. “How do you know”. The answer is you don’t know. The symptoms listed for Covid are not unique to Covid. The tests are junk. Sorry.
Anyone who says the word is delusional. I just laugh in their faces, the fucking morons.
The fake test was intended to turn positive more often, as it matches many microbes and parts of the human genome. Yet, its results are quite random, even on the same day. Hence the need to coopt the word asymptomatic.
You make such a valid point. Gosh, I am seeing that even thinking I had covid is such an assumption…based on being brainwashed with all of this. Which at this point is so so stupid on my part. Thanks for more insight. I hate knowing I fell into just following the mainstream message. Yikes.
You didn’t learned a thing!
If you just played one “roulette hand”
clearly you miss the better part!
Sorry I feel like an idiot…I have been fighting all of this propaganda for so long and then went right into following the herd.
It probably would be easier to just say that the home antigen test said you had Covid…but then you would be blasted for saying you took the home antigen test! I understand how people feel about all this…none of us should be paying any attention to Covid at all…it is the flu, as simple as that, and any testing for the “flu” is bogus…however, there are also a lot of the same people who believe the Covid “virus” (or whatever it is, or isn’t) was man made in a lab as a bio weapon…the earth can’t be flat AND hollow at the same time…you can’t have a virus bioweapon, and believe viruses don’t exist at the same, or more succinctly you can’t believe that Covid is the flu, and believe viruses don’t exist at the same time because the flu is a virus…or it isn’t…if viruses DO exist, then what they made in that Wuhan lab could be pretty serious…
Anyway…I do think we all have to be a bit lenient here…not calling people morons for saying “I had Covid”…that’s a bit much….the super sheep could be morons because it is clear that they believe it ALL. Skinny Mouse is one of us, and if she says she had Covid, she is really only saying that the “agenda” said she had Covid…that she herself isn’t sure what the hell it was. At least that is my impression of her comment. I think it is quite dangerous to be so willing to attack our own kind.
Skinny Mouse, you’re pretty brave to say you’ve had covid: On this site they’re mostly dogmatic that there’s no such thing– in fact that there’s no such thing as viruses or exogenously caused illness, even no such thing as contagion! And now, one even says there’s no such thing as the immune system.
The dogmatism far exceeds even the hint of knowledge.
Would a business owner or self-employed person express joy at having “tested positve for covid”?
The “Gullibles” lap up the psycho-ops, roll up their sleeves willingly and then they can endure a lifetime of new illnesses – with the added bonus of getting sick far more easily when the everyday illnesses come round.
But then they expect our sympathy, help and care without ever noticing that we are not getting these sicknesses, or realising why that is.
Not the only thing that needs getting used to:
BTW The Metro is a free newspaper i.s. propaganda so desperate they give it away. When something’s free, the product is you.
The Metro belongs to the daily mail group it’s trash, I wouldn’t use it for loo paper 🧻.