The Netherlands: Template for Ecomodernism’s Brave New World?
Colin Todhunter

Disaster capitalism and crisis narratives are currently being used to manipulate popular sentiment and push through a set of unpalatable policies that would otherwise lack sufficient political support.
These policies are being promoted by wealthy interests that stand to make billions of dollars from what is being proposed. They seek to gain full control of food and how it is produced. Their vision is tied to a wider agenda aimed at shaping how humanity lives, thinks and acts.
Throughout much of 2022, protests by Dutch farmers have grabbed the headlines. Plans to reduce the Netherlands’ nitrogen output by half come 2030 have led to mass protests. The government talks of the need to move away from animal-based agriculture and its climate-impacting emissions.
This ‘food transition’ often goes hand-in-hand with the promotion of ‘precision’ agriculture, genetic engineering, fewer farmers and farms and lab-made synthetic food. This transition is sold under the banner of ‘climate-friendly’ and piggybacks on the ‘climate emergency’ narrative.
Campaigner Willem Engel claims the Dutch government is not seeking to eliminate farmers from the landscape for environmental reasons. Instead, it is about the construction of Tristate City, a megalopolis with a population of around 45 million extending to areas of Germany and Belgium.
Engel suggests the ‘nitrogen crisis’ is being manipulated to drive through policies that will result in reshaping the country’s landscape. He argues that the main nitrogen emitter in the Netherlands is not agriculture but industry. However, land currently occupied by farms is strategically important to industry and housing.

The tristate concept is based on a giant unified ‘green’ urban region linked by ‘smart’ technologies that can economically compete with the massive metropolises we see in Asia, especially in China.
The Dutch government recently announced plans to buy out up to 3,000 farms in a bid to comply with controversial targets to reduce run-off from synthetic nitrogen fertilisers. Dutch nitrogen minister Christianne van der Wal says farmers are to be offered more than 100 per cent of the value of their farms. But there are plans to enforce buyouts in 2023 if voluntary measures fail.
Is what we see happening in the Netherlands the initial step in trying to get the public to accept GM crops, lab-engineered ‘food’ and 90 per cent of humanity being crammed into mega-cities?
And is it just a coincidence that the following ecomodernist vision of the future appears in Dutch on the Netherlands-based
It says that by 2100, there will be ten billion people on the planet:
More than 90 per cent of these live and work in the city, compared to 50 per cent in 2000. Around the city are large farms full of genetically modified crops that achieve four times as high a yield as at the beginning of the 21st century.”
It also states that beyond the farmland begins nature, which now occupies most of the surface of our planet. Whereas in 2000 half of the earth’s surface was still in use by humans, by 2100 it is only a quarter. The rest has been returned to nature, biodiversity and CO2 emissions are back to pre-1850 levels and hardly anyone is in extreme poverty anymore.
So, there you have it. Drive farmers out of farming, grab their land for urbanisation and rewilding, and we will all live happily ever after on genetically engineered crops and synthetic food created in giant vats. In this techno make belief land, no one is poor, and everyone is fed.
A technocratic vision where the stranglehold of the current food conglomerates remains intact and is further entrenched, and politics is reduced to decisions about how best to tweak the system for optimal gains (profit).
In this future, digital platforms will control everything, the brain of the economy. E-commerce platforms will become permanently embedded once artificial intelligence (AI) and algorithms plan and determine what will be produced and how it will be produced and distributed.
We will be reduced to little more than serfdom as a handful of digitally enabled megacorporations control everything. Bayer, Corteva, Syngenta, Cargill and the like will work with Microsoft, Google and the big-tech giants to facilitate AI-driven farmerless farms and e-commerce retail dominated by the likes of Amazon and Walmart. A cartel of data owners, proprietary input suppliers and retail concerns at the commanding heights of the economy, peddling toxic industrial (fake) food.
And what of elected representatives (if they still exist in this dystopian vision)? Their role will be highly limited to technocratic overseers of these platforms.
This is where the interlocking hegemonic class steered by the likes of the Gates Foundation, Big (Agri)Tech, Big (digital) Finance, Big Pharma and ‘environmentalists’ like journalist George Monbiot who peddle this vision want to take us.
And they will tell you this is for your own good – to avoid hunger and starvation and to ensure wildlife is protected, the planet is ‘saved’, zoonotic pandemics are avoided or that some other doomsday scenario is dodged.
The current food system is in crisis. But many of its problems were brought on by the same corporate interests who are behind what is outlined above. They are responsible for an inherently unjust food regime driven by World Bank, WTO and IMF policies which act on their behalf.
These corporations are responsible for soil degradation, synthetic fertiliser run offs into waterways, the displacement of rural populations and land appropriation, the flight to over-populated cities and proletarianization (former independent producers reduced to wage labour/unemployment), the massive decline in bird and insect numbers, less diverse diets, a spiralling public health crisis due to chemical-intensive farming and so on.
And yet, despite the massive problems caused by this model of agriculture, it is an inconvenient truth that the (low input/low-energy) peasant food web – not industrial agriculture – still feeds most of the world even though the industrial model sucks up huge amounts of subsidies and resources.
Those who promote the ecomodernist vision are using genuine concerns about the environment to push through an agenda. But where does genuine environmentalism begin?
It does not begin with bought democracy (see the article How big business gets control over our food) or state coercion (see WikiLeaks: US targets EU over GM crops) to get GM crops and food onto the market.
It does not start with ‘precision’ agriculture in which gene-editing and the like is akin to using a blunt ax and constituting genome vandalism (according to Harvard professor George Church).
And it does not begin and end with genetically engineered crops that have failed to deliver on their promises and chemically doused plants to be used as ‘feed’ for energy-consuming vats that engineer matter into food.
Nor does it begin and end with the World Bank/IMF using debt (see the article Modi’s Farm Produce Act Was Authored Thirty Years Ago) to enforce dependency, displace populations, crowd people into densely packed high-rises and strip humanity of its inherent connection to the land.
Many of the problems mentioned above could be overcome in the long term by prioritising food and seed sovereignty, localised production and local economies and agroecological farming. But this is of no interest to Bayer, Microsoft, Cargill and the like because none of that fits their business model – indeed, it poses an existential threat.
Rather than forcing farmers out of farming, the Dutch government could encourage them to farm differently.
But that requires a different mindset from that which depicts farmers and farming as a problem in order to ram through an agenda based on a fairy tale techno utopian vision of the future.
The globalised system of food production based on an industrialised, high-input, chemical-dependent and corporate-dependent model underpinned by geopolitical interests is the real problem.
Hans Herren, World Food Prize Laureate, says:
We need to push aside the vested interests blocking the transformation with the baseless arguments of “the world needs more food” and design and implement policies that are forward-looking… We have all the needed scientific and practical evidence that the agroecological approaches to food and nutrition security work successfully.”
These policies would facilitate localised, democratic food systems and a concept of food sovereignty, based on optimal self-sufficiency, agroecological principles, the right to culturally appropriate food and local (communal) ownership and stewardship of common resources, not least land, water, soil and seeds.
Because when discussing food and agriculture, that’s where genuine environmentalism starts.
Colin Todhunter specialises in development, food and agriculture and is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization in Montreal. You can read his “mini e-book”, Food, Dependency and Dispossession: Cultivating Resistance, here.
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Somehow I can’t help getting the feeling that all of us are aboard Malaysian Airlines flight MH370, so to speak, heading out into the Indian Ocean with Billy Boy Gates, Klaus Schwab and their backers, as pilot, copilot and navigator…
Ich bin froh schon so alt zu sein und diesen Bullshit nicht erleben muss!
What a stupid bullshit…now they are silent…who cares about those stupid FUCKHEADS driving around their fucking machines…
“rewilding” doesn’t sound so bad.
I know where I’d be going to live if they’d expect us to live in their soulless smart cities.
It’s not hard to see the source of the problem. The United States has used its influence among the European leadership to degrade it’s industrial and social economy, or in other words, the European elite now owe their power and wealth to corporate America. Why are these people unstoppable?
Dutch Farmers – FARMERS??? ….really
I’m astonished how alternative media bought into Dutch farmer narrative, farmer, a guy in dirt providing food…unbelievable level of superficiality otherwise ascribed to the dark side….I’m tempted to use word ignorance….what about truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth….
Colin: “Rather than forcing farmers out of farming, the Dutch government could encourage them to farm differently.”
Looks that might not be true.
“Farmers who cannot meet their targets would be given three options:
Closing of 3000 farms is primarily about animal agriculture, majority highly likely intensive animal agriculture….what an euphemism for meat-milk-shit-urin factories. They cannot produce lamb meat I occasionally gorge with greasy hands. Nor they are interested to produce, because it’s about business, big business. From the same source:
“Dutch animal farming is among the most intensive in the world. The country keeps 100 million chickens, 11.4 million pigs and 3.8 million cows (1.6 million for dairy) on 30,000 farms. That’s 115 million animals in a country twice the size of Massachusetts. The Netherlands has the highest livestock density in the world.
(Massachusetts, incidentally, has the fifth-highest population density in the United States, which is still lower than the Netherlands’ — but it has one of the lowest livestock density rates in the country. The Netherlands is really pressed for space!)”
“One of the downsides (and I’ll list more later) is the pollution.”
“Farms cause 85 percent of ammonia emissions and 40 to 45 percent of overall nitrogen emissions. But they cause 60 percent of nitrogen deposits in conservation areas (to which they are more likely to be in proximity than industry)”
“On the upside — and out of necessity — Dutch farmers have become very efficient.” (emphasis mine)
Efficient, author didn’t expanded upon, is the key word which will be thoroughly examined later.
Damn, they have a real problem because:
“….major challenge is to find a balance between taking source-based measures, and accommodating the difficult situations farmers very often find themselves in, as the reduction of nutrients (as a source-based measure) use can lead to lower yields and higher costs for manure disposal.”
Pollution is not always imaginary boogeyman and certainly is not the case with meat factories i.e. intensive animal farming. Nobody wants meat factory for his neighbor, that is a fact and I see no need for further elaboration. And nitrates from fertilizers in groundwater is also not imaginary problem concocted by soros-founded degenerics.
With Dutch Farmer narrative also goes a story about “insane” agricultural policy by the world second largest food exporter while food crisis is just around the corner. Well, second largest agriculture exporter, yes, but what does that mean?
When money speaks they say:
“It is estimated that total agricultural exports amounted to 95.6 billion euros in 2020, which is a new record. This includes 68.3 billion euros in domestic exports and 27.3 billion euros in re-exports.”
Horticulture has the biggest share. Meat comes right behind, but I think flowers bring much better and sweeter money. Billions from agriculture machinery and equipment are also accounted here. But one third (re-export) is actually just and only transport of goods for satan, sorry, global capitalism. Logical:
“…the Port of Rotterdam handled 30% of agri-bulk traded in Northwestern Europe in 2018. Amsterdam as runner-up covered 25%, which means that the Netherlands (including Vlissingen and Terneuzen) covers more than half of the total Northwestern European volume.”
Short transport distances bring competitive advantage for industries that handle bulk goods, like big food industry, including meat industry.
“According to an analysis published by the Royal Dutch Grain and Feed Trade Association (Het Comité), the Netherlands imports 83% of the wheat it uses, along with 95% of the maize, 90% of the barley, 99% of the rapeseed and over 99% of the soybeans, as well as 100% of the sunflower seed.”
Agricultural giant importing almost all the grains it uses, funny, but when you are in the center of globalized capitalism, and Netherlands by all standards is part of the Center, that is how things look like. Animal agriculture is nice example. Dutch are excellent in all categories of “milking animals”, therefore they must feed them well. They don’t have enough arable land to sustain the highest livestock density in the world, no way (look how much they earn with vegetables and flowers). No problem, they have ports and imported $1,7 billion of soybeans, 68% from US, gmo of course.
Looks like they re-export less than on average, here they say 25%, they use more by themselves.
“Global animal agriculture is your No. 1 customer.”, says soy growers trade association.
“Approximately 85% of the world’s soybean crop is processed into soybean meal and soybean oil,…”
97% percent of soybean meal production globally is used as livestock feed.
Don’t forget, we are talking about GMO soy.
Dutch farmers are just cogs in global agriculture, whose practices are already bad, and becoming worse. There will be collateral damage in Netherlands for sure, but don’t forget that in some imaginary better instantiation of the World meat factories wouldn’t be a thing at all, let alone developed to the scale Dutch did/allowed.
Maybe it’s not so black:
“For agricultural entrepreneurs, there will be a stopping scheme that will be as attractive as possible,” said Van der Wal in a series of parliamentary briefings. “For industrial peak polluters, we will get to work with a tailor-made approach and in tightening permits. After a year, we will see if this has achieved enough.”
That must be a hint from badbilly. He must be very interested for providing some generous donations to modernize Dutch agriculture. All needed prerequisites are already in place in Netherlands, have no doubts, maybe enough will too. And, a good cluster of crisis is not to be wasted. Maybe some Eurocrat somewhere will make some problems, genetic mambo-jumbo is a bit touchy thing in Europe (lobbyists will handle….(what, euro-bastard wants three venezuelan hookers in their prime time…lobbyist….fixed…thanks god, he didn’t ask for kids)).
No doubt, badbilly will gain, some closed farmers (industrialists actually) will go his way.
Tristate City Colin mentioned, megalopolis with a population of around 45 million, makes same the impression on me as MBS’ Neom desert type shit. Yeah…these are just visions…their only meaning is to be carrier of technocratic idea, will see what will came out.
Another solution for farmers:
Cows on boats: Rotterdam’s urban farm experiment
It was meant for global warming and rising see levels, but can be repurposed. I guess they still have some polders in progress where barges and cows on two floors can be towed around and fertilize what will become newly acquired land in the future.
((admins…took you so long, I have to finish it 😄 ))
Error above, biggie, double negation, it should be:
Pollution is not always imaginary boogeyman, that certainly is the case with meat factories i.e. intensive animal farming.
I still haven’t nailed down efficiency.
“Checkoff Study Shows Soybean Meal Increases Weight Gain and Feed Efficiency in Growing Pigs”
“Soybean meal is the most important protein source used to feed farm
animals. It represents two-thirds of the total world output of protein
“Dehulled soybean meal …..proved to have a better feed conversion ratio and to sustain higher animal performance …. from starters to finishing pigs.”
“In goats, adding 1.6% urea to a soybean meal-based diet allowed a reduction of soybean meal by 12% (from 25% to 13% inclusion level) resulting in lower feed costs”
Soybean meal is very palatable for animals, too. Poultry can withstand higher intake of it up to 40% and little chicks become gargantuan in a month. Actually it is about fast food for animals, flavored for every variety, so they can shove them as fast as possible, because time is money.
Data show Dutch farmers are top notch in efficiency (by prevailing standards), they understand language of efficiency thoroughly. But there is someone who loves efficiency, technocracy.
They are playing a really “slick and sick” commie game on you. That bait & switch shit of theirs.
DO NOT FALL for it and WARN them they’d better stop this commie-cal nonsense on us. It’s nut funny or fun anymore.
The US has taken out European energy supplies, to create dependency on their controlled sources, they now want to take out Europe’s food supplies to create the same dependency.
Holland has a very special place at the right hand side of the CIA, as the heart of their surveillance of Europe, so it is no surprise they are starting there.
Magic language from news-medical:
“The effectiveness of nirmatrelvir-ritonavir and molnupiravir for the treatment of COVID-19 among US veterans”
So…. is it quoting from Lovecraft? Or Tolkien?
The raw food revolution of the past two decades continues to turn more and more people away from pharmaceutical solutions (and health insurance) to heal the body. Organic greens are and always have been the best medicine, so it’s considered a threat that must be gene-edited and synthesized, rendered nutritionless. Obama even went so far as to mandate Obamacare! Russia happens to be the biggest exporter of organic produce. It was always my suspicion that the war in Ukraine is a Monsanto/Cargill war for land.
Article from 2016:
The New World Order Is Ruled By Global Corporations And Megacities—Not Countries
As cities and companies gain in influence and the power of nation-states decreases, the world is undergoing a seismic transformation.
Frederic Leroy, Ph.D: Hostile Takeover of Food Production – Ice Age Farmer Broadcast
Ice Age Farmer on YT has been following the unsustainable Sustainable Development war on global agriculture for years.
“More organic farming would require more good farmland, which is in short supply.”
Then what, pray tell, is the point of Big Ag if their practices have destroyed most of the world’s topsoil? “We can’t have organic (REAL) food because our fake food is desecrating all the farmland.” How monstrously imbecilic.
The big idea: has organic food passed its sell-by date?Touted as a cure for environmental and physical ills, the organic movement is falling short of high expectations
Julian Baggini
Mon 12 Dec 2022 The Guardian
There is no NWO, there is just common greed, facilitated around the world by the USA’s CIA and the export of their failed kleptocracy of capitalism. Its more like a MacDonald’s franchise, you buy into American capitalism and the CIA will kill your opponents for you.
Ice age sells fear.
“How convergent evolution is creating new COVID-19 waves”
“Convergent”. Ooh that’s good! And “evolution” always has a nice ring.
The three Rs. Repetition repetition repetition.
We have a never ending grave train here because all they have to do is give us the bio-medico terminologly, which may even be accurate, but now it is all considered to be “lethal” and “deadly”.
It was pure theatre:
(5 seconds)…
….fuk I love Ted nugent
Expert: A formerly pertinent individual…
None of these jokers will be left standing after the shit hits the fan. Persons ? such as the above, have been sowing the seeds of disaster for well over 400 years. No amount of “expert” planning is going to save them. They will be eaten in the coming harvest. Too bad the majority of the world’s populations will be eaten with them.
They are Tiny bubbles and artificial Cheerios, swimming in a toxic dump of their own making…
Green and smart tech do not go hand-in-hand, that’s for sure.
We used our copy of Disaster Capitalism for starting our fires last winter.
Is book burning the way to go ?
If the book has the name Naomi Klein then yes.
Book Burnings: A Sign of The Times ?
Burning The “We’re More popular Than Jesus” Beatles records – That was sacrilege!!
No wonder the farmers are upset …..
“As “decarbonize agriculture” becomes the watchword, powerful multinational agriculture firms have embraced the 2030 UN agenda. Their actions will result in widespread hunger.”
I gave up smoking when I was 21. Then I couldn’t stand the smell. My team leader lit up a cigar in our office. I never complained, but as soon as he lit up (a little bloke moved to Australia), I walked out the office
I wasn’t on anything, except my motorbike and the occasional glider and gig
So I never did heroin. Even Neil Young taught me that
“You watch a few go down to the fire or the rope
You leave little to chance and nothing to hope
An old 24 and nothing could hold me down
(Ain’t gonna ride no more)”
“William Royce Scaggs”
I looked at myself in the mirror, thought I had never had actually hurt myself.
“You have got to stop doing this – or you ain’t going to make 30”
Then I got a Girlfriend after the Pirat. which pulled a lot more G than my motorbike,
Resisters of this gangster-capitalist lunacy need to understand that what Colin calls ‘agroecology’ is simply another name for permaculture. In temperate-climate Europe, that will be forest-permaculture.
In land dedicated to this way of getting food-plus, the natural wild temperate-forest hardwood-savannah landscape of Europe is almost as good a capturer of solar energy as a tropical rainforest. Humans have literally NO technology that captures insolation so efficiently. Zero! Nor is their any visible – realworld, not fantasy sci-fi – prospect of getting any such nature-beating technology. The massed hararis are just indulging in deeply soul-perverted Faustian wet dreams.
This is a crucial matter when you consider that petroleum/coal fuels are the only practicable energy source for our current insane splurge. They are the only realworld energy-source that these horrifying, sick nightmares of startrekkytechietechie agro-lunacy cherished by the 4IR fantasists can call on to power their insane dreams. And as any properly-informed energy realist knows perfectly well, these energy sources are now hovering on their all-time peak of production, before getting seriously into their final long, irreversible decline.
It’s that absence of realistic alternative energy sources to power the horrendously energy-inefficient fantasies of the techies which will ensure the crash/burn/vanish of their mad ideas – thank god!
Permaculturists speak of the Three Fs: food, fuel and fibre, but in reality any well-run permaculture project produces – long-term sustainably – many more useful products than just those three. Moreover, permaculture naturally needs neo-peasant carers roughly in the densities that the Scottish Highland used to support, until the coming of the damned English-imperial clearances after Culloden. And the Highlanders weren’t even doing serious permaculture. The real thing will need even more forest-village-dwelling workers – which it can house and sustain easily, and to spare.
The natural wild ecology of Europe, which intelligent temperate-climate permaculture copies ultra-closely, includes largish herds of the big grazer/browser herbivores, plus their essential attendant predator-doctors (as the Inuit saying has it: “The wolves are doctors to the caribou, and keep them strong!”). Traditionally-living peasant peoples have always devised ways to share the land with these other considerable beings, without need for any hysterical paranoia, living safely themselves and letting their wild neighbours live too. The family of breeds of big Flock-Guardian dogs of Eurasia help to make all this work out kindly to everyone.
The idea of – actually healthy – ecosystems without such multi-species animal denizens is not just mad, but absolutely unworkable; as is monocultural deserts of plants alone. Only a brief, temporary torrential splurge of fossil-hydrocarbon energy has mad such lunacies possible; for just a short period. And that splurge is now faltering – again, please note, irreversibly.
I don’t believe we’re going to go far beyond eight billion before the inevitable, natural (and usually fairly quiet and unnoticeable) negative feedbacks begin to bring our overshoot event down again. And whilst we’re riding the downslope back down to an ecologically sustainable level of human population (entirely without ‘benefit’ of such criminal shite as eugenics), intelligent permaculture has already proven that it can produce needed food and other goods just a copiously as industagri, at a fraction of the energy demand, sunlight being quite sufficient, and in a soul-healing heavenly natural landscape to boot.
The harariloons need mowing and composting, pronto! Along with the world’s wholly useless and unnecessary billionaire-oligarch parasites. “Ye are many, they are few!”
Well said !
However…About the passage “In the absence of realistic alternative energy sources…”
Implicit in the current goings-on is a recognition by The Elite that we’ve reached, maybe even passed, the Peaks of conventional cheap energy…Rising local electricity prices is deliberately forcing the lower classes to seriously wind down their domestic energy consumption…Energy frugality, and it’s impact on energy-intensive life styles, is becoming The New Norm…
The looming Energy Scarcity means we are being encouraged (nudged) to use less, or forced to do with less…However, the energy needs of the expanding total-surveillance state will be excluded…They will have first claim on what scarce energy sources exist…(Maintaining the 800+ USA foreign based military bases have priority, while lower class citizens freeze to death)…(The recently privatised government suburban bus service has introduced buses with fewer seats-more standing room, as well as cutting the service to the bone…It’s good for profits, and less bus traffic is Good For The Planet, too !)…
For widespread adoption of Permaculture we need a Peasants Uprising ! “Land to the peasants !!” – the demand that rang throughout Russia in 1917…Remember The Elite regard us as Peasants…
I’m not despairing, and have never found The Dark Side seductive, yet lately…
And Mike Whitney’s latest peace is not heartening:
Les, the thing to remember about the energy dilemma is that, as it worsens, it simply won’t be physically possible to keep ‘800 overseas bases’ in existence. More generally, it won’t be possible to keep going anything resembling what we – of the world’s Pampered Twenty Percent – have grown used to as ‘modern industrial society’ in any of its manifestations. The profound socio-economic changes which we will be forced to make – without any other get-out option – will be all-encompassing.
The permacultural society briefly suggested above will be the best possible way for most of us to live, by then; quite possibly the only way for almost all of us.
I expect that some accidentally autarkic regions, like Russia, will be able to maintain islands – and it will be just islands! – of hitechery going for a while longer than the rest of the world. But they’ll just be the last ones out, as even their home-produced commodities run down. No-one, no ‘privileged’ class, no-one at all, is going to be able to run such lifestyles eventually. There simply won’t be the sort of industrial capability that makes such things possible.
And what use is billions in what has become worthless wall-paper fiat junk, when it can buy nothing essential to life?
What the overall time-frame for all this to complete is beyond accurate prediction by anyone. But it’s coming. The energy dilemma – on its own – is enough to insist. And of course it’s not on its own…
“When sorrows come, they come not single spies, but in battalions.” (Claudius, Hamlet)
By restricting and then prohibiting mined fuels, what the overlords may intend is to
(a) keep the fuel for themselves and their enforcers
(b) reverse globalism – not a bad thing, except that they will also want to restrict informal (non-MSM) communication between regions.
I have been to Amsterdam , twice in my life, Once when I was about 15 with my Mum and Dad and older brother in his Ford Cortina, and again about 30 years later with our 9 year old daughter – quick flight and then the almost silent quality High Quality fast train.
Well of course we walked through The Red Light District..on the way to our hotel…We cycled everywhere…we did the lot – all the museums….all the artwork
It was the year 2000, and we couldn’t be happier…Not the slightest bit worried about our 12 year old son doing 2 weeks in the USA with the local scouts – at the same time..
I have never been to the USA, so can’t comment (He did when he got home)
But I thought all the Dutch people, we met in their country Holland
(twice) were absolutely lovely, and spoke English better than me and my Dad
The Dutch were just really nice, instantly interested in our family and genuinely friendly.
We still go to gigs and camping at Festivals and listen to Radio Caroline
Check the “GO-FAIR” manifesto and its stakeholders for more on the AI agenda
I am puzzled ! On the one hand we’re told little billy gates and his (rich) eugenicist mates are in a hurry to reduce human numbers using the pretext “There’s too many humans and They’re Buggering The Planet…..
On the other hand a Netherlands based says ‘by 2100 there will be ten billion people on the planet’…and they need to be corralled into mega-cities to stop them Buggering The Planet…
Are the mega-cities being build in case little-billy-gates depop ambitions fail ?
Which Scary Scenario to believe ?
Is it likely that bob-each-way-billy has placed a bob each way, is backing both ‘projects’, either way he makes money ?
More puzzlement: How are Amazon and other big e-commerce corporations gonna thrive if Klaus Schwab and his (rich) eugenicist mates manage to make us happy because we’ll own nothing ?
We know the globalists lie and will say anything to further their agenda. We have seen and read their papers, listened to their lectures and watched their conferences that all call for depopulation. We know the COVID psy-op is part power grab part depopulation.
The Netherland script is another lie similar to the lies they tell us that transhumanism, gene splicing, turning us into chimeras, cyborgs and linking our brains to computers are a good thing, something that will benefit humanity. Remember these are the descendants of the same people who created and maintain a system that enriches themselves and their peers via: inequity, privation, exploitations, ecocide, war and human suffering. They expect us to believe their claims that their Great Reset will be different; that it will usher in a utopia of equality, prosperity, environmental and personal wellbeing.
At some point we have to stop falling for their okey-doke no matter what they say and see these misanthropes for what they exactly are: psychopaths, deviants and megalomaniacs bereft of empathy, morals or connection to the underclass (us).
The smart cities are designed to hold the remaining humans (post cull) in check.
It could be because the big corporations are owned by the people who are represented by Schwab. The people who finance that bogy man Big Oil could stop it in it’s tracks, they finance the green movement and technology as well, so they obviously want to do it by increments. Money is the key to every door but it is privately owned and only lent at interest. Stop that and you stop the beast or you will end up in it’s jaws.
“Money is the key to every door but it is privately owned and only lent at interest.”
Money is a public utility. That’s what neoliberalism put an end to 40 years ago (aside from defense and corporate subsidies). Now central banks want to do away with government investment in public purpose by doing away with government altogether. Without a robust public sector, society unravels.
Public utility,or debt instrument? 97% of the currency is created out of nothing by banks when we sign a contract which the bank sells as a negotiable instrument as I think they call it.
WEF-Linked Official Declares ‘Climate Lockdowns’ Are Here ‘Whether People Like It Or Not’
Oxfordshire County Council yesterday approved plans to lock residents into one of six zones to ‘save the planet’ from global warming. The latest stage in the ’15 minute city’ agenda is to place electronic gates on key roads in and out of the city, confining residents to their own neighborhoods.
Under the new scheme if residents want to leave their zone they will need permission from the Council who gets to decide who is worthy of freedom and who isn’t. Under the new scheme residents will be allowed to leave their zone a maximum of 100 days per year, but in order to even gain this every resident will have to register their car details with the council who will then track their movements via smart cameras round the city.
If this is not a joke and bearing in mind that most things are possible nowadays, can you imagine the residents of Oxfordshire actually going along with this crap?
Source: News Punch Dec 10 2022
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-12-10. FDA Says IVM Doesn’t Work but only job is to approve. Twitter files: FBI/DHS/DNI interfered in elections (blog, gab, tweet).
The best way for these fellow modern moron slaves to ACT is to STOP PRODUCING FOOD for the herds of MMS!
They should just produce FOOD for themselves and nearby Farmers and wait to see what these scoundrels/terrorists do.
Protests won’t CHANGE ANYTHING. But it’s clear we still haven’t understand this BASIC FACT of our modern slavery.
Well, we have got a Milkman, who makes it through the snow, when no one else can get through. We also have a local butcher, which I can walk to with my snow grips, and two walking sticks. (never learnt to ski). We also have a Farm shop. It’s on the edge of a farm. I reckon I can walk there too – be easy for my Missus. She doesn’t drive so is as fit as a fiddle.
Where we live, there are also a lot of trees about, and I have bought a new petrol driven chainsaw, but not tried it yet.
We also have a fresh water stream, but keep quiet about that.
And we grow veg in our garden and keep the seeds (mainly for the birds), but also for The Spring.
Israeli lab-grown meat company Redefine Meat has signed a deal to establish a new 3D-printed meat factory in the Netherlands.
Hmmm but is it Kosher?
Pronouncing the initial batch of progenitor cells kosher may make all the stuff that follows from it kosher too.
Israel has already cornered the market for distribution of surveillance “security” technology, making it a multi-billion dollar industry. If anyone knows a thing or two about how to create an open air prison, it’s them. Watch the 7 Billion Suspects documentary.
Good article!
The nitrogen thing is a new one to me, I read about it earlier today. Its actually a good way to undermine environmentalism by the cynical use of so-called environmental policies to pursue a very different agenda. (If the Dutch government was truly interested in reducing ammonia from these dairy farms then they’d work with the farmers to better manage cow waste but what they’re really doing is taking out the smaller farmers in favor of large scale corporate cow factories.)
As an aside — an important aside — I was reading just yesterday a somewhat tongue in cheek thread that was commenting on a piece about some not very good Russian software that a boss had purchased in the early 1990s. The level of brainwashing that has been inflicted on us is astounding judging from these; there’s the usual Putin jokes (1990??), the references to spying (pre-Internet??) but most of all the jokes about production targets and the like. What’s astounding is that people carry on about the misapplication of Taylorism back then, a running joke about how bad communism was, and yet they meekly submit to exactly the same philosophy now. So, going back to the cows, in order to meet ‘production targets’ (in this case “reduction of nitrogen emissions to meet EU standards” a large number of smaller farms need to be closed. This is Central Planning with a vengance with no thought at all given to dealing with the fallout (the plan being “We’ll just print up some Euros, bung it at the farmers and we’ll let “the market” figure the rest out.)
What’s the EU tonnage of annual floumaladhyde for, and it’s relation to this Continents wild life instead of continually spinning off which way for someone to point out potential global property investment. Nitrogen has wide range engineering applications including but exclusive to welding requirements.
Your welcome btw
You gotta admit They are clever: closing down farms in Holland while buying huge amounts of rich farming land in the Ukraine…
Hmm, the Fraud wants to consign organic food to the dustbin of history:
Now why would they want to do that?
Day past sell by is donated to people who need it. Needs for example milk in a plastic bottle may have slightly turned.
Stepping back a little this was happening in urban London pre i phone.
Although the phone a first would appear irrelevant it was growingly noticed . People could also be commuters into the City out back checking bags dumpsters etc. For lunch.
Back a Little further I noticed this in London early 80’s. Although I can’t account for commuting..into the City ie more smartly dressed? To me personally it doesnt matter for obvious reason, no vehicle.
Although from the North, liked being around everyday London people, especially young and not so young students on weekends. Opened me up to a more realistic approach, I was hardly shy, just quiet.
Big “Cities” recommend it just Remember they are Towns First, Cities second.
Blimey! Is it Sunday! Bugger off snort gobblers.
There is so much research published about the nutritional deficiencies in processed, and highly processed foods, and how such ‘foods’ are undermining health, yet little billy gates is in the forefront of the push to replace food with vat-produced ‘food’…
It’s as if he hopes that if he cant reduce our numbers through the depop jabs, he’ll do it with vat ‘foods’…This latter also being a boon to his Big Pharma friends…All those new nutritionally-deficient-food caused ‘diseases’…
A recent post brings attention to the nutritional deficiencies of plant based ‘meat’:
Big Pharma is close to total control of the vitamin market…Substitution of artificial vitamins for natural vitamins will occur, even though the artificials are not always bio-absorbable…Something to keep in mind when little billy gates vat ‘food’ are promoted as “vitamin enriched” or “vitamin enhanced”
The obvious use of the climate and the planet as platforms for further enriching the psychos makes it equally obvious they don’t care a fig for either.
One has to assume something that obvious cannot be overlooked by the majority of people. Unfortunately, their conclusion, rather than that the psychos ought to be held accountable, will most likely be indifference to both the climate and the planet.
The likely result being a near impossibility of genuine concern with,or genuine attempts to preserve, either – making it obvious that the psychos’ lack of concern seeks to induce a similar lack in the majority of people. Which will give the psychos free rein to continue pillaging the earth’s resources.
A good article Colin thanks.
Worth bearing in mind that the Netherlands is the second largest food exporter in the world which considering its size is hugely impressive.
No doubt the transition from its current model to the one envisaged by the PTSB will be a traumatic one. The fact that outside the large corporations people just don’t want genetically modified foods is another example of people not being asked if they want any of this. Its just been decided for them.
Although I question each and every election as I don’t think any can be trusted now if Rutte is any way returned as leader of the ‘Peoples Party for Freedom and Democracy’ (a sick irony) at the next election it will just be further confirmation of the devastating coup wrought by the globalists since at least 2020.
We won’t be able vote our way out of this.
It is far worse than not asking what the people want. GM foods are mixed into other foods, or used as extracts such as HFCS, all unlabelled or deceptively labelled. U$ actially prohibits the labelling of GM.
Netherlands eh, and there’s me thinking that Ukraine supplied the whole world with everything, where did that idea come from?
The following link to a video is off topic but extremely important. It’s focus is on death rates related to group life insurance as compared to the general population.
Staggering irrefutable proof of vaccine side effects related to deaths and disabilities for those still employed.
This link is too important not to share with everyone and anyone.
Unbelievable evidence.
And, of course, the MSM is ignoring it.
The Epoch Times published this yesterday and provided the links.
It was “refreshing” that they are calling it crimes against humanity (and there is nothing refreshing about crimes against humanity).
They are finally getting it for what it is and, apparently, feel that the evidence is overwhelming enough (to insulate them from law suits) and make it safe to say it is crimes against humanity.
They will never stop lying. So many are involved.
The following article makes the same point as the video you mention:
“Cause unknown: the epidemic of sudden deaths”, at:
Thanks Hemlockfen and Christine Thompson. I did see most of the video, but preferred reading the transcript. The numbers are completely horrifying, but will be impenetrable to the vast majority of people.
They might understand this better. I do not have the original source, but have no reason to believe it is not true. I saw much the same numbers about 6 months ago. I tend to keep my gob shut now, especially down the pub, though don’t always succeed. “Look if you like being jabbed and boosted – go for Number 6”
“The US Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) IE: The Pentagon February, 2022.
The research took five-year averages of medical conditions and then compared the track record to the results after the mandatory military vaccination program was initiated. The results are alarming:
Heart Attacks +269%
Pericarditis +175%
Myocarditis +285%
Pulmonary Embolisms +467%
Cerebral Infarction +393%
Bell’s Palsy +319%
Guillain-Barre +250%
Immunodeficiencies +275%
Menstrual Irregularity +476%
Multiple Sclerosis +487%
Miscarriage +306%
HIV +590%
Chest Pain +1,529%
Labored Breathing +905%
This was pulled from the site within days, but some of us made copies”
I like the Snow. It makes everything look pretty, though I am not going to the next funeral, unless its mine.
My wife was quoted in the local paper several winters ago when we received 22 feet of snow for the season. It snowed almost every day for months. Lake effect snow. Even the local snow loving ski nuts were complaining. Road pavement was iced over and invisible most of the winter. And they were always treacherous. The constant snowfall became the focal point of the local news with various anecdotal stories and updates. My wife never stopped loving it (she even helped shovel it on occasion). The fresh daily snow kept the old dirty snow looking fresh. Next to her pretty face was the quote, “I like it! The snow always looks clean”. It could easily have sent me to my funeral. Not her comment. Moving the snow from my 400 foot long driveway……….
It’s sad that Big Capital is now betting on the guarantee of an increase in sudden deaths among our healthiest population. Edward Dowd’s book is important, but all he is offering to his financial colleagues is factual proof of a good bet. Casino capitalism is criminal.
Pedant’s corner: Another great article by Colin, but I note a strange use of the present tense:
“Whereas in 2000 half of the earth’s surface was still in use by humans, by 2100 it **is** only a quarter. The rest **has** been returned to nature, biodiversity and CO2 emissions **are** back to pre-1850 levels and hardly anyone **is** in extreme poverty **anymore**.”,
Is this meant to convey the subliminal impression that Green Planet Utopia actually **exists**?
This sort of speculative futuristic sales talk is the very opposite of Colin Todhunter’s message.
“Christianne van der Wal says farmers are to be offered more than 100 per cent of the value of their farms.” – I wonder how that value will be determined. Will the farms be priced at what their actual fair market value is as if they were sold normally in the real estate market? Or will their “value” be determined by the local tax assessor who will assign values to the properties which are far less than what the farmers would receive in a conventional sale? That’s often how it works in the United States. Also, what of the farmers’ equipment? Will The Netherlands buy only the land so the farmer has to sell his machinery at the same time as 2999 others are doing the same?
“Rockefeller Corporate Fascist Eugenics Medicine in a nutshell.”

“Die already and deplete the surplus population…

… but before you do give us EVERYTHING you may happen to have.”
Nothing to see here….
Nice link. It’s “not clear” why they are dying. Right……… It would be interesting to know if life insurance rates have changed for “young people” and, if so, how much.
Epoch times just posted this link:
From your Link:
“13% is an “incredibly high number for mortality,” and it is “not clear” what is driving the increase, said Karen Cutter, spokeswoman for the institute’s COVID-19 Mortality Working Group.
“Mortality doesn’t normally vary by more than 1 to 2%, so 13% is way higher than normal levels,” she said.”
This 13% rise is more than 5-sigma higher than the previous 1-2% deviation.
Much to see here by a statistician.
This Australian article ends with a Link to U$ deaths:
READ MORE: CDC: 1.1 Million Americans ‘Died Suddenly’ since Last Year
But why do the Dutch accept this?
Why do they keep voting in that globalist creep, Rutte?
Rigged elections?
That’s what it’s all about today.
If it walks like a rigged election, quacks like a rigged election . . .
They don’t. At least, not the Dutch people. Lying, nothing-behind-the-eyes-glazed-looked-politicians are following the lead of the United States and the United Nations. Defund and disband the United Nations and our problems will fade away. This world ending narrative needs to be put to bed once and for all. Fools. All of them.
The Dutch are pampered: minimum pension at 1200 (a present from the monarchy to all Dutch citizens that adds to the pension earned during their carreer) and social benefit at 850!!
fuck em
Any sick fuk putting nitrogen in your food isnt a farmer.
dont fool for this needing nitrogen or fertilizers in your food psyop which equates to
chemicals Monsanto & Koch industries which sponsors Candace Owen, Project shill vertias, Daily wire, Jordan Petersonbergsteinwitz, Turning point Usa U>K E>U- Tommy 10 names etc etc etc
Now do you see it…..? why the fake outrage …
nitrogen or fertilizers fuck off.
Perhaps your dosage needs to be increased..
What I would like to know is what the bloody hell is wrong with good old fashioned soil we don’t need crap chemicals to grow our food 🌾…
This is worth a watch if you want a break down of which individuals and corporations are responsible for creating our current and future problems.
Does anyone know what is the most credible evidence to show that there ever was a new virus that they called sars-cov-2?
What is this evidence?
The fact that 2020 was a perfect average year for excess-deaths maybe?
if you don’t watch tv or peruse the internut or msm you would have no idea there was an alleged novel ‘virus’ called sarscov2
All this eating is so old fashioned, surely Pfizer has an injection to take its place?
Lipid nano particles to deliver your vitamins along with a stroke, its the future.
… or we become transhumanist to the point that we require less and less food? That is truly the mindset of some:
Vernadsky and the Directionality of Progress (Towards a Science of Humane Development)
So it seems that the fundamental difference between Dana’s Autotrophic Man and the transhumanists’ version is that the former evolves naturally to a state of photosynthesis (living on sunlight and air), as the phenomenon of breatharianism illustrates, while the other believes that humans first need technological training wheels to arrive at that point, or to not arrive there at all, rather to exist as a fully synthetic species requiring battery recharges, which can be controlled.
What is it about this clearer than clear parallel that Off Guardian readers find so confusing?
Well, they have a point. Consider what they’ll be putting into your “vaccine” doses, and how hard they’ve been working to make them mandatory and eternal.
I think you’re missing the part about “all”. The Great Reset is not the abolition of private property, it is the consolidation of it in the hands of a tiny parasite class.
You remind me of the people who say “Covid is definitely not the flu”, when in reality it’s the same thing with a different badge put on it. What you say doesn’t change the fact that the parallels are clear. What we are being led into is the updated version of Communism. Agenda 2030 is Communism. The Great Reset is Communism. Covid is Communism. Communitarian Law is Communism. Communism was always the project of banking scum – the same banking scum, the same families, who are still running the show to this day. Sure things have moved on since 1917, there are of course differences, but the maggots we see today are all hatching from the same family of eggs. It’s the same UKUSEU banker Bolshevik scumbags running the show, with defacto Communist Henry Kissinger holding a gun to the head of every head of state on Earth to make sure they play ball. But it’s nothing to do with Communism, we know that much for sure. Kit Knightly said that, so it must be true.
I find it very disheartening that such a basic concept with so much relevance to draw upon which relates so directly to what we are facing is completely ignored or lost on people who are supposedly seeking the truth. It’s like, if you people don’t get this, and you are not able to identify and name and classify your enemy, using historically relevant context, the battle is already lost. You may as well spend all your time watching Richard Gage talking about little red-grey chips found in the WTC dust. I’m starting to think this is what you people actually do. It’s like when I post Brendon O Connell videos. His research is so unbelievably important in this fight. But post his vids here, and it’s just crickets and downticks.
Plans to “merge” the US with the Soviet Union were clearly being hatched by very senior people within the US Government:
It’s called “history repeating itself”.
You’re projecting. I am in the camp that Covid never existed. Communism does not exist in the world today. China is state capitalist, it does not have a “communist” economy. What we have is monopoly capitalism led by finance capital. So, tell me, what is “communist” about Blackrock (the real driver of the Covid con)? You’re just spouting right wing ideology. Eschew all ideology, left and right.
It’s the dreary obsessive rant about “communism” again. I have tried to figure this out and it seems to me that there is a peculiarly American point of view that assumes that all government is “communist” – as if there could be a perfect society that would magically appear if there was no central organising principal whatsoever etc. But Mucho must have his two minute hate projected out to 2 hours or more. So every OffG article must have this little rant about “communism” and we all agree and we all scream along with Mucho. But if you’re going to blame the Bolsheviks then you might as well blame the Vikings or the Picts for all our problems. Everything that has been happening in the world for so long now is due to capitalism. There is no other force of any power at all to compare.
You too, you’re a distraction from real conversation. Please, go away.
there is nothing worse than someone who thinks they are 100% correct
Chapter 7 of Simon Elmer’s The Road to Fascism may explain it. He locates it with Frederich Hayek’s ideological screed of The Road to Serfdom. Hayek’s concept equates fascism with communism, that both are products of socialism (you have to leave aside that Germany’s social democracy – not even socialism – only existed during the brief Weimar Republic.) Hayek leaves out the problem of monopoly capitalism, the problem that the capitalist West supported the rise of fascism and Nazism running up to WWII, and indeed history further challenges his idea as the West supported the fascist dictatorships of Franco’s Spain and Salazar’s Portugal into the 1970’s (invited them to join the UN hardly treating them like pariahs!) while waging the Cold War against the USSR.
George you stated that:
Everything that has been happening in the world for so long now is due to capitalism. There is no other force of any power at all to compare.
Interesting ! That sound like an analogous argument of Louis Pasteur’s reductionist mono-causal Germ Theory George! Capitalism explains everything that happens in the world (by simply ignoring or excluding all other factors and conditions) just like the alleged SARS-Cov-2 virus did which certainly helped to get us into the shit we are now still in, if you catch my drift!
You just outed yourself as an operator, with this one sentence. Thanks, it’s now clear what you are.
An “operator”? Does that come with benefits?
It seems to be important to understand that if some important person isnt evidently a communist (he) can still be regarded as a de facto communist…This allows that even though (he) may be avowedly anti-communist ha can still be regarded as communist…
The ‘theory’ has it’s own built-in defenses…It is never Wrong…
I am in the camp that thinks this ^^^ is what you call playing to the audience, a cheap, disingenuous attempt at gaining trust, and then asserting a falsehood. Snakey as f
So, to be clear, Communist China and the Chinese Communist Party have absolutely nothing at all to do with Communism. To even suggest such a thing is batshit. The only feature of Communism was, is and will forever more be economics. Anyone who relates anything other than economics to Communism is a right wing conspiraloon.
Sounds like a load of 77th Brigade desperation station mind gymnastics – aka bullshit – to be honest. Sounds like something George Orwell might have dreamt up.
Truth cannot be changed, no matter how much the agents of deception try to violate it, they always fail.
The Communist party of China calls itself communist, but that is about the extent of their being communist. They have billionaires! The USSR never had that kind of concentrated wealth. They invest in the US government and stocks. They are integrated into global finance capital. Indeed, they are totalitarian. But as Giorgio Agamben has said any country that can turn totalitarian on a dime as the entire West did, was already totalitarian. So, they are not unique there.
I’ll ask again, tell me how is Blackrock communist?
Hello Mucho: The plebs have been intellectually weaned to accept a perceived form of socialism, which wasn’t really socialism at all. It was empirical communism dressed up in private investment strata and corporate dictate.
It’s a ponzi scam, and has always been a ponzi scam. The scam will continue until the plebs hang all the bastard families such as Rothschild’s, Schiff’s, and other Zionist moochers.
Instead they’ll continue to piss and moan and whinge. They’ll continue to post links to pages no one will ever read, and they’ll continue to collect their 401k’s and beloved pensions. They’d rather starve to death in their unheated flats than concern themselves with truth…
A little 401 Crystal ball began to resemble a game of a Single grinning Snake and Ladder.
“Yes indeed we are communists.”

Private property for Marx refers to ownership of the means of production, control of resources for living by the capitalist class, not personal property or belongings. Great Reset neo-feudal agenda like ‘owning nothing and being happy’ is the final solution to the collective ruin, as with food production, of capitalist privatization of the commons.
“You will own Nothing, not even your own toothbrush !” Like it or lump it ! (< at least you get a Choice.)
“In a libertarian society, there is no commons or public space. There are property lines, not borders. When it comes to real property and physical movement across such real property, there are owners, guests, licensees, business invitees, and trespassers — not legal and illegal immigrants.”
~ Jeff Deist, president of the Mises Institute
Big Property Owners and Others, who will own nothing.
Off topic I know but what do people think of the latest Musk twitter file reveal and his invite to Ray Bhattacharya to discuss his shadow banning. Why is Musk doing this? A further psyop or false hope? More to the point why is the all powerful “establishment” allowing him to do this? Surely they would just bump him off if they didn’t approve? Or are they ready to throw a few leading scientists under the covid bus? Whatever the reason I am enjoying seeing the “liberal” twitterati getting apoplectic about it all.
It is interesting isn’t it because Musk wouldn’t be a billionaire unless he was approved to become so by the real money men/women.
I can only assume it is all part of the game so that the Deomcrats and dementia Joe will be thrown under the bus in order to allow the Republicans to win and for them to further implement the globalist agenda.
Yes no doubt the powers that shouldn’t be are busy plotting as to how to further their 2030 agenda. However I think a new virus scare doesn’t have legs and neither really does climate crisis, so yes perhaps they are getting ready to dump the democrats and shift to republicans and come up with something else.
Overpaid politicians are the indispensable enablers of these policies. Without their loyalty to the cause most of these misguided policies would never see the light of day. These greasy pole climbing office careerists are the real traitors in a democracy and are nothing more than putty in the hands of a monied elite. One observed how they behaved when the Covid cat was dropped among the pigeons, falling over themselves in obeisant behaviour towards Big Pharma and doing zero in questioning the fraud and criminality of it all. Unless the people rise up and expel these shills from office nothing will change.
People underestimate their power and politicians overestimate theirs.
If it is WE the Peeps who give them their ‘power’ well then surely it is WE who should make them more responsible. After all, they really are only people who have given themselves the ‘title’ of Politicians. To transform from their previous civic drudgery, it is they who should lead by example rather than behave like glorified Union delegates. The majority of ‘Politicians’ and Political-Parties’ I have seen, behave no differently to Union delegates with more ‘power and money’ than they can handle. most are lying dickheads and that goes double for the females because they double down on the bowing-and-scraping to the oligarchs.
The gilded age failed as it became increasingly impossible to actually do anything (even if you had all the money in the world), and so it will also be with Schwab’s 4th industrialization. It’s all make believe that leads to nothing (except funneling of money).
Speaking of my own job, I find it increasingly difficult to even get a letter posted. I am not allowed to do this myself, others need to do this, and it takes ages, which makes my employer happy since the ‘ages’ deliver money…
This cannot last forever. It also seems that people are getting tired of the bullshit plus the feeling that they have been conned.
2/3 of the Dutch land belongs to farmers and it’s a public secret that the nitrogen stuff is just a cover for the bigger plan (the 45 million polis) that will spectacularly fail. But that doesn’t stop the naked emperor from parading around in his new clothes, because what else can he do?
The Dutch were the original Boere (half of my ancestral family – the other obviously Irish) who opened up the interior of South Africa and they were hardy men and women. Don’t let the effete lunatics now punning Holland even think that they can get away with this.
There is no overpopulation of people, there is an overpopulation of billionaires.
Reduce the world population of billionaires to zero and watch all these massive “issues” disappear.
“by 2100, there will be ten billion people”.
That’s the foundational lie – the great example of “garbage in, garbage out” modelling. It assumes that populations will grow at their current rate whereas the changes that Africa is being pushed through (Rockefeller education for girls, urbanisation etc) have collapsed the birth rate everywhere else they’ve happened. However they supposedly won’t happen this time and thus we get nice round, easy-to-remember disaster-laiden figures. This is not even challenging the whole, underlying ’10b is unsustainable’ hypothesis or to look at the very recent birth rate trends.
Does it make sense to rip up your food production in the middle of a supply chain crisis? Does it make sense to plan a megalopolis in a low-lying area if you really believe sea levels are rising? Does re-wilding make any sense on any grounds? It looks like those conspiracy theorists might be correct again!
“by 2100, there will be ten billion people…That is a foundational lie.” Of course it is. It is Malthusian nonsense. As follows.
Malthus first polemical work Essay On the Principle of Population stood as a reaction against the bourgeois enlightenment at the close of the 18th century. He had to show that the true cause of poverty lay not in the inadequacies of the social system, but in the natural, inexorable contradiction between man’s unbounded yearning to multiply and the limits to the increase in the means of subsistence. Malthus was to put forward 3 notions of his ideas as follows.
1. ‘’Population is necessarily limited by the means of subsistence.’’
2. ‘’Population invariably increases where the means of subsistence increase, unless prevented by some powerful and obvious checks.’’
3. And the pièce de resistance. ‘’These checks, and the checks that repress the superior power of the population and keep its effects on the level with the means of subsistence are all resolvable into moral restraint, vice and misery.’’ That’s it. What Malthus leaves out is the tendency of human beings to the increase the productivity of output – including food. Moreover, world population is in decline, we are not making enough babies whereby female fertility rates (which should be 2.1) have fallen below population growth, particularly in the northern hemisphere.
This is a death wish which is now masquerading as government policy.
In part, there is a direct multi-pronged attack on male and female fertility.
Only billionaires pushing the climate scam are allowed beach front properties so turn your heating off there’s a good citizen.
Well, if the interests of the people are of no interest to the likes of Microsoft, Cargill, Google, Amazon, Bayer, Monsanto et al, then it is axiomatic that the interests of the people who run those organisations, along with the politicians, academics and media prostitutes who pander to those organisations, should be of no interest to the people whose interests are currently threatened.
You have to come up with the answer of ‘what punishments for those psychos wouldn’t be worth it ?’
Otherwise, you are just saying: ‘we are going to have a good moan but ultimately just surrender to these psychopaths.’
Dying Suddenly
Lots of people dying suddenly. A fellow called Grant Wahl, a sports journalist dropped dead due to the clot shot in Qatar after engineering an incident by wearing a rainbow T shirt to a match.
“Dutch nitrogen minister”. Proof that we are living in an ineptocracy.