DISCUSS: Mass shootings, “conspiracy theories” & free speech

This past month has seen an influx of news stories, all somehow featuring the supposed negative effects of “online misinformation”, “hate speech” and/or “conspiracy theories”.
In New Zealand a few days ago, one couple had their baby placed in the care of a hospital after refusing to approve a surgical procedure unless they could be sure their child would receive unvaccinated blood transfusions.
Their position was blamed on consuming “misinformation” and “conspiracy theories”.
Three weeks ago, in Colorado Springs, there was a reported mass shooting at a gay bar. The suspect, Anderson Lee Aldrich (who was, of course, “known to the FBI”) allegedly killed 5 and wounded 18.
Within days, a new report co-authored by several so-called civil rights groups was calling on Biden to change his strategy on “domestic terrorism”.
At the Club Q shooting congressional hearings this week, apart from the predictable urges to “act on guns”, witnesses have testified that “harmful rhetoric” was to blame for the shooting, and “hate speech turns into violence”.
Papers are publishing opinion pieces citing the “dangers” of “too much free speech”.
Just two days ago, in Australia, a shooting took place in Queensland, where two police officers and one neighbour were allegedly shot by three suspects, who were then shot and killed by tactical police units.
The deceased suspects were immediately linked to “conspiracy websites”. Australian politicians are already talking about new laws to combat “misinformation” and “draw this poison out of our nation”:
“The spread of disinformation on the internet and the way in which that infects people’s minds, and changes their whole persona, their whole perspective and causes them to commit or contributes at least to them committing extreme acts, it should be of concern to any right-thinking Australian,”
The shooting occurred just two weeks after Australia’s “terror alert” was reduced for the first time in eight years, and just days after Interior Minister Clare O’Neal warned they needed to review their anti-terror legislation.
And running along in the background of all these stories is Elon Musk’s “reforming” of Twitter being blamed for a supposed increase in hate speech.
It’s not too hard to see where this wind is blowing. It seems, possibly in the wake of the stuttering failure of the Covid narrative, that The Party are turning their crosshairs on the platforms that stalled the pandemic, so that they can run unopposed next time.
But what do you think?
- Is free speech too dangerous to exist?
- What will Biden’s next moves on “domestic terrorism” look like?
- Will Australia introduce new legislation to deal with misinformation?
- Are all these incidents genuine, or false flags?
- Is Elon Musk really championing free speech, or setting us up for a fall?
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Astonishing Uniformity
The mechanism by which astonishingly uniform versions of events like this one (QLD) are created and distributed to propaganda mills across the world is intriguing. Presumably think tanks are tasked with writing the script and various covert and overt agencies are made to play it out. The media would have to be briefed before things got rolling and then given an absolute monopoly in reporting events. This is crucial. We don’t have to worry about witnesses and participants describing inconsistencies. Their indiscretion would only get to a few people. The media would send a consistent chorus across the planet and a new historical event is created.
Another conspiracy… There are still billions of uman animals that believe that in the 1960’s uman animals were ridding cars on the Moon!
“I cannot and will not recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. Here I stand, I can do no other, so help me God. Amen. — Martin Luther at the Diet of Worms 1521 THE DIET OF WORMS.
”Is free speech too dangerous to exist?”
Who decides whether or not free speech is too dangerous to exist? And how absolute is this injunction?
Will 2023 be The End of The World As We Know It, or are all the doom and gloom expectations aired of an Annus horribilis 2023 just more fear porn ? That is The Question…
What does Karl Marx say ?
‘the growth of finance with the evolution of capitalism’ develops…..into the purest and most colossal system of gambling and swindling……’
Karl mentions capitalisms inbuilt recurrent crises, but nothing about controlled demolition of economies…So there are some things he didnt foresee
To be fair he said that capitalism was the most dynamic system there has ever been:
Mind you, that last bit is also now suspect since propaganda and the media in general have assumed a form that Marx would never have foreseen. Indeed, the abysmal level to which culture has sunk would probably have stunned him. The population – or the vast majority of them – do not “face with sober senses” their condition but float away on the fairy tale of I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here.
Please allow me to reword that for him:
“To be fair he said that capitalism was the most dynamic system there has ever been, until it devolves into organized crime.” or
“To be fair he said that organized crime is the most dynamic system of capitalism.”
I actually read “Das Kapital” (I wonder how many “Marxists” can claim that?). I read it in 15 minutes increments over many months. Because that was the longest I could stay awake while reading it.
Most boring book I have ever read with the possible exception of “the Book of Mormon”. I do recommend that everyone keep a copy at their bedside. For insomnia.
I believe in capitalism, I just do not see any nations actually practicing it. I think it would actually work if someone tried it. The same for free speech. And I’m all for it, unless you disagree with me.
Forty years ago I worried about the evangelicals. The progressive leftists now certainly exhibit a great deal of evangelical zeal for speech and thought control (more than the evangelists ever did!). This from people who mostly do not really believe in God. Hell, the evangelicals just mostly wanted to stop porn, swearing and blaspheming. At least those were not moving targets.
I had another look at that Cambridge Dictionary redefinition of “man” and “woman” which, if you missed it, is here:
“While the Cambridge Dictionary’s primary definition for “woman” remains “an adult female human being,” a second definition refers to “an adult who lives and identifies as female though they may have been said to have a different sex at birth.” Similarly, the British reference guide defines “man” as “an adult male human being” and also “an adult who lives and identifies as male though they may have been said to have a different sex at birth.””
I noticed a link to something called the Forward Better podcast with the glamorous face of Reset Whoremonger Hannah Fry prominent:
“Forward, Better with Professor Hannah Fry brings a collective of industry pioneers together to discuss the secrets of a successful Sustainability Transformation. In each episode, hear the inspiration behind their impact missions, the solutions that are driving them forward, and the insights you need to jump-start your own.”
(“you”? “your own”?)
And here is the lowdown of a presumably typical item:
“The bridge between reality and its digital alternative is becoming ever shorter due to technological advances like digital twins – the virtual replica of a physical structure. As a former specialist in digital twins, Professor Jacqueline Alderson knows the potential of this technology in breaking new frontiers all too well.
And nowhere is this potential larger than in healthcare. By “cloning” the human form, medical professionals can make more personalized interventions and informed predictions about their patients’ health. The challenge is ensuring they do it in a way that is purposeful, transparent, and fair, which is where Alderson now directs her focus.
She defines her area of expertise as “the science of biomechanics and the governance of technology.” And so, in this episode of Forward, Better, Professor Hannah Fry seeks to understand the series of events that led her to this intersection. Discover what it looks like when the promise of technology doesn’t match up with reality.”
That last bit suggests a “critical stance” but they don’t fool me.
Mishko reminded me that there ARE surviving links to the Sandy Hook haux. There are at least two exposes by Sofia Smallstorm:
Some good videos on a number of the hoaxes here:
Best presentation on the Boston Marathon Bombing hoax was done by Dave McGowan with John B Wells on Caravan to Midnight (shortly after that presentation, Dave came down with extremely aggressive/fast acting cancer).
His site is here: https://centerforaninformedamerica.com/bostonmarathon/
Dave’s work on the moon hoax, Lincoln assassination, and Laurel Canyon (singers from hippie movement all had family members in military industrial complex- Jim Morrison of the Doors, his father was involved with Gulf of Tonkin lie) are all worth looking into.
Dave McGowan vs. Caravan To Midnight – Boston Hoaxathon
Thank you!
I have got to page 67 on the Sandy Hook Hoax.
Far too much behaviour is so identical vis a vis the authorities with 9/11 forward.
I will finish the document in due course.
McGowan is misleading. Laurel Canyon did not represent the “hippie movement”. Jim Morisson was not his dad and even sang about killing his dad. He was likely snuffed out like Lennon and Hendrix and so on because they were putting out something that the controllers did not want people to get. Mc Gowan’s article on the Laurel Canyon scene contains a totally needless photograph of a dismembered woman’s body for which there is no evidence presented in the article to link it to the people he is talking about. He seems to be another witch hunter looking for Satanists.
His article on the moon hoax IS worth reading though.
Apparently fed up with the steady stream of injury reports connected to the COVID shots — or maybe just eager to get some answers on their safety — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is asking for a grand jury to look into it.
As reported by The Florida Standard, “Today, I’m announcing a petition with the Supreme Court of Florida to impanel a statewide grand jury to investigate any and all wrongdoing in Florida with respect to the COVID-19 vaccines,” DeSantis said. “We anticipate that we will get approval for that.”
The governor made the announcement at a roundtable of medical professionals and vaccine injured citizens. “Speaking alongside Florida’s Surgeon General, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, the governor said the grand jury will investigate the potentially dangerous and deadly side effects of the mRNA injections to hold the manufacturers accountable,” the Standard added.
–Florida Standard Dec 13 as reported by Mercola.
Well it’s about time somebody did it! I may trust DeSantis, but I’m still hoping we’ll get our day in court.
I haven’t looked at this properly, but it appears concerning.
Jun 21, 2021
By Chris Nelson. June 21, 2021. A law signed by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis will allow for the Florida Department of Health to forcibly vaccinate Florida residents. S.B. 2006 was signed into law by DeSantis on May 3, 2021 and immediately hailed as a major victory by many medical freedom advocates. The law bans so-called “Vaccine Passports” and adds certain restrictions on state and local governments during a declared public health emergency. A little known and little spoken of section of the law, which will go into effect July 1, states: [see below]
In the mass frenzy to applaud Governor DeSantis for banning Vaccine Passports, this section of the law was paid little attention. While this exact wording already exists in 2018 Florida Statute 281.00315 (Read here: . . . 2018/381.00315) it has further been strengthened by this new law. Bottom line, in a declared public health crisis you can be forcibly vaccinated in the State of Florida and Governor Ron DeSantis has added his stamp of approval to this policy. Read SB 2006 in its entirety here:
2018 Florida Statutes
The State Health Officer is responsible for declaring public health emergencies, issuing public health advisories, and ordering isolation or quarantines.
4. Ordering an individual to be examined, tested, vaccinated, treated, isolated, or quarantined for communicable diseases that have significant morbidity or mortality and present a severe danger to public health. Individuals who are unable or unwilling to be examined, tested, vaccinated, or treated for reasons of health, religion, or conscience may be subjected to isolation or quarantine.
a. Examination, testing, vaccination, or treatment may be performed by any qualified person authorized by the State Health Officer.
b. If the individual poses a danger to the public health, the State Health Officer may subject the individual to isolation or quarantine. If there is no practical method to isolate or quarantine the individual, the State Health Officer may use any means necessary to vaccinate or treat the individual.
Lost in a Dark Wood, OK, I read the entire law. It’s admirably crafted to ban every conceivable covid excess.
It DOES contain the language quoted however. If you believe that every govt is looking for a pretext to strip your rights I suppose you must find it objectionable.
However, if you believe that the parties crafting and enforcing the law are rational, then certainly the possibility exists that a circumstance might arise where the quoted language would be a necessary safety measure.
Elsewhere in the law it says:
Notwithstanding any other law, an emergency order
847 issued by a political subdivision must be narrowly tailored to
848 serve a compelling public health or safety purpose. Any such
849 emergency order must be limited in duration, applicability, and
850 scope in order to reduce any infringement on individual rights
851 or liberties to the greatest extent possible.
852 (c) An emergency order automatically expires 7 days after
853 issuance but may be extended by a majority vote of the governing
854 body of the political subdivision, as necessary,
and many other benevolently- crafted clauses
Everything depends upon context; if the WHO or Bill Gates were to determine the applicability of the law I would feel otherwise about it.
Lost, thanks for your diligence in turning this up.
I think I’d prefer Bill Gates – given that the populace would then be more likely to rise up and hang the bastard.
Hopium pipe being smoked again by the amnesia sufferers wow wee
A grand jury wow from Mr vaccine advocate.
Trust the plan….. 😂
The #Cryptocracy is not solely allied with Democrats. Rep. #JimJordan (R-Ohio), Gov. #RonDeSantis and former V.P. #MikePence are all allied with Israeli terrorists who seek to destroy the #AlAqsa mosque and fulfill the Masonic-Kabbalistic crusade to rebuild the Temple of Solomon. @ Michael hoffman
Santis, Gaetz and Masonic handshake.. Never trust these men…
Trust the plan . . .
Trump very clearly stated that he is a “wartime president” fighting an “existential” war against a “vicious invisible enemy”. He knows exactly what Warp Speed and the vaxx are about. It is a bioweapon in a war which is likely to kill tens of millions. However, in addition to saving billions, it may also save humanity from a never-ending, transhumanist hell-on-earth. Moreover, of the millions of victims, the vast majority will be those who made the free-will decision to worship at the altar of a false god; and would have had no problem forcing that religion on the rest of us. With regard to the overall expectation of “the plan”, it’s going to be Biblical.
I’ve said previously that this is the only strategy I can think of which has a reasonable likelihood of working. But if you can think of an alternative, please go ahead and share it.
Q Alerts? Really?
QAlerts is an aggregator of Q posts. It’s my second choice after the first was taken down, never to return. Q originally posted to 4chan and subsequently to 8chan. These sites were primary targets of the Christchurch hoax, and somewhat secondary targets of the Buffalo hoax. This discussion is within the theme of the lead OffG article.
We all know what Q Alerts is.
I’ve said previously that this is the only strategy I can think of which has a reasonable likelihood of working. But if you can think of an alternative, please go ahead and share it.
So far, nobody has put forward even a hint of an alternative.
Ananda you still haven’t supplied a link of de Santis advocating the vaxx– with a date, of course. Many were innocently deceived early on.
“My message is the vaccines protect you. Get vaccinated and then live your life as if you’re protected,”
– DeSantis, May 3, 2021, press conference.
Videos of DeSantis Promoting COVID Vaccines Resurface as He Targets CDC
Dec 15, 2022
A compilation of DeSantis pushing the jab
Dec 16, 2022
Will Ron DeSantis’s grand jury be investigating the old pro-vaccine Ron DeSantis?
There seems to be no real archaological evidence for a temple of the grandeur that is usualy associated with this name but of something more like a hovel or pile of rocks…
The media continue to push the never ending story hatched in 2020.
Wired – another main artery of the Viral Ministry of Truth (though at this point there seems little point in any attempt at differentiation) – drops what little subtlety the narrative had with the title “Everyone Is Sick Right Now” and adds, “For the past two years, social distancing kept seasonal viruses at bay. Now they’re roaring back.” And so, “common viruses that took a backseat to Covid-19 finally return” and “(t)his season is truly unprecedented”.
Curious moment of mask slipping?: “The problem goes beyond making everyone feel sluggish and icky.” Oh dear – almost a confession there!
The dire impending scenario is an “unintended consequence of measures that sought to save lives”. Unintended, eh?
The non-covid viruses are not only “roaring” but also “sweeping”. So it’s nice that some of the software packages churning this out are linked into a thesaurus that spares us any more “surges” and “spikes”.
You would have thought that, out of some remnant of decency or at least some gesture towards the actual critique that has accumulated, there might be some contrition over really unhealthy and indeed homicidal directives. But no. We find that “social distancing and masking measures played a role in throwing other viruses off their historical patterns” and “(l)ockdowns spare medical systems from being overwhelmed”. Also “(l)ow vaccination rates compound the issue”.
See? No change at all there. Social distancing, masks, lockdowns, and vaccines are now permanently ensconced as health protocols. This will never change in the pandemic propaganda mill.
Very suddenly passed away seems to be very common now.
The “herd immunity” hypothesis coming back to bite Sweden and professor Bhakdi. Wern’t they supposed to be the good guys? It is the way the virus ideology works. Everything is upside down and will come back to bite you. Ivermectin, HCQ, even vitamin C is poison when mixed up in the virus ideology. As Hilde Larsen would say, if the cold triggers a cleansing, celebrate that too. Mucus is your friend. We want the shit out.
Another depiction of many conspiracy theories [not the Original!]
Your snowman is a CIA creation. Designed to provoke you and shift you to the right.
“Say hello to my little friend.”

“Take the Cull Juice.”
You’re a CIA bot… Go delete yourself.
At least they have loaded new memes for the bot to post. Getting a bit tired of the bill gates one.
It’s designed to create social-media segments – communities of opinion – and to make it impossible for there to be fluidity within or between. But generally I agree, Bob Moran has shown himself to be a propagandist – whether controlled or merely useful.
From the better Bob:
It’s pointing straight ahead!
Are you a CIA creation?
The NZHerald are reporting:
I thought there might be something like this when I heard “conspiracy theorists” were being blamed. Maybe they were ‘vax injured’ and took out the doctors but it was being covered up? Censorship wouldn’t be good if you were a doctor committing extreme acts like poisoning kids. Young officers getting shot “execution style”. One of the alleged shooters was a “respected school principle” who had been left “feeling bruised and drained” by the “education department”. All that is missing from this story is the judge and the priest to weigh up the train wreck:
A buncha dead poets they are!
The NZ Herald coudn’t be bothered to ask what the concerns Train had wrt the situation at Walgett Community College Primary School…
It does appear to be a fishy event.
“Mass shootings” are media psyops using crisis actors. They are drills presented as real life situations. This was the case for everything from the London 7/7 “bombings” to the Ariana Grnde concert fake bombing to various “terrorist attacks” from Sydney to Paris to London to Ssn Bernadino. All mass shootings were staged events used to disarm the working class as WW3 looms and unemployment and underemployment skyrocket.
Fuck off with this sort of crackpot garbage, what sort of lunatic says this crap. The people are fucking dead.
They may be dead, who knows? ……but they were still security services created false flags.
Grow the fuck up, they are massacres. You sound stupider than Trump and his acolytes when you show so little respect for those killed.
You need to do more reading on the subject.
A recent attack on the subway in NY was broken down by someone on youtube which clearly pointed out the actors, the directors, the props, the walk on & off’s. along with the panicked crowd.
One can tell the actors as they are one’s not panicking but waiting for direction.
The same is true of the Boston bombing if you can be bothered to spend some time to look. Very few, if any, of these mass shootings are as your TV tells you.
So much wrong with the official narrative concerning the present shooting in Ausgaolier. IMO, these cops were set up by security forces, of which there are many from different countries operating in Ausgaolier.
For god’s sake, what crap you people peddle
Your denial speaks volumes. It also explains why you are so sold of the global warming myth.
You don’t have a blood red cult outfit in the wardrobe do you? Just askin.
Please take the time to read This:
Its a thesis of as much false journalism and government resolve to force the sentiment that “nobody need guns”. I an inclined to share some of that sentiment, as I have avoided any relationship with firearms, but my awesome friends that go hunt with clear intention and gratitude for whatever wildlife presents themself, they should have that privilege to hunt with their firearms.
My corollary is this:
The automobile kills and maims many, many more people, and in the ‘Collective Waste”, to drive “is to procreate”, or “is the message of God” etc…
as virtually no one will compromise on their driving habits.
I wish. I live in a very quiet, crime free part of the US (yes, there are such places). We still had our very own mass shootings, a dozen lost in an incident at a popular bar. Most of the victims were students at our local university so I suppose it could be the student’s drama club that acted for us. But there really was far too much blood, it looked far too real for far too many people, especially those who were not hurt or ‘merely wounded’.
You think it is impossible for the state to murder to serve their own ends? The US murdered 500,000 children to achieve nothing in Iraq.
9/11 anyone? Damned straight the state will murder its own to further its goals.
We just have to encourage the population to buy 150 million guns in the last decade or so. That’s on top of however many there were out there before. Put enough guns into the population and some are bound to find their way into the hands of crazies. No need to try to orchestrate things, that’s too much trouble and too risky.
hey there that was just the first course! the U$A death merchant for profit juggernaut has been on the murder continuously since then: Syria, Palestine, Yemen, Libya, Iraq, Iran, Somalia,Ukraine, Russia . . . over 20 million murders since 1945: Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia, Grenada, Panama, Chile, Brazil,Cuba, Greece, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras and on and on.
and let’s not forget the ponzi for super profit Goldman Sucks Wallop the Poor Wall Street gangsters and the ongoing starve Africans for profit racket. . .
Yes, Larry. Also the strangling of George Floyd. {“I can’t breathe”). George and the officer who “killed” him were good friends. They had worked together as security/bouncers at an area nightclub. I saw an online interview by the proprietor of the nightclub.
Covid was preoccupying us to the exclusion of everything else; people showed signs of coming together & were talking together everywhere. TPTB needed a change of subject, some distraction– they played the old race card / police brutality. The video of this “incident” was not believable: Police NEVER permit passersby to approach their takedown of a perp. Two add’l cops allowed passersby to video the action? Not likely in real life. And where was the camera that took such excellent video of the whole thing? Hoax!.
So, is George Floyd alive?
Perhaps he’s on that desert island with JFK, Elvis, and Ashli Babbitt! 😉
Some people do get tied up in the strangest cons. To claim George’s murder was a psyop even though the murderer is in prison for 32 years is ridiculous.
Happens all the time.
It is just a matter of media exposure, and who’s interests it serves whether or not an individual is guilty or not, if it can isolate the authorities from criticism.
Two U$A falsely accused; Lee Harvey Oswald, and Sirhan Sirhan.
George died of fentanyl overdose.
how do you know he is in prison at all?
The Buffalo Hoax . . .
. . . is the keystone!
Ten People Killed, 3 Wounded, After 18-year-old Gunman Opens Fire in Buffalo Supermarket
May 14, 2022 | Sundance | 467 Comments
What appears to be a horrific racially motivated attack has left 10 people dead, including a store security guard at a Buffalo grocery store earlier today.
Police arrested 18-year-old Peyton Gendron at the scene after Buffalo police charged into the store and confronted the gunman in the vestibule.
May 14, 2022
Shooting in Buffalo, NY leaves 10 dead
Investigators believe the assault may have been racially motivated, and think the shooting may have been live-streamed online.
Editor’s choice 15.05.2022
Ten People Killed By “White Supremacist” In Buffalo, USA (Videos 18+)
Yup. Cannot be anything but “muh White Supremacy”, or the “apperence of racial motivation”.
Speaking with my guides they tell me that ‘the cabal’ are soon going to be shinning a very bright light on their crimes. There is a bright future ahead. They see it as in their best interest as this was the reason they made it this far. Who better to shine that light than experts and insiders?
That sounds more like hopium.
Too many complied with their CONVID-1984 and that has emboldened them to push harder.
If you are still living in a city, time is running out quickly.
Free speech is a right of communication – to a voice.
But weaponisation of speech is destructive to communication, even while masking as correctness or moral virtue.
The protection of securitised narratives must attack and deny freedom of speech.
The conveying of meanings can be lost to emotional reactions that become shortcuts for a hate or conflicted sense of self that cannot otherwise articulate. So being upset is not a right to attack or intimidate others, but can be understood in context.
The context is of course a willingness to dialogue towards identifying and resolving the issue. But a context of control or coercion uses every kind of trick to manipulate or force an outcome, and can do so in defence of a grievance or grudge set in vendetta as well as simply overriding perceived obstacles to getting what it wants.
The conscious word is rare in a world of social masking identity struggle, by which thought & speech are conformed to self-reinforcing defence against exposure to blame, put-down or invalidation – that is a sign of not being at rest in a shared sense of that which identifies us truly, so must boost its mask over insecurity as a sense of survival or mitigation of pain of loss.
What you have described is basically how humans can become adults.
When a person makes the choice to deal with an issue by dialogue, and not by self-narcissism of emotional trauma, one can not help but gain resolution.
By dealing with “the issue” and not one’s emotions, that person becomes an “adult”.
Free Expression means what is says.
Free speech is about protecting speech people don’t like because speech people do like doesn’t need to be protected.
Hate speech is just speech someone doesn’t like.
How is compelling someone to use certain words, any different than compelling someone to not use certain words.
TPTB know that more and more of us are waking up to their heinous crimes and evil machinations, so they must stop us from talking.
How do you defeat an army?
Control that army’s ability to move, communicate, and generate fire power.
Isn’t it obvious we are the army they are attempting to defeat?
It has become much harder on forums / comment boards to post stuff without it going to in moderation.
pre crime Chosen Dangerous Keywords flank the inhouse build in censor systems. WP P2P boards etc
Sites that moderate also can add keywords during high tension periods.
For example the mentioning of the the rap singer called
north east south……. flagged up . couldn’t even discuss it.There controlling topics and what to discuss or allowed to discuss and being allowed to discuss it 6 weeks after its sell by date is NOT discussing it.
False flags need you away from the topic at the time so commentators cant post the inconsistency’s within the first 6/12/24 hours after the story breaks.
That is why it is very dangerous having mods admins who are clueless on the art of psyops or religiously bound as you got people like that triggerhappy pressing the
Moderation pending buttons and others like that deciding what topic or comment is allowed.
Then closing the thread because they perceived it to be dangerous.
If you cant openly mention the j*wish mafia, The A*yan Brotherhood or different bl*ck or ar*b a*ianor turks networks / or Jesuits or different priest classes.
Your not on a forum, your on a controlled topic network that decides what is allowed..
I am so pissed of with hearing it is Alkemet fault when it clearly isn’t.
Dont worry about msm / twitter that is a pure psyop. deflection.
IT is theses kind of places that need the most watching.
Even moneycircus got his discord closed down. what was his crime..?
After watching this old docu you’ll understand why a powerful minority in the US hates free speech…
! IMPORTANT POLICY ANNOUNCEMENT: In order to protect the public, ProBoards has instituted a policy which prohibits the posting of misinformation related to the COVID-19 outbreak. More details are available on our Support Forum.
Discord doesnt like VPN.
Error 1005 Ray ID: 77641922ec95c452 • 2022-12-08 08:23:18 UTC Access denied What happened? The owner of this website (*********.freeforums.net) has banned the autonomous system number (ASN) your IP address is in (9009) from accessing this website.
This item is no longer available.
Items may be taken down for various reasons, including by decision of the uploader or due to a violation of our Terms of Use.
The problem is free speech. The problem is definitely not the Parasites in-your-face corruption and criminality, intentional destruction of public services, flagrant deceit, or even the fraud of modern democracy. It’s the speech; it’s much too free.
If they want to clamp down on Misinformation and Disinformation
They should start with Climate Change bollox that Net Zero crap
That they pump out endlessly. As they destroy the working energy system and replace it with one that they know will not work.
“right thinking Australians” 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
medical kidnapping has been going on for years/decades in the usa. any critique re vaccinations for instance.
The lockstep media hype that inflamed the FEAR of Covid led many people to believe that they had a 1 in 2 chance of being hospitalized by Covid, when it was far less than 1%. That’s a belligerent abuse of power and influence. The effect of narrative control over actual facts is finally being called into question, by doctors and outlier media sources.
Two video clips not to be missed:
Dr Aseem Malhotra꞉ From Vaccine Pusher to Vaccine Debunker—How I Changed My Mind About the COVID 19
Be It Resolved, Don’t Trust Mainstream Media – Munk Debate
It was 0% because SARS-Cov2 died not exist
I’ve got about 8 mins into the first video.
I’ve posted previously in an attempt to understand Malhotra (whether he’s controlled etc) and I’m settling on the conclusion that he’s a sociopathic media whore. In early 2021 he spoke out against vaccine hesitancy because that got him on the telly and he’s now on the vaxx-bad bandwagon because it will achieve the same result. He’s utterly superficial and his overriding focus is about presenting a face and a manner for the camera. There’s no genuine pain or contrition. In addition to being entirely wrong in his professional field, he’s contributed to countless deaths among his patients and the general public. But there’s no sign of distress behind the delivery of his rehearsed statements.
Australia it’s hard to speak looking at these charts but it’s there in black and white. 18% excess mortality in 2022:
And none of it from so called covid, most from untreated cancers, dementia, heart conditions and old age. The average age of fake covid deaths is 85.5
Re Elon and beyond, a recent report from Arthur Firstenberg, Ecocide from Space (http://cellphonetaskforce.org/ecocide-from-space/), includes a striking graph on the number of active satellites 1957-2022, showing a spike right around 2019-20. He states:
“Even the first fleet of 28 military satellites launched by the United States caused a worldwide pandemic of influenza when they became operational on June 13, 1968. The Hong Kong flu began in June 1968, lasted through April 1970, and killed up to four million people worldwide. To understand why requires a proper understanding of our connection to the universe and what it is that really gives us life and health, and makes our bodies move. In a sense, we are all puppets on invisible strings that connect us to heaven and earth, strings that resonate at the age-old frequencies of the biosphere in which we live, the space between Earth and Sky, whose dimensions never change. And when we modulate and pulsate those strings at random from thousands of locations in space, we change the beautiful music of the earthly orchestra into a discordant chaos that scatters bodies all over the world, helpless before it.”
The total in operation is now over 7,000, with plans to have tens of thousands in the near future, enough to prevent the stars from being seen by human eyes. Musk’s SpaceX has led private corporations and government agencies (public-private partnerships) from a host of nations across the earth in pursuit of Cecil Rhodes’ cosmic colonialism to annex the planets. For example:
“On March 24-25, 2021, the chaos was brought to a new level, that the world now accepts as normal. In that 24-hour period, a record 96 satellites were launched into space on a single day—60 by SpaceX and 36 by OneWeb—and on the same day SpaceX dramatically increased the speed of its satellite internet connections. On that day, people all over the world suddenly could not sleep, were weak and exhausted, had muscle spasms, and hurt and itched all over, especially in their feet and legs. They had skin rashes, were dizzy and nauseous, and had stomach aches and diarrhea. The ringing in their ears was suddenly amplified. Their eyes were inflamed, and their vision suddenly worsened. They had heart arrhythmias, and their blood pressure went out of control. Some had nosebleeds, or coughed up blood. They were anxious, depressed or suicidal, and irritable. Their cats, dogs, chickens, goats and cows were sick at the same time.”
Much ado about Twitter, while this shit storm stays lost in space.
See also: Deadly Rainbow: Will 5G Precipitate the Extinction of All Life on Earth?
Yes. I’ve followed Mr Firstenberg’s news letter for years, and once spoke to him via (hard wired) telephone. This was sometime in about 2008. He’s been laughed at and ridiculed as a conspiracy theorist. I know the phenomena all too well… I’ve been attempting communication with the moron populace for over 35 years…
The only problem is: Mr Firstenberg is not alone. There are now over 10,000 peer reviewed scientific studies which prove his point beyond any reasonable doubt.
One of the data points that few in the biological sciences understand, is that neuronal signals need a voltage gradient (or potential difference) in order for synapses to exchange data.
Everything in the body system is being jazzed into oblivion. Induced signals from radio broadcast are jamming ALL THE CELLULAR VOLTAGE GRADIENTS. No voltage gradient? No signal exchange. Pretty damn simple..
Right on. Just came across this as well to supplement your comment:
EMF Pollution and Chronic Disease — What’s the Connection?
Yes. I was laughed off the Joseph Mercola website for anti-EMF comments I posted in 2011. I got pissed off, and removed every. single. comment. I had made dating back nearly a year.
The good news was I concluded that the civil public is addicted to radio frequency stimulus, as my suggestions were received with about the same enthusiasms as taking crack cocaine away from a crack head…
The addiction will eventually self correct, with somewhere around 4 1/2 billion dead human beings, and the end of life on planet Earth. You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy…
Looks like nowadays there’d be similar reception for anyone questioning the reality of the coronavirus and covid, as the doc’s been pushing remedies for such, subscribing to the Wuhan lab leak storyline, and otherwise sticking to germ theory of disease.
The fragments from colliding satellites, rocket stages, weapon tests, etc. have a velocity of ~28,000 km/h. Even tiny fragments endanger critical satellites, and have already damaged a few. If this escalates into a chain reaction, it will destroy most satellites, the belt will become impassable, and astronomy may end.
A micro-satellite may last 2 years at best. The total of operating, approved and proposed low-orbit satellites is 441,449, with SpaceX alone planning 42,000. Radiation from them will undermine the ionosphere. Some 5G satellites will emit RF at up to 10 million watts. This will undermine the ionosphere, the “invisible strings” you mentioned and even radio (non-satellite) communication.
Beyond insanity.
the question should be … were these shooters making decision or computers/Ai making the decision for them? … these young people lost the ability to think rationally and don’t understand how the NET works…. nothing is free. We really have to dive deep into understand their NET usage model, they are influence by something and how?
Civilians don’t ask questions, because they’ve been spoon fed all the answers for decades. NET usage is only one leg of a four legged horse. I’ve seen how video gaming affects the mark. Here’s a brief explanation. >
A science presentation by James Holmes in 2006
Some might remember Mr Holmes from the Aurora, Colorado shooting… Like many other “educated” operatives, he apparently fell out of bed after being sucked dry at the Salk Institute…
According to Wiki, it seems he disappeared in the prison system. Which might mean he was secretly released.
Hard to say what Mr Holmes’ status is at this point. People disappear, or are made to disappear… The “shooting” was pretty well picked apart by first person witnesses, and evidence of other persons entering the theater and firing weapons was part of the fiasco. Nothing to see here. Move along. Move along…
Were they shooters or patsies operating on a false basis of belief – ie an agent in a drill?
The breaking of minds in children is known to be part of tooling them. I don’t think this applies to shooters, more likely to installed ‘leaders’.
Another one for the “it’s anything but the vax” files:
What’s interesting is that to defend the vax, they’re willing to throw lockdowns under the bus. This critique of lockdowns might have been some use in 2020 but it’s redundant now.
It’s clever jiu-jitsu. They seemingly throw lockdowns under the bus (“Lockdowns harmed a generation of children,” etc.) and, now that the trap is set, spring the trap with, “We can never let it happen again. The best way to prevent them is getting vaxxed.”
It’s the carousel of fraud. “Lockdowns aren’t enough against this edgy variant. Put on a mask.” “Masks aren’t working against this dodge-em variant. Get jabbed.” “Jabs aren’t yet ready against variant BS.7.8.2. Time for a lockdown.” One fraudulent horse after the other pops up, as the carousel turns.
The thing they want and get is the ratchet of regulatory structures and contractual obligations that subject nations and corporates (as well as local libraries or village halls) to regulatory capture set as laws, and enforced by hook and by crook.
So in this sense establishing the scientific fraud opens a basis to pull the rug out of laws based upon it for their right or applicability.
To offset this possibility, every resource will be aligned to smear, divide and deny the worthiness of holding virus, genetics, climate and more – to a true accounting.
The nature of elitist insider control, is to run out of a black box full of slush funds & dirty money – as ‘defence’ research that gains function by grafting or hacking into what happens with stories that turn us in fear of our life and nature, with solutions that spin out of every kind of toxic deceit as a means for pre-emptively denying potential conflict (to its interests) in an asymptomatic population of terrorists – ie ‘Others’, who are unaware of their captive status, and to be kept or unable to effect it even if they are.
Sanitation was a response to ‘the vaccine’ back in the day. The ‘vaccine’ was a response to innoculation. Ivermectin was a response to “covid”. The only thing that ever worked was terrain theory.
the racist penal bimbo land of floods fire homelessness wretched poverty jack boot police goon thugs corrupt lying thieving pollie fraudsters and rampaging looting Chevrons et al, you know, oz oz oz, is simply a willee gates bourla wet dream as the vax zombeed proles proliferate in their putrid miasma of fetid slothful ignorance!!!
“The men whom the people ought to choose to represent them are too busy to take the jobs. But the politician is waiting for it. He’s the pestilence of modern times. What we should try to do is make politics as local as possible. Keep the politicians near enough to kick them. The villagers who met under the village tree could also hang their politicians to the tree. It’s terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged today.”
~G.K. Chesterton: Cleveland Press interview (March 1, 1921)
The mass shootings that really need to be brought to light are all those “welfare checks by SWAT team”
and the real question that needs an answer,
is who would sign on to the ranks of enforcement bully boys after all that has been done especially these past two-three years?
~ it’s a rhetorical question ~
The 87,000 IRS agents will no doubt be filled by those attracted to the “00- licence” (the firearms carry & training that comes with the job)
ie those with psychopathic thug tendencies.
Note that the aussie cops who bought it were totally green –
so green that they started their careers after all the negative actions conducted recently,
so if they believe that they are joining to “serve & protect”, they must be totally tone-deaf.
This is more likely ~
Edit: found that excellent vid elsewhere (for now) ~
This and similar jobs require sadism, not just psychopathy.
Mass shootings?
Isn’t that where the ruling class from two different ideologies get the working class from two different ideologies to kill and maim each other in large numbers to perpetuate fear among the working class and the middle class of the two different ideologies?
Mass shooting reports are useful for authoritarian regimes where gun possession is still legal: get those laws changed so they have a deadly monopoly.
Not just that. Trauma training on a national scale. Serial killers are usually government funded to break down society.
They also help struggling actors …
The four prongs of installing Technocracy: propaganda, censorship, trauma and convenience.
A recent conspiracy story is reported here at the BBC as real: Germany coup plot: The extremists who tried to topple the state 25 older people arrested.
Good to know that the BBC from now on takes conspiracy theories serious. When will the EU commission come in the spotlights? About 25 greyheads…
The operation looked at from another angle: http://johnhelmer.org/the-night-of-the-pen-knives-the-olaf-scholz-plot-exposed-as-putz-not-putsch/
The headlines are full of bizarre stories lately which I suspect are all fake (false flags) in order to distract us from inflation and the ongoing collapse of the global economy and the roll out of CBDC. Musk is part of that game and is just distracting us as well with twitter. We’re too busy staring at our various screens to notice the meteorite heading our way.
I also follow Miles Mathis who claims there are 6 million Deep State agents out there who have nothing better to do than stage false flags and spread misinformation/disinformation. Probably true.
Aye, including “Miles” himself. One of the most obvious psyops going.
Nukes are so real, The Staged as f*ck numerology astrology state sponsored attacks are so so real. Moslems terrorists are real and the jihadist are self isolating due to covid and it variants.
The photos and videos from China are amazingly real.
Alternative media is not fake binary.
Correction; Collapse of the US economy.
In the wake of the White House ordering the release of thousands of documents on the murder of US President John F Kennedy, that wacky Will Self dribbles the following psychobabble piece on the “rise of conspiracy theories”:
The familiar tension caused by the ongoing demand to muddle the water reaches a peak in the tortured syntax of this howler:
“In fact, as we continued talking, it became clear that Oakes’s main evidence for the assumption that the real character of this momentous event had been wilfully obscured was his own disbarment from its mediatisation.”
Translated: The unfailing and relentless obfuscation of the event is a product of deliberation. An assertion that is not only credible but confirmed by Self’s turgid waffle here.
W.Self A self opinionated ponce. Ignore.
Marc from the peacekeepers (NOC NOC challenge) has won his case in court that Council Tax, and every other tax, is unlawful and illegal!
This is a landmark win for w the people! If enough people get on board with this it really could bring the corrupt system crashing down!
Please watch and share this video, it’s two hours long but what is two hours if we can finally get the justice we are all after?
Nothing can be done to HARM (prejudice) the people….
In other words “no one can tell you what to bloody do” including 650 Mp’s!
Despite all the hooplah, it is apparent that the US/UK and in fact ALL other Western-Democracies believe in mass shootings and wilful murder of innocent men, women and children … why else would they invade and take-over so many countries?
It is as clear-as-mud that they get high on the smell of blood and gunpowder. Don’t let them tell you otherwise …
Richard Black Interview: Ukraine – Revenge for Russia’s Defeat of U.S. Regime Change in Syria
“Richard Black is a former Senator for Virginia state and a former top Pentagon insider. He explains in this interview with Finian Cunningham how the current war in Ukraine is a proxy war against Russia led by the United States and how that conflict is motivated in part by a desire in Washington for revenge. The impetus for revenge stems from Russia’s military intervention in Syria at the end of 2015 where, crucially, the Russian military thwarted Washington’s covert war for regime change in Damascus.”
Opposing War Is The First Step Toward Moral Politics
The more time passes, the more life begins to imitate art:
A quote from Woody Allen’s “Bananas” (1971).
Prosecutor: Tell the court why you think he is a traitor to this country.
Miss America: I think Mr. Mellish is a traitor to this country because his views are different from the views of the President and others of his kind. Differences of opinion should be tolerated, but *not* when they’re too different. Then he becomes a subversive mother.
The Australian incident was a false flag. Two of the four police officers were killed “execution style” on a long country driveway while approaching the house to make enquiries after a missing person.
Sounds more like a professional, tactically well-trained job to me.
How did the three occupants know the police were coming at all? Did the police ring them ahead of time?
How could the suspects shoot them at close range (execution style) without the other two officers doing anything about this? Where were the other two officers at that time?
Wouldn’t it have been easier to let the officers come up to the front door and shoot them then?
Practically without missing a beat, the suspects were killed in their house by an elite police force (so no questions could be asked in court).
Also, without missing a beat, the whole shebang of pro-police / anti-“conspiracy theorists” propaganda was rolled out, with cities in Australia having the night skies lit up with blue lights in solidarity with the police, and social media lemmings replacing their “fully vaxxed” badges with police emblems.
There are many more open questions which will never be answered about this.
One thing is for sure, however, our ever increasingly fascistic state will have a 100-points ID requirement introduced to access online portals, especially social media, and other restrictive surveillance-oriented measures will follow – for our protection.
By now, “protection” can be equated with prohibition of some sort.
Great post. The implications for truth seekers are quite ominous.
Maybe “hoax” not false flag. Mostly they avoid actual deaths in order to avoid the possibility of a court case like “police negligence” etc. Court cases are to be avoided due to their production of witnesses, investigation, etc.
I have, over the years, examined quite a few “shootings” and reviewed the findings of others who collected all the video available. The only real shootings I’ve found are a very few committed by the police themselves. And those committed around the Clintons– a bizarre number.
And even among those committed supposedly by the police several were obvious hoaxes. I still have files on a bunch of them– altho the video links have been taken down.
Among the larger hoaxes are of course Sandy Hook and the Boston Marathon.
I never could understand the OJ Simpson supposed murder of his ex-wife. I lived close by and the rumor on the street indicated that the timeline that the neighbors reported was different than the reported one.
If you remember, the case was tried in the media before the trial ever started. I’ll mention just two oddities.:
— I was working in a legal office at the time & we couldn’t believe the trial was being televised: Judges don’t have the discretion to violate the law, and CA law at that time didn’t permit it to be televised!
–Ron Goldman, who was killed with Nicole, had a roommate who was among the pretrial “media witnesses.” He was killed, before the trial! And the media didn’t say “Boo.”
That’s not really true. California, apparently, is one of a handful of states that allows judges to determine whether or not their trials can be televised. Remember that old show, ‘The People’s Court’ with Judge Wopner? That was taped in California.
Pen said ” … at that time … “. Maybe we need some dates to bracket these assertions?
The judges are corrupt. But it is the bankster owned media that decides to provide wall to wall coverage of a trial or whatever fake or contrived drama they want disseminated. In the OJ case the motive was to inflame race hatred.
OJ was marked with the stain of guilt regardless of the verdict. Polanski was absolved of guilt when a suitable powerless patsy was found. Polanski was in Gstaad (?) in Switzerland when the Manson trial started, deflowering underage school girls from an exclusive finishing school.
I saw, or was made to see, a headline today depicting DeSantis’ call for an investigation into ‘side’ (accidental, unintentional) effects of the vax as Orwellian. Now that was truly Orwellian. And it’s been a common tactic on the part of thought police turning the tables on any departure from Newspeak, certified safe and effective for your mind. I also heard report of a study indicating a correlation between the unvaxxed and irresponsible and risky driving habits that may result in higher auto insurance costs. Science Is Real. Ignorance Is Strength.
If ever humans have experienced free speech or free anything in abusive social systems of power over others, that seems to belong to forgotten times. A matrix of mass manufactured memes now seems to control collective consciousness to such extent that most any exception to normalized discourse remains derivative upon dictated boundaries of what’s conceivable.
Human communication and consciousness independent of this monopolization of meaning may be in danger of extinction (as studies show). Media keeps captive audiences rinsing and repeating stories of mass shootings, domestic terrors, latest updates on public health, weather warnings of climate change, wars and rumors of war…all of which persuades people to remain passive and powerless before the next current thing is announced. And those who don’t fall into the spectacle are nevertheless carried along into a new abnormal by the inertia this imposes upon political possibility. The medium is the message: resistance is futile.
Living has largely become an extension of media, as pseudo-events and false flag ops are apparently staged often enough to recast our lives as propaganda productions, leaving us to pick up pieces of puzzles that only keep getting bigger. Approximately a third of mass shooters have belonged to the military…? How many have been declared mentally ill for already being on mind-altering pharmaceuticals which suggest continuing MK-Ultra experiments? What kind of copycat capabilities are created in the general population by programmed conditioning? Is Biden a bot?
It’s easy to get lost in rabbit holes when totalitarianism takes over, and when what we most need is to be able to act to defend what freedoms still might flourish in another world more of our own making. Just what are we living for?
The critical challenges we must confront are: countering or checkmating the moves to confiscate guns, the passage of additional laws against limiting free speech communications using national security and public health as the rationale, the terraforming of the earth and transformation of humanity (transhumanism) by the globalists. We must anticipate and be skeptical regarding propaganda about “pandemics”, ever more disinformation about Ukraine and “climate change” as the misanthropes try to finalize their coup d’etat against the present political/economic system. Their goals is to reconfigure things to fit their Great Reset/Brave New World Order. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/01/what-is-the-fourth-industrial-revolution/
How best can we derail their agenda?
Relative to your ending question, we can’t do it individually, it has to be collectively. I believe anyway. If that’s agreed upon, we go from there.
Because of declining sperm counts governments are to outlaw oral sex.
So next time you are down on your knees, keep an eye out for the Oral Sex police.
That’s ‘Oral Sex Police’, not “Oral sex, polease !’
Why does the United States of Terrorism needs Ukrainistan?
And $100+ billion is MIC PROFITS!
Ukrainistan what else?
Germany must’ve “forgot” the fact that the F-35 is one of the most unreliable air craft ever to leave the assembly plant. The F-35 is an over priced pile of floundering computerized crap. Germany must be hard up AND stupid.
All the countries that bought the F-35 know. They were coerced. They are also endangering their best pilots.
” … hard up and stupid … “. I can’t get behind that totally. Not as long as Deutschland is led by complicit, colluded, corrupt Weffies, though it is a tempting notion.
Majority of the german herd of modern moron slaves are indeed stupid.
Unfortunately they’re just another one… In fact in Europe there isn’t a single Plantation where the majority of the resident herd is not stupid.
And since SOME minorities that matter, we can contemplate this wonderful CIRCUS!
Plantation? Heh, heh… The feudal system is indeed well entrenched in Europe. Nothing has changed but National “boarders“. Not to be confused with border… It is actually rather sad…
This misinformation must be stopped. It has come to my notice that the common cold and flu have been labelled a pandemic and many citizens have been, not to put too fine a point on it, shitting their pants with fear and turning themselves into human pincushions in the vain hope of avoiding it. An acquaintance of mine announced on facebook that he had succumbed to it, felt dreadful but was grateful that he’d had three boosters so it was not as bad as it might have been had he not!. If seemingly normal chaps like him can be so deluded by misinformation we certainly have got a problem. Next we’ll have back street drug barons pushing a prophylactic against being killed by a mass shooter if the human race is so vulnerable to misinformation and they’ll believe it. Good grief, they could be made to believe that they are responsible for the climate, they’re that naive.
They’re now trying to blame the unvaccinated for car accidents, for God’s sake. I’m sorry, but I think it’s the vaccinated who are acting like idiots on the road and really, I would imagine there have been a few of them who’ve stroked out behind the wheel. Not to mention the masktards and the oxygen deprivation while they toodle around with that diaper on their face in the car alone. The blurb of idiocy I read on this says that the unvaccinated are irresponsible, so that corresponding irresponsibility makes them more prone to accidents. I know, I should NOT be shocked anymore about all this idiocy, and yes that bullshit article was there to piss me off and I fell for it, but still. I’m surprised they’re not blaming the unvaccinated for climate change, but then again, all we need do is wait for that, it’ll be coming along shortly I imagine. At this point, I’d call the idiots who believe this garbage willfully stupid, naive is too damned nice a term for the abject idiocy of these people.
Softly, softly, catchee monkey. Don’t give them cause to dislike you. The propaganda machine hasn’t nudged them in a hang ’em high mode….yet. The more the rats are at bay- the more vicious they become. Authority is NEVER wrong, they’ve got the guns AND the numbers- box clever.
Your acquaintance is similar to Homer Simpson:
Isn’t that St Bartholomew Simpson?
Who can blame people for thinking that the shootings are all fake?
When you couple the first Uvalde headline (14 and a teacher) with the following image, its easy to see how people make the connection:
The Aussie guvmint channel, ABC tv, wins the prize for ‘Propagander spreader of the year”. To help us, they have summarized all the fake information from the past year. Thank you ABC.
See Glenn Greenwald’s comments from last night. https://rumble.com/v20ocd4–system-update-ep.-3.html
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-12-14. EU bribery cash now at €1.5m. Andrew Bridgen (MP) jab harm cover up. Paid kill Hcq data, IVM papers (blog, gab, tweet).
The urgent message that we must take from these past two years is that we are under sustained psychological warfare and have been for quite some time.
All messages coming from the State are about enslavement and social control.
“Nazism permeated the flesh and blood of the people through single words, idioms and sentence structures which were imposed on them in a million repetitions and taken on board mechanically and unconsciously.”
— Victor Klemperer, The Language of the Third Reich
MUST NOT READ: Autopsy-based histopathological characterization of myocarditis after anti-SARS-CoV-2-vaccination
Nothing that we don’t know since Dec2020…
The MSM dont report leaps from local popular suicide sites such as the Sydney Harbour Bridge, and The Gap, purportedly because reporting such acts ‘will only encourage copycats’.
Using MSM logic – The MSM reporting of ‘mass shootings’ is encouraging ‘mass shootings’.
The state is now encouraging suicide, when you become old or unemployed, but at the same time refusing people the right to ‘endanger’ themselves by refusing a “vaccine”.
We are forced to have a “vaccine” to protect our health……. But the rest of the time they are trying to kill us?
The obvious answer to that little contradiction is that the “vaccine” will kill you.
Something else that is in the forefront of my mind, explained to me by my wife.
She is saying, based on events from the Hunger Games series, that its possible that MKUltra styled “truth nudging, and turning people against those they used to trust”, is very similar to “Tracker-jacking”, using the venom from the GMO wasps to destroy a prisoners beliefs and all basis for upholding their body sovereignty.
There has been an alarming video on the visible about face of Jordon Pederson, on literally, his views of democracy, justice and emancipation for thePalestinians.
He now has fully supported all the measures that the IDF imposes on the Palestinians, just short of advocating genocide.
Jordan Peterson is just another opportunist. The right and the left are both ruling class constructions, they serve their interests, not ours. That so many people have embraced right wing ideology in the US and Canada – especially in the last 2 + years, just shows how the ruling class has us controlled coming and going.
Why because he has a different opinion to you on a subject?
Well I guess it is my opinion that he is a fraud parading himself as a champion of freedom. On subjects on which he has expertise, I don’t have issue with what he says publicly. But he is more than willing to make sweeping statements on subjects he has publicly admitted that he knows little about. He is using his media profile (as bad boy to the Woke doctrinaire) to promote himself, while aligning himself with centers of power. I mean, see the link above where he ingratiates himself to the head of the model biosecurity state*, Israel’s Netanyahu.
*As argued in Simon Elmer’s new book, The Road to Fascism: for a Critique of the Biosecurity State.
Is there a personal reason you take exception to the word “opportunist”?
He went against intersectionalism, the anti-woke thing is his bigger
claim to fame. He is a bit of a shabbos goy, and it shows.
He is also a gifted orator and manipulator.
The Right and the Left in the West each represent two fundamental sides of human nature, sometimes switching names. The Right (now, and for at least a century) represents individual power and freedom, the Left represents social power and cooperation (i.e. fairness or “equality”). Various people find themselves drawn more to one than the other, and then for them, that becomes “the truth”.
But they’re both truth. The only problem is they have been hijacked for nearly two hundred years, twisted beyond recognition to be opposed to each other. We must get out of that rabbit hole!
A healthy society requires a mixed economy of both government investment in the public good and small business entrepreneurship support. Relying solely on government or solely on a heavily financialized market economy (private sector governance/neoliberalism), privatization, high interest private bank credit/predatory loans, has failed.
I was surprised to find this show on Netflix, “The G Word with Adam Conover”, produced by Obama (!) that did a fair assessment of covering government’s strengths and shortcomings. There could’ve been MUCH more said of each topic, (and I didn’t agree with many points), but that a discussion has even begun about why the nation-state paradigm should not be dissolved is a step in the right direction.
“A healthy society requires a mixed economy of both government investment in the public good and small business entrepreneurship support.”
Agreed. That’s why it appears to me the latter 20th century West, in fits and starts, was a quite a societal success in the grand sweep of history.
For example, the way they’ve successfully gotten the left to hate Russia and the right to hate China.
Rubbish, the left is not a ruling class construct, it is a means of representing the interests of workers, the down trodden, in opposition to the capital owning class.
In what world could such an Opposition not be created? organically or though historical progression.
You are just on the wrong side of that war, when you perpetuate the ruling classes propaganda that claims that the real left does not exist.
RE: the left is not a ruling class construct, it is a means of representing the interests of workers, the down trodden, in opposition to the capital owning class.
I used to like to think that. And I think it might well have been true through the 1930’s or up to the Smith Act (1940) and then McCarthyism, the main purpose of which was to purge the labor movement of all the radicals. (Which worked, thereafter unions were tied at the hip to the Democratic Party, “the second most enthusiastic capitalist party” per Kevin Phillips, GOP strategist.) Then after 1947, we get the CIA’s infiltration into left and leftist cultural institutions.
More recently we get the infiltration into the left of the Neoliberal ideologies of Identity Politics and and now Woke. Today the left is middle class and openly hostile to the working class. I am not going to go thru the last 75 years of CIA (and FBI) activity manipulating the left, that is well documented.
RE: You are just on the wrong side of that war, when you perpetuate the ruling classes propaganda that claims that the real left does not exist.
Can you point me to any real leftists? Sincerely, I don’t of any since March of 2020…
I think we should abandon the notion of left/right. I would be excited to see people re-embrace class, and class consciousness.
Real leftist: in the UK Piers Corbyn; he is anti global warming, and anti the COVID scam, and is arrested on what seems like a weekly basis. I might add George Galloway, but he is compromised on some issues.
I totally agree with your analysis of what has been done to left wing political parties, but that does not mean that left wing ideology and its power does not exists. It just means it has been pushed out of our political life, it lost the battle with the ruling class & was infiltrated, as you say, by frauds and liars, in the Democratic party in the US, & the Labour party in the UK.
Although the Democrats were never really anything other than the stooges of business throughout their entire history back to the 19th century. A weak form of Socialism has been projected onto them, for no apparent reason.
The ruling class want to abandon the left because without it, there is nobody to presenting the interests of the population, and it leaves the lane wide open for the fascists, who the ruling class really really like.
This is why you should never support the ruling class in their vanishing of the left, it is not dead, it is just on the ropes. And if you want proof of its power to tame the capitals owing class just look at the extents they go to to quash it, in an all out total war.
RE: Piers Corbyn
I agree about him. So, you and Piers.
I would like to discuss these things further with you.
You should be reading The Road to Fascism: for a Critique of the Biosecurity State by Simon Elmer who comes from the left. The capitulation of the left to the capitalist class under cloak of Covid is on par with the capitulation of the left of the 2nd International supporting WWI.
I highly recommend reading the series below by Benedict Cryptoflash:
I should clarify: To me it is not possible to support “the interests of workers, the downtrodden, in opposition to the capital owning class” and at the same time support lockdown policies, states of emergency and the biosecurity state. They are fundamentally in conflict.
I agree, they have hijacked the left and turned them into the devout enemies of the working population, via covid and global warming.
The CIA should be credited with an amazing manipulation, which they are rolling out in all of their vassal states today. Thy have been at this game for 70 years, so they know where they want to drive the left.
My definition of Woke:
“Woke: A CIA operation, orchestrated by their MSM & social media, by which civil rights and campaigns for economic justice are discredited in the eyes of the public.
As a compliment to the increased concentrations of power and wealth in the USA and as part of a massive shift even further to the right, in a provoked anti-liberal backlash.”
This below is a good example of the media coverage in the last couple of days here in Australia following the incident in Queensland. Some newspapers such as The Australian and Daily Mail are going with headlines like “Anti Vax Cop Killers”.
Only those who have their heads buried in the sand cannot see where this is going.
Hi there Gezzah. Hope you’re well. Yes, expecting more clamping down on our written and spoken words. And, of course, a ramping up of fear porn. Sadly, what has now become the usual thing.
Hi May, yes, I’m going well, been back working for bit over 7 months, sales of the magazine are still quite good but things are definitely slowing as the financial pressure bites.
The demonising and smearing of all of us who question the narrative is quite chilling actually. The language in some of the “news stories” I’ve read in the last day is just straight out incitement against “anti vaxxers”.
Australia is arguably the main testing ground for the rollout of the technocratic dystopia so I’m expecting a digital identity will be required to access social media in the near future, and probably the internet itself. As the ghouls said recently, they want to take “a much stronger stance against the spread of misinformation”. Have a good weekend May, take care…
Jesus mate, I thought Dapper Dan must have put you in a concentration camp. I love the way they claim being anti jabs is somehow extremist instead of a legal and medical personal choice. I am supposed to have all sorts of invasive tests for Chrohn’s disease but it is my fucking right to say no way. If they have forced me to have their poison I would be dead.