Kick Me
Todd Hayen

Remember the ugly prank taping a sheet of paper on a nerd’s back (or on the back of some other vulnerable innocent) that said KICK ME? Maybe you are from a generation where teenagers didn’t do such things.
I never liked the idea because I was of the type that would get such a sign pinned on my back (I never actually did, thank god, but I wouldn’t put it past those bastards to do such a thing). This poor sap would walk down the hall at school accompanied by a barrage of laughter and snickers.
A few brazen jerks would actually kick him; with the victim unawares of his attraction to abuse until he figured out he had a sign pinned to his back.
I saw some lone masked dude walking down the street the other day, and as he passed me I was compelled to kick him in the butt. Now I am on the other side of that boot—a bully, angry, for whatever psychological reason, with a guy wearing the “kick me” sign, not on his back, but on his face.
It has come to that. At least for me.
At first the masks were frightening, then they were a means showing the mask-less as the “evil and selfish ones,” and as a result of that label, ostracized. Now, to me at least, they are a mark of stupidity, mindlessness, and yes, selfishness as well. People should be smarter than this. It is interesting how the tide has turned; those still wearing the masks are the science deniers now, not us.
“Kick me,” the mask screams out, “I am a dolt.”
Why can’t I just let it go? We live in a free society (well, that is debatable), why can’t I just be fine with people choosing to wear masks? Is it really any different than someone deciding to wear a coat in May because they are irrationally afraid of catching a cold? Yes, actually it is.
First of all, wearing a mask when there are a gazillion studies saying it does nothing to prevent viral infection, is indeed a sign of ignorance. As such we find ourselves surrounded by quite a few ignorant people (I don’t know about where you live, but masks are still a very prominent piece of apparel in Canada.)
Being surrounded by ignorant people is rather disturbing. Of course, if they weren’t wearing a mask as it was during non-Covid times they would still be ignorant, we just wouldn’t know it. I think one thing that makes people like me jumpy is realizing how many really ignorant people make up the population.
But isn’t that jumping to conclusions? What is it that makes people uncomfortable with any sort of “different” person?—nerd, socially dysfunctional, autistic, black, indigenous?
I am the bigot here, not the guy with the mask. But there is more to it than being ignorant, stupid, or just weird—if even that bigoted profiling is correct (maybe they are wearing a mask due to large particulate pollution they are avoiding breathing in, or maybe the mask is a fashion statement…maybe…)
I believe there is a social responsibility to keep our humanity intact. And I believe complying with a lying authority, and through that compliance causing damage to the very essence of being a human being, is shirking that responsibility.
This isn’t a matter of choice as if the mask is indeed a fashion statement or a personal choice afforded us as free citizens in a free society. In fact, it is quite the opposite. People who wear masks because the government has falsely terrified them into wearing one is not a free choice, it is coerced compliance, plain and simple. If people knew there was no danger in going bare faced, they would not wear a mask.
Why is this an assault to humanity? Human beings, in order to properly socialize, need cues from facial expressions. We have all heard the stories and history of masks used to further punish prisoners. The Internet is littered with photos of prisoners incarcerated at Guantanamo Bay with masks. It is common knowledge that not only does wearing masks block social cues, it is also humiliating and soul killing.
As a psychologist I am keenly aware of these dehumanizing effects. The consequences are subtle, but can be devastating. We see these horrible results primarily with children who are in the process of developing their social skills and interhuman relationships. Scientific reports are showing huge drops in IQ with children who were born during the Covid “pandemic,” as well as those navigating through it.
This is most likely due to a lot of things, not the least wearing masks all day during school.
School time is where one of the most important aspects of a child’s education takes place: how to be a human being amongst other human beings. Their young brains have been imprinted with an intense fear of just being in the world. The, constant wearing, and seeing others wearing, these masks are a clear trigger for this distrust and fear of life in general.
They will not get over this, as many people imagine. It is imprinted for life. This laisser-faire treatment of children is probably the biggest reason why I want to kick that mask wearing fool in the butt.
This is why mask wearing is not just a personal choice, it is a disrespect for humanity, and is an assault to anyone who sees the writing on the wall and who understands that all of this is engineered to break us down through hate, anger, and impatience. Wearing a mask these days is a tacit agreement with the wanton destruction of humanity. Yes, it is that serious.
So I am the bully, but I think I have better reason to be a bully than the playground bullies of our childhood. My anger is founded in reality and the confrontation of a very real danger. The masked folks are indeed leading us all to the gas chamber.
They need to wake up and take responsibility for our children’s safety and healthy development, as well as the health and well being of the others they share this planet with and stop tearing up the very fabric of our humanity. It is more than just a mask.
Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here
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Rubbish. Articles like this only divide people not bring them together.
Many people wear masks because they love their elderly family members.
Not everyone has the time or even the resources to research the covid narrative. Most just trust their doctor.
How can you write something like that when 99% of the opposition to the official covid narrative was censored?
As a person opposed to masks from the get go I can still see why many do and it doesn’t bother me.
There are many good people under those masks. Kicking them under the guise of doing it for the kids is not the way you wake them up.
The ends do not justify the means. You only end up being like them.
Let me guess, pending.
While it’s true that much of the opposition to covid was censored – and all of it in the MSM – it was freely available online at sites like this.
And given the amount of time most people spend online, there really was no excuse for more people not becoming aware that they were being bamboozled.
How many here were at the Vax clinics or doctors telling people to be careful?
Hypocrites and keyboard warriors.
That’s missing the point though. You can always say ‘do more’, while removing all onus from others to inform themselves. The dynamic Howard is pointing out is the wilful ignorance, gullibility and avoidance displayed by many. Many awakened people attempted to confront this head-on, often with those close to them, but it rarely worked, and was often counterproductive.
It’s a troubling phenomenon which is possibly central to what went wrong. Everyone witnessed, from either within or without, a psychosis on an unprecedented scale, and it remains with us all, this latent awareness.
It feels almost as if something epoch-changing occurred, like aliens landing or something, and we’re left dazed and bemused. Our perception of the universe and how it operates has changed, our paradigm fundamentally shifted forever, but for the moment humanity is bumbling along, humming a little tune to itself.
Agreed….but let’s not forget common sense. I think there is a point in time where even if you were not exposed to alternative research due to censorship you would just know something was fishy due to your own empirical experience. I don’t believe it is excusable to be so trusting of anything anyone (authority) tells you that you are totally blind to what is happening.
Many countries actually have laws that, absent some emergency directive, prohibit mask wearing in public(you know robbery and stuff…)
an idea: print it, carry it with you and hand it over(with a smile if possible) to mask wearers..
I don’t know about where you guys are, but here in Japan it actually says on the box that they can’t prevent Covid. Yet buy them they do. Imagine buying dish soap with “this product can’t clean dishes” on it… Sigh.
It says that for masks sold everywhere. Those selling the jabs and pills state similar reservations. All these contradict government propaganda. But the profiteering must go on the the greater good of our overlords.
Just to round out the perfidy parade, the ubiquitous “PCR tests”– the flywheel of the Megadeath Virus of Doom Scamdemic engine– also feature “fine print” disclaimers explaining that the product does not actually do what its promoters and providers pretend it will do.
In mid-2021, IIRC, scamdemic authorities shocked scamdemic thralls and skeptics alike with an announcement that seemed to indicate that the authorities had belatedly discovered that the “tests” were unfit for purpose and would be discontinued.
But apparently they were really just saying that there were some problems with the original “tests”, and that they would be phased out and replaced with New! Improved! “tests” that would detect other viral infections besides the (fictitious) “SARS-CoV-2 novel coronavirus”.
In any case, as far as I know there was no slackening or reduction, much less elimination, of the fraudulent “tests”– either the supposedly discredited versions or the New! Improved! variety. Business is still booming! 😡
Masks do warm my face.
The perfect temperature to incubate bacteria 😀
Face masks = amulet worn over the face. About as effective against viruses as wearing a face mask made of rabbits feet.
I wrote an article about this idea of the face mask, and all the other covid nonsense, as being based on superstition…Voodoo Vaccine…on my substack…
I don’t see many masks in shops now, but the covid advice is that you wear a mask if you have symptoms or have tested positive. So most people aren’t wearing them out of fear, but because they believe they’re doing the right thing.
They are good people, go easy on them.
good people who follow unconditionally evil people while dismissing any thoughts of good people will become evil people
I left out something in my previous post, which mentioned that the School District of Philadelphia is mandating mask-wearing for two weeks after the upcoming holiday break because of the (fictitious) “tridemic”. To repeat my hobby-horse beginning:
Speaking of masks and schools… they’re baaack! At least in Philadelphia; here’s still another recent news item belaboring the argument that, contrary to the optimism early this year, the scamdemic New Abnormal is neither “over” nor moribund.
It’s merely become “toggled”, i.e. the authorities simply turn it down and turn it up as they deem necessary.
I only ride local public transit (SEPTA) sporadically since the New Abnormal descended in March, 2020. Last week, I had an errand that required a bus trip. I noticed that the onboard monitors, or whatever one calls those little electronic-signage “TV” screens, still displayed the “masks required on SEPTA” notices during the scrolling or rotating messages.
The mandatory mask requirement was discontinued back in April, following a court order finding it invalid. I’d already observed in subsequent trips that the “masks required” notices persisted. As a veteran SEPTA rider for over 50 years, I wasn’t surprised that SEPTA hadn’t updated the electronic signage.
The fact that the notices remain in the rotation even though they aren’t in force supports my “toggle” impression. I’m fairly certain that they’re not bothering to delete the notices because one way or another, management believes that masks are here to stay. 😷 😡
A little rant about “irresponsibility:”
Is it responsible to take a shot from a KNOWN wholly corrupt pharmaceutical industry based on what that same corrupt industry tells you about it? IS IT responsible to put your faith in a serial felon? When they tell you it is “safe and effective” did you bother to ask just what that means? Effective at what? A product that DOES NOT MAKE YOU IMMUNE AND DOES NOT REDUCE OR STOP TRANSMISSION? And quite frankly at this point it doesn’t even guarantee you won’t end up in the ICU with a raging case of “covid” but at least you didn’t die this time? What about next time? Do you really feel it is responsible to put your faith in corporations that are generating massive profits from a product you know nothing about and NEVER BOTHERED TO ASK?
Is it responsible to take a product for which you know absolutely nothing of its side effects, particularly the long term side effects for which no results have been voluntarily released? Is it responsible to not even demand, or bother to look at, those results before taking it?
Is it responsible to become part of a clinical trial (most aren’t even complete until 2023 and that fact is straight from that same lying media you obviously only listen to selectively) based on blind trust in an industry one should probably never trust, whilst denying you are part of that trial? IS it responsible to put your trust in an industry that has been convicted of fraud REPEATEDLY? An industry that has indeed had to recall products due to detrimental effects, some of which were fatal? Did ya even know that?
Is it responsible to demand your child or other family members take that shot while you confess you know nothing about what that might do to them? Is it responsible to then ostracize those family members or friends who refuse to put their trust in lying media and corrupt government agencies just because you decided to trust those same entities, and BLINDLY trust them at that? Is it responsible to simply pooh-pooh the concerns of those who won’t gleefully line up for a product of unknown effect as mere loons who should be held in contempt?
Is it responsible to ignore the increasing suspicious deaths of those who’ve taken that product? Is it responsible at all to refuse to make the connections between “vaccination status” and sudden death because that lying media tells you not to? Is it responsible to listen to celebrity “influencers” who don’t know one thing about real science, and admittedly so? Is it responsible to laugh at the “jokes” of some celebrity who goes on and on about the stupidity of the “other side” while you haven’t done one bit of honest research into the concerns of that side? Is it really responsible to tell yourself you’re part of the smart set when once again, you’ve done no research to confirm any of your beliefs? Beliefs bequeathed on you by that same lying media and wholly ignorant celebrity who are both getting paid handsomely to spew utter bullshit to you?
Is it responsible to take a shot based on your political beliefs, most of which have been spoon fed to you by a media that you KNOW lies to you and has lied to you repeatedly? The same political beliefs that in the end change nothing and require you to put your faith in people you know damned well you should not?
IS it responsible to not even bother to look into any of the particulars about this product you demand others take? Is it responsible to parrot the “safe and effective” line when you don’t know just what that really means?
IS it responsible to deny the ongoing drive for total control over the population by mandating experimental products and to ignore the blatant violations of civil rights by doing so? IS IT? Is it really responsible to not even bother to contemplate just what that control might be used for in the future? A future you scream about for your kids while you shoot them up with experimental poison and deny the ongoing consolidation of wealth and control by people you know good and well you should not trust? Is it responsible to simply deny it all, while telling yourself you’re the virtuous one? How selfish does one have to be to completely ignore what’s going on right in front of your face?
Ask an American in American what’s in a “flu shot jab Whatever!”
And stand bye for On-Line Automatic Bombardment for a Hundred Years……
Sorry you were saying…
Yeah, because Americans are the only stupid people in the world. Got it.
As for the flu jab, haven’t had one of those in decades. You were saying….?
Right on Stew phones it in:
He has made a momentous discovery. The problem is … The Tories! Just as it was back in those heady 80s when The Young Ones were conveniently supplying a caricature of “The Nerdy Leftie”.
This piece is one of Stew’s whimsical fantasy sequences of the sort that make the Graudian Left chortle. But I’ll spare you the trouble of delving therein. Stew’s revelation is that the Tories may have been utterly evil back in the Thatcher days. But now they are really really evil. I mean as in evilly evil. Here is the crucial blow:
“It seems there is no depth to which the current crop of Conservatives will not sink, monetising every aspect of modern life in an attempt to create backdoor pathways to funnel any available wealth into their own pockets and those of their donors and cronies, the rivers and seas fouled with excrement, the bodies piled high on gurneys.”
You may be forgiven for asking, “And that makes the Conservatives different because ….??” If you’re really feeling daring you could come away with an arch, “And Sir Kier will come down that mountainside like Gandalf the White??”
Either way you will have missed the essential parts. First note that “rivers and seas fouled with excrement”. Excrement is actually not pollution but a vital part of the agricultural process. Of course we all know where he’s going with that one.
Then there’s “the bodies piled high on gurneys”. Hmm. Bodies “piled high”. Sounds kinda familiar. Ah yes: Boris’s helpfully hateful “Let the bodies pile up in the streets!” yet again!
Good one Stew! Never mind spring 2020. Your Groundhog Day goes all the way back to 1980! Only with a bit of Bubonic thrown in!
Theres no “left” in the United Kingdom unless You invested in it, Pretty certain Mactavish morphed into McDonald in 1968–ish. You mean dollar investments in the Cities Financial sector.
Is that what you mean.
The Left has been gradually neutered via e.g. the conspiracy phobia sewn after JFK. And the woke thing. And the climate change crud etc. Covid is of course the magnum opus of castration.
Fair enough George, young there was definitely something battling within our ’60-70’s unions.
Fighting your Establishment………..
What hypocrites they are. All of em.
All the so-called “alternative media” are peddling something or other to the baa-baas.
What are they trying to tell us?
“No One Wants Your ColdHow to know if you’re too sick to hang
This fall, Americans have been sick. A “tripledemic” of COVID, the flu, and RSV is under way. COVID and flu hospitalizations are on the rise, while RSV cases may, thankfully, be peaking. And those are just three of the respiratory viruses currently circulating: Don’t forget about the rhinoviruses and coronaviruses that cause the common cold. Parents have been missing work in record numbers to take care of their children.”
Sick sick sick. Everyone is sick.
Now – Teletubbie lecture mode:
“But of course, people want to hang—want to be with friends and family, especially after two years of holiday disruptions.”
Of course they do – the silly things! Subliminal message: “Don’t they realise this world of socialising is over!” And this isn’t all that subliminal:
“In some ways, the question people face is the same one they have faced the whole pandemic: How can we spend time together safely? But the question is also different now, with so many more minor viruses circulating—people might be willing to take a chance on a runny nose or a sore throat. So should you stay home? How sick do you need to be to sit out the holidays a third year in a row?”
See? Third year in a row! There’s the clue. Take that word “row” very seriously indeed!
And then the Teletubbie mode continues:
“A temperature equals stay home, for at least 24 hours. (And no cheating with ibuprofen: You should be fever-free without pain meds.) Two other “red flag” symptoms some experts mentioned are vomiting and diarrhea. Beyond that, it gets a bit trickier. One reason is that some of these viruses can feel the same …”
But they’re not the same at all are they, children? NOOO! Of course not! Now you say it
And note the link:
“What Does It Mean to Care About COVID Anymore?”
Well let’s take whatever hope there is, even if it only flickers here and there! To “care about covid anymore”? This is The Atlantic, one of the main arteries of the sewer. And it is hinting that – gasp! – some people, maybe even a lot, … don’t care about covid anymore!
But the Atlantic isn’t fazed! “Mask smarter, not harder.”
“After nearly three years of constantly thinking about COVID, it’s alarming how easily I can stop.”
You too?
“The truth is, as a healthy, vaxxed-to-the-brim young person ….”
You’re cracking me up!
“And so people are thinking, Wow, I’ve had COVID. It wasn’t that bad. I don’t really care anymore.”
Well we’ll have to do something about that! And we do:
“300 people are still dying every day; COVID is on track to be the third-leading cause of death in the U.S. for the third year running. The prospect of developing long COVID is real and terrifying …. But, now more than ever, we must remember that COVID is not just a personal threat but a community one. ….If you’re otherwise healthy, it’s so easy just to think about yourself …” (BUT) “….we can potentially hurt other people.”
And then the links:
“Read: Hundreds of Americans will die from COVID today
Read: It’s a bad time to be a booster slacker”
Etcetera etcetera etcetera
So glad to read that I’m not alone in thinking that people wearing ritual face diapers en plein air are peculiar.
“I am the bigot here, not the guy with the mask.”
No. You are not.
The urge to kick him comes from the knowledge that he is tacitly encouraging our government to take over our lives, and even kill us.
One can pity the stupid on a one-to-one basis, but that doesn’t mean we revere their ignorance or appoint them to high positions of authority where they can actively harm us.
That’s strictly for when our insane politicians start recruiting Kommandants, but they should have in mind that Nuremberg didn’t regard stupidity as a better excuse than “I was just obeying orders”.
Well said my friend.
That probably won’t fly in the US of As … Stupidity is a long cherished national characteristic there and perhaps the ultimate glue that holds that wretched place together.
I don’t think they actually cherish stupidity.
Many of them think they’re pretty smart, and they’re very proud of it . . .
Correct. And, by golly, they have the money in the bank to prove how smart they are! Hell, they managed to talk the used car salesman down on the price! Now that’s smart!
Ukraine put a KICK ME sign on its own back when it struck a Russian military airport. This was seen by the Russians as NATO / US testing their nuclear readiness.
The Russians’ answering kick began the 16th. Looks like it could even be mopping up the war. Medvedev says “legitimate military targets” now include transport infrastructure, water supply system, fuel storage facilities, military-industrial complex enterprises
and enterprises that produce dual-use products.
Also mentions civilian infrastructure “contributing to the achievement of military goals”, in particular bridges, stations, roads, energy facilities, factories and workshops, “at least partially fulfilling military orders”;
the military-political leadership of the enemy country;
the armed forces of the enemy’s allies who entered the war and objects located on their territory. –Pravda on December18
Objects located on allies territory? Poland? Romania? What’s this?
The article is a long read, but so are the histories of Russia, Carthage, and the Ukraine…
Carthage Must Be Destroyed!
David Sant for the Saker blog
December 16, 2022
Carthage Must Be Destroyed! | The Vineyard of the Saker
It ain’t pretty…
Paul, in understanding the world it is the “bits that don’t fit” that demand we give up worldviews treasured for their heroism– or at least their simplicity. Occam’s Razor specifies that we are to accept the simplest explanation that accommodates ALL the facts.
In the conflict three major possibilites:
–the West good / Russia bad
–Russia good / the West bad
–Russia and the West united at the top as a step in the war against humanity;
to produce tyrannical globalism
Within the narrow context of the conflict the second possibility is true, and one cannot withhold applause from the Russian victory– especially if one has read about the depth of the intellectual commitment of Ukraine to the full ideology of fascism.
The mind rebels at recasting World Wars I & II as events foisted upon us by the fathers of the current PTB. I read, at 19, the works of men who were educated before I was born– men who lived those wars and understood the deception. To lift the veil, one can read Engdahl or Anthony Sutton (mentor to Patrick Wood of Technocracy fame).
Paul, your modern Carthage, Russia, was indeed a target of the West — at least of Britain– even before Russia stood her ships protectively off America’s shores during the Civil War. She had refused to aid Britain during the Revolutionary War too.
But when great powers fall it’s frequently by betrayal. France, Germany, Canada and others are being run by WEF traitors. Do you doubt that the US and Britain have been betrayed from within?
The war allows us to vicariously experience justice striking a blow for the good– that makes us wish to universalize the context in which justice is struggling.
The history of determined weakening of Russia, or desiring a unipolar world in which the US is supreme– these are outdated, now mere fictions to mask global tyranny. IT NO LONGER MATTERS WHETHER US IS SUPREME; THE GOAL IS GLOBALISM. In fact, all memory of democracy is to be expunged.
In all logic, to persist in the belief that Russia opposes global tyranny REQUIRES that you explain at least 4 “bits that don’t fit:” Russian support of the vaxx, the global warming hoax, and programmable digital currency. Also, the combined deception of the West & Russia in which they pretended that Russia’s entry into the Syrian conflict was against Western wishes.
Much as we long for one, there doesn’t seem to be a good guy, except us normal humans.
“Russia. A sharp drop in the birth rate began in March, 9 months after the start of the forced vaccination campaign Birth rates should be released depending on whether the parents were vaccinated or not. However, in light of the concealment of any data on covid vaccination it will not happen. Meanwhile, in March-October, the birth rate fell by 8% year-on-year, despite the fact that a year ago, over the same period, the decline was only 0.5%.”
Penelope: Your reply was stunningly acute. Particularly this item:
“But when great powers fall it’s frequently by betrayal. France, Germany, Canada and others are being run by WEF traitors. Do you doubt that the US and Britain have been betrayed from within?”
There is no question that the US and Britain have been betrayed from within. Betrayal from within marks the turning points of all Republics, Federalist Nation States, Confederacies, etc. True Confederacies are the most difficult to infiltrate, as true confederacies consist of more diverse and localized interests. The culprit is always, always, always, “trade” agreements between financial interests which control commerce. Like civilians and local resources, governments are expendable…..
Anthony Sutton explains the mechanisms of prescribed wars… Patrick Wood is excellent. A little history: >
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves among those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the galleys, heard in the very hall of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor – he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and wears their face and their garment, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation – he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city – he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared.”
– Cicero, 42 B.C. –
Read until I reached Canada and switched off.
I empathize as we still have some morons here who mask up and i am less than polite when I tell them the ‘surgical’ mask is useless and the silly designer cloth is pathetic.
Fortunately they are few a far between.
What is disturbing, that the shotted people are becoming passive and even though we are at stage 6 “load-shedding”, which in English, not using an euphemism means we have up to 12 hours without electricity – thanks to the ANC.
Interestingly, Biden just gifted [o]ur, thieving present 8 billion $ to shut down our coal mines and move to renewable sources. The joke is on that dithering old fool, because the ANC wont, as they are exporting our top grade coal to their best friends – China and using the dregs to fire our coal power stations. So they are always breaking down. Kid you not.
Ramaphosa is is NWO stooge and they have just got him another term in office come 2024.
I know this may sound slightly off the wall, but I wish every Democrat is visited by the ghosts of Christmas and they have no rest for the remainder of their miserable lives.
The West has become weak and it’s time to really fight back before all is lost.
To those who are not part of this insanity, I wish you and yours very merry and blessed Christmas.
Curious to know why you “switched off” when you got to Canada? What did I say about Canada that bothered you? Really am curious!
Trudeau, is the short answer. However, the real reason more nuanced and I will try and answer by saying that I am certain that Canadians that were instrumental in helping to rid the world of Hitler would just acquiesce to this Dictator.
Have many friends who now live in Canada, they ran from South Africa (not that I can blame them), but that has led to the circumstances that we find ourselves in these days.
Have you been here lately?
“Here” meaning Canada? Yes, I live in Toronto. It seems we are in agreement so I still can’t figure out why you stopped reading my article when you hit the part about Canada….all I said was that masks were still commonly seen up here…
I understand, International City. I,ve been there many times so question, are these people Company Corporate Office workers. 50′-30-25 -20 years ago I’ve witnessed people wearing masks from all over the World.
Just perhaps your being Respectfully bias.
No Todd I was actually referring to my neck of the wood. South Africa.
You obviously did not read my first post or did not connect the dots.
I see there were protests in Toronto this past weekend calling for that disgusting Trudeau to resign!
I doubt he will go voluntarily. President frogfboiler Ramaphosa has just been reelected at the ANC conference for a further 5 years so we are stuffed.
He (Ramaphosa), like Trudeau are right up at the top of the Davos/NWO list so going nowhere in a hurry.
“they ran from South Africa (not that I can blame them)”. I live in South Africa, warts and all, having been born in Rhodesia. I did a tour of Southern African countries going “independent” as I grew up.
As far as Covid is concerned I am proudly South African. We were banned from buying alcohol but still found a way to drink. They closed the beaches, except for fishing, so at holiday time we became a nation of fishermen. I can go on. Bottom line is the vaccine uptake was so low that millions of doses have been dumped. Perhaps not such a bad place to run from, and worse places to run to – – -.
Totally agree. Live in Palm Beach, NSC. Wouldn’t trade it for anywhere now. Ramaphosa and Malema notwithstanding.
Apart from damaging children mentally, the mask may cause (a) poisoning from ethylene dioxide
(b) weakened immunity from CO2 raising blood acidity
(c) skin, mouth or respiratory diseases from the moist surface or microfibres
(d) breathing difficulty, even collapse and death, in case of exertion or weak lungs.
A comment at Daily Mail pointed out this possibility: after the jabs were imposed, it may have been the jabs the (pregnant) mothers took that damaged the babies.
mgeo, when they operate on people’s lungs they’re finding nanoparticles of plastic from the masks. I read they contain a layer of titanium dioxide which is a carcinogen. The supposed purpose is to protect the mask from solar deterioration; not very credible given a mask’s short lifespan.
face expresses exposure to shameful Propaganda
mask useful to hide the shame.
Question, did you commentators during covid ever write to head office of shops, business’s etc ?? regarding there aggressive mask policy s and how there staff treated those who didn’t have a masks on and at times showed disrespect and being aggressively challenged ..
we had a lot of success our end with getting business’s to back off slightly.
It’s happening now. CEO’s are running scared here in SA.
Some did, secure in the knowledge that the government was bullying, threatening and intimidating head offices into submission, so they knew beforehand that their letters would have little effect. They did their bit, but I don’t know what “a lot of success” is supposed to look like here . . .
Fear and money are driving this horsecart.
Oh trust me Todd, masks are still a prominent piece of apparel here in Melbourne as well, especially in the more wealthier areas I work in. At a couple of shopping centres I work at, at least a third of people are still wearing masks outside. Yes, in December 2022. And men of all ages and backgrounds figure very prominently in the wearing of facemasks.
I’m a street vendor, and the vast majority of my customers not only fully believe there was a deadly pandemic, but they supported the mandates and restrictions to “protect the community”. And quite a few of them are still wearing masks. And yes, for ages I was full of deep anger and frustration towards the mask wearers and those who got on their knees and complied with everything. And my anger was literally eating me up.
And then I watched a short film called ‘Let The Sleepers Sleep’. And it was like an epiphany. My anger and frustration was severely affecting my own mental health, and I realised many of these people will not wake up. I also realised you cannot force anyone to wake up.
So I now emotionally detach from them and practice unconditional love. Not for them, but for myself and for my own sanity. I’m trying to plant seeds with customers about CBDC programmable digital currencies, online identity and social credit scores, and even passing on links. And I ask all my customers for cash payments. But, whether they watch those videos or not is another matter. And yes, I’m very aware of how serious this is for all of us. Once cash is gone…
More than one can play the digital currency game? Digital currency has never been given a chance! All implementations thus far have been used as speculative investment vehicles, not value exchange and time bridging currencies.. I think governments that adopt digital currency are going to discover they cannot control the private parties who engage in the same game in a different format. Because private parties can implement Digital currencies just the same as governments, digital currencies have the potential to destroy the entire nation state system. <B>As the Covid experience shows, the nation state is nothing more than a tool used by the ruling class to manipulate those who are in the ruled classes</B>.
Admittedly I don’t know a great deal about digital currencies such as Bitcoin, but I do know that what the cabal plan to bring in is programmable digital currencies. Key word being programmable. They will be able to dictate what you can and can’t buy, and your behaviours. This will all be tied in with your carbon footprint Eman. Total control and total transparency. Disobey and say no to their dictates and you will have no access to money, or at the very least, fined for not toeing the line.
Politicians are vetted puppets of those who really rule. And any leader who is a genuine threat to their ponzi scheme and power is dealt with. Muammar Gaddafi is a prime example of this.
As I have said often Victorians are born stupid. They grow up stupid and die stupid. Sutton is still out there peddling his hysterical nonsense without a single fact and RATS are still peddled by the idiot media as meaning an infection.
Mask wearing is a sign of mental conditioning.
Another example of conditioning was launched yesterday in the U.K. An £18 million PR campaign to encourage people to reduce their energy consumption. It includes the phrase “turn down your boiler”.
it is not a large step to go from that to “turn OFF your boiler”. Just like their CV19 scam – an “emergency” which just so happened to be free of any supporting evidence – now they are working on their “climate emergency” and demanding all sorts of measures. The little detail about where all the recent freezing weather originated from if the polar ice caps are supposed to be melting gets ignored.
Freezing cold weather is just an inconvenience for the climate zealots.
why would not “intentionally not wearing a mask” be just as much a sign of mental conditioning? The key word is conditioning.. conditioned means programmed. Thus accepting narratives becomes a binary: either we accept or we reject? The real problem is not the people who accept or reject, but the governments that refuse to allow the audience to sue the purveyors of malicious,false premised, or tyrannical propaganda..for damages if the purveyors cannot generate sufficient evidence to prove the claims or directives given in the propaganda. IOWs the nation state law making powers are being used by the RULERS to control those who are the RULED.
Welcome to what we have been experiencing since 2008 in South Africa. We have no Electricity at the moment for up to 12 hours a day. And we believe it’s going to get worse as the only two competent people heading up our (non) supplier Eskom have resigned because they are not popular with the ANC and have been thwarted at every turn by these imbeciles who want to steal and break down the best Electrical grid they inherited in good working order.
shuffling mugwumps
muffling contradictory
where did you get that blank expression on your face?
devoured by
noshing chaffers
the devil is woke too
Great article I feel the same way. I am appalled at my fellow humans for swallowing the b. s. Human society is under attack by Evil and manipulative monsters and its these people who should be ‘removed’ from society.
Notices still in windows asking people to mask up.
I tell the business’s, that It is good that you care. However
I see a load of really fat people working here.
Is there a reason why there not on a diets.?
if you care, so much about health.?
That type of seeing people over weight does spread and it scares me.
look how fat over weight people have become.
To be honest I dont want to catch that, nor do friends children.
it is not except able to look like that.
Unless the mask is stopping them from eating, then well done.
That Usually shuts the fuckers up.
I identify as a mask wearer so don’t need to actually wear one.
I identify as fully vaccinated, it worked a treat.
One obese twit voted you down.
Bwahaha, as he just did me!
I sense hostility….. lol. I’m not sure if we can scream loud enough to wake the mask wearers back up. Here in the San Fransisco Bay Area the mask wearers are losing the battle but they haven’t given up by a long shot. We should probably be kicking the liars in main stream media that tell people to wear masks. ….hi there do you work for CNN?….boot. NBC?…..boot. Rachel Madow?…..two boots. Joe Rogan?….give the man a cigar.
Then rename Japan “Land of the Nerds” and ass-kick away because nearly everyone here – when out and about – are masked. And yeah seeing the masses masked up still irks, even I wear one when I enter stores or ride public transportation. To not do so is rude because believe me, if I were trying to make a statement by not wearing a mask at the Mos Burger, nobody here would get it. I’d be just another inscrutable gaijin who oddly won’t wear a mask. Even though the mass media have officially announced no one need to wear them outside the Japanese are convinced that masks will help somehow and so they wear ’em. Earlier, someone here equated the mask to the nazi-enforced Jewish star arm band, and elsewhere that may be so, but not here. To the Japanese it’s more like religious Jews unashamedly wearing a yarmulke. And if my Japanese were better maybe I’d find a more active “corona truth” community but it’s unlikely, and it’s not because there is an army of Twitter censors here or they’re a nation of virtue signalers; it’s because of a ridiculously stupid surfeit of kindness in the Japanese people.
Very sad. Perhaps I should consider the manufacturer the new vehicle I will be purchasing in the new year.
No more Jap. Albeit, that leave a fair chunk of the cars not available.
Japan was one of the first countries to normalise mask wearing years ago
Go maskless and wear a file card that says “Masks don’t kill viruses.” or “Masks Spread Harmful Propaganda”
perhaps an issue of greater concern than masks might be: U$A preparations for the pre-emptive nuclear attack of Russia and/or China.
“The primary purpose of the Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) is to deceptively “rebrand” the offensive use of nuclear weapons as a justifiable act of defense. The new criteria for using these lethal WMD has been deliberately maligned with the clear intention of providing Washington with a green light for their use and proliferation. Accordingly, US foreign policy warhawks have established the institutional and ideological framework needed to launch a nuclear war without fear of legal reprisal. These arduous preparations were carried out with one objective in mind, to preserve America’s steadily-eroding position in the global order through the application of extreme violence.
US Nuclear Doctrine is the polar opposite of Russia’s because the US will not abandon its support for a first strike. And what’s more troubling, is that US Doctrine has been so grossly expanded that could be construed to include almost anything. For example, according to the recently-released Nuclear Posture Review(NPR), nuclear weapons can be used: “in extreme circumstances to defend the vital interests of the United States or its allies and partners.”
“The Biden administration’s unclassified Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) is, at heart, a terrifying document,” wrote the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS).
“It not only keeps the world on a path of increasing nuclear risk, in many ways it increases that risk,” the UCS argued, by claiming that “the only viable U.S. response is to rebuild the entire U.S. nuclear arsenal, maintain an array of dangerous Cold War-era nuclear policies, and threaten the first use of nuclear weapons in a variety of scenarios.”
The only way to world peace is to defang the USA and soon.
Unilateral disarmament? Yikes Jimbo, that’s straight out of how to beat the west 101 by our enemies of old – you remember – USSR and China?
The only way to world peace is to stringently require that all combatants either possess at least $20 million net worth or are closely related (son, daughter) to a person who possesses at least $20 million net worth.
Bingo! Peace! Utopia? Yes but it it conveys a truth.
Any member of any government that votes for war, which remember the Queen/King in this country HAVE to sign off, should be the first ones into battle. World peace would no longer be a dream.
I suggest the children of the legislators instead. That was a point Michael Moore made in the film Fahrenheit 911.
“You vill own nothing and be happy.”
Out of the frying pan into the fire.
Yes, I read this yesterday. These people are psychopaths. From what I remember it was speculated that even ‘economic threat’ could provide legitimacy for a pre-emptive strike. Also a pre-emptive strike could even be made against a non-nuclear state if it was deemed necessary!
Yes. The threat of a “tactical” nuclear detonation within the Ukraine is VERY real. The fools in charge have discussed this tactic for several years – well before Russia attempted to end NATO invasions of Ukrainian sovereign territories…
Ukrainian civilians are being held hostage by “think” tank fools who have no clue regarding the seriousness of nuclear detonations… It’s a suicide mission…
I don’t kick people which are wearing masks. But sometimes I tell to masked women which are passing near me that masks are obligatory only for ugly people.
it is the ugliest look/fashion statement ever… have to laugh at the amount of attractive women that you would see, regularly admiring their reflection all gimped up hahaha
“it is the ugliest look/fashion statement ever”
I can think of worse…
While I can sort of understand the people who are still wearing masks, I find it very amusing to see the people who are still wearing the masks, but wearing them down below their noses…
Throughout the course of the Megadeath Virus of Doom Scamdemic, I’ve often seen people wearing masks in this slipshod, haphazard fashion.
And for a long while, there were occasional articles and comments from scamdemic-thrall healthcare workers scolding and complaining about the intolerable spectacle of people wearing masks incorrectly.
I always found the sight more pathetic than infuriating– but I was infuriated by the fraudulent scamdemic measures in the first place. The common sight of poorly-worn masks seemed an obvious “tell” that compliance was inconsistent: a terrorized minority of virophobes who were True Believers– i.e., people who washed their groceries, changed their clothes on the porch, and wore masks when driving alone in their vehicles– and the rest of us.
The rest of us, in turn, consisted of a minority of rogues who knew perfectly well that the masks didn’t work as promoted, and wore them carelessly or indifferently when forced to by circumstances, and the broad, hazy middle group who wore them as a sign of conformity and compliance, and either concluded that the “relaxed” nose-exposing method was better than nothing, or that it demonstrated that they were responsible citizens who were at least trying to “do the right thing” but weren’t going to be fussy about it. 😷
Masks create the illusion of a pandemic when there isn’t one. It’s one of the primary Covid propaganda mechanisms implemented through quasi governmental policies and the most intensive social engineering campaign in history.
The mask is an outward sign and symbol of submission of people to the coercive power of government.
It’s a tool for tyrants to initiate and perpetuate fear and control.
Anyone who agrees to strap on a mask has been stripped of their humanity.
Erm… “Children’s safety” ??? >>> A short list of articles – considered obsolete by an uninformed public. > EPIDEMIOLOGICAL STUDIES • Cellular Phone Task Force (
One of the first lessons I didn’t learn in school was singling out students as butts of kick-in-the-butt ridicule. Shaming these ‘losers’ often served to create a perverse common bond of persecution across cliques offering further false relief from schooling’s generally wretched socialization into status and rank.
The biggest bully in school is the school. Children are taken at tenderest age and placed in carceral conditioning to determine their success in taking orders. From Pavlovian bells and whistles to perpetual tests and grades, self-worth and relations with others are disciplined by rewards and punishments assimilating atomized units on assembly lines of indoctrination into a social system of alienation. Most any human value other than a utilitarian one becomes a liability for identities beaten into shape by fear of failure.
By the time the products of industrial schooling are to pass for adults, you’re apparently expected to be so fucked up you’ll settle down into the more serious abuse and trauma of the world at large. No wonder obedience to the really big bullies ruling us with nonstop lies and institutionalized violence recalls ritual performances first taught if not learned in factories for fitting cogs into the machinery of exploitation and oppression. From earliest age, the meaning of life is reduced to a never-ending series of kicks in the butt in one form or another within the pecking orders of power over others.
I’ll often catch myself in near-automatic reflex of repugnance for the masked, complementary to their own signals (e.g., glaring eyes) of virtuous contempt for science deniers, and ponder how we’ve been made to behave like lab rats in endless mazes of social engineering, strangers to others and ourselves, not least of all to others as ourselves. To considerable extent, the mask is the perfect symbol for the system of alienation we have lived too long in anonymous crowds with little to no purpose beyond commodified associations of capital.
I suspect behind some, maybe many, of those masks there are those who can’t wait for the next big scariant to come along so they may serve as kapos complying with more crimes against humanity. But if we’re to get out from under the bullies and boot camps butt-kicking us into oblivion, we’ll have to turn from those we’re trained to fight from schooldays forward, locked down in divide-and-rule horizontal hostility, and confront the predatory principles and practices of power which rob and kill us of our potentials to live more freely and fully. We need to make a new beginning at being human.
Maybe the silly buggers think mask wearing will protect them from falling space junk, as it’s a scientific fact* that wearing a tinfoil hat provides no protection from falling space debris…
(* Fact Checked, so it must be A Real Fact)…
Arthur says: ‘On 24-25 March 2021 people all over the world suddenly could not sleep, were weak and exhausted, has muscle spasms, and hurt and itched all over, especially in the feet and legs.
They had skin rashes, were dizzy and nauseous, and had stomach aches and diarrhea. The ringing in the ears was suddenly amplified. Their eyes were inflamed, and their vision suddenly worsened. They had heart arrhythmias, and their blood pressure went out of control.
Some had nosebleeds or coughed up blood. They were anxious, depressed or suicidal, and
irritable. Their cats, dogs, chickens, goats and cows were sick at the same time.’
As i’m jab-free i figured it was Old Ago buggering me about…Arthur probably thinks i’m being a Silly Old Thing…
Australia’s chief medical officer, a government paid advisor, recently informed that we can expect recurrent outbreaks of ‘covid’ for at least two more years…There’s not been any published Acceptable Number of Deaths from The Jab; it’s unlikely to be any published Acceptable Level of Deaths from fully operational global 5g …
The link to the original article: >
Ecocide from space • Cellular Phone Task Force (
5G launches are no joke… Thanks for posting.
The included graph showing the massive increase in satellites 2019 is rather telling, especially given the arrival of ‘covid’ during late 2019…
I agree that one should feel some ‘pity’ for the mask-wearers. However, it is the government and bureaucratic-stooges who should be getting the k-up-arse. These disgusting govt. and arse-licking puppets have spent the tax-payer’s money to to terrify the gullible which surely should mark them and not the gullible for ‘the’ firing-squad.
We, unfortunately … need the pathetic hordes of the gullible, mask-wearers, to see the coming ‘hunger-games’ planned for all.
Albeit, my empathy stops at the adults forcing children to wear fresh-air restricting masks … they jolly well deserve a good boot up the derriere.
Been done to death imo. American Childern are all ready vaccinated for everything under the Sun. Annual flu jabs etc. Personally I wouldn’t know frankly it isn’t any of business. Perhaps it could of been handled better. It was a shame where I was in spring ’20. The weather was beautiful air clean fresh, I just thought it a pity the little blighters weren’t out playing, including teens of course.
Different times in my day we hardly were indoors. lol! Not disrespectful but you could say later, treating our Home like a B&B…that was the British Isles.
USAmerican children are definitely not vaccinated against stupidity and hypocrisy … and therein lies their doom.
I have no pity for them, I despise anyone that complied with any of the covid bollocks because they, through their own stupidity, helped enable it. My family did not comply with any of it and it will be the same when they try the next scam. People urgently need to WTFU! The trouble is no one can be unvaccinated..
Oh, by the Lord and Saviour’s soul i fucking hate the mask wearers. It was at first just plain unmanly, despite the heroism attatched. The article sums up their, ahem…. personalities?….and such very well. The good news is, tbey’ll be the first to perish under the New New SuperNormal, given how every other dictatorial regime has charred the bodies of anyone who owns an A-z within weeks of takeover. Unfortunately, that aspect- takeover- IS going to happen, if not already in practice. Guess we’ll see who prepared the best, fairly quickly.
As you touched on, for me it is the betrayal of my freedom, that they represent. I resent their keenness to be a slave. I am more forgiving of the old, I just think they are afraid, so I pity them.
I agree. I see the remnant maskers as very frightened people. I am able to have compassion for them …. well, most of the time.
No glimmer of decency, no hesitation, no conscience:
And check out the name of that link:
Yes indeed, you could already have died horribly and not even know it!
They did not destroy us all through brute force, but through our coerced compliance.
There’s a lot of stories about Florida combating covid measures. I don’t remember seeing anything about masks, but I don’t think it matters. The Florida measures seem a little empty on substance.
Here are the key points from Florida that are ostensibly combating the narrative:
This is simply lip-service for the sheep; it will go nowhere. Just a dog-and-pony show that will find no wrongdoing.
If any politicians are actually on the side of the people, they will be talking about patents, protections from intellectual property rights and crossing the blood brain barrier. If they aren’t mentioning those, then they’re a lie, a distraction, or both.
Again, this will go nowhere. They’ll “review”, but then concur or make negligible adjustments.
If they are truly going to challenge the guidance, they will start with the fact that denovo assembly with targeted PCR is NOT a legitimate discovery or identification of any virus. Health guidance for theoretical computer models are wholly unnecessary, even if you give it a scary-scary name like covid.
Unless this bill reigns in the AMA, it is simply more lip-service. Also, note that they are introducing a bill to protect a Constitutional right, instead of simply defending the Constitution. That’s because they walk a tight rope in Florida: the political donors expect anti-populist policies and an alignment with corporations. Defending the Constitution is pro-populist, so they won’t do it. But, they still have to give the sheep a carrot to chase with a bill that is essentially empty.
The vaccine patents contain picornaviruses, a family of viruses which includes both Encephalomyelo virus and Encephalomyocarditis virus. These viruses both cause myocarditis.
It would be absolutely absurd to mention anything of myocarditis WITHOUT including this information. I’m 99.9% certain that they won’t mention a word of it.
Additionally, the University of Florida is all-in with mRNA modified mosquitoes and they get a ton of funding for it. They are not likely to bite the hand that feeds them.
I wish I could, but I don’t see anything real in any of this. Desantis’s donors openly stated that they “expect” Desantis to enact anti-populist policies and “align with corporations”. The sideshow listed above seems more like a purposeful distraction that will drag on and on so that the sheep don’t see or talk about the anti-populist/pro-corporation policies that Desantis lays out.
You could plug this whole scenario into any spot over the last 2 years and it would blend right in. There’s no advancement in the conversation at all, and that’s a red flag of its own.
They are just playing good cop, bad cop, but both are part of the scam.
Ask yourself why hurricane Ian was intentionally steered, then stalled over Florida.
Greg Reese – Weather Weaponization and Hurricane Ian
October 12, 2022
Greg Reese – Weather Weaponization and Hurricane Ian (
Ian was one of the most destructive and expensive hurricanes in history… Biden: “No one fucks with a Biden” > President On Hot Mic With Florida Official: ‘No One F**ks With A Biden’ | HuffPost Latest News
I sure hope your wrong. Desantis has been one of the very few politicians to break from the pack on the Covid scam.
He dreams of being “President” (cue music of the spheres). Bet your ass he’ll sell out once he wins enough primaries for the nomination. In fact, make book.
when I listen to him he sounds sensible…. Or at least more sensible than any other politician when it comes to Covid.
Speaking of masks and schools… they’re baaack! At least in Philadelphia; here’s still another recent news item belaboring the argument that, contrary to the optimism early this year, the scamdemic New Abnormal is neither “over” nor moribund.
It’s merely become “toggled”, i.e. the authorities simply turn it down and turn it up as they deem necessary.
So far, there’s no sign of public discontent; I’m certain that the typical accommodating response is something like, “Oh, damn! But, hey– it’s only for ten days. And after all, there is this ‘tridemic’ we keep hearing about. Better safe than sorry!”
Don’t tell me… it’s a Blue city and school district?!
Mais oui! 😷
‘They will not get over this, as many people imagine. It is imprinted for life.’
Pre-covid, at the supermarket, we used to be a bunch of people shopping together. Then came masks and we were a bunch of individuals shopping by ourselves. Then the masks largely went — but individuals shopping by themselves remained.
And now masks are coming back — kind of like a booster shot.
“First of all, wearing a mask when there are a gazillion studies saying it does nothing to prevent viral infection, is indeed a sign of ignorance.”
Still believing in “viral infection,” especially from a virus which has never been proven to exist, is also a sign of ignorance, unfortunately common in the “health freedom truth” community.
It is amazing to me that after 3 years of the Covid story people still get mask wearing so entirely wrong. At least in the western world that is the case. MASKS DO NOT PROTECT THE WEARER. MASKS PROTECT EVERYONE ELSE FROM THE WEARER.
A surgeon in an operating theatre does not wear a mask to protect himself. He/she is wearing a mask to protect the patient.
Have you worn the mask on a cold day? When you talk your glasses steam up…
The mask may stop droplets but it doesn’t stop a virus escaping – assuming there is a virus of course…
Anyway, when you sit down in a cafe´ you can take your mask off cos’ the virus leaves you alone when you are eating…
I was going to post a John Bishop vid on the subject but it seems that you-tube has buried it…
Excellent article by the way, by Todd Hayen
This brill vid will have to do as a replacement for the one I wanted…
His career will be over because of that.
Your point about a surgeon in an operating theatre is correct. But outside of this scenario, your point is completely irrelevant, in both directions.
A surgeon only protects the patient being operated on from droplets potentially falling from the surgeon’s nose into the open wound. The surgeon is not attempting to protect the patient from any virus or bacterium.
Even if you believed in viruses, you’d have to at the very least duct tape the mask all around your face (and be unable to breathe at all) in order for the exhaled air not to escape from the periphery of the mask.
The whole masking thing is grotesque and absurd. No research required even, just common sense.
Veri Tas et al, would you be surprised to hear that masks are not even necessary in the OR?
A 1981 study in the UK found just that.
No masks were worn in one operating theatre for 6 months. There was no increase in the incidence of wound infection.
Of course. Because in the OR, the surgeon is leaning over a patient who has been cut open, exposing their innards!
It’s the surgeon’s car keys being left in my innards I fear more than a few droplets.
I believe that is protection from spittle falling into open wounds rather than the air the surgeon breaths. That is an entirely different experience than healthy people breathing near each other or even spitting at healthy people.
have you not noticed that nobody is going around performing medical operations on any public street whatsoever
How are they supposed to protect anyone, when farts can get through boxers and jeans? So-called ‘viruses’ are many times smaller than particles of poo in a fart.
Surgeons wear masks to stop drool, snot, mites, yeast, and very small flying insects.
I’m able to conduct my business with all these factors under control. Is that OK?
Healthy people wearing masks do not protect anyone, what is this brainless crap.
Brilliantly said. Of all the crimes committed by the Covid Regime, I have felt that the imposition of masks was THE key to obtaining global compliance. You have put into words all of the rage I have been unable to articulate about the attempts to gag us.
Very good article. Brief and on target, and great to be reminded of some of Carlin’s words of wisdom.
Sorry folks, that was stupid of me. I was reading two articles on two different websites, and I put this comment on the wrong site! Nothing about Carlin here, I see! BTW, the article I was reading is: The Real Overpopulation Problem by T.P. Wilkinson, at Dissident Voice which DOES talk about Carlin. But this article is also very good. Again, sorry. Shouldn’t try to read two things at the same time!
That’s alright. Saint Carlin can be mentioned at all times with positive results.
The plutocrats who want to rule the world have not informed their sheeple it is okay not to ever wear a mask again; so some still do. Many will continue to wear them no matter how foolish they look. The media fear machine is ramping up the “virus triple threat” of COVID, influenza (the flu) and RSV. Sadly people are falling for the okey-doke. They have short memories and don’t remember how the flu mysteriously and magically disappeared in 2020-2021 amidst the COVID insanity. Just like they can’t connect the dots to link all the sudden deaths and the rise in all cause mortality to the anti-life COVID concoctions. Humanity is in deep trouble.
Why can’t I just let it go?
I have no problem with seeing masked people. I either do a mental eyeroll or I just don’t let them on my radar as a masked person, they’re just an obstacle to not walk into like any other, e.g. a tree or dustbin.
If they want to keep a soggy fungus and bacteria ridden thing on their face…isn’t it a great idea to just let them?
There is a minuscule chance they may have actually have an awful cough and for what it’s worth, the mask means the saliva and snot stays closer to them than to you.
I was thinking the human body has evolved to expel what your body does not need. If you have a cough or runny nose, it’s probably better to let that stuff get far away from you rather than have it enveloping your face via the mask for hours on end.
Here’s something to perk you up from a Japanese mask study
We surveyed 109 volunteers on their mask usage and lifestyles, and cultured bacteria and fungi from either the face-side or outer-side of their masks. The bacterial colony numbers were greater on the face-side than the outer-side; the fungal colony numbers were fewer on the face-side than the outer-side. A longer mask usage significantly increased the fungal colony numbers but not the bacterial colony numbers. Although most identified microbes were non-pathogenic in humans; Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus, and Cladosporium, we found several pathogenic microbes; Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Aspergillus, and Microsporum
The participants who ate natto had a significantly higher incidence of large white B. subtilis colonies on both sides of the masks than those who did not.
If they are masked they are probabaly jabbed four or five times.
Tick tock…
“…a guy wearing the “kick me” sign, not on his back, but on his face.”
I sell stickers, with the words “victims of propaganda often mask their face to avoid criticism”
they work wonders when unknowingly pinned to masked faced backs.. they rarely discover the words until their take their outer clothes off.