A Howling
Sylvia Shawcross

Photo by Taylor Wright on Unsplash
We must greet each other now not by vague kisses in the air off to the side, or handshakes or elbow touching, but by reaching out and touching the cheek of the other.
This is to remind us of how our faces were covered over—muffled, muzzled, muted. We must not forget the way we were and how we chose and choose to be. Of how we chose compassion over judgment, faith over fear, reason over mayhem, sovereignty over cult, freedom over bondage, truth over propaganda, and love over hate. In so many different venues and in so many different ways. Despite the high price of doing so. And still do. But never mind all that.
Is it not astounding how much money there seems to be to fund studies that show that the unvaccinated are evil and stupid and selfish and terrible drivers and insane apparently?
And how all this sudden adult death syndrome thing is the result of climate change, cold weather, fear, pollution, and too much exercise in the heat and the absurd list goes on.
And yet, we do not have enough money apparently to do autopsies on most of those who died, or to fund studies to understand why more vaccinated than unvaccinated are in hospital and/or dying or why nobody is dying much more than usual from covid in Africa with a low vaccination rate or why Sweden with no lockdowns has faired better than all of us?
Funny that is. If not tragic.
We spend a lot of money trying to prove what remotely might be true rather than proving that which is highly likely to be true but as always that is another story for another day. It is simply another dollop of incredulity added to the unease of the thinking human being. And we cannot have such unease in the scripted world so it is labelled conspiracy theory and we can move on. Into the narrative we made so different from reality. Reality now heretical. Again, another story for another day.
And so now, in this great ghastly world in which we all live, great swathes of history sweep over us now like a silencing wind. How are we mere mortals to come to terms with such a vastness of unknowns?
If we are lucky, we are “in” the world and not “of” it, which is the only way to be while the Gods play their games and we become as insignificant as as pebble on a road or a leaf in a whirlwind or a mosquito on a rhinoceros.
We are both significant and not. We are everything and we are nothing. We are living in the New Abnormal.
Did we have any choice? That is the precise question we need to ask now because as long as we do nothing, then we have had no choice. And we will have thrown the strivings of untold generations of humans to that silencing wind—to the Gods that play—to groups of people who are trying to save the world but care nothing about the way your child stuck their tongue out in the rain and laughed that very day. To people who would make machines of us. For their fear. Their plans and constructions and greed–all a testament to their fear.
Once we have merged with the machine with its predictability and control, “all that made us” becomes part of an oppressive mechanical world where input equals output. We become just the tinkered utilitarian toys of measured minds that never touched a caterpillar on a summer leaf or loved so well their hearts became limitless—their human soul brimming a river to a sea. Not measurable by any human. And never by any machine.
They who want to dissect and mechanize and own the world do not know the human soul. We have loved this planet longer than they have had their dreams of power. We have truly loved beyond the greed and control and utilitarian curiosity. We have loved like children with their passions and their spontaneity. We have loved when love was lost and loved when no soul was there to see us.
Those who are small in their vast power do not see their own poverty nor smallness. Nor can they hear the fervent prayers that the rabble say that twirls and whispers in that silencing wind. The poor, the broken, the sad, the lonely, the fearful. How can those who are small in their vastness know what they have never known?
How could they craft a world to hold a boundless spirit? All the love we have given and strived for was not in fear. Never that. It simply was human. It serves no purpose beyond itself.
We are born to die but we are also born on this planet, this extraordinary place and here is where we will die. We are asked by some religions not to love this world, that there is a better world beyond this. How is that even possible when up above us, the clouds couch the sun and the birds murmur and a drop of water holds a universe and stars field the infinite? We are human. We are unable to not love. We know no other way.
We are not machines.
We are not machines and we do not choose this world they are making. Because they are making it. That is what they are doing. When humans seek to be Gods, the magic dies and the hollow wind is deafening.
And that is why, no matter who you are, you must do that which you must do, whatever you believe. There may be very few chances again in history. Just do no harm. For harm has broken many but it cannot break us all. Howl now, into the silencing wind.
Sylvia Shawcross, Montreal
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Regarding the study that shows that the unvaxxed are 70% more likely to be involved in a severe car accident:
What this study implies is that many people who are unvaccinated probably are unvaccinated for the wrong reason: too little risk aversion.
However, this doesn’t imply that all unvaxxed people are unvaxxed because of low risk aversion, as the writers imply. It remains the case that one of the least vaccinated groups are PhD holders. Presumably, it’s not because they are less risk-averse, but because they can read and understand the data.
Since something like 40% of studies cannot be replicated, I don’t think we need take any specific paper very seriously, especially when the moralistic tone of the paper makes it clear that it is politically or ideologically inspired.
Syvia, unfortunately I never had the chance to meet you when I lived in Montreal. I was there during the pandemic and the lockdowns and the curfews and all the rest of the insanity that they threw at us. And having experienced all that it warms my heart to know that there are still people like you in that beautiful city who believe in the unbridled capacity of human beings to love and to give. I thank you for your words.
Why thank you John dear. The only problem being is that was a bit of an error as I don’t live in Montreal but identify closer to Ottawa. Those of us who live in Quebec however are pretty intrepid and mostly brave if not fools. We carry on. As we do.
I have never been that bad, but I have been down,down, down, down.
So I kind of emotionally if not quite phyiscally, fell down the well
I thought “oh shit”…but I wasn’t ready to die yet.
I arched my back against one side of the well, and gradually climbed up towards the top of the well, where I could see light.
I was doing well, but fell back down to the bottom of the well
So I tried again
On the third attempt there was this beautiful blonde maiden, who risked her life.
She tied her feet to the rope at the top of the well, and reached down as far as she could
You can do it – just grab my hand
She pulled me back into the sunshine (wife still together)
We have both been feeling like shite over the last couple of days Flu Mk2 – both too knackered for it on Wednesday – nah I ain’t up to it love.
But we have got nearly everything ready for when our Grandkids come round on Christmas Day
“Freddie King – Going Down – Live at the Sugarbowl, Sept. 22nd, 1972”
oh well… at least its the flu and not covid right?
Thank you, Sylvia for that moving piece of writing. Absolutely beautiful sentiments and expressed wonderfully…
Appreciation from snow-covered Vancouver Island!
oh i envy you the ocean! 🙂
Magnificent, Sylvia. Imagination is our birthright. THIS is why we are bombarded with so many distractions because God forbid humans begin meditating on imagining a better, more sane and healthy world. Imagination is unquantifiable. Its elusive power belongs to that realm that technocratic scientism refuses to acknowledge.
“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”
― Nikola Tesla
“Out of this war, the greatest since the beginning of history, a new world must be born, a world that would justify the sacrifices offered by humanity. This new world must be a world in which there shall be no exploitation of the weak by the strong, of the good by the evil; where there will be no humiliation of the poor by the violence of the rich; where the products of intellect, science and art will serve society for the betterment and beautification of life, and not the individuals for achieving wealth. This new world shall not be a world of the downtrodden and humiliated, but of free men and free nations, equal in dignity and respect for man.”
― Nikola Tesla
He asks a lot Tesla. For this world. Didn’t work after the last war, perhaps with the upcoming one. We can always hope.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-12-18. FDA now says Pfizer’s CV jab Linked to Clotting – VAERS knew over year ago. IVM comparable penicillin (blog, gab, tweet).
Don’t multi-post these under the same article, in reply to multiple comments, thanks. Once per article is fine. A2
The collapse of the COVIET UNION continues in Finland (Part 2).
Two more good news stories
The Russians are doomed because they have run out of socks and condoms.
Putin is about to flee to South America, though he is dying of covid/ alzheimer’s/ parkinson’s/ cancer/ athlete’s foot. In fact, he is already dead and has been replaced by a body double and has gone mad and been put in a loony bin. He has had all his generals shot, and all the shot generals have risen up and overthrown him. But he is sfill fleeing to South America anyway. I hope that explains it all to everybody.
Perfect love casts out fear
“We are asked by some religions not to love this world, that there is a better world beyond this”
You even contradict yourself here by writing this.
What do you think it means, that there is another world with a sky and sun? If so then you have it wrong again and no idea about faith.
Do not love this world means its ways, eg, money, selfishness, cruelty and power. Not the literal world.
Never have I heard any religion say not love the beauty of this creation. If so they are not a religion believing in the creator.
Let me guess, pending.
TY Hank. You are right of course about loving the beauty of this creation I would hope.
Howl, sing, write poems, write comments, paint, draw, plant, walk, swim, kick a ball.
Vent your demons, for Demons rule.
Covid. it’s like a many-headed Hydra. For nearly three years it has held our attentions, we still talk about it, but we just cant kill the Beast..It’s like a horror movie that keeps drawing our attentions, we just cant look away….
Jon Rapport regards it as a cover story:
Simon Elmer explains how the cover story ‘justified’ lockdowns that protected the economy…‘Lockdown wasnt imposed to protect the world from a new virus but because the real economy had to be shut down’:
It’s been said ‘the bigger the lie the harder it is to disbelieve it.’…It’s like ‘we can check out, but we can never leave’ it alone…
Hello les online: The article by Simon Elmer is Déjà vu all over again. As you know, the stock market crash of 1929, and all other such “crashes” are controlled by vested interests. International trade and incorporated banking have created every social catastrophe since day one.
As long as the civilian public continues to allow these syndicated interests to exist, the created problems will continue to savage their lives. Covid masks will never cover the empty theatrics.
So so beautifully said. Thank you.
Attributed to Jesus, being ‘in the world but not of it’ is trickier than ever in the new abnormal.
Jesus: Domestic Extremist (John & Nisha Whitehead):
Off topic but this is brilliant:
“There are many parallels between gender identity theory and religion. The idea of an internal sense of self that is divorced from the body is akin to the idea of a soul. Pride month and other ‘holy days’ are quasi-religious celebrations with people demonstrating belief by draping flags over buildings and in windows, changing business logos to rainbow colours, and participating in public festivities. The new priestly caste could be said to be made up of the representatives of LGBTI+ groups who often have a direct ear to the government and deem pronouncements on directions that should be taken at government level.
Gender identity proponents use mantras, slogans and chants that sometimes sound like ritual incantations. People are expected to publicly affirm belief by announcing pronouns and by using pronouns in email signatures and in social media bios. Gender transition has parallels with the religious idea of being born again, or of reincarnation. There is a hierarchical type of caste system with tiers based on levels of privilege and oppression or victimhood.”
It’s a brilliant essay. “The Science” is indeed the new religion. The gobbledegook of polysyllabic gibberish that drones on for paragraph after paragraph in the now typical gender obsessed, pharma-pushing, transhumanist, climate claptrap is the equivalent of the old theological tomes. And the relentless barrage of “fact checkers” and bans on proclaimed “disinfo” is the new Inquisition.
Yes. It is a religion. And gender identity is the subtext of the New “Word”…
As with all propaganda mechanisms, one syllable words and simple slogans drive the machinery of enslavement. The dream lands of self fulfillment trump true consciousness every time…
“Can you remember who you were before the world told you who you could be?”
– Danielle LaPorte –
(Born May 25, 1969)
The mental damage on young children from the masks and isolation will add to the damage from the religion of gender fluidity.
Sweden with no lockdowns has faired better
Good one.
NZ government booklets instructing citizens to report family and friends opposed to government policies, including covid measures, as (potential?) terrorists:
Did we have a choice? Every adult human being has a choice. Sadly, this fact is lost on the majority who either blindly followed or complied out of fear (of loss of job, house, money).
And before anyone gets any ideas, my husband and I were considering him leaving his job and caravanning ourselves to freedom, trusting in the universal powers that be that we would be alright if the s*^%t hit the fan. It didn’t come to this, as my husband was not forced to get the jabs (or quit the job), and I am in a very privileged position of making my own choice.
The point being that, yes, there is always a choice we can make.
While hysteria reigned around me I told them to fuck off with their lunacy.
Now there’s a meme
“How are we mere mortals to come to terms with such a vastness of unknowns?” One way: to practice justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly (Micah 6:8) Hope no one is offended by the Bible verse. Live as caring humans, not as machines. Or if you prefer a secular quote, how about this one: “Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.” (Dylan Thomas) Love to you all.
Thank you Sylvia, poignant. I have forwarded to friends and family.
I use your words to grab their attention:
We are human. We are unable to not love. We know no other way.
We are not machines.
_Remember this always_
I’m honoured John you think so much of what I babble on about. TY
MPs debating vaxxine safety
MPs debating pay raise
Before you know what kindness really is
you must lose things,
feel the future dissolve in a moment
like salt in a weakened broth.
What you held in your hand,
what you counted and carefully saved,
all this must go so you know
how desolate the landscape can be
between the regions of kindness.
How you ride and ride
thinking the bus will never stop,
the passengers eating maize and chicken
will stare out the window forever.
Before you learn the tender gravity of kindness
you must travel where the Indian in a white poncho
lies dead by the side of the road.
You must see how this could be you,
how he too was someone
who journeyed through the night with plans
and the simple breath that kept him alive.
Before you know kindness as the deepest thing inside,
you must know sorrow as the other deepest thing.
You must wake up with sorrow.
You must speak to it till your voice
catches the thread of all sorrows
and you see the size of the cloth.
Then it is only kindness that makes sense anymore,
only kindness that ties your shoes
and sends you out into the day to gaze at bread,
only kindness that raises its head
from the crowd of the world to say
It is I you have been looking for,
and then goes with you everywhere
like a shadow or a friend.
-Naomi Shihab Nye, Kindness
Brought a tear to the eye niko, but not as one would expect or I would have expected of myself not so long ago. I fear the age of kindness as its own reward is dying on the vine. Kindness comes now with a price and/or expectations. One has to be on guard with receiving kindness now. Not with giving it necessarily but with receiving it. How cynical I sound but I am not without experience here. I want to believe that kindness without such chains existed but it requires discernment. Be careful is all I’m saying when your sorrow is so deep and you are most vulnerable. We are in a different world and there be monsters. And we must always in our hearts look to why we extend kindness to ensure it is not self-serving in some form or another. How can, for example, someone actually be “happy” by giving to the broken. It is a detachment of some sort. It is almost ugly–that happiness at the expense of another’s sorrow. I don’t know what I’m saying and don’t wish to imply that anyone should not be kind, but to know kindness as a source of happiness this way is kind of… well, perverse. Kindness is simply a given in a well-lived life. It expects nothing in return. Or am I mad and ungrateful? Who knows. I only know what i know which might not be much.
Perhaps what I’m really saying is that kindness cries with the broken, it doesn’t self-gratify. Empathy perhaps.
You know very well,Sylvia.What you said there is painfully true.
Hi Sylvia. Like so many others here, I appreciated your reflections, particularly as they reminded me of how the psychopathology of power is out to destroy human subjectivity, and the uniquely personal qualities by which we connect and communicate with an I-Thou world (Buber) relational and full of meaning through and through.
Modern mechanistic science reduces subjectivity to irrelevant secondary qualities (Locke) or epiphenomena in favor of an I-It world of objectivity, quantification, data…linear terms and conditions laid down for calculating, coding, and controlling life like a machine, now threatening to be brought to a whole new level of morbidity with technocratic, transhumanist agenda.
Imagination, empathy (as you say below) – such species intelligence seems crucial to save us from being swallowed by this all–devouring madness. Or maybe compassion, in recognition of the word’s roots in ‘suffering with’ other living beings as a virtue to be cultivated, vulnerability which makes for power of personal integrity and authenticity, much like what I take to be at the heart of Buddhist practice of the interdependency of being, particularly with the bodhisattva ideal.
This is the kind of kindness I think Nye is exploring, very different from if not entirely antithetical to the charity or pity, just the other side of contempt, exercised by superiors for inferiors.
Not to be taken lightly, like random acts of kindness for self-gratification (as you also note below), living with compassion is, as Nye’s poem suggests, a spiritual journey to “a condition of complete simplicity (costing not less than everything)” (Eliot) in which the illusion of separateness, maya, gives way to realization “that thou art” (see Shankara), how the other, “dead by the side of the road…could be you” (Nye), and how this releases one from bondage to suffering, consistent with the four noble truths of the buddha in us all.
“They who want to dissect and mechanize and own the world do not know the human soul. We have loved this planet longer than they have had their dreams of power. We have truly loved beyond the greed and control and utilitarian curiosity. We have loved like children with their passions and their spontaneity. We have loved when love was lost and loved when no soul was there to see us.”
Thanks for your words here, and everywhere else I gladly read them and learn again to appreciate the poetic, soulful qualities of living.
Is that a bible formation?!
It seems you still don’t understand the Basic Facts of Life on this Planet!
And above all you fail to recognize that we are NOT that what you imagine uman animals to be.
The concept is taken from the Wiccan Rede: ‘An’ ye harm none, do what ye will’ Whilst I agree with the concept, it negates the reality of human upon human exploitation and usury.
Pipe dreams can be very pleasant, depending upon your choice of filler…
Oh for heavenssakes Voz, we can recognize there are many forms of harm, no?
Hello syl shawcross: I’m not sure your reply is directed at my comment, but the question was asked.
Yes. There are myriads of human upon human harms being perpetrated, and the damage has been escalating rather than diminishing. Despite all the “reasons” given in blog after blog, I fail to understand the embracement of the phenomenon.
I’m certainly no saint, but have always made it a point to treat others in as kind a manner as possible. This is true regardless of age, class, race, gender, or other societal designation. I also believe there are millions upon millions of others intellectually and emotionally wired in this same essential way.
My conclusions are that economics (or lack thereof) drive all forms of human exploitation, abuse, opinion, and morality. The problem is avarice. Mr. Voz Obd has taken a rather extreme view, and seldom offers any resolution.
My opinion is that resolution will not be found in idle dreaming of a “better” world. The road back to any form of economic stability and/or societal parity, will be a very long and sober process. Do no harm should be a given…
Harm is harm… You can sugarcoat it but that’s just your personal choice.
Actually Voz, I’d like to know out of simple curiosity what YOU imagine human animals to be?
I don’t need to imagine anything… I just look around and see what uman animals really are.
Sylvia Shawcross, Montreal,
You write absolutely brilliantly, as if you are my dead departed sister, with an IQ off the scale, come back.
She promised me, she wouldn’t get jabbed.
Almost certain, she was.
I bought new clothes for her funeral.
Her daughter told me, 2 days before the funeral, that masks were compulsory.
I said, well I am not going then, and neither is the rest of my unmasked, and unjabbed tribe.
I am not completely convinced that we are doomed, but the Mayan temples look a hell of a lot better than The USA copies where they used to store their nuclear weapons, and probably still do
Merry Christmas / Pagan / Mayan equivalent.
Merry Christmas Tony oh poet of searing snapshots of a life.
“..why nobody is dying much more than usual from covid in Africa with a low vaccination rate or why Sweden with no lockdowns has faired better than all of us?”
Where is anyone drying from “COVID”? Is there any proof it’s an actual unique disease with unique symptoms, rather than a bunch of symptoms collapsed under one roof and defined not by symptoms but by tests such as the PCR , never primed with an actual virus, because none has been isolated and refined? Are there more people dying of “COVID” than of exposure to unicorn urine? You are upholding the core parts of the ruling narrative while pretending to be opposition.
Error, it should be “…anyone dying from “COVID,”” not “drying.” 😀
Most of the noise over covid is distraction. The info. we need, that governments and “scientists” are doing their best to bury, is the following for each country from the start of the jabs:
:- excess all-cause deaths
:- excess deaths from each cause
:- excess cases of serious illness/disease including deaths and breakdown of those who got remdesivir or ventilation.
One of the most hysterical job pushers in Australia has just admitted she and her wife were injured by the first fucking jabs but still she peddles them
Jeffrey, none of us know anything for certain. I am not pretending to be opposition for heavenssakes. Opposition to what and to whom? I’m just me. I’m not a scientist. I looked at as much as I could to conclude the covid likely exists perhaps because to suggest it doesn’t is so much more monstrous to accept. At this point, it is all still a slow plodding shuffle to truth.
I will not be David Lynch’s howling dog on a leash. We can act to make change that deposes the 1% and corporate money that makes policy with their technologies to LOCKDOWN commoners from self-ruling authority over ourselves. A Consumer General Strike for the month of January for instance. Withhold all our disposable income until they step down and we make policy. If we make policy and do not have a justice system that renders the Constitution discretionary, with free choice, bodily autonomy and consent, we can make sane policy for a livable future. There are infinite solutions when these assholes are removed from authority and their excess discretionary wealth used as a weapon to pound us into submission.
We need to collectively come up with a self-governing system. I have an initial take on a direct democracy voting on Policy system whereby reps are replaced by hired legislative manager-empployees to supervise the current vast government staffing to obey policy and budget directives or be fired. And this includes all staff and contractors.We all need to start brainstorming solutions. Howling at the wind is giving up.
Ideas, please!!!
Hello sandy: The financial “general strike” would have to proceed far much longer than a month. Please understand that I agree with your sentiment, but the general populace are accomplices to their own execution…
That said: I’ve posted explanatory links to articles defining Direct Democracy and electoral Sortition many times. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sortition Also articles defining the concept of all civil legislation requiring public referendum.
My postings seldom receive any feed back or notice. The plebs seem to enjoy their intellectual prison cells… Send in the butterflies and unicorns…
It’s a hard row to hoe, this shift from voicing protest to physical action. As long time protest participant, i face similar resistance to action. People trust the existing system and get little chance to hear non-system takes like expressed here on Off-Guardian. Get folks to act to disempower the 1% ruling elite will take lots of relentless effort. Don’t give up.
I don’t think i can go for random selection of “representatives” or any selection of representatives. We can be ourselves and select the policies and budgets we want. Then we can hire employees to “make it so”. As we can see delegating authority-to-decide to individuals who represent no contractual platform performance guarantees, is social hari-kari. Public referendum policy making works for me. Voting policy directives, we configure, will achieve that.
The idea of community meetings, Town Halls in block groups, to decide policy and budget is coming. But we need to thwart this 360 degree totalitarian putz of society we see emanating from the ruling class. They have almost entirely privatized the social sphere with limitations to freedoms preemptively terminated by “public safety” measures that are the exact opposite.
Don’t give up.
Howling in the wind is not giving up. It is making a whole hell of a lot of noise for change if enough people do so. No?
Thanks for writing the article Syl. I hate to pour water on your parade, but as a long time protest participant makin’ noise is all fodder for the elites. They use protest to their own ends. The pigs place provocateurs to stimulate violence to be repressed, or sit by and watch riot move to the 11 o’clock news for public disgust. No matter the wailing voice, we are chained to the tree like a marginalized pet, dismissable as a jealous complainer. No policy action of any note has taken place for 50 years. Only action like defunding the monster 1%, their consumer crap and their ownership of policy deciders will remediate the insane world they have created. That’s why I call for a Consumer General Strike of non-participation in consumer culture. For a month, six months, a year. But we all have to do it together to defund their convenience culture and assert demand to stand down to public vote on policy and budget. It is the only future Humanity has. The privileged policy “makers” devoid of contractual obligation to perform as promised, can never be trusted to function on our behalf.
We need to start sharing ideas for a collectively self-governed society that is not overlorded by these monsters, that is self-ruled to provide for Humanity, not the 1%.
OMG this is magnificent! I wish I had written it! No, I don’t, it is just too good…
What Sylvia says here is SO important…she writes from the perspective of the heart and soul…this is the most important perspective through which to see and assess this “nightmare of humanity.”
Her writing reminds me of my favourite poet, Mary Oliver, and my favourite poem, “Wild Geese”
Wild Geese
You do not have to be good.
You do not have to walk on your knees
for a hundred miles through the desert, repenting.
You only have to let the soft animal of your body
love what it loves.
Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.
Meanwhile the world goes on.
Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain
are moving across the landscapes,
over the prairies and the deep trees,
the mountains and the rivers.
Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air,
are heading home again.
Whoever you are, no matter how lonely,
the world offers itself to your imagination,
calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting—
over and over announcing your place
in the family of things.
Thank you Syl
After your comment I had to go back and read it again. But I read the paragraphs in reverse order. Just as good.
wow have loved this poem for years but never read it backwards … bloody brilliant. Thank you
Yes it is a lovely article, and so is your comment.
You are too kind Todd. Wonderful poem. Wonderful.
U.K people..
British gas letter last week.
it then went on to tell you, how the gas prices are going up again.
Are you sure you are not reading a White House news release?………….
I bet UK slaves can’t tell the difference!
More musings on the despotic nature of modern society. Cheers https://joeanderson.substack.com/p/modern-society-compels-you-to-sell
When the media – and I mean all of it – is controlled by the tiniest minority, then they can spin any story they want. Do they even need to fund phony research programmes? They just make them up. Lie. Fantasize. Shovel out whatever is needed to further their programme. And don’t forget how their obsessive drive towards automation in every sector underlines their mistrust and contempt of actual human beings. As some (justified) chancer on a “reality” show once said, “Sure it’s all real. It’s reel to reel!”
“It follows the death of mother-of-two Rebecca Ikumelo, 33”
Don’t worry.
Its just a coincidence.
“I’M just a coincidence”
“No, I’M just a coincidence.”
“I’M just a coincidence”
“No, I’M just a coincidence.” . . .
The obvious aim is to make us lose our wits.
Well that is not going to happen with some of us, thank heaven.
Thank you Sylvia.
Here’s an example of how infinitely tiny, and malevolent, these dark forces are.
Dr. Peter Hotez’s name has come up several times in James Corbett’s reports. What makes his particular view so hideous is that he’s a pediatrician. One wonders how many patients (aka sacrificial victims) he still has. Undoubtedly they’ve all been jabbed and are just waiting for something benevolent to come of it. They’ll have a very long wait.
World Health Organization Publishes Video Calling COVID Jab Skeptics a ‘Major Killing Force’ – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
The headline of your link is too telling. The evil jumps out and grabs you. No need to follow the link. They will never stop lying………..
At least the headline put World Health Organization and Major Killing Force within the same line…
Most of the noise over covid itself and anti-vaxxers is deliberate distraction. The critical info. governments have failed to publish is the following from the start of the jabs:
:- excess deaths: (a) total all-cause (b) from each cause
:- excess cases of serious illness/disease (including deaths) with breakdown of those who got remdesivir, ventilation or the jab.
Yep we need to continue to be obsessed with controlling everything…. Virus, death, climate, people whatever some nutter comes up with….never have we controlled anything much for long…uranus exists …someone needs to tell them it won’t allow total control. As Len Cohen said there is a crack and that is where the light gets in….
The ritual shame muzzles will come back with the “Catastrophic Contagion”.
Now they are also pushing a “seasonal” mRNA jab for the “flu”, that they claim self mutates to neutralize the “current” strain.
We ain’t seen nothing yet.
They ain’t seen nothing yet.
This sort of thing always ends badly for the perpetrators.
REALLY badly.
Even people who are a little bit greedy themselves don’t like people who are possessed by rampant greed.
Freshman year in college. “Guys in the quad” at the end of the hall played this incessantly. Massive speaker system…….. https://youtu.be/4cia_v4vxfE
Scott Cromwell:
“Being 20 in the Seventies was a lot more fun than being 70 in the Twenties. Rock on! “
“They who want to dissect and mechanize and own the world do not know the human soul. We have loved this planet longer than they have had their dreams of power. We have truly loved beyond the greed and control and utilitarian curiosity. We have loved like children with their passions and their spontaneity. We have loved when love was lost and loved when no soul was there to see us.”
There you have it, Syl. Thank you.
The human soul can encompass the universe, while our politicians encompass only their own wilful ignorance.
Just look at them: Strauss-Kahn, Lagarde, Leyen – all people who were supposed to represent the best to which organized civilization can aspire – all people implicated in the worst to which politicians can aspire . . .
Did they all start out that way I wonder? Or does the “system” corrupt them?
I suppose their otherwise ‘normal’ academic training revealed a tantalizing hierarchical slot into which they saw they could fit perfectly – and, wow! the pay was good too!
They skipped the classes on ethics – too boring . . .
“They who want to dissect and mechanize and own the world do not know the human soul.” The plutocrats who want to own and control the world are psychopaths devoid of morality, empathy and any sense of connectedness to nature, the planet and humanity. Their goals are to kill a large percentage of us and turn the remaining of humanity into Zombies, chimeras and cyborgs. Our only solution is raising our consciousness and mental vibrations to visualize, imagine and build a viable and vibrant alternative to the dystopia the psychopathic elites intend for us.
Managed to avoid colliding with those unvaccinated drivers today.
Look into the eyes of those your meet and greet or you will look to images you raised instead. For we can mask in the forms of love or affection so as to learn ways of seeming to meet without really joining.
Why do we not – but what we expect to see is already imaged in mind to shape ‘automatic’ defences or reactions that ‘prove’ the belief that set them?
A little willingness is not a stare, but an opening to presence not pre-manufactured by a concept that carpets and blinds to a realm of shadows cast to a screen or cave wall.
The ideal of self-autonomy – to be as a god to our own life – runs an automaton of unconsciousness if running on judgements set by a past that sets them still.
To be as one with God in our own life is established in that we never did or can create our own existence, but that mutually agreed alignments in ways that selectively focus so as to collectively discard, deny or put out of ‘mind’ can and do put us out of the awareness of the Mind of God. If ‘God’ is too abused a term, choose for whatever stands clear when we ‘thinketh not’. For ‘Is’ Is. And what we think cannot replace the field of desire that alights the moment of fulfilment, even if we so grasp as if to keep or possess for a ‘self’ we take from it. But who can hold focus in the world but by persisting an experience of a ‘self-possession’ that meets conflict, adversity in change and challenge through which an ego is both grown or developed and adapted to as an adjustment or compromise – through which we have the time of our lives, that is – we unfold our experience together through terms or contract of largely acquired and inherited patterns of a collective ‘agreement’ if only be default of running as result of not choosing differently, from a fresh evaluation. So the past stamps to present a future like itself as if THIS time, it will be different! And it can seem to escape, to win, overcome or prevail for a time until the core contradictions reassert the predicates that we assign to Others and to World (and to God).
Uncovering conflict in our own mind can be experienced as incandescent rage, putrid disgust – that is intolerable pain & sickness of ‘self’ that has no capacity to ‘re-evaluate’ anything but every liability to project out onto our life, our relationships, our world in ways that may offer mitigation or temporary respite by casting or projecting OUT and AWAY from the attempt to manage what remains, and remake some sense of ‘solidity’ or normalise a masked out sense of self-protection.
Yet a ‘protection’ or a ‘love’ that is re-triggered to conflict and defence when its terms and conditions for ‘safety’ are not met. When love turns to hate, is it not that attempts to mask over or escape fear break down to reveal an attempt to DO love from a fearful sense of threat, disconnection and pained fear of loss?
Choosing not to join in hate or harm must abide it to the point of recognising we do not want it. And standing in that decision.This in effect gives up the attempt to ‘fix ourselves’, to a release that opens to That which truly releases us from self-reinforcing conflict.
Love that is impotent, is not love, but a substitute accepted in its place that will bind us to false or magic ‘protections’ that require sacrifice to maintain and can never have ‘enough’ control. For no amount of control will substitute for love, regardless the acting out of fantasy upon the body or the world.
A grounded reference point:
Thank you binra. You give me pause for thought. Such wisdom.
Characters like the futurist Harari, are saying the only way we can be like Gods, is for us to be less human and more like computers.That is the worry with futurists, they embody an atheistic streak.Is this ‘streak’ within us or coming from somewhere else?and looking at the talks of Steiner, he is perhaps saying that this battle is inevitable, and a rise in consciousness into the ‘Aquarian age’ will eventually happen from this battle.
I cannot even hear that name Harari without rising blood pressure. I mean the things that come out of this man’s mouth. Is it real?
That really resonates. Thank you!
The news we should be getting
This should be on the mainstream news
On the BBC on ITV on SKY ON CH4 In all news papers
This is the most important motion in Parliament
In the most ludicrously lowly attended speech in Parliament
On why these MRNA vaccines should never have been used and why they need to be withdrawn.
Awesome, and (of course): very true.
Blissful ignorance on the reality of the vaxx and covid is the problem.
Having that said: it’s very problematic for a doctor to speak out. This is a political issue. Medical science has been made into politics (and fraud) and as the speaker says: this has been going on for a very long time. Journalists, scientists, medical doctors: the whole lot are all in some way responsible for what happened. I am saying this as a former doctor and scientist. We’re all guilty, even those who saw it and tried to prevent. All of us, knowingly or not were part of the so called maffia and keep our mouths shut through omertà.
The truth must come out. This politician (who is he) did a good job and set the example.
I would like to speak out, but think it can only be done through tribunals or truth committees. Bring it on politicians!
And thanks for sharing
The honest politician is Andrew Bridgen.
The honest politician is Andrew Bridgen.
Is that supposed to be funny?
I posted what I did in reply to Willem asking who the politician was… if you read his post, you’ll see his question (he wrote in brackets, ‘who is he’).
I think a mention should also probably be made for Sir Christopher Chope and Danny Kruger who offered good support here.
Funny? No, self-evidently not. Just ‘Ananda’ showing his/her lack of ananda – again. Got several upvotes too. Amongst the tunnel-visioned btls here, ‘All politicians are crooks!!!’ is a knee-jerk.
You probably realised that when I said to ‘Ananda’, ‘Is that supposed to be funny?’, I was being sarcastic…!
Why the three down-votes…?!?
Yep, and thanks for commenting also Willem, always enjoy reading your words.
“(as practiced by the Mafia) a code of silence about criminal activity and a refusal to give evidence to authorities.”
A new word to add to my collection.
“Being a cowardly accomplice”, is a nice English phrase to say the same thing.
I somehow can’t see myself going about accusing people of ‘omertà’ all over the place, but then I don’t know many Italians 🙂
“Snitches get stitches and wind up in ditches” is another way of phrasing it. Though if you google omerta, you’ll see that its meaning is considerably more nuanced than either of our suggestions.
I’m not sure how often I’ll use the word, but I’ll know what it means when I see or hear it.
“The Unspoken”, might be an idiomatic translation…?
The low turnout at westmonster speaks volumes, it proves the crooks are as guilty as sin and are too bloody ashamed to show their ugly mugs.
I suspect their bonus payments have a clause which prevents them from participating.
Yes. Exactly. They are traitors to their country, and should be hung from a gallows.
same MP who told people to go get the jab n boosters was happy to lock down people lose there business’s lively hoods scream at thoses for not wearing masks. FFS
Now when they’ve have had there PR team send the memo out is safe and cool to discuss this. they fashionable do. and you fools fall for it time and time again.
Yes, the absolutely classic turd in the punchbowl. Look at Bridgen’s history, every inch the selfish, self-serving, corrupt Tory politician. Maybe he has realised the blag and maybe he is being honest in his statements, but you know exactly how it will be used either way by the authoritarians in power (not right wing, not left wing, not centrists, just cunts): “Oh you think the jabs are harmful? That makes you a RIGHT WINGER!!” Textbook divide and rule.
We’ve already seen this playbook time and again, Bridgen is no different. He is telling the truth. To about 6 other MPs by the look of it. Pure theatre, they haven’t even bothered with most of the props this time. Don’t fall for it.
I bet he’s a mason too they probably all are 🔯.
A very gallant effort by Mr Bridgen. However, the empty echo in the chamber speaks volumes. As this “debate” determines the fate of tens of millions of British citizens, the “debate” should be heard by a full assembly of the British Parliament.
These missing seats are those of traitors, period. When governance has been reduced to the status of farce and abject blindness to genocide, no amount of punishment should be neglected.
How the truth resonates.
Shameful period for humanity, the last 3 years…
This needs to be put into context. And I am not a pro vaxxer. The Neil Ferguson (Garbage In. Garbage out.) model was predicting hundreds of millions of deaths. NO ONE bothered to verify his model. Was this a panic by the medical community or a scam? We should be gleaning the communications of everyone involved. Start with those who participated in Event 201. All WHO communications. The CDC, FDA, NHS, NIH etc., etc. Even if it was an honest panic it did not take long for the severe vaccine side effects to show themselves. Only a few months into the vaccine roll out, they knew. But yet they kept going and still haven’t stopped. Technically, they knew before the vaccine roll out but they lied about the results of their trials. They, by the way, means fuckers. All those fuckers that are lying. They.