WATCH: The Climate Change Gambit
James Corbett joins Ryan Christian of The Last American Vagabond to discuss a very contentious and manipulated topic, one that is being hoisted above the population as an absolute, as those in power no longer ask, but demand, your compliance.
Of course, we are talking about the ominous spectre of “Climate Change” and whether this is exactly that, a spectre, a ghost, an illusion designed to create, initiate, and justify a long-sought technocratic agenda.
Sources and show notes are available here.
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James Corbett’s approach to issues is to ferret out connections between seemingly unrelated dynamics. This approach usually yields sterling results.
However, I do think he’s crossed the line separating fact from fantasy this time. It may be perfectly true that those pushing the climate agenda are in some, most or even all cases the same ones pushing the transhumanist agenda.
That does not mean the climate agenda has transhumanist roots or that the two are in any way connected. Just because they seem to have ended up in the same basket does not indicate a causal relationship between them.
Both issues have some degree of validity. There are climatic issues which do point to human interference; but that does not warrant a complete overhaul of human society. Similarly, there are human proclivities which point to the need for improvement; but that does not demand a digital overhaul of human DNA.
Above all, the ones who offer themselves as perfectly suited to overhauling human society and DNA are the very last ones who should be allowed anywhere near either. And that maxim is about as close to absolute truth as you can get.
Woke madness in Austalia’s NSW: Perrottet gives himself dictator-like powers over coal
He is the leader of the NSW division of ‘Liberal” Party of Australia.
Balck = white, Liberal = communist WEF style
In my humble opinion this road leads back to the Club of Rome’s Committee of 300
So what would you prefer, when the electricity is cut off:
an old bank note, a new bank note, lots of camping gear, a piece of plastic, a nice wife, son and grandkids with a pertol driven chainsaw and a shovel and an old diesel powered car with snow chains…and some food.???
Princess Diana is not on the note. I wish she was.
Aye,a specimen right enough.
Global warming may amount to hot air in theory, but what it lacks as legitimate science, it more than makes up in terms of religion of science and opiate of the masses in practice. Climate science serves the consensus of ruling class interests who control production of the ideology or necessary illusions by which their control over the (re)production of resources for living is extended.
Media monopolies and security states provide means of enforcing lies as truth upon largely passive populations dispossessed of autonomous institutions enabling resistance and alternative organization of human community and society in an already advanced alienation of anonymous masses. Atomized crowds become collectives conformed to coordinated agenda under cover of grand narratives which rationalize and mystify the real nature of the plans for the pretended welfare of the people. Whatever dissent may arise among scattered masses is easily marginalized if not eliminated in the absence of organized mass movement to challenge and counter dogma dominating people by sheer force of the material means for mind control.
Climate science, or scientism, is part of the postmodern mythology of progress in the age of globalism, beyond the grand narrative of nation-states that defined modernity’s march of progress through the crises of previous industrial capital development. The problems posed by this past paradigm are to be summarily solved by the “masters of mankind” (Adam Smith) with the technate. Centralized control over the means of (re)production, beyond the maldevelopment if not terminal crises of neoliberal globocap and US globocop overriding national sovereignty, will be transferred to the technological infrastructure slowly brought to boil by now, so that a new normalized system of transnational rule may be more rapidly rolled out by radical reset. Disaster capitalism will destroy the last pretenses of liberal democracy and representative government so neofeudal fascism of the corporate state may build back better biodigital controls of a prison planet. This will entail postindustrial revolution by capital powering down energy to disempower human labor for transition to more fully automated and roboticized exploitation of resources, necessitating depopulation.
Climate control, as both ruling ideology and actual geoengineering, is the macro-complement to the microcosmic colonization of human resources initiated with the covid coup, together serving the biosecurity state of siege via states of emergency permitting more direct control over resources by management of technocracy. If the pseudoscience of digitally driven distortions of data with climate, covid, virology, and germ theory is to be changed, it will require revolutionary politics to seize control of the corporate state’s centers of power and dismantle them in favor of more decentralized, democratic power of people, protecting the practice of science in service to society based on freedom, justice, and equality, beyond class rule.
I expect none of us here are experts in weather manifestations but I am, by now, certain that the weather around the globe is being manipulated, weaponised even.
This document contains various snippets of how such manipulation has been done over decades – and, so, the ‘anthropogenic climate change’ meme is true in this perverted sense.
Yes. A well researched article. Yet it fails to understand the financial magnitude of a $200 billion dollar per year industry. limited to the continental US. The weather control industry operates world wide… Australia is just another victim/client… Here’s more food for thought. >
Current Geoengineering proposals for the polar regions – Geoengineering Monitor
December 19, 2019
Nice of these folks to treat the Earth as their little private lab experiment… As if no one else lives here…
There’s no bigger worrier and doer regarding Fossil fuels and the proposed Global warming, than me. However I now see that even if all my concerns were justified, the whole thing is being used to implement political Power. “Never let a good crisis go to waste”, principle.
So its a “hot potato”. If the proponents of the theory were at all genuine they would check some basic facts. In my speciality it those facts would be “Windfarms” which can be shown to be really a big fraud – if you happen to have spent some 13? years investigating “wind energy”, and Proved any ideas you may have come up with in a physical way. I.e. with a wind Turbine Alternator system that actually does as much as any system can.
The thing I eventually created has a return on investment of at least an order of magnitude (as in x10) that of current “technology”. This is because it accepts reality rather that Cartoon physics.
It’d be interesting to learn more about your creation! A2
The chemtrail “theory”, dumber than the flat earth nonsense!
Weird how his document had no list of references.
CO2 is the gas of life – period!!!
Weather manipulation has been happening for many decades – period! [1976 UN Weather Weapons Treaty]
The entire green agenda was born in the 60s, engineered by the think tank Club of Rome!
The entire green agenda is false, as it seeks to control all aspects of people’s lives; this agenda is communism and paganism [both coming from jewish cabalist sources].
Keep it simple: CO2 does no harm to anyone or anything!!!
Climate change is a hoax!!!
Agreed, but I think paganism pre-dated any cabalist sources or organised religions by many thousands of years- as far as I know.
True. Paganism was openly practiced for thousands of years prior to the secretive rituals of Kabbalah. Contrary to modern indoctrination, Paganism embraced concepts of Natural fertility and productivity. Nature spirits and natural constructs were considered god like and sacred.
Compare that sensitivity to Kabbalah, which instructed the worship of evil and the power of esoteric belief. Secular science and the magic of technology is the putrefied result…
I like Corbett a lot. Definitely a smart guy. But he is giving the climate alarmists too much respect and credit, in my opinion.
Just because he has read a lot of the propaganda they have generated does not mean he can cherry pick what he likes and declare it as legitimate while declaring other concepts as illegitimate.
And I am not saying he is right or wrong.
He is not qualified to produce those conclusions. This interviewer has assigned him “God” status on the topic.
The whole idea that direct readings of CO2 have been increasing in recent times jumped out at me. He just went with it as though it true because he liked the way it was presented in a document somewhere?
I disagree with that concept and I have written about it multiple times. Oak Ridge National Ecology Laboratory studied the relationship between human generated Carbon Dioxide and plant growth over 1/2 a century ago. At that time they suggested that accelerated plant growth (photosynthesis) stabilizes Carbon Dioxide gas concentrations (mostly through ocean algae).
Oak Ridge’s latest study suggests that the process is dependent on the availability of Nitrogen. I sensed political backpedaling. I found their paper through Google Scholar a couple years ago. Who knows if they haven’t scrubbed it. (I am too lazy to try and dig it up again. I will look.) No doubt they are under political pressure to support the new narrative. My two cents.
An expert is someone who knows everything there is to know in a very narrow field. And there is no such thing as a very narrow field.
It seems that some conspiracies are real!:
“Big oil is behind conspiracy to deceive public, first climate racketeering lawsuit says
Lawyer in a civil lawsuit launched by towns in hurricane-hit Puerto Rico describes why it is using laws used to target mob bosses”
It seems that “oil and coal companies …. are accused of conspiring to deceive the public over the climate crisis”. They have indulged in “decades of deception” and caused communities in Puerto Rico to be devastated by Hurricane Maria in 2017.
Furthermore “oil and coal companies, their trade associations, and a network of paid thinktanks, scientists and other operatives conspired to deceive the public – specifically residents of Puerto Rico – about the direct link between their greenhouse gas-emitting products and climate change.”
Gosh! A “network of paid thinktanks, scientists and other operatives conspired to deceive the public”! Did you ever hear the like?
Note also that “first climate racketeering lawsuit”. This is merely the beginning of an enormous flood (see what I did there?) of morality tales featuring oil and coal companies causing climate catastrophe and worse: deceiving the public into thinking there is no such catastrophe!
Whereas “we” of course know that climate change is real!
More needs to be said about the advantages of a warming climate and the increases in C02 which are making vegetation very happy at the moment.
If we are terraforming the planet, which I doubt we are, then it is going very well.
It’s actually not going very well for vegetation. Not when you take into account the ongoing geoengineering, which is depositing aluminum nanoparticles on the soil (which is killing soil microbes) and at the same time depleting the ozone layer (which is admitting UVC radiation).
The offshoot of this double whammy is devastating, especially for trees, which have closed their stomata and therefore cannot take in CO2 – a process most notable in Western USA, especially Northern California.
Vegetation is losing out. The causes include direct destruction (logging, mining, pastures, farms), soil erosion (farms, roads, etc.), fragmentation of biomes (highways, etc.), diverted rivers, drained wetlands, heat (poor growth, insect infestation), fires, prohibiting controlled burning by natives, coastal erosion, floods, polluted marine vegetation and plankton..
It is like Covid, its a tool to advance a US imperial agenda. To fight off the decline and to subordinate defiant provinces.
You need to know that to take it apart, if you don’t acknowledged that, then you will be lost talking about technocratic agendas and other humbug.
If the freezing cold global warming doesn’t get you, an unvaccinated driver will..
Minus 9.5 in Reykjavik a couple of days ago.
Unusually cold, even for an Icelandic December.
At least it does tend to be dry when it’s that cold . . .
Don’t know about Iceland, but here in the US the frigid temps going all around are largely produced by geoengineering processes of chemical ice nucleation, which uses desiccants to cool moisture laden air, thus rendering it dry as well as cold.
Temps in the 40s SHOULD NOT feel frigid!!!!! But when the air is geoengineered to make it cold, they do.
Either a jabbed car/vehicle driver or airline pilot. Quantas, the Aussie private/public national airline, usually has two pilots in control. Recently they increased this to three pilots as increasing numbers were slumping over the controls, fainting, etc. They have all been ‘required’ to have multiple jabs in order to keep their jobs.
Please think twice about flying, and warn family and friends. Disasters will happen. Probably blamed on climate change (updrafts of hot air), or Putin (more hot air).
The first such reports on pilots appeared in early 2021, and then disappeared.
I wonder how many of those crashes before the covid era, blamed on “human error” or suicidal pilot, were in fact due to modern medicine.
The “climate change gambit” is just a distraction away from the facts. The climate is being manipulated, period. All CO2 discussions are topic diversionary and intended to control taxation of commerce. Taxation is “legalized” theft regardless of the excuses…
The carbon credit (tax) schemes are controlled by petroleum producers themselves, and were envisioned log before Al Gore became an investor. Again. Al Gore and company were just another diversion. The environment is heating, period. But not for the reasons given.
From 3/16/2016 – an ancient time…
Who OWNS The Weather?
Catherine J. Frompovich
March 14, 2016
Who OWNS The Weather? (
Let’s watch lame discussions that avoid all mention of environmental facts…
The Catherine Frompovich mentioned in your post is the author of one of the many books on the medical scam of ‘vaccines’: “Vaccination voodoo: what YOU don’t know about vaccines’. I own a copy.
I haven’t read the book, but Catherine Frompovich is a force. She does her research well, and doesn’t beat around the bush with wasted words.
The Graud:
“Scotland’s proposed gender recognition reforms explained
The bill will introduce a system of self-declaration for obtaining a gender recognition certificate (GRC), removing the need for a psychiatric diagnosis of gender dysphoria, reducing the time someone must have been permanently living in their gender before they can apply, from two years to three months, and dropping the age at which people can apply from 18 to 16, in line with wider Scots law on legal capacity.
Proponents of the reforms hope they will streamline a process that transgender people find intrusive and distressing, but will not affect the spaces or services they use in their day-to-day lives.”
A piece of language-destroying logic-negating trickery drummed up and ram railed through parliament to cater for a demographic which did not exist until recently and which doesn’t even exist now except as mutilated dupes led on by degraded moles.
Highly recommended site which proves that weather engineering programmes are very real, they are being covertly run by these criminal scumbags and then denied (although they do admit they do this as well in certain interviews and with all the patents which you can find at the site linked to)
Geoengineering and Weather Modification Timeline · Weather Modification History
They never do anything to mess with the weather:
S.517 – 109th Congress (2005-2006): Weather Modification Research and Development Policy Authorization Act of 2005 | | Library of Congress
Only right wing, tin foil hat wearing conspiratards believe in geo engineering and that the governments of the world (controlled by banker criminals and corporate scum) are even thinking of deliberately modifying the weather:
Government Response to the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee 5th Report of Session 2009-10:The Regulation of Geoengineering CM 7936 (
Climate change, like Convid, is the con trick of choice for these scamming lowlife pieces of lying filth out of which they establish fraudulent, criminally obtained justification for their criminal, anti human, anti life measures. They are literally a bunch of scammers. Why are we giving these people the power to do this? How much more destruction are these scumbags going to be allowed to cause?
Climate change per se is not the con. The Green New Deal is the con. The psychos are simply doing what they always do: taking advantage of everything that can possibly happen to further enrich and empower themselves.
Hello Mucho: Yes. I’ve posted that same link many, many times over. The public continues to pretend that geoengineering technology is unable to control the weather, even when they see the chemical traces running from horizon to horizon. The joke: >
Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques
The Convention was opened for signature at Geneva on 18 May 1977.
Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques – A/RES/31/72 Annex – UN Documents: Gathering a body of global agreements (
The ENMOD agreement is total bullshit because it does not define the term “hostile use“. Every signatory State knows the ENMOD agreement is bullshit… The civilian public are laughing in their sleep.
Yes Mucho.People should look up more and see for themselves what they are doing.
The effective capture of ‘global’ organisations in terms of narratives to guidelines to regulatory dictates inserted into contracts, is not much concerned with arguing as it effectively owns “the science”.
the disparity of wealth is not just assets but leverage that is used to consolidate control to those who join in corrupting lawful communication and exchange to serve a private self interest – that is to a hierarchy of control that locksteps freedom into ‘survival’ set against fear of pain of loss – that runs corollary with being out of true with life, world and true self.
Hence it masks in ‘saving’ narratives that appeal to a future alignment after breaking the ‘obstacles’ that are scapegoated or false flagged to be the cause of toxic dissonance – so as to weaponise its guilt by repackaging as virtue under ideological capture to crafted lies of self-evasive gain of function. (Degradation and dysfunctional life as sacrifice for the persistence of a segregative ‘separation’ set over and against its own life.
The European Union of Unelected Bureaucrats is totally corrupt and amenable to bribery. — Statement by Middle Eastern political spokesman.
The EU is a corrupt body and Ursula Von der Lügen is its pretty face.
What about European and North American companies dividing up resource rich Middle eastern or African land for themselves over the last 150 years? Was that transhumanist or merely colonialism?
If I understand correctly, corporations buying up Dutch land is transhumanist but the same corporations buying up African resources backed by the military is nontranshumanist?
What happens when colonialism runs out of steam, neocolonialism runs into obstacles (see: Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan) and the lowest hanging fruit to screw over become the lower ranks of serfs in the rich world? The EU seems to be in the middle of a full blown assault on its own citizens and small businesses. And yet people are more concerned about China’s digital dystopia or Qatar buying “influence”….when Von der Liar seems to have lost the messages with which she bough a few BILLION clot shots for a population of under half a billion??? And Bourla refuses to show up at an EU inquiry?
Why search for complex explanations when simpler ones suffice?
The old/new colonial wealth creation order involved European entities dominating faraway continents (Americas, Australia, Asia and Africa). But suddenly many of these populations are not willing to be subjugated in a cost effective manner for those neocolonial entities.
Houston, we have a problem.
“Climate change” is just another thing to game the system. Resources are becoming more scarce and pollution is getting worse. So you fly around a lot in your jet, wave your magic wand and declare it zero carbon. Meanwhile you raise fuel prices for the serfs so they’re forced to restrict their movements to the basic minimum needed for pure survival.
You won’t need carbon credits to ration anything. High prices work just fine for the bottom 95%.
Nobody here supports colonialism, so why are you interested in creating a false binary between that and transhumanism?
I’m saying that if climate change isn’t already a meaningless expression, adding “transhumanist roots”….makes it sound even sillier.
Colonialism was socially unjust. These policies of hiding behind excuses like climate change or pandemic or terrorism to control the serfs and redistribute wealth away from the bottom 90% are socially unjust.
For example, the fact that farmers are locked into software service agreements for their expensive farm equipment is lawfare and inappropriate use of market power. The tactics that have been used for over three decades now in North America to drive small farms into bankrupty ….we can call it transhumanist or we can just call it corporate concentration and the creation of highly corrupt oligarchies for anything: seeds, farm equipment, land, fertilizers. For me it’s more of a welfare and econmic distribution problem than a technological scary thing.
A GMO seed is not in and of itself a scary thing as long as the market is free of corruption and independent farmers can choose which seeds they want,
The very richest have known this for a while: domestic tyranny is cheaper and less risky compared to economic, subversive or military imperialism.
Bill Gates’ reaction to a simple question…!
“Squirming Bill psycho Gates reacts to question – ‘Are the vaccines safe?'”, (video: 1.44 mins), at:
Why would she be asking a computer guy about injections anyway? It was my understanding that the mantra was one should only listen to “the experts”.
Because computer guy is one of our owners, so it’s his call.
The “computer guy” (not) has been going on and on about health and meds, and has successfully used his money to impose meds/jabs he invested in.
Never before in the history of humanity does anyone deserve to swing from the gallows as much as kill gates.
I can think of 650 more who should be tightening rope with him, then we can start on other governments of the world.
Yep, too many people around. The world is overburdened, time for a cull. As I wrote before. Call up Bertrand Russell, George Bernard Shaw, Thomas Malthus (of course), H.G.Wells, Beatrice and Sidney Webb. ‘All progressives.’ But talking of Wells, he is the archetype of this murderous doctrine. He wrote ” … those swarms of black and brown and dirty white and yellow, who do not come into the needs of ‘efficiency’ were self-evidently otiose. The World is a world and not a charitable institution; and I take it that they will have to go. The whole tenor and meaning of the world, as I see it, is that they will have to go.”
Summing up we can say that – This ‘Great Reset’ – is an absurdly over-ambitious programme based on what is a frankly deranged strategic political and economic agenda. (Not that these PTB think of themselves as deranged. They no doubt think of themselves as the staunch defenders of western civilization). Such are the delusions of a declining civilization and the insanity of a decaying end-game, a system of rule – if this is the right word – in the hands of a small cabal of untouchable elites who are not very far removed from clinical schizophrenia. The second roll-out of the Great Reset as such is little more than an updated version of the Great Game, played out in the 19th century, only more ambitious, dangerous and deluded.
They now have a limited time as the Age of Pisces (element of water) comes to its close and the Age of Aquarius (element of air) slowly begins. This transition has been occurring for about 200 or so years – there is no precise time.
Brief summary of the Age of Aquarius – small groups, friends, equality, innovation, creativity, independence, rebellion if over-restricted, unexpected changes. Symbols – the water carrier (see most of us with our little bottles on water as we travel), and two wavy lines, said to depict electro-magnetic energy waves.
Of course, there will also be the balancing energy of Leo, but I’ll leave that for now.
Off topic and perhaps bathetic but ….
Here’s a “bourgeois” complaint which I think indicates an impending collapse: I tried buying an item from ebay for Christmas for my son (he’s disabled). I then blandly assumed it would just be posted. When it still hadn’t arrived after two weeks, I realised that the seller had sent me an email asking how we would arrange the “collection”. It seems she had no intention of mailing it and wanted to meet up. Considering that we didn’t even live in the same country, this would obviously cost us as much in travel as it would to post. I offered to pay the postage. But whatever happens, there’s no way the item will get through in time for Christmas.
So I wonder why she didn’t just put the postage price in the listing. It’s clearly because, with skyrocketing charges, no-one would buy. Nevertheless, someone will have to pay something.
I know this is a drop in the ocean. And I feel I am whining about something that may seem trivial. But I reckon this is just the beginning as the entire present fabric of social interaction starts to crumble.
I met an old postman in London who thought the mail was a sacred trust. That was a long time ago.
In a way it is, as the Universal Postal Union based in Switzerland holds the most power in today’s world – perhaps even more than Vatican. Without its approval, your nation ain’t a nation and cannot trade!
“international admiralty is the private jurisdiction of the IMF, et al., the creditor in the bankruptcy of essentially every government on Earth.”
Of course the globos are in on it too:
“One World – One Postal Network”
read in conjunction with this and things become clearer:
“stranger things” for those pursuing the less trodden path:
Fascinating info about our DNA. Thanks for the link Duckman.
Some food for thought:
3000-year-old solutions to modern problems
I loved that talk. Thanks for sharing it, I’ll pass this around.
The masses are waking up. Covid hasn’t helped their cause.
Merry Christmas.
Lets see what santa brings.
Ah Santa, anagram of Satan!
Most people, maybe all, I haven’t seen this point before, are missing a if not the major argument here – if this ‘global warming’ has anything to do with human activity, then you need to go to the source – it’s industrial capitalism that is the root cause of all this, with its central endless growth imperative which requires massive amounts of energy. Outlaw capitalism, sort out a civilized, less frantic and violent lifestyle, and most of the things these people are wailing about will be greatly reduced. Along with a whole lot of other problems. (and we can still have most of our modern toys, it’s the wars and excessive waste that will be greatly reduced)
“Modern toys” have gotten us where we are today. Let’s build more cheap plastic crap to throw away.
Oh good, problem solved, see to the details will you.
The natives of the Americas and Australia had life styles that were in relative harmony with nature. There were no slums or sewage or feminism or plastic waste or gulags. They were exterminated. Unfortunately “progress” is an unstoppable express train. We can only hope we aren’t around when it strikes an impervious barrier.
Global Warming
There is no global warming. This weak hypothesis was floated so that there would be interminable wrangling about whether or not it exists. What is happening is resource depletion and the destruction of the natural world. This is accelerating as we speak. Australia has lost two million trees in the last five years. Trees that would get rid of the CO2 that the banksters claim is the problem. With the trees go the biodiversity and all it’s wonder and beauty. The doublethink is appalling. During Dictator Dan’s darkest days construction continued at breakneck speed while politicians wrung their hands about climate change.
Data shows there’s no climate catastrophe looming – climatologist Dr J Christy debunks the narrative
Billions of vehicles, millions of factories, hundreds of billions of slaughtered animals and no damage done?
It’s just not logical.
We have shit our nest.
Big time.
Thinking there are a lot of cars and there actually being so many cars that we’re poised on ecological disaster which justifies technocratic world governance controlled by a global corporatocracy are two very different things, not to be conflated, aren’t they? A2
No they aren’t. But that’s not the point Johnny was making. The idea that there’s no problem at all is unrealistic at best. It does not justify world govt or control by psychopaths, but pretending there’s no damage at all isn’t justified either.
Climate-engineering is being used to ‘nudge’ the global population towards an acceptance of the UN Agenda2030 sustainable development goals.
Solar radiation management (SRM) and stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI) operations are being used daily to create the ’emergency’, the MSM amplifies the ‘reaction’, then the UN mandates the ‘solution’ to its 193 members who must comply under the ’emergency’.
AGW is real, and so is the technocratic agenda that exploits it. One does not exclude the other. If the only way to defeat the technocratic agenda is by denying the risks of AGW, the best result will be a Pyrrhic victory.
Many argue that AGW is not real in any empirical way. There is very little data supporting it except computer models and appeals to a scientific consensus which, many argue, is artificially generated by huge pools of funding from global corporate entities, the same corporate entities currently using climate change (and later covid) to implement a system of corporate global governance justified in the name of crises management and public health.
Personally I question whether computer models – which have been consistently proved wrong; which are incapable of modelling the complexities of my front lawn let alone a planet; which aren’t programmed with data on past dramatic climate shifts, only micro-trends in the last 80 years or so; and which lack crucial information like solar activity and its influence on our weather systems- are really worth very much.
Computer models certainly weren’t worth much in 2020 when laughable and inaccurate ones were used to help push through previously unthinkable and tyrannical lockdowns and other social control.
Free-floating anxiety in generations of people created by an ‘imminent threat’ of AGW annihilation is a titanic force for social influence and control. I just think we need to realise people in high-up places in the world aren’t unaware of this and we should all be suitably sceptical. A2
Same goes for the “pathogenic virus” but you seem to take a “neutral” position. In fact there’s no recorded scientific proof of a “pathogenic virus” as defined causing any illness.
So far (and I don’t buy the human causes climate change story) there’s more lack of proof with the virus than this narrative.
When Off-g started it was all in on questioning the existence of a virus that literally shut down most of the world. Talk about fearmongering.
I think there are legitimate questions regarding virus theory. I have stated this.
It’s not spreading fear to remain neutral in terms of virus theory when normal flu has been around forever and ‘covid’ – whether or not there was ever anything discrete to refer to by that name – was only ever a track of ordinary mortality and ordinary rates of seasonal respiratory infection, with localised ‘hotspots’ ie. normal breakdowns in healthcare which are by no means unprecedented, being coopted into the narrative and with the addition of some spikes of excess mortality linked closely to places which shutdown eldercare and curtailed healthcare.
UK and US age-standardised all-cause Mortality for 2020 was average in the 2000s.
Covid was all very normal, hence why so many people started to question things and the narrative got shut down very quickly. There existed glaring inconsistencies in the internal logic of the official narrative, and these were an extremely powerful weapon against the viral fear.
Thanks for your comment, A2
after a 100 years of pharma deception “covid” was initially plausible, as the hoax was exposed many looked further into the subject, what many have found (self included), is that virus science is BS.
however what many who have un-covered this truth have come to believe is that as a consequence of this revelation they are now invincible..
the fact remains is that whilst the understanding has evolved the toxicities that kill us are still ever present and increasing in ever varied ways in our “late hour” world
navigating a path today is much harder than 2 years ago, conclusion is not readily available, not as yet a positive one, though like most I am doggedly determined to continue to question and to hold to account my enemy till my dying breath
I certainly didn’t mean that Off-G should be focused on whether a virus exists and causes disease. I’m saying that the underpinnings of the health “emergency” rests on a belief that such an invisible pathogen has been proven to exist – if it doesn’t than what causes illness, symptoms, disease? The scam collapses and returned to a reality that is not based on a fictional belief.
If no one has proven 1) the existence of a pathogenic virus and 2) proven a specific pathogen causes specific symptoms than what are we left with?
I posit we’re left with a weapon (imagined) that has been targeting and in some cases killing many of our kind. And on the pretext of a non-proven invisible pathogenic particle labeled SARS-Cov-2. Allowing that to continue has obvious nefarious consequences. It’s not about convincing politicians – who are part of the problem – about the non-existing pathogen that they grow up as children and adults to believe in. It’s about freeing oneself and hopefully others from this phantom being used to extort our very souls.
This cannot be about simply winning an argument or selling a concept or changing beliefs. But simply not giving into the claims of something that is nothing more than the emperor’s cloths.
the only warming is that that is being created to minimise the potentialy lethal cooling, or perhaps you view those “pretty” streams coming out the arse of airplanes as “ornament” ?
those observing the now rampant death of birdlife may also be sensitive to the strange temporal and other phenomena are seeing the manifestation of changes to the magnetic structure of our world
the forces that are creating these changes are those which mainstream “science” has intentionally hidden from us with its meaningless incorrect confection of shyte
they will hide this from us as best they can, for as long as they can, for they fear panic, panic cannot be ordered or controlled, only fear provides that
they classify their actions as compassionate, while they strive to find a way to depart, as I once remember seeing the title:
“No one gets out alive!”
Chemtrails seem to be avoided like a plague.
Chemtrails, among the dumbest of “theories”.
The scam continues …… “We have 30 by 30. Six months ago, who would have thought we could 30 by 30 in Montreal? We have an agreement to halt and reverse biodiversity loss, to work on restoration, to reduce the use of pesticides. This is tremendous progress.”
This ‘global framework’ comes today when the the United Nations Biodiversity Conference, or COP15, is set to end in Montreal. The phrase 30 x 30 refers to 30% of the world’s land and ocean will be privatized (stolen) – err, sorry – set aside for biodiversity.
Expect sickening barrages of publicity from the MSM in the coming years.
Re: your link, what an embarrassingly contrived piece of phony “green” triumphalism. What does it even mean “to protect the world’s lands and oceans” or “to save biodiversity in the developing world”?
And “the package was adopted to rapturous applause just before dawn” sounds like one of those Stalinist hack pieces.
And “to phase out or reform subsidies that could provide another $US500 billion for nature”. Does “nature” need the money?
Then the pseudo-philanthropist bit about giving money “to poor countries”.
But note the biggest giveaway: After decades of complaining about these corporate owned entities blithely ignoring the “much needed commitment to change”, suddenly they’re all for it? I guess that Dickensian repentance over covid has truly transformed our Scrooges into Plato’s philosopher kings!
The trouble is that there are two stories going on together here, one real and legitimate, the other a scam.
There is indeed a large problem around trashing the biosphere for human projects, and from sheer feckless exploitative human mis-use and abuse of it. That really does need addressing, and even with our current near-high-watermark of human population overshoot (soon to begin now it’s automatic self-correction process which resolves overshoot events, entirely without ‘benefit’ of eugenics), serious damage-reduction and remediation is still eminently doable; to our advantage and to the living Earth’s, in fact, since it would involve systematic pollution-reduction, plus switching away from energy-hungry, inherently-unsustainable industagri and towards benign, energy-superior permaculture agri.
OTOH, the more you look, with due scepticism, at the climate hysteria, the clearer it gets that there seems to be no genuine emergency, and it’s all just a fear-stick to beat us into compliance with the power-grab and enslavement ambitions of the gics – the gangsters-in-charge.
The situation is further complicated by the glaring fact that most – all? – of the erstwhile big leading environmentalist campaigning outfits have now been captured by special-interest capitalist-exploiter anti-environmentalists, just as the WHO has been captured by the over-wealthy-globalist gics, the WEFoid tendency; who of course overlap in many instances with the anti-environmentalist gics.
There’s a baby-and-bathwater distinction to make here: protective and remedial environmentalism good, climate hysteria bad. Genuine, non-astroturf environmentalists required in large numbers to get to work on the baby’s needs. Lots of them being working farmers, operating remedial and permacultural farming methods…
I agree Rhisiart. Our most important need, in my opinion, is to stop polluting, to remedy existing pollution and to implement methods of reducing pollution – the latter is available but not promoted in the mainstream.
The climate change cultists focus on reducing carbon, which is not really the issue at all. They also want to block the sun in bizarre ways – symbolic of the ways they try to block light (enlightenment). Don’t go in the sun, smear yourself with unhealthy sunblockers, hats, etc. etc.
The globos are cleverly confusing these two issues along with lots of the usual fear porn about heatwaves, rising sea levels, ‘extreme’ weather, etc. I’ve read that some weather maps now have an increased red colour to depict high temperatures.
As for overpopulation – are their figures correct I wonder? How do we really know if we are ‘over’ populated? I don’t trust any of their statistics now.
How disappointing that figures like David Attenborough are supporting the great reset’s agenda.
Behind the increasing fear porn on climate change is the transgenda-agenda. And behind this is the globo’s depopulation agenda, more gays and transgenders equal less babies for obvious reasons but there’s more.
Transgenderism is a steppingstone to transhumanism.
“Gender confusion, gender inversion and corrupting human biology is an attempt to destroy the sacred male and female dynamics, which pulls humanity away from Nature. As detrimental as that is, the divorce from Nature can be worse.
Humans merged with machines, technology and AI, are the next step. Genderless asexual cyborgs, with technology infused bodies hooked up to the metaverse. The perfect slaves. That’s the abomination the present rulers of the world are pushing humanity towards.
The propaganda is already there. It’s hard to say how far transhumanism has already progressed, especially if you take Morgellon’s disease and Covid vax into account.
There is considerable overlap between Baphomet doctrine, Freemasonry, Alchemy and Kabbalah. All doctrines see the synthesis of man and woman into one, as “the perfect human”.
Mass extermination: destitution, poor/poisoned food/environment, 5G, withheld/unaffordable medical treatment, covert euthanasia, wars.
Other depopulation: (a) miscarriage, stillbirth, or sterility through poisons (b) covert sterilisation/abortion (c) gender confusion.
May Hem, a few cryptic notes from my files:
Population is falling. Empty Planet: Preparing for the Global Population Decline VIDEO
UN says 2100 will see 11 Billion; they’re wrong.
36% of pop is in China & India. China’s birthrate is only 1.5/woman. India 2.1 that’s replacement.
Because populations everywhere becoming more urban, people want fewer kids, they’re a cost, not helpers on the farm.
Also, women are more autonomous. Mid-century will take us to 8-9B, then will decline.
Already, global fertility rates are falling, reaching 2.4 births per woman in 2018, down from 5.06 in 1964. Fertility rates in about 50% of countries worldwide are at 2.1, which is below population replacement level, The Guardian reported. If further stressors are introduced, it could be catastrophic.
Wm Engdahl hs a good article on population too.
I also doubt any stats given by governments/U.N./cabal organisations. How do we know how many people really live on our planet?
But if population is smaller than we’re told, and birth rates are falling in many countries, why are we having another ‘reset’, with attempts to kill off a lot of us – using medical murder instead of war?
Why is there a ‘reset’ going on – is it due to financial collapse, and/or to shortage of cheap oil (as we are being told)???
May Hem, scarcity of oil isn’t a pretext. Wm Engdahl, an oil specialist, has an article on this, too.
I’ve many times posted partial lists of the undeveloped megafinds of oil and gas. Undeveloped because a shortage of energy is one of he ways to make the world less able to support the population. Perhaps you’re aware that they are now trying to reduce the food supply, too.
I became aware in 1963 of an already generations-old group of secret societies which desired to own the earth and all its inhabitants. They wish only that number of humans whom they can use for their labor and their projects and experiments.
They are of course monsters; they’ve been raised since childhood in this horrible ideology– many of them in secret societies for teenagers before graduating to college-level ones like Yale’s Skull & Bones of George Bush fame.
The global warming hoax is a pretext for not developing easily available oil & gas equal to an amount that would last more than a century from just a few of the larger finds.
No, the motive behind the great reset is simply that they want a world of very limited population whose labor is entirely disposed of by them.
It’s actual evil, difficult as that is to understand.
Holy McShit!. Climate Change did this.”

“Maybe Climate Change isn’t so bad after all.”
Search Corbett’s site for Kaufman, Cowan, Baileys, Massey, Lanka, Corbett, etc => NO RECORD FOUND
Do you know anyone anywhere, Jeff, who has his/her head screwed on straight about absolutely ALL topics (apart from you and I, of course – 😉 )? Jim may catch up with the ‘virus’ controversy eventually. The fact that he has no archive on the subject at least means that he hasn’t published anything that marks him as a ‘virus’ troobleever. He may get to it in time.
He has an archive on the subject. What i was saying was that he has no archive on any of the people i mentioned, who have done the debunking work re “proof of virus,” cutting edge important work. He has had on lots of people talking “virus, virus, virus,” such as Meryl Nass (who is the guest on this one) and “bio-weapon” garbage.
I meant Nass was a recent guest of his, not on this specific one.
You are fighting with a straw man of your own construction. You seem to have Corbett confused with Tucker Carlson. There’s a big difference between not having interviewed terrain theory advocates and professing belief in a bio-weapon narrative. If you held yourself to anywhere near the same standard to which you hold Corbett, you would STFU immediately, hang your head in shame and then go and hide forever. You actually included his name in a list of names you said can’t be found by searching his site! I suspect that if Dr. Kaufmann or the Baileys saw the baseless drivel that you post here, they would prefer that you would stop making terrain theory advocates look so unbelievably stupid and gratuitously combative.
Wrong Corbett, Charlie. The one on my list is KEVIN Corbett, whose PhD is in diagnostic testing, specializing in the PCR test. He debunked the idea of the HIV virus back in the ’90s, had major experience re AIDS as he ran the Princess Diane AIDS Ward in the UK, the world’s first ward specializing in AIDS.
And believing in a bio-weapon requires a belief in contagion theory. You apparently think this is strictly about terrain theory and don’t understand the primary point these people (and i) are making, at the moment, is that there is no proof for the existence of the alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus or any “variants,” thus the tests for it are as baseless as tests for allergy to unicorn bites and the entire “Pandemic” is a scam, whether it’s the official version or the “alternative” one of “mismanaged pandemic” put forth by the likes of RFK Jr, Malone, Kory, McCullough.
Jeff, you’re right about all this. But consider: there is something that causes people to get ill, whatever it really is. People do get ill with respiratory sicknesses, and can die, or can be saved with prompt, common-place, known treatments. Kory and McCullough have actually been doing just that, on the front-line; RFK and Malone have supported that approach.
It’s not right to slag the genuine helpers on the frontline, who really have saved people from death, just because they haven’t delved deeply enough into the recently-revived controversy about the brute existence of ‘viruses’ at all.
Nor does it make sense just to write them off because they haven’t – yet – been prominent enough in confronting the fact that no-one, anywhere, seems able to produce an isolated, purified, Koch’sPostulates-proven, physical sample of the alleged ‘covid virus’.
It’s a stupid either/or fanaticism to be so dismissive of frontline doctors just because they haven’t yet come down decisively on a position. And meanwhile, a lot of discussion of what’s happening just accepts the shorthand of speaking about ‘viruses’, for convenience’ sake, when the full description would have to be ‘viruses-or-whatever-it-is-that’s-causing it’.
That doesn’t necessarily imply rabid commitment to ‘virus’ theory. Medical professionals have to go on running their intuitive art of helping the sick get better, whateverTF the real underlying bio-theory may be about what’s making them sick in the first place. Often, we just don’t know, despite all the lordly technocrat theorising. The only honest stance about viruses is to stick with what’s currently true: that there’s no agreement whether they exist or not, and no-one at all is entitled to dogmatic certainty – either way!
Do the proper science about the question, and abide by whatever reality emerges. And meanwhile, cool it!
There’s the omission problem, but than there’s the smear problem. I watched this because this guy (link below) who seems to have finally concluded that what he believed for over a year, that there was a “lab leak” he finally retracts as part of a psy-op.
And yet he views “no virus” as equivalent to “flat earth” thinking. He says how can anyone in their right mind say for 70+ years the whole of allopathic medicine is a sham?
Of course, during those 70+ years others have said there’s no proof and there are other suspects for what causes these “illnesses”. Lanka has demonstrated that no “pathogenic virus” has been proven given the scientific method. Kaufman, Cowan, et al are hardly the first to make their researched claims. There’s just no there, there.
See this and other than his awakening that there’s no conceivable way a “pathogenic virus” leaked a lab – he goes on to poo poo that no virus has ever been proven to cause any illness. He’s so far gone as to believe coronaviruses not only exist but have strange behavior sans proof, I might add.
Yeah, he believes that “coronaviruses” whose existence has never been proven were harvested and cloned in labs. He is demented.
He seems naive (50 yo child) and full of indoctrination via advanced “science” program. For over a year he thought it was a lab leak based on the official word was not and finally realized he was being duped. The interviewer just rolls with whatever his guests puts forth.
You can’t say that here, you will upset the Corbeteers.
I can’t knock jimmy though.He is the master of informing people about the obvious. He told us bill gates is not really a philanthropist but a eugenicist. And now he is out to inform you that the 1% who live in 50 bedroom castles and travel via private jet are scamming you about saving the planet.
Now I’m sure there are some whom all this news is enlightening to them, but I’m not one of them.
I would must rather him make a video of how the UN, WEF and other committees/institutes are taking your sovereignty by removing the constitutions of each county without referendums and installing corporations. In fact, they have already done it.
For Australians you would be better served listening to the work of Brian Shaw. In 10 minutes one will get better understanding of how we have arrived at this point.
Further, it will progressively get worse until you stop complying with their rules. That’s rules mine you… Not to be confused with the law of the land.
Wishing to stay neutral on a topic isn’t necessarily revealing of anything other than wishing to remain neutral.
For instance Offg doesn’t come down hard on the viral debate because, in terms of tackling Covid and vaccine topics, it’s more effective to point out blatant inconsistencies in the official narrative using its own logic.
As soon as you bring non-existence of viruses into the equation it can be argued all bets are off, countering the mainstream narrative is harder and your position is potentially seriously weakened. For example, the issue of contagion…
How does one most efficiently point out the flawed logic of masks, and most effectively fight the use of masks as a social obedience ritual, if contagion via viral pathogen is a myth?
Some argue that all pathogenic contagion is a myth – terrain theory – and you’re left asking what IS observable contagion in this case? A sympathetic detox triggered by those around you? How does one prophylactically treat that then, if it’s essentially a product of the mind?
Perhaps contagion is far more belief-based? In which case, does one most effectively ward off contagion using belief, rather than science?
Do you see the implications here? If anyone has any thoughts on this, or can point me in any useful directions, please do. Thanks!
Smells like teen spirit.
“I feel stupid and contagious”
Spoken like a pragmatic politician. I’ve got a war to sell you. Line up over here.
If I’m supposed to feel offended by this comparison I’m afraid I don’t 😆 it’s called tactics and no one ever won a war without ‘em. Im really interested in the debate about viruses but I admit I remain disturbed by the implications of contagion as a product of the mind. A2
Not necessarily the product of the mind, but of joint exposure to the same toxins, be they chemicals or electromagnetic waves or air/water/soil/food pollution. Glyphosate, anyone?
Absolutely bang on J.
I’m open minded as to the existence or not of viruses and contagion, in that I feel I don’t know enough about it to reach any conclusions of my own, and I don’t necessarily feel like putting the prerequisite time into researching the subject properly because I don’t really have the time at the moment. My gut feeling is this: There are some pathogens or parasites that can and do pass from person to person, creature to creature in a contagious and measurable way. There are others that are invented to explain away unexplained or deliberately hidden phenomena caused by technology and science, and as we have seen, to control the population through fear and to make a quick buck for organised crime syndicates selling snake oil.
I was in an A and E ward yesterday with my son, who is thankfully going to be okay. It was packed to the rafters full of people with cold and flu like symptoms, I mean seriously busy like I have never seen it before, mainly with older people who did look like they were at death’s door, but also with kids. The vast majority of the older people were jab recipents no doubt. I myself have been ill recently, as has practically everybody else I know, young and old or middle aged, jabbed or unjabbed, and I know quite a lot of unjabbed, but we don’t seem quite as bad. So something is happening around here. In the case of me and my family, we only really eat organic, and have done for some time, so we can rule out pesticides to a large degree. We all take vitamin D3, vitamin K2, vitamin C in high doses in my case, so I think we can rule out deficiencies. I’m generally a sceptic and I try to rule out faith positions from all aspects of my life. I don’t think I’m particularly prone to going along with the crowd or to placebo effects. So that kind of leaves two options in my mind: There is a contagious pathogen doing the rounds and making people ill. it is particularly bad for those with a compromised immune system e.g mRNA recipients OR There is an environmental factor doing the rounds, in the air, everywhere around here that is making people ill. My initial question is this: Has the 5G signal been turned up?
What I do know is this: I suffer from persistent sinus infections and nasal polyps. These disappear almost overnight when I go somewhere remote and with cleaner air, and without the constant spraying of planes overhead, which is 100% real as I watch it with my own eyes and happens a lot where I am. I suspect that EMF pollution also plays a large part in this. I think we are fucked in this part of the World. If I had the opportunity I’d leave, but that ship sailed a while ago, and circumstance dictates that I’m stuck here, unfortunately. So best to make the best of it and do what I can to not end up like the yellowing relics I saw in A and E last night.
ditto the spraying of planes, ditto the ship sailed, bang on re the “5g” tho tec sources say what we are currently experiencing is “4g+”, the “joys” of real “5g” are yet to come, yummy ;0)
Toxicity and contagion seem to depend on a mixture of ingestion, absorbtion and empathy, i gleaned this from observing 12k flocks of laying hens, the houses are divided into 4 x 3k birds, with seperate water/feed/nesting/vents, yet despite stringent “bio-security” “infection” would often transmit via other vectors, empathic etc.
We the un-jabbd in the main (imho) have adopted a fairly “told you so” attitude to the vaxdamaged, whilst not without pity, it is without empathy, thus an answer to your Q
As per a couple of links ive supplied above a scroll or two, there is further evidence that the jibblyjabblyjjooce changes the dna “source code”, the ramifications of this being obvious to see re body and soul,
all the best
Can you really rule out pesticides when we are ALL getting sprayed with them, whether we eat foods with them or not?
Have any pathogens ever been actually isolated and purified, shown directly to exist and to cause disease? Why did so many repeated attempts to induce infection by transferring matter from sick individuals to well ones fail, including with the “Spanish” (Kansas) Flu, the supposedly most infectious disease of all time? (The Rosenau 1918 experiments). You state you don’t feel like looking into things to inform yourself, yet you assert conclusions, which as you admit are based upon a very limited knowledge base made up mostly of assumptions. Don’t you see a problem there?
I didn’t reach any conclusions, I just said what I think and I’m open minded enough to know that I can and will change my mind as I become more informed, which I will, but it really isn’t the most pressing issue in my life at the moment.
I think you need to read what I wrote more carefully before replying. I don’t make any absolute statements, unlike you. You seem to get very defensive with anybody who doesn’t 100% agree with your absolutist position on the matter and that comes across just like anybody else who is taking a faith position on something, which I think you are on this.
For the record, I think you are at least partially correct, but bacterial pathogens do exist and can cause contagious diseases, as do parasites. These absolutely have been isolated and can be directly observed. I have observed some of them through a microscope with my own eyes whilst studying biology, and anybody with access to the materials and the equipment can do it.
Obviously people can get ill from toxins OR bacteria OR viruses OR lack of trophic factors OR genetic causes OR stress OR many other things.
Urban air pollution may be a major factor. Some time ago, I read that living close to a highway or airport may shorten life. That encompasses noise and vibration.
Other dangers that are played down include extended, irregular (on call) and shift work. This is a part of our masters’ expectations that we work like machines.
If moving is out of the question, then leave no stone unturned in becoming as healthy as you can be. I would recommend going vegan. Also fasting in your case.
Personally I think most of the general public are doing a stellar job in exposing the lies, hence why they are scrambling to silence everyone. Iv said many times in the past, bullshit takes enormous resources to prop up.
The people at the top of the pyrimid are not as smart as one may think. They have inherited a plan they have used over and over for ultimate control, only this time they have tech which was designed to totally enslave us forever.
That said, it’s a two way street, they had to give us the gadgets to enslave us, but in doing so they have spilled the cup on knowledge. Never in history has the average pleb had the tools in their lounge room to figure this stuff out. Sure, they set lots of traps designed to confuse, but one only has to know enough not to trust them and the gig is all but done.
Don’t think for a moment these so called experts are in fact experts and are smarted that you. Make no mistake, if you have gone through the last 3 years without getting jabbed, wearing a mask, paying a penalty notice, etc. You are way smarted that they are.
First of all, you are misstating matters by saying “the alleged non-existence of viruses” This cannot be alleged, because a negative is impossible to prove in a scientific way. What is alleged is that viruses have not been proven to exist, particularly at this point in regard to SARS-CoV-2. The only entities which exists as that item (including variants) are computer-generated filed filled with code.
Christine Massey has assembled over 210 admissions from public health entities around the world stating they lack proof of the isolation and purification of this virus. THAT should be a scandal. without having to raise the question of virus existence.
Regarding contagion theory, again, it’s important that IT has not been proven. In fact, repeated attempts to cause infections have failed, most prominently the 1918 Roesnau Experiments involving the “Spanish” (Kansas) flu, the supposedly most infectious pathogen in history. The experimenter was a top doctor in the US Navy, his results were published in JAMA in 1919. See this item, and others on that page.
I find this fascinating and I concede your point about ‘alleged’, I amended that to maintain my neutrality rather than as an advocate for virology.
Thanks also for linking to your material, our readers appreciate being able to corroborate facts and inform themselves.
While I acknowledge that replicating contagion may be contested, I ask you to bear in mind that many people have real world experiences of contagion, f0r example someone arriving from another location with an illness and infecting others, which may well rule out a common exposure to some environmental toxic. Or people bringing diseases with them from other countries which decimate local populations, like American colonists and native Americans I believe. There are Plenty of historical precedents of contagion. Characteristics of contagion are witnessed routinely, do you perhaps feel these alt. contagion mechanisms require a more specific, less generalised description than the rather hazy mechanisms you list?
I haven’t really seen anyth8ng more detailed than ‘shared exposure to toxins’ etc. Feels like this is just very vague.
And one of the main methods I’ve seen proposed in terrain theory is a sympathetic detox triggered by someone else’s detox. I just think the implications of this are quite scary in terms of prophylactic medicine, if true.
Do you think these alternative mechanisms of contagion, like common exposure to toxins or radiation, are responsible for all plagues and epidemics of the past, bacterial or viral? Many of them shared very specific symptoms and spread throughout vast populations. Like scarlet fever, TB, mumps, measles, bubonic plague, syphilis etc,?
None of the alleged pathogens allegedly responsible for any of these diseases, these past plagues, have ever been identified. Again, how do you explain the repeated failure of researchers to create contagion with cases such as the “Spanish” flu? Dr Rosenau tried every single transmission method he could think of, he was trying to figure out how the contagion happens, not trying to disprove it, and he failed.
The notion that American colonialists decimated the native Americans with diseases has been seriously called into question. I recommend checking out What Really Makes You Ill? Dawn Lester and David Harris. And the 5 part video The Viral Delusion. And the book Virus Mania, two of whose authors, Torsten Engelbrecht and Stefano Scoglio, were authors of a piece you posted in January 2021.
Incredible nonsense allied to dogmatism. Flat earth.
Dissolving Illusions is a book that shows how all of these disappear as societies clean up their act. No mystery, no contagion.
And regarding the computer code question in my main response, see this by long time investigative reporter Eric Francis Coppolino, his specialty has been toxic waste and chemical industry criminality.
odd question. Pointing out viral contagion doesn’t exist seems like by far the most efficient way to establish that masks, lockdowns and vaccines are useless.
if we continue to pretend viruses are real, we are leaving an opening for the establishment to psyop us again, and they can just say “this time the virus is real!!!”
Or, “this time it’s more dangerous or more contagious….”Indeed, what’s the point of shots, masks, lockdowns for something which hasn’t been proven to exist.
You’d think. But also it can raise fear levels and, especially at the height of the pandemic hysteria, this was a dangerous line to tread. Replacing a ‘known’ quantity with essentially an unknown quantity, or rather a series of unknown, sketchy mechanisms to explain observable contagion. Turning contagion into a modern phenomenon by suggesting it’s poisoning from big industry or magnetic pollution etc. Suggesting contagion includes a kind of sympathetic detox mechanism that can be triggered by someone detoxing around you, implying that little-understood psychosomatic powers of the mind can potentially disable and even kill us…
These vaguenesses are potentially not very reassuring, and can cause people to latch more firmly onto what’s familiar, and all the virus fear that goes along with that.
And, in terms of a sympathetic mutual detox, this very much seems to involve the mind, and ways to prophylactically treat this may involve mental trickery, including non-scientific talismans like masks etc….
It can be taken in unhelpful directions.
Also I said “most efficiently point out’, meaning in times of struggle, with limited resources, you choose your battles wisely.
this is a good introduction Sam:
As someone who was previously party to the virus viewpoint at a professional level it was something of a revelation to unravel the very convincing lie that is “virus science”
just because an experiment produces the same result time and time again, this does not prove the theory behind it, it merely shows a pattern?
if the conclusions of the experiment are thrust upon us from a position of “authority” and we are told they are fact (when they are not), the experiment merely shows us the power of “authority”
authority?? something we are a little less enamoured with these days eh? ‘0)
investigation into contagion should be informing us more about our inherent spirituality and empathy than our biology, attachments and our dear friends those cute little egregores
crowley etc understood these things as do think tanks in gvmnts
What’s also perhaps lacking in these ‘terrain theory’ advocates is the fact that the first coronavirus isolated was not from humans, rather from chickens.
It was isolated in the 1930s after observation of an infectious agent transmitting respiratory disease in chickens. That infectious agent was termed ‘Infectious Bronchitis Virus’ or alternatively ‘Infectious Laryngotracheitis Virus’.
The ‘virus’ was transmitted through laboratory cell cultures in the late 1930s and the infectious agent remained and multiplied.
A variety of other infectious agents causing other animal diseases were documented in the years ahead, including JHM (causing encephalomyelitis in laboratory mice) and mouse hepatitis virus (MHV). Transmission of disease could be demonstrated, as could contagion in natural colonies of animals (which is why they were discovered in the first place). What was important was that the MHV-style of disease was discovered in three totally different geographies, namely the USA; the UK; and Japan. All three strains could be recognised by identical antibodies, indicating that they were structurally related.
The next part of the jigsaw was the use of Transmission Electron Microscopy in the late 1940s through to the 1960s, which allowed the visualisation of core virus particles from a variety of infectious agent samples. All of those disease-causing agents demonstrated a common core structure, indicating they were from related families of agent (which were loosely termed viruses).
With the advent of DNA sequencing, it was possible to isolate nucleic acid from these ‘infectious agents’, clone them and then sequence them to the last individual base. This was completed for IBV Beaudette strain in 1987.
The isolation and characterisation of infectious agents transmitting common cold was achieved between 1950 and 1970 courtesy of a dedicated research unit in the UK, along of course with plenty of analagous research overseas.
These agents were shown to pass through filters which prevent bacterial transmission and their disease-causing properties were not prevented when infecting healthy volunteers who had been pre-treated with antibiotics (which prevent bacterial disease).
So whatever the infectious agents were, they were of a pretty small size, wetren’t they?
The tests of these agents was INFECTION OF HEALTHY HUMANS with the infectious agent via the nose, which proves that an infectious agent, whatever it was, had been isolated, since the healthy volunteers developed disease symptoms when exposed to the agent but not when exposed to harmless control samples.
Samples were mostly collected from a boys boarding school in Southern England, and a variety of infectious agents were identified based on the mechanisms by which they could be cultivated in laboratory cells and based on which antibodies would neutralise the infectious capability of the agent.
Infectious transmission was therefore demonstrated in human beings, not merely laboratory cultures, which proved that a disease-causing agent had been identified.
It is blatant lying for any terrain theory advocate to deny that such agents existed, nor that no demonstration of disease transmission had been proven.
Without focussing in any way on the discussion about SARS-CoV2 and its relevance, if any, to disease around 2020-2022, this historical summary refutes in its entirety the concept that viruses do not exist, that infectious agents distinct from bacteria cannot be isolated from infected animals or humans, nor that transmission of such diseases cannot be demonstrated in a controlled way by scientific experimenters.
I invite those who deny that viruses exist to examine the historical evidence of the 20th century in great detail and stop making arbitrary statements about Koch’s Postulates being the only way to demonstrate that a virus exists.
You reading a book does not make it so either.
So here is a compromise. Lets stop talking about black/white, left/right, up/down and agree we have all been stiffed by a handful of family’s looking to take control of the worlds population. They have thrown out our constitutions and are guilty of treason of the highest order. They have also killed millions with these injections.
We are now on the next topic here discussing if climate change is a thing or not. Who cares, the fact is the same people are are selling you another invisible killer. It always has to be invisible to keep everyone debating whilst they install the agenda.
Leave your ego at the door, grow some bollocks and stand up for your familiy. It’s your fundamental job, all animal know this. Just try walking over to a birds nest with chicks in it you will get the point.
Rhys, thanks for your patience in explaining all this. I’m afraid I’ve run out of patience in the face of such uninformed dogmatism.
Most folk seem to have learnt nothing over the last 3 years, I mean Terrain Theory vs Germ Theory is a classic dualistic trap, making a choice between two extremes, the result being disruptive hysteria & discombobulation.
There is no absolute truth ffs.
Exactly so, banana. I suppose it’s a wish for simplicity rather than being troubled with reality in all its complexity and challenge to the inquiring mind.
Denis Rancourt, who was interviewed by Corbett and many others, offers the best analysis in my opinion. Mistreated bacterial pneumonia followed by deadly protocols – all based on a “covid” diagnosis with the bogus pcr test – led to America in 2020 being the only country in the world with a significant increase in the only data you can prove….all cause mortality. I’d suggest any of his more recent interviews, as he now has 3 150+ page research papers on the topic. This doesn’t necessarily “debunk” germ theory, but it does show “covid” from SARS 2 was not a “deadly virus” as propagated.
When I used to drink, and eat meat/dairy/junk, I got ill a lot more than now, which is hardly ever. Those illnesses were pretty common stuff like other people got. So a person in the office gets the ‘sniffles’ and it appears to go round the office. But look, it doesn’t just go round the office, it happens all over the country. “Everyone is full of cold”. Well, everyone is more or less subject to the same environment, and most people put crap in their body and don’t exercise enough.
Are you getting the point that illness is simply the product of the external plus internal environment?
They are manipulating our external environment all the time. Only those less than very healthy keep getting ill. This fact disproves ‘contagion’. It’s not rocket science.
I’m afraid I don’t think you’ve ‘proved’ anything.
These mechanisms require some solid evidence in order to be anything more than speculation.
Bacterial diseases are well documented and isolated. Ignoring these and trying to rewrite contagion as some modern phenomenon, a product of a toxic world run by elite puppet masters, is just the wrong approach. It’s ever so wrong. It’s illogical and far fetched and doesn’t describe what we see and what history documents. A2
Aha! Therefore Global Warming is real!!!
Different question altogether. Unlike virology, which does not follow the scientific method, does not involve replicable experiments which involve an independent variable, climate science, which involves fluid mechanics, gas dynamics, thermodynamics and the like, does involve replicable experiments with independent variables. I think there is a huge amount of evidence that warming-induced climate chaos is real, and human-driven, but what the powers-that-be propose to do about it will do nothing, and the proposals are nothing more than efforts at tightened social control. The core problem is industrial global capitalism’s imperative to grow exponentially, never mind that we live on a finite planet.
I strongly recommend you check out this 87 page book by Iain Davis. Clearly establishes that anthropogenic climate change is just as fake as virology
How much climate science does Iain Davis have experience with?
The very first page, he presents this claim “Over the last 11000 years
global average temperature has varied by as much as 5C,” ZERO proof. He presents a chart for Greenland temps, as if these are the same as global average. And he presents a chart showing CO2 levels varying between 265 ppm and 280. Now, the level is 420, up from 280 less than 300 years ago. Sorry, this is snake oil. Iain Davis has done great work exposing China’s role as the model for the new global technocracy. But his work on climate is BS!
Enough to write this fantastic book.
how much virology science do you have experiene with? Enough to recognize that it is completely fake right? That’s all you need.
you really are going to dismiss the entire book after reading a couple sentences? You clearly can do better than that.
RE: You clearly can do better than that.
You might be too generous…
The point I was trying make, is that just because Corbett (or anyone else for that matter) does not address a particular issue does mean that he is wrong about the issues he does address. Or even if a person is wrong about one issue does mean they are wrong about other issues. Everybody has their blind spots – you too.
Jeffrey, the names you mention are individuals who advance arguments which are obviously flawed. They are guilty of illogic, rationalism, circular reasoning and of defeating a strawman rather than the actual theories which are in opposition to their own flippant assumptions.
They have as much veracity as Flat Earth, and have probably originated from the same sector, the intelligence “community”.
Penelope, PROVE this charge,(they’re from the “intelligence” community) or withdraw it. I will hold your feet to the fire.
And what you say in your first paragraph is pure assertion. You have provided zero examples. Prove to us that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been isolated, and thus 211 public health agencies around the world are lying by stating they have no such proof and know of no such proof. I challenged you on this before, you pretended you didn’t see the challenge and then disappeared after being confronted over your evasiveness.
Jeffrey, honest people don’t use the purposeful errors in logic that I’ve named. I have never said that the covid virus exists; I don’t know if it does or not, but I do think the ilness exists because 1000s and 1000s of health workers who are looking at it, and who have demonstrated their honesty by resistance to the covid regulations say it exists.
I KNOW people in the medical profession who are looking at it; I’m NOT, and neither are you.
So to you Koch’s Postulates are “obviously irrational”? How so?
How would you prove polio is caused by a virus?
the rational answer is you expose someone (or an animal) to the pure virus, in a natural way resembling real life circumstances of transmission, and show that you can consistently reproduce the disease in healthy organisms.
what did the “scientists” do?
They took unpurified spinal fluid from a paralyzed boy and paralyzed mice by injecting it directly into their brains.
They performed no control experiments to establish that the act of injecting stuff into mouse brains itself was not causing the paralysis.
They were unable to demonstrate transmission of the disease in any natural way. If a disease requires a direct brain injection to transmit, it is not contagious. This is obvious but the “scientists” ignore this.
All viruses are “proven” in an equally preposterous way.
Koch’s postulates were outdated in his time, as he himself agreed with the advent of “typhoid Marys”.
Measles was a nearly universal childhood virus– like mumps and chickenpox-when I was a child. A vaccine ended this childhood experience. The measles virus is an attenuated virus.
The position of those who deny that people are vulnerable to illness of bacterial or viral origin claim that measles is the result of “a toxin”. They haven’t isolated any toxin, they don’t even have a candidate for which toxin it might be, and they’ve NO evidence for this toxin.
Further, when a person has ONCE had measles (or mumps or chickenpox) he is thereafter permanently immune. This DOES NOT happen with toxins.
John Franklin Enders, credited with “discovering” the measles virus, admitted that his control demonstrated that his entire method of cell culture was totally open to error, he saw the same evidence of cell damage which he had attributed to “the virus” in the control, which was subject to the same conditions except for the sample from a sick person alleged to have the same virus. Thanks for putting up the most easily refuted example.
Virology’s Lack of Control, Mike Stone, 12/19/22.
It’s not the job of others to provide evidence for an alternative, it’s up to those who claim the virus to provide evidence for it. You have utterly failed to do so.
jeffrey, your “alternative hypothesis” meets not one of the objections tht you have made to the science of virology, so there’s no reason to prefer it to a proven example. I notice that there’s no link to your allegation.
Sorry, I mean the measles VACCINE is an attenuated virus. I don’t mean that I’m necessarily in favor of vaccines for the childhood diseases. The belief prior to those vaccines was that a child’s experiencing those illnesses actually enhanced immune development, and that seems sensible to me.
This is common for just about anyone and any publication, OG excluded.
The tell-tale is the lack of even a single hint or mention in what is now three years’ time.
The honest way would be to cover it, and then discard it.