The Year of the Gaslighter
CJ Hopkins

Well, it has been quite a year, 2022. I’m officially dubbing it “The Year of the Gaslighter.” I was going to dub it “The Year of the Mother of All Mindfucking Global-Capitalist Gaslighters,” but that seemed like a mouthful, so I’m opting for brevity.
Seriously, if there were an Olympics of Gaslighting, GloboCap (i.e., the global corporatocracy) would take the gold in every event. At this point, the majority of the global masses have been successfully gaslighted into a semi-conscious, quasi-cyclothymic state in which they oscillate, on a moment-by-moment basis, between robotic obedience and impotent rage.
Those who are not still walking around in their masks and prophylactic face shields and injecting themselves with experimental “vaccines” for reasons they no longer even pretend to be able to articulate without gibbering like imbeciles are genuflecting at the feet of an oligarch huckster who they believe has come to deliver them from Wokeness.
If you were GloboCap, and in the process of imposing your new official ideology on the entire planet in a kind of global Gleichschaltung op, and otherwise establishing your “New Normal Reich,” and you needed the masses confused and compliant, you couldn’t ask for much more from your Gaslighting Division!
The gaslighting got underway in January, when the corporate media, health authorities, and other major organs of the New Normal Reich started suddenly “discovering” that the official Covid narrative was “inaccurate,” or, you know, a bunch of lies.
A series of limited hangouts ensued.
Suddenly, it appeared that the “Covid case” and “Covid death” statistics were inaccurate, or inflated, or had been fabricated. The “vaccines” didn’t work. They were killing people. Lockdowns had been a “serious mistake.” And so on.
Duplicitous politicians, pusillanimous public-health authorities, perfidious pundits, and assorted other professional sycophants and lying weasels were shocked to discover they had inadvertently been part of the most insidious PSYOP that had ever been perpetrated on the masses in the history of insidious mass-PSYOPs.
The Last Days of the Covidian Cult were upon us! The Corporatocracy had overplayed their hand, and underestimated their opposition, and they knew it.
But the Cult was not going to go down quietly. In February, in Ottawa, Canada, thousands of truckers and other working-class people who had had enough of the Pandemic PSYOP occupied the streets outside the capitol and demanded an end to “vaccination mandates,” segregation of “the Unvaccinated,” and other “emergency health measures.” Justin Trudeau, the Canadian media, and their counterparts throughout the New Normal Reich immediately denounced the protesters as “treasonous, Russia-backed, transphobic, Nazi terrorists.”

This affront to the authority of the New Normal Reich could not be allowed to go unpunished, so Trudeau declared de facto martial law and unleashed a battalion of militarized police and other unidentified goons to beat and trample the protesters with horses (including one old lady with a “terrorist walker”).
Then he went about hunting down and freezing the bank accounts of any Canadians who had donated to the protest, and otherwise attempting to destroy the lives of anyone who had disobeyed him.
This display of contempt for the rule of law and the ruthlessness of the New Normal Reich was one of the last of the bloody crackdowns on dissidents in countries all over the world that had been in progress for over a year by then, e.g., in Australia, The Netherlands, France, Germany, China, and other countries.
These vicious “crackdowns” on peaceful protests were conducted “to protect the public health,” of course, and were not at all a display of brute force meant to intimidate the masses into obedience. The global-capitalist ruling classes are not fascists, or totalitarians, after all, and anyone who suggests they are is clearly a “Russia-backed, Covid-denying, conspiracy-theorizing extremist,” or whatever.
Oh, and speaking of totalitarians, and fascists, and goose-stepping, Sieg-heiling neo-Nazis, the Gaslighting Cavalcade of 2022 reached a whole new level of gaslighting in March, when, after years of provocation, Russia finally invaded Ukraine, and all the Ukrainian neo-Nazis that the corporate media had been extensively reporting on magically vanished into the ether.
Yes, it was Springtime for the GloboCap Nazis! And not just for the GloboCap Nazis! Liberals, still struggling with withdrawal symptoms from the adrenaline rush of the Covidian Cult, and the thrill of fanatically persecuting “the Unvaccinated,” suddenly had a new official narrative that they could mindlessly parrot and fanatically defend from the “conspiracy theorists” and “disinformationists.”
The only problem was, it didn’t make any sense. According to the new official narrative, those reports of Ukrainian neo-Nazis by virtually every mainstream media outlet and Nazi-hunting organization on the planet in the years leading up to 2022 were now, suddenly, just “Russian propaganda.” GloboCap hadn’t even bothered to scrub or visibility-filter those reports. They were all still right there on the Internet.

And, OK, the other problem was, in order to remain “New Normals in Good Standing” and keep their jobs and social contacts, liberals were now forced to actively cheer for swastika-tattooed, Sieg-heiling Nazis, and look the other way as Ukrainian fascists advocated the mass murder of children and quoted Adolf Eichmann on Ukrainian television.
The Spring and Summer were kind of a blur, or maybe I was just preoccupied with publishing The Rise of the New Normal Reich, a collection of my essays documenting the rollout of the New Normal in 2020 and 2021, which was an international Barnes & Noble and Amazon bestseller upon its release, and then was promptly banned by Amazon in Germany, The Netherlands, and Austria, and labelled with a “Covid-19 vaccine warning” advising readers to visit the CDC before purchasing and (God help them!) reading the book in every other Amazon market.
I vaguely remember something about monkeypox, but, mostly, when I wasn’t promoting the book, or struggling to keep my breakfast down after seeing another one of my liberal friends cheering for neo-Nazis on Facebook, I was focused on events here in New Normal Germany (which, yes, mask mandates are still in effect), and The Normalization of the New Normal Reich (which, no, is not over, but is just beginning), and attempting to start to emotionally recover from two solid years of official gaslighting, demonization, segregation, and so on.
Fortunately, in September, right on cue, as I was working through my emotional issues, i.e., how most of my former friends and colleagues had either gone silent and looked away as our constitutional rights were cancelled, dissent was censored and demonized, goon squads were dispatched to brutalize dissidents, experimental “vaccines” were forced on people, a social segregation system was implemented, and so on, or else, if they hadn’t gone silent, they had joined the shrieking fascistic mob … just as I was starting to process all that, as were a lot of other people, a prophet arrived on the “freedom” scene!
That’s right, as it turned out, I was totally wrong about the new totalitarianism, and how it works! I had stupidly assumed it was a political phenomenon … you know, a sociopolitical and cultural system imposed on the masses from above by force, but, according to Mattias Desmet, it’s actually a psychological phenomenon, a “mass formation” or “mass hypnosis”-type thing!
It’s possible that I’m not describing it correctly. As his devoted fans have repeatedly informed me, I don’t understand the nuances of Desmet’s theory. He explained it all on the Alex Jones show, while he was lying, which he does, repeatedly, but … whatever. I’m not a professor of psychology.
The point is, the Covidian Cultists were all hypnotized! No one was threatening or gaslighting the masses! The poor confused things were doing it to themselves!
But that was not the end of the gaslighting. Globocap saved the best for last!
See, the problem was, there were all these people who hadn’t joined the Covidian Cult or any other part of the New Normal movement, and who were extremely angry about having been demonized, and segregated, and censored, and gaslighted, and so on, by their governments, global corporations, non-governmental governing entities, the corporate media, “scientific experts,” and the majority of the masses for two and a half years.
Something needed to be done about all that anger. It needed to be redirected somewhere. At something that wasn’t GloboCap, and that wouldn’t interfere with the New Normal program.
Emperor Elonicus to the rescue!
If Elon Musk wasn’t actually appointed by the global-capitalist ruling classes to redirect the pent-up anger of “the Unvaccinated” demographic, and the “Systematically Censored and Demonized” demographic, and everyone else who opposed the New Normal into a balls-out left/right shit-slinging contest … well, they couldn’t have found anyone better for the job.
Consider what he’s accomplished in the space of six weeks. After purchasing Twitter for $44 billion, he bought himself a couple of independent journalists — because who could resist the Twitter Files? I certainly couldn’t have, had I been in their position — and is staging the most audacious limited hangout in the history of audacious limited hangouts.
Whether it will work over the longer term is unclear — Bari Weiss and Matt Taibbi are already starting to become uncomfortable with being perceived and treated as Elon Musk’s employees — but, so far, it is going gangbusters!
Now, students of limited hangouts, whitewashing, and other COINTELPRO ops, really need to pay attention. Because the beauty of this limited hangout is that the “hangout” is actually a monumental story, an up-close look at the nuts-and-bolts processes of the global-capitalist Ministry of Truth. As Matt Taibbi reported in a recent piece…
“… the Twitter Files show something new. We now have clear evidence that agencies like the FBI and the DHS are in the business of mass-analyzing social media activity — your tweets and mine, down to the smallest users with the least engagement — and are, themselves, mass-marking posts to be labeled, ‘bounced,’ deleted or ‘visibility filtered’ by firms like Twitter. The technical and personnel infrastructure for this effort is growing. As noted in the thread, the FBI’s social media-focused task force now has at least 80 agents, and is in constant contact with Twitter for all sorts of reasons. The FBI is not doing this as part of any effort to build criminal cases. They’ve taken on this new authority unilaterally, as part of an apparently massive new effort to control and influence public opinion. These agencies claim variously to be concerned about election integrity, foreign interference, medical misinformation, and monitoring domestic extremism, among other things. As crises wax and wane, the building out of the censorship infrastructure to ever-bigger and broader dimensions has been constant, suggesting that creating and deploying the tool to manipulate opinion was always the real end.”
And this monumental story is being buried in shit … American red/blue partisan shit. With a series of ham-handed PR stunts, cheap provocations, attention-grabbing antics, and good old-fashioned diversionary shit-slinging, Musk is:
- (a) whitewashing the new “free-speech Twitter,” which continues to censor and defame us with impunity;
- (b) burying the actual story under a steaming heap of partisan acrimony;
- (c) driving a big blunt wedge into the supra-partisan coalition of forces that had aligned in opposition to the roll-out of the New Normal.
That, my friends, is some world-class gaslighting! And the wildest part is, he probably doesn’t even consciously realize what he’s doing. Nevertheless, by the time he’s done playing grab-ass with the freedom-of-speech thing, and getting revenge on Taylor Lorenz, and so on, corporate censorship will have been completely normalized. “Freedom of speech” will be a running joke, as opposing camps of hate-drunk hypocrites take turns applauding as global corporations and their governmental partners censor one camp or the other.
On that cheery note, I’ll sign off for the year, and go tend to all the irate messages I’m getting from abject Elon Musk worshipers, and the hate-email from assorted anti-Semites, and so on, and then hibernate until 2023.
Oh, yeah, and those “Covid Twitter Files.” I can’t wait to scroll through those with a nice glass of eggnog. I’m sure they will be coming out any day now, maybe even on Christmas morning!
Happy holidays to one and all!
CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volumes I and II of his Consent Factory Essays are published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at or
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They came be starship!! – Astra Zenika will save us!!
There are NO NAZIS in the Ukraine!
Okay, there are SOME Nazis in the Ukraine, but NOT MANY!!
Okay, there are RATHER A LOT of Nazis in the Ukraine!!!
But these are GOOD NAZIS!!!!
These 3 actions against the CoVid1984 helped me:\
1) January 2020, the announced SARS-CoV-2 was fake;
2) April2020 Maskstravaganza that doesn’t work;
3) “Experimental Gene Therapeutics
I do not put my shoulder to the wheel of societies “progress” any more as the society has turned into a politcaly triggered Death Cult.
CJ does a little disservice to Mattias Desmet in an apperant discountinting of the writers thesis. The book is not a perfect fit, but it explains why so many people made the choice to harm themselves based on the Collective Waste’s perpetual virtue signalling on ANY and Every narrative. The message is clear: “Only the West has any virtue!”
Narcissism writ large.
Personally I’m skeptical of psychology to explain many things. Often it just comes down to power, especially in regards to COVID enforcements, and to try to rationalise or explain it in psychological terms is to hide or rationalise the compliance to naked power. Force should be met with force, even if just standing in resistance and saying No, rather than making excuses/reasoning for the lack of standing and saying no.
I appreciate this article alot. Praise and thanks to CJ Hopkins
I think, these days there is a fine line between gaslighting, propaganda and journalism.
I like CJ’s piece here and am addressing all the comments I have seen so far regarding it.
Gaslighting is the current ‘go to term’ for anything that does not fit with whatever side of the fence you are on.
I am sad to see that whenever someone writes some analysis of the current state of world affairs, all those who do not agree with the author immediately accuse them of being right-wing (if they are left-liberal-progressives) or that they are Gaslighting if they are on any other side than those left-liberal-progressives.
Gaslighting is another word for propaganda. CJ’s piece is not this.
Everyday we are besieged by a great number of articles from ‘experts’ and actors, they warn about more death and tyranny. The ‘media’, and intelligence agencies will saturate, change and alter our consciousness using fear and ‘predictions’ that have already been scripted & ‘planned’ to come true.
We are LARPing Alice Bailey’s “The Externalization of the Hierarchy”
The title of this piece, “The Year of the Gaslighter” is already a deep whitewash and great distortion of the real reality (which makes Hopkins a gaslighter too).
Because … the gaslighters have ruled for centuries and millennia, right in front of everyone’s “awake” nose — The reality of the 2 married pink elephants in the historical room
“… doctors and scientists are now on the same lever of public confidence as the scum living in the swamp.” — Unknown in 2022
One of Your Gaslighting articles definitely triggered a few.
You seemed triggered as well.
When Gaslighting is Gaslighting.
Happy solstice to you all.
This is highly depressing. It’s as if time is running backwards. We’ve already had the Spanish Flu (1918) – covid19??
My Grandfather was in the Trenches as an Officer and a Gentleman (1914-1918) – and actually survived it, to then drop dead in Northern France from Appendicitus, when My Mum was about 10 living as a peasent girl (actually born in London)
At this rate, we will be back to the middle ages soon – for the few of our grandchildren that survive.
This is a depopulation event, all planned in advance by the globalist evil in control.
They were in control then “making war just for fun”
“They Shall Not Grow Old – WW1 Colorization Scene”
It Means It’s Working !
Vaccine side effects are actually a good thing
Feb 11, 2021
Why you might feel sick after getting a Covid-19 vaccine.
Every vaccine can have side effects like muscle pain, fever, or headaches; and some of the new Covid-19 vaccines are even likelier to give you those side effects than you may be used to. But the scientists who work most closely with vaccines emphasize that when a vaccination makes you feel sick, it’s almost never a bad sign. And once you understand why vaccine side effects happen, you may even be happy to get that headache.
Read more about why the Covid-19 vaccines may feel different from other routine shots:
Much of the data in this video came from the clinical trial reports for the first two studied vaccines to become available. You can read those courtesy of the US Food and Drug Administration [links to PDF downloads]:
Yes, if you feel stabbing chest pains and see blood, then you will know the vax is working!
Year of the gaslighter? Another year of dumb and dumber I would say …
I’m just dreaming of a day where i don’t see Elon Musks stupid face..
The never ending story returns to the start yet again:
Here’ what’s going to happen next. China, having “unwisely” dropped its zero tolerance policy, will be vilified in the media which will be eager to supply the requisite death figures for maximum tut-tut value. And the WSWS – and others of its ilk – will get the chance to “shine” having kept the covid flame burning away at the back with its programmed denunciations of all Western countries surrendering to the virus denying Right etc.
This triggering huge waves – nay surges – of righteous condemnation from the plastic Left. And a resumption of lockdowns, masks, distancing, and increased vax production.
You heard it here first.
And they are peddling the excess deaths lining up at crematoriums just like they did in India last year while ignoring that 10 million Chinese die every year, 1 million of them from pollution.
Just like the WSWS did way back at the beginning with that phony cloak and dagger reporting of burials photographed from on high – which turned out to be routine burials of unidentified corpses carried out by convicts only the process was speeded up by covid regulations.
You can orchestrate such a thing: arrange for a (relatively rare) med. specialist, undertaker or crematorium worker to fall ill himself.
We’d better have a plan when their actual killer virus/germ/nanobots come for us.
im just waiting for bill murray to come out and its officially groundhog day, again.
Those who suspend judgment on Elon Musk will reap vindication for their having paused. Meantime, gratuitous, cynical commentary smacks of tribal approval seeking and offsets credible, genuine insight which regularly appears here, the former repelling while the latter gathers readers.
It isn’t necessary to exhaustively seek out the faults of others; they present themselves well enough. The hazard is to do so while essential introspection ( as Desmet would urge ) languishes.
Speaking of (anti) gaslighting: Steve Kirsch’s latest newsletter included this link to his interview with a high profile UK cardiologist speaking out against the poisonous clot shots. He was vaccinated but not boosted. After his, otherwise healthy, father died suddenly he changed his position and is now speaking out. Very good discussions on various statistics. A lot of time consuming fluff but I think it is still worth while.
Aren’t the “oligarch hucksters” delivering them to wokeness?
The large international movements of Freedom Fighters do not need guy this who tries to make silly ‘sacasm’ about our heroes, like Desmet and Musk.
Start preparing for the UFO Threat psyop, it is not far. It looks like the Climate Change and Asteroid Threat psyops have priority but with the speed things are unfolding you never know, they might decide to roll it tomorrow.
This 1944 movie everyone references is itself an example of the control these “people” want to have over us. The movie Gaslight was first made in 1940. “When MGM remade the film with Charles Boyer and Ingrid Bergman, [1944] the studio attempted to have all prints of this earlier version destroyed. (IMBD)”
It is to me an example of erasing history–which effort is now in full swing regarding almost everything. If you don’t know the past then everything that happens will be “new” to you.
Australians suffering vaccine side effects feel silenced by anti-vaxxers and stigma ( Now here is the best gaslight of the century, apparently all the anti vaxxers who screamed that the jabs are dangerous are to blame for idiot doctors not telling anyone they are jab injured.
Funny time to be alive..
So people who are suffering from the vax are being drowned out by those who said they would suffer from the vax?
Apparently, which is OK but the article also says they don’t speak up about the injuries so how can we drown them out.
he (Musk) is fully ‘conscious’ and absolutely ‘realizes WTF he is doing’. To think otherwise, is absurd at this point.
Matt Taibbi the Trump hater exposing the Democrats conspiring with the FBI and Twitter to steal elections in 2020 and 2022.
You couldn’t have scripted it better if you tried. LMAO.
Pity how this place isn’t talking about the Democrats and the FBI using tax payers money to silence, ban and prosecute the opposition.
Cry me a river CJ and Matt. You’ll learn, it’ll just take you a while.
Pending for sure.
Steal elections.. 😂
If you steal something that is stolen you’re still a thief.
Learn what — your idea that there are only two sides?
Unbelievable – or it ought to be but now sadly predictable.
“Nicola Sturgeon’s vision for Scotland is coming true already. With her disgraceful shambles of a bill voted or rather forced through only today, it’s already possible for a gang of violent men to invade the Scottish Parliament women’s toilets together so they won’t be challenged.
The fact that Sturgeon is doing the bidding of these porn-addled, mediocre, abusive men, these OBVIOUS incels, and no-one seems to care…. It’s beyond maddening.”
But what is truly disturbing is that a reasonable amendment preventing convicted sex offenders from changing their gender was voted down.
It’s all that “crazy conspiracy stuff” now operating openly.
If yesterday’s news wraps today’s fish, then yesterday’s ‘conspiracy theory‘ is today’s news.
Oh this is beautiful – from The Graud:
“China is on the brink of its first major Covid surge. How it copes will affect us all
With relatively low vaccination rates and a lack of reliable data” ????!!!! “60% of the population may soon be infected”
What a hoot! Though there’s also this:
“Other countries have learned the painful way that pretending Covid-19 doesn’t exist doesn’t mean the disease disappears.”
The article itself continues in comedy gold mode as the exciting Hollywood tale of how “responsible” nations heroically beat the bug down with life saving etc etc.
But the most interesting thing is that how China’s strategy “will affect us all” is not explained. I guess they’re keeping that exciting sequel on the back burner for now!
I lasted about 3 comments on The Graud last year.
“Elon Musk was never a liberal, and his plans for Twitter were never benevolent”
If you have the strange feeling you know exactly where this is going , you’d be right – or even “Right” in this brave new realm of “Revolution”.
Yes indeed, it turns out that Elon is a Far Right Extreme Right Righty Right Fascist Trumpy conspiracist hate filled hater who is anti-Left which apparently is the same as being anti-woke.
Didn’t see that coming, did you? Unless you’re a Right Wing conspiracist of course!
Reality is a ‘right-wing conspiracy theory’.
Great summary of another crazy year. Enjoyable in sort of an apocalyptic way. Merry Christmas !
CJ, I have a question for you, and for all the Desmet-slaggers amongst the btls here:
Matias, in his writings and interviews, lays out a psychological hypothesis of why people are so prone to occasional bouts of irrational, and ultimately self-destroying mass formation. The causes, as he and his antecedent thinkers on this matter suggest, is because of certain psychological distresses in which people find themselves mired: pointless lives, dire bad work, lonely detachment from any supportive community, and so on.
As far as I remember, he never says a) that people bring all the disasters of mass formation on themselves, without any outside agency pushing them on; or b) that there are never such outside agencies – like the cabal of criminal conspirators behind the covid swindle – who seize the opportunity of a spontaneous mass formation to steer us all into the disasters, in pursuit of the criminals’ own evil agenda.
If anyone can put me right, and show me a place where Matias does say “It’s all our own fault. We just bring it on ourselves, totally unprompted by any criminal conspiracy” I’d be interested to see it.
I don’t think he says that, or even seems to think it. But I’m willing to be corrected. Anyone got any evidence? At all…? Rather than just jumping to ‘holier-than-thou’ ego-stroking conclusions…?
Interesting you received no replies to your question. Too busy stroking those egos?
I think you are definitely on to something. The Desmet bashing was too over the top….and, seemingly, all in the same timeframe. Big Red flag for me.
Yes, it’s a tad unnecessary, many of us were baffled at how seemingly intelligent people fell and enthusiastically participated in what to us was an obvious fraud. Matias presented us with an explanation. I have my own ideas. One important factor is decades of propaganda laying the foundations of the psyop. All levels of society were primed. Another factor is the strong desire in humans to help others. The do gooders loved it. And another big one is most people just can’t conceive a lie so big and nasty.
In other words… propaganda works? Especially on people who hate themselves and their meaningless lives but haven’t the courage to be skeptically critical of what they’re being told, even when it runs counter to everything they ought to have learned about how life works and why it sucks for most of us? Yeah, I needed another overpaid talking head with an open history of lying in public to spout that crap for money in the media… two years after the fact. 🙄
US taxpayers have long been forced to fund Azov battalion. In 2015 congress placed a ban on funding Azov, but the Pentagon intervened and cancelled the ban. Speaker of the House, Republican Paul Ryan agreed with the Pentagon. Proof, if needed, that the US is a military dictatorship. 1/14/2016, “Congress Has Removed a Ban on Funding Neo-Nazis From Its Year-End Spending Bill,” James Carden, The Nation…Thanks for reminding me about the Canadian truckers. As to Trudeau, he’s merely a puppet of the UK monarchy. Which wouldn’t be a problem except the US is also a puppet of the UK monarchy. The US political class finds it thrilling to associate with monarchies.
Hello susan mullen: I totally agree with your comments regarding who’s zoomin’ who. The UK monarchy directly controls financial assets all over the globe. These “assets” are actually financial “bonds” manipulated by fine agencies such as BlackRock Vanguard, etc.
Who Runs the World? Blackrock and Vanguard – LewRockwell
Gas lighted morons will object to my use of Lew Rockwell’s site, yet the beat goes on…
No one seems to notice the linkage. The civil public is invested in the system via 401k partnerships and pension funds. Their “berth” certificate is their collateral bond… I digress.
Taxpayer monies represent a very minor percentage of total revenues and expenditures in most countries. This is particularly the case in the former Republic of the United States. In Canada, True-doe is less than a puppet. Monarchy’s have become payable ventriloquists for international investment and banking cartels such as Rothschild bank group and Barclays Bank UK. See: The Rothschild’s Global Crime Syndicate and How It Works – The Millennium Report .
The bloodletting and complete devastation affecting the former Ukraine, is obviously an US staged proxy war led by NATO military alliances. Rand Paul is just another hapless fraud… Banking and investment schemes print all the required valuations to continue the slaughter… The rest is illusion…
Well they fund their soul mates, the IDF
Soulmate sounds like something Satan puts in his coffee
– Anonymous –
CJ Hopkins has been a courageous beacon in the darkness these past three years.
I feel as if most of my adult life has been gaslighting about the most important events.
Probably before my adult life too, except I wasn’t aware of it.
I have no interest in JFK, I wasn’t around. Looking at the bare bones facts: lone wolf kills US president, said lone wolf killed by second lone wolf at a police station on camera…
This is the video of the Oswald shooting. A comment under the video remains with me:
“I was fourteen years old when I watched this live on television. I remember thinking how this all looked like a play or a performance.”
Others comment on how the police chief Fritz doesn’t even turn his head when he hears a shot. The point is that a fourteen year old could sense something odd.
Can’t remember who said it first or where I heard it: the opposite of courage in our society is not cowardice but conformity. Will anything ever change until humans learn to stand up for what they believe in rather than just go along with the crowd and keeping up with the Joneses?
It doesn’t matter what scheme is being cooked up by TPTB if, as CJ points out, you’re let down by your own friends. I think the only thing that wakes people up is when they suddenly realize they’re having a hard time putting food on the table. When enough people have hard enough of a hard time, change happens. Unfortunately, it is unlikely to happen peacefully though I’d be happy to be proven wrong.
How is this video gone already? I only saw it for the first time two days ago!!!
The site is the hard core of the new bio-medico theology. Just pick any article from them and bask in the polysyllabic waffle which comes away with stuff like this:
“Healthcare workers with a history of SARS-CoV-2 infections had higher antibody titers at four and six months after the booster dose than those who did not have previous SARS-CoV-2 infections.”
And the “conclusion” tells us,
“Overall, the results indicated that the antibody levels and neutralization capacity increased significantly up to two months after the booster dose of the mRNA vaccine and then waned.
Individuals with hybrid immunity from vaccinations and previous SARS-CoV-2 infections had more robust antibody responses than those without a history of SARS-CoV-2 infections. The development of variant-specific vaccines is necessary to prevent breakthrough infections.”
All of which operates in a conceptual vacuum in which the meaning and implication of “infection” is a point never raised.
All of the above comes from something called “Research Square” and the article here ends with this curious comment:
“*Important notice
Research Square publishes preliminary scientific reports that are not peer-reviewed and, therefore, should not be regarded as conclusive, guide clinical practice/health-related behavior, or treated as established information.”
Considering how even “peer review” is now dubious, the above “Important notice” is doubly damning.
It’s been a year of gaslighting for sure. Like any year before, only more perhaps. And after steady assault of gaslighting over many years people become desensitized and dumbed down to the point of indifference.
There’s nothing new under the sun, they might say with Ecclesiastes, but whose detached wisdom becomes cynicism and apathy under influence of mediated reality, amusing them to death with sensationalized novelty, alienating them from embodied, common sense of reality, a world of their own they might make for themselves beyond the simulacra of spectacle in prison cells of the matrix.
So like anything else brought into view on the stages and screens, “the Twitter Files show something new” (Taibbi), which we knew all along at that level of the surveillance-security state long established in our digital (c)age, now simply supplied more detail with the latest revelation in a long line of exposure of organized crime that keeps rolling over its victims.
Hysteria, hallucination, hypnosis…call it what you may before another controversy over what to call it comes along to distract us again from how we lead distracted lives in a social system of abuse, to which we consent or dissent as participants in our own demise playing audience to the meta-gaslighting of media that is the message of our own powerlessness. We can be left to recognize it all as gaslighting as long as we remain in a world of representation, an endless hall of mirrors which keeps us running after anything but the real world taken from us by our abusers.
Visceral reaction to this inverted totalitarianism of reality arises in such resistance as that of the Canadian truckers. But its threat of a good example, of liberation, is undermined by the machinery of perception management moving masses on to war or whatever next big thing captures attention, and redirects action in sustained movement of liberation from the system of abuse. Liberation for a politics, economy, culture, society of our own making if we but believe again in our own power to reclaim the real world where we are the actors and agents of better ways of living beyond all this death.
Smash the mirrors. Look out upon a new world. And live in it.
Recent years have seen the emergence of a new ruling class. Laws and regulations, rules of conduct, tax paying, decency why that’s for everyone else.
Epstein Island typifies this: his meteoric accumulation of vast wealth with no questions asked by those who were supposedly in charge of financial affairs; a string of cries for help from the abused going unheard; revelations about the attendance of well known figures, which would be career ending for normal folk, get shrugged or bought off etc etc.
How can anyone be certain that a replacement venue has not been established as clearly there is a demand for this? Leaving the question of who is now the owner of such a venue?
How instructive to compare the present coverage of striking NHS staff with that of striking miners back in the 80s. The old coverage continually demonised the miners and denied that they could make a difference, also denying the mining industry was doomed. Now, the NHS strikers are being given maximum coverage and we hear almost triumphalist accounts of the collapse of the service.
The dead going unburied stories are conspicuous by their absence.
I expect the UK “right-wing press” will eventually run some – but in such a crass way they’ll be designed to alienate people.
Gee, Medicare just emailed me: I can get EIGHT covid tests free every month. How kind.
I guess that’s cuz UCLA emailed me that my vaxx is “overdue.”
Or maybe it’s cuz of camel flu; I understand it kills one of every 3 people infected. Of course we don’t actually HAVE any camels in California. I wonder if ostriches. . . .
Purportedly, MERS and SARS were significantly deadly. Yet, they vanished without the aid of jabs.
Monkeypox was cured by eating bananas, but not many people know that. 😉
The most insufferable aspect of the media is how they talk as if all their previous bullshit has already been taken for granted by everyone. Thus “we all know” there’s this pandemic, that people can change their gender just by declaring it, and that cow farts are killing the planet.
Problem is George, it’s not taken for granted by everyone but enough for the narrative to continue.
MSM = Billionaires Blogs.
It’s that season of the year when i suspend my cynicism for a few days so that i “dont spoil it for the kids”. And to show i’m in the Spirit of The Season i’m sending family and friends a Christmas carol video: (4.38)–the-12-lies-of-covid-christmas-song-html
I hope i dont traumatise the kids when i tell them it could the last Christmas they’ll get presents
because Santa Klaus (Schwab) says they should be happy owning nothing: (11.23)
It’s stressful to suspend being cynical for a couple of days. I hope i dont come down with something, especially something contagious…”Must think of the kids “(like Santa does).
[Reposting, since this has been pending for some reason for quite a few hours]
This discussion between Maria Zeee and James Roguski is worth watching.
“James Roguski joins Maria Zeee to issue a RED ALERT for all of humanity – the WHO has written in a REMOVAL of human dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms during their secret meetings to negotiate amendments to the International Health Regulations, which every member country is legally bound by.”
Are these people “alarmists”? I don’t think so.
Can you imagine such a ‘news’ article even a few years ago?
“How to look after your mental health over the Christmas and New Year holidays.”
You missed the cost of living crisis as a euphemism of the regimes new normal assisted dying writ large.
But to be fair there’s a lot to review
5 stars
This is worth revisiting:
Paul Schreyer: Pandemic simulation games – Preparation for a new era?
Political decisions during the Corona crisis did not come out of the blue. The “war on viruses” began back in the 1990s as the “war on bioterror.” Research shows: For more than twenty years since then, pandemic scenarios have been repeatedly rehearsed in simulation exercises, first in the U.S., later coordinated internationally. The titles of these exercises are reminiscent of Hollywood productions: “Dark Winter” (2001), “Global Mercury” (2003), “Atlantic Storm” (2005) or “Clade X” (2018). High-ranking government representatives as well as well-known journalists were involved, most recently, at “Event 201” in October 2019, also board members of large global corporations. After the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a coronavirus pandemic in 2020, many of the measures that had been rehearsed and discussed for years were implemented globally.
Passages like the following appeared in scripts as early as 20 years ago: “The sight of an armed military presence in US cities has provoked protests about curtailment of civil liberties (…) The question is, however, how do we enforce it and to what degree? How much force do you use to keep people in their homes?” In the event of a pandemic, “basic civil liberties such as freedom of assembly or travel” could no longer „taken for granted”. Restrictions on liberty, as well as mass vaccinations, were regular features of the planning games.
This lecture will chronologically trace how these exercises came about, who organized them, and what parallels the scripts have to the current situation. Is the virus just a pretext for a longer-planned global transformation? And was a severe stock market quake in September 2019 perhaps the real trigger for the global lockdown?
Maxwell, there’s no doubt ‘covid’ was cover story for the expected 2020 global recession..That recession would have caused huge loss of jobs and destruction of small businesses, resulting in mass unrest that could have brought down governing political parties…It was decided to ‘get control of events’ by imposing the virus narrative, make it responsible for the economic damage the lockdowns -to prevent mass unrest – wrought, while governments gave themselves more powers…
The ‘pandemic’ and responses to such have been in planning for decades because it was (is) well understood that an economic day of reckoning would occur…
It’s not easy to get people interested in economics, or economic explanations, especially when they feel there’s nothing they can do about it…On the other hand, it’s easy to talk about ‘covid’, have lots of opinions about ‘covid’, and The Jabs…
But we need constantly reminding that the WEF promotes an economic system it wants implemented by any means necessary, which includes at the current stage, the use of FEAR, and the curtailment of civil liberties …
There’s much talk expecting major economic troubles in 2023 – and the ‘climate emergency’ is ready to provide the cover story for the implementation of the next stage of the WEFs economic plan…Though most will still be talking about ‘covid’…
the most recent “simulation” focussed on a disease that disproportionately affects children, whilst “do it for granny” had some traction it will be as nought compared to “you will do it for the kids or else…”
the most recent get together which im unable to find a suitable link for (desculpe) related to a highly pathogenic disease emanating from Brazil (lula madness??)
having learned from the dry run how to push the vax narrative and steer toward the pressure point of “mandatory” this “new” outbreak will seek to remedy past errors
some feel they require the agreements on “vax passport” and “pandemic treaty” to be in place before the “release” date, others feel that one will lead to the other….
preparing to resist requires un-hooking yourselves from banks and utilites, no mean feat in these times and time is short, that said continued resistance will push us all into realms we never previously thought posdsible in our once “comfy” lives
having come this far, would you willingly turn back??? or would you go out blade teeth and nails?
articles like this require keeping an eye on, tor or similar required to view:
It would be a very timely, necessary and excellent public service were OffGuardian and other respected independent media groups to arrange for bringing together monetary experts such as John Titus, Professor Richard Werner, Ernst Wolff, Ellen Brown and others … – to blast the lid off the (global slavery system) central bank digital currency scheme…
I agree. We are so quick to embrace a savior, much like Trump. Maybe I’ve become too cynical after the last few years. I don’t trust Musk one bit. I don’t get my hopes up any longer for the people “above” us to do anything of honesty and integrity. All of this will be swept into oblivion by the “big guys” BUT we as individuals will continue the fight. That I do know!
All of these guys (Trump and Musk) are part of the cabal. If someone gets a lot of media attention, then you can be sure they’re also members of the club.
If they came along again in a different sex, your embrace them again.
Some people never learn.
I’ve seen Gaslight several times, and still cannot see out how the term “gaslighting” applies in any instance. Its use is almost gaslighting — if I have the expression right.
Thank you. I’ve tried to figure out where the term gaslighting came from but I come up empty handed.
It’s like a committee sat down one day and mulled it over. “We need a name for certain things that certain people do that affect certain other people in certain ways – and it has to be very specific. Let’s brainstorm!”
And that’s how they came up with “gaslighting.”
“Not to be confused with Fart lighting.”
The 1944 film ‘Gaslight’ was actually a remake of a 1940 British film of the same title.
The film’s director Thorold Dickinson went to Israel and made two propaganda films for the new state. You know, like you do….
He was also Oxford-educated and worked for the UN.
Originally a play made in 1938.
As he searches (Paul), he turns on the attic gas lights (explaining the movie’s title at last), which causes the lights in the rest of the house to dim and flicker; after all, this is 1880, before electricity. Poor belabored Bella notices this, but others – including her well-meaning maid-servant – attribute it to yet another flight of her over- stressed mind.
it’s not that complicated.. when someone lies to you but pretends they are telling you the truth, e.g. “these vaccines are safe and effective”, “those buildings collapsed due to fire”, they are gaslighting you. It applies to people who know they are lying to you and intend to, not so much to those parroting the lie who don’t know any better but should.
Even the way you describe it, it’s an imperfect word. In Gaslight, Bergman’s husband was purposefully trying to drive her mad. That aspect of “gaslighting” — again, unless I’m missing something — is not present in modern-day usage. They’re just lying.
And the medical people signing on, all of whom should go to jail — cowards, yes. Complicit, yes. Negligent, yes. But trying to drive us mad? That may be the result, but it’s not the intent.
On the other hand, ‘astroturfing’ is brilliant.
What was it called before it got renamed “gaslighting” ? Can anyone shine a light on that ?
It appears the movie was a play originally made in 1938 and the title never changed. A link was posted but went into the pending spam bots mouth.
Maybe it was always called ‘gaslighting’, and derives its name from the film/tv series Fanny by Gaslight in which a trans woman exposes him/herself in the dim light afforded by gaslight trying to convince the other person that he/she has a fanny.
Gaslighting is basically telling someone that what they see happening is not happening. It’s making people question their own sanity. Its intention is to make someone go crazy, to manipulate and humiliate them.
Here’s a scene from the original British movie Gaslight.
Paul, of course, put the watch in the bag himself.
Just look at the last several years, and the number of manipulations the PTB have concocted to get people to do things that are not in their interest. Just recently, for example, their was a whole spate of denials that the experts ever said the “vaccine” would prevent transmission of Convid. They lie right to our collective face.
‘Its intention is to make someone go crazy’
No. That’s the by-product, not the intent. In Gaslight it was the intent.
‘They lie right to our collective face.’
This discussion between Maria Zeee and James Roguski is worth watching.
“James Roguski joins Maria Zeee to issue a RED ALERT for all of humanity – the WHO has written in a REMOVAL of human dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms during their secret meetings to negotiate amendments to the International Health Regulations, which every member country is legally bound by.”
Are these people “alarmists”? I don’t think so.
Very nice article. I don’t think reading Desmet and giving his ideas some attention makes anyone his biggest fan. It seems to me that he is trying to look at things deeply and perhaps to see the shadow side in all of us rather than trying to redirect attention away from globocap.
Is it possible for anyone to ever be a good guy? Mattias Desmet? Ron Desantis? Elon Musk? ….are they all bad? Is everyone bad? Despite the sickening events of this past nearly three years and the unforgivable actions of people like Trudeau I have learned that there are a huge amount of good people in the world.
Is there no hope for society? Are we on a never ending downward or deadening spiral?
I really enjoyed the article but maybe I need to reread it. Did I miss the hopeful part? Perhaps your just hoping to wake people up to all the shenanigans and that’s the hopeful part of this article.
Theses good people in the world, have they been TV puppets sold to you via internet.
Nothing would surprise me. I liked Obama so that tells you how naive I can be. Now I like Robert Malone and he brought up Desmet. Malone seems genuine and I’ve followed him a lot. Am I being fooled? I don’t think so but I’m open minded to the possibility. Off Guardian and it’s crowd of writers and commenters has helped open my mind to some things I never would have imagined before.
Dennis Meadows of the Club of Rome 1 minute video, but other speakers follow in case you can’t tear yourself away.
A psychopath that fits in well with other WEF monsters.
3 seconds viewing informed me of his utter sincerity and compassion, im guessing as a child he had issues about sharing…. aww diddums
In a way, he probably isn’t wrong, there has been a population overshoot and by nature or by design, there will be a correction. Which is happening now whether we like it or not, so if you resisted the kill shot, congratulations, you’ve increased your chances of surviving their cull and retaining your ability to procreate. But the real problem isn’t population, it’s consumption, and the likes of this fella are by far the worst offenders as far as that is concerned. Certainly not your average Joe in the third world, which actually constitutes most of the population. So part of the answer is pretty simple, him and his ilk must be culled.
Where he is totally wrong is the idea that with freedom comes massive over consumption and that the only other option is a dictatorship and a miserable quality of life for everyone, apart from the Dictators, of course. Real freedom is the freedom from slavish attachment to material things and real freedom would see a reduction in consumption and a far higher degree of self sufficiency and self governance, but again, that leaves no need in our World for psychopathic, parasitical would be dictators like him. So another classic false binary (false on every level in this case) promulgated in pure self interest by the ones who are the real problem.
I have been reading Thierry Meyssan for about 20 years….this is his latest. Powerful stuff indeed.
“After Bush, Obama and Biden, restoring freedom of expression in the West”
“Republican President George Bush Jr., and Democratic Presidents Barack Obama and Joe Biden have destroyed freedom of expression in the West. All three have managed to make the main media support their common ideology. In two decades, the press has turned a blind eye to anything that contradicts the official rhetoric from Washington and has become converted to its nonsense.”
Nice piece! As 2022 comes to a close we should prepare ourselves for the newer versions (or better yet repeats) of the overlords’ gaslighting and propaganda campaigns. The oligarchs had some major set backs in 2022, their various narratives: COVID, Ukraine the economy, FTX, rigged elections etc. are falling apart. Their war in Ukraine will continue, because it is a money laundering sinkhole for taxpayer funds to enrich the Biden clan and the Military Industrial Complex and a way to bankrupt Russia (or so they think). COVID will still be in the news but there is a more ominous pathogen/disease on the horizon. How do I know? Because Bill Gates and Fauci said so! We all know how the stuff they say always come true to some extent/degree or another. Will it be the strain created by gain of function at Boston University? Who knows. Will it blow up like AIDS and COVID or fizzle like Zika and the others (Bird Flu, Swine Flu etc.)
The propaganda and gaslighting must continue/escalate how else will the overlords keep us in a perpetual state of fear and anxiety that enables them to further their social re-engineering programs (the Great Reset, transhumanism, Brave New World Order etc.). The good news is more people are rejecting their narratives which is sending them into panic mode.
At last – what we’ve all been waiting for – a possible cure for ‘long covid’. The researchers are looking for people with ‘fatigue’ to test this breakthrough.
“The trial is looking for participants who have experienced certain long COVID symptoms.
“We’re also looking for people with the symptom cluster of fatigue, rather than breathlessness or other symptom clusters,” Dr Jarman said.”
Isn’t science wonderful?
May someone in Off Guardian comment something about this, please? Thanks.
And, about the article, it’s totally accurate and true.
Another pandemic is being planned. In fact they’ve been planned years ahead. This is just a show piece but the truth will come out…I hope.
thank you for providing what i had alluded to up the page a cm or two, this latest version of “event 201” is of importance, it fore warns us (as they so love to do) of what is coming next…
the last nearly 3 years has shown us (and them) that minor tweaks to statistics and the egregore allow for vast changes in our society and further baby steps toward their goal
if many considered that beyond their goal of nwo their lies a future of ai/transhumanism and “meta” (death) existence then id warrant that a few more would believe that NOW than say at Jan 2020…?
If i then told you that this “meta” existence was a 2 way street and that it will allow things to come and “play” with you, things you really dont want to meet, then hey, most would laugh and move on,
imagine earth as a “fun park” for 5d entities to come and experience “phyisicality”, then imagine the “fun” they will have?
if you ever wondered how the 13 families knew quite how to steer this show for so long, then its time you got to know who they really are, they are the fallen
knowing this gives us strength over them, knowing that the “bible” is as a childs “guidance manual” informs us to look and think deeper, doing so will provide the armour and weaponry we so badly need
In the most magic karma in Australia one of the most hysterical doctors peddling endless jabs now reports she and her wife are both seriously jab injured.
Good news indeed, live by the sword die by the sword etc.
Yes, 2023 is going to be Biblical.
A top Australian doctor and former Covid vaccine advocate warns of the risks of the shots
Dr. Kerryn Phelps wanted everyone vaccinated – until she and her wife suffered side effects from Pfizer jabs. Now she says regulators are censoring the truth about Covid vaccine injuries.
Alex Berenson
Dec 20, 2022
Even in March, Phelps tweeted that booster shots remained a key to controlling Covid. No longer. Both she and her wife, Jackie Strickler-Phelps, suffered severe and long-term injuries following Pfizer jabs, Phelps wrote in her submission. Her wife continues to suffer “nerve pains, altered sense of smell, visual disturbance and musculoskeletal inflammation” 18 months after her first Pfizer shot, Phelps wrote. She personally has suffered a racing heart, fevers, shortness of breath, and “blood pressure fluctuations.”
Prof Kerryn Phelps AM
Doctor, author, Fmr MP for Wentworth, fmr Sydney Deputy Lord Mayor, Chair @HempCRC, health & civil rights advocate, Past President AMA, @realOzSAGE, @Climate200
That appears significant. Former president of the “Australian Medical Association”? Wow.
Daily Mail call her Australia’s top doctor.
Marilyn, just look at how differently our media report this important event.
This should be headlines in all newspapers:
“Former federal MP Dr Kerryn Phelps has revealed she and her wife both suffered serious and ongoing injures from Covid vaccines, while suggesting the true rate of adverse events is far higher than acknowledged due to underreporting and “threats” from medical regulators.
In an explosive submission to Parliament’s Long Covid inquiry, the former Australian Medical Association (AMA) president has broken her silence about the “devastating” experience — emerging as the most prominent public health figure in the country to speak up about the taboo subject.”
Compare this with the version from today’s Sydney Morning Herald:
“‘Not anti-vaxxers’: Dr Kerryn Phelps says she suffered COVID vaccine injury, calls for more research.”
It would be interesting to know when Jackie had her first shot. Kerryn only suffered side-effects after her second shot but Jackie felt them after her first shot which presumably was before Kerryn’s second shot. Did Kerryn still go ahead with her second shot after her wife suffered severe side-effects after her first? If so, … you simply cannot underestimate the power of propaganda.
So Jackie suffered severe side-effects from her first shot, Kerryn suffered effects from her second in July 2021 yet in Jan 2022 Kerryn was still advising that vaccines were available for 5-11 year olds.
Can you believe that shit? I mean, can you believe it?
“Her wife”. How weird. The banksters had to choose the most unpalatable and ineffective ways of restricting population growth. And now they are using lethal injections to terminate us.
My word, that schadenfreude feels good.
Australians suffering vaccine side effects feel silenced by anti-vaxxers and stigma ( And here is the best one of all, these people really are disgraceful crackpots.
2022 was the year that any hope of a populist uprising finally fizzled out – given that most of the prominent supporters turned out to be Putinista sock-puppets.
Have a little faith. Comments like that suggest you’ve been hard at the festive booze while typing.
I’ve been making such comments since the Buffalo hoax – which should be viewed as both the Keystone and Rosetta Stone of the greatest psyop for the last 50 years.
Ten People Killed, 3 Wounded, After 18-year-old Gunman Opens Fire in Buffalo Supermarket
May 14, 2022 | Sundance | 467 Comments
What appears to be a horrific racially motivated attack has left 10 people dead, including a store security guard at a Buffalo grocery store earlier today.
Police arrested 18-year-old Peyton Gendron at the scene after Buffalo police charged into the store and confronted the gunman in the vestibule.
May 14, 2022
Shooting in Buffalo, NY leaves 10 dead
Investigators believe the assault may have been racially motivated, and think the shooting may have been live-streamed online.
Editor’s choice 15.05.2022
Ten People Killed By “White Supremacist” In Buffalo, USA (Videos 18+)
Many woke up out of there stupia.. why haven’t you..?
As I’ve been pointing out for some time, “the plan” is Biblical – and it’s still unfolding.
Nice, eloquent Photoshop job. Work on your subtlety to increase your credibility … C+
It’s a New CJ Hopkins
I don’t know about the rest of you, but I found when doing my homework or preperation for exams, I had to turn the radio off, and avoid any distractions.
I just turned off the radio to read CJ
Sometimes, you have to concentrate and focus on something really important, even if it is exciting, amusing, or potentially deadly
In the morning you have to re-enter the real world…
You have got to do it.
There is no wimping out.
Merry Christmas CJ Hopkins
You get my Journalist of The Year, even if you are an American.
Wife’s back now. I will read the rest of it later.