False Profits

Suzie Halewood

“Reality is that which when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away”
Phillip K Dick

For hundreds of years the barons, landed gentry and royals of England sought to increase their wealth and power by hooking up to the most powerful corporate businesses and leaders of industry with the aim of worldwide dominance.

Thanks to their endeavours, Planet Inc. is now a sprawling network of multiple global companies, sucking everything into its path like a black hole of commerce into which the voters-who-still-believe-in-democracy throw their hard-earned cash via taxes and consumerism. While we are diverted by the unseemly Punch & Judy spectacle of government, a man hidden behind a facade with his hands controlling both Punch & Judy, signals to an accomplice, who then weaves his way through the mesmerised crowd and steals their wallets.

So simple was this sleight of hand, it needed to be cloistered across the years with a mille-feuille of obfuscation. Once created, these layers were excreted via a labyrinth of organisations such as the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Tavistock Institute, the Royal Institute for International Affairs, The Club of Rome and United Nations whose influence continues to spread like infected blood throughout the veins of society.

Those with the temerity to cry ‘Fake!’ were swiftly dispatched; ruined, imprisoned, disappeared, or assassinated. Nothing and no-one could be permitted to interfere with the sleight of hand which has served the autocrats’ single aim throughout the centuries: Gains.

The mille-feuille of obfuscation not only hid the original sleight of hand but offered an illusion of free will: Exxon Mobil or Chevron, Pfizer or J&J, Mastercard or VISA, Coca-Cola or Pepsi, Labour or Conservative, Republican or Democrat, Marxism or Fascism. Makes no odds.

Punch and Judy are in it together and all revenues from the show end up in the same money pot at the bottom of the black hole. Once collected, it is siphoned off to a handful of operators who make up barely 0.00000115% of the human population.

Underpinned by statutes and marketed by an army of plausible lobbyists, who have successfully convinced the multitude they are incapable of running their own lives, the Punch & Judy Road Show continues to roll on, diversifying to fit the times.

Malthus’ model, which failed to factor in the arrival of potatoes and claimed the world could not survive beyond three billion inhabitants, was replaced by The Club of Rome’s The Limits to Growth, also big on depopulation, while Neil Ferguson’s equally hysterical model managed to ignore prior immunity, that airborne viruses may not even exist and his own multiple failings.

These models have now been superseded by The Net Zero Fraud which aims to pilfer $240 trillion towards ‘Green Security’ from the taxpayer. The UK government’s ‘Levelling Up the United Kingdom’ lays bare the ever-present sleight-of-hand: £150M Community Ownership Fund to help locals buy pubs and sports fields against £26BN of ‘public capital investment’ towards Net Zero and the Green Industrial Revolution.

Following on from the East India Company initiative, drugs and guns have been legalized under the umbrellas of the pharmaceutical industry and endless conflicts, while seafarers’ skulduggery has been replaced by the slash and burn fiscal policies of the IMF, World Bank, BIS and the Central Banking system. In short, the colonizers are still at it.

But the Punch & Judy Covid chapter may prove to be the colonizers undoing. By unleashing a multi-trillion-dollar fiscal hole which they aimed to obfuscate by employing the unholy trinity of pandemic lockdown, climate chicanery and war, our adversaries have not only given us a glimpse of their methods, but also, of our Cage.

A cage in whose construction we have been complicit and whose rules we follow through blind faith, fear and indifference. Thankfully, like the mythical Egregore, a non-physical entity arising from the collective thoughts of a group, the cage exists no more than the counterfeiting digital sorcery of QE. The autocrats’ system is one of their own making. It is not a system we need in order to survive. Quite the opposite. We need merely to turn away from it.

We have little to fear from our unworthy adversaries. Aside from the numbers (seven plus billion of us, a handful of them) the NWO handbook is as nonsensical as it is self-deluding. Not enough electricity to keep the lights on, yet plenty enough to service the digital cloud, crypto, AI, electric cars and superconducting quantum computers which need to be maintained at close to absolute zero. And while it is certainly possible one could be happy and own nothing, that’s not the same as someone taking it from us, in which case we’d be mad as hell with nothing to lose.

The only way out of this fiscal servitude, is to remove ourselves from their system altogether which – according to The Art of War – can be done without a fight. We need only to baulk their plans: They aim to centralize; we decentralize. They aim to divide; we unite. They aim to obfuscate; we retain focus. They want our money; we refuse to comply.

The timing couldn’t be more opportune. At no time in history has such a plethora of alternatives to boom-and-bust presented itself. Once adopted by the many, the multiple ways to exchange commodities can phase out fractional reserve banking, volatile centralized currency, QE and hyperinflation.  The aim is self-decentralization using multiple parachute trading opportunities.

Local currencies such as the Lewes Pound and Brixton crypto encourage local trade, revitalize communities and reduce food miles. While many are currently tied to fiat, some like the long established Berkshares in the US, are looking to peg themselves to local assets such as a basket of local goods or skills.

Local currencies require locals to set up the system of exchange, but advice is on hand from WeRe Bank set up by Peter of England in 2015, who also offers promissory notes. Local currencies sidestep inflation as their issuance is not controlled by a central or commercial bank and the local monetary system is only used for the trading of goods and micro-loans for productivity-based start-ups.

ReFi offers credit backed by goods, services and hours. Instead of raising money to finance an office rental for example, you register with a decentralized network to find someone with an empty office. If you have nothing they want, someone else will and the flow of exchange is then facilitated by tokens.

These five-thousand-year-old circular supply chains cut out both interest and collateralized credit, helping start-ups to avoid giving away a percentage of their company in the form of shares or taking on debt prior to trading.

Credit unions, community and charity banks were once as plentiful in the UK as they are in Germany, where currently over 80% of all banks are not-for-profit community banks. There are currently over 300 credit unions in the UK which are run for and by local communities and offer eye-watering interest on loans, though they are authorised by the FCA and PRA.

The Hampshire Community Bank set up by Richard Werner in 2014 offers loans to local SMEs and has secured funding from local businesses and councils including a £10M lending facility from Portsmouth City Council and is a similar set up to David Fishwick’s Bank On Dave which has been operating since 2011. Both banks are yet to secure the FCA/PRA banking licence required to facilitate deposits, though according to Werner, neither deposits nor loans have any legal status.

Crypto banks protect assets via cold storage, fully decentralized blockchain prevents bad actors getting control of the network as in the FTX-style meltdown; and payment networks offer the same privacy as cash in peer-to-peer exchanges without being exposed to the stealth tax of QE.

Gold-pegged crypto or card payment systems such as Glint provide another route for day-to-day trade and while these aren’t decentralized payment systems, the idea is to decentralize the self, using multiple platforms, so that when the government imposes its non-blockchain CBDCs we can continue to function fiscally without the need of enforced digital ID or Universal Credit.

LaRouche believed that economics wasn’t just about money but was a commitment to the general welfare and common good of the people. We are very far from that. The boom-and-bust banking system or ‘fleecing the flock’ as the central bankers refer to it, was never meant to work for the people. The aim has always been to liberate the proletariat from their earnings, no matter how meagre.

Adopting multiple alternative ways to trade will ensure that by the time governments bring in CBDCs, not only will we have choices, they will already be up and running. Only by refusing to feed the beast via consumerism (Amazon, Facebook, Apple, Google etc) and taxes will we finally break free from our crippling financial chains.

As for our unworthy adversaries, atrophy will do the rest.

Suzie Halewood is a mathematician and filmmaker. www.dv19.org


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Categories: Covid Positive, latest
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Linda Ferland
Linda Ferland
Dec 26, 2022 8:19 PM

I posted a message some time ago on VK about Realists vs. Believers. I received no comments from ‘believers’; but, numerous favorable commets from Realists! Lol

Human values
Human values
Dec 26, 2022 4:35 PM

All money is fake. Real money simply doesn’t exist. It doesn’t matter what currency is used, what is the form of money – whether it’s pearls, diamonds, gold, metal pieces, paper, numbers on a computer – only those who have it have it, while those who don’t have don’t. There’s obvious inequality instantly created with any money.

We were not born here to survive and suffer in lack of money.

We were not born here to produce.

Our value is not dependent on any creation of man.

Money is the source of all our problems currently. It has created dependency, unfreedoms, inequalities, oppression and murders. It has created beliefs that are not real or true.

K. Cavan
K. Cavan
Dec 24, 2022 7:23 PM

Oh, how I wish there were 8 billion of us but the majority were born for servitude. Like beasts of burden, their strongest years will be spent in the service of Babylon, which will dispatch them, painlessly, when their output ceases to cover their costs.
Early next year, God willing, I’ll exit the city, never to return. The rest is unwritten.

Jack Bean
Jack Bean
Dec 24, 2022 6:16 AM

In South Africa we have a traditional community type credit union called a Stokvel. This is a route for getting out of the digital system that the Banksters want to impose on us.
Briefly, a Stokvel is traditionally an informal financial group (IFG) formed between friends, colleagues, or like-minded people to save together. A group of 12 works best, easily calculated per month payout.
Every individual contributes an agreed amount once a month. Every member receives a lump sum amount in a rotating fashion during the lifecycle of a Stokvel.
They are majorly used to save for groceries, birthdays, burials, and more.
Today, Stokvels are not only a way to save but also offer a reliable means for investments and other financial needs.
They are filling the gaps in the financial sector that formal financial institutions are still trying to capture. We need to keep it that way and don’t get Blocked and Chained to the corporates.

Dec 23, 2022 6:47 PM

“The only way out of this fiscal servitude, is to remove ourselves from their system altogether”


“They want our money; we refuse to comply.”

Wrong. You have no money. Give them back their currency, thank ’em kindly, and start dealing in property again.

JJ Parks
JJ Parks
Dec 24, 2022 4:56 PM

Presumably ‘our’ money means just that, i.e. the ways we choose to trade. ‘Their’ money is fiat and CBDCs. Refusing to comply in regard to money (ours, not theirs) simply means refusing to pay taxes – be it in silver, digital or anything else.

Dec 23, 2022 4:27 PM

Bear over with me. I read a lot of stuff on this site, but don’t yet consider myself a “shrew”, and wouldn’t use a stupid term like “sheep” for those who disagree with me. Tell, me with names, who are the evil ones, those pulling the strings. What is their ultimate aim. Objective replies only, please

Dec 24, 2022 12:54 AM
Reply to  Bob

I thought this site has repeatedly pointed out the names of these evil ones.

Frances Leader
Frances Leader
Dec 24, 2022 3:05 AM
Reply to  Bob
JJ Parks
JJ Parks
Dec 24, 2022 5:15 PM
Reply to  Bob

House of Guelph, Black Nobility etc; Artistos of East India Company. City of London Corporation – Financial power center established in 1067; District of Columbia – Military power center (est 1871); Vatican City – Religious power center, sovereign in 1929. The Committee of the 300 carries out the wishes of three main aristocratic families (Royals of Europe). Aim is population of 1 billion and One World government. All main western world leaders are on the Committee of the 300 and many tossers – such as Nick Clegg.

Dec 24, 2022 7:23 PM
Reply to  Bob

“We are legion.” – The Evil Ones

Not “hacktivists” but Mark 5:9…

And he asked him, What is thy name? And he answered, saying, My name is Legion: for we are many.

There are too many to name. It’s a mindset more than a religion, group, family or faction. There are factions within factions and agendas within agendas. Many of them are nameless / faceless / anonymous for all I know. Many have been in the public “eye” for centuries and many have long been forgotten.

What is their ultimate aim?

The total dominance and SLAVERY of mankind.

(See Matthew 7:15-20)

Tom T
Tom T
Dec 26, 2022 4:54 AM
Reply to  Bob

@Bob – The author Peter Phillips identifies the top 300 players in global capitalism in his book ‘Giants: The Global Power Elite’. if you want to learn more about some of the aims of those pulling the strings and the huge power grab now in play, check out the writing of (or interviews with) the investigative journalist and author Whitney Webb. Her work identifying the history, connections and criminal networks behind people such as Jeffrey Epstein, or the UN’s Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development Goals and their implications are quite astounding. The interview below is a taster. She can be found on her site Unlimited Hangout.

Dec 28, 2022 1:29 AM
Reply to  Bob

Giants: The Global Power Elite | Peter Phillips

Dec 23, 2022 12:54 PM

Got money? Invest in organizing revolution among those who don’t. Sustained mass movements of the more dispossessed classes are necessary to defeat the system of class rule now turned upon humanity, with nowhere left finally to flee the global gulag to be built, by any means of institutionalized violence necessary. 

All forms of warfare – monetary, military, medical, and more – are ready for ruling classes to use, as already shown by nearly three years of coordinated strategy, They are the ones practicing the art of war won without fighting, counting on the coordinated strategy to remain hidden in plain sight by psychological warfare to misdirect and divide us, even in civil war.

Rising up against what’s going down will cost more than money. We’re already in a world war fought by bioweapons of mass destruction costing lives. If more resist, and the battles joined, look for power out of the barrels of guns, besides the ends of needles, to increase, beyond boots stamping on faces already, to keep us on track to a future without us. If guns prove problematic, look for weaponized weather and star wars to rain down destruction.  

After decades of depoliticization and disorganization, we’re at a disadvantage in facing and fighting class war that’s been relentlessly waged against us long before now, establishing the present system in motion to crush us. But if we and however many generations more it might take are to defeat our enemy, we have no choice but to bear the consequences of past inaction and reconstruct our own infrastructure for revolution, in order to take power away from the powers that shouldn’t be, and restore it to people in common, in equal right to the commons, beyond the wars of class rule.

Dec 23, 2022 4:59 PM
Reply to  niko

Hej Niko, I sent a question, but was ignored.

Dec 24, 2022 10:50 AM
Reply to  Bob


j d
j d
Dec 23, 2022 9:21 AM

“Who is Caesar, and why should we care?” by Richard Abbot: https://www.thehermitage.org.uk/blog/who-is-caesar-and-why-should-we-care

Dec 23, 2022 7:45 AM

Perhaps this explains why Germany is a major target of the “Ukraine” war:
:- 80% of its banks are local non-profit ones
:- its SMIs are vital and competitive; big businesses depend on them, as in Japan.
:- employee unions and socialism are popular.

Dec 23, 2022 3:04 PM
Reply to  mgeo

By population, it’s also the largest country in Europe other than Russia (which is mostly in Asia anyway). Plus, as goes Germany, so goes the EU. Remember the Greek default crisis? When Merkel single-handedly dictated EU finance policy? Where did she get the authority to do that, I wonder?

Dec 24, 2022 5:21 AM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

Much of the Greek debt arose from continued buying of armaments. Most of the aid “for Greece” went to the lenders, especially German banks; the new Greek government had no say.

Dec 23, 2022 7:23 AM

The key to the feudalists system is the police. The go to crowd for serving up unpleasantness when dissent arises. The metropolitan Police in London had no qualms about attacking innocent and peaceful protesters in the name of “Public Safety” – to protect everyone from a virus with a 0.23% global infection mortality rate. The problem was never health it was ensuring that the protest didn’t spread.
And that’s just one example from thousands.

As Mark Steyn has noted in the U.K. everything but crime is policed. They are at best an abject failure as crime fighters as their focus is on an entirely separate brief.

Unlock the staffing levels of each police “service” by whatever means work and the system will crumble.

Dec 23, 2022 3:23 PM
Reply to  MattC

Just as we are the carbon they seek to reduce, we are also the crime they seek to police.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Dec 23, 2022 4:56 PM
Reply to  MattC

The Met seems to be two forces in one. One is the regular police, the other the British version of the “Gendarmarie”. In Europe this latter force is charged with maintaining public order; its not only separate from the police proper but is now effectively a Europe wide force. There is no equivalent in the UK but I’ve noticed that when trouble crops up ‘the Met’ is always lending a hand no matter where the trouble is.

Dec 25, 2022 3:41 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

not just Met, there’s a pmc-rent-a-cop g4-Soros funds, lol. etc etc.racket at play for a lot of these big “events” too,

professional (urban combat) thugs. mercs.

Dec 23, 2022 2:45 AM

Just for a smile in the midst of war, a little innocence: video 2 minutes

Paul Prichard
Paul Prichard
Dec 23, 2022 1:22 AM

Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-12-18. FDA now says Pfizer’s CV jab Linked to Clotting – VAERS knew over year ago. IVM comparable penicillin (blog, gab, tweet).

Dec 23, 2022 12:00 AM

International Blood Bank for the Unvaxxed – Members from at least 16 countries.
SafeBlood Donation formed by a Swiss naturopath.

site or at least the article reporting this seems to be under attack. It’s on

Dec 22, 2022 11:49 PM

Malthus’s model was proven wrong by depopulating three continents, repopulating them and intensely cultivating them, poisoning the world with toxic pesticides and fertilisers, deforestation , the destruction of biodiversity and worse. Columbus and his financiers could only see the Americas as lebensraum. The banksters and the sheeple did not have the wisdom to realise that there really are limits to growth. Convid and the clot shots are the start of earnest population control.

Dec 23, 2022 2:23 AM

the meaning of you statement “Covid and the clot shots are the start of earnest population control” is profound. It says the masses can never accept anything government does, or media communicates. Establishment behavior over Covid has exposed just how dangerous the threat of population control really is to our societies. The Covid / mRNA Vaccination experience has revealed that at least one Invisible silent death population control program is operational. Comments here and there suggest there may be many others diminish the population programs already in progress. IMO mRNA is a Covid Trojan.

Dec 23, 2022 7:52 AM
Reply to  eman

Since this is the opposite of the ancient injuction to “be fruitful” while cheap labour was necessary, the overlords feel that the carrot (soft sell) will not work for their new goal.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Dec 22, 2022 11:38 PM

“The only way out is to remove ourselves from their system altogether which – according to The Art of War – can be done without a fight.” 

I’ve been hearing this for so long, like since the 60’s. Decentralize, go local, go community, grow your own, stop buying shit, live like a fucking 16th century farmer. stop paying taxes. That’ll teach em.

Ok, go ahead, you first. I’m going to keep looking for another way out.

JJ Parks
JJ Parks
Dec 23, 2022 10:24 AM

Not sure why this means going back to C16. We have sewerage, so no need to undo that and slavery has changed to ‘optional’ with the ‘yes’ box too often ticked. One of the problems is the black and white, zero-sum, right-wrong attitudes of those on both sides. Technology is not going away, crypto can be good and bad. CBDCs will come. Anonymous transactions will not be cancelled. Homogoneous autonomy does not mean going back in time. It’s natural and it’s one of the reasons the human race is still here. Enough whinging. Act.

JJ Parks
JJ Parks
Dec 22, 2022 10:47 PM

I no longer pay tax – turns out it was never a legal requirement, only a threat. The local market and farms accept silver and everything else is a swap. No interest or devaluation. Turns out rebuttal works.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Dec 22, 2022 10:32 PM

That article image reminded me of beautiful OPERATION COVIDIUS…

comment image

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Dec 22, 2022 10:29 PM

This article is at the same level as all the other financial SCAMS!

In the end, fellow modern moron slaves, REALITY is this

comment image

And it won’t ever CHANGE unless…

JJ Parks
JJ Parks
Dec 22, 2022 10:50 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

Which is why people are leaving the system…in droves. Certainly in the UK. Neither know nor care re the US…too busy destroying Europe.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Dec 22, 2022 9:43 PM

“Reality is that which when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away”
Phillip K Dick

An excellent observation. Only sticking point is the believing thing… And, thus, the majority, even those who are slowly cottoning onto the fake virus/vaxx thing – albeit far too late! – have not yet glimpsed the nature of our cage. In the case of the former, it’s their bad, in the latter case it’s all of our bad.

Dec 23, 2022 2:33 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

I never did believe in convid. It is not reality. It won’t go away.

les online
les online
Dec 22, 2022 9:22 PM

The WEF is deceptive, it’s Fourth Industrial Revolution is a misnomer for Political Revolution… It’s a Power Grab…

PS. I Like Mille Feuilles, though health now forbids ! ( simple Custard Slices were my Favourite, not the fancy middle class over-priced ones)…

Dec 22, 2022 8:53 PM

You are simply listing all the alternatives that the empire will be making illegal. You either fight for your democracy, or you have lost. No alternatives are possible.

Dec 22, 2022 9:47 PM
Reply to  WillianHill

while it is true one either fights for his or her democracy,LLC life, liberty and credit ability, or one goes with the flow and loses everything. Cyrpto currency is an attempt to fight the fight in a place out of reach of the nation states which protect the wealthy. Crypto currency has not been used as currency, it has been instead used a an investment. Suppose an unit of gold is required to acquire a numbered unit of crypto. and each unit of gold is numbered, stored in highly distributed places like in gold rings which people carry around with them.
what then.. ?
The problem is to develop a system which is secure against corruption and accountable for the exact value each unit of currency represents.

Dec 22, 2022 11:16 PM
Reply to  eman

You are proposing possibilities that are not going to be allowed, if the elites are as evil as you say. They may be great solutions for the wealthy to avoid control, but for the rest of us, we will have no access to them.

Dec 23, 2022 2:01 AM
Reply to  WillianHill

i do not know which “WE” you belong to.. but I have a computer, I have a protocol, a software program, and I can produce a crypto currency on the spot, whenever I need it. In a matter of minutes if only I can register its number and provide it with the storage of the value (gold) that it represents (gold).. This means as soon as you have a unit of value that can be stored in a distributed fashion (gold), you can produce a crypto coin and distribute the gold and register the both the currency and the units. so the guy on the other side, even if a government, can accept my currency for its value.. because the currency value is representative of physical value, it is on par with the best currency in the world.. But I have an even better way, which i will not divulge at this time. I suspect that several thousand other persons have ways, very soon a new system where currency is generated by the user at the time of the need [because that is the definition of currency] its the registration of secure value that counts in a currency.

JJ Parks
JJ Parks
Dec 22, 2022 10:51 PM
Reply to  WillianHill

Democracy doesn’t work. Homogenous autonomy is the way forward.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Dec 23, 2022 12:13 AM
Reply to  WillianHill

I kind of like the idea of investing in companies that make portable gallows. That way you can easily re-locate the device to where the money resides. Just a thought…

Victor G.
Victor G.
Dec 23, 2022 8:09 PM

Sustainable … once you’ve invested in 10,000 Porta-Galls no more trees need be cut for 100 years (course, we could always make them out of graphene).

Dec 25, 2022 3:51 PM

hiab/crane/grab 16t truck should perform that task well ; )

Dec 22, 2022 8:40 PM

The false profits over the past two years have been the US far-right, the alt right, the fake opposition & their agents in the UK; who did nothing except sedate the opposition to covid measures, only opposing it fully after the ‘vaccine’ profits were made. Nobody is on our side, except those voices that are really are banned, not fake banned, really banned so you never hear them speak, like Piers Corbyn.
Not the frauds of fox News or Alex Jones in the US or Talk radio TV and GBTV, all corporate fascist state puppets.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Dec 22, 2022 9:37 PM
Reply to  WillianHill

RE: The false profits

Did you mean false prophets?

Dec 22, 2022 11:17 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

I do, thanks.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Dec 23, 2022 5:01 PM
Reply to  WillianHill

It reads better as ‘profits’. The double entendre adds a rather deep meaning (and truth) to a simple statement.

Dec 22, 2022 8:36 PM

Addendum: Just now saw these non-compliance options among the many to get our withdrawal from the tyranny of 1% consumerist overlords…

Choose home schooling
Bodily autonomy
Reduce screen time
Cash, not plastic
The System is not your health parent
Starve the overlords
Just say no to all their bullshit


Dec 23, 2022 8:02 AM
Reply to  sandy

You omitted independent local production, especially of food.

Dec 23, 2022 8:46 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Yes, you are right. Any many many more to come…

John Coombes
John Coombes
Dec 22, 2022 8:12 PM

Absolutely brilliant in painting an accurate picture of our species and the mess we are now in . . . PLUS, uniquely, a way forward!!! Exceptional.

Dec 22, 2022 8:03 PM

Right on Suzie!!! Blisteringly accurate critique and some ideas for physical action toward a liberated and freely social 99%. From periodic fleecing to outright corralling and harvesting of the peasant perceived 99%, the 1% have ridden the 21st C as a giant technological farming operation of we-the-peasants. As mentioned, k0v1d LOCKDOWNism has opened up once trusting eyes.

First analysis, then proposed solutions and implementation. Local money and dedication to doing business locally is a key option. I have some time dollars in a San Francisco group, but it’s never grown. The BerkShares look developed and viable. What is mostly needed, imo, is a forebearance of cynicism that blocks people from acting on their and our collective behalf. For me a Consumer General Strike would be a solid first step of withdrawal from the empire. Buy nothing except local produce, dairy, protein; minimize gasoline purchase; drop all cell phone use outside work requirements; essentially freeze out corporate revenues and surveillance. As another commenter has suggested, do this for one year with a demand to public vote on all policy and budget via direct democracy voting. [Read my initial proposal here… https://sandys.art/peoples_policy+budget_directives_ballot_2018.html%5D

Inside money and public policy, controlled by the above collective shift of authority away from the 1%, anything is possible. An egalitarian Public Commons, like that partially envisioned by Ernest Callenbach’s “Ecotopia” is possible. That’s where I want to live. The binary options, Hell A or Hell B, of the ruling elites worldwide exclude 99% of possible useful solutions. Humanity does not need a management class. We are all adults. We need to, finally, emancipate ourselves from the obsolete Parental Management dependency paradigm of over 2500 years and grab a hold of a collective adult society of decision makers. Evolve. Yes We Can!!!

Dec 23, 2022 8:07 AM
Reply to  sandy

How many hare have been able to resist complying with the obligation to spend on gifts – however useless, unwanted or expensive – for the “festive season”?

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Dec 23, 2022 5:09 PM
Reply to  mgeo

I’ve not bought any gifts for many years. We’re long past the point where we’ve got everything we need and so lack the ache for ‘more’. (…and nothing on this Earth could convince me to go Christmas shopping)

The one flaw with sandy’s vision of the future — its what used to be known as “dropping out” — is that while you might not be interested in ‘them’, ‘they’ are most certainly interested in you. You will be ignored and left to starve while you’re deemed harmless but if you start to bother the system then you’re going to be in a heap of trouble. The general idea’s sound, though. We just have to figure out how to get rid of (i.e. neutralize) that crust of sociopaths / psychopaths that like to organize and rule things. Its more difficult than it sounds.

Dec 23, 2022 8:55 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

I agree but we must take action. Your action to “Buy Nothing” is a good one and if people join in a mass, we can defund the monsters over us. At this point the bottom 50% in the US has little to no discretionary income and are already forced into buy nothing, but go into debt. Debt can be a number one forbearance. Not-doing as in the Zen tactic is very powerful but must be consciously executed. In the Russian revolution the soldiers and police turned upon the monarchy and they were defeated. We need a similar consciousness now that let’s people feel this possible and even necessary, which it is. The top 5% are the problem as they have been since royalty and monarchs ruled. Timne for real democracy by all. 95 vs 5.

Dec 22, 2022 7:50 PM

“It’s all good” for those with money. If you’re scint, well damn you too you moron (me) for not being smart enough to survive in the corrupt world we’re trying to overcome.

Alternative banking systems were invented so writers / bloggers (like Corbett) can appear to know the “solution” when, in fact, nothing ever comes from, or will come from, their solutions. The only “reality” I see are ideas / names / brands / systems / logos that are supplanted and/or deliberately sabotaged by those with the means to do so.

This corruption is ageless and it’s not going away by an avoidance of corrupt systems. Avoidance is not possible for the masses or even those with moderate means.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Dec 22, 2022 9:17 PM
Reply to  bleak

Exactly. Like a terminal disease that gradually becomes a total peculiar process, the corruption is innate and in the nature of the Beast, such as It is.

But it is also in the nature (or supernature) of Spirit, that we have innate in each of us the capacity to bring it back to what/where ‘things’ should be.

Spirit comes as the grace given to reverse the Entropy that is perpetual decay.

I guess you call that a Package Deal.

Not preachin’

Just sayin’

Follow the ‘Science’


(Sign seen once upon a time at Aachen)

Dec 23, 2022 4:52 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

I agree but I think the preponderance of humanity has to change before the Pendulum starts to swing the opposite way (a reversal of entropy? Is it even possible?). And how long is this swing to the left (or right it makes no difference) going to take once it has begun? I have no earthly idea but my guess is a freakin’ long time.

Trying to keep it on topic, I ask the question, how many people who think they’ve found “the solution(s)” like an alternative money system will actually change their ways? Will their focus become less on the material and self/ego and more on “the Spirit”? There’s the snag built in to these new “solutions.”

Dec 22, 2022 9:35 PM
Reply to  bleak

U.K shillum was involved in some alternative bank about a decade ago.
How do you think it ended for the half truther..?
scammed central!

John Ervin
John Ervin
Dec 22, 2022 7:40 PM

“Reality is that which when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away”
Phillip K Dick

[“You should dream more, Wormold. Reality in this century is not something to be faced.” Graham Greene, OMIH, 65 years out]

Indeed, you might re-frame it “Fake Profits”?

Like Fake Voting, Fake Reform, Fake Newz and Fake Plagues, the nomenclature doesn’t quite cut it “this century” with the simpler USA Inc branding as “False.”

The Worm has turned again!

[Smaug, rolling over atop his mountain of gold trinkets]

Dec 22, 2022 7:23 PM

It’s near impossible to free yourself from the web of deception. Even if realized, the clutches remain firm and are non negotiable. It is all underwritten with a threat. That is what law is. If you do not comply they will enforce it on you one way or another and it isn’t going to be pleasant.
No one is going to give up what they have earned and personally sacrificed. Anyone who has worked 50 years to pay off a mortgage and accumulated savings and material stuff will never question their efforts. It’s the done thing we’ve been instilled with. The reason COVID was accepted was because people believe in the rules of the game. Without these rules they are nobodies.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Dec 22, 2022 7:13 PM

The 60’s decade was an explosion of social revolution and spiritual evolution. This scared the bejesus out of the ruling class. A culture that pursues purpose, truth and beauty invites new discoveries and that leads to unpredictability, something they abhor. So from the 70’s on, the elite class has done everything to stamp out individual creativity and the freedom of expression. Here is a great discussion on the deliberate uglification of the world as an agenda: The Battle for the Mind: How to Exit an Artificial Reality (Cynthia Chung RTF Lecture) on YT. “Purpose leads to unpredictability in the status quo, there are no sureties for an oligarchic system of governance in a world that is motivated by a purpose towards truth, beauty, and knowledge…” “…to promote a concept of the Universe that had no governing purpose, no directionality and no morality, that it was essentially a mechanism…” Excerpts from the article The War on Science and the 20th Century Descent of Man It absolutely DOES matter if a program is funded by government as a public service because a healthy society needs adequate public money investment. The Wall St governance of the past 40 years has forced monetary policy on the people, forcing them to use private bank credit instead of government investment. High interest rate credit cards and predatory loans have led to peak private debt, meaning these debts will never be repaid. The use of CBDCs would forever lock money in as a privately controlled utility, which it isn’t. The Great Reset goal is to dissolve the nation-state paradigm altogether. “What this really calls into the question is the notion that we need “independent central banks” to protect us from irresponsible politicians. If anything, it’s irresponsible central bankers that we need protection from. But for as long… Read more »

Dec 22, 2022 11:35 PM
Reply to  Straight Talk

The “social revolution” of the 1960’s was sponsored by the central bankers. With almost no exceptions the rock stars of that period pushed the clot shot on the sheeple. Long hair was compulsory for 60’s rock stars. Something they shared with fake revolutionaries like Che and those that participated in the failed 1918 Hungarian revolution.

Dec 23, 2022 8:19 AM
Reply to  Straight Talk

Agree on the 1960s and 1970s. Globocap has been in control since the 1980s.

The Great Reset is also intended to crash the financial economy. This is because most debts including those owed by the governments of “advanced” countries have become untenable.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Dec 22, 2022 7:07 PM

Crypto is a trap for those who think freedom can be found in the Blockchain, and indeed in any form of money, when in fact hardly anyone anywhere before the Middle Ages needed money for their survival needs, something which became common only because of the imposition of capitalism via The Enclosures. Blockchain and crypto are the latest chapter of the Enclosures.

Dec 22, 2022 8:44 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Alison McDowell’s research is quite incredible, she has the intellectual & emotional capacity to maintain absolute clarity in her defense of the Natural world.
JS mentions her blog above, she also has two channels here & here.

Dec 23, 2022 12:15 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

well put.

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Dec 22, 2022 6:28 PM

This is a well thought out commentary, thank you. We need to begin seriously thinking about how to exit the Matrix, how best to move beyond the illusions/delusions the psychopathic despots have created for us. The emperor has no clothes, the empire is morally bankrupt and naked!
We need to figure out how to be in it, but not of it. Ideas about alternative means of exchange for goods and services is a start. We are at a pivotal crossroad. As the US escalates its direct involvement in Ukraine, one path clearly leads to major destruction. The crazies in Washington, London, Brussels and Tel Aviv/Jerusalem are talking about “limited nuclear options/war”! How is this a viable solution, who will win in such a scenario?! Europe as it presently exists will be toast, but the psychopathic shot callers don’t care (remember they dropped nuclear bombs on Japanese civilians in the 1940’s and used depleted uranium in Iraq in the 2000’s).
The globalists’ depopulation agenda is so horrific they are now killing babies with the wars, ecocide and toxic injections. Raising moral issues with these kinds of deviants is a waste of time. We need to give serious thought about what it will take to extricate the world from the grip of these monsters and start doing it.

Dec 22, 2022 8:14 PM

Thank you!!! When WE THE PEOPLE make public policy and control budgets & Central Banks, all the wars can stop, and equal sharing in an egalitarian Public Commons can commence to heal Humanity and close the wormhole to nowhere opened by the false god parent 1%. We can fucking do this. We are 99, they 1.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Dec 22, 2022 8:46 PM
Reply to  sandy

There is no “We the People.” There is only the massive business fiction, dba the “Public”s Puppetmasters, “U$A Inc” and its mob affiliates (CIA being, currently, the world’s bigly~est).

Seriously, not to come off as cynical, but USAmericans have been so subdivided and even individually atomized, most of us, that a “People” has been rendered a fairy tale for schoolchildren.

But as Einstein pointed out, “If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. And if you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.”

So there’s that, as one precious commodity left us.

But as far as the We the People banding together in some cohesion?

Seriously? With events of the past 3 (or 20) years?

I am not a negativist at all, by all means & disclaimer. I simply say that any real, or “practical” advances go through our great and good God, this world has had all ‘populist’ on-ramps redundantly sealed off for any others.

People can believe that or not. Certainly as they choose.

Well, from a really faithful standpoint, it has been that way forever.

But the pure Reality of it is now imposing. Truly.

Dec 22, 2022 9:41 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

1) There is no “We the People.”?
Oh, “we” [you might as well say there’s no “we”] are just not a social collective, like Thatcher said, “there is no such thing as society”? We started as small tribes. Humans would never have survived with out collective self-organized action shared equally among small groups. Would you tolerate a superior command figure among you tribe of 50 that made repeated stupid decisions? No. And neither did they.

2) Your Einstein quote is out of context, here is the right context, re: imagination.


3) Me thinks thy doth protest non-negative too much. So you condemn fantasies, stories, then propose one, an exclusionist world overlorded by YOUR god, “God” which ever one that is, as it were not a personal fantasy, a personal story.

You are welcome to have whatever thoughts you like. But casting YOUR dark shadow of “we can’t” is exactly the divisive self-thwarting virus the owner class wants the People to execute among themselves so we the people NEVER do anything.

We heard you, now step aside, please..

John Ervin
John Ervin
Dec 22, 2022 10:51 PM
Reply to  sandy

“Methinks thou doth protest too much.” Hear, hear. You are making all my points. For me, or anyone else who has a solid (and “disinterested”) grip. I have some real-time experience, in the last 20 years especially, in group “activist” actions. And anyone else with a good scorecard who has pursued such things, any of such initiatives, has come across a public landscape that is quite crowded with embedded trolls ready to divert any sincere energy. My message, which any sincere reader can easily construe, is that now, today, [not 1984] with the degree of interference in our best laid plañs, and the surveillance technology now deeply available to Intel, the early bird [has got to get up pretty “damned” early to be that very unique bird that] gets the worm. Good luck with that one, “early” bird. As a show of camaraderie, in good faith, I might even say “more power to you” (at least for the best in you) if it weren’t for The Reality that I, or absolutely any other so doing, is luring any person of good faith and intentions into a wide variety of trap and carefully plotted ambush. [Think: the gauntlet run by Indiana Jones in The Last Crusade in his last approach to the Holy Grail, thru the booby-trapped caves, that obstacle course. There’s your visual: caveat emptor! I’m saying, for those with cajones to try it, at least put in a real lot of homework in getting an excellent map, for such a quest. I mean that seriously. “DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!” LOL] Coming to mind is the epilogue to WWII battles in North Africa offered by Field Marshall Montgomery, when asked how he was able to defeat so quickly and with such relative “ease” the most technologically advanced mechanized… Read more »

Dec 23, 2022 8:41 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Whatever you say. Have a nice life!

Dec 22, 2022 11:58 PM
Reply to  sandy

Now is not the time for ‘pedants’ … we need to unite … lest devil take the hindmost.
Beelzebub is legendary at exploiting ways to divide us, therefore, WE/YOU/ME need to work hard at shelving our petty and/or perceived differences because the oligarchic-steamroller is upon us.
‘They’ control virtually EVERYTHING of consequence at present, so the battle for liberty is becoming more difficult by the day.
Stay cool, stay focused.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Dec 23, 2022 3:28 AM
Reply to  sandy

It’s never going to be 99 against 1, that’s some bs that gained steam during Occupy. Just look at how many of those 99 percenters want you dead or put in a camp and barred from society for not wanting to take the fake vaccine. Just look at all those that work for the 1%, not only work but support them. We’re 20% at best when it comes down to it. If We the Twenty Percent want our freedom and liberty, we’re going to have to do it ourselves by banding together. That’s the way it is.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Dec 22, 2022 8:21 PM

You write: “Matrix, how best to move beyond the illusions/delusions the psychopathic despots have created for us.”

David Martin, in his colossally significant hidden true crime explosé, “The Martyrdom of Thomas Merton” (reviewed here by Ed “behind the” Curtin in April 2018, Merton’s 50th Anniversary year, and introducing to a much wider public the real notion that Merton’s murder mystery made the trifecta for that year, in terms of
3 world-changing
[CIA] assassinations, ol’ 1968) calls out the perps in the last pages “afterword” as imposing on the natural order (and, understood, the bloody edges of the Divine Order) a “pseudo-reality” upon us all.

I found that word yet one more handy handle, along with “Matrix” and ‘The High Cabal” and “Puppetmastery” and all the other Usual Suspects, amongst the proliferating façades and famous phrases for them.

“Pseudo-Reality” seems more meltable and accessible than our SOP Matrix, since it calls out each of us, individually. to draw up plans of escape in the depths of our psyches, and deeper down from our souls, where that latter region of chiarascuro has overlap with the realms of angels, both the better & worser of our nature, and where God can communicate with his children along infinitely discreet channels.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Dec 22, 2022 11:33 PM

OK, let’s do it. When do we start?

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Dec 23, 2022 12:19 AM

Now right where you are.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Dec 23, 2022 3:23 AM

Ya OK, been there, doing that. Same shit we said in the sixties. I’m fine. It’s my kids and grandkids I’m worried about. Same ole, same ole.

Dec 23, 2022 3:01 PM

Those attempting to solve this by purely material means will get nowhere.
Walk with God. When you do you carry the highest frequency, and nothing has a more powerful effect on the world.

Dec 22, 2022 4:47 PM

I’m impressed that there’s anyone who still knows who Punch and Judy even are. lol
Great article. I would disagree about the crypto. Crypto was created and is controlled by the agents of the proverbial matrix.
But on that, I’ll digress. We could debate
THAT subject all day. Ultimately, Time will tell.
Again, Good article. I enjoyed reading it.

Dec 23, 2022 8:28 AM
Reply to  thejackalsmark

Anything dependent on ICT is a chimera.