The Victims of AstraZeneca
Simon Elmer

This is a follow-up to the article Arise, AstraZeneca, which was published earlier today
Dr Stephen Wright
On 16 January, 2021, Dr. Stephen Wright, a healthy 32-year-old child psychologist and married father of two children, updated his Facebook profile picture. A photograph of himself and his wife, Charlotte, taken at their wedding in June 2018, now bore the NHS logo and a white circle in which a crown and heart were surrounded by the declaration: ‘I’ve had my COVID vaccination’. It was later revealed to be the AstraZeneca ‘vaccine’.
Dr. Wright had just been promoted to his new position as Senior Clinical Psychologist at Great Ormond Street Hospital in London, and was due to start on 1 February.
Instead, in the early hours of 26 January, 10 days after his injection, Dr. Wright suffered what was later diagnosed as a cerebral venous stroke. The previous evening he had fallen asleep after refusing dinner, and when he awoke complained of pins and needles. With his arm moving uncontrollably, his wife called an ambulance and by the time the paramedics arrived Dr. Wright’s blood pressure was so high they advised him to visit hospital for further checks.
Due to coronavirus-justified regulations, his wife was not permitted to accompany him to King’s College Hospital. Two MRI scans revealed massive bleeding on the brain, and he was placed on life support. Later that day he died.
At his request, Dr. Wright’s organs were donated, and his wife reported that his lungs went to a man in his thirties and his heart to a teenage boy. His wife subsequently told The Independent that she ‘does not disagree with the rollout’ of the COVID-19 ‘vaccination programme’; adding: ‘I know why they had to do it and that they had to do it.’
David Mears
On 4 March 2021, David Mears, a 58-year-old former world champion in Taekwondo and teacher who had moved to Taiwan before lockdown restrictions bankrupted his bar and forced him to return to England, was injected with his first dose of the viral vector AstraZeneca ‘vaccine’. Within hours he developed a fever, which grew progressively worse over the course of the month.
On 10 April, his left foot began to swell and he was rushed to Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge. Two days later, he said, ‘my foot exploded. There was blood everywhere’. Mr. Mears was initially told that he might lose a few toes, but his left leg was later amputated below the knee. Recalling that he became ill on the night of his injection, Mr. Mears said: ‘I think it has got to be linked. It has put me off having the second one.’
It’s possible that Mr. Mears suffered from deep vein thrombosis. Scientific studies have admitted a link between the viral vector AstraZeneca ‘vaccine’ and blood clots, with 445 cases of major thrombo-embolic events (blood clots) and concurrent thrombocytopenia (low platelet counts) reported to the MHRA as of 23 November 2022.
All but 51 of these were reported, as happened with Mr. Mears, after the first injection, and 81 of them resulted in death. However, because he had been told by the NHS that flu-like symptoms were among the expected reactions to the ‘vaccine’, Mr. Mears delayed contacting the hospital and may have developed May-Thurner Syndrome or perhaps critical limb ischemia, which if left untreated can lead to amputation.
With the ongoing censorship of information about the risks of taking these ‘vaccines’, his doctors have yet to offer a diagnosis of their own. Mr. Mears said:
‘The doctors say it’s hard to prove that it’s linked to the COVID jab and that the infection could have been there for some time, but I don’t think it’s a coincidence.’
Following complications from the first operation, his entire leg was amputated. David Mears said his goal wa to have use of a prosthetic leg by the end of 2021, and I wish him well in his recovery. He has a GoFundMe page, set up to cover his medical expenses and rehabilitation.
Paul Bainbridge
On 13 March, 2021, Paul Bainbridge, a 46-year-old software developer from the UK, had his first dose of a COVID-19 ‘vaccine’. To celebrate the event he announced it on his Facebook page with a photograph of himself surrounded by a rainbow and a blue heart saying ‘thank you NHS’.
Three days later he confirmed that he had been injected with the AstraZeneca viral-vector ‘vaccine’, along with the information that he had what he called ‘a dodgy immune system’. Over two months later, on 29 May, Mr. Bainbridge declared himself ‘fully vaccinated’, presumably meaning that he had received his second dose. A friend, Paul Oxley, whose profile photo bore the same rainbow and heart, asked: ‘Are you glowing yet?’
In response, Paul wrote: ‘No. But I now have 3 arms and metal keeps sticking to me’. This mockery was typical of Mr. Bainbridge’s views.
On 19 September, 2020, he had posted a photograph of the anti-lockdown demonstration in Trafalgar Square — a demonstration in which I participated — with the comment:
Anti maskers and anti vaxxers at Trafalgar Square. Or as they are collectively known. A Karen of Ratlickers’.
I’m not sure if this is accurate, but Wikipedia says that ‘Karen is a pejorative term for a white woman seeming to be entitled or demanding beyond the scope of what is normal.’ I guess a ‘ratlicker’ is fairly self-explanatory.
On 1 June, a few days after his second injection, Mr. Bainbridge posted a summary of his rapidly deteriorating health. On 30 May he had felt ‘pins and needles’ in his hands and feet. The next day he was ‘falling over’ and was sent by his GP to a hospital, where he had two spinal taps and was ‘diagnosed same day’.
On 2 June he had ‘full body paralysis with the exception of right side of face’, and was put into an ‘induced coma’ in an intensive care unit. He concluded, almost laconically, that while in hospital he also contracted MRSA (a bacteria that’s more resistant to several widely-used antibiotics), pneumonia and septicaemia (blood poisoning).
This is a demonstration of just how many diseases are nosocomial, and of how many so-called ‘cases’ of COVID-19 are in reality positive tests for SARS-CoV-2 of people who went to hospital for very different illnesses or injuries.
Mr. Bainbridge’s Facebook post, which has subsequently been removed, didn’t say what he was ‘diagnosed’ with, but spinal taps are required to diagnose Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS), a neurological condition whose primary symptom is the ‘pins and needles’ he reported feeling, and which occurs when a trigger, such as a virus or a vaccine, mistakenly makes the immune system attack the nerves, causing pain and loss of co-ordination.
Undeterred, on 3 June Mr. Bainbridge posted another dig at ‘anti vaxxers’. This was the last post on his Facebook page; but alerted of the recording of his story on The COVID Blog, on 13 June he accused the blog of publishing ‘fake news’, claimed that the screengrabs of his Facebook page it had published were ‘out by over 10 years’, and threatened the author with ‘libel lawsuits’.
Presumably, the success of such lawsuits will depend on Mr. Bainbridge establishing how he was posting about taking a COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ before 2011.
Closer to the truth, in July 2021, the US Food and Drugs Administration acknowledged that there was an increased risk of Guillain-Barré Syndrome from certain COVID-19 ‘vaccines’, including the AstraZeneca brand.
Despite Mr. Bainbridge’s mockery of and contempt for the concerns and fears of millions of Britons, and his reckless promotion of an experimental ‘vaccine’ programme, I wish him a quick and full recovery.
Alex Mitchell
On 20 March, Alex Mitchell, a 56-year-old scaffolder from Glasgow, had his first injection of the viral vector AstraZeneca ‘vaccine’. Twelve days later he started to suffer from sore calves, but because his work involves heavy lifting he didn’t think much of it at the time.
The pain, however, continued, and on 4 April Mr. Mitchell collapsed while ironing at home. When he started to hyperventilate, he knew something was wrong, and his wife called an ambulance. At the hospital a computerised tomography (CT) scan confirmed Mr. Mitchell had multiple blood clots in his lower abdomen and in both legs; but, fortunately, surgeons managed to remove them before they moved into his liver and kidneys, and he survived.
Unfortunately, every vein in his left leg had collapsed, and they had to amputate it above the knee. Despite losing his leg and his livelihood, Mr. Mitchell insisted that others should take the same ‘vaccine’. He told the Sunday Post:
This is so rare it isn’t going to happen to many other people so it shouldn’t deter anyone having the vaccine. I had it because I want things to go back to normal as soon as they can. And the only way we can do this is by being vaccinated. I wouldn’t want to discourage people from having the Covid jab. From what they know, what happened to me is rare. It’s only going to affect maybe one or two people, so don’t let it put you off.
The article, published on 2 May, reiterated that Mr. Mitchell losing his leg two weeks after being ‘vaccinated’ was an ‘incredibly rare side-effect’, a ‘highly rare but devastating reaction to the Covid vaccine’, that it is ‘so rare there is no reliable data on it yet’, that the chance of dying from a blood clot after the AstraZeneca ‘vaccine’ — which Mr. Michell didn’t — is ‘about one in a million’, that blood clots are ‘very common’ and the ‘risk of them from the AstraZeneca vaccine is tiny’, and that ‘it’s important to remember that with any medications, there are risks’.
That month, Twitter Web App published a 40-second film of undeclared origin about Alex Mitchell promoting the UK ‘vaccination’ programme. Over rising piano chords, strings and footage of his recovery, the film states in a series of texts:
An inspirational amputee has urged everyone to get the Covid vaccine despite the incredibly rare side effect that nearly claimed his life. Just three weeks ago, Alex Mitchell was fighting for his life in hospital. He was one of the very rare cases of blood clotting after the AstraZeneca vaccine. After a leg amputation he is now learning to walk again. He hopes to be back on his beloved Vespa this summer.
The final text is a quote attributed to Alex Mitchell:
What happened to me is rare, so don’t let it put you off. I wouldn’t like to think it would stop anyone having the vaccine.
Twitter subsequently removed the footage (you can still watch via the Sunday Post article) as Mr. Mitchell has sought Government compensation for his injury, which he now attributes to the AstraZeneca viral vector ‘vaccine’.
Presumably in anticipation of the devastation these experimental ‘vaccines’ would inflict on the UK public, on 3 December 2020 The Vaccine Damage Payments (Specified Disease) Order 2020 added COVID-19 to the list of diseases against which payments made to individuals severely disabled as a result of ‘vaccination’ are limited to a one-off Vaccine Damage Payment of £120,000.
Tanya Smith
On 21 March 2021, Tanya Smith, a 43-year-old mother of three children and childminder with no pre-existing medical conditions, had her first injection with the viral vector AstraZeneca ‘vaccine’. As a key worker and carer for her disabled child, Ms. Smith was contacted by her GP surgery to book an appointment to be ‘vaccinated’.
According to her partner, she felt ‘pretty rough’ for a couple of days afterwards, and then woke one morning in pain. She called 111 for help, and was admitted with severe stomach cramps to Derriford Hospital in Plymouth, where she suffered a heart attack and cardiac arrest.
Ms. Smith was diagnosed with multiple blood clots, which had caused the heart attack, and she was operated on to remove them. After initially improving, doctors said her blood platelet levels ‘went through the floor’. On 3 April, just 13 days after being ‘vaccinated’, Ms. Smith suffered a massive heart attack and died in hospital.
Having read about the recent death of BBC journalist Lisa Shaw after taking the same brand of ‘vaccine’, Ms. Smith’s partner, Kenneth Edwards, contacted the press about her death. In response, the MHRA commented:
‘Our detailed and rigorous review into reports of blood clots occurring together with thrombocytopenia [low blood platelet count] is ongoing.’
The regulatory agency continues to insist that the benefits of the AstraZeneca vaccine outweigh the risks for most people. Ms. Smith’s death has been reported to the Coroner’s Office in Plymouth, but no inquest has been opened and the cause of death is not yet established.
NHS England has declined to comment, but the fatal drug was administered by the University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust, which runs the 1,000 beds in Derriford Hospital where Ms. Smith died. As chance would have it, on 15 January the Trust responded to a Freedom of Information request asking ‘how many people have died in your hospitals from COVID-19 alone?’ This was its response:
The Trust considers five or fewer deaths were related to patients who died following a positive Covid-19 test result that did not have a pre-existing condition. University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust takes the view that the actual number requested is too low to be disclosed. The information is considered exempt from further supply in accordance with section 41(1)(a) and (b) of the 2000 [Freedom of Information] Act. The Trust received the information in confidence and it cannot be shared.
In what has become an increasingly common act of censorship, the response to this FOI (W20FOI417), originally published on the NHS University Hospitals Plymouth webpage ‘Disclosures (January 2021)’, was subsequently removed from the Trust’s webpage. The NHS Trust hasn’t explained why.
What the Trust also has not explained is why, 10 months into a pandemic (the FOI request asked for deaths between 1 February and 20 December, 2020), ‘five or fewer’ patients without a pre-existing health condition had died there following a positive RT-PCR test for SARS-CoV-2.
On its own website, however, the NHS did state that, as of 29 September 2021, 18 months since the first lockdown on 23 March 2020, just 4,060 patients without a pre-existing medical condition — of which only 742 were between 40 and 59, the age range into which Ms. Smith fell — had their deaths in hospitals in England and Wales attributed to COVID-19.
Even with all the deliberate exaggerations to the official tally of ‘COVID-19 deaths’, that’s about two-fifths of overall deaths in England and Wales from any cause in any one week of the year. These are the risks against which the MHRA continues to authorise, and the NHS continues to administer, the COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ to people like Tanya Smith.
Lisa Shaw
On 21 May, 2021, Lisa Shaw, the previously healthy 44-year-old presenter for BBC Radio Newcastle, died of a brain haemorrhage. On 29 April, she has been injected with her first dose of a COVID-19 ‘vaccine’.
This August, the Newcastle coroner, Karen Dilks, found the death to have been caused by ‘complications of an AstraZeneca COVID vaccine’, which she had ‘clearly established’ caused ‘thrombotic thrombocytopenia’ (blood clots) in Mrs. Shaw’s brain.
Under Section 19 of the Coronavirus Act 2020, a doctor who has not seen the deceased is empowered to certify the cause of death (for example, as COVID-19) without the death being referred to the coroner before cremation of the deceased; so it is unclear why an autopsy was performed on Mrs. Shaw’s body.
The most likely explanation is her relative fame, and the interest the UK press would take in the story should her family’s request for an autopsy be denied.
Against the complaints of less famous families, tens of thousands of deaths have been misattributed to COVID-19 under this coronavirus-justified legislation, just as over 1,632 deaths within 7 days of injection and possibly thousands more within 28 days have been dismissed as coincidental by the MHRA.
It’s important to bear in mind that the death of Mrs. Shaw occurred more than three weeks after injection, and that her death, therefore, like that of Rachel McKinney, is unlikely to be recorded by the MHRA.
Edited 24/12/22 to remove ambiguity of some dates and update to most recent statistics
Simon Elmer is the founder of Architects for Social Housing (ASH), you can follow them on twitter.
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Again covidiot/antivaxxer bullshit…if you have no idea, just SHUT UP and FUCK OFF, morons!!!
** His wife(Dr. Wright’s) subsequently told The Independent that she ‘does not disagree with the rollout’ of the COVID-19 ‘vaccination programme’; adding: ‘I know why they had to do it and that they had to do it.’ **
OMFG. Another one of Stalin’s “Useful Idiots” indeed.
That all cause excess mortality is increasing following these so-called vaccines and the lockdowns is clear. But be aware: as the new mortality tables are updated to incorporate the higher death rates, excess deaths could vanish.
It’s Bill Gates’s favourite book: “How to lie with statistics “.
The m[iracle]RNA toxic spew COVIDIUS jabs CAUSE NO HARM.
*When seen from the Secular Ruling Families & Friends prespective!
There are no mysteries regarding “vaccine” damage. The only mystery is why these fools drank the kool-aid.
What is Causing the Blood Clots from “Died Suddenly”?
A Midwestern Doctor
November 25, 2022
What is Causing the Blood Clots from “Died Suddenly?” (
An excerpt from Concluding comments:
“Although there was much I appreciated about Died Suddenly (e.g. it touched upon the history of elitist population control which I presented detailed evidence of here alongside a summary of the known previous attempts to develop and deploy sterilizing vaccines on the public), I feel the lack of editorial control will be extremely problematic later on. Since easily falsifiable information exists in the video that will be focused on in any attempt to debunk it, that will significantly weaken its message and allow the vaccine blood clots to be associated with other unprovable conspiracy theories.”
Please read the entire article prior to commenting.
this is going to sound terrible but finally they have served a purpose. When my brother was 17 he was nearly killed in an accident on a motor bike and has had a paralysed right leg, many health problems and alcoholism ever since. Today he died after his 4th clot shot caused a massive stroke on Tuesday. In the order of things my sisters and I should not have outlived our only brother, but he got 49 years. 2 kids and 2 grand kids more than he was expected to have.
He will rest in peace now, out of pain and finally the clot shots have been useful.
I understand. My eldest brother died – was murdered by clot shots, just over a year ago. I took the news of his passing as a relief – another closing chapter in my life. I’ve had to say goodbye to many persons these last few years…
My brother was suffering from advanced Alzheimer disease, was in declining health, and no longer recognized friends or family. It was sad to witness his decline… I think he is in a much better place than most of us…
Ditto my brother, he was talking to his son about a Suzie Quatro concert I took him to 48 years ago just last week.
thank the lord we have phaith in pfizer
If Jesus was born in the West, would he have taken the COVID19 jab?
being knighted means you’re someone the UK state wishes to protect from prosecution for crimes against the British people. We don’t need to point to Sir Tony Blair, Klaus Schwab KBE, or even to Sir Jimmy Saville to corroborate this theory. Last week, Pascal Soriot, the French-born Australian and Chief Executive Officer of the British-Swiss pharmaceutical company, AstraZeneca plc., whose ‘vaccine’ for Covid-19 has produced reports of 875,000 adverse drug reactions in the UK public, including 1,334 deaths, was knighted ‘for services to UK sciences and leadership in the global response to the Covid-19 pandemic’.
[more guilty knights in the article]
“Simon Elmer is the founder of Architects for Social Housing (ASH), you can follow them on twitter.”
I like the objective Dragnet style: “Only the facts, Ma’am. Just gimme the facts”.
Here’s wishing ArchitectsSH to thrive as irresistibly as ArchitectsE911Truth.
It’s just a single case report, but the implications of a patient whose brain and heart were found to contain COVID spike proteins after receiving three doses of two different COVID shots are many. And the whole scenario opens the door to lots of questions about the safety of the mRNA shots.
The patient had Parkinson’s disease, and his family had “remarkable behavioral and psychological changes and a sudden onset of marked progression of his PD symptoms, which led to severe motor impairment and recurrent need for wheelchair support,” Substack blogger Joomi said.
Even though he never fully recovered from the earlier shots, he was still given a third one, and he subsequently died.
At autopsy, doctors found an “abundant spike protein” in the man’s heart and brain tissues. “Importantly, spike protein could only be demonstrated in the areas with acute inflammatory reactions (brain, heart, and blood vessels) … This is strongly suggestive that the spike protein may have played at least a contributing role to the development of the lesions and the course of the disease in this patient,” doctors wrote.
–from Mercola
Mercola is all over the place, he knows very well there is no covid or spike protein.
Marilyn, Mercola has been a leader for at least 30 years in opposing vaccinations and I think ALL Big Pharma drugs. Further, his work is always documented w studies.
He DISAGREES w you that there’s no covid or spike protein, as do I. I can’t imagine by what process you deny the existence of the spike protein. Those who are against the vaxx I believe unanimously ascribe to the spike protein part of the vaxx pathology.
Yet he knows there isn’t, he posted the David Martin factual video on his website months ago, he’s all over the place/.
David Martin doesn’t say there’s no spike protein. Even those who say the virus doesn’t exist say that the vaxx contains the spike protein. Really, honest.
There is no virus so there can’t be any spike protein, It’s that simple
Think, Marilyn. “COVID” is short for “Corona Virus Disease”; about 20% of our common annual flu pandemic is caused by Corona viruses. “Corona” means Crown, and every Corona virus has a “Spiky” Crown made of a specific Protein. The “Novel Corona Virus” named SARS-2 (for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) which causes flu type “Covid-19” has a Frankenstein (ie, GMO) Spike Protein, patented in the U$A, which has been synthesised in a test tube to attach avidly to the epithelium of blood vessels.
All this is part of a global Anglo-Capitalist $cam (which I call Con-19) to offload socalled “vaxx” onto a terrified public at inflated prices.
Just because the Con-19 is not genuine medicine does not mean that Corona viruses and their spike proteins do not exist.
Covid19 is short for Certificate of Vaccination I.D. 2019 which was planned to have been rolled out
Imagine being THIS asleep still…
If you need a prosthetic or other medical aid, you go on the internet to beg. Because the medical industry is not charity. This progress in civilization is so impressive.
Medical industry and governments are just charitable to pharma-no questions asked.
Charity for the rich and rugged independence for the rest.
Who’s narratives get wrecked when no scientist shows a spike protein or its (inserted?) furin cleavage site in “SARS”COV2?
A powerful collection.
correction: no = a. So when positively proven.
Imagine being so irretrievably dumb that you signed up for an experimental jab that a bunch of lying war criminals cooked up in response to a blatantly fake circus of engineered fraudulent virus terror, then you got so ill from it you had to have your leg cut off, then you went on Facebook telling everyone to get the same jab as you just had, and then you started featuring in Twitter films to spread the good word about the jab – the one that caused you to have your leg cut off. I just hope he gets a knighthood, with his compo payout from the British Government.
To be a bit fairer to him, I think he has since started talking out against the injections. Delingpole had an interview with him some months ago.
Actually he might be in line for a knighthood, because he has helped the pedo war criminals to facilitate genocide with their illegal genetic injections, which is exactly the kind of thing you need to do to become a Sir in the UK’s “honours” system. Honour – I don’t think so. There is no honour in anything they do or represent. You may as well be given a “Jim Fixed It For Me” badge. That is a good representation of how low it is to be “honoured” in the British “honours” system – it’s basically like getting a badge from a child rapist.
It’s not a vaccine. It’s an IQ test…
This improves my opinion of The Ghost of Joe Biden (Barely) Present.
Contrary to an earlier impression, I now see that Biden is an equal-opportunity hair sniffer. 👃
Speaking of vaccines, an excellent & rather horrifying summary of all the effects of the Gardasil vaxx is up on Mercola. It’ll only be up another day there, but you could print it out to try to dissuade others from harm. Also the article may be picked up by others. It’s really an excellent resource as a summary of the types of things that are wrong with many vaxxes. (or possibly ALL vaxxes, now) Very interesting regarding the aluminum adjuvant too.
Any warning now is decades too late. Perhaps it was an early move on depop.
mgeo, it’s Mercola’s 3d article across the years warning about Gardasil. It’s never too late to prevent 11 year old girls from being injected. The occasion of his writing again is an additional study, this one from Latin America.
Yes, it has resulted in various reproductive problems which doubtless have reduced the number of babies born.
Clot Shots
It must be pointed out that the other clot shots are equally deadly.
From the above shortlist you can understand that many millions survived the AstraZenica experiment. Many Indians had a free local copy of that same injection and are quite a live still. Two years ago I took one after I had to bring food to my self-isolating close neighbor who had tested positive. Both she and me were fine although. But I didn’t go for any more of this stuff; later weak Omnicrons etc. were better in alerting my immune system to that particular spike trouble. We do get a lot of sunshine here, which is helpful.
What I find weird is that in China there are everywhere “fever” clinics which distribute IV drips like candy to dozens of people simultaneously. Disappointing that the Chinese haven’t understood that fever up to 41C is beneficial and only a symptom, not a cause of serious problems. It is your immune system gearing up, which takes time. Many can’t wait and try to take short cuts: no patience creates many clinic patients.
What a load of horse manure. Fatality rates from the clot shots is of the order of one in a thousand. Perhaps less than that. But the clot shots have killed more people than all the other vaccines in the last 30 years combined. Moronics ? The convid virus has never been isolated.
World data says 68.7% of the world population got at least one shot. At 8 billion that is 5.5 billion people : 1000 = 5.5 million deaths. That would put is at the 14 th place of most deadly Homo sapiens caused disasters, just before the Napoleontic wars, If 1:1000 is correct. Maybe I was just healthy or lucky enough.
Some estimates are 20 million dead worldwide. Nobody knows for sure since bankster controlled governments worldwide suppress “vaccine” injury information.
Placental_M, do I understand you right that the VAXX is only killing 1 in a 1000? Or did you mean to say that COVID is killing very few?
Because surely we know the vaxx is killing many more than 1 in a 1000. Last I checked the VAERS count was up to 30k I think & it’s only a partial list; the most conservative estimate is that it captures only 10%. Plus it’s reported that there’s a large backlog. Plus they’ve been caught deleting many cases without cause.
Then we have all those insurance statistics of excess mortality. And of course there are all the televised deaths on sports fields, and entertainers & journalists.
The danger seems to vary with exertion, days elapsed after jab, jab sequence, jab type, etc. A Swiss study supposedly found that every jab subject sustains some damage to (at least) the heart, even without symptoms.
Our masters are determined to obfuscate this issue.
mgeo, yes apparently when you add adrenaline to an already damaged heart they collapse so suddenly they don’t even put their arms out to cushion their fall.
But the other dangerous thing is sleeping, cuz you are relying on the heart’s automatic pacemaking at a slower, relaxed rate. I don’t really understand it but autopsies have shown there’s a new area of the heart toward the top which has not previously been the locus of heart failure which is now typically found to be damaged.
The so called death toll in 3 years is .06% with most of them being after the jabs.
The deadly efficacy of the vax is difficult to estimate since the deaths will/are rolling out in a longish term. Anything from one day to one year, or even more. So even if the injections are stopped the death toll will continue far into the future. No doubt the pro-vaxers will still roll-out virtue of the holy jab(s). How easily they fell – and continue falling – for what is no more than crock of shit!
Are but they did the noble thing -yeah, right – morons all.
Dr Hoffe of British Columbia injected about 1000 of his patients before he realised the shots were dangerous. One of them died. Some were injured. He used the D Dimer test on some of his patients. The test indicated that more than 60 % developed micro clots which were too small to detect any other way.The long term effects of these are unknown but may lead to heart failure.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-12-23. Arrested for praying, in head. England. 2022. Voters who still believe in democracy. Cattle-tag the proles (blog, gab, tweet).
I know. Just when you think you can’t be any further shocked at how quickly our civilization is tanking. . . .
This all meant that their immune systems were working. 😉
“God has a sense of humour”

Anyone remember “Trust me – I’m a Doctor”?
Latest doctor’s advice to those who have been jabbed: “Try not to exert yourself too much……ever again…..” That would restore some of my trust in my doctor.
I’d be surprised if, when i wake Christmas day, i find Santa Claus has left a present for me…Surprised, because my place hasnt got a chimney…
On the other hand i wont b e surprised if the US Warmongers have a Christmas Day Surprise ready for Russia…
According to Mike Whitney ‘…Washington must pursue the only option open to them, the deployment of US troops to Ukraine.’ Troops have already been pre-positioned in Poland, etc:
Note: there’s a strong assumption Putin actually intends a Winter Offensive…
i voted thumbs up, but the tally still says 0, and if i try to vote again it says I have already voted?
also a post i was responding to has been deleted. On several other list I am on, external forces are identity stealing the names of well known posters and posting false and misleading content in the stolen name. The idea seems to be to destroy the alt media.
Les, yeah the US 101st Airborne has been in Romania for at least a month. They’d like to stir up the Moldova/Transnistra mess, among others. Personally I doubt a US official entry, but what do I know?
Seems to me one of the NWO aims must be to show US & Europe as weak. I don’t buy that the intention is to prop up US strength: Intention is to get to the NWO asap. What better way to weaken US than the vaxx, dialing back energy use ? How better to make it real to the world that the US is weak than to use a senile old man as President. When they use a body-double for him, it’s notable that he too, is or pretends to be senile.
‘Washington must pursue the only option open to them, the deployment of US troops to Ukraine.’
Polish troops, more likely. Body bags bearing the Stars&Stripes wouldn’t look good in the U$A during the festive season.
I wrote more but they banned me and this is free speech? If this site is afraid of free speech then I’m not going to talk about it I’ve been on this site for years and slowly they are telling us what to say or not say if you want to be controversial go to YouTube because you can’t say anything on here great thinkers have left this platform because of you offgaurdian you are no different than the guardian and BBC you censor people. Isn’t free speech not giving a shit and trying to make the world a better place I have children and grandchildren I want them to be free and happy don’t everyone but offgaurdian your slipping your adhering to the rules of the Internet your slip sliding away.
I really haven’t got the faintest clue what you’re talking about. I’ve checked the spam folder, I can’t see a comment from you. Try submitting it again before leaping to conclusions. Thanks, A2
How about an article on the malady of being self-centered: imagining that the world revolves around oneself. Will it reduce such complaints?
Face it chaps and chapesses this site is riddled with agents-provocateurs like every other site. But this much is inevitable. Every radical site is infiltrated by establishment vaxxers and their media paymasters, some even quite intelligent, others as thick as two short planks. I suppose we will have to live with it.
Merry Xmas, Annie, and a Happy New Year. I am sure many readers enjoy your posts as much as I do.
A few readers complain now and then because one or two of their posts go astray; but I say, just keep a copy on file and post it again. In my experience, Admin @OffG is more likely to openly contest my opinions than to secretly censor them.
If we weren’t currently ensconced in a never-ending Twilight Zone episode, I’d say this is bound to catch up to the global psychopaths. But Rod Serling knew, what’s up is down and 2 years can become 60 years in an instant. Did they ever get justice for the Tuskegee Syphilis crimes against humanity? I could go on, and on, with examples, but the older you get, the more some things stay the same. Maybe now will be different, we can only hope, since that’s about the only thing we seem to be able to collectively do.
For those who believe there has been no damage in the US:
Not all the vaccinated are sheep but all the sheep are vaccinated…
I’m sorry but people have become dumb end of story.
Not just about money, there’s also the goal of depopulation. The UK is the home of the neo-Malthusians, so none of this should come as a surprise.
Malthus’ continued “influence” was not due to solidness of his economic argument let alone a scientific one. Malthus’ theory of population was disproved in his own time by David Ricardo, no less. Malthus’ views on population are ideological: they serve the interests of the ruling class. The same follows for the ideas of Paul Erhlich (The Population Bomb) , and now the prophet of the Great Reset, Noah Yuval Harari.
1) A Karen.
As a former resident of Oakland CA, i can tell you that a “Karen” is a nitwit white women with shades on shown in a video calling police from a park along Lake Merritt, to complain about a group of black folks bbq’ing on the lawn. Bbq’ing along the Lake is a weekend tradition for as long as one can remember. Oakland, since the 2009 crash-purge of black folks from their neighborhoods, has seen an influx of affluent whites and investors seeking cheap rents (lower than SF) and profits. Along with that comes their paranoid privilege that makes them feel they can police others into their standards of behavior.
2) Covid Deaths.
In the US, the CDC used to have a category of deaths in their charting that was labeled “covid deaths”. Around July of 2020, this category disappeared and never returned. The spectrum of death categories became all “covid involved” only. They use “Covid Death” totals in overview charts and statements but when you look at the breakdown and specific charting it is all “covid involved”. The CDC has done everything possible to obscure this truth. But it’s right there, even now in Table 1: Deaths Involving Corona Virus Disease 2019 … 2020-2022 … see link. Categories are:
All Deaths involving Covid-19
Deaths from All Causes
Deaths involving Pneumonia
Deaths involving Covid-19 and Pneumonia
All Deaths involving Influenza
Deaths involving Pneumonia, Influenza, or Covid-19
So, in the US according to the CDC there is no such thing as a covid only death.
The propaganda on covid, jabs and anti-vaxxers is a part of the concerted evasion and censorship of
:- excess all-cause deaths
:- all severe illness/deaths broken down by (a) treatment: remdesivir, ventilation, jabs (type, sequence, days after jab) (b) severity (ICU, dead, etc.).
Mgeo, Kirsch has put up an article about the two professional surveys he paid for. He says the vaxx mortality rate is 2 per 1000. Haven’t gotten round to reading it yet. It’s here
Looks like the military were targeted as much as anyone else.
Elsewhere I read that there were so many airforce guys who refused the vax that they had to deny them “voluntary separation,” cuz they’re to valuable to readiness.
Kirsch pushes the non existent virus.
I appreciate all your informative comments, especially links.
This mournful cavalcade of “COVID” vaxcide victims would speedily be rejected out of hand by Defenders of the Faith as “merely anecdotal, ergo proving nothing”.
I might as well add my own anecdote, though so far it doesn’t include fatalities: I noticed on Thanksgiving that the majority of the small but significant sample of vaxxed ‘n boosted relatives I was visiting with have suffered significant post-jab health problems this year: breast cancer (no previous personal or family history), basal-cell carcinoma, and children with persistent “flu-like” illnesses.
During a “FaceTime™” call with my niece and family living out of state, my niece mentioned that her daughter, L., had gotten sick that day and was flopped on the couch feeling miserable and mildly feverish. My niece said that L. had just gotten over a “flu”, and wondered if it was possible to “catch” two viruses back-to-back.
I admit that reading the anecdotes about the self-righteous vax-triumphalists and virtue-signalers dropping like flies afforded me much schadenfreude. Sometimes I just can’t be the Bigger Person. 😎 💉
Sadly, the only way out of this is unacceptably high numbers of dead, disabled and sick people.
That right there is the sad fuckin’ truth.
Yup. And that will probably be enough to bankrupt one country after the next. You think the IMF will agree to bail us all out if we adopt CBDCs?
“IMF will agree to bail us all out”
The IMF is not in the business of bailing us out — quite the reverse:
“Ask not what the IMF can do for you but what you can do for the IMF” — John Perkins, “Confessions of an Economic Hitman”.
[About John Perkins: John Perkins was formerly Chief Economist at a major consulting firm where he advised the World Bank and the IMF]
So many anecdotes….. I have told my nearest and dearest locally to add to their wills that I get their houses after kids and grandkids, it is not profiteering on my part, just that here in the UK not many of the smaller children are jabbed and it looks to me, and a few others of the untampered-with kind, that in a few years there will be a lot of children without parents in our families and we will have to gather them…and as many others as we can cope with….somewhere, somewhere healthy, outside of the towns and cities. They look at me like I am mad but it’s a reckoner for them to calculate how many, many in the family could be dead if what I am telling them is right and how many, many children will need to be fed, cared for and loved by the very few left behind….so I am preparing.
A friend in England recently wrote to us about the tragic, sudden and (quote) “incomprehensible to the doctors” death of a 3 year old grandchild. I dared not ask whether the child had been “vaxxed”.
Yes, I get you there. I was all for pointing out the idiocy and pointlessness of compliant self poisoning for a while, but now, as it gets a bit more crucial, its all gone quiet over here. Compassion rises and I just get ready to do what is necesary, as it turns up, while processing the wider grief rapidly and getting on with the business of Living. Ten minutes of tears and rage and back to it. Onward, onward, we are Strong.
Consider delaying any meeting with those just jabbed until 1-2 months after their last jab. BTW, the phrase “break-through variant” or “escape variant” seems to have gone out of fashion.
I appreciate the advice, but there’s a complication or predicament that I assume is common to many scamdemic-skeptics and vax-resisters vis-à-vis Normal scamdemic and vax thralls:
Many of us drifted into a “truce” state of simply not discussing scamdemic-related topics. Without recapping my previous anecdotal disclosures in tedious detail, my communication followed this arc.
In early weeks, I candidly expressed my skepticism and scoffing with my Normal relatives. But then it became clear that the Normals had been psyched out or freaked out, had uncritically accepted the overall New Abnormal narrative, and were put off by dissenting expressions of skepticism. So by summertime (2020), without openly discussing our respective “policies”, we simply gravitated towards not discussing scamdemic-related issues during our reduced contact.
BTW, when I did disclose my non-jabbed status to my scamdemic-thrall sister, I effectively became persona non grata after she became “comfortable enough” to stop fastidiously avoiding contact with jabbed persons.
All this to say that I don’t know when any of them got, or get, their jabs, including boosters. I infer from their overall response that they are all still on the jab/booster conveyor belt. But I don’t have this information. Mum’s the word! 🤐
I was going to post but I would have just echoed your first sentence.
I am torn as most of my close family are injected (Repeatedly) and I don’t want to lose them.
As for the rest of them, I echo your last sentence.
You cannot put it pass the victims of misfortune to want to see others suffer the same fate. This could be a motivation why the vaccine injured keep defending it. They would like to see others in the same boat as themselves.
Very interesting exchange with MP Andrew Bridgen:
October, you know the MP of Parliament has been suspended as a result of his speech?
Of course they don’t say that’s the reason; they’ve made up some pretext– lobbying or something– it’s on the web if you’re interested in the pretext.
Interesting that Andrew says he’s had covid twice since being vaxxed– my Mexican neighbors know several people who’ve gotten “covid” several times. Andrew seems to understand that, and it’s encouragement of cancer.
We need a different word for “covid caused by the vaxx.” Maybe we should call it “Injected covid.”
October, I omitted to say that those reported in the neighborhood as having had “covid” twice are all vaxxed, so it’s “injection covid.”
Thanks for posting this; it’s worth listening to the end for his comments regarding what media insiders are saying, and other MPs who agree but are silent.
How about “now MORE susceptible to any passing flu – and indeed to ALL illnesses – because of damage to the innate immune system CAUSED by the poison-stabs”?
aka ‘iatrogenic damage’.
Every GP knows what every mother knows, that the flu shot is no guarantee against catching the flu. Covid is just one of the many types of annual flu that we have had for yonks.
“Voila l’Anglais avec son sangue froide habituel” (Here comes that Englishman with his usual bloody cold) — Fractured French.
The last time I had a flu shot was about 8 or 9 years ago, I remember the GP saying “Don’t come and complain if you get sick after.” and I said I understood that. I used to get flu a lot but supposed it was not the deadly thing you got vaxxed against. Then 2 days later I got ill, and the penny dropped….I never had another one, and never got flu again. Sometimes coincidence theory is just too much…
Leicester was where they successfully stood up against compulsory smallpox vaccination in the 19C. Not the first time we have been thru this.
Anatomy of a conspiracy:
Not exactly what the MSM would support for a new PM of the UK, is it?
I wonder how many members of the General Public would vote enthusiastically for it????
Rhys, excellent roundup of the op. Only thing you left out was murder in the care homes and death by respirator in US hospitals.
Afraid I’d be likely to go “eye for an eye.”
Bill gets off too lightly.
He has the money to buy several American states, and that cannot remain a possibility if we are to have a decent future.
Owning that amount of land would give him certain automatic rights to do as he pleased with it.
So many incredibly rare side effects is what bus/gov’t charlatans and the brainwashed want you to believe.
The medical professionals among us really have put too much faith in their politicians. They should have seen this coming a mile away. In this case, and millions of others cases worldwide, faith in politicians to do their job has ended in death. Fancy that?
In the financial industry they have what is known as ‘due diligence’. In the media industry this is called ‘conspiracy theory’.
Meanwhile bus/gov’t shysters pilfered billions from the public purse which they intend to replace later with death taxes. Your death taxes.
Not addressing this elephant in the room will end up crushing the credibility of the medical profession.
It has already done so (crushed credibility), IMHO. Injection uptake has collapsed in spite of the messaging of the pharma salespeople we used to think were medical professionals.
I’ve gone from knowing a whole lot of family and friends advising me to get the jab for my own safety, to now openly admitting they were wrong and regret ever having any. And that they are worried.
These people are not going to put their trust in medical professionals any time soon.
I hope you’re right.
But I can see that some areas near where I live are already taking up masks again, just because the media are warning about “The Return of Covid The Barbarian”…
Oh indeed, there are those who have left the shores of logic and rationality for good.
And there must be those who have come to fear the injection, but are just as fearful of the deadly cold 😀
It’s not too late to turn this around. Lots of people getting active worldwide. As time goes on and sudden deaths increase, even those among us with the dullest of senses will be able to sniff the rats. The constant ‘covid’, ‘vaccine’ propaganda failed to impress 25 million in Blighty. I guess the next bout of propaganda will fair even worse.
However lots of sheeple have taken their “boosters”.
In order to have ‘due diligence’ in politics, you need relevant expertise in Parliament that can do due diligence on the submissions of ‘experts’. I know from professional experience that ‘experts’ can often hold incompatible views and that usually those incompatible views are linked to status, financial matters and academic egos.
If you were a history graduate and you had one Oxford Professor saying one thing and a Stanford Professor saying something totally different, would you feel confident that you could sift the evidence and reach a correct, mature conclusion?
I worked ten years in the biomedical research sphere and I had challenges sifting conflicting data of metallurgists on a project a couple of decades back. So I can imagine the challenges that someone with no qualifications in science would have in doing similar.
The first requirement of a funcitoning House of Commons is that is not over-stuffed with lawyers, bankers and PPE graduates who joined the ‘Westminster Village’ gravy train.
You need scientists, engineers, doctors, nurses, product developers and testers, those with experience in the regulatory sphere, those who can see through media spin, those free from the tentacles of the Security Services and those who know where the bodies are buried in the MSM, including in the BBC.
Speaking for myself, it was the media spin, the constant ‘message’ 24/7, as we got before, during, and after western neocons attacked Iraq, and the contradictions in the official narrative that first alerted me to this syop.
Once bitten by the propaganda, one tends to back away from the barking dog.
Alerted by this constant ‘message’, told by the soft over-caring mainly female voices of the bbc, i started to look at the medical info. Thank the heavens that we still have doctors and medical professionals who have remained faithful to their pledges even when their careers are on the line.
It seems some humans never learned anything from the horrors of Pol Pot and the maniac behind Jonestown, which is basically what western towns and cities have become.
“Paris shooting leaves three dead and three injured”
Its just a coincidence
Are you suggesting the killer is literate in ancient festivals still being celebrated today and astro.?
Yule, the winter solstice 21/22/23: Litha (Southern Hemisphere), the summer solstice.
amp up the ritual it is also a new moon in Capricorn.
3 wise men from the east.The star of Bethlehem and the Three Kings.
bettcha the name of venue or killer or thoses killed match the xmas astro theme.
The Star of Bethlehem, Three Kings, Sirius and Orion
What has the killer’s literacy got to do with it? You think Satan’s minions don’t perform such symbolic rituals?
Still no mention of adverse reaction connections and the patents. I think its crazy that the connections aren’t made.
In other consistencies, they are trying, again, to get a mass movement of some kind going.
This time its “Rage Against the War Machine“.
Rage has all the usual goodies, including a countdown timer for the event (2/19) on their website: rageagainstwar dotcom.
Just like all grass roots events, this one advertises a “rock concert” and has a convenient join-the-rally web page where you can enter your personal information.
Also in the vein of traditional grass roots protests, Rage comes fully equipped for nationwide operations and has “privacy terms”, for your safety of course. These terms include sheep-favorites such as:
“we may ask you to provide us with certain personally identifiable information that can be used to contact or identify you.”
Nothing says privacy like giving up your anonymity!
No worries though, they have your information under tight control:
“The security of your Personal Information is important to us, but remember that no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure.”
The topics of protest chosen for the sheep include freeing Assange, abolishing the CIA, limiting the Pentagon budget, stopping payment for Ukraine, and disbanding NATO.
Not hard to see how protesters will be targeted as national security threats and conspiracy theorists.
I stopped counting the number of times there has been a call for mass protest this year, but it has to be over 15. We’ve had war machine, UK nurses, US Railways, newspaper unions and Dutch farmers in the last 4 or 5 weeks alone.
They are trying desperately to target innocent people in the populations; they have to have an enemy, and time is running out.
Their agenda requires nanotubes and the Internet of Bodies. They know it won’t happen without force, so there has to be a reason for the people to be the enemy.
Once the public is targeted, they will hook in to people’s bank accounts and then proceed to put the clenches on. Financial control will then be used to force injections on the people.
Nanotubes and programmable currency are essential to their agenda, so most events that occur will be attempts to go down those paths.
wisenox, I don’t have the context of what you’re referring to, but are you sure that none of the demonstrations called for are on the level? I mean demonstrations can be a way for people to become aware that they aren’t alone, and the simple discovery that one’s views are shared is empowering: One becomes no longer bashful about speaking out everywhere– and of course one cannot expect the men of action to do much w/o knowing the populace is behind them.
Fucking hurry up! Tap me with that God Damn sword. Let’s get it done!
(Judging from the article it should be a scythe, not a sword.)
When I hear about the ‘clot shot’ I usually think its something to do with the AZ vaccine that was used in the UK. Here in the US the prevailing vaccines are Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines with Johnson and Johnson coming in a (very) distant third. (Pfizer is also available in the UK.) So far there’s been no adverse side effects reported — there must be, of course, with the millions of people involved — but as with all things that seem to be too good to be true who knows?
(One sign of its effecacy is that both Pfizer and Moderna are raising the price by a factor of four or five to around $140 per dose.)
A sign of efficacy, or a sign of those criminal outfits rinsing as much public cash as possible from supine Governments while the number of gullible would be jabees wanes dramatically as more and more ordinary people wake up to the awful truth of what has happened, informed by damning real world data?
No adverse side effects? Is that sarcasm? Or have you not heard of VAERS?
Are you serious? You haven’t heard or read of the numerous cases of side effects arising from the Pfizer, Moderna and J&J injections in the US and Canada alone, to say nothing of the rest of the world? I’m sure Off-Guardian has posted plenty of articles on these in the past. There has been a documentary made in Israel as well, composed of interviews with people who suffered severe side effects from the Pfizer injections which were rolled out in that country starting December 2020. To my knowledge, Israel does not use any other COVID vaccines apart from the Pfizer and maybe the Moderna shots.
Not to mention that life insurance companies in the US have taken an interest in reading Pfizer’s own documents on its mRNA vaccine trials after a New York judge ordered their release against Pfizer and US govt objections. These docs apparently include a 10-page appendix listing over 1,200 potential side effects of the mRNA shots. Try Googling this information – you will be astonished at what you get.
So far there’s been no adverse side effects reported …
Except, of course, for the surge in Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS for short). But apart from that, everything’s fine, I suppose.
Martin has a job to do – just let him get on with it. 😉
Would you say he’s earned his farm-silver with his work at Off-G? Can’t say I’m impressed with the standard.
Mr Usher – just a polite enquiry, why do you get so many down votes when you make quite interesting observations, Just asking?
Oh my God. Not again. I really can’t let that one go by. Even though you are obviously taking the piss.
‘The Victims of UN-SDG-#3.’
This is a coordinated Agenda that seeks full-spectrum dominance.
well hidden creeping genocide it might be called.. ? designed to reduce the population might be its purpose.. The global corporations already have global full -spectrum dominance.. Everyone knows the global corporations are in charge of those who govern the nation states.
Thank you for this article, and thank you also for the indisputable facts you have provided.
However, I have to say that I worry about anything resembling anecdotal evidence – six or seven stories of this or that happening – when there is no way for the average person to come anywhere near verifying such stories, or to put them in a meaningful societal or statistical context.
To make my point, I’ll turn this around: I don’t personally know a single person who has died from ‘covid’, but I do know several people who say they know someone who has died from ‘it’. It should go without saying that further investigation of those stories would likely show that all those who died were over 85, or with one of a wide spectrum of underlying conditions.
For the record, I do know one young-middle-aged woman who died recently – I was at her funeral – but nobody mentioned covid in her context at all, and of course young people do occasionally die of various diseases now and then.
Anecdotes do not constitute proof of anything at all, and we must be very careful that articles here don’t give the impression that their author might automatically be an infallible and totally impartial source of information.
I want to be able to use such stories as ‘evidence’, but in all honesty, I can’t, because it wouldn’t be rational to do so. I hope readers here will agree with me.
No, I don’t agree with you at all. These are case histories that illustrate if not prove side effects whose existence has already been amply acknowledged by the backing away from the AstraZeneca vaccine by many countries, itself in light of the radio silence of reporting of side effects in those same countries too obvious to ignore and damning proof of its harm. Such well-documented cases bear no resemblance whatsoever to stories of “I knew a girl who knew a boy whose granny danced with the Prince of Wales and got covid and died”. Calling them “anecdotal”, a term too often used to denigrate and dismiss the real experiences of individuals, regrettably reminds me too much of the tactics of the fake checkers and pawns of the “Trusted News Initiative” not to be appalled by its use here.
Well I agree with you entirely that case histories are an important consideration, and in fact there is basically nothing I disagree with in your comment.
I’m just pointing out that it is the “well-documented” element that is so crucial, not the mere reporting of the case histories, which I believe can make an argument look weak.
In that sense I would say that the mere claim that something is well-documented is a trick which our worst enemies are currently using, and that, in turn, does indeed bear a resemblance to the sort of story you mentioned.
Those commenters who have taken the trouble to post images of the actual statistics seem to me to avoid that potential weakness, since an excellent article like this one does, after all, provide quite a number of links which many people just won’t have the patience to follow.
Which opens up the danger of good information being suffocated by its similarity to other stories the reader may have heard.
I know I’m being picky, but this whole mess concerns me as much as it does anyone else here, and that is why I try to encourage the easiest possible flow of information directly to the reader.
“I’m just pointing out that it is the “well-documented” element that is so crucial,”
Well said: “well documented”; what makes Simon Eldrake’s article so good.
Yes, it is a good article, and you’ll remember that I began by thanking him for it.
I only have reservations about anything that smacks of anecdotal style, and of course I follow his excellent links.
I agree on the need for “air tight” cases of proof that can be shoved down the throats of the whacko leftists who think mRNA technology is the greatest thing since sliced bread. The retelling of anecdotal events can be dangerous and easily used to undermine arguments against banning the poisonous clot shots.
If it bothers you to think of these stories as evidence, you can think of them as case studies instead.
So just tell me where you draw the line when somebody tells you a story that you are supposed to accept on their word alone.
Where I feel my case is strong is upon the realization that I can tell stories too, but that I would not feel it was very clever of anybody to believe them without verifiable proof.
Even Buddha said, “Do not believe anything just because somebody said it.”
But I hoped this wouldn’t become a personal matter.
Of course it doesn’t ‘bother’ me at all to think of reasonably verified stories as evidence. That is a cheap straw-man allegation. Reading my comment properly ought to convey that ‘reasonably verified’ is all I ask.
The only thing that bothers me is the group-acceptance of the unverified ones.
Besides, a story isn’t even a “case study”, so I can’t follow your alternative suggestion either.
A “case” from Latin casus: from Latin cāsus a fall; an accident, event, occurrence…
“The World is everything that is a Case” — with apologies to Ludwig Wittgenstein.
So everything can be “a case”. One case is not enough for a statistical study; it starts with two. On the other hand, an abundance of cases establishes a Rule without resort to statistical study.
OffG and other members of the Truth Movement seem to be emerging with an abundance of cases of serious injury by “The Vaxx”. Enough to crowdfund a Legal Case.
I don’t know of anyone in my circle of friends and aquaintances who has died following the C-shots, however, there are numerous people with neurological problems and constant flu-like illnesses, as well as one youngish person with a debilitating cardiac disease (with an outlandish disease label I have forgotten) which she and even her GP have acknowledged was due to the C-vaxx.
Some of the people I know are permanently damaged, including the woman with cardiac damage, cannot ride their motorbike or bicycle and one is no longer permitted to drive due to sporadic seizures. One young woman (girlfriend of a friends son) can no longer walk properly, as she wobbles and can’t manage stairs any more, a recent occurrence and who knows how this will end for her.
Plus there’s a cluster of sudden cancer among my wider circle of friends/acquaintances, with one having recently died and another having aggressive prostate cancer (but the doctor “got it all” and is now supposedly alright – but doesn’t look it at all).
Just anecdotes, I know.
My own personal anecdote states simply that I got a ‘flu-like illness last year at the same time as my wife, who is 3-vaxxed.
She, having being successfully terrorized by what I call “Media Science” over the last three years, decided to take a ‘test’ to find out if it was ‘covid’.
The ‘test’ said it was, indeed covid.
Which ought to mean, logically that, unvaxxed as I am, I had also caught ‘covid’.
The truth, of course, is that we both caught utter bollocks, spent a few days in bed, and recovered the way reasonably healthy people do after ‘flu.
My wife’s health is, however, more fragile than mine in general, so I am far more worried about what the jabs have done to her immune system than what some ‘flu masquerading as a new disease has done to my own health . . .
Thank you. But there is no “flu” (influenza virus) either.
Symptoms ascribed to the flu are the body’s efforts at clearing out the accumulated muck from endotoxins and toxins in our food and environment. If all were working at optimum, elimination would be via the main channels of elimination. Optimum function can only occur if we take in adequate vitamins and minerals and work on developing a balanced psyche – not easily done in our toxic environment and our toxic, suppressive upbringing.
wardropper, yes, point taken. It’s just that there’s such a large volume of people claiming to have been injured by the vaxx & especially so many within days or just a few weeks.
It would be much better to use cases that end w autopsies, but apparently it’s become difficult to get them.
The effects reported, whether by doctors or patients seem to fall into 3 categories–clots/heart; neurological; and cancer. So there’s some uniformity which adds credibility to a causal relationship.
But you’re right that you’re unlikely to persuade a skeptic with the reports above– I think you’d have to show multiple videos of people reporting their injuries. There is a voluminous list of case reports on Pubmed– it may be as high as a thousand. If you’re interested I’ll see if I can find it in my files.
The studies are of course more substantial– like the one where they look for troponin level in the blood before and after the jab– and find that EVERYONE had a postjab level indicating a degree of damage to the heart.
There are also a few autopsy studies of young men which show a new sort of heart attack affecting the upper part of the heart and nerves that affect timing.
Pity they managed to erase the military records reported by the military-doctor-whistleblowers. It was practically epidemiological data.
Thanks. All good, solid reasoning.
I obviously stirred a hornet’s nest by airing my reservations about a small detail of style, but I do of course follow links to good information where I can find them.
Wardropper, other people aren’t moved by our conclusions, but by verified data and studies– as they should be.
In general if you give somebody your dogmatic conclusion w/o preparing the ground w evidence he’s gonna oppose your point of view unless he already shares it.
It’s just psychology; being persuasive often requires a little self-denial– asking what the other person thinks instead of announcing the truth. To the extent that ego gets into a discussion, you’ve already lost.
Sounds as if you already understand this.
Well said, and, yes, I do understand that important principle.
But I am sure you similarly understand that “asking what the other person thinks” can also be taken to extremes.
Here’s a funny anecdote on this:
A good friend of mine, who is a music teacher with an excellent reputation, once lost a promising young pupil quite unexpectedly.
He discovered that the boy concerned had simply gone to another teacher.
Sometime later that year, he met the pupil’s mother in a shopping mall, so he asked her whether he had done anything to offend the pupil and make him leave.
The mother answered that the boy had told her, “I want to change teachers because the teacher I have now doesn’t know anything!”
“Doesn’t know anything? What do you mean?”
“He keeps asking me, “What do you think?” ” . . .
argh! new abnormal has been around some time ; )
Wardropper, consider: Once is coincidence, twice is interesting, n-times is the threshold where you say: “Definitely enemy action!” It’s always there somewhere, in any collection of anecdotes. How many anecdotes do you need to push it over the n-threshold?
No need to go off on an impossible wild-goose-chase to ‘prove’ each and every one. Once the threshold is reached, count it as fact.
It’s not the quantity, but the character of anecdotal style which I have reservations about, inasfar as that can harm the cause of good research.
Like most of us here, I have a fair amount of experience trying to explain our viewpoint to the unthinking among us, and I did thank the author of the article most specifically before I continued to make my point.
I hope it turns out to be an unnecessary point, but we do have enemies everywhere, and they certainly use the anecdotal style instead of focused, evidence-based and clear-headed argument.
That makes me suspicious of anything that uses that style, such as we see in, “So-and-so died unexpectedly last week”, or, “My mother’s best friend lost her arm due to the Pfizer jab”, while we get no corresponding information about the ages, the general health, or any underlying disorders which might have been involved.
I’m only airing my reservations about the style. Your point about the quantity is of course correct.
By the way, I have no general reservations about the article itself at all.
I would like to emphasize that.
How many Anecdotes go to make a Rule?
Anecdotal evidence from a qualified Physician is acceptable for publication. So is anecdotal evidence from a parent bewailing the sudden “medically inexplicable” death of a child.
Put enough anecdotes together, and you have enough Sigmas to calculate a statistical P value of Confidence Level.
Put enough P values together and you might establish a Fact.
But it all starts with Anecdotes — peoples’ actual experience.
I would contest your final sentence by stating the obvious:
An anecdote may reflect your experience, but not that of your listener.
Given two intelligent opponents with differing experiences, for something like ‘the truth’ to be compellingly established, common ground must be found somewhere in the experience itself.
That’s a tall order, but, as I said, given two insightful opponents, I believe it can be done.
A thousand anecdotes will never prove anything, just as 1,000,000 of us protesting the government’s ‘covid’ policies in Trafalgar Square will never prove anything. It will only highlight the fact that there is a great gulf between us and the government, while the government will merely repeat its mantra, that the jabs are “safe and effective”.
And it will repeat that mantra until we are all dead.
The global death surge statistics are shocking, but it is worse seeing someone you know killed.
For those maimed and mutilated by the vax to continue to advertise it indicates a kind of submissive death trance state that suggests abused children who are so used to being violated that they do nothing to save themselves and even willingly keep going back to their abusers.
Maybe it’s just blind faith? The religious have been doing this for centuries.So far history has shown that it hasn’t worked for them either.
All those ‘vaxed’ seem to consider themselves to be joining some sort of club, or more seemingly, a cult, albeit one for adult children. I guess that’s the way the propaganda has punted and why not? After all, it worked so well for the global warming cults.
That’s the only way I can get my head around it, Peter. Relating the way people have been behaving to how the obsessively religious I’ve encountered over the years cling to their faith, no matter what. Total delegation of rationale and responsibility.
“Though He slay me yet shall I trust in Him” — Book of Job.
“Groupthink” also goes a long way towards explaining it.
People just don’t like to be outside the mob’s idea of fashion.
Baby it’s cold outside.
Totally creepy song
It’s trauma-based mind-control, just like the old MK-Ultra program run by the CIA.
I don’t think so, George. They’re just people who know only the controlled media, and their own circle who also know only the controlled media.
Think of the resultant worldview, and therefore how absolutely outlandish the truth sounds. Such people are unlikely to be reached by hearing our conclusions. They have to hear/see the data which the controlled media is denying them.
George Mc, it could also be because they want to see others in the same boat as themselves. People feel better when they see others suffering the same problem as themselves.
A truism expressed in the traditional maxim “misery loves company”. 😣 😣
Just found out about a HS classmate who died of a heart attack, otherwise healthy mid 30s women. Furthermore all of the worst health outcomes I’m aware of among friends, family and coworkers since March 2020 are non covid. My uncle who was in very poor health for about a decade died shortly after the jabs. Close friend wound up in the hospital for passing out (triple jabbed). Have had 2 coworkers (30s and 40s respectively) be on extended leaves of absence for unknown health problems. Close friends Dad had a stroke. That’s 2 deaths and multiple hospitalizations none of them covid. Are all of these instances vaccine injuries? Maybe maybe not but I’m sure some are.
Spike protein injectees have no possibility for survival and there will be no respite from this dismal cavalcade for years to come.
There’s no need to catastrophise. We have no way of knowing what the future holds for injectees. Perhaps they should have done some long term trials? 😳
They did but they ended early as all the rats died.
Perhaps they should have informed those who did get injected ‘to save granny’, that they hadn’t, before they injected them.
I personally think a lot fewer people would have been so eager to participate if they had been even somewhere close to honest on that front. One thing it has shown is that the majority are extremely gullible. Scarily gullible, at least where I am in the UK.
The majority have trouble understanding that the media lie to them outright. In fairness, this is probably the first time they have lied so blatantly about something that immediately affects the lives and health of their readers/viewers/listeners.
I don’t know… I would expect WW2 propaganda to have reached similar levels of mendacity, since at that time the “morale” of the population had to be kept up.
There might even be similarities with the ‘covid’ farce in the sense that any radio programmers in 1944 whose researches had uncovered some uncomfortable truths would have been just as afraid of losing their jobs if they opened their mouths as our current liars are.
The difference is that the bribes for keeping their mouths shut back then would have been far, far less generous.
Before covid, you did not indemnify the government (by signing a special form) before taking the jab. That new requirement should have set off an alarm.
It did but none of my F&R listened. Fortunately there are Truther sites like OffG where one can relay the alarm more widely than in one’s own little circle.