WATCH: Fake Virtue with Alan Watts
“The road to hell is paved with good intentions”
JR Leach
“The art of living… is neither careless drifting on the one hand nor fearful clinging to the past on the other. It consists in being sensitive to each moment, in regarding it as utterly new and unique, in having the mind open and wholly receptive.”
Alan W. Watts
This festive season I thought I’d share my admiration for the ‘philosophical entertainer’ who helped bring about a cultural awakening in the mid-twentieth century: Alan Watts.
For those that don’t know, Alan watts (1915 – 1973) was a British philosopher, writer and public speaker, who speaks profoundly, eloquently and concisely in a grandfatherly tone, focussing on exploring and adequately explaining Eastern philosophies, such as Zen and Buddhism, to a Western audience. He published many books in his lifetime, including ‘The Way of Zen’ and ‘The Wisdom of Insecurity’
The self-conscious brain, like the self-conscious heart, is a disorder, and manifests itself in the acute feeling of separation between “I” and my experience. The brain can only assume its proper behaviour when consciousness is doing what it is designed for: not writhing and whirling to get out of present experience, but being effortlessly aware of it.”
Alan W. Watts, The Wisdom of Insecurity
He is a vaguely fantastical figure, with his mischievous grin and pointy beard. A glint in his eye as though he has some decisive answer to life’s great mysteries. Although he never claims to have any answers. He merely takes you on a journey, exploring curiosities and conundrums of the human condition. You may find some meaning in the journey, you may not.
But he is terribly engaging. And certainly worth listening to.
It is a very recent festive tradition, but I find nothing quite so soothing as settling down listening to endless hours of Alan Watts’ lectures, sipping slowly at a glass of wine, sparking up a cigarette when I hear the man himself light his cigars on the old, scratchy 1960’s recording. It sends you back in time almost, while simultaneously planting you in the wonders of this eternal present.
I have attached a beautiful video by ‘After Skool’ that illustrates his breakdown of ‘fake virtue’. It resonates with today. I’m sure I’m not the only one who has witnessed the fast amassing trend of self-styled saints we find ourselves plagued with today.
But by far the best lesson Alan Watts taught me was to not take the whole affair too seriously.
To be able to laugh in the face of ones own suffering is an invaluable tool, one that I shall always be thankful for, especially this time of year.
I invite you to pour yourself a drink, get yourself cosy, and lose yourself to a few hours of contemplation with a unique and engaging character.
It does the spirit good.
Merry Christmas!
JR Leach is a fantasy author and graphic designer whose debut novel The Farmer and the Fald was published earlier this year. You can follow him on Twitter or Substack and see more of his work on his website
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We did The Motorcycle Zen thing of Mr Watts in sociology and I detested the writer. He was so prescient about everything all the time. It became a dirge of self deluded self exceptionalism about his prolific and so specific erudite, always naturally flowing like the effluenza pouring out of his quivering brainpan without cease but always replete, and this superredundantly so in his super-abudance never remiss since he was always spot in thinking but always self referenced to make sure the centre of his attention was aimed at you since the reader needed his insights which worked as I left the book and then during honours sociological claptrap.
It’s a shame that so many nonscientists, past and present, ‘exhibit an excessive respect, bordering on pious reverence’*, for the claims of scientists. Risking the wrath of Watts’ devotees, where was the obligatory discussion about the claims of the geneticists? There appears, at least in this audio recording, to have been an unquestioning trust in the claims of scientists and a leap to respond to the alleged ‘cry for help’. Perhaps many of the theologians and philosophers invited to the meeting with geneticists felt encouraged by what they imagined represented ‘Science’ making respectful and friendly overtures with their own fields of study. Did they all jump at the invitation – taking the claims at face-value – to share their wisdom? I would like to hope that there was at least one philosopher or theologian who was curious and courageous enough to start by asking for evidence for the claims, rather than from the ‘cry for help.’ Geneticists must abandon their image of a stable genome, in which changes are pathological exceptions. The genome of each individual is in a state of constant transformation. As a result, every organism, every human being, even every cell of the body is a genetic universe in itself. Quoting in translation from an article that somehow reached the German public, ‘Genetik: Erbgut in Auflösung‘ [Genetics: Genome in Dissolution] written by Ulrich Bhansen, first published in DIE ZEIT, 12th June 2008 *All these thinkers trained in sociology and classics, however, no matter how productive their ideas, commit a characteristic error. They exhibit an excessive respect, bordering on pious reverence, for scientific facts. Quoting medical doctor, biologist and philosopher Ludwik Fleck in chapter 2, ‘Epistemological Conclusions from the Established History of a Concept’ in Genesis and Development of a Scientific Fact (published in German in 1935,… Read more »
Seems for sure, some are mixing him up with Alan Watt.
If nobody advocates for good change to happen, how do things get better?
Of course they don’t, and who is the target of this campaign to stop change ? The left of course…..this is just another attack on socialist change, which the far-right, billionaire oligarchs and military complex hate.
There is nothing wrong in advocating for good stuff to happen, the more voices the better, & attempts to demonize it are just a campaign by our owners, who are sick of their slaves whining about their conditions.
While I think Watts certainly had a knack for popularizing eastern thought and explaining it in a way that was and is still both genuinely thought provoking and entertaining, he was at the end of the day just another huckster who never really practiced what he preached. From his womanizing to his alcoholism to his lack of presence as a father; when you learn more about him as a person and his local relationships you can get a better understanding of what was really driving the man and for what reasons. Everyone and especially those who achieve greatness in humanitarian sectors have their demons, I’m thinking MLK & Gandhi. But I believe his philosophy too fell a bit short. In many ways Watts was the world’s first genuine hipster who took little philosophical nuggets from each eastern religion or way of life and made them very fashionable and attractive. I bit like a modern day crate digging DJ who search’s for samples from obscure avant- garde, jazz and funk records to make beats with. Like Jung who Watts had a huge affection for, Watts reimagined and articulated eastern thought and even Christian mysticism in a way that supported and fueled modern liberalism and the obsession with the self. He inspired Ram Dass, Tim Leary and countless others. He was closely linked to Aldous Huxley and the Esalen Institute ( the Human Potential Movement), infamous for shaping pretty heavy cultural change and experimenting on society via new age ideas that were not always so utopian in effect. I was really into reading Watt’s books and discussing eastern philosophy in the late 90’s before his internet videos went viral and the cameo given to him by Spike Jonze in the excellent and hauntingly prophetic film ‘Her’. After a while I realized most… Read more »
If Alan Watt died in 1973, he could not have been citing Alex Jones or David Icke. What’s more, the headline of this out of context interview clip is misleading and certainly can only be erroneously mis paraphrasing the very deceased Alan Watt. Thank you~
og article is about alan watts, which the above commentators have confused with the scotsman alan watt (died last year)with no s at the end who i find much more interesting than the alan in this article
Alan watt says that Alex Jones / David icke is there to terrify the public.
Says fear is a method of mind control used by the Tavistock Group.
I’ve always had an ambivalent feeling about Icke. He is a good communicator and is spot on about so much. But then he comes away with the reptilian entity stuff making it easy to denounce him. Furthermore his books are very large glossy productions which have a cartoonish quality about them. He is also well funded – though to be sure his books generate funds since they sell in enormous quantities – hardly surprising in a world starved of truth and, at least, DI does indeed give insight into a lot of things. As with everything else, it pays to take a critical view and, to his credit, DI does encourage you to do this even with his own stuff.
C.O. (controlled opposition)?
I’ve seen how the David Icke phenom works in person, speaking to switched on people who have figured out that the world is controlled by criminals, partly because Icke actually does a pretty good job of covering a lot of this stuff. They quickly veer into discussion about the Annunaki, and pondering if all that is real. This, of course, makes them instantly look stupid, to basically start suggesting we are among the lizard people. I don’t rule anything out, because not only do we not understand the Earth we inhabit, we are being systematically lied to in order to hide the truth from us, or to stop folk even wondering what the truth is. Whether it is right or not, and I’ve personally not seen any evidence that it is so I never ever discuss it, it serves the purpose of discrediting all the other stuff. Good, well intentioned and otherwise well informed truthers start talking about reptilians and shapeshifters and all the rest of it, and that serves to discredit everything else – the real life political crimefest that is now normalised and desperately needs to be fully exposed, right out in the open – we are led by filth and scum and we need to get rid of them. It works – I’ve seen it and I suspect others on here have had similar experiences.
It is possible to get around the “lizard people”/conspiracy theorist connection by saying the term is merely a way of characterizing the (so called) “ruling elites,” who seem to convey more of a reptilian than a human persona.
I was curious about Alan Watt and the Jones/Icke connection and I found this:
Two indications that this will not be a valid account of predictive programming are first, that it is from the Ohio State University and is therefore part of the “proper media” (read: vetted media) and second, the tediously familiar use of “conspiracy theory” as a pejorative. Thus:
“People who believe in this theory are mostly conspiracy theorists who think there will be a totalitarian government takeover, or on the more mild side, theorists who believe tragic events are an inside job or completely fake.”
The designation “conspiracy theorists” (which should be a neutral term, as in “physicist” or “biologist”) is of course a self-negating term. It is enough to call someone a “conspiracy theorist” to “prove” them deluded.
The entirety of academia has been deliberately deformed by this manipulation.
Furthermore, why should there not be “a totalitarian government takeover” and why should (some) tragic events not be “an inside job or completely fake”?
Indeed, why should it not be the case that there has already been a totalitarian takeover?
I know Alex Jones and David Icke have been around for a good while; but 49 years?
If Alan Watts died in 1973, how would he have been able to evaluate Jones and Icke? Let alone put out a YouTube video?
It seems as if references to “Alan Watt” have crept into an article and discussion about Alan Watts [emphasis added].
I don’t know much about either man, although I’ve been vaguely aware of Alan Watts for decades. But unless Watt somehow invokes Watts in the references, dragging in Watt and his opinions of Jones and Icke is a complete non sequitur based on an erroneous conflation. 🤔
the scotsman alan watt has been confused with alan wattS of this og article. alan watt is by far much more interesting than this new age stooge
Alex Jones is CIA controlled, but self funding to stay off the books, to steer us away from pointing at the US deep state, the CIA and the US military, who are creating many of these operations that are destroying our lives.
He’ll list 20 CIA operations, 10 US political actions and ascribe them all to the NWO……he is a fraud.
But if you listen between the lies, he tells you what they are up to, because he is the deep state.
the above is scotsman alan watt who is much more interesting and not a new age stooge like the alan of this og article
i think that the solution to how we should act an think is…. ” do unto others as you would have them do unto you…. hope fully we are not sado maschoists … so we need transendant good god wisdom and devine help
Comes the day when we 99.9% are happy over owning nothing, will the slaves be freed ?
I know it’s the season for spreading Good Cheer & Merriment – but the damned World and Wars keep intruding…
This year i reverse-engineered Christmas – i refused to accept any more gift-wrapped things, started stripping back on the things i’ve got…I Expect i’ll “Be Happy” (TM) by next Christmas…
Motto: “They cant take it away from you if you dont got it !”
I think only the young generation will be happy with owning nothing.
They already own nothing, don’t bother to get a driver’s licence, live with their parents in their 30s, work in the gig economy, have no prospects for any permanent, well-paying work, never mind meaningful work, they are the ones already vaxxed to the max, pretty much all obese and chronically sick, … they’ll agree to anything if they can get their pizza robot-delivered and be left alone in the cyber-world.
Slavery has never ended and will never end so long as the congenital ruling class remains in control and until humans understand the critical importance of limiting the power of ALL others, certainly proven gluttons, eugenists, mass murderers, those who only have competitive motives (e.g., Bill Gates, Jeffrey Epstein). We know from many studies that extreme wealth and power creates tyrants, that those who desire it are tyrants already.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution (i.e., 4th Reich) is about permanent species bifurcation into a permanent breeding and ruling class the membership of which will live ever long lives and enjoy boundless, God-like, power and wealth while the underclass is transformed into permanent, obligate slaves, first via microwave and nanotech behavioral and biological control platforms and then via gene drive, CRISPR, and mRNA. The final goal will be to transform the “lucky” survivors of the underclass into sterile castes of eusocial workers who are stripped of their own sense of genetic interests, the basis of our conscious perception of interest. This has been the goal of the transnational ruling plutocracy for nearly a century, merely reported by Aldous Huxley.
We are in the process of passing from the 1984 control paradigm into the Brave New World paradigm. The competitively obedient gliberal and careerist conservative alike imagine their masters will be bringing them along to enjoy the spoils of “The Great Cull”. They are mistaken. They too will be relegated permanently to largely sterile existences of obligate, if ecstatic obedience (though it will be miserable instead if that is the cognitive condition that works best for the ruling class).
I recall one of Alan Watts ideas that God is playing a game whereby it forgets it is God and then has to remember again. Somehow playing the game is crucial to knowing what it is.
Great teacher to have read and listened to over the years.
Britain EXCESS DEATHS (By Vaxx)
ONS data:
Since April 2022, 407,910 deaths — (47,379 excess against the 2015-2019 average).
In the week ending on December 11th, there were 11,694 deaths,
(687 excess deaths against the 2016-2019 + 2021 five-year average) and
(999 excess deaths against the 2015-2019 five-year average).
Of all the deaths only 326 were attributed to the alleged disease – a mere 2.8%.
[Not necessarily ‘died suddenly’]
They need to add the number of deaths & injuries caused by the gene therapies, which will make the figures even worse than they are shown in the linked article above
The excess deaths ARE the vaxxed injuries; that’s the point– except they’re claiming that a mere 2.6% of ’em are covid..
it lists them as death from COVID (or flu), they are not vax deaths until later.
Chickens vaccinated against Marek’s disease are now showing a stronger variant.
If China now starts covivaxx in the covi-backlash storm caused by lockdown it will have the same result, says Paul Alexander (Trump’s vaxx denier)
[doubtfully good intentions of course]
Alan Watts lectures on KPFA after midnight in the SF Bay Area literally saved my life as a young adult. It was the first truly rational voice I had heard speak about Life on Earth among humans. For me it was, “oh my god someone sees the world as i’ve experienced it. I’m not fucking insane nor alone”. I am forever indebted and in service to passing on whatever light i can muster, so Hospital Earth can evolve. Cheers!
This is a real article, I believe translated from German, doing the rounds in the UK MSM. The people writing and reproducing this crap – such as the people who run Refresh Lifestyle UK – should be sentenced for very serious crimes. It’s pure evil: Why compulsory vaccination might not be such a stupid idea after all ( Why compulsory vaccination might not be such a stupid idea after all Story by Refresh News • 10h ago Why compulsory vaccination might not be such a stupid idea after all © Provided by Refresh Lifestyle UK I can’t do it anymore! There, I’ve said it. Now you don’t have to be ashamed if you feel the same way. I’m fed up and angry and desperate. Where does that come from? I can explain that to you. Today we have the 15.11.2021 and it is cold in Germany. So I got my winter jacket out of the closet, put it on and jumped into my frozen car. Reaching into my coat pocket, I almost stalled my car’s engine. Because unlike previous years, this time I didn’t find a 5-euro bill or an old handkerchief, but a FFP2 mask. It hit me like a blow. That’s right. Last winter there was already a pandemic! How can it be that we have had a wonderfully functioning vaccination for months and yet we are rolling into the fourth wave with the force of a jumbo jet? What is going on? So, let’s do a little analysis, shall we? Just for fun, because we obviously have too much time anyway and half of you are surely already back in the Home Office sits. Why not, it was so nice the last three times. I’m drifting away. Why is it that countries like Denmark are in the clear and even our ever-popular Italy… Read more »
Sadly, this is why I had to leave Germany. I just couldn’t deal with all those vax-Nazis like him.
Florida Supreme Court Okays Impanelling Covid Grand Jury.
LIStEN to brief highlights here
The masking over of a loveless intent must hide in presentations that pass off as real.
The fear of penalty for disclosure is set in guilt.
The guilted identity is the core of the social debit system against which credits must be gained as permission & right to social inclusion.
The capacity to look on the hate and recognise you do not want it is a direct means for releasing and release. But war upon its scapegoats will lock the gates of hell around the wish someone ELSE suffer that you be saved.
Such a collective runs on sacrifice as the means to protect the hate from healing – but believing they protect a separate sense of self from total sacrifice, loss of face, vilification, excommunication, damnation. Why? Because this is the measure the giver expects in return.
I penned this in 2016 as a response to US escalation of “operations” within Syria.
“Creating a war to inspire peace
is like fucking a whore to inspire virginity”
– Paul Vonharnish –
The Ukrainian conflict is just another pimping opportunity…
There & Then:Personal & Memorial Reflections on Alan Watts (1915-1973)James J. O’Meara
“A universe which grows human beings is as much a human, or humaning, universe as a tree which grows apples is an apple tree. . . . There is still much to be said for the old theistic argument that the materialist-mechanistic atheist is declaring his own intelligence to be no more than a special form of unintelligence. . . .
The real theological problem for today is that it is, first of all, utterly implausible to think of this Ground as having the monarchical and paternal character of the Biblical Lord God. But, secondly, there is the much more serious difficulty of freeing oneself from the insidious plausibility of the mythology of nineteenth century scientism, from the notion that the universe is gyrating stupidity in which the mind of man is nothing but a chemical fantasy doomed to frustration. It is insufficiently recognized that this is a vision of the world inspired by the revolt against the Lord God of those who had formerly held the role of his slaves. This reductionist, nothing-but-ist view of the universe with its muscular claims to realism and facing-factuality is at root a proletarian and servile resentment against quality, genius, imagination, poetry, fantasy, inventiveness and gaiety. Within twenty or thirty years it will seem as superstitious as flat-earthism.”
Did Watts call out the false prophets of Scientism today or what?
If nobody advocates for good change to happen, how do things get better?
Of course they don’t, and who is the target of this campaign to stop change ? The left of course…..this is just another attack on socialist change, which the far-right, billionaire oligarchs and military complex hate.
There is nothing wrong in advocating for good stuff to happen, the more voices the better, & attempts to demonize it are just a campaign by our owners, who are sick of their slaves whining about their conditions.
The point is rather that you should be damn sure you know what’s “good” before you start trying to change the world.
All we can offer is our opinions, we have nothing else. There is no fact-checker you can refer to for your political beliefs.
Our wannabe “owners”, the globalists et al, are using the woke left to change society and to stop change against themselves and their power. They aren’t targeting the left, the left is playing right along with it and supporting these psychopaths.
You are a “globalist”, we are all “globalists” if you believe in international trade and cooperation.
The only people who are not “globalists” are far-right, xenophobic, nationalist & fascists, who want international conflict and internal division.
Hitler had a conspiracy theory, that there was an “international Jewish conspiracy”, that is the same BS the far-right are fabricating today & call it a globalist conspiracy. There are only empires and their interests.
That’s your definition of globalist. I don’t agree with that definition, I agree with it defined as the psychopaths who want a New World Order or the Great Reset. Maybe I should be clearer
And yes, there is an international Jewish conspiracy, it’s call zionism.
An international conspiracy that controls the world…… really?
The far right have got you hating all but them. So you need to ask them what you are supposed to believe;
You’re reaching for something for what I’m not sure. But you’re inferring things about me I have not said.
Yes, there are only empires and their interests. By playing right along with the tired old “left vs right” paradigm you’re doing their work for them. Divide and conquer works every damned time.
BTW, I am not a “right winger” either, so if that would be your retort I think you know what you can do with that garbage.
If you really think what passes for left now gives one shit about you or your life or your kids’ life, you’d best wake the hell up, and right quickly. They are pandering, period. They’ll use race, gender, age, whatever the hell works to get you to focus on some “enemy” while they pillage everything you have. By the time you ditch the woke and wake up, it’ll be far too late, if it isn’t already. Go back to MSNBC if you can’t handle the unvarnished truth that partisan bullshit is just that, bullshit, used to distract and divide. It isn’t a new tactic at all, it’s been used at least since the beginning of empires, and it works for those empires every single time.
Insulting nonsense , grow up.
Well said, Lizzyh7.
“What passes for left” are fauxgressives, virtue signaling “woke” fascists whose job it is to distract. Monty Python called them out decades ago:
“They aren’t targeting the left, the left is playing right along with it and supporting these psychopaths.”
The very definition of “useful idiots”.
The people I assume you are talking about are in the Democratic party, or the Labour party, who are not left wing, or socialists at all…..there is nothing left wing about them.
the true left does still exist, but it is not the people you are discussing.
You might want to reexamine. I did and found there is no true left. The scamdemic scared them all away.
That is what the MSM and the far right ‘alternative’ media are telling you. And you believe them?
Surly your own observation tells you they have been eradicated in Europe, like they were from the USA over the past 60 years.
The socialist ideology still exists, but those that support it have been marginalized, arrested and banned.
Piers Corbyn is arrested on a regular basis, for speaking out against covid, whilst the far-right get a new TV channel in the UK to speak out against it. Funny that.
Man, you”re out there with your assumptions about the far right. What a load of shit.
You’ll need to explain their loving side to me. You’re clearly a devotee
Hey, you know, keep it up. You’re being a fucking idiot.
I don’t understand why you are upset. Perhaps next time explain rather than be abusive.
I don’t like to feed the animals, but this was you the comment before (right above, it’s not hard to find)
“You’re clearly a devotee”
What kind of presumptive bullshit is that?
That was just one and you’ve done that to others. I don’t know what your agenda is, but people are catching on, based on the number of downrates you’re getting.
And I’m not upset. You haven’t seen me upset.
Which socialist philosophy? Proudhon? Bakunin? National Socialism? Kerensky was a socialist, but not a communist. Your local co-op is socialist. The old left/right political paradigm is dead and buried. Even the cartoonist in this video misrepresents the old paradigm. Yes, dinosaurs like me are closer to the old “true left” which was nationalistic in a charity begins at home way, but we are few and far between.
Political history might not exist in your head but it does in mine and in every history who will study this period.
You are just swallowing far right talking points.
Hahaha Duh, Far right… ‘clickbait’ much??
If nobody advocates for good change to happen, how do things get better?
Things get better when there is a profit to be had by making the change..
all other changes are by Oligarch law rendered mutt..
Things can only get better if you name the specific policy you are opposing. It’s not helpful to label either Left or Right as the problem. There are aspects of the Left and of the Right that are good.
People are focusing on vastly different aspects of each when they condemn or champion. The mere label is a technique to divide; it obfuscates the issues around which we hope to unite.
You’ll need to tell me where our politics have moved to, to make that claim.
I don’t swallow that lie that the left have become irrelevant, or that the far right are our only saviors.
Goodness, you seem to be imagining your interlocutor’s views as well as your own.
You’ll need to tell me where our politics have moved to, to make that claim.
The policy I am opposing is the continuous conjuring up of incredible sums of fiat money and then sending those incredible sums out into the real world where they wreak never ending havoc.
Gordon, I expect everyone will agree w you there. The moving force behind all that murder & mayhem doesn’t seem to come from the citizenry at all.
In the US, every Secretary of State has been a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. CFR is just another semi-secret by invitation only society for indoctrination ..
I wish some frequent commenters would take a vow of abstinence from the words Left and Right. For at least a month.
Right you are! Oh, wait…
The REAL left want government investment in the public sector (natural monopolies) MIXED with private bank credit/loan reliance. That’s not socialism. It’s a necessary mixed economy. It’s such a shame that the right hasn’t also wanted this basic right.
“Government is instituted for the common good; for the protection, safety, prosperity and happiness of the people; and not for the profit, honor, or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men.”
― John Adams
(Like all sincere intentions, the phrase “common good” has been warped by the false prophets of Scientism for Big Pharma profits.)
A healthy society is one that has adequate public money investment in the needs required for basic survival – education, healthcare, utilities, communication airwaves, etc. The Wall St governance of the past 40 years has enforced monetary policy on the people (not the military or corporations – they get all the gov’t investment they need), causing them to rely solely on private bank credit. High interest rate credit cards and predatory loans have led to peak private debt, meaning these debts can never be repaid.
The use of CBDCs would forever lock money in as a privately controlled utility, which it isn’t. The Great Reset goal is to dissolve the nation-state paradigm altogether due to the fact that private banks no longer want to share financial management with sovereign governments. It’s a war on all things “public”.
Nothing more faker than Christmas the psyop is just as bad as the bs19.
Alan Watts: didn’t know him be he sounds wizened.
Food for new thought in the WEF club.
Credit to Corbett for spotting recently that “fake” is now spelt “PHEIC” (try pronouncing it…. ).
It’s in the same interview that he highlights ‘One health’ as their new idea for fusing biosecurity with climate, something they’ve been trying to do for at least the last three years. Any malfunction in the biosphere now becomes “sickness”.
Weather changes, diseases, failures (including infrastructure) due to government corruption or incompetence. All these provide excuses to raise prices.
I would have imagined Cheka and the gulags would have had a (dis)honourable mention in the speech. I also found the proposition that the West colonised the world out of good intentions dubious in the extreme.
Good intentions were certainly used as an excuse to mask the true, malign reasons why the West has done what it has done and what it continues to do. Virtue seekers continue to fall for the excuses.
Well, they certainly seem to have figured out how to solve the problem of population. Convince the “virtuous” that the magic virtue potion will help their Grandmother to live forever if they take it, while it is really killing them and their Grandmother.
Employers were the channel used to coerce many into taking the “voluntary” jab.
Check out Douglas Harding as well. Another ‘in tune with Life’ English ‘philosopher’
JR Leach, I very much enjoyed the 12 minutes with Alan Watts.Thank you.
Can you imagine downvoting someone who expresses gratitude and enjoyment of this offering?
Must be that Israeli-UkroNazi-AngloAmerican troll who can’t post a long money-making disinformation comment here.
Downvoter you are less than pathetic.
Thank you JR Leach. Thank you OG.
Not everybody can understand his words..
as he said once, he had nothing to teach, he was like a bird singing, if someone could find solace and stop to listen, good. If not, just as good.
For those that can listen, though, doors can be opened to… something that can only be pointed at, but not named.. and that is what we all are..
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-12-23. Arrested for praying, in head. England. 2022. Voters who still believe in democracy. Cattle-tag the proles (blog, gab, tweet).
“The Wisdom of Uncertainty” !!!I can imagine Jesus preaching The Wisdom of Uncertainty to the dispossessed, & the jobless….As The Wisdom of Uncertainty might help us to “Own Nothing, and Be Happy”…
Those who manufacture Uncertainty shood be shot, that’s for sure !!
As usual, the likes of the WEF take an idea that holds water, like sustainability, or diversity, and twists the meaning of it to mean something entirely different from it’s original intention, into something which cons the less discerning amongst us into following their malign agenda. And many supposedly educated people are falling for it.
Owning nothing, or at least not having emotional attachments to material possesions is a fairly time tested and successful route to contentment. Constantly wanting more on the other hand, is a quick route to never being satisfied with what you have in life. It’s ironic that the people who’ve sold the masses the lifestyle of constantly wanting more are now trying to sell us the lifestyle of a zen buddhist monk, albeit one that needs to be hooked up to the control grid, eats what ever vat grown gloop they are fed, injected with whatever magic virtue poison that they are offered and wholly relies on the state for continued existence. So, as usual, quite the opposite of what the likes of Alan Watts talks about when he considers mental, physical and spiritual freedom. Owning nothing and not being owned by anything is a noble ideal, the likes of the WEF are happy to leave out the second part so that you own nothing and they own everything, including you. It would be very interesting to hear what Alan Watts would say about this situation if he was alive today. His ideas stand in their original meaning. Best to not throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Good comment, Bob.
This is not really a case of irony, though; what we have here is actually the time-honored (shopworn?) strategy of problem/reaction/solution, which the globalists have used to great effect through the centuries.
That’s right: the very same people who’ve been pushing capitalism on us for years are now — seemingly in response to the public’s ire with the ‘greed is good’ ethic — suddenly pivoting and pushing communism on us instead. But both lemmas are completely fake. Just as their ‘capitalism‘ never entailed free and open competition (just state-corporate collusion), their ‘communism’ isn’t going to have anything at all to do with worker ownership of the means of production. It will just be, as you noted, a more efficient and cost-effective way of controlling us than before.
And much less chance of a real revolution happening once we’ve all got Uncle Elon’s chips in our heads and the 38G towers are blaring North-Korean-style propaganda directly into our brains 24/7!
Seamus, you and Bob have really focused on an important deceitful technique here. Thanks.
Excellent comment. Absolutely every trend that appears in the MSM is a bastardisation of the true ethos that humanity does/should aspire to in order to elevate consciousness.
Names that conceal the true intention or content also apply to
:- government laws, policies and departments
:- big business.
I believe the notion is to be in the moment and open minded.
A very watchable / listenable presentation.
Here’s something in a similar vein, though more of a slog at 45min:
Basically Chris Martenson talks about complex systems and why it’s so hazardous to mess with them
(chainsaw style like governments have been want to do)
Interesting takeaways around the 5min mark, where he shows how long it will take to harvest the essential ingredients for “clean” energy:
Copper 189 years
Nickel 400 years
Lithium 9920 years..
(of course we all know that these scant resources are only meant for the few)
All the propaganda for EVs is a distraction they’re dangling in front of our eyes while they do their controlled demolition of fossil-fuel based transport system…
Anyone who believes EVs are The Way To Go has been sniffing petrol too long…
Sniffing petrol or stuck their finger in a lot socket.
antitermite, don’t be taken in by anyone who quotes peak oil at you. Big Fat lie. Here’s just a few of the petrochemical finds: Engdahl Engdahl. Cyprus recently confirmed huge deposits of offshore oil and especially natural gas
12/13 Syrian government signed a 25-year deal with the Russian SoyuzNefteGaz company to explore for oil in the Middle Eastern country’s territorial waters off the Mediterranean coast, southward off Tartus. estimated to be oil and gas reserves comparable to one or more new Saudi Arabia-size regions .
3/6/12 Maps & facts. The discovery in late 2010 of the huge natural gas bonanza off Israel’s Mediterranean shores triggered other neighboring countries to look more closely at their own waters. The results revealed that the entire eastern Mediterranean is swimming in huge untapped oil and gas reserves. Preliminary exploration has confirmed similarly impressive reserves of gas and oil in the waters off Greece, Turkey, Cyprus and potentially, Syria. Greece: Major geological surveys were made. Preliminary estimates now are that total offshore oil in Greek waters exceeds 22 billion barrels in the Ionian Sea off western Greece and some 4 billion barrels in the northern Aegean Sea. [1] Greek analyst, Aristotle Vassilakis, “surveys already done that have measured the amount of natural gas estimate it to reach some nine trillion dollars.”Southern Aegean Sea and Cretan Sea are yet to be explored, so the numbers could be significantly higher. Map of conflicting claims, esp Turkey.
This is only part of my file. RUN from any source who spouts “Peak Oil.”
Copper? 189 years? They’re taking the Jimmy Riddle. At current rates of extraction, natural, raw copper will be depleted within a decade.
Any government other than a local one is a compllex system. It is unlikely to work. It will only rip off public and private wealth.
Thank you! A ‘merry’* Christmas to you too.
*(Webster dictionary: full of gaiety or high spirits : MIRTHFUL