Tucker Carlson and the JFK Allegations
Edward Curtin

On December 15, the night that the Biden administration released some of the remaining JFK files while withholding others with another half-assed excuse, Tucker Carlson, the most-watched cable news television host, delivered a monologue about the JFK assassination.
It garnered a great deal of attention.
Although I don’t watch Carlson’s television show, I received messages from many friends and colleagues, people I highly respect, about his monologue’s great significance, so I watched that episode. And then I watched it many more times.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., a man whom I hold in the highest esteem, tweeted that it was:
the most courageous newscast in 60 years. The CIA’s murder of my uncle was a successful coup d’état from which our democracy has never recovered.”
While I completely agree with his second sentence, I was underwhelmed by Carlson’s words, to put it mildly. I thought it was clearly “a limited hangout,” as described by the former CIA agent Victor Marchetti:
Spy jargon for a favorite and frequently used gimmick of the clandestine professionals. When their veil of secrecy is shredded and they can no longer rely on a phony cover story to misinform the public, they resort to admitting, sometimes even volunteering, some of the truth while still managing to withhold the key and damaging facts in the case. The public, however, is usually so intrigued by the new information that it never thinks to pursue the matter further.
Or listens carefully.
Carlson surely said some things that were true, and, as my friends and many others have insisted, he was the first mainstream corporate journalist to say that “the CIA was involved in the assassination of the president.”
But “involved” is a word worthy of a lawyer, a public relations expert, or the CIA itself because it can mean something significant or nothing. Or a little of both. It is a weasel word.
And the source for Carlson’s claim was an anonymous source, someone who he said “had access” to the JFK files that were never released. We know, of course, that when The New York Times and its ilk cite “anonymous sources,” claiming that they have told them this or that, this raises eyebrows. Or should.
Anyone who closely follows that paper’s claims knows that it is a CIA conduit, but now, those who know this are embracing Tucker Carlson as if he were the prophet of truth, as if a Rupert Murdock-owned Fox TV host who is paid many millions of dollars, has become the Julian Assange of corporate journalism.
In a 2010 radio interview, Mr. Carlson said, “ I am 100 % his bitch. Whatever Mr. Murdoch says, I do.”
The obvious question is: Why would Fox News allow Carlson to say now what many hear as shocking news about the JFK assassination?
So let me run down exactly what Carlson did say.
For five minutes of the 7:28 minute monologue, he said things that are obviously true: that Jack Ruby killed Oswald and that the claim that both acted alone is weird and beyond any odds; that the Warren Commission was shoddy; that the CIA weaponized the term “conspiracy theory” in 1967 according to Lance De Haven-Smith’s book Conspiracy Theory in America; that the CIA’s brainwashing specialist psychiatrist Louis Jolyon West visited Jack Ruby in jail and declared him insane, contrary to all other assessments of Ruby’s mental state; and that the 1976 House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) concluded that there was probably a conspiracy in the president’s assassination.
All of this is true but not news to those knowledgeable about the assassination. Nevertheless, it was perhaps news to Carlson’s audience and therefore good to hear on a corporate news site.
But then, the next few minutes – the key part of his report, the part that drew all the attention – got tricky.
Carlson said that just that day – December 15, 2022 – when all the JFK documents were due to be released but many were withheld, “we spoke to someone who had access to these still hidden CIA documents.” Who would have such access, and how, is left unaddressed, but it is implied that it is a CIA source, but maybe not. It is strange to say the least.
Carlson then said he asked this person, “Did the CIA have a hand in the murder of John F. Kennedy?” And the answer was “I believe they were involved.” Carlson goes on to say, “And the answer we received was unequivocal. Yes, the CIA was involved in the assassination of the president.”
Note the words “hand,” “believe,” “involved,” and then “unequivocal.”
“Hand” can mean many things and is very vague. For example, in front of his wife, a man tells his friend, “I had a hand in preparing Christmas dinner.” To which his wife, laughing, replies, “Yes, he did, he put the napkins on the table.”
To “believe” something is very different from knowing it, as Dr. Martin Schotz, one of the most perceptive JFK assassination researchers, has written in his book, History Will Not Absolve Us: Orwellian Control, Public Denial, and the Murder of President Kennedy
On Belief Versus Knowledge
It is so important to understand that one of the primary means of immobilizing the American people politically today is to hold them in a state of confusion in which anything can be believed but nothing can be known, nothing of significance that is.
And the American people are more than willing to be held in this state because to know the truth — as opposed to only believe the truth — is to face an awful terror and to be no longer able to evade responsibility. It is precisely in moving from belief to knowledge that the citizen moves from irresponsibility to responsibility, from helplessness and hopelessness to action, with the ultimate aim of being empowered and confident in one’s rational powers.
“Involved,” like the word “hand,” can mean many things; it is vague, slippery, not definitive, and is used by tabloid gossip columnists to suggest scandals that may or not be true.
“Unequivocal” does not accurately describe the source’s statement, which was: “I believe.” That is, unless you take someone’s belief as evidence of the truth, or you wish to make it sound so.

Note that nowhere in Carlson’s report does he or his alleged source say clearly and definitively that the CIA/National Security State murdered President Kennedy, for which there has long been overwhelming evidence.
Such beating-around-the-bush is quite common and tantalizes the audience to think the next explosive revelation will be dispositive. Yet no release of documents is needed to confirm that the CIA killed Kennedy, as if the national security state would allow itself to be pinned for the murder.
Waiting for the documents is like waiting for Godot; and to promote some hidden smoking gun, some great revelation is to engage in a pseudo-debate without end. It is to do the killers’ bidding for them. And it is quite common. There are many well-known “dissident” writers who continue to claim that there is not enough evidence to conclude that the CIA/national security state killed the president.
And this is so for those who question the official story. Furthermore, there are many more pundits who maintain that Oswald did the deed alone, as the Warren Report concluded and the mainstream corporate media trumpet. This group is led by Noam Chomsky, whose acolytes bow to their master’s ignorant conclusions.
Maybe we’ll know the truth in 2063.
While it is true that some people change dramatically, Tucker Carlson, the Fox Television celebrity, would be a very unlikely candidate. He defended Eliot Abrams and praised Oliver North; supported the Contras against the Sandinistas in Nicaragua; went to Nicaragua to support those Contras; smeared the great journalist Gary Webb while defending the CIA; supported the U.S. invasion of Iraq; and much more.
Alan MacLeod chronicled all this in February of this year for those who have known nothing of Carlson’s past, including his father’s work as a U.S. intelligence operative as director of the U.S. Information Agency (USIA), the body that oversees government-funded media, including Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Radio and TV Martí and Voice of America – all U.S. propaganda outlets.
Now we are being asked to accept that Carlson is out to show how the CIA is “involved” in the murder of JFK. Why would so many fall for such rhetoric?
No doubt any crumb of national news coverage about the CIA and the assassination by a major corporate player elicits an enthusiastic response from those who have tried for many years to tell the truth about JFK’s murder. One’s first response is excitement. But such reactions need to tempered by sober analyses of exactly what has been said, which is what I am doing here. I, too, wish it were a breakthrough but think it is more of the same. Much ado about nothing. A way to continue to foster uncertainty, not knowledge, about the crime.
I see it as a game of false binaries in the same way the Democrats and Republicans are portrayed as mortal enemies. Yes, there are some differences, but all-in-all they are one party, the War Party, who agree on the essential tenets of U.S. imperial policy. They both represent the interests of the upper classes and are financed by them. They both work within the same frame of reference. They both support what Ray McGovern, the former CIA analyst, rightly calls the Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-Media-Academia-Think-Tank complex (MICIMATT).
If one asks a dedicated believer in the truthfulness of The New York Times Corporation or NPR, for example, what they think of Tucker Carlson, they will generally dismiss him with disdain as a right-wing charlatan. This, of course, works in reverse if you ask Carlson’s followers what they think of the Times or NPR.
Yet for those who think outside the frame – and they are all non-mainstream – a different picture emerges. But sometimes they are taken in by those whose equivocations are extremely lawyerly but appeal to what they wish to hear. This is exactly what a “limited hangout” is. Snagged by some actual truths, they bite on the bait of nuances that don’t mean what they think they do.
Left vs. right, Fox TV vs. The New York Times, NPR, etc.: Just as Carlson’s father Dick Carlson ran the CIA-created U.S. overseas radio propaganda under Reagan and George H. W. Bush, so too the present head of National Public Radio, John Lansing, did the same under Barack Obama.
See my piece, Will NPR Now Change its Name to National Propaganda Radio. Birds of a feather disguised as hawks and sparrows in a game meant to confuse and create scrambled brains.
Lastly, let me mention an odd “coincidence.” On December 6 at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., nine days before the partial JFK files release and Tucker Carlson’s monologue, the Mary Ferrell Foundation, an organization devoted to JFK research, gave a presentation showcasing what was advertised as explosive new information about the Kennedy assassination.
The key presenter was Jefferson Morley, a former Washington Post reporter and prominent JFK assassination researcher who has sued the CIA for documents involving Lee Harvey Oswald and CIA operative George Joannides.
On November 22 Morley had published an article titled “Yes, There is a JFK Smoking Gun.” It was subtitled: It will be found in 44 CIA documents that are still “Denied in Full.” The documents he was referring to allegedly concern contacts between Oswald and Joannides in the summer and fall of 1963 in New Orleans and in Mexico City. “They [the CIA] were running a psychological warfare operation, authorized in June 1963, that followed Oswald from New Orleans to Mexico City later that year,” wrote Morley.
Well, the “smoking gun” documents were not released on Dec 15, although on November 20 and then again at The National Press Club on December 6, Morley spoke of them as proving his point about the CIA’s involvement with Oswald, which has been obvious for a long time.
Although he said he hadn’t seen these key documents but was awaiting their release, he added that even if they were not released that will still prove him correct. In other words, with this bit of legerdemain, he was saying: What I don’t know, and may not soon not know, supports what I’m claiming even though I don’t know it.
And even if the files were released, he writes, “As for the conspiracy question, the massive withholding of documents makes it premature to draw any conclusions. The undisclosed Oswald operation was not necessarily part of a conspiracy. It might indicate CIA incompetence, not complicity. Again, only the CIA knows for sure.” So the smoking gun is not a smoking gun and the waters of uncertainty roll on and on into the receding future.
CIA incompetence, not complicity. Of course. It ain’t necessarily so. Or it is, or might be, or isn’t.
Morley is one of many who still cannot say that the CIA killed the president. Tucker Carlson can speak of its “involvement” just like Morley. We need more information, more files, etc. But even if we get them, we still won’t know. Maybe by 2063.
My question for Tucker Carlson: Who was your anonymous source? And did your source see the documents that were never disclosed? What specific documents are you referring to? And do they prove that the CIA killed Kennedy or just suggest “involvement”?
Finally, as I said before, even as there has long been a mountain of evidence for the CIA’s murder of JFK (and RFK as well, although that is never mentioned), many prominent people continue to play as if there is not. Listen to this video interview between Chris Hedges and former CIA officer John Kiriakou. It is all about the nefarious deeds of the CIA.
Right toward the end of the interview (see minutes 32:30-33:19), Hedges says, “So I have to ask [since he has to answer] this question since I know Oliver Stone is convinced the CIA killed JFK … I’ve never seen any evidence that backs it up …” and they both share a mocking laugh at Stone as if he were the village idiot when he knows more about the JFK assassination than the two of them put together, and Kiriakou says he too has not seen such evidence.
It’s a disgusting but typical display of arrogance and a “limited hangout.” Criticize the CIA only to make sure you whitewash them for one of their greatest achievements: the murder of President John F. Kennedy. This is straight from Chomsky’s playbook.
Beware double-talkers and the games they play. They come in different flavors.
Edward Curtin is an independent writer whose work has appeared widely over many years. His website is edwardcurtin.com and his new book is Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies.
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I believe the Altgens photo throws the Commissions assertion of when the ‘Magic Bullet’ happend under a bus.
There is a reason why the photo was cropped, but hey even if the uncropped version ultimately never saw the light of day, computer technology now makes that particular slight of hand redundant.
Some hints as to how the “system” actually works. > Two video interviews with Whitney Webb available on the Mercola page.
One Nation Under Blackmail
December 30, 2022
One Nation Under Blackmail (mercola.com)
Also these links to alternate sites:
The Mafia, CIA & Jeffrey Epstein Worked TOGETHER To Traffic Minors
Posted on Jimmy Dore’s YouTube site
The Mafia, CIA & Jeffrey Epstein Worked TOGETHER To Traffic Minors – YouTube
The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Organized Crime- Interview with Whitney Webb (bitchute.com)
Listen carefully…
So many downvotes for the comments on this article! Government shills perhaps?
Once again, it seems that the role of Israel is NEVER mentioned in the Kennedy Brothers assassinations.
Why not take a look at : Israel And The Assassinations Of The Kennedy Brothers?
(since the LINK above NEVER works for some reason when posted on so many social media platforms and websites -perhaps because the word Israel is there in plain sight for an easy censorship by algorithm- just copy and paste it entirely in your own web browser and it will play automatically.)
Aren’t anyone tired of the old CIA narrative?
Yes! The CIA, NSA, FBI, and other agencies in the US are corrupted to the core. But it is so easy to use any of these agencies as scapegoats to cover up the role of MOSSAD in it (JFK and RFK assassinations).
And why not bring up 9/11 and the role of Israel (MOSSAD) too?
Why not take a look at : 9/11 American Traitors & Mossad?
The link does not appear to be working.
One only needs to read the following few books about JFK’s assassination to know at the very least that Oswald did not fire a rifle that day, or quite reasonably that the CIA in concert with some underworld types and Cuban freedom fighters killed Kennedy.
Best Evidence by David Lifton
JFK and the Unspeakable by James Douglass
On the Trail of the Assassins by Jim Garrison
Why was Kennedy killed? Because he was doing things that the Military Industrial Complex, which his predecessor warned us about on January 17, 1961, did not want him to do. Kennedy was working behind the scenes with Nikita Khrushchev to end the hostilities with Russia and Cuba. He also intended to withdraw all American troops and support personnel from southeast Asia. Kennedy was likely planning to make serious changes to the CIA, in addition to the firing of CIA Director Allen Dulles and others, after the failed CIA run Bay of Pigs invasion. One might wonder how it is that Dulles served on the Warren Commission. Not to cover up CIA involvement in the assassination surely. And yet to this day, the CIA illegally refuses to surrender all their documents relative to the killing.
There is a exclusive authority on how he died.
Any deviation from that will end up with a barrage of condemnation.
Are we eating our own like the leftists now? Is that a formula for success? I find a lot of good content on this website, but why the recent trashing of Musk and Carlson? If they are false it will come out in time. Why does Carlson’s father’s past have significance? How many sons try to be the opposite of their fathers? (admittedly, they usually fail)
Judge people by their actions. Although, in Carlson’s case, and to some extent Musk, their words are their actions.
The koolaid is strong for you.
That’s true. I always put a few jalapenos in it. Give it some zing.
JFK’s body was stolen from its expensive bronze casket while LBJ took the oath of office. That was reason for oath, as it wasn’t necessary. To get everyone forward, and away from the coffin. How do we know this? From Bethesda technicians Paul O’Connor, Dennis David, and Jerrol Custer. O’Connor said JFK’s body arrived in a plain shipping casket. Custer said he’d already taken x-rays of the body, when the hearse arrived carrying the bronze casket with Jackie and Bobby Kennedy. The body was stolen to perform surgery on it to make it look like all the shots had come from behind JFK, where the patsy Oswald was located.
Rather than chip in so dogmatically, could you cite this and link to a source, for the benefit of our readers who may wish to research this further? Thanks, A2
The info. came from an old video I had on the JFK assassination about 25 years ago. The Bethesda technicians were featured. They had no reason to lie…they weren’t making any money..just telling the truth of what had occurred. They had all been told at the time to remain silent or they would be court-martialed. They came forward after their retirements. Naturally the media ignored them.The great Jim Marrs covers this in his revised and updated version of ‘Crossfire.’
Several NTSB members came forward — also after they retired, I believe — to say unequivocally the investigation of Flight 800 was a sham. They were even on tv! Not even for a news cycle.
I remember how PBS covered it up one evening.
Watch ‘Everything is a rich man’s trick’ for the – nearly – full story, including the corpse switch.
For a long time E. Howard Hunt of the CIA maintained he was home with his family on 11/22. He was not. He was in Dallas. He was paymaster for the assassins. He confessed this on his death bed. For more on Hunt and JFK, read Mark Lane’s excellent book, “Plausible Denial.”
As per the famous Altgens photo, Lee Oswald is seen in the entrance to the book depository as the first shots are fired at JFK from the front causing a wound to his throat. His face is blurred, but he is identifiable from the shirt he’s wearing-the same shirt he has on when arrested at the Texas Theatre. Homicide detective Fritz did make some brief notes from his interview with Oswald, and Lee told him that’s where he was..in the entrance, not the 6th floor.
Who are you working for? This is the problem with your analysis; instead of encouraging and applauding the fact that Carlson has had some type of “red pill” epiphany in the last few years, you fall back on previous, somewhat expected reporting. Who cares where the info comes from if it questions those in power?
I for one definitely think the source is relevant. It helps us to assess how reliable and trustworthy the info is, plus whether it might be a limited hangout etc. in service of a wider agenda. By weighing up this and other factors it helps us to be better informed. A2
Beware the “World Communist System”, or the “World Communist Conspiracy”, as directly referred to in this section of the G Edward Griffin interview with KGB defector and senior KGB propagandist Yuri Bezmenov. The “World Communist System” is controlled by the World Communist Banksters, who have their financial headquarters in the City Of London.
These people are still running the show. Including Tucker’s show – he is owned by Murdoch, right hand man of Commie Kissinger.
KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov’s warning to America – YouTube
Tucker doing his bit for the Communitarian (Comumunism 2.0) movement
Quickie – Tucker Carlson Is A ‘Communitarian’ – Will Cain Podcast – YouTube
Nice photo of the renowned Communists Rosa Luxembourg, Nicola Sacco, and Bartolomeo Vanzetti.
Can you link me to a poster site? Amazon doesn’t seem to carry the image in any size …
The facial expressions of all three characters, are priceless. None of them are on the same wavelength.
Sure Ed, everyone making their living in Journalism, especially people making the kind of money Hedges and Carlson make, are careful not to step over certain lines…..
People at your small level of influence are not important enough for the Deep state to possibly “take-out”…. Hedges, and especially Carlson, touch enough households to draw attention… I’d be concerned of getting “Seth Rich-ed”…….
Whatever Carlson “was”, now he seems to be the only mainstream voice that tells truth to power in ANY way.. Unfortunately, Trump Derangement Syndrome & the New Woke Cancel Culture continue to gain strength as the Great Reset rolls-on !!!!!
Trump is getting more and more deranged so I guess it figures TDS would increase as well.
Government is the problem, not the solution.
Sadly the majority still believe the opposite…
If I may tweak your comment just a bit: humans are the root of the problem. Government is not handed down to humans from on high: they choose to invent it.
Government is a two pronged beast: one for protecting society from those who have been exploited in order to enrich that society; the other for protecting the exploiters from those within their society who may decide to exploit them.
In other words, government was conceived in evil to carry out evil deeds. Why people expect anything good out of it is the 64-dollar question.
Thinking like that is the result of despondency, helplessness. That is exactly the desired effect that the PTB want to invoke.
It is one of the goals explained by Yuri Bezmenov in his lecture on the breakdown of society. Learned helplessness and low morale makes the target confused and unable to process any information even if its good information.
What was it the CIA said about the benchmark for success?
Btw Mucho has a video link I believe to those lectures above.
Rumour has it, Offguardian is considering a “Happy-Posts-Only Day”, initially set for one day of each month…Not welcome are the Doom & Gloom Sayers, Despondency Spreaders, Bad News Pervs, and so on…They’re to be given the day off (aka discouraged) to use the day to reflect on how they can improve their attitudes…( Though it’ll be much like asking The World to Stand Still ?)
Mind you, it’s only a rumour…
It has become abundantly clear, from the international politics spanning the last 2-3 years at least … that ALL governments are criminal-front organisations for theft and fraud on a mammoth scale.
The stench from American and British politics has permeated every corner of the globe. The rot has even reached the arse-end of the world, viz. Australia and New Zealand. The Peeps in Western-democracies deserve better …
Conservatives are to be made to hate their country! Let’s have a global intelligence network instead – that would be so much better!
Thats what you got anyway. LOL hasnt covid educated you on anything.?
Not another one who thinks politicians got elected and bojo and the back benchers actually reduced the lockdown and vaccines mandates and business’s closing.
Slightly off topic but I could not resist.
On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me – Cod Liver Oil and Vitamin D
On the Second day of Christmas my true love gave to me – Zinc 50 mg for me.
On the Third day of Christmas my true love gave to me – Vitamin C for me
On the Fourth day of Christmas my true love gave to me – Q-u-c-e-t-i-n – Anti-Oxidant
On the Fifth day of Christmas my true love gave to me – Vitamin K2 Mk-7
Or if you prefer – Ivermectin. It does you a power of good.
I’m 78 and I am now going to take a long 10 mile Christmas walk
I’m 78 too. It’s Quercetin, an ionosphore that will carry zinc INTO your cells in defense of any virus or bacteria that’s beginning to make you sick.
I have to come right out and ask: are you being facetious? or are you genuinely advocating these substances? I hope it’s the latter.
BTW, as far as I can tell, the Durbin Braun Bill (The Dietary Supplement Listing Act of 2022) has not become law in the US yet. That bill would effectively outlaw supplements.
Who wants to bet that both Durbin (D-IL) and Braun (R-IN) are heavily financed by Big Pharma?
Corporate media knows that it is “lying” in shreds today, as the recent Munk Debate between Matt Taibbi, Douglas Murray, Malcolm Gladwell and Michelle Goldberg can attest.
Be it resolved, don’t trust mainstream media – Munk Debate
So, they drag out one of their dead horses to beat again. Everyone has known for decades that JFK was assassinated via orchestrated militia, not the “lone gunman” story.
It’s MSM’s clumsy attempt to restore trust in them. It will take a hell of a lot more.
After watching this, you’ll never trust Tucker Carlson and his arrested development high pitched voice again, btw:
Why Tucker Carlson pretends to hate elites
This article gained momentum as it progressed, going from the limited hangout of CIA-cheerleader-turned-critic Tucker Carlson to criticism of slightly more sacred cows within Lefty and JFK assassination circles: Chris Hedges and Jefferson Morley.
Most readers probably didn’t know who Morley is– he’s no quasi-celebrity author like Chris Hedges. But Curtin is correct, Morley’s equivocation about the JFK assassination is telling and like Carlson, suggestive of a limited hangout. Granted, limited hangout is a much-abused term, nearly as much as “deep state.” Morley fits the mould, though. His vociferous support of remarkably circumscribed goals, his sharp disdain of any peers who stray from that narrow range, and his curiously strong reach within liberal, anti-conspiracy theory circles leads one to wonder if he was somehow vetted in advance. Why is it that JFK assassination researchers have been excluded from the acceptable Left for nearly six decades but this one relatively uninspiring author, Morley, somehow can get its attention? With what? An examination of shenanigans at the Mexico City CIA station after the JFK assassination? Who cares?
I’d add to this whole mix another author not mentioned by Edward Curtin but ever present in the bot-like comments section: Michael Collins Piper. If that guy had never existed it the forces of state repression would have invented him. The piss-poor quality of his blatantly antisemitic book, Final Judgement, seems to be no impediment to his legion of online followers, who drag everything down to the lowest level and play right into established centrist/liberal myths about Richard Hofstadter’s paranoid strain in American politics and the need for online censorship. No thanks.
Article from The Atlantic:
“We Haven’t Seen the Worst of Fake News
Deepfakes still might be poised to corrupt the basic ways we process reality—or what’s left of it.”
Oh the irony!
Almost infallible rule: Those who highlight Fake News are the ones who are shovelling it.
Which is right up there with, “Those who promote tolerance are the least tolerant.”
Kurt Vonnegut, 2005:
Persuasive guessing has been at the core of leadership for so long – for all of human experience so far – that it is wholly unsurprising that most of the leaders of this planet, in spite of all the information that is suddenly ours, want the guessing to go on, because now it is their turn to guess and be listened to.
Some of the loudest, most proudly ignorant guessing in the world is going on in Washington today. Our leaders are sick of all the solid information that has been dumped on humanity by research and scholarship and investigative reporting.
They think that the whole country is sick of it, and they want standards, and it isn’t the gold standard. They want to put us back on the snake-oil standard.
Emily Oster’s plea for pandemic amnesty appeared where? Oh yeah: The Atlantic. So, it would appear we have indeed seen the worst of fake news.
Double “Oh the irony!”
Test the waters: make use of Carlson, most-watched cable news television host, to garner a lot of attention for controlled treatment of past conspiracy theory controversy to gain intel for the present coup, particularly as plans are prepped for crackdown on domestic terrorism, in which conspiracy theory is central. Oliver Stone concludes JFK with Shakespeare’s past is prologue, but in this case to a future interminably postponed, as the governed are to be kept captive to, and confused by, unlimited limited hangouts, while fascist forces like the CIA carry on bizzness as usual data-mining the public for enhanced psywar. Stay tuned for the live exercise follow-up. And remember, you’ve been noted.
D’ya think just maybe we should concentrate– you know, FOCUS– on the peril to our civilization and to all we hold dear? Surely there’s at least something small but relevant that we can do instead of uselessly distracting ourselves, no?
Granted, focusing on the shell game the MSM has become seems like merely a distraction; but in these seemingly trivial snapshots sometimes lie clues to, if not what’s going on, then at least how it’s being played out.
I get nervous (perhaps you also) at the number of comments in this forum implying that the “bad guys” are losing their grip on the events they’ve set in motion; and that pretty soon the “good guys” will win out. That is NOT what’s happening; but this Tucker Carlson brouhaha could be taken as evidence that it is what’s happening. So it’s not entirely useless to point out what it’s really all about.
Thanks Howard, never occurred to me that Tucker’s “CIA involvement w assassination” comment is any more significant than his usual slightly-more-truthful-than-the-controlled-media posture.
I interpret his news as a reassurance that we have diversity in media, while he never says anything that many, many people don’t already know. And the more truthful it is the less he backs it up w any evidence.
I’m sure your’re right that it could conceivably be valuable to consider this. It’s just that I grow increasingly disgusted with all of us–myself included– for spending time at what’s little more than entertainment instead of focusing on what we can DO.
I’m not sure we can DO anything until enough people wake up to what’s happening. And, unfortunately, the focus on Carlson is a Red Hot Topic compared to what most people focus on.
And that’s a very big problem. Until people get their heads out of their cell phones, there is no solution.
First They came for the chooks.
Then They came for the turkeys.
Now They’re coming for Our cats & Dogs.
What Next ?!
In the leafy suburb i live there are none of the real dogs
people owned a couple of decades ago…Everyone has
one of those down-sized mutts…They dont eat much,
make only small farts, but even those small farts are Too
Much for Klaus Schwab…
If making such threats against their family pet doesnt get
a few normies to wake up and switch sides, what will ?
(and what about the few remaining Grannies and their
Pussies ? Will the normies at least protect them ?)
Already rolling in the U.k From what I gather, they’ve brought in a new insurance policy placed on renters to have a mandatory insurance for animals/pets which will make it harder having pets – disguised as easier having pets.
Build back better Boris brought it in. (Gove housing minster)
Every time I read something advocating the slaughter of any animal, domestic especially, I think of a clip from “Planet of the Humans.” Science has developed fat burning generators as part of the “Green New Deal.”
The clip from the documentary shows live animals being fed into a huge grinder to make fat for these generators.
“Failings” are designed into the psyop so that they can be debated endlessly – giving the pretense of genuine inquiry.
It’s incredible that you also believe JFK was assassinated by the CIA… when it was the MOSSAD – this book explains all:
Final Judgment Michael Collins Piper : Hendo : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Oh man, do you really believe it was the CIA? Not the MOSSAD, with the aid of the CIA just with 9/11???
Strange that many people know that the mainstream media exists to deceive, fool and keep people distracted with illusions, and they swallow everything this CIA agent says?? Utterly pathetic!!!
Already Tucker’s father was a CA IA agent.
Tucker’s main job is to keep people distracted with myths and distortions, and in this case he’s fooling tons of gullible people to believe JFK assassination was a CIA job, when in reality it was a MOSSAD job!!!
Other myths he promotes are ‘capitalism vs communism’, ‘cold war’, ‘west vs east’, ‘elections’ and ‘USA vs Russia/China’… all theatre for public consumption… diabolical!!!
Tucker’s job is this:
William Casey, CIA director, 1981:
– “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the american public believes is false.”
I was expecting Carlson to flip the board and blame the Chi-Coms.
He did that already and will go back to them again and he blamed the moslems also.
BUT the amnesia sufferers who watch him – forget.
“Beware double-talkers and the games they play. They come in different flavors.”
Hmmmm… Let’s character assassinate anyone who uses the English language differently than ourselves. > Quote: “Carlson goes on to say, “And the answer we received was unequivocal. Yes, the CIA was involved in the assassination of the president.”
What words would you use?
My opinion: Let’s spread more doubt and continue to smear the entire endeavor of journalism… Note: I’m not a fan of Tucker Carlson, but it took some balls for him to present his opinion. That said:
John Kennedy is quite dead, and the trails that lead to his assassination are cold as ice. The majority of the perpetrators are also quite dead. Let’s move on to current issues.
I’m always surprised when something in my idling thoughts reveals something about a matter i couldnt directly interrogate…The Mind Works In Mysterious Ways (Dr Sigmund Freud ?)…Ruminating the same thing over and over is exasperating, but sometimes……..
Maybe through returning to The JFK Assassination Story, again and again, we may deepen our knowledge / understanding of The Deep State and how it operates in the present ?
And yes, the words that are used can be vehicles for intentional deception, or for sowing doubt…Didnt someone once say that ‘language was invented for the sole purpose to deceive’ ?‘ (I dont think it was John Zerzan, though he might have)…
“Propaganda does not deceive people; it merely helps them to deceive themselves”
– Eric Hoffer –
(July 25, 1902 – May 21, 1983)
IIRC, it was Nietzsche who said it.
To get to the truth, you have to peel the onion of lies. Off-Guardian authors seem to think you can drop the cold truth onto your unsuspecting public without them going totally mad.
Perhaps the “village idiots’ are the media and cia -and they think we the people don’t realize who killed JFK.Though, in 1963 two thirds of Americans did not believe it was a lone gunman.Who can say with any certainty how many people today believe it was Oswald or a hit on the president by clandestine government evil forces.
So. A “limited hang-out” that incriminates the agency implies a bigger fish lurking in the shadows. Gefilte fish?
It’s my personal opinion based on more than half a century watching intelligence operations by TPTB that the Vaxx Operation is going to fail shortly– quite possibly with a backlash.
Accordingly I expect a counter-operation. I can’t guess what it will be; the only obvious preparation is either war-escalation or a cataclysmic takedown of the economy.
The next pandemic is being planned. Billy G has been chairing the emergency meeting recently along with other ‘global leaders’.
Failing that it’s food control by CBDC’s and limited farming which will bring mass starvation. Medical care will also be denied in many cases especially if you refuse to participate in the new hell.
Nuclear war might be on the horizon if the fear porn is to be believed. The opportunities to wipe out most of the worlds population are endless.
Operation ‘Covid-19’ seemed to have had two functions: to initiate a global depop program, while also providing a cover story for damage that would have been done by the 2020 global economic recession – had governments not decided to cause the destruction of businesses and jobs by the lockdowns to “stop the Spread”…(lockdowns had nothing to do with “stopping the Spread”; they were certainly used to prevent widespread reactions against the jobs and business destruction caused by government policy)…
The Operation also functioned as a trial run for a sudden, overnight implementation of the WEFs New World Order…All aspects of the Operation were being deeply studied…Learned would have been how many didnt ‘buy it’, how much leakage there was from the quarantined Conspiracy Theorists riddled internet, and so on…
The Question is whether “Covid-19′ can continue to be used effectively as cover, if the dire economic predictions for 2023 eventuate…
Historical Revisionists and Propaganda Artists Will Try to Frame the Economic Downturn (2019-2020) on Covid-19. That’s Simply Not True…Data Shows the US Economy Was Collapsing 5 Months Before the Coronavirus Outbreak (3 May 2020 < it’s old news but it still hasnt sunk in)…
Will They be able to again use ‘Covid-19’ as a cover story for the dire 2023 predictions ?
The Mother of All Crashes Is Coming In April 2023:
The use of lockdowns to prevent reactions and riots to economic upheavals is established…Can ‘covid-19’ again be used to justify lockdowns…
Les, you say, “The Question is whether “Covid-19′ can continue to be used effectively as cover, if the dire economic predictions for 2023 eventuate…”
I wd think they wd simply use an economic collapse in future just to go directly to their guaranteed income w digital programmable currency. People understand so little about economics that almost anything wd be accepted as “explanation” especially if combined w a major distraction like war-escalation, etc.
I’m afraid I’m one of the dummies who doesn’t really understand economics. I’m going to look closely at the links you provided tomorrow when I’m more alert. Thanks for providing them.
Don’t spend too much time on modern econ. It is all about facilitating the biggest parasites. Classical econ. was about eliminating them.
Meh. One group of parasites just replaced another: the banksters took over from the landed gentry.
Les, I’m in the middle of studying your links. If you see this could you explain how something simple like rising food prices is connected to the big picture shown in the links?
Whether it’s fresh food, meats, or canned muck, that are on offer in Australia’s national supermarket chains, (nearly) all is produced in Australia…Wage increases cant be responsible as wages are flat, or declining, but food prices have increased (some by 25-30%) across the board…I’d like to think “price-gouging” and “profiteering” is the explanation, but…
my dim understanding of the situation is that the chain stores have Debt, as do their suppliers, and as the cost of debt increases, the increase is passed on to ‘the end consumer’ (aka – us)…
Maybe others are listening in who can explain things better – but without being too dry & boring…
Les, food here in the US of A has DOUBLED in price– at least. Some things have tripled in price, even produce that’s raised right here in California. The first big price raise was imm’y following beginning of Ukraine war. It’s blamed on the war– ridiculous.
As I tell everyone at the grocery store, “Somebody’s making a lot of money on these prices, and it’s not us!” I say the same thing when I buy my $5 -6.00 per gallon gas.
My CBDC coins are on the cataclysmic takedown of the economy.
The ‘failure’ of the vaxx-campaign, however, is going to bankrupt several countries with healthcare costs. That’ll be the perfect in for IMF banksters to force their CBDCs on these countries in exchange for restructuring loans.
Thanks to an astute poster on sott (https://www.sott.net/article/475390-Bidens-latest-JFK-document-dump-is-a-JOKE), it seems they are falsifying the content of their declassified docs, because in their JFK batch, it says that “Ruby and Oswald never met”, while it’s not true and they even talked to each others: So the CIA’s files include “they did not know each others”:..
This consideration meets the one at (https://www.sott.net/article/264434-Behind-the-Headlines-Hank-Albarelli-Interview-CIA-Mind-Control-Frank-Olson-and-JFK) that shows that Sidney Gottlieb was a scapegoat for all the mkultra:
What they present us is NOT their “internal files”
Their internal files are else
Actually, it urges one to try to “reconstruct” CIA charts, labelling, pinpointing guys, experiment numbers, etc… well, taking those things for granted:.. could it be that… what is the real TRUTH is very far from it:.. very different:.. No such structure:. No such OSS hierarchy and stuffs:..??
What CIA declass docs do you take for granted, for a starting point of logic, guys?
I just don’t know if at the time of the mkultra declass (1994 or so): things were already falsyfied or if this is a recent phenomenon: Since JFK’s killing, it’s true that there cannot be truth starting 1964:
You should read this and forget the rest because they are distractions:
Final Judgment Michael Collins Piper : Hendo : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Thanks for the link; adding a will to brake Israel in its nuclear course to his todolist makes me believe he had every existing criminal willing to take him down. Adding Israel to the stack of “ennemies”.
It seems that the cozy atmosphere some managed to build would be shaken to the core, and as there were many different protagonists in this cozy stuff, reality would be that they ALL agreed to take him down. It’s like every single guy that had diverging interests, be it financial or else, took side or had the opportunity to take side against JFK: Worse is that they did. Looks like if one guy had two stock options in “Subway brand”, they would agree in themselves to go against JFK, because of an “opportunity”. Some nasty consensus and something could have been avoided.
Looks like he cristallized the best and the worst in people. Should be same about Trump. I take this opportunity to manifest that Melania reported that if Trump presented himself in the last election, he would be “executed JFK style”. And… What? She died of cancer during the year. And today Trump is facing 40 years of prison… Haha for “januray 4”, even with the accablating docs of some negative infiltrated guys. Horned guy still in Gunatanamo? Something is really wrong, and there cannot be a “(Musk) popping up doing cleaning” in those circumstances. I am so angry about those facts. So angry.
israel’s palestinian land grab during the century betrays a greedy non-stopping negative attitude, so the rest of their actions should be aligned and manifest in others (every?) spheres.
I am ok with studying more this angle, thanks for pointing this out.
Wish you guys all the best!
As for Israel, there is something I feel I would like to point out: here it is: since childhood I have been fed the schindler’s list and facts about the atrocities carried on jews during WW2. In the background, especially during the last twenty years, we noticed a recurrence of antisemtism branding, usable in conversations, especially when one expresses divergent views about jewish people.
Still, lately, I have noticed swastika flags in Ukraine field, and too many. As well, it seems that Israel is giving money to Ukraine. Seems that very lately, that “Azov battalion” actually WENT to ISrael in some form of “embassy”. Israel wanted to be considered as the “country of the jews”, and developp something akin to “jewish pride”; I am not ok with the legitimacy of Israel in Palestine, but that’s my own concern. Macron actually voted AGAINST a resolution condemning nazism.
Still, I noticed in my head that the schindler’s list was starting to rumble and that the “whole” does not fit, that the parameters and the equation fails. I take this opportunity to tell you to really care about some logical mess happening in the mind of not-interested people, because they have been taught a submissive stance regarding WW2 jews – it’s true not good what happened to them – and today there are elements of cognitive dissonance being fed to the mind. It’s obscene and people don’t seem to be able to see it.
Ruby and Oswald did not know each other. They met once in the Dallas Police Department basement after the cops smuggled Ruby in to do the deed. Oswald was led to his slaughter by Captain Fritz. They had nothing on him and Oswald more than likely had an alibi. It’s always a lone gunman. Even to this day that hasn’t changed.
Thanks for pointing this out.
Yes it’s true; it seems not enough. After having re-read the link I’ve posted there is explicit mention of “knowing each others”, and not about “meeting”.
Word playing may work:..
“not connected in any manner” > attendance to a meeting (= connection)
“knew each others” > Ruby knew the speaker
:.. But I agree that it’s not enough.
I feel sorry for Oswald. I feel sorry if my above post is too assertive or misleading. Felt I had noticed something around “declassified docs” and tried to reach logical conclusions about it: Some guy provided us with ” I see some smoke there”.
Anyway thanks for your answer, hope we will know the truth.
The planet is cooling due to global warming…
That’s a Fact (it’s been Fact Checked)…
Another Fact: War is Peace…
Well said, Edward.
James Jesus Angleton was the CIA’s liaison with another intelligence agency that was also involved, perhaps as a senior partner.
“What he confessed was this. He had not been serving God, after all, when he followed Allen Dulles. He had been on a satanic quest.
These were some of James Jesus Angleton’s dying words. He delivered them between fits of calamitous coughing—lung-scraping seizures that still failed to break him of his cigarette habit—and soothing sips of tea. “Fundamentally, the founding fathers of U.S. intelligence were liars,” Angleton told Trento in an emotionless voice. “The better you lied and the more you betrayed, the more likely you would be promoted. . . . Outside of their duplicity, the only thing they had in common was a desire for absolute power. I did things that, in looking back on my life, I regret. But I was part of it and loved being in it.”
He invoked the names of the high eminences who had run the CIA in his day—Dulles, Helms, Wisner. These men were “the grand masters,” he said. “If you were in a room with them, you were in a room full of people that you had to believe would deservedly end up in hell.”
Angleton took another slow sip from his steaming cup. “I guess I will see them there soon.”
― David Talbot, The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government
Why not name the intelligence agency he liasoned with. Stop beating around the bush. The Isrealis are responsible for the assassination of both Jfk and Rfk. Of course with CIA involvement since the PTB wanted JFK dead as well.
Yes I believe that the CIA are responsible for Tucker Carson being a prominent broadcaster.
They don’t sign his checks
That was highly educational.
Remember that interview from about twenty years back, when a younger Carlson told the excellent David Ray Griffin that he was “blasphemous” – sic! – to suggest that 11/9/01 was a false-flag committed by USAmericans (and zionistanis as the originating only begetters, of course, though that wasn’t being said much in those days, even amongst the truthers.)
The current Carlson spiel about JFK is useful; but anyone working for Murdoch isn’t going to step too far out of line, unless he’s planning to quit the cess-pit of lamestream ‘news’ altogether. Never forget that mediawhores who work for the big media oligarchs are just that: prostitutes who will say whatever they know is politic; and will refrain from saying what isn’t; for the sake of getting what seems to them like big money. They don’t get through the filters unless they’re that way inclined, and skilled at sniffing which way the oligarch winds are blowing at any moment. (A really interesting question is; why is Murdoch allowing his creatures at Sky to slag the official JFK-killing bullshit? What’s Rupert’s game…?)
But also, as Chomsky famously said to the prize Brit mediawhore Andrew Marr: “I don’t doubt that you believe what you say. My point is, if you didn’t believe what you do, you wouldn’t be where you are.” The Five Filters see to that. Marr jumped – unwittingly – through a lot of trusty-hoops before getting to be one of the BBC’s chief trusties.
Odd, isn’t it, that it’s still possible to doublethink yourself into being a whore, even when you ‘really do believe’ what you speak. It’s to do with carefully never seeing any of the confounding evidence; never even being aware of it, in fact, despite it being readily available. “It’s difficult to get a man to see something when his salary depends…”
Richard Gage would likely welcome a three-way debate between himself, Chris Hedges and John Kiriakou.. Such a debate would be one for the ages, but, unfortunately, Mr. Hedges and Mr. Kiriakou don’t find getting totally-trashed in debates all that appealing..
I find Gage to be a hesitant speaker, using a lot of verbal padding, and a fair amount of euphemistic evasion.
There are others who can get straight to the core of uncomfortable matters, and who clearly know where to point fingers.
We have seen some of those others here at OffG too.
“It is precisely in moving from belief to knowledge that the citizen moves from irresponsibility to responsibility, from helplessness and hopelessness to action, with the ultimate aim of being empowered and confident in one’s rational powers.”
Confirmed by intelligent Astrology: Keywords for Pisces “I believe”. Keywords for Aquarius “I know”.
We have undoubtedly entered the new Age of Aquarius, but the sticky threads of Pisces continue to cling. Expect major changes in early 2023 when the planet Pluto finally enters Aquarius after 248 years.
US spooks certainly got their mileage from their label ‘conspiracy theorist’, which they applied to all genuine enquirers.
There has to be a reason why JFK’s security was pulled from the car as it entered the Plaza. Footage shows them being called back to a support car, throwing their hands in the air at the break in protocol, just as the president’s car enters a killing zone.
Ever since man fought the first and the second world wars, it hasn’t been keen to fight the third. Since man had a taste of what man could do to man in the name of a cause, false or otherwise, as it doesn’t really matter, many are no longer willing to die in pointless wars.
Many US politicians and religious leaders felt the same until the rot of america murdered JFK. RFK, & MLK, whilst the buzzard LBJ circled above.
The Wizard Of Oz wasn’t just a fairy story.
The media was of course complicit as they always have been in every black op in recent history. The sorry story of the secret service has been told by many. The Dallas Police were stood down on that day. As with convid, the real rulers took over and guided events from behind the scenes.
Great video on who fryer Tucker is…
Tucker Carlson, Company Man
Chomsky’s & his so-called ‘leftist/progressive’ sycophants have been WTF bad on JFK, & then WTF bad on the ‘9-11 ‘New Pearl Harbor’ Event’,& now he/they’re WTF bad on this COVID scamdemic. Chris Hedges is a Chomskyite & an ex NY-Times guy, while Kiriakou is a ‘ex’-CIA guy. There’s been all kinds of ‘limited-hangout’ in play re JFK ala the Mafia did it [pushed by so-called ‘liberal-progressive’ ‘alternative news’ guy Thom Hartman],Or Castro did it [as per ‘liberal Dim Sen & ex Obama Sec of State, John Kerry].
– It’s just like Kevin Costner as Jim Garrison said in Oliver Stone’s ‘JFK’: The Mafia [nor Castro &/or the Russians] could not strip JFK of key SS protection in Dallas, nor change his motorcade route, nor illegally kidnap JFK’s body from Parkland Hospital in Dallas so his autopsy could be so badly ‘botched’ at DC’s military hospital Bethesda. Nor could the Mafia, or Castro &/or the Russians block the Zapruder Tape from being shown to the public for 12 Yrs.
IMO it’s noteworthy that for nearly 30 Yrs Chomsky had jack to say publicly about the ‘JFK Hit’, until Oliver Stone released ‘JFK’ where Stone said JFK was planning to leave Vietnam before the end of his ‘presumed’ 2nd term. In response Chomsky put out his ‘rebuttal’-book to Stone’s ‘JFK’ — ‘Rethinking Camelot’, where Chomsky denied JFK was planning to get out of Vietnam & asserted LBJ merely followed JFK’s Vietnam blue-print. This is clearly false & IMO Chomsky has to know it’s false, because Chomsky co-edited along w Peter Dale Scott, Chomsky’s & Scott’s long-time comrade Dan Ellsberg’s Pentagon Papers [PP], which has an entire chapter on JFK’s plans to withdraw from Vietnam before the end of 1968, w the first phase of that withdrawal plan to go into effect before the end of Dec 1963, in which JFK ordered the withdrawal of 1000 US military ‘advisors’ from Vietnam before his death. Chomsky must know this yet still insists JFK was not planning to withdraw from Vietnam, & that LBJ merely followed JFK’s course of action in Vietnam. There’s no other way to put it: IMO Chomsky’s been deliberately lying about JFK & Vietnam!! In fact listening to Chomskyites, one might think JFK’s the one who started the whole Vietnam thing, instead of ‘inheriting’ it from the Eisenhower-Nixon-Dulles regime. Also note to the best of my knowledge Chomsky’s not written any other books bashing & trashing any other POTUS, except JFK- Humm…
The Chomskyite ‘left’s’ bashing of JFK has gotten so bad, some have even tried to assert: JFK ordered Patrice Lumumba’s assassination, even tho Lumumba was killed 3 days before JFK even took office [I guess they’ve never seen the photo of JFK upon learning of Lumumba’s death]; -&- that JFK ordered the Military Coup in Brazil even tho that didn’t happen until April-May of 1964 = 5 months after JFK’s death!
In the last 50 years of my life, Chomsky has gone from hero to zero.
What else would you expect from Chomsky after all he’s a loyal member of the tribe. He knows who did the deed. CIA involvement has been pushed by other loyal tribe members, almost like they are trying to deflect from the true culprits.
BTW: Castro basically figured out what the ‘JFK Hit’ was really all about, within a week based on 2 speeches he gave to the Cuban people on Nov 23, 1963 & then a follow-up speech about a week later. He noted how accused JFK ‘assassin LH.Oswald had been ‘sheep-dipped’ as a [fake] ‘communist’ to implicate either Cuba &/or the USSR. IMO that’s what that LHO impersonator in Mexico City who tried to get a visa to either Cuba &/or the USSR a couple of months before Nov 22, 1963, was mainly all about- Potentially implicating either Castro &/or the USSR for JFK’s assassination.
– Chomsky & his sycophants always keep harping on the dubious claim [IMO false] that JFK & RFK ordered the CIA to try to kill Castro by using the Mafia to do it. What this does whether Chomskyites understand it or not [IMO Chomsky himself should / even must know this], it would seemingly give Castro a ‘good’ motive to try to kill JFK- Effectively turning Castro into JFK Patsy Number 2, only superseded by JFK Patsy Number 1: LH.Oswald.
PS: For those who haven’t read those 2 Castro speeches on JFK’s assassination, IMO they’re a must read.
Further to Chomsky & His Sycophants’ JFK Bashing… – Chomsky has repeatedly dissed JFK as just war-mongering cold-warrior & war-criminal, as other Chomskyites assert JFK did next to jack about civil-rights. They diss JFK as ‘all [Camelotesc] style but no substance’…
– Mind you this is the same Chomsky who didn’t just suggest, but effectively demanded ‘progressives’ must vote for neo-liberal Dims ala Killary [I Came, I Saw, He Died. Ha, Ha, Ha!! Yes!!] Clinton, & Joe [1994 Crime-Bill & Patriot Act] Biden [Note both of them, along w Obama, had a big hand in that 2014 Neo-Nazi coup in Ukraine- which was a main fuse that led to the current Russian invasion & war there]. Uhm Noam, I’d put both JFK’s foreign & domestic policy record against either Biden’s or both Clintons’ records. BTW the 1994 Clinton-Biden Crime Bill incarcerated more Black & Brown folk in the US than even Repugs Nixon, Reagan & Bush Sr did w their ‘War on Crime & Drugs’ mantra, which Biden was fully on board with.
– If JFK had been POTUS in 2021-22 instead of ‘Ole’ War-Monger Joe, based on how JFK handled & resolved the Cuban Missile Crisis, IMO he’d negotiated a deal w Putin such that Putin would not even have felt compelled to invade Ukraine.
They are not going to admit murdering Dr David Kelly for fifty plus years. It’s written into the Hutton “whitewash”. Instead of there being a proper inquest – as there should have been, they are withholding the information with legal cover. They can talk about Kennedy’s assassination when the perpetrators are dead and many have forgotten. Younger generations would not even know about there being controversy in the circumatances of JFK’s death. The trouble is nobody cares about events that took place 65 years ago, before the majority of them was born.
Not enthused.
“It might indicate CIA incompetence, not complicity. Again, only the CIA knows for sure.”
The CIA’s operating system is confusion. Until we realize the CIA and the ruling elite everywhere use this same operating system, and we cannot trust anything it broadcasts nor use their operating system. We need to pull all our belief energy from running on that operating system and start our own that runs on openness, transparency, truth with no secrecy or backroom decision making, and public consent performed in the same manner. In this public operating system, there would be no CIA because there would be no Empire or empire building that could gain traction. Let’s call that operating system: SUNLIGHT. 🙂
It’s a great idea. I’m in.
One problem though and it’s a big ish one, people!
Well, you and i and the 18 above who approved of what i said are people, no? Really, I think everyone is people and as soon as they realize they can be vested in a participatory decision making society and not overseen, manipulated or overruled by an “elite” club of dictators like Humanity has had for the last 5,000 years, people will clock in with their minds turned on. Small groups can and do do this everyday in operating, family, businesses and organizing fun events. Yes We Can!!!
It was another faked death. These sites just promote the controlled opposition.
See Miles Mathis…
This is a suggestion made by some, contested by many, based on ambiguous and scanty evidence.
Mathis also alleges every alt. news site he doesn’t agree with is a CIA front, based on zero evidence except that they don’t agree with him XD
So can we try and be a bit less dogmatic? Thanks, A2
The strength of this theory is that it uses logic to reconcile basic agreed upon facts. So the evidence is not ambiguous or scanty, it’s basic detective work looking at primary evidence that we can agree upon, as a homicide detective would.
For me, the most important fact is why we have 3 differing versions from primary sources about the location of the head wound. All the Parkland Memorial doctors pointed to the head wound being in the back of the head, the Zapruder film purports to show the head wound above the temple, and the autopsy wounds show a different location. How can the primary evidence conflict so much? David Lifton discussed the evidentiary contradictions in his 1980 book. My guess is the operation involved planting a plethora of inherently contradictory “evidence” so “conspiracy theorists” would endlessly argue.
The comment above about the swearing in of LBJ being an opportunity to steal the body is one possible explanation to reconcile the conflicting evidence, but not entirely convincing to me. The simulated assassination theory better resolves the conflicting evidence (which btw can also implicate the CIA and JFK).
The author correctly use similar logic to cast suspicions on Chris Hedges, since we have no concrete evidence (which is near impossible to obtain). I came to a similar conclusion about Hedges (and Chomsky) long ago–using similar logic.
I also share your suspicion of Miles Mathis btw. I first saw the JFK simulated assassination theory on the let’s roll website. Then much later saw Miles take credit for being the first to come up with this theory (with subtle changes), and doubted his receipts for his claim of being first, although I haven’t looked into it in depth in a while so I can’t recall all the details. The wonderful let’s roll thread was deep sixed last I looked while Miles is now the standard bearer for this theory.
Such evidence is limited, open to multiple readings and is hardly unequivocal. On that basis it’s perfectly fair to describe it as scanty and ambiguous. A2
Since Trump it seems like they’ve gotten more sophisticated playing the two party facade. In a way the parties have switched when you see that the 10 richest voting districts all went blue. Tucker is just another element of this funneling of “conspiracy” minded ppl to the right and obvious psyops like Q. Unfortunately some people never become media savvy enough to see how subtle this stuff has gotten. It’s wild to think that whoever gets the Republican ticket will essentially have the same campaign promises as like a pre Trump neoliberal Democrat.
Have they, though? It’s so obvious by now how they play their cards. When everyone was in agreement regarding the whole Covid debacle, cue Elon Musk to drive the wedge again!
Why I’m Glad Joe Biden Beat Donald Trump
Joe Kennedy was a bad guy and part of the cabal so why would he put JFK into the White House, if JFK wasn’t part of the cabal as well? (The Kennedys are supposedly an Illuminati family.) I stopped following RFK Jr last year because I found him to be very ineffective and he keeps pushing the COVID lab-leak narrative. That’s why I at least consider the possibility the JFK assassination was fake. Do we really know the Kennedys at all? Perhaps they really are the American equivalent of the Windsors.
One mafia family at war with another, isn’t that what the ruling elites have always been. Where one family rivals another, so they kill them. I doubt they get invested in our interests very often.
Joe Kennedy Sr was in the NWO crosshairs ever since he opposed the bankster’s WW2.
The liquidation of 75% of his male offspring and the framing of the fourth was his punishment. Men of peace are eliminated – Neville Chamberlain, Gandhi and so many others. Five Kennedy’s were killed if you count JFK jr’s unborn child.
Joe Kennedy wanted his sons to be in positions of power and during that post-FDR era, the US government was strong, not the weakling it is today, overpowered by non-governmental entities.
Jack Ruby’s real name is Jacob Rubinstein, for what it’s worth. And Abraham Zapruder, of the Zapruder film fame, is said to have been a 32nd degree Freemason, although I don’t know if that’s true. You left out the last two lines from Carlson’s source: “Nothing in America is what it seems. It’s all fake.” Remember that Kennedy’s dad owned RKO film studios. I have read analyses that claimed both Kennedy assassinations were fake, and they were more credible than you might assume.
“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” – William J. Casey