Of Economic Crises and Pandemics: Facebook as Fact, Government as Truth, Big Pharma as God
Colin Todhunter

Californians queue up for a food bank, socially distanced and masked of course.
If events since March 2020 have shown us anything, it is that fear is a powerful weapon for securing hegemony. Any government can manipulate fear about certain things while conveniently ignoring real dangers that a population faces.
Author and researcher Robert J Burrowes says:
…if we were seriously concerned about our world, the gravest and longest-standing health crisis on the planet is the one that starves to death 100,000 people each day. No panic about that, of course.”
No panic because the controlling interests of the global food system have long profited from a ‘stuffed and starved’ strategy that ensures people unnecessarily go hungry when corporate profit rather than need dictates policies.
US social commentator Walter Lippmann once said that ‘responsible men’ make decisions and must be protected from the ‘bewildered herd’ – the public. He added that the public should be subdued, obedient and distracted from what is really happening. Screaming patriotic slogans and fearing for their lives, they should be admiring with awe leaders who save them from destruction.
During COVID, Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern urged citizens to trust the government and its agencies for all information and stated:
Otherwise, dismiss anything else. We will continue to be your single source of truth.”
In the US, Fauci presented himself as ‘the science’. In New Zealand, Ardern was ‘the truth’. It was similar in countries across the world – different figures but the same approach.
Like other political leaders, Ardern clamped down on civil liberties with the full force of state violence on hand to ensure compliance with ‘the truth’. Those who questioned the COVID narrative – including world-renowned scientists – were smeared, shut down and censored.
It was an internationally orchestrated campaign involving governments, the big tech companies, media and the WHO, among others.
The EU Times reported on 17 December 2022 that the US Centers for Disease Control worked with social media to censor facts and information about COVID that ran afoul of official narratives.
The organisation America First Legal noted in a press release that the fourth set of documents it released – obtained from litigation against the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – revealed:
…further concrete evidence of collusion between the CDC and social media companies to censor free speech and silence the public square under the government’s label of ‘misinformation’.”
Twitter ran a ‘Partner Support Portal’ for government employees and other ‘stakeholders’ to submit posts that it would remove or flag as ‘misinformation’ on its platform.
The US government was actively working to ‘socially inoculate’ the public against anything that threatened its narrative. Big tech corporations monitored and manipulated users for the purposes of censoring unapproved information and pushing government propaganda. Facebook sent written materials to the CDC in which it talked of censoring more than sixteen million ‘pieces of content’ containing opinions or information the government wanted suppressed.
AFL noted that the CDC was “collaborating with UNICEF, the WHO and IFCN member and leading civil society organisation Mafindo” to mitigate ‘disinformation’. Mafindo is a Facebook third-party fact-checking partner based in Indonesia and funded by Google.
AFL states:
What is clear is that the United States government, big tech platforms, and international organizations were fully entangled in an intricate campaign to violate the First Amendment, to silence the American people, and to censor dissenting views.”
The CDC’s mask guidance policies for school children were also shown to be driven by politics rather than science.
Across all the major Western nations, there was a clamp down on dissent and a massive censorship campaign to justify a policy framework of social and economic lockdowns, masking, distancing and state intrusion into almost every aspect of private life.
The findings of AFL indicate how centres of power can and do act in unison when they need to. The fact that it involved a worldwide campaign shows something huge was at stake.
The official narrative was about protecting populations from a deadly virus. And any dissent that did seep into the edges of mainstream discourse (like Tucker Carlson on Fox News or a few presenters on Talk Radio in the UK, for instance) tended to focus on politicians going too far on lockdowns and restrictions and being caught up in their egotistical lust for power and control.
Such a superficial explanation avoided a deep, critical analysis of the situation. Indeed, any focus on big finance’s – Wall Street and the City of London – role in this was conspicuous by its absence.
In March 2022, BlackRock’s Rob Kapito warned that a ‘very entitled’ generation of people would soon have to face shortages for the first time in their lives as some goods grow scarce because of rising inflation. BlackRock is the world’s most powerful investment fund.
Kapito talked about the situation in Ukraine and COVID being responsible for the current economic crisis, conveniently ignoring the inflationary impact of the trillions pumped into imploding financial markets in 2019 and 2020 (dwarfing the crisis of 2008).
The war in Ukraine as well as COVID are being used to explain the roots of the current economic crisis. But COVID policies were a symptom not a cause of the crisis – they were used to manage what by late 2019 was regarded as an impending economic meltdown. Draconian COVID policies had little to do with a public health emergency.
That much is made clear in the article A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: Systemic Collapse and Pandemic Simulation by Professor Fabio Vighi.
On 15 August 2019, BlackRock issued a white paper instructing the US Federal Reserve to inject liquidity directly into the financial system to prevent “a dramatic downturn”. The message was unequivocal:
An unprecedented response is needed when monetary policy is exhausted and fiscal policy alone is not enough. That response will likely involve ‘going direct’.”
It also stated the need to find ways to get central bank money directly in the hands of public and private sector spenders while avoiding hyperinflation.
Six days earlier, the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) had in a working paper called for “unconventional monetary policy measures” to “insulate the real economy from further deterioration in financial conditions”.
Vighi’s shows why the hegemonic class reacted so severely to a public health issue that impacted a minority of the population. This response only makes sense when viewed within the context of economics.
Come late 2019 and especially 2020, pumping trillions into the financial system followed by lockdowns (to prevent hyperinflation) were used as the “unconventional monetary policies” that the BIS had called for on 9 August 2019.
Did you really think the authorities cared so much about something that mainly affected the over-80s and those with severe comorbidities that they would lock down the entire global economy?
Did they really care so much about ordinary people, especially unproductive labour – the working class old and working class infirm – when through the years of imposed austerity, we saw the working classes being treated with utter contempt?
And did those who imposed restrictions and lockdowns really believe there was a ‘deadly’ virus on the loose?
Think of booze parties at Downing Street, Neil Ferguson’s breaking of lockdown rules to carry on an extra-marital affair, Matt Hancock breaking his own COVID rules with his lover, maskless world leaders gathering in London while their servants wore masks, various US political leaders ignoring their own rules and the public theatre of Fauci et al masking up for TV cameras then maskless as soon as they were off camera.
While such people tyrannised populations with fear and lockdowns, it is clear they themselves were unworried about ‘the virus’.
After embarking on a massive anti-Russia media propaganda campaign earlier this year to garner public support for Ukraine, the centres of power in the West are now sending billions of dollars of the public’s money into the coffers of the likes of weapons manufacturers Raytheon and Boeing.
Such corporations are more than happy to profit from sacrificing the lives of ordinary Ukrainians in the geopolitical quest to weaken and balkanise Russia so that US interests can gain a dominant, strategic foothold on the Eurasian landmass.
And while billions of dollars are being spent to achieve this, a wholly unnecessary ‘cost of living’ crisis (resulting from reckless economic neoliberalism which has finally imploded) is being imposed on working people in the Western countries – regarded as mere collateral damage when it comes to economic policies, war and corporate profit. The result is misery and poverty and the demonisation of some of the (now striking) workers who were lauded as ‘heroes’ during COVID.
But – of course – the powers that have so much demonstrable contempt for the lives of ordinary people at home and abroad will close down the entire global economy to protect their health!
Those who believe this are testament to the power of propaganda.
COVID-related policies were wholly disproportionate to any risk posed to public health, especially when considering the way ‘COVID death’ definitions and data were often massaged and how PCR tests were misused to scare populations into submission.
And the big winner has been Big Pharma, an industry with a track record of dirty tricks, false advertising and death and injury resulting from its products. If, say, Pfizer were an individual, given its corporate crimes, it would be serving a lengthy prison sentence with the proverbial key being thrown away.
But corporations with lengthy corporate rap sheets across many sectors are promoted to the public as being trustworthy and dependable. When governments partner (conspire) with such enterprises, they are conspiring with criminal recidivist companies. And when people purchase stock in them, the same applies.
Given the reference to the global food system at the beginning of this article, of particular interest are the crimes of Dupont and Bayer (see the Powerbase website), and Monsanto and Cargill (see the Corporate Research Project (CRP) website).
And, of course, Pfizer and its disturbing corporate rap sheet also appears on the CRP site.
These immensely wealthy corporations spend millions each year funding various groups and lobbying governments and international bodies. Little wonder that they wield tremendous influence and, in one way or another, become ‘trusted partners’ of governments, the WHO, the WTO and the like.
In Pfizer’s case, trusted so much as being granted ‘emergency use authorisation’ to have its ‘vaccines’ brought to market and then forced on the public via the coercive policies of governments.
Returning to Lippmann, since early 2020 so many people have feared for their lives and have admired with awe leaders who supposedly saved them from destruction. Even now as reports on vaccine injuries, vaccine inefficacy and increased mortality rates since the jab rollouts are largely taboo within the mainstream media, the public are being kept on message as the WHO and Big Pharma work towards a global treaty that will strip all their rights come the next economic meltdown or ‘pandemic’.
This article was written over the Yuletide period, an increasingly secular celebration stripped of religious connotation. These days, ‘in Big Pharma we trust’ might be more apt along with blind faith in a Zuckerberg-esque fantasy metaverse where Facebook is fact, government is truth and Big Pharma is God.
Because (heaven help us) that we should be left to think for ourselves!
Colin Todhunter specialises in development, food and agriculture and is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization in Montreal. You can read his “mini e-book”, Food, Dependency and Dispossession: Cultivating Resistance, here.
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btw, all those masked people–
there’s a minder who goes about w a clipboard and spare masks who sees to it that she has everybody’s name, address, family size & that they are masked.
(I’m half a bloc from a food bank distribution point.) Don’t want you to think all those women are voluntarily masked.
Maxwell, mgeo & Stu–
Thank you gentlemen. What I am trying to understand is a certain point of view that the reason that covid was brought forward AT THIS TIME (couple yrs ago now) was as a means for the financial class to avert collapse of the financial system.
I quite agree that they will soon now CHOOSE to collapse it (or nearly) in order to bring in the programmable digital money. Also that the lockdown & the bailouts-by-another-name are just theft.
But there was some financial calamity they had to prevent 3 years ago– something that wd impact THEM.
Les online put up a link a few days ago
But I can’t quite bring it into focus
Thanks, and stay safe.
I still don’t get it. Could anyone explain to me very simply how it is that shutting down the economy saved it? Or saved the dollar? Or prevented inflation?
Because The Fed (sometimes thru the auspices of BlackRock) was SPENDING billions & billions, and Biden is spending billions in Ukraine (altho I spose a portion is just going to secret accounts).
How can US industry NOT making things, retail being directed to a few mega-chains, and the public NOT making and then spending money result in “controlling inflation?”
I think what you are confusing is what should be considered “an economy” but what is being talked about, and what is usually referred to as “The Economy, is the financial system. These are two very different things and it is not too far of a stretch to say that they have an inverse relation to one another.
Small businesses, for example, do not trade on the stock market whereas mega-chains do. So if you can put these small businesses out of business, and force that commerical transaction into the MegaStore that is good for the financial markets but bad for the ‘real economy.’
That’s a crude explanation.
What the Fed has been doing at breakneck speed in the last three years and what Biden is doing w/Ukraine is part Ponzi scheme part money laundering.
Thanks, Maxwell. I don’t understand how any of the covi-regulations will save The Economy from inflation, or save the dollar or save the repo market.
I get that it was good for Walmart to make everybody shop there by locking down most small companies. And, as you say that must be good for at least a few of the stock exchange entries.
An old term for “neo-liberalism” or the oligarchy was back-room dealing. Due to secrecy, plunder and related violence by government and its friends, that they have normalised through repetition and propaganda, anyone coming across such crimes shuts up or gets crushed.
Your difficulty in accepting this may be related to the belief that most of us live in democracies. Larry Romanoff has interesting articles on what democracy really is.
The Covid Operation was meant to create hyperinflation and devalue the dollar. It was not meant to save the Economy it was meant to salvage the financial system and transfer that wealth into the hands of the financial aristocracy which is what it is doing.
The preponderance of profits under late Monopoly Capitalism is reaped from financialization rather than production as such.
Stock buy-backs and various sorts of financial speculation, semi-criminal pirating and skulduggery of all sorts constitute the former.
Production (of “stuff”,consumer goods, energy sector, et al.) especially at the higher levels of Capital constitutes a much smaller proportion of profit taking.
Thus production can be suspended with minor impact on profits while the functional economy is trashed the net result of which is more wealth migrates to the top while the excess working class is further plunged into penury. With automation fewer workers — sometimes known as “useless bread eaters” — will be required to keep the salt mines humming, so to speak. So all this serves a variety of ruling class agendas.
Operation Covidia constitutes an alignment of various interests and has absolutely nothing to do with a “deadly virus” (which does not exist outside the realm of silicon modelling) or public health.
“Those who questioned the COVID narrative – including world-renowned scientists – were smeared, shut down and censored.”
Let’s face it, those who questioned the covid narrative from places with a megaphone were people with access to certain pieces of software that analyse sentiment. (ChatGTP told me about them, and proved that itself could do the job). They were people in the business of changing people’s feelings about some stuff so that they aligned better with whatever it was that they wanted promoting. And they have NOT proven that whatever was on the other side of that sentiment balance was worth risking the lives of lots of people.
Given previous behavior of the Republicans in the USA and their long history of defending undefensible stuff, it’s fair to assume that what was on the other side of that sentiment balance was their survival as a party. Which definitely doesn’t look like it’s worth killing lots of people for. I mean, I get it, without the Republican party there wouldn’t be much difference between American politics and the politics of any good old fashioned single party communist system. We are talking about the whole American system of government trying to defend itself. Problem is, the moment that a government allegedly “by the people and for the people” is in the business of finding excuses to let a lot of people die, you can say a lot of things about it, but that it’s “by the people and for the people” is not one of them.
“If, say, Pfizer were an individual, given its corporate crimes, it would be serving a lengthy prison sentence with the proverbial key being thrown away.” This statement is false. Within the last several weeks, Wells Fargo was fined $3.7 billion for various crimes yet not a single individual related to that criminal activity was even indicted. If you’re well heeled enough, you simply don’t serve time.
If your enterprise is too big to fail, you are too big to jail.
Establishment self protection is nothing new: Richard Nixon was pardoned by Gerald Ford within days of “resigning from office”.
Similarly, the very institutions which are supposed to be watching out for ordinary people are run by company stooges. So called “massive fines” are just part of the cost of doing business and are factored into their business model.
It all reeks of corruption throughout the system.
Until the punishment is either huge prison sentences or the Gallows nothing will change.
Unfortunately, corruption has become endemic, at least in the US. As such, there is no one to dole out stiff sentences no matter how great the corporate crime.
While we’re all focused on Klaus Schwab and his “You’ll Own Nothing” paradigm, the real villain – the corporations – have managed to completely take over every single aspect of society.
But don’t hold your breath waiting for “the people” to put things right. Far too many profit just enough from the corruption to keep looking the other way.
We always talk about people “selling their souls.” But it’s actually their eyes they’ve sold to the highest bidder.
Facebook is about money, government is about money, big pharma is about money, making more money.
Yes, money is their god, their ruler, their truth and their fact of life. The ideology of economics has totally lost its original meaning, that of a household. Originally, the ”oikonomikos” meant the art of managing a household. How food was done and shared, how children were raised, how families, tribes and villages lived together.
Since the beginning of capitalism, the term economy changed into money, wealth, cheapness, and managing the money system in organizations and states.
One state declared money as their god, as evidenced in the US dollar bill.
The money-god in biblical mythology is called Mammon. It is what it is: it’s a demon, a false god.
Good news is: this false god is on its way to hell to be destroyed.
Capitalism and ‘the system’ frown upon/punish sharing. Everyone in the street has a lawn mower, a washing machine, etc. etc. Consumerism hates sharing. It encourages ownership, individualism, jealousy and selfishness. There are many homeless living near many large houses with just one or or perhaps two residents – or kept deliberately empty waiting for house prices to rise.
Sharing requires friendship and trust. If we are to ‘build back better’ in its true sense, we can start by connecting, increasing and nurturing friendships. This is how trust grows.
Even In this world of deception, illusion and tricky cons, we can begin to share our friendship, integrity and love. Before we do that, however, we need to nurture our connection with ourselves and with Nature. And we need healthy boundaries. We can all do this right now.
I am getting quite philosophical in this early morning.
Here’s a curious one.
At around the 1 hour 40 minute mark in the above UK Column Christmas news report, there is a bit about how prayer was banned in certain zones in Ireland. This led on to a comment about a woman who was arrested for praying. On trying to find out more, I was of course redirected to “the sensible media” which “put me right” and pointed out that the lady in question, Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, was praying “near an abortion facility”. Yes no kidding! Talk about crass application of propagandist memes!
The case seems more complex than I thought:
The “praying” woman was apparently breaking an “exclusion zone” which seems a bizarre concept:
What harm was she doing? None by the sound of it.
What harm was she doing? – Undermining the abortion lobby.
The govt recently introduced ‘exclusion zones’ around abortion clinics nominally ‘to protect vulnerable women’ although there are already existing laws that prevent coercion (a sick joke), harassment and ‘targeting’ women.
This woman was within one of these new exclusion zones but was not breaking any law although it does say she was not to be within an exclusion zone – for what reason I am unsure.
This is largely targeted at a pro-life Christian perspective and there are many records of vulnerable women having second thoughts after encountering such women, all within the law, but abortion lobby are vociferous and want to make sure that abortion is even easier.
We will be very soon at abortion on demand and probably onto late abortion. This is also very closely linked to organ harvesting in the US. Late abortions have functioning organs and these are much sought after for various reasons.
Thanks for the explanation. That makes sense and I hadn’t known about the organ harvesting.
I know that everything about all the ‘great resets’ have been aimed at reducing the power and status of Nature and the feminine energies. An earlier example is that of the witch hunts. These lasted intensively for at least 500 years and they continues on under different names.
But the feminine and masculine energies/frequencies will survive and continue to seek balance. This can never be changed.
another snake oil ingredient btw to all you virtuous vegans
One of the characteristics of Mystery Babylon are their abundance of merchants and “sorceries” the Greek word for sorceries is “pharmakeia” when you add up all the characteristics in Rev. 17 and 18 it becomes pretty obvious who the great whore is.
The great city, Babylon the Great, the harlot of Revelation, was AD70 Jerusalem that was destroyed by the Romans, the Beast. Those prophecies and their fulfillments, while deep in the past, serve as God’s warning against every city and government that does similar things as Jerusalem did back in the days of Jesus and His Apostles.
The woke have their own Fear WMDs: climate change, GMOs, nitrogen, self-declared genders etc.
I have noticed that when on UK Column and I try to follow one of their links I am now met with a screen that says:
I assume that this is another way of “dissuading” further involvement with these “unacceptable sites”.
Good dicussion about the VAERS’ data:
“This article was written over the Yuletide period, an increasingly secular celebration stripped of religious connotation…”
Well, given it once had none, then people using religion as mechanism of control attached religious connotation to it, I have no bad feelings about it going away again now.
People jumping back to the dominant mechanism of psychological control from last millennium to stick it up to the upcoming mechanism of psychological control is a really weird argument to me.
One flu over. The cuckoo’s next…
As infallible barometer of mainstream propaganda, the WSWS outlines what lies ahead:
“The New Year ushers in the fourth year of the COVID pandemic
Las Vegas is hosting one of the largest New Year’s Eve celebrations inaugurating another year of the pandemic. …
Nary a word on the dangers posed by the fact that this will be a massive superspreading event that will propel the fast-evolving virus among a sizeable section of the state and US population. As President Joe Biden made it indelibly clear, “the pandemic is over” is an idea which the ruling class seeks to impose throughout society, though objective reality indicates otherwise.”
The familiar prophetic tone and hushed declamation of “objective reality”. China’s role at this stage of the show is highlighted here:
“The massive wave of COVID-19 infections in China, a byproduct of abandoning Zero COVID under pressure from western nations led by the United States, is sickening hundreds of millions of Chinese, predominately workers and poor peasants, as the New Year is ushered in. It also casts the shadow of as yet unseen dangers in the fourth year of the pandemic, with the potential for new variants of concern arising.”
So grab your popcorn and settle back!
I have since I turned 20 that Socialism and it’s uglier sister, Communism, were to be avoided at all costs. I’d prefer to see Capitalism with a conscious. It exists, but is sadly not the norm due the structural deficiencies in Capitalism. A glaring example is the Stock Exchange. It needs to be reformed urgently. Wrote a dissertation on how this could be achieved and titled it “The 30 Percent”. Need to rethink what does not work.
I guess they forgot to mention the number of Chinese citizens who have been “inoculated”. Erm…
Hardly, I’m not an American George, if that’s your target then why not say so. I seriously doubt Asia China is pressured into a darn thing.
blimey 3 effing years ffs
“Any government can manipulate fear about certain things while conveniently ignoring real dangers that a population faces.”
eg, Hermann Goering: “Just tell the sheeple there is danger and they must rally round to save themselves. It’s easy”.
The real danger which prewar German people faced was the Nazis themselves. Conveniently ignoring this fact cost the lives of 4 Million Germans.
From the laughably named Independent:
“John Cleese and Graham Linehan are comedy legends – what’s tragically unfunny is how they’ve become the exact thing they taught you to rebel against”
This will be due to crimes committed against Woke. How many still fall for this dismal appeal that associates dissidence with the latest flimsy trend set by the carnivorous media?
It’s actually from the Independent i.e. – the Irish version.
Sheldon Cooper pedanticism strikes. I meant “The Independent.i.e.” – the Irish Edition.
One of the crass things about that headline is the bit about what “they taught you to rebel against”. I suppose Father Ted might be considered a radical attack on the Catholic Church but it always seemed sweetly affectionate to me. Cleese is most famous for Fawlty Towers which is one of the most traditional forms of comedy – the British farce.
But then our media pundits aren’t really encouraging any true criticism. They are pandering to prejudices they helped to create themselves.
From an article by my favourite philosopher, Charles Eisenstein:
“Fascism depends on a divided, mutually suspicious population willing to spy on one another, betray one another, and most simply and most importantly, stand by passively when one person or group suffers persecution because after all, it isn’t happening to me. I will quote Martin Niemöller’s famous poem on the topic, even though it has become nearly a cliché, because it illustrates something more than an ethical principle.
from 2020
Conservative U.K Home Office minister says public should consider reporting neighbours for breaking coronavirus rules
The Inquisition was possible because of snitching. The Inquisition has not yet ended.
Generally good piece, i like the Vighi analysis being used. But PCR tests were not “misused.” They should not have been used at all, without the test being primed (tuned, calibrated) with an actual isolated and purified virus.
Followed by sequencing of the product. According to the inventor of the Polymeras Chain Reaction, unless you sequence the product you have no idea what junk DNA your PCR chain reaction might have picked up and amplified.
The Con-19 artists carefully avoided sequencing, so that their Con PCR reaction, cynically named “The” Test, was deliberately meaningless: it could be run to produce any result the Con-19 regime wanted at different stages of the Con-19 scam.
Ya, it’s different alrighty. Looks like War OF Terror different, i.e., it’s now permanent, has infiltrated every aspect of our societies. I moved recently and needed to find out about medical options in my new location. Almost every number I called had a recording stating how overwhelmed they were with Covid-19, Flu, RSV, and other respiratory ailments and that my care might be impacted by that. When you go there, you have to wear a mask to walk around. There is no end in sight.
This can’t end without justice. If we can’t make the perps walk, it can’t end. And it looks like the only chance for that is if people keep dying and the reasons become so obvious that it can’t be any other way. It remains to be seen if that’s possible because so far, any sort of logic applied to this has gone out the window.
Trying to talk to anybody now who had the jab is a waste of breath. Is is any wonder then that people such as myself have pure hatred and loathing for the Democrats and all those who still wear the mask. Lemming should do what Lemmings do – and I am quite happy to assist them!
“This can’t end without justice. If we can’t make the perps walk, it can’t end.”
Hear! Hear!
“For injustice to triumph it is enough that good people do nothing”.
>And the big winner has been Big Pharma, an industry with a track record of dirty tricks, false advertising and death and injury resulting from its products
This popped into view today in the real Guardian. Its from the US and should be in other media.
Its about the FDA process for clearing Audlem, an anti-Alzsheimer’s drug, for use. This kind of drug/problem is the Holy Grail for BigPharma because it offers palliative care rather than a cure and at $56K a year estimated cost it was threatening Medicare so much that its premiums were increased by a record amount a year ago. In the event the drug failed to be the blockbuster, partly because of questions about its efficacy and a reluctance to prescribe it. (It also appears to be based on a disproven theory about what causes this disease.) The oversight committee blasted the rather incestuous process. Worth a read.
Vaccines are also potentially Big Business. Pfizer and Moderna have announced that from next year their Covid vaccines will be $140 a shot. All we have to do is keep those variants coming….
“$140 a shot”.
When I was rubbing shoulders with the editor of “Vaccine” a few decades ago the cry was, that vaccines were too cheap; and one of the reasons they were cheap (about $1 per shot) was because vaccines were too effective: one only needed to take vaccines once a year — for some vaccines only once in a lifetime.
Global Con-artists in the WHO and Academia have achieved a major coup for Big Pharma: created a scam disease from the common cold, and invented a scam RNA vaxx which is so ineffective that it must be repeated at 4 shots per annum at $140 per shot!
New Year Resolutions…Do not comply. Make a stand. Resist. Laugh at mask wearing sheep. Do not give the BBC any money.
If we stop paying taxes, the system stops.
The big companies do not pay taxes.
They are the system.
and stop paying for resources that belong to everyone anyway, tax has always been slang for steal, something i learnt as an infant in the skool playground
Speaking of facts, truth and big-pharma, I just watched a video of Australian senator Gerard Rennick on the Stateofthenation website titled “Australian Senator Gerard Rennick’s Amazing Vax Rant Leaves Opposition Parties Angry (Video)”.
Let’s look at the facts and truths:
Beginning at the 3:10 mark, Senator Rennick explains that the spike protein in the vaccine is not the same as the virus.
Not surprising, the virus only exists in the silicon chips of a computer. However, around 3:28, Rennick states that “70 nucleotides were added to the poly-A tail” in the vaccine. Rennick then falsely states that the additional nucleotides are there to enhance mRNA persistence, or the length of time mRNA lasts in the body.
The 70 additional nucleotides are, in fact, part of a genetics trick called Ribosomal Frameshifting.
Ordinarily, mRNA is printed by the ribosome beginning at the 5′ (5 prime) cap, and the poly-A tail acts as a “stop” that tells the ribosome the printing is over. However, the 70 additional nucleotides cause a shift in reading frames that allows the contents of the poly-A tail to be printed also.
Typically, research scientists will use ribosomal frameshifting to print reporter genes, which are printed substances that can be easily read by laboratory equipment. Thus, letting the scientists know that certain processes have occurred and where. The most commonly used reporter genes come from firefly family and, as you may have guessed, the substance is called Luciferase.
As I mentioned earlier, the mRNA read begins at the 5-prime cap. Then a singular strand is printed until the tail is reached. But, not all mRNA is the same.
Picornaviruses, which are used as vectors for crossing into the CNS and brain, have a feature just behind the cap called an IRES. This loop like structure allows for additional reads and prints of mRNA. Using the IRES, they can print 2, 3, even 4 proteins. The efficiency of each print lessens as cell resources are consumed, but they can safely print 2 or 3 from the IRES. Meaning, a single strand of mRNA can do 3 or 4 different things at the same time.
I guess facts and truth are a matter of perspective when it comes from big-pharma.
A study that less than 1% of readers will bother to peruse. >
Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and MicroRNAs
Published online Apr 15, 2022
as doi: 10.1016/j.fct.2022.113008
“The mRNA SARS-CoV-2 vaccines were brought to market in response to the public health crises of Covid-19. The utilization of mRNA vaccines in the context of infectious disease has no precedent. The many alterations in the vaccine mRNA hide the mRNA from cellular defenses and promote a longer biological half-life and high production of spike protein. However, the immune response to the vaccine is very different from that to a SARS-CoV-2 infection. In this paper, we present evidence that vaccination induces a profound impairment in type I interferon signaling, which has diverse adverse consequences to human health. Immune cells that have taken up the vaccine nanoparticles release into circulation large numbers of exosomes containing spike protein along with critical microRNAs that induce a signaling response in recipient cells at distant sites. We also identify potential profound disturbances in regulatory control of protein synthesis and cancer surveillance. These disturbances potentially have a causal link to neurodegenerative disease, myocarditis, immune thrombocytopenia, Bell’s palsy, liver disease, impaired adaptive immunity, impaired DNA damage response and tumorigenesis. We show evidence from the VAERS database supporting our hypothesis. We believe a comprehensive risk/benefit assessment of the mRNA vaccines questions them as positive contributors to public health.”
Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and MicroRNAs – PMC (nih.gov)
Am not sure what to make of this Chinese Realisation because it reads like they’ve belatedly understood what Maddison Avenue admen, and Hollywood motion picture producers have long known… Even their saying “It no longer matters what is true or false – what matters is who controls the discourse” seems to paraphrase what Humpty Dumpty said that astounded Alice…(She wasnt very bright, anyhow !)
If culling chickens, using ‘birdflu’ as a pretext, puts KfC out of business, it may be a good thing, but not if English Breakfasts are no more, and definitely not if it means no more sponge cakes, for what sort of a world would it be without our sponge cakes !
Hello all,thus week in Poland news tv,they say fku pandemic is so bad as 10 years ago…so straight away they start up people’s with brains and guess what..10years ago it was normal just anither beginning of flu season.Now it’s apocalyptic flu and u need to get jab(but ofcourse).If i may to give example my physician got threatened at work for not vaccinated,so she went to good old school m8 and he prescribed letter that if anything happened bad to her after taking experimental shot employer will have to cover all costs of rising familie of ger 2kids and husbands.And they let her off….only because PL PM said yes that’s dosynt mean there is no one 2 blame they just push all shit down the drain ..i do apologise for my spelling…many winters went by after i left land of Albion.P.S. Still love all glaziers of London,dying out trade tbh
You either have it or you don’t:
I often wonder, had I still been teaching and the administration told me to take the jab, would I? Alls I can say is it’s nice to be retired.
From your Link: “There was a time when throwing down $15,000 for a piano was an investment. You can sell it for nearly the same price many years later.”
When was that time? Not even in the 1920s, when:
“Our old piano in the parlour
Was bough by Pa for ten cents on the dahlar” — Second Hand Rose
One can pick up a really good Victorian really cheap. A charming example for English and German music lovers:
There are those who follow and those who question. Even amongst philosophers:
Early 2020, before Australia’s then Prime Minister stopped mucking about and got serious about “The Pandemic”, he opined on the need for the country’s Defense Forces be used in ‘helping out’ responses to National Disasters…Around a year or so later the army was deployed in Sydney suburbs to ‘assist’ in imposing lockdown conditions while a ‘voluntary’ mass vaxx drive was undertaken…A senior Army officer was directing the governments campaign…It was a training exercise for the army, readying it to be used should ‘civil unrest’ erupt, most likely from The System’s recurrent economic crises…
“In the USA “From the start, “covid pandemic” was treated by the US government as a national security matter (ie war) and covid policy was set by the National Security Council (assemblage of defense and intelligence heads), not HHS.
“March 13. 2020 “PanCap adopted US Government COVID-19 Response Plan (PanCap-A) states that United States policy in response to SARS-COV-2 is set not by the public health agencies designated in pandemic preparedness protocols (Pandemic and All Hazards Preparations Act, PPD-44, BIA), but rather by the National Security Council, or NCS. NCS does not have regular attendees from public health agencies and its focus is national security and foreign policy matters.” (
The role of the Us DoD (and their co-investors) in “covid countermeasures’ enterprise (29/12/22)
https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/the-role-of-the-us-dod-and their
The use of face masks, social distancing, and lockdowns were not included in any pre-2020 pandemic management plans…”Operation Covid’ was a trial run on how to handle reactions to economic meltdowns, or the imposition of the WEFs New World Order…
Damn Gremlins in my PC ate the last hyphen , bastards !
I’m so tired of people fearing for their lives because of the alien invasion, a thunderstorm or a virus. Far from wanting to seem reckless, we gotta realise that life is risky but so rewarding if you engage in it. Here are a couple of quotes that put my meaning into more eloquent words:
“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs,
ask yourself what makes you come alive.
And then go do that.
Because what the world needs are people
who have come alive.” – Harold Whitman
And an all-time favourite of mine is:
The Rose by Bette Midler
This has all happened before, it comes in three stages, stages that don’t have a set order. A war, a pandemic and an economic collapse which results in a reform of the economy. They did the exact same thing in the early twentieth century and now they’re doing it again. Back then in was world war I, then the Spanish flu, followed by the great depression. This time it was the pandemic, then the war in the Ukraine, next is the collapse which will result in economic slavery to CBDCs. One is blamed on the other and no one can argue because they don’t see the pattern.
As for the article… Do not worry that the herds of modern moron slaves will behave in the almost same exact way when the next OPERATION is deployed.
Be it biological, financial or physical…
I know this for a FACT since ~99% of the herds embrace with full strength personal IRRESPONSIBILITY and prefer to die defending it than CHANGE and become a RESPONSIBLE uman animal.
After all since 2001 we have had plenty of examples that prove this.

Yep, it all hinges on responsibility for your own life.
Just to share some GOOD NEWS!
The way they wrote the title reveals the source!
Another Down… way too many to Go.
(Notice This Pattern) They all seem to frame Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern or Justin Trudeau,YET hardly ever now mention the other PM’s who used the exact same scripts.
The constant barraging of Jacinda Ardern and Trudeau isnt a coincidence.
As far as I know, the only viable solution to this problem is that most of these people are fully jabbed.
Video clip: statement by Deputy Commissioner Tracy Linford
Dec 23, 2022
Aussie Cops Ask Neighbors To Rat Out ‘Anti-Government, Anti-Police, Or COVID-Vaccine Conspiracy Theorists’
Dec 28, 2022
Australian police are using a brutal ambush on two cops to encourage residents to rat out neighbors who are skeptical of the Covid-10 vaccine, or harbor anti-government views. On December 12, two Brisbane police officers were gunned down by a family of rural Australians, who opened fire as the two officers approached their home. Constables Rachel McCrow, 29, and Matthew Arnold, 26 died in the attack, while a third officer, Constable Randall Kirk, was shot in the leg but managed to escape. A fourth officer, Keely Brough, fled to safety in the bushes. Later that evening, members of the rural family were killed in a shootout with tactical police.
In response to the incident, Deputy Commissioner Tracy Linford suggested that neighbors need to assume anyone who harbors non-mainstream views is clearly a threat.
“As I said before, if there’s anybody out there that knows of someone that might be showing concerning behavior around conspiracy theories, anti-government, anti-police, conspiracy theories around COVID-19 vaccination as what we’re seeing with [shooting perpetrators] the Train family, we’d want to know about it. We want to know about that. And you can either contact the police directly or go through Crime Stoppers,” she said.
This manufactured incident had nothing to do with viruses or conspiracy theories. The targetted family lived on a property surrounded by gas wells. They had refused to sell their property to private gas drilling companies.
And don’t know how it is in other parts of qld but up here in the north much of this is being greeted with a yawn,,,more sensation being made of it by international media….here we are far more concerned with the endless car theft by young teens and other break and enter issues…. The police are very busy trying to stop that….as endless drama in media over it….politicians being met with hostility over that etc…
and interesting how totally nothing has appeared about the fracking issues involved with the family and police shooting…..through my family connections there I knew all about the fracking issues years ago….not sure how that has been kept from any media….official or otherwise.
I’m not sure it makes much difference what it was originally about. The authorities know they can now use “public health” as an excuse to do whatever they want – including grabbing people’s land. Cairns News seems to think there’s going to be some sort of response from the masses – that the police are “living in La La Land”. However, I think the reality is that the majority remain as zombified as ever.
Senior cop says ‘conspiracy theorists’ should be reported to Crime Stoppers
Dec 27
Queensland Police are living in La La Land if they think they can convince the broader population – many of them injured by vaccines or financially hurt by lockdowns – that only a relative few fanatics believe that the pandemic narrative didn’t add up. Even a considerable number of doctors and other medical professionals across Australia openly question the narrative.
Now they really want to shut down dissent. Shut up, or it’s off to the gas chambers… err to the Welcamps.
This is Monica Smit’s take on the agenda behind the propagandistic exploitation of the incident.
QLD police killings being used for political propaganda!
December 20, 2022
The Wieambilla police shootings are being disrespectfully used for propaganda!
The government and Mainstream media are unashamedly using this tragedy to push their agenda. It’s disgusting…even by their standards!
I can confirm that in Canada, New Zealand, and Australia; anti-government and anti-vax opinions are being set up to be considered criminal acts and maybe even terrorism. Attempts have already been made to amend legislation.
WE KNOW WHAT IS BREWING. We’ve learned a lot over the last 3 years, and we know that MSM and parliament (generally speaking) are willing to exploit anyone and any situation if it helps progress their agenda.
Every article points out that the killers were ‘conspiracy theorists’, as if that’s the REASON they did it.
This is the lowest blow I’ve seen in the last 3 years!
Let the victims REST IN PEACE, for God’s sake!
Reignite Democracy Australia
Dec 19, 2022
The tenant / slave scenario.
This manufactured inflation is leading to an obvious conclusion;
Mortgages and general living costs will become increasingly unaffordable.
Normally, we would see repossessions / foreclosures causing the market to crash and actually hurting banks.
What if their chums in government gave the banks incentives NOT to foreclose ?
You hand back the deeds in return for a serflike tenancy of your former home.
The banks become the biggest slum landlord in the world.
Fuck me, I hope I’m wrong.
Hasn’t that been the trend of US capitalism for the past 60 years? Inflation just accelerates the transfer of wealth up to the wealthy asset owners.
Money lenders or loan sharks always gained more by seizing the collateral.
You’ve gotta wonder what it is about Civilisation that causes it to go from crisis to crisis…Such instability ! Can it be the instinctual repressions upon which it erected ?
1. Psychopaths.
2. Complex systems.
The writer quotes Walter Lippman who was an early propagandist, a member of the emerging US Deep State. Lippman worked with/for the Creel Commission aka The Committee on Public Information https://www.mtsu.edu/first-amendment/article/1179/committee-on-public-information#: which has set the tone for all future US propaganda, mind control and manipulation. Edward Bernays and Lippman (who both wrote their books on propaganda and public opinion around the same time the early 1921’s) and others are the fathers of modern PR/propaganda, induced “public consent/opinion”, brainwashing and mind control.
All of this was planned and executed in order to save the system from catastrophic collapse and give themselves time/cover to usher in a new, digital, neo-feudal system, and to pre-empt the outrage and mass revolt that would’ve been inevitable had they not been able to conveniently blame it on “Covid” or launder the bailouts through the CARES Act and other “emergency” measures all across the world.
They know that they have run up massive unpayable debts and deficits. They know the promises of pensions and benefits cannot be paid. They know the system will collapse and the people will revolt. They must act to subvert the inevitable to protect their wealth and maintain control.
Covid-19 was the Trojan Horse constructed to usher in a complete transformation of our society. Total digitalization in conjunction with artificial intelligence designed to make millions of jobs superfluous and enable the complete surveillance of humanity. The population is to have all debts canceled in exchange for handing over their assets to the financial institutions. This is to be followed by government distributed universal basic income (UBI) which will entail embedded contractual obligations in order to maintain complete control of economic and social activity.
We are living through the biggest worldwide organized crime since WW2. The scale of the deception is too large for even those who consider themselves “in the know” to accept or comprehend.
Covid™ was never an epidemiological event, it is a business model, a manufactured event meant to increase the portfolio’s of the super wealthy. Even many “in the know” are still trapped in some version of the “Covid” merry-go-round while most are still asleep.
“Covid” is the engineered destabilization of the global economy.
“COVID-19”, the operation, is essentially a cover-up for systematic debt-leveraged monetary expansion- the final heist to strip all value out of the world in an effort by the creditors to consolidate what they believe they’re owed.
“Covid-19”, the disease, is nothing more than a disease of ATTRIBUTION to other causes.
“Covid 19”, the story, is a fiction,- it is lies- all of it.
Yep! And oldie…
Probably the best concise explanation of the whole Covid/Vaccine fraud yet. Thank you Maxwell for being so straight forward and honest in your overall assessment of the Plandemic.
At this point I am not so concerned if others are convinced that they are actually being lied to. I am more concerned as to whether I have the courage to speak the same truth that you so elegantly put forth in your comments.
Peace and Thank you again for your consistent courage and Truth of Spirit.
Agree entirely. Now we face another huge scam with energy pricing where multi nationals are about to fleece the consumer with huge energy bills. The results of COVID or the war in Ukraine are the lame excuses for yet another financial crime to be enacted.
Well-said, Maxwell.
“Mother, should I trust the government?”
“We will continue to be your single source of truth.”
Somehow, I was under the mistaken impression in my naive youth that people would learn and things would get better. Reading something like that quote from the New Zealand psychopath, it’s almost surreal that anyone could take that seriously instead of with complete derision. The only conclusion is that there are an awful lot of stupid people on this planet. How can some be different?
Our western governments have been infiltrated by people motivated to serve other interests, not ours.
In the case of the 5-eyes leaders, they are all serving US interests at the costs of their own people. Just look at Germany, committing economic & social suicide to serve US interests.
It’s becoming harder to have tolerance for any survey of the media – whether it presents as mainstream or “a dissident Leftist” matter – and it’s hard to tell the difference. Every item is an irrelevance.
The MSM is owned by the very scum who initially devised this criminal enterprise.
If Putinist Ritter admits on the one hand that “Germany is at best a US colony”, why does he at the same time blame the country of origin of his “knightly” surname for the Ukraine war? https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=TLGGQ1yPleSoPgYyOTEyMjAyMg
Is this a kind of diversionary maneuver from his own involvement in senseless wars? Or is it just one of his aberrations, like his unsuccessful attempts to seduce underage girls for sex? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Ritter#Arrests_and_conviction_for_sex_offenses
His compatriot sounds much more prudent, who at least does not make idiotic general accusations. But he, too, is of the opinion that Russia would never have wanted to wage this war. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LhRB-GfLRxU
In his opinion, the guilty parties are “globalists”, “multi-billionaires”, “oligarchs”, or “these people” whose names “cannot be mentioned without hesitation”. (At least he dared to put the name “Soros” in his mouth.) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dick_Black_(politician)
Mr. Ritter, btw., seems to suffer from chronic heartburn. I recommend him less corrosive fantasies that overacidify his stomach, instead a more pH-neutral diet that spares his digestive organs (and his viewers from his unappetizing burps).
Strange world you live in.
Here’s a rather long but extremely good article on the history of Central Banking. It won’t be news to many if not most OffG readers. But still, it’s good to have so much information in one place.
Historical Analysis of the Global Elites: Ransacking the World Economy Until ‘You’ll Own Nothing’ – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
And an old video:
All Wars are Bankers’ Wars
Hello Howard: Thanks for posting this extremely well researched article. Mr Burrowes consolidates what I’ve gleaned from 17 years of my own studies. The article is certainly a powerhouse, but far too complex for most readers attention span. It could have been broken into a 10 part series, but there it is…
Historical Analysis of the Global Elites: Ransacking the World Economy Until ‘You’ll Own Nothing’
Robert J. Burrowes
December 27, 2022
The down votes are from movie watching morons who don’t bother to read anything informative…
These downvotes are in part why I despise the voting system – and refuse ever to partake of it.
To me, the downvotes are intriguing in that I would very much like to know what it is about the article being referenced that someone finds objectionable. I thought pretty much everyone who reads OffG realizes the banks are perhaps the biggest culprit.
Are they saying it’s old hat: give us something to don’t already know? Or is it, as you suggest, a constricted attention span? Maybe if they didn’t have the ease of a downvote they would actually post a reply.
Severely constricted attention spans, and they can’t fit more than two lines of text on their “smart” phones… They don’t reply because they possess no intellect of their own…
further concrete evidence of collusion between the CDC and social media companies to censor free speech and silence the public square under the government’s label of ‘misinformation’.”
the recent FX bankruptcy reveals Ukraine and USA democratic party funding track to similar government media private partner interactive collusion [GMPPIC]. Its seems western world Governments have been made into tools of the powerful elites. The elites use their global monopoly powered corporations to exercise this dominating power.
Automation and artificial intelligence is eliminating the need for labor and the oligarchs intend to eliminate as much need for labor as they can.
Western Governments have been infiltrated by armies of people willing to use their positions in government to cooperate with private entity corruption.
The NATO war in Ukraine against Russia is about depriving Europe of its cheap enough Energy to be able to compete in global markets. As energy cost rise, the businesses Europe depends on will be easy prey for the Wall Street Vultures because cost of energy will make their products so costly the products will be unable to compete. Global private non human entities (corporations, etc.) wanting to pillage and own or control everything are waiting on Ukraine to defeat Russia. Ownership of the Farms with some of the best soil in the world <=in Ukraine, profitable on-going businesses through-out Europe, . . and minerals needed by industries..are going to change ownership hands and in so doing European nations will lose the benefits of their industries.
The businesses will be moved to places with cheap labor, high technology and cheap energy.
All of this including the war in Ukraine seems related to the same principle [private use of government makes a giant profit].
Please stop referring to the scum of the earth as ‘elites’.
…A recent exemplar of some of the visceral consequences of Not thinking for yourself, outlined and contrasted with ‘that old-timey’ common sense thing:…
Dear Mr Todhunter: Excellent article! I’ve been following the scent (stench) for over 20 years. This quote really pushed my buttons:
“But corporations with lengthy corporate rap sheets across many sectors are promoted to the public as being trustworthy and dependable. When governments partner (conspire) with such enterprises, they are conspiring with criminal recidivist companies. And when people purchase stock in them, the same applies.”
The civilian pubic has been aiding and abetting their own suicide and murders since the invention of corporate “shares”… “Stock” market. An infinitely appropriate title…
Corporations make money, we ask them to make money that is their only task.
Governments regulate Corporations to allow them to make money but also to be civilized & fair to us & to benefit us as a whole.
We elect our democracies, our government to act on our behalf to control the power of corporate greed. So government acts for us.
Any idea what went wrong there?
Yes! Your “we” is not me.
Occhio, amico …
the vietnam war adventure started most of the borrowing issue…..that and the yanks had the joy of the $ being traded currency…then throw in the pension funds….a good idea but soon was overtaken by the monied class for their gain…rather than just provide pensions…the inter trading and pump, dump behaviour that is needed to keep them afloat has not helped all this….and no doubt the pitch forks may come out when it is discovered how bankrupt that system now is…thus attempting to placate with some sort of dream world Universal digit income..
A financial crisis is a very real threat to public health, see the 1930s.
Assuming this financial crisis thing is real, what other options were there to deal with it?
It’s important to understand the ‘financial crises’ is nothing but (very well) organised theft. If it wasn’t being deliberately engineered by those at the top of the financial pyramid it wouldn’t affect anyone in any way whatsoever. As was the great depression.
The financial crises are very real and even though those at the top find ways to profit off every crisis, they will not be able to hold back the coming complete collapse of their fiat currency scam much longer.
The most dangerous and ultimately deadly thing any ruling aristocracy can do is come to view its own scam as some kind of universal force which will continue eternally. But that’s exactly what the fiat aristocracy has done.
How do I know that? Because they have been focusing all their energies on currency (which includes stocks, bonds, futures etc.) and treating the physical/consumer dynamic as irrelevant. They will soon enough discover their mistake.
But it will be too late. Human society, let alone this hybrid thing called civilization, will be left in ruin.
Yeah, that is also what I think.
Every future dollar of real wealth we’ll produce in the next 10 years is promised to 20 people. Pensioners, investors, families, individuals, states. Only one of them can get it. I think we are seeing the “acceleration” of the end of all dollar denominated debts.
” … the end of all dollar denominated debts.”
Which means the end of the US of As! When does the partying begin?
You’re so right that the financial crises are real, but do they have to be?
I’m not an economist but I understand that the alleged aim is to counter inflationary trends and so interest rates rise.
But why all interest rates?
Surely any rise to interest rates should be limited to new loans only, both residential and commercial. This way the flood is controlled without emptying the lake.
Losses in other financial markets would flow on only if interest rates rise for all.
Surely ok be step at a time makes economic sense.
Any feedback?
Yes, and an accidental explosion and a planned one both kill people. How they came about, however, and their consequences are entirely different.
There it is in the most mainstream of mainstream media. The greatest transfer of wealth in history…yet, we should trust those orchestrating and directly benefiting from that wealth transfer. If you question that at all – you’re crazy and dangerously so!
Financial crisis don’t happen by accident.
They are more often than not planned that way. The FED retracted the money supply in the 30’s after the largess of the 20’s meaning prices shot up, resources became scarce and everything became much more expensive.
That was a deliberately engineered event.
We have seen the same policies with cheap money over recent years causing an indebted population to be at the mercy of interest rate rises.
Once this happens banks will start to raise interest rates causing tightening of money, huge price increases, retraction of the economy and foreclosures and repossessions.
Its what they do.
Bobby Driessen dead: Young Talent Time actor dies in his sleep at age 56 – Mirror Online
Bob Marley’s grandson Joseph has also ‘died suddenly’
Joseph ‘Jo Mersa’ Marley dead: Bob Marley’s grandson dies suddenly aged 31, reports say | Celebrity News | Showbiz & TV | Express.co.uk
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-12-23. Arrested for praying, in head. England. 2022. Voters who still believe in democracy. Cattle-tag the proles (blog, gab, tweet).
They are now putting conspiracy on top of conspiracy to confuse the people 🙄
They are putting conspiracy on top of real conspiracies to confuse everyone 😐
…- Kinda like they’re playing Jenga… – Against themselves… 😉