Tiptoe through the missile-toe
Sylvia Shawcross

And so most of us are surviving the festive season which for some is more like the festering season. I am writing this as an apology from a Canadian to this world for our shenanigans over the holiday season.
The thing about Canadians is we tend to be painfully appallingly apologetic. We are always saying we’re sorry for everything under the sun. If you doubt this, take the time to watch the Public Inquiry into the trucker convoy. It was the best drinking game ever: Take a gulp for every apology and you were pretty much under the table singing dirty ditties by noon.
The lawyers apologized for interrupting. The witnesses apologized for not knowing something. The commissioner apologized for having to take prescribed breaks. About 1/3 of the whole inquiry was apologies and apologies accepted.
It was all so very civilized given the undercurrents going on. The whole thing was body language, inference and what wasn’t actually said for the most part. It was rather tepid for black-and-white thinkers and high theatre for those with social intelligence, critical thinking skills and inside information. And ultimately farcical with redactions.
It certainly seemed to prove that the calling of the Emergency Act was not necessary. It was the only conclusion to be reached. Something the Senate in the prelude to an official vote (which was cancelled at the last minute) had already decided. If you want to know what speeches used to be like before the hive mind speeches of today, those speeches are well worth listening to.
The most horrifying if not riveting part of the whole inquiry however was the lawyer who just up and collapsed into a heap on the floor. Never did find out what happened to him. But that’s all besides the point.
The point is as a Canadian I feel duty-bound to apologize. I think specifically to the children for our leaders. They might not be in their right minds. And their script writers are entirely out of their minds by the looks of it. Most of us have long since given up trying to understand “what were they thinking” because there really is no way to weasel into the minds of the ones coming up with these ideas. They simply are outrageous.
And the worst part is they had to involve Santa Claus in their Christmas messages. You’d think that this woke generation of leaders wouldn’t be highlighting an obese white male who enslaves and whips carbon-emitting reindeers would be high on their agenda but apparently everything is fair game when it comes to agendas.
I guess, if you think about it, Santa Claus is the ultimate globalist, prancing about as he does all over the world on the Santa radar. I think he’d be a better Klaus than Claus. Maybe if they just fattened up Klaus Schwab and gave him a red suit and beard instead of that weird pointy shouldered black cult thing we see him in all the time. That might be a better sell. Anyway, the point is, again, that Canada’s health minister made this video:
This is a video for which I must apologize to the children of this world.
I just want them to know that Santa will not put them on the naughty list for not taking the vaccine. (Only the other Klaus will likely) Some people are calling this cringe but at the end of the day we ALL look kind of foolish when we are talking down to children. (Somewhat like our Deputy Minister talking to Canadians and explaining about cancelling their Disney channel subscription to save money on the eve of the Greater Depression, but I digress. Although, when you think about it, why hasn’t Disney done a lawsuit anyway?)
Okay. Anyway. No children you are not naughty for not getting a vaccine. You are however going to have to be frightened. That’s because our Prime Minister apparently thinks so. Or his script writers. Now of all the themes that a script writer could pick to do a Christmas message to children why would this be the one?
Surely I’m not the only human being who sees the parallel between “launching” a “mission” and “launching” a missile? Surely I’m not the only human being wondering why on earth when the red bulb (red pill anyone) is broken open there is a key there which serves no useful purpose whatsoever except to remind us of all those movies where they launch nuclear missiles by putting a key into the box? And surely I’m not the only one who is horrified to think that Justin Trudeau is in charge of Santa Claus?
However, Happy New Year.
If nothing else we’re at least being morbidly entertained.
Just leave the children alone for heavens sakes.
Sylvia Shawcross, Montreal
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In an attempt to keep positive this 2023, perhaps we should suggest what jobs these fools are better suited to take up immediately.
Lets start with the infamous Dr.Tam. Perhaps a starring role in the new Dr.Seuss the Grinch that Stole More Than Christmas. Her ability to promote the art of optic playing in the name of ignorance is well suited to the role. She also carries many features that the special effects department can save costs on.
As for actor Mr. Alghabra or can we call him Mr. Al-Khobar ? I suppose he is a bit to full of the vanity but then most actors change their names to avoid identity issues that mostly reside in their heads. Well for someone that is completely out of their league when it comes to the posts hes been awarded with in Parliament, lets try to find Mr. Syria a decent job.
I think once place to start is with his homeland. I mean MBS is building a fantastic development with NEOM. Perhaps the Horrible Member of Parliament can be coerced in making some good use of his polytechnic degree in Engineering in the new cities. I would think the vast knowledge that he has amassed as Minister of Transportation, not to mention the extraordinary work he has accomplished in the field of misinformation , would give him a leg up in the House of Saud. But then again even MBS would smell a rat and have nothing to do with him. So then its off to Syria or shall we say back to the future. I am sure he can put his skills to work their cleaning up the mess the West have created. Look at it as a form of karma. Trash collection is an honest job and known should look down upon that.
We end with Mr.Trudeau. The actor who could not get the gig in Ukraine for that position was already taken. Hey but with his singing ability the man is well suited to take the place of lead singer for the revamped Duran Duran tour as Mr.Le Bon has decided to stay at home.
Girls on Film? I think we may just have his new gig lined up.
Happy New Year to all and I hope I have not offended too many in my posts. To that I say cheers as the beer in Berlin is still good even if we don’t have lights nor heat.
Apology not accepted.
Apologizing on their behalf is not the optic we need right now. We’ve had way too many optics the past few years.
When they are down , and they obviously are at the moment, we need to kick them and kick them hard.
Degenerates tend to be simple minded and plainly stupid. They like shiny metal things and once and a while they require a beating to get them in line.
Why in the world did we get stuck with a degenerate parliament (and this goes for all four political options) I wonder. I suppose morons elect morons to some degree. I apologize to the World for electing morons. Especially in Canada.
A government afraid of its people is one thing, a people afraid of its government is another. Which is Canada?
In its case, The Canadian Government and its agencies simply implement the agenda of its handlers and it would appear the Canadian populace is not the governments handler anymore. Special sovereign interests, corporations and foreign Western governments are.
Degenerate money hungry imbeciles get elected then manipulated by agendas that they are all too stupid to understand but the one thing they all do understand very well is the payment, and its typically not in worthless fiat type, no its the shiny gold kind which is all too hard to resist when that Santa comes bearing Swiss accounts.
So in reality the people we do need to apologize to is the World but not for our government, we need to apologize for allowing them it to rule over us like the dimwits we appear to be.
Let’s see how we deal with it the next time democracy comes calling. My take is nothing will change. We simply do not have the ambition nor the desire nor the ability to do anything other than….nothing at all.
I’m afraid such an apology is an optic no different than the ones we have been battling. Its time to get real.
Justin True-doe – a son of Castro. Kinda’ poetic…
That’s not poetry but sure is one mighty stupid rumour! Whatever one’s idea of Castro, Justin Trudeau bears him absolutely no physical or any other resemblance. And whether or not you think the Cuban fought monsters too long and became one himself, Trudeau is a bona fide monster. Bearded as in the photo above he looks like Rasputin, sadism in eyes and the set of the lugubrious gob. Clean shaven he resembles his mother, a feckless, brainless vixen who did everything she could short of cuckolding by having Castro’s love-child to embarrass her vulpine husband, the only other Canadian PM to impose the liberticidal Emergency Powers.
Here, I think an apology really is in order: to Castro. The younger Fidel was a courageous revolutionary who risked his life against all odds to overthrow a corrupt US-backed dictatorship. He was a real man. And even those who revile him as a communist tyrant have to admit his intellect and abilities. Tyranny aside, does that sound anything like Trudeau?
Genes do tell, just ask the vaccinated.
An amusing rumour persists in France that the repressed homosexual robot Macron’s wife is really a transsexual, born Jean-Michel Trogneux (https://www.rt.com/news/543748-claims-macron-wife-transgender/).
Without his phony beard, Justin looks just like a Justine. I wonder…
Well, I actually do think there is a resemblance. It’s just my opinion against yours, of course, but there you go.
In terms of ‘genes do tell’, Hilary and Stephen Benn hardly lived up to their father’s socialist legacy, the latter taking a Labour peerage and the former calling on the UK to ‘do our bit’ in Syria in 2015.
Perhaps they were adopted? A2
The bad-parent nature of the ruling elite is escalating daily in such a painfully self-exposing way. It’s a wonder that self awareness seems to be so non-existent. As a reflection of this sickening obsession to treat us like 6 year olds, in Oregon local news shows, it’s all “be safe out there” and “how to drive in wet weather” and “how to stay warm in winter” and lectures from cops about “public safety”. Governor Brown hides from public view after 2 years of State of Emergency and the newly elected Dim clone has been also in public hiding.
The banner of “public safety” has escalated to a daily mantra to hide the fact that after 40+years of Thatcher/Reagan defunding-to-privatization in the West, any remnants of a Public Commons has been rendered into a Banana Republic. As just one example of this defunding, Oregon hospital capacities “crisis”, as is everywhere in the US, was created by 40 years of downsizing capacity from a 1980 average of 4.5 beds/1000 to a US lowest in Oregon & Washington of 1.7/1000. If our “leaders” gave one whit for “public safety” they would have maintained adequately funded public services. Instead we get Grandma Goose style child lecturing. What a deadly embarrassment.
Direct democracy or the bullet!
I can’t stand to hear the word “safe” anymore either. Trouble is that;s what the majority keep whining about.
The public health and govt. officials appear to be reading from scripts that don’t correlate to the actual world but to the one they are attempting to implement. It’s pretty bizarre. Perhaps they are truly isolated in power bubbles and really can’t see how bizarre their scripts appear to be. Or and also they are truly sociopathic and or deluded and have no empathy for others.
Reagon era domestic banned pain medication! We didn’t, bloody idiots. Americans lost it during HIV no doubt about it.
So much apologising – it reminds of Jurgen the German.
I think you should at least apologise for putting more Carl Vernon videos up though 😉
Vernon just showed up on my stream. No idea who he is. He has the clips I needed.
He keeps showing up on mine. That’s the problem – youtube want to push his ‘content’ for some reason.
He is an ‘alt-right’ echo chamber, never seen him bring anything new to the table.
To be perfectly frank, I find (most) Canadians fake and insufferable. The “niceness” they exhibit is of a fake variety, and the same goes for their “apologetic” stunts. Superficial, shallow, self-righteous people … not all, of course, but as a culture in general. It’s a dead culture beneath all the appearances: for a thriving culture full of vitality, you need people of depth and character. Canadians lack both.
For which we apologize.
No F’ing way. Screw you Mike D!!!
Oh dear, there is no we in apologise. E. Blair ..scribbles.
It’s hard to thrive and be vital when Nature is trying to freeze ya’ to death 9 months a year. Canadian weather sucks…
“…people of depth and character.” Now there’s something you don’t see everyday on planet Earth. If you know of a country where these qualities prevail, please let the rest of us know.
You raise a valid point, but I was commenting in the broader context of the covid fraud. Stunningly, Canada, i.e. Canadians in general, had the highest compliance rate with every moronic and irrational fraudulent mandate. What happened to simple God-given common-sense? What happened to moral courage? Before you say “well, wait a minute, that was like that everywhere”, I would tell you that I wish you could have visited and talked to people in places like Nebraska or Oklahoma or Iowa at the height of the scamdemic.
Here’s the million dollar question: given that the average Nebraskan was subjected to the same level disgusting propaganda and falsehood about the scamdemic as the average Ontarian, what made the Nebraskan raise the two middle fingers to it all, while the Ontarian lined up for the fourth booster kill shot? Serious question; not being facetious. (Again, I’m talking in general … there was compliance with the lies in Nebraska, Oklahoma, etc … but **significanlty** lower than in Ontario or Quebec).
It raises serious questions about what makes a population so sheepish and sheep-like, while its leaders, like that piece of garbage Trudeau, threaten people’s livelihood coercing them with harmful vaccines, all the while smiling and virtue signalling … and fake apologizing the whole time. As if threatening someone’s livelihood “nicely” and with a hideous grin absolves the evil.
I can agree with much of that. Although the particular leaders in those places is a significant factor. Also, the influence of media is different in each place. Yes there are some differences in the basic character but not nearly as large as your previous comment would suggest.
An open carry policy would eliminate the need to play superficial shallow games and it would show some true spirit I would think?
It may do away with all that apologizing crap as well.
Well, to begin with, Canadians do not have a definite culture. The culture(s) that existed until the great “Western Civilization shakedown” were the Indigenous. What developed instead “Mammon Worship Lite”, “Genocide Lite” and hockey! Canadians have always grudgingly behaved as “Imperialist Lite” wherever the perfidious Albion and the U$A required vassals and mercenaries for empire.
But the kicker is now Canada does not have democracy in any form – they are just popularity contests and virtue signaling.
It has quietly become a death cult.
As a Canadian I apologize for the stink in the room.
So terribly sorry.
Well, there’s always delicious maple syrup and “Canadian” bacon.
And although I’ve never tasted it, I remain poutine-curious. 😎 🍯
I am sorry to be the one to point this out, and with all due respect to the author of this well-written and insightful article but, the individual who assumes the Head of State position following federal election is all-to-often, mistakingly, awarded the title of “leader”. For a significant portion of the populace who did not choose the “lucky” individual elevated to the position, whether through ballot or abstention, the Head-of-State-elect is undesirably foisted upon what often amounts to a majority of the population. We continue to accord the “leader” designation upon these individuals at our peril – they are PUBLIC REPRESENTATIVES, accountable to the citizenry and charged with upholding the Constitution in a Constitutional Democracy.
They may indeed assume a “leadership” position within the organization (“the Party”) under whose administration they are associated, but once they assume the Office of Head of State, they are obligated to represent the entirety of the citizen population; including those electorally disenfranchised – their “leadership” designation, applicable only within the limited constraints of an ideologically-defined party politic.
Thank you.
U.K PM beat the above hands down.
SUNAK: Do you work in business.
DEAN: No, I’m homeless. I’m a homeless person
SUNAK: Is banking or finance something you’d like to get into?
DEAN: I’d just like to get through Christmas
SUNAK: what you doing this weekend
DEAN; awaiting st mongoes to see if they can get me in to homeless shelter.
Excruciating! @RishiSunak goes for photo op in a homeless shelter
At least the MSM didn’t rush to change the story, or had reporters go and harass the homeless man for those quintessential emotion chasers.
But yeah, Sunak at least attempted a ‘non sequitor’ of a conversation.
He is still a clone of Juan Guaido, Macron and Trudeau.
Non-sequitur association still going strong:
A “reminder” of the totally bogus non-connection.
Naturally, Little Greta’s “witty” put down is nothing of the sort and probably wasn’t even written by her anyway. (“Oh how dare you insult this poor little autistic girl!” etc.)
The bigger question is Who is Andrew tate.?
How did he appear.?
He is a self appointment conspiracy theorist promoted on line by the the usual intelligence services and operatives in alt media.
Andrew recently converted to Islam (kid you not) who also supports Trump.
Amazing isn’t it.? how Andrew is this online hero with his fake staged arrest arguing with Greta.
So Andrew Tate is an indentikit hate figure for the new brave Left/Right, covid/climate saga:
How interesting that this Graud scoop is the same as a Wiki scoop.
Not to steal the conversation.
Call me old fashion, I really dont understand why?
except to normalize this form of fame. ??
Andrew Tate’s entrance into the internet world.
Pamlea Anderson, Kim Kardashian, Paris Hilton
#very original script
Andrew tate ex girlfriend response
This may help in determining who Andrew Tate is:
Now, Anglin can go postal at times, but he is definitely astute enough to recognize behaviours and patterns. He has illuminated Zionist hypocrisy extremely well.
There is, or was, an expression that originated in the military: 90-day wonder. It’s a derisive or snarky reference to officers commissioned after a (too) short training period– or at least the ex-military people I used to work with always used it as a putdown.
Tate seems to be a 90-second, or even 90-millisecond, “wonder”. And I wonder about that.
I neither know nor care much about him; all I know is that a few weeks ago, virtually overnight, sites like Bitchute and Rumble were flooded with “Tate” tales. He is a social-media celebrity supernova: a Figure of Controversy.
Social media and Woke ideology have transmogrified a well-known modern mass-media phenomenon into a virtual pandemic: Fifteen Minutes of Fame Syndrome. 😠
tate did call out covid shite back in 2020,
i thought he was a rapper : )
then this recent exposure….??
Just a guess: but I suspect Andrew Tate arose from the same vat of plastic where they get today’s “journalists” and “news” anchors.
It’s gotten to where it’s almost an embarrassment if you encounter a name you actually know. It means you’re not “with it” and probably never will be.
Yeah, since I have long since lost interest in keeping up with (decadent) pop-culture showbiz and entertainment sensations, I neither know nor care who’s supposedly who.
I glom onto bits and pieces by osmosis. For instance, I sort of know who the Kardashians are– I presume they’re passé by now, or close to it. I have a dim understanding that they, or at least their females, are famous and noteworthy for having spectacular surgically-enhanced voluptuous buttocks.
I’ve often mentioned that I check out the aptly-named Yahoo site to see the politics and “culture” foisted by the overclass upon the yahoos. That’s how I finally found out that “Lizzo” is a celebrity performer. 🤔
‘Non-Sequitur-101’ is now taught in all our universities.
Basically because the teaching staff don’t know any better.
The awful thought struck me today that the next generation of psychologists and sociologists – or ‘experts’ of any kind – will be drawn from the current pool of damaged, ignorant children . . .
What could possibly go wrong there…?
“Make it stop” . . . as they say.
don’t worry buddy, a brave new world awaits them… . . . .
; )
Time for the Chinese medical staff to run their own big musical production:
What the author shows by showing what these Canadian politicians are doing, is the problem that in ICT datasets is defined as garbage in, garbage out.
It’s about time that politicians who can only produce garbage are consequently treated as such.
Hardly a murmur in the alt section of the news.
wonder why..?
Trudeau derangement syndrome seems kind of a deflection.
The “jewish” people have about the same rights as everyone else, except they have more rights than anyone else… Especially the right to steal other people’s lands and rights.
oh i do hate to be a difficult thing here but i would like to make the distinction between Israeli policies and the Jewish people. They are not the same thing necessarily.
Hello Sylvia Shawcross: Yes. I know it’s a difficult topic. One gets into distinctions between Zionist policy, Talmudic doctrine, religious belief, and the consensus of support of overt genocide and land theft for economic considerations.
The annexation of land in the Middle east can hardly be justified by biblical interpretations and the conveniences of military access. That said:
As with most of the world’s populace, I have about the same level of objective control as anyone else. Alas. It is sad…
You will be stopped, BB.
As all your soulless, sociopathic, tyrannical kind are stopped at some point.
Surrounded by human misery, left, right and centre, certainly. But they are stopped.
Could I ask you a really stupid question (which I’m a master of)? The question is: do you get a “spell check” underline when you type “centre?” Because, as a US citizen in fairly good standing, I do.
Off Topic, and a probable waste of electrons:
Re: Oh! Sweet Canada, Canada, Canada, Canada!
“Twas Saturday night in the old mining town,
O’Leary was clearing the bar.
“Get out!” he said / To the Woman in Red,
“You cannot stay where you are”.
She wept a sad tear / In her bucket of beer,
At the thought of the cold night ahead.
Then up jumped the man / In the coat Astrakhkan,
And these are the words that he said:
“Her mother never told her
The things that a girl ought to know …”
Canada Warbler 🙂
White-throated sparrow and the (likely) red-throated sparrow
” ‘Twas a cold winter’s evening
The guests were all leaving
O’Leary was closing the bar
When he turned and he said to the lady in red …”
These videos are both banal and surreal. Unbearable transgressors.
Today, Dec 30, biggest Wall St decline since 2008. The S&P 500 plunged 19.44% and the Nasdaq fell 33.10% , while the Dow Jones Industrial Average fared better, falling just 8.78% .
Good. I hope the entire charade continues to fall right into Hell.
Where do you get your figures? The S&P500 dropped 0.25% on the 30th.
Edit: you’re right. year to date drop
“they launch nuclear missiles”
That is so 1950s.
In the 2020s it’s Bio Missiles. That, after all, is what Trudeau vs Truckers was about.
Francis Bacon praised Henry 7 (his monarch’s grandpa) because Henry 7, instead of killing his opponents, milked them peaceably through fines. Praised be Justin of the Royal Line of Trudeau!
I may be overdoing it, but I can’t resist posting another cartoon from the wonderful Leunig – Australia’s national treasure.

A man with exceptional perception and a chronicler of human ignorance.
Very good!
And, the parallel is just like plastic can be chipped into small bits and incinerated, so we can do the same to our politicians!
Disgusting….and these people are paid big money to produce and talk this childish rubbish….so far we don’t seem to have produced the same in Australia, but suspect we are not far from doing same.
So who tells them what to do, that’s what I wonder. I’m sure the Rockefellers don’t go knocking on the White House door to deliver their instructions for the coming weeks. Nor do the Rothchilds go knock-knock on 10 Downing Street with a post-it note for whoever happens to be Prime Minister du jour.
So who is that all important messenger? And maybe – just maybe – it really is the messenger who should be shot!
WEF provides the script; remember Schwab’s comment that the Cabinet had been infiltrated in Canada. All brainwashed and/or all bought. NZ is even more so.
“Who” has infiltrated all governments in the “Collective West”, protected by the fully compliant MSM. It is just another form of censorship.
If one is born and remains in the right circles, one just knows, dear boy.
Sorry to commandeer the page like this, but there is so much in it that is appalling enough to induce a kind of black ‘high’…
This paragraph struck me:
“They might not be in their right minds. And their script writers are entirely out of their minds by the looks of it. Most of us have long since given up trying to understand “what were they thinking” because there really is no way to weasel into the minds of the ones coming up with these ideas.”
But there is, actually, a way to weasel into the minds of the ones coming up with these ideas:
A basic study of the superficial aspects of satanism will do the trick. The subject is documented fairly well, in fact.
But I would not recommend a deep study under any circumstances.
Strictly to be avoided.
I won’t look for it quite yet, but I am beginning to have great difficulty in not believing it exists.
Ambition is an ugly addiction.
It turns humans into tunnel visioned Turds.
I would like to add a sentence:
Truly unbelievable, yet informative in one important way:
It shows us the rock-bottom mental calibre of the usurpers currently pretending to represent us.
They used to be known as “the slow ones”, way back when I was in primary school, and they will never catch up.
The Brits also have a terrible reputation for saying, “I’m sorry”, whenever they meet another person, but I think it’s improving.
When this number of psychopaths comes to power, people tend to think to themselves, “Wait a minute… who’s the one who should be sorry here…?”
Can’t watch it, it’s something I can’t un-watch and will stay with me until the day I die. I can’t allow that.
These are truly evil people. I prefer to call them psychopaths, just to emphasize, and I certainly tell my kids and grandkids that’s what they are. Keep it black and white. Simple.
Using another term, I’ve come to think of Trudeau as one of the top few real scumbags on the planet. There are many others of course, but he seems to ring that bell for me. A scumbag is a person who is dishonest, contemptible, undesirable or sleazy. He’s a sleazy as they get for me. On par with Trump.
It’s too bad there are so many stupid people who continue to vote for the psychopaths. If it wasn’t for them, the system would fall apart.
Amen to that, except that the vote is meaningless.
I’m convinced that all elections are fixed, and have been for a long time.
That’s why the people who claim to “represent” us are so fundamentally different from us.
If decent people went into politics, they would see to it that elections were NOT fixed – that they would actually mean something. The conclusion I draw from all this is that decent people don’t go into politics.
Morally speaking, you have to be fundamentally flawed to think of doing such a thing.
The time is over when people used to enter politics because they were following in the footsteps of an elder relative who sacrificed a great deal of his own ego in order to get something beneficial to society off the ground.
Today, people enter politics for the money. The perks for the ruthless are beyond generous.
I suppose if decent people went into politics, we wouldn’t have the situations we have now. Regardless their initial intentions, the proof is in the pudding. But I think our political systems are designed for the results we have. There needs to be a complete remaking of the governance of humans on the planet.
If “decent people went into politics,” the good voting folks would NEVER elect them. I honestly believe most voters see a little corruption as a good thing – you know: like being a little pregnant.
I think they get into politics to have sex with underage kids. Where else can you get an inside track?
Never thought of that, but it really wouldn’t surprise me.
Yes, everything is fixed, particularly elections. Everything, and there’s very few real people.
A big technicolour yawn all over the Canadian Health Minister and her video.
I’d say it’s worse than that.
A yawn lets them off far too lightly.
A vat of liquid shit deep enough for her to drown in would be my choice.
Technicolour yawn is Aussie slang for vomit. Does that make it better for you?
Worlds better!
Thanks StJohn! Forgive my ignorance of Aussie slang 🙂
English language… I bet every English speaking nation has been saying this for years!
I first heard this in Grade 9 (I remember I laughed my head off)
Now ‘Barbie’ for ‘barbeque’ is definitely Aussie!
Oh, you mean “driving the porcelain bus”! 🚌
The canadian herd of modern moron slaves (MMS) are only getting what they deserve (aka voted for)… No respect for irresponsible MMS!
I had to go and check that the video from Canada’s health minister was for real; it is. I feel sick (but it’s not Covid, I’m pretty sure.) I mean “sick” as in disgusted and enraged. Glad to know that you that not having the vaccine doesn’t put a child or anyone else on Santa’s naughty list. A bit over a year ago a local church official preached a sermon in which he told us that “all true Christians are getting the Covid jab.” I assume he went on to reason that it supposedly shows true love and concern for others…I don’t know because I got up and walked out. Rude, I know. A month or two after that those of us — very few in number in my church — who were unvacinated were barred from most church services; this lasted for several months. Not much Christian love there. But my faith in God has not been diminished. Indeed, it has helped me to hang on. My faith in the ability of the vast majority of humans to reason has, alas, taken a big hit. Christmas, for Christians, is about light shining in the darkness. We certainly need light, because it has been a very dark three years. But hang in there everyone.
Amazing that it is for real.
The woman clearly has no idea how despicably stupid she appears.
I think I’ll save it and drag it out to entertain my family on New Year’s Eve in 2042 – those remaining, that is . . .
In fact even Hollywood could use the video as training in how to recognize the worst acting on the planet . . .
“Jeremy Hunt to HALVE energy bill support in U-turn on £40bn package set to help millions”
Time to start. CAN’T PAY, WON’T PAY.
What they going to do. cut you off?
As year end is coming it is very instructive to see some people’s reactions after they found themselves on receiving end of ostracism, suppression, and censorship for expressing simple facts and rational opinions based on them.
The case on point is MoA that himself imposed draconian forms of suppression of COVID debate, marginalizing, blatant censorship of facts and facts grounded opinions expressed by top experts in medicine, molecular biology, infectious diseases and epidemiology from Academia and pharmaceutical industry banning anyone who quoted them or linked to their scientific papers or seminars.
MoA called all those professional people and many of his own bloggers Covidiots and ridiculed them. The same condescending attitude MoA reserved for other, previously friendly to MoA analysts, bloggers including Off-Guardian editors who saw COVID as psychological warfare operation. Today all those smeared by MoA as conspiracy theorists have been vindicated by new CDC and FDA reports,new recommendations backed by thousands of scientific studies. No one word of apology from MoA.
MoA was happy to blindly take MSM and Government blatant lies about COVID as a Bible and attacked anyone who dared to question clearly false official COVID Narrative that was completely divorced from any conceivable reality.
Today on NATO-Russia proxy war in Ukraine MoA laments that none of MSM actually agrees with his analysis of the conflict, he calls objective reality, and that the MSM propaganda load around Ukrainian war is supposedly at unprecedentedly high level. Really?
The quote from MoA.
“4My feel this year was that political, economical and military issues discussed in the main stream media have parted from the objective reality more than they have done at any previous time in my life. I sometimes look into a mirror and think ‘well, maybe its just you.’ But it is not just me. Other analysts have come to similar conclusion. But, like me, neither of them gets quoted in main stream media and neither is paid in a traditional sense to publish on these issues. ..
Posted by b on December 30, 2022 at 17:50 UTC |”
No one got paid for telling the truth about COVID either. Instead they were viciously attacked, demonetized, banned, canceled, investigated by authorities, condemned by MSM mob MoA proudly joined.
This what selective blindness does to otherwise intelligent people like MoA. Nothing but denial of objective reality about mainstream media and government institutions whose sole role is and was always to propagandize on behalf of ruling oligarchic elites. And hence cannot be trusted under any circumstances. Today their legacy of crimes against humanity is clear as they killed or organized, hastened, aided or abetted deaths of millions worldwide via dangerous counterproductive often scientifically invalid emergency measures. And this deadly legacy will be brutally defended.
Sadly to this day MoA remains blind to reality of massive unprecedented in last 50 years departure of media coverage from objective reality COVID global psychological warfare brought.
MoA should look deeper in the mirror to see what’s real and what’s crude opportunism.
MoA fits into the “Left template” of TRUE denial – or rather a complete ignoring – of what is still the most fundamental issue – the covid scam. We still have a Groundhog Day scenario here of those who blank out covid completely or still shill for it. Their attitude is schizophrenic: still “partying like it’s 2019” and there is no covid issue at all … and then occasionally sparking into life and screaming about how we’re all going to die from the virus.
CoVid1984 and WW3 are the same thing!
Collective Waste vs the Global South has all been spelled out in words and deeds.
Excellent post. Thanks.
Well stated.
MoA was one of the first aggressively pro-scamdemic “alternative” news and analysis sources that I abandoned. Without trying to retrieve the offending B. posts, if they’re even still available, I well remember being unpleasantly surprised when B. unexpectedly posted spittle-flecked rants arguing that persons who “test positive for COVID” should be sequestered or quarantined in soccer stadiums, willy-nilly.
Apart from seriously proposing draconian, authoritarian official responses to the “pandemic”, as you point out B. harshly censored and suppressed even mildly dissenting responses.
At first, I assumed that B. was being sarcastic or facetious, but it was soon obvious that he was dead serious; within days of the Megadeath Virus of Doom psyop’s launch, he became a caricature of what I characterized as “Good Germless Syndrome”.
In succeeding weeks, I discovered to my dismay that many ostensibly “leftist”, or even just “progressive”, venues and independent journalists had jumped onto the scamdemic bandwagon. Pardon the irony, but it was if their masks had fallen off. I came to refer to these pro-scamdemic ostensible leftists as the “Left Behind”.
I think I might’ve felt a conciliatory impulse to return to the fold, as it were, if it turned out that these early positions were aberrations triggered by initial terror and panic. But, as you observe, very few scamdemic True Believers recovered sufficiently to see the error of their ways, and renounce or apologize for their pro-scamdemic stances.
Yes, I understand that it’s not easy to publicly crawl back from the end of a limb one has recklessly raced to reach. This is true not only for the “radical” scamdemic-mongers like B., but also for pundits and journalists who took a “soft” pro-scamdemic view, or sat on the fence and superciliously refused to express public criticism of the scamdemic and its pseudo-scientific cover story and would-be remedies.
But that cuts both ways; if you’re not about to humbly crawl back on that limb, I’m not crawling out to meet you halfway. 😡
B fucked up, BADLY, on the CoVid1984.
MoA has some of the most encompassing info on the “Ukraine Destruction”.
I believe that b’s behaviour was indicative of the realization that he was had. He “threw this misdirection into the closet” and focused on the SMO, and the perpetual “Collective Waste” projections of hubris. Whether he comes out to admit is moot at this point, as he stopped the censoring.
B did not just fucked up his response to Covid sham. It was not innocent mistake. He did it deliberately.
On January 25, 2020 he declared on his blog “don’t panic” COVID is not species terminating virus. Normal flu like precautions suffice to handle it. He was right. His analytical skills dictated his composed rational answer.
Suddenly barely three weeks later he panicked, got hysterical demanded permanent use of face masks, social distancing, begged for hard lockdowns, school closures, civil rights restrictions and mass PCR tests when in US official Covid death toll was less than 10 while flu killed 35,000 by that time of 2019-2020 season. B demanded more authoritarian measured than CDC and US government demanded at that time.
He became abusive to those who asked right questions any rational person would like himself.
B aligned himself with with liars of MSM he previously condemned.
Just to note CDC in August 2022 finally recommended to treat Covid the same as flu.
Chinese followed this same policy from December 2022
Half a billion jabbed with genetic bioagents. B did his small part of Covid con job well. Now he graciously became more tolerant until, next psychological warfare is unleashed. He completely lost my trust and that includes subject of Ukrainian war as I know he is not stupid or uninformed he just sold his soul deliberately.
All the above retards regard the Chitty Chitty Bang Bang child catcher as their idol. These people are creepy beyond belief.
Maybe it’s time the people had their own cull. What’s good for the goose….? It would certainly reduce the population, which is their mantra.
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang – what a fantastic film! Just for the hell of it…
Thank you for that moment of respite.
Christmas can be blamed for children developing Cargo Cult mentality… And then some going on to become Dole Bludgers, expecting Nanny State free handouts…
The blame is not to be laid solely upon the victims of Christmas commerce.
Wherever the idea of celebrating Christmas with extra food, drink and presents came from, the tradesman-politicians weren’t slow catching on to its manipulative possibilities.
Create the demand, then never quite fulfil it…
In that sense, almost all of us are victims.
Yes! The victims of Christmas commerce pay deeply to expound their virtue signaling and bigotry over an artificial event.
The Santa/Vex Video is proof positive that money is the only game left in Canada.
… or just listen to this [humor]: https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/2445352321
Interview with an aspiring politician:
“Come fly with me.” Comedy gold! 😆
If the blowfly runs for office in the US, it’s got my vote– even if I have to submit a “write-in” vote on flypaper!
I have come to abhor CBC and all their fake sold out news. They don’t represent Canada and neither does any of their fake news.