COVID-19: A Global Financial Operation
Michael Bryant

The COVID phenomenon cannot be understood without understanding the un-televised 2019-2020 unprecedented financial collapse threatening the entire global financial system.
The Covid-19 Pandemic story makes little sense when viewed through the lens of health, safety and science. Viewed through the lens of money, power, control, and wealth transfer, however, then all of it makes perfect sense.
The lockdowns, mandatory muzzles, anti-social distancing and the plethora of additional measures did nothing to protect or improve public health- they were never designed to do so.
The numerous mandates birthed by the onset of the Covid-19 scenario were all designed to deliberately break the global economy and crush small businesses as well as break people’s minds, will and the social fabric, in order to “build back a better society” that conforms to the dystopian visions of the psychopaths waging this class war.
The desired result is a billionaire’s utopia, in which they will own and control the planet in the form of a techno-feudal fiefdom where digitally branded humanity is regulated like cattle in a super-surveilled technocracy.
What this manufactured crisis conveniently camouflages is that we are in the midst of a planned total economic collapse- a collapse which was inevitable.
The timing of the COVID fraud became necessary as world markets were faced with an emergency debt crisis in Fall of 2019 which popped up in formerly mostly liquid markets: Repo Markets, Money Markets and Foreign Exchange Markets.
Western governments began a rush to salvage this decaying system, stem this cataclysmic landslide, bail out large scale investors and proactively install a security infrastructure to control the inevitable social disorder resulting from this collapse. This would be followed by a global financial reset, after a period of hyperinflation, destroying both the value of debt and the corresponding paper claims.
The financial system was already in an advanced stage of decline by the fall of 2019 as illustrated by the Fed taking over the Repo market in September to short-circuit the Repocalypse. This collapse began in earnest in 2008/09 and attempts over the last decade and a half to salvage this corrupt economic system only delayed the inevitable.
In the Fall of 2019 the crisis began to rapidly unravel again.
A dramatic decrease in industrial production characterized the banking crisis of August 2019- the so-called Repo crisis when suddenly banks started to refuse US sovereign debt instruments as collateral for overnight loans, forcing the Federal Reserve to step in and print money to cover this massive shortage.
The Repo market is where banks borrow money each day so that they have a certain percent of liquid assets at the end of each day in order to meet certain fiduciary requirements.
Around the middle of September the Fed started pumping $10-20 billion per day into the Repo market to keep interest rates down so banks could borrow the money to stay in business. Even as the Fed was pumping as much $10’s of billions per day into the Repo market it was still not enough.
By early March the Fed was pumping $100 billion into the Repo market in order to stem this existential crisis.
Simply everyone on Wall Street was loaded with enormous debt and was holding on to US cash in order to service this debt, refusing to finance purchases of foreign currencies and then US currency as the Repo Market froze at 10% interest on overnight Repo loans. US treasury bonds and even US bills were being rejected as collateral for Repos.
In March 2020 the liquidity crisis spread from primary dealer markets (TBTF banks and Hedge funds were bailed out in September) toward all other stocks, commodities, bonds, Collateralized Loan Obligations, Mortgage Backed Securities, Mutual Funds, Exchange Traded Funds, as well as various Ponzi schemes such as Structured Derivative Products traded on proprietary platforms representing up to several thousand trillions of dollars.
When US treasury bonds became illiquid due to exponential growth of public, but mostly private, dollar debt, even as the FED was sucking up cash from financial markets all hell broke loose.
The entire House of Cards which was falling for six months could not be stopped so COVID hysteria was manufactured to cover up to what amounts to $10-15 trillion of FED bailout in cash and stock boosts via Permanent Open Market Operations (POMO)- a fancy way of saying that the Fed is buying Treasuries, pumping money into the financial markets and handing out guarantees of value of collateral used in structured derivatives.
The end game,currently in motion, is for the Central Banks (Fed) to buy up all the toxic, worthless debt from the hedge funds and banks, including the 1.5 quad trillion of derivatives, and then transfer the debt to the treasury as sovereign debt. They will then print money to infinity, already fully underway, to service this fictitious debt to sink the dollar via hyperinflation and then foreclose on the US and everyone else holding debt in worthless dollars.
That’s the coup: global hyperinflation to vaporize the assets of the masses and the states in order to hand over public assets to private investors. This allows the ruling class to mop up properties (bankrupted small businesses, foreclosed homes etc.) in order to stake limitless claims on everything in the world.
The timely arrival of the Covid-19 “emergency” provided the rationale and the opportunity to freeze the US banking collapse with massive injections of cash. Somewhere in the neighborhood of $8-10 trillion was paid to US banks up until March 2020 with an additional $5 trillion in economic stimulus promised by the Fed.
The manufactured perception that there was a global medical emergency, beginning in March 2020, was an artifact of mass media manipulation, behavioral conditioning techniques and social engineering. All of this was made possible through institutional programming and accelerated media messaging disallowing basic cognitive processes and eliminating critical thinking possibilities.
With this incessant and overwhelming media drumbeat of the Virus Narrative, and the world unified in its response to the ‘Covid Pandemic’, no other stories were permitted to exist in the media or the public conscience.
Without any external threat like a ‘Killer Virus’ this massive financial collapse would have immediately caused panic and threatened dollar credibility. Without the Covid-19 smokescreen this widespread Ponzi Scheme and the ongoing historical wealth transfer would be seen for what they are- ongoing theft by the financial aristocracy.
The Covid Operation: The Trojan Horse to Usher in the New World Order
As the “War on Terror” illustrated, these deep events are constructed to exploit as many different lines of acquisition as possible. With the “Covid Pandemic” replacing the phony “War on Terror” yet another revamped “worldwide crisis” miraculously morphs into a ruling class multi-purpose golden opportunity.
While the immediate necessity was to staunch the bleeding of the global financial system many other purposes were and are to be served by this multifaceted operation. None of this is accidental. All of this is hidden in plain sight, planned and executed as evidenced in multiple tabletop exercises such as “Event 201” and delineated in numerous documents such as “The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”
The Covid Operation itself covers many objectives:
- Pre-emption of and disguising the reasons for the aforementioned economic implosion;
- Acceleration of the largest upwards transfer of wealth in human history;
- Justification for and entrenchment of the Bio-Security State, including AI surveillance across multiple sectors of society;
- Empowering and enriching the Security State’s counterpart the Big Tech Cartel via tracking apps, proliferating and normalizing social media and communication platforms as “the middle man” in all walks of life. Moving all social life towards the technological imperative- meals ordered via DoorDash, meetings on Zoom, increased spending via Visa/MasterCard by ordering goods online with Amazon, films via Netflix etc., were all forced onto a gullible and largely compliant world public during the Covid tyranny;
- The creation of “The Pandemic” as a financial mechanism. Manufactured pandemics have become mammoth investment opportunities that increase the wealth of billionaires and further consolidate their power;
- Expansion of the public health industry itself into all walks of public and economic life. The public health industry is now directly tied to global markets and financial conglomerates and has become one of the most critical financial instruments for investors;
- Creation of an entirely new and lucrative Bio-Medical “health management” system in order to introduce and codify an entirely new Bio-Tech medical model for the Pharmaceutical Industry with a focus on “revolutionary” uploadable mRNA “vaccines”;
- Expansion of and normalizing the use of digital IDs, including vaccine passports, connecting these to a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC); a Universal Basic Income (UBI) scrip, allowing for the tracking of purchases; medical interventions, “lifestyle choices”, etc. “nudging” us towards ‘desired’ behaviors or shutting us out of the system altogether as they wish;
- A re-organisation, privatization and reduction of public services under the pretense of making them “more nimble” for “public emergencies”;
- Conditioning the public to perpetual “States of Emergency” preparing them for the implementation of “The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”
A Final Word
We are living through the biggest worldwide organized crime since WW2. The scale of the deception is too large for even many who consider themselves “in the know” to accept or comprehend and remain trapped in some version of the “Covid” merry-go-round. Others are still asleep or traumatized as the social fabric is being smashed to pieces as the world around them is being completely transformed.
The financial elites know that they have run up massive unpayable debts and deficits. They know the promises of pensions and benefits cannot be paid. They know the system has reached its Waterloo and social unrest is inevitable.
They know they must act rapidly and comprehensively to subvert this inevitable collapse in order to protect the financial Leviathan which underpins their capacity to maintain power and control.
Put simply, Covid-19 was not a widespread medical emergency, it was a money laundering scheme, a massive psychological operation and a smoke screen for a complete overhaul and restructuring of the current social and economic world order.
Covid-19, the disease, is nothing more than a disease of ATTRIBUTION.
Covid-19, the media event, was the Trojan Horse constructed to usher in a complete transformation of our society.
Covid-19TM, the operation, was never an epidemiological event, it is a business model meant to increase the portfolios of the super-wealthy.
There is no such thing as “Covid 19” except as a criminal conspiracy.
Michael Bryant is a freelance journalist/activist and researcher who presently focuses primarily on issues surrounding health freedom. His work has appeared on
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Unfortunately, average Joe and Jane still believe there was a ‘pandemic’ and don’t even realize how much they have been screwed.
Now they launched operation Ukraine and ‘climate change’ BS to keep on track with the scam and still Joe and Jane don’t get it.
It is sad but all these crimes would have never been committed without the complicity of millions of people (especially in the medical sector) who keep helping the criminals
who are robbing, enslaving and killing us.
Human stupidity and cowardice have no limits.
Thanks for a timely reminder of what’s really been happening for the past three + years.
“Covid-19, the disease, is nothing more than a disease of ATTRIBUTION.”
That is ignorant, defamatory BULLSHIT, tantamount to denying vaxx injuries.
How many readers here have had Alpha or Delta? If you think your case could have been flu or a cold, please let us know.
Similarly, if your symptoms were very different and unique in your health history, please chime in. I had Delta, and would LOVE to see the author infected with it, if only to see if he has enough honor to admit he was deplorably wrong. Although there is a small chance the illness is some obscure but known malady, millions of doctors and scientists (who would LOVE to be credited with identifying the culprit) have failed completely to do that for three years now. What does that tell you?
Although the distorted numbers and absurd tests cloud the matter Covid-19 itself IS VERY REAL — only the causitive agent is up for grabs.
So how do you know Alpha and Delta are even “REAL” variants?
I had this “FLU” you speak of—-it was like every other flu I’ve had in the past 50 years.
The FLU is REAL!!!
Did you pro-activley treat yourself with Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Vitamins C and D, Zinc, etc.?
Did you follow FLCCC protocol?
Do you have any pre-existing conditions?
Are you on prescribed meds?
Do you get a yearly flu shot?
Do you eat healthy and exercise?
They don’t care about your health!!!
You are responsible for your own HEALTH!!!
Why do you think people had been made so afraid ? We were supposed to have no defences against some “Covidius Covidiosjus the Terrible (?). So that you panic and so that your immune system is shut down under extreme stress. In other words : so that you get sick worse than usual. (Psychological trick by fear).
Besides, it doesn’t matter what you call the disease, flu or Covid something, there was NO pandemic in 2020. The numbers don’t lie : excess mortality only since the “vaccinations” in 2021 ! I think you are mad because others knew this since 2020 : NOTHING WAS “SCIENTIFICALLY” substantiated ! And as for the millions of doctors: someone said that if millions of flies ate poop, he still wouldn’t eat such things….The large number of people who were gullible ( and partly paid) doesn’t matter. I also found it difficult to believe in what world history had not yet known. Then I understood : At some point it’s just the first time !
One more addition :
The hardest thing for me to believe was that people’s immune systems were being ruined on purpose. That was the only thing I suppressed for a long time. Until all other options were ruled out, only then did I finally have to accept it. “Empty pension funds” fits this very well. The truth is very sad and shakes our understanding of the world to the marrow of our bones. Not everyone can cope with that quickly. In this case, you need time.
Best wishes !!!
One doctor that was interviewed about the covid & the vaccine said “This is a flu. It is not a deadly pandemic & the vaccines are not good. It may take 3-5 years but the negative affects will show up.” That was Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, a retired German/Thai immunologist & infectious disease expert. Not long after this fiasco began I was sent a video by text from the SGT website, of about 10 or 12 doctors in Europe saying “there is no pandemic.” Then there was a news release in 05/2020 Saying “WA officials admit including gunshot victims in the Covid-19 death count.” One year later a health official in CO said the same thing. The reason the death count is so high is because the only drug that Fauci allowed the hospitals to use was remdesivir which destroys the kidneys, causing death. It is a worthless drug & he knew it before this thing began. Then the press laughed at Trump when he suggested using Ivermectin. They all said it was a horse de-wormer but what they forgot to add was that it was used for 40 years, on humans, before ever being used on horses. This has been a scam from the start & I wouldn’t be surprised if we find out it was planned for years. The vaccines are worthless. As one doctor said “One shot will damage your immune system by 15%. Two shots by 35% & if you get a flu shot, you will die. If you get a booster shot, you will die. “Both my sister & nephew had to get jabbed for work & both came down with Covid right after. So, you can keep believing the liars in the press but this has all been planned.
I think by using the term “attribution” the author is not denying the symptom characterisation of SARS 2 (named Covid-19), but rather is pointing out how that symptom characterisation was framed and then marketed to the global population as being the result of a novel virus which required a particular kind of response, which also just happened to serve the financial and political ends of a global elite.
As to your implied question whether Covid19 is a unique disease, I get Flu every 5 or 6 years and have noticed recent bouts have involved more and more odd unique symptoms (especially mental), including the Flu returning a few times after recovery but in an attenuated form.
As to Covid19 I’ve contracted it three times so far, including the original ‘Wuhan Strain’ in January 2020, and though I agree it was nasty and had some pretty weird symptoms overall it was largely ‘flu-like’ and responded to the Homeopathic medication I normally use.
Also objectively, reputable scientists such as Dennis Rancourt have shown that the infection fatality rate from Covid19 is not dissimilar to what is expected from a bad Flu season.
Brilliant article…! The elite are a bunch of satanic,evil,bloodthirsty monsters…!
very thought provoking. I’ll need more time to absorb and understand this: much of it is way above my pay grade.
It appears to me that The Powers That Be are pulling production and employment away from inefficient, small businesses and consolidating them under more efficient, larger corporations that can then be nationalized, (if they haven’t been effectively nationalized already through close regulation and partnership). This organises production and employment more directly under the central planning committees charged with finding ways to provide more efficiently for a growing and global population.
The populations most benefitting from the passing status quo are the ones least interested in plans to share opportunities with the deprived. Government, having much experience in adjusting the behaviors of the uncooperative masses, employs a ruse like a mechanic wields a screwdriver.
I am not intimidated by the fear porn ruse of Covid-19 nor the fear porn of an impending, totalitarian, “The sky is falling!”, chicken little Apocalypse.
Face it: The Powers That Be have become disillusioned with the Free Enterprise System and have for some time now have become convinced that something more like China is what is necessary to modernize and provide for the future. And in some ways they may be right.
Interesting theory… though I add:
– I see too many people (not the majority but still a considerable amount), anywhere I go, that are very suspicious and perceive deceit about the whole Covid narrative. If there is indeed a deceit attempt, it is not quite succeeding as planned.
-There seems to be desperation in the narrative push, and internal disagreement among those involved. Feels kind of like a silent empire slowly crumbling.
The plan is to make Stockholder ideology, oops, sorry, *Stakeholder* ideology THE ideology of a new world system of governing. Leading non-governmental organizations — like The UN, The World Bank, The IMF, along with the biggest corporations and investment funds — and of course the governments of America, Europe, Asia and so on — they will kindly ask our new African friends to pretty please join our save-the-world party. The leaders of countries and businesses who don’t want to hop aboard the Stakeholder express, well, they don’t want to make all those groups and people have a sad at them do they? We are all in this together people. From The Great Reset (or else)
brics will bury the wef tyrants
Excellent article. It drives me crazy that people don’t get this, and that it is not central in the debate about the Lockdown.
I reported on this real time when it all went down.
And analyzed it in depth in a series of articles in the years after:
Good on you. I will check this out. The whole reason I knew there was no virus, even before I read the science papers, was because of this. I knew this was going on.
ICE-9 wrote of this long ago.
Thanks for this good summary. I’d like to see a guide (by anyone) as to how we best distinguish who, among the Great Reset establishment and their supporters, should be assumed to be conscious of these plans and deceiving us of their beliefs and attitudes, and who can be assumed to be dupes.
Problem is, it’s often too hard to interrogate either, as we’ve been trained lately to fully shun those who don’t agree with us. Yet another dimension, I believe, of this whole psy-op.
It does matter in how we treat people. It seems to make little sense to just ridicule the (current) dupes, as that just creates unnecessary enemies when we really should aim for everyone we can get.
I think finding those that are “conscious” of this plan will be difficult to determine but also a fruitless goal. The success of this plan is much more insidious as what we are experiencing is a melding of motivations among influential societal figures. Most are being motivated by financial incentives while the truly elite by power lust. Either way, human nature is being manipulated to promote ideas that in the short run bring many positive rewards. Unfortunately, in the long run, it is self destructive. I find those who have no children or grandchildren, or little regard for their progeny, who tend not to think too far in the future, to be particularly self absorbed in their own well being with little regard for others. Identifying these sociopathic people and avoiding interactions with them and preventing them from gaining power is a constant goal that I have decided upon. Our current media glorification system is promoting this sociopathy and it becomes obvious once this perspective is realized.
Thanks –
To be clear, “those that are ‘conscious’ of this plan…” means the same to me as “… these sociopathic people”
Those who are conscious (of what we recognize as the true nature of the globalist plans) but are two-faced (i.e., liars) are guilty of anti-social behavior. That’s what (substantive) lying most often is.
Those who are unconscious — no matter what they believe — are not two-faced, and (to me) deserve respect even while we persuade them to adopt different understandings.
That’s an honourably deep question.
Establishment vs supporter comes down to pay. We see this with the Covid implementation. People don’t have to agree ideologically if they can be complicit in short-term gain.
However the story lifts off into a rocket ride of possibilities. Is it a rerun of 1917 or 1933… does the advance guard survive the reset, or will the useful idiots be disappointed at the point of a gun – still the cheapest method.
Whoa. Gone too far already.
Retract the argument, the precis, pretext and premises: where do we stand: is it just a question or will we all have to answer for our failure to question?
Thank you.
“Establishment vs supporter comes down to pay” — Fully agreed, when “one’s salary depends on it”, necessity plays a large role in one’s behavior and public attitudes. But there remains still a divide being those who are conscious vs unconscious, and all the things in between.
Those who are conscious are being anti-social/selfish. However, either partly or fully unconscious believers can arguably be deemed innocent. They need education, and that’s our problem — how is this done through current climate, which includes not only emergent cultural norms of censorship and shunning, but also institutional toxic-education-priming of the youth and toxic-MSM-agenda-control to accept these things? They had decades to train us, and here we are, likely needing months to undo it.
Our continuing to get (justifiably) angry won’t do it, as that now just boomerangs in the face of the above problems. TPTB are taking great advantage of our now-primitive communication skills.
Could you re-write the part beginning with “However” to educate us better? For on the contrary, I don’t think you’ve gone far enough to lay it out clearly for too many of us to understand your perspective on what happened in the last century. Thanks.
Excellent! As Catherine Austin Fitts thoroughly explained years ago. I hope more voices will join.
Bravo. Not very many see these things or are simply stifled in their attempts to express their views, but you got through. Bravo, I salute you.
Signs emerged after 9/11 that all was not what it seemed. Although the War on Terror was said to target unseen malfeasance in foreign lands, the Patriot Act and subsequent acts quite clearly targeted the domestic population.
The Dot Com crash had unfolded over the previous two years… a pump and dump that drew comparisions with 1929 which would become much more brazen in 2007-09.
John Lanchester wrote with aplomb in Whoops! Why Everyone Owes Everyone and No One Can Pay (2010) how the Western kitty was empty and the welfare state was being unwound.
About the same time I wrote that no U.S. president wants to be the one to tell the population that the cupboard is bare, that the dollar’s done, and the American people no longer get to live a better lifestyle than the rest of the world. It didn’t require a genius to connect the militarization of police to the coming decision day when the plug would be pulled.
Few could guess with any accuracy how the plug would be pulled – it is our privilege and responsibility to be alive at this time; to witness events that happen once a century.
As for Covid being a monetary event, Richard Werner, Jim Sinclair and Catherine Austin Fitts have connected the Repocalypse to the BlackRock-central banker compact sealed at Jackson Hole in Aug 2019 to print money in sufficient volume to save the wealthiest.
My own hypothesis is that Modern Monetary Theory is a cover story for inflating the dollar to destruction, to create the pretext for central bank digital currency.
On a broader level, the Covid response is banking on steroids – it’s as much about attitude as money.
Fash the Nation on the right stuff dot biz
I might actually be okay with a one world, global, communist government where its organized in such a way that ordinary people get along okay without owning anything. I came unto this world owning nothing. Nothing I own can be taken with me when I leave. I’ve wasted so much of my brief time here just to accumulate what I do own. And there’s no solid guarantee that the material goods I leave behind to my children will be much use to them. Why not let an entity like government that was here before me and will likely still be here after me manage all this stuff that I just use for a short while, anyway? The government is already in a position to render valueless everything I own at any time, anyway. What’s the big difference? I just want to follow Jesus and minimize unnecessary hassles while maximizing my effectiveness to bless people as I pass through this brief, fragile life. I’m not saying I advocate the current Agenda but that I think I can be at peace with it.
Rom 8:28 KJV And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Gross dude. Man up. God doesn’t want you enslaved by psychopaths. You WILL be forced to do things against your faith. How long do you plan on compromising? Have you no dignity to uphold? You’re making peace with widespread suffering and death, abject slavery, and rampant exploitation.
The current situation we were all born into is little different from what you fear. We were born into a world where the common person must submit to authority figures at home, school, work, shopping and all the roads in between. From the age we can legally sign a contract, we are expected to take out student loans, car loans, home loans and then do what we’re told 50-60 hours a week to make the monthly payments, pay the mandatory insurances and taxes, keep up repairs, and somehow pay all these debts back before we die while saving up for a burial plot. Most people appear to have no plan but to die in debt and have their bodies burned like trash. So, if the Powers That Be haven’t worked you to death already under the current system then there’s no new reason to believe that they will do so after their ongoing overhaul of the system is completed.
You and I stay inside the present system managed by The Powers That Be because we know good and well that we are more comfortable inside the system under their management than we would be outside the system as subsistence level farmers and hunter-gatherers.
Stop whining. Be thankful. It will change your outlook and brighten your view of the future.
No, we don’t know that we are more comfortable inside the system. Many of us resist the system and gain much by doing so. How IN THE SYSTEM do you think Jesus was? I suggest to you that he resisted the system in every way; and that is not to say ignored it. We can acknowledge the system and the powers that be without losing our independence and freedom. Freedom of spirit at the very least.
You are mistaking Jesus Christ for George Washington. The world system in which Jesus lived was under the management of the Romans who were far more brutal, totalitarian and enslaving than anything the world has seen in many centuries. Yet Jesus flatly instructed, “Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar.” And Jesus’ representatives, the Apostles, directly taught, “Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake, whether it be to the king, as supreme; or unto governors … Honor the king.”
Jesus directed people’s focus upon resisting and overthrowing the totalitarian grip of their own earthly minds over their own personal lives. That is where the real battle is. By taking the dog collar of our own materialistic greed off of our own heads we gain our own, personal freedom.
Phi 3:18-19 KJV 18 (For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: 19 Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.)
Mat 22:21b “Give therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”
1Pe 2:13-17 NHEB 13 Subject yourselves to every human institution for the Lord’s sake: whether to the king, as supreme; 14 or to governors, as sent by him for vengeance on evildoers and for praise to those who do well. 15 For this is the will of God, that by well-doing you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people: 16 as free, and not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but as slaves of God. 17 Honor all people. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king.
John, Do you really think in a Communist system you would be allowed to pray and quote scripture? You sound very down and dejected and seem to have lost your will to fight the evil in this world. Are you really praying to the right God or has the devil taken over your mind disguised as Jesus? Your comments contradict one another.
Please reread Ian’s comments above, as he said it better than I can.”You’re making peace with widespread suffering and death, abject slavery, and rampant exploitation?”
The intention is to manipulate people via the television, the media and every single advertising campaign imaginable.(I.e. Notice the political propaganda in firework displays, etc.,) Why do you think the Television Licence companies are free to harass people into purchasing a licence? It is not for the money – it is to understand the numbers of people likely to be brainwashed. There was no 9/11 event, there was no war on terrorism, there were no terrorist attacks, there was no dot com event, the reasons given for a financial crash were false – there was no Covid, etc.,etc., The truth is the West is going down and the East is rising.
IMO, John doesn’t understand how Christians ” fared” under 20th century Communism. My paternal God fearing and bible believing Grandfather was ” taken” by Stalin in 1937 during the Great Purge in the USSR. My maternal Grandfather was forced to work on menial jobs far from his wife and young child ( my mom). They almost starved in the Manmade Holodomor in the 1930s. Christian cemeteries were bill dozed to build those ugly communist apartments. Many of the population were informants in neighbours. There were zero human rights. Great evil was done and fear was instilled. It was only be a miracle of God that my family was able to escape with the clothes in their backs. I don’t think anyone will enjoy seeing human suffering around them and be at peace with it. Of course the Bible instructs us to be thankful and pray continually. That doesn’t mean wishing for totalitarianism.
Excellent response.
Did you grow up in a city? I’ve noticed urban folks have learned dependency issues.
Urban vs. Rural is like Dog vs. Wolf
Live in a life where you get your food from daddy gov everyday and they make all your problems go away. Give them more power. More power. More power. You are a slave.
you mean you have noticed SOME urban folks– this urban folk would be happy to go toe to toe with you on independence and reliance 😊 Please stop generalizing and putting people into boxes.
Yes, but if the box fits….
P.s. Born at North York general.
I grew up rugged and poor by modern, first world standards but we were too proud to take government handouts so we worked hard ever since to dig out of that hole. Most Middle Class people have no idea how the vast majority of the world live now and throughout history past and are terrified to have to find out due to the excessive pampering by the system that benefits them even now. I am not afraid of belt-tightening measures. I have seen my share of it and have learned to be happy in every situation and to live on a good standard on modest means by being efficient, frugal, creative and resourceful. I am 100% debt-free and train my family to keep it that way through careful discipline. Much of the rest of the world says the same about themselves and sees you the same way I do.
That sounds amazing, John, but it doesn’t go along at all with your first statement about being OK with a Communist Global Govt System. Some of my best friends vote Democrats into office while leading very conservative lives by being stay at home moms, going to church, teach their children to write thank you notes, save money, etc… It makes no sense.
As a fellow believer who follows Christ and believes in the inerrancy of The Bible, please consider that communism is antithetical to both the promises of God and the instruction of scripture. Even today, thousands are being martyred each year under the religious intolerance of totalitarianism simply for having a Bible; yes even those who twist scripture to their evil ends. To wit, millions have been martyred under these “benevolent” regimes just in the last 100+ years. Dan 11:27
We are in agreement in your reference in Romans. However, we live in the tension of His provenance and our stewardship and responsibility of the faith.
I think you are confusing the centrally planned economy where the government owns everything, (what I described and what appears to be the current Agenda to build), with the murderous, totalitarian atheism that was unnecessarily brought into it in the 20th century.
Forsaking greed, sharing, and alleviating poverty are Christian values that government does well to encourage.
The idea is that the government shouldn’t be in a position to take what you deserve to keep. We must struggle against those who wish to take what we deserve to keep and which they don’t deserve to take or manage…. Manage…. as in what we do with our world while we are here. For now, you are here and you have a right to manage your immediate circumstances and possessions. Government must be kept in it’s lane. You can believe in God and Jesus and also believe that you are meant to manage your life and your possessions.
Be Well and God Bless you.
Anyone tapping words on a device that is made by the system, and transmitted via the internet developed and provided by the system, and paying for it with money earned by working with the system, and eating food, wearing clothes, and enjoying shelter within the system is not resisting the system – they are merely biting the hands that feed them.
To live outside the system would be to live entirely off the grid without their jobs, their roads, their electricity, piped water, natural gas or heating oil; to live without their money, the gasoline they refine or the machines and goods they manufacture. That is exactly the way of life the illegal aliens are trying to escape from when they sneak into first world countries around the world by day and by night.
So, face it: we like the system better than the alternative. We like it so much that the alternative is unthinkable. Our complaints are that we want more of the benefits of the system that has pampered us our entire lives. And migrants, legal and otherwise, are flocking night and day to the places where the system is most in control in order to get a piece of it for themselves and their kids.
Stop whining. Be thankful. Brighten your mind. Share more. Follow Jesus.
Mat 6:22 NHEB “The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is sound, your whole body will be full of light.
For those so inclined, here’s the broader context:
Mat 6:19-34 NHEB 19 “Do not store up treasures for yourselves on the earth, where moth and decay destroy, and where thieves break through and steal; 20 but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor decay destroy, and where thieves do not break through and steal; 21 for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. 22 “The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is sound, your whole body will be full of light. 23 But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is the darkness. 24 “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other; or else he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Mammon. 25 Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? 26 See the birds of the sky, that they do not sow, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns, and your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of much more value than they? 27 ”And which of you, by being anxious, can add one cubit to his height? 28 And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow. They do not toil, neither do they spin, 29 yet I tell you that even Solomon in all his glory was not dressed like one of these. 30 But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today exists, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, won’t he much more clothe you, you of little faith? 31 “Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What will we eat?’, ‘What will we drink?’ or, ‘With what will we be clothed?’ 32 For the unbelievers seek after all these things, for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. 33 But seek first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 Therefore do not be anxious for tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
It seems to me that there is a difference between wholesale adoption of the system and resistance while living within the system. I’m not denying the system or the benefits I derive from it but only suggesting that i am resisting it as much as possible.
The system is created by men and is constantly evolving. We are part of that evolution and through our resistance we shape a system whereby each individual has more freedom.
Pls see my reply to Ian. Thanks.
Excellent comment.
John, your comment reminds me of an old Cheech and Chong bit from the 70s. It’s the one where the Japanese admiral is addressing his kamikaze pilots aboard an imperial aircraft carrier. He concludes his directions to them on what they are to do finally asking if there are any questions.One kamikazi pilot raises his hand and the admiral says “Yes, you in the back row!
The airman says to his admiral:
Blessings to You John
From what we have seen how unbridled human nature works, I would respectfully suggest you are being incredibly naive.
Uk media full of NHS collapsing stories. Why?….
The World Economic Forum are getting their backsides kicked. It’s happening right now! WEF 0, John Galt 4
I hope you’re correct. I will check out video.
What is Covid? Label to cover up unprecedented pauperization of nations and thievery of national treasuries? The psychological warfare aimed at instigating chaos to cover up eugenics and transgenic agendas and crimes against people? Or it is first step abandoning of bourgeois liberal political framework and its concepts, constructs and fundamental ideas? As I see it all of the above.
What was and is Covid in more ideological context of WEF peddled Reset is a central question of means and motive.
The ideology is not dead.
Only few characterized operation COVID as another escalation of ongoing class war waged by oligarchic ruling elite against people who simply work for living identifying enemy in context of historical process as oligarchic class enemy seeking curtailing even more already suppressed power of the people and extending elites’ totalitarian reach into full blown neo feudal society of control.
But this is only general context of global class war which In fact spans many regional/thematic fronts and many specific battlefields were different forms and kinds of enemy fight against people on behalf of elites using different weapons of mass confusion, distraction and destruction.
Those COVID escalation fronts span across political fronts, economic fronts, financial fronts, cultural, social fronts as many characterized them quite well however too many bought idea of living in post-ideological era (right, center, left) that supposedly changed nature of this class war.
In fact this class war is extreme ideological war, even primarily ideological war to re-engineer society its attitudes, values society retained, human bonds defended against capitalism imposed rampant individualism and social relations of exploitation negotiated by domination, greed and money.
What WEF is peddling is a sort of radical ideological revolution, a brutal socioeconomic reset.
The deliberate discontinuity of about 200 years of social development is what we witness today, a war waged by elites aimed at reversing liberal-democratic political and social framework of capitalism including human and civil rights, workers rights and power of social welfare state back into neofeudalism and effective slavery of hi tech machinic society. The people’s purpose in such society is not like in the past, simply limited to labor contribution to capitalist system and capitalist profits but setting up people to become 24/7 social machines devoid of any other purpose or end but to fulfill ad hoc systemic needs, to serve society of control.
In society of control people who lose ability of self understanding, no longer are expected to serve people’s needs and instead are conditioned to serve immediate needs of unnamed but immanent system without comprehending it. Extreme systemic conservatism is underlying all allowed by the system ideologies and politics.
In fact such new ideological transformation forms central front of Global Reset offensive under guise of imminent threat of deadly calamity or global disasters.
There are two fundamental ideological ideas of global reset that express themselves in narratives about enemy of society aimed as tool of de-politicizing of politics, removing realm of new neo feudal “Empire” from public debate as beyond reproach, and achieving it by means of repression and Orwellian hijacking of language form, context and meaning of content.
Today as it was under any fascist or Stalinist and other western repressive regimes propaganda in the past, political enemy is not only considered as political opposition or even enemy of state or government, or ruling cliques or corporates but enemy of the people, all the people.
Such predefined enemy cannot and does not represent any alternative to ruling elite political principles, policies or is able to advocate for specific social organization, different socioeconomic cultural values and attitudes, is by default devoid of elements of what we would call a political program, but they simply want to destroy.. may be imperfect but more of less good thing going or at least want to stifle some good plans that are being developed by elites for good of society at large.
Opposition is no longer political under the new ideology and its propaganda framing, as it became treasonous wanting to inflict harm to all the good people.
Today selected groups that use terrorism (as states routinely do ) as a tactic are painted in media as having no political agendas at all, they do not oppose US or western foreign or domestic policies, they just hate our way of living, as those who opposed deadly and useless war on drugs have no agenda like turning drug abuse into solely public health issues to be handled by medical and social means. No, they just simply want our children to get addicted.
According to the same depoliticizing ideology those who are climate change skeptics are not those who propose political platform of sober analysis of available data and empowering communities, not controlled by biased experts or corporations with blatant conflicts of vested interests, but by local communities to decide what mitigation if any is called for to deal with any systemic climatic changes they locally observe including relocation.
However in this new propaganda framing those are just global warming deniers, racists who want colored people to drowned in the ocean. they represent no alternative but just want to hurt people out of their personal evil, malice or stubborn willful ignorance as apparently science is done and settled.
Similarly new ideology rejects characterization of skeptics of COVID narratives as political opposition that mainly criticizes political decision of governments including corporate vested interests dictating COVID policies, lockdowns as in fact proven harmful to society due to extreme disruption to public health systems, destructive to economy and extreme disproportionate, abusive response when compared to actual scientific research based on no or only attributory epidemiological threat of COVID.
Most of COVID skeptics opposed not as much idea of vaccination but specifically policies of mass COVID vaccination campaign with untested experimental genetic agents also on very grounds of complete lack of medical efficacy with vaccination risks far superseding that of disease for all ages.
But no, those are not considered as political demands, nor policy alternatives aimed at ending or changing devastating governments’ policies, politics that supposedly is a staple of bourgeois liberal democratic political system, but are rendered by new ideology of depoliticization of politics as the results of treasonous conspiracy directed to bring harm to more already suffering people, to kill grandmas or teachers or to destroy welfare state and public health institutions (or harm environment). The conspiracy organized by enemies of good people who are just trying to get through calamity with help from appropriate authorities.
Under propaganda of new Reset ideology It is not political agenda that skeptics really want to proliferate but willful ignorance, evil deception, Luddite attitudes, mental illness or any other psychopathology that makes few outcasts oppose government policies, perhaps sometimes flawed but supposedly in good faith effort for common good of society at large.
Policies are no longer framed by politics but enter realm of moral judgment.
The depoliticizing of big swaths of bourgeois liberal politics including class politics is what ideology of WEF Reset embraced. It implements instead Identity and single issues politics of division being elevated into center of accepted political realm.
Bravo Kalen! I need to reread this but it seems to me you nailed it. This needs to be published somewhere. BTW, are you a writer, researcher, analyst or…?
Really important that you emphasize the depoliticizing nature of Reset Ideology. This has been overlooked by most commentators. It has been a while since I read Giorgio Agamben’s “Where are we now? The Pandemic as Politics” but as I recall he also emphasized this. Those who have seen through the Covid scam have often been befuddled by – what to them are – obvious cases of irrational thinking or inconsistencies by Media and government “authorities”. As you indicate, if we (as a society) cannot discuss issues rationally and provide evidence, then politics is over.
Will U.S. medicine mimic Canadians and declare ” Cause Unknown” ? If so it will be another brick in Rockefeller’s Pharmedical mafia system….
What are we doing, collectively, to prepare for the next tranche of Govt. initiated tyranny? I’m wagering ‘a-pound to a pinch-of-dog-shiite that the WEF-pundits are at this very minute preparing for their next XYZdemic.
‘Professor’ William Gates and his assistant, Dr. Melinda, forewarned us that the NEXT P2 is around the corner and “will be worse than P1”. The cheeky, all-knowing grins from the Gates’ should have relayed everything we need to know …
We really can’t then claim that we were not informed.
Lockdowns succeeded in the US because they were backed by a president who’d been elected as a Republican, thus silencing the half of America outraged by them. They’d be told, “even Trump supports lockdowns.”…“[Marc] Morano: “If Hillary Clinton were president and she had pushed the ‘two weeks to flatten the curve’ in the United States, I think there would have been a huge rebellion.””
Sept. 2022: “Mark Steyn on Covid lockdowns @4:14: “What was a bit shocking to me is how the American people were willing to put up with this.”…
“[Marc] Morano: “If Hillary Clinton were president and she had pushed the ‘two weeks to flatten the curve’ in the United States, I think there would have been a huge rebellion. I think we now know that Donald Trump was literally duped by his White House COVID advisor Deborah Birx, by Anthony Fauci. They now admit it. Deborah Birx is going around boasting and swindled the president and they knew it was never going to be ’15 days.’”…[For whatever reason, Mr. Morano is being kind to Mr. Trump by writing this off to Trump being “duped.”]
Angelo Codevilla, 2020:
“Who are the people who are getting arrested for walking in the park, or swimming in the sea, or playing with their kids, or for protesting outside the offices and homes of autocratic officials? For whom does anyone think that these people voted in the last election [2016]?
95 percent for Trump? More like 100 percent. And why does anyone suppose they voted for him? Could it be because they were hoping to elect someone who would protect them from having their livelihoods and freedoms taken away by power-hungry officials?…
They voted for Trump [in 2016] because they felt, in their bones, that the ruling class would use any pretext to do precisely something like this.…
The ruling class…sees the pandemic as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to break ordinary people’s resistance to its power…to design a “a new normal,” while ordinary people yearn to recover their freedoms….Trump is the person for whom they voted because they expected that he would be on their side to protect them in situations like this. Now, the casus foederis having arisen, the wolves being at the door, they are on their own. Trump is not protecting them. His reasoning, any reasoning, is irrelevant. Trump’s voters are where they would be were Obama in charge, or maybe even Joe Biden.”…
Angelo Codevilla, 7/17/2020:
“Regardless of whatever America’s ruling Left has done, whatever its hopes, plans, or coordination, what actually happened to the United States of America consequent to COVID could not have happened had President Donald Trump, much of the Republican Party, and America’s religious establishment not concurred in its happening.”…
Valid points same with U.K and E.U they had populist nationalist PM.s.
Who lockdown the hardest and quickest.
When you got most of alt media screaming wuflu and the West is being attack crap.
Brightoen run by deranged ranger, banned run by alex jones. Go check yourself 2020 March, April, May, June, July and they sold the lockdowning as a good thing as Trump has this under control.
Hide in your houses and get guns as the homeless & immigrant s and the left will rob you due to no food and virus outbreaks.
All the videos are still up, to see how pro lockdown they was.
Higher premiums!
I smell shite.
Within weeks of the fake scam, the slogan 6uild, 6ack, 6etter, had been coined.
Further, the phrase had been adopted and regurgitated by every paid mouthpiece, shill, troll and globalist in every country on the planet. An amazing coincidence that all these people had agreed in lock step that something was to be rebuilt, even before it had happened.
It’s truly amazing that all these people could agree on a phrase/plan without a single meeting, at the same time, within days. Are we supposed to believe that each of our governments are independent to each other, but at the same time share scripted slogans and ideas via telepathy.
To “build something back”, one needs to demolish something in the first place. This became apparent over the weeks, months and years as they worked tirelessly to destroy small business to prevent the people from being self sufficient. They want you working for them directly so they can “mandate” you with their corporate rules.
Don’t even let anyone suggest to you that “covid” caused businesses to close. corporate government caused business to close, nothing else. Never forget, the coffee shop was closed, but the liqueur store was open. The brothel was open, but the church was closed. The kmart was open, but the gym and beaches were closed.
Ive been saying from the start. Don’t purchase from their stores and if you are able, don’t work for them.
Oxford (soon Canterbury) will soon become prisons, called “smart 15 minute cities”. Will residents allow this?
“The left-wing controlled Oxfordshire County Council’s new plans to divide the British city of Oxford into six “15-minute cities”. In these new “smart” districts, it is said, most household essentials will be accessible by a quarter-of-an-hour walk or bike ride, so residents will not need a car.
To seize further control of people’s lives, Globalists are pushing the false idea that these cities will “save the planet” and help humanity. Instead, they are nothing more than a way for them to restrict, coerce, fine, punish, surveil, and limit the fundamental right of freedom of movement for residents.
People do not realize that residents will only be allowed within 15 minutes of their home address, and violators will be fined. For example, under the new proposals, if any of Oxford’s 150,000 residents drive outside their designated district more than 100 days a year, they could be fined £70. In addition, the government will track and control your every movement through your smartphones & facial recognition technology,”–its-coming-climate-lockdowns-15-minute-citieszones-facial-recognition-e-fa.html
Up to the residents to sabotage this crap.
No, it’s up to you and me. If you sit idle this shit is coming to a post code near you.
Personally, this stuff does not effect me at all. I consume only what I need, I ride a bike more that I drive per year anyway, I rarely fly and live where I live because I want to be here. I would not travel outside my area more than a dozen times per year.
However, I’m fucked if I’m going to be told by a gaggle of WEF members, who consume more in a week that I would in a year, tell me how it’s going to be.
Further, it does not stop at square one, If you allow this to happen in 20 years from now you may be asking for permission to leave your house. Don’t think for a moment this could not happen, it just did.
Pick your fights– focus your effort– cant do everything for everyone. Why would you want to — where is the self reliance and independence in that?
How much more grim can it get? It sounds hopeless and soon. Before I die, I will have no income, my home will be worthless and food and fuel will be scarce and overpriced. Thieves will be overrunning my neighborhood trying to steal what little I have left. Police will be nowhere to be found. The future looks grim. Not only for my descendants, but for me as well. How the hell did it come to this so quickly? I found this very distressing. Unbelievable. I have lost the desire to warn my kids (or anyone else, for that matter). Just invite them to come here where we can pool our resources when it’s time (and learn to shoot straight). Time for an AR-15 and lots of ammo. “Aim small. Miss small.”
Don’t understand the doublebad ratings.
Don’t worry about the others.
Save yourself
She is poison and talks bullshit and tries to spread fear porn.
Thanks for the comment.
I know.
Just my interpretation of what she said. I am a student of environmentalism. My major in college in the 70s was Environmental Biology. It has taught me to think more critically and to trust no one. I kicked Green Peace solicitors off of my property more than once. Environmental extremists embarrass me. It is why I come to Off Guardian. However, I do have extra food, guns, and a gasoline powered generator. Trust but verify.
Interestingly, the MSM had Paul Ehrlich preaching new gloom and doom forecasts. The man is 91 years old and has been wrong his whole life but yet his new messages are being disseminated as the gospel. He needs to learn to fish, or something…….”Drizzle Drazzle Druzzle Drome”……. Tooter Turtle…… Time for Ehrlich to go home. He was god in the 70s with his book The Population Bomb.
Finally… A fellow modern moron slave that KNOWS what THEY are willing to do!
Congrats Michael.
A FUN comment I wrote back in 2019
Clearly the herds of MMS/3i’s deserve what THEY do to us all.
Ah… Don’t forget to take the 6th m[iracle]RNA toxic spew COVIDIUS booster jab!
Two economies. Two sets of rules.
“Rich and poor are actually living in two different economies, which operate by different rules. Most ordinary people live in a world where a dollar is a dollar. Most rich people live in a world of what financial pundit Jerry Goodman, writing under the pseudonym Adam Smith, called “supermoney,” where assets have been “financialized” (that is, able to participate in the betting economy) and are valued today as if they were already delivering the decades worth of future earnings that are reflected in their stock price.
Whether you are an hourly worker or a small business owner, you live in the dollar economy. If you’re a Wall Street investor, an executive at a public company compensated with stock grants or options, a venture capitalist, or an entrepreneur lucky enough to win, place, or show in the financial market horse race, you live in the supermoney economy. You get a huge interest-free loan from the future.
The problem is that government policy is biased in favor of supermoney. The mandate for central bankers around the world is to keep growth rates up without triggering inflation. Since the 2009 financial crisis, they have tried to do this by “quantitative easing,” that is, flooding the world with money created out of nothing. This has kept interest rates low, which in theory should have sparked investment in the operating economy, funding jobs, factories, and infrastructure. But far too much of it went instead to the betting economy.
Stock markets have become so central to our imagined view of how the economy is doing that keeping stock prices going up even when companies are overvalued has become a central political talking point. Any government official whose policies cause the stock market to go down is considered to have failed. This leads to poor public policy as well as poor investment decisions by companies and individuals.”
It’s time to pop the bubble of the financialized grand delusion and finally do away with the artificially-propped up betting “economy”.
How can such a lopsided economic/social structure endure for any length of time. It is the last days of Rome. The will to power is now morphing into the will to extinction.
Look at history– 250 years is the average time for civilizations to collapse. This is not new. Life and history are cycles. Not linear.
Personally, I don’t care for their fake wealth. Sure, they are able to purchase stuff, but who really cares? Ones health is more valuable than all these things. If you are still accumulating stuff for status, you are lost in their world.
What I do care about is when these people think they can instruct us to inject ourselves with whatever they say. Now you have gone too far.
And this is different from the rest of human history how?
I remember reading about many different alternative local currencies that have been used in the US, but I know little about them or their histories. Anyone know anything?
Go here:
11. Reduce the earth’s population to save the planet. Should be #1.
Yes and no.
The Earth can handle 8BN people.
The Earth cannot handle 8BN people who want to live decent lives.
Kill off the surplus?
Sterilise the unproductive ?
Or destroy the slavemasters that drive this insane circus?
I know which I prefer.
The slave masters have an easy task since they have mal-educated us for generations. Let’s flip the switch by beginning to question everything. The few who do will move mountains. Not in my lifetime!
Malheureusement, ma chère, vous avez raison
Are you willing to depopulate yourself or have you already? No need to reply if you have already and a posthumous thank you for your sacrifice.
Perhaps this article helps explain the Saudis, et al, who were burned during the lockdown assault on oil price, now refusing to follow the US/puppet West and re-aligning with Russia and China, India, etc. The Covid ‘conspiracy’ is clearly a West/US-led operation, and maybe the rest of the world (BRICS, etc) have decided they’re not going to follow the script after all?
Almost every government imposed untested or dangerous jabs and other med. treatments on citizens.
It’s the illusion of separate governments.
Russia and China are part of the covid conspiracy. China invented it, while I believe that at the begining was for internal chinese political purposes.
Have you ever asked yourself why your comments are always, seemingly without exception, utterly Anti- Russia & China in foundation ?
What about India ? Another highly important emerging economy, now…
Honestly speaking, you need to work on expanding your Geo-political comprehension and financial understanding of systems you appear to support,
Bathing in utter ignorance. Riddle me this: Why was Romania tied to Bulgaria, in order of ‘ascension’ to Schengen & why o’ why has Romania not even managed to
Build their Motorway network comprehensively, yet ?
Get real Marius ! Stop deflecting from
European Financial Reality …
“You’ve got too much time on your hands”
I’ve heard this all my life.
It started off in school when I used to ask awkward questions about why we were told to do things in the established way.
My hard working parents said it when I questioned why I should do what they said instead of rethinking the problem.
My bosses said it when I wanted to rejig my working day.
More recently, a LOT of people have said it to me when I used to tell them about the stuff that’s happening.
I stopped telling them.
I still get the odd “So it’s all a conspiracy ?” type snide questions to which I simply answer yes.
The fact is, like a lot on here maybe, I DO have a lot of time to look at all the stuff available and come to a logical conclusion.
If you’re running around trying to pay the mortgage, look after your kids and keep your boss happy you’re going to want to just sit down at the end of the day and watch a bit of mind-swill on telly for a bit of respite.
Not enough to question deeply why you’re being shafted except to look to another shade of political liar who promises you a token of relief.
Pubs have priced themselves out of realistically frequenting them for long enough to have chats and moans like we used to.
In short,
You don’t have enough time on your hands.
nice one.
Thank you.
Should have read “Not enough time to question deeply………”
I’ll remember that one and file it with my stock response when some dickhead tells me to get my hair cut: You grow yours.
Nice one.
Thanks Bob.
Looks like this year will tell ??
You left out “(You should) get a life!” I’m sure you’ve heard that one too. 🤔
My ears stopped hearing that a long time ago.
(My wife tells me that it’s quite common)
Devise a schedule to meet at each others homes and contribute to the beverage. Once a week. Maybe more. Like minded people. Pubs might extend an offer just to make the place look crowded. Or not. Your children might learn from the conversation among men as an added bonus. Just try to keep it clean. Pubs are sublime but there are other options.
Pubs were supposed to be a leveler.
That’s why they have been effectively shut down.
No chat, no dissent.
DIY drinking clubs are not the solution.
Does anyone here remember The Venus Project? I read about it in around 2007. In my eyes it’s pretty much the same as what WEF etc is pushing today…
Ever since the “youth revolution” of the 50s/60s, the ruling order has been salivating over the most easily manipulated generations ever as younger and younger strata became more and more defenseless before consumerist propaganda. Here is the culmination:
“Dad unable to stop 7-year-old son’s gender transition
A jury has ruled against Jeffrey Younger stopping the transition of James, who the mother contends is transgender and identifies as a girl named Luna.”
Here is a telling passage of the disagreement between father Jeff and mother Anne:
“He (Jeff) argued that son James was not transgender and refused to accept that he identified as a girl named Luna. Previously Anne, a paediatrician, petitioned to limit her ex-husband’s visits as he wouldn’t accept his son’s wishes.”
i.e. the father “wouldn’t accept” the “wishes” of a seven year old concerning the boy’s gender!
A cautionary disclaimer: This is one of those issues that seems so bizarre to me that I can scarcely believe it. Of course such a feeling has been rendered practically redundant in the post-covid world. Nevertheless, I sometimes wonder if some of these stories have been constucted to whip up animosity. Here is another link:
Note this:
It’s child abuse as everyone should know. Use of the word “conservative” suggests another whipping up of the “culture war”.
Very astute observation on his use of “conservative”.
If anyone even cares one iota about gender dysphoria it does not have a political leaning!
The statement becomes a revelation of the deliberate politication of the issue, forcing the plebes into the binary! (Beyond absurd; forcing a issue claimed as “diversity”, but argued in binary!)
The psychopaths must be taken down by language first because there is no value that comes from forced acceptance of absurdities.
Sorry George, I fully agree with you, but please riddle me this:
I fail to see the direct connectivity to the excellent article above.
There is one line of thought that could excuse your being OT.
Do you see ? Is my question… because, effectively you appear
To be propagating and compounding the scale of the very subject,
You whinge about…
One grim irony of the covid con is that the Left were prophesying an economic crash for decades. Indeed, such a crash was a central part of Marx’s theory. But the moment the pandemic show opened, this Left switched their prophecy from economic crash to “inevitable bio-disaster” – a concept which, if it was in Marx at all, must have been away in some corner somewhere. But it seems that this Left were expecting “The Big One”, i.e. the viral menace, which was news to me. This biohazard had been sewn into the public psyche for decades and it had sunk especially deep on the Left. So the dupery had been laid decades in advance.
You tube shill Doctor Dr John Campbell officially makes the U-Turn about Covid.
Telling people who have had the vaccines 2 years later isnt a U turn it following a organize coordinated script.
The sheeple will continue following the same people who sold you out.
Thats mind control for you.
There liars.

If that’s the case, it has backfired spectacularly, as most people have long since returned to their previous ways of living.
The covid jab maybe be useless – but the vaccine we have all been given in recent years, against the lies and corruption of governments and their stooge corporations and military. will be viewed in the future as a wonderful gift to humanity!
I wish I shared your optimism.
These people are evil. Pure evil.
BUT they’re very clever at slipping out of the noose.
I think the scamdemic narrative served three (at least) purposes:
I have a few more for you.
The narrative being constructed for the Compatible Left is that all our current woes are because of “Tory austerity”.
It’s like all the bailouts and pandemic/lockdown spending never happened. Inflation is blamed on Brexit and Putin.
But “Tory” austerity is a part of neoliberal economics and that is the problem, so they are right, in a limited hangout sort of way. Coincidentally, the compatible left would have done more or less exactly the same thing, as they’d already sold the all family silver when they were “in power” for the previous decade.
Tell Sid that.
Labour isn’t working, eh?
More like 40 years ago.
Bailouts and pandemic/lockdown spending is nonsense there printed money press is imaginary.
They have enough money for wars and senseless free testing n vaccines.
This newer alt right woke Andrew tate Bailouts and pandemic/lockdown spending is missing the point completely…
Your the numerology guy,yet fallen flat on his face with the whole Bailouts and pandemic/lockdown spending psyop.
Them, fuckers need any excuse to charge more tax and fuck the people over.
Your still believing in the trump fake conservative is lesser of evil ideology.
Mark Passios calls them the system believers.
In the UK we were told in October 2021 that there would be large energy price rises in April 2022 and onward. Putin apparently is to blame but he had not invaded Ukraine until February 2022, so how does that work? No one I speak to about it has any come back to that question. Its also, just like the non existent covid ,been orchestrated across the world.
When are people finally going to rise up, I am waiting and willing but where the hell is everyone?
The U.K was told for 4 years solid that leaving the E.U would mean paying less.
Strange how they invert things.
“They will then print money to infinity, already fully underway, to service this fictitious debt to sink the dollar via hyperinflation and then foreclose on the US and everyone else holding debt in worthless dollars.”
“Following the money”
If there is an iota of truth in this article, (which it seems totally plausible to me) they, the purportrators, of this deed most fowl, have committed treason, by any measure one wishes to use.
They should be arrested and executed – no other punishment is sufficient enough.
Hang them high.
The Orwellian sounding UK Healty and Security Agency (Initially Matt Hancock’s baby) is now “advising” adults “who feel unwell” to mask up. When I see such masking now I know I am seeing the dumbest of the dumb.
The UKHSA were the ones relaying funds from the UK govt to the ZOE medical group.
The only political game in town now is the transfer of wealth to the USA, it will keep happening until the UK is bleed dry. That is how empires work.
The transfer of wealth is only being transferred to the financial elite, and not the USA/people. The USA/people are being bled dry same as other victims of the financial elite.
Does not matter. We will never pay off our debt. Especially since we are always operating in a deficit. We are already bankrupt. UK will get off easy as will the rest of the world with the “Great Reset”. Of course, the forgiveness of our debts will involve the loss of our sovereignty. Isn’t that the goal of the Great Resent? Blackmail to control the world. Giving us enough rope to hang ourselves. We are already hanging and choking with our hands tied behind our backs. We keep pushing the debt to the future while hoping that inflated taxes save us but the problem just keeps getting worse. Maybe this climate change response is part of the terms of the blackmail. As long as the United States funds the cost we will be treated “fairly” when the Reset is complete. I don’t know. I am frustrated. Spent my life trying to get rid of my debt and here we are in the worst crisis ever in the history of our country while giving money away hand over fist without my permission. Fuck you NSA.
Perhaps it’s time to abandon this character and make another, it’s getting a little tired. How much per post do you people get these days?
Oh, and having a fake image of yourself does not make your character more authentic. You can tell your masters down at 77th/tavistock I said so.
There is a WSWS article that seems to echo the ZOE call for a “new kind of science”:
I note that it follows the “Leftist” script as in here:
“NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet personally hailed the ruling, stating that protestors who “put our way of life at risk … should have the book thrown at them and that’s pleasing to see.””
“our way of life” was always one of the “calling cards” of the bogey “Right”.
The following bit that comments on anti-protest laws are grimly ironic in light of the WSWS condemnation of the Canadian convoy protest.
But the main issue is this:
“It is clear that our politics has failed us and what we need is a different form of democracy….”
That the WSWS should be so glad to provide this interview with such a committed “progressive” recalls the space they were willing to give to quotes from ZOE man Tim Spector who once said “You are pioneers of a new kind of science.”
So … “a a different form of democracy” and “a new kind of science”!
and if you doubt what they will do to you and yours then please read what they did to their own, realise your enemy has no bounds, no morals and their souls are eternally bound to satan, there will be no respite until we all decide it must be so….
which in present circumstances means, we are all fucked
the 6000 yr old death cult is still around, they infest your governments, councils, they own your home and your country, they decide whether you live or die, they will do this to you as easily as they will do it their own
once you know this you will never underestimate your enemy again
Interesting US polling data intelligently covered; I’m encouraged.
Sooner or later the quadrillions traded in the wild and unregulated derivative balloon was going to pop and bring down all the TBTF banks, the hedge funds, a lot of pension funds and investors. The suckers would never know what hit them! The bailouts have been going on for a while. For example Gamestop was bailed out by a large hedge fund to prevent a wider unraveling of the system.
The Fed’s low and zero interest polices along with primed printing presses helped create unsustainable debt and runaway inflation. None of this is ever going away nor is the debt ever going to be repaid. This is why they have to crash the system.
The COVID scam was a way to distract the world from the massive theft and corruption going on in the financial and monetary systems plus it was a way to kill and maim millions using hysteria and toxic injections. Global depopulation is a major component of the NWO agenda. In this scenario everyone got paid except us and small businesses. The hospitals, the hedge funds, the banksters who ripped off the totally unregulated/monitored COVID business and personal stimulus program, Big Pharma, the corporate and digital media, the governments and the globalists running the COVID scam all made out like the bandits they are.
The system was going to inevitably implode, anyway so the elites gave it a deliberate push. This way they would be ahead of the collapse and buy everything up pennies on the dollar like they did during the “Great Depression”. The overlords’ playbook is small they keep doing the same thing over and over again: boom to bust, pump and dump, out and out theft and rip offs everything is rigged. But since the oligarchs control the narrative, via “education” the media and the corrupt governments Joe and Jane Sixpack don’t stand a chance of ever figuring out what is being done to them.
The truth is coming out little by little but the masses are so traumatized, hoodwinked and comatose they won’t do anything about it on a sustained basis. Look at what happened to the Canadian and US truckers. Plus the governments are so thoroughly bought and paid for they will not side with the masses.
Shhh!!! You’ll wake the baby…
Oops, you’re right.
It’s simply astounding how the bare statistics completely undermine the propaganda and yet people simply ignore them.
Probable causal association between Australia’s new regime of high all-cause mortality and its COVID-19 vaccine rollout
The Most Important Dataset of the Pandemic Was Just Released
Germany Has Provided The Means To Quantify The Human Cost Of The Experimental Vaccination Program
And then there’s the totally gobsmacking admission from Dr Kerryn Phelps, former Federal MP and president of the Australian Medical Association and someone behind all the covid propaganda 150%.
Here is Wolf Richter’s view on the Manhattan tango between Wall street and the NY FED regarding the dollar’s world status now: Status of US Dollar as Global Reserve Currency: USD Exchange Rates Hit Foreign Exchange Reserves | Wolf Street
They are losing grip on Hongkong but London’s “city” and lower Manhattan still hold the rest of the globe in a firm financial grip.
Lower Manhattan also holds the UN and the big three credit rating agencies, both rotten to their cores, Anglo Toy$ R US.
“In 1918, revolutionists took control of the greater part of Berlin. The Kaiser fled to Holland and a new Socialist Chancellor took command. The revolt had begun to spread rapidly across Germany.
“The Workmen’s and Soldiers’ Council was administering Berlins municipal governments. The War Ministry had submitted and its acts were only valid only when countersigned by a Socialist representative. The Workmen’s and Soldier’s Council issued an announcement: “The Presidency of the Police, as well as the Chief of Command, is in our hands.”
“The above is according to a report by The New York Times on 11 November 1918. This report was highlighted in a 2018 video produced by CommonSpace titled ‘Remember the real reason WWI ended’.”
2-Minute video:
Amen Penelope! That’s the spirit we need, not this never-ending armchair analysis of who did what and why. Over a hundred years later and it’s no different. And they did it well before the internet, which was supposed to help us fight back, according to some as I recall.
Interesting, but could you supply further links so I may read more about this?
I went to look up any mention of what was stated here and came up empty.
I ask this as I agree WWI was a strange war indeed. The roots of the cause are excruciatingly difficult to comprehend. The Bosnian Serb and the assassination of Ferdinand and his wile is a stretch.
From extensive reading, the motor carriage was deliberately led into a trap.
Andrew, there’s the NYT article pictured at the link. Also:
“The sailors’ mutiny in Kiel quickly escalated into an open rebellion against the Imperial German state, setting in motion a course of events that culminated with the Kaiser’s abdication and the proclamation of a Republic in Berlin on 9 November, and the signing of the Armistice two days later on 11 November 1918.” at the following link which also has a bibliography:'%20mutiny%20in%20Kiel,later%20on%2011%20November%201918.
If you search “mutiny ended WWI” you’ll get mat’l re the French mutiny, too.
For the origins of the war, William Engdahl’s book, A Century of War, is very enlightening.
Basically, there were two economic systems: The German one concentrated capital on production (later called the American system). The other system, the British one, now dominant today among TPTB, concentrated capital according to “Buy cheap and sell dear.”
Obviously the second one was a tool of class warfare which ground Labor into the dust. The difficulty for Imperial Britain with this system is that the German system was out-producing them, and it was predictable that Germany would become the stronger. So Britain engineered the war.
Ironically, the Achilles heel of Germany in both world wars was oil scarcity. So the destruction of Nordstream by the US is sort of deja vu re petrochemicals.
James Corbett did a two part documentary on World War 1. You can find it on his Corbett Report website. Very very interesting. I had no idea.
Goes into Cecil Rhodes and his secret society and the history leading up to that war.
Archie Duke shot an ostrich because he was hungry..
Oops, one more link, to the blog of the authors of the books at the previous link.
It may not address Penelope’s point, but they give a lot of eye-opening info on how it started and why it lasted so long.
Doubt it happen now as the new alt media will be selling it as a good idea.
Memetic Nomenclature :
Why COVID-19?
Why capitalisation?
Why not Covid-19?
Why not just COVID?
Why the 19?
Why the -?
Memetic Cipher :
Roman Numeral
C=100 V=5 I=1D=500
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchang)
= Have a guess.
This cannot be accidental, thus it’s intentional.
Nice analysis.
However, most people on here will tell you it’s COINCIDENCE
because they are unwilling to accept:
A) a language they don’t understand (numerology)
B) that TPTB are mocking them by use of said numerology
Keep up the good work, might convince a few more people to decode and understand the signs and symbols
But were they waiting until 2019 to do it or did they choose the most scary-sounding name based off numerology? I struggle to buy either.
Sometimes I wonder if numerology isn’t the work of humans at all, but is the actual universe speaking to us through random, mind-bogglingly unlikely but ultimately trivial little synchronicities like this. Something far more spiritual than conspiracy. Because I do admit, while this might be pure coincidence, it is very specific and I’d wager quite unlikely!
Consider :
There are Roman Numerals for C,V,I & D.
No Roman Numeral exists for ‘O’.
The letter ‘O’ was derives from Phenician/Egyptian symbology. Eye of Horus.
The ‘cabal’ – for want of better word – span millennia.
COVIDdash19 is a convergence.
Conveniently, ‘O’ in ASCII is the exact value necessary to complete the diabolical memetic spell.
ASCII, abbreviated from American Standard Code for Information Interchange, is a character encoding standard for electronic communication. ASCII codes represent text in computers, telecommunications equipment, and other devices. Wikipedia
ASCII represents the new : the digital panopticon that will partner with Old [Roman] Empire for complete global domination.
This cannot be a coincidence.
The following vid has info that the vast majority of the modern moron slaves Brain/Thought is unable to compute!
The real goal, IMHO, for the Convid 19 psyop is to put in place the digital infrastructure needed to implement their Carbon Footprint Social Credit Tracking and Scoring system based on a biometric digital ID.
The next step will be CBDC, and total lockdown for anyone that doesn’t have their approved biometric digital ID.
It isn’t about making currency at all anymore.
Everything they do is about control of people and access to the environment.
Agreed, but what about those who (believe it or not) who don’t have bank accounts. This is phenomenon here in Africa and large parts of the 3rd world.
Without actually disposing the masses, they will have a goddamn awful battle to contend with. No ‘security’ structure is infallible.
Hopefully our fighting chance to resist or put a spanner in their world control attempts.
“Without actually disposing the masses”
I think you answered your own question
You think? That is diabolical and must be stooped before it gets to that point. We know their names, is it not time to start going after them in any manner that scares them witless.
I will not take the knee to these schmucks. 😡
From Allen Forrest:

Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-01-02. WH Dr Jha: Mask (in)Efficacy. 2020-2022 CDC censors, Fauci science(TM), Ardern truth, twitter rig debate (blog, gab, tweet).