India’s GM Mustard: An Increasingly Bitter Taste
Colin Todhunter

In a fair world, Aruna Rodrigues would be heralded as an incredible individual for her ongoing struggle to protect the socio-economic and environmental integrity of India. So says respected environmentalist, author and campaigner Leo Saldanha.
He adds:
Since 2005, she has tirelessly pursued a public interest litigation before the Supreme Court of India, in which she has made a case why India should not yield to pressures from mega agri-transnational corporations and certain sections of the Indian agricultural sector who are keen on promoting genetically modified organisms in farming.”
India’s apex regulatory body, the Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee, recently sanctioned genetically modified (GM) mustard for cultivation. This would be India’s first GM food crop, despite a public interest litigation (PIL) before the Supreme Court to prevent cultivation as well as the widespread rejection of GM mustard by farmers’ organisations.
Aruna Rodrigues, the lead petitioner of the PIL, has exposed in her various submissions to court that claims about yield increases through GM mustard to be completely baseless. She indicates how data has been rigged and manipulated and protocols have been severely compromised, and that the government and its regulators are parroting the false claims of the crop developers.

Thanks to the PIL, the Supreme Court put a stay on the commercial release of GM Mustard on 3 November 2022.
Independent experts who have looked at the biosafety data submitted by the crop developer at Delhi University have clearly pointed out that GM mustard has not been tested rigorously and adequately.
India is a centre for diversity for mustard and several high-level official committees have recommended against transgenic technologies in crops for which the country is the centre of origin or centre of diversity.
Various high-level reports have also advised against introducing GM food crops to India per se. These reports conclude that GM crops are unsuitable for India and that biosafety and regulatory procedures are wholly inadequate.
Rodrigues also played a leading role in preventing commercial cultivation of GM brinjal more than a decade ago. Her tireless efforts have been a thorn in the side of global agritech corporations and seriously compromised regulatory officials who have for the best part of two decades been trying to get GM food crops cultivated in India.
There is much at stake.
India has a lot to lose, not least its food and seed sovereignty and contamination of its crops as well as the risks genetically modified organisms (GMOs) pose to human health.
The industry has much to gain.
Global biotech corporations like Bayer and Corteva are seeking to increase their control over the future of food and farming by extensively patenting plants and developing a new generation of GMOs.
They seek to claim all plants with those genetic traits as their ‘invention’. Such patents on plants would restrict farmers’ access to seeds and impede breeders from developing new plants as both would have to ask for consent and pay fees to the biotech companies.
According to an October 2022 report, the global GM crop and seed market is projected to reach $46 billion by 2027. That is up from an estimated US$30.6 billion in 2020. The US market is estimated at $8.4 billion, while China is forecast to reach a projected market size of US$10 billion by the year 2027.
Key global players include AgReliant Genetics LLC, BASF SE, Bayer Crop Science, Canterra Seeds Holdings, DLF Seeds & Science and Corteva (Dow/DuPont).
If India succumbs to pressure, that figure of $46 billion by 2027 could be much larger. With 1.4 billion people, India represents a massive financially lucrative cash cow.
For instance, Goldstein Research pushes pro-GM industry talking points and laments about resistance to GM food seeds as it is hindering the growth of India’s GM seed market. Even so, it forecasts that the Indian GM seed market is set to reach US$13.1 billion by 2025 (cotton is the only legally sanctioned GM crop in India at this time).
GM mustard is regarded as a pioneering food crop in India – it would open the floodgates for many other GM food crops that are in the pipeline under a veil of secrecy, including wheat, rice, brinjal and chickpea.
But – it seems – genuine science stands in the way. GM mustard is unwanted, unneeded and fails to stand up to scientific rigour.
Maybe that is why, in December 2020, the Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR) prevented serving and former public officials from expressing any opinion or writing any article on the approval to release GM mustard. This is a ‘gag order’ and an attempt to close down debate on the matter and to keep the public in the dark on the issue.
Trade and agriculture policy specialist Devinder Sharma says that silencing scientific voices indicates there is more to hide than reveal. He says that every claim that the ICAR makes about GM mustard can be challenged. And it has been – in court. Sharma adds that the US is placing tremendous pressure on India to embrace GM crops.
In finishing, let us turn to where this article began – with Aruna Rodrigues.
Leo Saldanha, who is mentioned at the start of this article, is forthright on the website in condemning a recent attack on Rodrigues.
Due to Rodrigues, Saldanha says the Supreme Court has time and again questioned the enthusiasm with which the Indian government and several public institutions have collaborated, questionably and controversially, in promoting GM foods and crops.
Just before Christmas, however, Aruna Rodrigues was unexpectedly forcibly evicted from her ancestral home by the Indian army. The Defence Estate Office is the custodian of all military properties of India and is required to secure such properties by following the due process of law.
Saldanha notes that Rodrigues’ home has been with her family from 1892 – legally secured via proper sale deeds. But about 27 years ago, the Defence Estate Office made a claim on the house. This claim was challenged, and the matter has been in court since then. Consequently, any action against the occupant should be only through due process of law.
On 20 December 2022, a court ruled that Aruna Rodrigues has occupation rights to the house. Yet the Defence Estate Officer moved into the house with army personnel – without any court directive – and physically removed her and threw the contents of the house onto the street. Within hours, a court ruled in Rodrigues favour. By then, however, the damage had been done.
As Saldanha says, we can only wonder whether any of this is connected to Rodrigues’ case before the Supreme Court. Given the billions of dollars at stake for the global agritech companies, it would indeed be wise to wonder.
Colin Todhunter specialises in development, food and agriculture and is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization in Montreal. You can read his “mini e-book”, Food, Dependency and Dispossession: Cultivating Resistance, here.
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Aruna Rodrigues did not commit suicide.
(had to get that one in early)
Thanks Colin
Release the Kraken!
I24 News:
“Israel: Doctors warn about extremely contagious ‘Kraken’ variant of Covid”
An Israeli Jimmy me Kracken..already?
Your kidding me, we are already err ready.
Bless em
Fun from the Financial Times:
“We may be entering Covid’s least predictable year yet”
Oh I think it will be as “unpredictable” as Groundhog Day can possibly be!
FT bullshit. A polluter of the minds.
“data has been rigged and manipulated and protocols have been severely compromised, and that the government and its regulators are parroting the false claims of the crop developers”
Now where have we heard that before – ah yes CV19.
The key change is that it these days it has become Government OF the people rather than FOR the people.
But the cause is the same one – follow the money.
“News” coverage is currently working to tell people that the health service is now gone and we are on our own. It is becoming less necessary to even read these little (actually quite big to generate an illusion of substance) essays of doom. It is enough to note that the latest scary story from the BBC links to an article called: “Covid putting massive pressure on NHS”. That they are still so nonchalantly trying to pass covid off as an actual thing gives the game away. But it gave the game away 3 years ago and yet here we still are.
At this rate, there be screaming for a solution…..
New health care insurance added.?
Which Hunt and Bojo and them lot have always wanted.
England’s Americanization of paying for medical treatment.
I’m from India. The darkness eventually will have its way in India. Now its the drama phase. We had Bt.Cotton, this way.
The vegetables in India is already hyper hybridized, pesticide, herbicide and are using super phosphate fertilizer. There is no life in Indian food, that is the reason, the government do not want Indians to take booster shots, because we are so weak, we would all drop dead in a month.
As western conspiracy truthers often say. This is just a ritual phase. They need to tell you, we are about to grow GM mustard before actually doing it.
In my 45 years in India. I have never seen WE WON – Come back after one year, GM mustard will be all over in India. If they can make slaves of the west, and China ….then do not expect much from India dude.
Damar Hamlin reportedly had TEN MINUTES of CPR on the field, which seems to indicate that his brain was w/o oxygenated blood for that long. Unlikely the brain can recover from such an insult. We are unlikely to find out whether he was vaxxed.
I’ve misplaced the comparative statistics of deaths on the playing field. (pre & post-vaxx) Anybody have them handy?
Multiple sources confirm that Hamlin was vaccinated. For example, the team boasted of being 100% vaccinated. I also heard from an NFL coach that he was vaccinated. I’ve heard that there were only two players on the team who were known to be unvaccinated: Josh Allen and Cole Beasley. –says Steve Kirsch a little bit contradictory.
However, NFL is receiving money from US administration program to encourage vaxxing, so the fix is in as far as objective info from the NFL.
Best coverage I’ve seen is a more detailed, researched report by Peter McCullough:
I hpe Damar somehow beats the odds.
Somebody needs to spend the next several years (because that’s how long it would take) researching the number of athletes felled after being vaxxed versus the number per year of athletes felled before the mRNA vax appeared.
It probably wouldn’t take more than several hours discovering how many athletes went down before the vax. But it would take years managing to discover how many went down after being vaxxed.
Those who get people to vax do have a way of covering their tracks, don’t they?
His brain was already dead when he agreed to get jabbed. End of story.
A poll doing the rounds on internet sites reveals ‘one in four Americans believe The Jab is causing injuries & deaths.’…Should polls soon indicate an increased percentage believe such then politicians will be expected to “do something”…Possibly it will be revealed the injected product contains contaminants, and the contaminants will be blamed for the injuries & deaths, leading to The Jab program being suspended, “until”…
Is Maria Gutschi preparing the grounds for suspending The Jab program, “until”…
Maria Gutschi, PharmD, on lack of Manufacturing Quality of mRNA injections. (39.13)
Keep in mind that further and more severe economic troubles are expected…As lockdowns have proven they’re the best method of preventing or crushing any social unrest stirred-up by those troubles, expect their use again…
The Jabs stage of The Great Reset is over. The Jabs have played their role. For the coming lockdown, and it will be a Chines-style severe and long lockdown. a super-variant is all that will be required, a super-variant that goes mainly after the kids, and babies…
Until a ‘safe and effective vaccine’ is available lockdown will be forefully imposed “to stop the Spread”…
The masses were guilt-tripped into “Doing It For Granny”, imagine the super guilt-trip they’ll use to get everyone “Doing It For The Kids”…
They’ll just bring in a new ‘vax’ to ‘cure’ people of their general paranoia and their incomprehensible mistrust of a tiny parasitic minority of our species . . .
And it looks to me that people are generally daft enough to go along with that.
Because the telly said it’s “safe and effective”, you see . . .
Actually the most in-depth coverage of the Rassmussen poll is at the link below & is cause for more optimism.
Les, I think you’ve misunderstood Maria. I don’t think I can explain it till I’ve thought about it some more, but she is lifting the veil on an add’l level of deception so widespread & so shocking. . . . Best I don’t go on till I can write cogently. Do listen to your link again.
Maria is not exposing contamination in the product, which i suggested (30 December) would be the explanation politicians et al would blame for the injuries & deaths from The Jab, when they acknowledge those injuries & deaths and suspend The mass Jab program…She provides other reasons politicians et al can use for suspending the program…
If polls begin to show more and more people believe The Jabs are dangerous politicians will suspend the program…Blaming contaminants, or the lack of quality manufacturing Maria details, will be seized on by politicians to excuse themselves of any blame…That’s what politicians do,,,
Yeh, you’re right many politicians and Big Pharma will use what they can.
I think no one knows what the fuck is going to happen next except those planning it and we just have to be prepared for anything. That kind of appears to be what stage of human civilization we’re at, to me anyway. Right now, we’re not prepared for anything, we’re just going to let it happen. All you have to do is look at what they’re getting away with now and the last few years.
I hear ya AA and it is fukking mystifying that we aren’t out in the streets
US commercials have allsorts of injections medications going on. I’ve been watching TV for over a month. For you people so fixated on the United States its strange you don’t notice. It’s like Health Blitzer every 5-10 minutes.
Where do you People Live????
I live in…….fill in blank space.
Biggest crime in the history of the human race.
And what about the pesticide treadmill?
Dr. Seidler: The massive continuing use of genetically engineered Bt toxin and glyphosate-based weed killer on crops planted on hundreds of millions of acres for nearly 20 years has selected for insect and weed resistances. These resistances were anticipated by many scientists, including by Dr. Rachel Carson, author of Silent Spring, a landmark book published in 1962. The chemical industry’s answer to these resistance problems is to genetically engineer crops to be resistant to other chemicals, leading to the pesticide treadmill. One chemical leads to the next chemical, and the next, etc. The current result of this strategy is to use paired combinations of herbicides on our food crops, including 2,4-D, Dicamba, Glufosinate, Isoxaflutole plus glyphosate-based chemicals.
Some people have expressed concerns about possible synergistic effects from the use of two herbicides together, that they might be stronger than each individually. I believe that regulatory scientists did not require industry to evaluate the combined effects of paired herbicides. It would be appropriate to see toxicology risk assessments conducted with chemical products that will be sprayed onto our food crops with the actual commercial mixture being tested, not just tests on the so-called “active” ingredients.
Dr. Ramon Seidler is a retired senior scientist from the US Environmental Protection Agency. Prior to his work at the EPA, Dr. Seidler was a professor of microbiology at Oregon State University for 16 years.
Dr. Seidler was elected as Fellow in the American Academy for Microbiology. He was listed by the International Biographical Centre of Cambridge, England as one of the 2,000 Outstanding World Scientists of the 20th Century. He twice received the EPA Bronze Medal for research service to the agency and has authored or co-authored more than 150 scientific peer reviewed publications.
A bit like medicine, actually. One chemical leads to the next chemical….
The introduction of Bt Cotton in India led to catastrophic environmental results in every location “tested”. Indian farmers became ill from contact with the product, and price extortion by Monsanto and other criminal organizations led to loss of land and private ownership of same. Tens of thousands of Indian farmers chose suicide, as they were no longer able to support their families.
Bt Cotton Directly Linked to Indian Farmer Suicides in Rain-Fed Areas
Article first published 7/14/2015
Bt Cotton Directly Linked to Indian Farmer Suicides in Rain-Fed Areas (
The media of course looked the other way, and article studies by ResearchGate and PubMed deny the entire spectacle.
Here’s another germane article by Colin Todhunter
Bt Cotton in India is a GMO Template for a ‘Monumental Irreversible Catastrophe’
October 1, 2020
Bt Cotton in India is a GMO Template for a ‘Monumental Irreversible Catastrophe’ –
Weed and pest resistance is a side issue. The agro-chemicals and fake crops injure, maim and kill people.
I’ve been looking around the ne[spoiler title=” “]t today looking for articles about the NFL, but I’m not finding much.
Where are all the celebrity covid doctors? Many of them have called for people to protest in some form or another this year. I’m sure they’ll say something like “we wanted to respect the player“, or “we wanted to wait for more information“, but I think it would be more respectful to the player if attention was brought to his injury. That way, effort could be made to address the cause of the injury.
There doesn’t seem to be much being said on it, until you look at the comments sections. On Breitbart, they put a comment counter on the headlines. There are twice as many comments on the NFL story than the closest article.
The comments I see posted across websites overwhelmingly equate Damar’s injury with the vaccine.
A couple of items of interest, and I have no idea if they’re true, are that the FBI has supposedly taken positions at the hospital, and that he took the vaccine 8 days ago.
The NFL network just reported that Damar is still in ICU.
I bet the Facebook and Twitter censors are working overtime today. Sparingly, I see attempts to equate the injury with the hit alone, but I don’t buy that one. You can watch just about any NFL game for the past few decades and see QBs getting helmets in their chests multiple times. In fact, the NFL has recently changed their rules to lessen QB hits because of injuries; can hardly touch them anymore. None of them had a heart attack.
Tedros Says It’s Not Right to Kill Children w Vaxx
It’s an Equity Issue
Did he misspeak, or did it slip out?
In support of GBNews, and other controlled opposition.
I understand the need to doubt all media in these strange times when nobody is to be trusted.
The constant barraging of GB News on this site is a little confusing to me.
For example, Neil Oliver is passionate and I believe genuinely concerned about his family’s well being. If he is a shill he’s hiding it very well.
Mark Steyn is certainly going to raise some ruffles and actually get people on the keyboard to check things out.
The funding for GB News may be suspect but think about this:
If you want to distract attention why sugar coat everything ?
If you allow some real alternative voices, you give credence to your broadcast.
As long as the majority don’t twig on they remain fringe nutters.
You can’t be exposed for presenting shills.
As long as the majority don’t twig on…………………………………
India is a basket case.
I backpacked in India 40 years ago and I can still smell the corruption, moral and visceral.
My wallet was stolen on a train whilst I slept.
I went to the police when I arrived in Bombay station but I had to wait to report the theft whilst two burly policemen beat up a beggar with batons. His crime ? – probably begging too hard.
On another train in India I was treated to the delightful sight of middle caste Indians showing off to the sahib (me) by kicking the sweeper (Lowest caste).
I would like to think that 40 years have changed things and I think they probably have.
But not for the better.
The caste thing, India’s curse, will still be prevalent forcing the worlds of the haves and the have-nots even further apart.
The stinking slums will still be there; the people living there clean as a whistle and standing as tall as their glass ceiling will allow them.
And the stinking rich will still be kicking the sweeper and looking to the sahib for approval.
Bollocks. The only ritual humiliation of a lower caste group I have witnessed in my 71 years was on a bus in Sydneys’s affluent Northern suburbs. A young lout detected a trace of aboriginal genes in a group of three people and announced to the passengers there was “a smell on the bus”. He added a further insult when he got off the bus.
That absolute fear porn bullshit story from Clutching at straws
is Typical of a Shill B (GB) news watcher.
Every word I wrote is true.
‘Normal’ everyday Indians told me, on more than one occasion, that they missed the British because they transcended the caste system.
It is virtually impossible to break those glass ceilings imposed by the all pervasive system.
I suggest you read a little about the status of the ‘untouchables’.
Here’s a good start:
Hello Clutching at straws: No one wants to accept the fact that the caste system is still alive and well in places like India. After all, we’re all equal now. Especially those who are more equal than others…
Hello Paul.
I thought this place was about sanity.
That’s why I came here.
It looks like it’s just me and you.
Can somebody please tell me what is wrong with GBNews?
Shill this, shill that.
I’m not having it.
Everyone’s a shill. Even when they are on your side !!!!
Paranoia never smelt so good.
Maybe you’re a shill?
That’s racism. Nothing to do with caste
And if that’s the worst racism you’ve ever seen then I suggest you don’t get out enough.
whoever you vote for we’re always here
whoever you vote for it’s always here
john yates
This Hamlin story is really taking off. Cover it.
In the old days, it was necessary only to buy the land and to farm it in order to have a crop to sell.
but with the advent of patent and copyright monopolies, it is no longer necessary to own the land to make a profit from farming. Merely patent the seeds the farmer uses to produce the product makes the owner of the patent and copyright the beneficiary of any profit to be made. The farmer will still need to do the planting, fertilizing, harvesting and selling but now the farmer will need to pay a royalty to the owner of the copyright and patents that cover the seed and methods used to fertilize and grow the crops. Government research programs paid for the research the big guys used to develop the seeds and technology that the same government gave to the owners of the patents and copyrights. Patents and copyrights are global monopolies.
So farmland and the risk of farming becomes irrelevant to the big corporations that own the technology patents, seed patents and copyrights. The big corporations will get paid when ever a farmer uses the seeds, fertilizes the crop or sells the crop made from the seed.
This is a good example of how patents and copyrights allow big corporations to act as nation states and conduct their business as imperialist reaching deeep into the affairs of the nation of India and into the affairs of the farmers in India. Big guy International patents and copyrights cross all national boundaries.
Ocean Tom in August 2021 announced that 90% of the assets of these global corporations are intangible assets(copyrights and patents <=paper tigers) and that only 10% of their assets are physical assets. Copyrights and patent allow big guys to conduct legalized theft IMO.
You are eminently correct. Patent and Copyright “laws” ensure monopoly control of technology and innovation. The plebs continue to invest in their own enslavement.
Latest update from telly:
The NHS is about to/has already/ is doing it right now i.e. collapsing completely due to the covid/ flu/ tripledemic/ strepto-thingy/ cost-of-shilling surging spurting stuff.
But that’s minor stuff compared to:
We will never see winter again. Everywhere is burning/ blazing/ melting …. and to “prove” it, here’s lots of the scariest maps yet, looking like Dante’s Inferno, all the countries presented in the colours of a nuclear holocaust.
I sometimes listen to UK Column on Bitchute and they say that the NHS is being dismantled, that demand for services is actually down….
Bring on the nuclear winter. Book your Snowpiercer tickets now.
Interesting, especially growing up a touch of mustard was good for you.
Another, some may not know was Stout.
Was Damar Hamlin boosted? Perhaps…….. but
“Damar Hamlin’s GoFundMe gets huge BOOST”
is the headline topping all your searches.
Just in case you want to ask that question, the word BOOST will fill your searches related only to his go fund me page, not ‘vaccines’. The US tech giants & media are on the case.–Boosted:2
O/t but interesting I think.
Lots of people especially in the coding industry panicked about AI / ChatGPT right now and its ability to put them out of a job.
It is impressive especially around coding and automation. It will be a very useful tool at least while the process of putting large groups of people out of work is in transition.
However according to the AI JFK was killed by a lone gunman Lee Harvey Oswald who (was observed no less!) shooting from the 6th floor of TSBD. Has this as later confirmed by both the WC and 1978 US HSCA.
When challenged over this and it omitting the fact that the HSCA actually confirmed a likely conspiracy it admitted it should have mentioned it and profusely apologised!
Also omitted mentioning Admiral Byrd’s first hand reporting on whether there are any strange structures in Antarctica when asked.
The small stuff looks very impressive but for the wider topics it seems to reference basically wiki for the bigger picture. So in terms of what it knows quite limited and very much within the MSM narratives.
If you need a coding project done for a school project or even a business venture this would be a very good source to have but definitely not the font of all knowledge. It seems very confused about gravity and the atmosphere on a globe among other things.
Byrd/Zapruder according to wickedpedia were both Fr3Masons
calm down on byrd, any person in line with globe theory, or not, can see Byrd was talking of the dry, ice free interior..? “beyond the ice wall”.
jury remains out on the state of the realm, but that byrd stuff seems vague at best.
show me the strange structures down there…..
just saying,
Wind your ‘heid’ in there.
The point was not to discuss the merits or otherwise of findings reportedly discovered in Antarctica – the point I was trying to make was regardless of the hype or fear around AI its ‘thinking’ aligns perfectly with current MSM orthodoxy on JFK, the Moon Landings, globe theory, 911 or even Antarctica.
I make no assumptions on the findings said by Byrd to have been found only that AI is currently dismissing them all pretty much as to be expected from any MSM outlet.
Mustard powder makes good Snuff, Puff and blow your own brain out.
God Bless.
Who abbreviated this poor man’s name. 1960’s American Pop Culture..?
Another clot shot victim….. Damar Hamlin, 24,
read the comments people are getting it.
It’s not vaccine-related it was an impact injury causing the heart to stop beating, it had nothing to do with vaccines. If you take a hit like he did, very occasionally the shock causes the heart to stop.
Sure, but in terms of football collisions, it didn’t look all that extreme to me. I was actually very surprised. He stood up, wasn’t clutching his chest, didn’t seem winded or otherwise bothered and suddenly collapsed, dead. Yes it can happen rarely, and it’s wrong to assume it must be an unnatural death, but it is very unusual I’d say.
I don’t think he’s dead……..yet.
His heart was restarted on the field I believe.
European Football players collapse die heart failure. Sportsman die period. You could say extremely rare nowadays as in a Grand Prix driver because of The Sport. Reaction to a UK news paper is only interesting because of an American Football player died.
Why is that actually. The Game is being overhauled to encourage Young Americans to enjoy the game more, under Health safety measures is one reason. Another could be to transform it into more World wide appeal as for example, Rugby.
More likely it’s a Propagandist Promotion example of World Corporation Banking News.
Probably climate change or fear induced collapse from listening to anti vaxers.
That or the referee’s whistle perhaps…
But never the vax.
Probably climate change
Or fear induced collapse
From listening to anti vaxers.
That or the referee’s whistle perhaps…
But never the vax.
Work of art 😀
Are you having a larf?
The blokes a high end player in his 20s with loads of padding.
I guess we will have to wait and see.
It is incredible that the entire media has shadow banned the words, Damar Hamlin & vaccination in combination……incredible coordination, when it should be at the top of every search with hundreds of articles…me thinks they have something to hide and are working hard to hide it.
You are wasting your time here. With your incredible diagnostic ability – able to accurately determine cause of harm while being on a different continent – you should be working for top end medical concerns, not putting down blithering fools who keep trying to rely on their experience and critical thinking abilities.
Guy was unlucky:
poor guy
And do you have proof of this hypothesis ?
Do “they” furnish proof? Ever?
London Briticans have news stands like anyone else would give a dog’s bottom.
Like the thousands, actually ZERO, other times it happened in NFL history…
Can you please provide one single example when this happened before?
Even a coroner with integrity might not be able to determine with certainty that a jabbed person’s sudden death was caused by the jab. So none of us sitting in the bleachers watching the story on a mass-media Jumbotron can authoritatively insist that the jab did it.
OTOH, the jab-exculpating “it had nothing to do with vaccines” has become the knee-jerk mantra for a plurality of vested interests: government officials, healthcare institutions, and commercial (Big Pharma) jabmongers. It’s definitely long since become a “deny first, ask questions later… or not” reflex.
Thus, a novel sub-genre of “health news” articles, announcements, and videos have sprung up like mushrooms in a meadow after a spring rain. All of them are variations on a theme of “little-known causes of cardiac and circulatory failure”. We’re solemnly informed that, unfortunately, the public simply doesn’t realize that commonplace, quotidian, minor conditions and events can trigger serious, even fatal, cardiopulmonary and circulatory trauma.
It turns out that anything and everything from a hard sneeze to overly-vigorous flossing, or even too-quickly passing from a cold to a warm environment (or vice-versa) can, and does, cause otherwise healthy persons to keel over.
The common denominator, or theme, to this surge of New! Improved! medical news is that it assumes, and reinforces, the assertion that “it had nothing to do with vaccines”.
One insidious feature of this denial is that it’s understandably readily embraced by the jabbed– both True Believers and vaccine enthusiasts who couldn’t wait to get the salvific injection, and those who reluctantly submitted to it, willy-nilly, as a result of some form of coercion.
I’ll haul out my anecdotal interlocutor, M., again: M. got the jab against her wishes and better judgment because it was required in order for her to resume in-person visits with her husband, a care-facility resident suffering from advanced MS.
M. has since claimed that she also got at least one “booster”, but then decided that she wasn’t going to risk further jabs, come what may. Even so, she is quick to reject, or at least doubt, the likely cause-and-effect relationship between the jabs and sudden grave illness or death. I don’t blame her, because it’s natural to seek explanations that muffle the sound of the Grim Reaper’s footsteps closing in.
In summary: maybe the jabs are causing these sudden major health issues, maybe not. But “it had nothing to do with vaccines” is the current version of the boy who cried “Wolf!”– except now he would cry “No wolf!”
Blessings to him hope the poor lad has a speedy recovery ♥️
see comments here, crazy
Feces book
Too right.
JJ Watt retired suddenly last week after they had to restart his heart. I believe it happened at the Arizona game.
People are definitely getting it.
Watt also had a health scare during the season that may have given him some vital perspective. Watt ended up in the hospital just weeks before the birth of his son due to an episode of atrial fibrillation that required doctors to shock his heart back into rhythm. He ended up playing that week, recording three tackles in a 26-16 win over Carolina.
When was his atrial fibrillation originally diagnosed? So was this before or after his “safe and effective” vaccination?
I’ve lived in India. Mustard seed oil in every household. Cold pressed usually, healthy stuff or it was.
The world is becoming so plastic and tacky, such an artificial dead carapace on the living earth that it can’t last much longer. I’m slowly earthing and extending my roots. Nothing else makes sense anymore, I’m done with the rational doom path.
Greed ya say?
The U.K change its GM laws under the guise of food shortages and cost of living crisis. There new primary legislation that will allow far greater use of gene editing in crops…
A result of Brexit. Which is what you wanted?
You wanted EU deregulation…so you got it. take the shame.
Funny you should think the EU is against GMOs when it has been pushing as hard as anyone else to turn its subjects into GMOs.
But the EU is against them, and has been for 50 years… guys seem to be finding that hard to cope with.
It’s only a matter of time before that changes, now that the precedent has been set (unless the EU collapses before that).
So what caused the change in UK laws, and the acceptance of GMO’s in the UK was Brexit. Glad you agree.
I agree, the UK ruling elite are slightly worse in some respects than the unelected EU commission.
Slightly? …..but I agree.
Mr ying yang. The ruling elite are the City dollar investers.
Treason May’s legislation to “leave” the EU didn’t remove any EU laws merely moved them into U.K. law.
Perhaps you could list what was amended – starter for one point = nothing.
Still sucking gmo lemons?
It’s you that will be sucking the GMO’s. Take the shame.
More like Sour Lemons.
Nothing to do with Brexit, to do with prostitutes in the UK Government. Brexit voters didn’t vote for GM crops, they voted for Brexit.
Sorry but they DID vote for GMO’s, and that is what they have got.
I myself told many Brexiters, this would be the end result, AND it is.
So you voted for no-GMOs. I didn’t see that choice on my ballot form.
Do you understand logic or consequences ?………… thought not.
Those prostitutes have been injected with the wrong colour green for 50yr.
By voting out, how’s that I don’t know anyone where I’m from who wanted to stay in Or out. So they voted out, dumb fucker. Anything is better than This! Out. That Meant kick the whole thing in the Channel.
Yes, indeed. “Lord Robert Winston says GMO deregulation could have “global repercussions”, but voices of caution are drowned out by a sea of lies and falsehoods
In the wake of yesterday’s debate in the House of Lords, in which the UK government’s GMO deregulation bill passed the Report stage unamended, the renowned geneticist and House of Lords peer Lord Robert Winston has warned that the bill could “cause great harm” – see the article below.”
Once again the Mafia nature of the deep state is revealed. As for GM mustard being unwanted, unneeded and failing to stand up to scientific rigour, it is clearly wanted and needed by the overlords. And we should hold a two minute silence for “scientific rigour”, if anyone in the post-covid world even recalls such a concept.
One of the grimmest ironies in all this is that John McMurtry was one who continually spoke out against both the 9/11 and the GM scams but was also one of the first dupes to fall for covid. Thanks, John!
It’s probably the actual same Sicilian mafia that bought the state and made it ‘deep’ . . .
Why would they stop at Italy?
The only solution:
Well the British don’t do uprisings any more, for a start . . .