Gullible Again
Sylvia Shawcross

Photo by Yuzki Wang on Unsplash
Sometimes when it is grey and damp and the air is heavy with the taste of a dreary day you can go down to the other side of town where buildings are small and old and cluttered and the cement seems to meld into the houses that crouch along the sidewalks. And there, sandwiched between the dank hotel now closed and the desolate pub loud with the raucous cry of humans is a wide stretch of empty pavement.
It is not something really to go to see but sometimes I just go to see it.
I drive my way down there in the wet to stop to watch the seagulls. I could go to the park of course, or the river but I go there. I could also maybe find a dank field far outside of town where the seagulls mingle with the Canadian geese in the scrubble of harvested land but I don’t.
I go there. To that place.
I never bring anyone else with me because really they’d think me mad as a hatter sitting there in my car watching through the rain at what looks pretty much like nothing.
I used to bring some bread to feed the seagulls but I don’t anymore. I don’t want to encourage them. You can find a seagull now pretty much anywhere there is a cement parking lot. In a sense there is only one thing special about this place and that is at the far end a broken boarded up chip wagon. It’s been that way for years. Closed. And yet. The seagulls still come. They sit in patient clusters in the rain and I sit there watching them.
Because I want to know. I want to know why they are there. Still there after all these years waiting for the chip wagon to open. And it never will. One day they will tear it down and haul it away and will the seagulls still sit there? Waiting for the people to throw them chips?
I don’t know. Maybe one day I’ll know but for now it is enough to know they are still littering the pavement like crumpled papers in the wet wind thrown there by a disgruntled writer searching for an opening line.
We are so far inland from the sea here I can’t believe they would have followed the Saint Laurence Seaway. Perhaps their ancestors did. I don’t know. I figure they are there because they don’t know about how it used to be to be wild and free and sweeping feathers in the salty air of the Atlantic Ocean where food is still plentiful.
They couldn’t possibly know this or they would fly free and away from this dark place where the wet is cold and the air is thick and dusty. They just don’t remember it or they never had it.
And that is where we all are now. We won’t remember freedom anymore. And how can we expect the generations growing up with computers to understand that there is an ocean not so far away where they did not have to wait for what they needed? They did not have to beg. They did not have to sit sodden in the grey cities waiting. They did not have to fight amongst themselves for bits of chips that might never come.
If they don’t remember freedom or if they have never had it, how can we expect them to fight for it? Do they even have any freedom left to lose? Is it the idea that freedom means responsibility and they are afraid of that? Afraid of their own shadowed selves? Afraid of what they don’t know?
It is the greatest challenge we have right now to instruct the generations coming up about how wars were fought for the very freedom they are handing over through ignorance or fear. The real freedom. Not the ones they’re being told is fighting for freedom. That the freedom they need to support comes from their very hearts. And that takes a courage they also don’t know. They might not know it but it is there.
History tells us the same thing over and over, that the victors in such battles are the ones who saw and pushed a bright and happy future (Workers of the world unite, the Great Leap Forward, Make Germany Great Again) and so it is the challenge now.
Surely after all that we have learned we have not become gullible again? It seems so.
The truth ultimately will not matter if it is always dark and the ones that may well win may be full of lies and delusion but it is what people have always gravitated towards. The ones that win are almost always selling a utopia. That is the challenge: to make the truth a future worth living.
I don’t know. I just watch the seagulls sitting.
Syl Shawcross lives in the province of Quebec, Canada.
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We need to see that wars are rarely fought for freedom, that’s merely the propaganda of war that is orchestrated and funded by the same elite who profit from it and use it too advance their hegemony. The same is true of the major historical revolutions like the french and Russian. Very little happens of note that is not orchestrated by the elite. They appear to elevate the worst elements in society and give them the lead roles in the game of souls.
Deception is the nature of the game and words are spells used to bind, enchant and mislead. We design the weapons, we build the weapons, pay for the weapons and use the weapons to kill others. We pay for the destruction and pollution of the world, the poisoning of things and participate in all stages of it, not the elite.
Taking responsibility for knowing truth and determining right action (objective morality) is the prerequisite condition for a society to be truly free. There is one law. Do no harm. Treat others as you wish to be treated. Work with nature to create a world of abundance.
No one has right of authority over anyone else. Such a right does not exist. Governments assume such rights through our tacit agreement even though we cannot confer such rights that do not exist to a non living entity like government nor the individuals operating under their jurisdiction.
The system by its nature is corrupt. It doesn’t serve the people it never has. Govern-ment – govern (control) – mind.
Hidden in plain sight. It almost always is.
Perhaps our seagulls in Ontario are a bit smarter, they tend to sit on the wet concrete and asphalt of supermarket parking lots. I suspect they lay in wait for a shopper, partially blinded by a mask – of which there are still many, to trip in a pothole and spill a bag of groceries. The chips in there might be frozen, but I guess at this time of year, the chips on the concrete of any parking lot in Canada would be frozen anyway.
As a comparatively recent immigrant from Africa, the cold, wet, drab days get to me too. But the loss of freedom and descent into authoritarianism of the last 3 years makes me feel as if I am reliving a nightmare. The main differences are that at the moment, I can still get gas (petrol), toilet paper, and inflation is below 1000%.
“that the victors in such battles are the ones who saw and pushed a bright and happy future (Workers of the world unite, the Great Leap Forward, Make Germany Great Again) and so it is the challenge now.
Surely after all that we have learned we have not become gullible again? It seems so.”
The gullible fall for the anti communist nonsense. Like the author of this article.
You know, for me, truth has become an inner thing.
As Rudolf Steiner once put it so beautifully in his prophetic way: “A time will come when the truth will be more a question of experience than of ‘proof’ “.
If nothing else, the experience of the last three years has taught me the value of those words, although of course they mean nothing to the mad techno-materialistic cult which has recently taken the reins of government in any country you care to name.
Thanks for another lovely picture of reality, Syl.
No one can take that away from you – or from anybody else who actually experiences life.
That is a brilliant quote. Thank you. It comforts somehow.
It’s perhaps relevant that the comfort stems from the truth of the statement.
I certainly find unpleasant truth more comforting than cosy lies.
The last 3 years taught me that Ricky Gervais’s assertion that if humans vanished then came back somehow that religions would be different but 2+2=4 would always be a constant. I doubt that now.
I totally get that.
I come here for some measure of truth, not propaganda. Wars were and are never fought for our freedom. All wars are based on lies, solely for the purpose of exploitation. And the banksters who run the show finance both sides of the coflict, thereby enriching them further. We need to get away from the fairy tales they tell us.
I should be flattered you think me involved in propaganda. No such luck. I’d be richer I’m sure. I’m just me. Just me thinking. Wars and fairy tales. I quite agree.
That’s just sad.
It is? And why would that be, she asked curiously.
Perhaps Voz is thinking sympathetically of the failure of the recent trucking protests in Ottawa, which is, indeed, sad . . . but of course by now there are very few countries that don’t have a generous enough quota of their own Trudeaux, Macrons and Sunaks to make us all very sad indeed . . .
Not much point in singling out a particular victim.
Yeah, I was thinking Voz was just sad for me living in Quebec. I doubt there is any place in the world right now to go to that has any sense of freedom and peace and compassion. Some of us just get to be witness to history I suppose because there is no escape. But i’m dark again. 🙂 Quebec is just a place with trees and sometimes lovely people and sometimes it feels like home.
Syl. How much is the electric and gas in your country.?
Gas at the pumps is about $1.40 a litre and let me look at electric… hmm… “Basic: 42.238¢ system access charge for each day in the consumption period, plus 6.319¢ per kilowatthour for energy consumed, up to the product of 40 kilowatthours and the number of days in the consumption period, and 9.749¢ per kilowatthour for the remaining consumption.” It’s expensive to heat with electricity but less than oil and gas. Wood is probably best price overall. Electric cars I dunno.
“”Workers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains!”
“A variation of this phrase (“Workers of all lands, unite”) is also inscribed on Marx’s tombstone.[7] The essence of the slogan is that members of the working classes throughout the world should cooperate to defeat capitalism and achieve victory in the class conflict.” Wikipedia
If losing one’s chains from capitalist totalitarianism can be equated with a totalitarian iteration of communism and a Nazi fascist iteration of what they called “socialism”, i think there is serious intellectual trap doors being built in some Off-G works such as above.
Possibly the authors are too young to remember personally working and compare jobs that were union and non-union. I did on many occasions and without a union bargaining wage increases to match the master’s inflationary-one-step-aheadism, all of us would have been screwed, as is the worker norm in the 21st C. Management had it’s own bargaining group that maintained a luxury level above us working people that did all the actual work. US labor law back three decades had very serious rules posted in all workplaces regarding overtime, breaks, 40hr weeks, and unions established sick pay, health care coverage and pensions with wage increases matching inflation. With those guarantees workers are treated with respect and carry high respect for themselves in working hard and providing for their families with dignity.
Y’all are going nowhere being against workers organizing for respectful workplace conditions and compensation. And lumping it with ruling class totalitarianism is not only factually and historically false but intellectually disingenuous.
This leads again to questions regarding the lack of solutions presented in Off-G articles. Off-G drew in many with critique. That’s the reason I am here. But that is done. We all know the problems. Like, duh! But where are the solutions?
I wrote Bill McKibben three times asking him the same question: “why not suggest to the ruling elite the solutiions you obviously know will halt Climate Change?” McKibben, the now disappeared founder of 350dotorg, is the lackey comrade to Gore selling Humanity to replace the real problem of POLLUTION with amorphic Climate Change. He wrote back to say “we can’t do that, the politicians need to come up with the solutions”. This says it all. NGOs like 350 are fronts to neutralize The People from controlling policy which would solve REAL problems and impoverish rich capitalists.
If y’all don’t have solutions, then maybe you are part of the problems you know all to well and critique daily. What’s up here at Off-G? Where are your solutions?
Bill McKibben, like all other official climate scientists, will not under any circumstances admit the existence of geoengineering. He knows who butters his bread.
As to solutions to the problems facing everyone which are ever so much clearer to some than most, there are none. How can there be solutions as long as the vast majority are under the spell of either their TV or their smartphone?
The psychos have gone global; the solutions must also be global. This silly notion that solutions reside in small isolated communities which have turned their backs on society and refuse to communicate further until the global forces surrender will get us nowhere fast!
Somehow the vast majority of humanity must be engaged before anything substantial or lasting can be achieved. Word of mouth isn’t going to engage enough people.
Therein lies the rub. Seems to me not so long ago before all this nonsense there was a very strong growing concept of small communities worldwide. That seems to have been swept aside for a global agenda now. I remember once trying to achieve funding from the United Way for a group I was involved in starting but because the work I did was global, the United Way refused because it was not “community/local” in scope. I suppose it is the other way around now. How did that happen? One movement so quickly killed by another. I dunno…
“In the end we all need to be solution oriented”
There are no global solutions. There are only local solutions with the elimination of outside influence, like “global solutions”. “Global solutions is a bunch of gibberish propaganda from the WTO/WEF set trying to convince people the world is/can be just one global corporation. This is all obvious nonsense to anyone outside “the corporation”. Again, we are the 99%, they are the 1%. Get some balls and realize we just need to organize locally sustainable societies and legislate globally anti-interference policies from globalist schemes. This is not rocket science. All of this doom and gloom “can’t do crap” rhetoric is merely facilitating the 1% being seen as unseatably entrenched. Bullshit. Pandering by saying “oh yes that’s right we should be solution oriented” and then expressing no solutions is more bullshit. These rats are ready to go down as soon as we get some cahunas and remove all their authority to decide. We decide.
The negative mindsets being expressed increasingly here on OffG is startling. Are y’all’s words psyops or facilitators of inaction benefiting the owner class? Look in the mirror, y’all. Again, where there are no solutions discussed there is passive blockading to solution. I ask all reading here to question the agenda.
Politics is the art of prosecuting hidden agendas. No more “politics”! ‘Nuff said?
Sandy, you may be further along in the process. I personally have no solutions nor do I have the education and/or wherewithal to know what to do. I suspect you do and this is good. Write some articles to let us know what those solutions might be? I haven’t yet found anyone I’m willing to follow in terms of what should be done alas.
Syl, thank you for engaging. I respect your willingness to dialog. I am a spawn of Occupy Oakland, probably the most purposeful of all the Occupy’s. I learned from the young people that started OO that collective decision making, policy making via direct democracy is possible. It has little to do with education, wherewithal and certainly not “following”.
The technology comes from anarchism, collectives self-organizing and making decisions about the way they want to live together. The mistake OO made, imo, was to not have demands. I extrapolated that the decision making process that was used at daily meetings, in my mind direct democracy with a jointly decided consensus required, was what should be demanded as the process used in the US to make public policy and budgets. At every level of self-governing from block groups to city, state and FED.
I also have no solutions, nor does any one person have solutions for others. Only all of us have the solutions that we can collectively create for all to benefit from. But i do have ideas that can go in the hopper process to get to the solutions that free us into a life of consent, freedom and self rule. The Bad Parent sociopath FAKE republic model operating under a criteria defined by the 1% as “democracy” is the garbage that’s been waiting to go out to the trash for the last 75 years. Now that the West is a smoldering 100 car train crash, the time is now. But not if we don’t start collectively brainstorming a functional way to decide our futures together, without the petty tyrant sociopath 1%.
I’d be glad to write articles. But because few seem to want to discuss replacements for republics and authoritarian “leaders” as “oh, you can’t do that!”, the territory covered to get folks to vest themselves in this process is enormous. We know the countless problems of allowing a ruling elite, corporate CEOs and wealth wielding “authority” to decide Humanity’s future. We’ve read most of them in OffG’s wonderful articles as the 99% sees, in all encompassing technocolor live in real time, their LOCKDOWN as the pivot point to full on totalitarianism.
I will see if i can get a focal point title article with evidence Parts articles building to a conclusion article that has enough factual body of evidence to vest people into physical action. The quickest jump start can be made by reading Callenbach’s “Ecotopia” as i mentioned. It’s not the best written book, but the content and intent of the characters and the self-governing society they create is a must experience.
Republics are a failure and will never function to serve the social needs of Humanity. With this being so, the “representation” performance falls back to each human being. And contrary to the US court fiction of pro se, representing oneself is a physical impossibility. We are ourselves, we are sui juris. We need to return to common law rights as foundational. Where there are representations assuming authority-to-decide, like corporations or municipalities scripted as residents “constituted under corporations”, common law rights and constitutional rights have been overridden by ruling class controlled state authoritarianism. This why we are stuck now in a seemingly “no exit” cabinet room of the 1%.
We need to understand and acknowledge all the dysfunction surrounding us since the Industrial revolution and decide to reject the joke-vote authoritarian apparatus the Parent Class continues to keep us trapped in and move to self-organizing self-governing decision making. My proposal below, needs a little updating, but stands as a kickstarting idea for individual and collective action towards the above.
But you haven’t stood up and done a thing? Have you imported weapons? No. But you will need them. Trust me your armies are taught to gun down their own citizens.
How do you know that? You do not know me or anything I have done except write a few words here. You have all the weapons u need inside your cranium.
If you can point me in the right direction as to the solution of how to wake the zombies up that would be a start. They love their Soma in whatever form it takes,
All you can do is dig up the truth and point it out to them. The soma has turned very sour and getting more rotten each day. Don’t give up.
There is no such thing as no solutions. Only people who think there are none. And they definitely will not work to figure one out until they climb out their self imposed prison cages which their Master’s are back slappingly happy to oversee. 🙁
Face it mate as much as people who come here like to think they’re free thinkers they’re just not. The past 3 decades of true research has proven Stalin wasn’t a wild paranoid animal who killed between 9-100 million people. But try telling the “truthers” here that!
“They’re just not”? Because you say so? This position you are holding is exactly that which is held by the rat class authoritarians that rules over us every day by saying, “that’s just the way things are”. I do not consent to your authoritarian opinions. Climb out your cage.
> Thinking wars were fought for freedom instead of for Bankster/’Gark loot
…- There’s your problem right there, Syl… – History, as we were told it by Them, has proven to be nothing but a collective halucination – One we all *Badly Need To* ‘come down’ from…
…- The principle and ideal (Freedom), tho’, is still a worthy one – perhaps the highest of all, and still worth fighting for in the here and now, nevertheless…
So the privileged few crying for what they themselves allowed to be destroyed. Oh don’t we wish we could go back in time .. and what? Live in Hobbiton with Bilbo? Because that is how realistic your rose-tinted nostalgia is. Yes, of course it was better in the past for some reasons, but of course it’s better today for some other reasons. Most things have not changed. Seagulls have always come far inland for different food, and they will continue to do so until you a) allow them to starve to death because they are stupid animals and you have articles to fantasize about, or b) wake up to the fact that they fly back to the sea at dusk and eat those boring fish again, just like they always have.
And what is your utopian future Russian? I’m curious.
Research the unspun, radical Greek word “eutopia” (the good place), read “Ecotopia” by Ernest Callenbach and I suggest dispensing with using the old nerve button “soviet” and “communist” memes from the McCarthy Era that died long ago. Totalitarianism, authoritarianism under any flag is the problem and it exists as violently in the capitalist West as anywhere on Earth. We need to move to solutions which i have repeatedly suggested in Off-G Comments sections.
TY sandy. You are so so so so right. I’ve noticed your struggles there. In the end we all need to be solution oriented.
Let’s get them going then, no?
Yeah. I agree. With what?
We need weapo s quite frankly. The bourgeoisie will not hand it’s stuff over if told to.
Actually, there is this one young man that seems intelligent thoughtful and insightful who is working on a movement. Tell me what you think:
The revolution will not be zoomed. I really have a hard time waiting for people to get to the point as they do in video. Written is so much quicker and direct. When people get together physically we’ve already discussed why we are there and ready to go. Does he have a treatise or book or article overview?
Yes I’m solutions based myself. Even gaining a 1/3 of an acre to grow my own food 2 years ago, do you know what the biggest problem is?
Over 15 people who all have an idea of how the world really works, vegans , yoga/ new age wafflers, families, all in the past 2 years and we only have 3 left still standing.
Most people can’t be bothered to take time out of their cosy little lives to actually put in some work to build a community and learn to grow your own food!!
So this is a call out to anyone in the Liverpool / Wirral area I am running a community allotment project and grow my own food planning to be growing 50-60% of what i eat for this summers harvest. It’s the only solution I can think off. I’m just a simple carpenter looking a simple life and to build an abundant future for my family
You’ve got the antidote to helplessness there. Nobody realizes how much hard work and drudgery is sometimes involved but if it feeds people. It might take time for people to realize that they might have to deal with that part if they want to eat more than crickets.
Go, go Niall. Exactly! Action to make a viable future for all. It’s up to us, and you are doing your part.
Thank you, Russian Skank, for your cheerful ignorance.
There is something in evolution that makes creatures just repeat the same mantra. Maybe the carnivores cause selective breeding by hunting those who break ranks? You can watch some miserable TV penguin treck, chased by sharks etc and just ask ‘why..? Turn around you idiots – it gets warmer the other direction’. I guess the truth is the same as what makes capitalism/serfdom so effective. There is always some idiot willing to work until they drop dead.
…- I was having one of my occasional ‘long, dark nights of the soul’ last night and in the wee small hours of this morning this particularly nasty realization occured to me:…
…- When you add it all up, life is basically a gajillion snuff flicks, all screening concurrently, solely for the gratification and amusement of [a] darkly twisted, perverted being(s) who would style themsel[f/(ves)] god(s)… (- Whether, ultimately, creatures we might regard as actual ‘gods’, or merely the present crop of mortal, finite archons lording over this rock in space, I know not…)
…- It isn’t just the pointless futility of all the suffering that has struck me throughout my life since a very early age, but rather the *Surplus* of it – the sheer gratuitous ‘un-necessity’ of it all…
…- At any rate, and that being the case (and no, I DO NOT buy that religio-spiritualist bullshit about all of this being some kinda ‘soul test’ – unless it is in the engineering science sense of testing to destruction), I humbly suggest that it is high time we all took the matter ‘upstairs’…
…- *Somebody* has surely put their thumb on the scales in favour of evil down here, and personally, I am *Waaaay* past time wanting a ‘quiet chat’ with the fuckstick responsible…
Hello Sylvia Shawcross: Beautifully written and poetic. A masterpiece written in sodden grey…
I agree Paul. I have been told that writing and thinking are closely linked. Sylvia, you think beautifully!
Thank you for your kind words
The seagulls used to hang in the parking lot of the strip mall down the hill from me. Sometimes, when I’d drive through the lot, a couple would move, as if deliberately getting in my path, just daring me to hit them (gulls are nothing if not whimsical).
Then the grocery store closed and they moved across town to Walmart. But it wasn’t a Super Walmart, so they moved on to BJs. But neither BJs nor Walmart shoppers eat along the way to their cars; so the gulls don’t hang anywhere now.
Once in a while I’ll see a couple stragglers who didn’t get the memo.
You hear a lot these days about the loss of biodiversity. The gone gulls is what it looks like; and it ain’t pretty.
You know Howard, we gotta stop all this dark stuff about the environment just for a reprieve for the children who are growing up thinking it is all f*cked. It may well be, but they shouldn’t have to look at the world as hopeless. they have to find hope and purpose. They’re a broken lot raised on a lot of catastrophic rhetoric and imagery. I can’t imagine how they’re supposed to construct a life. Maybe its okay for us old people to be morose though. We have earned a lifetime of morosity which is probably not a word.
Just being OCD. But typo in there. Oh wait that’s not a typo “to be to be”. Good one Sylvia…
Just my contrary relationship with punctuation again. as ever. 🙂 TY nmism
One of the aims of masking: to destroy the mental and emotional development of the youngest children, thereby creating a generation of asocial psychopathic monads completely incapable of acting in any recognisably human manner. Yet another indication of a cull on a vast scale.
I thought you were brighter than that George.
Yes it’s so gratifying to stick in a cryptic put down that doesn’t explain itself. A bit like the woman experimenting with non-communication in the film.
An increase by 60 times as much!
I can guarantee, that all of us, at some point over the pat two years, have fallen for one or more Psyop’s or constructed lies in our pursuit of truth.
So even when we are suspicious of everything we hear, we can still be be played by the security state and their propaganda department, it just depends many Psyop’s you have decoded.
We are all cynical about the Covid scam, but a smaller group of us go further and challenge the very existence of a virus. But is that denial of the virus existence another trap, another psyop, to make us look stupid? Only when the empire ceases operations, will we be able to see what is real and what is fake.
only when we see behind the veil will we see realiy.
I don’t think I’ve fallen for any. I know that covid is a scam, and that leads me to protecting myself and trying to inform others. This is the same technique required with all the real dangers, the ones that can hurt you physically, not the ones that hurt your ego. I don’t care if viruses exist or not because it is irrelevant to the information I need in order to protect myself. To me, therefore, your example is an irrelevance. There are far more interesting irrelevances that exist rather than helping to share potential psyops. Furthermore, worrying about looking stupid is a sign of a fragile ego, and can only ever prevent you from seeking the information you need to protect yourself, and hopefully trying to inform others.
Well I’m not challenging reality. But carry on, I’m not stopping you.
I agree William that likely we’ve all fallen somewhere along the line for a psyop. I wonder now if it is not more a need to not fight against what is happening but fighting for what we want. the difference is subtle but critical. What is it that we all want?
The essay reminded me of why I mysteriously find no dead birds, especially crows. There are gazillions of them in Tokyo. Where do they die?
The question maybe is not where they die, but what eats them when they die.
Or maybe they’re just immortal.
Canada geese……………….. Got nailed for that gaff in my Wildlife Management course.
haha… i should have known better
“you can go down to the other side of town where buildings are small and old and cluttered”….
Well thank god she lives on the right side of town where the buildings are large and new an spacious.
“how wars were fought for the very freedom they are handing over through ignorance or fear…”
Is she for serious?
Is she perhaps talking about WWI where the colonial empires slugged it ought to not lose hold of their colonies? Or perhaps WWII where more serfs of the British Empire fought for the British than did Brits themselves? Fun fact: in WWI when Germany invaded Belgium, the first to arrive in the trenches to fight the Germans were Indians. They were promised in 1914, that they’d be given “freedom” like the “white” dominions of Canada and Australia if they’d only spill a little blood for the Empire.
Perfidious Albion! They should have known better. Or are we perhaps talking about the Allied Invasion of Russia in 1918 which fell flat on its face? Or perhaps the NATO invasions of Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Libya to bring “freedom”?
The primary purpose of WW1 and WW2 were the control of the oilfields and the creation of a new state in the Middle East.
Yup. Just as in reality the American Revolution was fought so that wealthy land speculators could ultimately control a continent. That line about wars for freedom did make me think, so I will grant credit there. It made me think what better scam to get the plebes to fight and kill other plebes than telling them it’s for their very own freedom? A scam far older than the American Revolution, of course. A scam that not only willfully dumb Americans bought into and shed their own and their children’s blood for. How many wars could we count throughout history that were fought for those very same reasons? I guess really there are too many to count.
I’m not certain you understand the freedom I’m talking about. However, you have good points. TY
Thank you for replying.
I think I understand that the freedom you speak of refers to the big revolutions.
It’s unfortunate but when I look back at history (trying to decipher the narratives we’re given as history), the big changes and freedom only came when the majority of the population literally did not have enough to eat. Those changes were often violent.
It’s a bit depressing but when I think about it there are few people throughout history who have fought for freedoms on a full stomach.
Maybe I have not understood correctly.
Oh cs pa. You “do” understand and you understand the part of it all that makes fighting for freedom such a difficult thing. TY
Jesus is waiting.
Jesus is coming…
and WE are waiting. But thanks for mentioning HIM!
Jesus is on His Way!
How the MIC controls Hollywood, from WSWS no less.
Funny, no mention of how Big pHarmer controls the WHO, the medical ‘profession’ and politicians.
Those seagulls will need a chip van 15 minutes from their nest….
Brilliant. Thank you
I feel sick and scared again.Today was bad.
Talk to people Hele, or animals or trees. Anything except listening to ‘the news’.
i feel the same, Hele. Can you see what’s ramping up here, thanks to the cbc ?
I haven’t watched the cbc lately. What are they ramping up now? Is it the new covid thing?
I’d give you a hug if you were near. It will all work out in the end. Courage and love and hope. Remember to breathe and do one good thing for another every day. One small act.
Those seagulls worked it out aeons ago Sylvia.
It’s only humans that waste their time thinking, instead of just being.
Very true. Now, if “they” would just let us be…
Can’t agree with that.
What on earth is “just being”?
The Alzheimers wards and institutions of our country are full of people ‘just being’, but is that seriously what we want to be?
The ability to think is crucial to human evolution, which is why our satanic foes want to drive that ability out of us once and for all.
Why, next you’ll be saying “Cogito, ergo sum“! 😉
Thinking is a waste of energy unless it is practical.
Most thinking isn’t.
‘He said, she said, what if, etc etc.
Sam– admin2 The displacement link you asked for. You needn’t post it if it bothers you.
Please post this under the thread we were chatting on, it’s off topic here, thanks. A2
Displaced? what the hell does displace mean, and how should it work?
I think they simply turned off the release of seasonal flu virus, which has also been a scam, as they released Covid.
Obviously, they are the same thing. The labels don’t matter. The only thing that matters is that they can make you feel sick.
Your concerns are shared by an amazing researcher called Alison McDowell, here is a link to her recent presentation in Tucson, the blog is called Wrench In The Gears.
I teared up when I read this…it made me feel that all this was passing by, getting deeper and deeper into the muck, my whole life…and I just took it for progress, and the world changing from a childhood riding bikes in the neighbourhood to a current world where kids spend their childhood staring at a cell phone while vaping pot…I have forgotten myself…I am a seagull waiting for the chips to come back, so far from a natural environment of a free life naturally spend… waiting for life as it used to be. It will never come back..
Do you not know kids still ride bikes? And “vaping pot”? Of course there was no weed back in your day, right?
Bikes lol! Get off, you all turned them into catalog sporting goods excessaries. Plastic helmeted faggots trouble with you lot skin ya knee you ran off and got a lawyer. You ended up with dayglow patch on your arse for the Safe Brigade Award. They ended with the Coin, and invested in sporting goods stores for middle class lawyers.
blimey! stay off my walk down memory lane.
The number of bikes has exploded in recent years. The imbeciles that run the councils run bicycle lanes through the miserable little nature reserves that exist. A doctor we met at a birding outing recently said that a biker broke the arm of one of her patients who was simple walking in a park in a collision.
Well there was a pack of early teens riding bikes down our town street footpath yesterday. This is despite it not being legal to be on footpath among pedestrians doing same. I didn’t note cell phones and I doubt they would have managed holding onto same as they showed us how clever they were doing one wheel riding etc…
so some are still free. The local cops can never be bothered to bother them, despite them sometimes hitting pedestrians. And I have been hit. Life goes on in small towns pretty much as it was before
…- It was indeed a beautiful piece… – Both a paean to our lost past and clarion call to a future as yet unclaimed…
…- On that note incidentally, Todd your last sentence is correct only so long as and insofar as you *Affirm* it as such… – “It *Will Never* come back…”
…- Well, certainly… – ‘Less you (we all) *Take* it back, that is…
…- Take heart, G… – And *Strap-In*:… – Clear Air Turbulence up ahead, and a mother fuck-ton of it at that, followed by ‘The System’ performing a textbook ‘Controlled Flight Into Terrain’… 😉
Didn’t mean to make anyone tear up. I think what i was trying to say ultimately is my ending there… “The ones that win are almost always selling a utopia. That is the challenge: to make the truth a future worth living.” How do we do that? That’s the challenge. We can’t all just go on describing and predicting forever.
Fame is the Spur. Howard Spring.