What to Expect from the Government in 2023? More of the Same

John Whitehead

“There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice.”
Montesquieu, Enlightenment philosopher

For those wondering what to expect from the government in 2023, it looks like we’re going to be in for more of the same in terms of the government’s brand of madness, mayhem, corruption and brutality.

Digital prisons. Unceasingly, the government and its corporate partners are pushing for a national digital ID system. Local police agencies have already been given access to facial recognition software and databases containing 20 billion images, the precursor to a digital ID. Eventually, a digital ID will be required to gain access to all aspects of life: government, work, travel, healthcare, financial services, shopping, etc. Before long, biometrics (iris scans, face print, voice, DNA, etc.), will become the de facto digital ID.

Precrime. Under the pretext of helping overwhelmed government agencies work more efficiently, AI predictive and surveillance technologies are being used to classify, segregate and flag the populace with little concern for privacy rights or due process. All of this sorting, sifting and calculating is being done swiftly, secretly and incessantly with the help of AI technology and a surveillance state that monitors your every move. AI predictive tools are being deployed in almost every area of life.

Mandatory quarantines. Building on precedents established during the COVID-19 pandemic, government agents may be empowered to indefinitely detain anyone they suspect of posing a medical risk to others without providing an explanation, subject them to medical tests without their consent, and carry out such detentions and quarantines without any kind of due process or judicial review.

Mental health assessments by non-medical personnel. As a result of a nationwide push to train a broad spectrum of so-called gatekeepers in mental health first-aid training, more Americans are going to run the risk of being reported by non-medical personnel and detained for having mental health issues.

Tracking chips for citizens. Momentum is building for corporations and the government alike to be able to track the populace, whether through the use of RFID chips embedded in a national ID card, microscopic chips embedded in one’s skin, or tags in retail products.

Military involvement domestically. The future, according to a Pentagon training video, will be militaristic, dystopian and far from friendly to freedom. Indeed, all signs point to the battlefield of the future being the American home front. Anticipating this, the government plans to have the military work in conjunction with local police to quell civil unrest domestically.

Government censorship of anything it classifies as disinformation. In the government’s ongoing assault on those who criticize the government—whether that criticism manifests itself in word, deed or thought—government and corporate censors claiming to protect us from dangerous, disinformation campaigns are, in fact, laying the groundwork now to preempt any “dangerous” ideas that might challenge the power elite’s stranglehold over our lives.

Threat assessments. The government has a growing list—shared with fusion centers and law enforcement agencies—of ideologies, behaviors, affiliations and other characteristics that could flag someone as suspicious and result in their being labeled potential enemies of the state. Before long, every household in America will be flagged as a threat and assigned a threat score. It’s just a matter of time before you find yourself wrongly accused, investigated and confronted by police based on a data-driven algorithm or risk assessment culled together by a computer program run by artificial intelligence.

War on cash. The government and its corporate partners are engaged in a concerted campaign to shift consumers towards a digital mode of commerce that can easily be monitored, tracked, tabulated, mined for data, hacked, hijacked and confiscated when convenient. This push for a digital currency dovetails with the government’s war on cash, which it has been subtly waging for some time now. In recent years, just the mere possession of significant amounts of cash could implicate you in suspicious activity and label you a criminal.

Expansive surveillance. AI surveillance harnesses the power of artificial intelligence and widespread surveillance technology to do what the police state lacks the manpower and resources to do efficiently or effectively: be everywhere, watch everyone and everything, monitor, identify, catalogue, cross-check, cross-reference, and collude. Everything that was once private is now up for grabs to the right buyer. With every new AI surveillance technology that is adopted and deployed without any regard for privacy, Fourth Amendment rights and due process, the rights of the citizenry are being marginalized, undermined and eviscerated.

Militarized police. Having transformed local law enforcement into extensions of the military, the Department of Homeland Security, the Justice Department and the FBI are moving into the next phase of the transformation, turning the nation’s police officers into techno-warriors, complete with iris scanners, body scanners, thermal imaging Doppler radar devices, facial recognition programs, license plate readers, cell phone extraction software, Stingray devices and so much more.

Police shootings of unarmed citizens. Owing in large part to the militarization of local law enforcement agencies, not a week goes by without more reports of hair-raising incidents by police imbued with a take-no-prisoners attitude and a battlefield approach to the communities in which they serve. Police brutality and the use of excessive force continues unabated.

False flags and terrorist attacks. Almost every tyranny being perpetrated by the U.S. government against the citizenry—purportedly to keep us safe and the nation secure—has come about as a result of some threat manufactured in one way or another by our own government.

This has become the shadow government’s modus operandi regardless of which party is in power: the government creates a menace—knowing full well the ramifications such a danger might pose to the public—then without ever owning up to the part it played in unleashing that particular menace on an unsuspecting populace, it demands additional powers in order to protect “we the people” from the threat.

Endless wars to keep America’s military’s empire employed. The military and security industrial complexes that have advocated that the U.S. remain at war, year after year, are the very entities that will continue to profit the most from America’s expanding military empire abroad and here at home.

Erosions of private property. Private property means little at a time when SWAT teams and other government agents can invade your home, break down your doors, kill your dog, wound or kill you, damage your furnishings and terrorize your family. Likewise, if government officials can fine and arrest you for growing vegetables in your front yard, praying with friends in your living room, installing solar panels on your roof, and raising chickens in your backyard, you’re no longer the owner of your property.

Overcriminalization. The government has increasingly adopted the authoritarian notion that it knows best and therefore must control, regulate and dictate almost everything about the citizenry’s public, private and professional lives. Overregulation and overcriminalization have been pushed to such outrageous limits that federal and state governments now require on penalty of a fine that individuals apply for permission before they can grow exotic orchids, host elaborate dinner parties, gather friends in one’s home for Bible studies, give coffee to the homeless, let their kids manage a lemonade stand, keep chickens as pets, or braid someone’s hair.

Strip searches and the denigration of bodily integrity. Court rulings undermining the Fourth Amendment and justifying invasive strip searches have left us powerless against police empowered to forcefully draw our blood, forcibly take our DNA, strip search us, and probe us intimately. Individuals—men and women alike—continue to be subjected to what is essentially government-sanctioned rape by police in the course of “routine” traffic stops.

Censorship. First Amendment activities are being pummeled, punched, kicked, choked, chained and generally gagged all across the country. Free speech zones, bubble zones, trespass zones, anti-bullying legislation, zero tolerance policies, hate crime laws and a host of other legalistic maladies dreamed up by politicians and prosecutors have conspired to corrode our core freedoms.

The reasons for such censorship vary widely from political correctness, safety concerns and bullying to national security and hate crimes but the end result remains the same: the complete eradication of what Benjamin Franklin referred to as the “principal pillar of a free government.”

Taxation Without Any Real Representation. As a Princeton University survey indicates, our elected officials, especially those in the nation’s capital, represent the interests of the rich and powerful rather than the average citizen. We are no longer a representative republic.

With Big Business and Big Government having fused into a corporate state, the president and his state counterparts—the governors—have become little more than CEOs of the Corporate State, which day by day is assuming more government control over our lives. Never before have average Americans had so little say in the workings of their government and even less access to their so-called representatives.

Year after year, the government remains the greatest threat to our freedoms, and yet year after year, “we the people” allow ourselves to be suckered into believing that politics will fix what’s wrong with the country.

Indeed, as I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, this is the very definition of insanity.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His book Battlefield America: The War on the American People (SelectBooks, 2015) is available online at www.amazon.com. Whitehead can be contacted at [email protected]


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Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jan 10, 2023 3:23 PM

Erm… ‘What to expect from government’

Journalist Whitney Webb sits down with Redacted’s Clayton Morris for a dense conversation exposing Jeffrey Epstein’s deep connections to the world’s biggest power players. >
She’s EXPOSING how the deep state mafia controls all of us | Redacted Conversation w/ Whitney Webb
December 31, 2022
She’s EXPOSING how the deep state mafia controls all of us | Redacted Conversation w/ Whitney Webb – YouTube

The agencies involved are still quite operational…

Nick Baam
Nick Baam
Jan 9, 2023 8:50 PM

Good wrap!!

It was Dear Abby’s most constant theme, most time-honored advice — you are treated only how you allow yourself to be treated. And nothing short of a real insurrection will change a damn thing.

Jan 11, 2023 11:31 AM
Reply to  Nick Baam

Jan 8, 2023 7:48 PM

I just want to say many thanks to John Whitehead and the Rutherford Institute. They have been exposing and fighting against these attacks on freedom for many years now. His work is in the US but wherever we live (I am in NZ) we can learn from what he says.

Jan 8, 2023 7:33 PM

I have a feeling that the enforcers are being recruited right now in the UK in the form of young Albanian men who are being stationed around the whole country in our hotels as part of their welfare package and the corrupt money that is now following. This is ideal as they have no affiliation to the country or the population and these people have no empathy like we do. The pathetic police will all be stood down and the army will not be ordered to shoot their own people. I hope I have got this totally wrong for my children and grandchildren’s sake’s

Geoff P
Geoff P
Jan 9, 2023 2:46 PM
Reply to  semaj

Quite a feeling

Jan 12, 2023 1:32 PM
Reply to  semaj

Bit odd I know replying to my own post but I needed to link the following that my fears may indeed be correct. There appears to be mounting evidence that the UN are involved with the illegal immigrant accommodation scandal and we all know what the white and the blue helmet brigade has fomented in other countries. Hope I am wrong.

Jan 8, 2023 6:08 PM

I am sorry i forgot to add this very informative link.. to my post below

Jan 8, 2023 6:04 PM

Beware of the blue beam psyop. It’s been said that 1 year from now they will start talking about a ET threat, They have been bombarding in the medias even in children movies about the Alien existence. Checkout the 1st episode of the Ancient Aliens show 2023 season.
Checkout this documentary that just came out https://tubitv.com/movies/669063/conscious-contact-full-disclosure
And read this article

Geoff P
Geoff P
Jan 9, 2023 2:47 PM
Reply to  John

Arh, I wanted to see aliens this year. Like they said there would be year!!

Geoff P
Geoff P
Jan 9, 2023 4:31 PM
Reply to  Geoff P

Oops, like they said there would be last year…

Jan 8, 2023 5:55 PM

Globalization and big business ownership of the world is not possible without treaties, agreements, and laws (rule of law imposed by the nation state system) that impose monopoly powers against the many to benefit the few. Competitors of those few use copyright, patents, rule of law and privatization to deny all others the right to compete against them. If laws that create monopoly powers and grant the monopoly powers, or the use of the monopoly power, to NHOs (non human organizations) were removed from the books the world would be highly competitive. The people in the world would become highly inventive because everyone could then compete for the local, domestic, national, regional and global dollar, and the buyers of that competition would focus their evaluation of product and price, not on the trademark and image of the provider. Ask yourself what part of the Assets of the balance sheet of the global market based (Wall Street, HK and other global market marker) corporations are tangible physical touchable assets..<= 10%; and what % of the assets on the balance sheets of the global corporations are intangible assets (copyrights, patents, government contracts and stocks and bonds, etc.)<=90% Who says this? September, 2021 several market followers reported statistical tabulations which showed over 90% of the balance assets of the global market sized corporations are intangible assets (copyrights, patents, government contracts etc.). Paper tigers they are? You can do the calculation yourself, just look at the assets on the public global corporations. Why should a NHO (Non Human Corporation) be given a nation state enforced power that enables the NHO to exclude humans from being able to compete against anyone? RULE OF LAW creates monopoly powers? What would happen to the size and monopoly power of say Apple, Microsoft, Lockheed Martin, Google, MSM, Disney… Read more »

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jan 9, 2023 2:32 PM
Reply to  eman

Hello eman: You are absolutely correct. The Patent, Copyright, and Corporate Charter systems, were designed to induce monopoly control of technology and invention. All ownership of creative endeavors, and the syndication of businesses via “legal” ownership are simply wordsmith contortions. It would be helpful if our corrupt legal systems were not run by clueless attorneys who don’t even bother to read or investigate current Statute.

15 U.S. Code § 45 – Unfair methods of competition unlawful; prevention by Commission
Complete text: https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/15/45

In the United States, the Department of Commerce has been a captured agency since day one. The plebs remain clueless…

Jan 9, 2023 3:33 PM
Reply to  eman

You don’t make it entirely clear how copyright laws work against humans.

Consider the article by Margaret Anna Alice: she apparently didn’t copyright her poem and, lo and behold, it was used by someone else (Nigel Rose) without acknowledgement of her authorship. This is a very graphic argument in favor of copyright laws.

Jan 9, 2023 3:56 PM
Reply to  Howard

I’ve just read some new comments re: the article I reference. The name was actually Nigel Watson – an easy enough mistake since every third male in Britain seems to be named Nigel. And he does acknowledge her authorship.

Nonetheless, my argument in favor of copyright laws stands. Humans have a long history of taking anything which can help enrich them if it’s not either nailed down or protected by law.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jan 8, 2023 3:48 PM

Gotta laugh at the assumptions of economic enslavement and victim-hood. Why would you wish this upon yourselves? Seems Europeans need some lessons in “diplomacy”.

The remedy for all intel surveillance is quite simple:
1.) Place cell phone on floor.
2.) Strike with large blunt instrument.
3.) Place laptop on floor
4.) Strike with large blunt instrument.
5.) Place all remote control and wireless devices on floor.
6.) Strike with large blunt instrument.
7.) Place all NSA and CIA operatives against solid surface.
8.) Strike with large crowbar until bleeding stops.
9.) Repeat as needed.
PV 2/24/2014

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 8, 2023 1:41 PM

What to expect from government? Cutting back luxuries like food:


Hedgerows, horticulture, tree planting – all to expand “alongside sustainable food production” i.e instead of actual food production.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jan 8, 2023 3:58 PM
Reply to  George Mc

What makes you think, George, that forest-permaculture is “instead of” food production? It gives MORE food – and other useful products at the same time – than current industagri can manage. And it gives a net gain of solar energy embodied in its food and other products, without demanding any subsidies of fossil-hydrocarbon or nuclear energy AT ALL to keep it thriving.

It also allows stewards of the land to do their work with, rather than against, the flow of the natural tendencies of the lifeweb in Britain, where oak-savannah with large browsers is the natural wild landscape – at least during this particular climatic epoch. 😇  A landscape, btw, which is simply heavenly to inhabit.

For people tending forest-permaculture holdings in Britain, once the system is getting up to speed (about 3 to 5 years from a cold, bare-ground start) it needs about fifty days per year of hand-tool-and-muscle work, this being all that’s required to keep harvesting the yields – provided perennially by this self-sustaining system, of course. And it will provide at least half, often all, the workers’ food, and provide them with paying work.

Those who survive the longish period of Interesting Times now upcoming, are going to have to accept these net-energy-positive ways of doing agri, because the horrendously net-energy-negative, epically-wrong turn of industagri will be, by then, a thing of the legendary past: extinguished by the non-negotiable geophysical realities of (forgive the blasphemy!) The Limits To Growth  😱 

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 8, 2023 8:02 PM

A dithyramb for a landscape which is btw “simply heavenly to inhabit”? I’m guessing you’re already there, RG!

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jan 9, 2023 10:35 AM
Reply to  George Mc

I live in Britain, George. My much-loved homeland, and that of my forebears for several thousand years. I don’t want to live anywhere else. But it’s a landscape very far away from natural. alas. Apart from odd scraps of neglected land, such as the Undercliff near Lyme Regis, there’s virtually nothing left that’s simply left alone to do its wild thing, I have the good fortune to live just beside another small area of land that’s also being left to go wild, by various accidents of current capitalist policy. I’ve done guerrilla tree-planting on it, and firewood gleaning from it, for over 25 years now, without ‘permission’ from its rentier-parasite transnational-corporate nominal ‘owners’; I live as a sort of virtually-invisible, semi wilderness-hermit, on the margins of modern British society. Obviously, there’s nowhere at all with a large enough unbroken run of wild land to support a full climax-ecosystem, not anywhere in Britain. You have to visit certain parts of Carpathia to see the nearest place where that’s still in action. The unfortunate thing is that most of this denudation of natural wilderness in Britain was completed long before the – inevitably-brief – modern era of fossil-hydrocarbon-driven startrekkytechietechie (sttt). So, the now-progressing end of that idiot era won’t necessarily bring about any – actually genuine, full-ecosystem – rewilding of the land. Most of the devastation of wild Britain was already done before the blind-alley of sttt began; done by just hand-tools and muscle – and by fire, and by the annihilation of ‘inconvenient’ species, such as the all-important big-predator balance-keeper species, or profitable-to-annihilate species, such as oak forests, or beavers. When the current population-overshoot episode of hom-sap has resolved itself naturally – without any significant assistance from the criminally-idiotic eugenicists – the reduced population of survivors will have to do something… Read more »

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 9, 2023 9:51 PM

Well of course it’s a landscape very far from being natural – natural being defined as untouched by humanity. So that wonderful paradise you want can only be achieved by eliminating humans. Or at least transforming us all into virtually-invisible, semi wilderness-hermits, on the margins of modern British society. (But not so invisible or wild as to have no access to a computer terminal I see!)

dom irritant
dom irritant
Jan 11, 2023 7:04 AM

interesting about livestock dogs, nice area east devon and dorset, i lived in shapwick for a few years

Brian of Nazareth
Brian of Nazareth
Jan 10, 2023 5:23 AM

The biggest obstacle to the task of “saving” natural agriculture in the uk is the insane and unjust notion of land “ownership”.
Farmers like myself,with no capital and no land “owned”, are desperate to push forward with organic/regen development. Yet with the most productive land in the hands of industrial/chemical/intensive “farmers” it seems impossible to expand when much of the land was shared out between powerful people in the Middle Ages.

Jan 8, 2023 1:35 PM

On the Grundiad any polite comment on the discussion re 1/ on funding the proxy war or 2/ investigating Hunter Biden is removed.

Jan 8, 2023 1:27 PM

The word Government means mind control
Govern, to control
Ment, mind
you can expect more of the what has always been, propaganda, fear and control
you are a human cow on a farm, all countries are human farms, your owners are human farmers
The best slaves never even know they are slaves, they live as a slave their whole life running around talking about how free they are.

Now go vote like a good slave, we even have a lil good boy sticker for you that says ” I VOTED”

Saint ewart
Saint ewart
Jan 8, 2023 1:11 PM

All thatgovernment micro management takes power.. data centres running to thousands of hard drives per day, JIT from across the globe on gas guzzling tankers..etc it’s not there anymore to support this . the flawed (no engineers in the room when decided) WEF plans were predicated on cheap energy not drying up . This stopped on 24th Feb this year . Hence COVId getting cancelled by Boris etc to concentrate on gasping and grabbing for oxygen.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jan 8, 2023 3:16 PM
Reply to  Saint ewart

Hello Saint ewart: You are correct. AI surveillance and micro-management requires huge amounts of electrical energy. Energy that IS NOT THERE. Idiots in “think tanks” such as the World Economic Forum, etc. are not electrical engineers. Most wouldn’t know which end of a screwdriver to hold. I like this take: >

Artificial Intelligence And The Billionaires
August 19, 2022
Artificial Intelligence And The Billionaires – YouTube

All these prophesies of doom create the illusion that the morons in charge are some kind of god-like apparitions. The success of the charade needs to be perforated with holes… Kind of like the Nord Stream pipelines…

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jan 8, 2023 6:11 PM
Reply to  Saint ewart

When the UK’s Coronavirus Act of 2020 (March) was passed, it had an expiry of March 2022 – 2 years – when the 582 coronavirus-justified Statutory Instruments made into law were revoked.

Source: Introduction of The Road to Fascism: for a Critique of the Biosecurity State by Simon Elmer. It’s a great reference too.

syl shawcross
syl shawcross
Jan 8, 2023 1:08 PM

Off topic. Sorry. Anybody got a sense of what’s going on with this china virus rhetoric?

syl shawcross
syl shawcross
Jan 8, 2023 1:11 PM
Reply to  syl shawcross

oops. just noticed kit’s article

Jan 8, 2023 11:57 AM

If you have a “smart” phone you’re assisting their plans.
It can log your speed, your movements home & abroad, your payments, your images and your health. It can listen and has access to front and rear cameras. It has access to your family, friends and colleagues. It can view your conversations and it can understand what you like & dislike.

Deplorable D
Deplorable D
Jan 9, 2023 3:07 AM
Reply to  DavidF

And, as my other post describes, it is in real time and becoming accessible to local PDs. I have seen it working in real time.

Deplorable D
Deplorable D
Jan 8, 2023 11:43 AM

Real-time Crime Fighting Fusion Centers are becoming more common. The county I live in is almost complete with building one. There is no “real-time crime fighting” as no alleged crimes are known until a victim calls 9-1-1, which is no different than what happens now. The name makes the public believe a cop will be on scene minutes after a crime begins to catch the criminals in the act. Of course this is utter fallacy and part of the propaganda to convince citizens the surveillance state is a good thing. However, the “fusion” part is scary as the FBI and Homeland Security will be embedded in the center. I have seen the social media scanning they use and anyone using the popular apps (Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Tik Tok, etc) should stop. We were able to see a “heat map” of activity, pick the app, and then see every post being made in that area. Even so-called “private” accounts were visible to us. There were filters to narrow what we wanted to see. Your local police department likely already has an “Intelligence and Analysis Center”. Now they will have a fully integrated Fed presence with tools to see your social media and text messages in real time (hence the “real time” in the title of the Fusion Center”). There are currently about 30 of these centers across the United States. There will be more in short order. Add these sophisticated surveillance capabilities to a militarized police force and you have something past totalitarians had wet dreams about.

Jan 12, 2023 3:52 AM
Reply to  Deplorable D

Add that Ai-Touch of some ChatGPT . ..Bingo, fully automated.
Fine comment , DD: thanks for that.

TikTok worries me the least, today…
Hard to explain in a nutshell.
Listen, Kishore Mahbubani


He has a point, that resonates…
Confucius might secede ? !
& therein, succeed,
where others failed.
We shall see…

Best wishes to you,
DD. Sincerely,

Jan 8, 2023 11:10 AM

More selected chaos is part of the plan too – blamed on “populists” of course. It may be totalitarianism but it’s inefficient totalitarianism.

The selection of the House Speaker has been a good example. What a coincidence that the man at the center of that mess happens to have the same name as the lead actor in the original INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS.

Jan 8, 2023 10:34 AM

Fear porn.

Jan 8, 2023 9:23 AM

The Brown man’s Burden

comment image

Jan 8, 2023 9:23 AM

War on Gender

Needless to say the escalating war on gender will continue to escalate. It all started with feminism. It was acceptable for leftists in the late 19th and early 20th centuries to be antifeminist. Something that can’t be imagined today. Unions too resisted the influx of women into the workforce and it’s effect on unemployment. Proudhon defended the family and incurred the wrath of Marx. Decent non racist people were antifeminist. Henry Labouchere for instance. He exposed Churchill’s sodomy. He has been made an unperson. He wrote The Brown Man’s Burden, a retort to Kipling’s foul poem.

Jan 8, 2023 8:16 AM

That word again: Government, Its NOT the government is it? its the subversion of it, thats at fault. As we have painfully witnessed over the last 3 years all global governments are acting in perfect lockstep. 

I’ll give you a good example, governments or the actual laws/constitution, say that you cannot be given any medical treatment against your will. Corporations, media companies, schools, all these other systems would force jab you if they had the power. The only thing stopping them is that it’s actually illegal. Mandates aren’t laws.

The subverters, grifters & deceivers have tried to blur the lines between them, but “mandate” and sovereign “law” are different words for a reason.

Jan 8, 2023 5:03 PM
Reply to  banana

Governments, by their very nature, will always be subverted. Voting has never, nor will ever, change anything for the better.

As for the Constitution:

“But whether the Constitution really be one thing or another, this much is certain – that it has either authorized such a government as we have had or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist.” – Lysander Spooner (1808-1887)

“There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.” – Henry David Thoreau

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 8, 2023 8:15 AM

In short the rulers will become increasingly paranoid and hysterical. They won’t be able to sleep or relax through wondering what everyone out there is doing and no amount of surveillance and criminalising will reassure them. Indeed the more they try to “protect” themselves the more scared they will be.

Sunface Jack
Sunface Jack
Jan 8, 2023 6:50 AM

It is clear that the plan is coordinated and orchestrated by complicit governments. What is the solution?

IMO Get rid of the UN, it is where they the bankers hide in plain sight under the WEF.
“The main mark of modern governments is that we do not know who governs, de facto any more than de jure. We see the politician and not his backer; still less the backer of the backer; or, what is most important of all, the banker of the backer.” J.R.R. Tolkien

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Jan 8, 2023 6:41 AM

Biggest crime syndicate on the planet.

Jan 8, 2023 4:50 AM


The NWO is determined to end international travel. It will be restricted incrementally over the months and years ahead. It will be the USSR and Palestine everywhere.

Jerry Alatalo
Jerry Alatalo
Jan 8, 2023 12:49 AM

War on cash. The government and its corporate partners are engaged in a concerted campaign to shift consumers towards a digital mode of commerce that can easily be monitored, tracked, tabulated, mined for data, hacked, hijacked and confiscated when convenient. This push for a digital currency dovetails with the government’s war on cash, which it has been subtly waging for some time now. In recent years, just the mere possession of significant amounts of cash could implicate you in suspicious activity and label you a criminal.”


One could not help but notice Mr. Whitehead placed “War on cash” down on the list at #9, raising concerns that the esteemed writer greatly under-estimates how large the goal of the .001% is of eliminating freedom-guaranteeing cash, – and pushing as many citizens of Earth as they can into a tight-fitting monetary/economic slavery straitjacket: Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).

The voices of international monetary experts such as Ellen Brown, John Titus, Professor Richard Werner, Catherine Austin Fitts, Ernst Wolff, Peter Koenig and like-minded experts opposed to CBDC must have their voices amplified loudly and disseminated to every corner of the world, for the simple reason the .001% guilty of generational war crimes and mass murder via COVID/mRNA injection have as their ultimate #1 goal the transformation of the global economy from cash money to digital money (more commonly known as “the love of money – the root of all evil”)…

Art Costa
Art Costa
Jan 8, 2023 2:22 AM
Reply to  Jerry Alatalo

Nothing is less material than money. . . . Money is abstract, I repeated, money is future time. It can be an evening in the suburbs, it can be the music of Brahms, it can be maps, it can be chess, it can be coffee, it can be the words of Epictetus teaching us to despise gold. Money is a Proteus more versatile than the one on the island of Pharos.

—Jorge Luis Borges, “The Zahir”


Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Jan 8, 2023 6:00 AM
Reply to  Jerry Alatalo

Don’t think Whitehead is underestimating the goal and impact of eliminating cash, I think you know that, but other than that, rock and roll brother Jerry.

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Jan 8, 2023 12:37 AM

Just as soon as our rogue gov’t’s begin to use their surveillance systems in anger, masks will be banned.

Will any of it really matter? Once the NWO stuff us all into their 15min cities, the wanted wouldn’t get very far on their bicycles, on foot, or on public transport which would stop at the city border.

people are throwing away their fundamental rights for the sake of convenience, supplied by NWO corporations. The end result will be no remaining fundamental rights and no convenience either.

What is planned is total control, total deceit, and total betrayal.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jan 8, 2023 3:45 AM
Reply to  Peter Jennings

15min is urban no loitering in some cities.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jan 8, 2023 12:29 AM

Now I’m depressed. I guess non-compliance can get us only so far.

syl shawcross
syl shawcross
Jan 8, 2023 6:00 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Is it possible that we’re getting past the point of describing and predicting because it seems obvious? Coupling non-compliance with an actual idea of the world we all want is more whats needed now. Not saying anyone knows what that is. Can we only know what we want by knowing what we don’t want?

Jan 8, 2023 12:28 AM

America sounds shit.Never been never will.Australia was enough for me.

Jan 8, 2023 3:34 AM
Reply to  Marfanoi

It’s not the country that’s shit.
It’s the politicians – just like here.

Jan 8, 2023 4:37 AM
Reply to  Marfanoi

I don’t think there is a great deal of difference. I have been five times to the US.if you include Hawaii. Both countries have terrible human rights and environmental records. Australia tagged along when it’s senior partners assaulted Afghanistan and Iraq.

Jan 8, 2023 4:46 AM
Reply to  Marfanoi

Dictator Dan

Dictator Dan and most of the other state premiers were worse than anyone that oppressed the Yanks under conviid.

Jan 8, 2023 10:27 AM

More of a callous control freak than a dictator.
More of a deferential drone than a dictator.
More of an ambition addict than a dictator.
Describes most politicians, doesn’t it?

Stop The Prison Mentality
Stop The Prison Mentality
Jan 8, 2023 12:10 AM

Sounds painful. But to be honest it sounds like quite a number of other countries I can think of not least of which is one I used to live in, the WEF fascist corporatocracy of Australia™.

I am now comforted though with the reality that I live in a country that, for the most part it seems, has little or nothing to do with government at all. In fact it’s estimated that somewhere between 50-60% of people here don’t even have a bank account here.

Yet things work.

There’s fresh meat every day. Freshly baked bread, every day. And fresh fruit and vegetables, every day. I can also catch fish, but only when the tide is right, bloody orbital mechanics.

And the people I see everyday do not appear to be the type that would take much comfort in any great and significant change in this arrangement. Sure there are the useful idiots and the willfully ignorant and compliant, however, I get the impression that there are more than enough who would quietly drop a 12 gauge under your nose to politely inform you that they’ve got a differing opinion as to the manner in which they’re going to live out the rest of their lives.

So I suppose then it can be said that it is the people who are the greatest threat to their freedoms, not the government.

Geoff P
Geoff P
Jan 8, 2023 6:04 PM

Nice one. Now where did I put that 12 guage….

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 8, 2023 12:09 AM

Mental health assessments by non-medical personnel. As a result of a nationwide push to train a broad spectrum of so-called gatekeepers in mental health first-aid training, more Americans are going to run the risk of being reported by non-medical personnel and detained for having mental health issues.

Please define “mental health” and explain why it should be considered a medical issue?

As I’ve posted multiple times at OffG, the religious ideology of Medical Materialism is at the very root of the current Public Health totalitarianism.

Thomas Szasz (2010):

Formerly, when Church and State were allied, people accepted theological justifications for state-sanctioned coercion. Today, when Medicine and the State are allied, people accept therapeutic justifications for state-sanctioned coercion. This is how, some two hundred years ago, psychiatry became an arm of the coercive apparatus of the state. And this is why today all of medicine threatens to become transformed from personal therapy into political tyranny.


Jan 8, 2023 4:41 AM

Was there psychiatry before that fraud Freud ?

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 8, 2023 9:12 AM

I don’t know the full history, but a significant landmark was the Lunacy Act of 1845. In addition to denying the right to appeal to the courts, the Act effectively handed control of establishments such as the York Retreat over to the medical profession. It therefore stymied alternative approaches. As a point of interest, the doctor-scientist (Ignaz Semmelweis) who discovered a simple procedure for saving lives during child birth was incarcerated and murdered in an asylum. See below and Szasz’s pdf. — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunacy_Act_1845 The Act established the Commissioners in Lunacy to inspect plans for asylums on behalf of the Home Secretary (s.3). The Act required asylums, other than Bethlem Hospital, to be registered with the Commission, to have written regulations and to have a resident physician (s.42). Under the Act, patients lost their right of access to the courts to challenge their detention. Detention could only be reviewed by the commissioners or county visitors. The Lunacy Commission was made up of eleven Metropolitan Commissioners. The Commission was monumental as it was not only a full-time commission, but it was also salaried for six of its members. The six members of the commission that were full-time and salaried were made up of three members of the legal system and three members of the medical community. The other five members of the commission were all honorary members that simply had to attend board meetings. The duty of the Commission was to establish and carry out the provisions of the Act.[3] — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Retreat The abolitionist, John Candler, was appointed Superintendent in 1841. However the Lunacy Act 1845 necessitated the appointment of a medically qualified superintendent and in 1846 the John Thurnam was appointed.[19] Moral therapy was gradually replaced by medication, special diets and hydrotherapy. The size of the institution grew and the formerly… Read more »

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jan 8, 2023 3:25 PM

Excellent post. Thank the establishment of the Rockefeller Institute for most of the human carnage and damage.

The linkages and persons of interest are well detailed in this presentation. >
The Dark Truth of America’s Federation of State Medical Boards – Video –
Emanuel E. Garcia, M.D.
September 28, 2022
Video: The Dark Truth of America’s Federation of State Medical Boards – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 9, 2023 12:00 AM

Thanks. The medical profession as a whole has been corrupt for a long time and it’s why they’re trying to pin all the blame on Big Pharma

Jan 7, 2023 11:40 PM

John Whitehead, Nice summation of what “They” have already done, but are we going to be lambs to the slaughter? Or will there be any kick back and roll back.
Undoubtedly “They” will try and Terrify us Again – more masks, more jabs more lockdowns….but will we comply????

Will we do as we are told?

Is it your booster jab, that is making you feel rather ill??

Or will “They” be afraid of us?

Anyhow this is a Worldview from Thierry Meyssan
A French Gentleman, I have had massive respect for the last 20 years or so.

He has just released this for free. I haven’t read it all yet, but he has history and the most amazing contacts throughout the heirachies across the world. He writes about stuff 2 months before it happens…


Jan 8, 2023 2:41 PM
Reply to  Tony0pmoc

I’d be afraid already, if I were “they”.
But that’s just me . . .

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Jan 7, 2023 11:19 PM

There’s only one option left. And we have to think of it.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jan 8, 2023 12:22 AM

US already has restrictions on growing own fruit and vegetables etc. Kind of put my foot in it sorry everyone.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Jan 8, 2023 12:40 AM
Reply to  Clive Williams

Wouldn’t want people to feed themselves you know. It’s so disappointing, I had such great hopes for this country, when I was six.

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Jan 8, 2023 1:19 PM

When i was six, i was told that we would see the Jetson’s flying above our heads. It seems that these days flying above our heads is now reserved for the super wealthy elite and NWO line managers. Soon to be replaced with missiles and bombers, courtesy of criminals in western gov’t, yet again.

We are many, they are few. There will eventually be an event that will galvanise the public into mass gatherings never seen before. The human race has never been so educated, even though TPTB/gov’ts have tried to dumb that down, and we have all seen this play before.
Hang on in there brother. More people than ever are beginning to sniff these rats out for what they are.

Jan 8, 2023 2:38 PM
Reply to  Peter Jennings

It is indeed a question of ‘hanging on’, because it’s so hard for the average person to grasp the fact that evil is a choice which has actually been made by some of their ‘representatives’.

Things are made even more difficult for those of us who can see what is going on by the equally manipulated view that concepts like, “good” and “evil” are so ‘old-fashioned’. That suits satan’s little helpers just fine.

“Obsolete” means you no longer have to think about it . . .

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Jan 8, 2023 12:52 AM

Nobody can say that those involved in this NWO takeover, its genocide plans, and its various scams, didn’t have it coming. I see a fork in the road.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Jan 8, 2023 3:18 AM
Reply to  Peter Jennings

I mean, you’d have to think, wouldn’t ya?

Jan 8, 2023 3:35 AM
Reply to  Peter Jennings

A fork of Biblical proportions too.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jan 8, 2023 9:44 AM
Reply to  Peter Jennings

I see many-
