Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice
Margaret Anna Alice

The following poem was inspired by a conversation with Mike Yeadon. We have both independently noticed the increasing use of terms like “bungled” and “blunder” to describe the crimes against humanity perpetrated under the cloak of COVID.
Even well-meaning people who share similar values and goals sometimes fall into this trap being set by those preparing their parachute jump from culpability.
The Armenian Genocide was not a mistake.
Holodomor was not a mistake.
The Final Solution was not a mistake.
The Great Leap Forward was not a mistake.
The Killing Fields were not a mistake.
Name your genocide—it was not a mistake.
That includes the Great Democide of the 2020s.
To imply otherwise is to give Them the out they are seeking.
It was not botched.
It was not bungled.
It was not a blunder.
It was not incompetence.
It was not lack of knowledge.
It was not spontaneous mass hysteria.
The planning occurred in plain sight.
The planning is still occurring in plain sight.
The philanthropaths bought The $cience™.
The modelers projected the lies.
The testers concocted the crisis.
The NGOs leased the academics.
The $cientists fabricated the findings.
The mouthpieces spewed the talking points.
The organizations declared the emergency.
The governments erected the walls.
The departments rewrote the rules.
The governors quashed the rights.
The politicians passed the laws.
The bankers installed the control grid.
The stooges laundered the money.
The DoD placed the orders.
The corporations fulfilled the contracts.
The regulators approved the solution.
The laws shielded the contractors.
The agencies ignored the signals.
The behemoths consolidated the media.
The psychologists crafted the messaging.
The propagandists chanted the slogans.
The fact-chokers smeared the dissidents.
The censors silenced the questioners.
The jackboots stomped the dissenters.
The tyrants summoned.
The puppeteers jerked.
The puppets danced.
The colluders implemented.
The doctors ordered.
The hospitals administered.
The menticiders scripted.
The bamboozled bleated.
The totalitarianized bullied.
The Covidians tattled.
The parents surrendered.
The good citizens believed … and forgot.
This was calculated.
This was formulated.
This was focus-grouped.
This was articulated.
This was manufactured.
This was falsified.
This was coerced.
This was inflicted.
This was denied.
We were terrorized.
We were isolated.
We were gaslit.
We were dehumanized.
We were wounded.
We were killed.
Don’t let them get away with it.
Don’t let them get away with it.
Don’t let them get away with it.
Margaret Anna examines propaganda, neuropsychology, culture, linguistic programming, and mass control in her aim to awaken the sleeping before tyranny triumphs. Visit her blog to read more of her work or buy her a coffee.
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The thing that gets me is educated professional medics not talking sense. I got vaccinated in France. I didn’t want to but it just wasn’t possible to have a normal life in France if you didn’t get vaccinated at the time when I ‘ gave in’. I also had the follow up injection within whatever the prescribed period was . ( If I hadn’t done that, my ‘ Covid pass’ or whatever the document was that meant I could have a normal life ( go to the cinema, go to pubs)would have become invalid. Anyway I had the first jab at my GP’s who I had always liked and trusted up until then. I don’t really really trust her judgment now. I told her I was against the vaccination and I felt very cross about it. I was amazed when she told me that the vaccination had been tested on so many prople that it must be safe. I said to her that I was not a scientist but I did remember enough from the times when people were looking for an HIV vaccine that medical professionals told us that you can’t know what the effects of a vaccine are until A CERTAIN PERIOD OF TIME has elapsed.She agreed that this was what had been said but couldn’t give me an explanation or even acknwledge that she was saying something different. I had the same conversation with three other hospital doctors who are friends. They were all sincere in that they believed in the vaccine ..but they couldn’t explain the contradiction to me. Weird huh? I can’t explain it. I mean they were ALL doctors. They can’t be thick. Am I thick?Am I missing suammat? I am convinced that they were all sincerely pro vac and were not in the pay of ‘ Big Pharama’.
You missed nothing. They missed a lot. They undoubtedly still believe in the vax but the fact they cannot explain it really isn’t all that rare in today’s dumbed down world. So what if one doesn’t know all the facts about the vax? Just take it and don’t think about it seems to be the prevailing attitude. The experts know all there is to know and that should be enough. Also when possible DO NOT discuss why you believe in it with anyone, particularly a layman who may have read quite a bit about it and shows doubts or skepticism. That will destroy your own belief in it, or at the very least put a serious dent in that belief. It is really like faith here, and faith does not require logic or proof. For the faithful, and I’m not denigrating religion here for those that will jump to that conclusion, faith is faith and science is science. Science in the olden days did require some form of proof. Faith never has and should not if it’s truly faith.
Besides that, those medical professionals have undoubtedly been warned not to ever engage in a real discussion about just what actual trials were and were not done. For all we know that information is on a strictly “need to know” basis and most medical professionals probably aren’t in that group. And why should they be? If they were really to truly examine the facts that you have, how would they live with themselves? All of my friends are vaxxed and we can only very peripherally discuss it, if at all. They DO NOT want to know. So be it then. I cannot change their minds for them and if I try to force that they will simply shut me down.
The other thing to remember is that confusion and contradicting information is part and parcel of propaganda. It induces doubt and confusion, sometimes anger. All those things keep the party going for our owners.
So what if one doesn’t know all the facts about the vax? Just take it and don’t think about it seems to be the prevailing attitude.
Yes, this sums up the dominant rationalization. Even though I usually enjoy irony, in this case I gag at the bitter irony that the vax-mongers still pretend that vaccines may only be ethically administered to those who affirm, if not demonstrate, “informed consent”.
True, that phrase was freely bandied about when the “COVID” pseudo-jabs were first released, but somehow one doesn’t hear it much any more.
I used to joke that both the healthcare professionals and their jabbed victims must think that “informed consent” means that the jabber tells the jabbed, “I’m informing you that you consent to receive this injection.”
It became less funny when it turned out that my would-be witticism is true– in spirit, if not literally. 😡 💉
fk the cinema and fk the pubs, id rather die a hermit than bend my knee, roll up my sleeve and take the toxic sludge
Good on you that is what everyone should have done 👃 Stand up & demand your right to choose in the first instance, Take responsibility for your own health & well being 👌
Sorry but you took the vax so you are not living a normal life.
They were heavily coerced. Signing a “vaccine” exemption mean’t they lost their licence, their means of living.
Thanks, Margaret!
Besides devouring your articles, I use your substack as “reference” – there is so much information! And, please forgive me, but also translated ‘The Vapor, Hot Hat ant the Witches’ Potion’ to my language – it did not get much coverage, but there are some people that read it.
That aside, Helen also has an excellent article on the subject of “amnesty” – long and informative (typical of hers), I think it also deserves re-posting here at OffGuardian: https://helenofdestroy.substack.com/p/atrocities-arent-accidents
Thank you for this inspiring comment, zmej, and I am delighted to hear you translated my fairy tale! Which language is it in, and can you provide a link so I can share it with my readers?
I did see that Helen of Destroy article and tried to comment with my appreciation as it appears we share the same sentiments regarding this matter! I am not a paid subscriber so was unable to post my comment but appreciate her work and your sharing it.
Thanks, Margaret!
It’s in Bulgarian, in comments section of some websites (I have no social media accounts and doubt that I ever will), here is one of the links:
https://glasove.com/novini/sheft-na-szo-vaksiniraneto-s-treta-doza-sreshchu-covid-19-da-se-otlozhi (the long comment, titled “Приказка”)
I cannot find the other, but it got some dissemination in some forums and websites. The people obviously like it. 🙂
Here is a link to the translated version of “A letter to the covidian”: https://glasove.com/skandalyt/radan-knev-prizova-es-da-se-namesi-v-blgariya-zaradi-malkoto-vaksinirani (the long comment too)
CJ Hopkins translations, however, did not get much luck as they were immediately deleted. Anyway, there is some guy that does CJ’s translations better than me, but I was not aware at the time.
Best of luck to you and again big thanks for your work, I have some idea how exhaustive, yet satisfactory it has been!
p.s. It’s not just you with these sentiments, be assured. But here it is not even mentioned…
“Covid-19 COVER-UP goes straight up to the Pentagon”
Alexandra “Sasha” Latypova shows is one of those people with the right stuff who show that one can make a difference.
Redacted says: Con-19 started in the U$ Dept of [laughably] Defense as an Act of Bio Warfare around 2013 under the Obomba / Killary regime. The rest including Vaxx and Pharma indemnity against vaxx damage is pure theatre.
Hello NickM: Excellent interview. Much of this criminality by “State” operatives has been exposed by various journalists, but Ms Latyapova condenses it down to essence. All of this was coordinated long before November of 2019. Thanks for the link.
“Covid-19 COVER-UP goes straight up to the Pentagon”
I disagree.
How disagreeable can John Petty be ?
Likely voting comments down, purely just to see ?
Sick minded operatives are truly Tools not key.
Your mindless comment signals, a sensory glee,
Indicative of character inherently ugly.
Petty dumb comment John, surely not Pretty !
In fact one may conclude, typical Bourgeoisie,
Please stand up straight John, but not as Slim Shady. . .
Well-summarized. Pointed!
Georgina Henry, the initiator of Comment Is Free, was my best friend from King’s College London. I wonder to this day whether her unnatural death from “eyeball cancer” was natural.
Ask her partner, Ronan.
Off-Guardian needs to move beyond the Overton Window of The Guardian. What, otherwise, is the point?
Georgina wasn’t the greatest writer, but she was a great communicator. She had a vision that trumped The Guardian and the butt-clenched military didn’t like it, albeit that she was a brigadier’s daughter.
The Off-Guardian project can only succeed by another lurch towards the broadening of speech, not the disecting of what’s already within the “window.”
Thank you Margaret Anna Alice for your efforts. Your reference “calculated.” should be read by all concerned. Here it is again: >
Repost: Democidal Master-Class v. Humanity, 1944-present
originally posted March 28, 2022
Repost: Democidal Master-Class v. Humanity, 1944-present. (substack.com)
The links within the above cited article are quite educational…
Note from Admin: please check your email address. You’ve inserted an erroneous ‘t’ in place of an ‘r’, hence why your posts are diverting to pending. A2
Hello Sam – Admin2: Erm… I’m not sure what email address entry you’re referring to. When I click on the name and email address under comment posts, the information comes up correctly. Could you please reply with a page or site reference? Thanks for the heads up.
Hmm perhaps that’s not it then… Bear with. A2
I’ve read or watched Mike Yeadon a number of times. He doesn’t pull any punches. >
Dr Mike Yeadon – Totality of Evidence
I don’t know if readers noticed every bold entry contains a link to further comment. This was linked to “colluders“: >
Letter to a Colluder: Stop Enabling Tyranny
October 5, 2021
Letter to a Colluder: Stop Enabling Tyranny (substack.com)
We are all Accessories after the fact. > See: Accessory after the fact
An accessory-after-the-fact is someone who assists 1) someone who has committed a crime, 2) after the person has committed the crime, 3) with knowledge that the person committed the crime, and 4) with the intent to help the person avoid arrest or punishment.
An accessory after the fact may be held liable for, among other things, obstruction of justice.
Title 18 of the U.S. Code deals with crimes and criminal procedure. Accessory-after-the-fact has been codified in 18 U.S. Code § 3.
It is no mistake that every war in history has been fought over power. Yet still to this day, those who treasure power do not see that it is an illusion.
mmmm, what is power?
dear Author, the list in the article should include the preachers who proclaim that all innocent victims must REJOICE as they are destined to heaven and we should FORGIVE the murderers as god will send them to hell.
those preachers knew the art of numbing the plebs down.
and for the less rekigious, modern preachers are telling us to FIRGIVE all the crimes and abuses by the powerful, as KARMA will take care of the abusers and murderers!!
we really should find out which think-tanks are behind these preachers!!
disregard organised religion.
This just in: “COVID tests for US travelers from China spark fears of new wave of anti-Asian hate” (Marc Ramirez, USA Today)/https://news.yahoo.com/covid-tests-us-travelers-china-225248816.html. Lots of sleight of hand to note in this propaganda piece, but the central misdirection is the supposed problem of anti-Asian hate, not the covid con. Sure enough, the proposed solution is to have everyone tested, and masked, for the sake of nondiscrimination (human rights!). Mistakes? What mistakes? That biosecurity passports haven’t been fully implemented? Like Alice, tell it like it is. But get in motion with movements to change the narrative. They’re not going to listen to anything else at this point.
The gulags were no mistake. Neither were the brutal wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria. Or the neocon war in Ukraine.
dem gulags a comin’….
nae doot.
from 5:55 Eckhart Tolle discusses with Russell Brand : are they evil or stupid?
Controlled opposition. Dude even has a NWO necklace.
i have no time for russel pied piper brand but i do resonate with eckhart tolle’s book the power of now which seems to contradict what he says in this yt vid. he says these people (the powers that shouldn’t be) are stupid ie unconscious not evil when in his book he equates evil with unconsciousness so what is it eckhart!? i would also add that intelligence without intuition as well as wisdom is the thicky sort of intelligence that we are surrounded by these days
this article is Fresh Air. we need more of it.
those who care about human nature and dignity should always use direct, straight forward language like in this article.
Round of applause.
Should be printed out and distributed to as many people as possible.
They won’t get away with it…justice will be done.
The modelers projected the lies.
The testers concocted the crisis.
The NGOs leased the academics.
The $cientists fabricated the findings.
The mouthpieces spewed the talking points.”
Con-19 is not the only medical con. Here is an endearing account by one intelligent (but humble and honest) man’s experience of the Statin con:
How Statins Made me Stupid:
Statins were originally developed for that tiny minority of genetically impaired people whose body generates too much cholesterol; about 1 person in every 500. Clever marketing (as outlined above) now sells them (via a prescription from your friendly GP) to most of the remaining 499.
Dr. Paul Mason – ‘The truth about statins’
“Remember: You have the right to question the advice of your medical authority”.
Here is my poem response to yours
every night now they come
sometimes its 5 times per nigh sometimes it up to 11 times
A new edict has been given to them in the last 5 days or so
Once they come off the main throughfair
they turn down the volume on the sirens so less people are woken and less notice “ its happening”
I know they are dying from the Koolaid
When we go to the village we notice them, some pleasant, some masked and fearful, some just plain arrogant as per usual
But this evening, once sensed that the acoustic fabric our area had many psychic holes, they were gone
Not a few, but many now
Indirect extermination had been done to them , as if it was like clipping a tree, you were not supposed to notice
But that was not the case, the holes in our community fabric are getting larger and larger as the days pass
How long will they let this continue, until the whole tapestry falls apart?
No longer can they hide the crime, war in whatever form it manifests, destroys the wholeness and fabric of society, which for the most part something felt but remains unseen.
Are we to become like parks in London England, full of voids and silence of the dead?
This is excellent – poetic and well-referenced at the same time. Ingenious. Thank you.
Copied and pasted, to be disseminated, with link to this site.
The US governments war against Vietnam was neither a blunder, nor a mistake,..
(That war’s raison d’etat , to “stop the spread of communism” > a cover story)…
The constraints under which the US conducted its war indicated victory was not expected, only hoped for…Every war the US government has waged against another country has been premised on “stopping the spread” – of independence, of the right of non-interference by the US…The US government will destroy a country to save it from being independent (No ‘Independence Day’ for any other country!)…The Ukraine, like Vietnam before it, is being destroyed to save it…That’s not a blunder, a mistake, or policy failure…Already there are plans for The Ukraine to be Built Back Better…
In short all war results in Armistice. US knobs think winners & looses. While People celebrate a Peace opportunists universally claim self determination such as the Democratic Republic of Germany.
“Already there are plans for The Ukraine to be Built Back Better…”
True, the Russian Ukraina will be built back better — but not by the con artists who plan Con-Bcubed.
We didn’t know at the time….
As often, the comments are more interesting.
The ignorance is appalling….I am finding the same amongst general Gp I have contact with,,,,makes one question even more anything these people may know about health and healing,,,,
Ask him about his stock portfolio and vacation residences. I’ll bet you’ll discover a financial wizard hiding behind his/her medical degree(s)!
This is a new enough phenomenon for me to suspect that a great number of our current ‘doctors’ gained their qualifications by quite other means than their forebears did.
Following a link a few weeks ago led me to a statement by one of our decent medical practitioners to the effect that a modern doctor is not educated in developing an advanced instinct for sickness and health to anything like the same extent as he/she is educated in knowing all the fine detail about which drugs to prescribe.
As usual, one follows the money, and there the explanation stares you in the face:
Our doctors are bribed into putting our health in second place relative to their own vastly increased income.
It’s yet another thing the masses just can’t believe could possibly be happening in their modern civilization.
my gp has been excellent since Herr Sturgeon removed his roolz. and honestly, the younger docs are more concerned than the settled ones !!!
in fact they harassed me 6 months ago…., and couldnae really find anything wrong with me, ha ha ha
maybe i am a control subject afterall?
we will see.
There’s a video on odysee- “the new order of barbarians”- a doctor reports, many years later, on a Planned Parenthood lecture he attended in 1969. The superior attitude of the lecturer harmonises well with the vibe I get from most doctors and particularly specialists I have consulted (in extremis!)- they really think they are a higher breed. That they despise their patients and feel no compassion, let alone a duty of care, doesn’t surprise me at all.
they are herd cullers
I don’t follow MSM much, so I may miss some things but the main message I still get from them is that lockdowns, masks, states of emergency saved lives, and the “vaccines” while not perfect remain “safe and effective.”
So, where do I hear that the Pandemic response was bungled, botched, indeed the greatest public health blunder in history?
I see this messaging coming from a lot of people who present on, for example, Children’s Health Defense.
You mostly see the message that the COVID response was a failure from right wing or far right affiliated media and politicians……that is simply a fact. I’m happy to know what conclusions one might draw from that. As traditionally the truth and the right-wing are not historically great bed fellows
RE: As traditionally the truth and the right-wing are not historically great bed fellows
Ok, fine. So, why not peruse the WSWS.org (World Socialist Web Site) and tell me all about the Truth that they propagate? Is case you’re unfamiliar, they have held the position from the beginning that governments didn’t lockdown enough.
Before the US & their CIA got involved in defining what the left are, & what they aren’t. Socialism was regarded rightly as the movement that fought tyranny, censorship and the corruption of our elites. But for a few years now we are told by the CIA’s media, that the elites stooges, their little lap dogs, the far right are our heroes.
Its incredible that most people have forgotten their history in only 10 years and there is an entire generation that don’t know anything of the last 100 years of political history.
Far right!
Far out . . .
The Authorities must be patting each other on the back because of what they have achieved using ‘covid’ as cover story…Take Western Australia for example: WA now has its own Patriot Act to use to remove dissidents, as “threats to Society”, to the State’s Gulags…Laws are now on the books that, if branded ‘infected’, the police, using a possible viral outbreak threat as pretext, can now enter your home without a warrant, detain you indefinitely without any legal rights, and you can even be subjected to medical treatments ( eg The Vax) against your will…That’s quite an achievement…Bungled, botched, blunder is spin for the willing masses to swallow…No heads will roll !
“lessons will be learned” (every public i(e?)nquiry all my life) . . . . .
decades later . . . the usual .gov shite.
its all fucking lies! they know exactly their desired outcome. fk these cnts
much talk of alt-worlds abound… well it ain’t ever gonna happen until one sharpens a blade with serious intent.
enjoyed this post, truth counts
well said margaret,
Paul Elias Alexander gave an impassioned rant. One would have to be a stone not to weep.
My poem describes what I think is going down.
The death of American Empire.
The madness just keeps coming as the empire sees the edge of the cliff getting closer and closer, the nervousness rises, virus demons are summoned & the gods of war are summoned & released, and the chanting begins, god is evoked & the devil is evoked, no matter who….. who will save America from her fate….whom will save her from her sins?
The communists are to blame!, the devil is to blame! the Chinese are to blame! our allies are to blame!……they must all pay! ‘we are gods own land, we are good, the true way, the virtuous way’.
Inside the fractured deep-state the fight over the rudder of empire intensifies, the schizophrenic factions of a dead ideology hears two voices, both offering the same end. Solutions come thick and fast, each more failed than the last, a cascade of failure, on a sinking ship, the straight-jacketed combatants wrestle as the seas rise around them.
All can feel the tremors, an omen of what is to come, they panic, the madness takes hold, and the schemes, the plans, the desperately crafted, well executed lunacy is spread around the world, to save the empire.
‘Burn down the world’ Let the murders, the craziness, the insanity begin in the home of the brave.
Wiser onlookers, stand back, see the madness and build their walls higher. The beast is cornered and more dangerous than ever, to friend & foe.
Hear the gods-own Christian White mouthpieces of the deep state, the high priests & soul of Empire, cry out in pain and anguish as they see their beloved illusions dying, and buckle in its final death rattle.
The blood of reserve currency gushing from its veins, forms a turbulent river, drowning all in its path, reckless and careful sailors alike.
When’s the funeral? Celebrations are going to be MASSIVE! I can’t wait …
PS I never use all caps but I just couldn’t contain my excitement.
Makes me think of Conrad’s ‘Typhoon’ and captain McWhirr.
There is no hierarchy of responsibility in your poem……initially in the French revolution there was no hierarchy, but in the Covid scam there was.
I wrote my own poem…
as i thought yours Maggie was ass licking hilarious..
Spin us a yeadon. Chief impersonator.
Your back story doesn’t add up, You refuse to appear on any credible shows that want to ask you about your past. You refuse point blank.
You’ve managed to become this over night celeb on the military intelligence complex network alt media. How did you do that..>?
Your now a spokes person on every thing conspiratorial. Your a alt media verified expert sold to the gullible.
WE dont believe you. Spin us a Yeadon. Doctor Mike Yeadon an expert in what..? bullshitting and fake prestige then absolutely he is a verified bullshit expert.
Hello, Ananda. I don’t have time to respond to baseless accusations, particularly those levied against individuals who have demonstrated such courageous integrity as Mike, but I find your comment that I “refuse to appear on any credible shows” amusing. I have presented to the Corona Investigative Committee because I felt that was of historic importance. I have only received a few other interview invitations, none of which I outright “refused”; they are merely on standby due to my relentless schedule and the urgent need to focus on completing time-sensitive projects. Writing is my priority, and anything that isn’t absolutely necessary to sustaining life gets back-burnered. For the past two weeks, I have worked 24–29-hour days. Last night was the first time I’ve gotten to bed before 20 hours. When you put as much passion, love, time, and effort into your work rather than wasting time attacking others trying to defeat tyranny, perhaps you will get some positive attention yourself. Don’t bother trying to bait me into further responses as I have already spent more time on you than I can spare. My work speaks for itself, and people can draw their own judgments based on the arsenal of substantiating evidence I provide.
I think the reference was to Yeadon. Either way Ananda is wrong.
Thank you for clarifying, Sal. That makes the statements even more comical considering that Mike would LOVE to appear on any “credible” show, but of course no mainstream outlet would dare permit him to detonate his truth bombs in such a visible way. Interestingly, years before becoming a target for exposing the COVID lies, Mike was applauded in high-profile publications such as Forbes and Nature, further demonstrating the fallaciousness of Ananda’s accusations.
Ignore ‘Ananda’ (hah!) Margaret. He/she/they/it is simply a silly lightweight, mainly babbling tosh. One to jump over unread.
You can spot the patterns too……well done.
Yet you and others seem to have relied on MSM armchair ‘experts’ for your science. We are now seeing the results of that for those who won’t see.
I guess nobody really wants to be reminded of the biggest mistake of their lives.
Hello Ananda: Erm… What have YOU done to reduce or mitigate the blatant balderdash being fed to the public? Quoting an obscure Twitter post, hardly qualifies as a substantial contribution…
Just the sort of thing that happens:
Pondering if it might possibly have something to do with the vaccine gets one called “human garbage” on twitter.
There’s another word that’s being used deceptively these days too: They seem to be pushing the idea of “privacy”. For example, they are touting the newer Android APIs and digital currency as “privacy“-based, but as usual, there’s a catch.
Most of the people in here already know that something’s probably up. So, what are they up to? Fake privacy, of course.
The Android OS is released as flavors, such as Oreo and KitKat. Underneath that are the APIs, which are libraries of coding abilities, such as 32 and 33.
In the newer APIs, the Clipboard Manager is no longer available for public use. They say its privacy because 3rd party apps won’t be able to read your clipboard. In reality, it creates a monopoly.
Human data is the “resource” for the near future. Everyone wants to know human behaviors so that they can use more efficient advertising and product designs, and there’s also malicious uses.
Stopping 3rd parties from this data prevents competition for the data from obtaining it, while their people get direct access. It sets a rigged system and monopoly on the “new” resource.
There’s zero privacy in it. Google, Apple, T-Mobile and the rest of the carriers all have “privileged access” in their apps, and have direct access to your data. So, insiders will have priveleged access, and everyone else will simply have to take whatever version of the data they sell to 3rd parties. A monopoly for them, and zero privacy to go with it.
True privacy would actually be leaving the clipboard manager open source, because you would have the choice to install a privacy clipboard or write your own that would bypass all prying eyes except yours. That’s privacy.
With the currencies, they are selling the idea that having a personal wallet is private because you have a public account number and a private one. First of all, your debit card is your public number and your bank account is your private one. They’re selling something people already have. Second, its programmable. The government and every employer will have access. Zero privacy.
Privacy is being able to withdraw tangible cash and spend it freely somewhere without anyone tracking it, or checking the purchase to verify that its authorized. The mere act of verification violates privacy.
They love to use words, but there’s always a catch.
If the privacy scam don’t get you, the built-in obsolescence will. That is to say, when all your appliances finally give out and you have no choice but to replace them with “Smart” appliances if you want heat, light, your morning toast, cold food, a little TV, a little internet – anything at all “civilization” has bestowed upon you: when you let anything “Smart” into your home, there goes your privacy.
Machine learning requires such data in bulk.
Ding Ding Round 2:
This is grim. I recently invested a large sum on travel to Brazil in August.
Wtf!! hope not.
Screw Thailand.
See, easy!
None of the above stands a chance of registering with the psychos who initiated it all. It’s like this: they’re psychos. They’re crazy. In their minds (and yes, it’s just that easy to get inside their minds because there’s nothing but insanity in that Gorgon’s Nest) – in their minds there can never be any such thing as blame on their part.
Because whatever they do is right simply because they do it; what’s good for them is the basis of their concept of morality. It’s called Magical Thinking.
Beyond a certain point, the accumulation of wealth and power drives a person insane. (Maybe Matthias Desmet can scare up a theory to account for it.) At any rate, any and all accusations will simply fall on deaf ears.
And should they actually be called some day to account for the destruction they’ve wrought, they would undoubtedly be dumbfounded by such a bizarre proceeding. Destruction is their prerogative – didn’t We the People know that?
I was being a bit coy asking Mr. Desmet to theorize why too much wealth and power drives someone insane. I have my own theory to account for it.
Very simply put, the farther one gets from actual reality (i.e., the natural world, with all its warts and risks), the less one is connected to reality. This, because – like it or not – the natural world IS our reality.
But the super wealthy/powerful have constructed an alternate reality just for themselves and have put up (figuratively) a huge sign saying “Nature: Keep Out!” And nature always obliges.
yep, utter delusion , when the daily essential task becomes a dirty, filthy, laborious chore…. let the snobbery roll
what is that “snobbery”? why does it persist as a regression-feature in humans?
the more sterile and lazy we become the more successful/significant we are… so many embrace it…. empty lives, as in other post other day.
perfect nails, a new kitchen, a hairless dog, an emissionless electric bomb to drive… etc etc sucking it up with zeal…. da fuk
Don’t write electric bomb on twitter.
Being wealthy has many insecurities, and corrodes trust. The more you have the more others you suspect want to take some/all of it from you…Wealth is the stuff of nightmares – look at the massive security industry that feeds on the insecurities and lack of trust the wealthy have… (anon)…
Oh no! Nature, aka reality, always slaps the fools down eventually. A big slap-down, aka The Long Descent, is picking up speed right now, whilst we watch. The self-deceiving over-rich jerks will get swept away by that, as usual. What usually happens is that, as situations turn really hairy, ‘their’ – alleged – bodyguards turn on them. Deep, emotional, till-death loyalty can’t be bought.
What we, herds of modern moron slaves, need to realize is that no sub-system of the MAIN SYSTEM will perform “justice” for us. Forget the “justice” sub-system, it’s only here to protect the interests of the owners of our current civilization and their friends.
Are you implying Reiner Fuellmich huge mega court case or DeStantis demanding a covid inquiry. This is all theater and show..? hopium.?

When we get the correct political representation in the oval office then you watch what happens.
By the way, what is a “correct political representation”?
Anti establishment Conservatives/Republicans and the populist movement.
mixed with Q, 😂
If you seek JUSTICE you need to perform it yourself.
All the rest is mere illusion and you rejecting you own responsibility.
Absolute Justice (i.e., the punishment fitting the crime) doesn’t, never did, and never will exist. Formal justice only reaches the mid and lower levels of society. Brute justice is determined and carried out solely by emotion. Real justice always goes begging.
That why I said that one must do it by himself.
We’re entangled in a web of corporations, from the legal-fiction called a citizen, all the way up to the governments & courts.
We’ll be more effective in finding remedy once a critical-mass comprehend the jurisdiction.
Forget “jurisdiction”… Medieval is the way to go! Find critical mass for this a the unbalance might be solved.
Hello Freecus: I’ve been hearing the “critical mass” theory for at least the last 25 years. Sounds palatable, but it’s really low-brow hokum for feeding fools a crock of shit. The “mass” has to be shifted to the courts, or the “mass” will become a blood-bath in the streets. It’s a choice, period.
Perhaps this definition will clarify the “legal” situation.
Law merchant
noun : the commercial rules developed under English common law that influenced modern commercial law and that are referred to as supplementing rules set down in the Uniform Commercial Code and in state codes. []
“The law merchant is generally equated with commercial law and involves the laws relating to bills and notes, bills of exchanges, insurances and all mercantile contracts [Cf Christian’s note to 1 Bl Com 75]. Merely carrying on business that is convenient is not the same as a practice of creating rights and is not the part of the law merchant.”
Law merchant Definition | Legal Glossary | LexisNexis
Corporate syndication and franchise IS Maritime Rule, not Common Law. Maritime Rule is not Constitutional, period. Corporate structures exempt executive and administrative classes from criminal prosecution. It is a blatant ponzi scheme.
They never lied when they claimed ‘safe and effective’. They knew the masses were going to interpret it the ‘wrong’ way. The jab is effective in killing, and their laws make them safe against liability. Genocide is distinguished from mass murder by one thing: INTENT. Planning, executing, cooperating or staying silent in a genocide can never make one immune from harm being done to humanity.
I agree with Margaret’s poem entirely. But as to whether “mistakes were made,” I think there are two levels of semantics to interpret that statement – whether it was intentional genocide and whether the plan strategically was sound. I will state that I think the greatest mistakes that the scumbags-that-be made was shooting up the grunts, especially the marines, of the Empire with the real clotshots instead of a saline solution. That this was done can be confirmed by the MD whistleblowers of the military itself. The Empire’s current strength rests on it controlling their bullshit narrative. I found it interesting to watch the faces of the players surrounding the body of Damar Hamlin as he was being brought back from the dead by heroic medical procedures which would have been available to one in 10,000 Americans. While there certainly was concern and compassion on their faces regardless of team affiliation, there was also fear. The fear of “Holy Shit, are we next from this hot shot!” While few NFL players majored in applied mathematics during their college careers, American football is simulated war, and it follows the same rules as put forth by Sun Tsu’s The Art of War 2500 years ago. And its primary rule is to use the art of deception to one’s advantage. While few players on that field are, for what it’s worth, intellectual giants, to reach their elite professional status, they are all exceedingly street smart.
So what does this have to do with the US military? The Empire is losing the narrative, and when soft power evaporates, all that is left is lethal force, which depends on a cooperative military. So as the same realization gestates within the US military from buck private to bird colonel that, “Holy shit, generals are in on the death shot.” As they lose parents, children, spouses, and friends to “SADS,” will they mindlessly follow orders, or will they turn their arms to point at the power structure, first the generals and then their political and financial handlers? Will they roll hand grenades into the Pentagram offices of the generals as they did to much lower ranking officers in their tents 50 years ago and was termed fragging. To paraphrase the renowned American journalist, H.L. Mencken, “No one ever lost a buck underestimating the intelligence of the American people.” It is said that hubris comes before the fall of all tragic “heroes,” so perhaps mistakes were made and Mencken will yet be proven wrong, and they will lose more than a “buck.”
The PTB also want only the completely compliant in the military. Oh sure, this is where some commenter will come out with that same old bullshit line “they’re already compliant killers for ever joining the military” and simply dismiss what is being done to those who joined, many for economic reasons, but hey, they’re just dumb beasts and they shoulda trained in IT or some such and then they wouldn’t have to join. Maybe they shouda chosen better parents… Whatever. Just one more instance of the simplified dumbed down thought patterns that pass for wisdom today. Don’t forget judgement as well, so many who seem so reasonable are big on the judgement thing, they love to tell others they’re stupid and by doing that it removes their own ability to think critically and to address the point that we’re all part of the machine whether we like it or not. That idiocy and high and mighty attitude as my mother called it, plays right into the hands of the PTB, but never mind all that.
When the time comes the PTB will find more than enough compliant mercenaries to shoot at civilians, so really, while the Empire may be decimating the ranks of its enforcement arm now, when the need arises they’ll find those who are more than willing to enforce their edicts. Many because they either eat and comply or starve. While the US military has always been used in resource wars, many still refuse to see it that way, some even still think they’re fighting for freedom and democracy. But many are waking up, even if as you say it is the sudden realization that they are expendable for our owners and what they’ve been fighting for is a blatant lie. Personally, I hope you are correct and those that have been used and abused so blatantly fire back on their masters. But will those types be the ones to survive the abuse, or will the survivors be the mercs who’ll fight for whoever pays them? Time will tell I guess.
Yep. No mention of a Covid investigation by McCarthy as a concession to become the new Speaker of the House. The nearest concession was to, simply, stop the poisonous experimental mRNA injection mandates. Huge disappointment. Democrats and Republicans alike are responsible for the Crimes against humanity. Some of them went into it as bumbling blundering fools but, eventually, they all knew. (And it still hasn’t ended. Injecting infants is still being recommended by the CDC). All of Congress is responsible. Based on what just happened they are going to get away with it. If there is a Hell, they are well on their way. That’s the best we can hope for at this point. Lobby your representatives and tell them what you think. Tell them to go to hell because they are already on the way. They will never stop lying.
Justice only occurs when you do it yourself…
McCarthy has a track record with Klaus Schwab and the WEF. It’s a shocker I know….
I do not believe that you left anything out there Margaret. The NWO are still swanning around as if they have done nothing wrong. These people have the minds of adolescent children. They are incapable of accepting responsibility.
They still talk of making the worlds population eat ze bugs whilst they amble in the lunch queue, picking and choosing from the vast meat menu set out before them. It’s a hard life, making decisions.
Let’s hope they get to like prison food.
And why wouldn’t the NWO still be “swanning around as if they have done nothing wrong“? It’s not as though they had a conscience or anything.
i’d rather they fed a furnace, save the worms getting polluted ; )
horribly true.
Honestly stolen from the white rose and (it seems), Nigel Watson:
Actually, it’s the other way around. I published my poem on New Year’s day. The White Rose is one of my publishers, and Rosie published it on my behalf the following day.
Nigel then produced his video on January 6 without attributing authorship to me. He also made his own amendments to the lines. I commented on his video to thank him for his lovely rendering while providing a link to my original, hyperlinked version of the poem. Every comment I made was immediately deleted.
One of my readers attempted to post a link to my poem several times, and her comments were deleted as well. I encourage others to aid with my attempts to correct this misunderstanding. I have appreciated Nigel’s past videos and want to give him the benefit of the doubt but am waiting for him to rectify the situation by providing attribution and linking to the original version so people can read the poem as it was originally intended.
Would like to see Nigel’s response to this.
So would I. If anyone knows how to contact him, please let me know.
Just leave a comment on his youtube video and on the other video channel he has… If this matters so much!
As you will see in my original comment above, I and my readers have tried to leave multiple comments on his YouTube channel, and all of our comments were immediately deleted.
I watched Nigel’s video, and at the end he said it was from The White Rose with his own amendments.
Yes, and unfortunately, the failure to mention me as the author has led many to assume it was by him, and he failed to correct that misunderstanding in the comments at the YouTube video so it continues to proliferate.
Well, if it’s any consolation, I then looked up The White Rose (I had never heard of it before), found the article, and saw that you wrote it. Maybe others did the same.
Thank you, Sean. I wish others would be so diligent, but few are 🙂
How can that be possible, when I clearly stated that the words were an adaptation from something I had read on the White Rose Website. To be honest, it’s probably best to delete the video. I’ve also be accused of deleting comments, which is NOT true.
Not be me they were not. And your comments are on my YouTube page for people to read.
I’m relieved to hear you didn’t remove them, Nigel. I suspect YouTube may be shadowbanning my comments. I am unable to see any of the comments I posted. Do you see any posted under my username? One of my readers passed on a note that I tried to post myself. I’ve barely used my YouTube account, and it seems I’m already blacklisted 😆
He comes here from time to time, to drop links to his videos 😄
Haha, good to know. I was hoping he would see this thread and help resolve the situation. He just uploaded the video to his Odysee channel (https://odysee.com/@nigelwatson19:3/Mistakes-were-NOT-made:c), so I’ve left a comment there. There appears to be a glitch as the video is not yet showing up.
No need. I did say in my video that I had adapted the words from a post I had read on the White Rose website. At the time, I wasn’t clear about where it had come from. I’m now happy to confirm that Margaret Anna Alice wrote the original. There are significant differences, so I have posted a link to Margaret Anna Alice on my YouTube channel so people can read and compare, if they want to.
I did say in my video that I had adapted the words from a post I had read on the White Rose website. I’m happy to confirm that Margaret Anna Alice wrote the original. There are significant differences, so I have posted a link to Margaret Anna Alice so people can read and compare, if they want to.
Thank you for making that clarification, Nigel. I greatly appreciate your following up and attending to this matter. As you can imagine, it was a bit disconcerting for me to be accused of stealing my own work 🙂
If you ever want to connect with me privately, you can reach me by signing up for my Substack and replying to the Welcome email. I have linked to a few of your videos in past articles and plan to do so in the future. I especially appreciated your insights in Why Did The NHS Betray Us?
me too…he oftentimes pops up here…but methinks he won’t be responding to this…I will draw my conclusions on this and it confirms my intuitions
Apologies for my mistake. I first saw Nigel’s version and then yours and automatically assumed That Nigel posted first and you second
Thank you, Willem, I appreciate that. It has been very frustrating trying to get this cleared up since all of my and my readers’ comments on the YouTube video get deleted and I have been unable to find a way to contact Nigel directly. I am waiting for him to do the honorable thing as he seems like an ethical person.
Nigel lives somewhere in Finland.
laying minefields for evil russki tanks? ; )
In this age of deception, one way to evaluate the validity of information presented by an author of the “alternative media” is to evaluate their personal ethics.
I was quite clear on the video that the words were adapted from a piece I read on White Rose. Are you denying this fact? For the record, I want to deny that I have been deleting her comments – they can be read on my YouTube channel, or at least by somebody who writes like her, and says that same thing. To be honest, I will delete the video by the end of today, and do something better with some winter-time images set to Sibelius’s music.
No need to delete the video now that you’ve made that clarification, Nigel. As I said here and elsewhere, your rendering is lovely, and I look forward to sharing it with my readers.
It’s not even a proper poem, but they convinced everyone into yet another focus on nonsense, choosing sides and attacking each other while frantically banging the silly little thumbs. After you posted it online it belongs to everyone and it ceases to matter who wants to be the owner. Youtube regularly hides comments; you need to use another account to see what is hidden from yours. You and Nigel should fight with your egos over it out in private, but don’t tell me who wins because I am totally disinterested in your childish squabbles.
I want to make it clear that I am not accusing Nigel of deleting my and my readers’ comments. He asked that I delete my OG comments where he felt I was implying that, but I don’t see a way of doing that (as is evident from the fact that I asked Admin to delete a duplicate comment in an unrelated thread) and feel the record of my and my readers’ experiences should stand. Nigel says he did not delete our comments, and I believe him.
That does not mean our comments were not deleted, however. I attempted to make at least 8 different comments, all of which disappeared after I refreshed the screen (the ones I posted as replies showed the dropdown arrow with the number of replies, but clicking on that arrow revealed no comments except in the cases where others had posted replies).
My readers reported having the same experience. We tried both with and without links in case it was the urls that were triggering the YouTube censorship algorithms. One even had her husband try with his account, and he had the same experience. This reader was able to successfully comment on another YouTube video but not on Nigel’s.
After more than a day had passed, two of my readers were finally able to successfully post their comments, one of whom kindly relayed one of the replies I had been unable to post.
I do not know what the mechanism of censorship was. I suspect I am shadow-banned on YouTube despite having only posted one video and only commenting on my own post prior to Nigel’s. I have no idea how YouTube was targeting the comments by my readers since they are able to comment successfully on other posts. One reader postulated that it was the mere mention of my name that caused their deletion, while another thought it was the mention of Substack, but the comments that eventually made it through contained both.
Nigel has now deleted his video at both of his channels, which is unfortunate but his prerogative.
Holodomor was a famine not a genocide. It’s been well and truly debunked. Caused by kulaks too. Anti communists lying again?! I am shocked.
I’ll be surprised if you don’t get at least 20 downvotes for that nonsense. Utter hogwash.
Hogwash? https://youtu.be/3kaaYvauNho
We have facts you have the CIA and William Randolph Hearst who you gate but believe his anti communist bollocks. The Kulaks were told for five years that in 32 we are taking grain to sell for machines and tools. They did two things with the seeds” 1 primarily didn’t sow any in the hopes this would do some kind of religious nonsense and overthrow Stalin or they grow it and left it in heaps to ROT! and on top of this since 1928 they had reduced their livestock numbers by half! Tjue starved THEMSELVES and then went running to your Nazi heroes and William Randolph Hearst. Oh and Gareth Jones didn’t go to Ukraine. At all. Most of the famine pictures are fro. 1916,1921 and the Bengal famine. Proving the far right are easily dqayrd by emotions just as much as liberals do. See a starving BLACK family “well that’s some good ol’ god fearing WHIIIIIITE CHRISTIANS“ you parakeet of MSM propaganda.
Intentional starvation by the usual suspects.
Let me guess? Jews? We all know you’re a bit nazo mate no need to hide it. Just keep repeating Wikipedia. Which by the way has a great article called excess mortality under Stalin. They struggle to get Stalin’s death count above 3.3 million and that’s at a push with liberal estimates. Do you know about the gulags? And I mean the truth? https://www.globalresearch.ca/truth-about-soviet-gulag-surprisingly-revealed-cia/5751858
I dare you to type cia Stalin dictator into Google. Go on do it
And if it was the jews what does that say about us non jews (you know except Jesus who was a Jew) that we are dumb and easily led by what was at the time a people numbering about 11 million in Europe at the time? Are you saying that 99% of the population is dumb? Cos I’d agree on that front that the general population is as dumb as you
Do you work for the New York Times? They covered it up very well.
All three of you are wildly wrong. We have evidence you have litwral CIA and mi6 propaganda. Are you sure you three helmets are on the correct site with your Wikipedia views and opinions. We have grain data, Stalin’s telegrams, sending aid to Ukraine etc etc etc
Oh have a gulag article for free you three ball bags https://www.globalresearch.ca/truth-about-soviet-gulag-surprisingly-revealed-cia/5751858
Here you three helmets go: enjoy some truth on your “alternative left leaning” off guardian website. Still amazes me how many people think this site is right wing to some of you div’s
Most interesting. Thank you.