Is a Happy New Year Possible?

Edward Curtin

Albert Camus (L) and Edward Curtin Sr (R)

“The struggle itself toward the heights is enough to fill a man’s heart.  One must imagine Sisyphus happy.”
Albert Camus, The Myth of Sisyphus

Really?  Or was he joking?

Whenever January rolls around and a new year begins with its implied ending, I think of my father and Albert Camus, both born in 1913.  Camus died on January 4, 1960 in a strange car crash, which might have been an assassination according to Italian author Giovanni Catelli, while my father, who almost died in a car crash, was born on January 9.  They did not know each other personally, although they were kindred souls in the way that seeming opposites attract.

One a Nobel Prize winning author who wrote The Fall, the confession of a lawyer, Jean-Baptiste Clamence, whose monologue from a seedy bar reveals his guilt for living a phony, cowardly, and inauthentic life – “When one has no character one has to apply a method,” he says; the other a lawyer with character, an eloquent and witty writer who always, unlike Clamence, downplayed and did not parade his good deeds because he did them out of a pure heart.

Camus said he did not believe in God, yet I think a part of him did as filtered through his secular saint Tarrou in The Plague and his dialogue with Dominican Friars, among other writing, although he kept it publicly well hidden.  My father, baptized a Catholic like Camus, was a life-long believer, never letting any doubts directly show.  Both were reserved men in the best sense of the word.

For faith and doubt always play their shadow show in all souls.

In a review of Bread and Wine by Ignazio Silone, Camus wrote, “For the grandeur of a faith can be measured by the doubts it inspires.”  In this case he was referring to secular faith, but he was lavishing praise on a novel that explores the interplay between secular and sacred faith, the former having its deepest roots in the later.

It is the story of Pietro Spina, the anti-fascist Italian revolutionary during Mussolini’s time, who is in hiding disguised as a priest, and his former teacher, the priest Don Benedetto.  Hunted and surveilled by Italy’s fascist government, they secretly meet and talk of the need to resist the forces of state and church collaborating in violence and suppression.

Don Benedetto tells Pietro:

But it is enough for one little man to say ‘No!’ murmur ‘No!’ in his neighbor’s ear, or write ‘No!’ on the wall at night, and public order is endangered.”

And Pietro says:  

Liberty is something you have to take for yourself.  It’s no use begging it from others.”

The two characters represent one truth, that the spirit of rebellion is sacred and profane. This Camus knew from the start, despite his reputation for being an unbeliever.  When Pietro and Don Benedetto meet and talk about the need to resist the fascist government – two priests, so to speak, one disguised and one real – we come to fully realize that they are one genuine person separated at birth for story-telling purposes. 

The younger tells the older that “it was a religious impulse that led me into the revolutionary movement,” but that he lost his faith in God many years before.

To which the elderly priest replies, “It does not matter. In these times of conspiratorial and secret struggle the Lord is obliged to hide Himself and assume pseudonyms.  Besides, and you know it, He does not attach much importance to His name …. “

Silone writes:

The idea of God Almighty being forced to go about under a false passport amused the younger man greatly.  He looked at his old schoolmaster in astonishment, and suddenly saw him in a very different light from the image of him that he had preserved during the long years since they had last met.”

If one carefully reads Camus’ oeuvre, it becomes apparent that his sense of the sacred was profound even while saying that he didn’t believe in God; so too was his commitment to resist evil and to see the sense of the absurd as a starting point and not a destination.  “But does nothing have a meaning?  I have never believed that we could remain at this point,” he said.  “Even as I was writing The Myth of Sisyphus I was thinking about the essay on revolt (The Rebel) that I would write later on….”

Not to wallow in the absurd but to rebel against human suffering and oppression and to also serve beauty were always his twin goals.  He saw his vocation as an artist as a call to give voice to the sorrows and joys of everyone, not as a solitary elitist, but as a writer engaged in the world.

In an illuminating essay, “Thomas Merton’s Affinity with Albert Camus,” Jim Forest wrote the following, which I would second:

In fact what Camus rejected was not the person of Christ but a pseudo-Christianity that had become a mechanism for blessing the established order, a religion of accommodation that provides chaplains to witness executions without raising a word of protest, a religion committed to the status quo rather than the kingdom of God. What Camus was missing in the world were Christians who reminded him of Christ.

Which sounds like Silone’s Pietro Spina and Don Benedetto in dialogue.

But then there is Sisyphus and this happiness issue, which is my central concern.  Camus always fought against injustice and was well aware that he was living in a world where soulless and ruthless force was the context for all he wrote. The specifics have changed today, but the general principle prevails with social convulsions, violence, and endless wars in many guises.  The old Cold War is now the new.

For Camus, the Greek myth of Sisyphus, the never-ending need to roll our rocks to the hilltop only to watch them come tumbling back down, these rolling stones of effort upon effort to resist the world’s predators with their death-loving violence and the feeling of the uselessness of these uphill battles with our stones falling back at our feet as we try and try again to say “no” – this, and the indifferent silence of the natural world that devours people as appetizers – he called the absurd, the unbridgeable chasm between our desires for happiness and the world’s indifference, including the hateful indifference of the world’s elites and their evil efforts to control and murder regular people.

And lest I forget one tiny insignificant detail, and one that was at the heart of Camus’ writing, the fact that we all die and that the day-to-day grind of struggling “to make a living” and be normal social beings can collapse in an instant on any street corner when one asks “why,” and the absurd enters as “the stage sets collapse.”

For Camus, Sisyphus and the feeling of the absurd were entwined, but why must we then imagine Sisyphus happy?  The endless struggle against violence, lies, and injustice is exhausting and one must fight against falling into the pit of despair. So I ask again: Was Camus joking?  He was not known for his humor.

Happy is a funny word; its etymology tells us so: it derives from the Old Norse happ, meaning chance, good luck, fortune.  And I think for anyone who contemplates it, happiness, however one defines it, is not a constant state.  It comes and goes if one is lucky. There are so many suffering people throughout the world for whom the word is a foreign language, since they are so victimized by violence and poverty that just to survive is their kind of luck.

Happiness can not be sought, although there are countless books and happiness gurus who will take your money to tell you it can and they have the method.  It’s interesting to note that over the past twenty-five years or so the happiness industry has grown in equal measure to the overwhelming deterioration of the world situation.  The more depressed, deprived, and distracted more people have become as the world’s elites have waged war in all its forms everywhere, the more the clamor to “just be happy” has been heard.  If it weren’t so “absurd,” I’d  think they had invented happiness pills.

After reading Edmund Gosse’s 1907 memoir about his Victorian childhood and his relationship with his very religious father, Father and Son, my father wrote to me saying that it reminded him of the two of us, a father who remained conventionally religious while the son rejected conventional Christianity for a dissident’s path.  But then he added, commenting on the seeming difference, “Quién sabe? (Who knows?).

Contradictions abound, which he knew, and such contradictions cut through the human heart.  So I wonder, what can cut through the contradictions?

For we are all contradictions in our different ways, but the question remains how we might be happy in the midst of life’s struggles.  How to live with our contradictions, how to reconcile them.  How not to be so single-minded that we can’t say, “Happy New Year” and mean it simply in all its complexity.

Although I think Camus was slightly wrong to say “we must” imagine Sisyphus happy, I think we may.  Albert himself famously said that “In the midst of winter, I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer.”  This “invincible summer” is the love of life despite all the struggles we go through.  Camus was no stranger to them – the delights and the struggles – nor my father nor I nor anyone.

Life is an agon – a conflict, struggle. contest – as the Greeks would put it.  But it is also, if we are lucky, filled with love, beauty, and passionate delights, that, although they may not manifest themselves constantly, slumber within like cats on a hearth in our hearts, as Albert wrote of the writer’s task, to be true to and awaken “those two or three great and simple images in whose presence his[our] heart[s] first opened.”

So I must conclude by saying Camus wasn’t joking, but humor was not his forte.  It was my father’s, his seeming opposite.  With humor we might summon the dozing genie.  I think it true what Lewis Hyde writes in Trickster Makes This World: “A touch of humor or levity, then, is one mark by which we know that a creative spirit working in the force field of contradictions has kept his promise, has not fallen from his tree, and so might actually move beyond the enclosing oppositions.”

And since today is my father’s birthday, I will recount a little story he wrote to me in his eloquent and inimitable style.  It differs slightly from Attorney Jean-Batiste Clamence’s confession from the “Mexico City” bar in Amsterdam, with the exception of the booze.  It goes like this:

On ecclesiastical matters I have a funny true story for you.  Dennis Casey, one of the attorneys I used to work with, told it.  He had an uncle who was a Bishop of some county in Ireland and, like a few citizens of the Ould Sod, could put away a drop or two of the creature.  When Cardinal Cooke was alive in the late ‘70s, the Bishop attended some ceremony at St. Patrick’s Cathedral where he was to give the homily. 

Dennis Casey was with him and said the good Bishop fortified himself with quite a few shots or smiles, as Uncle Tim used to call the creature, before ascending the pulpit.  He then went on and on infinitum, saying in his thick Irish brogue, ‘if he had the cathedral filled with gold, I’d give it to the poor; if I had it filled with food, I’d give it the hungry,’ etc., etc., etc. 

Finally they gave him the hook after a few nods from the Cardinal.  After the Mass the hierarchy retired to the Chancery for a reception.  The place was filled with Bishops, Monsignors, and prelates of all shapes and sizes and everyone partook of liquid refreshments, including our friend, the Bishop.  All went well until someone started a singalong when they coaxed Cardinal Cook for a solo. 

He tried to beg off, saying, “I’m not much of a singer,” but the majority prevailed and he started a few notes of Danny Boy or some such song.  After a couple of lines and false notes, the Bishop’s stentorian brogue burst through the hall, shouting, “You are right.  You can’t sing a Fucking note.”  I think he was whisked back to Erin forthwith and now he sings with the heavenly choir or the devil’s band – having departed for his just reward.

Happy New Year, Albert and Edward, Sr.  Let’s raise our laughing glasses high to the beauty of the days gone by and those to come, even as we rebel.


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Jan 11, 2023 6:04 PM

Greetings from NATZO for the Russian Orthodox New Year:

Remember the truce offered by Russia? It was rejected. Instead we got this:

Russian Orthodox Donetsk shelled in first minute of Christmas truce – authoritiesTwo Serbs shot in Kosovo Orthodox Christmas Eve The Anglo Zionazi Capitalist Mammon worshippers of NATZO use Serbia as an Orthodox Christian victim to taunt Russia with, “After Serbia, you are next”. [They hope]

Ukro-Zio-Nazi NATZO continues its 2014 policy of “soft genocide”:
Jewish Orthodox Zelensky deprives Christian Orthodox priests of citizenship – media.Jewish Orthodox Zelensky boycotts over 100 Russian public figures

Jan 10, 2023 11:13 PM

Pepe Escobar says, “Ring Out the Old Ring in the New”

[Bye-bye, two dishonest, shabby decades: from NATZO’s crucifixion of Serbia in 1991 to NATZO’s crucifixion of Ukraine in 2022]

“the current situation in Ukraine is still a skirmish. The real war has not even started yet.

“It might – soon. [But if so…] Apart from Ukraine and Poland there is no NATO force worth mentioning. Germany has a risible two-day supply of ammunition. Turkey will not send a single soldier to fight Russians in Ukraine.

“Out of 80,000 US troops stationed in Europe, only 10% are weaponized [for Real War]. If the Americans activated their troops in Europe – something rather ridiculous in itself – they would not have any place to land supplies or reinforcements. All airports and seaports would be destroyed by Russian hypersonic missiles in a matter of minutes – in continental Europe as well as the UK.
In addition, all fuel centers such as Rotterdam for oil and natural gas would be destroyed.

“As would all military installations, including top American bases in Europe: Grafenwoehr, Hohenfels, Ramstein, Baumholder, Vilseck, Spangdahlem, and Wiesbaden in Germany; and Aviano Air Base in Italy; and Lajes Air Base in Portuguese Azores; and Rota in Spain; and Incirlik in Turkey; and Lakenheath and Mildenhall in the UK.

“Patriot missiles are worthless – as the whole world saw in Saudi Arabia when they tried to knock out Houthi missiles coming from Yemen. Israel’s Iron Dome [a Patriot knockoff] can’t even knock out primitive missiles coming from Gaza.

“NATZO military power [“No one can withstand our armed might” — UK Minister crowing atop a NATZO tank in little, dismembered Serbia] is the supreme myth. Essentially, NATZO hides behind proxies like ISIS or the Ukraine Armed Forces. US forces are worthless except in turkey shoots as in Iraq in 1991 and 2003, [in a 20-nation Coalition of the Killing] against a single, small opponent weakened by years of “sanctions” and with no air cover.

“And never forget how NATO was completely humiliated by the Taliban.

“2022 ended an era: it marked the final breaking point of the “[miss]rules-based international order” established by NATZO’s reckless squandering of the expected Peace Dividend from agreements with Gorbachev] after the fall of the USSR.”

Jan 10, 2023 11:03 PM

Amusing that so many would revere Camus over Christ.

Jan 11, 2023 9:32 AM
Reply to  ZenPriest

“A prophet hath no honour among His own people” — NT

Jan 13, 2023 2:47 AM
Reply to  ZenPriest

I imagine that those who have no idea what Christ is about would naturally revere whatever happens to be the next best thing they can find.
But for genuinely religious people, who are also attracted to Camus’s beautiful way of expressing himself, I feel there could hardly be a Camus without Christ having gone before. Christ got to the nitty-gritty of existentialism first.

Moreover, in the same way as people ‘love’ Beethoven, Mozart, Bach, or any other supreme artist, that love isn’t necessarily actual idolatry.
In those cases, it is their created work rather than their everyday personality which inspires such emotion.

Which reminds me of a wonderful description I once read by Rollo May:

After referring to concepts such as those of Plato, he ended up defining love as “a delight in the presence of the other person” (the interpretation of which could perhaps even be extended to a delight that a particular person exists at all…)

At any rate, that description makes me wonder whether the old-fashioned word, “delight” hasn’t been undervalued for a long time . . . A ‘delighted’ human being can certainly be a lovely thing to see in our heavy, dark modern world.

Jan 10, 2023 8:56 PM

The thing is we think we think through the brain,your brain is trying to keep you alive 24/7 And survive and think and create and make, But when you have real emotions what hurts the most it’s your heart.

Jan 13, 2023 2:53 AM
Reply to  Annie

That’s so true.
Come to think of it, there’s probably a good reason for our heart not being inside our skull.
For a start, it would probably play havoc with our facial expressions . . . 🙂

Charles Murphy
Charles Murphy
Jan 10, 2023 7:36 PM

Hmm; the Roman Catholic Cardinal Cook in the Anglican St. Patrick’s Cathedral?? Possible perhaps, even for the state of ecumenism in the ’70s, but the story seems to imply he had some authority there?
Funny ending though.

Jan 10, 2023 6:19 PM

Thank you for this article. I really enjoyed it. It is hard to be positive. I like Off G very much. It helps keep me sane. It reminds me that I am not mad, that there really was a time when MSM did not write absolute rubbish and we did have some freedom

Jan 10, 2023 3:33 PM

I love thy neighbour but when we have neighbours trying to sabotage and kill us its hard to ignore.

John Pretty
John Pretty
Jan 10, 2023 9:01 PM
Reply to  Annie

I wouldn’t want to live in your street.

Jan 10, 2023 10:50 PM
Reply to  Annie

A change, a change may do you (or others) good (?):

Sheryl Crow – A Change Would Do You Good

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Jan 10, 2023 1:45 PM

Here are two links guaranteed to put a smile on your face:

The World Order Already Changed in 2022 by Thierry Meyssan

“It is wrong to imagine that the strongest always want to impose their will on others. This Western attitude is rarely shared by other humans. Cooperation has proven to be far more effective than exploitation and the revolutions it provokes.”

BOMBSHELL docs reveal Covid-19 COVER-UP goes straight to the top | Redacted with Clayton Morris

US hegemony is hanging on by its fingernails. This global Technocracy Hail Mary attempt to get the W.H.O. to override and usurp all power from sovereign nation-states appears shaky at best, given the major slap down the W.H.O. recently received on its Twitter post with Peter Hotez comparing “anti-vaxxers” to global terrorists.

Jan 11, 2023 10:42 AM
Reply to  Straight Talk

If there is the deluded voting system in place with parliament / politicians / electorate etc

Jan 10, 2023 1:09 PM

Victoria Lee: Rising MMA star dies aged 18 (msn.com)

This dam will be breaking soon. With so much pressure on the sporting world to take this crap, the very people who were arguably the least “at risk” from the fictional virus, according to the official fairytale, and the fact that athletes are so obsessive about fitness and health, surely they cannot continue to turn a blind eye to these overt acts of war against them.


Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Jan 10, 2023 1:59 PM
Reply to  Mucho

If anyone asks for the names of young athletes who have collapsed and/or died, here is the full list:

1653 Athlete Cardiac Arrests or Serious Issues, 1148 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection

Jan 10, 2023 3:12 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Athletes, like everyone else amply rewarded by society simply for being better at something than the next guy, are paid precisely “to turn a blind eye to these overt acts of war against them.”

Athletes refusing to see the death creeping inside their veins are of a type with the (so-called) “climate scientists” who refuse to see the death creeping along the horizon from the constant spraying.

The pays good if you can stomach the conditions imposed. And manage to survive the dangers.

Jan 10, 2023 6:49 PM
Reply to  Mucho

How long have they kept the absurdity that the moon landings were real alive………50 years.

Jan 12, 2023 12:08 PM
Reply to  Mucho

I’m a COVID19 ‘pandemic’ vaccine skeptic like no other but athletic activities – such as long distance running – put too much unrecoverable stress on the human body and are unhealthy in the long-term.

Jan 10, 2023 11:42 AM

Trying to reset my forgotten password here, apparently I have no account — strange, as I’ve registered and have been receiving emails to the address entered — I’ve been temporarily rate banned. Or have I just been banned for some inexplicable reason? So this might not get through. Even though I cause no offence, unlike some that I’ve noticed, I must obviously be considered dodgy if my posts are perpetually held ‘pending’ or go to Spam (or deleted?) ! Sometimes the emails from O-G stop for no apparent reason, then restart after a gap. All very strange.

Incidentally, how does one search for one’s own past postings, please, anyone who might see this? Not expecting this to show, really.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jan 10, 2023 12:21 PM
Reply to  Molybdenum

Sorry you’re having such problems. I’d try troubleshooting by subscribing with an alt. email address.

There is no function to search for old posts, I’m afraid, unless you search per article using your browser’s built-in search function. This is not a fancy site. It’s bare bones and run on a shoestring.

It might help manifest a more helpful atmosphere if you didn’t assume the worst of this place before anyone has a chance to assist you. Not quite sure what you’re hoping to gain from such negativity, tbh.

We do get saboteurs declaring we’ve been censoring etc. in the comments, hoping to make the site look bad. I’m sure that’s not your goal here but perhaps you can appreciate it doesn’t look promising if you don’t seem all that bothered about getting off on the right foot with your inquiry.

Anyway, try troubleshooting with an alt. email address. I can recommend Protonmail if you’d like to create a ‘burner’ account in order to do this. A2

Jan 10, 2023 12:47 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I would add, Use a VPN so Proton-mail does not get your IP address, they are probably CIA honey-trap too, like many of these anonymous email sites.

Sal P
Sal P
Jan 10, 2023 4:28 PM
Reply to  WillianHill

Can you provide any evidence for Proton as a CIA honeypot? Inquiring minds would like to know.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Jan 10, 2023 6:15 PM
Reply to  Sal P

Can’t be … they’re too busy manipulating FUCKBook, Twatter, InstantGranny, WhatsCrap, etc., etc …
Must be exciting these days working for US of As intelligence agencies … just how does one save oneself from a titanic disaster? These guys all stand a slim chance given they have the morals of a Berliner SS officer in April of 1945.

Jan 10, 2023 7:00 PM
Reply to  Sal P

No, but I can point to services created by the FBI/CIA to trap ‘criminals’. This is what they do and if a service is famous for being anonymous than it isn’t. I would also add VPN services to that.

I think McAfee also exposed it, along with many other services like Telegram, before he was murdered.

John Pretty
John Pretty
Jan 10, 2023 9:02 PM
Reply to  WillianHill

Okay, but this is speculation.

Jan 11, 2023 5:18 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

The best thing you can do is lock yourself in a room for 50 years and wait for the government to release the truth. Until then believe everything you hear on the BBC…

Sal P
Sal P
Jan 10, 2023 9:57 PM
Reply to  WillianHill

McAfee admitted to using Gmail, which is one of the worst privacy-oriented email services. McAfee said he changed his email address every 15 days because Google takes 30 days to decide on how they’ll respond to subpoenas for email info. Who wants to go thru that and what difference would it make if gmail scans every piece of email you send and receive in real-time?

Plus, his statement that encryption is worthless – well, people can decide that for themselves but I don’t agree.


And was his 31 TB of incriminating data he claimed to have ever released after his death? I could find no evidence that it was – or even that it actually existed. But maybe I just couldn’t find the info.

Big red flag here. I’m skeptical about McAfee – there’s a good chance the guy was not playing with a full deck.

Jan 11, 2023 5:17 PM
Reply to  Sal P

It is said that the building in Florida that collapsed, held his data store, so they flattened the building, but who knows, I have no evidence that is true either.

Jan 10, 2023 11:06 AM

This, from 2021, is a good account of the Covid propaganda operation:


Jan 10, 2023 10:45 AM

The tax new year is around April when mother nature is awaken.
Until you stop celebrating rituals that dont make any sense like a New year in the Dead of Winter, you’ll be continuing there cycles of illusion = death.

Jan 10, 2023 3:18 PM
Reply to  Ananda

We celebrate New Years because we haven’t yet gotten a handle on Time. Until we’re willing to consider that Time is a physical entity like everything else in the universe, we’ll never rise above these artificial sign posts.

It’s “time” we stopped ignoring Time Waves and started riding them.

Happy Trails.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jan 10, 2023 7:20 PM
Reply to  Ananda

An accident..Crack!
A Man a Boy carrying zero feeling emotions visionary reflective Impluse is death, it’s nothing. This Man this Boy says ” he’s sorry…to no-one in particular “…..so begins his journey with death. (feb.1977)

Jan 10, 2023 10:19 AM

I’m as happy as a pig in shit. What else can the new world ordure throw at me? Come on you bastards, snot gobblers, whore-son cuttles, small ale arse lickers, damp bureauc-rats, faugh.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jan 10, 2023 7:29 PM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

Lol! Snot gobblers.

Jan 10, 2023 9:13 AM

A rather demoralizing article, incontestably positivity for the year ahead is essential. Camus was yet another another Gnostic initiate punting existential nihilism,

As St. Catherine of Siena once said, “Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire”

Jan 10, 2023 10:06 AM
Reply to  banana

Don’t tell Greta.

Jan 10, 2023 12:23 PM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

How dare you 😂

Jan 10, 2023 3:22 PM
Reply to  banana

Camus seems not to have been a cheerleader…so I guess he gets a drubbing for leaving it up to each and every soul to find its own positivity.

Rah-rah-rhee, Kick ’em in the knee; rah-rah-rass, Kick ’em in…the other knee!

Jan 10, 2023 9:13 AM

They are aware of the danger their incessant fear porn produces mere despair so a certain number of officially sanctioned causes for hope are allowed. The main one is probably “science”.

Elon can put a roadster in orbit! There’s a rover on Mars! And of course there are vaccines….

The “triumph of science” doesn’t preclude the occasional glitch in service of other agendas:

The UK must of course be taught that it can’t do such things independently – nor can anything be made to work in the current system. Oh, can’t we please have regional technates, Mr. Globalist!

Jan 10, 2023 3:17 PM
Reply to  Edwige

No, the opposite – the USA is trying to destroy the UK because Brexit has failed. Hence funding Prince Harry, which is obviously orchestrated by the intelligence agencies.

Jan 10, 2023 4:51 PM
Reply to  Thom

Does Prince Harry need funding? Oh dear, what’s the world coming to? Where’s the nearest gofundme kiosk?

Jan 10, 2023 9:42 PM
Reply to  Howard

Charities need the funding, as per the preface of his book (proceeds of the sale).

Which particular charities would, of course, be a separate question

Jan 10, 2023 7:55 PM
Reply to  Thom

Harry is merely trying to stay relevant, as are all the royals. And yes, I do say this from the USA but to me, all the hype over all their infighting is just that – hype to keep the masses entertained and distracted. All that hoopla also keeps alive the idea that the monarchy is really ruling over much of anything, which sounds like pure hype to me but then again I’m a cynical American. They are part of the global oligarchy that runs the world so perhaps they’re more important than I give them credit for. But really, does anyone think some “tell-all” book about the horrors of growing up royal is going to take down the UK in and of itself?

Perhaps the US funds Harry, but Harry is hardly going to be the death of the British Empire all by himself. He sure generates some revenues for the media and publishing companies. Sadly, even a few people I know seem to really care about Harry and Megan while they ignore the ongoing consolidation of wealth and the coming totalitarianism, so I guess Harry has done what is required of him in that respect.

Jan 10, 2023 10:08 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

Hype essentially boosts book sales, negative or not. As the saying goes, ‘all publicity is good publicity’.

Cynical Brits would largely agree with the lack of Royal power. A good basic rule of thumb during Covid, being that anyone who walked around wearing a mask is (more-or-less by definition) no ‘elite’. This would include the Royals and most politicians.

If someone lacks the intellectual clout/confidence (call it what you will) to see beyond basic in-your-face blatant propaganda, then they would hardly qualify as an ‘elite’.

Nevertheless Royals do continue to make good displays of pageantry that still remind the UK and the rest of the world of its history. In that sense, they have continuing value.

So maybe care for Harry in the sense that he’s clearly as screwed up as the rest of us(?)

Jan 10, 2023 9:05 AM

It will be a Happy New Year when all the oppressors are swinging from a lamppost.

Jan 10, 2023 7:40 AM

at the risk of repetition heres a link re the “super secret” w.h.o meetings going on now, today, this week to finalise their ultimate power grab, exxxxxciting stuff ‘0)

clearly the satanic scum are utterly desperate, dang! when things just dont go the way you planned it?


so by that rationale come May 2023 everything will be in place for them

time to dust off the ropes and check the scaffold, on a lighter note there is evidence of the stirrings of awakenings, but as ever many of us will reserve caution, angels fear to tread n all

comment image

Jan 10, 2023 12:50 PM
Reply to  Duckman

The WHO is not autonomous, it is controlled by its funder’s, who are mainly US and vassal states; So ask your elected American & UK leaders why they are doing or allowing this.

Jan 10, 2023 11:58 PM
Reply to  WillianHill

from a personal perspective my very own uk “mp” who was 100% anti lockdown and against kidz jabz mysteriously went all “script” when her mate Ames had his throat slit by a pesky “immigrant”, seems the covid recovery group were warned off

from my own super personal perspective w.h.o can come to my farm gate and discuss autonomy until cows come home, up and till the point they enter my property, after that its going to become very physical

politicians or others in the public eye either step in line or make an appointment with their maker

only when the masses wake up does anything change, but in case you havent deduced…. they have a plan for that too :0)

its called order out of chaos, which seems to be the coming flavour of this turd floating shit soup

Jan 10, 2023 7:30 AM

They used to block out the odd word:shit,piss,fuck etc .Now they block out whole doctrines,ideas,and debate.
We used to be scared of the odd serial killer. Now serial killers are ubiquitous.

Jan 10, 2023 11:04 PM
Reply to  Hele

Now they excite people on TV.

Jan 10, 2023 6:41 AM

Happy New Year from the BRI to all the Moaning Minnies of the NWO,

by Pepe Escobar, first publish at The Cradle

Belt and Road Initiative enters its 10th year, revitalized across the Global South.

Putin told Xi how “Russia and China managed to ensure record high growth rates of mutual trade,” meaning “we will be able to reach our target of $200 billion by 2024 ahead of schedule.”

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jan 10, 2023 9:29 PM
Reply to  NickM

Duckman is that Tyburn?
All dollars it’s going well then. Central & Asia China banks are popping champagne corks I’am sure.

Jan 11, 2023 12:09 AM
Reply to  Clive Williams

its called the three headed dragon, it will eat western hegemony for breakfast, rejoice western parasites 3rd world status beckons and a new era of “peace” beckons

though im sure that is of scant interest to the 18 yr old young woman whose bidding status was saved to hunter bidens laptop, barely clad, gagged and tied, a starting bid of $150,000 was the rate for this likely now “expired” unfortunate

would you like the link? go look for yourself

too lazy? ok heres a “tame” version


Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Jan 12, 2023 8:57 AM
Reply to  Duckman

“The rise of the Christian faith, which focuses on care for the weak, brought an end to these public atrocities in the Western world.”
One of the most palpably untrue and ridiculous pieces of nonsense that I’ve read on the internet, and that is some going. The Catholic Church for a start, operates largely as a paedophile ring and has done for centuries. And whilst the rampant paedophila that has gone on and no doubt still goes on in private amongst the British “elite”, the ritualistic, genocidal slaughter of indigenous populations across the globe by Christian colonists went on very much in public, under the mantra of “Exterminate all the brutes”. Hardly caring for the weak, is it?

wally jasper
wally jasper
Jan 10, 2023 4:45 AM

I believe the way Camus told the story was that every day Sisyphus got to the top just as the sun was setting. In that moment he stopped, he was done for the day; his body relaxed after a day of exertion, he gazed out over the land and the setting sun. And he was happy.
I can very well imagine he was happy. After aeons of toiling up the hill very day, presumably he was long past thinking and agonizing over what led him into that predicament, the tragedy of it, the injustice of it, the desire for it to be other than what it is. Instead, every day as he begins his climb with the rock he sees his feet moving over the same terrain, the same rocks that form steps, the same bushes and grasses, the same contours of the land. Yet, for all its sameness, every day is totally new. Perhaps it rained in the night and he notices fresh little sprouts and buds rising from the ground; the air is also fresh and clean. He hears the chirp of a bird, the buzz of a bee through his panting breath. He moves on step by step, feeling the touch of the sun on his back, watching mist rise from the earth, feeling sweat form on his brow. He knows he has done this trek countless times yet right now it is new; each instant is a never previously experienced moment, and the next coming moment is utterly unknown. Anything could happen [from old Norse happ]. And so life continues: No need for meaning, no need for fulfillment of desire, or a sense of achievement or any of the other particularly human mind constructs of what is necessary for a sense of well-being or contentment. Life is simply what is. No hope, no fear. And that sunset is stunning.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jan 10, 2023 10:54 PM
Reply to  wally jasper

Nice! 👍 A2

Wally Jasper
Wally Jasper
Jan 10, 2023 4:22 AM

I believe the way Camus told the story was that every day Sisyphus got to the top just as the sun was setting. In that moment he stopped, he was done for the day; his body relaxed after a day of exertion, he gazed out over the land and the setting sun. And he was happy.

I can very well imagine he was happy. After aeons of toiling up the hill very day, presumably he was long past thinking and agonizing over what led him into that predicament, the tragedy of it, the injustice of it, the desire for it to be other than what it is. Instead, every day as he begins his climb with the rock he sees his feet moving over the same terrain, the same rocks that form steps, the same bushes and grasses, the same contours of the land. Yet, for all its sameness, every day is totally new. Perhaps it rained in the night and he notices fresh little sprouts and buds rising from the ground; the air is also fresh and clean. He hears the chirp of a bird, the buzz of a bee through his panting breath. He moves on step by step, feeling the touch of the sun on his back, watching mist rise from the earth, feeling sweat form on his brow. He knows he has done this trek countless times yet right now it is new; each instant is a never previously experienced moment, and the next coming moment is utterly unknown. Anything could happen [from old Norse happ]. And so life continues: No need for meaning, no need for fulfillment of desire, or a sense of achievement or any of the other particularly human mind constructs of what is necessary for a sense of well-being or contentment. Life is simply what is. No hope, no fear. And that sunset is stunning.

Jan 10, 2023 6:45 AM
Reply to  Wally Jasper

Beautifully put. Yoga for the Age of Evolution.

“Because I cannot hope
Because hope would be hope of the wrong thing” — with apologies to TS Eliot.

Jan 10, 2023 5:07 PM
Reply to  Wally Jasper

When you add in the details of the actual Myth and realize that Sisyphus was given his task not by existence but as a punishment for his crimes, the equation starts to disintegrate: the minute the concept of punishment enters the picture, the doings of an indifferent universe entirely unconcerned with the conditions it imposes gets skewed. It becomes a thing imposed by actual beings, be they gods or other humans. And as such it ceases to be something willingly accepted; it cannot help but become something one rails and fights against.

The wills of other beings when imposed on someone render happiness impossible.

wally jasper
wally jasper
Jan 11, 2023 2:49 AM
Reply to  Howard

Well, if Sisyphus is truly happy, then there is no problem. If he can be happy pushing a boulder up a hill every day, he will be happy in any kind of life circumstance because he has overcome or transcended the human conditioning that forever circles around through injury, vengeance, retribution, suffering, hating where one is, trying to find a way out…….ad infinitum. He is above it; he has “won.” All that commotion can no longer touch him.

This story, like those of all wisdom traditions, is teaching a way out of our human conditioning. The aeons of thinking in the way described above, agonizing over all those hurts and things “going south”…. we humans are still in that juvenile phase and it is insane. It is what we are witnessing all around us. Now the utter insanity is so blatant, so obvious. This story tells of a way out, a way that is meant for humans to realize. I thank Edward for bringing it here to this off-G forum, for it is a timely (and timeless) reminder of another way of being.

Jan 11, 2023 3:40 AM
Reply to  wally jasper

Again, there is a problem equating other humans with reality. Enduring what reality – nature, the universe, existence itself – imposes is one thing. Enduring what other humans impose is something quite different, and quite lacking an existential imperative.

We humans are “conditioned” as much by existence as we are by society, each conditioning tempered by necessity. It is necessary for existence to inflict harm, for being impersonal it cannot do otherwise: doing so is not intentional. It is not necessary for humans to inflict harm because they can choose not to, therefore they do so intentionally.

There is nothing noble in rising above intentional injury, for it grants he who injures as high a standing as the totality of existence. This would be an affront to existence itself.

Jan 10, 2023 3:45 AM

SARS-CoV2 is a fictional construct.

Nothing new to folks here but worth repeating.

I believe the baseline of the “Covid dissident” movement needs to shift to a deeper analysis of the historical forces at work. One will get that here but outside of a few other venues that discussion is not happening- it is certainly not happening amongst the “official Covid skeptics” who steer the conversation in ways that can never address the fundamental issues coming at us.

There is an internal disparity and disagreement within the “Covid dissident” movement.

Those who accept the (fraudulent) fundamental premise of “the pandemic” are coming from a place that is contradictory to the evidence and from a place that is detached from history. This reifying of the Big Lie leads to a dead end (and worse). Most if not all in this category do not place the Covid Operation in context- they have no reference point.

Those who have examined the evidence exhaustively (the multiple components of this operation) understand that the entirety of the “pandemic narrative” is fraudulent. They came to this position through historical knowledge of the Biosecurity State and the Medical Cartel and by identifying patterns that explain where we are today.

It is essential that on a much wider scale we move the discussions into the space that, while not ignoring the immediate necessity to halt the mRNA program e.g., addresses these larger issues. If we don’t do this we will never be getting out of this cycle and the forces that have designed this totalitarian system will continue to consolidate their power.

“That truck that just missed you was swerving towards you, not away. You better understand that fast as it just turned around and is heading right back towards you again.”

Jan 10, 2023 4:18 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

Prescient and precise as usual Maxwell.
Happy New Year to you and all Off Guardians.

Jan 10, 2023 7:59 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

Or put another way, until folk, all folk wake the fk up and realise that the only health issue new to our current times is the “mRNA vaccine” and that despite how utterly embarrasing it is for all to admit that we were “had” so utterly by a big fat lie, then very little will change and slowly, but surely the program to alter hu-man dna by direct and in-direct means will continue

A situation they considered (and are reliant upon) from the very start

Or, put again another way:

The third strand being inserted into hu-mans via injection rapidly or by shedding, steadily (in conjunction with radio waves and visual, aural programming) has the possibility of converting a “critical” mass of the population into accepting a life of near total servitude that exceeeds even the one we are already in.

But given the encouraging signs to cleansing i am seeing in the jabbed “once or twice” ye olde jollup is not quite performing as intended…..

Hence the absolute panic to roll out the new “pandemic treaty” as a “revision to existing protocols” rather than anything so tedious as a “vote”

As has been said by many throughout all time, ‘there will be tears before bed time”

Denny KirkQ
Denny KirkQ
Jan 10, 2023 5:57 PM
Reply to  Maxwell


thank you for your comments….I totally agree.

Question for you…..should the discussion be centered around the history of Technocracy and Transhumanism??? I am interested in your comments of these 2 aspects of the Biosecurity State.

I have read several books by Patrick Wood on the above subjects and I am wondering if you find his writings helpful and insightful.

Peace and I always look forward to your comments on OG.

Jan 10, 2023 6:22 PM
Reply to  Denny KirkQ

I don’t find Patrick Wood’s writings very useful- I’ve read several of his pieces and watched a few of his talks.

I think the most effective discussions center on the history of how we got here, connecting that to the present, and the straight forward evidence that illustrates how every single facet of the Covid story is fraudulent.

I think the two most important items to discuss within that history are: 1) How the development of the current medical (educational/financial etc.) model was shaped by the dictates of the industrialists (connect that to today’s billionaire technocrats) and; 2) How that medical model was developed to benefit financiers rather than promote public health and how works in concert with The State to control social and economic life.

I think the two most important launching points for destroying the Covid narrative itself, which also illustrate the totality of the attacks upon us are: 1)The way the elderly and others were killed in nursing homes and hospitals in Spring 2020 and beyond and; 2) The way lockdowns killed social structure and people and launched a complete reorganization of society as dictated by these same billionaires.

Denny KirkQ
Denny KirkQ
Jan 10, 2023 10:47 PM
Reply to  Maxwell


Thank you for taking the time to respond to my concerns. Peace.

Jan 10, 2023 3:19 AM

I don’t have a problem taking the knee – I was an altar boy..but with coming up to 70, I am not as fit as I used to be…Black Lives Matter – sure fine – don’t have a problem with that….but just think about all the propaganda we have all been exposed to over the last few years…The North of England – over a football match – might have been Blackburn (actually Burnley) in Lancashire..Someone hired a plane – and they had a trailer on it “WHITE LIVES MATTER” – and they got Grounded and Seriously Told Off.

“You have been extremely Naughty”

“‘White Lives Matter’ plane organiser says police have offered protection
Burnley supporter says 60 people contributed to Premier League game stunt”

So now I am taking the knee again…

My Drains are Blocked…I am well in the shit again,,,

But I have fixed it several times before and I am going to fix it again….

I did have a little bit of an Apprenticeship as a Spark and a Plumber.

Yes it involves working in shit and having some basic mechanical skills, and thinking how do I fix this….

Forget University – if you are a Teenager and want to earn some decent money…

Train to be a Plumber and a Spark (Electrician) – get an Apprenticship if you can…and you will be worth your weight in gold – when all your friends are glued to their mobile phones…and You can Fix It…

You can get the most basic services to work again – whilst the academics and the politicians are legless

They don’t have a clue except to write and talk complete nonsense.

I still haven’t fixed it, but I will.

Blocked Drains – not nice

I have done it before, and I will do it again.

Good exercise for me – but I don’t half stink

Nowt wrong with a bit of tish but I think the main problem is chicken, lamb, beef and pork fat and not enough fairy liquid

We also like Fresh Fish, Potatoes and Vegetables and Fruit (well she does)

Most of the time we cook for ourselves, and kids and grandkids ..


Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jan 10, 2023 7:10 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

That WLM was 30+ months ago, your knee will be hurting old chum. “that plane were nawt ta de with we’our Club”…

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jan 10, 2023 3:09 AM

Aunt on my grand mothers side towards the close of the 18 hundreds was a prostitute in Manchester. She died from sisyphus in an asylum around the time of the death of Queen Victoria in 1901.

Jan 10, 2023 3:33 AM
Reply to  Clive Williams

Your Aunt must have been between a rock and a hard place.

Jan 10, 2023 10:13 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Yeah, you always hear about Sisyphus’s struggle with that rock, but no one ever mentions the collateral damage.  😉 

Jan 10, 2023 2:25 AM

As a child of 12 or so I read Kahlil Gibran, about whom I recall nothing except he asked which was the greatest, Beauty or Truth. I decided in the intense idealism of childhood that it was truth which was greater, and went about writing truth with a capital T.

I disliked TV, being skeptical of who was telling me what was told, and a feeling that some of it attacked my notion of what life should be. But I loved The Lone Ranger and his faithful Indian companion Tonto who seemed perfectly expressed by the William Tell Overture that was their theme song. They fought for goodness & justice to succor the victims of evil. I will not say that they fought with especial courage, for evil was portrayed as a small and dirty thing. (Evil always bestrode an ugly horse, whereas the Lone Ranger’s horse was “Silver” and Tonto’s “Scout” a beautiful paint.)

Surely happiness is to strive to bring into reality our ideals of Truth and Justice and Freedom. Life doesn’t come with a written guarantee, so it must be sufficient “to try.” Who among us does not long to strike a blow for the Good?

Happiness is easy; it’s achievement of one’s ends that is difficult.

Jan 10, 2023 3:26 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Truth with a capital T Penelope, along with Love and Earth, because there is only one of each, although Love, like a diamond, does have facets.
Happiness is merely the absence of unhappiness, which we learn and imitate from other unhappy people, parents, teachers, friends, role models etc.
Thanks Penelope.

Jan 10, 2023 3:30 AM
Reply to  Penelope

BTW, have you come to realize that Beauty is greater than Truth? That is, genuine beauty as opposed to what society generally portrays as beauty? Because Truth need not be beautiful; but Beauty is always truthful.

Jan 10, 2023 7:28 PM
Reply to  Howard

A thoughtful comment Howard, thank you.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Jan 10, 2023 7:38 PM
Reply to  Howard

The beat poet Lew Welch asserted that “Booth is Trudy”.

Jan 10, 2023 1:57 AM

So far as I am concerned, and I will say this again, if I turn up at my local pub on Saturday…

If you want to get jabbed, and jabbed again, and boosted – go for it…as I try and keep my distance from the jabbed – but go on do it again – see if I could Give a F’ck…Go on do it…

Meanwhile…I honestly couldn’t be bothered to see his speech on The Parliamentary Channel (of which I have some but very limited experience)


Some other cn’t said something about the jabbed, in the House of Commons but got totally wasted, by his own MP’s on the same side as him (he said – I wasn’t expecting to get slagged off ny my own side)

Useless prik

Please get jabbed, jabbed and boosted again

Thank You, and Hopefully Goodbye you useless tw@t

I didn’t vote for you.

You are an Embarrassment as an MP

Being Thick is OK but you take it to the limit of stupidity


Jan 10, 2023 7:34 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Jan 10, 2023 2:16 PM
Reply to  Hele

Great, feel good music, same as Earth, Wind and Fire. Music, like humor, will pull us through. In fact, everyone should learn to play an instrument, which activates both hemispheres of the brain. According to Ian Gilchrist, humanity suffers due to the left-heavy imbalance of most brains.

“In ‘The Matter with Things’, Iain McGilchrist..argues that we have become enslaved to.. a partial view dominated by the brain’s left hemisphere [mechanistic, materialistic].. in order to understand ourselves and the world we need science and intuition..”

How the Brain’s Left Hemisphere “Mesmerizes” Us into Misunderstanding Reality

“If we are wreaking havoc on ourselves and the world, it is because we have become mesmerized by a mechanistic, reductionist way of thinking.”

The quest for power has no need for ideology, truth or logic. Elite education is superfluous.

“Thus did a handful of rapacious citizens come to control all that was worth controlling in America. Thus was the savage and stupid and entirely inappropriate and unnecessary and humorless American class system created.”
~ Kurt Vonnegut

Jan 9, 2023 11:04 PM

I jokingly say (only to myself of course) that August 19, 1995 was the last happy day of my life.

What happened? Nothing. Nothing outstanding; but nothing bad either. It was a day when everything just felt nice, felt right.

I don’t feel a sense of loss that such a day hasn’t happened since. I just relish the thought that it happened even once. A perfect day.

Jan 9, 2023 11:13 PM
Reply to  Howard

Remember that day I remember smelling a rose and I go back to the smell and sight x

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Jan 9, 2023 10:47 PM

Spiritual warfare.
Pick a side…

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Jan 10, 2023 2:18 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

Author Jed McKenna has written several books on the topic of spiritual warfare.

Jan 10, 2023 11:13 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

I know right. As if people haven’t worked out TPTB are at war with God yet.

Jan 9, 2023 9:37 PM

It’s when Sisyphus descends the mountain to roll the rock again which interests Camus. That’s the “breathing space” from the curse of “futile and hopeless labor” when consciousness has its hour to consider what meaning if any there is in the face of absurdity.  

For Camus, consciousness can’t help but be tragic in this world, let alone myths of afterworlds we might tell ourselves to compensate for, or extend, contradictions we endure, just short of being crushed by their weight, for however long we have to live them (and count no one happy before death decides it’s done, as ancient Greek tragedians said). Like the formative contradiction Camus experienced growing up in French colonized Algeria between proletarian poverty and Mediterranean beauty, making for melancholy and “boundless grief…too heavy to bear” in Sisyphean struggle between relentless sorrow and insistent call to happiness, when the rock threatens to roll over us.

To face what faces us, with the lucidity to which Camus aspired, is at most a modest victory of happiness in living well, surviving with integrity, in a world where “wretched of the earth” (Frantz Fanon) toil at rolling rocks and others spend leisure hours lost in unconsciousness, without conscience, ‘blissful’ ignorance. Perhaps the most we can hope for is a faith, or love, that defies all gods and masters who condemn humans to suffer for them and their excesses while tempting us to flee into indifference until our hearts become rocks.


Jan 9, 2023 9:02 PM

I am not going to argue with Edward Curtin, His book “Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies” is a very Spiritual masterpiece, which I just loved reading because it reminded me of my own Roman Catholic upbringing, and my friend a Priest, who took me fishing with him on the River Ribble. He didn’t indoctrinate me…in fact I was going through a teenage process of rejecting, not just the Catholic Religion, but all religions. He remained a priest throughout all of his, and I remained his friend. We argued (and sometimes agreed) about almost everything.
So we come to now

“Is a Happy New Year Possible?”
I have to admit, it does look pretty grim…mainly because of mass corruption of almost everything, from the highest (lowest?) levels and the most total flagrant brainwashing of almost all of us.

I plead with my wife to turn it off. The TV is not good for you.

Stop looking at this complete and utter racist moron (“25 black “chess pieces”, I have murdered whilst invading a foreign country, that posed no threat whatsover to any country in “The West””)

His latest, on Live American TV – come on – did he actually say this???

Maybe its a case of in-breeding – a serious genetic defect?

I find him repulsive to the entire human race

I thought his mum was O.K…but he is a total disgrace


Jan 9, 2023 8:33 PM

Lots of talk about revolts and rebellions lately. Brazil is in a revolt, which in today’s lingo means getting set up for subversion.

Not sure how Brazil will turn out, but BBC America loves showing it, so that’s a red flag; not sure if they’re gloating about it, or advertising it to influence people into doing the same.
There seems to be a “thing” for getting a global revolt to happen. Not surprising though, their system requires an enemy and if they don’t have one, they create one and self-justify their garbage.

Strikes, farmers, truckers and organized protests were constantly advertised to the people last year. This year will probably be worse. They seem to be getting impatient because the people haven’t been biting.
We’ll probably get some kind of scripted banking calamity this year too. Might be a good idea to have a little cash on hand just in case. Remember, they baked extra protections for banking whistleblowers into US law a few years ago. “Regular” whistleblower protections weren’t enough, apparently. They haven’t used it yet, so its sitting there waiting to “nullify” all the banking crimes their people have pulled over the past few decades.

Also, why aren’t videos from Brazilian citizens being posted on the internet? Or, is it that there’s an internet wall between countries? All of the sites claiming to be on the people’s side, and none of them are hosting legitimate Brazilian posts?
Maybe I’m missing them somewhere. If so, let me know.

Jan 10, 2023 2:42 AM
Reply to  wisenox

At this site you can get all the South American news in English, The link given is for a Brazilian story, so some of the comments are by Brazilians; they’re all in Spanish, but it’s pretty easy to use the online Google translator– or you may find there are enough cognates that you understand w/o translation.


Jan 10, 2023 3:36 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Slight correction: comments by Brazilians would be in Portuguese.

Also, I would imagine Telesur would have stories about what’s happening.

Jan 10, 2023 5:17 AM
Reply to  Howard

I know they speak Portuguese in Brazil, but on this site they’re mostly speaking Spanish cuz it’s a Spanish language site. (Altho the whole site less the comments is also avail in English) Many, many Brazilians speak Spanish of course cuz of proximity, lots of similarity, etc. Incidentally there’s a story on the site about trying to get rid of evil Pope Francis. Interesting.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jan 10, 2023 6:09 PM
Reply to  wisenox
S Cooper
S Cooper
Jan 10, 2023 6:34 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

“Look, the Nonsurrection comes to Brazil.”


Lula da Silva and Bolsonaro are both Langley-Land Sockpuppet Hacks.”

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jan 10, 2023 6:36 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

comment image

Jan 11, 2023 9:54 AM
Reply to  wisenox

Brazilian Pepe gives us the inside scoop:

“Why the CIA attempted a ‘Maidan uprising’ in Brazil
by Pepe Escobar, first published at The Cradle
The failed coup in Brazil is the latest CIA stunt, as the country is forging stronger ties with the Multi Polar “East”.

A former US intelligence official has confirmed that the shambolic Maidan remix staged in Brasilia on 8 January was a CIA operation, linked to attempts at color revolution in Iran.

On Sunday, alleged supporters of former “Western” puppet President Jair Bolsonaro stormed Brazil’s capital, smashing windows, destroying public property including precious paintings, while calling for regime change against elected President Luis Inacio “Lula” da Silva.

According to this U$ source the operation – which bears visible signs of hasty planning – is that Brazil is set to re-insert itself in multipolar BRICS alongside “Eastern” Russia, India, and China.

[Dulles/Kennedy Domino Theory Redux}

“He refers here to reports that Algeria, Argentina, Iran have already applied to join the BRICS – or rather its expanded version “BRICS+” – with further interest expressed by Saudi Arabia, Turkiye, Egypt, Afghanistan, and Indonesia.

“The U$ source drew a parallel between the CIA’s Maidan in Brazil and a series of recent street demonstrations in Iran by the new U$ drive [to resuscitate the West’s Anglo-Zionazi-Capitalist monopolar hegemony”

Jan 9, 2023 7:45 PM

I trust no-one all these expert anti vaxxers ones that say they are experts something doesn’t sit right with me.I trust the humanity around me not TV and Internet people, I trust my neighbours the people around me.Anyone can be anything on on social media look at influencers, look at ancient aliens.people are insane and they are dragging us society down with them.

Jan 9, 2023 11:37 PM
Reply to  Annie

I’ve not been vaxxed I never will they might of vaxxed people steeple to not get the next wave and its coming.

Jan 10, 2023 8:12 AM
Reply to  Annie

There’s money to be made Annie. Mammon is a powerful spell while some of these alternative current affair voices are likely evolving through their esoteric degree of manifestation; I.e. Icke, from clown (Wogan) to demi god status now, while being handsomely remunerated.

Keen observation.

Brought to you from sleep easy or collagen for that plump skin and nicely plump hydration. May as well tune into the BBC or the Daily Hate (for two minutes I understand).

Jan 9, 2023 7:22 PM

Do you ever think that they’ve vaccinated these people to not get the next big virus and all the unvaccinated will perish because we are dissidents and they want sheep kill off the unvaccinated just saying 🤔.

Geoff P
Geoff P
Jan 9, 2023 7:40 PM
Reply to  Annie

I guess it could be possible. Though it seems unlikely.

Jan 9, 2023 11:20 PM
Reply to  Geoff P

Maybe but alot is occurring.

Sean Veeda
Sean Veeda
Jan 9, 2023 7:47 PM
Reply to  Annie

I think you’re overthinking, Annie. The rate at which the vaccinated are dropping, there won’t be many of them left by the time the next big virus is released.

Jan 9, 2023 11:18 PM
Reply to  Sean Veeda

I’m stressed I just want everyone to be happy the sun will always rise the world will always be here but we have insane billionaires that are trying to change our way of thinking.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Jan 10, 2023 6:48 PM
Reply to  Sean Veeda

I think not. Dr. Gates just ran Event 201 v.2 in Europe last October regarding an enterovirus originating in South America. It is purportedly in their “simulation,” more “deadly than SARS-CoV-2. Time to be very afraid. We should be seeing the roll out any week now. I stopped believing in Santa Claus at the age of six, but it took me into my 70’s to stop believing in viruses.

Jan 9, 2023 8:35 PM
Reply to  Annie

i have considered maybe we missed a trick, indeed.

but look at the level of coercion they employed…

so no, put that oot yer heid : )

Jan 9, 2023 11:22 PM
Reply to  rubberheid

OK thank you I get stressed

Lucius Licinius
Lucius Licinius
Jan 9, 2023 10:57 PM
Reply to  Annie

Yes. So what. I don’t want to live in their mad world. At least, I’ll die on my own terms.

Jan 9, 2023 11:25 PM

That’s OK I’m a person that’s a humanist I care about my fellow man I don’t trust the governments I’ve seen the sneaky things they’ve done to humanity.

Jan 9, 2023 11:30 PM

Good for you I’m trying to live my perfect life and what’s happening is horrible people trying to destroy your world.The world is not destroying you people are.

Jan 10, 2023 2:48 AM
Reply to  Annie

Good for you in your steadfastness of not getting vaxxed, Annie. Don’t let “What ifs” drive you crazy; we can only react calmly to what we know and that will have to be enough.
You’re one of the Good Guys; take strength from that.

Jan 10, 2023 3:40 AM
Reply to  Annie

To me, it seems more likely that the psychos would cull the “sheep” (i.e., vaxxed). Because the psychos must surely have just enough cleverness to put two and two together and realize that the unvaxxed are far more likely to be useful to them in the long run.

Why? Because people who can still think for themselves, while being “dangerous,” would be more likely to come up with new ideas the psychos could use.

Jan 10, 2023 7:58 AM
Reply to  Annie

I’ve considered this too. As for the on going genocide, we’ve a hot war or two yet to escalate, already wiping out a generation of young Ukrainians and many Russians. We Brits are already feeling an economic squeeze with the criminal acts associated with energy pricing, with other damaging political policies in the pipeline, designed to inflict maximum hardship. There’s the likely effect of food issues in the coming months, albeit a more global matter, weather manipulation etc.

As numerology is big for some here, 3 is the magic number as Del la Soul once chimed and we’re into the third year of this evil. The slow kill will continue though really difficult to understand and forecast, as in your post. I have a feeling these realities will be at all our front doors this year and not just abstract talking points, which they have been for many of us up to now. Sure there’s the growing evidence and escalation of the jib jab harm; again it’s year 3. Build Back Better, let’s not forget.

Jan 10, 2023 1:02 PM
Reply to  Annie

Yeah, I’ve had that thought. But it hasn’t happened yet. What are they waiting for?

Russian Hank
Russian Hank
Jan 9, 2023 6:52 PM

It’s not actually a new year. That’s a made up concept that fake education makes normies believe. Getting them to celebrate the change of an arbitrary number, which itself is not consistent, adds to the programming that makes them normies and adds to the sense that there is only pointless repetition with no destination. The Earth doesn’t even go round the sun in circles, nor do any of the planets. There is no repetition of anything. Instead, the whole shebang orbits the centre of the galaxy every quarter of a million years, at least from this perspective, and all the planets follow the sun in spirals. I suggest there is no such thing as a new year, and even the term year is quite questionable. If you’re looking for such things maybe nature has an answer, but there won’t be any fireworks. As for happy, of course it can be sought. Why do the multitude wait in almost endless queues to make themselves sick with alcohol while waiting for the pollution show? Happiness is always sought, and easily attained. The smallest thing can stimulate happiness, such as all the little red thumbs I’m going to see for refusing to conform to the constant pushing of depression. If we can’t even control our own emotions by thinking of memories that spark them, or imagining ideas that would do the same, we best not worry on anything regarding those of others.

Jan 9, 2023 8:32 PM
Reply to  Russian Hank

aye, and that made me laugh, all them little red thumbs, : )

carry on amigo

Jan 9, 2023 9:21 PM
Reply to  Russian Hank

“It’s not actually a new year”

Yeh, it is

“The Earth doesn’t even go round the sun in circles”

Who said it does?


I thought the rest of your post was OK especially “I’m going to see for refusing to conform to the constant pushing of depression”

Happy New Year


Ann Caddigan
Ann Caddigan
Jan 9, 2023 6:44 PM

My oh my Edward, you do it to me every time and bless you for it!
Happy New Year.

Jan 9, 2023 8:17 PM
Reply to  Ann Caddigan

Yes, an absolutely lovely and profound (and moving) piece of writing. I read it yesterday (on Dissident Voice) and wondered if it would show up here…and am hoping all my fellow Off Guardian readers reflect on it, rather than just reflexively rejecting and/or attacking it. Literature and poetry, and human life and relationships, are to be cherished, not nit-picked to death. Keep up your inspiring writing, Edward!!

Paul Prichard
Paul Prichard
Jan 9, 2023 5:27 PM

Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-01-07. Andrew Bridgen: IVM could have been used to save lives. 2+2=5: JP ordered re-educated for wrongthink (blog, gab, tweet).