AUDIO: Behind the Twitter Files Hype

In this episode, James Corbett joins Whitney Webb of Unlimited Hangout to discuss the Twitter Files phenomenon and how the hype around it is being utilized for more than meets the eye.
This podcast was recorded on December 15th 2022. For detailed shownotes and sources you can visit or
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Free speech on a surveillance system. Miss that, and anything goes.
Cough, Andrew Tate, cough
Quickie – James O’Keefe, Alex Jones, Joe Rogan, Timcast IRL – IIA Operations – YouTube
The US Corporate fascist state pours trillions into their billionaires and uses them as cover for their many projects.
Zuckerberg; fronts the CIAs “Stasi” style filing system.
Musk; is cover for a fake space adventure, and now ministry of propaganda Twitter.
Bezos; fronts the CIA hard drive storage, and company store.
Soros; is the CIAs financial terrorist
Google; is the CIA’s data collection arm.
Gates; Microsoft & Apple are the surveillance states listening and recording devices & lately medical tyranny division.
Wow look at this girl collapsing in the all too familiar post jab way with the eyes going then total collapse. How are they still getting away with this?
‘I’m not feeling very well’: Moment Canadian reporter suffers health emergency live on air (
It does not mean it is a “vaccine” causing the problem.
Boom. Another good one.
Politifact is working it real hard to say the vaccines are not hurting people. Dan Bongino points out Politifacts gaffs all the time. They will make anything up to protect the left. Their agenda is all they care about.
“to protect the left”.………..Trumps vaccine is left ? Pfizer are left? This is Corporate genocide. The Right.
Looks like her autocue script failed, and she hadn’t a clue what to do.
I’ve seen people go white and green on rough seas, but no colour change here . . .
Of course she may also have been high. . . Her pupils were dilated.
Nevertheless, WillianHill is right. The clip doesn’t mean a thing without further information.
I hope she’s okay.
Why has this been posted 26 days after ??
Isn’t it common sense to be up to date on what happenings.
(Psssst: NOT the ‘Steve Miller Band’…..though a good impression…..)
Hmm. Christine Massey gets interviewed by Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson about the core fraud of the operation, Dr Mark Bailey gets interviewed on “Radical” by Maajid Nawaz, And we’re talking … Tweeter files? Why the fear of touching this subject, as if it were a third rail?
Good point, but your link is dead
Should be fixed now. A2
Just worked for me. It’s what i had in my files. Strange that it didn’t work for a while.
And Fuellmich has a change of heart: There is no virus.
Isolation vs. Filtration
BTW How the deadend court case hopium scam he pulling.?
BTW , he’s a lawyer, not a scientist.
How are your endeavours proceeding, to expose international Collusion ?
Any suggestions on Jurisdiction ?
You appear ill-considered & if you don’t mind me saying,
over entitled, too . . . (Poke, 😂) maybe not. Howsoever, given your
Condescending tone, how about you tell me who orchestrated the
The whole global Media-Hysteria, I mean very specifically ?
Here’s the fly in the ointment: doesn’t vs can’t.
It’s one thing to say the virus doesn’t exist – and perfectly logical given its lack of isolation.
But saying something doesn’t exist is not the same as saying it can’t exist.
Do any of the proponents of the non-existence of viruses say that such an entity can not possibly exist?
We can say, even with the madness of genetic engineering, that a hybrid of a whale and a fruit fly can not exist. If it could, then we must scrap everything we “know” of genetics and start from scratch.
For the 1000th time, at least, i did not say it doesn’t exist. I said “there is no proof of its existence.” There is no way to prove something doesn’t exist, at least no way to do so by using science!! Can you prove a unicorn doesn’t exist? Or a Yeti? It is up to those who have asserted that SARS-Co/v-2 exists to prove it, not up to the rest of us to prove it doesn’t. And if they cannot prove it exists, everything that’s been done on the basis of the claim that it exists is a fraud or at the very least not based upon science.
You underestimate the Frankensteins. They have implanted a firefly gene into brain cells. They are working to use the light emitted to monitor brain activity.
Maajid Nawaz, I was always very suspicious that he was security services. Is he leading us down a dead end?
You remember that the EU weighed in just after the Musk purchase, saying that they wd censor Twitter unless it obeyed their rules. Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Google and others have allagreed to the new EU rules.
There is a WEF-initiated expanded AI censorship tool waiting in the wings– to prevent “terrorism”, disinformation and harmful narratives. Story is here:
Are we afraid of parameters? If I went to build a building and I could build whatever the heck I wanted I would be pleased until I realized that the guy beside me did the same however he has no talent what so ever and its looks like crap.
Parameters have their place in a society. We all agree to the “rules” and more times than not its these parameters that allow those with talent to thrive and achieve something unique. It pushes one to do so.
Layman terms.
The notion that any such entity like the EU can force Twitter for example to comply to spreading misinformation is absurd. Its Twits that work ( or shall we say worked ) for Twitter and their bosses that set the censorship.
Government is a reactive body. It reacted to the censorship in a positive way because it realized the power of it and as well as the fact that they were on the same side for the most part.
Well the bus runs in both directions.
We misinformed writers of nonsense for the most part – influencers – what ever you want to call it…. we have power to spread speech and that speech may be accurate and it may be complete trash.
If your going to play this game then lateral thinking, actually the ability to think period, is a must have.
I may not like what you have to say however I will fight the last fight to make sure you have the right to say it. I think thats how it goes.
Never mind the EU. We have the ultimate power and some are putting their money where their mouths are.
Government created and promoted the censorship. People talk about the mainstream corporate media as if the media is something that acts independently; reality is that the media is essentially another branch of government.
Birds tweeting and tiktoking “free speech” from inside electrical bars of planet-sized corporate birdcages while fancying themselves citizens of “civilised free democracies” truly embody the spirit of the age. Great complements for the Chinese and Russians at the UNSC roundtable.
Coronavirus was the singularity, though, with specific incidents within the terrorist USEUNATO conglomerate, like these latest Twitter tales, just adding up to the distraction galore.
The real singularity was when corporations assumed our identity with “corporate personhood” a century ago. Corporations have turned the world into their own image. Everything is reduced to a PR promotional campaign these days. All they understand is branding, short-term profits, privatizing and exploiting every last thing. They’ve even begun monetizing law.
Looking for a fun packed weekend event for all the family? then keep your diary open this April because “satancon” may be just the fun thing you have been looking for…
Special guest star appearances by the biden, clinton and obama families, coconut shy with harry and meghan hewitt, sorry i mean w i n d s o r
jabs and masks mandatory (no shit!), admission price, your eternal soul
I kid you fukign not.!!
Satancon attendees must be 18 or over and have proof of COVID vaccination. Attendees must wear an N-95, KN-95, or disposable surgical mask. Gaiters, bandanas, and cloth masks will not be allowed.
Sounds perfectly Satanic to me, exactly what I’d expect. Essentially evil.
Because nothing says ‘rebellion against God’ more than wearing a face-diaper. 😂
At this point, it’s less about rebellion against God, than it is about public fealty to Satan, though I suppose it’s both at once.
Yesterday, I noticed that there were a lot of articles posted around the internet where the author had some intimate connection to the date 1/9. There has also been a lot of ’19’s.
So, what’s up with 1/9?
I’m not an insider, so I can only speculate, but here’s the way I interpret it:
On the morning of 1/9, the star Nunki (arrow-maker) rises with the sun.
Nunki sits in Sagittarius, which was known as Pabilsag and Ninurta in ancient Sumeria. It is said in Sumerian literature that Pabilsag was 1 of the 4 original antediluvian houses, and that a 5th house (5th column) was added after the flood.
He is the son of Enlil and was revered for his warlike nature. His job was to wage war on the hostile ‘rebel-lands’. This is related to the Christian phrase “these things cannot happen until the rebellion occurs“.
To the Christians, Pabilsag is known as the ‘White Horse’, or Antichrist, and he needs hostile rebels to wage war on. Hence, the constant calls for a global rebellion, and targeting groups within the population. We are supposed to be the rebel-bad-guys.
Wikipedia has this to say about the Antichrist, notice that they refer to him as people:
It would appear that the western countries are the Christ character, and that is why they keep trying to get people to protest (rebel and be hostiles).
This is the same role he played in Sumerian lore. In fact, if you look up Ninurta in Sumerian art, you will see him chasing away the chimera, which is Christ. You will see similar chimera iconography in ancient Greek art as well.
The script is an old one.
So, my interpretation is that 1/9 signifies the start of the next stage, and that its brought on by the mythical Pabilsag, or the Antichrist. Could be wrong though, I’m simply speculating.
So, 5 people (downvotes) disdain learning some new and interesting information? Since I don’t vote, I can’t upvote you – but I can at least thank you for sharing something I didn’t know.
The propaganda spews out:
Funny, no mention of the rape, pillage, murder and genocide wreaked over the last two hundred years by ‘civilised’ Europeans.
I sometimes wonder if Epstein Island is a research facility.
Or is it a planning facility?
no date
It should be noted that people are being censored via an algorithm that kicks them into the long grass, not by being removed from the platform. Hence all the BS around being banned as a distraction from the real censorship that is happening on twitter & will continue to happen.
Looks like most people here don’t do audio. We’re visual people, need text.
“Nazi Boy says, Cull Juice cures Climate Change.”
S. Cooper, great pictures you’ve uploaded as usual.
That minister looks soulless.
Bully for you! The imprisonment of Julian Assange is one of the vilest and cruelest crimes-on-humanity, e-v-e-r.
Every single one of the people involved with keeping him imprisoned, should be locked-up for their part in this cruelty.
As successive GUTLESS Australian governments sit on their hands and kiss US arse.
Welcome back Coops.
Missed you.
The criminal syndicate cannot have people highlighting their crimes.