Russia’s Biometric Nightmare
A rushed “security” bill paves the way for a privatized digital control grid
Riley Waggaman

On Wednesday, December 21st, the Russian State Duma adopted a bill that regulates the collection and storage of biometric data in Russia.
To prevent the misuse or mishandling of biometric data by private enterprises, the legislation requires all face scans and voice samples to be stored in a centralized Unified Biometric System (UBS).
A press release published by the State Duma claims the bill “protects” the biometric data of Russians and guarantees that the collection of such data is completely voluntary.
Sounds pretty good. What’s not to like? Well, for starters…
1. Russia’s Unified Biometric System will be controlled and operated by a commercial company
The bill is supposed to stop unscrupulous profiteering and abuse by corporations and businesses. The ingenious solution? Give the country’s biometric data to a commercial enterprise:

The guardian of Russia’s biometric data, the Center for Biometric Technologies JSC (joint-stock company), has the following stakeholders: Rostelecom (49%), The Russian government via the Federal Property Management Agency (25%), and the Bank of Russia (25%).
The Bank of Russia—like all friendly central banks—is not a government agency. Rostelecom, which was initially appointed the sole operator of the UBS, is partially state-owned, but the government does not have a majority stake.
So, basically, the government is handing over Russia’s biometric data to a commercial enterprise that it doesn’t control.
“It is noteworthy that the state will not have a controlling stake in this JSC,” reported.
Reacting to the bill’s adoption, one prominent Russian commentator noted:
The law is an integral part of the emerging system of digital government (“State as a platform”) following the template of the World Bank, which involves the creation of a digital profile of a citizen and digital money under the control of private structures.
But more on that later.
2. The bill was rushed through the Duma. Why?
Coincidentally, the final draft of the bill was hidden from lawmakers until the very last moment—in violation of the Duma’s own rules:
[Lawmakers] were in such a hurry that they even spat on the regulations of the State Duma. As Nina Ostanina [Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children] wrote on her Telegram channel, deputies should receive the text of the bill three days before the vote in order to be able to study it, and this bill was placed in the State Duma database only this evening.
In fact, the bill passed its first reading before it was even made available to read—meaning lawmakers had virtually no time to examine the bill’s contents before the second and third votes.
Nakanune reported:
The document was adopted without discussion of amendments, which appeared just before the second reading. In fact, many deputies voted for a law that they did not read.
Duma Deputy Nikolay Kolomeitsev (Communist Party) described the bill’s rushed adoption as “a flagrant violation of all possible norms”:
I don’t think Vice Speaker Pyotr Tolstoy had time to read it all himself. We have embarked on the path that the Duma should never have gone down.
Defying the United Russia uniparty, deputies from A Just Russia—For Truth voted against the bill, condemning the legislation as “sabotage”:
СРЗП голосовала против законопроекта о создании новой системы сбора и хранения персональных данных. Он допускает к работе иностранные компании, даже из недружественных стран! Мне непонятно, куда смотрит ФСБ. Это не закон, а самое настоящее вредительство.
— Сергей Миронов (@mironov_ru) December 20, 2022
If this bill is harmless and contains nothing nefarious, why violate legislative norms and rush it through the Duma?
3. Will biometric data collection really be “voluntary”?
For the past several weeks, activists have been lobbying against the bill’s adoption. Public outcry led to concessions: After the intervention of Patriarch Kirill, amendments were added which (allegedly) ensure the “voluntary” nature of biometric data collection.
Are these changes sufficient?
The State Duma claims this new law “establishes that the collection of biometric data is an absolutely voluntary process, and the collection of biometrics of minors will be carried out only with the consent of the parents.”
But opting out requires more than a simple “no thank you.” As the State Duma’s own press release details, Russians will have to submit a written request if they don’t want to surrender their biometric data.
As with Russia’s coercive vaccination regime, what constitutes “voluntary consent” is open to interpretation. Russians clearly understand the danger.
Via Nakanune:
Formally, the law does establish a ban on the forced collection of biometrics and the right of a citizen to refuse.
However, according to many experts, this right is supplemented by another right – the right of the state not to provide any services to a person without submitting biometrics. This technology has already been tested in the case of formally “voluntary” COVID vaccination, without which people were suspended from work without pay.
More than 85,000 letters against the bill were sent to the State Duma. Yana Lantratova, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education, said that she alone received more than 800 appeals, and shares people’s concerns about biometric data leaks.
“The public was not told for what purpose [the government] wants to systematize their data and why commercial organizations will have access to the databases,” she said.
Deputy Mikhail Delyagin said that he also “voted against the electronic concentration camp, albeit radically improved and with the support of the Russian Orthodox Church and the HRC [Russia’s Human Rights Council].”
Which brings us to our final point: Isn’t it a bit odd that Russian lawmakers are pushing through a wildly unpopular biometrics bill, exactly one year after they tried to force through a wildly unpopular national QR code law?
4. Biometrics—like QR codes, but better?
Something very odd is happening—reminiscent of the legislative trickery that occurred twelve months ago. The similarities were noted by Russian media:
The biometric data bill … has acquired many interesting attributes. Like a year ago, again on New Year’s Eve, a bill is to be considered that is rejected by the overwhelming majority of citizens and experts. A year ago they were QR codes, now they are biometrics, which for some reason urgently need to be regulated.
Just like with the QR code law, Russians have been expressing their dissatisfaction on social media. Alexander Khinshtein, chairman of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, was downvoted into oblivion after boasting about the biometrics bill on his Telegram channel:

Check out that ratio. (source)
You can read some very interesting comments about the bill at Yaplakal, a popular Russian internet forum.

Such ingratitude! (source)
The bill still needs to pass the Federation Council and get Putin’s signature before becoming law—so who knows, maybe it will crash and burn like the national cattle-tag law?
Stay tuned.
Riley Waggaman is your humble Moscow correspondent. He worked for RT, Press TV, Russia Insider, yadda yadda. In his youth, he attended a White House lawn party where he asked Barack Obama if imprisoned whistleblower Bradley Manning (Chelsea was still a boy back then) “had a good Easter.” Good times good times. You can subscribe to his Substack here, or follow him on twitter or Telegram.
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The West’s Military Nightmare. From Sergei Lavrov:
The West has lost the Battle of Soledar. 25,000 Ukrainian and western mercenaries lie dead. Artemovsk is about to fall with all its fortifications. Where next?
A limited policing operation all started with the Russian wish to protect its people in two Russian provinces in the far east of the Ukraine. This soon had to be extended to four Russian provinces, two more added from the south-east of the Ukraine, so linking up with the much-persecuted Crimea. That had been Russian until 1954, just as all the east of the Ukraine was Russian until 1922 and the far west Polish, Hungarian and Romanian until 1939 – the Ukraine is a uniquely Communist creation.
And then there was the Russian wish to prevent the Ukraine from becoming an American [ie NATZO] base, specifically for its [ie NATZO’s] ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons, and also to protect the many Russian speakers elsewhere in the Ukraine from hate-filled Nazi persecution of them. The project [ie the Special Military Operation in Ukraine] and the aim [ie to de-Nazify and disarm Ukraine] were all relatively modest. Then it all changed:
If the West continues to pump the Ukraine full of weaponry out of impotent rage, or a desire to exacerbate the situation…then that means our geographical tasks will move even further from the current line.
Sergey Lavrov, Foreign Minister of Russia
Sowho is behind the QRand biometric laws and how do they manage to get normal procedures suspended, twice?
You’ll be glad to note that the communist party of Russia challenged the decision.. bit of a garbled google translate, but able to decipher:
“In the state monopolistic system, digitalization is often limited to the use of digital technologies for total control over the population,” Denis Parfyonov said directly, recalling the formation of a single register of personal data, “in an attempt to introduce QR passes during the pandemic.“
“The digital concentration camp is the dream of globalists”, the deputy said. [..] “Electronic voting is just the complete falsification and destruction of elections.” [..]
“It is worth noting that in practice the so-called Fourth industrial revolution operates within the framework of the doctrine formulated by Klaus Schwab, author of the “Industry 4.0” concept, the implementation of which is aimed at deindustrializing the economies of countries undesirable to the largest Western powers, under the flag of the “green agenda”, as well as the use of digital technologies for total control over the population.”
Saturday, 14 January is the SerbianOrthodox New Year 2023.
It follows the Russian Orthodox New Year. Both fight the good fight:
Nazi symbols found at Mariupol’s NATZO-installed Azov Battalion’s base after Azov surrender (proof that NATZO regimes happily leap into bed with Banderite neo-Nazis):
RT frontline footage in battle for Artemovsk:
NATZO’s Ukro-Zio-Nazi Kiev regime losses in Soledar:
Russian troops storm Kiev regime trenches:
Russian Lancet drones taking out more regime equipment:
Russian Grads explode Kiev regime ammunition depots:
Russian Uragan fire on NATZO’s Kiev regime south of Donetsk:
Russian self-propelled howitzers pound regime position:
Russian Su-25s launch air strikes on Kiev regime positions:
New World Order not going according to plan !
Netanyahu: “Israel became the lab for Pfizer.”
Despite privacy concerns, Israel to put nation’s medical database online
Government hopes research and commercial use of info will provide $600b. injection to digital health sector; PM stresses that ‘consent of each and every person’ will be required
25 March 2018
The Israeli government on Sunday approved a National Digital Health plan, which, despite mounting privacy concerns, plans to create a digital database of the medical files of some 9 million residents and make them available to researchers and enterprises.
To promote the initiative, Israel will unify the existing database of the digital medical records it has collected over a period of 20 years — which holds the medical files of more than 98 percent of the population — to create a single database, in which one’s participation is optional, that will help attract researchers and industry leaders from across the globe, the Prime Minister’s office said Sunday.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu estimated the global digital health sector at some $6 trillion, calling the field “huge.” He speculated that Israel might be able to snag some 10% of this market potential, worth some $600 billion.
“I think this is a conservative estimate,” he said. “And if we succeed, just like we succeeded in cybersecurity and in autonomous cars,” then Israel can expect a significant boost of new products.
Dec 21, 2022
Digitized personal medical records of Israelis are already handed to Pfizer on a silver plate.
Now Bibi is adding a GENETIC DATABASE, trading our genome.
“Give me a saliva sample, and we have a genetic record over a medical record”.
There you have it, out of the horse’s mouth.
Interesting how the plan is always pre-tested somewhere near Israeli “government” operations. You know. Like the free enterprise enjoyed on the Gaza Strip and within Palestine proper…
It’s OK to bulldoze the homes of persons who protest against the State… Just like forced vaccination: Urban renewal of people’s minds is the new “thing”…
“So, basically, the government is handing over Russia’s biometric data to a commercial enterprise that it doesn’t control.”
Same as it ever was. And in every country. The Big Four consultants direct government policy in Russia just like every other major nation.
Russia’s younger generation of academics, economists and officials are beneficiaries of the Open Society Foundation and exchange operations like IREX of the U.S. and the British Council.
An entire generation in inculcated with the Western commercial approach and thus pursues it in Russia.
Unlike the pseudonymous Waggaman’s implication, Russia is not a sealed unit. Thousands of professionals until recently rotated east to west and back again.
Thus the premise of the article – that Russia is in parallel following the Davos plan cannot be substantiated: some are, some are not.
I value “Riley’s” observations but the attitude comes on a bit strong.
All of us who have worked in Russia go through phases: first, strangely, euphoric – and not because of the girls: there is something old yet new about a country that was sealed from the West for 70 years. An old fashioned sensibility.
Then we are tapped for fines and bribes and get pissed off: what a rotten country.
And if we hang around for long, we see the parallels between old and new, East and West and we gain deeper insights.
Those will come, old boy, just hang on.
“And if we hang around for long, we see the parallels between old and new, East and West and we gain deeper insights.”
Having “hung around” since the run-up to WW2, I guess I see the parallels and might even have gained some insights. Like today in Ukraine, there was the same Anglo-Zionazi-Capitalist financial cabal in the 1930s, busy building up Fascist regimes in Europe — urging Poland to join Nazi Germany to partition CzechoSlovakia preparatory to a Nazi Germany takeover of Communist Russia. This plan was thwarted by Hitler’s innate love of treachery; he used the weapons we had given him to make war on us — bit the hands that fed him, the rabid hound! Even more, the AZC plan was foiled by Josef “Steely” Stalin and ultra-heroic resistance by Russia, Serbia and Greece (while the U$A &UK sat back and waited to see who would win that epic struggle: Fascism vs Communism.
Fortunately for Europe, Communist Russia won; so there was no more millions of Europeans genocided by the Nazis we had helped to build up. Instead, with the “the spectre of Communism hanging over Europe” the Ango-Zionazi-Capitalists gave ground temporarily, and the result was “lest trentes annees gloriouse” the thirty glorious years of socialist prosperity and peace between nations in Europe.
Then “The Empire Strikes Back”. 1980 with Maggie Snatcher and her Gospel of Greed, Ronny Raygun with his Star Wars; and here we are today “Back to the Future” with ethnic strife. First, NATZO bombs Yugoslavia; and now NATZO in bed with Ukro-Nazi Azov Battalion under a NATZO-installed “F**** the EU” Jewish-only Line of Ukro-Zio-Nazi Presidents and Jewish Oligarch Senators genociding ethnic Russians in Ukraine, preparatory to revive that historic land as Ancient Khazaria the largest Jewish state in history.
Fortunately for the people of Ukraine, for the rest of Europe, and for the peace of the world: once again Russia has stepped in to de-Natzofy first Ukraine and then Europe East of Berlin.
Meanwhile, as OffG quite properly insists on reminding us, there is the constant threat of the New World Order run by its Global Cabal looming above these petty international wars, and aiming both to start them (throug War Loans) and to profit by them (through Arms Sales). Moreover, since Money is Power, the Global Monetary Cabal have become a Cabal of Power Maniacs. I have no quarrel with OffG on this score: but having hung around to see the victory of Socialist Russia over Genocidal Germany, I am happy to be around still, and see the victory of Christian Russia over godless Anglo-Zionazi-Capitalism.
“ ..the same Anglo- Zionazi Capitalist financial cabal in the 1930s..”
Ivan Maisky, former USSR ambassador to the British Empire 1931-1942, had a very good insight into these creatures!
Bills are never rushed.
They’re VERY carefully written and, when the time is right, Appear to be rushed out.
Q: Why does NATZO pour its wonder-weapons into Ukraine so that Natzo can fight Russia to the last Ukrainian; but NATZO itself (for all its “irresistible armed might” TM) does not dare fight Russia?
A: The answer from “Global Fire Power 2023”: because NATZO countries spend too little on the military.
“Fire Power Index” places the U$A at 0.0712, dangerously close to the U$A’s current “existential threats”: Russia with FP-Index 0.0714, and China with 0.0722.
The U$A spends only $800 billion on its military budget (and this does not include the CIA’s “black money” nor all the federal expenditure on Biowarfare and other advanced military research). In chilling contrast, Russia and China have the same Fire Power even though they spend only $65 and $290 billion. How come?
The answer lies in our great political system: We NATZO countries are beacons of Liberty, and the U$A is a Shining City on a Hill, “a Light unto the Nations”. Whereas Russia and China are sinister Socialist dictatorships. They ruthlessly jail Oligarchs and curtail Economic Freedom of the 1%. It is self-evident that we NATZO countries will not curtail Economic Freedom of our Oligarchal 1%.
Therefore the answer is inescapable: NATZO countries must increase our military expenditure until our “Firepower Index” exceeds that of Russia and China combined. Only then can we in NATZO risk a war Russia.
Meanwhile, we in NATZO are running out of Ukrainians. Will Poland kindly step forward? We have a lovely bunch of wonder weapons to give you …
Residents of Oxford ain’t buying it…….
Mass leafleting in Oxford against 15-minute cities – YouTube
Well worth reading what Patrushev, former FSB head, has to say about who controls the US, it’s agenda and its relationship to the Russian Federation.
Starts at 25.20 -28.50
Start here:
The Federal Reserve System (often shortened to the Federal Reserve, or simply the Fed) is the central banking system of the United States of America. It was created on December 23, 1913, with the enactment of the Federal Reserve Act, after a series of financial panics (particularly the panic of 1907) led to the desire for central control of the monetary system in order to alleviate financial crises.[list 1] Over the years, events such as the Great Depression in the 1930s and the Great Recession during the 2000s have led to the expansion of the roles and responsibilities of the Federal Reserve System.[6][11]
I have read Edward G Griffin, Eustace Mullins and Antony C Sutton’s books about the Federal Reserve. Suggest you do the same plus watch the former FSB heads comments relating to this and other topics.
This article from Zero Hedge is in the same vein.
The 3 min clip at UK Column just refers to “huge corporations”. Is that it?
I suggest you read Patrushev’s article with more attention to its detail!
Yeah whatever.
Uk column..
Oh dear, employing the MSM tactics are we ?
Oh dear, what are you implying?
That people still think this is about country A versus country B, is pathetic.
This is the human race versus evil.
Wake the F up.
Christianity has been one of the biggest curses to mankind. Supplying inadequate explanations of political reality. This is why the USA is crazy….it is a theocracy fighting evil.
Except Christianity isn’t the largest religion by population and the USA doesn’t claim to be a Christian nation.
More over Christianity has a very short history as it relates to the USA that is only 247 years old.
The accusation you are making ignores history and is obviously just your bias.
The politics we are seeing in the world are not being driven by Christian values.
The USA is at war with their own people just like every nation on the planet.
Around 60% of Americans claim to be christian, the other 40% go along with the ideology in their daily lives. In every war they start, god is evoked. They are not a secular country, whatever they claim.
Yes the US is at war with its own people, “Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s…..”
Christianity is a tailormade version of the root religion crafted by first century bankers. Islam was introduced six centuries later by the same powers. These belief systems have served the banksters well.
The overall age of a religion is not the determinant factor of weather it is good or bad, and that perspective doesn’t refute my assertion.
So then, what religion, if any, in your mind wasn’t “created” by some sinister group?
Who do you think were the first century bankers? Was it a specific race, creed, or religion of people?
Looking at history in totality, no one religion is free from criticism or its share of atrocities. However that again by itself is not a condemnation by default of the religion, and is definitely a condemnation of the people claiming to be part of that “peaceful” religion.
Would you like to argue what part of the 10 commandments doesn’t make a good moral code? If all in the world lived by that moral code, would the world not be a better place?
Would you like to argue how the life of Jesus, as chronicled, isn’t a righteous example to follow?
Do you have your own example?
You will admit it is an ego boost when a small group of people is able to impose their religion on a third of humanity. That is what has happened over the last 2000 years. The gospels bear the imprint of Philo Judaeus of Alexandria who died about 50 CE. The letters of his contemporary figure St Paul also bear this imprint. Philo was a philosopher and a prolific author whose work has survived into the present day. His brother Alexander Alabarch was the Rothschild of his time. This powerful family had connections both to the caesars of Rome and the ruling Herod family in Palestine. Alexander Alabarch was the financial advisor to Antonia Minor, Mark Anthony’s daughter and a mother of a future emperor. It is very likely that Philo,his family and others in the community commissioned the writing of the gospels which formed the basis of the Jesus myth and the foundation of the new religion that would displace Graeco Roman “paganism” and eventually spread across Europe and the world. Christianity (and Islam) are more materialistic and anti nature than the belief systems they displaced. Opposition was crushed. In the sixth century the Emperor Justinian (I may be mistaken as to the name) ordered the burning of the works of opponents of Christianity like Celsus and Porphyry. We only know fragments of their work from Christian apologists like Eusebius.
Religion, like Nationalism, Tribalism, Hedonism and Sexism, creates division.
Divided we fall.
Jesus is dead.
Buddha is dead
Mohammed is dead.
Love is here and now.
We can only know Now.
Everything else is entertainment for our busy, busy minds.
There were no European banks till the 15th century.
It may have been anti-banker before it got subverted.
In Memoriam General Soleimani, assassinated January 2020
The Iranian who brought Russia’s SMO to Liberate Syria from NATZO
“Soleimani laid out a map of Syria on the table. The Russians were very concerned and felt that the situation was rapidly deteriorating, that there was a serious threat to the Assad govt. Soleimani played an important role in assuring them that all is not lost.
“Soleimani didn’t have to spend too much time convincing the Russians about the clear and present danger of having Syria falling into the hands of CIA/MI6/Mossad’s “muslim” ISIS proxies. A NATZO puppet “muslim” caliphate smack in the center of West Asia would have threatened Russia’s soft underbelly in the Caucasus.
“Soleimani was a bridge in the development of new relations between Iran and Russia. Iran’s former perception of the Soviet Union was of a Godless empire not worthy of Godfearing Iran’s trust. Fast forward to the new Russia with Putin worshipping in an Orthodox Syrian Christian church in Damascus. Iran knew Russia was in serious danger of losing their naval base at Tartus in Syria, and if that naval base went to NATZO then the Middle East would lose much more than a naval base. Soleimani became a trusted go-between, interfacing with Putin and Shoigu who appreciated Soleimani’s combination of strategic ability with a humble, unassuming character.
“It can be said, that the Multi Polar World was a geo-political concept by Putin but Soleimani kick-started it as a palpable entity which the fragmented, downtrodden Global South can effectively join.”
a positive discernment of Pluto moving into Aquarius, however the nearly year long retograde of this transition speaks volumes about the degree of un-certainty we will face during transition, the retrograde action completes in Feb 2024
much is becoming apparent as to the coming actions of the “controllers” as they watch their illusion disintegrate, the coming year will test us all beyond anything we have yet faced as some serious teddies are flung in anger
23 March: Pluto conjunct Aquarius 08:12 am EDT Tran-Tran 00° Aquarius 00′
A generation-long period begins in which spreading equality of opportunity is a prime cultural force, a time to re-forge society and hand it to the common people. Independence of operation is the order of the day, as is great expansion. The resulting generation, however, will have a hard time holding together what results as a unity.
some of what is reproduced above could be read as “woke” ideologies, just one of many avenues the “controllers” will use to twist this energy to their own use
Could it be more obvious?
“UK could face ‘banking crisis worse than 2008’ if City fails to prepare for fossil fuel collapse”
In other words, the “next banking crisis” will be blamed on “a fossil fuel collapse”.
Time to start charging your Tesla!
Happy Russian New Year!
A January anniversary by Pepe Escobar, cross-posted with PressTV Iran
“January 3, 2020. The assassination of Gen.Qassem Soleimani, commander of the Jerusalem Force of the Islamic Revolution (IRGC) by U$ Hellfire missiles, was an act of war against Iran — that kick-started the Multipolar World.
The drone strike by Hegemon Donald Trump was designed as an Imperial insult to provoke Iran into a futile reaction crushed by Imperial power.
Everyone in the downtrodden Global South knew that it was Iran’s Gen.Soleimani [and not the “Freedom Loving West”] who led the fight against Daesh in Iraq and ISIS in Syria. This was the General’s real role – a true warrior of the sane world’s war ON terror, not the EU$A’s war OF terror.
Trump [Anglo-Zio-Capitalist] could not possibly understand the dire ramifications when he had only Israel-firsters whispering in his ear; such as his Jewish daughter, and son-in-Law Jared Kushner. But after that Imperial Insult to the downtrodden world, everything went downhill for the EU$A Hegemony. Tehran’s direct response to the assassination was a measured number of strikes, by missiles of unprecedented precision, on a U$ air base in Iraq. With coolness and audacity, the Iranian military gave the Pentagon 24hr warning before each strike, to evacuate U$ soldiers. U$ Patriot / Iron-Dome technology was no defense: the Iranians sent a mere dozen precision missiles, and each one hit its pre-announced target. It was precisely Iran’s measured response which cowed the U$ Hegemon from making his threatened counter-strike on Iran.
Tehran’s message made it graphically clear – for the whole downtrodden world to see – that the days of Imperial Impunity were over. So this was the first instance in which Gen Soleimani’s spirit, even after leaving its mortal coil, contributed to the birth of the Multipolar World.
And now, surveying the shifting chessboard, we see Iranian drones help Russia to dismantle another part of the sprawling Anglo-Zionazi-Capitalist Empire of 800 Military Bases.
Pravda re Brazil:
“As for Bolsonaro, he was prepared for the crisis. This is why he quickly disappeared in Orlando under the umbrella of his fellow believers. Bolsonaro is an anti-globalist, anti-vaxxer, an adherent of conservative values, and he can’t stand the LGBT agenda. Several rallies were held in Orlando in his support. A message was sent to the Democrats from there — do not interfere.
“The globalists put their money on Lula, but he is known for his sovereign foreign policy line during his tenure as president of Brazil in the past. He was supportive of Iran Hugo Chavez in Venezuela and Russia. Today, he lays the blame on Volodymyr Zelensky and NATO for Russia’s military actions against Ukraine.”
See more at
The day you find yourself supporting a fascists, is the day you should realize you are in trouble. However much his hatred of gays you share.
What exactly about butt munchers and carpet eaters is more virtuous than those that don’t exercise alternative life styles?
Nothing, that’s why they want equality.
It is not equality when a tiny minority believes they can disparage the absolute majority that is “cis-hetero”. Gay sex is no different than “not allowing the State into the bedrooms of the nation.”
In other words, I do not effing care who goes to bed with whom, who they think themselves to be, or that they think they are discriminated against.
What is overwhelmingly distasteful is the fact that they wish for the public to pay for their “gender dysphoria”, rather than acknowledging who they are and that force a miniscule fringe’s values on to the majority invites a similar treatment that the Jews apparently experienced when, as a miniscule minority, they tried the “hate route”, just like QWERTY people are doing.
I’m not supporting anything stupid; I’m reporting what the Russians are saying about a newsworthy item.
“…..and he can’t stand the LGBT agenda.”
sure you are.
The Bolsonaro coup is another example of the sledgehammer “subtlety” of the new “Leftist” mode of the latest propaganda configuration. The media is explicitly drawing the parallel with the initial polystyrene riot I e the January 6 fiasco. Bolsonaro steps into the Trump bogey man mold and presents a splendid target for the tomato throwers wound up by e.g. the gladly provided anti-woke transgressions, the religious fundamentalism, the “anti-science” stuff etc.
Some signs of progress to show at Davos 2023, January 16-20, to make Klaus proud.
https :// www .weforum .org/people/kirill-dmitriev
https :// www .weforum .org/people/herman-gref
https :// www .sociostudies .org/journal/articles/396111/
Authors: Grinin, Leonid; Grinin, Anton L.
Journal: Journal of Globalization Studies. Volume 6, Number 2 /
November 2015
“In the present paper, on the basis of the theory of production principles and production revolutions, we reveal the interrelation between K-waves and major technological breakthroughs in history and make some predictions about features of the sixth Kondratieff wave in the light of the Cybernetic Revolution which, we think, started in the 1950s. We assume that the sixth K-wave in the 2030s and 2040s will merge with the final phase of the Cybernetic Revolution (which we call the phase of self-regulating systems). This period will be characterized by breakthroughs in medical technologies which will manage to combine many other technologies into a single complex of MBNRIC-technologies (med-bio-nano-robo-info-cognitive technologies). The article offers some predictions concerning the development of these technologies.”
https :// www .sociostudies .org/authors/grinin_l/

“Leonid E. Grinin, PhD, is a Russian philosopher of history, sociologist, political anthropologist, economist, and a scholar of historical trends and future studies. He is Senior Research Professor at the Institute for Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow and Leading Research Fellow of the Laboratory for Destabilization Risk Monitoring of the National Research University Higher School of Economics. Grinin is Deputy Director of the Eurasian Center for Big History & System Forecasting (Russian Academy of Sciences). He is also is Research Professor and Director of the Volgograd Center for Social Research. He is Editor-in-Chief of the international journals Social Evolution & History and the Journal of Globalization Studies, as well as co-editor of the international almanacs Evolution, History and Mathematics, and Kondratieff Waves.
s academic interests lie in the sphere of social laws, social evolution, driving forces of historical development, the theory of historical process and its periodization and certain aspects (the productive and political ones), evolution of statehood.
Grinins academic research in the field of Global Studies, futurology and Big History is connected with the analysis of modern problem of globalization and modernization, forecasts of the world political and social-economic development, current global crisis, economic cycles of different duration and their modeling, information-scientific revolution and its influence on global processes, history of globalization and periodization of global process analysis of global trends in historical processes, comparison of global processes in nature and society. Together with Alexander Markov and Andrey Korotayev, he studies regularities common to biological and social macroevolution.”
https :// www .sociostudies .org/authors/grinin_a/

“Anton L. Grinin, PhD in Biological Sciences, is Senior Research Fellow of the International Center for Education and Social and Humanitarian Studies as well as leading Research of Volgograd Centre for Social Research. His main research interests include Big History, evolution, biotechnologies, global technological transformations and forecasts. He is the co-author of the monograph From Biface to Nanorobots: The World on the Way to the Epoch of Self-Regulating Systems (2015; Uchitel Publishing House; in Russian) and a number of articles including ‘Macroevolution of Technology’ and ‘Global Technological Transformations’.”
https :// www .sociostudies .org/news/3088521/
According to the World Economic Forum, Leonid E. Grinin and Anton L. Grinin are included in the list of 50 “foremost global thinkers and opinion-makers”. Their and other thinkers’ interviews concerning the vision of the future world contributed to the new book “Great Narrative For a Better Future”.

https :// www .amazon .co .uk/Great-Narrative-Reset-Book-ebook/dp/B09PC4FQRZ/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3SRD0QX04Q10D&keywords=the+great+narrative&qid=1641569091&sprefix=the+great+narrativ%2Caps%2C80&sr=8-1
The Great Narrative (The Great Reset Book 2) Kindle Edition
by Professor Dr.-Ing. Klaus Schwab (Author), Thierry Malleret
The book is now widely discussed around the world, while the contributors received a personal gratitude from the chairman of the forum, who noted that the interviews became “a great inspiration to the book, making it intellectually rich and diverse”.
Their hubris is palpable.
Nice advertisement for selling books and speaking tours…
I’m not interested in the alleged future, as projected by some asshole in a credentialed setting. I’m much more interested in correcting the ongoing theft of human freedoms by assholes wearing suits.
Recall reading it more than a year ago (Jan 2022)
‘Inflation’ – key theme for 2022? Surely a given after tossing trillions around in the service of Herr Covid?
Other than that a redundant read post-2022. Times have moved on
These are not “thinkers”.
Thinking is a human activity which is defined by certain criteria and must necessarily involve ethical distinctions.
What Schwab and his ilk are trying to fob off on us as “thinking” is nothing more than self-serving word-manipulation.
An attempt to back away from the Great Reset terminology.
Muh Russian nationalist self interest pro trad opponent of global hegemony
I am astounded to see all the vitriol against MP Andrew Bridgen. On Dec 15, 2022 he called for the complete & imm’y withdrawal of the vaxx. What more do you want? You seem to doubt his sincerity merely because he’s a politician.
Then, “Oh he must have been all for it before because he’s a politician..”
Dec 19, 2021, he said, “There is all this fixation on the vaccine status of health and care workers, yet we know from the science that vaccination does not prevent transmission of the virus, so why are we going to put tens of thousands of people out of a job at a point when the NHS itself is going to be stretched to the limit
“In my view, the most dangerous epidemic sweeping the world and our country is an epidemic of fear. It has seriously damaged mental health and particularly damaged the mental health of our young people. It must end.”
I didn’t look any further. You know extreme skepticism and pessimism can be a defense mechanism against hope, and its possible disappointment. Surely it’s better to encourage those who do right and to look for what constructive actions you can devise, instead of tearing down somebody who’s done the right thing.
Right on Penelope.
It’s very strange.
Someone supports your view and you shout them down……………….
It seems to be very trendy to be sceptical to the point of paranoia.
GB News is a good example.
Neil Oliver and Mark Steyn are so onside and yet get slated on here and elsewhere.
Maybe I’m easily fooled but I, for one, believe them.
i read the other day that the “essence” of this current bit of time (we could call it early 2023) is that many, many more will come to the definitive understanding that we are living through “end times”
the various facets and outlets for christians, catholics and the like have gone past analysis and into acceptance over say the last 3 years
many in society seem lost, confused, adrift
the satanists now openly revel, content it seems that their work is nearly done, they barely hide their depravity and openly flaunt how their positions facilitate their agenda
given that we have been fed a script that seemingly threads 2000 years of human history, through multiple and diverse cultures that speak of salvation, evolution, then why do we accept at face value failure at this late hour?
“they” seek our failure through the indifference of the masses contrasted with the clarity of the horrors many of us who have opened our eyes can now clearly see, horrors that were there before, but now are more apparent, given that the nightmare has come home to roost
it is clear even from a casual perspective that the current plotting in w.h.o coinciding with the annual shindig at davos that matters for many of us will exceed our coping thresholds
“woke” ideology is set to re-introduce madame guillotine into our everyday lives, a delight long promised to be part of the “beast” system, those who might scoff at such absudity might do well to indulge just a little research
we might consider that it is the conscious mind collective and a conceived critical mass that is the desired outcome, for “better or worse” as we say?
as many have considered is this to be the ultimate fate of a worker hybrid gifted with imagination and creativity beyond the original design remit?
lords and ladies of our own destinies, or simply an experiment gone awry, now faced with a concerted attempt to put things back as they should be? worker drone 2.0
beings, be they lesser or greater may create and thus grant themselves “godlike” status, but those that do must always remember that they did not create themselves, thus to appreciate and celebrate our creative capacity we must all acknowledge the one true Creator
Humility and acceptance that there are rules
But in the mean time and these are mean times it seems that quite soon we will all have to fight or be subdued
you capped the last 2 sentences..
a useful quote for those not familliar with it, a timely reminder for those that are
Population reduction is a red herring, they just want everyone to die at 60, so they don’t need to pay pensions.
If only it were that simple.
Population reduction is the first stage.
they needed monkey hybrids to dig the gold millenia ago, they also made a lesser number of bean counter hybrids (the ones that deem themselves closer to “god”, you know the ones) bean counter hybrid has kept this snippet of info to themselves (again for millenia) and now that digger hybrid has produced so much that will allow the bean counter hybrids to enjoy “their” world. in the fullest… its now time to dispense with the majority of the digger hybrids, especially the old, the ill, the dysfunctional, the retarded…
and then keep a small amount of the digger hybrids on to do the shit jobs and give the bean counter hybrids “context” with which to marvel at their “cunning and intelligence”..
thats why the “holocaust” analogy sits so right
when viewed in this context it makes so much “sense”
so as we are confronted with the stark reality of soon having to face our foe (or rather our foes trained and brain washed military digger hybrids) then approaching the situation with anything less than their clinical coldness will be a weakness on our part
Huxley was indeed prophetic.
The I’am right it’ll be someone else population reduction is a popular woke favourite…wise choice.
sustainability (another mind virus) is just double speak for depopulation
Looks like they plan further ahead than you do . . .
Remarkable to be that insane, and not have the faintest idea that you’re not normal.
You’d think somebody, somewhere, would have told him . . .
This won’t go down well over @ Moon of Alabama. The simplistic motto there is: the enemy of my enemy is my friend; also: as capitalism is not perfect, communism must be.
So Putin an Xi Jinping are beneficial Heros for Humanity. Kim Jung-Un should be up there too. Autocracy is good as long as it drapes itself in a communist flag. Lose freedom for The Greater Good.
When will they understand that liberty, equality, fraternity cannot combine harmoniously with the present Homo sapiens consciousness of (group) egoism?
I am banned from Moon of Alabama. In fact I am banned from almost everwhere, because I refuse to change my handle or IP address..I could use a vpn, but why should I . I haven’t done anything wrong.
I got promoted very rapidly, and as a young man, I went on all these residential courses mostly technical courses about computing, but also psychological courses – where you did these team build courses – all young single people – all being brainwashed so we could become leaders using techniques such as Behaviour Analysis and Behaviour Modification..and these techniques work , but I thought they were completely unethical..
So I lose my job in Manchester, after a year on the dole get a job in London…Get promoted again (cos if I see a job that needs doing – I just do it)…So I get sent on all these courses again, and all these meetings – all over the UK..
By this time, I had a beautiful young wife (she moved with me from Lancashire to London) and then young kids.
I must have been good, cos I said to them, I will go anywhere to any meeting to any training course, providing every night I get home and sleep with my wife.
They said OK….So I can fly anywhere in the UK…
when you are developing and making live new technology across the uk, it is exceedingly exciting, but you also have to travel across the uk, to meet all these people, an prepare them for the tests they have to do locally, cos it is not going to work immediately.
I am amazed how I got this job. I told my Management to dump Vodaphone, cos we could do better with own System – at least it worked.
That shot something up Vodafone’s arse – so I had to got to Newbury too…I drove there for the meeting at 9:00 am I arrived at 10:30 am, and said sorry -The M25 was blocked.
They were really nice to me, cos they wanted our Business – and got it.
We just had to sort out a few problems.
Me kicking Vodaphone into shape???
I find it hard to believe too – but we were all kids trying our best
It worked.
Almost no Americans involved.
Us British were still The State of The Art
In Mobile Commucations that work
I insisted at the lowest machine code level Acknowledgemets and Positive Acknowledgements we called them Acks and Paks You send a message, you need an acknowledgement it got through
I had been trained really well at ICL. and was also working on developing my own computer games, when I got fired, but much preferred working with people in a team.
I do not make stuff up.
It’s all controlled segmentation. Like Zero Hedge, Infowars, Unz, Revolver News, Conservative Treehouse, etc, they’re all assigned a specific segment to target and reinforce. So they just repeat the same segmented garbage as they play to their respective galleries. However, it starts looking a bit contrived when Jimmy Dore references Tucker Carlson; or Revolver uses Moon of Alabama as its principal source. I posted the following comment on July 3.
On the same page: Revolver News and Moon of Alabama.
Revolver News is a news aggregation site (aiming to replace Drudge) which leans well to the right of centre – i.e. Steven Bannon territory. As of now, it has links to six Moon of Alabama articles in its first twenty stories. Moon of Alabama is supposedly well to the left of centre.
July 02, 2022
July 01, 2022
Antonym, I don’t think there’s much of anything WRONG w the present human consciousness or his egoism or his consciousness of his egoism.
What is wrong is a tyrannical group of psychopaths raised within their own little pathological minidoctrine across generations.
We’ve simply lost the trick of thinking of ourselves as powerful beings who can change the deteriorating political world we find ourselves in. tt’s only a lack of recent familiarity; we’ll come ’round.
This is nothing much to do with
Edward Slavsquat but a long time ago …well to cut a long story short
Andrew Bridgen had a completely georgeous wife and two young children. He became an MP – so in London Monday to Thursday – back home on Friday. About a year after he became an MP, his marriage was destroyed by a girl who everyone knew in Westminster including all the Press. With such a beutiful wife, I certainly wouldn’t, and I think its highly unlikely he did, but what is his wife going to believe..How can any man defend himself from such an accusation…
Anyhow, from what I have read today, despite being fired by the Tory Party (+100) for that, he has now got a completely georgeous wife – an Opera Singer from Serbia
That rang a few bells for me in reverse. me Ex who’s Family comes from Serbia, couldn’t sing but much the same..must be these Serbian Eyes
Another one on the way?
I do like Riley Waggaman. I like his style. I like his history (Senior Analyst at RT – but really The Tea Boy) I really liked the interview I saw maybe 18 months ago – living in a flat in Moscow – aren’t you worried – he replies no, not really…Why should anyone want to arrest me – an American in Moscow?
He maybe completely correct about what he is writing about..who am I to disagree? I have never got as far as St. Petersberg, let alone Moscow (though have received good reports from people I know who have been there (one single man a bit younger than me) and one single girl – a litlle bit older than me. Neither of them mentioned jabs (it was a few years ago, but like Riley thay both loved Russia – and the Irish Girl – who we helped organise her trip -through to Mongolia and Chine, it is not that easy – you need to get professional advice re visas and stuff, and it is too cold to do it that early in the year on the Trans-Siberian Express..but some people, we know have no fear about anything. They just do what they want to do – go where they want to go. None of them are rich, and some of the time they have to spend some time locked in a room in an airport – but such is life. I know some interesting people..and I have travelled quite a lot myself over the last 60 years. mostly with my wife (we haven’t been jabbed)
The first thing I want to query with Riley is the diagram – photo showing an eyescan. I am asking this from personal expereince – some very recent, from getting both my wife and my photos accepted by HM Passport Office…and before then getting through any automated Passport Gate at Gatwick Airport.
Facial recognition is not what its cracked up to be, and neither are finger prints or even DNA tests for that matter.
I could give you numerous personal examples when the queue got so long behind my wife, that it was somewhat embarrassing.
I said don’t smile FFS…Look Miserable and you might be in with a chance.
“No two persons in the world have the same fingerprints” is not a scientific fact.
“No two persons have the same DNA” is also contestable.
Ah, I was wondering if you’d ever get to the point.
The question is, where will this biometric data be taken from?
The answer is, at the entrances to “industrial, defence, nuclear & other facilities”.
Bum steer, man, bum steer.
And BTW, Riley has posted several items since this one on his blog, Putin approved the measure. Here is a very recent one.
No surprise, the Putin trolls, bots and the desperate legion who cling to Matt Ehret, Pepe Escobar, Tom Luongo and the other “indy” analysts and commentators who insist Putin is NOT with the Great Reset, because they are desperate for a hero, are out downvoting this article. Thanks for sticking with the facts, Riley, vs desperate hopes, illusions and delusions.
strahl shatt:
CNN nose junkie? Langley bot punk? Bellingcat slut? A Zeeleenskee butt buddy?
whatever it be from above, it is certainly nothing more than a demented hag-ridden dullard.
I think ‘We, the people” should declare the WEF a terrorist organization. Consider what they say their intention is, and notice that they are taking steps to carry it out; what more do we need?
In the meantime, The Dossier releases the list of Davos attendees (by invitation only):
“FBI director Chris Wray, the CEOs of Amazon, BlackRock, and Pfizer, top officials at the Gates Foundation and in the Soros network, and the Publisher of The New York Times, to name a few.
“The World Economic Forum is a fanatical political organization masquerading as a neutral entity, with specific policy goals that involve centralizing power into the possession of hand-picked global elites as the only means to save the earth from a claimed climate emergency.” [I personally think climate is just an irrelevant mask that was convenient]
Sec’y Labor Martin Walsh, Dir Nat’l Intelligence Avril Haines, Dir FBI Christopher Wray,
US Trade Rep Amb Katherine Tai, US Agency Internat’l Dev Admin Samantha Power
Spec’l Pres Envoy Climate John Kerry
Democrat Senators Chris Coons (DE), Maria Cantwell (WA), Joe Manchin (WV)
Kyrsten Sinema (AZ), Don Beyer (VA),
Democrat Reps Joaquin Castro (TX), Gregory Meeks (NY), Seth Moulton (MA)
Mikie Sherrill (NJ), (CA)
Republican Senator James Risch (ID),
Republican Reps Darrell Issa (CA), Maria Salazar (FL)
The World Economic Forum could certainly be labeled “Terrorist” but I prefer labeling the group as subversive. Their goal is to incite seditious behavior in civil populations, thereby crippling the sovereignty of States and Nations. Civilian populations seem satisfied with their own contributions toward civil and economic suicide.
All things considered, I believe the WEF/Davos crowd will succeed…
But we’ve a set of effective laws against terrorism– not against subversive-ism
And they’re certainly killing people thru the vaxx.
Talking about Russia… More good news!
That’s Propagandist dummy. There are/ were IS members from as many as 58 Countries in the Middle East…Idiot. you think it’s A Game!
Fuck You.
“Coincidence Theorists”. (2.00)
Personally I would prefer articles on a number of other topics. 5G for one. The long term motives for neo con maneuvers in Ukraine for another. Russia’s dystopian surveillance infrastructure/apparatus can’t be too effective. The world government has assassinated supporters of Russian action within Russia.
Got it, You’d rather cling to illusions about Putin.
Biometric data is a reality in the US. It is collected off all immigrant, for example, and they have to pay for the privilege. (…and its actually called “Biometric Information Collection” and it has its own processing fee).
The same information is collected by a state’s Department of Motor Vehicles. When you are processed for a “Real ID” license the information is processed at an additional set of terminals which are the same as the secure ones used by DHS for immigrant data collection. Real ID driver’s licenses have a ‘Federal Record Number’ encoded on them which is a unique United States wide individual ID.
There’s absolutely no reason to suggest that other countries are not doing this. The equipment will be sold by established vendors, after all, so the processes and procedures will resemble each other regardless of where you are. As for it being a ‘private company’, this is how the modern state works. We’re a bit hamstrung here by tradition and the Constitution but countries like the UK freely privatize their government functions, its modern conservative ideology to do so. Russia itself isn’t some kind of alien planet, its a country like anywhere else, so it will use similar tools to other countries and, of course, corporations seem to be involved. (Although as described the corporation seems similar to the “Crown Corporations” you find in Canada performing essential but not necessarily profitable functions.)
Thanks, Martin, for reminding us — as an IT savvy person — of the real IT problem. Not who uses it but who controls it, that is the problem. That’s why I use Open Source wherever possible, such as Linux and Forth.
Surely it is not beyond the ingenuity of IT gurus to devise a way for those who are Iteed to control what is Iteed? Or is it the old logical conundrum: who controls the controllers?
“Quis custodiet ipsos custodienses?” — Juvenal.
We aren’t at all concerned with the biometric nightmare in the WILD WEST, why worry about russia’s?!
Smart Meters
These would be quite effective in controlling populations. They emit lots of high frequency radiation.
Certainly the US has a problem with its uneconomic city sprawl, something that is systematically bankrupting its cities.
It never made sense to provide huge amounts of roads, water, and electric infrastructure to a very small number of homes sprawling out from centre-less cities for ten for miles. The infrastructure decay & costs is one of many parts of the US ideology driven by car based cities that is suffocating them in debt & solutions are needed.
A few more rounds of m[RNA] COVIDIUS boosters will FIX IT! Unfortunately They stopped it…
Governments facilitated such infrastructure because a number of industries called the shots: car, road, petroleum, high-cost housing, finance, insurance, etc,
I think it was the people’s choice to live like that. It was the American dream, a house in the suburbs.
“We aren’t at all concerned with the biometric nightmare in the WILD WEST, why worry about Russia’s?!”
Because Russian-bashing is an Olympic Sport in “the West”.
Why do so many people here need to invest in the ideas of a NWO or a “globalist conspiracy”, to explain tyrannical measures being applies in the American Empire. Including western Europe and its dependent states around the word…..the Measures being applied are almost identical to the measures used by the soviet union, including travel bans, total surveillance and censorship. this is what broken empires do, this is not new, stop inventing fantasy world structures, where the only evidence is a pantomime provided by a US corporate funded think tank..
You certainly have some kind of agenda here. You are stridently trying to place all the blame on the US, or who controls the US, and direct it away from the “global conspiracy” angle and blame everything on the “U.S.”. Quite interesting. Are you a U.S. citizen?
Very interesting isn’t it, because its the bleeding obvious, in a world full of propagandists.
Every day on the new reports & in your own news sites, you see reported the actions of the US & their CIA in your country and overseas.
They are causing coups, supplying arms, backing tyrannies, blackmailing your government, fining foreign corporations billions, extorting countries resources, enacting terrorism, they founded ISIS, forming many local terror groups, murdering leaders, even admitting it publicly……. And you saw US oligarchs benefit massively from the covid scam, as you were forced to use Zoom, forced to shop at Amazon and your leaders gave the CIA access to every government and business meeting in your country in real time.
After all that,… sit there like some spoiled child inventing stupid tolkienesk fantasies about a NWO or Globalist conspiracy, instead of using a missing political & history education, that should be providing you with the obvious answers to what is happening in the world. You are propelling the US deep states cover story, some of you know but most of you don’t.
How the CIA has infiltrated the MSM, Hollywood and even TED Talks
One example of an ex-journalist speaking out about the international MSM having been captured by the CIA:
Veteran German journalist Udo Ulfkotte, author of the 2014 book Gekaufte Journalisten (Bought Journalists) revealed how under the threat of job termination he was routinely compelled to publish articles written by intelligence agents using his byline. “I ended up publishing articles under my own name written by agents of the CIA and other intelligence services, especially the German secret service,” Ulfkotte explained in a recent interview with Russia Today.
“German Journo: European Media Writing Pro-US Stories Under CIA Pressure,” RT, October 18, 2014.
I think the media outranks the covert agencies. They have been in the planning of most psyops and in the coverup of all of them.
Is that you germcourt?
I don’t remember the others names on here. There have been about 5 or 6 that I recall.
But their approach is always the same
Blame straw man USA deflect attention from Mr Global, paint ‘conspiracy theory’ on all off g commenters.
Must be a cocaine importers of america dialectician (the enemy of my enemy needs to be made my enemies friend).
No its not. Why don’t you stop trying to insult people and try writing a reply if you disagree with a comment, this is not a platform for your ego.
Seems like Willian there is on a mission.
Mission accomplished if we give this bot our affections! I think Langley and/or Davos might be trying out their new “Singularity Sam AI Bot”….’place him in ze comment sectionz of zoz zat see thru us!”
But I am attacking the CIA’s bots……look at my arguments, the above and you are trying to protect & hide the CIA. Its very obvious.
I’m just interested in the truth, of course it is you with an agenda to cover up for the USA when it is so obviously directing so many of the scams we see. You are either a useful fool or a liar for the USA.
You’re a weird dude there Willian.
You are a fraud.
Hey asshole, who are you talking to? “you sit there like some spoiled child inventing stupid tolkienesk fantasies.”
If that’s to me, show me where I did that. Show me, back it up. Or are you talking to Off-G in general? Whatever, you are off the rails dude. Where are you from and who are you working for?
Prove to us that any of your fantasies are real.
Prove the existence of the NWO and the Globalist conspiracy….show me evidence, you fraud. .
Come on man, you started it, I asked for proof of what I said specifically to meet your weird (or purposely targeted) rants.
It’s a simple model of the world, where anyone in any form of authority is secretly in league with anyone else in authority.
Where viruses don’t exist. Where every electron microscope lies and where Schrodinger’s Box is definitively empty. No need for nuances or more complicated models, when you can have a simple model. Why entertain uncertainties when you can simply state things categorically and confidently?
And then, of course, there are those that profit from a sense of eternal dystopia. Capitalizing on other’s misery. Selling ‘short’ on companies or sectors. Elon Musk (for all his faults) suggested that selling short should be banned. Would be inclined to agree.
If Albert Camus (recent article) did make one great contribution within his writings, then surely it was that nefarious character within ‘The Plague’ (forget the name, overdue for reread) that profited whilst others suffered. Surely a great lesson for all mankind, whatever Camus’ overall outlook; his French Resistance participation likely shining through on that occasion. But I digress from Russia being secretly in league with the WEF when likely they simply pinched their idea.
“It’s a simple model of the world, where anyone in any form of authority is secretly in league with anyone else in authority.”
How can that be true? Where are the structures? where is the power base, where is the historical precedent? Where is their ideology?
You are confusing power elites common interests and common greed with an ideology and a structured organisation, Hitler made the same error. It does not exist, how could and where is the evidence for it? There is absolutely NONE.
The US uses the wealthy elites of Venezuela to overthrow the socialist elected government, they even awarded them their own CIA puppet. The US know how to use these greedy traitors, these wealthy elites to serve their empire, as the Romans did as many empires have.
I don’t believe I would dispute any of that. The rest maybe ‘lost in translation’; the deficiencies of text-only communication:
The Jesus And Mary Chain – Just Like Honey (note the averted eyes)
Thanks for that. I hadn’t seen it before. Its really good. The Jesus And Mary Chain are a Scottish alternative rock band formed in East Kilbride in 1983.
My wife and I are from Lancashire. We moved to London in 1982. Similar music and looks to The Cure (South London) and Stone Roses (Manchester).
We have seen most if not all these bands, and most of them have got gigs booked for this year.
Not dead yet.
Great Tony, US will use boy George for homosexuality pills. Ask em to play New Order every Blue ‘pill’ Monday morning.
Because the dawn of covid revealed the sheer anachronism of the old Leftist dissident paradigm. When the entire facade of the Western political establshment moved onto its “Left foot” it called into question that comfortable confrontation between these so-familiar constructs of Conservatives vs Progressives. And covid is indeed a global operation. The class war is real but no longer a provincial matter. There are ruling classes everywhere and they are in collaboration. They will not be perfectly in sync but they are doing done deals with each other. But even before this viral crap, Peter Dale Scott noted how that old fraud Noam Chomsky made a big show of fulminating against the US in particular. So it turns out that our Noam is indeed working for these very forces he sneers at. (And I don’t see how this can be doubted now.)
Oh and the American ruling class couldn’t care less about America. Ditto the ruling class of every other country with respect to its country.
“The class war is real but no longer a provincial matter.”
The struggle is very real, but no longer being fought, we no longer have a political opposition in any part of the American empire, this is US policy and has been the case in the US for over 50 years.
As it has been the case everywhere else.
no it hasn’t, if you have universal healthcare, free university, cheap child care, etc……you were wining at some point.
.. “tolkienistic fantasies,” . . . like ..”universal —-” ? argh!
you really don’t see beyond the geopolitik?
i get what you’re saying, but get out that box.
don’t patronize me, with your stupid, nonsense.
It hasn’t, he doesn’t have courage to admit Worlds reserve currency.
Rubbish! Your a dollar investor, stands out a mile.
there’s no point in giving you evidence of coming NWO. Either you live in a different world or you are an agent of that NWO.
Give proof!………….. I can give you indications of CIA operations in every field, from the Covid scam, to global warming to almost every Coup inn the last 60 years.
No shit sherlock, everybody knows about the CIA, it’s even in Wikipedia.
where is your proof….fraud.
You’re getting weirder as you go along dude, or whatever you are. Better be careful. The CIA might get you.
Troll alert. Big time.
You have been called out, and it seems many here agree with me…..poor you. your supervisors will be disappointed .
OK, I’m talking to a real fucking idiot.
Yada, yada, yada… The reader comments only demonstrate the effectiveness of the propaganda regime. You are being manipulated in a well designed and endless hallway of mirrors.
It is not germane “who” the players are within the bio-metric data collection industry. The discussion should shift toward Elimination of the practice of collecting private data. What the phuck are you people thinking???
Yes, yes yes!
Btw, thanks for your post the other day concerning bacteria as precursors of cells; I had been aware of this presentation only as regards viruses. Trey interesante.
You are most welcome. I try to provide links to reasonably germane research as often as is possible. It would seem most are ignored or down-voted. Alas…
Modern moron slaves GIVE THEIR PRIVATE data 24/7 so it seems that everything is awesome.
Hello Voz Odb: Yes. Awesome! What a word. Also: Epic! Legit! Huge shout-out!
I’m from a generation that used to say everything was “groovy”. The word later morphed to gravy… Perhaps sausage gravy…
A better CJ Hopkins screed on “Limited Hangouts”.
That was excellent; thanks, Mann.
Thanks, Riley for the humble reporting … were you able to contact Giorgio Bianchi? Or Eva Bartlett?
Any progress on being allowed to visit the Donbass and give us some eyewitness accounts?
None of us live in Russia!
All Riley is doing is to promote Russia’s tyranny as worse than our tyranny.
It’s fearful equivocation.
I don’t want either, and most of us are not in the Russian Federation.
I suggest focus more on what you potentially can change.
Utter crap. You have obviously read very little on his blog. Recently he even had good things to say about RT.
“RT does a decent job of shining a light on stories that are often overlooked (or rather, ignored) by western mainstream media. RT also excels at providing much-needed context about stories or unsubstantiated claims circulating in western mainstream media. Finally, RT hosts many talented writers (almost exclusively disaffected westerners) who use the site’s op-ed page to excoriate their depraved western governments. It is nice that RT does these things.
But there are some things that doesn’t do very well. For example: coverage of Russian domestic policy. [Tweets] It is beyond comprehension that “indy” media continues to cite RT as an all-knowing, omnipotent authority on Russian domestic policy. AND WITHOUT EVEN SEARCHING FOR NOT-GOVERNMENT-FUNDED VIEWPOINTS. Are you guys OKAY? [Video]”
RT is mainstream why do think it’s on Google Web, get real.
strahl shatt:
CNN nose junkie? Langley bot punk? Bellingcat slut? A Zeeleenskee butt buddy?
whatever it be from above, it is certainly nothing more than a demented hag-ridden dullard.
Still amazes me, how a lot of people think that Trump n Putin are fighting the deep state.
That some kind of mindcontrol for you.
The Russians are resisting the USAs deep states attempts to control & loot Russian resources, like they tried to do in the 1990s after the soviet unions collapse.
keep taking the pills, son
What is your point?
There is a theory on this site, pushed by Riley and the gang that the war is all “fake” or “for show” or something….and that no matter how evil our own governments are, we should all focus on the “foreign” (Russian or Chinese) evil. Riley’s articles make for good satire and there’s the other guy who pushes the same idea about China.
They first a construct a Straw Man (Putin is Our Saviour and Avenger) and then tear down the Straw Man they made.
I think as you do: the Russians are trying (very hard and at great cost) to resist control of their country and their resources by the Blob. Nobody in Russia wants a repeat of the 90s.
The only possible collaboration I see, might be a replay of the Nazi-Soviet deal of 1939, where the Soviets and the Nazis, split Poland between the two of them.
This would mean the Nazis are played by the USA, (not much imagination required there) and the Russians play the Soviets and a weak Europe is the victim, playing Poland of 1939.
This could happen, I think Putin is ruthless enough but they would soon be at each others throats as the Nazis and Soviets were.
That’s ridiculous you’ve omitted Asia China. Global travelling and dismissed worldwide democide over one hundred and forty years. And left your yourself open to warmongering.
My theory is simpler. Control freaks gonna control freak. What do the Putin, Xi & Biden regimes have in common? They are ALL gung ho for central bank digital currencies and digital ID.
They are all psychopaths at that level and much below.
There is nothing inherently wrong with Digital Currency, a Digital ID, nor a Central Banks. Just as there is nothing inherently wrong with a rope, a knife nor an axe. Even though:
“Lizzie Borden took an axe
And gave her mother forty whacks”.
I personally think that Russia and China are worse for their citizens only because those two have no tradition of self-govt or individual rights– and this is the reason why the NWO must destroy the West, to finally blot out even the memory of limited govt.
I’ve no doubt the Russian people are fighting for their nation; but I rather think their leaders, like ours, have feet of clay. A pity, for there is much greatness in the people. I hope that we all may rise against tyranny.
those two have no tradition of self-govt or individual rights
A cringe-worthy generalisation. And how has the US tradition helped its people so far?
People in the “free world” see Russia and China as the enemy and have concocted all sorts of ideas about their perceived enemy. They believe among other things that somehow the Chinese government = CCP = Xi =
24//7 surveillance of 1,400,000,000 -1 (Xi) people.
Meanwhile Putin is Hitler reborn and Zelensky and Navalny are crusading heroes. Putin is crazy and woke up one morning and decided to invade Ukraine to recreate the USSR. He also bathes in deer antler blood according the to the reliable mainstream media in the free world.
I say, if you believe someone is your mortal enemy, at least take the time to learn something about them.
Those of us who believe the NWO’s program don’t believe that China or Russia are our mortal enemies– just that their oligarchs are joined w ours to produce global tyranny.
Really, mgeo? I’d like to know of it if either China or Russia’s ever had govt that was limited to protect their rights.
How has the US tradition helped its people so far? We had a free country which protected people’s rights for more than 200 years.
Take over of the financial system was the first chink, in 1913, then the takeover of foreign policy after WWII. And in recent decades the slow concentration of production in oligarchic hands.
But these things are even more pronounced in China & Russia.
The ideal of the American Revolution and form of govt was the inspiration for European Republics and the end of feudalism. The universal wish for freedom over all the world, if not familiarity w it, comes from what America once was and can be again.
cs pa: Yes. Exactly. I’d like to know where all these “Anti” Russian “Anti” China persons get their petrol-energy and electronic toys from.
Hypocrisy is alive and well…
But how does coercing people into a “vaccine” (Astrazenneca lite) protect? How does their VaxPass/Digital ID/Biometric protect?
Protect the rich elites from losing their power and control.
Exactly. That’s the ‘tell’ right there: Nearly three years later, Putin & Co. are still playing along with — some would say capitalizing on — the plague hoax, just like the Decadent West. It’s obviously not about the health of the Russian people, is it. So once you’ve worked out that his game plan is the same as theirs (to enslave his own people), then his foreign policy, however good it might seem or even be, is completely irrelevant in the long run to the Russian people. War is a just a pretext for the globalist elites to impose the sort of hardships on their peoples that they would never tolerate during peace time (although they do seem to tolerate an awful lot during peace time nowadays!).
I expect we don’t really know which power structure is most important to Putin– his own or the NWO/WEF/Trillionaires-United. Surely we don’t insist that Scholz has Germany’s interests at heart when he refuses to open the tap on the one surviving Nordstream pipeline– although the source of his power SEEMS to be Germany.
And surely no one could think that Biden or any other aspect of US foreign policy or Intell acts in the interest of the American nation. They’ve propagandized us since the 60s that their enumerable wars & actions were in the interest of world democracy– while in reality they were all against the interests of nations abroad and ours at home.
There might be some factional fighting between the West’s oligarchs & Russia’s, but it’s likely only a falling out among tyrants.
Still think Putin and his WEF administration are the good guys?
The WEF is a powerless think tank, the question is who is funding it and who controls those that do. The answer is the USA.
This is one “Hill” I ain’t gonna die on, buddy
The answer is that the USA is funding the WEF….of course. not that the USA will save us…
I don’t know….. We managed to get to this point somehow.
The US is the largest entity controlled by the banksters. They have sent most of the vast sums that Ukraine has obtained.
Why would the CIA be told what to do by bankers? …..they can just shoot them if they don’t do as told. The US empire elites sent the money, the banks just transfer it. Why would banks have any power, I don’t get it.
Banks have all the pretend power they need – and all power is pretense. Banking is a total fabrication; but absolutely necessary in order for the “ruling class” to maintain the pretense that they actually rule anything.
The people were convinced they needed money, just had to have it, couldn’t get enough of it. And the banks happen to have it.
The whole mess is one big house of cards, with the banks perched at the summit for no better reason than that they drew straws to see who would be top dog and the banks won the draw.
Banks don’t have money most of the time. They manufacture it. Fractional banking, usury and rigged markets make the economy go around – until they don’t.
Banks have no power;
Everyone is beholden to, and subservient to, the central bank cartel.
What do you think Epstein was doing exactly?
Who the F isn’t controlled by the bankers?
Right because before the USA existed, history was just one happy story of peace.
WEF is funded by their membership and banks. USA is certainly not blameless, however WEF also clearly and factually interacts with Russian China, UK, France, Germany, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India, South Africa, etc. etc. etc.
“Data collection” is of course evil, but this obsession with “private companies” controlling it seems perverse to me: I’d be much much less comfortable having an (armed) government with my data
Data is gold.
‘Track and Trace’ Data from Restaurants is Being Harvested and Sold On
The WEF’s Davos meeting taking place now (Jan 1-16) is protected by 5,000 Swiss troops. Guess that ends my oft-repeated fantasy.
Only distinguished delegates were allowed to fly in and out of Davos last year due to a no-fly zone. {MMM mmm, do I sense a little well-deserved nervousness?)
I guess that means Switzerland isn’t neutral anymore.
The historic HQ for Knights Templar.
They were openly subordinated by the USA via their financial system when the US demanded compliance with US law. And recently forced into an alliance with the USA against Russia over the Ukraine war. “You are either for us or against us.”
That you think they aren’t all on the same team to begin with is naive.
That you think the USA, or any one nation, is the boogie man is naive.
It’s a big club and we ain’t in it.
no they are not on the same team, you think Germany is helped by the US blowing up their pipeline?
These “neutral” countries are useful to the NWO because they interact with both sides in large artificial conflagrations such as WW2 and the cold war.
Any evidence of a NWO?
World Governance has been a goal for the global Cabal for centuries.
Denying this fact only proves your ignorance.
My goal is to be a size 6 by the summer.
Switzerland obviously hasn’t really been neutral for quite some time. But fantasies about the Knights Templar have nothing to do with it. Or anything else for that matter. The knights’ “historic” HQ was Jerusalem, which has nothing to do with Israel either.
Switzerland is very illuminati. Why do you think it never gets invaded? 😉
The Illuminati. Why of course! There’s one hiding under every Zurich gnome’s bed. It’s true that Switzerland hasn’t been invaded since the Middle Ages. But then neither has England (very East India Company/City of London) since the Normans or Ireland (leprechauns with pots of gold?) since Cromwell.
Unlike the English or Irish of those distant times, the Swiss managed to see off their foreign invaders (the Hapsburgs, the Duke of Burgundy, et al). During WWII, despite the existence of a pro-German faction similar to those in every European country (as in England and the USA), and fearing with good reason Hitler’s underlying intentions (the plans for a German invasion of Switzerland had been drawn up), the Swiss military honeycombed the Alps with fortresses and bunkers, which can still be seen today, drawing up their own plan to abandon the entire Swiss plateau, where all the major cities are, and retreat to the mountain redoubt to fight there, making it difficult for even the very “Illuminati” to have given them up. There were reasons, too, why both sides found having a few neutrals like Switzerland useful to have around. Ordinary Swiss, like the British, suffered the hardships of wartime rationing and shortages.
While it may amuse the conspiracy theorist and airport paperback reader to fantasize over the secret plots of Templars, Illuminati or Spectre, the real conspiracies are being openly plotted in Davos.
It has never been neutral to any mass-murdering dictator’s gold.
Djugashvili sent his gold to London.
Davos is a meeting of the US empire and their friends.
… and Zionist overlords.
Israel is a US vassal state, how could it be any other way? It does all the stuff in the middle east the US can’t. That is why it exists.
you are a driveling idiot
Too real for you? I’m getting in the way of your lies I hope.
the ‘only democracy in the Middle East’ bans Palestinian flag flying in public!

Coming to a city near you soon.
Both the countries you mention are vassal states of the central bankers.
So why are we perpetually attacking Moslem countries instead of having our ‘pet’ Israelis do it for us?
Erm… The former United States is a vassal property of Israel. >
James Traficant – Israel uses us like a whore
Israel uses us like a whore: Traficant – YouTube
Mr. Traficant had an bad “accident” on his tractor shortly thereafter…
This was published 7/9/2016 >
89% of our Senators and Congress hold dual citizenship citizenship with Israel89% of our Senators and Congress hold dual citizenship citizenship with Israel >> Four Winds 10 – Truth Winds
Kinda makes a guy wonder…
Paul, I find it difficult to believe that 89% of Congress has dual citizenship w Israel. Do you know of anyone else saying this?
Hello Penelope: The author of the article supplies no hard data, such as actual copies of Passports or certificates of citizenship. I believe most of the information was taken from this article. >
Why do so many US politicians have dual US/Israeli citizenship? At least 13/100 Senators, at least 27/435 House Reps, and many of The Presidents’s cabinet.
Why do so many US politicians have dual US/Israeli citizenship? At least 13/100 Senators, at least 27/435 House Reps, and many of The Presidents’s cabinet. : conspiracy (
Also this link: >
Dual Citizenship — Loyal to Whom?
by Dan Eden
Dual Citizenship — Should we be worried? (
Many of these persons are no longer holding public office. Yet a number of these identities are repeatedly exposed within similar reference. The cited articles are none the less, interesting…
It’s probably just a coincidence (Erm…) but the Papacy has utilized the Swiss guard for centuries. Maybe it’s those wonderful Swiss swords and medieval costumes they wear…
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-01-09. VAERS analyses’ 770 types AE safety signals are 770 reasons to pull. Yemen’s 12 hospitals bombed 2022 (blog, gab, tweet).
The BBC radio 4 decided to tackle head-on the excess deaths and athletics dropping dead questions today in a dumbed down science program.
Their first stab was to blame striking staff and NHS failures for some, not all, of the excess deaths we are seeing, whilst noticeably avoiding to answer the question; has there been a serious surge in demand for NHS emergency services in comparison to 2012.
Regarding the athletes, the lists are fraudulent according to the BBC, including people who are not athletes & people ho dies in car crashes… there is the answer. It seems they are being forced to address the questions now.
Apparently, 100 athletes have dropped dead in Europe and 1000s injured.
1500 is the world figure.
And those are just the ones reported as such. Like the VAERS reporting system in the U.S.. VAERS, admittedly, only captures about 1% of the actual events based on statistical studies they have done. To get a more accurate assessment, the number of VAERS reports needs to be multiplied by 100. Fact checkers who to dispute this can go to hell with the rest of those going to hell for denying that these experimental clot shots are dangerous. And if there is a hell, you are sure to go. Only a demon would want to inject this poison into an infant and as of now, most of our governmental bodies around the world still support that recommendation being made by the Unites States CDC. Cannot get more evil than that. Plenty of trusting ignorant parents left in this world who hang on every word their pediatrician tells them. They will never stop lying until they are held accountable. Just like the Nazis. They never stopped lying. Yes, anyone in medicine still recommending this jab is no better than an evil demonic Nazi. Fuck you NSA.
When was it that the Nazis were “held accountable”?
I know some of the Nazis were found, eventually. Didn’t some of them help found today’s big pharma corporations? How ironic is that? Same people (corporations) killing and maiming innocent healthy people with the experimental mRNA experimented on people in the WWII concentration camps.
But I agree. It is kind of like today.
Robert Malone alluded to this months ago.
So many doctors are involved in the crimes against humanity. To bring them all to justice would devastate the medical community.
But that does not change my mind. I would rather wait a year to see a doctor I trust than one that participated in the lies.
I’m pretty sure Satan has a restraining order on all NSA operatives. No one would want these assholes screwing up the atmosphere…
Barofsky, prior to the Vaxx the annual collapse on the field was 29. Since the vaxx rollout It’s 1589, of which 1101 were fatal. However this includes only the EU Soccer and Football League– it’s not a global figure, and doesn’t include high school kids, etc.
There are also people collapsing on TV and while performing in concert. Ordinary people who don’t exercise much are likely to die within a few days or weeks of the vaxx while SLEEPING. Seems we get a blast of adrenaline to prepare us for waking at 5-7 in the morning, and if the heart has been damaged by the vaxx. . . .