AUDIO: Kit Knightly & Jesse Zurawell on what’s in store for 2023

In his latest appearance on TNT Radio’s Perspective, our very own Kit Knightly talks about what we can expect from the next year of news. Together they breakdown Damar Hamlin, globalism, what to expect from next weeks DAVOS conference and much more.

TNT Radio is a 24/7 internet radio station, available here. You can also listen to back-episodes of Perspective here and follow host Jesse Zurawell on Telegram here.


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Categories: audio, latest, The "New Normal"
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Jan 16, 2023 3:26 PM

Mr. Zurawell has copped some flak BTL – but he really isn’t that bad.

For those who didn’t make it to the end, he does conclude with a call to question virology – that’s something plenty of commenters have been calling for.

BTW I wouldn’t necessarily read too much into it but future pandemics don’t seem too high on the Davos agenda this week.

Jan 16, 2023 7:22 AM
Jan 16, 2023 1:40 AM

I read blogs from all over the world, mainly becaus at the age of 69 (nowt really – I am fine got a lovely wife and now 3 grandchldren – never been a soldier – never wanted to kill anyone – don’t mind when I die…EXCEPT


I prayed that My Ex’s Kids – Both Trained in Law at Manchester University would help to Prosecute Him – For War Crimes Against Humanity…

but no one did,,so I moved to London from Lancashire with the nicest girl in the world..we occasionaly meet my ex at festivals and gigs, but she hates me now

I did try and subtley say

I still love you now, but please do not get jabbed.

no communication since – but I know she is ok

Sure I would like to chat with her again, and maybe I will..before i drop dead.

We like the same music. The last time we met, the girls got on so well – they both ran off with the tickets to the Girls, laughing at me

Royal Albert Hall – Hawkwind 50th Anniverary

Dave Brock is 81 years old and still Gigging – which is a Good Sign.

Nice bloke. We met him at his wedding. He was really nice.

“Void Of Wasteland” – CARNIVOUROUS

Second band I went to see after The Groundhogs

The weirdest thing – now in our late 60’s – we have still all got our own long hair – and look pretty much the same as we did when we were on our 20’s..except I use a walking stick

Jan 16, 2023 12:37 AM

“The destruction of truth is at the heart of Western cultural declineWhen there are no rules and no facts, all our rights come under threat from the self-obsessed elites” – Nick Timothy

Completely agree – so why don’t you write about eg 9/ll and jabs honestly instead of writing bollocks for The Daily Telegraph in support of Prince? Harry flogging books///

So who is Nick Timothy

comment image

Come on do your job..Investigate like the real journalist you know you are and write the the truth – as close as you get to it

That is Your job…not mine. I just did computers and told the truth as best I could

Do it. Do your job


George Mc
George Mc
Jan 15, 2023 11:00 PM

Sunday Times:

“Pride of the pandemic, our state is now shot

Strikes, crises and shortages have reduced us to living on a prayer and yearning for a change the Tories can’t fulfil”

The Tories can’t do it! But who can? Of course – Sir Keir himself by way of the Telegraph:

“The NHS is not an out-of-bounds shrine. It needs unsentimental reform

Our healthcare system is no longer the envy of the world. Labour will make the hard choices that are needed to resuscitate it”

Keir expands:

“They think Labour’s job is to merely defend public services. I have never believed that. Labour’s job is to drive up standards, so that services don’t need defending.”

Oh I know how this one goes. We must pull up our socks, tighten our belts, think outside the box, suck it and see, modernise, get with the plan, think of sustainable targets. But we can’t stand still! We can’t just DO THE FUCKING JOB THAT NEEDS TO BE DONE! Oh no, that’s not going to win votes and inspire the nation. No one wants to “merely” defend public services!

Conclusion: we must drive up standards by DESTROYING PUBLIC SERVICES!

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Jan 16, 2023 12:06 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Back to the Future. It’s as if they’ve programmed a robot to sound like a 1980s Thatcherite. Anthony Blair QC was just a clumsy prototype.

“unsentimental reform”

“make the hard choices”

“drive up standards”

We should dread the day when Trilateral Sir Keir becomes PM. That day is inevitable, for he is clearly the designated appointee,. Our corporate overlords have been grooming this gruesome gimlet.eyed soul-dead nonentity for decades now. Der Starmer will be downloaded to Downing St as smoothly and unavoidably as a Windows software update.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 16, 2023 7:13 AM
Reply to  Patrick L.

And you’ll note Starmer’s automatic regurgitation of this meme that the NHS is not some “shrine”. Thus proving the true class of this “Labour leader”.

If anything he is even more insufferable than that soulless grinning Blair Yes man. Starmer has that rabbit-caught-in-the-headlights gaze more than anyone else I’ve ever seen. Metaphorically speaking (or perhaps not?), he is surrounded by demonic entities watching his every move and he’s terrified.

Jan 16, 2023 6:48 AM
Reply to  George Mc


They’ve must of been a asleep for the last 10+ years.
Type of people who voted for Build back Better Boris and the repackaged Newly Anti establishment Conservative back in 2019. They promised 20 new hospitals and 20.000 new police. LOL
Gotta laugh at alt media for actually selling this to the so called awake people.
Imagine the ones who actually Believed this.

Jan 17, 2023 12:54 AM
Reply to  George Mc

It’s time for a vax-clinic on every block, Britain! That’d revive the NHS is a hurry. Now go get your pots and bang away!

Jan 15, 2023 10:19 PM

Cardiologist Calls for Vaxx Ban Live on BBC

Dr. Aseem Malhotra, a UK cardiologist was interviewed by the BBC yesterday morning. The interview was about the latest NICE recommendations on statins, which Dr. Malhotra did. 
He also said “there’s been a big concern around excess deaths … my own research has found … that the covid mRNA vaccines do carry cardiovascular risks. And I’ve actually called for the suspension of this pending an enquiry … This is really time to pause the vaccine rollout.”


Jan 16, 2023 6:52 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Cardiologist Calls for Vaxx Ban 

OMG !!!!
How original is this script.
Pattern recognition…..? Penelope…..

Jan 16, 2023 6:58 AM
Reply to  Penelope

It was on the bbc-leaking out-but only a dribble they can point to when need be.

Jan 15, 2023 9:53 PM

Massive respect for Kit Knightley.

“No sorry, I am not” All air traffic in the USA were closed down, and Jesse Zurawell TNT radio does a live podcast with Kit Knightley…who admits he hasn’t a clue about it.

Dropped in the shi1t – Speak – Kit gives a totally brilliant reply, which I am still listening to.

I read it, but, I do not necessarily believe it – but usually a bit…Something might have happened and there is “photography” to “prove it”///whilst all even video photography can be edited and changed almost live – and presented as news…

Sure I believed the live broadcasts of the World Cup, – that would be too hard to fake, so quickly..but even 20 years ago – when watching a live football match on analogue TV, it was live at the speed of light – on analogue…cos I saw the goal being scored quite a few seconds before, all our neighbours cheered watching on digital tv.

I saw it at home a few seconds before they did (computer processing time – maybe 2 seconds 20 years ago) extend that to maybe 10 seconds even on a live broadcast – even on a live broadcast – the content could be changed, but to be honest, neither humans nor computers are as fast as that, and never will be.

“We don’t have a Government now”

Thank You,

comment image


Jan 15, 2023 8:59 PM

The CIA confirmed that it believes it is an alliance of Lizards, the NWO, the Jews, Communists, Marxists, the UN, Soros, Klaus Schwarb, the WEF, Bill Gates, The Rothschild’s, the Illuminati, the Russians, the Chinese, The Jesuits, and the “Globalist” who pulled off all the coups & crimes and who are pushing the ‘great reset’ thzt serves American interests.
It definitely isn’t the CIA….honest! …. said the CIA, on behalf of the US corporate fascist state.

Graham Greene
Graham Greene
Jan 15, 2023 10:50 PM
Reply to  WillianHill

Marxists, or someone or some person, who ‘apparently’ reads the collective works of Karl Marx – Capital Volumes 1, 2, and 3, in addition to the Grundrisse and his sidekick Engels and who claims to have spent a great deal of his time assessing the condition of the working class in England the 19th century – Please read the ”Condition of the Working Class in England 1844.” Oh yes and I forgot the collected works of Marx and Engels on Colonialism and Anti-During.

There is the silly idea that anyone can have an opinion on anything the like, even its without any corroboration or with any factual information.

It would appear that anyone can have any opinion they like without any corroboration they please. Opinions are manufactured by the mass media and fed into the gaping the maws of mass society.

Jan 18, 2023 5:20 AM
Reply to  Graham Greene

Engels rejoiced in the French conquest of Algeria and the American conquest of the Southwest.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 15, 2023 8:15 PM

As an incorrigible masochist I like to keep tabs on what is happening amongst our Western towers of further learning. One such pinnacle is inhabited by one Brian Leiter who possesses an ego inflated even by academic standards. “Not philosophically competent” is his ultimate sneer. Oh and, by the way, he considers himself to be the first who truly understood Nietzsche. Well, let’s face it: he’s the first exhalted enough to breathe the same rarified air of genius.

So on digging to find out what our Brian has to say about that little matter of the “pandemic” I had to reach down quite far for this:


“Republicans and Covid deaths”

The title is ominous in its promise of that boring stereotypical partisan political theatre of the Western media. And sure enough:

“This is really stark evidence of the pathological dysfunction of this benighted country, in which one of the two major political parties is openly hostile to de minimis public health measures (recall that Americans died of Covid at a rate two to three times that [or more] of other normal countries)”

That claim about the death rate links to an article in The Atlantic i.e. one of the more central heads of the hydra. Yet more evidence that Western academic “radicals” are bourgeois frauds.

John Pretty
John Pretty
Jan 15, 2023 8:45 PM
Reply to  George Mc

“As an incorrigible masochist I…”

Thanks George, very telling. I didn’t think you read the Guardian for fun.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 15, 2023 9:51 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

Who could?

Jan 15, 2023 10:58 PM
Reply to  George Mc

But is it true that more Republicans died due to vaccine refusal ? He seems to think he has the evidence for it.

Jan 16, 2023 12:17 AM
Reply to  WillianHill

No, it was equal opportunity for Blues and Reds — No one died of Covid, vax or no vax, either side. There is no Covid virus. Disease is the result of malnutrition and poisons weakening the body.

Jan 16, 2023 1:16 PM
Reply to  Martha

I got something in 2020,

Jan 16, 2023 4:08 PM
Reply to  WillianHill

MN908947 is a cobbled together in silico target sequence for the PCR magic 8 ball. You might have been sick, but it can’t be proven, or hasn’t been proven that it was caused by A virus, or THAT virus.

Jan 17, 2023 12:59 AM
Reply to  WillianHill

Obviously it wasn’t deadly.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 16, 2023 6:58 AM
Reply to  WillianHill

He only seems to think. The Atlantic fills his head.

Jan 15, 2023 4:51 PM

I thoroughly enjoyed the interview. Right at the end Mr. Zurawell notes the non-existence of viruses. This brings into play one of the biggest on-going subjects in this forum.

My thought on it is that, while it’s usually the best policy to pull the rug completely from under whatever you’re debunking, that may backfire if the rug has over time sunk into the floor to where trying to pull it out just makes for sore muscles.

When something is taken for granted, much effort is required to debunk it. Specifically, an alternative MUST be provided. And for that, perfunctory alternatives need not apply.

For instance, saying it’s toxins making people sick is way too broad since everyone is exposed to these toxins but not everyone gets sick. A specific toxin must be identified and paired with a specific sickness. Otherwise, the vast majority will simply ignore you.

The Rockefellers et al knew what they were doing when they came up with viruses. Doubtless they knew that once it became as common as drinking water, it would be all but impossible to debunk it.

Jan 15, 2023 7:47 PM
Reply to  Howard

Howard, it WOULD be a nice shortcut to discredit the entire field of virology w/o ever bothering to actually LOOK at the evidence that sustains it if one could simply connect it to an arch-villain like Rockefeller.

Unfortunately for the shortcut viruses were discovered by Dmitri Ivanovsky in 1892 working w the tobacco virus in Ukraine, Crimea & Russia. He did all his work at U of Petersburg & U of Warsaw. The name “virus” was given by a Dutchman in 1898 who replicated the experiments. In 1915 an Englishman, Twort, working in U of London discovered bacteriophages, viruses which infect bacteria.

I advise all those who are convinced of the falsity of the science of virology– or more likely, recent techniques/developments w/in it– to actually confront the evidence which supports it. Nothing else will debunk a standing hypothesis except to find its errors. (Unless one has a different hypothesis which better explains the observed data ).

Please understand that I am speaking of virology in GENERAL & NOT of the covid virus, about which I take no position whatever; I do not know.

Jan 15, 2023 9:47 PM
Reply to  Penelope

I have no quarrel with anything you noted because I, too, happen to accept that there is such a valid concept as virology.

But since we seem to be in the minority here, and since many are determined to lay the “false science” at the Rockefeller doorstep, I keep trying to set a framework with which the proponents of the no virus belief might better convince the larger society other than simply saying “It’s never been isolated.”

El Zafio
El Zafio
Jan 16, 2023 8:28 AM
Reply to  Penelope

About that Ivanovsky

Tobacco Mosaic “Virus” – The beginning & end of virology

Jan 15, 2023 3:46 PM

My take on the NOTEM “breakdown” is that it’s a PR stunt to promote Pete Buttigieg. Remember him? He’s the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana who did quite well in the 2020 Presidential campaign (even though Mr. Buttigieg is gay).

Face it (FWIW), there is absolutely NO Democrat on the horizon for the 2024 Presidential campaign. So they’ve got to scare someone up to lead the charge against “The Donald.”

I guess they’re testing the waters with Mr. Pete.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jan 15, 2023 5:02 PM
Reply to  Howard

“Big Mike.”

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 15, 2023 3:32 PM

Off topic general musing:

Trump as demon figure was always absurd. Hitler was perfect. He looked like a psycho and certainly sounded like one. He is also conveniently dead and so his “presence” can be, as it were, “stage managed” easily. And there has never been an adequate substitute since. Certainly not the cryptic Stalin smirking silently. Milosevic had a baby face. Bin Laden looked like Cat Stevens. Major PR problem there. Hence the constant hyperbole in the media where words attempted to cover up the image issue.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 15, 2023 3:35 PM
Reply to  George Mc

PS: Brazil’s Judge de Moraes is one evil looking bastard. Practically the spitting image of Aleister Crowley. Too bad he’s on the “wrong side” to act as fall guy.

Jan 15, 2023 3:52 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Speaking of Brazil, defunct President Jair Bolsonaro comes close to filling the bill – appearance wise. So maybe his attempted coup ain’t history yet?

John Pretty
John Pretty
Jan 15, 2023 8:46 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Better not take that second sentence of yours out of context.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 15, 2023 9:51 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

I cancel this comment. I was being mean.

Jan 15, 2023 2:55 PM

War with Russia, war with Iran, war with China. Covid Mark II. Weimar inflation. Mass unemployment. Systems breakdown. Societal collapse. Mass migrant invasions. Apart from that, there isn’t much to worry about.

Jan 15, 2023 2:47 PM

Look at this garbage from the Daily Sceptic, totally misleading people and propagating nonsense. The author notes that his fit young relative sister in law died of SADS. found dead in the garden: First this: My own sister-in-law dropped dead of SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome) back in August 2022. A fit, size 10, keen cyclist, found dead in her garden one morning. She had been just about to set off on a bike ride. The autopsy could find no specific cause, noted some small clotting in the heart, but nothing that the pathologist seemed to think should have killed her.   Then he goes on to write this crap: The Chinese Communist Party didn’t abandon ‘Zero Covid’ because of a few protests, but because it wasn’t working. Infections were taking off regardless of strict lockdown measures. It’s the same with vaccine scepticism. Doubts about vaccination will only continue to grow while deaths exceed normal levels. Dr. Malhotra’s piece may yet push us past the tipping point where these concerns have to be addressed.My personal view is that vaccines played an important part in breaking us out of the unsustainable lockdown loop. I don’t think vaccines made much difference to lives lost – the emergence of Omicron and prior natural immunity did that – but vaccination gave the elderly the confidence to emerge from behind their locked doors.  Where do they find these clowns? Yeah the wonderful CCP were really interested in saving citizens’ lives from the virus which even according to the official bullshit – everyone is naturally immune to anyway, so the CCP were obviously trying to be nice, benevolent Communists by implementing Zero Convid mega lockdowns. But the bioweapon that killed his sister, it was totally worth rolling it out because it relieved the worries of the terrorised, brainwashed old people… Read more »

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jan 15, 2023 3:21 PM
Reply to  Mucho

‘I don’t think vaccines made much difference to lives lost – ‘

Erm… I’ll remain skeptical of a person who believes a size 10 represents a woman who is “fit”…

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Jan 15, 2023 3:50 PM
Reply to  Mucho

“An adult died suddenly.”

“Oh, really? What was the cause?”

“Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.”

“Ah, I see. That explains it.”

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jan 15, 2023 8:35 PM
Reply to  Patrick L.

No, it was coincidence. A particularly panic-worthy bug. It’s the principle cause of sudden untimely death just now. Pfizer is bodging-up a ‘vaccine’ against the coincidence ‘virus’ right now. May as well make some loot out of it, whilst the suckers are still buying…

May Hem
May Hem
Jan 15, 2023 9:44 PM

Don’t worry Rhisiart. The UK guvmint will give statins to everyone – for free – to prevent them having heart attacks.

Statins has many horrific side effects and is the most profitable drug ever produced by the p-harm-a cartel.


jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Jan 15, 2023 11:53 PM
Reply to  May Hem

Statins were originally authorised for use by elderly men who’d had a heart attack. The evidence showed a reduced chance of follow up attacks in older men. Doctors didnt read the research, or authorised use details, so prescribe them for anyone. It seems to be common practice by medical doctors.
Prescription drugs are the third biggest cause of deaths in the USA.

Jan 15, 2023 2:10 PM
George Mc
George Mc
Jan 15, 2023 2:53 PM
Reply to  Violet

More to the point, if there’s one positive we can take away from this covid hoax, it’s that it’s only the compliant doctors, police, nurse, academics etc. who get the loudspeakers to blab on the media. The rest get silenced, sidelined etc.

Jan 15, 2023 3:22 PM
Reply to  George Mc


Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jan 15, 2023 2:10 PM

What to expect from the “news”. More speculation and repetition of themes which are completely disconnected from actual events.

What can we expect from next weeks DAVOS conference. More “elite” speculation and repetition of themes – which will be completely connected to upcoming events.

Rolling Stones “Paint it Black”

I see a red door and I want it painted black
No colors anymore I want them to turn black
I see the girls walk by dressed in their summer clothes
I have to turn my head until my darkness goes

I see a line of cars and they’re all painted black
With flowers and my love, both never to come back
I see people turn their heads and quickly look away
Like a newborn baby it just happens every day

I look inside myself and see my heart is black
I see my red door and it has been painted black
Maybe then I’ll fade away and not have to face the facts
It’s not easy facing up when your whole world is black

No more will my green sea go turn a deeper blue
I could not foresee this thing happening to you
If I look hard enough into the setting sun
My love will laugh with me before the morning comes

I see a red door and I want it painted black
No colors anymore I want them to turn black
I see the girls walk by dressed in their summer clothes
I have to turn my head until my darkness goes

I wanna see it painted black, painted black
Black as night, black as coal
I wanna see the sun, blotted out from the sky
I wanna see it painted, painted, painted, painted black


The above piece should be the DAVOS opening theme…

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 15, 2023 2:50 PM

Do you think Sir Michael Jagger took his vax? No, neither do I.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jan 15, 2023 3:12 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I’m pretty sure Saint Mick didn’t get as old as he is by being stupid…

Jan 15, 2023 3:56 PM

Maybe the devil had sympathy for him.

John Pretty
John Pretty
Jan 15, 2023 8:49 PM
John Pretty
John Pretty
Jan 15, 2023 8:48 PM
Reply to  George Mc
George Mc
George Mc
Jan 15, 2023 9:50 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

And think a third time. “Mick Jagger would very much like you to get your Covid-19 vaccine.” But he doesn’t say he got his.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 15, 2023 9:53 PM
Reply to  George Mc

That’s a hilarious link by the way:

“Yes, there are way too many people like that. A recent NPR/Marist poll revealed that 25% of Americans are refusing to get the Covid-19 vaccine, with the greatest hesitancy coming from people who voted for Donald Trump in 2020. Please, make Jagger happy, and get the vaccine as soon as you are eligible.”

Ooh you don’t want to avoid the vaccine thereby proving you are a Trumper!

And if we couldn’t make Jagger happy life just wouldn’t be worth living!

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Jan 15, 2023 10:32 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Mick Jabber

Jan 16, 2023 7:01 AM
Reply to  Patrick L.

So good!

Jan 16, 2023 7:01 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Got to keep the celeb mouthpiece alive

Jan 15, 2023 3:57 PM

So did Bianca’s former hubby write this song or did the CIA? Inquiring minds want to know.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jan 15, 2023 11:53 PM
Reply to  Howard

I’m not sure about CIA sponsoring the early Mick. Who knows? I might be naive’, but I think the lyrics reflect an actual event in Jagger’s life. Car accident? Drug overdose? Suicide? It ain’t fun when lovers die…

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 15, 2023 1:43 PM

Transhumanist wet dream:


“Kids’ Incredible Learning May All Be Down to 1 Chemical in The Brain

Think of it as like leaving a pie to cool off after it’s been taken from the oven. Resting it gives the starches in the filling a chance to set into a gel that will hold everything neatly in place. If you cut into the pie during cooling period, though, the piping hot filling is runny and spills out.”

Our brains are pies.

And the Frankensteins are ecstatic!

Jan 16, 2023 7:03 AM
Reply to  George Mc

‘Our brains are pies”
what a great line for an epic poem.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 15, 2023 12:21 PM

There’s good stuff in there however I couldn’t help noticing that both interviewer and interviewee had the ……. habit of ….. putting in ………….enormous pauses ………….between …………………..words …………………………………………. and ………you’d sometimes-get-a-rapid-burst ……..only to ………grind to ………….a halt ……….a………gain.

Jan 15, 2023 3:57 PM
Reply to  George Mc

That always happens with Zurawell. James Corbett he is not.

John Pretty
John Pretty
Jan 15, 2023 8:50 PM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

Well that’s one thing in his favour.

Jan 15, 2023 4:16 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I agree it’s rather frustrating. But I think that’s because we’ve become so used to phony interviews, where both parties are largely reading a script.

This interview is more how real people would go about discussing events they haven’t been briefed on in advance.

Jan 15, 2023 4:26 PM
Reply to  Howard

It’s the way people talk nowadays. It’s developed over the past 20 years. If you listen to NPR or any public radio interviews it’s quite apparent and exasperatingly irritating.

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Jan 15, 2023 4:54 PM
Reply to  George Mc

That was my experience in two previous abortive attempts to listen to JW. I haven’t bothered listening to this particular interview, for precisely that reason. The effect is soporific until it becomes exasperating.

It’s the opposite of the more common podcasting sin — manic perkiness and incessant dumb jokes and non-stop high-speed motor-mouthing.

I’ll probably be accused of “being nasty” for the hell of it, but It would be good if young journalists realised that these things can be improved with practice (which entails humility). The ability to speak interestingly, like the ability to write well, is not God-given to everyone.

Jan 15, 2023 12:19 PM

The art of listening. Not just hearing.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jan 15, 2023 8:21 PM
Reply to  Johnny

It’s the art of recognising that the punters don’t want to hear you, the interviewer, droning on; they’re here to hear your guest, who is more interesting. So do a quick intro, then a SHORT cue-question, then STFU! and let your guest speak. And when s/he comes to a natural period and pauses helpfully, be ready with another quick cue-Q, and then again: STFU!

Jan 15, 2023 11:43 AM

23 is one of our governing Occultists’ favourite numbers so a quiet year seems unlikely (although things don’t usually take-off until the spring is looming e.g. Ukraine was last week of February and Convid was in March).

23 is so significant to them they made a big Hollywood film called ‘The Number 23’ in 2007. It starred Jim Carrey and the film’s director Joel Schumacher has made other major ‘revelation of the method’ films (like ‘The Lost Boys’ about child trafficking and ‘8mm’ about snuff movies). Among other things, the film points out that Franklin Delano Roosevelt, George Herbert Walker Bush and William Jefferson Clinton are all 23 letters. That’s one for the coincidence theorists. I’ve expressed the view here before that “Shakespeare” was in reality an ‘invisible college’ of Rosicrucian writers and “Shakespeare” was born and died on the 23rd – and wrote ‘Julius Caesar’ and he was stabbed 23 times.The film tries to cover its revelations with a “don’t look at this or you’ll go mad” angle. It’s the same line Netflix took with ‘The Sons of Sam’ about Maury Terry – they present a wealth of evidence that Terry was right about the Son of Sam killings but then try to claim that Terry was “obsessed” and went mad as a result. Stay in Normieville, you normies!

What does 23 signify? The most convincing idea I’ve heard is that it’s a way of saying two threes i.e. 33. 33 is of course the most significant number in Freemasonry. Whatever one thinks about that, it seems undeniable that it has some meaning(s) beyond its apparent one.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 15, 2023 11:51 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Well if you’re into the numerology thing, 23 is the number of the only psalm I know numerically: “The Lord’s My Shepherd”. Shepherd? Sheep? Could be significant.

dom irritant
dom irritant
Jan 15, 2023 2:50 PM
Reply to  Edwige

playing with numbers, numerology etc is interesting as it helps see patterns in things not normally recognisable.
3×23=69 three being the magic number (allegedly)

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Jan 15, 2023 4:10 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Unlike most people, I have been 23. For a full 365 days, I was scared to leave the house for fear I might be a Freemason.

Then I was fine for another nine years, until the real terror began.

PS: 23 + 365 = 388, which is a highly significant Number of Power in a system I have yet to develop.

Jan 15, 2023 4:37 PM
Reply to  Patrick L.

Until someone can explain to me how certain numbers got to be significant, I’m with you on this.

I keep running into the number 34. Must be reality telling me I don’t have what it takes to become a Freemason.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 15, 2023 8:24 PM
Reply to  Patrick L.

I don’t put much faith in it – except insofar as it may be significant to groups under suspicion of dubious behaviour e.g. if a murder took place on the summer solstice it may indicate that the murderer was into this stuff.

It’s possible that the overlords will stage certain happenings on certain numerological dates to fuel this kind of speculation. And there are emotional echoes in a date like 9/11 which is the American emergency code.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jan 15, 2023 5:14 PM
Reply to  Edwige


Also a five. 2+3 = 5.

Also a seven. 2023. 2+0+2+3 = 7.

Jan 15, 2023 5:42 PM
Reply to  Edwige

“23 skidoo”

Muppet pretend occultist and drug botherer Robert Anton Wilson claimed that the “23 phenomenon” started with William S. Buttoughs.
RAW connected it to Sirius and Aliens.

Both seem to me to be CIA assets, and just about as reliable a source as buffoon haired space pixie dancer Terence McKenna

Jan 15, 2023 5:43 PM
Reply to  YourPointBeing

RAW was a big Crowley fan and also friend of Timothy Leary.

Turn on, tune in. FUCK OFF.

Jan 15, 2023 5:44 PM
Reply to  YourPointBeing

“buttoughs” was a typo, presumably generated by the galactic coincidence engine.
William S. burroughs it should be

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jan 15, 2023 5:53 PM
Reply to  YourPointBeing

Given his predilections, Buttoughs is entirely apropos.

May Hem
May Hem
Jan 15, 2023 9:52 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

My birthday this year is 23 2 23. I must also be a free-mason?

Jan 16, 2023 3:55 AM
Reply to  May Hem

Just because you can’t understand the language doesn’t mean you should mock it

May Hem
May Hem
Jan 16, 2023 4:05 AM
Reply to  YourPointBeing

Easy does it, YPB. That was a gentle joke. I have studied numerology and sacred geometry and continue to be amazed and enthralled by these topics.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 15, 2023 11:22 AM

Pending at 11:19 AM.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 15, 2023 11:19 AM

Here’s a clue as to what’s in store for 2023: https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/jan/15/davoss-elite-will-need-to-do-some-soul-searching-in-a-world-falling-apart Never believe anything until it is officially denied: “The popular perception is that the WEF is a secretive and sinister organisation akin to something out of a James Bond novel. In reality, it has no executive power whatsoever and is more of a gigantic global talking shop at which world leaders take the opportunity to rub shoulders with each other and executives do deals behind closed doors. Bond flies over Davos on his way to Blofeld’s mountaintop lair in On Her Majesty’s Secret Service but that’s as close to an Ian Fleming novel as the WEF gets.” The James Bond spiel is part of the distraction: an entertainment-spawned cartoon used to create a straw man vision. Reality doesn’t work as in a Hollywood movie. It will not be a matter of super-agents clinging from towers and shooting at each other. But the inescapable fact is that the true machinations of power are never revealed directly. The various political formations are never the true formations. But they are expressions of the true formations. And the aim of these true formations is always expressed in what the media tell you – though in coded (usually inverted) form. The “gigantic global talking” shop is the cover for decisions already made – and, in their basic character, made a long time ago. The question as to whether the WEF “has no executive power whatsoever” is irrelevant. The media is telling you, via one of the group constructs, what the leaders have planned. The following passage is a little more honest than most: “Instead, the IGWELs – informal gatherings of world economic leaders, attended by prime ministers, presidents, central bank governors, and top executives – are designed to see if there is a way… Read more »

Jan 15, 2023 5:09 PM
Reply to  George Mc

In the interview, both participants noted that the current multi-polar thing is merely an alternative expression of the basic globalization – and that all parties to it are working in concert.

I particularly love this from the Guardian piece you reference: “There is plenty for the global great and good to get their teeth into….”

I dare anyone to read that quote without gritting their teeth.

May Hem
May Hem
Jan 15, 2023 7:32 AM

Meanwhile, behind all the media distractions, what’s happening with Iran, Israel and Russia? Not reported is their growing friendship. Have a look at what they’ve been up to:


Jan 15, 2023 10:22 AM
Reply to  May Hem

Maybe connected to this?…


His wailing about Israel’s civil liberties’ record at home is hilarious given the Fraud never sees a dissenting voice it doesn’t want closed down And has never seen a Five Eyes’ state of emergency it didn’t like. As for the braoder issue of lack of criticism of Israel, who screams “anti-semitism” at every opportunity?

Jan 15, 2023 7:19 AM
jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Jan 15, 2023 6:14 AM

Jesse does a good impersonation of sounding like a computer speaking.

Jan 15, 2023 2:55 AM

I listened to the first few minutes– speculation on the NOTEM airtraffic stoppage (which I DID hear about yesterday), and about Damar’s heart stoppage.

But I really don’t need to listen to anybody else’s speculation. Sorry.

Ann Caddigan
Ann Caddigan
Jan 14, 2023 10:55 PM

Thank you, Jesse and Kit. Very timely interjection of sanity with a much broader scope. You keep me on my toes with no complacency allowed.

Jan 14, 2023 10:50 PM

Very unorganized interview.
Never heard a interview start without the interviewee not having a clue what he was talking about.
Arent theses interview things prep before hand.?
Jesse Zurawell shouldn’t give up his day job.

Jan 15, 2023 1:54 AM
Reply to  Ananda

Or if his day job is interviewing, he should give it up. Every one of his interviews I’ve listened to consists of him rambling (slowly) for about 60% of the time, and then by the time the guest gets a chance to speak they have to go to one of those annoying ad breaks.

Jan 14, 2023 9:45 PM

What’s in store for ’23?
Attempts to get race wars going, more targeting of Christians and conservatives, more white racism, more tax theft and money laundering, and probably an attempt to start a real war (have to get the fighting age males somehow).

But, in the immediate future, we’ll get fakery. Specifically, politicians and influencers will fake being on the people’s side.

There are numerous alleged doctors coming out against the vaccine, which makes it appear that they’re battling the tyranny.

They say things like the vaccinations should be halted “pending “thorough investigations” of the true incidence and severity of adverse effects“.

Most of us know its fake, but let’s point it out anyway:

1. They’re not regular doctors. Just high profile ones that the media allows to speak. The fakery must be kept in controlled settings, like Trump-Trap interviews, where pesky normal doctors won’t go off script.
2. They don’t challenge the existence of the virus. Trypsin treated BALF samples fed through denovo assembly with targeted PCR are not capable of proving provenance, but the controlled-opposition doctors can’t mention that.
3. They make no effort to connect adverse events with the pa-t-ents. The vaccines have no ingredient list, and its an in-silico genome; the pa-t-ents are the ONLY place to look, but they refuse to mention them. That’s more than telling as well. The natural and logical progression of the conversation never happens. It stays frozen in circular garbage that never says the right things.

Its reminiscent of the efforts to get people into a rebellion. They always choose the reasons for the protest, and they’re never the right ones. Just near-beer for the masses. Empty words.

We’re going to see a lot of these fake on-the-people’s-side moves this year, but they will all miss the actual mark.

Jan 14, 2023 10:07 PM
Reply to  wisenox

Yes, never any mention that it is bullshit testing …got to keep one’s position in the tier…..garbage in and out…heavens forbid we actually talked about what might be actually making people I’ll..and that the bankers via blackrock and coy now control food supplies and many other things….controlled demolition continues for the foreseeable future while they role out gates etal to babble…

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jan 15, 2023 12:20 AM
Reply to  wisenox

I don’t think these persons are faking. >

Declaration IV – Restore Scientific Integrity
MAY 11, 2022
Declaration IV – Restore Scientific Integrity – Global Covid Summit

A Joint Statement, representing 17,000 Physicians and Medical Scientists to end the National Emergency, Restore Scientific Integrity,
and Address Crimes Against Humanity.
Excerpted from opening comments:
We, the physicians and medical scientists of the world, united through our loyalty to the Hippocratic Oath, recognize that the disastrous COVID-19 public health policies imposed on doctors and our patients are the culmination of a corrupt medical alliance of pharmaceutical, insurance, and healthcare institutions, along with the financial trusts which control them. They have infiltrated our medical system at every level, and are protected and supported by a parallel alliance of big tech, media, academics and government agencies who profited from this orchestrated catastrophe.”

The ingredient packages of various “vaccines” are being carefully scrutinized by numerous researchers. Don’t paint the entire picture black…

Jan 15, 2023 1:39 PM

I suspect doctors are attempting to save their own asses from public backlash by blaming their increasingly anti-patient attitudes on “a corrupt medical alliance of pharmaceutical, insurance and healthcare institutions….”

The question becomes one of chicken and egg. Did Big Pharma manage to corrupt doctors? or did doctors let Big Pharma know they were ready to be corrupted?

I strongly suspect it’s the latter.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jan 15, 2023 3:50 PM
Reply to  Howard

I’ve been more than skeptical of “doctors” since one basically executed my father with blood thinners and heart regulators. And this took place back in the good old days of the late 70’s early 80’s.

I morphed from skeptical to militant after being told by five different “physicians” that my ongoing Lyme disease was all in my head. I guess they were right, as the uncontrollable spasms, chronic seizures, and unexpected falling, were brain-stem induced. This went on for years… The fuckers…

The “medical” profession consists of group-think charlatans, who all graduated from American Medical Association (AMA) billing practice schools. Need I say more?

Jan 15, 2023 10:03 PM

One of my aunts was the most amazing woman who ever lived. She never met a doctor she didn’t want to be treated by – yet she lived to be 84. A walking miracle!

Jan 15, 2023 10:54 PM

Paul– ongoing lyme? You know about Willie Shoemaker’s “Surviving Mold”? It’s about biotoxins generally and how 24% of the population has the gene that makes it impossible for the innate immune system to pass the toxins off to acquired immunity for elimination. Lyme and its co-pathogens Borrelia, etc are covered in detail.

All the biotoxin disease potentially suffered by the 24% of the population that have this idiosyncratic genome on Chromosome 6 is entirely treatable.

Rather amazingly it’s probably the most numerous untreated disease entity. For most people it just causes chronic fatigue, lack of motivation & brain fog. Eventually it gets worse & is apt to go into Alzheimer’s. People think that “Mold Disease” doesn’t happen unless they SEE some mold.

Worst of all, there’s a self-test on survivingmold.com that can practically diagnose it; it’s a visual test, but cuz no one knows you can have mold disease (or one of the other biotoxins) w/o knowing it . . . .

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jan 16, 2023 12:34 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Hello Penelope: Yes. I’ve read them ALL. Mr Shoemaker hits a number of buttons, but fails to understand the complexity of Lyme disease. There are now a number of co-infections prevailing since Lyme was weaponized in the 70’s. See references to Plum Island…

When a person is being tortured and dying from an unknown disease, they get damn curious about it. Being damn curious is what led me into the equivalent of post graduate studies on bacteriology, virology, and infective disease. My extensive studies have helped quite a lot these that’s last three years…

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt is one of the most knowledgeable specialists in Lyme composite disease. There are others, of course…

Jan 17, 2023 12:36 AM

Thanks for the answer. I know almost nothing about Klinghardt’s protocol; I’ll check it out. Heymann’s videos are interesting, especially lipids, VIP, etc as therapeutics. Certainly he knows about borrelia, babesia, the usual lyme coinfections and how to treat them.

Doesn’t seem to have affected your brain much anyway.

They’ve awfully good testing available now; shocking that they didn’t even know about the whole biotoxin/genomic occurrence until a couple decades ago.

I gather you think at least the lyme component of biotoxins is military; interesting that Klinghardt looks at its interaction w EMF.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jan 15, 2023 5:47 PM
Reply to  Howard

The question becomes one of chicken and egg. Did Big Pharma manage to corrupt doctors? or did doctors let Big Pharma know they were ready to be corrupted?

“It takes two to tango.”

Though I’d suggest that Big Pharma plays the role of the serpent to doctor’s Adam and Eve.

Jan 15, 2023 10:15 AM
Reply to  wisenox

Attempts to get race wars going, more targeting of Christians and conservatives, more white racism,

This is woke alt right.

Jan 15, 2023 4:21 PM
Reply to  Ananda

Obviously, you don’t live in the US, where they temporarily suspended lockdowns to allow wokesters to riot — uh, ‘protest peacefully’ after George Floyd died.

The only thing that saved us from a race war then was the fact that most of the black rioters just wanted a new TV set; once they got that, they went home. It was the ‘Antifa’ muppets who tried to keep this thing going, and because they are overwhelmingly white, it became more and more obvious how fake and staged the whole thing was.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 15, 2023 2:46 PM
Reply to  wisenox

They don’t challenge the existence of the virus.

That’s the single most fundamental move of the con. It’s the foundation for all the fascism, totalitarianism, violence, police-state formation etc. That’s why arguments about e.g. endangering our freedom will get nowhere for as long as it is assumed we are really under threat from this invisible enemy. The virus is the final logical conclusion for the “war” in which we must enlist. That’s why even dread about the fatal side effects of the vaccine doesn’t stop the propaganda. After all, “We’re all going to die from the virus anyway – unless we can find a cure!”

Paul Prichard
Paul Prichard
Jan 14, 2023 8:30 PM

Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-01-11. Pfizer: likely cause for myocarditis. FDA: lung clots up, heart attacks up. NATO bombs Donetsk since 2014? (blog, gab, tweet).