Right or Wrong, I am Sticking with What I Believe
Todd Hayen

What is it with this oddly stoic response from the “sheep side” of this debate? I am hearing more and more sentiments such as: “I don’t care if you are right, I am sticking with my stance.” What is that all about?
Like a captain of a ship, defeated in battle, ship sinking, standing at the bridge, sword drawn, “damn you bastards! I am going down with my ship!” And sure enough he does. Shark food.
Everyone is a sore loser these days.
There used to be a time when defeat was part of life and a person learned from their mistakes or failures. Now everyone gets a prize just for participating. The jabbed want their prize, and damned if they are going to back down until they get it. “I was loyal to the cause all the way to the end!”
Down they will go in their arrogance, ignorance, and stubbornness. Too bad. As cliché as it is to say, we are indeed in this together. The sheep are not the enemy. They may have had weaknesses that make them responsible for this shite show, but they didn’t create it, and they got nothing for being loyal to their puppet masters, that’s for sure.
These poor folks are our brothers and our sisters. We are ready to welcome them back to the human race with open arms, but that is impossible if they continue to swear their allegiance to the enemy.
They have to put their swords down at some point. It doesn’t seem like they are all that willing to do that. At this point in the game we have just been enjoying the halftime show. I think as the deeper winter sets in, the real game will continue.
What is this odd sheep-psychology, though? —“I’m not giving up no matter what.”
I remember as a kid, in post war America (even 20 years after WWII we were still, as kids, mesmerized by it) a favorite male pastime was playing war in the backyard. Sometimes we had plastic military style M1 rifle toys, but most of the time we just used sticks, or even imaginary weapons (certainly the grenades were only “air bombs”).
What seemed to be the most common occurrence was to clearly blow a kid away as he ran with no cover across the open expanse of your backyard, and he would keep running! “You’re dead!! You’re dead!!!” and most assuredly the response was, “No I’m not!!! You missed!!!” That’s what you get for playing with imaginary bullets and grenades—death is subjective.
There is indeed this variety of stubbornness amongst the ill-informed. They chose the wrong team, plain and simple, and it is embarrassing and shameful to admit that. Getting killed in a game of war for a small boy is also shameful, so if there are no real reasons to be dead, why not deny it?—“you missed!” My word is as good as yours.
My gut tells me there is more to this than that. And this is where it gets scary. There seems to be a strange psychological thing taking place here. Yes, it is related to a cult member’s loyalty to their “Christ-like” leader. And I would say it was the same except this isn’t a loyalty to a person, such as the German infatuation with Hitler during the 1930’s. Is it like a loyalty to a concept or an idea? Close, but even that doesn’t really ring true. It feels more like they have been programmed to believe something they can’t even describe or define.
I was very pleased when Mattias Desmet’s book The Psychology of Totalitarianism came out. He attempted to explain just what I am talking about in psychological and social terms. I bought into that for a while, and still do until I can prove my own forming hypothesis.
Desmet explains his “mass formation” in terms of environment, both physical and spiritual, creating a perfect breeding ground for manipulation by a nefarious force such as government or an elite group of people. His explanation does make sense, and I would add Dr. Mark McDonald’s alterations to the theory, and even Dr. Robert Malone’s idea that this mass formation is a form of psychosis.
But there is still something niggling at me regarding all of this. I can’t really put my finger on it.
The people I have encountered that stick with their conventions are not very smart about it. They are not even very passionate about it. They don’t shove evidence in your face, or rant and rave about the virtues of the medical prowess of the vaccines and the ultimate dangers of alternative treatments like Ivermectin.
They typically just spit at you and tell you that you are a science denier or a selfish schmuck. There is very little science or logic or even evidence behind their loyalties. You can’t even get them to explain to you what they believe other than “when booster comes, I take” with a bit of zombie dullness in their eyes. At times it is uncannily creepy.
This is a long shot, I agree. But it seems that I am not the only one who is wondering about this stuff. To my surprise I recently have seen news stories as well as videos about “strange personality changes” due to various elements found in the vaccines.
I belong to a Facebook Group titled “Died Suddenly Worldwide” and there have been several threads, with hundreds of comments, about this very topic. Of course, all of them pointing to the jab as the source for these brain alterations. With all the talk of zombies and the like since this insanity started, who knows.
Now, I do think this idea is food for paranoia. The impression that shrews have lost their marbles is rampant. Consider the CSPO’s suggestion in Ontario (College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario) that the vaccine hesitant be psychologically assessed. (The CSPO has rather energetically taken a few steps back from this, but be aware, the charge is fundamentally correct.) After this assessment the patient could be referred to a psychiatrist, or immediately put on psychotropic drugs by the family physician.
Claiming one side or another in a debate as being insane is a rather common tactic to bring veracity to the accusing side’s position. What I am describing however seems quite different. I am observing personally what I have presented here. And quite frankly it is giving me the willies.
People who lose their rational thinking have been known historically to do rather atrocious things. They do these things without a flinch, and if they are not the “doers” they look the other way while others are “doing.”
There is no point in trying to put a scale on this capability to commit atrocities. Once you lose reason, you lose it all. Denying the dangers of the vaccines, with ample evidence that they certainly are dangerous, suggests a loss of logic reasoning—it is no longer a matter of an individual making a subjective choice.
Once a person loses logic reasoning, there is no telling what they are capable of doing or thinking. Millions of people were shoved into gas chambers during World War II, and most common citizens didn’t blink an eye (don’t tell me they didn’t know something fishy was going on when everyone Jewish suddenly went missing in their neighbourhood.)
And certainly the thousands of military in charge of the exterminations didn’t blink an eye either. Humans are capable of this insanity, and losing the ability to think rationally is the first step toward this behaviour.
Needless to say, as I mention above, the sheep will point the finger and say, “you’re the one!” if ever accused. So, who’s to say what the real skinny is on all of this.
I guess we just wait and see what happens. So far this lack of rationale is not present in every jabbed person I have encountered. But that statistic may not remain in place for long. Get out your CDC handbook on Zombies, read up, and be prepared!
Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here
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‘Millions of people were shoved into gas chambers‘
What is your evidence for that claim, or are you yourself part of a mass formation?
Oh, the irony.
Then why not call it “mass delusion” – or “groupthink delusion”?
Sure, why not? These words, delusion, psychosis, and some others, all have a clinical definition. Maybe this is something that does not have a previously known definition…something unique. Psychology is weird, to say the least, so I don’t have a problem describing what is happening as purely psychological. But it wouldn’t take much to convince me it could be more than that…5G, EMF, fluoride, the vaccines (all of them)…who knows. The biggest stumper for me is, why them and not all of us? People on our side of this argument are so very much alike in what we believe and how we formulate ideas. It is all very strange.
You state:
It depends on who’s saying it and in what context. If it’s a Whitecoat in a pseudo-clinical setting it can mean that the person so labelled is incarcerated, tortured, force medicated, and even murdered – and all without any of the legal recourse we associate with such relics as the Magna Carta. As Laing said with regard to “so-called schizophrenia”, the labelling is a “political event”.
According the NHS the two main symptoms of so-called “psychosis” are hallucinations and delusions – though it doesn’t state whether both need to be present. This would, of course, include all the people William James identifies in his discussion of “medical materialism”.
A further point is that rather than “delusion” being measured against objective reality, it is defined normatively with reference to “others” – and it is assessed by Whitecoats. Consequently, we are rapidly heading to the point where vaccine hesitancy is judged as a harmful delusion and becomes grounds for committal; or for the seizure of dependent children.
Symptoms of psychosis
The 2 main symptoms of psychosis are:
hallucinations – where a person hears, sees and, in some cases, feels, smells or tastes things that do not exist outside their mind but can feel very real to the person affected by them; a common hallucination is hearing voices
delusions – where a person has strong beliefs that are not shared by others; a common delusion is someone believing there’s a conspiracy to harm them
The Varieties of Religious Experience: A Study in Human Nature
by William James (1902)
We are surely all familiar in a general way with this method of discrediting states of mind for which we have an antipathy. We all use it to some degree in criticising persons whose states of mind we regard as overstrained. But when other people criticise our own more exalted soul-flights by calling them “nothing but” expressions of our organic disposition, we feel outraged and hurt, for we know that, whatever be our organism’s peculiarities, our mental states have their substantive value as revelations of the living truth; and we wish that all this medical materialism could be made to hold its tongue.
Medical materialism seems indeed a good appellation for the too simple-minded system of thought which we are considering. Medical materialism finishes up Saint Paul by calling his vision on the road to Damascus a discharging lesion of the occipital cortex, he being an epileptic. It snuffs out Saint Teresa as an hysteric, Saint Francis of Assisi as an hereditary degenerate. George Fox’s discontent with the shams of his age, and his pining for spiritual veracity, it treats as a symptom of a disordered colon. Carlyle’s organ-tones of misery it accounts for by a gastro-duodenal catarrh. All such mental over-tensions, it says, are, when you come to the bottom of the matter, mere affairs of diathesis (auto-intoxications most probably), due to the perverted action of various glands which physiology will yet discover.
And medical materialism then thinks that the spiritual authority of all such personages is successfully undermined.
Determining “Sane”:
Can the patient keep it together enough to hold a job to become “Tax-cattle”.
They need some people to pay taxes, some people to do the shitty jobs on minimum wage, and some people to fulfil the role of “patient” so that the Whitecoats are kept employed.
I would like to read your Facebook group’s posts, but unfortunately you have made it ‘private’
–I will NEVER join Facebook for any reason!!!
I gave your article 3 stars because of that.
Just saying.
Good luck.
I don’t have a FB group, do you mean “Died Suddenly Worldwide”…?? Good for you for not joining FB! I have an account now for professional reasons…HA!
You can join my substack group…amazing discussions there too…plus all my articles…
My mom worked in the public school system for decades. She isn’t a bad person. I would put her beliefs down to having a high degree of belief in the malleability of the young especially and society as a whole. That it is their place to properly socialize the masses for the greater good. They need to be trained to be good. Individuality, personal responsibility, individual initiative and action are highly suspect and generally should be frowned on. Liberals tend to believe to an almost certainty that they are the good people who know what’s best for society. If you challenge what is thought of as a norm they label you a Neanderthal not worth listening too. If their long standing norms are not true that brings their whole world view into question. The idea that they are being manipulated seems to not cross their minds. They never question their norms and how those came about. A vaccine that isn’t even a vaccine being a recent obvious example
I have found this to be true as well. It is totally incomprehensible for these people (liberals) to believe it is even possible for their leaders to deceive them…let along be evil, and heartless. The “system” is trusted…the community system, the federal government system, the medical system…and by “system” I mean the machinations of authority, standard of care in medicine, the FDA, CDC and even the global systems such as the WHO and UN…an unelected body of people who make sweeping global decisions “for the good of the world.” Again, it is inconceivable for them to think that there is even a possibility that any of these people could be corrupt, focused on their own personal interests, or even be incompetent or stupid—which everyone is now and then, but not liberals apparently (they might be tolerant of a mistake here and there if things are “moving too fast”…such as Fauci saying one minute masks are pointless, and the next saying they are required to quell the disease…a mistake? The science of “small things fitting through large holes” did not change within those minutes.
There is “thinking fast, thinking slow.” [See the Book by that title.]
Fast thinking: Most people don’t have the time to study JAMA and CDC articles to make an informed analysis of the benefits and risks of vaccines (“slow thinking” style). Most people trust the sources they are used to trusting, and use heuristics (“fast thinking” or “gut” decision making). This is true as much for the anti-jabbers as the pro-jabbers. There is the cognitive bias called “confirmation bias” that reassures us that the decision we made (e.g. to get vaccinated) is the right decision. Arguing with someone about their particular “heuristic” is arguing with their “gut”. You think they are being “stubborn” and “clinging” to a concept or idea without facts, obviously because you think you are right. Guess what: we always think we’re right. As Jonathan Haight pointed out in his book “The Righteous Mind” we are all “righteous” in our own way because our rational minds are slaves to our emotions. The mind is like a rider on an elephant (the elephant being emotional substratum of the mind). The rider thinks he’s rationally leading the elephant toward his goal, but it’s the other way around. This goes back to Hume, and it is confirmed by the cognitive psychologists. There are maybe a hundred identified cognitive biases that trick the “heuristically based” fast-thinking mind.
The problem is this: “Slow thinking”, i.e. in-depth gathering of evidence and analysis, is no solution either. I have studied the Covid issue in depth and decided to get jabbed. My son and sister did likewise and insist getting the jab is dangerous and stupid. We both come to the argument armed with tons of facts to support our positions. We point to tons of websites with in-depth analyses supporting our decisions. And after hours of discussion, no one’s mind is changed. And we conclude the other person is irrationally “stubborn.”
I happen to think that anyone who bucks the FDA, CDC, and big-pharma’s double-blind tests are anti-science fools. Am I right? I have no idea. Again, Haight would say all of my presumed smart analysis is done with pre-existing filters or biases. Most of these operate in ways that are hidden to my conscious mind. Our analysis gives us the “answer” we want. I think I’m smarter than you, but this may well be my own ego stroking and fooling me.
By the way, Kant, , Fichte, Schopenhauer and the idealists all surmised the flaws of our rational minds back in the 18th-19th centuries. Kant said we could never understand the ultimate truth about anything–“the thing in itself”. Schopenhauer agreed, with one exception: we can at least understand the truth underlying our own will and the motivations behind the will because the rational mind can at least understand itself. In this, he was wrong. The cognitive psychologists would now say we have only a partial understanding of ourselves at best. Of course, the Buddhists understood this two and a half millenia ago. They thought deep meditation was the route to honest self examination and self-revelation. Perhaps the Catholics thought the same thing about Confession. Do these spiritual practices point to the solution? Maybe. Not sure.
What is the solution to finding truth? I would start with humility. In that spirit, expand the sources you habitually rely on to include some you disagree with and keep an open mind. And then reflect with supreme self-candor: what are my REAL motivations for thinking the way I do? Then, talk to people, especially people you disagree with, in way that allows for mutual transformation.
Try as you might, you probably can’t convince anyone that you are right and they are wrong. That’s the flaw in confutation. The flaw in dialectical thinking is maybe there is no synthesis. So stop trying. There is a growing sense, e.g. in pragmatic philosophy, that only dialogue in diverse community of open inquiring minds will lead to better approximations to the truth. Rorty has a lot to say about that!
Well, I never tried to convince anyone, my father just said: “Everybody is doing it.” anyway, but I did state my reasons, the major one being that I got Covid already in January 2020 and dpn’t believe in prevention after the fact, and the seccond most important one being that I don’t run to the same people who caused a problem for help, even if it endangers my life, because ir’s the only way how common people can dissuade militaries from biological warfare, i.e. non-co-operation, spreading the virus around, letting their immune system do, whatever it does, the adaption of the MAD doctrine for biological weapons, though I did consider seasonal aspects and advised greater caution during the cold season.
More generally, these biases, as you call them, work. My father’s argument was: “The German government needs Germans. It won’t kill us all, perhaps some of us, but not all of us, so if everybody is getting it, I am save.” Whether he understood the thing in itself or not is irrelevant. My arguments were: “Would be the first vaccine that improves on natural immunity, but would not be the first time, pharma tries to make a buck.” and “The thing isn’t nearly deadly enough to mandate vaccination, plus the vaccines are probably not that hot – besides, I don’t want anything from a company called BIOeNgeneeringTECHnology.”
What do you think the Swedish guy based his decision on?
You can of course buy into the idea, that since nobody knows all the facts except the CIA (or the Catholic Church, if everybody confesses, that is) that consequently only the CIA (or the Catholic Church) is in a position to make the right decisions. Or you can say: “Well, we may be stupid, but if we’re allowed to all try our favourite stupidity, then soon enough the truth will become apparent enough for everybody to recognize it and gather behind it.”
It’s a systemic decision. Of course, if you choose the former, then you create a massive incentive for the CIA (or the Catholic Church) to lie to you. Also, if <ou do that, you are denying the value of an individual’s guidance through instinct or… the holy ghost. There is something in the Bible about blaspheming against the holy ghost…
There really is no reason to assume there is a bioweapon and every reason to think that this is part of the fear narrative that made so many people so lemming-like.
Age-standardised all-cause mortality has shown 2020 was nothing but an average year this millennia, and this is even including excess mortality that wasn’t ‘Covid-related’, including raised deaths at home due to curtailed healthcare/people avoiding hospital, and elder neglect. The tests themselves, which were the only means of ‘diagnosing’ anyone with ‘Covid’, were not fit for purpose since they didn’t distinguish between live or dead cell tissue and weren’t even searching for anything specific to one coronavirus. The tests weren’t accurate when used widely in the population so they created masses of erroneous ‘positives’. Goats and fruit were testing positive. ‘Asymptomatic cases’ were just all the well people not sick with anything lol
I increasingly feel as if fear is the true disease here. A2
Of course it’s about fear. However, if Boston University comes out and says they mixed the original strain with omicron and managed to get to an 80% fatality rate, I’ll accept it as a fact and deduce that this version is the older one. I might be wrong, but if they really have that version, what are the chances that they got to that kind of fatality from arbitrary virusses as opposed to the opposite hypothesis that they created a bioweapon, watered it down to a level that wouldn’t do much damage, but provide a pretext for vaccination that would then also protect against the deadlier version, which would allow them (every paranoid schizophrenic has a they or them) to kill all people, who were not blindly following orders, which, btw. is a major reason Himmler gave for removing the Jews from civil society in his Posen speech to the SS leaders in 1943, only that the omicron variant did the same trick, which would point to some kind of differences amongst them about which group of people to best kill.
Of course this is pure speculation. I just think that, if I’m being fed these “narratives”, I might just as well tell you, what I think follows from them.
You really are a very silly chappie. How do you engineer / re engineer something in the real world that you never once found in actualite even once? Do tell.
In hindsight, vaccinating whole populations based on rapidly-conducted trials by Big Pharma was a decision with huge “black swan” risk. So, our leaders may have had benign intentions but deciding to vaccinate everyone could have had disastrous consequences. We were/are guinea pigs in a vast experiment, and only time will tell if the right decisions were made, particularly about vaccine mandates.
One well-known bias is “Optimism Bias” i.e. giving way too much credence to the upside rather than the downside. Another is “Action Bias”,. the tendency to believe that acting is a better course than doing nothing. Yet another makes us way too confident in our ability to make good decisions. When you are experimenting with a whole population, a good decision will give adequate weight to adverse consequences, and the risks of acting vs. the risks of not acting. I’m not sure our leaders did that, or will do any better in the next pandemic. The arts of good decision making and risk assessment are not well practiced at the top.
Thank you for a very provocative essay, and for a very thoughtful commentariat!
You didn’t get “covid” FFS
Ad verecundiam is a fallacy. Belief in the CDC or other collection of greedy bureacrats isn’t science.
If you actually READ the pfizer study you would know the jab group had more death, and that transmissibility was never even tested.
At this point however it is encumbent on you to avail yourself of the abundant data. Things like actuarial data from germany showing a 400% increase mortality rate among the vaccinated. Or study what spike protein damage does, or how the mrna vaccines damage your overall immune system, while doing nothing at all to stop covid, which is hardly a threat and there are cures for anyway.
Or you can get more jabs and help humanity by increasing the average IQ, as you will no longer be contributing to that metric much sooner than you intended.
Tell yourself stories about why you can’t think straight, cuz Johnathan Haight.. (and he doesn’t say those tendencies CANNOT be overcome as he has himself done) but the truth is you are responsible for what you think, and what you think is determined by the information you seek or, in your case, hide from.
Karl wrote:
Karl, have you never heard of Regulatory Capture? Why not? I have no idea.
It is not a small point. Are you the last to hear about it?
Kindly point out your extensive research into the evidence that supports your belief that the alleged virus termed sarscov2 actually exists in the real world rather than just as a fabricated construct inside the memory of a computer. Looking forward to this missing piece of the jigsaw with baited breath.
The problem is this: “Slow thinking”, i.e. in-depth gathering of evidence and analysis, is no solution either. I have studied the Covid issue in depth and decided to get jabbed. My son and sister did likewise and insist getting the jab is dangerous and stupid. We both come to the argument armed with tons of facts to support our positions. We point to tons of websites with in-depth analyses supporting our decisions. And after hours of discussion, no one’s mind is changed. And we conclude the other person is irrationally “stubborn.”
You forgot the third choice: Unable to think to find the truth!
Because, you as an adult, cannot think AT ALL, you chose the “MILK Toast” application!
Ultimately, you have to have a “bull shit detector” that would cause you at the very least , to seek any information that isn’t pimped by the MSM/Medical/Political/Military Industry.
The obvious admitted lack of self-informed reasoning unfortunately puts you into the “self-annihilated” class of people: those that for whatever financial/social copium reasons would rather be a false message to children that they deserve their lives to be compromised, truncated at a soon to be realized fatal outcome! A true collaborator of death.
I have come to the point that any clown that starts to rationalize their behaviour I have to callout them out, because it just enables the criminal authorities to continue their human killing exercise. They really appreciate you taking one for the Jews!
The “Truth” is actually a global attempt at mass genocide by the same critters that cause Wars, economic hijinx and unjustified mass immigration.
There is a growing sense, e.g. in pragmatic philosophy, that only dialogue in diverse community of open inquiring minds will lead to better approximations to the truth. Rorty has a lot to say about that!
GO and fuck yourself! 3 years of censored poorly disguised Fraudulent “The Science”, should be re-classified as the “Neo-Religious Self-Annihilation” of the gullible and the weak.
This attempt at looking reasonable makes may have taken root back in May 2020; now makes you a highly suspect individual.
GO and fuck yourself!
Thans Admin, for allowing my incendiary comment.
Shall we try for 20 million?
This video clip has 19.3 million views.
Recent message from a friend of over 30yrs: ‘Good news only, please’.
Well, she’s not stupid and can’t be ignorant of all the issues, unless she’s deliberately refusing to address the information I’ve been sharing with her and others for over 2.5yrs, so presumably she just can’t bear to think about it and would rather not know ‘the bad news’.
It’ll be a while before she hears from me again. Another broken friendship, sadly.`
Honestly, if people would just do the minimal amount of personal research every day, they could’ve “read the room” quickly and predicted what was coming, like this woman. She warned everyone on September 21, 2019 what was around the corner. The most important contribution to society you can make is to share what you’ve learned. Those without families or businesses to run have more time. They are the Paul Revere’s of the world and we should revere them.
Holocaust denial is to be outlawed in Canada, in a further effort to stamp out rising antisemitism.
The federal government is set to make it a criminal offence to make a statement denying the Holocaust took place or condoning or downplaying the killing of Jews by the Nazi regime, except in a private conversation.
Canada will join a string of European countries, including Germany, Greece, France, Belgium and the Czech Republic, which have already prohibited Holocaust denial.” “There is no place for antisemitism and Holocaust denial in Canada,” said Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino regarding the move.
But the Conservative MP said having the government push through the law was a “win for everybody.”
The budget set aside more than $70 million for initiatives benefiting Canada’s Jewish community.
This includes $20 million for the relocation and expansion of the Montreal Holocaust Museum and $2.5 million to support the Sarah and Chaim Neuberger Holocaust Education Centre in Toronto.
This is absolutely disgusting. How can anyone search for the truth if they are denied the search itself? Or denied the information the search reveals? I am so sick of this blatant restriction of free speech.
Anybody? Anybody?
I somehow doubt that the jab is affecting people’s thinking. There are a lot of people who only had the jab due to pressure, they didn’t want it – do we have evidence of their thinking being affected?
It’s the sunk-cost fallacy and cognitive dissonance combined big time.
I know someone who’s right behind the BS and whose 30 year-old epileptic son got the jab after which he was hospitalised with seizures. He had to go on a different medication at much higher dose which seemed to result in a severe personality change that in turn made the relationship between them very, very difficult. Would the mother ever admit to regretting being right behind him getting the jab rather than trying to encourage him not to have it? I very, very much doubt it.
Btw., on this whole holocaust thing… Hitler planned to kill the Jews for several decades. He knew that his approach made him a bit of an outlier, so he went about it cautiously, had some deal with Israel negotiated first, where Jews could emigrate, but couldn’t take their money with them, but only German goods that were exported to Israel, well, in the gross total, that is, so that his discriminatory policies were not immediately associated with genocide, and then, a little before WWII he said that if world Judaism would manage again to pull the peoples of the world into war, it would pay for it, which on one level is of course just some appalling hostage taking stuff, but he knew of course that it gave him cover with power minded people to put the Jews in an actual hostage situation and then of course, when things went sour, he could kill them and nobody would concern himself with the issue.
What is your point? That he didn’t have to care? Because, basically everybody agreed with him or trusted or loved him so much that they would just support whatever he proposed?
There are limits to that. War is the best way to shut your critics up. Has been and still is.
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: Tsunami of Regret
January 13, 2023
Back on Twitter:
“don’t tell me they didn’t know something fishy was going on when everyone Jewish suddenly went missing in their neighbourhood”
If they lived in the countryside, they really didn’t know. If they lived in the cities, they knew, but had more pressing problems. Civil disobedience in 1942 was not really feasable.
Good point about country folks…
“There is very little science or logic or even evidence behind their loyalties. You can’t even get them to explain to you what they believe other than “when booster comes, I take” with a bit of zombie dullness in their eyes.”
Well, if it’s that, then we are talking about acceptance of authority and supposed civil duties plain and simple. They might consider that not all information is being made public, perhaps for military reasons, and assume it’s better not to upset the applecart and think you are an egotist. Germans, btw., were also less infatuated with Hitler than believing that he was the man for the job. Perhaps biological war is required? Our betters know best. Better to co-operate. Well, that’s me being a jerk.
Germany and the German people were whacked when Hitler came on the scene. I doubt if they knew up from down during the ’20s.
Well, the country was in chaos and there was no clear understanding of how one could get out of it, but still the country, the people, came to the vague consensus that authoritarianism was the best bet, and then Hitler profitted from the fact that the old aristocracy couldn’t take the reins, because the communists would have made an issue out of it, and so Hitler became the indispensable man in the middle between the street and the elites. I mean, he could really do what he wanted. Stalin just told the people what the party had decided, well, after the war he could also do what he wanted. Mostly stupid stuff, like different “weekends” for different people, which only caused problems, because always somebody was missing. And of course his love for French architecture led to some nice Soviet buildings during the 50s.
Hitler delivered though, ended the world economic crisis and exited the treaty of Versailles. Only after that did he go more overtly against the Jews. You know, he had only 6 years before the war. All this stuff, Nuremberg rallies and so on, imagine Hare Krishna would have done the same things. Waving flags, filling football stadiums. Wouldn’t really change you, would it? O.k., and now imagine there was a Hare Krishna party and they would win the election and be in power. Still wouldn’t change you, but you’d be on your toes – and so would the Hare Krishna party, because it understood that you haven’t changed.
Anyway, what makes a tyranny a tyranny are people, who’d rather see the social rules violated than followed, a people who get tired of their own inability to govern themselves.
Very good points. Certainly it is true that Hitler “seized an opportunity” and the opportunity was the Versailles treaty throwing the country in desperate chaos.
But we can say the same about mass psychology, that it too looks for opportunity to go into psychopathology. It then becomes a matter of horse before the cart.
And yes, Hitler did absolutely deliver…but it is like bringing in a snake to kill the rats. Once the rats are gone, effectively by the snake’s actions, what do you do about the snake?
Maybe they wouldn’t of been gassed, if they was wearing masks.
It protected people from covid.
“wouldn’t OF” – you lost all credibility right there
Where’s your full stop?
It would seem sharks only eat Australians. Its somehow befitting that this nation of zombies also gets eaten by sharks.
In reality sharks could care less about eating people. Sure there are crazy sharks and sure these occasionally will chomp on an equally crazed Australian.
It appears now that Dolphins attack only British sailing boats. Or was it Orcas? Anyway I think you get the gist.
As for the sheeple, well they did create it. They took the path of least resistance and that means they followed orders. I think just following orders is another cliché ?
Many idiots follow orders. It helps if they follow the right orders for once. Or better yet if they actually had the capacity of lateral thought, no wait , how about any ability to conjure thought. Well that would have made a difference.
I suppose the point is that the kid that didn’t want to die somehow grew up to be a sheeple? Perhaps its the other way round. The kid that didn’t want to die was perhaps a survivor ? Or at least they perceived themselves as such. Nothing wrong with wanting to cheat a dumb rule never mind imaginary bullets. Hell we played with real ones. Now that was a trip when you knew your life was on the line every time you stepped onto the game field.
Perhaps thats the root of this issue. Too many have never experience, never witnessed, never thought and researched an event, never mind a science.
An educated consumer is our best customer. Is this also a lie to make you feel intelligent if you buy into their product offering. What exactly are you offering? What are you selling?
There are survivors, there are intelligent people that see no need to shove anything in anyone’s face, and there are the good and then there are evil. There are the followers that do as they are told by people that ave no place telling them anything.
If we can at least start there – with education that is truly accurate and unbiased, well then we might just have a chance to combat anything that is thrown at us.
That day ain’t coming for a long time. The current state of affairs along with articles like this one should tell us that.
As a massive fan of The Kodak Box Brownie…It used 120 film – a lot bigger than 35 mm…I asked my Mum if I could play with it….Many years later I wanted to photograph our Children in the highest possible definition…
Well it was a Chinese copy of a Rolleiflex – Still Got it…
Nowadays I’m just enjoying watching/reading about all the coincidences that is CULLING sheep after sheep…
In reality the sheep are doing it willingly so the drama is just for show!
How unkind you are.
We’ve long past the time of kindness! Try to catch-up…
Dogma is King!
Pot/kettle Todd you too cling to your beliefs right or wrong despite the dozens of comments in your last article encouraging you to investigate Desmet and Malone. They are the very definition of controlled opposition. They are the other side of the Beast dialectic
Todd usually comments. When his articles are posted.
He hasn’t.??
He did: he down thumbed a few times
Hmmm…I don’t think so…can you tell who “votes” on comments?? I really have not been here until now…
Great detective work Todd (I didn’t actually know but just a guess as you are quite active in the comments of your articles). So. Why do you keep leaning on and propping up Desmet (and Malone)? How does Desmet reconcile those that resisted? Those that just went along out of cowardice? The massive macroeconomic military industrial complex OPERATION that coronacircus was? There was no grounding belief behind any of it and certainly not one that the engineers/central planners of this scam are absolved of because they were also victims of some psychological affliction as well? Pure bullshit!
Malone sued the Breggin’s in the name of Desmets ‘theory’. Breggin has been fighting totalitarianism for 40+ years as a rogue psychiatrist.
Also before your next article please see Meredith Miller, also a therapist:
I don’t have a problem if it is verified that Malone and Desmet are “controlled opposition”…well, I will be sad, but if that is the truth, then that is the truth. I didn’t realize I have been leaning and propping up Malone. I have always thought he was weird to be the “inventor” of genetic poison, and to be so outspoken about the vaccine’s dangers after taking it himself …this means he either IS controlled opposition or just very stupid. I like some of what he says, and other than some recent stuff I am not sure if I have been aware of his “nefarious” activities.
I have always liked Breggin, and I have listened to quite a bit of what he says about Desmet and I just can’t agree with much of his “psychological assessment” of Desmet’s theories. I am a psychologist myself, and I DO see validity in what Desmet says (see my “Meaningless Life” essay, also my book review HERE). I don’t agree with everything…I don’t agree with everything ANYONE says. I just do not believe Desmet is evil, and hangs out with Schwab in dark conference rooms in Switzerland drinking baby’s blood. BUT…who knows!! Maybe he IS evil! (BTW, a tangent, somewhere in these comments I comment that Desmet does NOT call his theory “mass formation PSYCHOSIS”…he leaves the “psychosis” word out (I have NOT reread his book to verify this…if anyone has found it IN his book, let me know), Malone apparently is the one that added “psychosis” to “mass formation”…I myself, however, in my review, say “mass formation psychosis”…I actually, personally and clinically, have no problem putting that word in the definition…it doesn’t mean much more than saying there is a departure with reality…it is so difficult these days differentiating between “reality” and “fantasy” I am not sure if it makes much of a statement to say someone is “psychotic”).
However, all that being said,I am not threatened with a change of mind. Whether Desmet says it or not, I do see some of his ideas as being valid…hell, I think many things Lenin said was food for thought…even a few ideas of Hitler’s (hopefully I won’t be killed for that remark). Brilliant minds often say interesting, and valid, things….but the mind saying it could be stark raving mad…or could be evil opposition…or whatever…
Sorry…been visiting family in the states for “Christmas” since the real Christmas got cancelled due to “Covid” and the “weather”…just got back home…
Thanks for the reply.
Well my friend, you are wrong. If I get compelling evidence regarding any situation, I have been known to change my mind. I am flexible to a fault. There is very little I would stick with about anything if I had reason to change my position, but even my “position” is not rigid. I seldom throw the baby out with the bathwater…
The people (sheep) I write about in this article will not change their position for any reason at all. I am not one of those people. There ARE a FEW things I would be rigid with…definitely…the love for my family, my wife (who even is a sheep) the existence of a universal mind some call God…the foundational truth of love…a few things like that I definitely would stick to…but anything a human says, even things I have said myself, I may WANT to remain “true” but if they prove to be false, I will not go down with the ship sticking to them.
Someone once asked me how do we (shrews) know that we are right, and that the sheep are wrong…I said “because what we believe is true, what they believe is not”…I know that is a very arrogant statement, and said rather tongue in cheek (although I definitely believe it)…I think over time this will be proven. Of course not EVERYTHING we think and believe is true…just the fundamental things. This is one reason why I am not as stringent with comments various people make about folks like Malone, or Desmet. I do believe much of what they say basically fits with what we have identified as the truth…the details could easily be dicey…and if there is a “plan” to undermine the cause with these detailed untruths, I think we can absorb them and thus render them ineffective. But if they prove to be malicious evil doers, I have no problem chucking them.
I don’t understand this “shrew” nonsense. Are all the twitterized brains afraid not to label every apparent side in an imaginary conflict? Can’t we just be people? Obviously, the sheeple gained their insulting moniker due to their compatibility with the label, as is the exact truth of it. Sheeple is genius and I applaud the person who came up with it. That doesn’t mean we need a label for normality, however outnumbered it currently is.
Learn to pronounce
Sexist too. Stick it up your mudchute.
I am sorry now I commented on one of your other posts. Forgive me, I will not make that mistake again. Be well.
You have every right to be insulted.
female = shrew is so 17th century.
Still not answering the question of why you are leaning on these discredited sources that are likely continuing their work with alphabet agencies….
“ Is Dr. Malone merely protecting himself and his new career transition from the man who “invented mRNA vaccines”4 — one of the worst disasters in human history — to the man who is leading the health freedom fight on a worldwide level? Or is Malone’s mass psychosis concept being further developed and used by others, such as the Department of Defense or the intelligence community? Malone has boasted about this Deep State background.’
“I have historically worked with people who have been truly Deep State intelligence community. I have decades of experience in biodefense. I have been deep in the belly of the beast. I have won literally billions of dollars for my clients in grants and contracts. I have managed hundreds of millions of dollars in grants and contracts in the vaccine space.”
Robert Malone
I hear you, and I will not argue with you…but can you show me what Malone has done to negatively impact our cause? How has he specifically been damaging? If he can sway one sheep from vaccinating their children then, to me, he has done some good. I am not doubting what you are saying, but I truly am curious to know what he is doing that is undermining our position?
As I have mentioned. I have been accused of being controlled opposition myself. What have I done to undermine this movement? I am not saying these people like Malone and Desmet are NOT controlled opposition (whatever that actually is) but I am saying if they are, so what? Does it mean they go to secret meetings and report to a government handler? Or does it just mean they have different ideas about all this than you and I do? Maybe they don’t see vaccines as totally wicked…or something like that…when they start doing real harm then maybe it will be important to ostracize them.
I would also like to know how I am “leaning” on these sources? I do think I have promoted Desmet’s ideas about mass formation. And I am sure I have cited Malone occasionally as doing something “good”…but where have I been “leaning” on them? It is difficult writing about any of this stuff without stepping on someone’s toes…
With all due respect
He is there like many others to maintain the totally unproven assertion that the allleged virus termed sarscov2 is a real world entity when it only exists inside a computer and nowhere else. Further, he is there to ensure the entire virus nonsense story is maintained despite the obvious lethality of this particular jab.
I think you need to read this article when mentioning Desmet
Excellent article which I have forwarded to friends who once lived in fear, but seem to be emerging slowly from the shadow.
Good article…although I am afraid I disagree with most he says about Desmet. First of all, he claims Desmet is describing sheep “mass psychotic”…if my recollection is correct, he makes effort to NOT use the word “psychosis” (although I personally would).
Maybe my tendency to agree with Desmet has to do with being a psychologist. People don’t have to be “insane” to be affected this way. And Palmer seems to think that Desmet’s “theory” doesn’t hold water because “people have always met the criteria he describes” (my quote, not Palmer’s). We just have not had a trigger like Covid to bring all this behaviour out into the open.
I agree with Palmer’s comments on “why some people and not everyone?” That question I ponder all of the time…
As for controlled opposition…I actually think the whole process of calling people “controlled opposition” is itself controlled opposition. I have been accused of being controlled opposition…right here on Off-Guardian…and I know for a fact I am not.
I am not a fan of the phrase or the accusation. I do know it is possible to have “controlled opposition” but…
(I haven’t the time to read through all 221 comments to date, so apologies if I repeat another’s sentiments). Firstly, we also used to play a game at primary school called “Best Man Falls” in which you nominated which weapon would kill you (arrows, guns, grenade etc.) and then you ran down the hill and got spectacularly killed leaping and rolling in agony. It was great fun.
Secondly (and this just dawned on me) that those in my ken and kin who questioned the entire Covid nonsense were the most deeply religious/spiritual. I think the Catholic elements had grown rather weary of a woke Vatican and a Pope who told his staff that it was their moral duty to get vaxx’d. We learned in primary school that the Pope was infallible – but only in matters of doctrine. This Power of Infallibility was only assumed in 1870 and was contentious even then. Although some may treat the pronouncements of WHO as holy writ, it still isn’t doctrine.
New forensic tracing of coronacircus scam origins in predatory legal maneuvers and loopholes. As many have suggested here there is actually a “covid” INC, run out of DoD! This connected many dots for me. This lawyer believes they cannot be prosecuted for deaths/injuries but that they can be for malfeasance in manufacturing process of the injections. NUTS
A common delusion is the belief that Left Wing / Right Wing is a meaningful way to describe the theatre of politics. There’s just power and influence, or lack of it. That’s all.
Indeed, a distressingly common delusion.
What you say is so true.
I got in trouble in school during some nonsense class or other when the “teacher” was talking about politics. I had zoned out watching the girls play hockey out the window, and I came back to face a question. Everyone laughed when I failed in spectacular fashion, but the “teacher” asked me to expand on it. I did. I got in a lot of trouble for asking why they were talking about wings with no bird because it’s clearly irrational, then and now. The more meaningless concepts they can connect to it, the easier it is for the masses to swallow.
Back then I stayed in a crowd because it seemed safer and easier, despite the fact I knew it was all based on bullshit and lies. They think there is safety in the majority, because they have not yet forgotten being animals. As an individual now, I realize that those groups are the most dangerous, and even being alone with a best guess at reality is far safer and more successful.
“Millions of people were shoved into gas chambers during World War II”
Right or Wrong, I am Sticking with What I Believe..
Excellent, my thoughts exactly when I read that. Any one, including the author of this piece, should question and look into everything…
I made life easy decades ago, I don’t believe anything
I may soon be joining you…I think I am close…
Direct personal experience in the here and now is the only scource of true knowledge.
Beliefs are “the facts” you learn along the way from your family, social circle, school and the media this is second hand knowledge and as such subject to doubts.
You got 21 thumbs up on this comment. Are most OG readers “holocaust deniers”?
A monkey or a bot can click that little button, and probably does. Please stop polluting reason with fake democracy. Don’t assume meanings from those clicks because they have no meaning of course. Don’t call people deniers because that is another label you have been given and trained to use… and happily accepted. Call them don’tsayers, or just buttonclickers because that is the only known truth. The jury is still out on you.
First off, I didn’t call anyone a “denier” of anything. I just asked if most people on OG were believers that the holocaust didn’t happen.
Second, what do you mean by “The jury is still out you”….seems like a strange thing to say after your comment admonishing me for possibly judging people.
Thank you for the heads up on “thumbs up or down”…I wasn’t aware of that possibility.
Everybody gets something from every game. But they should have read the book first!
I’m only vaguely familiar with Transactional Analysis, having read a few books several years ago, but it probably accounts for a substantial share of the explanation for what’s happened over the last three years.
The typical authoritarian person goes into Child (the ego state) when faced with somebody they consider to be higher up the pecking order; but will often go into Parent when challenged by a “lower” person. The bombardment of fear from those they consider to be authorities (e.g. Whitecoats) put these people into a fixed state of Child. This is effectively a hypnosis and can only be unlocked by the same authorities – and then only slowly. When faced with objectors, they go into a pseudo-parent; i.e. the Child robotically repeating an exaggerated version of the Parent. In this state all they can do is echo the authorities.
The non-authoritarian people will have seen the lies and fear mongering for what it was – and therefore will have been largely unaffected.
The following is a carer wondering how she and others went along with the killing.
Jan 15, 2023
Murder in UK Care Homes
Carer comes to the realisation that covid was a scam and she was witnessing patients being murdered by doctors and nurses injecting lethal doses of the end of life drug #midazolam with Hancock at the helm
Btw, in advertising our popular musical sound continues to be a retro amalgam suggestive commercialised central investing measure as in corporations such as Virgin, if anyone is interested in the dimensional Sound wave continum.
From EricBerne.com
Parent – The parent represents a massive collection of recordings in the brain of external events experienced or perceived in approximately the first five years of life. Since the majority of the external events experienced by a child are actions of the parent, the ego state was appropriately called Parent. Note that events perceived by the child from individuals that are NOT parents (but who are often in parent-like roles) are also recorded in the Parent. When Transactional Analysts refer to the Parent ego state (as opposed to a biological or stepparent), it is capitalized. The same goes for the other two states (Adult and Child).
Examples of recordings in the Parent include:
“Never talk to strangers”“Always chew with your mouth closed”“Look both ways before you cross the street
It is worth noting that, while recording these events, the young child has no way to filter the data; the events are recorded without question and without analysis. One can consider that these events are imposed on the child.
There are other data experienced by the child that are not recorded in the Parent. This is recorded in the Adult, which will be described shortly.
[Emphasis added]
The whole scamdemic exercise followed a well-established “Big Brother” strategy. The fear was intentionally created as a “flood the zone” psychological operation. That fear and repetition causes a large proportion of people to regress into a child-like state. In the Child state they are locked on to the single parent-like source and lose all capacity to filter. After a period of reprogramming they have a newly created, highly rigid Parent. Other than total implosion, this rigid Parent is the only available move out of Child.
Short hair on women is an awful thing. The banksters impose these cultural innovations through cinema and the music industry.
Does Desmet name the ideology?
He is correct that it is an ideological struggle. The totalitarian ideology is Public Health, but I doubt it’s named by Desmet. The Public Health ideology is still supported by the majority of people; most are so conditioned as to be blind to its existence; and it’s opposed to Liberty. In 2021 there were multiple reasons why these people took the jab – for the “Greater Good”; they were compliant to temporal authority; they followed the herd; or they wanted to travel etc. And they had no problem with the objectors being compelled and punished.
Extracts from:
Not only are leaders led into totalitarianism by crowds seeking greater social control, writes Desmet, but those leaders enact their totalitarianism “blindly”, under a hypnotic trance. “Totalitarian leaders are themselves caught in a form of hypnosis,” he explains. “The leaders are not only hypnotized by their ideology but also by the masses” (p. 110). Totalitarian tactics, therefore, “should be understood in terms of mass psychology rather than malicious, intentional deception” (p. 115).
Nowhere in The Psychology of Totalitarianism, however, is an instigator to be found. Utterly divorced from the psychology of atrocity, the Mass Formation thesis holds that “the real masters of the predicament are not the leaders of totalitarian systems, but the stories and their underlying ideology; these ideologies take possession of everyone and belong to no one; everyone plays a part, nobody knows the full script” (pp. 119-20).
Desmet concedes that “there most certainly is all kinds of manipulation” in today’s world, exacerbated by the “phenomenal” power of the media, yet this is “primarily not a steering by individuals; the most fundamental steering is impersonal in nature … driven by an ideology — a way of thinking” (p. 131). And again: “The ultimate master is the ideology, not the elite” (p. 134). Thus, no one is to blame. There are no hidden agendas or class forces, no bad actors pulling the strings from off stage.
System-justifying strategies include refusal to engage with evidence, blanket endorsement and/or defense of the status quo, discrediting the source of the information, e.g. as “conspiracy theorists”, blaming victims, and adopting system-justifying ideologies, such as an ideology in which mass harm is caused by “everyone and no-one” (Desmet, 2022, p. 120).
“Experimentation on humans is the prototypical activity of totalitarianism,” Desmet writes with respect to Nazi concentration camps (p. 112). He does not mention Josef Mengele’s eugenics experiments on concentration camp inmates, however. Rather, the “labor camps” were “pilot projects for an ideal society, where an elite learns how to subject a population to its ideology” and were “not profitable at all, barely even self-sufficient” (p. 112). Slave labour and mass murder, thus, recede from view as concentration camps acquire an unexpected utopian aspect.
Desmet’s chapter on “conspiracy and ideology” is profoundly confused. . . .
… leaders and a country’s elite frequently intensify already existing hostility. They work to maintain differences between groups in power and status. They use propaganda to enhance devaluation of and fear of the other. They propagate a destructive ideology and thereby offer ‘higher ideals’ in behalf of action against the other. They create organizations that are potential instruments of violence (p. 308).
Significantly, Desmet reads history backwards to make the technocratic totalitarianism currently seeking to install itself seem inevitable. The latter is rooted in what Desmet calls “the mechanistic ideology,” which he traces back to Enlightenment positivism and the glorification of Reason as the means to a utopian future (pp. 46, 175). All societies, he argues, are at risk of succumbing to that ideology, for “There is an ever-present, totalitarian undercurrent that consists of a fanatical attempt to steer and control life in far-reaching ways on the basis of technical, scientific knowledge” (p. 176). The “mechanistic ideology” — and not a vampiric transnational ruling class apparently waging undeclared covert war against the people — is the enemy for Desmet. Blaming the ideology is the rhetorical move that divorces the responsibility of bad actors from their bad intent.
This is the fundamental article on remote control
Habitual facemask wearers are not good lovers.
They cant be hugged or caressed for they fear contagion.
You cant hold hands with them for they fear your germs.
They wont French kiss because it’s “so Germy” and “Yuk !”
And they prefer sex at a distance , to avoid contamination.
(It’s been suggested they use a prothesis)…
No. They’re not good lovers at all !
Nonsense, Americans are Separatist., Privately, Historical Revisionists. Consistently bombarded over their own Sexuallity by Media Dramatist Programming & Commercialism.
Twenty year olds are wonderful people restricted by their old vogue fashion ideals based on a behavioural 21 “old” militaristic catalog, with a Warhal Soup Can on its cover. Fucking Rubbish.
hello, CIA troll farm.
Hello Fruity,,is it your birthday. Turn around I shove a MI6 candle up your CIA arse.
Pissheads such as that prick abbreviated whatever can’t even be bothered to finger tap out via its Pudding basin noggin..
Fuck em.
DotCunt is out it can take a running leap off Saltburn Cliff chased by us original Newie Brown bottle washers.
Bloody Idiotic Cronie incorporated Lunatic, Hey Pal if your out there check in to an Asylum there’re waiting for thee!
When you’re at the “glory hole,” you aren’t looking for a kiss.
So much for intimacy.
i upvoted you because i really like x-ray spex their only album was called genetic engineering in late 70’s……….very prescient and one of the few punk bands to have a saxaphone and polystyrene is/was beautiful and conscious, check out generation indigo by polystyrene who died of cancer shortly before release,……..cleans her teeth ten times a day scrub away scrub away……..
They had some great songs, and Poly Styrene very unique singer.
“Genetic engineering could create the perfect race,
Could create an unknown life-force that could us exterminate…”
Artificial – X Ray Specs – one of the best guitar intro riffs of all time. There was more energy in the 70s despite the foundations being layed for the current shit show.
Prescient lyrics again too. “In a computer society”
Please don’t get jabbed again…and most certainly Do not get Boosted – the third one is the Killer….It destroys your immune system.
My sister was right at the top of the best.
Very Senior Nurse – left home at 16 to train as a Nurse..
She did the practice first – learn the basic skils – about what involves being a nurse.
My sister had a relatively mild inherited muscular problem. Both parents had to have the same genetic defect for it to be passed on to any children. Million to one against…
My brother had it too – but not my other brother and sister…
So she tells me, she is taking this drug Procainamide..Its great almost completely eliminated theinitial muscular stiffness when you can’t immediately stand up and run upstairs, until you have tensed your muscles -takes about 10 seconds to gain full power…
By then I was 19 – did a year at University Pure Maths and Physics on nowt
So went to The Reference Section of Manchester Central Library and read everything I could about the various versions of Myatonia Congenita (some types don’t get worse as you get old) and Procainamide
I never asked for the tin. I read the Research
Procainamide : not to be used on a long term basis, or it will destroy your immune system..
My sister kept telling me she was fine, and she did look fine…
I didn’t take it
She was brilliant with my wife, and our young kids..
Until she gets to 50. Procainamide had done what it said on the tin. It totally destroyed her immune system
My sister never smoked – well maybe one or two when she was a kid.
She got an extremely rare form of lung cancer, and refused to take any morphine for it, as she slowly died as if she was an AIDS patient. I suggested to her daughter – it might help.
My Sister Killed by Prescribed Drugs about 30 years ago.
I didn’t take them, and I am still here and hopefully will make 70 this year.
They did put me on an antibiotic drip 2 years ago, and then told me to go home.
They could see, my wife was going to nurse me back to health.
Thank God, I didn’t have a cold…or I wouldn’t be here now.
None of any of our family’s Children nor Grandchildren nor great Grandchildren have inherited the extremely rare muscular disease. Both parents need to have the same genetic defect – which is one in a million, unless you marry your sister. Surely we all know that.
Don’t get jabbed – and the chances are you will be O.K..Live a long and healthy life, and have beautiful healthy kids and grandkids
Nurse Yes, but unless its very serious
No Doctor (Now the main cause of death – up from Number 3)
[Like a captain of a ship, defeated in battle, ship sinking, standing at the bridge, sword drawn, “Damn you bastards! I am going down with my ship!”]
Except that’s not quite right either.
It’s even more appalling than that, more like, “Damn you bastards! The ship ISN’T sinking!”
He paints gloom and desperation. He offers no solutions. Then he calls you a shrew. I think the ship is very well armed, and moving in the correct direction and if it stays its course with bravery and integrity it can succeed.
They are stuck in an abusive relationship with authority. This chart should help them:

Most just can’t admit they were taken, had, bamboozled:

They were so close to doing the “final solution” of the unvaxxed question:

And we all know how cults end:

I am not in this film. Didn’t even make The Manchester equivalent, (Upper FreeTrade Hall) but wanted to. I mean wtf is the now dead Jeff Beck famous for – almost no one has ever heard of him. He still looked better than Mick Jagger when he dropped dead. Jabbed? I wouldn’t have thought he was that daft.
Local Lad
“Blow Up – 1966 – Yardbirds – Jimmy Page & Jeff Beck”
Stolen from, (and not improved upon):
Good film, DH has stolen my Thatch fur Snatch the rich Git. Look at it. Bastard!
Like the film.
never heard of him rubbish he is probably as good as hendrix in his own way and has played with more people than most, mahavishnu orchestra and steve hillage on his green album which is excellent are two examples
Is any of that in English? You sound like a drunk 3am on the seafront in Redcar.
Wtf are you talking about records for ya dumb cunt lol!
Redcar? That’s very close to guisbro.
“Redka” 😉
Blow by Blow remains one of my favorite albums. Cause We’ve Ended as Lovers and Diamond Dust are masterpieces. Sad to hear.
Famous for forming the Yardbirds, the hit single Hi Ho Silver Lining, being one of the best guitarists ever and latterly playing with Johnny Depp.
I haven’t noticed that sort of change in any vaccee that I know. We are just noticing more things because we’ve become more aware by being isolated from the herd. One thing that still puzzles me is the left progressive defence of the jabs. Is it a stubborn unwillingness to face reality and cling to an utopian illusion just manifesting itself more obviously? Woah, I’m not attacking from the right, just looking from a point of view that’s not cut in half, I need all of me in balance to face the new subnormal.
If the left admit that their “authorities” lied to them then their ENTIRE facade of big government forcing others to agree with them dies. They just can’t do it. They are too deep in the cult now. Even death is preferable to admitting they were wrong.
certainly, I would prefer that the fascist COVID-1984 “left” just die, rather than admit they were wrong.
I want them to admit they were wrong, then enforced by Law to sign up for taking care of the co-victims of vaccine injury, or other community service.
I want the Medical Industry, to an individual to be found accountable and responsible, and live the rest of their lives with a security ankle bracelet under house arrest.
It shows how effective the divide and rule strategy is. An instinctive weapon of the psychopath. It’s just struck me that the gob rag (mask) is a, possibly instinctive, unconscious, revenge for them having to wear a false face in public.
There is no such thing as “the left”. There are no sides competing to work for your betterment in government. Yes, they pretend to be in conflict on every issue ( which should make someone wonder ) but the entire system is fake. They all have secret meetings behind your back to plan your future without your input, and they all serve the same evil so it matters not which of the two gets voted in. There are only ever two relevant sides, in every country, because it’s not democracy, it’s demonocracy.
Debasecracy maybe?
I’m familiar with this relativizing dodge of right and wrong when it comes to most any position, so its advocate may stay stuck in absolutized subjectivity no matter how right or wrong. ‘Well, that’s my opinion’ – absent any evidence, argument, informed judgment or critical literacy. However, I don’t hear much if anything at all about covid and related lies in public.
People may have simply moved on to the next current thing, the next campaign of lies, in the stream of collective consciousness which propaganda carries us all, if only by default, as long as it convinces enough to go along with the mind-numbing flow. But mainly there doesn’t appear to be much if any public left where one may join with others in discussing, debating and deciding what democracy looks like, apart from controlled oppositions of Politics, Inc.
There can be clubs and cliques galore to satisfy most any consumer self-interest in a thoroughly commercialized society. Just no political space for people to participate in matters that affect our lives far more than cultural pastimes and idle pleasures largely the product of the market uber alles.
I can read, or ‘hear’ (electronically), things online in different corners or chambers of cyberspace. But this only seems to reinforce the impression of how disastrously depoliticized ‘our’ society has become. Public space has in effect been banished to faceless associations among anonymous others in private cells.
Perhaps this virtually universal alienation is why one may find so much venom and vitriol among the damned. It does indicate, nonetheless, some of the necessary psycho-social conditions like privatized, atomized dissociation and disorientation (aka idiocy) which make for mass formation of totalitarian (anti)society, cult (un)consciousness, psychosis…however dissected and diagnosed.
Maybe like so much else these days it’s just a coincidence that the new abnormal began upon the maturation of digital natives, the first generation to be completely raised in the matrix. But so many, it seems, at whatever age and stage of population control we’re at have been long domesticated by its machinery, its techniques of winning a war before it is fought by invading and colonizing our being, our basic autonomy or freedom to be. To the point where the psychopathy of power is now poised to win the final war for humanity by redefining all life as synthetic extensions of those who would be gods.
Collective madness is not new to our species. We’ve been living amid it for at least as long as imperial civilization, society rooted in rule over others (patriarchy perhaps first of all), has been around. The progress of modernity largely consists in perfection of sciences of social engineering for mass rule by elites who have progressively annexed the planet for themselves. Rise of the technocracy and technate from technique is the essential administrative rule for the masses to be mutated into the meta-machine.
Reclaiming public, political space to shape our own lives and history is essential for us to fight this ultimate madness. This amounts to a social revolution.
And, some members of the “health freedom truth movement” are sticking with “viruses,” “contagion,” “lab-leaked bio weapon.” Never mind facts.
One great thing about abandoning the religion of Virology is that you immediately become far less likely to “catch a cold” (sic). Beliefs can make you sick. The Nocebo Effect is very real.
So, folks: Stop believing that you are imperilled by Tiny Invisible Omnispresent Airborne Killer-Dots and you will immediately breathe more deeply and freely. You will encounter the world more courageously, more rationally, and more sociably. You will laugh more. You will no longer be frightened of “catching” (sic) any “infectious disease” (sic) from anyone else. You will no longer see your fellow-humans as biohazards
You will become like Florence Nightingale — or like your mother and grandmother, who cared for you fearlessly (and safely) when you were bedridden and feverish as a child.
Todd Hayen should write a book (probably has). “Like a captain of a ship” It was my son’s sailing boat actually. We bunged his kids in the cabin, and I screamed at him – No do not do that..he was trying to get his brand new dinghy back. The storm was suddenly rather fierce – and I couldn’t sail his ship. Everyone survived. In fact I want to do it again.
What’s going on is a World Wide Massive Mind F’ck and its doing my head in too. About the only thing that keeps me relatively sane is my wife who doesn’t believe or want to know about any of this sh1t. She is a lovely person with a pure mind, as if she is still an 8 year old child full of fun, games and laughs – totally brilliant with our grandchildren. We haven’t been jabbed…
Then I read this instead of going down the pub, cos when I do, I always get a bad cold from hugging our jabbed friends. I am convinced that shedding is real from my own experience. Mike Yeadon says, yeh but it ain’t going to kill you, the dose will be so low, bit of a cold a few days and you will be fine..which is true…
And then I read this, and I know absoutely nothing about Gettr nor Wayne Cunnington – who doesn’t half go on with every jab story every day…It is not nice, but he claims to be vaccine damaged himself – suffering brain fog?? he seems quite bright for 50, even if he has been jabbed
If shedding is real, then I am a goner. I just visited my sister who is a 5 time jabbed believer…lots of hugging…I get home and feel my nose and throat clogging up with what seems like a cold…today I am fine (after a hit of IVM)…but I wonder…hmmm
This will be controversial again: The less intelligent, the more stubborn in the face of the truth. Have you ever had dealings with a Downs Syndrome child? The most stubborn children of all.
Yes, that is fairly controversial. I knew a Down’s syndrome child who lived next door when I was growing up. She never troubled anyone. She liked rattling toy cars. She knew my name and the name of my sister. I think she was probably average in intelligence, but some Down’s Syndrome people are very intelligent. Just like everyone else.
And are very loving
Questions to those who so sniffily disparage “the sheep” (sic):
# Have you ever openly cast doubt on the Official Yarn of 9/11, vocally or in print? If so, when, exactly? In what year? How long did it take you to open your mouth? How persistent have you been in expressing your true opinion?
# Have you ever openly cast doubt on the claim that a man can become a woman merely by asserting that he is one? If not, why not? Please state our exact reasons.
# Have you ever risked losing your job — or even your social media accounts — for either of those opinions, or for any opinion whatsoever?
I think we should be told.
I think we should be told, honestly, because then we might actually start getting somewhere,
Valid questions. Here’s my answers:
# Have you ever openly cast doubt on the Official Yarn of 9/11, vocally or in print? If so, when, exactly? In what year? How long did it take you to open your mouth? How persistent have you been in expressing your true opinion?
Yes. After the Gulf War 2 weapons of mass distraction. That was my “WTF, this is BS” moment. About 10 days after I verified that I’d been had. I was pissed off with myself but went through the verification of material. Every freaking chance I get.
# Have you ever openly cast doubt on the claim that a man can become a woman merely by asserting that he is one? If not, why not? Please state our exact reasons.
From day one that they started allowing men (XY) to compete with women (XX). Whatever they want to believe is their choice but they have no business demanding anyone else go along with it.
# Have you ever risked losing your job — or even your social media accounts — for either of those opinions, or for any opinion whatsoever?
I’ve been through the wringer but interestingly it wasn’t over any of the 9/11 or anti-BS stuff. It really went stratospheric with covid. For some reason that one bothers people. Probably because they took the shots and I refused. Once the authorities got them to take an experimental injection it was an easy sale for “You’ve done your part. Why care about those selfish people putting us at risk? They don’t deserve medical care or jobs”.
I don’t think of people as stupid because it has little if anything to do with intelligence and everything to do with the ability to question authority and say “NO” to it.
It is more of a personality trait than intelligence. Ivor Cummins did a survey and the INT-J personality is 2% of the population and over 20% of the refusniks. We INT-J’s question authority obsessively. INF-J were a close second. Together those 2 of 16 personality types make up almost half the refusniks (40%). INF-P and INT-P round out the top 4. Combined those 4 (11% of the general population) make up over half of the refusniks.
Very basic survey and not a study but it would explain a lot.
Once you tell people: “Look, you fell for it. Get over it. It doesn’t mean you are stupid.” they start to listen.
I offer an olive branch and tell them “When you get worried about what you’ve done to yourself check out the “I-Recover: Post Vaccine Treatment” protocol at flccc.net
my own limited empirical data shows a definite correlation between “intelligence” & the ability to speak truth to power ~
Namely, the bigger the qualifications & authority an individual possesses, the less likely they are to challenge the established narrative,
whether that be “The Science”, Saddam’s WMDs, 9/11, JFK, and so on..
The human brain can work much faster than conscious thought – call it instinct.
The really smart people know without even realising it, that they cannot question any of those examples above
– for once they accept that they have been sold huge lies by government & pet media (or is it the other way about?)
– and this possibly means that the people running these establishments are psychopaths
– then it follows that nothing official can be taken at face value
– and naturally these smartest of people, with doctorates & professorships & high management positions, have the most to lose if their precious boat gets rocked.
This they are acutely aware of, if only at a subconscious level.
Unfortunately these folks also tend to be the people who are best placed to make change.
For the typical mask zombie though, I cannot offer anything but this:

Love the pic btw.
Many people say that about me but I got a big head so there’s pleeeenty more room.
Yes, I do agree…intelligence has nothing to do with it, and it IS about trust in authority…linked with the shame that a person experiences when that trusted authority it is proven to have conned them. That’s just how con men work…and why they don’t often get caught…no one conned wants to report they got taken to the police.
To admit wrong, opens one up to responsibility and liability. I have found that generally people can’t admit being wrong in the smallest of stuff.
Tangentially, my wife, seems to have a hardwired aversion to answering a direct question (I don’t mean accusatory), no matter what it is about. I always get another question or some kind of subject change. Always.
I have heard others say the same of their wives, so maybe it is a woman thing.
It has nothing to do with gender. Therefore it’s NOT “a woman thing.” Think in broader terms, much broader …
Because it IS a thing of so-called advanced people but they just can’t “see” it (ie they don’t want to see it) and the reasons are entirely selfish … welcome to the 2 married pink elephants in the room humans !
I admit being wrong, especially when I am. I also say sorry, even when I am not. It’s the quickest way to diffuse any potential conflict. Instead of wanting to kill you, he buys you a drink, and we forget about whatever the dispute was (usually a girl)
Your wife is OK with that?
Well quite obviously. She is still here with me since 1981 when we met. We both flirt, but have always been totally faithful. We are still in love and laugh. I do not grovel. Its just that it takes me around 10 seconds to tense my muscles, to get ready….by which time my mate can see I am so angry, I am seriously going to hit him…He chucks a stool in the way, and I fall over on the floor, before I get a chance..I was a lot quicker when I was 5. The Bullys always get the message. Of course I stand up for The Girls without any fear.
Not actually hit anyone since the age of 14 – and he was my best mate.
LOL! I realized that your statement was about the past…No?
Actually, my wife and I do flirt and end up making friends as flirting often evolves to common interests (not sex).
Don’t encourage him.
I don’t want to know.
I find that rather coercive and arrogant. Nobody needs to confess to being “wrong”.
You’re entitled to your opinion. And you’re entitled to change your opinion of you want to.
No confession or grovelling for forgiveness is necessary.
if not of
You just confessed to being wrong.
When they have advocated the use of force, fraud, deceit, duress, containment and coercion to get people into a medical experiment that is a literal war crime.
There is no amnesty for war criminals or those who advocate for them. The funny thing is the unvaxxed are the least of their worries now. If even 1% of the people who go injected go violent on those who lied to them they are in a world of trouble.
Honestly I don’t care. They get what they deserve one way or another and we unvaxxed just kick back with a game of “dead pool” and see if we can tell who are the cheats (saline injections) and true believers (real shots).
# War Criminals Who Got High On Their Own Supply

Liam’s ancestor, Noel Coward, would never have spoken in such a vulgar way.
Many take pleasure in forcing little children to wear masks. Very few are so dumb that they actually fell for it. Many like hurting others with impunity, especially the most vulnerable. Most of them went along to get along. Some pretend now to be stupid in order to remain in the herd which is why they can’t deal with the fact they were tricked. Some enjoy the Martyrdom that they can signal by accepting the sadism while knowing full well it will probably kill them.
A large proportion are evil psychopaths, control-freaks or narcissists or those with a combination of these and other serious mental disorders. Most are business people who are profiting financially from it, most knowingly by now, a very few stupid ones still oblivious. As it is, anyone working for a company that enforces any of the cruelty is thus profiting by it. Everyone paid by a company is accepting responsibility for the sadistic deeds of that company. People can’t hide behind any of that bullshit. The universe doesn’t do forgiveness.
Those of us who gave up or lost something important in order to try to protect others, and never accepted the evil when we were confronted by it, are the survivors. We unselfishly realized that our personal predilections were unimportant. Maybe we are learning that being good isn’t that easy after all. You have to work at it, and going along usually is taking part in evil that you fully understand but pretend to be unaware of, hoping to live out your narrow and lame life in peace when the horror you know that is coming can only affect others, including your own children.
This is not enough any more. If you care about the poisoned kids, you must state it clearly and stridently regardless of the perceived harm to yourself. By taking the weakling path, you will simply be making yourself complicit and accepting of the punishment that is coming. Continue to shout at the deafest ears and the blindest of minds while there is still enough data uncensored and still available to you. Prove you are part of the winning side now before there are no facts unscrubbed that corroborate what you say, and no one left able to listen, never mind understand.
There is no “winning side” – not in the context you present, not in any context. When so many can’t or won’t see the errors in their thinking which led them to believe exactly what they were told, they begin a social process which eventually affects everyone – even those who did not fall for the propaganda.
They have poisoned the well (society), if only inadvertently. Everyone will have to partake of some measure of that poison if they remain within that society.
I’m on the winning side. Don’t whine at me because you already helped the evil doers.
Every time nature reclaims a patch of land we have destroyed, that is forgiveness of sorts.
People have their place too. Only the grown-ups.
Partytime next week in Davos – so here’s the trusted media running cover for them in usual “fact-checking” mode:
So 5000 is the maximum number that could be deployed but not necessarily the number that will be? Oh, and it’s nothing new.
Well, that ripped that story to shreds….
There’s another story about that…They all want unjabbed pilots.
What? The Japanese Kamikase ones?
Davos says it all. Unless they are there for the skiing but I doubt they can cope with the thin air. What if their 5 thousand troops had been ‘vax’ injured and had been given live munitions? The chef might put something in the broth or perhaps there is a white out and they get eaten by a cravas? Nature doesn’t mess about when the storm hits. Everybody knows what happened to the Titanic for example. Unsinkable it was said but it went down nevertheless.There is secret services. M15. KGB. The mafia. Space aliens might swoop down in such a secluded location.
The perps attending Davos own and control the media, so will control the ‘message’ … as they do with everything else.
“If you would know who controls you see who you may not criticise.”
― Tacitus
With the number of anti Gates, Bankers and WEF comments every day in these pages, it isn’t them you are forbidden to criticize. In fact they are your 2 minutes of hate provided for you by the deep state, lest you turn on the real criminals.
Wow,! My head is blown man. Whooo. Sheeesh. Damn … I’ll have to go process that.
For Sterling it’s not so hard to pick out the main line news beat investers. Their lives are dependent on a Nineteen Century Identified economic System only based on Wealth Identification.
So enlighten us, o Bodhisattva. Who are the real criminals?
I think we should be told.
Well, they don’t censor comments about the CIA either, so there!
You can’t criticise the banksters.
Most people don’t know who the real criminals are, but they know about Gates, bankers and the WEF.
The real criminals don’t advertise themselves, after all.
You don’t think Gates, the World bankers. and the WEF are real criminals? Get real man. There are many real criminals, to exclude them is as idiotic as it comes. We, if you’re really one of us, have alot of enemies and trying to pinpoint the very top is not only useless but plays right into the hands of propagandists like WillianHill.
Where do you and your upvoters think I said that?
Of course they are real criminals, but they have superiors, and that alone was under discussion when I commented. I do not exclude those people at all. Far from it.
Nor do I claim to be able to pinpoint the ‘very top’, as per: “The real criminals don’t advertise themselves, after all.” As you say yourself, that’s a useless pursuit.
And I don’t subscribe to propagandists like WillianHill either.
So that’s three gross suppositions about me which you have made – one for each of the three of you.
Get real yourself, man. Learn to comprehend the words you see in front of you.
My apologies then. I read your comment as agreeing with the troll.
You are charged with controlling the discussions on here. that is clear. You seem very afraid of alternative positions to your own.
Do you call everyone who you disagree with a propagandist ?
Albert Anderson; in defense of ignorance and not asking the right questions. Who is the propagandist…… you?
If you don’t think Gates, WEF, WHO, Bankers of Rome, Bilderbergers, G20, NATO, et al ( I said, et all m fcker) are the enemies in this fucking war some of us are waging for freedom, then you’re nothing but a propaganda outlet for the aforementioned entities. In fact, you are the enemy, a democratic party leftist globalist socialist who wants AOC and Greta Thunberg to rule the world with Klaus Schwab. Your nonsensical arguments with zero backup other than your increasingly downrated troll rants are idiotic at this point. Come back to me with debate, not insults you fucking coward.
In my experience the response “right or wrong, I’m sticking with what I believe” is about as good an outcome in most arguments as one can hope for. At least the person understands that they have no logical argument. It’s lame but it’s something.
It’s a fallacy of Debate Club-thinking that interpersonal arguments about big political topics are resolved decisively. When you’re talking about Covid and dissenting from the tidal wave of propaganda that we were all subjected to– some of which successfully pushed around the brain of the Covidian one is arguing with, as it was intended to do– you are one lone voice, one weirdo who stands out, and, let’s face it, people are much more effectively persuaded by a consensus, a chorus of voices.
We call them “sheeple” accurately enough.
But unfortunately that’s our problem, our burden more than it’s theirs. The sheep are our friends and neighbors. There are so many more of them. Even if they wind up being skeptical about the entire Covid narrative they’re just going to fall for some other B.S. before you know it. (Like Ukraine. Or the dangers of gas stoves, or whatever.)
Who wants to argue about everything with everyone all the time? It sounds like a recipe for misery.
Nowadays I’m trying to choose my battles. I seem to be unable to persuade anyone of much of anything, even on a largely sympathetic forum such as the comments on this website. The Covid years were a glimpse into the darkest side of human psychology for me (as I suspect it was for most people reading this) and what I saw was terrifying. I thought I was cynical before, but in retrospect I was not. And when I tried to tell others about it, I only realized the limits of my powers of persuasion.
Honestly, I’d be happy to get a “right or wrong, I’m sticking with what I believe” from the many people I’ve disagreed with over the past few years.
I have to say, again, that I completely disagree with the idea of mass formation or anything of the kind. Nobody has lost anything, because there was nothing there to lose.
And that is what is so shocking about the last 3 years, the realisation that the majority of the planet are in fact fuckwits. Nothing but animated skin and bone.
Read The Politics Of Obedience. You will see, the fuckwittery has always been there.
It’s photoshop I can even notice on my phone. The gen.Sign on the right is against government cuts.
Of course it’s fake. But it’s still funny.
They’ve perliferated the net for years eagle beak ..well duh!
You got more exposure didn’t you?
Well! you people are useless.
Go check on your dry cleaning.
It’s also relevant.
The relentless systematic destruction of the English language is ensuring that fewer and fewer people are able to grasp such word-play.
This is of course part of the current agenda, since, as others have noticed, analogies, metaphors, puns and any kind of humour tend to terrify the robotic ‘authorities’ of today.
Get back to me when a self-aware robot tells a really funny joke.
Until then, a robot – whether the metal and plastic kind, or the pink, humanoid kind – is just a clever piece of junk.
I won’t hold my breath . . .
Appreciate the sentiment, but isn’t it ‘Duct Tape?’
Duck, if your from the midlands. Elocution lessons prehaps.?
That is funny!
I cannot beleve that other commenters did not fully see the humour!
No Cuts! No Ducks!
They Clearly didn’t get it. Glad you did. 😀
Vegans take note!
I read “The Ideology of Totalitarianism” twice.
The first time I vacillated between solid agreement and full skepticism.
But upon second reading, that although many observations appeared self-evident at first much of the writing was “repugnant-lite”, that there maybe a rationalized outcome.
There is a strong group psychology that wants all to fit in, and that constitutes much of the mass formation narrative. Hence the blind, self-annihilating obedience.
Even many of the ‘Covid skeptics’ simply can’t think clearly. I say to someone that the injections are not creating “Covid” as it doesn’t exist, that immune systems are being vaporized by the injections and this is why the vaxxed are getting sick, they get a phony PCR ‘positive’ result and are thusly labeled as a ‘Covid’ patient and here is the response:
I’m working in the hospital today, there are 12 Covid patients all jabbed, 2 on vents and 8 flu/ RSV patients and 4 on vents. They are all jabbed at least 3 times and older individuals. They are immunocompromised from these jabs. It’s real. Was it all done for money and control? I’m just telling you what’s happening in my small world today.
Mind you this is someone who is a ‘skeptic.’
The immune system is made up so they can sell “vaccines”. The idea is that there are “antibodies” that can be tinkered with to generate “immunity”. The body has a lymphatic system rather than a immune system and ‘antibodies’ do not provide “immunity” but are globulines sealing up damage caused by toxic “adjuvants”. Dr Morse says that the moment a doctor says autoimmune disease you know they don’t have a clue what they are talking about: https://youtu.be/SVq9mCNHgQg
The body has a lymphatic system rather than a immune system and ‘antibodies’ do not provide “immunity” but are globulines sealing up damage caused by toxic “adjuvants”.
Agree. But for normies, I tell them that the human species has for 300,000 years been able to defeat any and every contagion when mitigationist behaviours were developed. Also, that since the “immune system” has never failed why would we believe in in the Medical Industry’s propaganda that only ‘they” can save us?
I’am afraid they still have ranks of ambitious reactionaries, it’s a common thread from the beginning and this bandwagon has broke away from reality.
It boggles the mind that hardly anyone seems capable of grasping this point.
Just the three of us it seems.
They are convinced that they have the “magic narrative” of turning people against the jabs by telling them that the jabs won’t protect them from “Covid” or indeed make them more like to catch it. They don’ wanna give up what they’re convinced is their best weapon.
Exactly. Many also say, Covid doesn’t exist – it’s the flu ! (which doesn’t exist).
The respiratory symptoms the double and tripple jabbed are now showing are a detox attempt by the body plus varying degrees of “vaccine”-induced ADE.
Someone (can’t remember who) a couple months ago had made a delicious comment that some folks detox all the way to the grave.
So if everything is a detox, and some die in the process – I have to say the human body is a piece of crap!
You’d think we’d be used to it after all these hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, though, wouldn’t you?
In any case I don’t know why people find death so outrageous and unjust. It has always been there. Like the Sun. So here are just a few random thoughts about that:
When it gets down to it, death is just another one of the things our human bodies are designed for.
If we were made of gas, or warmth, or light, we would not experience death, which means that death, unpleasant though the prospect of it might be, would seem to be a deliberately integral part of what is incorporated into our physical lives.
So why complain?
If we could remember our birth, we probably wouldn’t like that experience very much either, but that’s just the way things have always been for us.
We’re here to deal with that – to accomplish something despite our having to say goodbye to all of it in due course.
That knowledge obviously affects the way we behave and think too. It puts our emotions in a certain perspective.
Just imagine if we were all immortal . . .
The arrogance in our species – which is already off the scale – would be exponentially worse, so, in fact, death actually has a purpose in that it keeps some things in check which most certainly need to be kept in check.
It is also eminently fair – not one soul in the whole world escapes it.
As I said, it’s one of the things we are for.
So, when the time comes, we just have to do it.
We miss the already-departed as much as we will miss the future-departed, but experiencing that loss, and learning from it, is also part of what we are all about.
Nevertheless, where I sympathize with most people is in the fact that the thought of death can have a dampening effect on their enthusiasm for living and their general creativity. But that, to me, seems to be precisely the challenge that is the spice of a life well lived.
‘Covid’ was a politicised word from the beginning…That is, it eluded being clearly defined same as all words used as political weapons elude any precise meanings…
Early in the jabbing campaign the word ‘covid’ was being stretched to cover & include the toxic effects of The Jab…Little pushback happened precisely because of ‘covid’s’ meaning was loosely tied down…People unthinkingly began to refer to the negative effects of The Jab as ‘covid’. (The Jab was causing ‘covid’)…Thus are now unwittingly helping to perpetuate the belief hat the fictional disease “Covid” actually exists…
Random thoughts. . .
People’s motivations differ, so say that some of them most definitely are the enemy. There has been no shortage of people who have enjoyed and luxuriated in the power vested unto them via the lockdown, mask and distancing mandates etc. Some people — bullies, sadists, psychos — get off on wielding power over others. They have been loving the “new normal”.
For many people, their egos and identities are so tied up in their choice that they simply can’t consider being wrong; everything they believe about the world and their own lives would simply cease to exist. Their worldview and sense of who they are as a person would simply shatter. They believe in relativism, the idea of “my truth” rather than “the truth”. The think they’re super heroes fighting a battle against some monstrous evil. In this view, the “virus” is almost personified, and those who question it are seen as its minions, thus, enemies. It’s a lot easier being on Fauci’s side than going against him. Strength in numbers and the virtuousness of the mob.
Dissociation: “OverviewDissociative disorders are mental disorders that involve experiencing a disconnection and lack of continuity between thoughts, memories, surroundings, actions and identity. People with dissociative disorders escape reality in ways that are involuntary and unhealthy and cause problems with functioning in everyday life.
Dissociative disorders usually develop as a reaction to trauma and help keep difficult memories at bay. Symptoms — ranging from amnesia to alternate identities — depend in part on the type of dissociative disorder you have. Times of stress can temporarily worsen symptoms, making them more obvious.”. . . (Source, mayoclinic.org)
Quite correct; people’s motivations differ — and so do their levels of intelligence. The ability — and willingness — to question those with power also varies. But for many people what is most difficult is to admit they have done something wrong, whether it was an honest mistake, self deceit, or out of more willful, selfish or malicious motives. Confession of sin is good for the soul, I’ve heard, but it can be incredibly difficult. What can we do about that? Set a good example by being willing to examine our own actions and beliefs and being willing to admit error. And Todd is right that another part of the process is to be willing to forgive the powerless, the cowed, the not-so-very bright, even the silly. That is to be willing to show forgiveness to those who have gone along with the “experts.” But they’ve been mean and nasty to you? But they’ve shunned you? So what — be big hearted enough to forgive. But God, it is hard to do!!
Going along with experts is one thing and forgivable, but in many cases this goes far beyond that. Some called for the persecution of the unvaxxed while others supported it, and there were those who lost careers and had their lives destroyed in various ways. Forgiveness is up to the individual, but nobody has the right to tell others to forgive. It is a personal choice. But I also don’t understand how you can forgive people who have never apologized. Seems to me that will just invite a repeat of this nightmare.
“But I also don’t understand how you can forgive people who have never apologized. Seems to me that will just invite a repeat of this nightmare” – Exactly!
If people don’t face consequences then they will just do it again and again. Like the pharma cartel killing people for over 2 decades.
two centuries more like at least
They will face consequences, certainly, just not condemnation from me. I am far from perfect myself after all.
This is worth a listen on the subject of attempting to get the message across to those who will not listen. And it’s quite whimsical too, in a North of England kind of way… https://www.sheepfarm.co.uk/music/sf103-sheep-farm-chat-with-feargus-oconner-greenwood/
Thanks for this, really enjoyed it.
It’s hard to forgive people when they don’t repent.
“For many people, their egos and identities are so tied up in their choice that they simply can’t consider being wrong; everything they believe about the world and their own lives would simply cease to exist.”
People have their identity groups. Acceptance by their identity groups is *critical* to them
and so they adopt the ideas and beliefs of their groups as their own. *THEN* comes the intellect — powerful in some — which rationalizes the beliefs that they **already** hold.
If you argue with a booster-chaser you are only interacting with their intellect, you aren’t even touching their group loyalty.
I do wonder if the fear-factor makes people seek security in their identity groups. The fear generated in our sheeple by the vaccine drug pushers is something we have all witnessed these last two years. “Be afraid! Do as we say or you will die!” The more fear the more tightly people cling to the security of their tribes.
Dr McDonald says anyone wearing a mask at this point has serious mental health issues. He’s not being flippant or rude, just factual. After 2 years of non-stop fear porn on radio, print, TV and internet they’ve been damaged and need help.
He also said that of all the propaganda techniques and mediums they’ve used, masking was as big as radio, print, TV & internet. Everywhere you went it was in your face because it was on everyone’s faces. Constantly re-enforcing “fear, fear, fear”.
Fauci principles I’am surmising is to include the technology into HIV Global registration., which btw hasnt disappeared its just been overided by more pressing health issues.
The virus exists for the sake of the “vaxx”. The “vaxx” exists for digital passports, with all that implies. Fauci, a criminal psychopath IMO, fully aware of what he’s doing and its consequences.
After his disgusting AZT regime slaughtered tens of thousands he knows and doen’t give a flying fuck
Oh, he gives a fuck alright. He gets off on it.
“I don’t care if you are right, I am sticking with my stance.”
I would classify this as a defensive response. Anyone saying that would care very much about who was right, but feels under attack and feeling under pressure is shutting down debate.
You do have to be completely open minded and nonjudgmental when communicating with others about matters of opinion.
There are people on these threads who I think talk nonsense. (Don’t worry, not everyone.) And in any event, we can’t be right all the time. Any of us.
But ultimately we are all entitled to our own views. And even those we disagree with are entitled to their views – even if you or I think they are wrong.
Governments don’t agree with you.