“A New System” – Inside the Davos Summit 2023
WEF conference looks set to focus on what the globalist elite can learn from the failures of their "pandemic" narrative.

The World Economic Forum’s annual meet-up kicks off tomorrow. Politicians, corporate giants, “philanthropists” and all manner of elite monstrosities gather for a weekend of telling each other how smart they are and making the world generally worse.
But what’s on the menu this year?
Well, here are the five main items up for discussion, according to the WEF’s website:
See if you can notice a pattern:
- Addressing the Current Energy and Food Crises in the context of a New System for Energy, Climate and Nature
- Addressing the Current High Inflation, Low Growth, High Debt Economy in the context of a New System for Investment, Trade and Infrastructure
- Addressing the Current Industry Headwinds in the context of a New System for Harnessing Frontier Technologies for Private Sector Innovation and Resilience
- Addressing the Current Social Vulnerabilities in the context of a New System for Work, Skills and Care
- Addressing the Current Geopolitical Risks in the context of a New System for Dialogue and Cooperation in a Multipolar World
Now, none of this is news. A “new system” for energy is a “green new deal”, a “new system” for international cooperation is some type of global governance, and a “new system” for investment and trade covers a lot of topics, including digital currency.
Like I said, nothing new, but it’s always refreshing to see it in print, with no effort to hide it.
It’s also interesting that they don’t use the phrases “new normal”, “great reset” or “build back better” anywhere on the page, despite the fact it’s obviously what they’re talking about.
A little victory for the alternate media, who have clearly raised enough awareness that those phrases are now considered too tainted to use.
In fact, the WEF brotherhood is clearly concerned about losing control of the narrative, as this article from a few days ago highlights:
The world’s biggest problem solvers need to craft better narratives
It argues:
People are more persuaded by the information presented within a narrative because a good narrative helps to ease information processing. Those trying to solve the world’s most pressing challenges must take notice of this.
The whole article is essentially a very long-winded way of saying “we need to tell better lies”.
We must name the real antagonists: irresponsible politicians, bought scientists and some companies failing to live up to the needs of the transition to net-zero.
We must also stop pretending that there is a debate over the facts of climate change. A false balance is a phenomenon that occurs when a news organization or other media outlet presents an issue as being the subject of a debate, even when there is no actual debate or disagreement among experts on the matter.
The author is talking about climate change, but his points about shifting blame and shutting down debate apply across the board.
Look for a shift of narrative “villains” this year, as well as increased emphasis on positivity and “unity”. Unity likely means attempting to woo back some of the fringe-mainstream elements pushed further to the alternative by the Covid narrative (as they did with Ukraine).
Elsewhere – and on a related note – there is likely to be talk of censorship – or, sorry, “countering misinformation” – as discussed in this WEF article from 6 days ago, headlined:
Digital safety: Applying human rights in the digital world
The article details the “challenges” facing the WEF’s “Global Coalition for Digital Safety” in their efforts to tackle…
the likes of child sexual abuse and exploitation, terrorism and hate speech, misinformation and content related to self-harm and suicide.
Notice how “hate speech” and “misinformation” are thrown in there with the actual crimes? To quote Sesame Street, “one of these things is not like the other”. But that’s no surprise in the age of “legal but harmful”.
To be clear, these people do not care about any of those things. Not at all.
Their businesses exploit children, their state agencies fund terrorism, and their media outlets spit out misinformation at 50 words a minute.
They only really care about control. In this instance that means controlling the internet – more specifically, controlling what you are allowed to say and hear on the internet.
Another potential focus for discussion, highlighted in a couple of places, will be a push for more direct action. What they seem to be calling “tangible solutions”.
The head of Amnesty International – who will be in attendance – has called for Davos attendees to focus on:
tangible solutions that we already know work, rather than opting to protect the existing global economic system at any cost.
Underlining that “now is the time for action” not “empty gestures”, and simultaneously echoing the “new system” messaging.
The “tangible solutions” line is repeated in the “narratives” article mentioned earlier, by financial consultancy giant Mercer on their page about Davos, a WEF “expert panel”, and by Forbes in their article on young leaders at Davos.
Of course “solutions-based thinking” has been corporate talk for decades, and “now is the time for action” is a cliche which does the rounds at every meeting, summit or conference.
Nobody in history has ever said “now is not the time for action, now is the time for gestures”.
So, of course, it could be empty words designed to make the speakers (and their meeting) feel important.
But it could be something else, perhaps a sign that the propaganda stage of the “great reset” is over, and now we transition to the next stage. Signalling a move away from passive manipulation and psychology-driven control mechanisms and toward more direct enforcement.
I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.
Either way, you can broadly define the Davos agenda as four main themes:
- “A new system”: Reforming the global systems of politics and finance
- “controlling the narrative”: Telling more believable lies & limiting public debate
- “countering misinformation”: Censorship, especially of the internet
- “tangible solutions”: Taking more direct action via enforcement and policy.
The Davos talking points, it seems, will be a retrospective focusing on what they can learn from the shortcomings of their “pandemic” narrative.
One final thought, an (unconfirmed) story doing the rounds is both hilarious and telling…if true:
Apparently, DAVOS attendees are deliberately seeking out unvaccinated pilots. Make of that what you will.
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A New System needs a New Currency. More from Pepe Escobar about the increasing irrelevancy of the $Dollar and $Davos:
One of the key take-aways from the World Economic Forum annual shindig in Davos, Switzerland came when Saudi Finance Minister Mohammed al-Jadaan, on a panel on “Saudi Arabia’s Transformation,” made it clear that Riyadh “will consider trading in currencies other than the U$ Dollar.”
Second: The Central Banks of Iran and Russia are studying the adoption of a “stable coin” for foreign trade settlements, replacing the U$D, the Ruble and the Rial: a gold-backed central bank digital currency (CBDC) for trade that will be in fact impervious to the weaponized U$D.
A gold-backed digital currency
The really attractive issue here is that this gold-backed digital currency would be particularly effective in the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) of Astrakhan, in the Caspian Sea. Astrakhan is the key Russian port in the International North South Transportation Corridor (INTSC), with cargo travelling across Iran to West Asia, then via the Indian Ocean all the way to South Asia and Southern Africa.
Crucially, the success of the INSTC tied to a gold-backed CBDC will hinge on scores of Asian, West Asian and African nations refusing to apply U$Dictated sanctions on Russia and Iran. The Russia / Iran section of INSTC is a $25 billion business.
Present cargo consists mostly of agricultural and energy products; for instance, Iranian companies are the third largest importer of Russian grain. Next come turbines, polymers, medical equipment, and car parts.
There’s also the crucial energy traffic of INSTC — the Russia Iran India triad. India’s purchases of Russian crude have increased year-by-year to a whopping factor of 33. India is the world’s third largest importer of oil; in December, it received 1.2 million barrels from Russia, which is currently positioned ahead of Iraq and Saudi Arabia as Delhi’s top supplier. [Unlike ethical EU countries, India has no qualms about doing business with Russia for a reliable supply of quality hydrocarbons at a guaranteed low price under long term contract].
‘A fairer payment system’
Third: South Africa holds this year’s rotating BRICS presidency; and this year will mark the start of BRICS expansion into BRICS+ with candidates ranging from Algeria, Iran and Argentina to Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the UAE. South African Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor has confirmed that the BRICS want to bypass the U$Dollar and create “a fairer payment system not skewed toward wealthier countries.”
For years Yaroslav Lissovolik, of Russian Sberbank’s investment business, has been a proponent of BRICS integration and a BRICS reserve currency.
[“We’re all in it together” — David Camoron, banker’s son who as UK Prime Minister defied a U$ President and allowed the Bank of England to join forces with the Bank of China.]
1) EVERYONE NEEDS TO WATCH THIS. Did you know that late term abortions are big money for those who TRAFFIC in children’s body parts? There is one party that’s okay with this.
3) PROVERBS 14:__________
vaxstermination crimes against humanity nano-graphine razor blades non decomposable
WHO da noobs, lollll
crises always draw a wave of nooobzzzz
I will not bite, (as he chewed his shield…)
; )
The Davos Freak Show has become one of those institutions that come round every year that people just shake their heads over and try to ignore, a bit like the Eurovision Song Contest. Billionaire megalomaniac weirdos, war criminals, corrupt political grifters and shysters of every stripe, dodgy gangster oligarchs and vacuous Hollywood luvvies breeze in in a thousand private jets to save the planet and decide how we will all have to lead our lives, fawned over by an array of third rate tame MSM stenographers. The usual vomit inducing tawdry spectacle.
Indeed, that about sums it up. I guess that they don’t even care that more and more people see it that way. They believe so much in their own arrogance they still think their world will be forced on us all regardless.
I would like to believe that the world’s population are awakening as never before. This meens the WEF and their control of both the narrative and the world they are hell bent on.manifesting is doomed to failure.
Schwab said it: “we tohave to confront this ‘new world order”. He means the multipolar world that’ s appearing.
Hey, all you Q-tards: Lighten up! Davos is just a conspiracy theory. Haven’t you heard? [Humor:] https://dailystormer.in/ap-claims-world-economic-forum-is-very-good-anyone-who-questions-them-a-conspiracy-theorist/
The time for debate is over. You can’t debate people who are ignoring you.
There are many of us minions that already know the ‘New System’ has no place or consideration for us but is designed to further elevate the importance of our Leaders (The Elite).
I suggested a couple of months ago, we should all be concerned about many VAX INDUCED health issues that contribute to the new fad = ‘Sudden Adult Death Syndrome’ (SADS) that did not even exist before Covid Vax!
I suggested planes should now consider taking an EXTRA CO-PILOT just in case the Mandated Injection was given to both Pilot & Co-Pilot.
Extra caution should also be applied by all of us road users because the ‘oncoming’ motorist might suffer “an inexplicable health situation” if he’s had the Covid jab!
We, the people of the UK refute any such unacceptable WHO suggestions as being unconstitutional!
The WHO is now not fit for the Purpose since Bill Gates became their main sponsor (INFLUENCER).
The WHO is now CORRUPT and has lost all credibility as well as any/all authority it is trying to assume!
We, the people have spoken!
And the CDC incompetence (or deliberate appearance of such) is designed to delay the inevitable facts and evidence of collusion that many of us have suspected since March 2020.
The world is BLIND to the impending ‘Gates – WHO world take-over’ under the smoke screen of World Health, so we must refute all WHO initiatives that supersede personal and National Sovereignty.
Since Gates became the WHO biggest benefactor (INFLUENCER) the WHO have become corrupt and no longer function in the interests of World Health – they now operate as another of Gates’s Vax marketing divisions. Vax = DEPOPULATION! Apparently,
Apparently, Bill Gates said this in 2011; “…………if you just do a GOOD JOB with VACCINES we can REDUCE the population by 10 – 15%.” He then backpedalled by suggesting “……women from poorer countries would be less likely to OVERPRODUCE if their children had a longer life expectancy”.
Join the dots after factoring in these new phenomena (since 2021) =
‘SADS’, ‘Sudden Adult Death Syndrome’.
‘SIDS’, ‘Sudden Infant Death Syndrome’.
“died suddenly”,
‘never seen before, inexplicably large multiple blood clots’,
‘athletes dying mysteriously’, ‘unparalleled excess deaths’
These topics have since been covered up and vehemently denied by the ‘establishment’.
Join the dots and reach your own conclusions.
Mick from Hooe (Unjabbed because I joined the dots!)
The caution applies to anyone operating machinery that can endanger others such as earth-moving equipment, cranes and locomotives.
Ah, but it’s all pure coincidence, Mick. A lot of people are dying of pure coincidence.
I am reminded of the witch who presented Snow White with the apple.
The WEF is a sort of political wing of the NWO. The military wing is NATO. but after losing the war in Ukraine NATO’s days are numbered. That leaves the Great Reset dead in the water, the blabber of headless chickens, of the WEF’s young cretins No surprise that the most national leaders aren’t even bothering to turn up at Davos this year. Is this the last year of Davos? Quite possibly. Let’s hope so! Just to make sure let’s start rolling back all their nonsense: Climate agenda, wokeism, digital dictatorship, transhumanism, medical fascism etc.
Peak Davos was 2021– Tom Luongo article outlines why—
WEF is the propaganda wing. It publicises decisions made elsewhere.
Walked into the local supermarket today and a big sign by the door said “Plant-based night-in – only £9′.
You sure it was a supermarket not a massage parlor.
It’s nice living in a 2A sanctuary county (Marion), in a red state (FL).
Unless and until these psychopaths disarm the majority of US citizens, their disgusting plans of leftwing tyranny in the US will fail.
By the way, Putin could end the Ukraine nonsense very quickly by simply parking a dozen hypersonic nuke missiles in Tehran, Iran aimed at Israel.
After all, it is this tribe pushing this agenda in the whitehouse.
Putin is part of the problem. He’s a fake opponent of the New World Order. That’s should have been clear to you after reading Off-Guardian for some time.
Thanks for letting us know that the WEF regrets committing political suicide and now they are playing nice. But, I think they have mortally wounded themselves, and they will not survive the backlash. I give reasons why they will be suicided in my article.
Would be a dream come true.
Great Reset was tone-deaf, akin to Great Leap Forward. Hence the scramble to redo the message, though not the intentions.
Elites are only encouraged by high velocity projectiles, short ropes and sharp blades.
Let’s make a plan for the future.
Preventing the plebs from flying has been on the “save the planet” agenda from the beginning. How does flying fit into their 15 minute city? I would not surprised if a plane goes down soon from a pilot having a cardiac arrest, just to reduce the demand for flights as they look to unwind the industry.
Flights, if any will be a privilege for the average pleb. And who cares, where are the majority flying to anyway? A bar in Benidorm? To look at some old castles were barbarians once lived who murdered, raped and slaughtered each other. Or perhaps to visit Vatican City or Buckingham Palace, were adults wearing fancy dress costumes are promoted as supreme beings, your masters.
Do yourself a favor and call their bluff. Stop using their products and services now, on your terms, not theirs. Stop working for them if you have other options. Look to work for small business.
So we’re supposed to get cool with the idea of not being allowed to travel? Is that your plan?
The self elected powers can’t stop you from “travel” if it’s your own source. Get yourself a push bike/e-bike and you can go anywhere you please. But get on a ship, plane, car, bus, train and it comes with conditions. That’s what I’m suggesting, don’t use their services.
It’s a game of poker we are playing here, they are holding a pair of 3s and telling us they have aces. It’s all bullshit. Chuck your hand in and simply don’t play anymore. It our energy they are relying on.
Horsepoop. Is this the better narrative they were talking about? Let’s do exactly as they want us to and pretend we are screwing them in some manner. F that. I think I will drive my diesel all over the place and take a couple plane trips to look at castles. Screw you
The nicest thing I could say is that you seem very confused. Or just hard to follow? In either case, screw you too!
Nobody said you couldn’t or shouldn’t. Just don’t up and down when they say you have to wear a mask, take a jab, or show your papers when they ask for it before boarding.
It sounds like you are one of the ones who frequently use their services. I’m guessing you were one of the first to wear the mask, take the jab and and show your papers so you could travel.
Are you planning to go live in the woods, hunt and fish for food and clothing, forage for wild berries in summer and collect firewood to keep warm in winter in the hut you built yourself with your bare hands, while spending your days rumminaging proudly on how you stuck it to the man?
Yes. Yes I am.
And so should you be.
Shutting down debate, doing away with balanced reporting and “increased emphasis on … unity” are all hallmarks of fascism.
Unity is a myth in any group, let alone society. Only fascist control can pretend to achieve unity. The notion of unity smothers individuality. While we are all one and from the One source, we are individuals in the here and now.
Meet the new boss, same as the old. Class rule must continually rebrand itself (NWO-GR-NS…) in order to regain and maintain our consent to the same old racket of the few living off the many.
Of course, revolutionary advances in modern rule through scientific-technological social engineering do constitute something new and different. The digital (C)age, for instance, might be considered a reconstitution of reality.
What shows amid the novelty the continuing hold of the old, however, is that class rule has now reached a point of crisis and climax as to discontinue history, and evolution, in favor of its final solution to war between the few and many: extinction.
What do the letters stand for? NEW: Nauseous Empty Wizardry. SYSTEM: Satanical Yearning for Senseless,Tasteless, Endless Madness.
During Bush Baby’s regime, early 2000’s, it was necessary for the Two Parties to marginalize factual discovery to the truth which is the ultimate threat to US political machinery. A UC Berkeley Linguist, George Lakoff, popped up as a Democratic Party political consultant talking on shows everywhere with “we [Liberals] need to tell better stories. conservatives tell better stories and are beating us.”
I read that back in the 30’s people demanded facts, the truth for politics to get approval and move forward. Reagan brought better fairy tales to a frustrated post WW2 floundering “American Dream” story to keep non-socialist US from demanding socialist democracy infrastructure that Europeans were benefiting from. This has continued to work for over 40 years now, allowing the 1%’s neoRATlerism to consume Humanity’s civil freedoms and economic futures before walking us into the mass surveillance cage of the 2020’s.
As we can see, they keep changing words, changing the sound of the meme magic, like the Pied Piper picking a new tune. “Telling better stories” is telling better bullshit.and the piling up of it in 2023 comes with a stenching reek of “metaphors” that cannot be hidden from recognition.
“Chomsky goes further and claims that Lakoff has “virtually no comprehension of the work he is discussing” (the work in question being Chomsky’s).[4]”
Ha! I’d forgotten about Lakoff. I used to hang out at progressive-liberal sites during the Dubya Bush years, and Lakoff was admired by most commenters. That was a clue that helped me to wise up.
Re: I read that back in the 30’s people demanded facts, the truth for politics to get approval and move forward.
Funny you should mention this. I recently watched a short video featuring US political analyst, historian, and journalist Thomas Frank. I’m not particularly a fan of Frank, a progressive-liberal reformist who seems to believe or hope that reforming the Democratic Party is the path to political salvation.
But the video was interesting because Frank contrasted New Deal-era and present-day Democratic Party campaign materials. In a nutshell, the New Deal-era signs and pamphlets all featured (alleged) practical, concrete party accomplishments, e.g. (I paraphrase) “Vote Democrat, the party that brought electric power (or “the eight-hour work week”, etc.) to your state!” You know, “a chicken in every pot!” stuff.
In sharp contrast, the present-day Democratic campaign materials were all virtue-signal sloganeering, devoid of any appeals based on the party’s success record or ability to facilitate practical improvements to its constituents’ daily life.
As Frank sardonically pointed out, present-day lawn signs are all about asserting moral superiority; they might as well read “We Are Better Than You!“.
I smiled when the video flashed a list of current examples; during my Thanksgiving visit, I noticed that my (Caucasian) Democratic Party-supporting prog-lib sister and her spouse had two “campaign” signs on their lawn: “Vote for Shapiro for Governor” and “Black Lives Matter”.
But wait: if you’re white, then asking ‘What’s in it for me?’ is racist, isn’t it? 🤔
Your so woke..
My parents were politically active conservatives and they had their little kid programmed to mimic them. I remember the little business card sized one-fold flyers of politicians at the time. They had 10 point policy programs, clearly laying out what they would do and informing voters what they were voting for. This was the 50’s and early 60’s. They took me to the Barry Goldwater acceptance speech at the Repug convention in SF 1964. Later in high school i became informed of the fact that both sides were manifest liars and the deep truths lie (no pun intended 🙂 elsewhere.
Reagan/Thatcherism relied upon fairy tales of wealth and authority trickling down to commoners. The story telling has never stopped since and with Lakoff signaling a Dim Party sealed off in commitment to StoryLand too, we have nothing to vote for. Without the truth guiding public policy and the consent of the people for the form it takes, we drift in a sea of their lies.
I remember just in recent years politicians saying “platforms don’t mean anything, voters vote for personalities.” And that is all any of them have to offer… actors masking sociopathic gremlins seeking wealth & authority for their class superiority via empty platitudes.
Lawn signs. Have you ever seen a lawn sign with anything but their personality symbol on it?
For me, the only solution to their political spectacle imprisoning us is to dictate our collectively voted policies and budgets to gov’t staff employees for implementation or be fired. If you have never heard my diatribes before you can check out a proposal of mine below… I do not see a future for Humanity without us ruling ourselves through collective cooperation and then an accepted standard of consensus consent.
Sometimes the crime is so egregious the punishment should far exceed it. The above quoted WEF blurb is one such.
So I propose putting Mssrs. Schwab and Harari in a room filled with fitted sheets. And the only way out for them is to fold every single sheet.
(BTW, has anyone else noticed that when using the quote icon below, it’s almost impossible to get rid of it?)
I propose fucking killing these cunts
When you start using my genitalia as an insult, you’ve gone way too far, Chris – Too many of you remind me of pit-viipers slithering around each other in a hole, aware of not much but the heat your generating, compared to how cold you were before… I know that identifying what has not been good for us can be positive, but better is finding potential positives to zero-in and expand on…
I have to say I have not yet seen any serious admission of “failure of the pandemic narrative”, from the criminals concerned, and I don’t expect any noticeable change of tack from them in the foreseeable future.
The ‘unconfirmed’ story about unjabbed pilots also needs confirming or debunking forthwith, otherwise nobody benefits from its existence. C’mon guys, surely somebody has some actual information on this…?
“Hey guys and gals it’s Klaus here. First a warm welcome to all of you fellow psychotic bilionaires and as well I wish to extend a warm greeting to all of our fellow lackeys- we couldn’t be establishing this surveillancde grid without you.
Now I hope everyone had a safe trip on their private jets with our pre-selected and tested unvaxxed pilots bringing you here safely to discuss the most pressing matters of the world which stand before us.
I won’t go into the details of why we are here, I think you all know enough about that, but I want to stress the overall theme of this years meeting and the theme of what will be the focus of every plenary session- CONTROL.
Complete control of EVERYTHING.”
Emergency Survival Rations from The Mod;
War in Ukraine could kick off.? or Supple chain created issues.
or it could be nothing.
Team Leidos are proud to be delivering the logistics commodities and services transformation (LCS(T)) Delivery partner contracts (LCS (T)/0001 dated 16.4.2015) on behalf of the UK Ministry of Defence (the ‘Prime Contract’). Delivery of other parts of the LCS(T) contract are delivered by Leidos Europe Ltd (LEL) and other partners (together ‘Team Leidos’). This requirement is subject to the Public Procurement Regulations and respective advertising action.
The Food Team, which forms part of Leidos Supply Ltd is considering the potential requirement for the supply of Operational Ration Packs on behalf of the UK MOD, consisting of 4 Lot(s):
Lot 1:
– 24 Hr General Purpose Rations, including ethnic and religious rations, Single Meal Rations and Enhanced Rations (Estimated value £ 68,800,000 – £ 229,400,000)
Lot 2:
– 10 Man Rations (Estimated value £ 2,900,000 – £ 9,700,000)
Lot 3:
– 24 Hr Cold Climate Rations (CCR) (Estimated value £ 2,900,000 – £ 9,800,000)
Lot 4:
– Emergency Survival Rations (ESR) (Estimated value £ 370,000 – £ 1,300,000)
The total estimated value for this contract will be between £75,000,000 – £250,000,000, with a total contract length of 5 Years plus 2 Option Years.
Samantha Power is one of the attendees at Davos this week. She’s the wife of Cass ‘Nudge’ Sunstein.
And a war criminal.
Cass is the Principality– and Samantha, of course, is the Power. 😉 👿 👹
Two of my great favorites. NOT!
Samantha Power
The names are so suspect, I very much doubt they exist…
It’s been said before….
But take the foil hat off, and assume the WEF is just another company, albeit hired to fix the state of the place.
They’re very clearly NOT the men for the job. It never gets better, only worse with each passing ‘suggestion’.
Even if they have bought and paid damn near every MP or Congressman, and they only gain this support by endorsing The New System because the old one failed (even though it rewarded those very agents of chaos very handsomely as it was), the dummies on the street still think it’s all a big coinky-dink. A few can’t control the world, they cling.
100% the answer absolutely is revolutionary violence, however far down the street you kick the can. Their 5000 is a paltry number- the warnings of fighting-age WEFugees arriving well-packed and ready to protect their masters is, i think highly accurate. Wasn’t Jack Posebeic (i’m not a fan, personally- but he WAS a journalist covering 2022’s shindig) arrested and had his goods seized by an extra from Team America: World Police, while his ‘rights’ were read like a children’s tale? Infantilized terrorism.
John King, author of The Football Factory, covered this (and more) in 2016’s The Liberal Politics of Adolf Hitler, which in my view was a treatise of what would follow in post-Brexit Britain. He absolutely nailed the fake pandemic and the proxy-wars in the same fell swoop.
This piece with Derrick Broze and Catherine Austin Fitts gives some interesting insight to the questions raised in this piece. Highly recommended.
I have a dream …
That a Ukranian/UK/US false-flag missile being prepped to incriminate Russia, veers off-course and lands on the Davos crowd and wipes out all the MFWeffers and their presstitutes.
One small bang for Klosters, one giant-leap for mankind …
Did no-one ever work out why the late, great Princess Di was always skiing there with her two half-brother sons the first fortnight in January? Talk about a distraction.
It would never get them all, and they breed like rabbits.
I’m looking for a better dream, but it’s hard to know where to look . . .
This isn’t a joke after last weeks theatre…
Rishi Sunak to pick free speech tsar to combat campus ‘cancel culture’
“Free speech Tsar” … gotta love the oxymorons!
Is Infosis a banned word yet?
Unconfirmed: Klaus Schwab will not attend the inauguration of this years WEF extravagance due to a health issue.
Here’s wishing him …
PS Where’s Greta?
It’s time one of these psychos dies before their 90th birthday.
Their time is almost up. Relax.
Their new systems never seem to involve less EMF despite the mass of evidence it is damaging to living organisms (see Arthur Firstenburg ‘The Invisible Rainbow’).
It’s almost like their surveillance grid is more important than health.
Their surveillance is more important than our health.
Really interesting YT video about where we are now.
Well worth 14 minutes of your time.
Weird ! That wasn’t my link.
Try again
Still not working.
It’s ok now.
The one entitled “What”s coming………….”
It’s working for me. Thank you.
Corporate bullshitters the lot of them.
Indeed, one wonders if it would not be better to ignore their moronic declarations.
One can start by not giving the BBC any money.
Good thinking from the Davosidians. Too many jabbed pilots might crash and burn the whole thing to the ground.
All they address is what’s good for them and their insidious agenda.
you got that right.
Wouldn’t “coven” be more appropriate?
I wonder what they would do when all of us would be gone, humans, trees, oceans, fish, the sun….? Will they have Davos meetings for and about themselves? How they can eradicate each other? Isn’t that what the mafia does?
Good article, but gave it only a 4. As long as people still believe there is a “pandemic” going on, they have NOT lost control of the narrative. And “health freedom” celebrities still talk of the last 3 years as a “mismanaged pandemic” which must be addressed via “alternative treatments” as well as “surveillance and testing” (Robert Malone).
A “pandemic” which somehow stopped at the boundaries of certain political jurisdictions, e.g. affecting only 16 of the 50 US states in terms of excess deaths (pre-jabs), as if the “pandemic” knows where the state lines are, or within New York State pretty much affecting only NYC and not the suburban areas of the mid-Hudson Valley. Much more likely that excess deaths were the result of “countermeasures” such putting people on ventilators, injecting them wit poisons….
Not to mention the continued belief that this is all due to a virus which has actually been physically isolated, purified, and shown to be the responsible pathogen.
For a blatant view of Europe in that same context, it suffices to have a look over at Euromomo.
In Q2 2020 some death counts spike crazily, while a neighboring state is flat.
Hey EuroMomo! Israel is not in Europe!
Israel is on the Continent of Asia.
Geography is anti semitic.
Ve must haf unity on the subject of pandemic. Everything else is hate speech.
They turn up to Davos and let the world no. Ever wondered why..?
The insatiable ego of new media….
Why do you think ? they place slogans in to public area..? Why do the political party’s during the build up to the selections concentration so much 3-5 words like 1)build 2)back 3)better or 20 New Hospitals or Take Back Control;.Lock Her Up..
This new alternate media is heavily funded by Davos crowd and they the funders caters its marketing for you alternate lot to help sell there products for them and the not so wise audience chants the slogans they gave you into inverted manifestation.
They need you concentrating on them. They need your engagement.
That is why they advertised the fact there going there.
I agree,
Maria Zee in the above vid gets to interview most of the usual suspects and has a surprisingly large following, or at least that’s what the hit counters say, but who takes that seriously these days.
I find this quite surprising as she is average at best at interviewing and is very boring to listen too. I think if one checked her out in detail, one would find connections linking her to unsavory funders.
your reply has nothing to do with the words you quote, you can’t spell or master even basic syntax
– are you a badly programmed AI text-generator perchance 😉
We do not transition into the next stage. They may do so if they wish.
And we’ll see how that goes.
Their last endeavour was not hugely successful, even if it came at a great cost to humanity.
Everything they do ultimately fails because it was not designed to succeed–it was designed for THEM to succeed, and if they get the money and get out with it, then they have succeeded, and that is all that matters to them. They no true altruism. And that’s it, every.single.time.
During the Scam-many corporate business weren’t accepting cash-only cards.And the card processing machines all had a tip function for even the lowliest act of service.It dawned on me the tip option was to capture cash tips and make them track-able.As well to partially subsidized the McJobs-most tip options were defaulting to 18%.
I generally don’t tip people, unless their jobs pay sub-minimum, as is the case with waiters and bartenders in the US. That was originally the whole justification for tipping: they weren’t making minimum wage, so it was considered necessary. That’s not the case with people working at burger-joints, even if minimum wage is still not a ton of money. Anyway, do they offer table service at those places? Of course not.
US they give you a tray, take out drive through aren’t restaurants. ’20, no contrary to what you may have heard or read. The restaurant is not open but drve through is willing to take your order.
Fuck me, some people are soo fucking dumbfound Stupid.
‘Here in the US restaurants are open. NO they are NOT..WHERE?
Look get a bloody grip! Speak for your skin flint Self.
“a New System” for the rich and powerful; the so-called “Elites” (from Latin, the Elect; French les Elus, “the Chosen People”) — usually Self Chosen.
In my childhood that old New System was called the New World Order, and its prophet was a prominent eugenist who called his self-chosen elites followers, the Master Race.
By the end of WW2 that eugenist and his followers had met their self-chosen karma, and I heard nothing about the New World Order for thirty glorious years of in a Europe which sought unity, peace and socialist prosperity. But, as the poet says, the toad was sleeping underneath the stone, and in the 1980s the Empire struck back.
So, in middle age I was startled to hear that phrase resurrected as though it had never died: “The New World Order”, straight from the mouth of Daddy George “Read my Lips” Bush. Then followed the crucifixion of small countries — Serbia, Iraq, Sudan, Somalia, Libya — by other POTU$As, including Daddy’s son George “Shrub” Bush and his so-called Coalition of the Killing aka NATZO. During those dark years when as the poet says,”the toad is underneath the lot”, I received a letter from a Yank who told me despairingly that POTU$As Daddy and Shrub Bush were the descendants of Prescott “Grandpa” Bush the financier, an avowed supporter of that eugenicist prophet and his German Nazi “elites”.
And now we see financiers supporting Ukrainian nazis who believe that Ukrainians are superior to Russians because they belong to an older special branch of the Indo-European “Arian” race, more akin to Germans than to Slavs. Supporting nazis both financially by bleeding their own countries, and militarily through their NATZO coalition of the killing. In Davos, the self-chosen Playboys of the Western World are metamorphosing their New World Order into a New World System.
The fruit does not fall far from the tree.
“The core of fascism is the idea that there is some elite, whether ‘Aryan’ or ‘chosen by God,’ or otherwise, who should run things, and that everyone else exists in order to serve that elite. Inevitably, this official elite consists of the people whom the powers-that-be assign as constituting the owners of almost everything that’s valuable. Increasingly, things become those people’s private possession — even what was formerly a public asset becomes now private. Beaches become private. Schools become private. Natural resources become private. It’s not just the art that was stolen by the Nazis and privatized to them and/or shown at museums that they control, which becomes private; it’s whatever the elite want to have, and to control: it’s all now private. That’s the fascist ideal.”
Hitler spoke of a ‘new order’ (neue Ordnung), rather than a new world order. Somehow, I doubt he was a big fan of globalism. That said, the globalists seem to be awfully big fans of Hitler’s Gleichschaltung, so there’s that.
Thanks very much for reminding us of the uncanny similarity between the “Gleichschaltung” (Coordination) that Hitler started in Nazi Germany and the “System” that Capitalism is now applying Globally:
“The Nazi Party came to power in 1933 and quickly began trying to control all aspects of society. This internal consolidation of power to remake Germany as a Nazi state was known as Gleichschaltung. The term is a German word that means “coordination” or “synchronization.” Under Gleichschaltung, German political, social, and cultural life were rearranged to serve Nazi goals. ”
“Fascism is the coercive power of the State in consort with the persuasive power of Capital.” — Benito Mussolini, who invented it.
The globalists are stoking a Christian vs. Christian war in Ukraine just like WW2, rubbing their hands and smiling, with ‘Ukronazis’ on one side and ‘Russian orcs’ on the other side at each others’ throats. Both countries have central banks with ties to each other backing their respective war efforts–same as in WW2. Hence, the banksters win both sides of a war they themselves create–and get red of a lot of Christians at the same time in the process. For the banksters and their tribe it is win win win. No wonder they own everything today.
The difference is that now, we can see this whole thing and how it operates like an eagle from on high, thanks to the internet. During WW2 one had to trust radio or newsprint, which were both controlled by the banksters and the small hat tribe, and that small hat tribe media horde has grown even larger since then and is now known as Mainstream Media.
DARPA created the internet in order to allow us to see what is and has been really going on with these small hat tribe people and their insidious central bank counterfeiting organized crime operations. But I predict it will take at least another thirty years for everyone to finally wake up to the nonsense that has been going on since the beginning of the very first central bank printing money up out of thin air and then charging interest on it.
How close is Davos to Ukraine?
Eek – not a stray hypersonic missile with a nuclear payload “accidentally” removing Davos Klosters from the map?
Where would we be without all those leaders?
They have their 5000 Swiss troops to defend them (if needs be).
All armed to the teeth with water pistols, /sark.
Don’t they carry those Swiss Army Knives? The ones with the nail clippers and file. Because one never knows when you may need a manicure when on the battlefield.
Better be careful here, I see lots of men these days painting their nails, I may upset someones feelings…
We’d be waiting for another batch . . .
Mankind’s ability to make the same mistake a thousand times completely outclasses an animal’s ability to make a mistake only once . . .
As close as Putin explicitly calling the western leaders “satanists”. And that’s pretty close!
As always, wise words from Charles Eisenstein:
“In any society some people are especially zealous in enforcing group norms, values, rituals, and taboos. They may be controlling types, or they may simply care about the common good. They serve an important function when the norms and rituals are aligned with social and ecological health. But when corrupt forces hijack the norms through propaganda and the control of information, these good folks can become instruments of totalitarian control.”
I would add, ‘while believing they are doing ‘good’.
Charles also says, “Does that mean that the unvaccinated will be rounded up in concentration camps and their leaders ritually murdered? No, they will be segregated from society in other ways. More importantly, the energies invoked by the scapegoating, dehumanizing, pollution-associating campaign can be applied to gain public acceptance of coercive policies, particularly policies that fit the narrative of removing pollution. Currently, a vaccine passport is required to visit certain countries. Imagine needing one to go shopping, drive a car, or exit your home. It would be easily enforceable anywhere that has implemented the “internet of things,” in which everything from automobiles to door locks is under central control. The flimsiest pretext will suffice once the ancient template of sacrificial victim, the repository of pollution, has been established.”
Mr. Eisenstein imparts or defines many control group ideologies in his comments. Yes, that’s fine. But he offers no solutions to the problem…
In my opinion, the “problem” is defined by man’s insistence on the creation of “organizations” to solve the inherent problems that organizations create. Organizations are ALWAYS fascist and dictatorial.
The stratification of duties and responsibilities, create the ethical pollution inherent in all organizational regimes. The most efficient organization is the limited actions of two persons in partnership. All the rest is voluntary enslavement…
We can do better than that, we can proactively create local alternatives to their New System.
You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.
Buckminster Fuller
Nice quote by Buckminster Fuller.
You are so right Freecus, it’s actually past time for us freedom-loving souls to get local economies growing. I have no intention of waiting to see what happens – I now what is happening now, even in our ’15-minute cities’ like Oxford.
My village deep in rural Somerset is well under way with our New Local system and it’s working well. https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/the-financial-jigsaw-part-2-localisation?s=w
Time to ignore WEF et al, they are powerless unless we conform, and some will, our Weapon of Mass Destruction is invincible: DO NOT COMPLY
“Janssen vaccine was expected to cause thromboembolism in patients from the very date of its release. Woo et al from the NIH in a report has described thousands (N=3790, 11% fatal) of patients with blood clots and their description of what happens in the human body is nothing short of “blood curdling.” Clots going from the ankle to the groin, shooting to both lungs, and killing the victim is a description out of a science fiction horror movie yet in this report produced by our own government gives no apologies nor raises a sense of alarm for the public.”
Peter McCullough is always so impressive to listen to. His knowledge with regards to heart and medical issues is amazing.
mccullough is controlled opposition; feigning to be an agent vs covid-19 mrna vax whilst simultaneously endorsing not to mention pushing other pseudo-remedies (i.e. drugs) for covid in the past; and most other types of vaccinations in the present. That is all! RGB-Y3 out!!
I notice a lady mentioned 1976. A flu injection no one we knew at the time took in the UK.
What happened to that? In fact I cannot remember anyone taking a flu jab. We just thought it was a US thing.
Tunes, Lockets and if you was hardcore – fishermen friends,
Remember the days when vaccines were aborted after killing just a few people?
“Federal officials urged widespread vaccinations after swine flu broke out among soldiers at Fort Dix, New Jersey, killing one of the 14 diagnosed with the illness. But the program was suspended after at least 25 people died from vaccine reactions. Other estimates put the death toll at 32 people, while about 500 others later suffered from Guillain-Barre syndrome, which damages nerves and can lead to paralysis.”
I disagree. Mr. McCullough is attempting to inform the public regarding the major hazards of mRNA “vaccines”.
I do have issues with persons such as he, who fail to support a BAN on all pharmaceutical tampering with the basic building blocks of life. Tampering with DNA is completely unnecessary and plainly dangerous. These assholes need to be stopped…
I would say de facto controlled opposition. I personally think that he is sincere. I wouldn’t say the same for Malone.
Thanks again for the link rebutting Desmet’s book and theories. It was very thorough and left me with a lot to chew on.
Malone is sincere, but the attention and fame have captivated him.
Hmm he doesn’t seem able to trot out an anecdote without mentioning some CIA buddy or other, so I’ll definitely withhold my judgement! XD
He always seems so brilliant and he does a nice job of pointing out the unethical nature and illegality of much that has occurred with these Recent injections.
Virus pusher who thinks electron microscope images actually show clearly identifiable viruses, or wants you and me to think that.
Hello Jeffrey Strahl: If you’ve never used electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), mass spectroscopy (MS), inductively coupled plasma analysis (ICP), bright field microscopy (BFM), dark field microscopy (DFM) and live blood image diagnostics, as well as analysis of images using artificial intelligence, you have no business misinforming the public.
June 7, 2022
The German Working Group for COVID Vaccine Analysis
He sure has done a nice job of pointing out the reckless nature of the current injection program and it’s subsequent death and injury profile compared with all other vaccine injections historically.
Pfizer salesman, pushes Paxlovid on his website.
Many cases of such research. Prof. Bhakdi warned of this in 2020-12.
He explained the danger to EMA in a letter in 2021-03 (my summary):
Many copies of the spike protein may appear on cell surfaces, activating blood platelets and clotting. Damage to blood vessel lining also causes clotting. The effect seems to be worse with the 2nd. injection or for those who have been infected with any corona virus earlier. At vulnerable spots in the brain, spine or heart, the clotting may be fatal. Moreover, the immune system may attack the cells producing the spike protein.
The world hit global Peak Oil in 2018, which caused the Ponzi scheme of debts and derivatives to start collapsing in 2019. (Peak Oil means the end of economic growth i.e. the end of capitalism.) That’s why the Federal Reserve had to bail out the repo market with trillions of dollars BEFORE the COVID pandemic. That’s why TPTB rolled out the fake COVID pandemic/lockdowns, which had been planned years in advance. The ruling class Elite have known about Peak Oil since at least the 1950s.
The lockdowns were meant to terrify the public into taking the depopulation shots and slow down the economy/oil demand as part of the controlled demolition of the current system. The globalist Elite want a return to Feudalism so they can extend the Age of Oil for themselves by stopping us from travelling and depopulating us. TPTB can really start depopulating us once they have us trapped with CBDC.
“Hunger Games” was predictive programming you see.
Note: There’s no need to debate about whether Peak Oil is “real or not” anymore- because it already happened in 2018.
In truth though, peak oil could show a trend toward relaxing crude oil production, rather than true depletion of crude oil reserves. It’s not cut and dried, I’d suggest.
You can also see the dramatic effects of the phoney ‘pandemic’ on oil production in 2020-21. This clamp placed on the very wellspring of capitalism (as you say yourself) might mean one or more of a few things… a) fear of Covid was so great it stalled the world economy or b) world oil production can be controlled far more centrally and far more easily than we realise or c) these figures can’t be trusted and competing sovereign nations, seeking economic advantage in the capitalist rat race, didn’t declare their full oil production for these periods. Etc.
I just think these figures might benefit from being viewed in a wider context, perhaps? A2
yes, just think about how much crude is left in the ground in Iran and Venezuela to underline your point. They purposely have fought Iran to keep that oil in the ground and keep it off the markets to keep Iran from getting the power of that money. Same in Venezuela. There are vast amounts of good usable crude in those 2 countries alone. Same is true in Russia, where the reserves are barely tapped. The restrictions have political and political alone. The west is dying from its immorality, and the rest of the world will move forward without it. It’s happening now, the wef is proof positive: their desperation is extraordinarily visible. The genocide was their big play, and it failed on the scale they wanted. The west is done – and good riddance!
Peak oil is a theory looking for a reality, it just can’t find a real one, so it continues apace.
Not to mention that there is an enormous amount of secrecy in the hydrocarbon industry due to the vast value involved. People, companies, organizations and nations are all quite well known to lie about their hydrocarbon reserves for one reason or another.
Thank goodness someone has got the message. I’ve banging on about this for a decade. I understand all you have reported and there is nothing wrong with it – I agree. BUT, what do you think is the primary motivation for these multiple drives to slow the global economy? What happened after 200 years of unending economic growth which turned the optimistic machinations at Davos in 1971?
Professor Klaus Schwab opened the inaugural European Management Forum in Davos in 1971. What of global significance happened in 1971 – cue Nixon.?
In the early 1970s, the Cold War split the world while the Vietnam war split America, an oil crisis was looming, and Bretton Woods had failed. A German economics professor had a bright idea. The idea was unconventional at the time, but it has since taken hold. It was Professor Klaus Schwab’s theory to save the elites at the expense of everyone else.
Global developments distinguished the third Davos meeting. Aurelio Peccei, the Italian industrialist, delivered a speech on his book “The Limits to Growth”, which had caused a sensation by calling into question the sustainability of global economic growth. The elites knew then that collapse was already baked into the cake.
Try to think like an elite globalist. “You, as an elite, know from all your inside information and research that the end of cheap energy is imminent. This means the end of your world of excessive privilege and security. We have to make a plan to secure our status quo. This has to involve total control and depopulation of the masses (useless eaters) because hungry plebs are likely to come for your head in short order – history is the guide.
We also know that ‘he who controls the money, controls the world’. Larry Fink said it in August 2019,as did Nathan Rothschild. I reported this recently:
BUT – why have we entered a long period of negative growth? I have explained this counter-intuitive outcome in my article here: https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/the-financial-jigsaw-part-2-the-end?s=w
What happened in 2013? I began my book because I was motivated when a client in Cyprus had €850k in his bank on March 31 2013. He had €100k on April 1 2013 plus a load of paper certificates. He had to close his business and move to Florida. I wanted to know what was going on and published my dissertation Part 1 as an eBook: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/358117070_THE_FINANCIAL_JIGSAW_-_PART_1_-_4th_Edition_2020
I am writing Part 2 this year and publishing some extracts as I go. I am a systems engineer (rtd) and recognise that “people don’t fail, systems do” and under Six Sigma: “If I don’t know, I can’t act”. Thus validated knowledge is key to “Protecting” our assets and “Surviving” the coming economic transition to a lower level where “Less is More.”
Decentralisation, local economies and short supply lines will be key to the New Emergent Economy: https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/the-financial-jigsaw-part-2-localisation?s=w
Perhaps there is another way? I can’t see it yet – will others offer solutions?
Limits to Growth addresses far more than energy. Due to dogma and hope, many even here reject it as globalist conspiracy or fear-mongering.
Could be – I won’t exclude the possibility, mgeo, and thanks for raising it. My own research convinces me that EROEI is real and people like Tim Morgan and Gail Tverberg among many others thinks so too. Perhaps the globalists are merely exploiting it? Always very difficult to discern the truth these days. Time will tell.
For me, the jury is still out and will be for a long time.
Peter, fashions change, and the current group of globalist nutters may well give way to a newer group who are pro growth. You never know. Let’s outlive them and see.
I’ll go with that! CheersTom.
I agree … creating alternatives is the key to arresting rampant globalism. It’s a difficult, bottom up process though and most are hooked on mindless convenience and unwilling or unable to unplug from the matrix.
Oil is like diamonds, its “scarcity” is manufactured and tightly controlled by cartels. Peak Oil TM was and continues to be New World Order (New Normal) propaganda.
“Oil is the second most abundant liquid in the world.” – L. Flechter Prouty.
Quotes can be whimsical. Not too many things come in liquid form; so being the “second most abundant” doesn’t in itself confer copious amounts of it.
I know what a quote is and is not. They don’t prove anything. In this case the quotation has weight because of who said it. Prouty was there when the US set up the house of Saud to front the first petrol state (before the end of WWII). Like De Beers with diamonds in South Africa, the US (via the military) intended early on to have global control of oil. Peak Oil serves the same agenda as Climate Change – manufacturing scarcity.
If this is so, Tom, why are oil exploration companies trawling the ocean floor and trying to find oil in the arctic regions? This sort of exploration is both costly and damaging. Why are they manufacturing oil from tar sands – another very costly operation. Why are so many gas wells now being explored and exploited? If there is plenty of cheap oil available, why is gas being promoted?
Can you – or anyone – answer these questions? Also, can you give me any valid references for your assertions?
For your consideration:
Good try Tom, but 2007 data does not convince me but this does:
At this point in time, any subject of inquiry must be looked at thru the lens of cui bono. Peak Oil theory clearly benefits those who currently control the resource. Data regarding oil reserves is not reliable for political reasons, not geological. If you listened to Corbett’s podcast and you still believe in Peak Oil, then you are holding onto a belief that is demonstrably a tool of propaganda.
I do respect Corbett’s opinions as well as others who offer in-depth analysis too. I can’t deny that hydrocarbons have delivered amazing benefits over the last 200 years allowing abundance in all economic sectors enough to drive global population from 1Bn in 1800 to 8Bn today. So I would say all of humanity has benefited.
Of course along the way opportunists like Rockefeller et al made out like bandits and likely used propaganda to achieve it. Not to mention a range of competing technical innovations which were bought up and shelved or forcefully buried like Tesla etc.
I do agree with your thesis that there are many reasons for elites to perpetuate/manipulate supply and price. But I can’t account for ESG by the UN and WEF et al forcing us away from oil. Perhaps you have an argument to account for this trend which clearly is killing the golden goose?
Thanks Tom, but you haven’t answered any of my questions yet.
If you got nothing out of Corbett’s podcast (assuming you listened to it – which I shouldn’t assume) then you might look to your own post: The things you list, are not necessarily evidence of scarcity, but rather of abundance. They keep finding new reserves all the time. “Cheap oil”? We’ve never known cheap oil in our lifetimes (only relatively as more blatant scams to price gouge come and go).
The price has always been artificially inflated – as it is now.
The real problem with oil is not that it is scarce, it is “peaking” or that it pollutes, the real problem is that it is an energy commodity that lends itself to centralized control – oil cartels that work closely with the state and its military and intelligence agencies. It makes the aforementioned more powerful and therefore more despotic. What we we need is an abundant energy source that cannot be centrally controlled, that is decentralized and empowers the local. That is what we should be talking about. You’re questions miss the point.
Thanks for the Corbett link. I listened to the entire thing today.
1) Corbett makes a valid point that the oil industry manipulates oil prices for profit- there’s zero doubt of that. (But also consider the oil industry has huge expenditures as well since exploratory drilling is very expensive.)
2) The bulk of the podcast displays the usual misconceptions about Peak Oil. PO is not about running out of oil. The world has LOTS of oil left- enough to last for centuries, even millennia. The issue is how much cheap (affordable) oil is left. PO is really about Energy Return on Investment (EROI). PO becomes a big problem when you get less energy out then you put in. In its hey dey, the EROI on oil was 100:1! This is why the 20th century had stunning economic growth. Now, the EROI is ~10:1 and dropping fast. Finding a few billions barrels here or there makes no real difference because the world uses over 30 billion barrels per year. The podcast talks about new offshore discoveries. But these have low EROI. Fracking calmed PO fears and promised another century of oil but that was a scam. Fracking has a low EROI and wells quickly run dry after a few years. PO is real whether we like it or not.
3) Oil might be abiogenic but it’s obvious the replenishment rate is extremely low because otherwise no oil field would ever retire. Oil fields don’t run dry- they’re simply abandoned when the EROI becomes too low. Deep drilling and pumping wells with water or natural gas to extract remaining oil is expensive and greatly reduces the EROI.
4) The last part of the podcast mentions the possibility of using salt water to power cars. This is silly because again you get far less energy out than is put in. The same applies with the big “fusion” story from last month. It’s all hype.
Forgot to mention: the podcast implies PO is bunk because Al Gore believes in PO too. One pet peeve I have with PO proponents is the vast majority believe in CO2-driven climate change, which I believe is a hoax (like the majority here). Personally, I think CO2 climate change is political cover for PO. It allowed the globalists to justify massive investment in alternative energy without admitting to PO. To be fair, the Powers That Be really did try to find a viable alternative energy source- but they failed. Oil is the most energy dense substance in the world- but we didn’t invent it- so how can we really replace it? The world has LOTS of oil with low EROI left. The key issue is we’re running out of oil with high EROI. (Once EROI drops to 1:1 or lower then there’s no point in getting it out of the ground.)
It is indeed abundant and might even be abiotic Tom. But the essence of the argument is the economics of surplus energy available to support a highly geared world after exploration, extraction, processing and transport costs. Dr Tim Morgan makes the case, the logic of which I find hard to argue against: https://surplusenergyeconomics.wordpress.com/
Can you help me with your evidence?
It may be ‘the end of growth’ but “WE(F) have other ways to make you dance !” (KS),
The world hit ‘peak oil’ again and again. And then they found more. Or they found new ways to get it out. And nowadays there is much talk about ‘abiotic oil’.
No one knows how much oil is in the ground. Ya just can’t take an elevator down there and count a bunch of neatly stacked barrels. Everything is an estimate based on a large, very impure set of assumptions along with measurements that may be wrong for one reason or another.
I was a petroleum engineer. It is an amazing industry on one hand because the drilling and production tech can do seemingly impossible things, and on the other hand because there is always so much uncertainty involved.
Oooh, as a petro-engineer I wonder, do you mean that abiotic discussions are taking place more within the industry itself? Also, would you have any links which might demonstrate this, or at least literature on the subject which you think is respectable? It’s something I’m very interested in and I know many of our readers are too. Prior to covid I always had a problem imagining a petroleum industry labouring under a fundamental misconception about something as basic as oil’s origins. Then we witnessed the medical sector become advocates for mask wearing and lockdowns et al. A2
This link which I posted before claims oil is abiogenic but the earth only produces 1 million barrels of oil per year. We use ~90 millions barrels of oil per DAY!
The world has LOTS of oil left with low EROI (energy return on investment). The problem is we’re running out of oil with high EROI. Modern civilization breaks down once EROI drops to ~10:1 and below which is where we are now. Will the oil production decline be a gentle one or a sudden drop off the cliff? Apparently, the Powers That Be think it’ll be the later which is why they implemented the Great Reset.
‘Peak Oil’ is a shibboleth.
Power, money & sex are their triumvirate, umbilically connected.
The biggest collection of egos each thinking s/he is the center of the universe: some globalists!
This is so far the only person who is agitating for exactly what I believe is our solution, and our way forward. He is not charismatic, but he is right.
Emanuel Pastreich does seem to “get it”. He reminds me of a modern day Eugene Debs in looks and common sense. This is an excellent in-depth discussion:
How World Governments Are Run by Multinational Companies
“American presidential candidate and international relations expert Emanuel Pastreich discusses the events of 2020 and how it was really an attempted totalitarian takeover of local and central governments around the world by billionaires and bloodline families working through IT companies, and private intelligence firms. We talk about the perversion and marxification of academia and how students are “mind raped” into a worship of authority by the very people that have been learning how to corrupt minds from earlier experiments at DARPA and Guantanamo Bay.”
Catherine Austin Fitts (solari.com) & Prof. Richard Werner, DPhil.
in Financial-Rebellion-22: Northern Light Convention
about what CBDC will look like…