Science! Blessed be Thy Name
The Vanishing Value of Religious Freedom
Jordan Henderson

Freedom of Religion can no longer bring about the freedom that it could have in past ages had it actually been implemented; only a Freedom of Belief System could do that today. The reason for this is straightforward; Freedom of Religion would have been a big deal back when the dominant belief system was a religion; Freedom of Religion would have meant the freedom not to have the dominant belief system imposed upon you.
But Freedom of Religion can no longer shield you from having the dominant belief system imposed upon you because today the dominant belief system is The Science as dictated by the state. The Science now serves the same role for rationalizing political power that the church used to do.
I want to first illustrate our new reality, through two written examples. The first example under the subheading “A Little Chat About the Good News,” presents the dogmas of The Science in satire through religious terminology.
The second example under the subheading “Proof of Baptism Required,” is the reverse and asks us to imagine what it would look like if governments were forcing religious dogmas and rituals upon the population in place of scientific dogmas and rituals.
In other words the first example asks us to imagine religious dogma swapped with science dogma. The second example asks us to imagine the opposite scenario: science rituals and dogma swapped with religious rituals and dogma.
1st Example: A Little Chat About the Good News
Do you have a moment? Can I tell you a little about our Savior Science?
Have you heard the good news about vaccines? Here let me share with you. I’ll just open up The Holy Scriptures of the Peer Reviewed Journals, turn to the Book of Pharma, and there we go! Chapter 20, verse 19, The Doctrine of Salvation Through Vaccination *clears throat*:
“For Science so loved the world that it gave its many begotten vaccines so that none might perish but that all who get their vaccines might live till their next booster shot”
Now, have you accepted vaccinations into your body as your savior and protector? No?! Then repent and get vaccinated! For as we know from the Doctrine of Original Infection:
“For all could be infected and fall short of the glorious sterility of industrialized medicine”
Look, I know that you have fallen prey to conspiracy theories, but you have to understand that The Science is beyond your capability to evaluate or critique. Discerning the truth is the job of the Scientist, your job is to trust and believe what the Approved Scientists tell you. Have faith in The Science, for as it is written:
“Science is the way, the truth, and the light, none come to the truth save through Science”
2nd Example: Proof of Baptism Required
What if the government of the USA decreed that no foreigners would be allowed in unless they showed proof of having been baptized?
What if State and local governments ordered lockdowns of all non-religious activity on Sundays?
What if governments at all levels mandated the wearing of an outward statement of faith such as a cross necklace in certain places, and for travel?
What if proof of baptism and the wearing of cross necklaces was a requirement in order to work for the government?
What if the government mandated that even private businesses would have to demand of their customers the wearing of cross necklaces, and that even private schools could only employ people who had proof of baptism?
Freedom of Religion is an Inadequate Relic
Religious Freedom entails both the freedom to practice a religion of your choice if you so choose, and it also crucially involves freedom from other people’s religions. That is to say a society that could be regarded as having Religious Freedom would be one in which no one would be mandated to take part in the rites and rituals of any given religion.
Freedom from the obligation to take part in the rituals of other people’s religion is not a new concept or desire that has only risen with the rise of atheism; freedom from religion, specifically freedom from taking part in the rites and rituals of the state’s chosen religion was something that Christians themselves insisted upon and were punished for in ancient Rome.
Religious Freedom didn’t need to be called Freedom of Belief System because it is a concept from times and places in which the dominant belief systems were religions; it would have been sufficient for those times, it is nowhere near sufficient for these times. We are proud of having Religious Freedom and take comfort in having this freedom at a time in which Religious Freedom counts for less than it ever has before.
The belief systems of The Science and also Statism (disguised as “Patriotism” for the Right, and “Democracy” for the Left) have superseded in prestige and prevalence the religious belief systems.
Western governments and ruling classes can easily afford Religious Freedom for the commoners because they no longer use religion as the primary means of justifying their power. Temporal authorities force upon the populace the belief systems that they control and that they use to justify their power, which are now science and democracy as defined by the state.
Bragging about Religious Freedom in the USA , as the Patriotic Right here is prone to do, is akin to bragging about how we don’t burn witches at the stake anymore. You have the freedom to be a witch or sorcerer and we won’t burn you – Wow what a freedom! Considering that as a society we almost all condemn the burning of witches, and have condemned this for some time, it is absolutely unimpressive and nothing to brag about that we don’t burn witches anymore.
Likewise Western culture by and large has long since moved past the imposition of a state chosen religion and more or less allowed everyone to practice their own choice of religion. Consequently, the freedom to go to church on Sunday, or Saturday, or frequent a synagogue, or attend no religious services at all, is nothing to brag about. No one in the West would have any excuse to do otherwise than allow this basic Religious Freedom – it’s not even an expectation, it’s a given.
But this progress is actually an illusion, we need only move beyond the inadequate term Religious Freedom, and think in the just slightly broader term Freedom of Belief System and we can immediately see that we do not have a Freedom of Belief System, and the state is still imposing a state chosen, official belief system upon us – The Science.
Even your basic right to attend a church/synagogue/mosque is only permitted to you until the dominant belief system, The Science, says otherwise. When The Science says no church (as was the case in the lockdowns) there is no church. Who needs to tell businesses when they can be open or closed based on old fashioned Sunday Laws? No one, because now authorities can close businesses and events at will, based on Science Laws.
“Ah, but unlike those silly religions, science is for real”
Such is an objection we might expect to hear from The Followers of The Science who “know” that their faith in The Science is justified, and they “know” The Science is right, and therefore they believe that the state has the right to force the rituals and rites of The Science upon the non-believers. Well let’s think about it:
Christians and Muslims justified the imposition of their belief system because it was The Truth, they “knew” it was The Truth. Unlike those other silly belief systems that were wrong, their belief system was right, and they knew it. They trusted the experts (religious authorities).
The Followers of The Science are no different from Christians and Muslims imposing their belief system through Holy Wars/Crusades/Jihads; they “know” that they are right, their belief system is The Truth, and everyone else is wrong. It’s for your own good and the good of all society.
Another Objection that we Might Expect from The Followers of The Science
“We can’t afford to pretend that The Science has no more a corner on The Truth than mere religions; if we don’t adhere to the rituals and rites of The Science (Vaccines, Masks, Lockdowns, Testing, and yet more Vaccines) and impose them upon all society we will all suffer from the Wrath of Scien…I mean the microbes will breed in the unclean bodies of the Unvaccinated and then they will infect the true believers, the Vaccinated!”
Once again, the same arguments belief systems always use as justification for imposing themselves through force on non-believers and heretics: All of society will suffer unless everyone complies with the dominant belief system. Let’s go even further back, before Christians and Muslims, and use an example straight out of the Old Testament.
“While the people of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man gathering sticks on the Sabbath day. And those who found him gathering sticks brought him to Moses and Aaron and to all the congregation. They put him in custody, because it had not been made clear what should be done to him. And the Lord said to Moses, “The man shall be put to death; all the congregation shall stone him with stones outside the camp.” And all the congregation brought him outside the camp and stoned him to death with stones, as the Lord commanded Moses.”
Numbers 15:32-36
So you see, the Israelites had to stone that guy to death, not because Moses was an authoritarian control freak who demanded that no one dare defy his authority. No, not at all, it wasn’t a power play or anything like that, no, Moses was simply following the scie – I mean God told him to, Moses said so himself.
Throughout the Old Testament it is a recurring theme that everyone must comply, for noncompliance will bring God’s wrath upon the nation of Israel, or God will turn his back on Israel as their enemies overrun them. In other words, compliance with the dictates of priestly authority was basically framed in the terms of public safety.
Nothing has changed, only the name of the excuse; authorities now force compliance with The Science rather than God’s laws, but it is the exact same ploy.
The authorities pretend that they are not ordering you around, they are just following something else like God’s laws or The Science, and they just so happen to be in a position to decide what God or The Science demands. It’s all about sacrificing individual freedom (of the commoners) to protect the group from the boogeyman of God’s wrath or the latest virus. The boogeyman can be held at bay by certain rituals which only work if everyone does them, to appease God or The Science.
In the Middle Ages heretics were burnt to protect society from being infected by their ideas. You see the authorities didn’t want to burn the heretics, and honestly I believe the authorities really probably didn’t want to burn them in most cases, but they had to, to stop the spread of heresy. They saw heresy as a disease infecting the body of believers – the church. The medieval authorities had to stop the spread of dangerous misinformation (heresy) that could have lost people their salvation.
Again and again authorities at the head of belief systems spin stories about how everyone has to take part in the belief system or else all society will suffer. Again and again the authorities use this as justification to force compliance with their belief system and punish dissent.
Covid facemasks are one such tall tale spun for no other reason than to provide justification for The Followers of The Science to force one of their Covid rites upon the non-believers. The truth of this statement is demonstrable through a simple logical analysis;
Covid facemasks could do one of two things for the wearer:
- Block the particle size they claim the virus to be transmitted through (droplets, aerosols, whatever they’re laying blame on).
- Fail to block the aforementioned particles.
If the facemasks could actually block particles down to the particle size of concern, the wearer would not need anyone else to wear one in order to receive protection.
If, however, the facemasks The Followers of The Science wore, and some still wear, fail to block the size of particles that they are paranoid about, then they should have gotten better masks that do.
None of the scientific mumbo jumbo about droplets counts for anything here; either the masks can blocke particles in question or they can’t. If they can, problem solved. If they can’t – then believers should be wearing ones that can.
The Followers of The Science should have been wearing respirators that actually have a proper seal around the face. The government could have spent some of it’s Covid trillions in ensuring that every Follower of The Science on the planet who wanted one, had a proper respirator.
The only reason to insist on masks that have no proper seal, and at best block a small portion of the particle size in question, rather than emphasizing respirators that could have at least worked in theory, was to give an excuse to the authorities to force this Covid rite upon the nonbelievers.
In Conclusion
Anti-Religious bigotry is prevalent in the ranks of The Followers of The Science; it’s worth pointing out to them that they themselves exemplify everything that they hate from religions. In terms of fanaticism, intolerance, and superstition, The Followers of The Science are currently the worst in the West.
I’m aware that Covid-19 was a means to an end (many ends) for ruling elites, but they couldn’t have pulled it off without science as a belief system. Organized Science is the handmaid of the powerful both by providing the powerful with real scientific developments and for providing temporal authorities with an aura of legitimacy through scientific “truths” fabricated to order.
In terms of Freedom of Belief System, we can say that we have progressed about to the Middle Ages. From the legal standpoint of governments and their judiciaries throughout the world; your freedom ends where the superstitions of The Science begin.
The vaccination practice, pushed to the front on all occasions by the medical profession, and through political connivance made compulsory by the state, has not only become the chief menace and gravest danger to the health of the rising generation, but likewise the crowning outrage upon the personal liberty of the American citizen…
Previous to the Reformation the state stood behind the priest and enforced his edicts, from whence thousands of victims fell before the steel and the flame of a merciless persecution. Today the state stands behind the commercialized, fee hunting doctor, to enforce his vaccination fraud against the lives and health of millions of little children.
It is especially for the removal of this disgraceful compulsory curse that I speak as with a tongue of flame, that I make my earnest, impassioned plea. Restore the American citizen to his liberty in matters medical as we have guaranteed his liberty in matters religious, and then if the medical profession have any specific of value to offer, the common sense of the people will come to know and adopt it.
– J. M. PEEBLES, M. D – Vaccination a Curse and a Menace: With Statistics Showing its Dangers and Criminality – 1900

Science Fiction – Oil Painting by Jordan Henderson – 36×52 inches / 91×132 centimeters [click for full size]
Jordan Henderson lives in the Northwest of the United States. He works in oil paints, and charcoals. A portfolio of his works can be viewed at either of his websites: Original Paintings – Fine Art Prints
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I love this painting. It made me laugh, and I thank you for publishing it. Art heals, disrupts, rearranges, discomforts, comforts, provokes, evokes, and all kinds of good things. I have been saddened by all the crappy art coming out in the last few years because of corona cult programming, fear, and so-called political correctness. So, good, edgy art gives me hope. Yay. Let’s keep breaking things up and creating and recreating, as art should do.
Elon Musk the scientist meets Elon Musk the awakened mystic, that would be interesting?
Someone once asked Albert Einstein,
“What is the most important principle in scientific investigation?”
Do you know what Einstein replied?
Even in his wildest dreams the questioner could never have imagined the reply he was given,
Einstein said, “The absence of egoism.”
Modern physics, in the hands of Albert Einstein, has turned almost into mysticism.
Nobody has noted the fact, because mystics don’t understand modern physics and the physicists do not care about the mystics.
The mystics have always experienced that they are one, but nobody has listened to them.
Perhaps man was not mature enough to understand the depth of their declaration.
The mystics have simply expressed the oneness of all.
That existence knows only one moment.
The present moment.
Physicists go into detail.
Physicists say that existence consists of two elements: space and time.
And Einstein turned even these two into one.
Albert Einstein, especially, was the first scientist to come to the conclusion that time is the fourth dimension of matter.
He used to say that “There is not space and time, there is only ‘Spacetime’.”
Einstein had said, “the separation between past, present, and future is only an illusion, although a convincing one.”
We are accustomed to dividing time into past, present, and future.
But in reality these are not the divisions of time, these are divisions of our mind.
Because past does not exist anymore, except in our memories.
And the future exists not yet, except in our imaginations.
Time means mind.
Time is a projection of mind.
It does not exist, it is only an illusion, although a convincing one.
Exactly where you are, this very moment.
Wake up!
Truth is not an object but an awakening in you.
it is an awareness within you, it is intelligence functioning at its optimum.
You cannot see truth.
You cannot grasp truth, it is not a thing.
You cannot give or take truth, it is not a thought.
It is your inner eye, your inner perception, what in the East is called the third eye.
To be the seer, alert and awake is to be true.
Drop the mind if you want to know the real.
Put aside the mind if you want to penetrate into the truth.
The truth is always there, but your mind is standing in between.
Put aside the mind, make a window and look, and everything, the very mystery of life, becomes unveiled before you.
Truth is not an object, you cannot believe in it, you cannot worship it.
Truth is not a thing but the clarity of perception.
Truth is not without but within.
And everybody has been seeking it without, hence everybody is missing it.
Truth is not an object that you have to find, search for or seek.
Truth is your subjectivity.
Truth is the one who is seeking, truth is not the sought, but the seeker themselves.
To think of truth as something outside is to miss from the very beginning.
With the mind nobody has ever been able to know the truth.
Without the mind anybody can know the truth, because the mind is the only barrier.
The mind must cease for the truth to be.
What we have acquired through our knowledge of matter is nothing compared to what we will gain by knowing the conscious self – no mind.
We know the atomic structure of matter but nothing of the atomic structure of the soul.
And this is our great misfortune.
We have achieved power, but no peace, no enlightenment.
The aim should be peace, not power.
And if the aim becomes peace, then the focus will be on the mystery of human consciousness itself, not into the secrets of nature.
There has been much research and exploration into unconscious matter, but the time has come when we must concentrate on the evolution of human consciousness itself.
The science of the future will be the science of consciousness, not the science of matter.
This change must occur before it is too late.
Those scientists who are committed to the investigation of the inanimate are of the old orthodox minds bound by tradition and convention.
People of full awareness must come forth to alter the direction of scientific research.
Science must strive for knowledge of human consciousness itself.
In their efforts to master the material world modern scientists have attained results unprecedented in human history; there is no reason they cannot be equally successful in achieving the same insight into the individual.
Consciousness can be known, it can be mastered;
Only then humanity can be transformed.
Then the science of consciousness will come into being for the very first time.
This will give birth to the greatest event in human history; this will give birth to a great creative energy.
This alone will save humanity.
There is no other way.
This science of religiousness has always remained in the hands of a few enlightened beings; it has never spread to the masses.
The religion of the people has always been fettered by superstitions and blind belief.
But now, the evolution of consciousness is finally eradicating this blindness.
The life, the future of humanity depends on this.
Remember, all belief comes out of not knowing the truth.
The end result of believing, of having faith in a truth that you have not realized yourself.
It is hearsay.
When there is an existential self knowing of life itself, then there is no longer a need to believe.
For the first time, humanity can be one, no divisions.
What divides all the religions?
Just small details, meaningless details, about their idea of god.
But there is no god, there has never been, all definitions are inventions.
Observe how all of these differences now disappear.
All belief systems are purely creations of imagination.
Accepting a personal god creates unnecessary problems which are insolvable.
Any hypothesis which creates problems rather than solving them is useless.
The time is right, for the collapse of all these retarded political and religious delusions, to end all these great lies, before humanity comes to an end.
Only a great spiritual revival can remove all these pseudo rulers from their counterfeit thrones of absolute power that creates all global enslavement, ignorance, wars, starvation, violence and poverty.
We have weeks to prevent a global nuclear suicide,
Yet, if individuals don’t start taking the responsibility, if they don’t desert all their so-called great political and religious leaders and their churches and their propaganda and holy books, the world is not going to survive very much longer.
Science is all about making predictions to prove one’s understanding of a natural system. The vaccine rollout is fundamentally unscientific for the simple fact that no doctor or so called expert anywhere could predict adverse reactions, even when knowing a patient’s history. The best they could come up with is risk-benefit guesswork. It’s junk science plain and simple.
What we were told is settled science is anything but. None of those pushing the vax could predict adverse reactions for the simple fact that none of them properly understand the human immune system. That’s the truth of the matter. All pro vaxxers are either dishonest people pretending they understand vaccine science or are believers i.e have faith in institutionalized science, the irony being that there is nothing rational or scientific about faith or belief. Censorship of dissenting voices helped to brainwash the feeble minded into the false belief that there was scientific consensus i.e. that the vaccines were safe and effective.
So the insistence by the covidian cult that lay people are in no position to question the science is incorrect, as only a basic understanding of the tenets of science, i.e that a correct hypothesis should lead to accurate predictions, is all that is needed to see through the scam, to see that we are being sold a lie.
When people are so brain addled they are unable to discern the linkages between cause and effect, very little can be done for them.
“No?! Then repent and get vaccinated!”
Almost literally word for word what the Catholic priest in his sermon lectured us about 2-1/2 years ago… the last day I attended the Catholic Church…
You know, he did not say a word about the billions in PPE $ the church was taking from the gov’m’t… Or pedophilia as a sin… Or ….
By this logic, the author must oppose enforced bans on pesticides or regulators on food hygene, or regulations of drugs and medicines in our daily lives, since that would enforce science on the population. Cholirnated water, electricl regulations, building and fire regulations , car safety tests, all enforcd, so an impostion on society because they are based on scientific beliefs that some MIGHT see as removing their freedom to believe eg seatbelts are useless.
Pesticides can drift beyond the owner’s crops, meaning pesticide use can result in the imposition of the user’s will upon his neighbor (getting pesticides on his neighbor’s land or in the air he breathes).
Therefore, my view that we should minimize the imposition of will some upon others can serve as a basis for opposing the use of controversial pesticides (I say controversial because, say diatomaceous earth is unlikely to create controversy, whereas organophosphates and many others are another matter).
Anyways, by your logic, I say that we need to mandate baptism, and back it up with government sanctions against the unbaptized. Some people may feel that it is a violation of their “rights”, but you know what? Saving their soul from eternal damnation is more important than the feelings of whiners and complainers, so let the inquisition begin anew! And the experts of my religion say it is true, and I’m going to listen to the experts – therefore it’s true, and it’s for your own good, and the good of all society that it be imposed upon you.
Regarding science, yes, we need the government to dictate what the science is, I am sure they will be honest and that none of what we know about the human tendency towards ulterior motives will apply here, science is above the corruption in everything else.
So the government should determine what the science says and then make us all do it.
Which boils down to the government should tell us what to do and we should obey or be punished. What a great political philosophy. Why hasn’t anyone thought of that before?
There is a confusing typo in what I just wrote, here is the correction with the missing word in bold:
“Therefore, my view that we should minimize the imposition of the will of some upon others can serve as a basis for opposing the use of controversial pesticides
I don’t know if you’re still following this thread mrbump, but in retrospect I can see that I may have been unfair to you in the later half of my initial response to your comment yesterday. The first half of my response I think is solid, the second half of my response has two issues though:
Firstly, I wrote “by your logic” but actually I can’t be sure what your political philosophy actually is as your comment was a criticism of my view not an explanation of your view. Therefore I should not have assumed that I knew what your view is, and I should have instead simply limited my response to a defense of my view, not a criticism of yours, as I don’t have enough information on your view to address it.
Secondly, the second half of my comment was presented in a snarky fashion, and snarky comments are the pitfall of online discussion; they degrade the quality of conversation. I firmly believe that snark should generally be kept out of the comments, and here I am guilty of this myself. So then for the benefit of future readers who scroll through the comments I will go ahead and call myself out for having descended into snarkyness in the later half of my initial response to your comment.
Science means knowledge. It is derived from the word scientia, knowledge in Latin. God being omniscient, All-Knowing, is the Source of all knowledge. As God is the Truth, only truth is knowledge. What knowledge would a lie be?
The word religion comes from Latin too, from religare, ligare meaning to bind. To bind as to connect. So religion means reconnection with God, the Ultimate Spirit.
As man has fallen into sin, the connection with God has been broken. To re-connect it, God is needed.
Twisted versions of ”science” and ”religion” are twisted. They are ungodly. In godlessness there is no knowledge, no logic and no truth (Logos). As God is All-Good, in godlessness there is no good.
Worldly religions have been fooling the world with lies. To make God a man is to serve man, not God. To make science a man is to serve man, not Truth.
So both science and religion have been twisted, their meanings have been changed.
When there’s no clarity with words, words cannot be understood correctly.
The worldly religion made God a man, so that the world would worship (means to serve) man instead of God. Emperor Constantine, who was a murderer, was the real originator of the Christian religion. Of course, the emperor wanted everyone to serve him.
The fallen man is in sin. The risen, Christ, is free of sin.
The original Bible is very clear, but the translations and other alterations stemming from false interpretations and pure evil have twisted it sometimes beyond recognition. For example, the ”fear of God” is a false translation, the correct one being ”respect of God”. When words and their meanings are twisted, when definitions are changed, it’s only to fool.
The Bible is not history, it’s myth.
We can’t understand mythology if we think it’s history. Why should history be believed, anyway?
When you cite the Bible without understanding the context, you make a terrific story but it’s not true. Everything in the Bible is about spirit. Every name, every word, everything. For example, the meaning of Moses:
So, if we believe Moses as a man of history, Jesus as a man of history, or any name in the Bible as history, it doesn’t make any bloody sense. Giants and stuff, man walking on water, man raising the dead, no sense at all. If we believe the Hollywood films and other stories made up by evil men, we believe evil. Evil spirits are, by definition, anti-God.
These are some great thoughts that you have shared, and I enjoyed your etymological connection of both science and religion to God. My understanding is that the bible is a mixture of history, or at least what is meant to be taken as history, myths that convey morals, psalms and so forth, with the question of canon being one that is never really closed save through the adoption of creeds.
I am open to viewing these sections of the bible as primarily symbolic, but much of it does read as history, and most biblical scholars I know of regard some books of the bible as primarily historical in nature (not that that makes it true, only that it is not a particularly eccentric view, nor a view born of unfamiliarity with the subject matter). The value of the bible in archaeological research, corroboration with other sources and so forth leads me to believe that even if the historical appearing passages are primarily symbolic than it is surely that symbolism was built into history and not that it was never intended as history.
In the case of the man gathering sticks in the desert, I do not profess confidence in that episode having actually happened, though maybe it did, humans can be like that. But it does read to me like a story, whether true or not, intended to preach compliance with priestly authority.
I’ve read multiple exegesis of that story which have all taken it at face value and defended it. So the Man Gathering Sticks story certainly serves the purpose of preaching authority today, and I do not think it unreasonable to believe that it has served such a purpose on previous occasions. While I did not give the context of the entire story of Moses I’m not sure it is fair that I be expected to. The Man Gathering Sticks is a good exemplar of the type of story that reoccurs throughout the early portions of the Old Testament. Plus the bible is a book that more people have familiarity with than most books, so they likely have some additional context beyond the passage I quoted.
I feel that insisting on the entire bible having been intended as instructive myth may be as unreasonable as its opposite – biblical literalism. I see the view that the bible is a mixture of history, embellished history, myth, psalms, stories, and so on is a view that is on pretty solid ground.
I do appreciate your insight, I enjoyed the link on Moses, I’m no biblical scholar myself and I may very well be wrong in my view of what the bible is. Consequently I’ll try to keep an open mind, and I appreciate the challenge to my view – it will help me avoid becoming dogmatic.
Totally wrong, assholes! Bigotry is found mainly in religious circles and only antivaxxer fuckheads act like as they live in the middle-ages, so stupid these morons. Those antivaxxer fuckheads have to be stopped by any means necessary!!!!
Seems to be a strong connection between your screen name and the diatribe.
Just take your meds Jeff.
Big pHarmer will look after you.
Fantastic,eyeoppening vision on believing.Thank you.
So what should we believe? Anything? ALL laws shoudl be considered a breach of freedom of belief, if we follow the logic of the author. If I believe murder is fine than is it it ok to murder?
For me it’s a vision of the matrix,and understanding it gives me hope to breck free.
I feel enlightened.
Fantastic,eyeoppening vision of believing.Thank you.Another step in the right direction.
Thank you!
What is quite incredibleis the thought that ‘science’ can remain the dominant force for critical thinking moving forward when the primary objective of our Universities now is providing ‘safe spaces’ to protect overgrown children from having to actually confront opinion different from that they currently assiduously hang on to.
If there’s one thing that proper science can’t tolerate, it’s a refusal to accept that a theory that has been falsified due to experimintal evidence is now ‘history’ aka ‘bunk’.
Right now, great swathes of life supposedly being determined by ‘science’ are enthralled with falsified hypotheses aka dogma and billions, nay trillions of dollars may be spent continuing to churn out claptrap in support of such failed dogma. This covers climate change aka climate heating’; it covers basic preclinical- and clinical research involving mRNA ‘medicines’ (many of which appear to have the characteristics of poisons); energy provision (which simply can’t be provided at 55N by unreliable wind turbines, insufficiently intense sunlight, insufficiently high mountains to create hydro power schemes of requisite payloads etc); GM agriculture; ‘gene editing’ etc etc.
The thing in common with all these topics is that there are large, powerful, vested interests who make more money if they are kept in place and those vested interests care not a jot that the rest of the world will be vastly less prosperous/healthy/effective by them so doing. By completely corrupting the political process, not to mention the banking cartels, totally ridiculous destruction of functioning economies has been planned and executed and the effects of those plans and executive actions are starting to become all too plain.
Science is about understanding and mechanism; engineering is about providing reliable solutions.
It’s high time that science stopped sticking its oar into arenas which only engineers can adequately solve. And it’s high time that competent engineers told the scientists to go take a hike and a running jump…..
Incredible but true.
I would call money making the prime objective of most universities today though. Dealing out titles is not limited anymore to those with good memory power but have to be given to all who paid the bribe fees: prestige inflation. A safe space too for parking endowments etc. away from taxes.
Are universities still the best place to meet interesting minds or became the place best for parties? The latter I fear, Internet has devasted the former niche.
Sad, but true. Seems all is sacrificed to propaganda that will support tyranny. I understand the latest survey shows American confidence in the media has sunk to single digits, so at least people don’t BELIEVE the propaganda, just don’t know how to oppose what’s happening.
mRNA: The sheer scale of the fragile production process was a major cause, as you would know.
Political process: There is little evidence of any such thing besides oligarchy and GloboCap.
Nice painting … please keep up all the good work.
Thank you for the encouraging words!
The author is correct in as much as science has replaced religion as the dominant authority belief system over the last three centuries in the western world. I neither believe this to be a good or bad thing as the primary global religions are themselves so corrupt. Real science need not be materialist. While its primary aim should be to eke out truth in the study of matter and energy, there is nothing intrinsic in its nature that 3D matter and energy is all there is to this universe. And now astrophysicists have stuck their feet in this bear trap, claiming reluctantly that their observations indicate that dark matter and dark energy comprise the overwhelming majority of “stuff” of the universe, yet they are still quite clueless to explain them. This conflating of science with scientism has added to the despair that the average person experiences in life perhaps best exemplified by the existential movement.
Professor John Ioannidis of Stanford, considered by many to be the most authentic epidemiologist on the planet, has stated that well over half of the peer reviewed articles in medical journals cannot be replicated. (By the way, I would not give any MD the time of day dressed in their costume of white lab coat and stethoscope, unless said lab coat is spattered with blood and sputum. In fact, I would prefer them to be dressed in wife beater tee shirts.) If these articles were precise in their methodology section and honest in their conclusions, there is no non-fraudulent explanation for this. THE SCIENCE has truly become THE FRAUD. However, I still believe that the honest scientific method which includes impeccable and faultless logic, honest methodology, and rigorous control study verification which removes only the primary variable in question, is a very valuable tool for discovering the truth, and this baby should not be thrown out with the bath water. What has brought this to the attention of aware people is that every aspect of the scamdemic has been based on deliberate and malevolent fraud and pseudo science – the lack of isolation, the fraudulent genetic sequencing, the fraudulent rt-PCR tests, the fake cases both with and especially without symptoms, the fraudulent medical and cause of death statistics, the bullshit variants, the bogus pre EUA testing of the clot shots – all deliberate and genocidal fraud.
“Royal Mail cyber attack leaves firms in limbo
…..Mr MacDonald, like many other small business owners, has been waiting for nearly a week to send out international orders via Royal Mail. And, as others have told the BBC, he has absolutely no idea when his shipments can resume.”
Mr MacDonald is a 60 year-old, who runs Blue Sky Vinyl. I’ll bet the OTHER MacDonald won’t be having any trouble.
There are plenty of alternative options for sending mail/parcels. It isn’t rocket science but folk just love to moan rather than solve the problem
Malcolm? Oh, that’s spelled “Macdonald” …
Graud/Observer (Are these two in bed together? Of course they are!):
“The Observer view on how the UK has become a hostile place to have children
The decision about whether and when to have children is deeply personal. But the high costs involved – and the increasingly anti-family sheen of government policy – mean that many parents cannot give their children the level of security they aspire to, affecting the rest of their lives. It also likely puts some people off having children, with wider consequences for the whole of society given the higher tax burden that Britain’s low birthrate will impose on future generations. The government’s neglect of children and families has profound repercussions not only for the kind of society we are today, but for what we will become in the future.”
And of course, the media don’t want to put people off having children!
I thought the Observer was the weekend edition of the Groan.
…- In related news:…
Simply brilliant analysis!!!
With a 3.8 article rating clearly those zombie ‘Science’ zealots have branded you as a nattering nabob of heresy! Injection room 101 for the likes of you!
Thank you for the encouraging words and humor! My being taken to injection room 101 will of course be for my own good (they’ll need to take you there too), and no matter what coincidences befall us after they have forcefully brought us Salvation Through Vaccination, just think of how bad it would have been without it!
Some genuine science: Everything We Think We Know About Early Human History is Wrong | David Wengrow
Some heresy from Twitter here: Last 8 years global a rate of 0.11C /decade despite 450+ billion tons of emissions. ‘CO2 warming is a hoax ”
NOAA’s own bar graph does show cooling since 2016, despite CO2 rising, and its alarmist title…
Astonishing how everything we learned from good teachers and competent officials way back has become practically worthless, and only because the barbarians, the thugs, the philistines and the savages – always in smart clothes today – manage to look respectable while they tell us all about the ghastly future they are planning for us.
Another of their clever tricks.
But respect has to be earned, and that takes time. You don’t get to demand respect, you can only ‘command’ it, as they say, when you’ve earned it, and some people never manage that.
Our current mob of ‘authorities’ are not respectable people.
Most of them are beneath contempt.
As I said above, it’s astonishing that this could happen – that people have suddenly lost the capacity to insist upon standards in their so-called ‘representatives’.
It’s the insisting that is lacking today. The smart clothes create the illusion that these awful people merit our attention, when they actually merit no such thing.
“Merit” doesn’t even enter the equation.
I do hope we’ll be able to shake them off – like a nasty cold in an otherwise healthy individual.
Over time I have seen each of the following exposed here as controlling and/or evil:
government, religion, science , machines, money, material possessions, egoism, politics and all politicians, medicine and all doctors, and of course, human nature. oops, I forgot– those who espouse all but one of your ideas, who are of COURSE guilty of a Limited Hangout.
When I speak of regaining control of the government, I’m told “Government can’t save us from government.” When obviously ONLY good government can save us from tyrannical government in the long run.
There is a disturbing lack of nuance– a fleeing away from the subtleties of reality to the simplistic.
No wonder you have difficulty persuading others to entertain the truths you have attained. For the world you sketch is empty and desolate. Without nuance there is nothing LEFT.
Thank you for your good sense, open mind, and always interesting posts penelope. Navigating the soup of virology, contagion, infection, toxicology, propaganda, biowarfare, secret research and macro economics not to mention open war doesn’t promise easy passage!
The mechanisms of good government are established historically (separation of powers?) but have been corrupted and over arched. Nation state sovereignty keeps it within reach. Naive probably looking at the record, but there is an existing framework.
Lockdown Under the Religion of Climate Change
New measures proposed by the Scottish government in a recent document outline a war on carbon and a war on cars. It includes a plan to implement restrictive 20-minute neighbourhoods so that the Government can deliver on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
-much more- including “the Place Principle”
Have you ever watched the documentary Zeitgeist?
The 20 minute prisons sound oddly similar to the resource based economy they proposed.
wisenox, I tried to watch Zeitgeist on your recommendation, but Google requires I sign in to prove my age– and I can never access anything re google account cuz they insist they must send me a text message to verify my ID. And I don’t have a cell.
So I’ll just have to remain curious.
Google insists on phone numbers, though it may delay the demand for a while.
It’s working very well in Japan!
…- *M-M-MASAKA*!!!…
…- Kinda ironic, considering one of the very first antagonists Saitama faces-off with in the hyper-popular manga and anime ‘One Punch Man’ is a character going by the name ‘Vaccine Man’… – His Bio’ sounds like the fever dream of your stereotypical depopulationist Davostani Malthus disciple:…
Are the increased boosters a response to the killing of arch-duke Shinzo Abe?
i.e., any increased push by govt since the assassination?
This is strange news, since Japan
– Rejected 2.6 million doses of Moderna containing “metallic substance that reacts to magnets”in 2021
– Enforced label on jab vial mentioning (a) risks incl, myocarditis (b) novel vaccine ingredients
– Enforced reporting of vax injury
– Legalised ivermectin in 2021-08
– Agreed to provide advice on rights if unvaxed person is discriminated against.
It’s sad, mgeo, but here’s the stats, website, etc.
Good luck during that next MRI…….
Couldn’t agree more. We not only need freedom of religion but, more importantly, freedom from religion.
“If you want to expel religion from our European civilization, you can only do it by means of another system of doctrines; and such a system would from the outset take over all the psychological characteristics of religion—the same sanctity, rigidity and intolerance, the same prohibition of thought—for its own defence. You have to have something of the kind in order to meet the requirements of education. And you cannot do without education.”
― Sigmund Freud, The Future of an Illusion
A synopsis of what The Science in medicine has become – the new one world relgion:
– Olivier Clerc
Great synopsis by Oliver Clerk, thank you for sharing it. I continue to be impressed by how many astute thinkers saw something like Covid coming well before hand. I knew of Ivan Illich, Robert Mendelsohn, C.S. Lewis and others predicting something like this in the past century, but right at the beginning of Covid I became aware of authors discussing these matters right before Covid rolled out. The Spanish investigative reporter Jesus Garcia Blanca, and Dr. Enrique Costa Vercher, discussed medicine as the “Pharmafia” and as a religion in books and interviews in the years before 2019. I’ll have to see if I can dig and find some of their more prescient quotes.
I haven’t been impressed by some of the quotes I’ve seen of Freud’s previously, but the quote you share here is lucid, insightful, and finely worded, maybe I should take a closer look at Freud.
Unfortunately many always think in theses terms.
THEY the scholars you mentioned and many others had covid in there times, i.e War propaganda, scarlet fever or threats of war or War itself without mentioning politics or religion ..
This type of psy op isnt new.
While the Freud quote given above is, taken on its own terms, quite true, Freud’s ideas should nevertheless be handled with care. As the quote demonstrates, he never sought to liberate mankind; only to make him better adjusted to the new, Godless society. He once summarized his calling as replacing ‘neurotic suffering with plain, old-fashioned human misery.’
The white lab coat is the new black cassock.
Scientism, the secular belief system of the modern world, saw off the Old Time Religion quite some time ago…We ALL believe there’s a Scientific Solution to Every Problem…
And like all new religions, the secular religion of our times also incorporates some of the rituals of the faith it replaced…
In The Name of Science male infants (in some Western branches of the Dominant Religion) must endure the excruciating pain of the genital mutilation ritual as their foreskin is removed as a sacrificial offering to The Science – scientific explanations for the barbarism having replaced the religious explanations…
Scratch the surface of Modern Humanity and you’ll find a writhing, festering churn of fears, anxieties, and superstitions, desperate for the assurances only The Science can provide…
It’s our belief system that’s building the Panopticon around us…The Scientific Method has served Our Masters well…
“The Scientific Method has served Our Masters well…”
Not as well as organized religion served our masters.
The real scientific method is so demonically demanding of intellectual – and emotional – self-discipline that almost no-one manages to stick to it faultlessly. Much “more honoured in the breach than the observance”.
The screeching dogmatisms of scientism the religion, otoh, are a piece of piss for anyone disinclined to the strict disciplines of real science. Always plenty of gocos (guardians of current orthodoxy) around to spray with dawkinsoid spittle-foam anyone daring to question the Holy Truths of The ScienceTM – whatever they happen to be at the moment.
All in the service of their goco-priests’ emotional comfort, natch. (And, as it happens their positions as prestigeful, very well rewarded, high-status ‘thought-leaders’ of society.
“…difficult to get a man to see something when his income/[status/intellectual vindication/marriage/etc.] depend…”)
Doublethink rools, OK
That’s a fascinating point, that the same ritual of circumcision, is carried on with religious reasons swapped for scientific/medical rationalization. Vaccination as Baptism, doctrines of original sin now original infection, are relevant comparisons; but what you bring up here doesn’t need to compare because it is the very same ritual, just new rationalization.
There is an interesting substack article i recently read, tangentially related to these matters, which presents the idea that the ethical standards of modern medicine are whatever creates a billable procedure for the medical industry, this seems to hold true across the board.
Original sin would correspond to inherited diseases.
As I’ve mentioned elsewhere, I believe circumcision serves a political even more than a scientific purpose: it creates a sense of both fear and anger which the state may call upon later in its quest for soldiers and conquest.
Beliefs by themselves, whether religious or scientific (or scientistic), can be fairly free-floating, more or less freely accepted or rejected. They may influence individuals to act, behave, live in certain ways. But they don’t command relations and realities among us unless they are socially institutionalized. Then they acquire more material force to determine conditions of our collective existence. Such ideology is largely determined by those whose power already determines these conditions, especially the forces of (re)production upon which society sustains human survival and prosperity.
So it was even upon pain of death that religion ruled feudal relations of medieval Europe. Arguably the origin of ideology, institutionalized religion, across different belief systems of the world, remains a force to be reckoned with in struggles to liberate ourselves from bondage to beliefs inimical to our freedom to be all we can be, including spiritually. What’s historically enabled that have been social revolutions to secularize public and political space, sustained over the course of modern movements in Europe and beyond to break with theocracy and establish social relations respecting human potential independent of religious authority. It might be said such humanism has been spiritual, inspiring and animating scientific revolution in particular as search for truth on the basis of reason rather than belief, however they may be interrelated, as in scientific paradigms.
Methodologically, both spiritual and scientific practices may be pursued independently of belief and ideology, as secular society has shown. But the class interests which still rule over modern capitalist society still rely, like the most ancient priesthood and royalty, upon idolatry and mystification to bind the masses of us to their interests and rule. Modern myths of progress serve them by celebrating freedom from superstition past while perpetuating new dogmas to compel our present consent. Scientism, not scientific practice, has been central to their power, so much so that human civilization is now poised to enter a new dark age of technocracy.
If we are to avert this future, already long developed into the present, we must break the institutionalization of the sciences under corporate state control of the ruling class, profiting from and empowered by Scientism. That means no less than a social revolution to liberate us and our potentials from class rule altogether, enabling democracy of truth and knowledge for us all.
Well said Niko. A social revolution in ideas is needed. I see state power to compel participation in the dominant belief system as the real poison here; If all the different schools of medicine and healing were free to practice, and none of them were outlawed by governments and government empowered medical boards, then we could simply avoid the medical and healing practices we see as detrimental and support those we value. The government granted monopoly to modern medicine supposedly protects us from quackery, but really they just institutionalized the quacks and outlawed everyone else. Whether or not we go to an unlicensed, board uncertified medical practitioner should be up to us to decide.
I know of course that “Heroic Medicine” can work miracles, but technical excellence in a few areas like addressing traumatic injury, doesn’t absolve modern medicine of its quackery in other areas or of it’s insistence on compelling participation in its rituals and outlawing competitors.
But the few of us who entertain such revolutionary ideas in our heads still have a heck of a job getting from there to actually implementing them.
That’s why we have not yet stopped the rot.
I know it’s hard, but at least in my thoughts I always try to get beyond, “This is what should happen” – or “This is what is needed”.
It’s always going to boil down to, “How to make it happen”
I agree, here are my current thoughts on the matter, let me know what you think if you see this response: I know there is a certain frustration with independent media that has been building and it amounts to something like “Too much talk, not enough action.” But I feel that quality independent media are doing their part; they are illuminating matters, the illumination that they provide can then be shared, and when the information lands on those who are ready for it, it can help them see the problems clearly.
Identifying the problem is the first step to solving it. Like you, I find implementing solutions to be daunting because it is generally beyond the means available to me. But I can contribute to existing solutions in small ways (non-compliance to whatever degree I can manage, supporting better businesses, speaking out), and I can carefully craft presentations of exploratory ideas and insights through visual and written means that help me clarify these problems, and that may help other people see the problems more clearly, and that is insight that they can in turn share with others.
I figure we have three options that all three of which we can work on after having identified a given problem:
1. Deepen our understanding of the problem and the possible solutions to it.
2. Work towards solutions with whatever means are available to us.
3. Wake up more people so that those who see the problem are greater in number and can collectively do more.
I know a lot of people have closed their eyes and covered their ears, but not everyone. This is where I think the Parable of the Sower is valuable guidance – scatter the good idea seeds, and some small portion of it will fall on fertile ground and grow.
So through our exploration of ideas on independent media we can deepen the understanding of ourselves and other members of the awake community and we can provide idea seeds that are ready to scatter, or be found, by those beginning to wake up who are looking for dissenting perspective.
Doctors dont doctor like they used to Doctor…
They spend years learning lists of diseases and their symptoms,
and matching the chemical drug for each disease…
A visit to a local GP for a diagnosis, and for something to help
often takes far less than ten minutes: diagnosis is made and script
issued in around 3-4 minutes, then it’s “Next !”…
If the doctor isnt sure, you’re sent to a Specialist for a Second Opinion
(Responsibility for mis-diagnosis, and the possibility of being sued is
thus dodged)…You dont go to a doctor if you’re healthy, feeling OK.
They are trained in diseases not health…
Currently: A doctor in Australia has run foul of his governing body – because
he gives nutritional advice. They rightly claim his training did not include
learning about nutrition…They’ve the gall to threaten him with ex-communication
because he gives advice based on knowledge he has learned about nutrition,; threatened with being defrocked because nutrition wasnt part of his mainstream medical training…tbc…
The ideal would be to eliminate the middle man and go straight from the sick bed to the pharmacist. Doctors are making themselves passe.
Good advice, the frightening thing is that if we really do need medical care we might have to go to The System because it banned the competition, fortunately the medical underground is growing. Knowledge is spreading to that darkening the door of a hospital is dangerous for your health and should only be hazarded if other options are non existent or unavailable.
Money determines science.
Statism, to the left it’s democracy and the right it’s patriotism. Nice and simple. We must destroy Russia in the name of God… oops… in the name of Democracy!
looks like the og has once again proven its hypocrisy – they have again blocked my post because they are poor losers – not just from being stupid lesser shitstains or being previous guardian jokers, but because they can’t handle criticism (even as my post supported the stupid admin comment – odd, that).
You can’t spell cuck without UK
Your comment is there. And oh my word, where did all that malevolence materialise from? Stored up was it? Well, you can’t really think we’re that bad or you’d be more worried about keeping on our good side I’m guessing, or you’d stand by your principles and not post at all. Maybe you’re actually taking advantage of our good nature here and offloading? A2
i have never got blocked here and all my posts are blockworthy)
somenot get a grip
Science is the state’s official religion now. It seems we’re too easily brainwashed. Sadly, I guess we really are cattle.
Science is not “scientism.” Real science, the scientific method, is being used right now to dismantle “scientism.”
I’d guess that the author didn’t study science much at school, maybe just the handful of required classes. If he did study it he’d realize that its built on doubt — unlike a proper religion there is no Absolute Truth, merely a consensus of what is likely to be truth that’s valid merely until its successfully challenged. Obviously, since humans are involved you’ll get all the petty squabbling and orthodoxy that humans are prone to but since we’re modelling the Universe and since the Universe doesn’t give a damn what we think or believe such traits are doomed to failure.
I’m what you could call an ‘applied scientist’ — an engineer. I take abstract principles and apply them to real world problems. These tend to be rooted in reality because the objective criteria that judges my work is “Does this thing work?”. Practically everything we do is governed by this — for an artist, for example, the materials used to work with, their manufacture and delivery to the artist are all enabled by engineering (not to mention the entire infrastructure that we use to communicate about it). That’s science. Try living without it for a bit.
Ingenuity, inspiration, wild guesses, trial and error, invention born of necessity, dogged determination, shit-ass luck. Regular people get a crazy idea; they go out and gather raw materials; they cobble it together; it sort of works sorta dosen’t, kinda limps along. Somebody else walks by and says you oughta try this or that, ’cause it might improve that or this. And they do and it does. And so it goes, getting better and better; pretty soon its soaring across the sky, and even that keeps getting better and better. The scientist comes after the fact and measures the wing, and says this is the length the wing needs to be. And not only does it not matter, he’s wrong.
A much better sketch of how real science is really done. And as for applied science, aka engineering… As any mucky-handed veteran engineer will tell you: tinkering, trial and error, and the gift of serendipity are fifty percent of everything good that gets achieved, especially in its later, improved Mark numbers.
The problem is working backwards from the desired conclusion. And that is what they are doing. That’s not science. It is flat out lying and censoring those who call it out.
science is not “merely a consensus of what is likely to be truth” science is a series of hypothesis that today’s knowledge cannot prove wrong.. .. the world is square engineering is not science. Engineering uses the yet to be proven wrong scientific hypothesis to design new things with. I have never met an engineer who is a scientist.
“I tinker, therefore I am !” (anon)
“I tinker, therefore I am an Engineer” ?
“I tinker, therefore ! am a Scientist” ?
“I think, therefore I am a Thought” ?
You’ve used a dimensional scientific engineered device.
Thank you for such concise understanding, Martin– instead of fluff.
Unfortunately we have to live with the fake science and engineering too, which professional engineers do little to point out or dispell. For understandable reasons, but basically they are corrupted by their positions. Or stupified, who knows.
Well said Martin
Science is…what the scientists say it is. And therein lies its Achilles Heel.
People prefer those truths which support their idea of what is true. And scientists are people. Ergo, pure science can only exist where there are no people.
Thank you for your insight Howard. I appreciate nuance, but I feel that many people use nuance as an excuse to just get lost in the details, to miss the forest for the trees, and that appears to have happened here with some of the defenders of science indignant at my irreverence while glossing over the whole point of the artwork and essay.
If the thing only works sometimes but nobody knows why is it a product of science?
And just when you thought you had a handle on all the catastrophic catastrophes,
“Lost for words: fears of ‘catastrophic’ language loss due to rising seas
Climate crisis could be the ‘nail in the coffin’ for half of languages spoken by the end of the century, say linguists, as coastal communities are forced to migrate”
So perhaps we should have a new contest to see who can come up with the most unexpected and inventive apocalypse next?
An Alien invasion is on the cards as the next psyop, and the people will believe every word.
It seems to me (maybe that’s because I actually do think there’s a climate crisis) that TPTB are going out of their way to trivialize and sillify the climate to where no one will ever take it seriously again.
Reverse psychology wouldn’t be a first with them!
Fuuuucccckkkkk……………… I am trying to think nice things. Where does one start. There is an app called, “Inconvenient Facts. The science that Al Gore doesn’t want you to know. 60 Inconvenient Facts”. It’s free through Apple’s app store. Keep this in mind: Most climatologists disagree with the United Nations sponsored Climate Assessment which can be downloaded from the U.N. web page. It is nearly 1,000 pages long. Plus there is an executive summary about 100 pages long. Just reading the table of contents gets you wet from the propaganda dripping off the pages. Most of the climatologists they paid to review the document agree with the assessment. The ice core studies do not have the resolution needed to produce the data they were looking for because they cannot cut the ice sections thin enough. So they made the data up through interpolation (and invented data) to fit the narrative to support their theory. This we know: Glaciers started melting 12,000 years ago (plus or minus a few thousand years) and will keep melting till they stop. Then they will start growing again. There is nothing we can do to stop the cycle. And that IS what we have learned from study of the ice cores. Climate is cyclic and probably based on sun spot patterns. (and there is a link) No one knows for sure. Sorry. I did not intend to write this much. Not a climatologist. I know just enough to be dangerous. There are links and I am too lazy to look them up.
I stopped reading your comment when I saw “Al Gore.” For the record: Al Gore has as much to do with the climate as Elmer Fudd with police work and farming.
He IS the self designated climate change expert of American leftists who are screaming that the sky is falling. You don’t think that John Kerry (the “climate czar”) hangs on his every word as he kneels to United Nations leaders looking for guidance. These men are, clearly, fools but not in the eyes of Democrat leaders. Sorry if you are offended. Given that you have accepted the ideas, how are you any different than Al Gore?
I have not accepted their ideas. Anyone who has looked into the climate situation knows that there is a huge difference between objective and agenda-driven views.
There is a very simple litmus test of objectivity: geoengineering. It is very real and on-going and almost painfully obvious (the so-called “chemtrails” being the best example). So if ANY so-called climate advocates or scientists fail to mention geoengineering, you may rest assured they are promoting an agenda – not climate or even science.
Have you even once heard Al Gore mention geoengineering (other than perhaps as something to be “considered”)? You never will either! The man is a dupe and a total fraud.
And I’ll thank you to please not equate me with him.
There is a resource crisis. There are deforestation and biodiversity crises. There is no climate crisis.
Excuse me, but I must protest. Deforestation, loss of biodiversity: these are mutually inclusive with climate (i.e., they create a loop, one affecting the other).
Deforestation profoundly affects the hydrological cycle – the Amazon rainforest, e.g., is dying because so many trees are being destroyed that the region no longer gets the rain it needs – THAT IS A CLIMATE CRISIS IN ITSELF!!!!!
And dozens of others things, not least of which is that in losing forests, the planet is losing one of its primary carbon sinks. Trees that are cut down can no longer absorb CO2 and convert it to oxygen.
The oceans have so far absorbed most of the heat which geoengineering inadvertently traps (less heat escapes at night); but as a result there are becoming increasingly more “Dead Zones” in the oceans (anoxic regions lacking sufficient oxygen to support life: Canfield Ocean).
PM’s comment is typical: we have been persuaded to see the problem in fragments. What you pointed out is obvious on a farm, or on a walk through wooded hills with their clouds. Urbanisation, modern indoor heating/cooling, etc. have made us amenable to dogma and propaganda.
Other plants make up for the deforestation through accelerated growth.
CO2 IS a plant growth hormone.
As concentrations increase plant growth rates accelerate everywhere.
Wetlands are better Carbon sinks than forests. The black mucks tells the story. Wetland destruction would be a better founded argument. Also the destruction of natural prairie. Again the black soils (now silting up the Mississippi River delta) tell that story.
But still……, the remaining systems not only suck the Carbon more rapidly but O2 is produced more rapidly (and food, of course).
People need to relax and stop worrying that the sky is falling. It’s not. Nature may be out of balance, in general, but the world is doing just fine creating balances with the existing “tools” it has left. (I know, anthropomorphic, but still. Fighting fire with fire.)
The general thought is this: Nature is dying out because of Man’s activities and will eventually lead to the death of Earth and people with it.
It’s not playing out that way. Is it? People are being taught to worship wildlife more that people themselves. The propaganda is everywhere. PBS programming is all over it. The United Nations affiliated World Wildlife Fund is working it really really hard.
I have written about this within the last year or so. Again, no links. Google it and there are endless streams of crisis based foolishness.
I am in love with Nature and appreciate it as much as anyone but not that much. The idea that we can stop producing meat to stop climate change is nonsense, as most of us know. The excuse is saving nature through making physical connections between the existing “islands of nature” through buying and restoring farmland back into a “natural state” of some type. And strings will be attached such that they cannot be farmed again in the future (as long as the existing political system remains in tact, that is).
I personally attended these meeting shortly before retirement a decade ago. Local ecologists are really into the idea. Private reserves near my home are being managed like natural areas 500 miles to the south in anticipation of climate change. Dumb. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is facilitating it. Grant money for these types of efforts are everywhere. It’s a free for all with liberal minded not for profits popping up everywhere grabbing at the money.
Government leaders have swallowed the concept Hook, Line and Sinker. Just watched the video, of, none other, than, Al Gore spewing the nonsense at Davos this week. John Kerry himself stated that he was proud to be one of the “elites” working to “save the world” from “climate change”. Al Gore was nodding with a smile on his face. So was Klaus Schwab. Only, Klaus was gleaming at the thought of how much money he is going make. Al believes the nonsense.
Sorry. Whether you like it or not, Al has positioned himself to be a pivotal player in the plan of nonsense.
John Kerry is kneeling to the United Nations “experts” looking for guidance on how save the world.
The links to the videos of Gore and Kerry promising to commit treason are everywhere.
Eat zie bugs………..
And don’t forget: these actually-real crises are really happening because there really is a population-overshoot crisis: too many humans chasing increasingly-constrained, irreversibly-depleting essential natural resources, We’re in one of those standard, regularly-occurring natural blooms right now, ours being as objectively real for the moment as all the others; and this is so wherever you happen to stand – pro or anti – in all the ‘Malthus/eugenicist’ screeching.
Fortunately, our overshoot episode has already started to kick up the corrective feedback processes long, long evolved into Mam Gaia’s long-established (and long proven to be formidable) management of planetary homeostasis; this overall balance being maintained always within the cosmologically-insisted cyclical Ice-Age/Warm Interglacial oscillations which have happened, constantly, since the Sun and planets established their present configuration, and which will continue to happen (whatever we ridiculous hom-saps choose to believe) until the present Solar System breaks down.
You may go on comfortably believing your ‘no-overpopulation’ fantasies, and your ‘vile bondian super-villain eugenicists out to cull us all!!!’ hysteria to your heart’s content, because the natural correctives outlined in ‘The Limits To Growth’ already have our overshoot in hand, and will resolve it over the next something decades, whatever idiocies we do or don’t do, whatever loon-beliefs we choose to embrace. And all of this is true even though their really is a bunch of eugenicist criminal-clowns with a truly hilarious idea of their own ‘superiority’ (haaaah! 😂 😂 ) trying – quite futilely – to cull us, as well.
And now, to ease the outrage to your more cherished beliefs a little, there’s the downvote button just below – on the right! Let’s go for a wilful-blindness record folks! Hit that downvote! 😆
The people behind the climate change narrative are the same NGOs, trillionaires and foundations as always. The Senate Report is called The Chain of Environmental Command, and there are a few indications here of what it contains. The entire, impeccably documented report can be purchased.
The most easily accessed refutation of the hoax is perhaps here:
At the realclimate site the topic
demonstrates via newspaper clippings just how falsified is our present news that we are encountering exceptional warming in North America.
In the few places globally where we have actual longterm temperature records, the same data is disclosed: Less warming than in the past.
And the temperature record is only ONE of the ways that the global warming hoax has been debunked.
The hoax – which is indeed VERY real – is not that there’s a problem with the climate; but rather that the very psychos who created the problem are presenting it in such a way as to “allow” them to “fix” it.
That is, to “fix” the climate without in any way jeopardizing their wealth or power. Can’t be done. So long as the psychos are allowed to treat the planet as their private fiefdom, the problem will keep getting worse.
lol; Signs & wonders, rumours of floods and wars, speaking with one tongue, LARPing revelations, artificial prophecy fulfilment, are they going to start building the tower again?
“Air travel to return to pre-pandemic levels by June – but where will planes fit in the sky?”
Well there’s just so little room you see. And with all the fighting now, Ukrainian airspace extends round the world.
Maybe they mean, where will the planes find pockets of real atmosphere as opposed to geoengineered air filled with aluminum and plastics.
It’s hilarious that the Author, by presupposing that every religion is equally false, and thus useful only for control, therefore shouldn’t be imposed, is imposing his belief system.
I wonder when people will learn that Freedom is no basis for a society.
BTW: Liberty, equality and fraternity is a Masonic slogan. The people selling you the Great Reset and Covid are heirs of those who sold those other things to the French some 240 years ago.
Sadly, you’ve got a point, even though I wish you didn’t. Man, as he presently exists, is simply not cut out for any meaningful freedom. Only a change in human consciousness of a sort unprecedented in recorded history could lead us to the proverbial promised land.
Will it happen? I don’t know, but I sure hope so, for the alternatives are as bleak as can be.
I do not presuppose every religion to be equally false, nor even to be generally false. However, the sincere pursuit of the truth is stifled if an official truth is imposed.
“the truth” vs “the official truth”. I’m guessing you value the truth, or you wouldn’t mind the false official truth we have today.
However, you’re pro religious freedom, so I guess you think all religions are false, or, If there is a religion you believe in (they all are mutually exclusive), you don’t value truth above freedom of conscience, at which point the sincere pursuit of truth is Impossible, since then people get to pursue their own lie rather than the truth.
I’ve stopped doing so many things I used to, like showering, sleeping, gardening, making my bed, hearing good news, being sarcastic and many others ever since “the science” found out that these things could cause heart attacks, strokes and blood clots.
Thank God for science!!
The God of science!! is settled, educate people on how to have copulation during the worlds worse pandemic. I screamed with laughter seeing the madness of it all.
Masked sex workers show how to romp safely during coronavirus..
Geez, they could have just asked the missionaries!
It used to be known as a specific type of perversion. Participants were known as gimps.
Me too. Living in total isolation leaves no one to hold you accountable. I do make the bed to limit the dust accumulation in my sheets. I also noticed that drinking was not part of your list of things you stopped doing.
Good article, it draws attention to the main technique used to control mankind, the narrative.
I find it uncomfortable but interesting that we do not even really know where we are, its no wonder that so many are so easily deceived.
Throughout history formerly persecuted minority belief systems attain supremecy and a majority and then immediately start persecuting others with an apparent amnesia. Is this just “human nature” or something else? In alot of cases it seems like the ruling classes have just seen which way the wind is blowing and adopted and co-opted the new belief system – like Constantine. The same way Chriatianity of the middle ages reinforced the rigidity of feudal thought and class hierarchy so will Scientism reinforce the same old social order.
Right, why can’t humans wise up to the same old tricks? I hope to help people see that this is in fact the same old trick, but as to why we keep falling for the same old tricks, I don’t know. Maybe it just takes us a long time to see through the new guise?
The only lesson of history is that we don’t learn from history.
They love taking away freedom, social justice is one of their favorite tools to do so. The concepts of social justice have been around for thousands of years. Its most often used to destroy the middle class, and thus re-form society while also destroying their competition.
The sheep think its new, but its mentioned in Sumerian text. Here’s a painting from the time of the Zanj rebellion (861 ad) depicting social justice. There’s muslim groups, black groups and christians meeting socially, and the scales of justice:
Social justice is always surrounded by its cousin, rainbow pride, but that too is a lie for the sheep to follow, as well as being a societal destabilizing tool. Sumerian literature states that the rainbow (andromeda) was put in the sky to symbolize the covenant (horse and stag, order and chaos).
Just as it may be important to highlight the loss of rights, it is also important to recognize the tools that are used and who is doing it. The people who fall for this stuff are merely tools for the people behind the scenes to push an agenda for themselves.
As a note, the Zanj rebellion was used to destabilize “6” cities. Ali, the guy who incited it, tried in 2 other cities before finding success with the Zanj.
They had the plan all along. They just had to incite the right people to do their dirty work.
At some point, the people have to stop fighting the enemies that they give them, and start fighting the real ones. And, its not each other!
Right – some argue that’s what Christianity was. It was initially a religion of mostly women and slaves – it’s promise of the afterlife was radical and early Christians were destabilizing. However “turn the other cheek” and “render unto Ceasar…” worked just fine for the maintenence of empire once it was the predominant faith and Emperors were Christians – and of course once we enter the middle ages I can’t think of a less free people than your average European pesant.
Not credible. The bankers created Christianity.
Love it – interesting theory right?
I’ve said before, I’ll say it again: Science is the biggest scam ever perpetrated upon humanity – even bigger than Religion. What else do you need to know?
It’s the falsified statistics. Not science. It has been consistently demonstrated over and over that Big Pharma made it all up and our government leaders did not verify any of it or they chose to ignore it for a purpose. Science can’t be blamed. It’s the scientists who are lying. That’s on us for not calling them out soon enough. As we have seen, they can only censor and lie for so long. The amnesty move continued this week. The CDC pointed a finger at Pfizer for hiding adverse clot shot data. Big Pharma is being outed. Assess are being covered. It is going to be interesting here on out. Science or no science. I can only assume I am not the only writing to my representatives who are feeling pressured. I keep reminding them that this is their legacy and ask if they want to go down in history as a participant in crimes against humanity. If YOU have not done the same, it is time that you did. Write your representatives.
This is unfounded optimism.
Have YOU written a letter? If not, it’s on you and everyone else who hasn’t. They pay attention to what their constituents are thinking. But if you don’t tell them, they won’t know. Will they? Unfounded optimism? Come on. What else is there? My goal is to protect my grandchildren from mRNA technology and my tools are limited. So I write. What are you doing?
In brief, money determines science.
Then there is jail. It is not hard to follow a money trail when the right people are in control. And the trails are everywhere. Take your pick. Write a letter and tell them what you want. Otherwise, they won’t care. You think Senator Johnson took the initiative to give whistle blowers an audience on his own? You think Governor DeSantis is doing what he is doing strictly out the goodness of his heart? Old People bitch and he is listening. Nothing will change if you don’t make your voice heard. Bad decisions need to be followed up by protests. There is a reason why Disney’s stock is dropping like a rock. It works. Do it.
The freedom from oppression by religion, and the poison it spreads is the real problem. We all suffer from this every day. Its primitive attitudes, bigotries & ignorance are the crime & have driven the majority into a frenzy of hate a against so many.
Scientists say that “news” stories beginning with words “scientists say” will continue to feature in every “news” broadcast. This, the scientists say, will alternate periodically with the phrase “scientists have discovered” and occasionally the phrase “scientists have revealed” will also be used.
I have to ask. Is that a new screen name you made up for this discussion thread?
Ha ha, Brian is a default comedy name for people and animals. I had a chicken called Brian, for example. She passed and I am considering a short film about her , working title “Death Of Brian”
The belief that a bunch of atoms collided and by chance created the most intricate and perfect system we can even (can’t) imagine, let alone comprehend… is far more ludicrous than believing it was created.
People are turning to God everywhere, and it’s about time.
A handy rule for living a healthy, sane, rational life, whatever the satanic overlords are telling you – do the opposite!
Could you let the Off-G community in on which “Zen” you are ordained in?
What you say doesn’t match with my limited knowledge of “Zen” …
Lighten the load a little of the Christians who got offended by Jordan funny article.
This made me smile…..
My wife’s cheating troubled me mucho, but my religion helped me come to terms with it. We’re stoning her to death tomorrow morning!
i never know re links ..
Me either. It’s laziness on my part. I go through so many things and don’t save most of the links.
Amazingly similar.
to what?
The context in my memory is gone. A comparison to your having lost the link to my inability to provide links, I guess. I have saved so many links that it is difficult to find them anymore. Link filing and email management are chores that cause me stress. I choose to not do it anymore. Best I can do.
i have those issues.
This link works. Fantastic article by Olivier Clerc. Impressive that he penned that work in 2010 when far fewer people, myself included, recognized the religious role of medicine. Keep up sharing his article, I bet you’ve opened some eyes doing that! Are there books or other writings of his that you would recommend for further exploration of his thinking?
i’ve linked it a lot. pre 2020 few have wanted to know.
Olivier Clerc wrote an article on this long ago Modern Medicine: The Hidden Influence of Beliefs and Fearsi’ve linked it so many times. who here has let heir children be injected with all sorts these last few decades?
Thanks for the link, this is a brilliant article and sums up so succinctly what is happening.
It is another way of saying the below,
The idea of an all-powerful divine Being is present everywhere, unconsciously if not consciously, because it is an archetype. There is in the psyche some superior power, and if it is not consciously a god, it is the “belly” at least, in St. Paul’s words. I therefore consider it wiser to acknowledge the idea of God consciously, for, if we do not, something else is made God, usually something quite inappropriate and stupid such as only an “enlightened” intellect could hatch forth.
That’s about as secular a way to put it as you can get. You don’t have to see it that way though, but if you are a die-hard atheist, or someone who simply gives no credence to a “higher power,” Jung’s advice should be well considered. What is happening now in our culture is a clear example of Jung’s last words in this quote: it is wiser to acknowledge the idea of God consciously, or else something else is made God, usually something quite inappropriate and stupid…” Uh…yeah…isn’t that what I have been saying for two years now?
If a people do not accept the Creator as Sovereign, as their Supreme Ruler, as their Source of Rights, they must, perforce, locate sovereignty in some mortal man or in some man-made institution.Logically, it has to be one or the other. If they locate sovereignty in government – a man-made institution – they have created an authoritarianism they must live with until they revoke it.“If the religious instinct does not find its satiation in religious activity, it searches for what nourishment it can find elsewhere, in politics, business, medicine and education and, for that matter, within the confines of our private lives. Under such circumstances, everything becomes contaminated with unrecognized religious urgings and promptings and produces a zealotry whose intensity and danger is disproportionate to its putative cause. In consequence, it is now incumbent upon us all to engage in a most serious discussion about just what is Caesar’s and just what is God’s, understanding that some must be reserved for the latter, lest what is absolute and divine be attributed to the former.”
the link no longer seems to work
the other one should, can’t see it
Their favourite now is “dangerous”. Presumably they’ve sampled Holmes’ “clear and present danger” and found it persuades people.
Their dangers are neither clear nor present – they are amorphous to the point of invisibility and not present in either sense of the word. Anyway, adults are allowed to endanger themselves if they wish.
Holmes came up with his dictum in 1919 in support of the House-Wilson repressive measures. There was no clear and present danger then either – he was a tool of the oligarchs. Holmes just happened to be a rabid eugenicist as his infamous “three generations of imbeciles are enough” outburst in Buck v. Bell (1927) demonstrated. Funny how seldom mainstream feminists pick on that as ab example of patriarchy….
It’s an odd coincidence you bring up this topic just after I mentioned Brian Leiter on another thread. Leiter is one of those smugly aggressive antireligious academics who considers himself a Nietzsche specialist. Indeed Leiter is the heir to H L Mencken who was one of the instigators of the Scopes trial which is now one of the hallowed tales of liberal mythology. This is the now legendary “monkey trial” where the case hovered around whether evolution should be taught in schools. The upshot was that “creationism” became the proverbial laughing stock and Mencken got to gloat at “moronic country yokels”.
But the case was far more complex than the media – or Hollywood – made out. The central “buffoon”, one William Bryan, may have been a Bible literalist but he was aware of a crucial matter not usually reported. And that was that the issue wasn’t simply Darwin against the Bible but about the application of Darwin’s theory to human affairs I.e. that vicious view known as “Social Darwinism” – nothing less than survival of the fittest amongst humans themselves – a theory beloved by capitalists as well as monomaniacal egotists like Mencken …. and now Leiter.
And it is this cartoon simplified pseudo-science that is now being pushed everwhere.
Your comment brings the great movie “Inherit The Wind” to mind. If you’ve seen it, then you know it’s far more nuanced than one might think. It does indeed present Mr. Mencken as the real “buffoon”; and the ending, when the Henry Drummond (Clarence Darrow) character balances the Bible and Darwin’s The Origin of Species in his hands then walks out of the Courtroom with both, is nothing less than magnificent.
This may have been one time when Hollywood got it – or almost got it – right.
I’ll agree with that. ITW is a great movie. And what a final scene:
FWIW, I like the film very much; we “studed” the play in high school, and watched the movie in class. It was also often shown on TV, so my siblings and I came to know it well. Coincidentally, for some reason during my early teens I became interested in Clarence Darrow, so I was familiar with the Scopes Trial before I ever read/saw “Inherit the Wind”.
However, from the first I was always sympathetic to the Mencken analogue, “E.K. Hornbeck”– a relatively “dark” character played surprisingly well by actor and dancer Gene Kelly. Even as a teenage cynic, I thought the writers put their thumb on the scale, making sure that the audience would sour on, and even despise, Hornbeck as a deplorable cynic and “nihilist” in contrast to Spencer Tracy’s noble, thoughtful, Darrow-analogue Henry Drummond.
I don’t think I used the word back then, but I felt manipulated in the climactic scene where Tracy/Drummond puts Kelly/Hornbeck in his place. I still think that Hornbeck’s unapologetically cynical “negativity” has merit, and despite Spencer Tracy’s dramatic gravitas, I still “root” for Hornbeck.
I love some Mencken quotes but was disappointed with him after a closer look. I’ll put this movie on my watch list, I would not have guessed that Hollywood could have pulled it off with fair treatment of Bryan, so thanks for bringing that up, sometimes Hollywood does shockingly seem to get something right.
Recently watched the movie and found it to be garbage – couldn’t get through it. Melodramatic, simplistic, inaccurate. Couple details to add to the Scopes story. The trial was staged, this is confirmed by all, including “official accounts” – the newly formed ACLU created the case for self promotion and to stir up controversy around science vs religion. Other interesting tid-bit, teacher Scopes was teaching from text book “Civic Biology” which espoused eugenics and forms of overt racism. That whole event is extremely fishy, and yes Mencken probably had close ties to deep state affairs. William Jennings Bryan is possibly a good guy in this mess, but not sure.
“This may have been one time when Hollywood got it – or almost got it – right.”
Had to be before 1945. Once Goebbels was “Paperclipped” to the San Fernando Valley under a plausible pseudonym (Something “-stein”, it escapes me) and got involved in the industry, Hollywood never got it “right” again.
I hadn’t heard of Brian Leiter, though I am fairly familiar with the New Atheist type crowd, and have read some of their works, does he associate with them? The prominent proponents of Darwinism appear to have almost always had strong ulterior motives, a sort of delight in the destruction of meaning. Maybe I’m being uncharitable to them, but that is the feeling I get from many of them.
You’ve actually hit the nail on the head. A delight in reducing our self image is a theme that runs through the new atheists and much of the old atheists too. I recall a passage in Dawkins that practically salivates over telling us all how worthless humanity is. Naturally he doesn’t include himself in that observation.
Barry Long, an Australian spiritual teacher, warned back in the 1980’s (paraphrasing him)
‘Scientists will become the new Priesthood’
Barry loved science but was fully aware of how hubris and corruption poison many things.
If all goes well in Ukraine, the US of As will be the first empire in history to survive its own hubris and stupidity. Guess that’s why they’re fight in such a manly way …
The term Science as used in this article is incorrect. It should be a term that distinguisches it from real science (which allows questioning, allows debate).
Useful terms could be “Preselected Science”, or “approved science” or “enforced science” or “gov-science”. Maybe “Selective Science”, abbreviated as SScience. Another one could be “Arbitrary Science”, abbreviated as ascience. (The very opposite of real science).
Maybe a better term could be devised that makes it clear that we are not dealing with real science but with some fake reasoning that does not allow questioning and uses a cloak of scientific terminology to formulate and justify itself.
Good point well made 👍
Would be helpful to distinguish…
Well stated, it is very important to make this distinction, although the word ‘science’ should probably not be associated with these sorts of state-controlled, pre-planned, contrived narratives in any manner. But if alternative phrasing is wanted, then ‘bought-and-paid-for, biased and corrupted data’ would work for me
I gave serious consideration to the valid points you bring up here both before starting the painting and before the writing. However, I concluded that attempts to separate “Real Science” from $cience are an attempt to preserve the reputation of science above what it deserves.
For example; when it comes to Christianity, I try to keep in mind the good, the bad, and the ugly, as part of the totality. I gave up trying to cut away all the bad aspects of Christianity and put them in a separate category labeled “Fake Christianity.” And instead I decided to simply accept Christianity as something that can manifest in very good ways, very bad ways, and everything in between.
I’m comfortable taking the same approach towards science; I feel like we don’t have to tip toe around science, and carefully categorize all bad manifestations of science as “not science, because everything science is good” This reminds me too much of political partisans insisting that every bad example of communism, or capitalism (depending on which they want to protect the reputation of) isn’t “real communism” or isn’t “real capitalism.”
To be clear, I take no issue with the methodical study of the natural world if done in a responsible manner, which many would consider to be “real science” but I don’t think science is an adequate word for that anymore;
Yep, if we were able to do away with science all together, (not going to happen), we would not be doing away with anything precious. What is good about science is basically what is intrinsic in human nature i.e. intelligence, curiosity, ingeniousness, rationality, common sense, methodicalness; none of these babies get thrown out with the bath water when we throw out science. Meanwhile $cience censures the full and free expression of these excellent traits. So yeah science is fine, but it is also just a word to describe natural human proclivities. We can lose the word if that means getting rid of $cience.
Oh and if you want to see one of the faces of this beast look no further
Great observations. I figure orthodoxy has tremendous control over words, if they have claimed the word science means whatever they say it does then they’ll probably get away with that (they already have) and alter the meaning of that word. I don’t think we can put that cat back in the bag and restore science to meaning simply The methodical study of the natural world, but we can wake people up to science now meaning whatever the authorities say it does.
Like you point out, we really don’t need the word anyways – if we want to talk about chemistry, biology, medicine, etc we can just say chemistry, biology, medicine. Science is prestigious so everyone tries to claim whatever they are doing is science, and The Followers of The Science try to claim that everything good and worthwhile belongs within the purview of science, and when a word starts to describe everything it ceases describe much of anything.
I frequently see the word science as a superfluous word that gets tacked onto just about anything as a way of making that thing seem very important and prestigious and better than other things.
For example people say “scientifically proven” well, either something has been demonstrated with convincing and sound evidence or it has not been, so why not just say “proven”? “scientifically” when used in “scientifically proven” is usually just a superlative.
“What is good about science is basically what is intrinsic in human nature i.e. intelligence, curiosity, ingeniousness, rationality, common sense, methodicalness; “ that’s a very sound point.
‘And the Lord said unto Pfizer…”Go forth and….{you know the rest].
I do … “Go forth and smite my enemies!” (As if the Lord couldn’t do it himself).