Why are they FINALLY “admitting” the Covid Vax could be harmful?
Kit Knightly

The mainstream narrative spinners – from politicians to the CDC to the media – have started reporting “possible harms” due to Covid “vaccines”.
This is a potentially seismic shift in the narrative, but as usual we need to ask the perennial questions –
Why this?
Why now?
For almost two years, those of us expressing concern about the possible damage done by forcing untested and unnecessary gene therapies on billions of people have been either ignored by the noisy majority or slandered by them. And this includes both mainstream and “alt” media.
On the rare occasion an “anti-vaxxer” was given any kind of platform, it was usually either a hand-picked kook, or a minor celebrity making arguments from emotion.
The actual science – and the professionals communicating that science – were banished from the mainstream airwaves. Airbrushed out of sight and mind.
The vaccines were branded “safe and effective”, by everyone everywhere.
Until now.
Last week the UK’s BBC News invited Dr Aseem Malhotra to discuss prescriptions for statins to prevent heart disease (yeah – another issue, for another time).
During his seven-minute interview, he linked mRNA covid “vaccines” to potential cardiac disease:
Cardiologist says likely contributory factor to excess cardiovascular deaths is covid mRNA vaccine and roll out should be suspended pending an inquiry.
We did it. We broke mainstream broadcast media 🔥🔥🔥 pic.twitter.com/F72YS7JAuE
— Dr Aseem Malhotra (@DrAseemMalhotra) January 13, 2023
This, as far as I know, marks the first time a medical professional has been allowed to make these facts known in the mainstream media.
But why did it happen?
And why did it happen now?
The “official” story is it was an oopsy moment. That somehow Dr Malhotra just “slipped through the net”, had been invited on to discuss statins, not Covid and just cleverly flipped the script and used his temporary platform to broadcast the truth.
Let’s unpack this idea and see what we have.
First thing to note is Dr Malhotra is by no means a closet vaccine-sceptic.
He has a Twitter account with substantial numbers of followers, on which he regularly questions the mRNA vaccines.
He has appeared on GB News questioning the vaccines multiple times.
It seems vanishingly unlikely any BBC researcher would fail to discover what his opinions of the vaccine were.
And even supposing he did “slip through the net”, once he started talking about the vaccines, why did the anchor let him continue?
We have seen in the past how mainstream outlets treat people who start saying things they shouldn’t say:
He’s going off-topic, and as an interviewer, she would have every right to nudge him back toward the question. But if you watch the interview she barely even attempts to do this. In fact rather than changing the subject, blasting him for being an “anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorist”, or simply cutting the feed…the anchor actively pursues the subject, asking him further questions to draw him out.
Why would she do this if he was “slipping through the net”?
And here’s the kicker: the very same day this “accident” happened Reuters reported the US CDC and FDA are investigating a possible link between Pfizer shots and strokes, under the headline:
U.S. FDA, CDC see early signal of possible Pfizer bivalent COVID shot link to stroke
This really should put the final nail in the coffin of the “accident” argument for anyone who understands how narrative-creation works.
What we can deduce from this is there is a deliberate ongoing move to shift the narrative and allow some partial, limited discussion of vaccine harms.
The pressing question is why.
I trust anyone reading this is well aware we can rule out any idea that the BBC, CDC et al have suddenly realized they made a huge mistake.
The entirety of the global establishment hasn’t been ignoring the risks of the vaccines because they didn’t understand, ok. It wasn’t one big supranational brain fart.
They were lying, actively and deliberately, for years.
It’s just that for some reason they have stopped, very briefly and in the tiniest way possible.
Secondly, however reassuring it might be to think so, they have not been forced to admit the truth by sheer weight of evidence.
That’s not how the psychopathic world of politics and narrative-creation works. There’s nothing so true the agenda-setters and their tame media are forced to report it. On the contrary, they routinely deny the undeniably obvious every day, for year after year, for as long as they need or want to.
The truth has no relevance in their lexicon unless it also serves some other purpose. They tell stories of convenience, they report only what is of service to those stories.
And let’s not forget – they haven’t admitted the truth.
They haven’t even begun to do that and almost certainly never will.
They’ve just stopped actively suppressing one part of the suppressed reality.
However, even that tiny nano-grain of honesty potentially poses a direct threat to the mainstream narrative, in the way a single pebble rolling down a hill can potentially kick off a landslide – and they clearly know this because they immediately surrounded their “admission” with walkbacks and caveats – just in case.
Within a few hours of Dr Malhotra’s appearance on the news, the BBC had invited “senior doctors” on to counter his claims, and the Guardian was running a piece quoting various “outraged” doctors criticising the BBC for even letting him on.
Less than 24 hours after the CDC/FDA admitted they were reviewing the vaccine’s possible link to strokes…they reported their results and announced they hadn’t found anything.
The entire exercise was clearly carefully controlled. The smallest possible shift in the narrative, under very strict conditions.
After all, the lethal dose of truth is surprisingly small.
So back to our initial question: Why this? Why now?
Why do it at all? Why put two years of “safe and effective” brainwashing at risk? What is going on behind the scenes here?
Well, here are a few possible explanations:
- Power struggle – Internal political struggle between the Great Reset supporters and those more traditional political factions who want to discredit the “new normal”.
- “Vaccine wars” – Big pharma infighting, nothing but corporate greed winning out over narrative cohesion (they all pointedly question only the mRNA vaccines at this point, after all).
- More fear – If the aim of the game is to scare people, then telling the 4 billion vaccinated individuals you might have poisoned them is a powerful move.
- “new and improved vaccines” – Maybe a push to corral the unvaccinated by “admitting” a (tiny) problem, then “fixing it” in the next updated booster.
We can’t completely rule out sabotage, of course. It’s possible that some people within the establishment harbour genuine doubts about the course of events since 2020 and are trying to covertly get information out. Although the coordinated nature of the release makes that unlikely, it’s not impossible.
Regardless, we still need to keep our eyes open. It might be a victory, but it might be something else.
The old mantra applies: Always be sceptical of the media, even when – especially when – they tell you what you want to hear.
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Some of the games in warfare, is by great deceptions and one of them is to give back some hope to the prisoner. Example: You have a blindfolded(the created/manmade environment of ignorance to mankind)donkey in front of the carriage load. In front of the donkey(mankind) you some times show the blindfolded the path(the agenda road to despair) by the make believe carrot sometimes dangling in the front of the donkey. Doing that many times, you have now confused the donkey(the prisoner) to make decisions on a make believe mindset. To control the prisoner it is the continously push game – Hope – no hope – hope – no hope and then you have the obedient prisoner… The evil/devilish game of souls.
This is fucking bullshit written by absolutely stupid fuckheads…Corona is over and the vaccinated still live …so shut the fuck up, shove your bullshit arguments up your goddamn ass and fuck the fell off!!!
Show us your evidence, please…
Except for those that died unexpectedly. But hey your point stands because they’re not here to argue with you.
I believe a considerable amount of people were given a placebo shot, all those who’ve gotten the real thing are dying. The parasites class are calling it sudden death syndrome.
You have a lovely way of expressing yourself
Great article. Note, however, that the admission of failure was planned in the SPARS document, which was a pandemic exercise. The current admissions, now also the Wall Street Journal, are clearly planned. Whoever controls all this certainly plans to remain in power afterwards, so no surprise they are working towards post-awakening control. Probably they are even winging it to sine degree as society reacts.
They said they would do this in the Spars Pandemic exercise (2017), which pre-dated Event 201.
I reckon they think a limited hangout will boost their credibility and power at this time.
Can the current level of skepticism be silenced with another false flag? The perps learn from the public’s reactions to all kinds of news and mandates. These kind of moves yield data for them to see how effective the shots were in creating strong immunity, not against physical disease, but immunity to simple truth. Always refining and strengthening their brainwash techniques…
The adverse reactions in the millions can simply no longer be ignored.
Heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, paralysis, blindness, Bell’s palsy, excruciating pain, to name but a few.
The Big Pharma shysters get off scot free as usual.
Even Stalin thawed his tyrannical measures, granting civilians some of their freedoms back. And just when they thought it was there to stay, just when they became comfortable with their once lost god given rights, his hellish measures came back with a vengeance.
Evil never sleeps. And it’s a good way of keeping the citizens from going sri lanka on their power
In our time, The Revelation of the Method is the master key to the control of the people and the collective psyche of the Group Mind.

I keep seeing people suggesting that there was a “plan” to trick governments into implementing disastrous policies to fight the Covid Pandemic. And that the ultimate goal of this “plan” included the toppling of said governments once it became undeniable how disastrous their policies were.
I would remind people of the invasion of Iraq. The reasons for doing it turned out to be undeniably bullocks and the results of the invasion were horrid for everyone except Iran. Who went to jail for lying and leading us into Iraq? No one. Whose political career was ruined – Senator Joe Biden was the chief shepherd in the Senate responsible for getting Democrats to support the invasion, he is now Prez. The news media got it all wrong and did their part in leading us into Iraq and they still exist and people are still buying their lies. The CIA, etal lied and lied and lied in the lead up to the invasion and they are still listened to by some circles (Democrats in particular! Oh, the irony!).
** Note, I typically vote Green Party (US), but that may change if they select the same Presidential candidate. After the US/Brit precipitated a war in Ukraine that Presidential candidate came out in favor of supporting the Military Industrial Congressional Complex’s newest war – the war upon Russia.
I’m sure Malhotra will be appearing soon at a twitter resisitance celbrity comedy night – watch this space
They are doing what they’ve been doing for a long time: guaranteeing they are the ones playing every role in the script, and piloting the public discourse. In this case, maybe sooner than planned (or is it?). Just like in the pseudo coup here in Brasil, using a crowd supposedly following bolsonaro, just like in the capitol false flag, where both the crowd with its “terrorism”, and the punisher government, with the pre fabricated legislation incrementing control, surveillance, censorship, all play their part with full commitment.
Here in the Antipodes, the big news has been the resignation of Jacinda Ardern as New Zealand’s Prime Minister, claiming exhaustion and lack of energy and motivation to continue as leader until the next general election (some time in 2023, I believe).
Recall that Ardern was particularly zealous in pursuing lockdown and mass vaccinations to the point where NZ virtually became a police state. Her housing policies, intended to relieve housing shortages, have been a huge failure. She appears to have pursued wokeness as part of govt policy enthusiastically. Now she is walking away from the huge mess she has created and her party has to scramble to find a replacement.
A huge scandal may be brewing that Ardern wants to be far away from, and that scandal may arise from whatever she has done or not done over the past five years, especially with regard to her COVID-19 policies. New Zealand demographic statistics must be due for release and the picture they will surely paint of excess deaths arising from the Pfizer and Moderna injections will not be looking pretty.
Yes. Ardern is walking away before it hits the fan. She has $25 million dollars more than she started with, and probably a nice gated compound to count it in.
Pertinent to this article, a quote from chapter four, Epistemological Considerations Concerning the History of the Wassermann Reaction in Genesis and Development of a Scientific Fact (published in German in 1935, English translation first published in 1979) by medical doctor, distinguished microbiologist and philosopher, Ludwik Fleck.
Fleck’s explanations of participants in any field of study use the term, ‘thought collectives’. These include an esoteric circle of experts and the exoteric circle of the wider society. He writes, ”Every discipline, in fact almost every problem, has its own vanguard, the group of research scientists working practically on a given problem. This is followed by the main body, the official community.” […] and he goes on to explain, ”The vanguard does not occupy a fixed position. It changes its quarters from day to day and even from hour to hour. The main body advances more slowly, changing its stand—often spasmodically—only after years or even decades. Its path does not closely follow that of any one of the vanguards. The main body adjusts its advance according to reports received from the vanguard, but maintains a certain independence. The direction that the main body actually chooses from the many suggested by the vanguards is always unpredictable.”
Since Fleck wrote the book the not-so-hidden control of what he describes as the ‘official community’ has become increasingly transparent. Heres the quote that came to mind:
Dr Fleck, a member of the tribe writing part of the script of what then becomes official narrative and mainstream science. Nothing new under the sun.
My guess is this: either (1) a limited hangout is officially in progress or (2) the plan all along was to discredit the national governments that paid for all this and granted them immunity. (1) is certainly what their advisers in intelligence will propose. It may be that the sheer number of public incidents (particularly athletes on TV, evidence doesn’t matter to regular people who never engage with it) has them feeling like they should admit to small things to hide the big things.
It’s always an ominous sign when I settle down to tea with the wife and a friend and we have nothing to catch up on from Netflix or the main telly. Because under that unfortunate circumstance we end up watching the news. Cue the usual from wife and friend, “I suppose it’s all one big conspiracy George? All just lies?” I don’t even bother responding.
In tonight’s enlightening bulletin (feel free to insert your own scare quotes):
A modern rule of thumb is, do not trust the media, be very skeptical because they lie constantly. There are several chinks developing in the Plutocrats’ narrative armor these days. More people are questioning the BS the vaccines are free, safe and effective as all cause mortality is spiking https://www.actuaries.digital/2022/08/04/covid-19-excess-mortality-continues-for-april-2022/ along with numerous adverse effects so the media is forced to say something even if it is more lies.
The narrative that Russia is losing in Ukraine is falling apart also. If the neo-Nazis were winning why is Volodymyr Zelenskyy begging for more weapons, funds and support? And the globalists climate scam is not going over too well these days either, now that we know electric vehicle batteries go bust in sub-freezing weather and electric vehicle production actually contributes to pollution. We have to recognize then be weary of the media’s propaganda and lies.
Just because some of the solutions to climate change are not perfected yet, does not mean that the problem (climate change) they are trying to address is nonexistent. It will take too long to reestablish the forests that have been stripped around the world. As you know, forests are a big carbon sequester.
Isn’t that rendered somewhat moot by the fact we are at an historic atmospheric CO2 low according to the fossil record? Also it’s contested whether Co2 has been demonstrated to affect climate. The fossil record shows CO2 lags behind changes in climate. Many say this whole thing is a computer model assumption, being used to push technocratic agendas. . A2
Starmer and Reeves were at Davos yesterday. Just “promoting Britain” and “showing Labour aren’t hostile to business” apparently.
Sunak’s non-atttendance is meant to symbolise Tory isolationism and of course doesn’t indicate that he’s not also a puppet.
Sunak & Hunt are “in place” where they are required to be. Starmer is there to get instructions for when he takes over.
I would love to hear Kit Knightly do an interview with Dr Tom Cowan and/or Dr Samantha Bailey.
As noted by many, the “vaccines” have done their job – and that job cannot be undone. So it really doesn’t matter how much bad press the “vaccines” get: bad press will not undo what’s been done.
Besides, now that 5G is rapidly on its way to total deployment, any notion of pay back or rebellion on the part of the awakened jabbed (if there are any) will be nipped in the bud.
Here’s a fascinating article which clearly links the “vaccine” to 5G technology.
Video: End the World War 5G – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
(Note: You don’t have to watch the video to get the gist of the message. It’s spelled out in the article itself.)
In summary, what is 5G supposed to do?
You’ll want to read up for yourself on that. Howard has included a link so you can find out for yourself. I’m surprised you don’t know much about 5G as I’m sure the CIA is all over using that as a new tool. It is military technology, helped along to fruition by DARPA, so I’m sure the spooks know all about it and it’s capabilities.
AI “willan “ reporting for duty live from a server in Davostan. Discredit, problematize, alt-right, endless red herrings, dOwN wItH tHe uSa, long live globalism-wE r aLL gLoBaLiStS. There’s no conspiracies ya man we believe in you
That article is pitifully bad. Just a regurgitation of stuff all over the net. And BTW, I am strongly anti 5G. I read and read waiting for some meat. Finally, the author says there are over 10,000 clinical studies showing 5G harm. Yet, NOT ONE is referenced. I am a scientist and can tell you, it is not true. There are thousands of papers on EMF effects in general (lower frequencies and the effects are not consistent), but we all already live in a bath of EMF. I strongly suspect 5G is worse, but the research is not happening, and to claim it is already there is disingenuous at best.
“More fear – If the aim of the game is to scare people, then telling the 4 billion vaccinated individuals you might have poisoned them is a powerful move.”
Yes. Exactly. The public are much more pliable during a stampede. These measures of artificial disclosure will only serve to further destabilize public trust, whilst prosecution of the actual perpetrators, will conveniently skate off the page…
Did National Security Imperatives Compromise COVID-19 Vaccine Safety?
JANUARY 5, 2023
Did National Security Imperatives Compromise COVID-19 Vaccine Safety? ⋆ Brownstone Institute
Answer to title question: Yes.
Pfizer CEO CONFRONTED On The Streets Of Davos!
Albert Bourla must be wondering where his CIA protection has gone……ops, it looks like you’re the fall guy for the scam, just like Epstein and Maxwell are the fall guys for the CIA’s giant hazing & blackmail operation.
The real question that even these ‘journalists’ will never ask is, who in the US government are you working with, & who protected you & ran the covid operation.
I saw that earlier, two J’s questioning another J, it was staged, more than likely a deep state production.
Bourla will know what this is, and be really worried for his life now, he can see he is being set up by the deep state.
CEO allegedly of one of the worlds biggest medical companies walking around without security…………….in davos.
😂 😂
Bourla only walks and cycles to help fight climate change, which by the way it’s another big one in the family businesses, along with pharma, media, Hollywood and unis think tanks. Oh and NGOs and rockets.
I don’t think so.
How much prison time did the Sackler Clan get for murdering 500,000 Americans?
Good one, 🙂 – I agree.
Vis-a-vis to media (MSM; alt; social; etc.): it’s always about eliciting the social polarities from the masses; via messages/scenarios of titillation, teasing, terror, trauma, etc., etc.; so that the resultant synthesis (es) (i.e., solution) – of said dialectics {i.e., (pre-planned) problem (that said media invokes); and (expected) reaction from the masses} – is enabled to be manifested in near and distant future. * This concatenation of events described herein is driven by: cybernetics; AI; algorithms; massive Data Centers (in Utah, for example); smart cities/homes/gadgets; Internet of Bodies/Things; gene therapies; etc.; etc.; with the ultimate goal, of course, being the transmogrification of humans into post-humans. That is all! RGB-Y3 out!!
What nonsense! It was what it was: nothing more than a couple of fellows with more gumption than you’ll ever have harassing a conceited bastard who didn’t dream he’d need security in a small resort in conquered territory protected by the Swiss Army, and thereby amusing us at the thought that he might have been discomforted. Playing the gadfly is one of the few lines of offense open to us, and even this tiny nip encourages, whereas spotting state operatives behind every bush only breeds more paranoia.
The Swiss Army, armed with their Swiss Army Knives. Or you mean the Swiss Guard?
The fellow didn’t say a word about the clot shot’s deadly “side” effects. Effective ? the stuff was very effective in what it was meant to do.
In my A Level class today we were discussing the nature of Science and whether it’s right to trust it. One of my students, unprompted, said that ‘we were told during the pandemic to get the vaccine but it’s got side effects’ and another said that the vaccine causes blood clots. So something has permeated.
On the other hand a colleague was talking about having covid last week. I ask him how he knew and he said because he’d done a test. I said well if you hadn’t you wouldn’t have known would you. He said no because the symptoms were the same as a cold – ‘but that proves the vaccines are working!’
Good article, Kit,
If one assumes that the whole covid op is, in fact, part of a depopulation agenda then the best way to accelerate the die off is to use the nocebo effect!
Now the vast majority of the population has been vaccinated all one has to do is convince them is that the vaccination may be fatal and they will start dying like flies (well at least about a third of them). The same hypochondriacal impulses that convinced them to take the experimental bio-weapon will convince them that they are now doomed and are going to die of it. The nocebo effect is very powerful.
First they pointed the covid bone and now they’re going to point the vaxxine bone. It’s a double whammy!.
Next money maker is the vaxxine antidote. Huge market out there.
I think you’re right. A vaccine antidote is just around the corner. Of course, it won’t work on those who’ve already died of vaccine “coincidences”…
Doubt it. They will never admit to mass poisoning of the population.
I have pointed this out many times, this is the “rug pull” the unveiling (etymological meaning of apocalypse). Event 201 & SPARS, both predicted that an upcoming coronavirus pandemic would cause “political upheaval became the rule across the globe”, and that the public would “lose trust in their respective administrations”, leading to “several governments falling”, while others “were desperately striving to hold onto power”.
They add: “attempts to control media messaging, originally aimed only at health-related misinformation, became used increasingly to quash political dissent”, before predicting economic turmoil that could last a decade.
In conclusion they say “the loss of faith in government, the distrust of news, and the breakdown of social cohesion could last even longer [than a decade]”.
This is the new (messianic) age (NWO)
Hitler loved the fantasy of the ‘NWO’, he called it the ‘international Jewish conspiracy’, it allowed him to blame invisible phantoms for his own country’s’ failures & adventures. It was BS then and it is BS now.
The only BS around here is you.
Or its a bot.. or just a bot in a human body..seriously, they are everywhere now in the most unlikely threads..g
What scares you about my comments Sophie? is it because I accuse your bosses in the CIA of crimes ? its Strange that you attack an anti-establishment comment writer ….you fraud.
You’re just a fuckhead man. It’s one thing to spout your bs about the CIA behind everything, but it’s another to insult and call names to anyone who challenges you. YOU are a WEF plant is what you are. In the streets, we’d be screaming “Provocateur! Provocateur!”
Hmm I think that it’s descended into name-calling on both sides, and in fairness it wasn’t WilliamHill who started it here. Let’s cut out all the accusations and ad hom. It’s not helping anyone’s argument. Quite the opposite. A2
You CIA scam artists are being called out.The truth will expose your stupid fantasies and lies.
There is a concerted effort in the comments here to try and link questioning the ‘New Normal’ with ‘International Jewish Conspiracies’. Thank you for highlighting this.
Given Offg’s name and its roots, born from the Guardian’s comment section – a traditionally leftwing newspaper – the fight has always been on to drag the conversation to the right, to unnecessarily dark and bigoted places.
It is a concerted effort to tag sites like this as havens for ‘dangerous right wing extremism’ as justification for deplatforming and silencing the views therein.
No one alleges the middle classes were in league during the pandemic, even though most doctors come from long middle class family lines… because that would be rather silly.
Yet certain ethno-religious groups (sometimes a race from Turkey, sometimes not, depending on the point being made or defended against) are all apparently in league, pulling the strings and intent on ruling the world and enslaving us all, including the majority of their own people btw… (like why is Israel the most vaccinated country in the world…?) But ignore that… We just know they want to enslave us all for ideological/religious/satanical/occult reasons. The ones doing it who aren’t from this ethno-religious background, of which there are many, are being paid to do it, or they’re satanists too, or… the details don’t matter. They’re all in it together even the ones who aren’t all in it together.
It’s actual, real 5-D chess when these guys do it, because they are generally accepted as legitimate evil geniuses.
Further illustrating your point, WilliamHill, my comment here will doubtless receive multiple downvotes, just as antisemitic comments routinely get upvoted, far more than could ever be statistically plausible.
It’s part of the same drive to label OFFG as Extreme Right and label all criticism of the pandemic or the ‘New Normal’, or even a ‘New World Order’ (a term used by Clinton was it, or Bush Snr/Jnr?) as dangerous neo-Nazi lunacy.
Yes, it would suit many people to place OFFG in this box and discredit by association everyone here, above and below the line.
But I don’t think they will succeed. A2
Thanks for having a look at one of the ‘big two’ here. (the other is, of course, where we all really live..)
The comments are interesting, even when they are boring, quite instructive. You soon know when to skip folks (hi!).
Current bot (?) William, not sure, probably.
Kids, it’s the Anunnaki, bred us from pigs and elite jews are gatekeepers, or something else.
Trust me, Nobody thinks of you as anywhere near the right. Quite the opposite.
Yes, that’s right, all the globalist puppets like Bush 1, Dubya, Obongo, Brandon, Bliar and a cast of thousands have never, ever, bragged about how they are subjecting us all to the NWO.
Apart from those who were in on it, in the US and the UK, Western world leaders were set up. The right wing were warned off the operation and told to keep their heads down, as the terrible measures were implemented. CIA & 5 eyes Epstein type controlled scientists, journalists bullied them into the criminal measures.
Our leaders were told by the CIA what they must do, in France it was even exposed that McKinsey & Company, a well known front for the CIA, advised Macron on his Covid policy. How obvious can it get. So now there is blood on all their hands, meaning they are all deep under the control of the CIA and the empire, And it is the empire that will decide which of them to throw under the bus. It made it possible to create the Europe wide consensus on the Ukrainian, where European leaders are destroying their own countries lest they be exposed as mass murderers.
The backlash is as much a part of the Covid operation as the lockdowns or the vaccines.
Look as the political far right lunatics are elevated by the exposing of government crimes.
Its Pure CIA coup game plan. its how the CIA removed the elected government in the Ukraine. Their aim is to smash the left, democracy and liberalism, the only threat to the ruling elites and oligarchy .
I recall when the CIA etal gave us their “Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections”. And then the NYT followed up with their “Putin Led Scheme to Aid Trump, Report Says.”
Do you recall? The Democrats ate it up! The politicians ate it up 24/7. The “news” media ate it up 24/7. Bloggers ate it up 24/7. No one forced them to suddenly forget their history (recent history mind you). They all knew the history of the CIA etal lying, lying, lying. And killing, killing, killing. And assassinating, assassinating, assassinating. And kidnapping, and couping…
The “left” remembers JFK, RFK and Martin Luther King, Jr. They remember the obfuscation after 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq. They remembered.
Yet when the CIA, etal came out with utter, ripe nonsense, their “Assessment” against Trump, the Democrats, the “left” dropped all common sense, all their lessons from history and became “partners in crime” with the CIA, their ‘political wing’.
The “left”, the Democrats, have no one to blame for their loss of credibility and value but themselves.
The media now are totally CIA run, they are totally controlled as are the Democratic party, there is no left wing in any true sense in the USA. They have been pushed to the extreme margins, and even they are pushing CIA operations. Code Pink are pushing the global warming scam, which is a CIA war on the working class. So you are describing the actions of right wing Americans……with no political knowledge.
So you can not pretend people are free, they are not. The establishment ensured that Americans know nothing about history, about political history, they can’t define any political movement and live in a logical vacuum, where the state pours all their BS & propaganda into their heads.
The USA is more controlled than the Soviet union was, but it is done better, where they created an opposition that pushes state ideology too. It’s a hopeless mess.
It was the neocons, warmongers and deep bankster state operatives, that removed the government in Ukraine.
Every single part of the left wing spectrum is being systematically destroyed by the far-right, the political wing of the CIA & MIC, who have been at it a long time, from McCarthyism to the murder of John Lennon and the domestication of Bernie Sanders, Their hatred of the left is insatiable.
The CIA, the deep state, the military industrial complex born out of Nazism of the second world war have always been resentful that their beloved ideology, fascism, has had to carry the legacy of the holocaust and the genocides of Hitler, whilst the ‘leftist’, have danced like freedom fairies around the world for 60 years, signalling equality and justice.
The culmination of their campaign of hatred will be a charge of genocide against the left, the COVID genocide. This is the process that is now underway. What the deep state want is all liberals, all leftists, in court or in prison, or discredited in the eyes of the public, this is another purge of the left, like McCarthyism. That is their aim. The deep state fed the ‘left’ and fake left the covid lies, now they will arrest them for implementing them.
The right wing hate & resent them and want to finally eradicate socialist thinking, make it a crime and dirty like fascism has been for 70 years, as they try to rehabilitate their beloved themes of the far-right, like Nationalism & and xenophobia, which leads to war, as good.
If you are not seeing this happen in front of you, then you’re not paying attention.
Can I have my minute back?
Make that two, as you keep posting the same thing
over and over.
It’s a shame you have nothing interesting to say
Fake binary.
When empires collapse, as the American empire is, it will certainly mean change. But the change the US elites want, is change where they still own everything & still control the empire. This will require a lot of oppression at home and overseas if they can manage it.
new chapter.
“the anchor actively pursues the subject, asking him further questions to draw him out.”
I thought that was weird when I watched it.
When I used to talk to normies about this stuff even the hard core acknowledge the “rare” cases and would retort by saying all medicines carry a risk, that’s why there’s a leaflet in the box etc. etc.
As you say, Dr. Malhotra would have been known to them and probably on their blacklist.
Who better, then, to give a platform for his nutjob ideas so that you can bring in your “experts” to debunk him.
Steam let out of pressure cooker………………………….. Tick.
Not weird at all. She just didn’t expect her demand for proof to be batted away so easily by an actual methodologist.
you are assuming that they cannot use the exposing of Covid to serve their purposes. They Committed the crime, now they can scapegoat their enemies in their crimes.
No doubt in my mind you are on to it.. the game is to create the chaos and win regardless the outcome. They have a hundred years of research and experimenting on the public.. they know what they are up to.
More from Edward Dowd:
I’m sorry to seem so pessimistic. I deal in reality not Hopium. However, freedom is available to anyone who wants it. Come over to God’s side and you will always be safe.
They will reveal the truth – well, part of it. That the jabs are dangerous. Certain companies and figures will be held accountable. Then they will usher in more control to prevent it happening again, which most people will be glad of.
You think they haven’t planned this right to the main objective – one world govt?
Yawn. It’s getting boring predicting this shit.
This Irish suicide says far-right is sinister.
His brain can’t distinguish left from right.
“Why are they finally admitting to …X… “.
Because “…X…” has been replaced, and the sheeple are happily chewing on “…Y…”.
In today’s case …Y… has been replaced by Z).
Same as when TB.Liar admitted to the non-existence of his sexed up “WMD at 40 minutes”. Admitted readily after Rothschild’s oil company had its hold on Iraq’s oil, and TB.Liar had received the first $4 Million instalment of his “modest fortune” of 100 Million as a member of Rothschild companies Goldman Sachs, Carlyle Finance and House of Rothschild.
“We create our own reality for the public. While you are judiciously uncovering some past Con, you are already surrounded by our latest Con.” — One of the Self-Chosen socalled “Elites” eg, Kissinger or Kagan.
“Our civilization is rife with problems despite its great wealth because our civilization has prioritized generating wealth over solving problems. It doesn’t make anyone rich to address the root causes of crime, sickness, war, poverty or ecocide, so those problems go unaddressed.
In a civilization which prioritizes the generation of wealth over the solving of problems, the option which generates wealth will always win out over the option which solves the problem. War profiteers, prison profiteers, big pharma, ecocidal industrialists — they all know this.
Under the current status quo, military aggression will always win out over peace whenever military aggression is more profitable. Keeping people sick to provide ongoing treatment will always win out over curing or preventing sickness wherever doing so is more profitable. Keeping a technological innovation secret until it can be maximally profited from will always win out over making it public and sharing the information for the advancement of science and the common good. Workers will be exploited to the furthest extent possible to maximize profit.
Old growth forests and whale populations were wiped out because leaving them alone generated no profit. Insect populations are plummeting because industrial pesticides are profitable and wild habitats are not. Our oceans are choking on plastic because it’s profitable not to prevent this from happening.
Nobody’s going to become a billionaire by ending homelessness or making sure the elderly and the handicapped get everything they need. Nobody’s going to become a billionaire by making sure mothers get everything they need to raise physically and psychologically healthy children.
A status quo system wherein large-scale human behavior is driven by profit-seeking cannot and will not ever have any good answers for problems like poverty, crime, sickness, war, ecocide, injustice and exploitation, because solving those problems will never be profitable. When solving those problems is never profitable, but causing or exacerbating them frequently is, those problems will necessarily live on. Not until this dynamic is reversed can we be free of them.
Not until we dispense with status quo systems which ensure large-scale human behavior is driven by profit will we be able to move toward a healthy and harmonious world. Until then we will remain plagued by serious problems, and by false promises that our current systems can solve them.”
Western leadership has yet to exhibit the maturity needed to rule with wisdom for any length of time.
It seems to me it’s more likely to be simply a form of DAMAGE CONTROL. Bits of the cat sticking out of the bag being difficult to ignore by all but the brain-dead, they pull out the tail, wave it around for a second or two, then stuff it back in the sack and say « Look, Puss is safe and sound, alive and kicking in there, so don’t go listening to those nasty baseless rumours. »
Unless its the same type of full scale advertisement campaign, they all did for covid and the promotion of the vaccines and the 1st 3 variants.
Doctor whoever 3 seconds TV appearance / interview isnt even a blip on the radar.
I trust most readers here are familiar with the SPARS scenario (https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/our-work/pubs_archive/pubs-pdfs/2017/spars-pandemic-scenario.pdf), and “Covid” is following this script more or less. In the end of that scenario it says “Initial reports of long-term side effects of the Corovax vaccine emerged.” If I am correct and they follow that scenario, it would rule out infighting, glitches, accidents etc
Thus my conclusion is that the tptb want to sow confusion and undermine the (albeit very little) trust that remains in the current institutions, because they want to replace it with something different. Call it the fourth industrial revolution, the Great Reset, whatever. The plan is a collectivist hell for the many, and after all, you need to destroy the “old” if you want something “new”.
4 D Chess?
This would be my guess as well. The Davos crowd wants a new system, that much is obvious. The easiest, and perhaps only way to achieve that is to allow people to lose faith in the current system, so they desire a new one. Ordo Ab Chao, same as it ever was.
Any system of there’s is demonic, This Military intelligence complex funded idelogy this the
oldsystem is Democratic, Better, Fairer, the usual shit, they’ve sold to the Country’s they invaded.This isn’t about the lesser of 2 evils. Ordo Ab Chao quote shouldn’t be involved in this concept.
You need to break the spell of thinking of this system and the future one. As the future one is already here.
Go ask the Country’s invaded and liberated due the system they now have in place with all it voting rights and parliament etc. Is it more fairer.?
Old age propaganda concept of that people needed to vote and elect.
Learn about Natural law.
Good point.
Excellent news.
Now they might fess up and tell us they shouldn’t have invaded Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan, along with several other countries, and they shouldn’t have undermined popularly elected governments in South America, Africa and South East Asia. All resulting in the deaths, suffering and malnutrition of MILLIONS of people.
Like fuck they will.
Is this part of “cooling the mark out” after a con?
Come to think of it, the ex-post hand-wringing we are so used to from voices on the ‘left’ might be exactly the same thing, conscious or not (immaterial).
He was off script plain and simple.
Foul institution should be closed down and the building demolished.
Perhaps they are scheming- to seem like they covered the “debate “ over safety in a balanced way-the pros and cons-and can therefore absolve themselves of their treachery.
University of Melbourne has crunched the numbers and guess what?:
Yep, the world as we know it is coming to its end.
No mention of who funded the study, the PCR farce, or the manipulation of statistics.
Are all public universities desperate for a buck?
Why? Because it’s easier to say: “It happens, but it’s rare and the overall risk analysis supports vaccination.” than “It doesn’t happen at all.”
Why now? Because there are no elections coming up.
On the surface of it. There may be deeper currents, but they are difficult to assess.
To create another one among hundreds of Limited Hangouts to control the narrative AND to get people to trust another controlled opposition “expert”.
it keeps the soft center engaged…its the millennial managerial perfectly fair response ..because the regulatory/self righting mechanism is part of the regime and its validity. Its because the honeymoon phase is a necessary part of the ritual
Whatever the ulterior motives, I’m pleased because there is to be a relaxation of the Covid regs here in Japan according to the Asahi Shinbun. https://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/14818220 No more mandatory indoor mask wearing!
It doesn’t say specifically why in the Asahi article but my wife watching TV news said – and here’s ulterior motive – welfare payments targeted at Covid patients are too high and the government needs to save money (to buy weapons to kill Russians).
Peter Duesberg, dissident HIV-AIDS scientist ‘wrote “traditionally, the power of medical science has been based on the fear of disease, particularly infectious disease. The HIV-AIDS establishment has exploited this power to the limit.”…..Duesberg accuses the CDC of delusional epidemiology driven by opportunism and hysteria. The manipulated paradigm of an infectious AIDS epidemic was used to create a “stampede,” to create “irrational” fear in the public, to cynically manipulate, to mislead, and most importantly, to build a lucrative empire for the CDC.’ (Fauci Versus Duesberg. Charles Ortleb. 2020)…
Fear of disease, Fear of Contagion – most humans have such fears in varying degrees…
Our rulers know how to use our fears to control us, even to persuade most to allow being injected with toxic substances…It’s a weapon They will not abandon – not even after they’ve successfully herded those of us left, post-Jab, into Their total surveillance & control prison-society…
“Expect 10 years of (planned) pandemics” it was said, so “It aint over yet !”
The CDC was in a lot of trouble when AIDS happened to break, so-called infectious diseases were in sharp decline and Reagan was looking for areas of government to cut (outside the military-industrial complex). The CDC’s continued survival was in question.
Any major operation is going to be function-stacked and serve more than one agenda. AIDS also eroded restraint o sexual explicitness in the media, covered the true dangers of a homosexual lifestyle and of course ultimately played into depopulation.
And it gave more opportunity to market condoms, thereby lowering birthrates — depop.
If they admit it now, how can they ever be trusted again (not that they should have been trusted in the first place)? That’s the weird part. But then again, most people are ______ (fill in the blank). Fool me once, fool me twice, just keep on fooling me, man, I can take it.
They WANT to destroy trust in nation-state governments, it isn’t hard to understand.
It isn’t hard to understand that nation-state governments dont exist and ovid should of educate people on this.!
I don’t know. Big Pharma is BIG Pharma. I can’t imagine them ruining their gravy train by destroying their trust from the public, such as it is. What’s that saying, “money is the root of all evil”?
The love of money. . .
It’s probably just, “See! We can do whatever we like with you – even admit that we’ve been experimenting on you, just so you know our plans are going forward the way we want them to.
What you want is of no importance, since we have no intention of listening to you ever again.”