This Week in the New Normal #55

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
1. Don’t mention the V-word
It’s been very cold in the UK this past week. Cold enough to give you a stroke, apparently…according to “experts”.
Yes, the experts are back and they’re predicting heart attacks and strokes again:
“Cold weather can have a serious impact on health, particularly older people and those with pre-existing health conditions, as it increases the risks of heart attacks, strokes and chest infections,” said the UKHSA’s head of extreme events and health protection, Dr Agostinho Sousa.
That, or maybe because you weren’t given statins because of lockdown – anything but the V word.
For anyone keeping count, the following things might give you a heart attack in the near future: Undiagnosed aortic stenosis, smoking weed, Cold weather, hot weather, depression, anxiety, anti-vaxxers, Covid, long covid, climate change, high energy bills.
That’s why it was reported this week that heart attacks in Australia were up 17% over expected. Because, you know, hot weather, depression and high energy bills didn’t exist before 2023.
2. “If plants are so intelligent, should we stop eating them?”
At first glance, this piece in the Guardian seems like a joke – either the Guardian being uncharacteristically ironic, or a fake news story mocking the Graun’s endless wokery.
But it is neither. It is real and, honestly, a fair point. It’s an argument I’ve long made against the “veganism is more ethical” position.
Research says plants communicate, they experience chemical reactions to stress and danger you could loosely characterise as emotions, and they emit chemicals to warn other plants if there is a danger of being eaten.
Plants are alive, they don’t want to die. They don’t consider themselves disposable just because they don’t have eyes or make cute noises.
But it is the basic fact of existence on Earth that life needs life to live. Cows kill plants. Wolves kill cows. Wolves die, decompose and feed plants. The circle of life and all that.
Civilisation and education allow humans to treat those things we eat – plants or animals – with a little respect. Allowing them lives of relative comfort, and as painless a death as possible (Seriously, consider what’s worse – getting eaten alive by wolves or getting bolt-gunned in the brain).
…but the Guardian isn’t making the “life is life, all eating is killing” anti-vegan argument. It would NEVER make that argument. So what’s the article about? And indeed, what was the point of the BBC radio program which spawned said article?
Oh, that’s easy. It’s an early foray into the “all natural food is murder, eat vat-brewed paste and lab-grown meat” argument. Just wait and see.
3. “There Has Never Been a Better Time to Be Short”
Three weeks ago (I know it’s supposed to be “this week”, but I’m the editor) the NYT ran a guest essay proselytizing on the virtues of smallness.
Apparently small people need less food and water, pollute less, live longer and are generally better people because they don’t “get by” on being tall.
Though the tone appears to be light-hearted – even self-effacing – these are serious arguments. They are genuinely saying that people should be shorter to combat overpopulation (not real) and climate change (also not real).
I was originally just going to dump this at the end as a “look at this dumb headline” story, but the more I read it, the more it troubled me.
From the part where the author seems to think nobody does manual labour anymore:
It made sense to fawn over height when it facilitated survival. Ages ago, when the necessity of defending oneself cropped up daily, if not hourly, tall people could more easily protect their families and bring home some woolly rhino flank. Today, those who have the stamina to sit in an office chair all day bring home the plastic-wrapped meats.
To the part where anti-height campaigners are under-feeding their children to make sure they don’t get too big:
Arne Hendriks, a 6-foot-4-inch lecturer and artist, uses performance and exhibitions to encourage people to embrace fewer inches. He’s even restricted dairy from his sons’ diets and only allows them minimal sugar in an attempt to limit their growth, saving them from the ills of height.
That’s just…sick. Imagine literally trying to make your children miss their potential.(Although it’s interesting that suddenly dairy makes people big and strong…because the NYT pro-vegan crowd would usually dispute that).
Normalising malnutrition is the way forward, clearly.
BONUS: New angle of the week
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot put a new spin on the “cashless society” plan this week. When asked about the out-of-control crime rate in her city she suggested people shouldn’t carry cash so they don’t get mugged:
Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s solution to crime in Chicago? Don’t use cash.
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) January 20, 2023
Not a good look.
BONUS II: Painful propaganda of the week
Speaking of looks of the not-good variety, here’s Miss Ukraine’s entry to the Miss Universe pageant:
This is how Ukraine presented itself at the Miss Universe pageant last night.
The propaganda is getting to be too much.
— Joey M. (@JoeyFromPhilly) January 12, 2023
No words.
It’s not all bad…
Jacinda Ardern resigned…
— David Wolfe (@DavidWolfe) January 20, 2023
That’s good, and not just because she’s really awful. While I admit not having to listen to her cloying speeches while she does her “I’m so sad” face will be a relief, it’s not just about that.
The reason it’s potentially good news, is the reason she’s chosen to dip – public anger. The “new normal” rollout has not gone as smoothly as desired or predicted, New Zealand was hit hard with the great reset stick, and many people are unhappy about it.
Now, it’s possible Jacinda is just off to greener pastures to spend her remaining years counting her silver, or she’s avoiding a looming scandal.
But perhaps, moving forward, supporting lockdowns and vaccine mandates will be a political taint people cannot remove. Wouldn’t that be nice?
In other good news, our friends at the Grauniad parody Twitter account are back after serving a two-year suspension. Please give them a follow to help them rebuild and get some much-need laughs in return.
Oh, and here’s a duck running a marathon…
Duck runs in a marathon and gets a medal
— This account will heal your depression (@HealDepressions) January 11, 2023
All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention climate change is making hikers disappear or China’s covid censorship.
They still really want you to eat bugs by the way. Like, a lot.
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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I’m on a vegan diet most of the time, but not because it’s more moral to eat plants. There is nothing moral about eating plants. In addition to stirring a new stupid into the general soup of despair, creating another moral divide to shout at one another across is less moral than certain forms of cannibalism. Yeah, especially right now.
So I limit meat and especially dairy consumption because it hurts my gut. I do better with grains and cruciferous veggies. Some people cannot eat grains at all. Maybe their ancestry includes Inuit or Nuer; they should eat what makes them feel good. And just generally do what makes them strong and capable, because they are going to need their strength and confidence in the near future.
While performing the rando rant, here, thought I’d toss in a word about the goofy notion that withholding dairy and sugar from your kids’ diets will cause them to miss their height potential. Modern dairy products are chock full of growth hormones and antibiotics, that’s why kids are hitting puberty at nine and ten instead of in their mid-teens, as was common on a non-industrial diet in the 1800s. Maybe shortening childhood is on the agenda, too, think? My best friend’s dad was an allergy MD who did not allow his children dairy products. Bill was the short one in the group until his mid-teens, and a year later he was 6′ tall.
Refined sugars and syrups are an addictive poison that disrupts all of one’s internal systems and creates a permanent state of inflammation known to encourage cancers and other immune failures of many deadly kinds. There are 9.75 teaspoons of sugar in a 12 ounce coke.
Because I’m too lazy to keep a blog, is why.
Even ‘lab grown meats’ and other gooks have bacterial life and living tissues in them, so eating them also involves killing all those defenseless, innocent little life forms. So to be completely guilt free vegans should only feed on rocks and minerals, so in not very long the rest of us can continue to live life with a little less whingy drivel around.
True, and there’s more. Every cubic millimeter of soil on the planet is made of dead things: that’s what soil is. All the dead are in the soil, all life on land springs from the dead. If not for the decay of the dead, the planet would be oceans and rock and sand.
Hate to contradict that nice Jewish boy, but you, me, and Bessie the cow are the resurrection and the life. In you, the dead live again, and that’s as close to rebirth as any living thing ever gets. How the planet works
Good point about bacteria. If we could weigh the DNA inside you, most of it would be bacterial.
Apparently, now it’s eggs that are causing blood clots – who knew?
Could the duck be cuter? Love the French comment claiming it cheated with the help of its wings.
Prompted by The Grauniad parody twitter account, I looked up India Willoughby on Wikipedia.
— There is no mention of her name when she was born so it seems now that we must not recognise that a transgender person was born someone a little different with a different name, assuming her birth name wasn’t India. I agree that we don’t need to know someone’s birth name, however, generally speaking Wikipedia points out the birth name when it’s different so not mentioning a transgender person’s birth name very much feels like political correctness.
— From Wikipedia:
Murray then asked Willoughby to comment on a story about London’s Dorchester Hotel imposing a new dress code on male and female staff telling them not to display body hair on duty. Willoughby said she supported the rule – because, in a five-star hotel, she felt staff should be groomed and that customers “didn’t want to be served soup by someone grubby with hairy legs, because it’s not hygienic.”
So tolerance expected in some directions … but not others. What about if I’m a transman and I want to revel in my maleness with hirsuteness? Oh, what a complicated web we weave when we go for political correctness.
Plants may communicate, but they are not sentient. Vegans eat way less plants than meat-eaters by eating plants directly. Plants are propagated by eating their fruit. Animals are not.
A counter argument to this is that balanced ecosystems depend on predation in order to be balanced. Therefore animals are propagated by eating the flesh of other animals, just in a more complex and indirect way. Any sort of artificial rewilding would need to be maintained and balanced artificially, ie. via culling. Therefore the only natural, balanced state in which nature can exist relies on this circle of life. The cow eats the grass, the wolf eats the cow, the wolf dies and its body returns to the earth, giving birth to many organisms along the way, including feeding the grass. And so on.
Plants and animals coexist, totally dependent on one another.
Another interesting point is that distinguishing higher/lower orders of life based on our perception of sentience seems to me entirely what vegans are against.
And doesn’t communication require some form of sentience?
If yes, perhaps vegans are drawing a distinguishing line on a different place in the food chain, as their appetite dictates, but using exactly the same logic as everyone else?
Nothing in nature is given up for free. I feel as if plants probably very much want to live. Wouldn’t evidence seem to bear that out?
Exactly so Sam: there can be no continuous life without continuous death. And yes indeed, for all the rabid-simpleton materialists here, plants do feel, because they are sentient. You only fail to know that by direct experience because you don’t get out – into the wildernesses – enough. Anyone who does can feel the mind of the wild, if they just open their own – and listen.
Is grass sentient? Is each blade of grass sentient or does a field have a hive mind? Yes, plants are alive, but they obviously don’t feel like an animal does. They respond to threats very slowly. What reason would they have to feel pain or suffer when they can barely do anything about it?
No, we don’t know in exactly what way grass might be sentient. But I don’t know many non-sentient things which communicate.
Do you? Oh yeah, grass. And the circular logic escapes you.
Thank you for explaining the food chain to me. However, a tomato plant isn’t killed by eating its fruit, whereas a cow is killed by eating it, which is a big difference between the two. A plant doesn’t “want” anything, because they aren’t conscious beings. They have no nerve cells required for sentience and there would be no evolutionary advantage to them feeling pain since they can’t get out of the way in time. You could nit-pick about oysters if you really want.
You missed the main point: vegans consume less plants by eating them directly, rather than eating animals who also eat plants. This plant-sentience argument is totally disingenuous. If anyone really cared about plant suffering, they would be vegan anyway since it causes less suffering.
I don’t even believe in vegan ideology, but these tired old arguments are weak.
Well you missed the point about culling. Kicking the can down the road seems to be what most vegans are happy to do, most often from a complacent perch very far away from anything green or growing or living.
The fact that animal manures still play a large part in maintaining what little soil health still remains gets ignored. Maintaining a natural ecosystem is ignored in favour of short term chemical fertiliser gains, and this is dressed up with distant pipe dreams about rewilding (without addressing the obvious requirement for systematic culls in order to maintain such a habitat).
Or alternatively perhaps all bred livestock, having existed alongside mankind for millennia, will be extinct in the new vegan Eden, which is fine because they weren’t really proper lives.
Thus proving that a cow’s existence can be viewed just as callously from either side of the animal welfare argument lol
It’s not actually a straightforward situation at all. But who needs nuance anymore.
And if you aren’t even ‘believing’ vegan ideology then stop being so humourless. Thanks. 😅 A2
Plants propagate in many ways. I know because I’ve been helping them to do so for many years. Fruit-offering is just one tactic. Plenty of plants don’t use it, and yet get by with their generational reproduction perfectly well.
There’s no way for you to KNOW whether animals are ‘sentient’or not. And what on earth does that mean anyway? Are babies in their mother’s womb sentient? Vegans don’t seem to have any qualms about abortion so probably babies aren’t sentient then.
You’re such stupid dumb-asses spreading a lot of nonsense, bullshit and FAKE NEWS as all Putinists, antivaxxer and other FUCKHEADS do a lot!!! Thus, SHUT UP, SHOVE your nonsense up your goddamn ass and FUCK OFF!!!!
What, you couldn’t find a better word than “nonsense”? If you like, I could coach you on expletives – I’m really good at it. Fuck yeah!
Wait, what were the duck’s pronouns?
The World Economic Forum (WEF) Calls for Destruction of America’s Middle Class
BBC Scientific Nonsense: The Virus Is a “Hit and Run Killer”, “The Vaccine Saves Lives!”
When it comes to wastage, destruction, enslavement, and genocide, no amount of expense is too great:
“New mRNA vaccine factory is made from shipping containers
Each “BioNTainer” can produce 50 million COVID-19 vaccine doses per year.
German biotech company BioNTech is sending a modular mRNA vaccine factory to Rwanda to allow the country to produce more COVID-19 shots for Africa, in Africa — and perhaps one day help the continent easily vaccinate its citizens against other deadly diseases, too.
The challenge: Africa manufactures less than 1% of the vaccines it uses, relying on other countries for the rest, and when the first COVID-19 vaccines were being made, wealthier countries scooped them up for their own citizens first, leaving Africans behind.
Even though many African nations are now well-supplied with COVID-19 shots, getting doses from manufacturing sites elsewhere in the world to Africa is a challenge — many shots require a cold chain, and the farther they need to be transported, the greater the chances of that chain breaking.
“The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the need for significantly greater local production of vaccines and other essential products in all regions of the world, especially in Africa,” said Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the WHO’s director-general, in 2022.”
Africa has so far resisted the poison and has correspondingly been free of the manufactured pseudo-viral devastation. This is clearly unacceptable to the psychopathic parasites. Hence the deluge of oceanic realms of cash to be poured down the black hole of the plastic pandemic.
New Normal, same as the Old Normal:
“‘Pro-Putin Croatia lashes EU for Ukraine war”
After being violently separed by the EU$A and NATzO, there is one thing Serbia and Croatia can agree on: that the Ukrainian war was caused by EU$A and NATzO.
Here’s some more MLK high strangeness:
This is an announcement from Genetic Control
It is my sad duty to inform you of a four foot restriction on
Humanoid height
I hear the directors of Genetic Control have been buying all the
Properties that have recently been sold, taking risks oh so bold
It’s said now that people will be shorter in height
They can fit twice as many in the same building site
They say it’s alright
Beginning with the tenants of the town of Harlow
In the interest of humanity, they’ve been told they must go
Told they must go-go-go-go
Genesis – ‘Get em out by Friday’
You pray that? Matthew 15:11 is for you: ” It is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person,
but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person.”
If that’s the case, then the ugliest phrase in the English language is ‘Collateral Damage’ followed by ‘sin’ of course.
Jesus,I honestly thought they stop doing these woke alt right weekly guardian whatever.
This is the biggest slop of fake alt woke right trended manufactured story’s online and pretend there ‘alternative’.
If Jeremy Kyle ran an alternative media weekly column ,this would be it!! 😂
I’m sure Jeremy Kyle is a psychopath, I find it disturbing just listening to him, his job was to demonise the working class as trash, stupid and parasites for 20 years, on behalf of the elite class to cut benefits & wages, and it worked.
Well, these thing happen – nothing at all to suggest that maybe the narrative we’ve been fed about Martin Luther King (or indeed Julia Roberts) is hugely dubious:
Something else peculiar about Roberts – part of ‘Pretty Woman’ was shot in the Las Palmas Hotel where the Black Dahlia had lived.
At least Netherlands has been giving tall youths, aged maybe 18, shots to limit further growth. They were doing this 20 or more years ago. This was because very tall people tend to develop spinal problems later.
Milk may be a major cause of the obvious increase in the height of the people of China.
Putin attacks gay porn!
Woke outrage is logical conclusion of bourgeois consumerism. In a world of reset terrorism, who cares if a piece of “queer porn” is redacted?
intentional pun?
…- Nay!…
The propaganda never stops:
“Netflix has just added one of the best sci-fi movies of recent years
Titled Vesper, the film is set after the collapse of the Earth’s ecosystem and follows the title character, a 13-year-old girl (Raffiella Chapman), as she uses her survival skills to support her and her ailing father (Richard Brake, Barbarian) in a strange and dangerous new world.”
Why it’s yet another Greta parable!
(The above quotes come from “who the fuck cares, they’re all the”)
(The above quotes come from “who the fuck cares, they’re all the”)
That’s good George. Made me laugh. Thanks.
Revealing headline from the Graud’s aptly named “Digested week” (news for cows?):
“Greta Thunberg gives a masterclass in the art of protest”
Seems that protest is something they now teach you at school.
“Globalization has died and Davos 2023 Forum was its funeral ceremony”
True, that Shanghai Corp has made the Davos less central to global economy. But why have the Global “Western” Globalist Oligarchs who run the global Western media allowed this banished man to come back on Utubel to announce their demise to the globe?
I think the snake is playing dead.
“We have Sassenached the snake, not killed it” — Macbeth.
…- Surely, if plants are to be considered intelligent then so are ze bugz, no?…
I really enjoyed the WHOLE video of the duck running the “marathon” (I’m easily entertained). I especially liked that they gave her protective booties, but I felt they should have given her a microphone at the end to give us her winning words.
QUACK QUACK quack quack At the pond in the park the sound is so irresistible that all kinds of sober citizens imitate them when they think no one is listening– so cute.
Here’s what Colonel Douglas MacGregor said in a recent interview:
Paul Craig Roberts has an interesting article on it too
A post by The Saker has it that The Russians in southern Ukraine were on the move on Friday, while i was distracted by the Uk’s offer of 14 tanks…
14 Tanks will not make up for the thousands of tanks, millions of howitzers and hundreds of aircraft that NATZO’s Anglo-Ukro-Zio-Nazi Azov Battalion lost in the first few weeks of Russia’s Special Military Operation to de-Nazify and dis-Arm NATZO in Ukraine. The real hard fighting after that was to break through the millions of tons of concrete bunker that NATZO had built up for its Ukro-Zio-Nazi proxies to shell the Russian-speaking Ukrainian civilians in the Donbass and Lugansk. This breakthrough of the “Zelensky Line” is about to be completed.
Meanwhile on MSM the same retired incompetent UK generals who were blabbering confidently about the Ukro-Nazi army winning “now that they hold the high ground” are blabbering equally confidently about “16 Challengers turning the tide”. PR spivs who hold British military rank.
“Lions led by donkeys” — the same that was said about the British PBI (Poor Bloody Infantry) led into the mince meat machine of WW1 can also be said about the Ukrainian PBI now being led by an apostolic succession of NATZO-appointed Jewish-only Presidents of Ukraine into the “meat grinder” that NATZO has been constructing for them since 2014, to make war on ethnic-Russian Donetsk and Lugansk provinces of Ukraine.
According to the British Chief of Staff, this is a war for LGBT rights and rainbow coloured dildos all round.
I’ve been following MacGregor for some time and while he is often compelling listening his predictions are not often on point.
He has been predicting various seasonal offences going back to the late Autumn and none have really happened on the scale predicted.
Thanks, Sean, I wondered how reliable his info is. You wd think it wd be possible to report reliably on the physical facts on the ground.
Urban renewal contracts will provide excellent profits for out of work contractors… Same as it ever was…
Arrest checklist;
Suppresed with capsicum spray: Nope
Smashed in the face with baton: Nope
Broken bones from initial fascist protection army contact: Nope
Serious compression injuries from knee on back on neck: Nope
Fact check assessment;
…- Big dopey smirk: Yep…
…- “Stay surly, my friends…”
This juvenile obsession with one small young woman is utterly ridiculous, do you have a tiny little dick?
“one small woman” = one important intelligence asset
There’s a big clone factory mass producing these photogenic little girls right on cue to order. Thunberg, Baana, Malala. I’m just surprised the Ukrainian edition hasn’t come out yet. Probably don’t want to detract from Saint Zelensky.
Also, claiming misogyny for comments against a blatant pawn of the “great reset” is dubious at best.
Overpopulation ?
How do we determine whether there is human overpopulation or not ? Mere assertions that present populations are sustainable are inadequate. To start with we are now the only species without a predator. The lion had to strenuously hunt it’s food. We have systems in place to grow food and manage herds and flocks of tame animals. The natural limits that occur in nature are not applicable to us. We live on a finite sphere with finite resources. Are we approaching the limits of these resources ? Consider the fact that the West has been deforested almost completely. 94% in New South Wales. We can congratulate ourselves that we have deforested the world but have suffered no negative consequences. Other species are of no importance. But is there an unlimited supply of oil, lithium, cobalt ? Ground water levels in Kansas have been falling for a while. These underground reserves irrigate the endless wheat fields of that area. Wind and solar power are hopeless replacements for fossil fuels.
We look at the incesant assertions in the past from the same quarters that the earth is overpopulated and disaster is imminent, note that they wetre totally wrong and conclude that the same quarters are at it again and are wrong again. See Paul Ehrlich.
OIl replaces itself if not extracted at a ridiculous rate – the Russians have been arguing this for years. The whole “fossil fuel” line was invented by the Rockefellers to create a narrative of eventual scarcity and of course those lovely price rises. Demand for lithium and cobalt has been artificially ginned uop by those very forces who claim they’re saving this realm.
Malthus and Ehrlich are ‘wrong’? Because they were a little hasty in their expected time-frames? Really Ed? Just stay alive for a while, and watch…
‘Other species are of no importance.’
I know you meant this as dark satire. It’s man’s final gasp before extinction…
Our own species is the predator that will kill us, and that has been the case pretty much since industrialization. Aa for natural limits, I do believe we have reached that stage, but how to know if it is really as bad as the predators among us claim? As they’ve lied to us repeatedly throughout modern history and really before that if we’re honest, how to know how much is true and how much isn’t?
It’s a separation process, Lizzy: picking apart the silly fantasies from the hard realities:
The eugenicists and globalisers are wrong in their population-control and species-‘improvement’ delusions; and their wretched criminal fantasies will come to nothing anyway, because they – we, hom-sap – are not actually up to executing them. They imagine that hom-sap can control all the spontaneous natural processes or the planet – using ever-more-magical PROGRESSforever!! startrekkytechietechie – far more than we will ever be able to do in reality…
Nevertheless, population-overshoots do happen, regularly, in many species. They’re a commonplace of ecological studies. And one is happening to us – hom-sap – right now.
They follow a well-observed pattern:
Particularly favourable circumstances, springing up accidentally, enable a breeding bloom amongst a species; the fatally-overgrown numbers promptly demolish those same favourable circumstances which enabled the bloom in the first place, and numbers fall away from the overshoot’s zenith, fall below the long term carrying capacity of the species’ natural life-support niches, then slowly grow back to that properly-balanced level again.
It really is a commonplace Gaian homeostasis mechanism to keep all creatures in balance. And hom-sap is by no manner of means in any way exempt from this process (despite our hilarious god-like self-importance 😂 ).
In fact, we’re just on the dwell of the cam right now before the second half of our current overshoot episode – the steady, automatic reduction of our numbers – gets really into its stride over the next few decades.
Don’t let the fact that a vast global decline in human numbers hasn’t happened yet kid you that it can’t. Another commonplace is that futurists are commonly too hasty, and greatly underestimate the time frame for these natural processes to play out. As I said in another post above: just because Malthus and Ehrlich were too hasty in their estimated time-frames doesn’t mean that they were wrong. The process hasn’t played out completely yet. It’s total time-frame will probably prove, with hindsight, to have been several centuries, or even millennia. Wait till it’s complete, then tell us all that Malthus et al were wrong…
Btw, there appears to be no law of nature which says that all overshoot-reductions have to be Mad-Max-style horrorshows. They can be quite quiet, even at some times barely noticeable. They’re not always frantic lemming-stampedes. No need to be terrified of them. Doesn’t matter whether you are terrified, though, even to the point of denial, as many are, because the reductions are built into the process anyway. These ancient Gaian mechanisms take literally zero account of our states of mind…
Hemp seeds are a nutritious addition to a ‘plant-based diet’…Beef cows would love them…According to the blurb on the ones i buy “Our pure hemp seeds have a delicious nutty flavour and crunch. With omegas, digestible proteins, vitamins, minerals and fibre”..
Mine are sourced from Canada so i hope they mean ‘pure’ in its traditional sense…Canada is upwind of the USA GMO farms with their ability to contaminate everything on a neighbour’s farm…Surprise is little billy gates hasnt tried to corner the hemp seed market, though Big Corporations already have control of the medical marijuana market…We definitely need a revolution to overthrow our corporate overlords…
Vote Communist in the next election. Then you too might become part owner of the hemp-seed and medical marijuana market. The Bonk of China is the only bank in the world which is owned by the people; so the people of China profit from the interest on the debt that they take out from their Bank.
The fact that cannabis and hemp are stigmatised and outlawed by the scamming lowlifes in the government and those who pull their strings says all you need to know about the anti-God anti-human filth that rules over you
“And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth …” – Genesis 1:29
Or replacing Sharon with Netanyahoo.
at least he is supposed to have a nut sack
Then the NZers need to vote them out come election, but will they?? Its a bit like who the hell voted for Khan in London and we know NO ONE voted for Sunak or Hunt so what do we do? Not comply with any edicts from these universal cretins that’s what, but I will not hold my breath looking at what people have done over the past 3 years. All my family and TRUE friends did not comply with ANY of the covid fantasy and we are still here and healthy. The sheep never even took on board that the so called party gate bollocks was really a signal that there was actually no virus and nothing to be afraid of but you just cannot educate pork. We reap what we sow and that is apathy and thinking its up to others to take action. Much as I detest France (as part of the EU) at least they get off their arses in mass demonstrations. We outnumber the so called elite and this could all be ended if people actually showed some backbone but the cretins have played a master plan of divide and control. I despair.
Er – that’s mutton, not pork. And actual real, physical, natural sheep – when you get to know them – can be quite characterful and even savvy…
The US has advised Ukraine to not undertake any planned Offensive against the Russians until the Ukranian armed forces have received and been trained to use the mass of armaments the US/NATO is to provide…
A German tank has been promoted as a “gamechanger” in the US proxy war against Russia in the Ukraine…Germany’s politicians have resisted the enormous pressure they were subject to to provide tanks, and have decided against supplying Ukraine with tanks…
Both stories appear to be face savers being readied…Both can later provide the reason why Russia routed the Ukrainians by its expected Winter Offensive,,,
Can we expect to hear “The Ukranians jumped the gun !” or “If only the Germans had supplied their game-changing tanks !” as later excuses ?
There are claims that 2/3rds of the armaments being supplied to the Ukraine dont make it to the frontlines…It’s claimed they have been diverted to a black market…Its not considered that they are being pre-positioned, as the UKs 14 tanks and other promised weapons will be, for later use…
well, i’m fed up seeing perfect wee animals ground to tangled mush on the roads.
breaks ma heart.
so, if i abhor roadkill, how on this plane, can i agree to farmed flesh? car death is evil and wrong, but a bolt gun and sharp knife is fine….. ?
God, I may turn vegetarian,
seriously folks, think aboot it, or do ye just ignore all the roadkill as some ugly mess? ye probably do as ye stap crap doon yer thrapple.
i’m not even agreeing with my old self here… if an animal’s life is LIFE, what difference from a farm or forest or roadside?
eating plants? fuck me man, where does a conscience go? they live too!
suppose i’ll just eat farts? from whence they come?
My son is 21 and 5’10”, a lot of his friends are really tall – I often wonder if it’s residues of growth hormones in cheap meat. I also wonder what that might do to you long-term
In other cringe worthy news. The avi yemini and the rebel news pantomime continues at the wef.
Yemini and his motley crew casually walk through he snowy streets of Davos and amazingly bump into some of the worlds most disliked actors. These people just so happen to be strolling down the street without security. Thunberg, Bourla, and numerous political leaders, etc.
Davos really is some place, in fact the only place in the world where these people walk around in public willy nilly without security or handlers.
Fuck me, are people really lapping this shit up as a win for the people?
we know where he lives ; )
Apparently the hotel is only a five minute walk from the venue but most of the dignitaries prefer to be driven there. Bourla and Thunberg chose to walk.
Avi is a terrorist in any language. He boasts about his work with the IDF
Well said. Rebel News my arse….more like Gatekeeper News. What a joke. This entire thing is so depressingly gnaff.
“Eat nothing but lab-made food” sounds about right.
That’s right – the only jobs left out there are to be a NYT columnist or a trans coder. Great stuff from the NYT – I’d say it’s tone deaf but I guess at this point they aren’t even pretending working class people read any of their op eds.
It really is all so tiresome
Plants “communicate”, machines “think” !
Syme, Winston Smiths colleague in the Ministry of Truth, was tasked with stripping words of any doubleplusungood meanings…He’d need to be re-skilled to be employed by todays Ministry of Truth which makes changes, even adds meanings to words essential to understanding…
So many words have had their meaning redefined – think of pandemic, isolated, vaccine, truth – dictionaries cant keep up with them…And we all know that Wikipedia cant be trusted…
‘Artificial intelligence’ is my bugbear. Human intelligence is being equated with the ‘thinking’ of calculating, programed machines…If They keep it up we’ll all opt to become cyborgs so we can be as smart as the Intelligent Machines…
Plants ‘communicate’ ! ‘Communicate’ brings with it preconceptions…I know that some people talk to their plants, but those who claim their plants talk back are all locked up in the Funny Farms…
More words with inverted meanings:, choice, freedom, right (such as right to work), justice, reform, efficiency, stability, safety, progress, prosperity, democracy, liberalism, socialism, fascism, tyranny, defence.
No-one ever locked me up for being duly respectful towards plants, Les. Try it some time. Be patient, and you WILL be surprised…
I’m still trying to figure out what colour is the light that glints off green tree leafs…It’s certainly not the white artists use…
I’m a vegan and I eat only plant based food (and plants are my medicine, too).
Plants have intelligence but not a complex neural network like animals and humans which make us acutely feel – pain, terror, joy, love. The reason why I eat plants not animals. When I look around me at all the meat-eating normies, most are obese or seriously overweight and sick. Go figure.
But, lucky for me, as a vegan I won’t have to switch from meat to bugs.
BTW, in the EU products from four different insects have been approved for inclusion into processed foods as diverse as cookies, ready-made meals, pasta, meat substitutes (I only occasionally eat quorn as a ‘substitute’), soups, alcoholic beverage mixes, cured meats and chocolates (so, okay I’ll have to look out for that in my piece of chocolate with my morning coffee!).
Read about this at Global Research: Officially Approved by the EU: Four Insects Hiding in Your Food
bugs a meat substitute……..still meat imo ie dead things with faces
When I look around me at all the vegans, most are emaciated, pallid and rattling with vitamin supplements.
I don’t think you are telling the truth, mate.
Are bugs not meat? Asking for a friend.
You’d say that the mycelial mats which throng the soils of forests and grasslands don’t constitute a complex neural network, would you, V? Funny, they sureashell seem to act that way.
And then there’s the Tom Campbell MyBigTOE thesis (qv!), slowly making headway, as the current Kuhnian paradigm shift in physics away from reductive materialism, back towards it’s old philosophical rival of idealism, progresses: that mind is primal, and therefore – as the growing mass of NDE testimonies, amongst many other indicators of this truth confirms – you don’t necessarily have to have a neural/brain system in full working order in order to be able to be aware and to have consciousness.
Tom goes further, and affirms that this whole PMR (physical, material reality) is entirely virtual, and that – when no sentient Individuated Unit Of Consciousness is looking to see – there is no brain, no nervous system, no physical reality at all; all virtual, and only apparent to our senses when we look to see, and Big Mind’s rendering engine promptly sends us information about where we’re looking, which we interpret as the physical, solid, touchable world…
Tricky reality to navigate, innit?
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot put a new spin on the “cashless society” plan this week. When asked about the out-of-control crime rate in her city she suggested people shouldn’t carry cash so they don’t get mugged…
I resisted commenting on this, since whenever I see Lightfoot I think appalling “lookist” thoughts, e.g. that in her infancy Lori must have been given the Ugly Stick to use as a pacifier.
Sorry about that, but I really just wanted to observe that she’s using the same logic of old-school sexist, chauvinist pigs who bumptiously cautioned potential rape victims, or berated actual rape victims, for wearing unduly “provocative” clothing that enticed the poor rapists. 😠
I don’t know about ducks running marathons but back in 201\7 a dog who’d been let out into his yard latched on to the runners of a Canadian half-marathon and went around the course with them, finishing in 7th place. (Normal sized dogs have got a huge heart and lungs compared to a human so they can run for hours.)
Damar Hamlin made an appearance at the game today:
It’s the bugs I feel sorry for. Bug a l’orange seems on the menu now on.
they will push it as cordon merde nouveau gourmet
It looks like the US is unwinding the WEF Psyop, it was always a ridiculous ‘show’ to me, and silly that anyone though that this farce with its pantomime Nazi, running a powerless think tank, was controlling the world.
It helped keep the focus away from the US state department, but no intelligent person would fall for it long, so better to unwind it before it is called out.
“Build back better.”
CIA productions, for low IQs
Okay, whatever you say smart guy.
almost correct! do better next time.
An insulting complement, that’s progress.
Jonathon Swift would be aghast at the state of the world. For me, there isn’t a sick-bag big enough.
Seem to remember a Randy Newman song entitled ‘Short People.’ My lovely, but
self-consciously, petite daughter took great exception to the lines:
Short people got nowhere to go,
You’ve gotta pick ’em up just to say ‘Hello’…
Whoops, a small error, should have read deeper…
I put a link to the Randy song somewhere else on this thread. Short People may be one of his best know but not one of his best cf. Sail Away. That one features the word “wog” which was changed by at least one person who covered it. Take that word out and the song is disemboweled.
Hi folks, well, I’m here in NZ and the major line being spun on MSM as to why Ardern was “forced” out of politics is this: people were saying mean things about her. She was upset and afraid; she had to go everywhere with security. She wasn’t going to attend the annual Waitangi Day BBQ out of fear. People were making fun of how she looked. Nasty nasty people. All because she was a woman, a young(ish) woman with a child, a paragon of truth who defended science and saved the country from evil anti-vaxxers. And of course no leading politician anywhere in the history of the world has ever faced criticism and nasty remarks (and throw in a few death threats), just our lovely little Jacinda. I kid you not, that is the line most are spinning. What we need, proposes the co-leader of the Greens here (a party so woke they never sleep) is a law to make sure that no one says anything critical of government leaders or officials. Sounds good to me, what do you all think? But we do have a few bolder politicians and activists who will dare to point out that Jacinda’s decision to flee may have more to do with the (so-called) Labour party’s attachment to the imposition of woke policies, govt promoted COVID hysteria for nearly 3 years that caused many to lose their jobs, high inflation, housing shortages, etc etc. The guy who is replacing her as PM (Chris Hipkins) isn’t likely to be much better on most of these, but it seems he is a bit less likely to push the woke-agenda. At any rate, we have an election here later this year? Will that make any difference? Hmmmm…..Will the sleeping masses wake up? Wake up and smell the coffee; I’ve heard toasted tarantula goes well with it…No, wait a second, my husband suggests huhu grubs (a native NZ insect) fried in butter would be more culturally appropriate.
It’s the negative of the ad hominem that they’re using on Adern.
But it’s the same fallacy
Don’t care what they say, but care what they do.
Ah, it’s like the Martians in mars attacks: they came in peace…
Given that Mars attacks was a B movie, what reality do ‘we’ live in?
Better not follow the news.
was cracking film, hilarious, and what has covoid9 been other than a really bad B-movie? where the plot and characters have consistently gotten absurd??
then W, we have the rest of the shitshow… ; )
is gotten a word? in anglais…?
Lockdowns & ‘vaccines’ were not ‘woke’ policies however much that suits your political propaganda. In the UK and US right wing governments imposed all the measures and it was Trump who gave the ‘Vaccine’ manufactures the right to roll out their poisons. If you want to be taken seriously stop lying.
So it isn’t California that is pushing all the continued crazy carry on limiting drs…wanting kids in masks etc…I thought they were the woke of woke
There is something monumentally stupid about people who claim the Democrats are progressive.
Indeed. The last thing these murderous psychopaths care about is the rights of trans, or any other minority for that matter. Woke is a tool of oppression and a tool to shift us to the far right.
Woke is a psyop and you are the mark…..willing in your case.
But the overlap between people who support woke policies and covid restrictions is like what 100%? If your position is that what is presented as leftist politics in the west is nothing of the sort I agree with you – critical theory is nonsense and shouldn’t be taken seriously and only serves to fracture the working classes – but clearly this stuff is being used as part of the domestic culture war psyop.
No need to be nasty. I was not lying. Here in NZ we have had various sorts of overtly “woke” policies and cultural pressures (I will not take the time to detail them here: look them up if you are interested; they are easy enough to find out about — in education, in censorship, in changing history and the meaning of words, just to mention a few areas) as well as lockdowns and vaccine mandates which are mainly evidence of government/NWO pressures to comply or else — but are generally quite compatible with Woke policies. But, hey, if you don’t like my comments don’t read them; I will try to avoid yours in the future.
how are lockdowns in the US empire & the 5 eyes states evidence of a NWO?
“When the ruling class declared open war on the masses in March 2020, the national lockdown – it was actually a lockout – was met by the labour movement and the Left not with resistance and militancy but compliance and submission.
The Left was cleverly outmanoeuvred by Boris Johnson at the beginning of the crisis. By feinting in favour of ‘herd immunity’, he secured the support of ‘progressive’ opinion for a lockdown policy that was the plan all along. ‘How dare they refer to us as a herd? We are not cattle,’ cried the Left intelligentsia, as they dutifully stayed in their quarters and waited for their injections.”
The Right pull the strings and the Left jump and dance.
The real left does not exist it has been criminalised.
The real left is now what they describe as “right”.
BAHAHAHAHAHAHA villainHILL U slouching hag-ridden dullard spewing tawdry PHARMAkrim fear porn!!
Ive asked WH not to call names and not to respond in kind to name-calling, so I’m requesting that we cut down on abusiveness. It’s getting a bit out of hand, turning into regular shit-slinging fests under every piece lately, not really fair on the authors. Thanks for understanding, A2
This new prime minister of New Zealand is almost or even worse he’s going around threatening people if you have not been vaccinated we are coming after you you cannot force anybody to take medical procedure I’m sure he can’t do that because it’s against the law and your body is suffering it belongs to you it does not belong to anybody else.
Ardern also pushed this. I am no longer working so avoided most of the pressure, although it meant an end to socialising and even to church for several months. My husband, however, was told get the jabs or lose your job. I don’t say the new guy (Hipkins) is better on this stuff. We shall see if he backs off on other issues such as education policy (trans is great; all whites are devils…).
There has been a glaring lack of any mention of threatening to lock those who didn’t do exactly what they were told in concentration camps surrounding this talk of her resignation. I for one am glad if she truly is scared, she deserves to be after her drunk on power performances over the past 3 years. She’d be in prison if it were up to me.
Bring on the next scumbag in line for bringing down to earth.
Of course it is the misogyny that made her quit. Couldn’t be that she’s got one hell of a high paying private gig lined up after doing her time in front of the cameras could it? She’s earned that big fat paycheck and anyone who says otherwise is merely a hater. Why, for me to even utter such a thing is blatant misogyny, isn’t it?
And we all know, women cannot be criminal or corrupt, why one of Hillary’s own rabid fans said so herself back in the dark ages of 2016. All women are merely meek little things that just can’t stand any negativity at all. But that remark isn’t misogynist at all, is it?
“It’s not all bad…Jacinda Ardern resigned…”
“Here’s New Zealand’s next PM saying he will essentially hunt people down and vaccinate them.”
I seriously considered moving to Christchurch in New Zealand 20 years ago.
Wow, that’s outrageous him saying “we’ll have to go look for them” (the unvaxxed). Scary stuff.
Wasn’t Chris Hipkins the Health Minister during the lockdowns required under Ardern’s zero-Covid strategy over the past couple of years?
If he was, and the rumour that Ardern resigned because of a possible looming scandal (such as the information in this link perhaps) connected to the roll-out of the mRNA injections turns out to have substance, then he becomes a perfect fall guy for whatever flack hits the New Zealand Labour Party once the scandal becomes public. This will damage the party in the general elections to be held later this year. Probably by then Ardern will be out of the country and living and working elsewhere.
It’s well known – at least amongst those not totally numbed to our “infotainment” padded cell – that films and TV programmes are frequently used to sow propagandist tropes as fiction is made out to blend into “reality”. But the process is not always as blatant as announced here:
“Welcome to the age of ‘dark copers’ – where morbid curiosity is a means of survival
From haunted dolls to horror films, there is a big appetite right now for fear-as-fun. Are we all just practicing for what 2023 throws at us?”
The writer – one appropriately named Emma Beddington – would seem to have that uncanny prophetic gift so prevalent since the dawn of covid.
So are novels – all the big sellers contain propaganda about 9/11 or vaccines and viruses. The older ones about WWII and the cold war.