WATCH: WHO Sneak Attack

Meryl Nass interviews James Corbett for CHD.tv. Following up their first interview from December, Meryl and James discuss the WHO’s proposed International Health Regulation Amendments + potentially legally-binding ‘Zero Draft Treaty’ currently being drawn up in secret meetings behind closed doors.

As the WHO touts the solution to worldly problems as possible through their ‘One Health’ approach — one wonders if a world in which humans, animals, agriculture, and weather are dominated by state-depicted notions of the highest attainable standard of ‘health’ may secretly be a trojan horse to dominate as much of the sovereign world as possible — usurping power from individual countries and thrusting it into the hands of a mad-with-power agency which seeks to control Earth’s resources, ecosystems, food, animals, and plants.

Links and references are available through Children’s Health Defense and The Corbett Report.


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proton Magic
proton Magic
Jan 29, 2023 12:31 AM

Now I understand why Corbett wont mention the no virus issue, he wouldn’t get exposure on the big controlled opposition sites that have millions of views: CHD, Bigtree, Info wars.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 28, 2023 4:32 PM

In both the following interviews there are discussions of the WHO’s International Health Regulations and One Health agenda.

Jan 23, 2023
W.H.O. Whistleblower Exposes Globalist Agenda
Former ethics researcher at the W.H.O, Astrid Stuckelburger, PhD, sheds light on how our top world health agencies have used the COVID-19 pandemic to push a dangerous globalist agenda.

May 27, 2022
WHO + Monkeypox Update With Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger + Dr. Liz Mumper
Interviewed by Polly Tommey
In this powerful, jaw-dropping episode of ‘Good Morning CHD,’ guests Dr. Astrid Stuckelburger [and Dr. Liz Mumper] expose the truth about monkeypox, food insecurity and the WHO’s attempt at global control. Is the compounding of these events in the news further scare tactics? Do these organizations have our best interests in mind?

proton Magic
proton Magic
Jan 28, 2023 3:10 PM

Neither CHD, Nass, or Corbett will go near the no virus exists issue. RFK Jr has stammered and dodged around the issue.They are happy to talk to you forever about anything else and I like most all of what Corbett does. See more here:

Jan 25, 2023 6:27 PM

” – usurping power from individual countries and thrusting it into the hands of a mad-with-power agency which seeks to control Earth’s resources, ecosystems, food, animals, and plants,” … with mind control of their Doctors: yet, without ever having tested for prevention of any Transmission. Having fixed that text, I feel honour bound to question every Body, (including you all @OffG, and this includes everybody BTL,) after 3 years of this plandemic, why have you Achieved absolutely nothing ? Answer: because you have all consistently FAILED to identify, accuse & nail the GOVERNING MONOPOLY of Public Awareness, to the Wall ! More fool you . . . Seriously Focus: there is only one company that shapes, feeds, drives and ‘curveballs’ Doctor’s Awareness and all your daily news feed for everything-everything, for that matter. This one company owns every single PR Marketing Agency & is the World’s largest Bureau for Disinformation, in order that Misinformation can be disseminated by ‘medical professionals’, who should know better. So, who is the ‘Hidden Hand’ who represents the W.H.O. PR Marketing Strategy and has held the Monopoly on Public Awareness for 35 years ? I’ll help you, a little. Hill & Knowlton Strategies & Partners, [the global specialists in the Crime of Public Disinformation], is just a subsidiary, belonging to Martin Sorrell [the longest ever serving FTSE 100 Chief Executive, who stepped down in 2018] and also the wholly anonymous persona of Preston Rabl. Three long years you have all been barking up the wrong Tree ! Transmission’s the Key , to unwinding Rabl’s WPP Monopoly & Legal Accountability for Disseminating Disinformation Publicly, & wholly wittingly ! Don’t you feel that it is time to Humble Preston Rabl and his Monopoly ? ? Or, is OffG afraid of Preston Rabl’s Anonymous Omnipresent Powerful Wrath ?… Read more »

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jan 25, 2023 11:22 PM
Reply to  Balkydj

Say Youse.
Transmission as an impossibility; how so without the magazine’s?

Jan 26, 2023 10:51 AM
Reply to  Clive Williams

Take time out, Clive, and reconsider exactly what I’m trying to inform you of ?
I could supply millions of examples of how integrated your media perceptions are.
For example, I began to analyse the ‘YanCan’ configuration of the global media,
Back in 1979, as ‘your’ media world focussed on the receding Aral Sea, simultaneously.
My suspicions were raised long before this moment, by Roger East and the Balibo 5:
all journalists, murdered … I’d be happy to discuss further, but it would be a pointless
Exercise, if OffG readers and personnel ignore my professional focus once again: which is why I ceased to comment here, ages ago. Not even OffG was interested in Leveson 2.
I am and always have been focussed wholly on Solutions that regulate the monstrous
Designs of MediaMoguls ! If you do not feel that this is possible to Transmit and raise
Public Awareness, we will both be wasting our time communicating . . .

Jan 26, 2023 6:21 PM
Reply to  Clive Williams

By the wayside, Clive, given your lack of response, the apostrophe & ‘s’ placed after the word ” Transmission “, was very deliberate & deliberated …

I.e. Transmission is the KEY !

You SEE NOW ? He who transmits … ?

Jan 25, 2023 12:26 PM

The fear porn gets more and more ridiculous:


BTW Mary Robinson’s husband just happens to have been the second highest Freemason in Ireland (Irish Freemasonry doesn’t recognise any north/south divide and the Republic’s Parliament happens to be located in a former Masonic lodge).

Jan 25, 2023 4:12 AM

If you know that billionaires are running this club you know WHO.

Jan 26, 2023 11:19 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Yep, Preston Rabl, to be specific: the control arm and hidden hand behind WPP, that feeds any & ALL media outlets with their topics for discussion today. Whence the possibility to move seamlessly from Covid19 Transmissions to the Ukraine War: Or the War on Terror, easily. F.y.i. WPP owns & controls HILL + KNOWLTON STRATEGIES , who are presently ‘assisting’ the W.H.O. P.R. Marketing
Campaign for Covid19… so, if you sharpen your research, you will find that there is actually only
One company Monopolising your media Agenda of the Day, and the Minds of most people.

Jan 24, 2023 7:47 PM

Healthcare without the health or care (part 2)https://mickeyz.substack.com/p/healthcare-without-the-health-or Excerpt: “I’m a nurse and there has been a steady progression to automated, patient-directed, convenience ‘healthcare’ for well over decade — minute clinics, telehealth, and the like. If doctors accept insurance or Medicaid/Medicare their hands are essentially tied. Those entities dictate what doctors can do. If they deviate too drastically from what insurance companies recommend or what the current ‘best practice’ standards are, they get their wrists slapped and I don’t think they get reimbursed as much.  “So, there really isn’t an art to medicine anymore unless you seek a doctor who is in private practice or an alternative practitioner. The way healthcare is now you really don’t need a human because all doctors do is check off boxes on the computer that are an algorithm based on the symptoms/diagnosis. Not much thought is involved. “When I worked at an urgent care clinic 15 years ago, the medical director instructed the doctors to ‘just give the patient a prescription and if they’re not better, they’ll come back.’ At that clinic, doctors were reprimanded if they spent ‘too much time’ with patients. Some doctors at that clinic would literally never even touch patients. They would get their prescription ready, stand in the doorway and talk with the patient for a couple of minutes, hand them the Rx and move on to the next victim.  “Medical practices have been steadily degrading for decades, but now with the COVID fraud, it is so in our faces now. And society as a collective is mostly to blame because people want instant results, and they equate ‘health’ with prescriptions. They just want to pop a pill instead of doing the hard work to be healthy.” “It seems like a big part of the COVID agenda was to… Read more »

Jan 25, 2023 7:37 AM
Reply to  niko

Excellent insight, thank you.

Jan 24, 2023 2:20 PM
Jan 24, 2023 12:52 PM
Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 24, 2023 11:33 AM

Who gets to define and regulate “health” in a world where the “individual” has been abolished? — https://www.who.int/health-topics/one-health One Health is an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize the health of people, animals and ecosystems. It recognizes that the health of humans, domestic and wild animals, plants, and the wider environment (including ecosystems) are closely linked and interdependent. While health, food, water, energy and environment are all wider topics with sector-specific concerns, the collaboration across sectors and disciplines contributes to protect health, address health challenges such as the emergence of infectious diseases, antimicrobial resistance, and food safety and promote the health and integrity of our ecosystems. By linking humans, animals and the environment, One Health can help to address the full spectrum of disease control – from prevention to detection, preparedness, response and management – and contribute to global health security. The approach can be applied at the community, subnational, national, regional and global levels, and relies on shared and effective governance, communication, collaboration and coordination. Having the One Health approach in place makes it easier for people to better understand the co-benefits, risks, trade-offs and opportunities to advance equitable and holistic solutions. — https://www.emro.who.int/international-health-regulations/about/background.html International Health Regulations (IHR) The IHR were first adopted by the World Health Assembly in 1969 and covered six diseases. The Regulations were amended in 1973, and then in 1981, to focus on three diseases: cholera, yellow fever and plague. With the increase in international travel and trade, and the emergence, re-emergence and international spread of disease and other threats, the World Health Assembly called for a substantial revision in 1995. The revision extended the scope of diseases and related health events covered by the IHR to take into account almost all public health risks (biological, chemical, radiological or nuclear in… Read more »

Jan 24, 2023 8:38 AM

CHD’s counter-narrative against MSM’s safe & effective diktat is ‘vaccine safety’ an oxymoron, where do these conflicting narratives conflate?

Quaeritur Omnia
Quaeritur Omnia
Jan 24, 2023 7:49 AM

Once the farting animals have been cleared off the farms … the remains of compliant “humanity” will be locked in the farm buildings and fed on cockroach gruel.
Perhaps the Chinese and the Russians have more backbone and will order Satan (for it is he) to piss off?

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Jan 24, 2023 5:55 AM

Seems like the WHO’s rise has coincided with the rise of Big Pharma, which is dominating on the US commercial front, even surpassing the MIC, although MIC advertisement doesn’t require the same approach. Big Pharma in the states in everywhere, all the time, you cannot avoid it unless you move to a cabin in the woods. Which shows the impact of global corporate power on the planet, and thus the people behind it. Money talks, bullshit walks.

Jan 24, 2023 7:17 AM

Albert, I wonder if you know about Dr. Burzynski, who successfully treated cancer. I’ve known about him since the 70s. There is no explanation except that they didn’t want cancer to be treated. Here’s a new documentary of this charismatic man.


I think I finally read that some fat cat was determined to take over his patent.

Jan 24, 2023 1:44 PM
Reply to  Penelope

The only thing that strikes me as odd about this interesting story is that nobody in Europe seems to have come to similar conclusions as Burzynski and done their own research.
After all, the impetus for his own initial research was a perfectly normal curiosity about a new strain of peptides he had discovered.

But then, perhaps others have, indeed, done such research, and been swept under the immense carpet of corruption which covers the world today . . .

I wouldn’t expect to discover anything of benefit to actual patients if I were to dig deeper, given the stranglehold which media- and corporate corruption has on everything right now, but I do hope the truth gets out eventually, just like the truth about WTC7 and ‘covid’.

Jan 24, 2023 5:05 PM
Reply to  wardropper

A big part of why I despise “Science” is that consensus rules the roost. Right now “The Science” opts for disease management as opposed to curing.

Never mind how much more lucrative management is – as Goldman Sachs pointed out to some clients – it’s immensely safer (i.e., safer for the practitioner than the patient).

If all you’re doing is managing the disease and the patient dies, he will have no legal case against you. But if you cure him and he ends up dying anyway, then he just might have a case.

Behind every good doctor stands a good lawyer.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jan 24, 2023 11:29 PM
Reply to  Penelope

“Treating” disease IS what they want. Curing not. If you’ve ever read or listened to any MS medical mumbo-jumbo, it’s always about treating this and treating that.
One of their favourite words. The word “cure” is forbidden. Literally.

Jan 25, 2023 6:37 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

It used to be medicine and medical treatment. Now, it is health care and health management. Even if the patient is cured, they get him to keep returning for check-ups, perhaps in the hope that he develops some other illness.

Jan 25, 2023 9:42 PM
Reply to  mgeo

I’ll only touch upon something instead of attempting a chapter-length screed.

I’m what an old (female) friend calls a “typical male”, i.e. in general I prefer to remain in denial about health issues and am reluctant to go to the doctor.

So I could never get excited about the virtues of “preventative care”, marketed as “wellness”. Even so, I followed my long-time primary care physician when he started a so-called “concierge practice” based on “wellness”– as opposed to treating patients after they became ill from preventable disorders and diseases.

When the Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic turned the world upside down, it dawned on me that from the patient’s point of view, “wellness” keeps me on the same treadmill you describe– theoretically, making regular doctor’s visits to monitor and even “treat” my “wellness”! 🤔

Jan 25, 2023 6:43 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Cured = end of the gravy train.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jan 25, 2023 1:47 PM
Reply to  MattC

Sick and afraid is where the money’s at.

Jan 24, 2023 8:15 AM

The traitors who legitimise this are in government, in the executive branch, legislature and judiciary.

Jan 24, 2023 12:13 PM

“… although MIC advertisement doesn’t require the same approach.

Ask your doctor if nerve gas is right for you!  😂  😂  😂 

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Jan 24, 2023 5:46 AM

The tyrants insidious plan is moving along nicely.
All the while the sheep are dropping dead from the jab whilst embracing the digital trap, electric cars, veganism and the proxy war in Ukraine…
Brain washed fools doesn’t do it justice.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Jan 24, 2023 8:46 AM
Reply to  Paul Watson

Once people realize that replacing lithium batteries in EV’s cost $10-20,000, they won’t want to waste their money.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Jan 24, 2023 1:57 PM
Reply to  Straight Talk

A fool and his money…

dom irritant
dom irritant
Jan 24, 2023 5:10 PM
Reply to  Straight Talk

and the rest, replacement ev battery’s for cars are at least $26,000 or so iv heard…..
oh the days of driving a £50 shitter without a license are long gone but who knows what the future may bring

Jan 25, 2023 6:45 AM
Reply to  Straight Talk

Many other issues such as charging stations, 3-6 hours to charge, bursting into flames, no assurance of support for each model from maker and government even for 5 years..

Jan 25, 2023 6:53 AM
Reply to  mgeo

Or a more than halving of the range when the temperature drops below zero centigrade. Still that means that the owner gets to hang around for hours in the cold waiting for the vehicle to be recharged.

Jan 25, 2023 2:37 AM
Reply to  Paul Watson

I think you need to distinguish between the ‘vegan bandwagon’ that corporate industries have jumped on to sell their – often unhealthy – products, and actual veganism. I’m a vegan and have happily been so for about 15 years. Yet I don’t consider myself to be a sheep. I have never been healthier since turning vegan. I don’t eat meat or cheese substitutes. The milk and dairy industries are cruel beyond comprehension – millions and millions of sentient animals are exploited and abused until they take their last desperate screams at slaughter. I, for my part, will never again support this utter evil, and being vegan is the only way to do this. I can recommend a documentary called ‘Eating you Alive’, you can find it on YouTube in two parts. Showing how to avoid becoming sick and avoid needing medication. It’s all about prevention. Eating a healthy plant based diet helps to avoid getting trapped in a cycle of illness-medication-side effects-more illness-etc. You should try it.

Jan 24, 2023 5:36 AM

An excerpt from Chris Graham, publisher of New Matilda, an Australian online magazine:

‘The elephant in my room, obviously, is whether or not the Pfizer vaccine played a part in my heart issues, and even some of the extra silliness that followed. The truth is, I don’t know. Some doctors believe it did. Some believe it didn’t, and some are still having a bet each way. In all likelihood, that will probably be how it remains – the great mystery of my life.

My personal view is that the vaccine probably did play a part, because the timing of when everything started to go wrong for me – two days after my second Pfizer shot – is too hard to ignore. But if I had to bet my life on it (irony intended), there’s a few issues that might have me hedging my bets too.’

It’s his story of illness just after his second jab. He still believes the jab and the lockdowns were justified.
What say you?

Jan 24, 2023 6:32 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Not surprising, very hard to admit one was fooled into taking something that could be fatal and if not fatal will leave one with life long health issues. After all the small snippets of adverse side effects coming out, just today I see lots of MSM headlines about yearly Covid “vaccines” being the new normal. Sigh. The sheep will NEVER admit that damned shot is killing people, no matter how many facts about that come out. They will refuse to see that they are hysterical over the GD flu and none of these shots are necessary, they NEVER were.

I did not read the article about Damar whatever his name is and his reaction to “conspiracy theories” over his cardiac arrest but I am willing to bet I don’t have to read it at all, he will deny, deny, deny until the day it kills him while continuing to advocate that others do the same. It really is truly sickening.

As for Chris Graham, I say he’s an idiot, but he’s only one more member of the endless herd of them.

Jan 24, 2023 9:42 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

Not surprisingly, I also saw the MSM headlines more or less touting the scenario of a yearly “COVID vaccine” jab becoming standard– a companion to the “annual flu shot” scam, unless and until they opt for a combination “one-shot” approach.

Of course, to use an idiomatic expression I picked up from a former co-worker, this is all “as wrong as two left shoes”.

But I think I could live with the atrocity if it devolved into a status quo like the bogus “annual flu shot”. That is, if they phased out the rest of the New Abnormal “public health measures”, I could then cheerfully ignore the recommendations and admonitions to make sure and get my “annual COVID shot” the same way I cheerfully ignore the “flu shot” propaganda.

FWIW, before the Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic, I shared the Normal belief that vaccines work as advertised; I dutifully got the age-appropriate pneumonia and shingles vaccines in accordance with my doctor’s “orders”. But somehow I always knew that the annual flu shot was a fraud; never getting “the flu” despite being unvaxxed certainly reinforced my skepticism! 🤔💉

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jan 25, 2023 3:43 AM
Reply to  Ort

Every year I know people who get the flu shot, then, amazingly, get the flu.

Jan 25, 2023 9:32 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

And I’ll bet that most of them, and perhaps even their doctors, “reason” that “getting the flu” somehow affirms that the jab “worked”. Perhaps they resort to the unfalsifiable belief that if they hadn’t gotten jabbed, the flu would’ve been much worse. Of course, the medical profession, or medical Establishment, has developed elaborate handwaving to explain away all of the commonsensical criticisms and objections to the bogus injections. Even before the scamdemic, I started to take notice of the way that medical professionals express “pat” views to deflect doubts and complaints. For instance, several years ago I was seen by a nurse practicioner during a follow-up visit. I don’t even remember what was wrong, except that it involved pain that Advil wasn’t helping. This was long before the fentanyl “pain pill” crisis, so at the time patients asking for effective pain medication wasn’t especially controversial or suspect. When she advised me to continue taking Advil, I politely but firmly replied, “Advil doesn’t do anything for me.” Without missing a beat, she in turn retorted, “You can’t really be sure about that. Maybe if you weren’t taking Advil the pain would be worse!” That shut me up; I knew I wasn’t getting a prescription for better pain medication, and I didn’t want to argue with her. But there was something that bugged me about her prompt retort; it took me a while to realize that it was unfalsifiable. Oh, I could’ve gone home and undertaken an experiment in which I stopped taking Advil, and carefully monitored my pain level to see if the pain indeed got worse. But she wasn’t really challenging my complaint; I think she was sincerely making an observation, or expressing a possibility, that might improve my opinion of that useless Advil. After that, I started noticing other… Read more »

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jan 26, 2023 11:56 PM
Reply to  Ort

Banter..So by 8 you had a moment of reflection, then what happened?
Off shelves tabs like advil aleve asperin out the back door are proof you’ve always been a Private. They’re meant for a slight headache for childern teens and lassies wrong time of the month., migraine tress fem. menopause symptoms. All these things we learnt from our British UK Parents families. NOT Guilty. Anyone else who says different is a Drug Addict imo.
They are not for Pain, simply put. A kind person may offer you one to help through the day that’s it imo.
Wake up. Blame Yourselves!

Jan 25, 2023 7:05 AM
Reply to  Ort

Getting non-severe flu every few years is the natural booster. Also interacting with people to expose oneself to the routine exchange of pathogens. The medical authorities know all this, of course.

les online
les online
Jan 24, 2023 4:52 AM

It’s all woke’s fault !

Thom Sheaffer
Thom Sheaffer
Jan 24, 2023 2:53 AM

Might our whole problem be because organizations got nothing to do so so they created shit for themselves to do by ginning up a crises like this pandemic or that war. It’s all make work. Time waste management. Looking busy.

Jan 24, 2023 5:31 AM
Reply to  Thom Sheaffer

Have you not heard? The nothing to do syndrome is divide and conquer(D&C) strategy. It is an essential element of unconscionable Oligarch wealth. . Divide and conquer strategy is executed by and thru the NHOs (Non human organizations: nation states, corporations, partnerships, trusts, banking organizations and infrastructure organizations and NGOs). D&C operates through fronts. it is D&C strategy that keeps the Oligarchs in control of the nation states. Its the nation states that govern the mass of people known as those who are classified as “the governed”? This arrangement is an algorithm, it is similar to Pharaoh algorithm, which involved appointing slave drivers to drive the working slaves. No election of any kind can address management, control or power hidden in the mass of Non Human organizations. Just like slave drivers were selected from the masses so to persons are selected to be in charge of the NHOs. These few slave drivers are endowed by Oligarch appointment with super human power because they are the person-in-charge of the NHO. I call such appointed persons, superhuman power enhanced persons, think politicians, corporate presidents, and heads of other NGOs ). They operate clandestinely for the benefit of the oligarch. One human problem is the nation state system. The NSS is the major means by which the global population has been divided. No one escapes being assigned to, and confined to, a nation state. Each nation state divides and grants large portions of its monopoly powers to a few NHOs (corporations, partnerships, quisi-governmental organizations, trusts or NGOs etc.). Initially government[also a NHO] has all monopoly power. Thus, NHOs are proxies fronts for those who have always remained in the background; we call those in the background Oligarchs. I keep harping on this NHO bit because it explains why humans don’t get up in… Read more »

Jan 24, 2023 9:53 AM
Reply to  Thom Sheaffer

That describes the EU bureaucrats to a T.

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Jan 24, 2023 9:53 AM
Reply to  Thom Sheaffer

The seeds for this present day chaos were sowed some time ago. The NWO can now no longer wait for their payday. NWO parasites have been chomping at that bit for a while.

les online
les online
Jan 24, 2023 1:20 AM

Blackrock’s investment strategy of buying up productive farmland, even in the Ukraine, seems to be at odds with little billy gates determination that we all survive on his vat-goop “foods” ? Does Blackrock think little billy gates “foods” will meet with too much resistance, or is it another “it makes sense to have a bob-each-way bet” ?

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jan 24, 2023 1:36 AM
Reply to  les online

I believe the idea is to prevent the land from being farmed.

Jan 24, 2023 8:22 AM
Reply to  les online

Gates too bought a lot of land, to stop farming or to grow Genetically Mutilated food. He wouldn’t dare stand in the way of Blackrock.

Jan 25, 2023 6:50 AM
Reply to  mgeo

We can all rest easy knowing that Blackrock is not a Ponzi scheme…..or is it?

Stop The Prison Mentality
Stop The Prison Mentality
Jan 24, 2023 12:06 AM

As the WHO touts the solution to worldly problems as possible through their ‘One Health’ approach — one wonders if a world in which humans, animals, agriculture, and weather are dominated by state-depicted notions of the highest attainable standard of ‘health’ may secretly be a trojan horse to dominate as much of the sovereign world as possible — usurping power from individual countries and thrusting it into the hands of a mad-with-power agency which seeks to control Earth’s resources, ecosystems, food, animals, and plants.

I’m pretty cool with offG. For the most part I dig the vibe, and it is ….. human.

Regarding the above quoted …..shit, however, I am now seriously concerned as to whether or not offG actually understands the significance of the consequence of what’s coming down the pipeline.


Please read the following in, CAPS, Aerial Narrow, 36 point.

one wonders

may secretly be a trojan horse

possible —usurping power from individual countries

What drugs are you on? honestly? This is 2023 and your telling me incertanites. Since when did these regress to being proposed, FFS.

This is a fucking war.

This is a fucking war, not a game, and you appear to be on the wrong side.

Retract, re-write or show me my mistake.

I’m suggesting picking a side, voicing it loud and clear, and sticking with that, do or die.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jan 24, 2023 1:38 AM

Not an admin, but I don’t understand what you’re upset about.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jan 24, 2023 1:39 AM

This text is from Children’s Health Defence, not OffG. I’m sorry if they aren’t as indefatigable as you’d like, however they probably don’t want to be sued for making overt accusations. This sort of wording is pretty common in all areas of journalism. I don’t think it really implies a wishy-washy approach, as you fear. I hope this reassures you, A2.

Stop The Prison Mentality
Stop The Prison Mentality
Jan 24, 2023 2:06 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

No, it does not.

I remain concerned.

Jan 24, 2023 7:22 PM

I too had the same reaction. I do get the point of what Sam has said regarding weasel words, legality, slander, etc. However, I do agree that reading things that act like any of this is in question now is very hard for me as well. It is a war, and we’re not winning it, although I’m no longer sure it’s possible for those of us who see it as a war to win it with the majority convinced we are merely crazy and everything will be just fine and dandy once the Green Diverse Socially Responsible Utopian NWO is implemented.

Once the SHTF many of those who weasel around it will see it, but even then, will they admit it really was a war and we all lost due to attempting to be careful with our naming of it as such while worrying about what will be archaic concepts of legality and lawsuits? And what does happen to those of us who name it for what it is? Not a fun question at all, but in the long run I guess that really won’t matter much. Those who refused to see it will be far too busy worrying about survival to think much about what was said in that ancient past when being human and somewhat autonomous was still an option…

Jan 24, 2023 2:09 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Also a rhetorical device that can have more power when used effectively however to have that impact it usually needs to be heard and often does not translate well without that audible emphasis.

Having blathered on about that I will say that the very thing STPM mentioned was also what leapt out at me.

CHD does tend to be “the politically correct avenue of dissent” though they have done yeoman’s work on vaxx issues for years.

Fundamentally they still tacitly (often openly) reify the lie that there was a pandemic and that “Covid” is real.

Here’s an interview of Denis Rancourt by RFK from the other day and you can see RFK simply can’t (or won’t) come to terms with Rancourt’s fairly impenetrable analysis which speaks to the data that illustrates there never was a pandemic:


Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jan 24, 2023 3:08 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

Well, when put reasonably I can see there might be a valid concern there. Personally I’m not sure, but I recognise its validity. I encourage readers to give the above interview a listen and try to judge each item on its own merit. There are very few commentators or organisations I agree with on absolutely everything, but there are a great many important arguments being made, nonetheless. A2

Jan 24, 2023 6:04 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Problem with extracting benefits from articles is there is no one on the governed side of unprivileged humanity to keep track of, organize and assemble the things learned into a weaponized argument-package capable of defending human rights interest in the way the world is being organized and there is no access to MSM for a voice from unprivileged humanity. Governed humanity has no tool chest of sustainable arguments capable to defend governed unprivileged humanity against the war against human rights being conducted by the Non Human Organizations[NHOs]. The NHOs are using their argument weapons to incarcerate, use, abuse and control non privileged humanity and non privileged humanity has no defense. We each stand alone, denied the privilege of collectively organizing to defend our inalienable human rights.
The Nation State System is the top level domain through which divide and conquer (D&C) strategies are implemented. There is no court but the oligarch owned court to appeal to, there is government but the oligarch owned government to appeal to. There is no media but the oligarch owned media to organize the interest of non privileged humanity.
We are on our own against a jungle of Oligarch owned and directed well funded NHOs.

Jan 24, 2023 9:43 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

If Kennedy hasn’t got the reality by now I am sorry he isn’t worth listening too…

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jan 25, 2023 1:54 PM
Reply to  Edith

The vast majority of humanity hasn’t gotten the reality. His book on Fauci goes a long way to redeeming him in my eyes.

Paul Prichard
Paul Prichard
Jan 24, 2023 12:01 AM

Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-01-23. Africa Starkly unjabbed, & Starkly unjabbed COVID. Hyperaccelerated Aging. WEF: ‘Humans Are A Plague’ (blog, gab, tweet).

Jan 23, 2023 11:11 PM

The third world found out that the UN and the WHO are scammers decades before now. Right now, people are finding out because the WHO brought the “war on germs” home.

when you realize you’re being lied to, a lot of the censored stuff starts making sense… That’s why they lagged censoring things! And by that, they indirectly point towards the truth lol.