A Hard-Edged Rock: Waging Economic Warfare on Humanity
Colin Todhunter

Why is much modern food of inferior quality? Why is health suffering and smallholder farmers who feed most of the world being forced out of agriculture?
Mainly because of the mindset of the likes of Larry Fink of BlackRock – the world’s biggest asset management firm – and the economic system they profit from and promote.
In 2011, Fink said agricultural and water investments would be the best performers over the next 10 years.
“Go long agriculture and water and go to the beach.”
Unsurprisingly then, just three years later, in 2014, the Oakland Institute found that institutional investors, including hedge funds, private equity and pension funds, were capitalising on global farmland as a new and highly desirable asset class.
Funds tend to invest for a 10-15-year period, resulting in good returns for investors but often cause long-term environmental and social devastation. They undermine local and regional food security through buying up land and entrenching an industrial, export-oriented model of agriculture.
In September 2020, Grain.org showed that private equity funds – pools of money that use pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, endowment funds and investments from governments, banks, insurance companies and high net worth individuals – were being injected into the agriculture sector throughout the world.
This money was being used to lease or buy up farms on the cheap and aggregate them into large-scale, US-style grain and soybean concerns. Offshore tax havens and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development had targeted Ukraine in particular.
Western agribusiness had been coveting Ukraine’s agriculture sector for quite some time. That country contains one third of all arable land in Europe. A 2015 article by Oriental Review noted that, since the mid-90s, Ukrainian-Americans at the helm of the US-Ukraine Business Council have been instrumental in encouraging the foreign control of Ukrainian agriculture.
In November 2013, the Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation drafted a legal amendment that would benefit global agribusiness producers by allowing the widespread use of genetically modified seeds.
In June 2020, the IMF approved an 18-month, strings-attached $5 billion loan programme with Ukraine.
Even before the conflict, the World Bank incorporated measures relating to the sale of public agricultural land as conditions in a $350 million Development Policy Loan (COVID ‘relief package’) to Ukraine. This included a required ‘prior action’ to “enable the sale of agricultural land and the use of land as collateral.”
It is interesting to note that Larry Fink and BlackRock are to ‘coordinate’ investment in ‘rebuilding’ Ukraine.
An official statement released in late December 2022 said the agreement with BlackRock would:
…focus in the near term on coordinating the efforts of all potential investors and participants in the reconstruction of our country, channelling investment into the most relevant and impactful sectors of the Ukrainian economy.”
With more than $813.5 billion invested in arms manufacturing companies, BlackRock is in a win-win situation – profiting from both destruction and reconstruction.
BlackRock is a publicly owned investment manager that primarily provides its services to institutional, intermediary and individual investors. The firm exists to put its assets to work to make money for its clients. And it must ensure the financial system functions to secure this goal. And this is exactly what it does.
Back in 2010, the farmlandgrab.org website reported that BlackRock’s global agriculture fund would target (invest in) companies involved with agriculture-related chemical products, equipment and infrastructure, as well as soft commodities and food, biofuels, forestry, agricultural sciences and arable land.
According to research by Global Witness, it has since indirectly profited from human rights and environmental abuses through investing in banks notorious for financing harmful palm oil firms (see the article The true price of palm oil, 2021).
Blackrock’s Global Consumer Staples exchange-rated fund (ETF), which was launched in 2006 and, according to the article The rise of financial investment and common ownership in global agrifood firms (Review of International Political Economy, 2019), has:
US$560 million in assets under management, holds shares in a number of the world’s largest food companies, with agrifood stocks making up around 75% of the fund. Nestlé is the funds’s largest holding, and other agrifood firms that make up the fund include Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Walmart, Anheuser Busch InBev, Mondelez, Danone, and Kraft Heinz.”
The article also states that BlackRock’s iShares Core S&P 500 Index ETF has $150 billion in assets under management. Most of the top publicly traded food and agriculture firms are part of the S&P 500 index and BlackRock holds significant shares in those firms.
The author of the article, Professor Jennifer Clapp, also notes BlackRock’s COW Global Agriculture ETF, has $231 million in assets and focuses on firms that provide inputs (seeds, chemicals and fertilizers) and farm equipment and agricultural trading companies. Among its top holdings are Deere & Co, Bunge, ADM and Tyson. This is based on BlackRock’s own data from 2018.
Jennifer Clapp states:
Collectively, the asset management giants – BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street, Fidelity, and Capital Group – own significant proportions of the firms that dominate at various points along agrifood supply chains. When considered together, these five asset management firms own around 10%–30% of the shares of the top firms within the agrifood sector.”
BlackRock et al are heavily invested in the success of the prevailing globalised system of food and agriculture.
They profit from an inherently predatory system that – focusing on the agrifood sector alone – has been responsible for, among other things, the displacement of indigenous systems of production, the impoverishment of many farmers worldwide, the destruction of rural communities and cultures, poor-quality food and illness, less diverse diets, ecological destruction and the proletarianization of independent producers.
Due to their size, according to journalist Ernst Wolff, BlackRock and its counterpart Vanguard exert control over governments and important institutions like the European Central Bank (ECB) and the US Federal Reserve. BlackRock and Vanguard have more financial assets than the ECB and the Fed combined.
BlackRock currently has $10 trillion in assets under its management and to underline the influence of the firm, Fink himself is a billionaire who sits on the board of the World Economic Forum and the powerful and highly influential Council for Foreign Relations, often referred to as the shadow government of the US – the real power behind the throne.
Researcher William Engdahl says that since 1988 the company has put itself in a position to de facto control the Federal Reserve, most Wall Street mega-banks, including Goldman Sachs, the Davos World Economic Forum Great Reset and now the Biden Administration.
Engdahl describes how former top people at BlackRock are now in key government positions, running economic policy for the Biden administration, and that the firm is steering the ‘great reset’ and the global ‘green’ agenda.
Fink recently eulogised about the future of food and ‘coded’ seeds that would produce their own fertiliser. He says this is “amazing technology”. This technology is years away and whether it can deliver on what he says is another thing.
More likely, it will be a great investment opportunity that is par for the course as far as genetically modified organisms in agriculture are concerned: a failure to deliver on its inflated false promises. And even if it does eventually deliver, a whole host of ‘hidden costs’ (health, social, ecological, etc) will probably emerge.
And that’s not idle speculation. We need look no further than previous ‘interventions’ in food/farming under the guise of Green Revolution technologies, which did little if anything to boost overall food production (in India at least) but brought with it tremendous ecological, environment and social costs and adverse impacts on human health, highlighted by many researchers and writers, not least in Bhaskar Save’s open letter to Indian officials and the work of Vandana Shiva.
However, the Green Revolution entrenched seed and agrichemical giants in global agriculture and ensured farmers became dependent on their proprietary inputs and global supply chains. After all, value capture that was a key aim of the project.
But why should Fink care about these ‘hidden costs’, not least the health impacts?
Well, actually, he probably does – with his eye on investments in ‘healthcare’ and Big Pharma. BlackRock’s investments support and profit from industrial agriculture as well as the hidden costs.
Poor health is good for business (for example, see on the BlackRock website BlackRock on healthcare investment opportunities amid Covid-19). Scroll through BlackRock’s website and it soon becomes clear that it sees the healthcare sector as a strong long-term bet.
And for good reason. For instance, increased consumption of ultra-processed foods (UPFs) was associated with more than 10% of all-cause premature, preventable deaths in Brazil in 2019 according to a recent peer-reviewed study in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.
The findings are significant not only for Brazil but more so for high income countries such as the US, Canada, the UK, and Australia, where UPFs account for more than half of total calorific intake. Brazilians consume far less of these products than countries with high incomes. This means the estimated impact would be even higher in richer nations.
Due to corporate influence over trade deals, governments and the WTO, transnational food retail and food processing companies continue to colonise markets around the world and push UPFs.
In Mexico, global agrifood companies have taken over food distribution channels, replacing local foods with cheap processed items. In Europe, more than half the population of the European Union is overweight or obese, with the poor especially reliant on high-calorie, poor nutrient quality food items.
Larry Fink is good at what he does – securing returns for the assets his company holds. He needs to keep expanding into or creating new markets to ensure the accumulation of capital to offset the tendency for the general rate of profit to fall. He needs to accumulate capital (wealth) to be able to reinvest it and make further profits.
When capital struggles to make sufficient profit, productive wealth (capital) over accumulates, devalues and the system goes into crisis. To avoid crisis, capitalism requires constant growth, expanding markets and sufficient demand.
And that means laying the political and legislative groundwork to facilitate this. In India, for example, the now-repealed three farm laws of 2020 would have provided huge investment opportunities for the likes of BlackRock. These three laws – imperialism in all but name – represented a capitulation to the needs of foreign agribusiness and asset managers who require access to India’s farmland.
The laws would have sounded a neoliberal death knell for India’s food sovereignty, jeopardized its food security and destroyed tens of millions of livelihoods. But what matters to global agricapital and investment firms is facilitating profit and maximising returns on investment.
This has been a key driving force behind the modern food system that sees around a billion people experiencing malnutrition in a world of food abundance. That is not by accident but by design – inherent to a system that privileges corporate profit ahead of human need.
The modern agritech/agribusiness sector uses notions of it and its products being essential to ‘feed the world’ by employing ‘amazing technology’ in an attempt to seek legitimacy. But the reality is an inherently unjust globalised food system, farmers forced out of farming or trapped on proprietary product treadmills working for corporate supply chains and the public fed GMOs, more ultra-processed products and lab-engineered food.
A system that facilitates ‘going long and going to the beach’ serves elite interests well. For vast swathes of humanity, however, economic warfare is waged on them every day courtesy of a hard-edged rock.
Colin Todhunter specialises in development, food and agriculture and is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization in Montreal. You can read his “mini e-book”, Food, Dependency and Dispossession: Cultivating Resistance, here.
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Destroy the village (and or Country) to save it… These “people” are ghouls, feeding always on the dead and dying. The name FINK is apropos.
63 year old ramble…………My parents were olde worlde ‘market gardeners’…when the UK joined the EEC (European Economic Community) they were nearing retirement so, thankfully, their livelihood wasn’t snatched from them by the ‘corrupt big boys!’ Today – they wouldn’t be able to exist as’market gardeners!’ Hampshire Growers was where they took their produce to ‘market.’ It doesn’t exist today. It was a tough life but I look back on my childhood diet of fresh grown produce, wild rabbit, pigeon, the odd pheasant along with fish caught in the Solent by my dad in his little 8 foot boat, a blessing and a privelidge! So what if our toilet was outside – so what if there was ice on inside of my windows in winter – so what if I had to toil alongside them in the field when I got back from school – so what? The lessons learned were tough but made me resiliant, resourceful, independent etc. It pains me to see what is happening in the world and how people are so frigging blinkered & needy & easily led down a treacherous path! Mind your step….or as mum n dad used to say “mind how you go….”
100’s of new farmers markets/outlet selling good quality food and veg and meat..
You lot on the coast line when I visited the U.K got it really good.
I didn’t read it . Too long and detailed. So, this is about the big bad guys, right? How many times are we going to keep going over this? There’s a bunch of crooks making away with everything and anything of value and then wringing the bloody rags into their soup bowl, and then laughing as they kick our decrepit corpses rolling down to a river of burning bones. And they change their fake names, and we scream LOOK! they changed their fake names! And we scream, AY AY! Look at what they are doing to us! AY AY! Woe is me! I’m tired of it. Get out the popcorn and watch as they kill our very own. Like that image of the sinking cruise ship deep at sea, and all the swimming ex-passengers with their cell phones aloft heiling the lifted hull.
Why are you commenting on an article you havnt read?
Maybe better spend your time doing something creative and useful?
Get onto you pension fund/trust manager and shake it up, plant a tree, there’s no end of thigs to do that are more use than your comment.
Why are you wasting your time commenting on a comment that is itself a waste of time?
Ah well – back to Netflix then.
Prof. Michael Hudson comments on what GloboCap is doing and intends to do.
Keep em comin Colin.
“He needs to keep expanding into or creating new markets to ensure the accumulation of capital to offset the tendency for the general rate of profit to fall. He needs to accumulate capital (wealth) to be able to reinvest it and make further profits.”
Which can be summarised as Blackrock needs to be running ever faster just to stand still.
Surely the hallmark of a Ponzi scheme?
Capitalists cannot help themselves, and can never have enough. (a) Globally, the overall return on capital has dropped to 17% p.a. -Ted Reese 2021. (b) Usury increases debts exponentially, ensuring the next bigger crash and weaker recovery -Prof. Michael Hudson 2022.
“Capitalists . . . Can never have enough” is a blinkered viewpoint. The reality is most of humanity can never have enough regardless of any label applied. The old phrase that “the love of money is the root of all evil” is a mistranslation. The original said “avarice is the root of all evil” & avarice is “an insatiable lust for more”. It’s not specific to money. E.g. Hollywood wants more fame. Politicians want more influence. Corrupt free market controllers (like Fink) want more money, & old school communists want more power. (New wave ones want more money & power like seen in China)
The problem is greed, narcissism, lust for more, & it’s global.
“Surely the hallmark of a Ponzi scheme?” Which precisely and succinctly defines capitalism.
That’s 813.5 Million in weapons investment by Blackrock with an M not a B, but good article.
“ With more than $813,5 billion invested in arms manufacturing companies, Blackrock is in a win – win situation “.
The link states $813,5 million……..
Still significant, but a helluva difference.
Let’s not give any ammunition to the perps.
Thanks for a good article nevertheless.
Did a bit more checking and found this:
BlackRock/iShares is 2.05% invested in military weapon stocks, with $36.8 BILLION invested across 300 equity funds
Thanks Jimbo – navigating the murky world of Military funding!
Cluster munitions are a big part of their money making scam …
Sick people
“Pandemic deaths in China hit 700,000 since end of Zero-COVID policy, according to modeling estimates
New modeling estimates of COVID deaths in China since December 1, 2022, by Airfinity place the figure at over 700,000 fatalities since the Stalinist regime ended its Zero-COVID policy on December 1 in response to pressure from giant corporations and imperialist governments, particularly the United States.”
“Airfinity is a science information and analytics company. Working with the entire ecosystem; pharma companies, governments, investors and media, we have become an authoritative provider of new life science intelligence….”
Bearing in mind that it’s kind of difficult – if not actually meaningless – to work with “the entire ecosystem”, it would appear that Airfinity are actually “working with” pharma companies, governments, investors and media.
And now they are “working with” the WSWS.
If these deaths occurred since 12/2022, why are they “modeled”? Isn’t modeling used for forecasting? If you are modeling something in the past, isn’t that invention?
Modelling 😂 😂 😂 😂
‘Predictive Science Intelligence’ ?
They love their little catchphrases don’t they George?
SUITS FULLA SHIT more like it.
We used to enforce anti-trust laws that would have prevented any corporate entity from becoming a monopoly. Wonder why we stopped doing that . . .
”Wonder why we stopped doing that . . .”
The NWO order or some ‘globalist’ riding on a lizard apparently.
The NWO is a concept; an idea. A ‘new world order’. We can all imagine what that might consist of. A ‘new’ (as in a different) ‘world’ (as in global) ‘order’ (as in its structure).
Those with dystopian leanings regard anything that authority comes up with as necessarily all bad (more-or-less by definition). So a ‘new world order’ is therefore all bad.
In the alt-world vernacular, the term ‘NWO’ is used as the nefarious clan of elites dictating all of world politics throughout the globe.
Those crediting humanity/authority with (at least) some goodness – maybe not so convinced. A ‘new world order’ might even be a good thing? A world where things are done differently. Could even be an improvement. Stranger things have happened.
So the idea of a ‘new world order’ varies according to imagination and what it has been fed with. Lizards or honey.
The choice is for each to make
Actually, we need not trouble our imaginations to figure this one.
All we need do is read and look about and learn if the things that made the “Old World Order” bad (poverty, oppression, torture, exploitation, pollution, starvation) are beginning to disappear or are still around and perhaps even increasing.
I’m afraid it’s pretty clear these man-made horrors are on the increase if anything at all is changing.
Maybe. But then is the world really getting worse.Maybe it’s getting better. And how could one tell the difference (given a human being’s limited focus/knowledge)?
Maybe he never actually said it. Nevertheless good advice, me thinks
Opposing each-and-every ‘new world order’ (per se, without question) is on the psychological level, merely a defence of the status quo. When the ‘enemy’ becomes anything different, then any real (positive) change becomes impossible.
Surely the perfect manipulation for those in power 🙄
As an aside, Gates is vacationing on Lizard Island in Australia.
Tends to happen when the fox is put in charge of investigating the chickens’ complaints
‘i have all the sympathy in the world for those who are changing their minds and saying “i was wrong” and “i panicked” and ” i failed the Milgram (authority) and Asch (conformity) and Stanford (prison) experiments'”
‘the terrible truth of these experiments in human compliance and propensity to be beastly stand testament to the nature of the problem.’
Milgram showed how people will harm people if pressured by authority.
Asch showed us that people will ignore their own senses and perspectives when pressured by peer group.
Stanford showed us how easily humans can be egged into abuse of power.
Rationalizing Rationality:
The Authorities realised the value of the unethical experiments !
How to explain the outliers? Those that will not succumb to pressure?
I get Monday’s paper solely for its weekly TV Guide lift-out…I dont watch any TV “News”, i live alone, have only a few “social contacts”, but i was still affected by the Fear Campaign…After two persons screamed at me on the buses i gave in, and hence, wore a mask while aboard, but i wasnt being heroic…
I think my above comment more appropriate to Offg’s other 24.1.2023 post about their stance at the start of ‘covid’ three years ago…
If we knew the answer to that, we could patent a formula for it and never have humanity fall for the lies of psychopaths again! Sorry, couldn’t help myself there.
The so called “food” made in laboratories and the chemicals they use to make them preserve it much longer. It’s not unusual for this shit to have a shelf life of over two years, this is not food. Fuck me, the other day I read the label of something that had carnauba wax in it. Yes, the stuff you use to polish your car.
As a result, the food business is a great investment these days. In the past the fresh food business could be a tough one, it has lots of waste. Food is often transported great distances and must refrigerated in transit as well as on the shelf. Fresh fruit is often picked early to offset the use by date and then force ripened. That’s why your imported tropical fruit is tasteless. I live in a tropical climate so I know what it should taste like off the tree without use of chemicals.
What they want, at least for the plebs, is packaged shit with a shelve life so long, waste will be a thing of the past. However, this stuff will be void of any nutrition and will make one sick.
Great news for the assholes on Wall Street who know this in advance and will move their wealth into these stocks. Also great news for the average pleb, as most plebs love to eat this shit as it’s loaded with everyone’s favorites, sodium, sugar and fat. The masses will lap this up and swill it down with a glass of metho.
The cancer industry will also reach new record levels and it’s a win all round. Cull the over 50s who are at the highest risk, cancer treatments boom, and they can get away with this under the banner of “saving the planet”, because this shit has low waste.
Ahem, grandma’s preserves?
Smoking, curing or air-drying meat?
Fermenting vegetables?
The local chain supermarket store now sells most meat cuts in vac-pacs, the cuts all trimmed to a standard weight & price…Promoted as seemingly reasonably priced cuts, eg $7.50 – $9.50, it’s by checking the nearby posted cost per kilogram that one’s shocked by the all-round big increase: even the cheapest “pensioner cuts” are no longer affordable…
Otherwise: it’s a great marketing idea – getting a smaller amount for a higher price…Got the idea from the chocolate bar makers ?
nah that is capitalism eating itself plain and simple
“Shrinkflation”: the gift that never stops giving!
Great article!
American empire in its vanity, and its deception, has the habit of characterising its own problems as world problems. The US sub-prime crisis was rebranded a global banking crisis. There is never a dollar crisis, there is only a world fiat currency crisis, there is never a US debt problem, there is a world debt problem, despite US debt being many times greater than most other countries.
So in that context it should be no surprise that the Collapse of American empire is being characterised as the end of the world, the end of currencies, the end of world order, and a time in need of a massive reset, a reset I expect which prepositions the US on the top of the pile again, or at least solvent, at the rest of the worlds expense.
Below you say,
“The US empire is undergoing a collapse & they have branded it a Reset so people don’t understand what is going on. There is no world government, there is just US hegemony, that is collapsing.”
Now you say,
“…. the Collapse of American empire is being characterised as … a time in need of a massive reset, a reset I expect which prepositions the US on the top of the pile again, or at least solvent, at the rest of the worlds expense.”
In the first quote you say this collapse has been “branded” a reset. In the second you admit it is a reset.
So which is it. A reset or not?
The US is trying to capture & control its economic and currency collapse, they will hide the collapse under the brand Reset, and attempt to restructure their domains in a way that best serves them, maintaining the power of their elites at home & overseas, using the powers they still have.
They are hiding real ideological failure behind a wall of smoke & mirrors. Why not, they are the empire of great illusions.
Don’t forget Wokeness. Some U.S. states are divesting and selling their Blackrock investments because of their Wokeness agenda. Pissed off some influential people. Also keep in mind (at lease in the United States) farmland is being purchased privately and permanently removed from agriculture via conservation easements, thereby keeping farmland demand and values high while accommodating the woke climate change movement. Effectively circumventing the political process at the same time. And that’s the ultimate goal. Just like Gore and Kerry who want to circumvent the political process to combat climate change. A treaty that undermines the constitution is the best way to do that. The “deplorables” are too ignorant to understand the ramifications and can’t be trusted to vote for “the right thing”. These investment firms have no respect for state sovereignty. None. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Evil.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-01-23. Africa Starkly unjabbed, & Starkly unjabbed COVID. Hyperaccelerated Aging. WEF: ‘Humans Are A Plague’ (blog, gab, tweet).
After 71 years on planet Earth, I have come to the conclusion that Capitalism’s (economic schemes to generate hordes of excess disposable wealth to use as a weapons to create more wealth) operating system is WAR. Without environments of eternal conflict over manufactured scarcity, it has no operating space, no fearfully hatin’ combatants to fight their WARs and little motivation for one entity to conquer another.
On the other side of Capitalism/War is Society/Peace. As Margaret Thatcher so presciently commanded: “There is no such thing as Society”. The Final Battle of Capitalism is the obliteration of Society and any possibility of Peace. You see, Peace and Society means collective cooperation of Humanity toward successful survival and better futures. These objectives are impossible when conflict and kicking the shit out of the “other”, the “competitor”, is the daily drive to survive. “Only cream & bastards rise” and our sweet bastards are SOCIOPATHS.
Growing/raising food is not WAR. It is a survival and a social pleasure operation. It is peaceful. When operated as an economic means to survival, in trade (not conquer competitors, scarcify and excess profiteering), there is exchange with the skills and proclivities of other humans pursuing egalitarian respect and confidence in living a full PEACEFUL lifetime on planet Earth.
This entire aberrant behavioral paradigm prosecuted by capitalism to manifest a constant WAR mindset, as our daily mindset, benefits only those at the top, the 1%. And every act they prosecute, like described in the above enlightening article, is now in the 21st C, a WAR ON HUMANITY.
It is clear to me we are in the FINAL BATTLE and either Humanity and Society succeed in caging Capitalism, it’s gremlin 1%, and it’s WAR paradigm or we are all goners. I suggest this is eminently doable by withdrawing all cooperation, starving these RATS and their WAR BUDGETS, and throwing their deadly conveniences in the waste bin of history. Yes We Can!
You seem to have missed the collapse of the US empire and the rise of China & Russia in your description, which is, in my opinion shaping major events and maybe a drift to war.
Right, we just need new superpowers to lead the global empire and the Great Reset. 😂
The US empire is undergoing a collapse & they have branded it a Reset so people don’t understand what is going on. There is no world government, there is just US hegemony, that is collapsing.
Oh, so the Great Reset into global centralized corporate control over Humanity by the Capitalists who run EVERY COUNTRY ON EARTH, is just a cover for collapse? Ya gotta be serious, dude.
Countries have not vanished. Corporations are as nationalist as countries, because they are protected by their countries. You are not telling me every US corporation isn’t heavily integrated into the US state. They are part of it & serve the empire.
There are no countries: only mega-corporation super-profit generating platforms.
The NHOs Non human organizations are fronts for economic warriors.
The problem is the psychopaths. Doesn’t matter what economic system you use, some bastards will figure out how to exploit it for their gain (and others’ losses). Put a “strong man” or committee in charge to save us from the bastards, well they’ll just infiltrate that and rise to the top, with even more power there.
Most of the combatants have no other option to make a living. Regardless of propaganda, they are at the bottom of society.
“When the central bankers of the G7 nations went into the room in Jackson Hole in August 2019 and they voted on the Going Direct Great Reset, everything that is happening to us right now is part of the Going Direct Great Reset and they voted on it and it was a plan, okay, so they wrote a plan they decided to do this, so they’ve been engaged in the financial coup for 20 years.
We’re now coming into the end game, they have to consolidate the financial coup and they voted on the Going Direct Great Reset and with that one decision they made a decision over the next year to put 500 million people out of work.
That’s the equivalent of dropping several nuclear bombs around the world- that’s financial warfare and they made it intentionally, they made it knowingly and it was a plan.
What is very important to understand when you think about this pandemic is people are not dying from magic viruses people are dying from tyranny. They’re dying from a great poisoning that is a part of that tyranny- but our problem and the thing we need to be afraid of is the tyranny because the tyranny is about to get much, much worse and it’s the passports and that system of central bank digital control that will give them the ability to do that.”
Catherine Austin Fitts
Catherine is one of a handful of people who call it out as it is.
But what can we do, other than not comply?
Non-compliance will be difficult and costly for the individual as always has been. If you are able to not comply, you’ve already done a lot.
Now organize your very small community to be self-sufficient re. food and energy and get ready for the Long Resistance.
organize.. our own media outlets first, then not comply.. maybe
The goal is not just a monopoly on food production and distribution or water but a global monopoly on everything. This is what the New World Order is really about (and their Great Reset offspring) These asset management firm CEOs are in cahoots with the WEF and other globalist entities to further their nefarious agendas. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/zelensky-blackrock-reconstruction-world-economic-forum It’s all one big happy family and we ain’t in it.
It surprises me that you are happy to promote as fact, a world conspiracy based, as far as I can tell, solely on hot air coming out of think tanks and the odd international meeting, perhaps unaware that you are inventing new political structures out of thin air when you do that, structures that have no history, no hierarchies, no infrastructure, no military, no embassies.
You do this whilst totally ignoring the known historic power dynamics of the world, that have been understood for millennia, treating history like it doesn’t exist.
You seem unaware of the presence of the CIA & US department in international geopolitics, organisations whose nefarious activities are documented, widespread, ruthless, manipulative and known. The US state department and CIA account for the vast majority of coups, wars and terror activities in the world today…….that is a fact…..yet you pretend they don’t exist.
“If you would know who controls you see who you may not criticise.”
― Tacitus
Perhaps you should try reading with comprehension and not inject your own biases and ideology into what is written. I never said the international banksters, the US CIA, IMF, World Bank, Trilateral Commission, Bank of International Settlements et al don’t exist; what I commented on was the global asset managers/firms who are part and parcel of the plan to own and control everything. What you call “hot air think tanks and odd international meeting” obviously exist, and in case you are unaware, do have influence and do have agency to set policies and agendas. Event 201 is merely one example I can offer https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/our-work/exercises/event201/
If you are aware of them at all I suspect you think that and the COVID roll out was just coincidental.
In almost every post here people leave out the most powerful empire in history, with a very very busy military and security service. Never before has an empire controlled so much of the earth, yet to every poster here it does not exist….it’s getting creepy.
The US blackmail all the organisations you refer to by withholding funds, infiltration and bullying, to get what they want, so why don’t you ask what is behind these agendas. Because I can guarantee they serve a US agenda.
American attitudes and aims, needs and crimes, define this century, so how can we discuss such things without constant reference to them?
The US doesn’t have to “blackmail: those organizations. Those organizations are an integral part of the empire, the plutocrats created. Didn’t the upper crust banksters along with the top US military brass create the CIA, the Bretton Woods arrangement, the IMF, World Bank, GATT, the Marshall Plan, NATO and the United Nations all around the same time to enshrine the American Empire as the replacement to the European colonial powers? They are all part and parcel to the global socio-economic-political system.
it is not totally global, although they would like it to be. It is now only the western powers and a few dependent states.
As you stated the plutocrats want it to be global but in truth now the world is taking sides. On one side is: the US/NATO/EU/Israel/the Five Eyes, South Korea and Japan vs the, BRICS, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Gulf Corporation Council and most of Africa and Latin America. Things don’t look good for the American Empire right through here.
All monopoly power is originally contained within the nation state (<=which itself is a NHO_non human organization). Privatization of those monopoly powers begins when the first NHOs(corporations, NGOs, partnerships and trusts) are chartered by the original NHO(the nation state) into separately controlled entities with persons in charge that are not elected. The Nation State system divides all humanity into 256 nation states(<=each nation state operates as a crucible designed to homogenize the governed humans trapped within the nation state). Every human in the world is trapped in one or more of the nation states.
If we think NHO first, then focus on the immediate topic a more clear picture of the NHO system energies.
I don’t think it’s unreasonable at all, post-Covid. The ‘hot air’ you refer to became corporeal in front of our eyes. You had every five eyes state and more talking about ‘new normals’ for a start, and other WEF slogans.
Let’s just acknowledge this. You may think it’s turned back into hot air and evaporated away, but many choose to be more cautious.
In terms of an up-to-date commentary on contemporary geopolitics, many feel as if your reading is more an Appeal to Tradition than anything else. A2
The policies are not hot air, they are real and being rolled out & tested but not for the reason being given for their roll out, and they are not sponsored by the forces being credited with them, the WEF etc……
Digital currency is being rolled out to replace a collapsed dollar, it is tyrannical because our economies are bankrupt & they know control will be needed.
An “appeal to tradition” is spot on. And yes, covid really blew the cover on all that pompously asserted and hyperbole-enhanced “known historic power dynamics of the world, that have been understood for millennia”.
(“understood for millennia”? Understood by whom? Some kind of angelic watchers?)
That was why I was so suspicious of all that “rebirth of The Left” when the Ukraine theatre gave its debut. A vast number of Leftist dupes were suffering gullibility exhaustion over an “opposition” that was in no way distinguishable from the mainstream media. Furthermore, they were starting to get uncomfortably uneasy in the incipient awareness that the whole political spectrum they’d always believed in was a total sham. An abyss yawned before them as they had an inkling of something like Nietzsche’s transvaluation of all values.
But Ukraine intervened just in time and the old Left/Right Show was resumed. And all those dupes breathed a collective sigh of relief as they felt welcomed back into the arms of the old church. The appeal of tradition saved them – by sending them back to sleep.
Exactly I agree and nicely put 👍
“understood for millennia”? Understood by whom? Some kind of angelic watchers?
Clearly not understood by you. who must be very busy rewriting 10,000 years of world history, so that it suits your needs, whatever they are.
Well excuse me WH but you are the one who seems to be writing, rewriting, rerewriting that history. And – 10,000 years? Sheesh! talk about ego!
Willian has to re-write it in the most simplistic terms as it’s fairly obvious he’s not read one thing about it not written by himself. Hell, he’s probably a WEF shill himself – keep the focus on the US, when it finally collapses, and it will, then all will be right with the world under a NWO. It almost writes itself. As bad as the whole Democrat/Republican thing and makes as much sense as that old tired garbage.
Is it not possible to mistrust the NWO and the CIA?
Show me proof the NWO exists.
All the WEF slogans appearing all at once around the world? All the anti-science lockdowns implemented in ‘lockstep’ (significant phrase) around the world? I mean, I think it’s a little silly to demand PROOF to your unspecified satisfaction without taking a more nuanced, more open-minded attitude. Let’s try to be open-mind3d at all costs, I say. A2
No, lets demand proof for assertions that are being made here 100 times a day, like they are facts. I can back up all I say, so lets play fair..
If you’re alleging it’s the CIA with fingers in so many global pies I venture this might be a distinction without a difference. I mean just how global and monolithic (to borrow George’s term) must the cia have become in that case? Its reach would definitely need to have levelled-up, many might argue, from shaking things up in Syria rather unsuccessfully, or trafficking opium from Afghanistan and things like that.
Just my thoughts.
Plus, please don’t turn yourself into the arbiter of what is acceptable speculation here. It’s unnecessary. It comes across as grandstanding and attention seeking. Let’s have some decorum, please 😅 A2
The reach of the US state department is huge they have a CIA hub in ever major city in the world engaged in business terrorism, and often real terrorism and millions of operations in-between. funding of US compliment parties to get them into power is just the soft side, even in the UK. you think Kier Starmer isn’t US compatible?
In Syria the US military control a large chunk of the country’s oil fields and are stealing their oil, that is some success.
They got to Assad too?

If he was drinking Coke would you say he was captured?
His public token mask wearing dents your CIA-is-behind-Covid argument somewhat, no? As it does when Russia does it. It could in fact seem as if they are all cooperating and working in tandem to sell the image of some universal danger suspended in the air we breath, yet on closer inspection it is an entirely superficial performance for the cameras and the masks come off after a minute or so. None of these actors on the world stage are really afraid of catching some disease, clearly.
Since we know ‘Covid’ wasn’t a ‘pandemic’, it was a fear campaign, why would countries not sympathetic to the West, and especially the US, be going along with this?
You can back up all you say? I look forward to your detailed summary of the last 10,000 years.
Precisely. After spring 2020, this NWO – or whatever you want to call this clearly monolithic lockstep global juggernaut – is the most visceral undenable thing in the world.
” is the most visceral undenable thing in the world.”
thats what the CIA keep telling us anyway.
No, that’s what my experience of the last three years told me. Unless of course the CIA manage the whole of reality.
I wouldn’t put anything past those ingenious bastards,
‘my experience of the last three years’
that sound good…proof …..do tell. I’m happy to be convinced.
Well all we have is our experience. That’s what life is. And one thing my experience tells me is that NOTHING claimed in the media or in “The Science” can be trusted. And I’m certainly not going to take for granted the aggressive assertions of a commenter who would appear to have some kind of transcendental access to “the last 10,000 years”.
Oh and if the CIA are so powerful then they themselves must be the globalists.
The CIA enforce an empire, who are pulling the strings on the major scams.
“It is one ‘big’ nasty racket…
…. and you and I are not in it.”
“We are its victims.”
“The real face of Rockefeller Corporate Fascist medicine and the Pharma-Con Racket.”

She turned into a vase?
its not clear from his placard, if he is pro or anti the ‘vaccine’.
I don’t know if he loved his wife, I’ve had partners I would like to see in a vase, and those I wouldn’t.
Weirder and weirder. If his wife was killed by the vax he may be pro-vax because he’s glad his wife is dead?
I think you’re finding life on earth difficult, how long have you been on this planet ?
I think you are drifting away into some strange non-sequential non-spatial non-temporal vacuum of random word generation … powered by the CIA and the all-pervasive diminishing American Empire who, nevertheless, have the power to control the world – including China.
I never said the US controlled the world, I said they had an empire, its you who has the idiotic world control notions. Its very clear China is outside the Empire & its an enemy of the Empire.
An enemy from whom the covid scam originated. Which by itself turns everything you say into a pile of shit.
You are annoying.
Nobody was ever thanked for being right
yep . . . a TOTAL . . .
Two shills in tandem.
I’m assuming you’re being flippant. But it’s hard to tell.
Yeah sure, after she was cremated.
David Rockefeller is dead isn’t he? I’m not sure he’s really in a position to care any more.
When thinking on this topic it is perhaps useful to remember similar events from the past, so I link to discussions on the Highland Clearances, when the common man was booted off his lands, rented or owned, by the elites of Scotland so they could rear sheep and an account of The Enclosures of the common land again by elites, forcing the peasants off their own ancestral common land, perhaps Similar to the way small business is being driven off the ‘fields’ of commerce by big business.
The highland clearances
The Enclosures of the 18th Century
i wouldn’t trust bugerring british childrens spin on anything, pendulum will, reel em in reel em out
Fine, but the Highland clearances and the Enclosures happened.
The sad thing is, what replaces history in his head is even more idiotic than any bias the the BBC could contrive.
You people don’t really have much to add. Your heads are so full of yourself that there’s not much room for anything else. Bickering like a bunch of little schoolgirls.
his story what a joke, jimmy saville does the bias for me
do you fall for all the psyops?
i am absolutely not saying they did not happen
I’ve studied the enclosures. There is some truth to the notion that the common man was left without land, but in the eighteenth century the land was divided up according to who was perceived to already own it and the onerous obligation to pay tithes to the Church of England was generally abolished. That was welcomed by all.
The problem was that “common” could be used by everyone and after the enclosures all land was private.
Some areas were more badly affected than others though. In some places the land was already in the hands of many local people when it was formally enclosed. In other areas the land was owned almost entirely by wealthy aristocrats.
Enclosures in England began much earlier than the eighteenth century though. In the early sixteenth century landowners could be prosecuted for evicting tenants from their homes. Even at that early date there was some concern for the welfare of villagers.
The Highland Clearances were a different matter and people were generally evicted, unlike in England.
Do you not see any parallels to the current disenfranchisement of the common man, as the elites via corporations take full possession of everything they can, including our privacy & data, turning everything into a rental agreement rather than ownership.
the reformation in scotland saw cunts like Uilleam McGates, or Wullie Gates, steal all the old catholic church lands. portrayed as freedom from papistry,
in reality, more a grand theft than any spiritual or cultural enlightenment/benefit to the masses of cottars. a total scam, echoing til today. fuck them all who did well, they remain rich or even powerful.
after that, with “improvement” came “clearance”. Most people in my part of the world ended up in some version of the New World, via Ulster.
improvement/enclosure started 17thC up here.
the later “Highland Clearances”, whilst real enough, of a rapidly diminishing ethnic enclave which was on the wrong end of dynasty,
have been massively overstated – these things happened before, everywhere, in the name of conquest and progress.
the Victo-Brit establishment played the philanthropist over it all, “those poor people, how terrible” just to purge their loooong history of such deeds and divert attention.
Virtue signalling. As they bayoneted darkies everywhere, burned their villages, brit women screamed “sorry”.
mmmm, this looks familiar.
so do Calgacus’s words.
All this presumably happened after the 1655 readmission.
Capital eschews no profit… just as Nature was formerly said to abhor a vacuum. With adequate profit, capital is very bold. A certain 10 per cent, will ensure its employment anywhere; 20 per cent certain, will produce eagerness; 50 per cent, positive audacity; 100 per cent will make it ready to trample on all human laws; 300 per cent and there is not a crime at which it will scruple, nor a risk it will not run, even to the chance of its owner being hanged. If turbulence and strife will bring a profit, it will freely encourage both.
-Karl Marx, Capital Vol.1, Chapter 31
If you wanted an explanation for things as disparate as the Rockefeller dynasty, Big Oil, Big Pharma, the MIC, assassination of JFK, war after war, or even the Covid psy-op, the above quote is a good as any.
We must realize that these descritptions of the nature of the plunderer come from one who once supported slavery and whose close associate Engels rejoiced in the French conquest of Algeria. Engels also hailed the US conquest of the Southwest.
Also Marx voted for Free Trade against Protectionism (see Engels’ Preface to “On The Question of Free Trade”, 1888); also before him, Hegel celebrated the rise and conquests of Napoleon Bonaparte with all that it meant, and the idea of the State, and so on.
To grasp the idea behind these seemingly odd positions of Marx, Engels, Hegel and other thinkers, we have to know their conception of world events as being the temporary but necessary stages in the real movement of History, a mouvement which, according to this conception, is rational (not arbitrary) and thus always tending towards the realisation of a certain principle, which Hegel called ‘Geist’ or Spirit: it is a state that impersonally desires to manifest itself fully and that desire moves History, even if this tendency cannot be clearly suggested at the particular stages of the movement, being immature stages, just like the butterfly is not suggested in the caterpillar. When in 1847 Marx voted for Free Trade against Protectionism, it wasn’t because he believed free market as the best way of making business, but because in his understanding, free market, Capital at last freed from its national shackles and necessarily going to substitute the dying Protectionism – the sooner the better – will itself be necessarily substituted by something else, and so he understood Free Trade as just a stage to be overcome, within the general movement of Capital towards its demise, and the sooner and the freer a certain stage evolves, the sooner and the easier it morphes into the next stage and the sooner Capital comes to exhaustion.
Also, if industrialised France hadn’t colonised backward Algeria, some other industrialised nation would have as Capital always looks for foreign markets when it exhausts the local ones (“The real is rational and the rational is real” ~ Hegel) Today colonialism in the classical sense has long ago run its course and replaced by a subtler way of economic dependency. Ditto for slavery.
Does the above mean that those who espouse this conception of History justify the violence, genocides, wars and misery that accompany its advance? The answer is No IMO, and it is not difficult to prove it: take us discussing the wars, conflicts and all sorts of hardships that are going on all over the world (just like Marx, Engels and other were discussing social and political events taking place in their time); though no one of us justifies the violence going on, at a certain point of the discussion, we feel the need to understand the genesis of this violence which is evidently taking place and we venture predictions; we find that understanding fundamental to avoid future violence; we put violence itself in second place without justifying it, and start making theories about what it means, what is the gist (Geist) of it and how it comes about. That’s what Marx and his friends did, and in their study found that violence is so overwhelmingly present throughout centuries, committed under all political regimes and in all latitudes that its source can’t be human endeavour but the mode of production we live under, that is the way we live as humans, which forces us to act according to a rationale that can and does end in violence. When Engels rejoices in the French conquest of Algeria, he is not supporting colonialism and the violence it implies; he is rejoicing that French Capital has expanded at that earlier stage – it shall expand anyway – rather than at an advanced one in which the destructive power of the military industrial complex and other means of coercion would have been more devastating to human life and would have caused more misery. Today, we see that colonialism was indeed a temporary stage in the march of History.
If one wants to appreciate what it means for the movement of Capital to be stuck at an early stage where there is only light industry, a rudimentary one, and in which there even subsist pockets of feudalism one has only to look to Latin America. In many of its countries, policies were such that the crises that accompany the advance of Capital from one stage to the next and which did occur in Europe for instance, were prevented very early by mounting organised workers against not very successful capitalists at a time the rate of exploitation wasn’t high enough to arouse discontent like it happened in Europe. Thus, Capital in Latin America couldn’t accumulate so much as to create heavy industry to feed and expand light industry. Today, Latin America is mainly a primary-export economy, with a rudimentary local industry which can’t create enough or will paid jobs and with high rates of poverty, a stage some industrialised countries of Europe had gone through in the 19th-20th century and overcome since.
I describe below how this should work in a democracy, but its interesting the way, the US empire uses its Corporations in its wars against its allies and enemies. The US is a Corporate Fascist state, that uses its Corporations & oligarchs as an arm of empire. Blackrock, google, twitter, Tesla, Boeing etc..and oligarchs liker Soros, all act on behalf of the empire, when called upon, and make demands on empire when they need help. Like the United fruit company did in Guatemala in the 50s, summoning a CIA coup to save their fruit monopoly.
Snowden told us his work at the CIA involved murder, blackmail in the interests of US corporations, this is a lot of their work. They are always looking to shift foreign wealth into American hands. Bayer’s purchase of the poison chalice Monsanto, must have been a CIA operation, as it leaves Bayer with endless US court fines in the billions, similar to the way they fleeced BP, the UKs biggest company.
During Covid Black-rock was primed to use its confetti dollars to buy up property around the world and they did. Unfortunately for them the Covid psyop did so much permanent damage, that they are writing down loses now. So the fortuned of Blackrock are tied to the fortunes of the empire, just like the east india company latterly depended on the British empire for its existence.
The banksters controlled both the British and American empires. And the rest of the world.
no they don’t
BlackRock; State St. and Vanguard represent the final phase of the takeover of our economy.
I remember as a kid playing Monopoly and following the back of the box lid rules where whoever finally had all the properties and bankrupted the rest of us won the game. But then one day a city slicker came to play and started making side deals, offering to buy properties for more than the price printed on the card. “That’s not fair,” I said, but he said, “Show me the rule that says I can’t.” He then offered to buy my Mediterranean Avenue and Baltic Avenue, the cheapest properties in Atlantic City for way more than $60 and I took his money. And then he won the game. Fink and co. are gaming a system in which if I were offered a chance at an easy million I’d probably take it. Show me the rule that says I can’t.
Companies exist to maximise profit, their structure and ‘ideology’ is based on that notion. They are focused and ruthless…….and that is what we ask of them. When that energy starts to rub up against our rights and the common good, then we REGULATE them. Our democracies need to be equipped with quick witted regulators who are on top of every new scheme, these companies come up with. Its an endless battle but given the power of the state to control it should be easily won. I look at France from the 80’s to the present day to see a fine example of dynamic regulation that responds to every economic crime with a regulation or law.
The French have traditionally not been afraid of regulation, so they have done it very well, whereas the British & Americans, more captured by the corporate class, fail miserably. Allowing their corporations to literally get away with murder, as long as there is a cut for the big guy.
The problem is not corporations, they are supposed to be evil, the problem is lack of regulation, which is sold to the population, especially the god, guns, family, small government, and nationalism brigade, as the biggest of virtues.
In short the wolves control the hen house as we saw with self regulated Boeing planes falling out of the sky and Tesla cars allowed to autonomously murder you on the motorways.
“The problem is not corporations, they are supposed to be evil, the problem is lack of regulation, which is sold to the population, especially the god, guns, family, small government, and nationalism brigade, as the biggest of virtues.”
NO, NO, NO, NO, NO the problem is Non Human Organizations NHOs; they are individually and collectively larger and more powerful than the governments [also a NHO] you say can regulate them.
The problem is superhuman powers are generated by the collective strength of the membership of the NHO. No governmental authority exist capable to overcome media [<= its a NHO] narrative which seeks to apply pressures that empower and protect the for-profit NHO.
Your plea to honor and cherish the corruption oriented and the naive easily convinced regulators is like asking the a group of foxes to be the ticket master to the lady's hen house. Regulation does not work. what is needed is to outlaw all NHOs except direct government.
Regulation is how you control corporations. It is how any government can control its Corporations in a democracy…..we know this because it has been done for 60 years in Europe to the benefit of its people.
When Corporations work in cahoots with a government we call that fascism and that is what the US has developed as I discuss in my other comment.
Zelensky makes ‘big business’ pitch to US this came fro the link.
The Ukrainian leader touts ties to Blackrock, Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan in another weapons plea
Kiev is already working with some giants of the finance and military industry, offering “big business” opportunities to any American company interested in working there, President Vladimir Zelensky has boasted in a video message to an association of US enterprises.
Addressing the National Association of State Chambers (NASC) meeting in Boca Raton, Florida on Monday, Zelensky argued that “American business can become the locomotive that will once again push forward global economic growth.”
“We have already managed to attract attention and have cooperation with such giants of international financial and investment world as Blackrock, JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs,” Zelensky said. “Such American brands as Starlink or Westinghouse have already become a part of our Ukrainian Way.”
According to Zelensky, “everyone can become a big business by working with Ukraine, in all sectors: from weapons and defense to construction, from communication to agriculture, from transport to IT, from banks to medicine.”
Read more Kiev fires many of its officials amid corruption scandals
He also lavished praise on the weapons the US has showered upon Kiev.
“Your brilliant defense systems, such as HIMARS or Bradleys, are already uniting our history of freedom with your enterprises. We are waiting for Patriots. We are looking closely at Abrams. Thousands of such examples are possible,” Zelensky said in the video.
By the Pentagon’s own estimates, the US has sent over $20 billion worth of weapons, ammunition and supplies to Ukraine in 2022. However, most of that came out of the US military stockpiles. The Department of Defense did award contracts worth hundreds of millions to Lockheed Martin, Raytheon and other manufacturers to replenish some of the depleted supplies.
Russia has repeatedly warned the West that continued deliveries of weapons to Ukraine only prolonged the conflict and risked a direct confrontation between Moscow and NATO.
The Ukrainian president revealed in December that his government had hired Blackrock – a major US asset management company – to “advise” Kiev on how to use reconstruction funds provided by Western governments. He has estimated the cost of rebuilding Ukraine from the ongoing conflict would be at least $1 trillion.
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i rest my case, regulation is as corrupt as the corporations it says it regulates. But the regulation or lack thereof, has led to the war in Ukraine.
the Russians were forced into Ukraine, and the reason is the corporations want Russia in a position that it cannot compete in the economic world.
They are already subject to regulation.
Regulation is not ON or OFF, there are degrees
The wolves are indeed in control. I can’t see anything in the way of them running the entire world apart from the nationalism brigade. They probably run it anyway but the brigade at least inhibits their sadistic impulses to a degree.
Of course the ‘nationalist brigade’ are their biggest supporters, they are their political wing. Did Nigel Farage, friend to billionaires, ever mention publicly he wants to privatise the NHS?
Look at all the criminals posing as ists of every description. Farage! why not cite Hitler that’s the usual. We’re up shit creek and no ism is gona save us. The nhs, like any centralised body, has been hollowed out to a rotten shell by the eternal termites.
With a little tweaking, the old expression “He who steals my purse steals trash” applies to those “ruling” the world. This is because those psychos have reduced the worth of planet Earth to near zero.
The only thing of real value is living beings: animal and vegetable. But the psychos opted instead for mineral. And they care not how many animals and vegetables they sacrifice to their god, mineral.
Funny you should say that- I’ve long thought that we are trapped in a mineral mindset.
Please do not disparage noble animals who would be perfectly fit to to govern every aspect of terrestrial existence …
You can be more creative than that. Call them, “motherf**kers”. It’s accurate, succinct, and understood the world around.
Yes, I was but echoing the term of Chairman Hill.
But there are many different types of company. Some are very small private entities, while others are huge corporations.
In the UK a private limited company (Ltd) is so-called to limit the liability of the shareholders – usually just one or two people – in the event of the company going under. This prevents a small business owner from personal bankruptcy and losing their homes.
That is massively different from a public limited company (plc) where the shareholders (business owners) are generally wealthy investors who are seeking to earn money with returns on their investments.
There is one absolute about money: the more harm something can do, the more money there is to be made.
Your mean currency.
Don’t they mean the same thing?
In every day use-yes, but money has intrinsic value whereas currency doesn’t. Don’t quote me,but that’s about it. I know nothing about “economics” but I’ve been studying our slippery con of finance for a while and all it’s words are ultra deceptive and designed to confuse.
slack cock, a present day frankestein’s monster
Oh it rhymes with the thing you’re referring to. 😂 Took me a while!
i can’t help myself, it’s one of our best weapons our sense of humour which is of course an important part of freedom of speech/expression etc
Freedom is pending.
not for much longer
Just about
Thank you this was very insightful and connected more dots that I was previously oblivious too. Great article.
Who owns BlackRock? The largest stockholder is Vanguard. Who owns Vanguard? Nobody knows – they’ve given themselves some weird legal status so as to not declare it. Government and media seem strangely unconcerned (“strangely” if one accepts the mainstream narrative of how the world works).
Black rock is of course a symbol of Saturn. Here it seems a case of being designed to attract attention away from what’s probably the more important source of power.
Blackrock and Vanguard are both 100% kosher. Not much D-I-V-E-R-S-I-T-Y there.
Who owns black rock? Probably the 13 bloodline families that rule over us. The one eyed pyramid people – Illuminati 👁️
the vices of the Non Human Organizations [NHOs] surpass all human knowledge and understanding.