They have oligarchs. We have socially responsible entrepreneurs.

Thomas Röper’s “war of the systems” seems a bit fishy

Riley Waggman

The world’s benevolent captains of industry gathered in the Swiss Alps last week to discuss tax-extraction schemes and other sustainable ways to make life intolerable.

All the famous space lizards were in attendance, except for the Russian ones, who were blacklisted by the World Economic Forum last April.

As expected, Thomas Röper, curator of German-language Anti-Spiegel, announced that Russia’s exclusion from SchwabCon 2023 was ultimate proof that Moscow “opposed the West’s plans with all [its] might.”

“The WEF meeting in Davos shows the front line in the war of the systems,” Röper wrote.

What are these two distinct systems, purportedly locked in mortal combat?

The western system is an oligarchy controlled by unscrupulous, conniving fat cats; in sharp contrast, the Russian system is run by a sovereign government that doesn’t allow oligarchs to make political decisions.

Röper explains:

Think what you will of Russia’s and China’s political systems, but one thing is clear: they want the political decisions not to be made by oligarchs, but by governments. Putin very quickly broke the power of the Russian oligarchs after taking office more than 20 years ago …

Russia is about building a world order in which people are allowed to get rich but have to stay out of politics, while politics in the West has long been dominated by oligarchs, their foundations and lobbyists …

In fact, Vladimir Putin “offers the world an alternative to neoliberal globalism”—an offer that you can read more about if you buy Röper’s new book, Putin’s Plan.


Okay, first of all: “Western democracies” are at the mercy of unhinged oligarchs—yes, I fully agree. 100%.

It is also true that western governments and their stenographers in the trusted corporate media use flowery language when referring to homegrown oligarchies.

But to deny the existence of oligarchic power in Russia…Yeah, no. Lost me there.

Coincidentally, on January 17—a day after Röper insisted that unlike the West, Russia wasn’t tormented by parasitic oligarchs—Russian outlet Nakanune published a story about Russia’s parasitic oligarchs.

State Duma deputy Mikhail Delyagin told the outlet:

The funds accumulated by the oligarchs allow them to maintain both influence and start new projects. Therefore, to say that the time of the oligarchs is over is a very naïve statement, or designed to distract attention from the real problems of Russia related to the dominance of the oligarchy.

I just want to reiterate that on January 16, Thomas Röper claimed oligarchs didn’t exist/had no power in Russia; and 24 hours later, a State Duma deputy warned of the “dominance of the oligarchy” in Russia.

(During peak Virus Tyranny in autumn/winter 2021, Delyagin spoke openly about how the “pandemic” was being used by Russia’s “feral oligarchs” to consolidate power.)

But you don’t have to take his word for it: What do ordinary Russians think? Does Russia have oligarchs, and are they involved in political decision-making?

A poll from December 2018 found that 94% of Russians were certain of the presence of oligarchs in their country. Only 9% of respondents believed these businessmen used their wealth, influence and power in positive ways.

(Earlier in the year, Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich channeled Gogol when he declared: “I don’t think we have oligarchs, this is the concept of the 1990s. Now we have good, hard-working, socially responsible businessmen who take care of the country and earn money doing responsible business.”)

source: Nakanune.ru

As for Putin’s crusade against neoliberalism: A survey conducted by the Levada Center in April 2020 determined that 38% of Russians thought Putin primarily represented the interests of oligarchs, bankers and big businessmen.

(I’m sure you’d get a similar figure if you asked Americans about their own government, the difference being that half of respondents would accuse the “DemoRATS” of being errand boys for oligarchy, while the other half would insist the “ReTHUGlicans” were corporate bootlickers. As it turns out, both sides are correct, but they still hate each other and refuse to cooperate—what a magnificent scam!)

source: Vedomosti.ru

But forget about Delyagin and the public opinion polls. Just look at what is happening right now in Ukraine.

Yevgeny Prigozhin—a tycoon with close ties to Russia’s president—has his own private army of convicted felons, which is in open competition with the Defense Ministry for resources and clout.

Is it even possible to be more neoliberal than that?

Sure. What about trading 100+ Azov fighters (including senior commanders) for an oligarch (and also close Putin pal) who may have single-handedly sabotaged Russia’s “special military operation”?

As an added bonus, a Russian oligarch came to the rescue of foreign fighters “sentenced to death” by the DPR, and like a true gentleman flew them to safety in his private oligarch jet.

Oligarchs aren’t involved in “political decisions” in Russia? Are you sure about that, Röper?

It seems appropriate to recall the prophetic words of murdered Lugansk rebel commander Aleksey Mozgovoy:

I’d like to appeal to everyone who is fighting—on both sides. People on both sides are fighting against the oligarchy. But somehow we only kill each other, ourselves. So we’re committing a slow suicide of sorts.

The “gladiators” need to break out from the “Colosseum”. Instead, a new Colosseum is being organized. We’re burying ourselves. Do we need it all? War for the sake of war? It’s stupid.

Does anyone remember why we have rebelled? Isn’t it clear that the ones we rose up against are ruling us now? For both sides. Isn’t it time for us to come to our senses, military gentlemen? Otherwise, there won’t be a single one of us left.

And the ones we should be fighting against…they will be living on. Without problems. And everything’s going to be as it was before.

If only Mozgovoy were alive today.

Instead we’re stuck with Röper; not the “Russia expert” we need, but probably the one we deserve:

The West has deadly genetic injections, while Russia has a safe and effective vaccine.

The West will use CBDCs to usher in a totalitarian dystopia, while the digital ruble will be completely voluntary to use.”

The West is ruled by oligarchs, while Russia doesn’t allow rich people to get involved in politics.”

Yes I see very interesting, danke schön.

Riley Waggaman is your humble Moscow correspondent. He worked for RT, Press TV, Russia Insider, yadda yadda. In his youth, he attended a White House lawn party where he asked Barack Obama if imprisoned whistleblower Bradley Manning (Chelsea was still a boy back then) “had a good Easter.” Good times good times. You can subscribe to his Substack here, or follow him on twitter or Telegram.


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Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 1, 2023 4:01 PM

On The Same Page – Tucker Carlson and Jimmy Dore

Feb 1, 2023
Big Thanks to @TuckerCarlson for letting someone say this on TV. I would love to bring this message to @MSNBC @CNN @NPR @abcnews etc.. but they won’t have me. We’re going to have to come together to stop the war machine:
[2 min video]

Jimmy Dore Delivers Fiery Rant On Tucker Carlson
The Jimmy Dore Show
Jun 18, 2022
On Wednesday evening Jimmy made another of his legendary appearances on Tucker Carlson’s show, the most popular cable news program in the country. In a finely targeted rant, Jimmy took aim at Democrats for cravenly trying to blame all of the nation’s woes on Vladimir Putin while also reserving plenty of his ire for both Republicans and Democrats who, he said, serve the interests of the oligarchy that funds them rather than the American citizens who vote for them.

Jimmy and American comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the benefits of bringing an anti-imperialist, anti-oligarchy message to a Fox News audience that likely never hears such perspectives.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 29, 2023 1:33 AM

Breitbart and MintPress News – On The Same Page ! Given that the Assembly has called for Russia to be declared a “terrorist regime”, the notion that “we are fighting a war against Russia” is a reasonable interpretation of the situation. — In the following article Breitbart links to the Mint Press News tweet. https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2023/01/26/ww3-watch-german-foreign-minister-declares-we-are-fighting-a-war-against-russia Speaking before the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg on Tuesday, Annalena Baerbock of the German Green Party and a top member of the traffic light coalition government of Olaf Scholz, publicly contradicted the head of her government by saying that they are at war with Russia. “I’ve said already in the last days – yes, we have to do more to defend Ukraine. Yes, we have to do more also on tanks,” Baerbock said. “But the most important and the crucial part is that we do it together and that we do not do the blame game in Europe, because we are fighting a war against Russia and not against each other.” — https://twitter.com/MintPressNews/status/1618611001691373568 Jan 26, 2023 “We are fighting a war against Russia.” – German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock speaking on Tuesday at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe [Video clip via tweet] — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parliamentary_Assembly_of_the_Council_of_Europe Sanctions against the Russian delegation, and eventual expulsion In April 2014, after the Russian parliament’s backing for the annexation of Crimea and Russo-Ukrainian War, the Assembly decided to suspend the Russian delegation’s voting rights as well as the right of Russian members to be represented in the Assembly’s leading bodies and to participate in election observation missions. However, the Russian delegation remained members of the Assembly. . . . On 25 February 2022 the Council of Europe’s ministerial body, having consulted the Assembly, suspended Russia’s membership in the Council of Europe following its… Read more »

R Anand
R Anand
Jan 28, 2023 8:00 PM

Good insights as usual by Riley Waggman.

Jan 28, 2023 4:39 PM

No fewer than 29 oligarchs and former leading figures in administration and politics are on international arrest warrants issued by the Russian government. They have found a safe haven in UK, US and elsewhere, along with the criminally aquired funds. Chodorkowski just to name one. Quite a few more belonging to the fifth column have fleed Russia since the SMO began.
Russia is a capitalist state. But as long as the oligarchs remaining in Russia contibute a fair share of their gained profits to the benefit of the state and the people, I have no problem with this. And if they decide otherwise, they are likely to be dispossessed or prosecuted. There a plenty examples.

Jeff the Beast
Jeff the Beast
Jan 28, 2023 8:40 AM

Röper you stupid piece of shit, first you should endure the Chinese water boarding and then you should end up with your head smashed by a sledgehammer…ah no that’s too good for you…maybe then you learn what the Rashist your Chinese system means, FUCKHEAD!!!

Jan 28, 2023 1:03 PM
Reply to  Jeff the Beast

Jeff, you Perv..

chinese waterboarding.

A friend had a similar one in Bangkok,

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Jan 27, 2023 10:31 PM

Why are modern moron slaves always trying to choose between shit and shit?! Is it because this is what we’ll be in a near Future?!

Jan 27, 2023 11:08 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

Not at all. They are one and the same. A false dichotomy.

They would need to look further afield in their intellectual endeavors

Jan 27, 2023 5:18 PM

I don’t in any way dispute the prevailing view here that Russia and GloboCap are in cahoots. However, there’s nothing preventing the world from speaking out of both sides of its mouth: together yet so very apart.

This article by Pepe Escobar is one of the best I’ve read on the protean world order.

‘Doomsday Clock’: 90 Seconds to Midnight – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization

Jan 27, 2023 2:41 PM

A retired British tank commander (a rather young man, probably a veteran of NATZO’s recent acts of “irresistible armed might” against small countries like Serbia, Libya and Iraq) has pronounced as his opinion, that a gift of 300 tanks from NATZO countries would help the Anglo-Zionazi-Oligarch regime to drive Russia out of Eastern Ukraine; because “Russians don’t understand mobile warfare”.

His words reminded me of a taped excerpt I heard on the BBC a long time ago, from a former British proxy “bulwark against Russia” — the name of whose regime was also reminiscent of NATZO:

“It is not my fault we lost in the East. Our experts advised me that no country could manufacture so many good tanks as the Russians rolled out against us at Kursk”.

Also, from the diary of a Nazi German tank commander: “Russians have not our concept of hygiene, and their houses are not cozy like ours are, but they make better tanks”.

Of course right at the top — far above the pay grade of Hitler or Stalin — the Oligarchs were “all in it together”. That’s why many people on the left said it would make no difference who won WW2: because our real struggle is against Global Plutocracy.

Jan 27, 2023 10:50 PM
Reply to  NickM

I believe the figure’s around 8000 Nato/western/Ukrainian tanks obliterated thus far. Maybe more.

So, a few more hundred NATO tanks would certainly keep the fairground running, so to speak. Potshots for the punters. Stopping it from closing down completely and being unattractive to would-be future customers.

Value there, to be sure  😀 

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jan 27, 2023 2:27 PM

There are several posts below with links to an article staring Jordon Trishton Walker, Director of Research and Development, Strategic Operations for Phizer: >


I watched this video yesterday. There is something very “off” about Mr. Walker’s statements. He doesn’t utilize ANY technical terms during the entire conversation, and repeats “Don’t tell anyone. Promise you won’t tell anyone.” several times during the exchange. His lack of technical language is rather curious, considering he’s allegedly the Director of Research and Development,

Something stinks in Denmark, and it ain’t fish… Buyer beware.

Jan 27, 2023 12:09 PM

Thank you for calling out Röper’s hypocrisy. Much needed.

The oligarchs are working together. In Russia since Wall Street financed the Bolsheviki.

The war is beneficial to them otherwise they would stop it.

Jan 27, 2023 12:56 PM
Reply to  feelingspicy

“ ..In Russia since Wall Street financier the Bolsheviki.”

Alas for them, this fell apart when Trotsky, alias Lev Bronstein, was ousted by one Joseph Stalin who scuppered their plans for exporting the “ revolution “ around the globe. However, they tried to get their revenge by financing Adolf Hitler and his cutthroats.


Jan 27, 2023 11:14 AM

A disproportionate amount of billionaires are j including for those who live in the UK our very own Alan Sugar.

Jan 27, 2023 6:24 AM

“They have oligarchs, we have oligarchs” but they have leaders like Putin who fight the oligarchs at home and in Ukraine:

RT: Russian forces gain foothold in key town of Ugledar:

Z regime’s airborne troops desert, start walking home:

Russian drone destroys yet another U$-supplied M777:

Russian forces beat off Z regime assault near Kremennaya:

Russian Ka-52 destroys Z regime armored vehicles:

Jan 27, 2023 1:01 PM
Reply to  NickM

Yes, Putin does fight them. Here is an example.

“ Mikhail Khodorkovsky’s real crime was not stealing Russia’s assets for a pittance in the bandit era of Yeltsin. His real crime is that he was a key part of a Western intelligence operation to dismantle and destroy what remains of Russia as a functioning state. “

Jan 27, 2023 1:03 PM
Reply to  Brianborou
Jan 26, 2023 7:28 PM

Riley, Did you ever get your right to reply on M I C outfit U.k shillum..?

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jan 26, 2023 4:15 PM

In Australia they are called billionaires and sucked up to by the media and pollies as if they are gods. Andrew Forrest has made a fortune stealing Aboriginal lands to mine iron ore to flog to China – he is in Bill Gates pocket and imported $200 million of fake PCR as a ”charity” then charged taxpayers for the privilege, now he peddles endless jabs and pretends he is a kind bloke

Jan 27, 2023 5:28 AM

Self-serving Corporate Social Responsibility is a form of what USans call lobbying. It is now the “S” in the new-fangled ESG. The returns are far greater than the outlay.

Jan 27, 2023 6:29 AM

Oligarch in Oz “imported $200 million of fake PCR as a ”charity” then charged taxpayers for the privilege, now he peddles endless jabs and pretends he is a kind bloke”.

The descent into Lower Hell is made on the back of Geryon, a monster with the face of a kind bloke” — Dante, Inferno

Jan 26, 2023 4:14 PM

It’s a system controlled by corrupt oligarchs, vs a system controlled by corrupt oligarchs. So far, I agree.

But I don’t agree that it doesn’t matter who wins.

A world with 2 blocs, that can deter each other from war (as in 1960-1992) is better than a world controlled completely from Washington, which is the US goal in this war. They want to destroy Russia now, but China will be next.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jan 26, 2023 4:53 PM

Might it be that the overarching financial system, from which oligarchs from both sides derive their worth, is unifying and moving in a different direction? Local disputes would still be very real in this scenario, those dying would still be dying, but, as in wars past, the profiteers would have no sides and would be dining at the same table, however in 2023 this is taking place on a new and unprecedented scale. Wars are not in danger of having far-reaching consequences. The ‘new Colosseum’ which Mozgovoy spoke about has been constructed over our heads, its huge dome painted to look like the real sky.

Perhaps true globalism is the closest it has ever been? A2

charles kint
charles kint
Jan 26, 2023 9:29 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

the problem is also the politicians that support all this, especially the novice ones fresh out of some Woke university with a Woke degree
I’m old enough to know that folks in leader ship positions were held to a higher moral standard; these days it has become a higher degree of deception and out right lies
A compass lost!!

Jan 27, 2023 8:00 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Are all these “wars” really happening?

Has anyone ever thought why some country’s get other country’s to build their war ships, aircraft, subs, guns and tech. Doesn’t seem like a good idea to me to have ones potential enemy to be in charge of your defense hardware. They may bug it.

Australia for example, wanted France to build some subs recently for them. So I guess Australia is ruling out the fact that France could be a future enemy, else they wouldn’t give them the responsibility of supplying our defense tools.

Further, all this talk of China taking over the world. If that was the case and all country’s were paranoid why would we outsource the building of computers, phones and all other tech to China. Seems like a risk to me, since these people are seen as a potential enemy. They could bug all phones and computers and send the data back to HQ.

Oh, hang on, that’s what does happen, the data from these devices are extracted and sent back to HQ. So why are these devices used by the populations, institutes and govs? Ah, I see, because they are all on the same team, got it.

Jan 27, 2023 3:03 PM

Very good point: All living things are incredibly interdependent; and countries are no different. I am a firm believer in self-sufficiency and DIY, on the national level as well as on the personal level; nevertheless I pay the plumber to do the installations that are above my skill level. Same with nations.

And the same in science. The discovery of Penicillin by Alexander Fleming was the greatest achievement of medical science in the 20th century. But it needed 2 other scientists to get penicillin out of the laboratory and into the big world.

“How do I feel about the Nobel Prize? It’s alright. Trouble is, I have to share it with those other two buggers” — Dr.Alexander Fleming.

Jan 28, 2023 12:09 AM

Good points. Lost in the general sycophancy, I would suspect, but nevertheless…

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 27, 2023 5:22 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I reckon the “unified world” has been with us a long time. Gore Vidal thought, probably correctly, that the atomic bombs dropped on Japan were a brutal demonstration by the American ruling class that, not only did they have the technology to do this but that they were prepared to actually do it. However, I think that, ever since then, the various ruling classes – including the American one – knew that an actual nuclear confrontation was out of the question. These rulers may be bloody evil but they are not stupid.

Therefore for all the toing and froing amongst the powers I think there was never any serious probability of war between the superpowers. They realised long ago that they would have to make deals with each other. And so effectively, there has been a single ruling order for quite some time now – even though there may be tensions at the top.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Jan 26, 2023 5:22 PM

A world controlled by Attila the Hun is better than “a world controlled completely from Washington”.

Jan 27, 2023 6:38 AM
Reply to  Victor G.

As proved by the fact that Attila’s barbarian hordes broke the power of Rome, the Washington DC of its day.

“Life is better for me among the barbarians. As long as you join in the sacking, and bring in your share of the loot, they leave you alone to do as you please. In the Empire you are never far from the Emperor, the Oligarchs and their bizzy bureaucratic bees.” — Arnold Toynbee, in his little anthology of documents from the Graeco-Roman world.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Jan 26, 2023 4:06 PM

Great, Riley. Very humble of you …
How are your plans for traveling to Donbass coming along? If Giorgio Bianchi and Eva Bartlett can do it, surely it must not be too difficult for you living in Moscow? Hell, you could rent a car and drive yourself!
I think it would seal your reputation as a hard-hitting, uhmmm, correspondent. Imagine the equivalencies you could draw there as an eye witness. Imagine how much we would pine for the the 8 great years of civil war in that region. You could illustrate how deluded Russian Ukrainians were thinking their future would improve with Russian oligarchs instead of transnational “Western” ones.
Sniff, sniff … can you smell a Pulitzer in all this?

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jan 26, 2023 4:27 PM
Reply to  Victor G.

Oh don’t be so snide. Isn’t it more true to say that certain reporters are invited to meet with Russian military envoys in Ukraine and given tours and ride-alongs in certain preselected locations? It might not be quite as objective as you think. A2

Levi Tate
Levi Tate
Jan 26, 2023 4:50 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I have a question for you. Scroll down a bit, thx.

Jan 26, 2023 7:19 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

. Isn’t it more true to say that certain reporters are invited to meet with Russian military envoys in Ukraine and given tours and ride-alongs in certain preselected locations? It might not be quite as objective as you think. A2

Actually Sam this is exactly what is done when the reporters goes to meet the press in isreal.

Infact Boris and sunak, Liz and celebs have done the walk around in Urkriane in suits and wear like it was a stroll in Hyde park.

Jan 27, 2023 10:52 AM
Reply to  Ananda

One of the BBC “ journalists “, Jeremy Bowen, was caught in a trench pretending he was reporting from the frontline as indeed do many of the presstitutes from the City of London controlled Western “ news” media do.

However, if you watch the independent journalists such as Patrick Lancaster they are reporting directly from the frontline with bullets and bombs whizzing all around them and for this they are declared persona non grata by their various governments !

Jan 26, 2023 3:33 PM

World War III is being fought on paper. It’s between those who insist Russia and China are fully independent entities which will give the globalists a bloody nose; and those who insist Russia and China are card carrying, paid up members in good standing of the global cabal, who get their marching orders from Klaus Schwab.

I’m trying to figure out why it matters which side will win the door prize once the war cries finally die down.

Jan 27, 2023 3:27 PM
Reply to  Howard

“I’m trying to figure out why it matters which side will win”

If Hitler had won WW2 my Jewish children would never have been born because their mother would have been genocided. The Red Army saved her; that was the army which liberated Auschwitz. The Red Army also saved her cousin: took him out of Poland, put a rifle in his hand, and set him up to his neck in snow in a trench at the defense of Stalingrad.

And the “Spectre of Communism Hanging Over Europe”, with the Red Army occupying previously Fascist East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Rumania, and CzechoSlovakia forced the Capitalist Western Plutocrats to behave themselves and throw a few crumbs to the masses in the form of Social Democracy. Our young family in postwar Britain and my Jewish wife’s surviving relatives in Israel and France all benefited from “les trentes annees glorieuse” — the 30 glorious years of peace and prosperity in a social democratic Europe.

colin buchanan
colin buchanan
Jan 29, 2023 8:20 PM
Reply to  Howard

Russia has already won. You know soon enough why it matters since the dollar /pound will be worthless and you won’t be able to afford any imported goods

Jan 26, 2023 2:47 PM

Western countries: Money controls Politics.

Russia and China: Politics controls Money.

Jan 26, 2023 2:42 PM

All this distracts from today’s main story – see my post at 12:19
Couple of updates added. Almost bedtime here in east central asia.

Levi Tate
Levi Tate
Jan 26, 2023 3:24 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

You are misleading people. Whether that is your intention is not clear, yet.

You have posted that Pfizer is **already** doing experiments to evolve the Covid virus.
If you go to the original source for the story you find that there is no evidence for this. Yet.

Project Veritas caught on camera Pfizer Director of Research and Development, Strategic Operations saying that Pfizer is **considering** doing those experiments.

Here. Read it for yourself.


Levi Tate
Levi Tate
Jan 26, 2023 3:34 PM
Reply to  Levi Tate

The source is ambiguous about this point.

Here Pfizer is saying “why don’t we [do that]” and “**If** were gonna do that”.

“One of the things we’re exploring is like, why don’t we just mutate it [COVID] ourselves so we could create — preemptively develop new vaccines, right? So, we have to do that. If we’re gonna do that though, there’s a risk of like, as you could imagine — no one wants to be having a pharma company mutating f**king viruses.”

However, he also said this,

“From what I’ve heard is they [Pfizer scientists] are optimizing it [COVID mutation process], but they’re going slow because everyone is very cautious — obviously they don’t want to accelerate it too much.”

Stay tuned.

Jan 26, 2023 3:42 PM
Reply to  Levi Tate

The bot is back.

Don’t take my word for it. The impeccable Celia Farber is one reason we have the testimony of Kary Mullis who invented PCR and said it could not be used to diagnose illness – and who said Anthony Fauci was a fraud, before he died suddenly in Aug 2019.

Celia has a great turn of phrase: “You can’t ‘arrest’ people, unfortunately, for being trendily out of their minds.”


Levi Tate
Levi Tate
Jan 26, 2023 4:31 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

“The bot is back.”

Are you talking about yourself
or breaking the rules about being rude?

What does the OffG Admin think?

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jan 26, 2023 5:09 PM
Reply to  Levi Tate

Sure, M shouldn’t have called you a ‘bot’, but he isn’t routinely rude and I usually let most of that stuff go unless it becomes a repetitive, crushing bore. That’s the only reason I ever intervene, generally. I’m not a playground monitor  😅 

Saying this Moneycircus often takes the royal piss linking to his own material and posting off-topic, and I think he knows he walks this line very finely.

‘Today’s main story’ indeed  🙄 

@Moneycircus please stop this. You’ve been warned before. You’re welcome to link to your own blog but please do so courteously and respectfully to the authors and OffG, and without straying too much off-topic.

I think this will be your last warning.

Thanks, A2

Levi Tate
Levi Tate
Jan 26, 2023 5:04 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

I hadn’t read celia before. I like her writing style and appreciate the opportunity to explore someone new. So thanks for that.

That link to her had this OJ quote, which is a keeper.

”If I killed her, it would have been because I loved her very much, right?”

Jan 27, 2023 3:45 PM
Reply to  Levi Tate

OJ Simpson sounds like a branch descended from the Othello family.

Jan 27, 2023 3:40 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

Celia has a great turn of phrase: “You can’t ‘arrest’ people, unfortunately, for being trendily out of their minds.”

“Trendily out of their minds”. Beautifully put.

Jan 27, 2023 3:37 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

From your Link:

“Crisis Update – Claim: Pfizer ‘Evolving’ New Covid Variants. Project Veritas video said to reveal “directed evolution of mutations”.
I agree. “Directed mutation” in the hands of eugenicist Global Oligarchs is as great a danger as nuclear warfare. Think of the panic caused by Covid-19, which turned out to be a relatively harmless GMO variant of common Corona flu, and try to imagine what the world would be like if Dr.Fauci’s PhD minions “got lucky” and “directed the mutations” toward a flu variant that was really lethal like Ebola!

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Jan 26, 2023 2:39 PM

For all you Putin lovers that think he is going to save the world.

This article is fully sourced.

Resetting Without Schwab: Russia & the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Jan 26, 2023 3:25 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

That hangout is certainly not unlimited. But it is still a useful resource.

Jan 26, 2023 3:29 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

I don’t think there are any Putin lovers here.

The man is simply intelligent and knows how to run a country, warts and all.

Our ‘representatives’ do not, because they are, frankly, not intelligent.
They still think it’s 1920.

Levi Tate
Levi Tate
Jan 26, 2023 5:12 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

Sure thing, chap.

We have heard it all before. Many times.

If you were against the Iraq (2003) invasion,
“you support Saddam”.
If you were against a war upon Libya,
“you support Gaddafi”.
If you were against devastating Syria,
“you support Assad”.

If you don’t support the current thing,
“you support Putin”.

Jan 26, 2023 1:53 PM

“The gladiators need to break out from the Colosseum” no wonder he’s not with us any more.

Jan 26, 2023 1:49 PM

Jeez, Riley, It’s 5pm in Tbilisi and I’ve been sipping glintwein all day and those words are still jarring. By the time of my second tour in Russia, in 2005, Matt Taibi and Mark Ames were in full flow at The Exile – and it was critical as hell of the Kremlin. Different era/ generation – well they carried it off with beer splurting hilarity. There wasn’t a dose of animosity. To the article. Who cares what polls say about oligarchs. Do they own the country? Hell yes. I know how Putin came to power, and got in trouble with Reuters for reporting that he’d be the next president before Reuters/Rothschild had given the say so. Russia is the ultimate bear pit because it has the world’s greatest concentration of raw materials. Such assets are unique – resources have value whether or not you leave them in the ground, regardless of labour costs because prices are driven by economic neccessity not consumer whim – unlike owning a brand or a service company. If people won’t pay enough, you can just sit on them. If raw materials comprise the bulk of economic output, this suppresses SMEs, reduces the wealth and political influence of the middle class and leads to oligarchy in every country except Norway which is so damned small, and intermarried, that it’s a commune. Former PM Yegor Gaidar is the authority on Russia’s unavoidable oligarchy. And the Dutch internationalized the concept of the “Dutch disease” after natural gas discoveries sucked investment out of other areas of the economy. It’s not just the oligarchy that’s affected. Any half talented kid in Russia wants to work for Gazprom because that’s where the money is. TLDR; anyone who rules Russia has to ride the bronco of gushing oil and gas between rival… Read more »

Jan 26, 2023 2:18 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

As a sidebar, the U.S. is an oligarchy even without Russia’s extractive political-economic system..

A Princeton study concluded so in 2014. https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-echochambers-27074746

As for the City of London that runs Britain… that should be settled science to readers here.

Both also have highly commercialised mercenary industries, for the extraction of the wealth of others.

Jan 26, 2023 1:23 PM

Monbiot, as usual, has his mouth open wide for the cock of the parasitic cabal.


“We are all playing Covid roulette. The next infection could be the one that permanently disables you. I’ve been hit three times so far, and feel lucky still to be active.”

Unlucky for everyone else though, George.

Jan 26, 2023 1:55 PM
Reply to  Shola

A wonderfully frank and pithy first sentence.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 26, 2023 5:00 PM
Reply to  Shola

“I’ve been hit three times so far, and feel lucky still to be active.”

This seems to be the latest strategy for the hack media grinders in their attempt to please the salivating demands of the overlords. (Cocksucking indeed). “I’ve been hit myself and lost my genitalia! Hell I even died last night!”

Mr Y
Mr Y
Jan 26, 2023 12:46 PM

Beware the lure of the Convent of the Conspiracy to Rule Them All!

Jan 26, 2023 12:19 PM

Hope I’m not being presumptious or OT.

…My hot take on the Project Veritas revelations about a claimed Pfizer scientist alleging the pharma giant is “evolving” variants of Covid.

Levi Tate
Levi Tate
Jan 26, 2023 1:30 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

*You* have to be careful not to give the appearance of being controlled opposition.

The dust is still settling, but as I understand it, Pfizer is *considering* evolving variants of Covid.

What I describe is huge **as is**, especially as the source appears to be Pfizer’s Director of R&D, Strategic Operations. It doesn’t need anybody (you) saying that they have
already begun experiments – that would be a strawman useful to Pfizer.

For Pfizer’s Director of R&D, Strategic Operations to be caught on tape sounding like a mad scientist is scandalous. It is not great for Pfizer but if they can come out and put the kabbosh on your strawman then it quiets things down.

Pfizer’s Director of R&D, Strategic Operations was caught on tape sounding like a mad man. Leave it there.

Jan 26, 2023 1:31 PM
Reply to  Levi Tate

Can you rewrite that in English, soldier – though it reads like a bot,likely with votes from fellow bots.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jan 26, 2023 5:58 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

I think Levi’s is a reasonable point actually. And I don’t think it’s especially badly written. It’s a very obvious deflection to criticise someone’s writing and a bit of a cheap shot.

Why not address Levi’s point? Have Pfizer only stated they are ‘considering’ evolving ‘covid’ variants?

Also that would be variants of Sars-CoV-2, in fact, wouldn’t it? Covid is the alleged disease.

Considering it’s disputed that what we witnessed even WAS a ‘pandemic’ in any conventional sense, and since the ‘tests’ weren’t testing for anything specific to one coronavirus, let alone the allegedly novel Sars-CoV-2, how do we even know this is relevant?

It’s all coming very close to a fear porn kinda vibe.


Jan 26, 2023 11:51 AM

More Russia bashing from Mr Wagga. Tedious stuff.

Jan 26, 2023 12:02 PM
Reply to  Grafter

He’s not bashing Russia at all, he’s making it clear in no uncertain terms that Russia is also part of the new world order. Research the works by the late British historian Anthony Sutton.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Jan 27, 2023 12:37 PM
Reply to  Pakistanicream

Sutton was a real eye-opener for me.

Jan 26, 2023 10:17 AM

the link explains a lot about how it is we manage in gladiator fashion
to destroy our selves for the benefit of the Oligarchs.
They have their own private army and control over all of the important
Non Human Organizations (NHOs) in the western controlled world.

Jan 26, 2023 10:14 AM

I’m a firm believer that what we are witnessing right now is the culmination of lockdowns, mandates, excessive experimental drug use and societies lack of balls.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jan 26, 2023 12:12 PM
Reply to  Shin

Where have you emerged from getting so immediately irate about your comments all of a sudden today? You posted two today, one on 21st, one in Nov 2022, one in Sept, some in August….

Out of the blue this escalated suddenly.

Are you in Australia by any chance? We are in UK so we don’t have admins on Australian time, I’m afraid.

Please enjoy this free resource, but please be patient and respectful. It’s not perfect and it doesn’t become more perfect the more entitled and demanding people are 😅 A2

Jan 26, 2023 9:09 AM

One man’s oligarch is another’s robber baron. As was said about Scargill in the 80s- he’s a bastatd, but he’s OUR bastard!
If there is net benefit to the nation, what’s the problem?

Quaeritur Omnia
Quaeritur Omnia
Jan 26, 2023 8:29 AM

I have taken to watching videos about life in Russia posted by both Russians and Westerns living there … 

OK, perhaps this is not quite like experiencing the real thing, but it gives something of a “flavour”. On my virtual travels this morning I discovered the historic city of Volgograd (formerly Stalingrad) and the Mamayev Kurgan memorial complex commemorating the Battle of Stalingrad (August 1942 to February 1943) the bloodiest battle in human history, with more combined casualties suffered than any battle before or since – marked by brutality and disregard for military and civilian casualties in which an estimated 750,000 Soviets died (20,000 a day) defending the city, delivering an enormous blow to the seemingly unstoppable German war machine, a psychological turning point of World War II

Can one just move to Russia? There are few restrictions on foreigners buying property in Russia and foreigners intending to permanently reside in Russia can obtain a “permanent residence permit” (vid na zhitelstvo) valid for five years that may be extended an unlimited number of times. For many (including me) Russian winter weather is rather nippy, but perhaps this is a minor inconvenience than having to endure the company of Johnson, Wallace, Drag Queens, BLM activists, LGBT depravity, assorted wokesters and the ever increasing number of foreigners who are colonizing British government and society ….

Silly pipedream? 

Jan 26, 2023 7:23 AM

Dream I had last night that incorporates real life: Older man whom I admire-and was amazing radio host of decades long counter culture music show who has been jabbed and says” he trusts modern science “ all that part is true life.
Dreamt I saw him at a fun social gathering and he pushed me away while I greeted him with a hug-and yelled “I told you!” -shaming me.And, he had a greenish gray face.

This is how it goes-a shove and a yell and then god knows what.
And you used to know,like, care and think fondly of some people and now they are just mini Tony Blair’s.

rik myers
rik myers
Jan 26, 2023 7:05 AM

WTF where is this russiaphobia crap coming from? it has no place on Off Guardina time for me to cut off montly donatiosn

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jan 26, 2023 7:33 AM
Reply to  rik myers

“hello fellow non-sock puppets, let us all unite to condemn these Off-Guardian fellows and immediately withdraw our monthly donations!”

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 26, 2023 8:24 AM

Thus revealing once again the false binary reintroduced by the Ukraine move. Take a seat on one side or the other but never question the whole show.

Jan 26, 2023 9:32 AM
Reply to  rik myers

You believe that with money you can buy articles? There are some outlets in that kind of bussiness, maybe this is not one of them.

Jan 26, 2023 9:49 AM
Reply to  rik myers

May I politely suggest that you divert those monthly donations toward English grammar lessons.

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Jan 26, 2023 10:59 AM
Reply to  rik myers

It’s coming from someone who lives and works in Russia. Along with all the other Russian commentators and writers who dare to question the Russian government. Which, I might point out, has nothing to do with “hating” Russian people, especially given that the fiercest critiques of the Russian government are the Russian people. What I want to know is where is all this love for government coming from?

Jan 26, 2023 1:05 PM
Reply to  Iain Davis

There was always a subsection of apparent Russophiles who were really rabid statists.

Jan 26, 2023 2:02 PM
Reply to  Iain Davis

From the heart of their bottoms.

Jan 26, 2023 2:04 PM
Reply to  rik myers

You’re surprised, they are acting for the deep state?

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jan 26, 2023 2:52 PM
Reply to  WillianHill

Yes, anyone who disagrees with you is CIA. You sound like Mathis XD

Jan 26, 2023 3:36 AM

Apparently this “virus”, after the fact, causes Cardio issues like myocarditis and pericarditis. There’s always a first time, yeah right.
Apparently the “vaccine” also causes Cardio issues like the above mentioned.
This is all eloquently spelled out via the Pfizer 1250 possible adverse events.
Why then, would any health body give a drug that could possibly promote Cardio issues for something their trying to fight.
It all seems a little odd, don’t you think?

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jan 26, 2023 3:33 AM

“All wars are bankers wars.”

I don’t remember when I first heard this or in what context, but it was a while ago; it always seems to ring true. I did a search, wondering if I could find a source. I never found a source but I did find a documentary with the same title.

I thought it got a lot right.
(43 minutes)

Jan 28, 2023 9:47 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Good documentary. A few things left out though.

Jan 26, 2023 12:37 AM

One rather astonishing thing about these bloodsuckers is that they think we are seriously envious of them.

It’s been a very long time since I envied extremely wealthy people, and I’m sure we’ve all noticed that they are genuinely at a loss for what to do with their money. So what do they do? They all end up just copying each other.

A yacht or two, a palace or two, exclusive vintage wine, pretty girls, pretty boys, gold-plated this and that . . . but then there are the body guards wherever they go, the acrobatics to perform in order to avoid the rabble, their psychotic fear of death – which they know will rob them of absolutely everything – and the absolute cultural emptiness inside their thick skulls.

What’s to envy…?
Talk about useless eaters . . .

Jan 26, 2023 12:47 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Absolutely. I reckon that was part of the motivation behind the lockdowns and further restrictions. They couldn’t stand that the regular proles were able to enjoy the same exotic holidays and modern luxuries as them, but with more genuine joy of spirit than they were used to.

They are envious of us.

Jan 26, 2023 3:25 PM
Reply to  ChairmanDrusha

Give them another generation or so, however, and they will no longer even know that we exist.
The good news there is that they will have only each other to be envious of.
A nice thought.

Jan 26, 2023 2:27 AM
Reply to  wardropper

‘Job’ description for an oligarch:

• Must have psychopathic or sociopathic (at minimum) traits.
• Must be vain, hubristic and haughty.
• Must be utterly incapable of Love or affection.
• Must be tunnel visioned and/or OCD.
• Must be sexually frustrated.
•Must be fixated on Empire building.
• Must have a Messiah complex.

Did I miss any?

Jan 26, 2023 2:51 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Death wish?

Jan 26, 2023 8:15 AM
Reply to  wardropper

The term ‘politics of envy’ to discredit anybody demanding justice is the silliest thing I ever heard.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jan 26, 2023 10:05 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Very true.

I have enough to eat and a warm house. I can go on holiday a couple of times a year. I don’t change my car every year and I like it like that.

However, the other 90% of the worlds population don’t have my luxuries and they are envious of me and those richer than me.

WEF’s talk of a ‘fairer’ world must be appealing if you can’t afford hospital fees for your sick children.

Jan 26, 2023 12:08 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Indeed, billionaires are the real useless eaters who never grew and cooked a single food item they’ve ate in their lives.

Jan 25, 2023 11:35 PM

As you get older, they “These Massive Corporations” just take the p1ss – All of them…they ramp up their prices..what do they do for me….? The Local Government – empty my bins, draw yellow lines everywhere, so no one can park anywhere – in theory provide a Health, Fire and Police Service (I ain’t going to slag them off too much – at least some of them do some useful work (whilst not trying to jab us to death) Central Government and Banks – Trying to Rob Me Blind, and largely succeeding – Yes I would like an increase in my Pension whilst My wife is still waiting for hers nearly 6 years after she had worked her life paying for it…the deal was she gets it at 60 – now its 66 if she is lucky still to be alive then…Whilst these complete and utter Arseholes, lining their own Pensions are spending the rest of my taxes, trying to Start WWIII Then there is British Gas, completely taking the p1ss – I mean come on…Yes they provide Electricity too from Windmills that don’t work too well, when the wind ain’t blowing, and solar power – which doesn’t work too well when the sun ain’t shining….Suddenly I am expected to pay nearly £1 to boil a kettle of water – whilst the media are saying massive fall in the price of gas….whilst my gas bill continues to go up… So, I can’t do much about that – a small percentage of the people working for these Oligarchs/Massive Corporations – determined to kill us all, still do provide useful sevices Now we come to Digital Services. Yes I do the internet, but I do not watch TV, except occasionally, rarely and then I watch it for free. Today, I checked all… Read more »

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Jan 25, 2023 11:16 PM

All these “benign” individuals sure have a way of waging wars, causing fake pandemics, and creating economic depressions. Good thing they don’t have any power because of course we now know, as amply disclosed recently on OffG, that everything is controlled by the CIA, even George Soros and King what’s his name. Oh ya, but it’s only because we let them. Yep.

Jan 26, 2023 10:28 AM

Think what you will of Russia’s and China’s political systems, but one thing is clear: they want the political decisions not to be made by oligarchs, but by governments. Putin very quickly broke the power of the Russian oligarchs after taking office more than 20 years ago …http://www.hellevig.net/pdf/EUs_Infowar_On_Russia.pdf but this article is about how the vote by the electorate has been separated from the decisions those with the money and power make. In other words propaganda is now our political system meaning the political system is controlled by controlling narrative. Its all about propaganda, cancellation of dissent, and spawning non human organizations.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 25, 2023 10:48 PM


Heart-breaking Covid death saga. Note the photos showing a gradually deteriorating soul with increasing tubes attached. And going by the big anticipation of a sad case of a man cut down by covid, you’d expect the virus to take centre stage in this tragedy. But wait a minute ….

“Greg had cystic fibrosis and received a double-lung transplant some 20 years ago. In 2011, he received a kidney transplant, but when this organ failed in 2021 he was placed back on dialysis.

Greg’s wife Julie Dowsett told the Irish Times that COVID was “the straw that broke the camel’s back… Covid changed everything.”

Yeah covid “changed everything” only in the sense that the last straw “changes everything”.

(Also assuming that he “had covid” or that “covid” is a thing.)

Jan 26, 2023 9:54 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Try your hardest never to have to be admitted to a hospital…..you’ll never get out alive. Hospital = hospice these days

Jan 26, 2023 1:08 PM
Reply to  DavidF

The C19th poor hated hospitals, it was where they were sent to die. That was before the brainwashing kicked in….

Jan 26, 2023 5:15 PM
Reply to  DavidF

I have to say that it always amuses me, maybe in a perverse sort of way, that, when patients overcome serious medical challenges and survive, the nursing staff indulge in the embarrassing charade of forming a guard of honour and applauding when the patient escapes (oh sorry… “leaves”) the hospital. It was particularly commonplace during ‘the pandemic’ with patients who had been consigned to death by their hospital treatment protocol but miraculously managed to bypass the efforts to murder them.

It just seems to me to be an admission by the nursing staff that they are not really much cop at their job, and an acknowledgement that it really is an achievement for patients to escape their lethal clutches. Anyone else would just see a patient’s survival as an indicator of the staff doing the job they are paid for.

As Neil Oliver would say “That’s just my opinion. Feel free to disagree.”

Jan 25, 2023 10:46 PM

From a logical perspective, the ‘Royal Families’ should be included in any discussion of parasitic oligarchs.

Jan 25, 2023 10:55 PM
Reply to  hotrod31

They don’t qualify. Anyone caught wearing a mask during ‘Covid’ wouldn’t qualify as a true ‘Oligarch’. Royals, celebrities failed to meet the grade in that respect. They paraded their subservience before the world.

Someone who can’t stand up for the fundamental right of humans to breathe fresh air can’t realistically be regarded as an ‘oligarch’

Jan 26, 2023 12:00 PM
Reply to  hotrod31

Royalty = Theft

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jan 25, 2023 10:31 PM

“People on both sides are fighting against the oligarchy. But somehow we only kill each other, ourselves. So we’re committing a slow suicide of sorts.
The “gladiators” need to break out from the “Colosseum”. Instead, a new Colosseum is being organized.”

Best part of the article. Now, how to reach the militaries (and police forces) of the world.

Jan 25, 2023 10:40 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Good point … which highlights the fundamental flaw in anarchism; it offers no lasting alternative to existing authorities. Need to break out of that model too

dom irritant
dom irritant
Jan 26, 2023 8:31 AM
Reply to  Vagabard

there is no authority but yourself

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jan 26, 2023 9:28 PM
Reply to  dom irritant

I believe there are forms of legitimate authority.

They are the people who know more than you and I AND who act with integrity.

People will naturally flock to these kinds of people without coercion. The historical Buddha may have been one such person, some of the wise elders in ancient tribes may have been such individuals. They never seek to dominate or rule over others. These kinds of people seek to enlighten and nurture others and set them free.

dom irritant
dom irritant
Jan 27, 2023 11:25 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

these kind of souls are very far and few between if they ever existed at all…….who knows i wasn’t there to witness these so called enlightened individuals.
there is absolutely no legitimate authority in existence on this plane imho apart from our creative source given sovereign selves.
it is also another way of giving away responsibility for your actions

Jan 26, 2023 11:48 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Wrong. True anarchists can’t be ruled. I’d rather pay the ultimate price. If everyone cared about freedom that much, the authorities couldn’t do shit.

Jan 27, 2023 5:32 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

Would you not rather serve non-hostile authorities that supported your values?

Jan 26, 2023 1:16 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

“we’re committing a slow suicide of sorts.”

They want a ‘Logan’s Run’ world where everyone embraces suicide joyously at a young age. All those stories about “it isn’t how long you live but how long you enjoy good health” are the thin end of that long wedge. The crucial transition they need to bring this about is for a belief in reincarnation to become widely accepted – which is why they’re trying to fold all religions into a global religion with that idea at its core.

If all the plebs die at 30 and there’s no sense of memory/history they can recycle the same handful of psyops and nobody will know. It’s having been around for a bit and noticing the same old shit recurring that’s one of the big giveaways.

Jan 25, 2023 10:30 PM
Jan 26, 2023 1:22 PM
Reply to  Brianborou

Still pushing pro-vax sources, for example:


This is from over a year in to the scam so there’s no excuse. BTW a “saker” is a falcon which is the symbol of Horus which should tell anyone where this source is coming from.

Jan 26, 2023 4:27 PM
Reply to  Edwige

is it not also a light cannon? but aye he uses the falcon as image.

Jan 26, 2023 6:01 PM
Reply to  Edwige

If you watch the article about the Atlantic- integrationists and fifth columnists in Russian you might have a better understanding about them.

Here is someone else who has done some research about the City of London controlled fifth columnists in Russia.


Jan 26, 2023 6:35 PM
Reply to  Brianborou

Here is another well researched article shedding light on what Russia faces.


les online
les online
Jan 25, 2023 9:53 PM

The unvaccinated have blood on their hands…..

“It has become all too clear. The silence of the unvaccinated was a dangerous sociopathic, and irresponsible decision that has had serious consequences for those of us who received the vaccines.
“And silence is, after all, consent'”

The author of this post asks if the allegation is satire or an indicator of what’s to come:

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Jan 25, 2023 10:16 PM
Reply to  les online

It is just one of the pretexts the tyrants will try to use to categorize non-compliant people as Disinformation Agents and / or Domestic Terrorists.

This is already happening in Australia.

Not a surprise to anyone paying attention to the statements of the tyrants.

Jan 26, 2023 10:13 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

Looks like domestic terrorism has come to the UK. I have no idea whether or not this is even a legit case or if they are just making it up to form part of this dt agenda, it’s impossible to know with such devious deceitful people controlling everything.

Covid-19 conspiracy theorist who planned to ‘overthrow Government’ with attacks on radio and TV masts jailed (msn.com)

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jan 25, 2023 10:42 PM
Reply to  les online

Blood on their hands? – It’s more like the vaccinated do…

They were and still are silent about the damage to the vaxxed and the sudden deaths of young(ish) people who took the jabs, even when this occurs in their own circles.

A peer reviewed survey shows the degree of damage and died-suddenly blindness among those most wedded to the socialist-fascist ideas of the greater not-so good and unity above individual rights:

“The article demonstrated the authors tried to do a good job and controlled for confounding variables. For example, do political views or vaccination status create a bias in reporting vaccine deaths? It turns out that, indeed, they do:

Estimated nationwide COVID-19 vaccine fatalities based on the Democrat, Republican and Independent subsets are 109,564, 463,444 and 247,867, respectively. With the vaccinated and unvaccinated subgroups, estimated COVID-19 vaccine fatalities are 110,942 and 659,995.”

Full article: https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/covid-vaccines-killed-278000-americans. 

Jan 26, 2023 2:08 PM
Reply to  les online
Jan 25, 2023 9:36 PM

Ivan the Terrible fought the Oligarchs (the ‘Boyars’ of his day). Stalin wrote that Ivan the Terrible was his ‘Teacher’ (though commented that he was weak). Putin’s Boyars? … modern day ‘oligarchs’.

So, nothing new under the sun. Opposing the Boyars/Oligarchs is a rite of passage for anyone assuming power.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Jan 25, 2023 10:17 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

People that “assume power” were already selected by the cabal.
No one in this world gets real power without approval from TPTB.

Jan 25, 2023 10:25 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

May be true, to some extent, whatever the ‘cabal’ is. But then there are powers that transcend ‘TPTB’. Satan is on a leash, as per Job

Jan 26, 2023 2:37 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

I suppose the cabal is a loose affiliation of millionaires and billionaires and baby…..

Jan 26, 2023 9:27 PM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

Probably true. Wealth changing one’s mindset. Birds of an (expensive) feather flocking together. The instinctive recognition of someone of the same clan …

Jan 26, 2023 10:40 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

The boys are in the bubble and the baby’s got a baboon heart, these are the days of miracles and wonder….

Jan 27, 2023 4:39 PM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

A slightly oblique song (as all good art should be) but certainly thought-provoking:

Paul Simon – The Boy In the Bubble

Levi Tate
Levi Tate
Jan 25, 2023 9:34 PM

Did you read that Germany declared war on Russia today?

Will they walk it back?

time to head for the hills

Jan 25, 2023 9:56 PM
Reply to  Levi Tate

The ‘declaration of war’ may have changed its definition from its original sense.

Sending antiquated tanks (that you want to get rid of) to an opposition doomed to failure, tends to be the modern usage of the expression

So no, no need to run to the hills just yet

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jan 26, 2023 6:02 AM
Reply to  Levi Tate

They like to keep that old fear porn vat bubbling away at a nice slow boil

Jan 26, 2023 11:11 AM
Reply to  Levi Tate

I wonder how many of those who were living in denial that a war was actually taking place in Eastern Ukraine will deny there is war taking place in other parts of Europe when the Russians attack military installations in those countries that supply range missiles to the City of London controlled Zelensky regime to attack Moscow?

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jan 25, 2023 9:27 PM

Clearly a new set of irregular verbs to decline:

One of the British ones goes as follows:

‘I give unattributable Press Briefings; You Leak; He is charged under Section II of the Official Secrets Act.’

Here is a first draft of a new ‘verb’:

‘I am a US oligarch; You are a Ukrainian influencer; He is a sexist Russian pig who traded in his 40 year old wife for a younger slut’.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jan 25, 2023 9:26 PM

To the likes of Roper, western oligarchs, western versions of the Great Reset, western jabs, are evil….Russian oligarchs, Russia’s version of the Great Reset, Russia’s jabs….are, to quote Lawrence Welk, “wonderful.” Never mind that it’s the same crap. Like “Arthur Jensen” (Ned Beatty) said in Network in 1976, there are no nations, only multinationals. All governments are just fronts for their local franchises of the global elite. This elite knows there is a war on, a class war. Everywhere.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 25, 2023 9:22 PM

Kathy Burke: “I love being ‘woke’. It’s so much nicer than being an ignorant fucking twat.”

Actually Kathy, it’s the same.

Jan 25, 2023 9:35 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I love the work of Kathy Burke, she’s an amazing actress, but I don’t go to her for my politics.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 25, 2023 9:48 PM
Reply to  George Mc

And on the topic of the phony bourgeois Left liberal showbiz set, I watched a Netflix programme called How To Get Away With Murder – typical glitzy American youths of carefully mixed race quotient and carefully balanced straight and gay alterations. This featured the tribulations of a feisty African American lawyer who was making a stand against the racism that is “in America’s DNA”. And she gets to blast away her triumphalist rants addressed directly to the jury even as the (white) judge is warning her not to – but strangely allowing it to happen anyway. All of which recalled a certain clearly well-choreographed “protest” made by photogenic young women vandalising a work of art (but not really) whilst being lavishly photographed by the media.

So you see, Kathy Burke? Your ever so sassy verbal stab at the old fossils is in no way some kind of brave gesture of defiance. It is exactly what is expected of you. And it shows how well you fit into the “star system”.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 25, 2023 9:06 PM


Headline: “Huge asteroid is set to hit the Earth this week”

“Brace yourselfAn astroid heading straight towards the Earth has been identified by NASA.

Asteroid 2023 BU was spotted by NASA’s Centre for Near Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) on January 21 and is scheduled to shoot past the planet on Friday January 27 at 12.30am.”

So not exactly a “hit” then.


“For those fearing the worst, CNEOS have put those worries at ease, explaining that even if the asteroid was on course to hit the Earth as it only measures between 12.4ft and 27.8ft.”

So not exactly “huge” either.


“According to NASA’s space experts, asteroids smaller than 82ft are more than likely to burn in the Earth’s atmosphere as oppose to hitting the ground.”

So even if it was “directly going to hit”, it wouldn’t matter anyway.

So no story at all. Only a totally misleading headline.

Jan 25, 2023 9:20 PM
Reply to  George Mc

They just want us to suffer.

Jan 25, 2023 9:51 PM
Reply to  George Mc

According to NASA’s space experts..” stop it you’re killing me.

Mr Y
Mr Y
Jan 26, 2023 1:11 PM
Reply to  George Mc

How about on topic now and then, Mr Mc?

Jan 25, 2023 8:57 PM

They have Oligarchs, we have Oligarchs; but at the top level of — ie, Global politics — the Oligarchs “are all in it together”. Or at least, that’s what OffG tells us.

Meanwhile at the lower level — ie, international politics — Russia is in a military / commercial war against NATZO countries, and China is in a commercial / military war against NATZO countries.

A post about China’s struggle against EU$A monopoly power:

les online
les online
Jan 25, 2023 8:23 PM

One of the West’s friendly oligarchs may have been the originator of the US/NATO idea of fighting the Russians to the last Ukrainian…

George Soros Urged Use of Eastern European Soldiers to “Reduce the Risk of Body-Bags for NATO Countries” in “New World Order” article:


Could it be The Ukraine is a juicy bone in a dogfight between the West’s Oligarchs and Putin’s Oligarchs ? After all, it has been often said:

War is a fight over who’s gonna be The Boss.
War is a fight over who’s gonna be Your Boss.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 25, 2023 8:29 PM
Reply to  les online

In what sense is Soros “Western”?

Jan 25, 2023 10:39 PM

Isn’t Soros about as ‘western’ as Henry Kissinger?

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Jan 25, 2023 8:32 PM
Reply to  les online

War is a racket that only benefits TPTB.
War is a tool for austerity and population control.
War is a tool for fear and mind control.
War is the ultimate expression of political policy.
War is a mortal risk to sovereignty and the treasury.
War is a mortal risk to the people.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jan 25, 2023 9:12 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey


To Hell with War! To Hell with Corporate Fascism!’

Jan 25, 2023 9:24 PM
Reply to  S Cooper


Jan 25, 2023 9:29 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

War is a way to defeat rival powers.
War is a way to gain territory.
War is a way to gain control of resources.
War is a way to defend against attack.

You don’t seem to include the real reasons.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jan 26, 2023 5:29 AM
Reply to  WillianHill

comment image
comment image

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Jan 26, 2023 2:24 PM
Reply to  WillianHill

Obviously you have never read the Art of War, and don’t understand the Just War Principles.

Typical of tyrants or socialists or communists or fascists or monarchs or aristocrats or dictators.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jan 27, 2023 6:35 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

“War is a tool for population control” – ?

Hasn’t worked very well yet, has it?

Never mind, Gaia’s natural, very-long-established resolution mechanisms for population overshoot events is – visibly – MUCH better at the job. In the case of hom-sap’s current overshoot, give it to the end of the century to see some unmistakable results…

The criminal hallucinators of eugencism don’t have to do a thing to bring about the reductions over which they salivate so longingly. Just as well, since, as well as being poor silly schmucks with ridiculous superiority complexes, they’re also just as helpless against geophysical realities as the rest of us, and won’t be doing anything actually effective to bring numbers down. See the cack-handed balls-up of their global covid poison-stab campaign to get a measure of their ineffectualness.

Jan 26, 2023 9:48 AM
Reply to  les online

From your Link [with my comments] re George Soros:

“The billionaire oligarch financier, often portrayed [by himself] as a humanist, promoted a hard-nosed geopolitical strategy in his” 1993 piece entitled “Toward a New World Order: The Future of NATO.”
comment image?itok=bAB_ztPE

[Towards a New World Order, now where did I first hear that catchy slogan?
The World Health Organization, this year? No.
György Schwartz, 1993, Jewish “humanitarian” who survived the Nazi occupation of Hungary? No.
George Bush, 1991, POTU$A son of Nazi-friendly financier Prescott Bush? No.
The Man himself, 1939-1945? Yes. And now I know why I felt compelled to spell NATO with a Z]