Are Pfizer REALLY “directing the evolution” of Covid?
Kit Knightly

Yesterday independent investigative journalists Project Veritas released their latest undercover report: A recording of a research director from Pfizer allegedly admitting the pharma giant is deliberately mutating the Sars-Cov-2 virus.
The process, which the researcher – Dr Jordan Walker – refers to as “directed evolution”, would apparently help Pfizer pre-emptively develop new vaccines:
BREAKING: @Pfizer Exploring "Mutating" COVID-19 Virus For New Vaccines
"Don't tell anyone this…There is a risk…have to be very controlled to make sure this virus you mutate doesn't create something…the way that the virus started in Wuhan, to be honest."#DirectedEvolution
— Project Veritas (@Project_Veritas) January 26, 2023
So, what can we trust about the story?
Well, first, the video does appear at first glance to be genuine. Research shows a complex and detailed online presence for a “Dr Jordan Trishton Walker”.
That includes a (now deleted) LinkedIn page showing he worked as a research director for Pfizer, although there are some gaps and contradictions in the record that would require a more detailed look.
But what about his claims? Or the claims of the rest of the video?
Well, let’s breakdown what “Dr Walker” actually says:
- Covid is real and mutating
- Their vaccines are not as “effective” against “variants”
- Pfizer is researching mutations to pre-empt vaccine development
- The public finding out would scare them
- They don’t want an “evolved” virus to escape and cause “another outbreak”
- This kind of research “probably” created the virus in the first place, aka the “lab leak theory”.
Outside of the idea that Pfizer is “directing the evolution” of the virus, this is all narrative reinforcement.
From the beginning, the only totally verboten position has been that the pandemic is a lie.
You’re allowed to think the virus was natural, or created in a lab.
You’re allowed to believe masks work or don’t. You’re allowed to believe in hydroxychloroquine and other “alternative treatments”. You’re allowed to believe in natural immunity, or vaccines and boosters.
But you’re NOT allowed to believe “Covid” doesn’t exist. That they just rebranded the flu to push through an authoritarian agenda.
You’re allowed to believe anything, so long as you concede that the “Covid” is a new, scary disease that requires special public health measures.
That is the big lie.
And this video – real or not – not only doesn’t challenge this lie, but actually 100% supports it.
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” Reports that say that something hasn’t happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns—the ones we don’t know we don’t know. And if one looks throughout the history of our country and other free countries, it is the latter category that tends to be the difficult ones.”
Donald Rumsfeld 2002
“We also know there are known unknowns”
…seems to be where we are at the moment. I use my intuition and research wide enough to get the big picture. ‘Project Veritas (TRUTH) is aptly named as a project .. run by one of those ‘known unknowns’.
In statement analysis, the rule of the negative is always of heightened importance, when people tell us what did not happen rather than what actually happened.
Truthful people instinctively will tell us what happened, what they said, what they felt, what they heard etc.
I’ll tell you what’s real.
As soon as I saw this dog and pony show the first thing I did was short Pfizer. Degenerates.
The only thing mutating is the bullshit and Project Veritas sell that.
Absolutely. I think this is staged and we should forget about it before it ‘crashes down on our heads later’.
Eugenics is all about directing the evolution. It’s what it is.
Eugenicists think they are entitled to direct humanity with their ideas and actions. They think they are making the world a better place by killing and mass murdering humans. They think they are better than everyone else.
They’re selling the idea that they are all-powerful. That they are like God. Like they would be able to create life out of nothing, decide when life is ended; like they would be in control of everything and you. But in reality, they have no control; they are just full of shit, and everything they say is a lie.
Liars, thieves and murderers.
If you say “PCR is fraudulent” but “the virus exists,” you’re shooting yourself in the foot. The very basis for the “discovery” of the “virus” and its alleged “genome” required the use of PCR.
You can’t have it both ways.
his is why it’s important to point to the foundation.
Daniel zech
This war is not about a virus, and it’s not about virology, medicine, science or anything the warmakers claim it is.
But it’s war.
“All WW2 military deaths exceeded by WW3 covid19 vaccine carnage”:
*James O Keefe s (Project Veritas) also receive funding via the David Horowitz Freedom Center which is financed by Robert Shillman who is a board member for Friends of Israel’s Defence Forces. Robert Shillman also provides funding for Rebel Media. Nina Rosenwald, the heiress to Sears, also funds James O Keefe and Project Veritable.
Mercer and the Koch brothers also financed James O Keefe at Project Veritas who often interacted with Breitbart and Infowars, most famously on his failed “sting” on Acorn and Planned Parenthood, where he dressed up as a pimp and offered the companies the profits from his “trafficking ring” – he was arrested shortly afterwards.
The Daily Caller is also financed by the Koch brothers. Dave Rubin and the Rubin Report are also financed by the Koch brothers. The Washington Free Beacon is also financed by the Koch brothers. Ben Shapiro was financed by the Koch brothers before he left Breitbart, it is not publically flaunted who he is financed by now but Alex Jones (Infowars) in a recent hissy fit threatened to expose his billionaire a board member for Friends of Israel’s Defence Forces. Robert Shillman also provides funding for Rebel Media. Nina Rosenwald, the heiress to Sears, also funds James O Keefe and Project Veritas.
Your getting your entertainment, it isnt information more disinformation from weapon chemical manufacturers murders billionaire oligarchy funded shill.s who have benefited from the lockdowns and vaccine / testing kit campaign.
*Neil saunders Cambridge Analytica and the creation of right wing media
Keep posting Ananda you are quickly becoming my favorite commenter. Amazing posts following the $$😄 Controlled opposition is the only weapon they have left at this stage of psyop-19 As soon as I saw Malone and his theatrical Jehova Santa beard I knew it was time to grab the popcorn
Robert Shillman … great name,mine for our times …
Do you have any links to your funding claims?
Also do you have proof these reporters from Veritas or Rebel media believe covid does or doesn’t exist?
posting half truths to paint a picture.
“most famously on his failed “sting” on Acorn” Acorn had all it’s funding pulled and closed down as a direct result of the expose.
“failed “sting” on Acorn and Planned Parenthood, where he dressed up as a pimp and offered the companies the profits from his “trafficking ring” – two completely separate operations. The pimp and prostitute personas were for ACORN.
o’keefe was not arrested shortly after planned parenthood release – it was the two undercover journo’s, the case was dismissed in texas. they were charged and found guilty of various impersonation and invasion of privacy laws in california, however, there is a large legal contingent that do not agree with the rulings. I believe they are still under appeal, regardless, at no point were the findings of the sting ever refuted – which is the ACTUAL subject matter!
I”m not certain where you get your information on veritus donors from (publicly available records are very old now – however i stand to be corrected), regardless, they are a non profit, and will take donations from everywhere – who do you get your paychecks from? and if you pay yourself, who are your clients? literally irrelevant when the subject matter incriminate themselves. i dont care for politics, i care about exposing truths, and these guys seem to be the leaders of that at the moment. if someone else came along exposing labour corruption, great, republican corruption great, tory, democrat i literally dont care. just expose them all.
your hard hitting “facts” would be far better served if you told the full story, or at least got the story right.
since when did offguardian start writing garbage like this? looks you have an spy in your mist trying to discredit you.
We are the Mist Spies. You called it.
😆 Well … I definitely have a spy in my mist.
Rather a lot of Limited Hangout nonchalance in evidence the past week.
Limited Hangouts. #FUD Fear Uncertainty and Doubt.
“the gates of the technocratic prison will open automatically, despite their rusty ancient hinges, as soon as we choose to walk out.”
Lewis Mumford
Exposing the vaccines as bioweapon has begun! But is that planned?
This website is flypaper.
It offers nonsense theories in order to divide the opposition
as well as to detour the opposition.
Off-guardian flypaper:
1) Covid doesn’t even exist
2) The Ukraine War is Kabuki Theater, even the Russians are in on it,
in order to create a “false binary”.
Haven’t been here long enough to experience 3).
Believe I will leave before I do.
This website is flypaper for the opposition.
You know the MSM is bs and know enough to avoid it.
But you found your way here.
You are being detoured intentionally.
Get unstuck.
I appreciate your view but no one here is saying Covid doesn’t exist or that there’s no conflict in Ukraine.
The pandemic wasn’t a pandemic and the conflict in Ukraine is clearly being pushed harder in the propaganda media than any previous conflict ever, to quite insane degrees.
Offg focuses on the epidemiology which shows that 2000-2008 were deadlier years than 2021\22 in the UK, and this trend is repeated the world over. Nothing remotely occurred to justify the declaration of a cataclysmic ‘pandemic’ or justify the synchronous halting of world economies.
In fact hitherto unstoppable forces of global market capitalism were seemingly stopped in their tracks, crossing traditional geopolitical divides, even in countries whose workforce weren’t sick and were eager to return to work. The system was forcibly – literally forcibly – stopped.
This is unprecedented and, if the Ukraine war is an abrupt return to old normal it makes it all the more utterly, utterly bizarre.
However, if we entertain the notion that forces unseen can initiate a Global adoption of unscientific WHO pandemic protocol and freeze economies, it therefore seems illogical to assume it’s now merely gone away.
Enter the conflict in Ukraine which seamlessly took over where Covid left off in many ways… including supply chain shortages, failing stock markets and all-pervading fear among the main ones.
Whether it’s a genuine conflict once you strip away all the inflated media coverage does not matter in order to observe that the escalation in Ukraine was a VERY convenient fig leaf/distraction engaged in by two global powers who were both, on closer inspection, rolling out the Great Reset agenda very hard, including forcing jabs and curtailing human rights.
Maybe you think Russia is indeed playing 5-d chess and the world has got over its bout of Covid hiccups and all is normal… but let’s be cautious. And let’s not be binary and silly by accusing those asking questions of stating things they haven’t stated at all. 😀 A2
“I appreciate your view but no one here is saying Covid doesn’t exist or that there’s no conflict in Ukraine.”
That’s not the impression I have been getting?
Covid in general or covid-19?
Maybe you haven’t said there has never been a covid virus but haven’t you always said covid-19 doesn’t exist and it’s just a re branded flu?
What’s your stance on viruses in general? Do they exist?
We don’t know. It’s an interesting discussion, but we don’t need stances on all these things. We publish a range of views from a range of authors to help our readers reach their own conclusions.
Offg is pretty clear that we don’t think there was a pandemic by any reasonable interpretation of the epidemiology. If there is a virus known as Sars-CoV-2 then it got lost in a noise of unspecific PCR tests – meaningless tests which don’t even use assays specific to coronaviruses in general, let alone anything novel.
Perhaps someone did release something they expected would make significant numbers of people crazy sick and it vanished into molecular oblivion and TPTB had to start rebranding flu?
Or perhaps it was always intended to be just a smoke and mirror, test-driven conjuring trick from the get-go [Edit – A2] and no one released any ‘novel’ viruses?
Or perhaps it wasn’t a planned exercise at all but a product of a hive-minded, mass formation sort of hysteria, either chaotic/senile by nature or purposeful/sentient and dictated by a collective unconscious?
Whichever…, the epidemiology doesn’t show significant numbers of sick. There was no discernible ‘pandemic’ using any meaningful definition of the term. Thats that.
In terms of everything else, let’s have a discussion, but making the argument against lockdowns/masks/Great Reset etc. has sharply diminishing returns the more paradigms you attempt to dismantle at once.
I believe that sums up the Offg stance in my own words. I hope it helps. A2
Thanks for the reply Sam,,,,,,but this article and specifically this claim made here seems contradictory to your summary?
“But you’re NOT allowed to believe “Covid” doesn’t exist. That they just rebranded the flu to push through an authoritarian agenda.
You’re allowed to believe anything, so long as you concede that the “Covid” is a new, scary disease that requires special public health measures.
That is the big lie.
And this video – real or not – not only doesn’t challenge this lie, but actually 100% supports it.”
And your reply, ” If there is a virus known as Sars-CoV-2 then it got lost in a noise of unspecific PCR tests – meaningless tests which don’t even use assays specific to coronaviruses in general, let alone anything novel.
Perhaps someone did release something”
“And this video – real or not – not only doesn’t challenge this lie, but actually 100% supports it.”
So my question is how can you call Covid a lie then claim you’re not sure it exists?
I intended to give a few options, to illustrate it might be one of a few (or infinite) possibilities, but I said it was moot since there is no valid epidemiology supporting a pandemic in a any meaningful sense. I’ll amend to make clearer.
In this quote from Kit’s piece I think ‘covid’ in quote marks is intended more like CovidTM, rather than any specific element of the narrative. That’s how I read it anyway. I mean that’s a pretty throwaway line to slip in claiming Sars-CoV-2 the virus is 100% fake.XD I would usually expect Kit Knightly to expand on a bold statement like that, and I think it’s a bit of a reach to read anything more into it TBH.
I will inform the author though and see if he thinks a clarification is necessary. A2
Thanks for trying to clear it up.
Kit says “But you’re NOT allowed to believe “Covid” doesn’t exist. That they just rebranded the flu to push through an authoritarian agenda.
You’re allowed to believe anything, so long as you concede that the “Covid” is a new, scary disease that requires special public health measures.
That is the big lie.
Kit is saying the big lie is that covid exists then you say offG doesn’t have a say if it does or doesn’t.
The video doesn’t argue whether it exists or not just that Pfizer is mutating it, eg can of Fauci.
Then what lie is the video not challenging or what lie is it supporting?
This really need clarifying for everyone here.
Kit is pointing out that, as the covid narrative starts to break apart, as more concessions are made, the one thing it still appears is verboten is suggesting the Emperor is wearing no clothes
(ie. saying that according to the epidemiology, an actual pandemic played little part in shaping our lives in 2020\21; that many deaths were fully avoidable and caused by lockdowns, not a virus; that flu disappeared; by reminding everyone that no deadly virus raged out of control anywhere in the world, even in countries with no ‘pandemic protocol’ etc.)
This wasn’t a statement of belief, it was his observation, presented as evidence.
Sorry I didn’t make that clearer before now,
I think the video is perpetuating fear of a rampaging deadly virus. This directly contradicts the epidemiology which suggests it was neither deadly nor rampaging. The video also reinforces the notion of lab-engineered bioweapons/killer pathogens waiting to escape etc.
Whereas anything which helps deescalate the fear and point to the unglamorous epidemiogical reality is still very much verboten. A2
Kit is clearly saying you’re punished for saying covid doesn’t exist or that it was the flu re branded. That is the big lie he says.
“The video also reinforces the notion of lab-engineered bioweapons”
You claim that you not sure if CV2 exists then how can you say it being a bioweapon is a lie?
It’s one thing to say the response to the so called pandemic of cv2 was over the top.
But it’s a whole other thing to say covid doesn’t exist. Then say perhaps it does or doesn’t.
‘Covid’ (to reintroduce the quotes), as it’s popularly perceived, doesn’t exist.
Since we can’t prove a negative we can’t say for sure there’s no SARS-coV-2 virus. But we don’t need to even talk about this to argue against the Covid narrative.
I really can’t explain any better than this, so if you still don’t see my point let’s agree to disagree for the time being. 😅 A2
Isn’t this stance putting you in the same position as some on MSM like Fox. They are also questioning the lockdowns, jab mandates etc.
“This really need clarifying for everyone here”
I’m here, and you definitely do not speak for me.
Covid doesn’t exist.
It is a construction, a lie, it doesn’t physically exist in any way shape or form.
“You’re allowed to believe anything, so long as you concede that the “Covid” is a new, scary disease that requires special public health measures.
That is the big lie.”
Does CV2 virus exist? OffG, not sure.
If you’re not sure the virus exists how can you say it being a new scary disease a lie.
Because you assess the available evidence, Hank.
Do I believe in alien abduction? Not sure.
Did I get abducted by aliens last night? Well, assessing the available evidence – lack of implant marks under skin, no sensation of having recently been probed – I conclude no.
This weird convo is the only pain in my ass atm lol 😂
But seriously, I’m struggling to understand what you aren’t getting. Perhaps you should explain more.
Oh I get it.
Ah great 👍
I appreciate your point. But before we start attempting to dismantle major paradigms of Western medicine, perhaps we should ask…
What do people fear even more than covid?
Let’s deescalate the fear, not add to it,
When I’m on a date and try to impress I bring flowers and make up some bullshit story like I’m trying to save the Amazon.
Jordan Walker tells he’s date ” I mutate dangerous viruses”.
This website is flypaper for the opposition.
You know the MSM is bs and know enough to avoid it.
But you found your way here.
You are being detoured intentionally.
Get unstuck.
Thanks for the advice Levi…
Now you get unstuck.
Blablabla bullshit talking…just shove it up your ass, shut up and fuck off!!
I think it’s time OffG gave Jeff his own article to air his impeccably argued views.
I think what you are saying is:
This website offers nonsense theories in order to divide the opposition
as well as to detour the opposition.
Does anyone have proof these reporters from Veritas or Rebel media believe covid does or doesn’t exist?
Just because someone asks questions about the jab or covid doesn’t mean they do or don’t believe in covid.
If someone tells someone the doctor said they have covid doesn’t mean they themselves believe it does or doesn’t exist until you specifically ask them that question.
Now in saying that would they tell you the truth knowing the ramifications? I don’t have to tell you what they are.
Have not been at OffG that long
but thus far I have seen them promote 2 bs theories.
1) Covid doesn’t even exist
2) The Ukraine War is Kabuki Theater, even the Russians are in on it,
in order to create a “false binary”.
I defy anyone to find louder and bigger elephants than these ones:
1. Esther McVey fobbed off asking for investigation into excess deaths
2. Letter to editor re ABS figures

Esther McVey seriously.!!!!!
back ground check… NOT.
Give it a month and bill gates wife could do a Esther or Demonde swine or sir C3hristopher c3hope or a fake outspoken Andy B and you lot would swallow it WHOLE..
haven’t you learnt anything about propaganda ..?
Petra the queen of offg it is fake – fools for a fake.
simple application to fake as fuck.
has this creature MP was like a number 1 hit (pop song that charted for a week) in Europe and USA Canada OZ et and it was mainly woke ALT MEDIA Conservative outlets shilled his staged message literally at the same time.
I’d never heard of Esther McVey until I saw this question in parliament but just from the google response one-liners I can tell she has an “interesting” background. Even if it is staged if we take away the person asking the question and just look at the question and the ridiculous answer the elephant in the room speaks loudly, wouldn’t you say?
Please explain to me exactly how the question and answer work against exposing the harm caused by the vaccine.
LET ME jump in please on this one.
They can turn a hero into a villain then the villain back to a hero
Asking a question after the crime has been committed. 3 years later…
Crimes, she helped commit.
She is Conservative, just like Demonde swine or sir C3hristopher c3hope or a fake outspoken Andy B, They all endorsed the many vaccine/s boosters and lockdown/s and fake testing kits.
HER’s and there twitter feeds shows this.
3 years later – yes, 3 years later, when there on number 6 of the jabs in the U.K.
when it is fashionable and safe to ask scripted questions in parliament and the Conservative fanbase is dwindling, she asks a question which is internet fashionable.
She, Esther McVey your new hero launched agenda 30 Universal credit which killed and effected millions of mainly poor folks. She is a proper scum bag.
Maybe read some of Michael hoffman Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare…READ IT properly.
Stop buying into internet bullshit.
They can turn a hero into a villain then the villain back to a hero again.
Give it a year or so and bill gates EX wife could say similar and you lot would swallow it WHOLE.
Actually, just to say the Liberal politician, Alexander Downer, who has so got to be in on this scam, tweeted this. But I fail to see that even if he’s in on it how the question he asks doesn’t point to the elephant in the room. I must say as someone not versed in UK politics even if I can see Esther McVey looks dodgy it doesn’t have the same impact as when an Australian politician who I know is as creepy as all get-out calls out the problem. It does seem weird I have to say.
As the article and commenters suggest, it’s all very dodgy. When you belong to Team No Virus by definition you cannot give the “revelation” any credence.
From someone who was a research assistant at Astra Zeneca.
… my thoughts on the video of Pfizer employee Jordon Walker … I find it very fishy. Very fishy indeed. Here’s why.
I was hired as a research assistant at AstraZeneca in August 2002. During my orientation, I was shown an hour-long video about corporate espionage. It very specifically warned about exactly that type of situation. It mentioned how critical it is, being an employee of AZ, to ALWAYS be conscientious about NOT DISCUSSING WORK TO NON-AZ EMPLOYEES. It even gave examples, such as “if you are out at a party or bar and drinking alcohol, do not allow yourself to get so intoxicated that you might maybe possibly divulge confidential information to non-AZ employees.” Research assistant is (almost) the lowest of the low in terms of positions, but in fact even the technicians whose job was to change cages or wash glassware were given the same instruction, shown the same video. In fact, every single employee at every level doing every job was very specifically warned not to get drunk in situations where it may possibly perhaps be the case that confidential information could be attempted to be solicited from you.
To boot, the way he speaks seems too… too obvious. He says things to the effect “don’t tell anyone this”. Really? The entire thing beggars belief.
But almost everyone is taking this at face value. Which is interesting and maybe even surprising itself. Is no one else at all suspicious? Hmm…
As far as what might really be going on… I haven’t got even the smallest faintest clue. Not even an inkling. Above my pay-grade, as the saying goes. But something is definitely not on the up-and-up. No way.
People were told not to do something
and they did it anyway.
Welcome to planet Earth.
Yes, of course, they do but when you put all the pieces together?
We must awaken to the simulation. It’s all fake…including you. They have trapped you in a fake reality of sexual perversion, human sacrifice and evil. Awaken to love, all possibility, all knowing, unpredictability and consciousness. We are only the energetic ‘I’ in all this illusion. Thanks, Kit.
I gotta laugh at the reader comments. Virus? No virus? Commentaries by persons who most likely don’t even read research studies. Links to “experts” who are not currently employed in any “expert” or specialized field of medicine.
Then there’s the printed echo of propaganda, propaganda, propaganda, when it’s obvious that the entire monetary culture is hooked on propaganda and lies.
I posted a few comments regarding the probable existence of viral pathogens. The responses were humorous. So let me ask a few pointed questions: >
1.) Do military and civil medical research facilities exist somewhere on planet Earth? Yes or no. What do the employees of these facilities “do” every day?
2.) Do persons within civil populations sometimes experience disease? Yes or no.
3.) Do persons within civil populations ever experience symptoms of illness? Yes or no.
4.) Do pathogens exist? Yes or no.
5.) Can pathogens kill people? (I know that’s a tricky one.)
6.) Why do we need thousands of persons employed in the practice of mutilating life for profit? Profit?
Hey Paul
Proven fact that they discovered some 2 dozen+ biolabs in the Ukraine
Hello charles kint: There ya go – spoiling all the fun with those pesky facts. Here’s a couple links to further spoil the fun: >
List of Ukraine biolab documents reportedly removed by US Embassy
March 11, 2022
List of Ukraine biolab documents reportedly removed by US Embassy | Sharyl Attkisson
Is Ukraine Destroying Evidence of US-Funded Bioweapons Programme?
By Rhoda Wilson on March 7, 2022
U.S. Department of Defense awarded a contract for ‘COVID-19 Research’ in Ukraine 3 months before Covid was known to even exist
by The Expose’
April 13, 2022
U.S. Department of Defense awarded a contract for ‘COVID-19 Research’ in Ukraine 3 months before Covid was known to even exist – The Expose (
Major Covid/Biowarfare Articles
Covid/Biowarfare Articles – The Unz Review
It Wasn’t a Lab Leak, it Was Intentional
December 12, 2022
It Wasn’t a Lab Leak, it Was Intentional – by Spartacus (
Excerpt: “The notion that a virus leaked from a lab, and then, massive political macrostructures clicked into place all over the globe to suppress people’s fundamental freedoms, overnight, is an absurdity. Every part of this required years of deliberate planning and malice aforethought.”
And on and on. It’s a good thing there’s no such thing as a virus. Otherwise, we’d really be in trouble…
I’m willing to answer these. (you were only slightly rude, for once)
I am not claiming to be confident about these answers. I’m looking for dialogue, I want to learn as much as I can from any and all possible sources. I consider myself pretty open minded, not simply a broken record stubbornly convinced with my own notions. (nobody’s perfect though)
I do try to read the studies, and frankly find them, often, to be ridiculous; but realize it can be because I am misunderstanding.
Oh, and I noticed you said ‘regarding the probable existence of viral pathogens’.
1.) Yes. I don’t know.
2.) No, if you are implying there are discreet diseases, each defined by unique etiology.
3.) Yes
4.) Yes (Bacteria can make you sick, plus other things like fungi and parasites etc etc, but they don’t have to make you sick, they can in certain circumstances)
5.) Yes, but it always has to do with strength/virulence of pathogen vs. strength of host. Tricky thing is what we call a pathogen can be a beneficial in another situation, so it isn’t ever the pathogen that is the sole cause, it is only part of the picture. (Terrain?)
6.) Um, you don’t have to convince me that weaponized biological science is diabolical.
Hello nmism: I appreciate your replies to these questions. Seems most people aren’t even bothering to ask…
I agree that reading studies on PlosOne and other research publications, isn’t exactly gratifying or enjoyable. I seldom ever did it out of boredom, and was never entertained by the “no conflict of interest” statements…
Public dialog needs to shift away from propaganda paradigms, and on to rational discussions regarding a total BAN on genetic engineering. We don’t need these ghoulish assholes, at all…
No one’s denying pathogens exist, they recognise bacteria for a start. What they say is no virus has been isolated and been proven to exist. It would certainly seem as though there are pathogens other than bacteria that cause illness but as they’ve never proven we simply don’t know how they work if they do and the thing is:
— Not everyone gets sick despite exposure
Virology (and vaccinology) are simply bogus sciences, it’s that simple.
It’s the same with nuclear weapons. They haven’t been proven to exist although in the case of nuclear weapons we simply have no good reason to believe in their existence whereas certain types of illnesses seem to suggest pathogens even if we cannot find them.
The pulverisation of the twin towers on 9/11 and the recent blast in Beirut strongly suggest that nuclear weapons exist. There was also the Vela incident during the Carter administration.
Simon Shack of September Clues has suggested that the footage of the towers is fake and I wouldn’t be in the least surprised. They send us off on all kinds of paths in regard to the exact nature of the destruction of the towers when I can’t see how it would make any sense other than to use conventional methods. They destroyed all seven WTC buildings plus a few other buildings in the vicinity. So they used nuclear for 1 and 2 but not for 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 plus a couple of others – or they used nuclear for others too? Why would they do that? It makes no sense.
Here are 5 unasked questions about 9/11:
1. Why is it we learn of the Dancing Israelis from mainstream media when the Dancing Israelis story is at odds with the Arab terrorist story?
2. What is the purpose of the Dancing Israelis story?
3. Who do you think more likely had a major role in the destruction of the WTC? Controlled Demolition, Inc (CDI) a massive demolition company holding world records for destroying large buildings and an impressive safety record who was hired to clean up the rubble or the Dancing Israelis?
3. Why were deaths reported in WTCs 1, 2 and 3 (the Marriott) but not in 4, 5, 6 and 7?
4. Who orchestrated the partial evacuations of 1, 2 and 3 and the full evacuations of 4, 5, 6 and 7?
5. Why did hospitals in Manhattan report no dead and injured being brought in when 3,000 people died and 6,000 were injured?
Placental mammal, you need to understand the most salient truth of 9/11 … and the propaganda strategy employed to hide it.
I remember early on when people were trying to understand September 11th
a theory gained some prominence – “mini nukes”. Mini-nukes were used to bring down the towers.
What was the purpose of this “laugher”?
To throw those that didn’t buy the official story off track?
To send investigators down a dead end?
To divide the seachers for truth amongst themselves?
To wreck the reputation of the so-called conspiracy theorists?
I am reminded of the above when I hear of those that doubt the covid virus even exists.
The Pentagon and Flight 93 crashing in a PA field were both fake i.e. no planes involved which is akin to the fake COVID “virus”. Also, remember building 7 at the WTC fell down without being hit by anything!
Stew peters ‘Died Suddenly’ was ‘Theatre for the Braindead’ woke alt right.
Woke Right wing outfit Indian Jones Rebel Media outwitted 5000+ Swiss guards not including CIA Mi5, Mossad & private security teams to get that close n personal to Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer in Davos (try not to laugh)..
Then independent investigative journalists Project Veritas who target audience is the woke alt right and Project Veritas being funded by the same organizations who fund Rebel media… Imagine that…coincidence!!! they then released their latest undercover report:!! a week after rebel media.
Pfizer again!! and why do they all concentrate on Pfizer.? Fantasist bullshit Mike yeadon CEO Pfizer LOL, Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer LOL and now this biggest load of horse shit aimed at the woke alt right.
And boy did they swallow it…
Just in case that is hard to understand for the woke minded.
All theses fake as fuck exposes are funded by the same organizations that fund Conservative Republican christian right wing talking points mixed with woke the woke alt right..
In case you didn’t notice: Rebel news was one of the few media companies whose reporters actually reported on the tyranny of the Covid operation. For that I am truly grateful to them. We can thank Rebel news for reporting on the various protests of these past few years when none of the mainstream media would.
As far as I know Davos isn’t a private town. They caught up to Bourla on one of the public streets and somehow you think that’s impossible to do? Your obvious bias appears to be blinding your viewpoint.
Sweetie, they’ve said nothing which wasn’t mainstream news 10 minutes later.
The idea of real TRUTH media and journalism is cutting edge ground breaking not something that Cia tuc tuck will say in a weeks time on fox666.
Mixing bullshit with wutang lab bat wetmarket with man of belmonty gain of lack of brain functioning isn’t news.
The only thing missing from there disinformation is moslems wet market trying to spread islam covid terrorists wearing burka masks.
And just like that. pif paf puf numerology astrology literate state sponsored terrorists disappeared in 2020.
And Rabbi media relaunched it self again during covid after telling everyone to vote right or else.
There about as trustworthy as the local pedo working in a school.
Woke alt right, gee that’s a new one.
So now because they are funded by the same group that makes it suspect? Prove any wrongdoing?
Any proof these reporters believe that covid does or doesn’t exist?Just because reporters ask questions about covid doesn’t mean they believe everything about covid.
Just because a doctor tells somebody they have covid and they then tell someone they were told by a doctor they have covid doesn’t automatically mean they believe that diagnosis.
101% funded by the same oligarchy gargoyle M.I.C
Hank, your so woke alt right.
I couldn’t even be bothered to watch the clip. My immediate thought was exactly as this article concludes from ‘NOT allowed….. How many times and in how many ways will the narrative be reinforced, especially when it seems to be waning. How many times will some folk be drawn in, yet again?!
And it keeps working. I’ve seen social media connections of mine, big and small, posting this video like this is the smoking gun that will awake all of humanity. I give up.
Please don’t give up. Keep on plugging. We’ll get them! Or die trying anyway, right?
As to whether this or any virus really exists, I’m trying to keep an open mind but believe the riddle itself irrelevant and doubt it will ever be resolved. In my view, only what the pseudo-pandemic has revealed about the true nature and transformation of our society, and the ongoing attempts by our rulers to abolish Reality are vital and worthy of our complete attention.
Thank you for your comment. it’s a proper lighthouse.
Can you please continue?
I’m listening and paying attention.
Hello Maria. I’m touched by your reply and will try to live up to it. I’m away and occupied with family matters in a southern covid penal colony and only today rejoined the fraternity with a couple of minor contributions in the same vein.The thread is nearly three weeks old and I hope you receive this response. Stephen
I think that P Veritas “release” is just another fake publicity/false flag stunt. Most of the medical establishment (and their many followers) even if against the latest quaxine still has themselves convinced that the C-19 virus ACTUALLY exists. That in spite of there being no credible evidence to prove it. Not to mention the lame-ass gain of function narrative. If those in the medical establishment admit that, then, they would have to call into question the entire virology myth. To me this is the real Matrix. That NO one wants to leave. So ALL of the players are avoiding the elephant in the room by chasing their tails in hope that things will somehow work out in the end. I for one have taken the proverbial “red” pill and can see that this all just a game to distract everyone from realizing that the real threat is that WWIII is on the horizon.
I admire your dauntless skepticism but trust it hasn’t become a reflex. Rather, I tend to share this view:
This is the crap that the Daily Sceptic publish. Scepticism my arse. The readership and publishers are unfortunately part of the problem here, unanimously and without question subscribing to the same dogmatic groupthink as the covidians they love to sneer at. If they could bring themselves to the understanding that there is a REAL POSSIBILITY that there is no virus, we would be in a much better place. But their role in this medical military operation seems to be to push the “virus is real” narrative come what may.
This is a war. We are at war. If you are unquestioningly pushing the killer virus narrative you are fighting for the government ie you are your own enemy and you are part of the fabric which will usher in more laws and terrorism and change on the back of something WITH NO TRUE HARD EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT IT.
To understand this war in more detail, I strongly recommend this Anna De Buisseret interview, where she explains the legal and military angle of this, as a lawyer who has served in the military from a strong military family who appears to be a true patriot, not like the traitors we pay to combat war against our people, who are even waging against their own troops with these insidious jabs. Tragic times.
Anna de Buisseret w AJ Roberts (
One method of warfare they do not mention is that the light is now weaponised – street lights, car lights, house lights even, the new LED lights, are all set to the blue light part of the light spectrum, which is harmful to health in a multitde of ways. So now light is a weapon of war and you literally need to wear anti blue light safety glasses just to go out at night. To keep everyone safe, of course. Love from your Satanic owners.
Aren’t they just the best:
Featured news – “Blue light” of LED streetlights linked to breast and prostate cancer – University of Exeter
The Vaccine Debate Has Gone Off the Rails – By Design
By Helen Buyniski | Helen Of Destroy | May 30, 2019
“If health authorities are serious about converting the anti-vaxxers, they will have to stop thinking in terms of war. This means engaging in civil dialogue, instead of refusing to debate the other side, and listening to parents’ concerns – even treating those concerns as if they come from their own minds and not nefarious Russian influence campaigns – instead of censoring all criticism. It means conducting more safety studies, studies not funded by pharmaceutical companies or other institutions with a vested interest in the products being tested, and publicly admitting that even the Centers for Disease Control acknowledges certain pre-existing conditions can interact with vaccines to produce devastating developmental disabilities. It certainly does not mean treating anti-vaxxers like plague-loving brainwashed zombies.”
Their behaviour is irrational in the extreme – we are talking about peoples’ bodies, health and lives here, and the suggestion that more rigorous safety evaluations to ensure that their rinse and repeat fraudulent sales pitch of “safe and effective” actuallly holds water is met by the typical reaction of these criminals ie they behave as if the suggestion of foul play means you are mentally ill, that there is something wrong with you for even suggesting such a thing. Then they have all these “anchors” (I think that’s what they are called in NLP speak – they use NLP on people to get them to behave like idiots) relating to being seen as a conspiracy theorist – these are trigger points which kick in when the suggestion of the scum indulging in foul play is raised. So they use social stigmatisation techniques to make it unpleasant and difficult to be opposed to them, which whips people into line and gets them to behave. It’s important to untangle these knots they have tied people up in, because once people are consciously aware of their methods, life becomes a lot more difficult for these trickster occultists.
“independent investigative journalists Project Veritas”
Project Veritas alive and well on Them-Tube still & misdirecting the gaslighted..
Russell Brand and Kim Iversin Cover Bombshell.
Mark dice is about as ‘independent’ as Project Veritas.
Walker just had to say ‘WUHAN’
(China China China)
I’m a-waiting Sean Penn to confirm the argument.
I think this video is a melodrama that could be called “Now I’ve Got You Pfizer Sons Of Bitches”. Witness the scenario where the heroic ‘undercover’ agent-provocateur gets the gullible Pfizer rube to, as they say in Latin, sit cattus de pera. The dead givaway is when the raddled Pfizer rube agitatedly says “please don’t tell anyone”. My nomination for this ‘epic’ is a Styrofoam Logie.
Is there a way of taking these discussions to a different forum? Some neutral ground where say Paul Vorhanish or Rhys Jagger and I and others could have a concentrated dialogue? Vorhanish seems like he couldn’t be bothered, seems very dismissive and haughty. Rhys seems like a nice chap though – I would like to be able to stop clogging up OG forum … is there some app for this? I know, not savvy. I always imagined just going to the end of some old article with a inactive chat and resuming the dialogue there but I bet Admin wouldn’t be to happy about that … am I right?
You’re welcome to go nuts here talking about virus theory, I guess. I think it’s pretty on-topic, provided we can acknowledge it has limited relevance to the 2020 ‘pandemic’, since it was sold on fear rather than any tangible threat from any virus. A2
The only obvious truth is “cash cow”. Humanity is now their cash cows. Anyone stupid enough to believe their cow bells… omg the level of ludicrous is just off the charts. As they get more desperate to cover their con, they just expose themselves more. Pinocchio complex.
OMG! It sure is. I just re-read and re-published a critique of SARS 2003 written in 2003 by UK health writer, Steven Ransom, which included a mocking of the cv image very similar to the one used for this “cv”. The sense you get of rinse and repeat is extraordinary.
Many Doctors (including ‘Dr’ Jordan Walker) and scientists believe it’s real.
That doesn’t mean it is.
They work under the (incorrect) assumption that it is; that it has been purified, etc.
They believe that it mutates, hence delta and omicron etc…but when asked how they test for these different strains, they can’t say.
Because this Walker idiot says it’s real matters not a jot.
The video also confirms “regulatory capture” and the pandemic is a cash cow for Pfizer that will keep on giving, with endless boosters forever.
As if the video never existed Salon issued an article yesterday that sounds like it was lifted
from Pfizer’s game plan.
“Simplifying the vaccine: Why a new COVID booster each fall could be the norm moving forward”
<I>An FDA advisory committee recommended a major overhaul to how COVID shots are issued</I>
“Now, we finally have some vision of the future of COVID vaccination from government public health officials. This week, the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC), an independent advisory committee for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), held a meeting providing insight on what an endemic COVID-19 future might look like. Specifically, the committee voted in favor of phasing out the primary two-shot series that targets the original SARS-CoV-2 strain and vaccinating individuals moving forward with the latest formulation that targets more recent subvariants.”
Great article Mr. Knightly, particularly the list of everything which will now not get you banned, and the one thing that will, i.e. that there is and never was a Sars-CoV-2 virus, and the kickoff to the scamdemic was an utter fraud regarding its existence. The first major figure to claim this TTBOMK was David Icke, who claimed early in the game that there was no SARS virus, and that by arranging this hoax, it was far more convenient for the scumbags, as a real and dangerous virus could spin out of their control. Next on the list was Andrew Kaufman, with considerable expertise in molecular biology, who composed videos which deconstructed the “peer reviewed” papers on the claimed purification of the “virus” as well as its pathogenicity and showed that both were based entirely on circular logic and totally bogus pseudo science, which of course also discredited the fake rt-PCR test.
But a third debunker came to my attention only this past month, an Indian-American by the name of Poornima Wagh. She has had extensive lab work in California in the molecular biology of fungi and bacteria and then went onto to a PH.D. program in virology and immunology at a respected UK university. I recall it is named The School of Tropical Diseases or something very similar. She was granted her Ph.D. in both fields very reluctantly during her defenses in both fields. The interview I am referring to was 2 hours long and titled It’s All Junk Science and can be heard at
She goes several steps further than even Icke. She claims that even if the viruses existed, the technology to genetically alter them does not exist at all, and the whole gain-of function weaponization of viruses is total bullshit. But she goes a step further than this in a claim that even startled me. While I was sure, that the infamous spike protein did not exist in nature, I did believe that it was created as a bioweapon and then back engineered as a mRNA producer. Wagh claims that she has coordinated an international group of (I believe she said 18) molecular biologists and analytical chemists from around the planet. They have been collecting hundreds of samples of the western “fake” vaccines of all the major brands. Their most mind boggling discovery was that none of them contained any genetic material. Not only is the virus a hoax but the mRNA fake vaccine is also a hoax. What the vaccines did contain was an assortment of toxic chemicals, including but not limited to, reduced graphene oxide, aluminum oxide in nano form, a large variety of heavy metals, hydrogel (a recent and rather mysterious invention of DARPA) and others toxins. Wagh claims that the fake vaccine bioweapon is totally chemical and not biological. All these chemical toxins are capable of producing the reported “adverse events.” She also noted that there is no variation in the types of chemical toxins throughout all the brands of fake vaccines, but the concentrations of the various toxins in relation to one another varies greatly not only between brands, but within the brands. However, all the samples contained all the toxins and there were no “placebo” vials. One might conjecture that the variation of the concentration of toxins might be to cause a sort of time release affect to the symptoms, some manifesting immediately and others in months or years. One might also conclude that all the brands of fake vaccines had the same manufacturing site, and the brand differential could well be just a cover story.
She maintained that they could not detect the spike proteins in any of the samples despite many antivax MD’s and scientist maintaining that they are finding them in organs throughout the bodies of people adversely affected. One must look closely at the methodology for this detection. A protein is not considered to be genetic material which must be composed of RNA or DNA. The highly respected pathologist, Ryan Cole, who is strongly anti mRNA vax, did an extended interview last month on The Highwire composed of a video from his lab. He showed micrographs of damaged cells in which there were brownish spots which he labeled the infamous spike protein. I sent him an email through his contact page asking if he could explain to me how these spike proteins, which are by definition far smaller than the purported virus, could be visible under a light microscope in which viruses themselves are too small to be seen. I just got a boiler plate response which did not address this simple question. I am not saying that it is impossible, as DNA strands with their adjoining glycoproteins can be stained to be visible under light microscopes.
I have found my bullshitometer running close to 100% throughout the scamdemic and actually several years preceding it. My evaluation of Wagh’s testimony is that it is truthful with a probability of 99%. Not only would she have to be a knowledgable molecular biologist but also a consummate and well prepared actress to pull this off. Though their are small portions which would be difficult to follow if one were not a life scientist or organic chemist, in total it is quite understandable to the lay person and even somewhat enjoyable due to Wagh’s very expressive and frank delivery. I would recommend that anyone replying to this extended comment listen to the full interview first and if critical, time stamp the object of criticism.
Poornima has never provided a shred of documentation to back up her claims, and her story about having 2 PhDs could not be confirmed ( You might have noticed she seems to have disappeared.
Meanwhile, there are loads of other people exposing the virology fraud, many of them listed here:
And we have 3000 pages of “virus” freedom of information responses and court documents, from 211 institutions in 40 countries – including 52 Canadian institutions – none were able to cite even 1 document where the alleged virus was found in and purified from any human on the planet; in other words they have zero science showing the existence of “the virus”:
Here is my notarized declaration regarding the blatantly anti-scientific nature of virology and the fraudulent nature of everything to do with “COVID-19” (attached):
I am quite familiar with most of the people you put forward in your reply. As to Kaufman, and Rappoport as well, I consider them both essential in the fake virology debate.
Just out of curiosity, do you have any opposing opinions to the substance of Wegh’s assertions, and if so what? For example, are you a proponent that the purported vaccines actually do contain the mRNA molecules claimed by their purported manufacturers, and that they do not contain the toxins she claimed?
I mentioned Ryan Cole in my original comment. He also debunked the graphene hydroxide claim, by showing a large crystals of it in his optical microscope. I remember that he claimed that these were salt crystals though it may have been some other common substance. Graphene is a moderate sized planar molecule, only one carbon atom thick, and not only is it invisible in an optical microscope but an electron one as well. Simply too small. AFAIK the only reliable way to measure it is with Raman Spectroscopy, which is not visual. I had the highest regard for Cole, but with his knowledge and intelligence, this really makes me wonder how he can claim such a thing.
Or is your argument solely with her bonafides, which I have not attempted to investigate. Regardless, I would not expect her to publish in JAMA or The Lancet, and her claimed group of chemical analysts around the world doing the actual laboratory work as well. Point of Knightly’s article above is that this is the red line of our masters, and they play very rough when one crosses it.
It’s not just about her academic credentials or where she publishes. She disappeared because none of her claims stood up to any scrutiny (from within the alt movement the mainstream; they put the ‘truth’ in the mouth of a fool/clown/jester who could be immediately dismissed. Like Malone, Trump, Desmet, Stew Peters, Veritas, Tuckerrr etc (I know those are disparate and unrelated but they are all employed by the same mafia) They are another side of the ‘kraken’ dialectic—‘full spectrum dominance’ and all that The fact that They have to work so hard and have these actors play the role of truth tellers proves my humble thesis that the Cabal is completely desperate, backs against the wall, completely illegitimate which has been the case for their entire parasitic operation going back to ancient Sumeria
See Celia Farbers post on Klaus Schwabs “sermon on the mount” 😂 at Davos:
An awesome substack that someone linked here; she had a great interview with Lara Logan you can find here:
Christine Massey thank you for your work in the resistance you are a legend 🙏
I thank you Cristine Massey for your tireless work! Very much appreciated. May the sun shine on you forever.
A quick question if i may, has Imperial College London responded and also the Doherty Institute in Melbourne?
Thank you.
I agree with your words on Cristine Massey. She is a saint as far as I’m concerned
I thought the Kevin Corbett interview was particularly good at going over the claims made by Poornima –
I have been mulling over our disagreement over the validity of Wagh over the past day. First, I would summarizing her two most important statements in that long interview as follows:
1) Successful gain-of-function weaponization of viruses is a fraud simply because the technology to do it does not exist.
2) The fake vaccines do not contain any genetic material. No RNA, no DNA. The deaths and infirmities they cause are due only to the chemical toxins in them. They are not bioweapons; they are chemical weapons of personalized destruction.
Cui bono from publicizing these statements? Certainly not Big Pharma, Bill Gates, or their handlers. If the miscreant cabal behind the scamdemic and clotshots are willing to kill tens of millions of people, would they not take out a person or small group researching these possibilities? So it would not surprise me that Wagh would take some minimal precautions, first of which would include a pseudonym. Though with the Deep State resources, this would undoubtedly prove ineffective.
The the only reason I could think up of her making these untrue statements in her interviews is as a goof. Maybe like those Russian comedians several years ago who would call up brain dead American politicians saying that they were important Russian officials and then put the recordings on the internet. Do you think Wagh is just goofing?
Jon Rappoport
Informative. Thanks. Sasha Latypova’s link on the experimental and fragile production process may explain the variations in poisons.
“But you’re NOT allowed to believe ‘Covid’ doesn’t exist. That they just rebranded the flu to push through an authoritarian agenda.
You’re allowed to believe anything, so long as you concede that the ‘Covid’ is a new, scary disease that requires special public health measures.”
“COVID exists” and “COVID is a scary disease that requires special public health measures” are two beliefs that say completely separate things. Make up your mind, or at least stop conflating the two.
The latter — as we here all recognize — is value-loaded propaganda driving us into totalitarianism, in a dozen different ways. But rebranding the flu doesn’t make the flu not exist, nor that it can mutate, nor that the ridiculous COVID “public health” programs made (and continue to make) it worse. Nor does it make the Wuhan lab not exist, whatever the hell it and its-partners-in-crime the American feds are up to.
To me, using the phrase “COVID doesn’t exist” sounds too much like the George Floyd protesters who were shouting “Defund the Police”. It’s a gross oversimplification, good intentions that eventually lead to deadly misdirections. Because people are still experiencing “COVID”, or “the flu”, or whatever you want to call it, as well as the medicine-associated perversions linked with it, the message backfires.
I take that point, however this was a deductive statement by Kit, rather than definitive. It was inviting us to draw our own conclusions. The only things it appears we can’t acceptably do is be moderate and point to evidence which deescalates the fear – eg. absent flu, or excess deaths which don’t make sense in terms of a spreading pandemic and weren’t as excessive as we were led to believe when compared to previous years.
This, no matter how you slice it, is a pointer to the core of what’s taking place her, applying a fun spin on the oft-quoted expression often misattributed to Voltaire ‘if you want to know [what] rules over you, simply find out [what] you are not allowed to criticise.’
Got snagged by the spam filter … could you kindly fish it out when you get a chance…? Thanks (I think…)
Ahh I’ll get it now 👍
Thank you.
Hi Sam,
Hows the pending on all my post going?
It’s still being referred to the technical folks. The site is quite a delicate balance and run on a shoestring, without man-hours to spare it’s easier said than done troubleshooting these things sometimes. I’m trying my hardest to clear all pendings asap and please rest assured your posts are being seen, you aren’t being relegated to some backwater. I hope that’s something. A2
Thanks again.
Thank you.
“The only things it appears we can’t acceptably do is be moderate and point to evidence which deescalates the fear”
I don’t agree that this is the one thing that can’t be criticized. (I had a longer post on this originally that I scrapped.) From my vantage point here in the northeast US, it does not stand out from the rest. The norm is to accept all mainstream (authority) opinion on COVID, and reject all non-mainstream opinions. People may still converse in private on what seems fishy, and I see the absence of COVID identifying markers is one of them.
So, as I said, to start, we ought to de-conflate this. Could we acknowledge something’s getting people sick in unusual new ways (certainly now including the hospital “treatments”, and since 2021 the jab), and recognize we’re in a fog of war?
I take your point but, due to its foreboding nature, it’s a risky direction to head in. Excess deaths are up in certain places, not attributed to ‘Covid’, but that’s how averages can work and perhaps it’s too early to say what’s going on, if anything? The ‘pandemic’ resulted in certain hotspots of excess deaths, it’s true, but there’s very good reason to think these were mostly institutional, due to hastily-adopted pandemic protocols. Rancourt and others have done some interesting work on this.
This may well be due to alarmism and until we know more perhaps it’s better to err on the side of caution before we acknowledge anything further?
Blanket fear, or free flowing anxiety as Desmet puts it, or mass hysteria, or whatever, leaves humanity vulnerable. I think I’ve learned this much over three years. A2
There is zero science showing the existence of the alleged virus (same with influenza virus and every other alleged virus); no virus means no coronavirus disease. That is not to say that people don’t get sick. It’s the alleged cause that is made-up.
I don’t reject this out of hand. But, in summary, what is the real cause (or causes), then, of the excessive respiratory deaths (before the jab)? Thank you.
I attempt to answer this elsewhere. A2
Possibly the flu vaccine.
Early on I suspected the virus might be a scapegoat for a failed flu vaccine, i.e. one that made the flu worse. Countries with high flu vaccine uptakes seemed to have the highest numbers of deaths. The stakes were high because no-one would trust vaccines again if a really bad flu season was found to be the result of flu vaccines. I doubt the mrna shots were an antidote to their flu vax though, and so one must wonder why they were pushing the jab so hard or was this just hysteria driven?
I’m far from certain that any “excessive respiratory deaths” occurred. Excess deaths, yes. But I suspect they can easily be attributed to the *effects* of panic and despair.
“covid is a scary disease…” – can be discounted, precisely because no covid virus has been shown to have been isolated.
Yes, people are still saying – “I’ve just tested positive for covid” and they’ll tell you how ill they feel. But sorry, that proves nothing. Sure they have something, probably the flu.
Remember Tanzanian Pres. Magufuli? He tested a goat and a paw-paw which, if I recall correctly, tested positive. But that wasn’t allowed from such a prominent figure and tho’ in good health he suddenly died…
“[T]ho’ in good health [Tanzanian Pres. Magufuli] suddenly died…”
Yes. From “the flu”.
I don’t care about tests, and I certainly don’t respect any of the forced things being done by captured gov and medicine in this shitstorm.
But these are additional people, before the jab, who were dying of something. If it’s a “bad flu”, then it’s from a “bad flu spread”. How’s that? Does that work for you/us? …AND it still may have been artificially generated. I’m sorry, I still don’t get the shutdown of the virus angle..
Denis Rancourt and others have done compelling work, by studying just excess deaths and leaving ‘cause’ by the wayside, which indicates most excess deaths were in hotspots linked to institutionalised people, frail and/or old, who relied on the healthcare system and who were hit hardest by hastily-introduced ‘pandemic’ protocol, inc. sudden social isolation and curtailed healthcare. Tied closely to hospitals and other healthcare institutions.
All these deaths began synchronously across the globe, coinciding with pandemic propaganda, not indicative of the organic spread of an airborne disease.
There was so much fear propaganda and healthcare was curtailed in unprecedented ways in all the regions which suffered excess deaths it’s probably extremely hard to draw any hard or fast conclusions. The parameters were shifted in unmethodical, unscientific and very sudden ways.
Even so, age-adjusted all-cause mortality was average in this millennia in the UK, for example, and similar in the US and elsewhere. The fear convinced us otherwise.
Nowhere did an illness run amok, even in countries which had zero or lax lockdowns etc.
It’s a strange picture that has many causes, but the fact still remains that ‘Covid’ had extremely generic symptoms, with the average mortality above average life expectancy, with an average of two serious underlying health conditions/co-morbidities per victim. The ‘test’ wasn’t specific and when used en mass in populations it generated huge numbers of erroneous positives. It wasn’t even testing for RNA fragments specific to coronaviruses, let alone one specific, novel coronavirus. Also the flu miraculously disappeared.
Whereas a lot of people would wish otherwise and seek a single, simple, unifying cause, many feel it’s actually extremely complicated. A2
Thanks, Sam, for summarizing this. Fair enough.
I’m aware, at least, of very weird goings-on at Elmhurst Hospital in NYC (the US’s first celebrated “epicenter” of COVID), not far from me, and the quite early April(?) 2020 video undercover expose by a visiting nurse there.
So I’ll pursue your info and this angle further.
Yep my unvax bro who never really bought into the nonsense suddenly rings me and tells me he has gotten covid…really….yes I have been very I’ll and lost a lot of weight being nausea etc….so it must be covid….
at that point I sort of give up re humans….everything needs a label so I guess covid will do if one gets I’ll…thankfully he isn’t rushing off to be vax in case of another bout.
@Richard – My partner and I had classic flu symptoms in November last year and during that time I did a few lateral flow tests out of curiosity All were negative. During the Christmas break, she experienced another illness and tested positive for almost two weeks and said it felt less bad than the flu. Another side effect she mentioned was the loss of taste and smell for a few days. While my partner went through this, I carried on as usual and didn’t get ill, and all of my tests continued to be negative. I’m not vaccinated, so found it interesting that I felt fine. My partner had the initial two-part AZ shot in 2021, but no boosters. We’re both fairly healthy and in our 50s. I’ve yet to catch whatever this ‘new’ thing is.
So a shill responses to a shill. 😂
I downloaded this link in 2018 – long before the continuing Plandemic fiasco. Readers keep playing the “no virus” card as if it trumps the ongoing slaughter of their autoimmune systems and protects the DNA of their grandchildren. I digress…
Physiological origin of biogenic magnetic nanoparticles in health and disease: from bacteria to humans
Int J Nanomedicine. 2017; 12: 4371–4395
Published online 2017 Jun 12. doi: 10.2147/IJN.S130565
Clue: Viruses don’t exist in isolation… Get a grip.
Oh so the cartoon images of the ball with spikes on it that you can find on the nih/cdc sites are not viruses? (I know, just kidding…) So what are in the EM images you referenced? Are those viruses? They’re not isolated there? What are they combined with? Your inferring that they are there in combination with something else?
It’s not a “card” that is being “played”, it’s reality. And it matters because it’s the entire basis of all the convid tyranny and all the harm caused via belief in imaginary viruses.
Ah ha…so this may be why when the eclipses in communication signs get in difficult aspects to the current position of neptune many humans will believe wholesale that some new virus has appeared and is coming to get them….worked for aids so why not covid?
Ah, Neptune. Master of subterfuge, illusion, addiction, emotional manipulation, and sudden violence. Liz Green wrote an excellent book on Neptune.
Wonderful poem by Yeats. I read it years ago, and enjoyed reading it again. Thanks for posting.
The dude could very well have been lying.
The dude could also have been telling the truth.
Yes he could be lying and or telling the truth or some combination of both. If what he said constitutes a crime it would be nice to see some prosecutor questioning him or questioning Pfizer under oath to see what they say then. If I tell someone I’m a contract killer and they tape the conversation and show it around shouldn’t the police come and question me or follow up on the alleged crimes i claim to be committing. In this case it seems like everything this guy says is pretty iffy. I believe he would fold under questioning. At this point getting him unfolded might be difficult.
Food for thought (seen online) ….
Deeple translation into English below
1) Les tactiques utilisées par la partie russe ne semblent pas avoir pour objectif une victoire. Par exemple à Kharkov, après avoir organisé un référendum à la suite duquel plusieurs habitants ont reçu un passeport russe, l’armée russe a contre toute attente reçu l’ordre d’abandonner la région, non seulement laissant les habitants à leur sort, mais en “oubliant” de prendre avec elle le registre des noms de ceux qui ont adopté la nationalité russe. En conséquence, l’armée ukrainienne, a pris des mesures sévères contre ceux-ci, voire les a tués. Ceux qui ont pu fuir l’on fait laissant tout derrière.
Les sites stratégiques ne sont pas ciblées par les attaques, mais les habitations et l’infrastructure civile.
2) Depuis 2014, la Crimée est peu à peu dépeuplée de ses habitants autochtones qui sont acculés à vendre leur propriété à moitié prix, à fermer leurs entreprises, et à partir, au profit des Moscovites, amenés pour repeupler la région. Depuis février 2022, la mobilisation a fait fuir un nombre grandissant de locaux.
3) Le gouvernement russe, proche de l’OMS, est tout autant investi dans le projet d’un monde numérisé que d’autres gouvernements.
4) L’Est de l’Ukraine et la Crimée sont des territoires très attractifs de tous les points de vue, climat, fertilité du sol, très bone irrigation, les minéraux dont le souterrain regorgent
Tout cela fait penser que cette guerre a été longuement mûrie par les élites internationales pour libérer ces territoires de leurs peuples et pour se les accaparer pour elles-mêmes.
Pourquoi alors cette destruction: car il faut tout détruire avant de reconstruire.
Ce serait aussi une raison pour généraliser la guerre. Il pourrait d’après certains y avoir des évènements pour augmenter les peurs de population baignant déjà dans l’anxiété permanente depuis 2020 afin d’aller en ce sens — des : false flags” comme Pearl Harbour. Bien sûr cela ne veut pas dire qu’elle sera de la même intensité partout ou même qu’elle aura lieu partout, mais ses conséquences seront mondiales.
Tout comme la 1ere guerre mondiale a permis une révolution industrielle et économique qui était nécessaire pour maintenir le profit, à savoir l’électrification, le but est maintenant la numérisation pour les mêmes raisons. Elle facilitera notamment la régionalisation, la levée de certaines frontières. D’ailleurs des cartes récentes coupent le monde en région et comme on le sait, diverses organismes travaillent à démanteler la souveraineté nationale pour la remplacer par des autorités régionales sous les ordres d’organismes internationaux, voire d’un gouvernement mondial.
Mais cette révolution est bien importante, et pour son succès nécessite une bien plus grande destruction que seule une guerre chaude peut apporter.
Des “pandémies”, des famines, une inflation galopante, et des guerres contribuant notamment à créer des déplacements de population massives, et mettant celles-ci totalement à leur merci.
Ces méthodes, même celle de la fausse pandémie avec la grippe espagnole, ont fait leur preuves, alors pourquoi en changer ?
1) The tactics used by the Russian side do not seem to be aimed at victory. For example, in Kharkov, after holding a referendum, as a result of which several inhabitants received Russian passports, the Russian army unexpectedly received orders to abandon the region, not only leaving the inhabitants to their fate, but “forgetting” to take with them the register of names of those who adopted Russian nationality. As a result, the Ukrainian army, took severe measures against them, even killed them. Those who were able to flee did so leaving everything behind.
Strategic sites are not targeted by attacks, but homes and civilian infrastructure.
2) Since 2014, Crimea is gradually depopulated of its indigenous inhabitants who are forced to sell their property at half price, close their businesses, and leave, to the benefit of Muscovites, brought to repopulate the region. Since February 2022, the mobilization has caused a growing number of locals to flee.
3) The Russian government, close to WHO, is as much invested in the project of a digitized world as other governments.
4) Eastern Ukraine and Crimea are very attractive territories from all points of view, climate, soil fertility, very good irrigation, minerals that abound underground
All this makes us think that this war has been long matured by the international elites to free these territories from their people and to monopolize them for themselves.
Why then this destruction: because it is necessary to destroy everything before rebuilding.
This would also be a reason to generalize war. According to some, there could be events to increase the fears of the population, which is already in a state of permanent anxiety since 2020, in order to achieve this – false flags like Pearl Harbour. Of course this does not mean that it will be of the same intensity everywhere or even that it will take place everywhere, but its consequences will be worldwide.
Just as World War I allowed an industrial and economic revolution that was necessary to maintain profit, namely electrification, the goal now is digitalization for the same reasons. It will facilitate regionalization, the lifting of certain borders. Recent maps cut the world into regions, and as we know, various organizations are working to dismantle national sovereignty and replace it with regional authorities under the orders of international organizations, or even a world government.
But this revolution is very important, and for its success requires a much greater destruction that only a hot war can bring.
Pandemics”, famines, galloping inflation, and wars contributing in particular to the creation of massive population displacements, and putting them totally at their mercy.
These methods, even the fake pandemic with the Spanish flu, have proven themselves, so why change them?
Could you link directly to this please? Thanks, A2
Not sure if the link will work if you’re not a member of the Telegram channel. Also, not sure what the sources of all the above is, but the channel belongs to someone who has been actively involved in the resistance movement since day one. Be that as it may, the stuff makes perfect sense.
Interesting observation about Russian tactics. I can’t access this telegram chat, what is the name of the group. Do they allow anyone to join?
Géopolitique et Manipulation
If what you’re saying is that this war in Ukraine is a contrived false flag operation by the criminal gang running both sides for a sinister end then I agree 100 %
It’s disheartening that many think Putin is a hero who opposes the NWO. Everyone knows Biden is a 100% puppet. Why does anyone think ANY politician has any real power? The Trillionaire Elite who OWN the Central Banks have the real power. The politicians and the billionaires and the WEF are just their front-men and errand boys.
And logic says if it is all strung out past the spring plant and a large % of the farming population has been killed the next event is mass starvation of those who have been dependent on Ukraine wheat…and no doubt blackrock will see to the one day redevelopment of agriculture there…
Edith – Russia produces far more wheat than Ukraine and have happily suplied to all – when the west has not blocked it! The ‘starvation’ myth has been a wesgtern ploy.
How to Destroy Russia. 2019 Rand Corporation Report: “Overextending and Unbalancing Russia”
By Manlio Dinucci
Global Research, March 10, 2022
How to Destroy Russia. 2019 Rand Corporation Report: “Overextending and Unbalancing Russia” – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
No one really cares, as long as they can entertain themselves with video games and movies.
Whether you think it’s real or not is very bad for the Pfizer brand and business.
How many here have said it was fake in public to strangers?
If Veritas said it they would have the whole medical establishment, MSM and a lot of the population against them.
This video and the Davos one with the Pfizer CEO is very bad for business and I don’t know one business that would want it.
Timing is everything. Drip drip then flood.
While the virus & GOF we all know are BS, the real question is was this whole interview by O’Keefe and this guy just staged. I sincerely doubt a real Pfizer exec would give out this info, and it certainly didn’t look like a real fight when he came back. I’m starting to get bad vibes about O’Keefe.
Did anyone find any research papers this exec has written? He seems awfully young to be head of a ops Dept at big Pharma. I vote this is all BS and the author here Kit should have noted these discrepancies more clearly. O’Keefe did not and seemed to become a secret info Guru right at Covid….hmmm
Did anyone find any research papers this exec has written? None.
No trace of the good doctor Mylo C PhD:
I vote BS too.
I put it at WWF level. The screenwriting was awful and the actors are no Ian McKellans.
The guy used the word “like” ten times in the span of a minute and a half – I’d be shocked if he has any post secondary education. The second video, imo, confirmed PV’s full participation in this theater. What is useful about this episode is it revealed all the people who instantaneously leaped to comment while seemingly taking everything in the vids at face value, at least some of them surely understand what they just watched.
A (Jewish) “masturbator” says,
without being scolded for it by
his host, America should finally
make room for all non whites of
the world and make them RICH.
Thank You, mr. Knightly, and all of the OFFG team. That’s why I respect you: you don’t fall for the lie that at least some of the ‘Big Guys’ are good, and so you’re not expecting any rich, powerful and/or influential messiah to save us from ‘The Elite’, as – unfortunately – most of altmedia do, and you’re not afraid of the truth that there is no Elon Musk or Donald Trump or the like figure to save us, so we need to put all our hope in God and ourselves, not in them puppets.
They come to suck your blood:
“Inside the medical trial that could save us — and the NHS
Our ageing population is one of the greatest threats we face. But Our Future Health’s Dr Raghib Ali has a solution: just work out how to keep people healthier for longer….”
Thousands “intrigued by an invitation that recently dropped on their doormat” will flock to sites where they will “be greeted by a beaming team of phlebotomists and nurses. They will have a full medical and roll up their sleeves to provide a blood sample….
It may reveal they have the early stages of a disease. Or – more likely – if they are at risk of one. The findings will be linked to their GP records, correlated with the answers to lifestyle questions and updated through the years to come – ideally, until death.”
“Two thousand a day is not enough though. They need 3,000. They need to do one million a year, five million in five years. The numbers are daunting in this, one of the largest medical trials ever conducted. If they are to succeed, one in ten of us will need to sign up – both to the scheme and to the idea that there is a completely new way to do healthcare.”
This from The Times telling us about the Times.
(Not that I’m one of them mad conspiracy theorists but you don’t suppose that this “taking blood samples” may be another way of sneaking something INTO your blood?)
The first known mention of the idea that the coronavirus might have originated in a Chinese lab appeared on January 9 2020 in a report by Radio Free Asia (RFA) aka CIA. Author Dean Koontz (who wrote: CIA Flaps and Seals Manual 1975) eerily predicted the coronavirus outbreak in his 1981 thriller “The Eyes of Darkness.”
The fictional novel tells the story of a Chinese military lab that creates a new virus to potentially use as a biological weapon. The lab is ironically located in Wuhan, China and the made-up virus is called Wuhan-400.
Yet more fear and ‘predictions’ that have already been scripted & ‘planned’ to come true.
There was a 2015 Nature paper on GOF of bat corona virus, at the bottom there was a box from the journal, “this paper is not related to Covid-19”
When your creepy uncle says “It’s our little secret” you know something is about to go very wrong.
“a state of the art research laboratory”
“State of the art” is a term designating the most recent stage of development in a particular field. It in no way means that whatever the state is is the ultimate achievement, the ultimate discovery.
The current utterly conceited smarty-pants civilization is convinced that they’ve unlocked the secret of life, that they know it all, probably because they’ve finally figured out how to make cars that don’t rust so much.
A while ago, the state of the art was that thunder and lightning are the expression of God’s wrath.
The viral theory appears to be full of holes and the fact that they have state of the art labs, just like they had opulent churches in the past, means big shit.
It’s a distinct possibility that the whole virology business is a cul-de-sac of science, complete bullshit. It’s also a distinct possibility that science has its limits and people will never be able to use the “scientific method” to get to the bottom of everything. They might just have to acknowledge that there’s no point of doing that either.
Excellent summing up.
The Pyramids weren’t built, nor could they be, using today’s “advanced tools”. Just one example i refer to idiots who use terms like “it’s 2023, we should….”
Kevin – do you have any actual basis for saying that the pyramids couldn’t be built today? Can you justify this statement?
Well said Kurt and Kit.
Although I don’t doubt that our tech has advanced a lot, mainly due to war and intelligence service needs, the rest of the story seems to be mostly hubris and wishful thinking.
We can design a virus to do x, y and z but we can’t actually show you a whole virus here and now in a human/animal, alive, doing its virusy business. Yea, really.
Let me know how well you do when some pharmaceutical moron stumbles upon a new life form that snuffs your silly ass…
No comprhendo meine friendo.
You’ve probably failed to understand that the above essentially says that technology is NOT science and that possibly not even science can find an answer to everything.
“some pharmaceutical moron”? [hands him a mirror].
The only narrative reinforcement is that big Pharma have no idea about how to control covid, only want to make money and don’t care about your health, mutate viruses aka gain of Fauci, and lie.
Whether one thinks the virus is real or not this is terrible for business and your brand.
Now Project Veritas are not going to come out and say it’s all a fake as that would put them up against the whole medical industry and MSM and a lot of the population. You have to chip away at it and get the timing right before you go down that path.
How many people here went out in the public in the last 3 years and yelled out to the masses it’s all a fake? Sure you might say so online in anonymity or to friends and family and who knows if the people of Veritas don’t do the same.
There are good people out there using convid against the cabal and Veritas is one of them. Pending the public feeling out there it will be drip drip then flood.
You wouldn’t have even seen this kind of thing 2 years ago along with Pfizer CEO getting questioned at Davos. The tide is turning big time.
The scamdemic has been planned for years (2003 and 2009 were the test drives).
Pfizer is a key player on the implementation team receiving directions from the planning team which has been directing the evolution of the NARRATIVE (not the “virus”) from day one. You only need to look at the cliinical trial docs filed by Pfizer and Moderna in spring 2020. The boosters were already planned back then.
There IS need to direct the NARRATIVE: giving instructions and talking points to the media, the editorial committees of “serious academic journals”, the regulators, the policymakers, medical boards and of course, the sheeple. The narrative on the scariants is driven by the Pango network which classifies the “sequences” and decides which ones to terrorize the sheeple with. A POLITICAL decision, not based in The Science(TM).
That scientist guy was talking a lot of nonsense in the Project Veritas “scoop” both dumbing down and trying to glamorize what he does for a living.
The whole business of “virus genome sequencing” is a dodgy lab and computing exercise based on mathematics. So there’s need to for anyone to direct the evolution of covid.
Listen to Dr. Cullis who developed the lipid nanoparticle in the mRNA clot shot.
They ALREADY had a partnership with Biontech for a “flu vax” long before 2020 and Biontech ALREADY had a partnership with Pfizer long before 2020….
Hello stupor: Obviously, Mr. Walker was attempting to impress his date, and he wasn’t talking complete nonsense. DNA and biotech research has been ongoing for well over three decades.
The question should be: “Why do we need genetically altered life forms”? All the rest is expensive entertainment.
This feels like the GVB op slightly rehashed…
But GVB was a better actor, e.g. the fake tears on Bigtree’s HighWire, and the scripting was better. On the other hand, with only one actor, the scripting is simpler.