Fear of Inconvenience

Todd Hayen

Everyone is asking the question: Why can’t people see the obvious? Why can’t people believe what is going on and stand up and do something about it?

And we have heard a lot of possibilities in response, from mass psychosis to 5G affecting the brain, to totalitarian brainwashing, to raw fear of death and illness, to the loss of critical thinking skills.

All, or most of these things may certainly be in place, but this is possibly not a “one reason” answer to the question. I for one have seen people utterly terrified of the “virus,” as well as people not at all afraid of the disease, but with no interest in going against authority in a stable and structured culture (so they think).

I’ve seen people who have no clue there is any resistance to the mandates and if there is, it is coming from hillbillies living out of touch with reality. Even the “New World” Google definition of “psychosis” includes an example:

[psychotic people] may be worried that the government is trying to harm them and their loved ones.”

That includes you and me, folks. Welcome to the loony bin.

I saw a post from a long-time Facebook friend the other day: “Well, it finally got me, after 3 years staying indoors and away from people, two Covid vaccines and three boosters, I finally got Covid. It is horrible! I can’t stop coughing, I have a fever, and every time I swallow I feel like I am swallowing glass.”

The post is followed with dozens of sympathetic responses: “Got it too! Hang in there!” “Prayers for you, five shots later I have the same thing.” On and on.

What is it with these people? Have they REALLY not heard at least a rumour that the vaccines MIGHT be unsafe, MIGHT not be effective? Really?

I sincerely can’t answer that question. Maybe they really haven’t heard even a rumour of truth, which opens up a whole new discussion. And then if they have heard something why hasn’t it at least gotten them curious, or cautious, at least a little bit?

And you would think that if this person were proudly exclaiming their misfortune in getting whacked with the bug after being so careful to do everything to avoid it, they would put two and two together and not be so proud of their ineffable stupidity.

I almost posted my flippant response: “Well, thank god you got all those shots!” But I refrained because I knew the irony of my comment would be lost, eliciting the reply, “I know!! I would probably be dead if I hadn’t!!” They can ALWAYS say that…ignoring completely that everyone on that side of the hill said, from day one, “You will not get Covid if you take these shots.”

“Oh, oh, oh…that’s ok they said that, they just didn’t know. You know, they didn’t know EVERYTHING about the shots, they had to move so fast to save humanity,” so say the little lambs.

How come if they readily make that as an excuse when it comes to efficacy, why can’t they present that same explanation regarding the purported safety of the vaccine? “Oh, I know thousands are dying, but, you know, they didn’t know EVERYTHING about the shots at first…blah, blah, blah, baa, baa, baa” Selective logic.

Maybe it is because they have not died, or been horribly compromised, other than the “not so bad” glass shards in their throat and suffering a 104 temperature for a week. “At least I’m not dead.” I wonder if when they actually DO die from the vaccine-induced failure of their immune system, they will say, right before their last breath, “Well, at least I didn’t die of COVID…dying from the vaccine is just the price we have to pay to keep from dying of this wicked virus.”

I met a guy the other day who told me he contracted Bell’s palsy right after taking the fourth jab. He treated it like you would treat a sore arm after a shot. “Oh, that’s nothing.” Really? “At least I didn’t die.” And why would that even be an acceptable possibility after taking a vaccine for something (Covid) that would probably be less invasive than Bell’s palsy? What weird logic reasoning, “spooky science.”

More than likely these people are embarrassed to admit their decisions were totally ludicrous and irrational. They have to make up some reason for their actions. “Oh, I drank that glass of arsenic that burned out my stomach lining and put me on my death bed (only a few more hours to live!), because I had some parasites in my stomach. Those bastards are dead for sure, at least I didn’t die from THAT.”

Although this may be a possibility, it would have to be an unconscious realization. And it would have to be dependent on the supposition that at least their unconscious was aware of the truth. I never get the impression that people’s egos are so big that they have to consciously make up a story to save face. It may come to that for some people. But right now I really do not think the realization that they are fools is conscious.

People are always making stuff up to rationalize their irrationality in making stupid decisions. Many people make up stuff to keep themselves from looking stupid, or feeling stupid. The key here is that these rationalizations are compelled unconsciously.

Otherwise we (those of us who do this) would be liars. And most people are not chronic liars (I might be an unconscious liar at times, but I don’t think I am too often a conscious one). As for this Covid stuff, the unconscious reason to make up stories that fit our actions could be largely to avoid an inconvenience.

Most people who do this probably are mortified (unconsciously at the moment) they have done something so preposterously stupid as to allow an injection into their body for no good reason (and honestly, there never was a good reason). I do think when the truth really hits the mainstream they will get angry and blame everyone who was lying to them, maybe not, but if they do, this will be horribly inconvenient.

They will then have to scream and yell at everyone responsible, politicians, doctors, friends and family, etc. That’s a lot of work and a lot of energy. Since this awareness is not wholly conscious yet, why not just go along with it all (the illusion). Accept SOME inconveniences like a bad case of SOMETHING causing symptoms—what they conveniently call Covid, or the flu, or whatever else it might be.

Another inconvenient truth they would have to accept is that all us “anti-vaxxers” were right, and all their sheep friends were wrong. That is very inconvenient.

Their whole world will come crashing down, and that is the most inconvenient event imaginable. Much easier to just continue to play along, until there is no choice but to accept the truth, which is for the most part pretty dark, and, of course, quite inconvenient.

Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here


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Feb 7, 2023 2:06 AM

What will follow is anti-vaxxers being blamed for the lack of “togetherness” in this country as those who took the fatal shot try to make us forget we lost friends, our jobs, and on occasion had a permanent wedge driven between us and our families. We were spat upon, treated like a plague, and we will NEVER FORGET nor allow society to forget. So the next stage is blame because of our accurate memories.

K. Cavan
K. Cavan
Feb 5, 2023 5:29 AM

We’re in an unprecedented situation, who knows what might happen if millions of people arrive at the inevitable conclusion in or about the same time?
I have a feeling, however, that it will not happen like that, there will be no realisation, no return to reality. So cold & hard, you know?
They will, mostly, go to their graves, many prematurely, never knowing what happened, because the facts will never be allowed to become Knowledge, suspended just below the surface, til death.
How very strange.

Feb 1, 2023 11:07 AM

I have heard, maybe a hoax I don’t know, but apparently us unstabbed are to blame for the illness and death of the stabbed because we did not tell them that it was all bollocks and there was absolutely nothing to fear. The very same people who bury their dis-functional heads in the sand and then wonder why they keep getting fucked up the arse!
I reckon us ‘conspiracy theorists’ are up to around 25 – nil now. Why do I still try to refrain from saying I told you so?

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Feb 1, 2023 6:16 AM

“give me Convenience,
or give me death”

Jello Biafra, “Dead Kennedy’s”, 1980.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Feb 1, 2023 8:15 AM
Reply to  Mann Friedmann

What a fabulous line … but sadly … his fans call him out at least

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Feb 1, 2023 5:01 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Oh well!
I guess one never knows who will cop out…
i didn’t expect him.

Jan 31, 2023 10:33 AM

During the Great Irish famine from 1845 to 1852 about 1 million people died. The fungus “late blight” was ravaging their potato (and tomato) harvests, their mono food source, while the London elite kept this sheep colony poor.
In 2015 a GMO potato was developed from naturally resistant varieties. So what did Ireland do? It tried to ban these and all other GMOs!
The Truth About GMOs causing fear of inconvenience for the woke.

Any human discovery was used for good and bad; did we ban bronze or steel production because weapons can also be made of them?

Jan 31, 2023 4:29 PM
Reply to  Antonym

Thanks for proving my point about woke…

Stop The Prison Mentality
Stop The Prison Mentality
Jan 31, 2023 4:43 PM
Reply to  Antonym

In 2015 a GMO potato was developed from naturally resistant varieties

Did you read that before you typed it?

Do I need to point out the obvious patenting of nature for profit? Should I also point out the extortion racket of getting farmers hooked on having to grow this garbage.

Maybe we could play a game of, How Many Times Has The Fascist Corporations Tried To Enslave The World Through It’s Attempts To Steal Our Food Supply.

Feb 1, 2023 1:27 AM

In the West many things are patented; why single out vegetables? Selective indignation, the hallmark of the woke.
I am not a fan of endless patenting but do like an inventor rewarded, for say 25 years. Would that research have happened without a reward in sight: no.

Also the use of pesticides can come down a lot with that potato variety.

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Feb 1, 2023 6:11 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Food is a right; not a commodity to be exploited.
Monoculture creates pest problems. There are many other agronomic processes that do not require the use of “bio-cides”. Pesticides don’t just kill the “target” insect.
Patented GMO creates ownership of the food supply.

Further, the problem wasn’t the fucking potato: it was the serious level of oppression the British meted on the Irish.

The Irish would have eaten other things if the Brits weren’t so barbaric.

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Feb 1, 2023 6:11 AM
Reply to  Antonym

One could just change to a resistant variety, rather than the Mammon Worship approach.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jan 31, 2023 1:33 AM

Another inconvenient truth they would have to accept is that all us “anti-vaxxers” were right, and all their sheep friends were wrong. That is very inconvenient.

Scott Adams accepted it which is big of him. He’s derided for only admitting that the anti-vaxxer heuristic of “don’t trust the government and big corporations” rather than simply good critical thinking was more reliable than his “fancy analytics” but the thing is, it’s a very good heuristic and, in fact, the worst thing about opposition to the vaccines is that all the people who oppose them are not aligned on why. There is so much variation in the the reasons for the opposition stance and I think variation in the opposition views massively undermines it – something we all know the propagandists encourage as much as they possibly can but which certainly happens naturally anyway.

Scott Adams Anti-vaxxers win – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C41GCgyG4mI

From Day One I claimed there was no virus purely on the basis of my understanding of psyop MO.

1. They indicated they were perpetrating a psyop with obvious clues, eg, virus supposedly found in snakes and pangolins, people falling flat on their face and laid out on the ground and various other extremely obvious absurdities.

2. They do what they want for real and fake the rest. I mean, doesn’t that make the most sense for a psyop? As psychiatrist, Anthony Daniels tells us, propaganda doesn’t work better the greater it corresponds with reality it works better the less it corresponds with it – so there is simply no reason on earth for the perps to do things for real in a psyop unless they want them for real. If it’s a psyop we know they only want us to believe in a virus, they don’t want one for real and a real pathogen wouldn’t be controllable according to their narrative anyway. Psyop MO screams so loudly no reality pathogen-related.

And then honest, brave scientists revealed all alleged scientific evidence for a novel virus was pseudo … and so very much more about the bogus sciences of virology and vaccinology and previous epidemic/pandemic scams.

But how many people are anti-vax from the root argument – there is no novel virus? 20% maybe? There’s a whole spectrum of different reasons which isn’t at all helpful so in a sense the heuristic “don’t trust government and big corporations” is really a good yardstick to work with.

When there’s no novel virus all other argument unfortunately turns into a kind of distraction propaganda because if there’s no novel virus all other argument becomes moot.

What I’ve noticed is that we all think very differently even if we’re aligned in our willingness to disbelieve authorities. My identical twin thinks so very, very differently from me although from Day One both of us didn’t believe in a virus.

How I aim to find the truth is to peruse all the information available from the various sources, for and against, etc and put the jigsaw together from all the pieces and then ensure all new information continues to support my chosen hypothesis whereas my sister has a filter operating where she decides that certain information means certain things, end of, she doesn’t need to canvass, she’ll just say Piece A must mean X, Piece B must mean Y or she’ll demand certain pieces to decide if something is true that I don’t think are necessary. She also responds to arguments so much with “But that could be …” whereas my tendency is to ask “What hypothesis does that piece of information support better?” I wonder how it is with the same upbringing and genes we really think so very differently … but if that’s the case for identical twins then what hope is there? Those in power know, they understand our inclination-to-believe profiles perfectly and tailor their propaganda accordingly.

Jan 31, 2023 11:15 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

From Day One I claimed there was no virus purely on the basis of my understanding of psyop MO.??

says the poster who posts , Esther McVey

another one of Esther McVey selling the agenda 3o dont go out of the area.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jan 31, 2023 1:21 PM
Reply to  Ananda

Regardless of who Esther McVey is please explain how her question about excess mortality and its response by the health minister does not highlight an elephant in the room situation? Australian Liberal politician, Alexander Downer, who surely to goodness must be in on the scam also asks about 15% excess mortality in a tweet. Regardless of who he is …

Feb 1, 2023 11:10 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

For dogs sake, NOT ANTI-VAXXER just CHOSE not to have it!!!!

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Feb 1, 2023 11:56 AM
Reply to  semaj

But my point is the reasons for choosing not have it cover a wide spectrum when ideally the reason would be the same for everyone – there is no novel virus – but it isn’t. For some people it’s just they believe the vaccine hasn’t been tested long enough, for others they can see that it’s harming people, for others it might be previous reactions to vaccines. Do you see how it’s better when everyone understands the fundamental reason not to have the jab? Of course, if you’ve studied jabs and you recognise that all jabs throughout history are based on fraudulent science then that is an equally good reason not to have it this time but to not have it because you think it hasn’t been tested long enough isn’t as good a reason as recognising there is no novel virus. It makes a difference that the opposition to the jab is not all for the same reason.

Feb 2, 2023 3:04 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

To add a thought to your comment – nobody has seen a virus yet. It is not scientifically proven at all that viruses exist. The virus idea is just a hypothesis. Similar to the results of a PsyOp, you start with a lie and embellish all else. Nobody questions the basic premise, which is…a lie.
(For reference re: viruses don’t exist, check out Dr. Lanka (GER) trial to prove the point – and he won.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Feb 2, 2023 4:04 AM
Reply to  Ati

I’m with Team No Virus, yep, know all that, however, I think in the case of this psyop the most fundamental we should really go is there is no evidence of the alleged sars-cov-2. There may be arguments for going even more fundamental with “no virus ever been proven” but my chosen level of fundamental is the science is completely fraudulent for sars-cov-2 … but I accept there are arguments for going further.

Jan 30, 2023 4:45 PM

I have always said this, inconvenience is the very worst outcome for most westerners

Jan 30, 2023 12:44 AM

It certainly is difficult to come to terms with just how effective their brainwashing techniques have become, and how susceptible to it the majority seem to be…

Jan 30, 2023 12:14 AM

These people who fear inconvenience are procrastinators. They put off the fear of things until tomorrow when it will be more convenient. Then as tomorrow approaches, their self-talk becomes “I need more time to procrastinate”.

Jan 29, 2023 8:20 PM

Pretty much all of the convid believers are avid tv watchers. Regular watching of tv hypnotises / mind controls the watcher, lowering their frequency which massively reduces the chance of them waking up.
Whereas the awakened can barely watch tv.
I have started telling everyone I know I don’t watch tv cos it’s full of shit. People seem to laugh and agree even if they watch it often.
I believe this is planting a seed.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jan 30, 2023 4:55 AM
Reply to  ZenPriest

The Gospel reading a day or two ago was from Jesus, Himself, speaking of seed planting, comparing the arrival of Heaven as indiscernible as the growth of a seed under the soil, totally unseen and unknown…until one fine day.

My personal favorite, as seeds go, is Hope. Hope is an amazing spiritual “quantum” that often disappears altogether, underground (or undermind) for a season or more.

Until one fine day.

The big point to me is that we don’t plant the seed and we don’t tend its growth out of sight. At best we cooperate.

The greatest gift is to participate. That is the finest day.

As Bach’s great theme I hear “Wachet Auf” as timeless music.

“Sleepers Awake.”

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 29, 2023 7:49 PM

Excellent article on Left conspiracy-phobia:


I like this quote from “German writer Eugyppius, prompted by an analysis of the murky circumstances of the 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa,” who “observed parallels between the activities of anti-terror security forces and the pandemic planners”:

“All of this confirms my growing conviction, that the pandemicists have begun more and more to function like the anti-terror establishment, in that they’ve established a symbiotic relationship with the ills they’re meant to cure. Just as a non-trivial number of terror plots (foiled or otherwise) turn out to be anti-terror entrapment and infiltration schemes, so too I think we’ll increasingly have to wonder how many of the scary viruses paraded before us by the pandemicists would ever be an object of concern, if it weren’t for the pandemicists themselves. Every bomb that goes off in an urban centre represents an increase in the funding and the regard of the anti-terrorism security services, and every new virus outbreak redounds similarly to the advantage of the pandemicism establishment. And just like their anti-terror counterparts, the pandemicists maintain tight control over information about their activities and interests, preventing this dynamic from ever coming to wider notice.”

There is also this musing on what I think is clearly – indeed unavoidably – deep state manipulation of this “Left”:

“I wonder how much of the dismal behaviour of Left activists during the covid period can be ascribed simply to adherence to outmoded patterns of thought or crude credulousness. I am sorry to say that there is probably something more sinister going on and that many Left organisations and institutions have been captured by hostile interests, and that there are individuals in leadership or influencing positions who are not acting in good faith. How else to explain the perverse strategies and inexplicable campaigns?

This didn’t start with covid. It’s been going on for years. Why is activist energy dissipated across so many causes? Why are there so many ‘revolutionary’ groups? Why are they all obsessed with single-issue campaigns and sectional ‘liberation’ interests? Above all, why has the Left never sustained a powerful political challenge to the apex parasite of our world, the banking and finance system, in the presence of which all other considerations melt into air?”

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Jan 29, 2023 8:41 PM
Reply to  George Mc

L.I.N.O ? Or – blame Gramsci for the ‘Cultural Turn’ ?
Michel Foucault might know.

Jan 30, 2023 6:54 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Ebola: I remember all those brave volunteers going to W Africa to help. At least one of them forgot the script – to isolate herself – when she returned to US, and was arrested.

Jan 30, 2023 6:55 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Above all, why has the Left never sustained a powerful political challenge to the apex parasite of our world, the banking and finance system, in the presence of which all other considerations melt into air?”

That’s it — in a nutshell. After WW2 Hitler’s Jewish banker laughed in the faces of the Nuremberg investigators: “Nobody hangs a banker”. Well, in Communist China they hang crooked bankers. In Putin’s Russia they cut Oligarchs down to size — or exile them to Snatcher Britain and Raygun U$A. Even in Attlee’s Britain and FDR’s U$A they taxed the rich — way back in those “thirty glorious years” of postwar socialist prosperity for the people and “ruinous” taxation for the plutocrats.

Vote Communist in the next election. If there is no Communist candidate, form a cell and publish a manifesto: Tax increases for the Oligarchs. Tax breaks for the people. And the noose for TB.Liar, non-voting Director in House of Rothschild.

Jan 30, 2023 11:47 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Thanks George.
Great link.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jan 31, 2023 7:36 AM
Reply to  George Mc

… so too I think we’ll increasingly have to wonder how many of the scary viruses paraded before us by the pandemicists would ever be an object of concern, if it weren’t for the pandemicists themselves. Every bomb that goes off in an urban centre represents an increase in the funding and the regard of the anti-terrorism security services, and every new virus outbreak redounds similarly to the advantage of the pandemicism establishment. And just like their anti-terror counterparts, the pandemicists maintain tight control over information about their activities and interests, preventing this dynamic from ever coming to wider notice.

George, as Francis Richard Conolly says in JFK to 9/11 Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick, the film that started to wake me up to how the world was run:

All terror is fake

I thought it was a big call at the time but started to realise it isn’t. All terror, whether bombings, mass shootings, pandemics is fake. They’re all terror and they’re all fake.

A large number of the cases of Spanish Flu were bacterial pneumonia which even the mainstream admits to but they say the BP was led to from the flu when it wasn’t. Vaccination and overdoses of aspirin led to that condition. Look at the absurd figure for the Spanish flu in a graph on this former NHS statistician’s substack. His figures really expose a lot of the medical fraud.
My comment has links to pages analysing the fraud

This film exposes the hoaxes that are Zika Ebola and Anthrax

The other day I was chatting in my local cafe with a political guy who’s a Muslim from South Lebanon with whom I often chat about staged events and he mentioned an Israeli attack in a mosque in Hebron in 1994 referred to as the Cave of the Patriarchs massacre. I’m like, that’ll be fake. While my friend is very willing to accept fake Muslim terror he’s not so willing to accept fake Israeli terror, he’s not so willing to get that at the top they’re all in it together. He told me that that event started a war. I’m like, all the more reason for it to be staged, all the more reason!

So I looked it up and it definitely had that fake terror feel, the man carrying his little son with bandages and blood on him and the guy on the stretcher not showing anything wrong. I watched an interview conducted 27 years later with a guy in a wheelchair who pointed to a scar on his throat. No doubt the scar was real and the guy really was confined to a wheelchair … but did this circumstance arise from the alleged shooting? He said that the mosque was 2 or 3 km from his house implying it wasn’t his normal local mosque but didn’t say why he decided to go there that day. Rather convenient, no, not his usual mosque and he also said that unusually the Israeli soldiers guarding the mosque separated the men and the women when men and women, in fact, normally pray separately … which seemed to me one of their little signs they always give. The shooter’s Wikipedia bio isn’t very convincing either.

Israeli press reports claimed that Goldstein refused to treat Arabs, even Arab soldiers serving in the IDF, believing it was against Jewish laws to treat non-Jews even for payment.

I’m not sure the IDF would be OK with a doctor not treating their soldiers whoever they are and it simply doesn’t sound credible.

I cannot be sure this event was staged because I haven’t looked at it closely enough and it doesn’t seem to brim over with the obvious signs the way other events do but it certainly strikes me as being one.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Feb 1, 2023 2:46 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Oh I forgot the Masonic numerology.

Cave of the Patriarchs massacre

10 January 1994 – Zeroes not counted so 1/1 = 11
29 dead – 2+9 = 11
125 injured – 5x5x5 = 555

(One source said 26 dead, 150 injured – the usual fake event number discrepancy)

555 used as herald of major moves including war trigger

This morning I was chatting to the Muslim Pakistani shopkeeper of my local shop. He mentioned the 30th January bombing in a mosque in Peshawar which I hadn’t heard about. I said, “That’ll be fake, all terror is fake.” He said, “But I’ve seen people on the side of the road without an arm, I’ve seen people.” I said, “I have no doubt but were the incidents that you’ve seen with your own eyes broadcast by the media?” He admitted they weren’t. I said, “Yes, I’ve seen a single video of someone who’d lost their legs in a bombing and it was the most horrific thing I’ve ever seen.” That video was removed and there is not a single image of people injured or killed by bombs on the internet.

I defy anyone to find an image of a genuine victim of a bombing on the internet. Well, there’s always the amputees who suffered genuine loss of limb in a bombing such as Nick Vogt aka Jeff Bauman who lost both his legs in Afghanistan (not shown in the media) and a few years later was wheeled out to play victim at the fake Boston bombing … but that’s the limit.

On November 12, 2011, while deployed in Afghanistan, U.S. Army Captain Nick Vogt and his team were investigating a newly discovered weapons cache when Vogt stepped on an improvised explosive device (IED).

Six years later, after two leg amputations, during which he met his future wife — a nurse at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center — Vogt was selected to receive a 100 percent mortgage-free, brand new custom smart home from the Gary Sinise Foundation’s R.I.S.E. program (Restoring Independence, Supporting Empowerment) featuring ELAN technology. 

In the west, we don’t see real bombing victims, we have no idea what they look like.

While in the shop I googled the event and what was the first thing I saw?

101 killed – Zeroes don’t count = 11
… and then the usual up and down numbers, the headlines that don’t match the story very well, etc.

If anyone thinks this bombing was real as in unevacuated please let me know your reasons.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 29, 2023 7:05 PM

One thing I’d like to ask everyone here is how the covid fraud impacted on their place of work or learning. I work in a resource centre for the disabled and the before and after environments are vastly different.

Before was a place where there was a definite routine where groups could be regulated in a safe environment in which there could be large sessions that were vibrant and fun. And there was a sense of camaraderie in the staff in which everyone was looking out for everyone else.

Then came the interim that was darkly intoned by the managers who always seemed privy to those grand messages echoing above way beyond the reach of us mere minions. Oh and how much they seemed to know whilst spouting the mantras about “people before profits” etc.

The afterwards was a sad depleted place in which there was no longer the regulation that gave everyone the chance to access information in a group and where all could be discussed. And where many of our members never came back, “choosing” to stay at home. Sadly some of them even died.

The new groups were tiny and the staff seemed atomised. And in came a new management strategy built around an obsession with “doing it all by the book” – a whole new book with the emphasis, of course, on hygiene rituals – with the pedantry of that spreading out in vastly expanding “snowflake” formations. There was also the introduction of actual new managers – strange semi-autistic types who had no natural social skills but gave the appearance of having learned the “proper interactive manner” from manuals. All of this leading to a culture of suspicion.

Worst of all, these managers seemed filled with contempt for “the bad old days” and urged us all to “move on”, “modernise”, “get with the programme” and all the other execrable noises of the corporate pep-talk session.

Deeply revealing comment from one of those senior creatures: “The day when we would just send people home with smiles on their faces are in the past!” This was spoken in a typically humourless uncomprehending manner with no awareness of the appalling implication. Smiles on faces are no longer a concern. We are not here to make people happy.  

Kevin Craig
Kevin Craig
Jan 29, 2023 7:49 PM
Reply to  George Mc

My place of employment frankly was an absolute doddle in comparison. Mostly solo work, not a lot of even necessary team activity. The canteen was shorn of three seats per table and the pool table was taped over, but in truth it was the one place where things seemed ‘normal’. The smartarse sceptics among us shook hands more often, and congregated as much as possible without deliberately creating a potential disciplinary matter should a Covidian go greetin’ to the man.

I actually enjoyed most of the pLandemic because i didn’t have to endure insufferable arseholes on anywhere near the regular scale.

The only angrying matter is of course friends and family drinking the kool aid and acting like complete children just to get along- but there was always overtime!

Jan 30, 2023 6:46 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Rare to read such a good report from the trenches of the Anglo Capitalist Empire; a cross between “Goodbye to All That”. and “Shooting an Elephant”. Like Robert Graves and George Orwell, George Mc tells it like he saw it, bears the scars but bears no malice. In all 3 writers I detect a tough, quiet determination to follow their own true compass, to think clearly and to write it down in plain English.

Jan 30, 2023 1:37 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The only reason most office workers even have jobs is to justify management’s existence. I did automation and programming for a living when I worked, and was more and more appalled, as time went on, at the nonsense rituals most cubites performed in lieu of actually having work to do. Automating a production line is terribly complex and more expensive than you would credit: automating 9 of 10 cube jobs would be a breeze by comparison. Easily half of office jobs could be designed out of existence simply by a logical review of process structure and workflow. “Knowledge workers,” my bright red monkey butt.
The question is why corporations continued to maintain all that that infrastructure and expense once the internet made remote work possible. Is it just to accustom folks to life under fascism? Enforcing submission and compliance, rewarding sycophancy and malice, teaching us that only the corruptible rise– maybe that’s been the point of having offices for the last twenty-five years.

As for my pandemic experience, the horrid killer metro traffic I’ve barely survived for decades dwindled away, air quality went through the roof, and the stores emptied. I drew monster eyes and evil grins on my acrylic face shield. I laughed at the pinchy-face people trying to communicate ill-will through their filthy face-rags, and danced the Dance of the Lone Shopper, wild and free. For about three weeks. Since then the pandemic and its strictures have been something I experience only when travelling to other jurisdictions; our governor didn’t buy in. Sad. Economy through the roof, tight labor market, wages up, people moving here in droves, the whole schmear. I predicted this disaster when he ended the lockdown in May 2020, who listened? Nobody. Hey, are you still reading this?

dom irritant
dom irritant
Jan 31, 2023 8:26 AM
Reply to  hodgicus

this whole world is one big (mostly useless) job creation scheme

Jan 29, 2023 6:12 PM

Fear of Inconvenience

This also applys to the religious simple minded and the voters..

Stop The Prison Mentality
Stop The Prison Mentality
Jan 29, 2023 4:37 PM

Fear of inconvenience, it’s interesting how that works, for example.

The dark web, (Tor network) is used primarily for bad evil shit. There are plenty of researchers who will tell you that most of that shit is child exploitation and a whole pile of evil shit that seriously sick deal in regarding that.

In 2014 Facebook started its own Tor service to allow people on that network direct anonymous access to Facebook.

Why would they do that. Why would they provide safe haven to pedophiles and other seriously sick individuals?

Even the BBC picked up on it years ago, go look for yourself, as only your own research will convince yourself.

So that then leads me to a couple of questions.

Now that you know Facebook provides safe haven to pedophiles and other seriously sick individuals, do you feel happy knowing that you, by extension, are also a supporter of these types of sick and evil people?. And, now you know the truth what are you going to do about it?

It’s right about this time that the mental gymnastics kick in to justify continued use and support of Facebook.

Stop The Prison Mentality
Stop The Prison Mentality
Jan 29, 2023 11:39 PM

Or, alternatively, people read posts like that and immediately convince themselves that it must be a lie. Most will have already blanked it as though they never read it, before they’ve even finished it. They don’t thumb up or down, nor will they comment.

Because … it … just …can’t … be … true …. muh precious facebook.

Sad, sad fuckers, I hope you burn.

Jan 30, 2023 7:03 AM

Perhaps propagandists want to convince us that any dissident evading surveillance is a criminal.

Jan 29, 2023 4:15 PM

I’m forever fascinated by this affirmation (found it on a blog 6 yrs.ago-never found it again)
here it goes : Which brings me to my final point. Perhaps I’ve been wrong. Maybe most people really don’t have a choice. It’s possible that others are stuck in their default mode of ignorance, unable to free themselves or be freed. The programming that has been active to dumb down the population is so all-encompassing, that it may be impossible for many people to even choose to wake up from their ignorance. Their brain just doesn’t function normally anymore. An overabundance of TV, state schools, processed food, fluoride, vaccinations, and so many other poisons, have stunted people’s brains.

Jan 29, 2023 3:55 PM

As a follow up to an off-the-cuff remark I made in a reply, I may have inadvertently hit upon something when I used the term “vaccine addicts.”

Is it possible, I wonder, that getting vaccinated has become a psychological addiction to many people? Or even a physical addiction if there are addicting substances within the vaccine itself?

Those of us old enough to have been spared the horrors of the Childhood Vaccine Schedule (which fills kids with up to 72 vaccines, at least here in the US) would have no earthly clue what it might be like to be plagued with a craving for “just one more vaccine and I swear I’ll quit!”

Of course that doesn’t account for the older people – they might really be reacting entirely out of fear.

Jan 30, 2023 2:43 PM
Reply to  Howard

Those I pass who are still masking are definitely on a fear jag, you see it in their eyes. I think a lot of the perma-booster bunch are just doubling down helplessly. They’re heavily invested and cannot allow the possibility that they have been wrong all along to even be considered dimly through the bubble wall.

dom irritant
dom irritant
Jan 31, 2023 8:32 AM
Reply to  hodgicus

walking contradictions all of them

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Feb 1, 2023 6:52 AM
Reply to  hodgicus

I think my aunt was one of those people. She told me how she couldn’t endanger her fragile health by letting her unjabbed adult grandchildren visit and was up to No. 4 … but then she got Polymyalgia Rheumatica and my cousin told me her mother had said she wasn’t getting any more. But there those as indicated in the article who still carry on despite quite severe side effects. And to think people such as Gates are unjabbed themselves.

dom irritant
dom irritant
Jan 31, 2023 8:31 AM
Reply to  Howard

intravenous drug users acquire a needle fixation through ritual which adds to the problem of desisting

Jan 29, 2023 2:05 PM

When a participant in hypnosis event is shown the evidence of their ‘willing participation’ they do not become ‘angry and blame everyone’ for their part. There will be probably some sort a stupefaction that they have been made to act against their will unconsciously.

They will not have understood the process in which this was done so will remain unconscious of what really happened. They will then have to rationalise their act to be able to carry on functioning.

The millions who participated in the covid psyop have not only the backing of millions of the other participants but the ‘comfort’ of knowing they acted selflessly in a national emergency. They know this because the hypnotist told them so.

These parameters formed the participation for their involvement and a consensus was drawn that it was most right minded who participated. For these they will not move beyond that narrative.

Only for the injured and bereaved will the spell be broken.

For them the realisation will be painful and sufficient to wake them from their slumber. But they are ignored and marginalised and provide comfort to the rest in being sufficiently small in number. That they are largely not reported only aids that illusion.

The trick is over the success the devastation left in its wake. Nothing has largely changed for the majority. They will still argue over the virulence of the virus, the methods of response and the need for the govt to do something.

As Kit suggested these form the framework to the ‘pandemic’ response and none of the main planks are up for challenge. So we merely await the next one…

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 2, 2023 3:23 PM
Reply to  Seansaighdeor

Hello Seansaighdeor: “The millions who participated in the covid psyop have not only the backing of millions of the other participants but the ‘comfort’ of knowing they acted selflessly in a national emergency. They know this because the hypnotist told them so.”

Excellent comment. Right on.

Jan 29, 2023 1:39 PM

I see little evidence to support the author’s sunny optimism regarding the eventual mass recognition and angry recant of the official cvd narrative.
The spin managers have not a hair out of place after three years of blaring counter-factual and counter-science nonsense from every street corner’s loudspeaker. Catching them red-handed and tongue-blackened over and over and over has accomplished no more than supplementing their smooth ride downstream with a fun little ripple or two.
If Hayden hasn’t seen them turn to wink at him with a smug smile, he should watch out for something worse.
In 2020, the sudden death of a cvd-positive Spanish athlete was prima facia evidence that everyone was equally at risk from falling over dead in the street instants after contacting cvd. Need I rub the readers’ noses in the whirling bright spin of thousands of young athlete deaths this twelve-month?
Want another hundred examples of compliance and submission at work? Good, that’ll give you something to do between now and Interleckshul Roundup Day.
Cows on a hillside all face the same direction. For absolutely no good reason at all. Watch and learn:
The longer you chew that cud, the easier it is to swallow.

Jan 29, 2023 3:23 PM
Reply to  hodgicus

Superb insight. We’re not back to square one: we never left square one, and never will.

I suspect cows on a hillside have more insight into why they’re all facing the same way than vaccine addicts into why they just can’t keep away from the needle.

Mr. Liberty
Mr. Liberty
Jan 29, 2023 1:22 PM

If ignorance by infiltrated education systems based on a variety of many insane theoretical concepts and people don’t question the “knowledge” and the origins of the “knowledge”, then the gates of deceptions is wide open for the people in power to give to the puppets “for free”. The lazy people will be trapped in a state of mindset, which can include all kinds of moron statements from the psychopathic man or woman in charge of whatever business they control. You can listen to this digital meeting and get a more clear picture and greater understanding, who really controls the narrative:
A million Mengeles Dr. Reiner Fuellmich talking to Patrick Wood and Joseph Molitorisz

The global experiment is not so much about the illusion illness, hackable people(Yuval Hariri), moron restrictions…. – If people don’t get the essence/the core of why the madness increases everywhere on any level, then the “hidden” secret of all the major problems is a fight for every soul on earth. All institutions, governments, etc. is infiltrated and controlled to reach their goal – to unite all states/governments/people in a one world government, meaning all religions(churches), all mankind. It’s not fabricated statements, as it is based on their own official statements. They don’t care about you, your thoughts, what you believe or not believe and all the power they have, will be used to the fulfillment of this wish of “unity” to control all – LITERALLY ALL.

Jan 30, 2023 9:41 PM
Reply to  Mr. Liberty

How the court case….?? Reiner Fuellmich..
Trust the plan 2

Jan 29, 2023 11:18 AM

It is a one reason, and that is the belief in the existence of viruses.

Jan 29, 2023 1:12 PM
Reply to  Tom

One great hulking reason folks cannot hear a rational discussion of the medical evidence is the existence of a loud plurality of persons who think skepticism means embracing any absurdity contradicting the official fear porn.
I hear your motor racing, honey, and should it occur to you to wonder why you’re still just sitting there, please consider engaging the clutch.
Unless you are being paid, like those Bailey fecal smears, to paint Dolts Unite! on the foreheads of everyone with sense enough to participate in this conversation, you owe it to yourself to stfu and go do enough reading and thinking to understand what a perfect dumbfuck you have made of yourself in public.

Jan 29, 2023 10:21 PM
Reply to  hodgicus

Best ‘plead the 5th’ hodgicus.

Jan 30, 2023 2:48 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Ha ha, bless you, but I live to savor doltish anger, brother Johnny.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 29, 2023 11:06 AM

Jesus fucking christ:

“WHO issues new advice on stockpiling radiation sickness medicines in event of nuclear attack

The UN health body updates list of medicines health services should have at hand in case of ‘radiological and nuclear emergencies’”


Jan 30, 2023 7:11 AM
Reply to  George Mc

“Radiation sickness medicines” sounds a lot more learned than “iodine pills”.

Jan 31, 2023 11:02 AM
Reply to  mgeo

Yes. Iodine pills are only useful for kids.

Feb 1, 2023 11:24 AM
Reply to  Antonym

We could just go to Hiroshima or Nagasaki as radiation was never a problem there apparently so should be safe. Just saying.

Jan 29, 2023 10:25 AM

Fear of God vs Fear of Inconvenience at the End of History.

1st Century AD:

“My God! My God, wherefore hast Thou forsaken me?”

21st Century AD:

“Oh my god, these Smarties are the wrong colour!”

Jan 29, 2023 10:06 AM

Have you ever walked into the ruins of a city, looking for your mother and father? As a child. I have!
Have you ever carried a man or women on a stretcher who have lost both legs? I have
Have you ever sheltered from a bomb? I have.
Have you ever picked up the pieces of life in your own bare hands? I have
Life is incredibly short, unless your fortunate.
That was my life, everyday.
Then the western ridicule fell which goes on today.

Jan 29, 2023 8:59 AM

The irony is the “vaccinated” think that faking your vaccination status is immoral and they should be locked up.

What is also strange is seeing my friends and strangers in the middle of summer with heavy colds wearing masks?

Feb 1, 2023 11:27 AM
Reply to  Hank

Yeah, but still can’t beat the one’s alone in their car wearing a mask!

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 29, 2023 8:09 AM

Television frontman Tom Verlaine dies at 73 “after a brief illness”. There’s a lot of “brief illnesses” going about.

Jan 29, 2023 1:42 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Wales’ First Minister Mark Drakeford, another fully paid up Covidian task master has sadly lost his wife, aged 66, who “died suddenly”.
I wonder if this might finally prompt him to start asking pertinent questions ?

Feb 1, 2023 11:31 AM
Reply to  DavidF

It won’t, he is being paid to much, gotta cling on to that gravy train like all the other cretinous, lying scumbags.

Jan 29, 2023 7:42 AM

Tom Verlaine.dead.

Jan 29, 2023 9:51 PM
Reply to  Hele

…this time he didn’t get out of that cadillac , in the graveyard!

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Jan 30, 2023 11:59 PM
Reply to  obsean

Is that the same Tom Verlaine?
(great song)

Jan 29, 2023 7:32 AM

A young friend home care nurse- 4 shots in -told us he had chest pains-off the cuff -said -without much conviction-he was done with vaccine-and that he had covid and mocked the efficacy.But,he was kinda ok with chest pains.
another older friend 3-4 shots-said he can’t walk up the steep hill to his house anymore believing that he had covid and it has damaged his pleura.He also recently has cancer of the larynx. There are so many conversations like this.I tell them it’s the vax-but it’s utterly fruitless…they are gone.

Jan 29, 2023 6:56 AM

A remorseful 77th Brigade whistleblower on how lockdown critics came under surveilance:

Includes a piece from Peter Hitchens on the likely ‘shadow banning’ that took place

Jan 29, 2023 7:08 AM
Reply to  Vagabard

‘Levers to adapt behaviours from adversaries’ (From link above).
That’s SLIME SPEAK of the highest order.
These Turds are a disgrace to humanity. No, they are less than human.
But we already knew that didn’t we?

Jan 29, 2023 1:26 PM
Reply to  Johnny

The ‘levers’ do sound pretty ominous. subtle propaganda, manipulation of those that know you, financial attacks, sudden health issues … or failing that, bright lights in French tunnels.

The ‘March 2020’ for the whistle-blower’s secondment was what struck me. It means that 77th were there right at the very outset of lockdown; maybe even before it began. Not just responding reactively to scepticism but fully anticipating it.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jan 29, 2023 1:05 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

I would have thought there would be a lot of this going on.

Soldiers, doctors, nurses et al.

I wonder where they all are ?

Jan 29, 2023 1:27 PM

I think there were a number of doctors/nurses who were outspoken. Military types few-and-far between. I suppose the personal stakes are much higher in that game. Not just your job on the line if you’re caught

Jan 29, 2023 5:52 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

The same Peter Hitchens who sold the vaccine hard..
Shadow banning’= by him writing in a special branch operative main stream news paper. LOL
That is a typical example of woke alt right.

Jan 29, 2023 6:04 AM

“people not at all afraid of the disease, but with no interest in going against authority in a stable and structured culture (so they think)”

My dentist told me she agreed with me that Covid-19 was no worse than common Corona flu, but she had to stop treating me because of Government regulations.

I have seen a herd of buck become restless because a lion was prowling about. But once the lion had downed its prey, the herd quietly resumed grazing — in the presence of the lion quietly feeding on “poor old Tail-end Charley”.

We higher apes are herd animals, like sheep and bees. We have, as you say, “no interest in going against authority”. Curiously enough, it was the great Russian anti-authoritarian, Prince Kropotkin, who first (in his more important role as evolutionist) described the herd’s need to trust its leaders “because the world is a hostile environment”.

Jan 29, 2023 11:45 AM
Reply to  NickM

Speak for yourself Bubbles.

If what you say is true and we are like higher monkey herd animals then why unlike wild animals do we pick the dumbest and weakest to lead us?

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jan 29, 2023 2:54 PM
Reply to  Hank

What he said is true. Go and revisit Plato’s cave.

Jan 29, 2023 3:43 PM
Reply to  Hank

The dumbest and weakest are packaged as the strongest and best able to make the tough decisions social animals crave. And most people go strictly by the packaging.

Jan 30, 2023 1:15 AM
Reply to  Howard

Again so unlike wild herd animals we are wild herd animals without a brain.

A higher monkey some may think we are so maybe your right, the higher monkeys think like that,,,,,,,,,,but not this human.

Jan 30, 2023 12:53 AM
Reply to  NickM

Kropotkin was one of the godfathers of anarchist theory along with Bakunin. Both opposed the Bolsheviks. One of them was sent to a Siberian gulag from which he actually escaped to Europe!

Jan 31, 2023 9:25 AM
Reply to  PUT IT IN

Kropotkin was sprung from prison by an assault party of his friends, and shipped off to Great Britain where he might have met the illustrious German refugee Karl Marx — another “prophet without honour in his own country”.

I cannot imagine Julian Assange being freed from Belmarsh prison by an assault party of Truthers.

A Stranger from Elea
A Stranger from Elea
Jan 29, 2023 5:36 AM

“Why can’t people see the obvious? Why can’t people believe what is going on and stand up and do something about it?”

The reason is that they are comfortable. The few who want to improve the state of affairs of their day carry no political weight, they have to do it by individual efforts in art and science, only the hurting masses can impose political change.

“That includes you and me, folks. Welcome to the loony bin.”

Hardly new. The word “psychopath” means “Somebody, who feels his soul or suffers from it.”, i.e. anybody who has a conscience.

“The post is followed with dozens of sympathetic responses: “Got it too! Hang in there!” “Prayers for you, five shots later I have the same thing.” On and on.”

Yeah, I got it too, wouldn’t say it was THAT bad though, haven’t been vaxed, must have been the omicron variant, got the original strain early on, but now that China has seen the light, i.e. that omicron is better protection than the vaccine, what do you expect?

“And then if they have heard something why hasn’t it at least gotten them curious, or cautious, at least a little bit? ”

What is done is done.

“How come if they readily make that as an excuse when it comes to efficacy, why can’t they present that same explanation regarding the purported safety of the vaccine?”

What is done is done.

“other than the “not so bad” glass shards in their throat and suffering a 104 temperature for a week”

For two days and more of a tickling than glass shards. Crybabies.

“I never get the impression that people’s egos are so big that they have to consciously make up a story to save face.”

The beauty of ego is that it hardly needs ANY conscious effort.

“I do think when the truth really hits the mainstream they will get angry and blame everyone who was lying to them, maybe not, but if they do, this will be horribly inconvenient.”

Not for THEM. However, well, this is all about the callousness window:If 1 in 1000 is harmed, we do something about it, if 1 in 100000 is harmed, we shrug it off, but if 1 in 10000 is harmed, we stand there marvelling at our own callousness.

“Their whole world will come crashing down, and that is the most inconvenient event imaginable.”

Don’t mock them.

Berlin Beerman
Berlin Beerman
Jan 29, 2023 2:53 PM

We are all, to a degree, psychopathic. To think otherwise is folly.

Humanity is learning to think, for once, and its painful not only to watch but to partake.

They (it) is looking to lay blame to anything it can come up with as an excuse or a deflection for “its” shortcomings – primarily being that “it” knew little about anything.

Technology is now our enemy? Why? Because we dont understand the wonders it can bring while others being a tad ahead of the curve understand all the obstruction it can bring as a mode of extracting wealth from the masses.

It all comes down to human behaviour and how we want to live. We know what were are doing and to whom. This is the true essence of our issues in my humble opinion.

I don’t and will not blame my shortcomings on technological advances but I will hold those accountable that wist and warp it to do harm to humanity in the name of personal or corporate greed.

Take gene therapy for an example. Bespoke mRNA therapy can be used to save people from disease. It on the other hand should never be used as it’s now with so called vaccines – which are nothing but genetic therapies gone absurdly wrong.

Humanity allowing it to happen is the cruz of the argument presented. We are all to blame for that one.

Jan 31, 2023 9:37 AM
Reply to  Berlin Beerman

It’s an everlasting story:

“I will not blame my shortcomings on technological advances but I will hold those accountable that warp it to do harm” — Berlin Beerman, 21st century AD.

“To cure sometimes, to comfort always, to do no harm with your art” — Hippocrates, 5th century BC.

Jan 29, 2023 4:49 AM

G’day Sam, you are doing a great job. Any chance you can unlesh my comment?

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jan 30, 2023 2:51 AM
Reply to  Shin

We’re based in UK so unfortunately there can be a lag during the night if comments go to pending. I’ve been doing comments solo for a while, but happily we’ve just started working with a new admin who is being shown the ropes over the next few days, however they aren’t quite up to speed yet. It appears some of your comments went to spam and weren’t seen, but I’ve fished them out so hopefully this will solve that issue. Please bear with us and by all means continue to send us a friendly nudge if your comments don’t appear after a reasonable amount of time. Plus we ask for your patience, we do want everyone to be heard but sometimes glitches/mistakes can happen. Thanks, A2

Jan 29, 2023 4:24 AM

I guess we did, and we still do, but it was never about that, it was always about cuddling together – making love – not looking at holes – just falling asleep together and what comes naturally.

When we got married totally determined to make a baby on our honeymoon.

After 4 weeks – not yet – we used to do the pregnancy tests together

Oh Wow

We worked out the best position

It took 6 weeks

He is still here too, and his 3 kids


Jan 29, 2023 4:00 AM

This maybe off topic but what the heck.
By week 38 of 2020, Australia suffered 432 excess deaths.
By week 38 of 2021, Australia suffered 6,706 excess deaths.
By week 38 of 2022, Australia suffered 22,730 excess deaths.
These are the reported stats(data) from the Australian Bureau of Statistics(ABS) presented to the OECD.
These numbers are staggering.
And personally, I think these numbers are just the tip of a massive iceberg.
One should never trust the ABS, yet even their reported numbers are a sight to behold.
I believe these numbers are a conservative estimate from the real damage inflicted.

Jan 31, 2023 9:42 AM
Reply to  Shin

Any breakdown of XS-deaths by age? This is important.

Both vaxx and flu kill about 1 victim in 1,000. But the Vaxx kills mostly the young and fit, while the flu kills mostly the old and ailing.

Jan 29, 2023 3:29 AM

According to what I was taught by Mrs Doran at Corpus Christi Primary School – I put my hand up and asked (Adam and Eve – yeh fine – I can believe that)

but where did God come from? what was there before God..??

I thought this was a pretty innocent question from me at the age of 5 maybe comin on 7

It did not go down well..In front of the class – she told me to hold out my hand – and she hit me with a strap and told me to go back to my place and sit down.

So I did my Holy Communion, like we all had to..and we were all told if you touch the host delivered on your tongue – the body and blood of Jesus Christ – it is a mortal sin, and you will go to hell for all eternity…So I did..and I thought oh Shit, I am going to hell for all eternity to hell fire…

So I couldn’t take any more of this Religious “Education”

I couldn’t take any more….

When they were all going into school – I was 7 years old…

I didn’t go in…

I slipped out the school gates..and started to walk home by myself, though there would be no one there -older brothers and sisters at school, mum and dad at work..

Then this 11 year old girl found me, and looked after me

There was a big meeting, and I was allowed back to school.

Mrs Doran about 80 years old – Retired.

But I still had to be an Altar Boy, but knew exactly what I wanted….

………..Come to Bed

My wife and I have travelled the World together without Fear..and are still here.


Grandkids Fine

When you believe in things
That you don’t understand
Then you suffer
Superstition ain’t the way


Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Jan 31, 2023 12:10 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Thanks for the O/T.

When I was 5, attending Sunday school during one of our lessons about the good behaviour of Jesus I asked the question,

“If I am good like Jesus I can be just like him, too?”

The answer i eventually surmised was, “No”. The “teacher” spoke to my dad and then that was my last Sunday school class!

Jan 29, 2023 2:46 AM

I don’t care what anybody says—-most people know but it terrifies them. And their egos won’t allow them to confront this. You’d have to be half dead not to know heart attacks and strokes are on the rise. And besides, even if they don’t truly know, the time is coming when they will know without a shadow of a doubt. We haven’t seen anything yet.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jan 29, 2023 3:08 AM
Reply to  Sue

As tempting as Schadenfreude might be, I have to resist any such urge, it’s so not what I’ve been fighting for all this time. It’s cheap reward for all the sacrifices people have made opposing this weird and dangerous anthropological phenomenon we call ‘Covid’. And so I hope your predictions are wrong and we’re seeing just normal temporary fluctuations in all-cause mortality. And perhaps reports of heart conditions are being deliberately emphasised by the fear mongers, who are very good at their jobs, it turns out. Because all fear is good for suppressing rational thought and immobilising the masses, whatever the flavour. A2

Ann Caddigan
Ann Caddigan
Jan 29, 2023 5:41 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Bless you, Sam. Good job.

A Stranger from Elea
A Stranger from Elea
Jan 29, 2023 5:59 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

You are wise to be wary of the divide, but I don’t see even a hint of Schadenfreude in Sue’s post. There are two possibilities: either enough people are damaged by the vaccine to start a revolution that way or another pressure point will do the trick. Probably the latter. The moment the light goes out is the moment the darkness enters. What IS the vision for the future? You think our free market economy will not turn into a cleptocratic hellhole without one? What are the means to steer it? Public discourse or undercover military operations that cause the kind of suffering that will mobilise the masses?

Really, it’s quite simple.

Jan 31, 2023 9:44 AM

“I don’t see even a hint of Schadenfreude in Sue’s post.”

Neither do I.

Jan 29, 2023 7:33 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2


Jan 29, 2023 9:08 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

People need to understand 80% would not have taken this jab if it wasn’t for fear of losing their jobs. These people don’t just want to carry on with life. It has nothing to do with ego.

The other 20%, well that’s another story. That’s the very woke that never admit they were wrong as they have labelled everyone else stupid, immoral, selfish etc..

Jan 29, 2023 12:33 PM
Reply to  Hank

I lost my job. Nothing would have made me take the injection. I’d rather become a dumpster diver. This is war and requires bravery and strength. They are waging war against us.

Jan 30, 2023 1:24 AM
Reply to  Omi

Jobs come and go and one never knows when the boss is gonna close shop and sack everyone. Some could have taken the jab thinking their jobs are safe forever, which is never the case so jab then a month later the boss sells or you lose you job for other reasons.

The average person hold onto a job for 3-5 years?

Best wishes.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jan 29, 2023 3:30 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Sometimes, maybe fear is warranted. Sometimes fear is a an instinct, a sixth sense, an alarm bell that leads us away from danger.

Geoff P
Geoff P
Jan 29, 2023 5:53 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

” it’s so not what I’ve been fighting for all this time. It’s cheap reward for all the sacrifices people have made”
The crusade for justice that never prevails.

Jan 29, 2023 6:11 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Uh, where did Sue say she wanted anyone to die from that shot? Where is the schadenfreude in her statement? All she said is that most will not see the light due to the ego. As for her ending statement of we haven’t seen anything yet, that could very likely mean that once these people wake up and see it for themselves they may indeed be pretty pissed off at those who lied to them. There is not one statement I see in what she wrote gloating about the deaths of those who succumbed to taking the shot, or even actively condemning them. She merely states that for most their ego will engage and deny they were fooled until that no longer works for them.

Berlin Beerman
Berlin Beerman
Jan 29, 2023 2:57 PM
Reply to  Sue

Most people won’t admit they know nothing.

It’s one thing to know after its happens, its a completely different thing to have known what’s about to happen or at least could happen.

The probability of identifying a false trait and betting against it is something the masses have no clue about.

If you’re going elicit true effective change m you need to be proactive and not reactive.

But heck, at this moment in time I will take any active.

Jan 31, 2023 9:48 AM
Reply to  Berlin Beerman

“The probability of identifying a false trait and betting against it is something the masses have no clue about.”

And that includes “the masses” of Con-19 Believers among my friends with PhDs in science.

les online
les online
Jan 29, 2023 2:16 AM

Inconvenience is preferred to being at the mercy of ones own anger, for there is nothing more frightening to our ego then being overwhelmed by, of losing control to, our justified anger…That’s why Anger Management therapies are popular (Invest Now !)…
We dare not let our anger wreck our beautifully ordered lives…We keep it damned up, ever ready to vent it in wars against others conveniently created by our rulers…
Our submission to inconveniences is herding us into the New World Order, CBDCs, Global Surveillance Grid. They may be inconvenient but most will adjust…Those who dont adjust are being just plainly Mental (Adjustment Psychotherapy Training – Invest Now !)
If you feel like you’re losing it
You are Not alone !

Jan 29, 2023 1:17 AM

Golly, gosh, gee whiz, this IS inconvenient:

Melt the fuckers down and build prisons for the Turds who rule.

Jan 29, 2023 12:42 AM

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A Stranger from Elea
A Stranger from Elea
Jan 29, 2023 7:33 AM
Reply to  ThinkTwice

It’s besides the point anyway. Pfizer didn’t develop the vaccine, BioNTech did. No relevance one way or the other.

Jan 29, 2023 12:35 PM

The United States military, Department of defence and DARPA developed the vaccine

Jan 29, 2023 5:56 PM
Reply to  ThinkTwice

That the story was bullshit and aimed at idiots….

Gordon McRae
Gordon McRae
Jan 29, 2023 12:28 AM

I think they are just caught in the psychology of childhood wherein they follow the instructions of their parents and also peer pressure. Unfortunately, powerful corporate interests and media companies and government officials are now filling that role for them.

Jan 28, 2023 11:40 PM

I have no interest nor recent experience of needles entering my blood stream, except a couple of years ago, when I was not well. I asked my son, to drive me to the local hospital. I walked in with my wife. I had to wear a mask. I couldn’t hear nor see hardly a thing (my specs steamed up as a result of the only time I have worn a mask apart from snorkelling and diving

A&E was almost completely empty – but my left leg – was dripping fluid everywhere it was a bit embarrassing – but I didn’t have a cold – so risked it

They stuck a needle in me, and extracted my blood – which immediarely went for tests – results in less than 2 hours (on site lab – they were probably bored…they did all the other tests as well..I was expecting a bad result….but they more or less said there is nothing wrong with you (my wife was fussing a bit, telling them I drunk too much beer and was a bit of an old fat bastard, none of which I could deny..

The doctors and nurses were dead sweet about it..I again insisted I was not allergic to penicillin (though my Dad was)

They knew exactltly what was wrong with me. Bad case of cellultis probabaly about to become sepsis without treatment

So I agreed..I looked at the nurse into her eyes – my wife was not allowed

Stick the needle in…They put me on an antibiotic drip for over an hour. It came up to about 90 mins, and I was just dying to have a pee..

They said you can go home with your wife now

I admit the first thing I did, when outside, was take my mask off have a cigarette, and phone my son up to give us a lift back home

If I had a cold or gone in alone – without my wife fussing over me….PCR test, intubated, midazalom..straight to the queue to the death pit

Still here.

Still not jabbed.

If you want to die, go for it..

The UK government could not reject the recommendation from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization to end the booster campaign for most of the age group. The reason–a cover up– seems to be that no one with any sense any longer wants a booster so the program is not economically efficient. But the program continues for “high risk persons” and “to protect the National Health Service.”



S Cooper
S Cooper
Jan 28, 2023 11:29 PM

“Hey Everybody. Chuckles and Andy have come out with a new coloring book for the kiddies. Which reminds me…
comment image

Now here’s Billy Eugenics.”
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“Cull Juice anyone?”

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jan 29, 2023 1:50 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

“Don’t stop infections, don’t block transmissions, don’t block mutants.” Infection, transmission, mutants, of what? Some alleged virus which has never been proven to actually exist via physical isolation and purification, something RFK Jr. knows? What about Yeti flu?
3 activists call CHD on its channeling of the core official narrative while opposing a specific countermeasure, the shots. Like people after 9/11 backing the official account of what happened (“an attack by Islamic terrorists”) while opposing specific US government “responses” to it.
(the URL should end with “tonight/” the link doesn’t work with the suffix added by the auto editor of this page).
What this is about: interview with Christine Massey and Michael Bryant (already posted). I have a new edition of Planet Waves FM planned for tonight. My guests will be Freedom of Information Law grand master Christine Massey, and investigative journalist Michael Bryant. Eric Francis Coppolino, 1/27/23.
The interview is posted to its page on Planet Waves FM. [Link, the interview/conversation is the third audio file. In the full program, 3 hours and 35 minutes, the interview starts around 44:00, lasts just over 90 minutes.] The program will also include commentary about the internet and the jurisdiction of the United States, and further thoughts on sexual healing and Vesta conjunct Nessus. The full program usually posts well ahead of its scheduled 10 pm Eastern Time. Here is the video of the interview. [Link] 

Mr Y
Mr Y
Jan 29, 2023 1:34 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Ha ha, I hope the suckers that adore Billy Goat choke on their coffee when they hear this …

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Jan 28, 2023 10:19 PM

Some are already blaming the unjabbed for not being more vocal in warning them!

les online
les online
Jan 28, 2023 10:09 PM

Minds held hostage by ‘Germ Theory’, by Fear of Contagion, think it logical & rational that an estimated 40 million birds were culled to save them from ‘bird flu’…

Gordon McRae
Gordon McRae
Jan 29, 2023 12:36 AM
Reply to  les online

Insane, just like all the other garbage connected to this campaign of fear and lies.

Jan 28, 2023 9:21 PM

Had a wonderful day today. Our now 3 Grandchildren came round with their Mum and Dad. The two older boys 5&7 were just so sweet with their new born sister – still little 16 weeks old, but enjoying the family meal.

Lots of chocolate and mess -will you play with me Grandad?

Grandad me -nearly 70 is feeling special.

Currently watching Cool Hand Luke, whic was inspired to me re people talking about ULEZ in both London and the equivalent in Oxford…

Just start with the intro and watch the rest.

“Cool hand Luke opening scene”


Jan 29, 2023 12:56 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

I’m not sure if your posts have deep meaning that I can’t quite grasp, or are the quaint ramblings of a wonderfully eccentric human. Either way I’ve come to enjoy the distraction.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jan 29, 2023 3:34 PM
Reply to  Shola

“What we have here, is failure to communicate.”

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Jan 29, 2023 5:01 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

‘Some people, you just can’t reach’

More like most people.

Jan 29, 2023 1:27 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Lots of good morals in Cool Hand Luke (though I reckon a lot of it was borrowed from earlier British Films about from WWII)

Very American … but they are just portaying the way are there – still now.

I empathasised with it a bit from when I was nearly 5

I was not expecting this when I started school..but I fought back…

A bit of a mess on the school playground…The Bully did not kick me in the head, when I was down…He waited for me to get up, and fight back..

When you are 5…its the only way to get respect.

Fight Back

It’s a Scrap – and all the Kids come Round in a circle and scream

Before The Teachers have a clue and seperate us, and then we are both told off and form our tribes….It is almost always about girls, though we didn’t realise it at the time…I will get my big brother round…though we never did…and no one ever got seriously hurt, and we all did some seriously dangerous things playing in bombed out mills after WWII

We were all on the same side.

WWII was over – some of our Dad’s didn’t survive

Why are we trying to do this again now???

Ukraine – it is totally ridiculous…

How much Blood Do THEY want…they are killing most of us through jabs.

Just wait for The Kick Back…The Richochet into the Depths of The Evil.


Jan 28, 2023 9:04 PM

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Jan 28, 2023 9:04 PM

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Jan 29, 2023 12:12 PM
Reply to  ThinkTwice

Great image message.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 28, 2023 8:51 PM

Just a little stroll down memory lane to savour the hits of yester-year:


October 18th: Event 201 “pandemic preparedness exercise”

December 31st: The World Health Organization ( WHO ) “was informed of a cluster of cases of pneumonia of unknown cause detected in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China”.


January 24th: First Off-Guardian Covid article: “REALITY CHECK: Coronavirus fear porn”

January 28th: First World Socialist Web Site piece on the pandemic (as far as I know): “The Wuhan coronavirus outbreak and the global threat of infectious diseases”. The fear porn that the above Off-G article warned about is fully formed here.

January 31st: “The virus was first confirmed to have spread to Italy when two Chinese tourists in Rome tested positive for the virus.”

January 29th: “The UK’s first two patients test positive for Coronavirus after two Chinese nationals from the same family staying at a hotel in York fall ill.”

And over the following months, I checked on the statistics coming in with respect to both Italy and the UK and noted that there was nothing happening that suggested anything unusual. Very old people with multiple illnesses were dying – a matter that would not have raised an eyebrow at any previous time.


March 11th: the World Economic Forum’s “COVID Action Platform” launched.


And just like the WSWS article, this lays out the hyperventilating demand to gather all resources, centralise all channels, and push for  “coordinated action by business, combined with global, multistakeholder cooperation – at exceptional scale and speed”, this being the only response which “can potentially mitigate the risk and impact of this unprecedented crisis”.

Granted that all the above does follow in a logical progression and will convince the masses IF they are immune to suspicions about the breakneck speed and, more to the point, paying no attention at all to the actual statistics coming in.

Which is, of course, what happened.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jan 29, 2023 6:57 AM
Reply to  George Mc

December 31st is off they all work together, matters little least it shows we are still human beings.

syl shawcross
syl shawcross
Jan 28, 2023 8:36 PM

Will any of us ever figure out human behaviour I wonder? Thank you for your musings Todd! 🙂

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jan 28, 2023 11:20 PM
Reply to  syl shawcross


Unfortunately it’s not good

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jan 28, 2023 8:31 PM

For all of us who’ve lived the tranquil and over-prosperous lives of the world’s Pampered Twenty Percent, inconvenience is one of the worst horrors of all, especially the acute psychological inconvenience of having to confront the ghastly fact that you’ve got something ridiculously wrong, through being too unquestioningly trusting of ‘good people in authority’, and you’ve made an utter prat of yourself – at the damned ‘good’ people’s behest, what’s more. Horrendously inconvenient!

That’s what snowflakes we PTPers have become though our easy, unchallenging experience of the world.

Imagine making such bleats to the traditional-living Yakut people, or the Nenet reindeer herders, of Northern Siberia, running their hard lives successfully, and with complete self-respect. They’d laugh us quietly to scorn

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jan 28, 2023 10:52 PM


Jan 28, 2023 11:06 PM

Yes. Inconvenience is definitely a First World problem, especially in the ‘smart’ age.
“I want what I want and I want it NOW!”

Gordon McRae
Gordon McRae
Jan 29, 2023 12:51 AM

Dune by Frank Herbert is filled with wonderful examples of strength and weakness. Terrific book.

Jan 28, 2023 8:30 PM

If most people cannot work out that the earth is a stationary plane, how do you think they would/ will see through the covid/net zero hoax ?

Jan 28, 2023 9:26 PM
Reply to  Geoffrey

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Jan 29, 2023 2:58 AM
Reply to  Geoffrey

The moon and the sun ARE spherical. That is obvious, unless you are blind.
How come the Earth got special treatment?
BTW, how do you explain the Coriolis effect?
The Earth is round.
Enjoy the ride.

A Stranger from Elea
A Stranger from Elea
Jan 29, 2023 12:37 PM
Reply to  Johnny

My favourite proof is that you can see the sun at midnight at the North Cape around June 21st. Actually went there to do just that. It was cloudy, but I got lucky. There was a hole in the clouds, the birds started singing exactly at midnight and there was a rainbow exactly in the south. If the earth was a plane, the sun would either be over it or under it, if it was the former, there would be light, if it would be the latter, there would be night.

You know what’s funny? North of the polar circle there are only orthodox churches, no lutheran or catholic ones. Seems the Catholic Church didn’t want any bishops at the conclave to tell others that they live in a land, where the sun doesn’t set.

Interesting case study for large organisations keeping secrets, something that they’re supposedly not capable of.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jan 29, 2023 3:20 AM
Reply to  Geoffrey

Has anyone made a functioning atlas of this ‘stationary plane’? It’d be very easy to test it against flight paths etc. If Antarctica is the raised lip on the edge, presumably Australia and Argentina are actually opposites sides of this stationary plane, separated by all Earth’s landmasses, many more thousands of miles apart than we think they are on this erroneous spherical earth model? A2

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jan 29, 2023 7:50 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Modeling today is high tech virtually limitless. I used to be involved in it, change format anything is a probability.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Jan 29, 2023 5:17 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

‘Has anyone made a functioning atlas of this ‘stationary plane?’
Yeah, kind of, Vibes of Cosmos is a fan of the moon mirror theory.


I don’t know what shape the earth is.

Above link found on a tiny forum, quite a good ‘back and forth’ for those who have not bothered looking at this.
Cognitive Dissonance is stronger as you get older and once you do bother to look, you don’t go back.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Jan 29, 2023 5:19 PM
Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Jan 29, 2023 7:26 AM
Reply to  Geoffrey
