Incentivizing Censorship: A Snitch in Every Skull
Anti-war academic Dr. TJ Coles is at the center of two raging controversies over freedom of speech – and one overarching assault on human rights
Helen Buyniski
An informational iron curtain is coming down across the West, and its architects are determined to make examples out of those who refuse to pick a side.
Our Democracy™ has adopted a zero-tolerance policy for pollution of the information ecosystem, and the Thought Police are standing by to halt rogue infodemics in their tracks, lest the people lose trust in their institutions.
Dr Tim Coles, a freelance writer and postdoctoral researcher until recently at the University of Plymouth didn’t realize he was in their crosshairs until he found himself locked out of his university email account in October. Tech support was no help; department staff refused to talk to him, closing ranks and sending him a threatening email demanding he cease contact. Clearly, he had violated some unwritten law. But what?
The chain of emails that had culminated in his removal only raised further questions about why an apparent stranger whom Plymouth has refused to name – a university employee, Coles suspects – had complained about his writing for Australian magazine Nexus to his old PhD examiner.
In a Kafkaesque turn, the complaint lacked a single concrete accusation of wrongdoing that Coles could defend himself against, instead equivocating around familiar “conspiracy theorist” tropes. At any rate, no one had thought to consult Coles, perhaps believing him to be a disgruntled ex-student trading on his old university email rather than a researcher whose work at the university was funded by an outside trust and had nothing to do with his political writing.
Rather than pause for clarification, his PhD examiner appeared to jump in with both feet, urging tech staff to help get Coles “off [the university’s] books.”
While a prolific writer on many controversial topics – US funding and training of neo-Nazis in Ukraine, the West’s neocolonial plunder of Africa under the guise of fighting terrorism, and Big Pharma’s giant power-grab under cover of Covid-19 unholy alliance of Big Pharma and Big Tech amid the coronavirus outbreak are just a few – Coles believes he ran afoul of the university censors with a series of articles about intelligence agencies blackmailing people with child sexual abuse that ran in Nexus not long before the cancellation effort began.
That particular subject has a tendency to get journalists killed, and Coles wonders if his ejection from Plymouth might be a warning shot from groups displeased with his inquiries. He acknowledges, however, that the timing may be a coincidence – Hope Not Hate and other intelligence-controlled censorship advocates were apparently trying to have Nexus banned in the UK around the same time for its publication of unorthodox views on Covid-19.
While he believes the evidence in the email chain is enough to prove wrongdoing by the university, Coles couldn’t even file a complaint through the normal channels, as his inquisitors had roped the complaints department into their conspiracy by including them in the email chain. He has considered releasing the messages publicly as a last resort, but first plans to employ an outside arbitrator and give the System one last chance – more than he was given, at any rate.
Lessons from The Lobby
Coles is far from the first to be booted from a British university campus for thoughtcrime.
He sees parallels between his case and that of David Miller, the University of Bristol sociology professor who was subjected to a ferocious academic inquisition and ultimately drummed out of his post in late 2021 after the Board of Deputies of British Jews deliberately misinterpreted comments he had made about Israel weaponizing Jewish students abroad.
The university’s Union of Jewish Students had been attacking him for years before seizing upon the supposedly discriminatory comment, which they only heard because they had sent in an activist ’spy’ to monitor one of his classes – ironically validating the professor’s claims better than his own arguments could have.
Like Coles, Miller was never directly confronted by his accuser, who opted for mealy-mouthed pseudo-accusations(“conspiracy theorist,” “inciting hatred”) over potentially-disprovable crimes. Like Plymouth, Bristol took the side of the accuser against its employee almost reflexively. Former Labour MP Chris Williamson, himself a victim of the Israeli lobby’s devastating smear machine, joined the Support David Miller campaign in warning that the university’s failure to stand up for the professor would only encourage “bad faith actors” to pursue further censorship.
Shortly before the lobby finally convinced Miller’s university to mount an investigation into his supposed bigotry, he observed that such pressure tactics were imported from the Israel lobby in the US and pointed out that if any other foreign lobby attempted to wage such total war on its critics, they would be “laughed out of the room.”
But Coles’ experience suggests other groups have taken lessons from the Israelis – and that Williamson’s warning was prescient.
Academic “cancel culture” is a well-known scourge of American campuses, where careless tweeting costs lives and professors can be axed for using the wrong pronouns.
But while most discussion of the phenomenon centers on the targeting of conservative professors, it has targeted left-wing heterodoxy with equal fury, as tenured New York University media studies professor Mark Crispin Miller discovered when a student demanded his firing via Twitter after taking offense to a discussion questioning the utility of masks in his 2020 class on Propaganda.
Like Coles and the other Miller across the pond, Miller was attacked by university colleagues with vague allegations of “attacks on students and others in our community,” “aggressions and microaggressions,” and “explicit hate speech” and an investigation was launched behind his back even in the absence of any specific forbidden act.
Administrators went one step further and contacted all his students to remind them of the CDC’s mask guidance, lest their fragile minds have been corrupted by the conspiracy theorist in the classroom. They couldn’t fire him – he was tenured, after all – but they did their best to make his life so miserable that he would leave, forbidding him from teaching his beloved Propaganda class, and he has been on sabbatical since.
Even Kenneth Roth, the former executive director of Human Rights Watch, was recently denied a fellowship at the Carr Center for Human Rights, part of Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, on the basis of wrongthink – what its dean described as his “anti-Israel bias.”
Roth has toed the line on foreign policy groupthink elsewhere, dutifully demonizing Putin, Assad, Trump, and so on as the needs of Empire demanded. But his refusal to ignore Israel’s increasingly bold apartheid policies got him the David Miller treatment despite years of faithful service. If Roth isn’t safe, many academics have begun to wonder, what the hell are they going to do to me?!
Will Censor for Food
While Coles questions if universities were ever really the freethinkers’ utopia so many academic misfits yearn for, there is no denying groupthink has tightened its hold in recent years. While an academic might once have been left alone to research controversial subjects on his own time so long as he didn’t embarrass his employer, this laissez-faire approach has been replaced by an administrative panopticon that is both hyper-responsive and reflexively condemnatory – a “cottage industry of shutting people down,” in the words of its recent target.
Censorship has been outsourced from the state and its corporate minions to “academics and think tanks who are given a well-funded government hammer so they see everything as a nail of disinformation,” Coles explains. Not simply salaried, they are financially incentivized to bag-and-tag as many pieces of “disinformation” as they can, essentially bounty hunters for inconvenient truths, enabling a much tighter, more granular control of information than was ever possible under a traditional totalitarian model.
These programs and campaigns – with names like Integrity Initiative, Center for Countering Digital Hate, Trusted News Initiative – initially appear to be independent nonprofits that just happen to share a common devotion to fighting fake news. However, their cooperation is more than superficial, with many of the same entities ultimately directing their actions as they work together to artificially muscle the discourse in the desired direction, choking off competing narratives while maintaining plausible deniability regarding their connections to the state.
In this model of soft totalitarianism, the dissident is not so much ordered to cease publishing objectionable ideas, or even threatened with execution or creative torture. He is merely subjected to mounting insults, ‘nudged’ in certain directions, and gradually stripped of resources, especially any public platform he may have had in accordance with his refusal to follow the rules. Amid this complex ballet of carrot and stick, he is constantly reminded that these are his decisions, making him (in his own mind, at least) a willing participant in his own spiritual suffocation.
Fact-checkers, once mere newsroom employees tasked with verifying the details of major stories, have been artificially elevated into a caste of gatekeepers, deemed impartial arbiters of truth even as their donor lists burst with conflicts of interest from Pierre Omidyar to Bill Gates to George Soros.
This veneer of independence allows them much greater latitude than any equivalent government body, as the ignominious collapse of the US’ Disinformation Governance Board last year proved. This official Ministry of Truth, which would have operated out of the Department of Homeland Security, was a bridge too far even for the American media establishment, which had long since embraced its unofficial equivalent censoring tweets and Facebook posts to keep the world safe for democracy.
All it took to get English-speaking countries to accept the need for these newly-minted (the International Fact Checking Network was only launched in 2015) cognitive babysitters was for a few pathological liars to blame Trump’s 2016 electoral victory and Brexit on Russian disinformation.
Never mind that neither hypothesis was ever substantiated, or that both have since been thoroughly discredited – unfiltered access to information has joined the lengthy list of threats to social harmony, and the fact-checkers, having tasted power, are unlikely to return to the newsroom. Given that a free press is integral to a functioning democracy, it goes without saying that any regime looking to dismantle the latter would want to get the former out of the way.
New Dawn in Old Bottles
No sooner had Coles been chased out of his university for his writing in one Australian alt-media magazine then he was engulfed in a censorship firestorm over another. An article appeared earlier this month in New Zealand news outlet Stuff excoriating bookstore chain Whitcoulls for carrying the latest edition of New Dawn, a publication which proudly bills itself as a “forum for alternative, non-mainstream ideas that question consensus reality.”
Stuff’s coverage berated the bookstore for exposing unsuspecting customers to the jungle of “conspiracy theories” barely restrained within its pages (full disclosure: I have also contributed writing to New Dawn), focusing its rage on Coles’ “The curious case of Brenton Tarrant,” about the Christchurch mosque shooter.
When Whitcoulls did not immediately capitulate, “disinformation expert” Kate Hannah was called in to warn Kiwis who picked up the magazine that they were enabling “dark agendas” seeking to “destabilize liberal democracy.” Reading Coles’ article wasn’t just engaging in wrongthink, but actually committing a crime, she explained, because the article included information on how to access the illegal-in-New-Zealand helmet-cam video Tarrant recorded while shooting his way through the mosque.
Just reading about where to find the video might run afoul of hate speech laws, she mused in a radio interview.
Of course, the article includes no such instructions, nor does it – as Hannah claimed – claim Tarrant didn’t shoot anyone. Coles is baffled by the disinfo expert’s disinfo, but suspects the reason they didn’t include his name (standard practice in establishment hit-pieces) in the pressure campaign is that he could justifiably sue for libel. But the mere threat of legal repercussions was sufficient to keep 99.9% of Kiwis away from the forbidden magazine, and perhaps sensing no sales in its future, Whitcoulls finally pulled the issue from its shelves.
New Zealand’s size and isolation make it a perfect experimental laboratory, and the other Four Eyes haven’t hesitated to use it as such. Nor have the Israelis, whose operation was exposed during the 2011 Christchurch earthquake. The 2019 shooting that launched the current touchless torture regime was preceded as such events often are by a series of odd ‘coincidences’ and foreshadowing.
Just a few months before the massacre, a group of American survivors of the Parkland, Florida high school shooting visited the city to discuss “living through a tragedy” with their Kiwi counterparts; two Parkland survivors and a Sandy Hook survivor allegedly committed suicide in the months following the mosque killings.
A police drill just happened to be taking place near the fleeing gunman, allowing participants to “heroically” capture him in what media dutifully described as a “hell of a coincidence.”
The speedy gun-grab that followed the tragedy left citizens helpless in the claws of Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, and the subsequent clampdown on the internet was unprecedented in any other western “democracy,” with prison sentences meted out for merely sharing a link.
Ostensibly to prevent anyone from reading Tarrant’s manifesto or watching the curiously videogame-like footage of the killings, the rules had the effect of banning access to entire video archives, international forums, and other information resources that might have helped the country’s residents make sense of what had just been done to them, and they were designed to be copied by the other four Eyes – or any other country that should want them.
While all Five Eyes adopted unprecedented controls on social media during Covid-19, New Zealand went much further than its peers in controlling the actual publication of news.
In March 2020, facing rumors that lockdown was imminent, Ardern warned upstanding citizens to avoid all unauthorized sources of information, urging them to stick with the government’s official site as “your single source of truth.”
The message didn’t age well – New Zealand was locked down within the week – but her point had gotten across loud and clear.
Arrested while protesting Auckland’s return to lockdown in 2021 over just three “cases,” popular radio host and pandemic dissident Vinny Eastwood was only released on the conditions that he remain under house arrest 24/7 and stay off the internet – draconian requirements for a man who made his living live-streaming.
He was later permitted back online, but only on the condition that he not advocate against Covid-19 restrictions – a deliberately subjective line in the sand meant to encourage self-censorship above all.
While the media establishment overflowed with praise for Ardern over her iron-fisted suppression of the population – er, pandemic – no one has thought to ask why, if the West questions all Covid-19 stats coming out of China due to government control of all information sources, they believed the numbers coming out of New Zealand.
Even news sites like Stuff, which describes itself as “fiercely independent,” are actually public-private partnerships – in this case funded by the New Zealand government and the Google News Initiative, powered by the bonanza of helicopter money that was dumped on the news media in 2020 to fight the “infodemic” of Covid-19 “disinformation.” That the campaign against New Dawn was no organic outrage was clear – Coles’ article is the last in the issue, and the likelihood of an indignant civilian pawing through 70 pages of conspiracy contraband just to find something they can claim is illegal approaches zero. Its favorable result means it will likely become the blueprint for future book-burning campaigns.
But why go after a couple of obscure Australian conspiracy magazines? Especially in New Zealand, but increasingly in the US and Europe, Big Tech no longer allows the average user to stumble upon the kind of content published by New Dawn or Nexus.
Even non-Google search results from once-reliable alternatives like DuckDuckGo and Brave have been scrubbed clean of all deviations from the establishment line on topics like Covid-19 or the war in Ukraine, let alone the Christchurch shooting, and as Coles remarked, the censorship is even creeping through time into the Wayback Machine, the internet researcher’s go-to that once contained archives of much of the internet dating back decades – but now increasingly turns up error pages or sloppily retconned fact-checks.
However, Kiwis browsing at Whitcoulls had at their fingertips a powderkeg of new information, rendered all the more volatile by three years spent in informational quarantine. Just as a person locked down for months will see her immune system suffer for lack of outside stimulation, any novel pathogens hitting her much harder when she finally goes outside, the Good Citizen who imbibed only Ardern-approved data for three years will likely be unable to muster even the slightest argument against whatever outrageous claims she finds in New Dawn and perhaps become lost to the weak grasp of establishment propaganda forever.
There’s an easy solution to this problem, should New Zealand want to solve it. Teach children to think critically, instead of the dumbed-down “media literacy” programs being promoted by every self-proclaimed “disinfo expert” this side of PropOrNot. Thought-stopping “information hygiene” techniques (Google it! Look it up on Wikipedia!) and reflexive appeals to authority (only a scientist can interpret that study for you!) do not help an individual resist persuasion.
But a population armed with the ability to recognize an official lie and dismantle it would not allow themselves to be locked down over a few cases of a disease they were almost 100% certain to survive anyway – so of course New Dawn couldn’t be permitted to question Christchurch. It is the (shaky) foundation on which Ardern’s hastily-constructed police state was built.
As rumors fly about her surprise resignation last week and the media establishment rends its garments over how “unfairly” this “icon of many” was treated by “far-right extremists,” it seems clear her departure will be weaponized to further crack down on the increasingly nebulous specter of “hate speech.”
Replacing Replacement Theory
Americans who believe the New Dawn affair could only have happened in an unarmed, isolated nation like New Zealand should pay attention to what their Congress is up to. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) earlier this month introduced a bill that would criminalize the publication of “antagonism based on ‘replacement theory’” and “hate speech that vilifies or is otherwise directed against any non-White person or group” on social media if it can be said that the perpetrator of a “white supremacy inspired hate crime” had encountered the material before committing the crime – or that if they had encountered the material, it could conceivably have motivated them to take such actions.
Without bothering to define such critical terms as “hate speech” or even “replacement theory,” often trotted out for effect when the speaker needs to strike an emotional chord, the bill leapfrogs pre-crime to a total reversal of cause and effect.
A content creator can be charged with conspiracy to commit a white supremacy motivated hate crime so long as the actual criminal can be shown to have engaged with their content before committing the crime. In fact, they don’t even need to engage with it – so long as the content could theoretically motivate a “person predisposed to engaging in a white supremacy inspired hate crime” to, well, you know.
It’s completely subjective, based on what a “reasonable person” would do when no “reasonable person” would be caught dead in the same room as this bill.
This means if someone reads the nursery rhyme “Baa baa black sheep” – declared ‘problematic’ nearly a decade ago for its racial overtones – then picks up an AR-15 and shoots a black family at church, the nursery rhyme writers could be charged with conspiracy to commit a white supremacy-motivated hate crime. Jackson Lee herself cited the example of “someone making a post online that catches the attention of someone who then drives to North Texas and kills 20 Mexican Americans” to make clear precisely how unhinged she is.
It’s doubtful that such a case would make it to court, or lead to a conviction if it did, but public opinion – a product of think tank fellows rather than crowds – can turn on a dime. What sorority girl getting sloshed on margaritas in an oversized Cinco de Mayo sombrero in 2012 would have thought she’d be sentenced to remedial readings of “White Fragility” in 2022?
The aim is not to create more work for the official censors but to spook the target into silence with fear of what could happen.
Leaving the definition of “white supremacy” open-ended allows an ever-larger spectrum of opinion to be cordoned off as toxic, banned from university campuses and social media, and finally memory-holed as unthinkable.
At the same time, actual racists like Ukraine’s neo-Nazi Azov Battalion are invited with open arms to travel the US speaking on university campuses, swastika tattoos and all.
While the Anti-Defamation League is quick to tar and feather anyone who points out Israeli war crimes, the censorship-loving Jewish organization has issued what amounts to an official indulgence for Ukraine’s biggest Third Reich fanboys.
Given the FBI’s penchant for crafting terrorism plots out of whole cloth, it would be a simple matter to take out all online wrongthinkers in one fell swoop under the white supremacy conspiracy law – just set up the usual militia honeypot for disaffected white boys, hand them the gear and point them at the minority in question, and make sure a manifesto is found nearby conspicuously listing the websites of every influential dissident in America.
While last year’s Missouri v. Biden lawsuit proved – and the Twitter Files confirmed – that social media platforms were being used by a dozen or more government agencies to circumvent First Amendment prohibitions on state censorship, this new arrangement would eliminate even the need for that end-run, requiring only the fig leaf of Unacceptable White Supremacist Beliefs™ to justify the most egregious constitutional abuses.
“Replacement theory” – the idea that white Americans and/or Europeans are being deliberately supplanted in “their” nations by swarthy foreign hordes to suit nefarious ruling class purposes – first entered the mainstream discourse when Tarrant, who titled his manifesto “The Great Replacement,” supposedly set out to kill as many Muslims as possible because they were out-breeding Europeans.
Tarrant’s manifesto would have gotten quite a few people in trouble as white-supremacy conspirators, many of them dead – it includes poems from Dylan Thomas and Rudyard Kipling, memes, Wikipedia articles, and an infamous passage explicitly citing black conservative commentator Candace Owens as his ideological inspiration.
Tarrant and copycats like Payton Gendron (the Buffalo supermarket shooter and friend of the FBI whose manifesto borrowed liberally from Tarrant and others) have helped transform the epithet “conspiracy theory” from CIA-sponsored smear to precursor of violent extremism, though they couldn’t have done it without UNESCO, the World Jewish Congress, and the Council of Europe, who recently joined forces to remind humanity that “conspiracy theoriescause real harm to people, to their health, and also to their physical safety.”
European Commission VP Věra Jourová at the WEF:
“Illegal hate speech, which you will have soon also in the U.S. I think that we have a strong reason why we have this in the criminal law.”
— Washington Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) January 17, 2023
Europe has taken the legal lead in equating conspiracy theory to terrorism, banning author David Icke from the entire Schengen Area last year because his scheduled speech at a peace rally in the Netherlands posed a potential “threat to public order.”
Rather than stand up to the police state, the media eagerly flew to its side, quoting “experts” who sagely opined that the “danger” posed by Icke’s “conspiracy ideology” was both clear and present and could inflict “lasting harm” upon the country.
This is in keeping with the refrain the WHO has kept up all alongside Covid-19 – that a deadly “infodemic” is spreading through sharing unapproved information about the virus, and that good citizens refrain from posting conspiracy theories online because words are equivalent to violence. This is a central part of children’s “media literacy” classes, aimed at building the perfect content filter directly into the child – because Big Brother can’t be everywhere.
The idea is to graduate a generation for whom privacy is alien, dissent is criminal, obedience is a competitive sport, and turning in your parents for wrongthink is second-nature, all justified by the vague nonspecific crisis that has been looming in the background since they were born.
The censorship of New Dawn, the university witch-hunts against Dr. Coles and both Millers, the absurd white supremacy conspiracy bill, are all symptoms of the same totalitarian virus gradually sucking the will to resist out of humanity. Just as viruses need host cells to multiply, so does this one require an army of facilitators – “fake news” bounty hunters, “disinformation experts,” and the like – to smooth out humanity’s rough edges into blissful obedience.
A pandemic – even an artificially-inflated synthetic one like Covid-19 – has to end, but an infodemic is forever, and this one has proven 100% fatal to human rights.
Helen Buyniski is a journalist and commentator based in New York City. Her work can be found at
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Great article. I’d say only one thing: ‘ Teach children to think critically,’ has one problem; the teacher. Children are born thinking critically (they notice for example if they are handed a smaller piece of cake than their sibling) but get stuffed with beige nonsense. There are too many laws, too much government, too many pills, too many teachers etc. they need to get out of the way before they are unceremoniously pushed and we can continue with what comes naturally – being human.
Does the author think these incidents were:
A) disaffected young men who had been groomed by the FBI etc
B) false flags – professional killers dressed up as “disaffected young men”
C) hoaxes – there was no shooting and nobody died
D) other
If we don’t challenge these incidents, this is where we are heading:
Copies of the live-streamed video were reposted on many platforms and file-sharing websites, including Facebook,[285] LiveLeak, and YouTube.[286] Police, Muslim advocacy groups, and government agencies urged anyone who found the footage to take it down or report it.[287] The New Zealand Office of Film and Literature Classification quickly classified the video as “objectionable”, making it a criminal offence in the country to distribute, copy, or exhibit the video, with potential penalties of up to 14 years’ imprisonment for an individual, or up to $100,000 in fines for a corporation.[288]
How people want to understand how the system works if they continue to follow for the ‘democracy’ ruse? “Democracy” isn’t what people think it is… Plato, of Athens: – “The greatest principle of all is that nobody, whether male or female, should be without a leader. Nor should the mind of anybody be habituated to letting him do anything at all on his own initiative; neither out of zeal, nor even playfully. But in war and in the midst of peace – to his leader he shall direct his eye and follow him faithfully. And even in the smallest matter he should stand under leadership. For example, he should get up, or move, or wash, or take his meals… only if he has been told to do so. In a word, he should teach his soul, by long habit, never to dream of acting independently, and to become utterly incapable of it.” Manly P. Hall, “The Secret Destiny of America”: – “World democracy was the secret dream of the great classical philosophers… The brilliant plan of the ancients has survived to our time… And it will continue to function until the great work is accomplished… The pagan intellectuals… re-clothed their original ideas in a garment of christian phraseology… but bestowed the key of the symbolism only upon those duly initiated and bound to secrecy.” John Robinso, “Proof of a Conspiracy Against Al the Religions and Governments”, 1797: – “Nothing can more convincingly demonstrate the early intentions of a party, and this a great party, in France to overturn the constitution completely, and plant a democracy or oligarchy on its ruins. The illuminati [synagogue of satan]had no other object… They meant to abolish the laws which protected property accumulated by long continued and successful industry, and to prevent for the future… Read more »
Fortunately, it’s already too late to prevent people from ‘losing trust in their institutions’.
That ship has sailed.
Our ‘authorities’ are going to have to content themselves with damage control and, hopefully, public shaming and long incarceration.
Great article. Thanks Helen.
And just a mantra reminder for anyone hoping to avoid thought crimes in the future:
Yes, although I suggest ‘BELIEVE IN THE SCIENCE’ is more oxymoronically apt 🙂
I am surprised the article got through pending.
It is quite amusing to imagine mass immigration into the Netherlands halted, cut off right now.
Effective immediately because it “poses a potential threat to PUBLIC ORDER.”
More Putinista Sock-Puppets – The Charlie Ward Show
According to these shills, eastern Europe is not justified in defending its borders against external invasion. And national referendums don’t count. Discussion of Russia-Ukraine starts at 10:30. Lee Dawson gets orgasmic about Russia’s latest hypothetical weaponry (T-14 Armata tank) – and then complains that Europe doesn’t want peace. Clearly, the Tankies are looking a bit different these days!
WW3 The Ground War Begins, The Survival of The Fittest With Lee Dawson
Feb 2, 2023
Tankie is a pejorative label for leftists, particularly Stalinists, who support the authoritarian tendencies of Marxism–Leninism, or more generally authoritarian states historically associated with Marxism–Leninism. The term was originally used by dissident Marxist–Leninists to describe members of the Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB) who followed the party line of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU). Specifically, it was used to distinguish party members who spoke out defending the Soviet use of tanks to crush the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 and later the 1968 Prague Spring uprising, or more broadly, those who adhered to pro-Soviet positions in general.
Are you pro-Nazi? You aren’t making yourself clear.
And/Or do you own stock in Raytheon?
Clarify, please.
Some people didn’t notice the trend. When the US comes to town
friend or foe had better watch out.
Afghanistan – that cripple is still suffering at our hands
Iraq – what a disaster we made there.
Libya – we shattered that country and it is a contested disaster area as we speak.
Yemen – Holy Smokes!
Syria – another disaster and shattered country
See the trend?
Of course you do.
And then we knocked on Ukraine’s door. Oh, oh.
Ukraine – we stage managed a coup, the democratically elected president had to flee for his life. Hand picked the worst of the worst. Faked our support for a peaceful resolution while we funded, armed and supported neo-Nazi groups. Gave Russia a choice, attack Ukraine now or all of NATO later. Have blocked any recent peace initiatives.
I stated:
I think that should be clear enough to anybody who’s been following the matter, but if you need any more of an explanation, I’ll spell it out.
A) I support the right of peoples (nations etc) to resolve sovereignty and border issues via peaceful referenda. Examples include Brexit, Scottish independence, and the 1991 Ukrainian referendum (see below).
B) I support the right of nations to defend themselves against external invasion; and to form whatever alliances they see fit.
There are, of course, additional reasons to oppose Belt & Road imperialism (see post below re Steve Bannon), but the above are sufficient.
A referendum on the Act of Declaration of Independence was held in Ukraine on 1 December 1991.[1] An overwhelming majority of 92.3% of voters approved the declaration of independence made by the Verkhovna Rada on 24 August 1991. Voters were asked “Do you support the Act of Declaration of Independence of Ukraine?”[2] The text of the Declaration was included as a preamble to the question. The referendum was called by the Parliament of Ukraine to confirm the Act of Independence, which was adopted by the Parliament on 24 August 1991.[3] Citizens of Ukraine expressed overwhelming support for independence. In the referendum, 31,891,742 registered voters (or 84.18% of the electorate) took part, and among them 28,804,071 (or 92.3%) voted “Yes”.[2]
“but the above are sufficient”
No they are not.
A) As you know, if you have been honestly and objectively following events,
there have been attempts to resolve Crimea’s and Donbass’ issues peacefully, but the West has played a ‘forked tongue’ game. The West entered *and signed* a peace plan but all the while they were prepping for an invasion (which invasion was preempted by Russia last February). Also, the current armed conflict could have been resolved last April but the US/Brits stepped in to wreck it.
B) The original version of that is, “we should be able to make alliances with whomever we want”.
It reminds me of juveniles saying, “I should be able to do whatever I want.”
That…**that**…is the justification for this humanity-threatening conflict?!
“We should be able to do whatever we want”.
No way is that why NATO is trying to bring Ukraine into NATO.
That *that* reason of NATO is so shallow speaks volumes. *That* is all they have got?
They want their citizens to accept war over, “because we should be able to do whatever we want.”
The world is slightly more complicated then that. It is a two-way street.
NATO’s expanding “alliance” is a naked, existential threat to another country.
A naked, existential threat to another country. And you/they *cannot* admit to that.
Some might find this item from the National Archives insightful.
“Declassified documents show security assurances against NATO expansion to Soviet leaders from Baker, Bush, Genscher, Kohl, Gates, Mitterrand, Thatcher, Hurd, Major, and Woerner”
edit: National *Security* Archives
Yes they are; and presumably the reason you don’t think so is because you’re another Tankie who sees eastern Europe as nothing more than former Soviet (Russian) colonies.
If you going to attribute agency, please refer to a real organisation. There’s no such entity called “the West”. What is it? A point on a compass? A set unifying values? It doesn’t exist. There’s no “it” to possess agency. Yet you drone on about “the West” as though it means something. There is an organisation called “NATO”, but it has very little agency. Instead, it’s a treaty organisation with a head bureaucrat. It doesn’t make meaningful decisions by itself.
What “preempted invasion” are you referring to?
You want people to wade through all that crap? Where’s the piece of paper? Surely, such an important “agreement” (if it existed) would be backed by a formal statement!
Where have we all heard that before?
When we invaded Iraq, perhaps?
Those with good sense were labeled “supporters of Saddam”.
Same thing with Libya – “supporters of Gaddafi”.
Syria – “supporter of Assad”.
Come on. Try harder.
No, you try harder. I asked you to name real entities with real agency and all you come up with is the amorphous “we”. Who is “we”?
Scan the list and you’ll find one missing!
I will just assume that by now you have heard about Ms. Bareback running her mouth
and saying out loud that which should be understood in silence?
Russia is not worth an effort in tact and diplomacy? Like Mutti Merkel for instance.
That fat treasonous cow should have kept her mout shut instead of blabbing.
Just like Merkel this rat-faced backstabbing club member of the german pedophile party
Die Grunen does not give a flying F about Germany or the german people.
FYI, I am a dutch speaking fan of the Putinator and his team mates mr. Lavrov (RoughLove)
and ms Zakharova. I do admit being easily distracted by ms Zakharova’s elegance and looks.
A weaponised feminine beauty. If only I were able to declare one or more sanctions
upon her charming person… oh nevermind.
Friendly greetings from Amsterdam, Mishko_
I will just assume that by now you have heard about Ms. Bareback Yes, a few days ago I posted the following comment. — Breitbart and MintPress News – On The Same Page ! Given that the Assembly has called for Russia to be declared a “terrorist regime”, the notion that “we are fighting a war against Russia” is a reasonable interpretation of the situation; i.e. Baerbock is merely stating what is effectively a fact. — In the following article Breitbart links to the MintPress News tweet. Speaking before the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg on Tuesday, Annalena Baerbock of the German Green Party and a top member of the traffic light coalition government of Olaf Scholz, publicly contradicted the head of her government by saying that they are at war with Russia. “I’ve said already in the last days – yes, we have to do more to defend Ukraine. Yes, we have to do more also on tanks,” Baerbock said. “But the most important and the crucial part is that we do it together and that we do not do the blame game in Europe, because we are fighting a war against Russia and not against each other.” — Jan 26, 2023 “We are fighting a war against Russia.” – German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock speaking on Tuesday at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe [Video clip via tweet] — Sanctions against the Russian delegation, and eventual expulsion In April 2014, after the Russian parliament’s backing for the annexation of Crimea and Russo-Ukrainian War, the Assembly decided to suspend the Russian delegation’s voting rights as well as the right of Russian members to be represented in the Assembly’s leading bodies and to participate in election observation missions. However, the Russian… Read more »
Green German salad girl (“green in judgment and cold in blood” — Shakespeare) metamorphises into Black Shirt German Nazi girl. Reminds me of all those German Hausfraen who used to gaze up at Hitler “with the Love Light in their eyes” at parades in the 1930s and 1940s.
In the Soppy Sixties well intentioned people liked to predict that the world would become a better place if it were governed by women. To “prove” (ie, to test) this prediction, along came the Black Widow spiders: Snatcher, Killery, and Greenback — to name but a few.
“The female of the species is deadlier than the male” — Kipling.
There’s a lot wrong with “Woke” but at least we’ve moved on from Kipling!
We haven’t moved on much: “the white man” (EU$A + 5-Eyes ie, 10% of the world’s population) still robs or threatens to commit armed robbery on the rest. What do you think our repeated attacks on Russia are about? Another resource war: Russia has oil, other minerals and much fertile land. Like all those Muslims, of whom we have already had to kill a few million in this young century, the Ruskies insist on living in our resource areas.
The original plan involved Russia being used by Kissinger & Co to implement Multipolarity, Belt & Road, and the New Israel – and they all involved the genocidal clearance of south-eastern Ukraine. Zelensky was supposed to flee as the initial invasion was approaching Kyiv. However, the Trump admin had prepared the Brzezinski playbook; and this was implemented following the invasion. Since then Kissinger has been trying to push a peace deal in order to save Putin. However, the only peace deal which is viable requires the restoration of the 1991 borders. Otherwise, the conflict continues regardless of what the US etc does.
Wayne Madsen – Israel’s Secret Plan for “Second Israel” in Ukraine
Voltaire Network
December 8, 2014
Project Heavenly Jerusalem – Do You Know Why The War in Ukraine Broke Out?
Mar 26, 2022
Athair Ar Neamh
Niebiańska Jerozolima – Dlaczego Wybuchła Wojna na Ukrainie ?
The kind of women you mention suffer(ed) from a type of Stockholm syndrome.
These kind of women like to live out their power vicariously by glamourising and worshipping their male heros, and doing damage by snitching on non-believers, as in the time of Hitler. Whereas today weak and dumbass women (Baerbock or von der Leyen) are installed by pretty powerful men precisely to show off their stupidity and mendacity. They are window dressing and dance to the tune of these powerful string-pullers.
Men remain the deadliest force on earth.
Respect to Helen for a timely and essential article. Just one small suggestion:
Now that the old, never-fully-resolved controversy about the very existence of any ‘viruses’ has resurfaced, as a knock-on effect from the simply-obvious propaganda lie-storm over the covid-flu, maybe using talk of ‘viruses’, even as metaphors, should be avoided. It grows clearer that their very existence is NOT fully proven – at all.
Better to steer clear of using the idea as a useful example in the course of laying out an argument. That clearly iffy item could derail your whole line of reasoning…
People are most afraid of change though, so if our goal isn’t just to jerk off in a (virus-free) vacuum we also need to bear in mind this basic psychology and avoid challenging too many paradigms at once. This could likewise potentially derail our whole line of reasoning for writing such articles in the first place lol
So we need also to strike the right balance there and this is perfectly legitimate. A2
Sounds like a game plan.
True, and I’m not simply here for the enjoyment of the game. 👍
I found this post in an obscure side thread (EtherForth) on a minority computer language (ColorForth). OffG readers who are familiar with the Artificial Intelligence world (Martin Usher, for instance?) might appreciate its relevance to OffG’s humanistic crusade against censorship and other forms of non-Truth. The author says:
“My take on this is quite simple. Everyone in this industry [AI] who has lived long enough to have programmed in the C64 era, has witnessed a universal truth on every mass market platform: the freedom and access to the computer by the user or programmer is reduced annually at a rate which is roughly scaling with the complexity of the software and hardware.
The emergent macro level behavior is undeniable. [and] Human nature is undeniable. [therefore] It is possible to continuously limit freedom as long as it is done slowly enough [boiled frog strategy] such that it falls under the instantaneous tolerance to act on each micro-level regression of freedom. Translation, humans are lazy, humans adapt fast, and humans don’t live long. Each new generation lacks the larger perspective of the last, and starts ignorant of what had been lost.
The reason why computers and freedom are so important is that computers are on a crash course to continue deeper and deeper integration with our lives. I believe ultimately humans will transcend the limits of our biology, blurring the lines between the mind and machine. Seems rather important at that apex to have the individual freedoms we have today, the privacy of our thoughts, etc.”
The Aether is Squidgy (18.53)
Dr Tom Cowan chats with James DeMeo, author of ‘The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space. Correcting a major error in modern science:
Jewish Scientists stand with Bridgen
Well, I learnt a few things here, among them the new term “replacement theory.”
However this, “the idea is to graduate a generation for whom privacy is alien, dissent is criminal, obedience is a competitive sport, and turning in your parents for wrongthink is second-nature” is not a new idea. The last time this was seriously implemented, then quashed in the West, the world said: Never again.
From the dismal current panorama I very much doubt that it will be ‘quashed’ this time around.
The BS Curtain has worn thin and readers and viewers of the legacy media
see through them. Credibility of the legacy media has tanked.
One might think that they would set about cleaning up their act.
But…Nooooo…they now wear their BS like a badge of honor.
“Advocacy Journalism” is their new and improved pose.
They aren’t “liars” they are “advocates”.
Objectivity is dead.
‘Advocates’ be buggered! Mediawhores is the blunt, bullseye-accurate descriptive term.
Time for every Jew wishing to live in the UK to be forced to sign the following: The Jewish race is in no way superior to any other human race. Judaism is in no way superior to any other organised religion. Jews are NOT God’s Chosen People, as that would make them all racist master-race Nazis. Mass murder has been carried out in recent history by Jews. Jews who consider Palestinians to be inferior people with rights subservient to Jews are absolute racists. Every Jewish-owned business must be audited to ensure that all Goyim have equal employment opportunities in such businesses. It is impossible that a population of < 1% could possibly lead to > 50% of senior management being of that population, without there being racist affirmative action programmes being ruthlessly implemented. Such racism is NOT allowed in British business. It is not anti-semitic to criticise the behaviour of individual Jews, if their individual behaviour warrants such criticism. It is not anti-semitic to point out historically incontrovertible acts of Jews which are absolutely criminal. The UK does not answer either to Israel or to dual-citizenship Zionists resident in the USA, as it is a sovereign nation with 99% of its population NOT being of the Jewish faith. Those that consider point 9 to be wrong should be forcibly told to emigrate to either Israel or the USA. Now nothing I have written there is anything but uncontroversial statements. Nothing is factually inaccurate and no Jew has the right to free speech if they consider their race to be fundamentally superior. I am also sure that every Jew who is worth remaining alive will agree that the world is NOT here to be run by Jews and there will NEVER be a time when Jewish overlords attempt to impose slavery… Read more »
I totally get that you’re deeply frustrated but I almost couldn’t let this comment through. I hope you’ll understand if I point out where you’re not only breaking our comment policy but also completely undermining own point so that 99% people will tune out in the first sentence. an overly aggressive tone makes it easy to pigeonhole you as hateful Stating “no Jew has the right to free speech if they consider their race to be fundamentally superior” is exactly the same wokist logic used to deplatform and silence people speaking out against Covid etc. The whole statement sounds so hypocritical it’s hard to understand quite how you missed this. Free speech is a fundamental right that applies to everyone, not just those who are granted that right. Are you really any different from Covid fascists when you say thmgs like this, that’s the really important question. Come on there, this isn’t good. Stating “I am also sure that every Jew who is worth remaining alive…” specifically breaks our comment policy because it’s really hateful and abhorrent. It comes across like some sort of self-sabotaging Tourrettes or like satire. Just what was going through your mind here. Was this a serious point? You say “there is nothing here suggesting that 98%+ of all Jews worldwide are not humble, simple law-abiding people who do not wish to constantly start wars the world over…” however I note the careful wording. You don’t directly state it yourself and tied together with your previous remarks it seems unsavoury to dodge stating it clearly. Also, you can BEGIN by stating this clearly at the BEGINNING of any future comment you would like to make about Jewish business practices or Israel etc. It’s our responsibility to express ourselves diplomatically. You say ”But if there are a… Read more »
Kudos Sam. A serious and comprehensive response to a damaging comment from Rhys. Damaging in the sense that there’s a point to be made about Israel’s leaders and it’s many abhorrent, criminal behaviours. Another to be made about hardcore elements in Jewish society who may preach a superiority agenda.
Rhys casts those nets over all Jews, in an impatient plea for every one of them to sign some kind of declaration of good behaviour and general niceness before being eligible to enter another country. He undermines legitimate debate and concern about human rights and international state-sponsored terrorism.
I agree with allowing the comment to stay.
I am especially horrified by points 2 and 3 by which Jews are supposed to swear:
“Judaism is in no way superior to any other organized religion,
Jews are not God’s chosen people, as that would make them all racist Nazis of a superior race.”
My grandmother, a Catholic Christian, would have let herself be killed rather than given in because she would have considered it an abjuration of her Faith.
Allow me on this occasion, as a laywoman, a bitter lateral consideration: the secularism of our society, as acceptance by definition of relativism, offers a soft underbelly to authoritarianism.
As excellent as your response is, you seem to have overlooked the most egregious part of the original comment – perhaps, at bottom, the ONLY truly egregious part. Namely, that ANYONE should be FORCED to sign ANYTHING in order to retain their citizenship.
That’s simply an idea whose time should never come…again.
You’re completely right. I could have done a better job in my reply tbh. Thanks for your input though. I was sincerely hoping Rhys would chip in once he’d reread his comment and admit he was quite off the mark. It really does read so vilely, and he’s a longtime commenter here as you know. He can get a bit passionate sometimes but this really is something else. I feel rather sad about it. A2
Pray tell, what exactly is a “Covid fascist”? Please list the specific attributes of this highly abstract label without using abstractions to define your abstract term. A label that is certainly not one of endearment that would encourage meaningful dialogue.
Sorry you’re joking aren’t you? 😅
“…but I almost couldn’t let this comment through.”
So – Off-G does actually run some degree of censorship, then…?
Not that I disagree with your main critique, Sam. Rhys’s post does indeed lay Off-G – and himself – wide open to the usual – false – shrieks of ‘anti-semitism!!!’. Clearly he’s not pushing anti-semitism, just saying things that need saying. But it’s done in a tone that provides lots of – fake – talking points for the Anti-Semitism Thought Police. Just because the ASTP don’t do nuanced diplomacy doesn’t mean that the rest of us shouldn’t. It remains necessary. And I speak as one who’s hopeless at diplomatic tact… 🙂
I very strongly disagree that some of these things EVER need to be said, as per my original comment.
That you don’t acknowledge this yourself seems to demonstrate bias, just as Rhys did.
Yes, of course we have a comment policy. Everyone knows this. This is insincere.
Why don’t you praise offg for publishing views that ‘need saying’, instead of implied critique of theoretical censorship not relevant to this thread at all? Can Offg really not win? This bias makes you look quite petty.
Why are you so eager to excuse a comment as not anti-Semitic which includes calls to remove Jews’ basic human rights, which weighs up Jews’ worthiness of being alive, which tacitly condones violence toward Jews and which calls for the forced signing by ALL (UK) Jews of declarations in order to remain citizens? Don’t you feel the need to clarify this yourself rather than just assume?
This might indicate scattered thinking and/or extreme prejudice on your part, or perhaps multi-identity.
An objective reader might see either a prejudiced/confused person or, worse still, the alt. persona of an entity called ‘Rhys’.
Either way, not a successful run. I think it’s best to drop this now. A2
What ?
His previous comments have huge number of upvotes. I had it as my comment of the day gave it Lightning and 100.
Everyone knows Rhys isnt anti and is no messing with his replies.
It does seems the admin is doing a over reach again and then they cry when they get downvoted for this.
Ah… so you’re another legit awake reader, who chooses to be silent when Rhys claims freedom of speech isn’t actually inalienable, and who chooses to be silent when he claims it’s okay to discriminate against Jewish people in ways similar to 1930’s Germany, but who chooses to pipe up when admin points out the very obvious voting abuse which takes place on a daily basis?
It is sobering to observe the way the antiwar movement vanished after Dubya and Bliar invaded Iraq against the will of the world’s population. This movement shows no sign of resurrection. On the other hand BDS movements have been outlawed, I understand, on the British islands.
Holy Moly! I read all the replies before seeing the original post. I was compelled and driven to get to source of the “river” of knowledge. Emotion mixed with alcohol is never good. Holy Moly!
How can you talk.?
Guilty as charged. Takes one to know one. Only sometimes…… I will go back and admit it, when I do. The cost of being human.
Hello Rhys Jagger: Erm… Whilst I can agree with some points, I think you’re blurring the line between simple existence as an ethnic Jew, or subscribing to an Zionist ideology perpetuated by megalomaniacs. In my opinion, there’s a pretty substantial difference.
I was always haunted by Christopher Hitchens’ apparent euphoria in witnessing 9/11. And I have a theory about that. Hitchens had always played the dissident which I’m sure is a role he relished. But it led to a lot of tension and blocking of avenues – not least money spinning avenues. I’m sure he eyed the watering wads and high profile coverage so readily handed out to those Right Wing pundits and just longed to get in on that. But then 9/11 comes along and he senses this sudden opportunity to leap over to the other side whilst still retaining “Leftist credentials”. The days of ostracism were gone and he could join in that lovely celeb club jostling with all those dreary old lovey establishment buffoons whose prestige he secretly coveted.
Did covid offer a similar temptation to our glamorous rebel celebs of today? Indeed – it was even better than 9/11 since the whole “heroic fight against the pandemic” was shrewdly presented by the media as a “Left Wing Thing” that was “feared” by those Reactionary Old Neoliberal Farts. But the whole viral theatre gave a great excuse to finally behave like an advocate for totalitarian dictatorship and also to submit to that grand authority these “radicals” secretly dreamed of. Maybe all along they just wanted to be the school prefects?
Sad how many have been so easily led into believing all the Propagandizing from the MSM/Govts./so-called ‘Science’ & so many so-called ‘Journalists’ & this has been going on for decades! There are so few Independent-enough publications to actually believe. Off-Guardian has been on my short list for yrs., for we realists to follow for facts. Too many prefer to swallow the BS so they don’t have to do their own research.
Thank you 🙏😊
Historical Analysis of the Global Elite: Ransacking the World Economy Until ‘You’ll Own Nothing.’
By Robert J. Burrowes
Click here to read the e-Book.
Excerpt: Chapter X So What Can We Do About This? Because it controls the political, economic, financial, technological, medical, educational, media and other important levers of society, the Elite profits hugely from daily human activity. But it can also precipitate an ‘extreme event’ (or the delusion of one) – a war, financial crisis (including depression), revolution, ‘natural disaster’, ‘pandemic’ (if you think that the Covid-19 scam was the last of its kind, see ‘Who’s Driving the Pandemic Express?’ and watch the plan for the next one, already available: ‘Catastrophic Contagion’) – and use its control of the political, economic, technological and other levers mentioned to manage how events unfold while simultaneously managing the narrative about what is taking place so that the truth is concealed. This means that the Elite’s killing and exploitation of the human population at large is hidden behind whatever ‘enemy’ (human or otherwise) that Elite agents in government and the media direct the attention of the public towards at any given time. It doesn’t matter whether we all end up blaming Hitler, Saddam or ‘the Russians’, ‘the capitalists’ or ‘Wall Street’, ‘the government’, ‘the climate’ or ‘the virus’, we never blame the Elite. So we never take action that is focused on stopping those individuals and their corporations and institutions that are fundamentally responsible for inflicting unending harm on us all, as well as the Earth and all of its other creatures too. Fortunately, while the Elite is adept at devising an ever-expanding range of tools that can be used to manipulate events while simultaneously concealing this behind a barrage of propaganda, there is still just enough time to finally recognize what is happening and to end it. Otherwise, just as in the board game ‘Monopoly’, where one player finally owns everything and the other players have been… Read more »
Where the UK is concerned, V for Vendetta is trending from fiction towards prediction.
New Zealand’s Modern-Day Dystopia. The Imposition of Medical Tyranny
As an NZ citizen I gotta say the hyperbole in that article benefits no-one good.
Yes, semi-auto centrefire rifles got banned. Semi-auto rimfires are still legal. Perversely, semi auto shotguns which used to require a special arms license are now fully legal!
It’s bizarre and far more nuanced than the article portrays, though currently there is a push undoubtedly intended to further reduce firearm ownership by increasing the fees for ownership and sale to absurd levels.
Yes nz is moving towards less freedoms, together with the other 5-eyes countries. Unquestionably true.
But ignore the “hair on fire” tone of the article. Smoke obscures more than it illuminates
Thanks for that perspective 🙂 A2
China’s taken censorship 1 step further: She now persecutes Chinese abroad. She has 30 centers in other countries to “aid Chinese abroad,” but instead they harass them, try to get them to go home for re-education cuz they’re giving unflattering info about Chinese govt..
I didn’t save the link. Cairns News put the article up, said these centers fly China’s flag & there are THREE of them in Australia alone.
China persecutes their own abroad? Seen this have you.
Why not identify the false traits and bet against them?
Here are a few clues.
It would seem that many still have no clue.
Like Mr,Twain said if you do not read the newspaper, your uninformed and if you do read the newspaper well then your misinformed.
A message to the fifth columnists such as Steve Bannon and Jack Posobiec. “That part of the world” is called Ukraine; and they can invite whoever they want to THEIR land!
Jack Posobiec: Russia Compares Ukraine War to Battle of Stalingrad on 80th Anniversary
Jan 31, 2023
5:20 – “That part of the world”
This is Steve Bannon pushing Belt & Road imperialism – and echoing Pepe Escobar
Bannon (0:55)
Jack Posobiec: The Russians Are Not Backing Down ‘One Step’ In Ukraine
Bannons War Room
Published July 23, 2022
All the Way to Odessa
Pepe Escobar
August 26, 2022
And guess what’s the picture?
Reverse of Censorship: Being the Ventriloquist’s Dummy
Estonian authorities called for Ukraine to be withdrawn from international conventions on the conduct of hostilities regarding the prohibition of certain types of weapons. This was stated by the country’s Defense Minister Hanno Pevkur
In particular, in his opinion, the Armed Forces of Ukraine should be able to use cluster munitions, anti-personnel mines, exploding cartridges and napalm without restrictions.
The Estonian Defense Minister said that if the restrictions were lifted, many countries would be ready to supply Kyiv with the necessary ammunition.
How kind of the defense minister. I didn’t know there were “armed forces” of the Ukraine. Gee. When did that happen?
I actually believed in “democracy” for the first part of my life. Nowadays (much too late) I know that this word is nothing more than a euphemism of the rulers. The greatest tragedy of my life is the uncertainty of what will become of all of us. One day soon the moment will come when I am already happy to be able to empty my bladder without pain (let alone to enlighten the world about my thought processes). Then I and all my accumulated mental content disappear behind a wall of uncertainty, which others indecently control, if they tore the control out of my hand due to my biological decay and appropriated it. What does it all mean? We are about the time that needed the action.
As we posted on Jan 24
New Dawn magazine’s article by Dr TJ Coles on The Strange Story of Brenton Tarrant – which was banned by major retailers after a witch hunt by state-funded propaganda outfits like Stuff and the Disinformation Project.
And follow up interview with Patrick Henningsen
Excellent article!!!
And, fantastic graphic at the top to whoever at Off-G was responsible!
Forgive me for being off-topic but I came across an article at globalresearch which I think is important and if it went viral could make a difference…
This is the title of the article:-
“U.K. Police Investigation: They Knew of the Harms Covid Vaccines Were Causing in June and September 2021. Mark Sexton”.
England is therefore the worst off. Has the
utopia that we could all be just gay and black
failed? In Bell’s opinion, yes. Interview Berlin.
Covid destroyed the credibility of the mainstream media. Also the credibility of the “off centre” media by which I mean the stuff that was supposed to be marginal or extreme or radical and clearly wasn’t.
The above article now tells us something which I reckon wasn’t exactly a secret i.e. that the world of academia is another realm that stands discredited. The upshot of all this is that it’s those vulgar “everyday folks” who are most likely to reveal the truth. It’s the ones without airs and pretensions. And frankly they have always been way ahead of the massive cranial creatures at the university podium.
These ordinary folk are the ones who see a photo of e.g. Greta Thunberg and she doesn’t even register with them at all. Ditto the vandals attacking artworks to push an agenda that needs no push. Also ditto the interminable tomes explicating the “well researched” and “thoroughly evidenced” matter of transgender bender blender blahblah. The everyday folks don’t even see this because they already know it’s not worth seeing.
Convid destroyed the shredded remnants of the credibility of the main sewer media’s credibility.
The ‘everyday folk’, George? You mean us, the plebs, the commons, I suppose. (Call a spade a spade.)
I have to endorse your insight. Hereabouts, it’s been my working-class pleb neighbours who have been the readiest to ditch the whole ‘covid’ bollocks, refuse masks and house arrest and – above all – tell the poison-stab advocates to eff-off. None of my immediate neighbours have taken the stabs. Nor I, naturally.
We’re having to remind each other just now about the basic unpleasantness of schadenfreude… 😉
Its only Wednesday and Jacinda Ardern been featured twice in different articles by different authors again.
You notice this with the new alt media.
#Consistence drumming of 3.
Is there any other PM’s; other than Trannie Ardern, Trudeau or Biden.
Question really… Is why the constant barraging of them.
Ardern stepped down as PM of NZ about a week ago — Labor’s (in name only!) poll numbers were way down; her replacement (while no better overall) is retreating from some of her most woke and controversial policies. And as to why the consistent “barraging” of these few leaders — the answers are maybe somewhat obvious: they deserve it and most of the audience of Off Guardian is English speaking and these 3 speak English and so we are most exposed to their views. And c’mon get real (sorry, too much to ask of a troll, I know) — most of the news we get overall with details about policies features English speaking countries.
US speaks American
You seem to have sympathy for the filthy murderous swine.
Thank you very much for this article. Every day I wonder when Off Guardian, RT DE ( I can still get it!!!), Jonathan Cooke,Chris Williamson, George Galloway, Gilead Atzmon are going to be shut down on Social media. I was very disappointed that David Shayler’s facebook page and Alison Chabloz’s facebook pages were banned. Alison Chabloz did say things that seemed racist to me, and it might be that David Shayler’s comments could be taken to be racist sometimes too..but still, what about free speech?
Just typed a comment that included the H word. Sent to pending.
Are you saying OffG censors? What is the H word?
I’m guessing it’s “Holocaust”.
And since mine got through, I reckon the implication that comments mentioning that H word always get pended is untrue.
Holyhoax more like.
That’s exactly what I’ve called it for decades & when I was on Falsebook! Call it same on VK!
Didn’t the Third-Reich+ nazis murder millions of victim peoples (plural; not just jews) then? Not altogether a hoax, perhaps, even if the Sacred Official Narrative is, shall we say, a bit inaccurate? And obviously long-since converted into a propaganda bludgeon wielded on behalf of the criminal zionism doctrines.
Exactly. Thank you for ending this exchange with something sensible. Just cuz the author mentions David Miller isn’t permission to push boundaries and go off topic about holocaust revisionism, obviously. So that’ll be enough of that now everyone, thank you awfully. 🙄 A2
Or Hitler.
Heil Hitler
Bunch of kids pushing the boundaries down here 😅
Yes. They should all take a look at CHD’s “Never Again is Now Global.”
Harry Sussex, is that you?
So Mr. Coles (I eschew the honorific Doctor except to MD’s and vets, and that begrudging) was a post-doc at the University of Plymouth, a public university, which means that the gangsters who run it are funded primarily by the UK taxpayers as well as the Bank of England, merrily electronically printing faux money out of thin air, also a tax to the 99%, though hidden to the braindead. Was Mr. Cole getting a salary from the university? So far as I recall the author has just mentioned that they cut off his email. I haven’t been affiliated with a university for 30 years yet I have had email during all that time. Assuming that Mr. Cole was on the public meal ticket, was this ticket also cancelled? I didn’t see mention of that in the article. The truth is that academics under the rank of associate professors have far less rights than the army of Sparticus after their defeat. Those ranks include graduate students who are being paid to teach classes, non-unionized instructors, adjunct professors, post docs, and assistant professors. The entire army of non-commissioned officers. The battle of so-called “higher” education was lost decades ago, and we are now simply seeing the vice being tightened on the gonads of those not towing the proper collectivist line. The same can be said for “lower” education, though it was less the recipient of the myth of academic freedom. The attack is even being waged against the most senior of tenured (full) professors, and I am quite familiar with the cases of Mark Crispin Miller of NYU and Peter Duesberg of the University of California, Berkeley, who was the youngest UC academic to make full professor rank and was even on the Nobel Prize short list for Chemistry or Medicine until he made the diplomatic error of stating that there was… Read more »
Very well said, el! Especially the bit about doing an honest actually-useful-service, mucky-handed job like plumbing, rather than go on amongst the uni-plankton. Me too! 🙂
The only possible justification for any academic intellectual elite’s subsidies from the public purse is if they really are doing fearless, wholly unfettered intellectual work that actually gives good value back to society; like Mark C-M. The Academy has grown very iffy in that respect, recently; very!
Your comment reads like a American editorial what part of the British Isles are you from would be of help; or perhaps a workable groundsheet who has since birth natural understanding of what a person above is saying.
Is it not factual your life is continuing as per normal thereafter any changing circumstances yourself may feel is a slight adjustment regarding the dollar coupled with overseeing investment opportunities.
Aside from completely omitting the continuous working living breathing dying public of the British Isles, you could at least come up with and introduction devoid of a current globalist default present reality
Yes, New Zealand has been the Perfect proving ground for governments (and their corporate et al sponsors) who want to know just how far you can push people into mindless compliance. The answer has made those in power smile. I have lived here many years but am in this land but not of it. The vast majority of people here (pick as many as you like from this list): a) defer automatically to authority b) go along to get along c) ignore alternative evidence d) put up with whatever they are told to put up with (“hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way” and white NZers are almost exclusively of British background — more English than the English in many ways d) if “left wing” worry about what pronouns to use and do their best to include as many Maori (the indigenous population) words and phrases as possible in their conversation rather than concerning themselves the lack of real action (or even debate) on social and economic problems e) if absolutely desperate, go hiking (here called “tramping”) in the remote mountains. It has been profoundly depressing. There are some critics and skeptics, thank God, but they are few and far between.
Like most places on planet Earth, New Zealand was probably a nice place before the British got a hold of it… The British have fucked up the entire planet.
To be fair, it is the Government / Monarch of the UK, not the British people.
Oh really, Tom? Wasn’t it always the plebs of the British peoples (plural; Scots were particularly prone) who provided the wog-shooting rank-and-file cannon-fodder thugs, to do the ruling schmucks’ wet-work for them?
And bradwyr-on-the-make Scots, Cymry and Irish were – and still are – also willing volunteers to go to English public schools and join the English-raj class as HMGs – home-made gents. (‘Bradwyr’ is a Cymraeg word which means ‘traitors’. Dafydd LLwyd-Sior – aka David LLoyd-George – being a notable case in point…)
It’s a basic fact of imperialism: once a previously-free people have been conquered and incorporated into the imperial provinces, it’s always easy to get young male, testosterone-deluded fools from the enslaved nation to volunteer to be amongst the imperial thug-forces. Do you think that the Roman troops who held down south Britain for centuries were maily recruited from the British Celtic peoples…? No, not really. Those silly boys were away wog-bashing in other imperial provinces.
The Brit-Celt ‘elites’ were another matter, of course. As usual with such creeps, always ready to be compradors, in return for a gilded life-style. Think of Cogidubnus’ Roman-style palace at Fishbourne, Chichester, and his title of ‘king’ and ‘loyal friend of Rome’. Never any shortage of such crawlers…
“bought and sold for English gold, such a parcel of rogues in a nation,” indeed.
the “elite” of us, just as cuntish an elite as so many prove to be.
traitors, at least the wild geese went abroad.
The plebs? we rioted, another truth lost from the narrative.
A “funny” example is our local territorial regiment. They were actually raised from the gentry and merchant class to suppress weaver rebellions, notably in Paisley.
What a spiffing bunch of chaps, eh. says it all, but now everyone calls them heroes . .
the “Black Watch”? outstanding Scots Regiment, heroes of Basra…?
No the were traitorous scum, raised to keep down their own people, the name hides nothing. Ask the Irish for more recent home examples.
“Lest we forget,” ?
some of us won’t.
Hello Thomas L Frey: Yes. The propaganda has been effective. Truth? The perpetrators are always depicted as Royal classes, the oligarchy, the elite, the governments, on and on. From where do these “higher” social ranks originate? Answer: From the populace.
Civil populations create the mercenary forces of the world in their bedrooms. Pretty damn simple.
aye maybe, it’s ashame people do not have longer memories.
Aotearoa was a thickly wooded country before the British/bankster invasion. Now it is deforested and cultivated with millions of sheep and cattle. The end product was that monstrous dictatress.
+1 for dictatress
“These programs and campaigns – with names like Integrity Initiative, Center for Countering Digital Hate, Trusted News Initiative – initially appear to be independent nonprofits that just happen to share a common devotion to fighting fake news.”
No, there is no initial phase of even apparent innocence. “Fake news” is the giveaway, the ultimate Orwellian term. It’s a term that always self-describes. Anyone warning about “fake news” IS fake news.
Follow the money. Gates Foundaton and its co-conspirators Knight, Reuters, Bloomberg, Google foundations… is there anything to debate?
This article is troll bait. Just aching to get those anti semites all worked up then admin comes in to calm em down …
Troll isn’t British you Nets like that stuff. I am a real person not a robot.
Good to see Off-G broadening its Overton Window.
Harry Vox next?
Good one. Got a good chuckle out of it.
“Roth has toed the line on foreign policy groupthink elsewhere, dutifully demonizing Putin, Assad, Trump, and so on as the needs of Empire demanded.”
God forbid anyone demonizes Klaus Schwab/HenryKissinger-owned Globalist, Chabad boy Putin.
How can one demonize Kissinger and Schwab when they were born the pure offspring of literal demons?
To any Israelites that want to claim any, and all, criticism is just hate, or as has been invented, anti-semitism, then let’s talk about these factual events:
Kind David Hotel Bombing
Deir Yassin Massacre
Operation Susannah (Lavon Affair)
USS Liberty Incident
Robert Maxwell and Promis Software
Johnathan Pollard and theft of nuclear tech
Talpiot Program and Unit 8200
Dancing Israelis on 9-11
Thank the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) for their glorious contributions to socialized tyranny and the incessant moaning of fools. Their standardized model works well…
You’ll know then that what we call ‘Israel’ is actually a Soviet State, and that they are in bed with Chabad Putin.
You forgot the Israeli open-air prison camps of Gaza and the West Bank.
JFK, RFK, the Vela incident, Operation cast lead, Rajiv Gandhi……
Censorship, by any means, and attempts to disarm people, are just the first steps towards violence. Not to mention the weaponization of the judicial process.
They are doing their best to make peaceful resistance impossible.
If history is a lesson, tyrants do not return power back to the people peacefully.
The Tree of Liberty is thirsty.
ps That fascinating witch with the ear ring is holding a copy of:
“How to Lose the Information War: Russia, Fake News, and the Future of Conflict”
by Nina Jankowicz
cf staid University portrait with less arch eyebrows and less conspicuous ear ring:
Yes. And she has Bitch written all over her face. People must be fucking blind.
Character coming through loud and clear on that face.
I haven’t followed this specimen’s career, but one needs to be careful when ‘reading’ faces.
I gather many serial killers have had quite charming superficial characteristics, so sometimes the opposite must also be true.
I think we all realize that some people just inherit awful faces, however convenient it may be for us when the evil soul happens to match the evil face . . .
… some people just inherit awful faces…
Some people are born with awful faces; some achieve awful faces; and some have awful faces thrust upon them.
Hmm, I unthinkingly formulated, or paraphrased, a “rule of three”. I would say that only the middle category’s physiognomy is a reliable indicator of awful character and temperament. The “thrust upon them” category represents persons whose features warp into awfulness due to injury or protracted illness.
As one whose Roman Catholic upbringing didn’t “take”, I don’t normally defend priests. But when I was in parochial school, a new priest, Father T., was assigned to our parish; Father T. was a tall, skinny guy whose lower face– lips, “embouchure”, and jaw– was slightly twisted into a permanent sneer. He always looked as if he were smelling something unpleasant.
I was an altar boy back then (!), and knew him slightly from serving mass. (No, there was absolutely no funny business involved.) He was actually a low-key, or “laid back”, nice guy. But he acquired a reputation in the parish for being aloof and snobbish; I’m sure it was because of his awful face.
Looking back, I suspect that many people were put off by the impression that he was condescending or pompous because he “sneered” at everybody all the time. I came to feel sorry for him; even as a kid, I wished I could tell people, “He’s an OK guy! You can’t go by his face– he always looks like that!”
She’s beautiful you could buy those earings for your girlfriend. Our lassies know how to dress sexy. You clots were born old. She’s a European lass alright. It takes Art to define Beauty,…And a Heart to recognise someone drenched with Hate.
Good article. Biden announced he wants to keep the Covid emergency going until May. Congress Republicans submitted a bill to end the emergency measures immediately. Other bills were offered up to limit the President’s ability to declare another Pandemic emergency. Meanwhile, no mention of banning the poisonous clot shots came up. Johns Hopkins is making the rounds spewing outdated data that say the experimental mRNA clot shots provide benefit and alternate media sources are taking the statements in stride as though they are accurate. They will never stop lying. Every day it gets clearer and clearer that these clot shots are killing and maiming far more than anyone realized but yet “they” won’t acknowledge it. And Johns Hopkins is out there running with a new narrative designed to paint “them” as innocents who are just trying to protect people. I could not fire off my complaints to the Daily Wire fast enough. “They” knew but chose to keep going anyway. The CDC, the FDA, Congress, the AMA, the MSM, Higher Education, etc.. (And Of course, Big Pharma.) They knew what was happening and they ALL ignored it and covered it up. Tens of millions of innocent healthy Americans were killed,maimed and sterilized by experimental mRNA injections. They knew within weeks and chose to do nothing while those that did speak out were censored, discredited and fired. They knew and they know. All of them know what they did. Without a doubt, this action resulted in Crimes against humanity. They will never stop lying. These watered down efforts in Congress are just a charade in a move toward gaining forgiveness and Johns Hopkins is leading the charge to garner it. The idea that the CDC is STILL recommending this poison clot shot for infants tells all that you need know about… Read more »
Peering into the future, Biden seems to know the magic date: May 11.
I know. Makes no sense. I immediately went to the calendar when I saw it in the news to see if there was anything that coincided. Nothing. Arbitrary Joe. Probably meant another date but he became confused and his staff was afraid to correct him. Forgetful-angry-senile-old-men tend to be left alone and ignored to keep them from hurting themselves or others. Same for Nancy. At least she was lucid enough to recognize that it was time to quit. Vodka probably helped with her epiphany.
Dan Bongino interviewed Dr. Robert Malone yesterday February 3rd.
Scary summation: I am paraphrasing most of it. “Everyone” jabbed with the Covid experiment is a victim but don’t live life as though you are a victim.
He suggested not to tax your cardiovascular system if you experience stress through exercise.
Research on dissolving the clots is underway but he is not optimistic that it will be a success.
He advised that people who have been vaxxed should not dwell on it. We are all going to die sooner or later and to live life to the fullest “while you are alive”.
Not a good prognosis. Unbelievable.
If you have family members that are Covid vaxxed, this is harsh. Might want to avoid it.
It is everything we have been saying all along.
“Fact-checkers, once mere newsroom employees tasked with verifying the details of major stories, have been artificially elevated into a caste of gatekeepers, deemed impartial arbiters of truth even as their donor lists burst with conflicts of interest from Pierre Omidyar to Bill Gates to George Soros.”
The plutocrats have assembled a far reaching censorship and suppression machinery that is expanding as we speak. Sadly the masses seem unresponsive to the clear evidence of the existence of this global mind control system. The Twitter Files are in many ways a limited hangout or trial balloon just to see how the masses (us useless eaters) will react to the revelations of this coordinated system of censorship. The silence is deafening and the apathy and lethargy are overwhelming. Where is the outrage, where are the calls for massive boycotts of the legacy and digital media (although many of us are doing it anyway)? Things will get much worse before they get better as the media is set to offer lame excuses for the surge of instances of “died suddenly” as more and more younger people succumb to the toxic shots! COVID, Ukraine and the climate crisis are the plutocrats’ means to usurp ever more power and control. Where is the resistance?
One of Bill Gates’ direct ancestors was a pallbearer for Henry VIII. The family were also deeply involved in the plot to install Lady Jane Grey on the English throne.
Gates family is also heavily involved in eugenics.
Bill Gates daddy was one of the first presidents of Planned Parenthood, and mommy’s family was heavily linked to the Federal Reserve bank of Seattle.
It’s a big club and we ain’t in it.
“It’s a big club and we ain’t in it.”
Yeah, a ‘big club’ is how Carlin described it, but it’s not a big club at all; it’s a very small and exclusive club, and no we ain’t in it.
I’ve been grumbling about this for years. I’m one of those “I don’t agree with what you’re saying but I’ll defend your right to say it” types that has never believed that ideas are some kind of infections disease that we need to be protected from. Unfortunately this has been building up bit by bit but like the notion of ‘boiling the frog’ the frog doesn’t notice until its too late. My pet peeve has been ‘child porn’. Back in the old days I had no idea such a thing even existed, much less have a clue why anyone in their right mind would be interested in it. Then suddenly it became a thing. It wasn’t reported much, if at all, in the mainstream press but it turned up in the technical press around ideas for detecting it. This was notable, and ominous, for me because child porn was what I’d call a ‘class of information’ — its a type of information that has certain properties. If we develop an international mechanism for searching for, identifying and prosecuting people for possession of such information then we’re in great shape for detecting and prosecuting anyone for possession of any type of information. Its just a matter of changing the parameters. Those of us who are not used to working with computers (or not very good at it!) would dismiss this as silly — we all know what evil we’re trying to stamp out — but systems, especially computerized ones, don’t exhibit common sense. It might even be true to suggest that the whole notion of kiddie porn was cooked up as an issue that was irrefutable (after all, disagreeing with the program makes you one of them, doesn’t it?) to get the systems established up, running and tested. With the examples… Read more »
Percipient remark by Roger Lewis on the Psyop thread at Jan 31, 2023 10:27 PM:
“The primary aim of official propaganda is to generate an “official narrative” that can be mindlessly repeated b the ruling classes and those who support and identify with them. This official narrative does not have to make sense, or to stand up to any sort of serious scrutiny. Its factualness is not the point. The point is to draw a Maginot line, a defensive ideological boundary, between “the truth” as defined by the ruling classes and any other “truth” that contradicts their narrative.”
Seen it come and go several times: under the Nazis, under the Macarthy witch hunts, under the anti-Corbynand allied Zionazi witch hunts, and now under the last stand of the Anglo Zionazi Capitalist ruling classes. Previous ages have seen it come and go under religious witch hunts and heretic bonfires. There is no sight more pitiful than a creature trampled by a herd of stampeded sheeple.
“These things pass like storms” — Max Born to Albert Einstein at the apogee of Nazism.
And every official narrative of recent years has been evidence free
refusal to [counter] ..increasingly bold …policies [and rules to follow] has allowed the establishment to assume it has the power to punish, restrain, or deny non conformity.
The establishments have developed techniques to enforce compliance or to silence resistance against policies [content generators ignore]. Don’t do that for fear of what could happen, don’t counter third party authorities just sit there because “Information hygiene police are on patrol” ..
Assisting a persuasion resister, developing or promoting conspiracy theories or even thinking about doing so, can subject a perpetrator to terrorism laws.
The idea is to graduate a generation for whom privacy is alien, dissent is criminal, obedience is a competitive sport, and turning in your parents for wrongthink is second-nature, all justified by the vague nonspecific crisis that has been looming in the background since they were born. Clearly NAZI traits.
A population that sips infomectin will develop the ability to recognize an official lie and to be able to dismantle it. Lock down totalitarianism enabled by the set of mystery diseases caused by the dis-conforming virus are who succumb to blind sighted conformity.
The establishment has activated its armies of conformist to fight its global war against the non conformist. The question is how can non conformist successfully confront these global mifits?
With all due respect to the many Offg journalists, this piece is the best, most well-written article I have read in three years.
Thank you, Helen.
A play within a play within a play
“Shapeshifting” an excerpt from HyperNormalization by Adam Curtis
I watched the Curtis’ series about Russia recently. There was a curious brief moment on Chernobyl when it was mentioned that, when the clean-up personnel reached the reactor core, there was nothing there. The programme just moved on with no attempted explanation.
Overall, the series was mostly concern-trolling i.e. fake, pretended concern about the Russians while implying they had no sense of values like us. In all its coverage of Afghanistan it never mentioned Operation Cyclone and, as usual, any consideration of what the banks were doing was conspicuous by its absence.
“”the Curtis’ series about Russia..never mentioned Operation Cyclone]
From Wikipedia: Operation Cyclone was the code name for the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) program to arm and finance the Afghan mujahideen in Afghanistan …
Karma is a bitch. The Mujaideen turned and bit the hand that fed them: harried Uncle $cam until Uncle quit in a hurry.
Excellent video; but I find it odd that the Russians are being blamed for the USA’s extensive use of a fake opposition. I’m sure we can trace it back to a time way before Putin.