The Patrushev Oversight

Iain Davis

In a recent interview with Russian media, Nikolay Patrushev, an intelligence officer who is the former director of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) and the current secretary of the Russian Federation Security Council, spoke about the nature of power in the West. In keeping with the previous address of President Putin at Valdai, Patrushev shared many of the criticisms made by disillusioned Western commentators.

While some observers may think aspects of Patrushev’s critique accurate, fewer seem to have noticed that many of his criticisms are equally applicable to the Russian state and its “partners.” It’s as if the practically identical power structures are considered, for some unfathomable reason, different in Russia.

One argument being bandied about is that because Russian and Chinese companies were absent from this month’s World Economic Forum (WEF) annual soiree in Davos, this somehow means that Russia and China stand opposed to the globalist agenda. But this line of reasoning assumes that the WEF controls the globalist agenda. Such a contention is without supporting evidence. True, the WEF avidly promotes global governance, but it certainly isn’t alone in doing so.

As recently pointed out by Moscow-based journalist Riley Waggaman, according to former Russian Deputy Prime Ministers Arkady Dvorkovich, Russia supposedly doesn’t have oligarchs but rather “good, hard-working, socially responsible businessmen who take care of the country.”

Other promoters of this notion have claimed that the country doesn’t operate a system of “public-private partnerships.” Instead, they say, “Russia is about building a world order in which people are allowed to get rich, but in which they have to stay out of politics.”

The Fusion of Corporate and Political Power In Russia

Frankly, the idea that the Russian political class has eschewed public-private partnerships is farcical. The Russian state is, if nothing else, a complete fusion of the political and the corporate. Certain Russians are “allowed to get rich” precisely because they are intrinsically political. It appears that Patrushev is among those who would prefer you ignore this reality.

For example, in the aforementioned interview, he said:

It is clear that the real power in the West is in the hands of resourceful clans and transnational corporations. [. . .] The American authorities, merged with big business, serve the interests of transnational corporations, including the military-industrial complex.

This is a reasonable appraisal of how power operates in the West. But to infer that Russia isn’t ruled by its own “clan” is ludicrous. The news that it isn’t controlled by oligarchs would certainly come as a surprise to Russians, who, when polled, said they are pretty sure that Russia is dominated by oligarchs.

When Vladimir Putin was promoted to supreme power in 2000, he set about ridding Russia of the Western intelligence-backed Russian oligarchs who were stealing state assets. At the time, there were very few Russians who made the Forbes “rich list.” Now, following 22 years of Putin’s rule, there are close to 100.

Economic development under Putin has, by some measures, given rise to a marked improvement in Russian’s standard of living.

Simultaneously, though, wealth inequality—in particular, the concentration of wealth—has conspicuously increased in Russia. By 2020, the top 1% of Russians owned 58.2% of Russia’s entire wealth. This wealth concentrated in the top 1% is skewed by the inordinate concentration of wealth held by Putin’s closest allies and supporters.

For example, Alexei Miller (CEO of Gazprom), Alexey Mordachov (CEO and owner of Servestal), Gennady Timchenko (OAO Stroytransgaz) and Arkady Rotenberg (S.G.M. Group) have all become fabulously wealthy thanks to their ongoing political support for the Russian government and the resulting huge profits they’ve accrued from Russian infrastructure projects.

In turn, Russian government policies continue to suit the oligarchs Putin has empowered. This is a reciprocal relationship.

The Russian state’s military-industrial complex runs upon similar “public-private” lines. For example, Yevgeny Prigozhin, sometimes referred to as “Putin’s chef”—his restaurants are favoured dining spots for Putin and his partners—is another oligarch enriched by Russian government policy.

He is the owner of the PMC Wagner, the private military company whose recent successes in the strategically important Donetsk People’s Republic town of Solidar demonstrate the importance of his personal army to the Russian war effort.

The Russian state supplies and equips PMC Wagner. Prighozin has publicly criticised the state over the lack ammunition and supplies for his fighters.

In a December 2022 interview he said:

[A]s for the problems that, unfortunately, arise at every step, I hope that we’ll solve them. We’ll solve them and we’ll force [Russian military command] to solve them.

Russian transnational corporations (TNCs), such as Gazprom, are key to the Russian economy and its global governance ambitions. Rosatom, which is “state owned,” is the world’s leading nuclear energy and technology corporation.

It maintains global partnerships with numerous Western corporations and has nuclear plant construction projects underway in both the West and the East, including in NATO countries.

Many Russian TNCs are supposedly “state-owned,” but President Putin has repeatedly stressed that nationalisation is not his preferred model of TNC ownership.

Speaking in October 2022 at Valdai, he again said that the authorities (the Russian state) would proceed from “market principles.”

Yet TNCs have received state investment; the Russian government holds a 50.2% controlling share of Gazprom, for instance. Gazprom’s private investors, including BlackRock and Vanguard, collectively hold the remaining 49.8%. The Russian government is in no position to push these huge investors around.

Though the Russian GDP has contracted in the wake of the sanctions, it is “officially” valued at nearly $4 trillion (equivalent). By comparison, BlackRock alone has $10 trillion in assets under management. Economic power isn’t everything, but the Russian government would need to think long and hard before embarking upon an economic war with Gazprom’s private investors.

Given Putin’s own statements, and for reasons we are about to discuss, it is clear that Gazprom is effectively one among many such public-private partnerships in Russia.

Gazprom, Lukoil and Rosneft are among the largest natural gas corporations in the world. The Russian state itself is the world’s second–largest oil exporter, and Gazprom is the world’s single-largest producer of natural gas.

These enormous global corporations are just as market-orientated as any of their Western counterparts.

Following escalation of the Ukraine war, Western sanctions against Russia sent global gas and oil prices soaring. While Gazprom is supposedly “state-owned,” it is notable that the lower house of the Russian Duma had to amend the law to grab a $20 billion (equivalent) windfall tax from Gazprom’s exploding profits.

Exactly the same approach was adopted in the West, as energy TNCs in every country fed national coffers. War has always been a profitable business for the “connected” crowd.

No Public-Private Partnerships in Russia?

An oligarchy can be defined as rule by a select few—or concentration of all the power in the hands of a small group. In the West, we tend to think of immense wealth buying access to power. This access becomes a cycle of corruption, as political power enables the further acquisition of wealth, which in turn leads to greater political influence.

Elon Musk’s numerous US defence contracts and state subsidies have bolstered his exorbitant personal fortune, enabling him to control an important “public square” with his purchase of Twitter.

Musk is an oligarch who uses his wealth to influence policy decisions. Collectively, oligarchs like Musk, corporations like Gazprom, think tanks like the the Valdai Discussion Club, and national governments form an entity called the global public-private partnership.

Back to Patrushev’s interview. In it, he suggested that, unlike Western nations, the Russian Federation has a clear political direction that is supposedly distinct from the ambitions of its corporate partners.

This argument has no merit.

For starters, Western governments also have a clear political direction. Just like the Russian government, they seek to establish global governance with their TNC partners.

Here’s one such example: In January 2019 the UK government agreed to “partner” with the World Economic Forum to create regulations supporting “an environment which fosters and supports entrepreneurship and the innovative industries of the future” in tech and AI for the purpose of “unlock[ing] the potential of emerging technologies.”

Five months later, the WEF signed a strategic agreement with the United Nations (UN) to accelerate “finance flows toward the 2030 Agenda.”

The WEF and the UN aim to “foster opportunities for innovation, and to encourage a wide understanding of and support for priority issues among their relevant stakeholders.” Their “relevant stakeholders” include the UK government. It is patently obvious that the UN is the vehicle for the kind of “globalisation” that the WEF would like to see.

Similarly, in Russia, the St Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) represents the nexus between Eastern governments and their TNC partners. UN Secretary-General António Guterres attended the 2019 SPIEF, where he addressed the plenary session:

[T]he St. Petersburg Forum embodies a 21st-century truth: global challenges require global solutions. No country, and no organization, can do it alone. And we need political leaders, the business world, scientists, scholars, philanthropists and civil society to join hands in addressing shared threats and pursuing common opportunities. And that is why we are here. [. . .] Yet today international cooperation is under immense pressure. And the values of the United Nations Charter are being challenged and undercut. Today I would like to highlight several imperatives on which the spirit of St. Petersburg – the spirit of international cooperation – can help us prevail. First, building a fair globalization that works for all. [. . .] And the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development points the way. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals are the world’s agreed blueprint for building a safer, more equitable world and leaving no one behind.

Globalist forums like the SPIEF and the WEF are equally committed to this agenda. For example, the Russian state and SPIEF support implementation of corporate governance based upon “environmental, social, and governance” (ESG) ratings, which are key to the Agenda 2030 and Agenda 21 projects. Roscongress (see below) reports:

In 2020, Russia’s National Rating Agency developed and approved a methodology for assigning non-credit ratings that assess a company’s exposure to environmental and social business risks, as well as corporate governance risks (ESG ratings).

To be clear: The UN is the seat of global governance. Its Agenda 2030, along the path to Agenda 21, with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), is the overarching framework for the firm establishment of genuine global governance. The Russian and Chinese governments enthusiastically endorse global governance through the UN.

The UN published Agenda 21 in 1992 in which it outlined the future function of ESG ratings. Chapter 30, titled “Strengthening the Role of Business and Industry,” reads:

Business and industry, including transnational corporations, should recognize environmental management as among the highest corporate priorities and as a key determinant to sustainable development. [. . .] Governments, business and industry, including transnational corporations, should strengthen partnerships to implement the principles and criteria for sustainable development. [. . .] Governments, business and industry, including transnational corporations, academia and international organizations, should work towards the development and implementation of concepts and methodologies for the internalization of environmental costs into accounting and pricing mechanisms.

The SPIEF Foundation, renamed as Roscongress in 2015, oversees the organisation of the annual “Russian Davos.” So, then, we shouldn’t be surprised that Russia’s SPIEF and the WEF have been partner organisations since 2007.

In fact, these two “economic forums” signed a joint memorandum of cooperation in 2017.

First established in 1994, the SPIEF soiree has been “held under the auspices of the President of the Russian Federation” at the Lenexpo Exhibition Complex in St Petersburg since 2007. Following the escalation of the war in Ukraine, Western TNCs were noticeably absent at the annual SPIEF 2022 gathering, Just as Russian TNCs boycotted Davos.

As noted by Reuters:

There were no names of U.S. and European companies or their CEOs on the published schedule for the June 15–18 SPIEF — reflecting fears of punishment under the most sweeping sanctions regime ever imposed on a major power.

Washington, likewise, stated that it would not participate in SPIEF “in any capacity.”

Instead, US business interests were represented by Robert Agee, the President and CEO of the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) in Russia. The US Chamber of Commerce, the parent of AmCham, is perhaps the most powerful, single “official” lobby group in US politics. It shapes the careers of a large number of members of the US Congress.

The St Petersburg conclave usually brings Russian SPIEF and WEF “stakeholder partners” together. Previously, SPIEF’s lists of named attendees have included numerous WEF partners, such as KPMG, Accenture, Rakuten Group, Lulu Group, Huawei, Schneider Electric, Japan Bank for International Cooperation, Citigroup, American Express, Trafigura, Nokia, EY, Johnson & Johnson and TotalEnergies, etc.

It appears, as a result of the conflict in Ukraine, decades of collaboration and partnership have ended. Who knows if this is a permanent state of affairs?

We should note, however, that the partnerships on both alleged “sides” are pursuing exactly the same goals that they were prior to the supposed split. There remains overwhelming agreement between them, and we might wonder how deep the suggested divide actually is.

While some aver that Russia doesn’t do “public-private partnership,” this claim is not borne out by the fact that the 2022 SPIEF meeting included a discussion moderated by Pavel Seleznev. He is the general director of Russia’s Public-Private Partnership Development Centre (PPPC).

The PPPC was established in 2009 by the Russian State Development Corporation (VEB.RF). Its purpose is to promote public-private partnership investment; to provide, via its ROSINFRA platform, “market actors with the up-to-date analytics”; and to enable effective communication between “market actors” who are looking to invest.
VEB.RF is led by Igor Shuvalov, whose personal and family fortune and conspicuous spending are often the subject of criticism in Russia.

Shuvalov is reportedly among the Russian bankers close to Putin who used offshore banking facilitates to protect personal assets in the face of Western sanctions.

The PPPC has been very successful. Private investment in Russia’s infrastructure projects has increased significantly since its formation. Private capital from “market actors” now dominates the financing of Russian infrastructure projects.

The 2022 SPIEF plenary session heard from China’s President Xi Jinping. He emphasised the importance of UN Agenda 2030 (and thus Agenda 21) for managing change and tackling pandemics. He also spoke about the need for partnerships and innovative financing to advance economic globalization.

To this end, Russian commercial banks, such as Gazprombank, are “partners” with, for example, the UN Environmental Program Finance Initiative (UNEP-FI). As such, they are equally committed to “transforming finance and accelerating change” at the global governance level.

The purpose of UNEP-FI is to drive “net-zero ambition across investment, banking, and insurance” and to ensure that “environmental concerns” are at the “forefront of financial decision-making.” UNEP-FI is a staunch supporter and enabler of the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ).

The Russian banks are part of the UNEP-FI Principles of Responsible Investment” (PRI) initiative. As such, they are among the “international network of investor signatories” who are incorporating “environmental, social and governance (ESG)” factors into their “investment and ownership decisions.”

The commercial Russian banks are supported by the Russian central bank (CBR), which has stated:

The Bank of Russia recommends that financial institutions’ management bodies should assess the impact of ESG factors on a company, as well as set sustainable development goals and targets.

Consequently, in order to facilitate the transition to sustainable development, the Russian private commercial banks see it as their “duty” to engage with the Russian government in its policy decisions:

Public policy critically affects institutional investors’ ability and incentives to generate sustainable returns. It also affects the sustainability and stability of financial markets and of social, environmental and economic systems. Policy engagement is therefore a natural and necessary extension of investors’ duty to act in the best interests of their clients and beneficiaries.

This is public-private partnership writ large on the global stage by SPIEF, by the Russian government and by its TNC partners. The objective is indivisible from that espoused by the WEF and its TNC and government partners.

The intention is to exploit alleged global problems to establish global governance. There is no appreciable difference between West and Russia (or China) in this regard.

Contrary to Patrushev’s claims, the Russian government is in no way “independent” from its “transnational corporations.” In Russia, TNCs are part of the government. It is the epitome of both public-private partnership and oligarchy.

Only Western “Democracy” Is Corrupt

Patrushev proceeded to say in his interview:

The American state is just a shell for a conglomerate of huge corporations that rule the country and try to dominate the world. [. . .] It is no coincidence that a growing number of Americans are saying that Republicans and Democrats are just two actors in one play that has nothing to do with democracy.

Meanwhile, Russian “state-owned” conglomerates, such as Rosatom and Gazprom, already “dominate the world.” And they’re set to increase their dominance—again, thanks to Western sanctions. It is apparent that Russian and Chinese corporations are now well-placed to profit from new emerging markets.

The point has been made in this blog that no country anywhere in the world is a democracy. Democracy means that the rule of law is administered and controlled by no one but the people. “Representative democracy,” the preferred political model in the West, is not a true democracy.

So, yes, Patrushev’s observations on the nature of Western “representative democracy” were accurate. There is no meaningful difference between political parties with any realistic prospect of gaining power in the West. No matter who is in office, Western governments all follow the same policy trajectory, which has been set at the global governance level.

But Patrushev neglected to say that precisely the same is true in Russia. Russia is as much a globalist state as any other.

Take your pick of any globalist policy agenda and it is clear the Russian government and its TNC partners are on board. From sustainable development to digital ID, from Central Bank Digital Currency to vaccine passports and the establishment of a draconian biosecurity state, the Russian government and its partners are following, and even leading, on these global policy agendas.

At the national level, there is no electoral choice in Russia, either. National and regional election processes are not dissimilar to Western representative systems, but the electoral process is tightly controlled by the Kremlin.

The Russian government has repeatedly amended the Constitution of the Russian Federation to maintain the power of the current ruling “clan.” This is not to suggest that the situation is any better in the West. It is to suggest, though, that there is no practical difference between the two.

Only the West Uses Propaganda To Cause Harm

The interviewer then asked Patrushev what he considered to be the worst excesses of the Western TNCs. His reply:

The West has mastered the zombification of people with the help of mass propaganda, and now it seeks to use cognitive weapons, influencing each person [. . .] with the help of information technologies and neuropsychological methods. [. . .] Yesterday they advertised GMOs, not caring about what the health consequences of such products will be.

Russia does not permit the importation of GMO crops. But Petrashev’s suggestion that the Russian government is somehow opposed to propagandising its population on behalf of TNCs, in order to protect the health of ordinary Russians, is nonsense.

Throughout the so-called COVID crisis, Russians were propagandised relentlessly, as the Russian MSM maximised the “casedemic” to instill fear in the population, just as the Western MSM did. Also, the Russian corporate state used “mass propaganda” and deployed “cognitive weapons” to coerce the Russian people into getting the jabs.

Western populations are currently being regaled with tales of the scary “Kraken” COVID-19 variant—but so are Russians! In Russia, you can also grab the new Convasel jab which, it is claimed, has proven its effectiveness against the latest menace.

Just as in the West, the trials of the Convasel (Konvasel) jab and other Russian jabs, such as Sputnik V, were brief, to put it mildly. The Russian jabs are just as questionable, if not more so, than Western variations.

Those questions—many raised by eminent Russian medical scientists—are serious yet remain unanswered amid a silencing of all debate.

Medical professionals who have spoken out have been threatened with fines and imprisonment by the Russian state. The Russian MSM cast anyone who questioned the jabs as “enemies of the people.”

The very propaganda techniques that Patrushev criticised were used liberally in Russia. Patrushev’s deputy at the Security Council, Yuri Kopov, claimed that those who expressed doubts about the jabs were linked to terrorist groups. Kopov went as far as to allege that Al-Qaeda and ISIS were deliberately infecting people with COVID-19. This was an even more extreme version of the ludicrous propaganda spread in the West.

In short, there is no evidence that the Russian government is any more concerned about the health of its citizens than its Western counterparts. Nor is there any proof that it rejects the “zombification” of the Russian people through the use of propaganda and the unethical application of applied psychology.

Everyone Agrees Ukraine Is a NATO Proxy War

The article on the Patrushev interview was published in Russia on 11 January 2023. It seems he gave the interview on the 10th.
Patrushev said:

The events in Ukraine are not a clash between Moscow and Kyiv. [T]his is a military confrontation between NATO, and above all the United States and England, with Russia.

Speaking on UK national radio on the 10th of January—the same day that Patrushev apparently gave his interview—UK MP and Chair of the UK Commons Defence Committee Tobias Ellwood also spoke about the conflict in Ukraine. He told the BBC:

This is our war, but we’ve left the Ukrainians to do the fighting. [. . .] We have been too risk averse. [. . .] We should not be leaving this to the Ukrainians. [. . .] Russia is up for this fight.

Ellwood’s attention was then drawn by the BBC to Patrushev’s comments about Russia’s alleged fight with NATO—and the US and the UK, in particular. Asked about the nature of this alleged “proxy warfare.”

Ellwood replied:

We are now, absolutely involved in a proxy warfare, and we should raise our hands to that, and we should also recognise that the world is getting much, much more dangerous. [. . .] We’ve entered an era of insecurity. That’s where we’re going now. [. . .] The idea that the flames in Ukraine will just die down and we can all go back to normal is completely wrong.

Ellwood is also a lieutenant colonel in the British Army’s 77th Brigade. The role of that brigade is information warfare. So, as a senior 77th Brigade officer, Ellwood is an information warfare specialist.

You would have thought, given Patrushev’s and Ellwood’s respective roles, that they would publicly disagree. Ellwood might have been expected to frame Patrushev’s comments as nothing more than warmongering. But, on the contrary, Ellwood wished to ‘raise his hands’ in agreement.

The unprecedented admission by a UK information warfare expert that the UK is fighting a “proxy war” with Russia was remarkable enough. That it should agree with, and effectively endorse, the comments of the Secretary of the Russian Federation Security Council, made on the same day, is truly staggering.

As evidenced by the G20 Leaders Bali Declaration, Western governments, while supposedly at loggerheads, completely agree with Russia and with other BRICS governments on a wide gamut of global policies.

For instance, they all:

  • jointly agreed to support Agenda 2030 and pursuit of “sustainable development;”
  • value stakeholder capitalism (market actors), public-private partnerships and “innovative financing;”
  • agreed on the implementation of the Fourth Industrial Revolution;
  • think censorship and information governance are vital;
  • support a global pandemic treaty and the integration of vaccine certificates into a single global digital ID;
  • intend to roll out CBDCs;
  • want to restructure the international monetary and financial system;
  • agree that the global governance of every aspect of our lives is essential.

And now it seems we can add to their agreements the nature of the conflict in Ukraine.

It’s a Clash of Civilisations, But Only in the West

Ellwood’s nod toward the “new normal,” a prominent soundbite of the pseudopandemic, is also notable. According to one of the UK’s leading propagandists, a new, more intense form of cold war is now “normal” in the “much more dangerous world,” which he wants to characterise as an “era of insecurity.”

Yet, with such widespread agreement, it is perhaps surprising that there is any conflict at all. According to Patrushev, the antagonism runs so deep it can only be described as a clash of civilisations.

He said:

There is no place for our country in the West. [. . .] [T]he Westerners seek to weaken our country, to dismember it, to destroy the Russian language and the Russian world. [. . .] The Anglo-Saxons are obsessively trying to push the world community to the idea that these institutions [The UN and the UN Security Council] have generally outlived their usefulness, but we must live by the rules they invented. [. . .] For a Russian person, hatred, by definition, cannot be a unifying principle. Only Westerners are full of hatred, who openly call us opponents.

This theme, identifying the enemy as the “Anglo-Saxons,” echoes sentiments expressed earlier by the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and then by President Putin.

Meanwhile, Alexander Dugin, one of the staunchest advocates of the multipolar world order, agrees with Francis Fukiyama, who wrote in the The Financial Times:

The special military operation in Ukraine is the decisive momentum of establishing Russia as a civilisation, as a sovereign pole of a multipolar world.

To which Dugin replied:

Yes, this is exactly the “war on the liberal order.” [. . .] The importance of Ukraine for the rebirth of Russia as a fully independent world power has been clearly established by generations of Anglo-Saxon geopoliticians[.] [. . .] Any means were good to fight against the orthodox civilisation and the multipolar world. Putin, however, did not swallow it and entered the battle, not with Ukraine, but with globalism, with the world oligarchy, with the Great Reset, with liberalism, with the end of history. [. . .] The special military operation is directed [. . .] against liberalism and globalism. After all, it was Western liberals who made Ukrainian Nazism possible, supported it, armed it and set it upon Russia—as the new pole of a multipolar world.

It seems, then, for Patrushev, Lavrov, Dugin and Putin himself, that the Anglo-Saxons are the problem and that they are synonymous with the “liberal order.” Patrushev, as we observed above, believes Anglo-Saxons “are full of hatred.” It is clear that the political and philosophical heavyweights of the Russian state have set a clear distinction between the “Anglo-Saxon” and, by inference, the “Slavic” civilisations.

Other analysts, such as Col. Jacques Baud, the former Swiss Strategic Intelligence Service officer, do not agree:

This narrative, propagated by both the far right and the far left, exegetes the war in Ukraine as a showdown between a traditionalist, religiously-inspired civilisation and a “woke” West. Wrong. [. . .] Russia is not waging a civilisational war. One could even plead the opposite.

Politicians like Patrushev and Putin, plus many Western commentators, are clearly presenting the Ukraine war as a “clash of civilisations.” (We do not know if Col. Baude considers Patrushev and Putin to be either on the “far right” or the “far left.”)

Yet this clash is supposedly occurring at the same time that agreement on nearly every other aspect of global policy abounds. Where is this “clash”—other than in the statements of political leaders and propagandists who want to justify war?

Of course, the people of the West do not “hate” the Russian people. To suggest they do, as Patrushev did, is absurd.

There will always be a tiny minority of idiots eager to embrace “hate,” but they need to be directed toward it by their “leaders.” That seems precisely what the likes of Patrushev and Ellwood are trying to do.


Perhaps we get an answer from Patrushev, when he says:

There are structures that are designed to influence this situation in a positive way. This is the UN and the UN Security Council. Associations such as the SCO, BRICS, ASEAN and others are becoming increasingly popular.

That comment sounds like something that would be wholeheartedly endorsed by US President Joe Biden:

We’re working with the G7 and likeminded countries to prove democracies can deliver for their citizens but also deliver for the rest of the world as well. [. . .] Members of the U.N. Security Council, including the United States, should consistently uphold and defend the U.N. Charter[.]

Absolute agreement? Again?

Granted, there are cultural differences between the West and East, but these are not rooted in and do not result in “hatred.” The truth is that the power-hungry “clans” in both East and West, regardless of culture, are seeking to maximise their influence over a single set of global policy agendas.

From sustainable development and pandemic preparedness to the new international monetary and financial system, the “clans” have the same objectives and the same goals. The dispute between them is over the distribution of power within the single system that both “clans” collectively wish to impose upon humanity.

Meanwhile, we, the people, are being cajoled, through propaganda and deception, into believing that we are somehow invested in the clan’s games. Taught to “hate,” we are invited to support our given leaders and sacrifice ourselves in defence of our nominated “clans.”

A winner will emerge from this struggle. It is a global struggle, currently focused in Ukraine. As long as the globalists who seek to divide us are believed by the public at large, humanity will continue to be the loser. It has always been this way.

You can read more of Iain’s work at his blog IainDavis.com (Formerly InThisTogether) or on UK Column or follow him on Twitter. His new book Pseudopandemic, is now available, in both in kindle and paperback, from Amazon and other sellers. Or you can claim a free copy by subscribing to his newsletter.


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Categories: latest, Russia, Ukraine
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Feb 9, 2023 8:25 PM

Ian is being contrarian again. It’s true that Putin and Russia’s elites were at one time enthusiastic globalists, and still are, albeit somewhat less enthusiastically. No, Russia a not a globalist hegemon bent on empire and world control. Yes, the US and its proxy Europe / WEF are globalists who seek world domination.
You raise good points in regard to disturbingly similar (initial) policies on vaccines, support for WHO and health authoritarianism, and the embrace of censorship. Pretty much all governments love censorship, almost as much as they love power and control. The WEF spin though, is sinister and highly suspect, and Russia/Putin richly deserve to be called out on these points.

Peter Cartwright
Peter Cartwright
Feb 7, 2023 9:28 AM

You quote Patrushev and Biden when they both spoke about UN structures and finished by asking the question “Absolute agreement?” “Again?”

There is a fundamental difference between Russia’s and the US’s commitments to the UN Charter, that being Russia are fully committed and the US are not, and haven’t been for some time. So the answer to your question is no, there is no “absolute agreement”.

Feb 7, 2023 5:58 PM

Who is running the US though? And speaking for them? It may not be as simple as identifying statements to one nation state.

Feb 6, 2023 11:18 AM

It is a fact that this confrontation was started by the US, Nuland + EU Ashton and the ensuing killing of ethnic Russians to the tune of 15000 over 8 yrs. There has been paranoia about Russia since 1945 culminating in what we have now.

Both sides are nowhere near democratic but sell the idea that they are, relying on oligarchical systems to keep the masses enslaved, and programmed to believe what they are told as you clearly point out. This fact will not diffuse the military conflict because the historical context does not allow either to blink as causes can never be admitted and causes are always real; the symptoms delayed reactions based on dishonesty called hegemony.

Keep up the essential work you do.

Placental Mammal
Placental Mammal
Feb 6, 2023 4:20 AM

Some Neocon Background

Ukraine Is the Latest Neocon Disaster — Jeffrey D. Sachs (jeffsachs.org)

Doesn’t mention regime change in Russia which was a characteristic of all the prior neocon wars.

Placental Mammal
Placental Mammal
Feb 6, 2023 4:34 AM

Or the Khazaria angle.

Feb 5, 2023 6:16 AM

It’s deja vue all over again!

Germany’s Green Girl foreign minister is sending 88 tanks to Ukraine.
88 is a neonazi code for Heil Hitler: ‘H’ is the 8th letter in the alphabet.
“My salad days, when I was Green in judgment, cold in blood” — Shakespeare.

Russia’s FO spokesman Maria Zakharova says to Germany, remember these words from the last time you tried:

“The Russian houses are not as cozy as ours, but they make better tanks” — Nazi tank commander, halted outside Leningrad.

“It was not my fault we lost 80% of our tank force at Kursk. It was the fault of our experts. Our experts assured me that it was impossible for any country to have manufactured so many and such good tanks as the Russians fielded against us at Kursk” — German Chancellor Adolf Hitler, taped statement. ”

“The rotten no-good German people were unworthy of my genius. I should have led the Russians” — German Chancellor Adolf Hitler, last words,

[Chancellor Scholtz and FM Baerbock ask yourselves: “Are the German people worthy of our genius?”]

Feb 5, 2023 5:12 AM

What is described here is “a band of warring brothers”. They are united on one thing and that is profit. In order to achieve that anything goes. Murder and blood letting of friends and foes alike. You’ve heard it all before “you’re either with us or against us”, “the rules based order” etc,etc. All the nonsense you’ve been exposed to decade after decade.

The plandemic was the cover for the 2020 financial crash. In other words it was the scam to cover the a*ses of the oligarchic classes globally as the crash happened. Now we have food and energy shortages, supposedly driving inflation? Really? What is actually happening is the next scam to cover for asset inflation. Who is being protected here? Throw in the war in Ukraine to continue global controls on the populations at large and you have a rather old ideas of nationalism and patriotism rehashed for the 21st century.

Globalism smacked too much of internationalism that was bad. Something had to be done about it.

Feb 5, 2023 6:24 AM
Reply to  Tutisicecream

“Now we have food and energy shortages, supposedly driving inflation?”

I presume you are living in “the rules based West” which refuses to buy Russian oil, gas, grain and fertilizer. On ethical grounds, and for environmental reasons.

“Green in judgment, and cold blooded” — Shakespeare

Feb 7, 2023 6:06 PM
Reply to  Tutisicecream

So we have moved on from ‘globalism’ to ‘nationalism’, all in order to ensure profits? So religion or the like, has little to do with it?

Feb 4, 2023 11:53 PM

” By 2020, the top 1% of Russians owned 58.2% of Russia’s entire wealth”
– not great, but far more equal than the ‘free’ West!

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Feb 11, 2023 10:03 AM
Reply to  Philpot

No, that’s not accurate.

According to the Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report 2021, wealth inequality in Russia, measured using the Gini coefficient, was 87.8 in 2020. The only other major economy with a greater disparity between the wealthy and the rest of the population was Brazil. Just behind Brazil and Russia on the wealth inequality scale was the US, whose Gini coefficient stood at 85.

In terms of wealth concentration however, the situation in Russia was the worst by a considerable margin. In 2020 the top 1% owned 58.2% of Russia’s wealth. This was more than 8 percentage points higher than Brazil’s wealth concentration, and significantly worse than wealth concentration in the US, which stood at 35.2% in 2020.

True, it is not great in either Russia, the wider BRICS or the West but it is measurably less equal in Russia than in most other nations.

Feb 4, 2023 7:58 PM

‘Of course, the people of the West do not “hate” the Russian people. To suggest they do, as Patrushev did, is absurd.’ I disagree. The propaganda we have seen in the West regarding Russia since the invasion has been off the scale. The effects have been very similar to those we saw with ‘covid’. The same people I work with who bought the covid narrative now are happily articulating their hatred for Putin and Russians over a bit of land most would struggle to find on a map. The closest analogy I can find to what is happening now with Russia is what happened with Hitler in the 30’s. He was also the darling of the elites and the banking class who had supported and funded him through the 20’s and 30’s and even as late as ’38 he was Time Magazines ‘man of the year’ no less. In a few short months he turned around the German economy from a basket case to a success predicated on printing his own Deutschmarks, rejecting the money lenders and the gold back debt system. From that moment on he had to be destroyed. Regardless of all that went before breaking with the money lenders was a step to far and he had to reigned in. We are seeing almost an exact playbook now in the West regarding Putin – he has even been coined Putler. This doesn’t smack of some cosy globalist club quietly carving up the world – this smacks of something else and the hate currently surrounding Putin and Russia is something that needs clearer understanding and analysis. I don’t think this article properly explains that. Its almost as if the article is constructed with the conclusion reached rather than the conclusion formed from the research. That may be wrong… Read more »

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 4, 2023 8:27 PM
Reply to  Seansaighdeor

Hello Seansaighdeor: You’re right. The Putin bashing and constant reference to parallels to Hitler are so far off the mark, it’s a wonder anyone buys any of it at all.

I think we should arrest all the war mongers, “globalists” and media whores. Dress them in baby diapers and ballet tutu’s. Ship them to some desert – plenty of those around. Equip them with rusty axes and clubs. Let ’em have it out…

Feb 5, 2023 6:31 AM

“The same people I work with who bought the covid narrative now are happily articulating their hatred for Putin and Russians.
The closest analogy I can find to what is happening now with Russia is what happened with Hitler in the 30’s. He was also the darling of the elites and the banking class who had supported and funded him through the 20’s and 30’s and even as late as ’38 he was Time Magazines ‘man of the year’ no less.”

A year later, when Hitler turned and bit the hand that had fed him (turned his army against us — the army we had built for him to invade Russia with!) he soon became Time Magazine’s ‘villain of the year’

Feb 7, 2023 6:30 PM
Reply to  NickM

Is that what Putin is doing, do you think?

Feb 9, 2023 8:54 PM

Very good point. The original anti-hero, Putin the Black (KGB, etc.), became Putin the Grey under the tutelage of the Wizards of the West, whome were Putin’s true love. But rejected, spurned, scorned and attacked, he finally embarked on a hero’s journey to dethrone Sauron. If he succeeds, he will be come known as Putin the White. If not, he will be devoured by monsters. The betrayal of Russia by The West and machinations odious Gollum-like creatures known as neocons left Putin, in the end, no choice: very much against his will, he was forced, oh so reluctantly, to confront Mordor.
The profit motive is a smokescreen issue. He who controls the One Ring (military and political power) controls them all: world control. After you gain world control, you don’t have to worry very much about money.

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Feb 11, 2023 10:55 AM
Reply to  Seansaighdeor

I agree, the propaganda and demonisation of Putin and Russia has been off the charts. This is something I have criticised elsewhere. But I hope you can appreciate that this article is about fact that the Russian state has many similar structures, relationships and shares the same global policy agendas that Patrushev criticised. I accept your point: “This doesn’t smack of some cosy globalist club quietly carving up the world – this smacks of something else and the hate currently surrounding Putin and Russia is something that needs clearer understanding and analysis.” I think that analysis of the Russophobic propaganda is required. It is perhaps something I’ll attempt. But the first question I might consider is who is that propaganda aimed at and why. My initial, pre-research view is that it is aimed at us, in the West and it is designed to influence our thoughts and behaviour. I cannot pretend that I do not already hold this view. However, I maintain, that despite all that propaganda only a small minority of Westerners “hate” Russia and Putin. I have no evidence to substantiate this view other than my own personal experience but I see very little sign of the “hate” that the Western MSM is so clearly trying to instil. Do you? My view on the role of the conflict in a global shift in the balance of power has changed considerably as a result of my research, not through any preconceived “conclusion.” Please read my early pieces on the conflict to see what I mean if you’re interested. https://iaindavis.com/ukraine-war-part-1/ I have never suggested, at any point, that Russia and the NATO aligned West are in a “cosy globalist club.” I have constantly referred to the tensions and conflicts between them. My point is that both “sides” wish to implement… Read more »

Feb 4, 2023 7:56 PM

Goodies and Baddies – the Unshakeable Belief

Excerpt (conclusion):

…Just as I am opposed to government so am I opposed to the wars they fight. Only governments can kill on the scale that they do and without the malignancy of government there couldn’t be any international wars.

Has it not occurred to those who support one clan or the other that, in doing so, they are also perpetuating the war in Ukraine? Who would sacrifice themselves in some foreign land, taking as many of the enemy with them before they go, at the behest of a politician if no one believed the monumental shit these so-called “leaders” try to convince us all of. What if we simply refused to identify any “enemy” at all?

The absence of states wouldn’t end violence but wholesale slaughter using advanced weaponry would be rare indeed, not the frequent extension of “foreign policy” that it is today. There wouldn’t be any foreign policy for a start. 

This may be hopelessly naive but it will remain a pipe dream while we still tolerate “leaders” who claim the impossible right to kill other human beings en masse for whatever justification they imagine. I do not respect the Russian government’s decision to go to war and I do not respect the NATO aligned government’s decision to destabilise Ukraine with a violent coup. 

There are no goodies and baddies. Just a mounting pile of bodies. 

Feb 7, 2023 6:32 PM
Reply to  niko

Don’t you think that even if there were no governments, somebody would fight somebody else for territory or assets?

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Feb 11, 2023 11:08 AM

Yes, but not on the scale that governments do it all the time.

Feb 4, 2023 3:22 PM

One of the best interviews, I have heard of Iain and being interviewed by professionals does help.
He even touches the esoteric.

Iain Davis on Accelerationism, Tony Gosling

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 4, 2023 2:01 PM

CEOs continue their selfless efforts to save the world – as reported in the Telegraph:

“Sir Jim Ratcliffe’s audacious plan to store carbon deep beneath the North Sea

Infrastructure that once contributed to climate change can be used to reduce its effect
It is a somewhat stunning reversal: rather than digging out fuels that add to emissions, Ineos now wants to suck them back up and lock them away.”

Still, it’s gratifying to find that in the comment section no-one is buying this particular brand of noxious gas:

“Humans breath out 35 thousand to 50 thousand ppm co2 in one breath. I suggest anyone worried about co2 just stops breathing out.”

Feb 5, 2023 5:02 AM
Reply to  George Mc

At ~100 W per adult, humanity may be generating 600 GW of body heat.

Feb 4, 2023 1:14 PM

Nations on the UN and BIS member list must follow the centralized Agenda or risk unrest, weather events, economic events, coups..

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 4, 2023 1:01 PM

Whew! Some rather long winded comments below. Some are actually pretty astute. As usual, no long-term resolutions are offered… Civil populations have been “organizing” for thousands of years, yet all our meticulous organizations keep backfiring. Who’da thunk? Here’s a sampling of history in the 6th Century: >
6th Century, 501 to 600
World History Timeline: 6th Century (501 to 600) (fsmitha.com)

Come on now. Don’t quit reading until you’ve read the whole damn 6th century. What has our specie accomplished in all these hundreds of years of “leadership”? Nada. Zip. No cigar. No door prize…

les online
les online
Feb 4, 2023 7:10 PM

Come on Paul, dont knock Civilisation. It’s the only one we’ve got.

Feb 4, 2023 12:23 PM

The Forbes list of the richest is a joke; Larry Romanoff has a counter-narrative that offG will not appreciate.

Russia having “global governance ambitions”: Any supporting info?

Feb 4, 2023 12:13 PM
W From Poland
W From Poland
Feb 4, 2023 12:45 PM
Reply to  ThinkTwice

There are still a lot of job offers in NHS, related to c19 😉


Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 4, 2023 3:19 PM
Reply to  ThinkTwice

See the term “stakeholders” in the last window? I don’t think they’re talking about broiling a steak rare…

Feb 4, 2023 10:34 AM

The term “Anglo-Saxons” means “evil”, “belligerent” and “morally corrupt” white-westerners, the term not only denotes someone belonging to “the West”, but also has a derogatory meaning, arrogance, rudeness, and audacity of white-westerners, akin to MSM’s white-supremacy initiative, yet another instance of the old method: Divide and Conquer, to pit these countries against each other, and suck them into wars of fools for the sake of mutual destruction.

Levi Tate
Levi Tate
Feb 4, 2023 2:23 PM
Reply to  banana

You may find this interesting:


  • Study looked at the nation’s ethnicity dating back 500 years from 26 global regions[i]
  • Reveals the genetic make-up of the average UK resident, and variations in English, Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish genetic make-ups
  • Average UK resident is 36.94% British, 21.59% Irish and 19.91% Western European (French/German) 

The genetic make-up of the nation has been revealed – with Yorkshire proven to be the most ‘British’ region in the UK, while London is the most ethnically diverse and the East Midlands the most Scandinavian region in the UK.
This is according to new analysis of the genetic history of two million people worldwide by Ancestry, the leader in family history and consumer genomics, based on data collated from the AncestryDNA home DNA test that examines a person’s entire genome at over 700,000 different genetic locations.
The results reveal the genetic ethnic make up of the ‘average’ person in the UK and what countries and/or regions they can trace their ancestry back to over the past 500 years. They found that the average UK resident is 36.94% British (Anglo Saxon), 21.59% Irish (Celtic) and 19.91% Western European (the region covered today by France and Germany).

Feb 4, 2023 7:23 PM
Reply to  Levi Tate

germany – Anglo saxon
Ireland – Celtic
france – Norman

I’m Yorkshire, and my family going back 200+ years are very much Yorkshire – and i gather even further back too

Feb 6, 2023 10:46 AM
Reply to  Levi Tate

Great Britain was invaded not only by the Romans, but the Vikings and Normans. The French Huguenots could be labelled as our first serious Refugee Wave fleeing persecution from their French Catholic king with the Irish Famine in 1848 producing a huge number of immigrants and its to this group my DNA is the most dominant, next to English and Welsh. I also have a smattering of Scandinavian and Iberian in the mix so I think my DNA reflects the changes that have occurred over time in our history. If other people think we are an isolated island who have done nothing but plunder other countries they would do well to read up on our own history!

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 4, 2023 3:26 PM
Reply to  banana

Erm… An·glo-Sax·on — NOUN

1.) a Germanic inhabitant of England between the 5th century and the Norman Conquest.

I know what you mean. But I disagree with your definition…

Feb 5, 2023 12:36 PM

Message from Denmark, something is amiss: Monty Python would say “Bloody Vikings” were ‘at it’ long before the Mayflower crew Colonised the USA and carved up the Aboriginal’s beliefsets… into Tribal Fractions with limited Range of thought processes.
“What have the Romans ever done for US, eh…” ?
Well there’s the banks and the Vatican, naturally…
If you Trust the Roaming Italians and their MarconiMindedMafia,
With Swiss Guarda & Navy Seals the deal & circulatory
Nature of Corruption & engineering Wars… should be obvious.
Audit the Vatican 🇻🇦? Just like Legoland: unquestionably,
Never NeverLand
exists within

A German
A German
Feb 5, 2023 8:12 AM
Reply to  banana

Where do you get this definition from – or did you invent it yourself?

I know this sort of definition from some chinese people (inclusive Xi), who have never forgotten what the ‘Brits’ did to China in recent centuries. They have learned to believe, that CCP stabilized and saved China from the Brits. And they don’t be aware, that Karl Marx, their Master of ideology, was a german-jewish philosopher and his teachings are part of the sort of society they hate.

It is true, that westerners have a tendency to force other people under their will. So urgent, that with weakening christianity they invented racial supremacy to have reason for fighting against other ideologies. But China swallowed this poison with Marx, Lenin and Mao.

A German
A German
Feb 5, 2023 10:30 AM
Reply to  banana

BTW it is really interesting, what eruption of ‘ race scientism’ you were able to cause here. BRAVO.

Feb 4, 2023 10:26 AM

It would be nice to have other credible sources on the ground there rather than just newspaper or TV interviews.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Feb 4, 2023 9:52 AM

I clearly had educational special needs as a child. I was completely incapable of learning to hate nations, civilisations, heterogeneous groupings of people banded together in some artifical way.

I was perfectly capable of hating bullies who attacked me. That was entirely unacceptable. .I should know my place as an intellectual superior, physically inferior serf to organised criminals.

I was perfectly capable of hating Tony Blair. For that, the 77th Brigade and its forebears were set upon me, the result of which was a football song which say Blair ousted in a bloodless coup.

I am perfectly capable of hating Bill Gates.

For me to hate all Americans, I have to prove that they are knowingly refusing to stand up to their Deep State and quietly agree with everything that they do.

Whilst i don’t believe they are standing up agains their deep state sufficienty, I do recognise that personal survival and daily food and water are higher priorities for many than unpaid campaigning against more powerful shadowy figures up to 3000 miles away.

For me to hate every single UK MP, I must be convinced that all 650 are traitors to their electors, serving solely the unaccountable giga-rich and accepting bribes, submitting to blackmail and becoming low-level mafioso hoods.

Whilst a sizable majority of UK MPs do indeed fit that description, a sizable minority do not. I will never tar folks like Sir Desmond Swayne and Andrew Bridgen with the likes of Chris Bryant….

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Feb 4, 2023 11:59 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

And ever was it so.

The difference between a hundred years ago is what we are using now.

The internet has been a mixed blessing.

Now, everyone has access to a thousands of times more information than they had before.

Surely, this SHOULD mean that lies and traitors are easier to spot – and they are.

The problem is we’ve transferred the majorities’ apathy from one media to another.

Those pointing out the truth on this platform are ridiculed and called conspiracy theorists even MORE now than before the internet.

The hope that the majority will “wake up” is just that – a hope.

Feb 4, 2023 1:10 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Whenever the people need a hero we shall supply him.” – Albert Pike 33 Degree Mason

Whilst a sizable majority of UK MPs do indeed fit that description, a sizable minority do not. I will never tar folks like Sir Desmond Swayne and Andrew Bridgen with the likes of Chris Bryant….

He would happily tar you and your family…

This is Sir Desmond Swayne fake lockdown skeptic. Vaccine / pcr test peddler.!!!
Sold to the woke alt right media as an outspoken hero.

comment image

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Feb 4, 2023 5:57 PM
Reply to  Ananda

Tell me what woke alt. Right means.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Feb 4, 2023 6:34 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

There’s me thinking it was just the mescal !!

Feb 5, 2023 1:08 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Woke.Alt.Right. = Mountbatten’s Rothschild’s & Montague’s wet dream of illusory ‘free roaming’ within financial confines for…

New Forest Ponys,
A limited hangout.

Under Crown Rules.
Chucky d’ Turd &
Thoroughbred horseshit.
Rabl’s red rum ,
For chomping bits… ? ! & grass roots.
“Make sure you get yours”, too…

Feb 4, 2023 9:00 AM

Not at all THE PRISONER based mockery:


Gotta keep that tension between the big regional power blocs ratcheted up.

Feb 4, 2023 11:07 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Likely it is as rt Russian Times sezs the ballons are weather ballons blown by winds off course. Trip cancellation inputs tensions which allows to advance the hate agenda Once again if humanity fails to organize against corporate tyranny no one on earth will have any liberty, freedom, democracy or quality of life. The Initial Condition: Government is the top level non human organization and it should be the only NHO organization in every society. Government contains, possesses and manages all monopoly powers subject to the vote or objection of those who are the governed. In other words, government and what it does with its monopoly powers is controlled by those who are the governed. Government dilutes its monopoly powers: Private and special interest tug at government. These Private and special interest want two things: 1) the monopoly power that government possesses and 2) the privacy and secrecy needed to control the monopoly powers now in the possession of the private and special interest. These monopoly powers could only come from one place, the government, because initially the government owned all of the monopoly powers. Government dilutes itself by spinning off parts of its monopoly powers to Non human. Government Spin-offs are a horizontal transfer of government monopoly power. Governments are Non Human Organizations (NHOs), Corporations, Partnerships, Trusts, and the like are also NHOs. The corporations (fictitious entities=NHOs), governments use to transfer monopoly power from one NHO (government) to another NHO (the receiver of a government monopoly corporation). The corporation is chartered by government itself to be a sibling NHO. The government sibling “corporation” is a vehicle used by government to remove one or a set of governed owned monopoly powers outside of the political system and inside of the corporate entity. Spin-offs by governments remove voter influence over how… Read more »

Feb 4, 2023 8:57 AM

Yes, I know that: High up there in the Global stratosphere, our Oligarchs and Russia’s oligarchs are “all in it together”. But down on the ground one gets a different perspective:

Russian MLRS destroy NATZO-supplied military equipment in Ukraine:

Shelling by Z-regime killed 40 civilians last year in just one Donbass town:

Russian ATGM destroys armored vehicle of NATZO’s Z-regime:

Russian drone destroys yet another U$-supplied M777:

Z-regime tank takes direct artillery hit from Russian artillery:

New Yorkers rise up and call: “Bullshit. I am not in any right-left camp. I am tired of seeing $trillions disappear in unconstitutional wars and illegal bioweapons development.

Feb 4, 2023 12:31 PM
Reply to  NickM

Much of the donated armments would not work in a war anywhere near closely matched. So, how to deplete existing stocks and place new orders for the junk with cronies? Donate them.

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 4, 2023 8:05 AM

One for Mr Corbett’s next award show. Most desperately idiotic title:

“Novelist Tom Bullough on his XR arrest – and what Welsh saints can teach us about the climate crisis”

(From the Graud.)

I’ve heard of TLDR – too long didn’t read. How about TOFSDR – too obviously fucking stupid didn’t read?

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Feb 4, 2023 7:48 AM

All the world’s a stage…
Whilst many poor people have to decide between heating and eating the filthy rich billionaires are chasing the next billion.
NHS seem very efficient though- they are still sending me messages to book my fist Covid jab!
Zero MSM is the way forward, even the hourly bulletins on the radio are switched off.
No interest in the sinister schemes of the corrupted souls…

Feb 4, 2023 4:15 AM

Why is multipolarity important Since Russia is pushing the vaxx, especially on soldiers, which harms & kills people? And the tyranny of regulation arising from the climate hoax?
And the slavery of programmable money? If Russia is free of other countries in doing these things rather than in conspiracy with them, does it really matter?

I suppose individual countries could be more easily overthrown by their people; is there any other advantage?

Feb 4, 2023 3:57 AM

BlackRock alone has $10 trillion in assets under management”

Iain please can you have a detailed look at BlackRock. How is it possible to have achieved such size? What has been the Company’s involvement in what are supposedly affairs of national interest? Is it the biggest ever Ponzi scheme?

Feb 4, 2023 1:06 PM
Reply to  MattC

Cant recall who – but the thesis was that it started with life insurance that centralised funds that leveraged power.
People want their ‘money’ to earn profits. Pension funds are compelled by law to maximise profits.
Its a race to the bottom, and switching to social credits under greenwash or new BIo tech Solutions™ is NOT a restoring of a link to true wealth in order of just exchange.

les online
les online
Feb 4, 2023 3:26 AM

Editors of leading USA newspapers believe they should dump their claims of being Objective and become Advocacy media…
They’re a bit behind…A few years back Rupert Murdoch’s national newspaper, ‘The Australian’, stated it was an advocacy newspaper – ‘advocacy’ in the sense of ‘propaganda’.
In keeping with the total change to advocacy, the title of the papers should include Pravda, ie Washington Post Pravda, New York Times Pravda – Pravda meaning Truth in Russian (and name of the Communist Party’s newspaper)…

Why is the Associated Press lying about gene therapy shots ?

James Robertson
James Robertson
Feb 4, 2023 3:02 AM

All of the people who support nation states and governments, whether that be Russia or any of the Western nations are a complete joke and waste of time.
I respect people who care about people, people who support nation states at the expense of other humans are the enemies of humanity.
Beyond that, the total lack of imagination of those who believe that “you have to support one side or the other, what else is there.” is utterly pitiful.
Stop wasting your and others lives with this garbage you utter morons. Thank you.

Feb 4, 2023 4:22 AM

Our defense against bad nation states and governments is to form good ones, not to give up the concept or the arrangement. Good govt is a protector of rights and, as such, a powerful engine of civilization and economic progress.

James Robertson
James Robertson
Feb 4, 2023 5:05 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Could you please provide an example of this supposed good state? I have never observed anything of the sort.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Feb 4, 2023 7:34 AM
Reply to  Penelope

There are no good states. The institution of the state from its beginning was a creation of an elite class, a means of enforcing its interests upon the other members of society.

Feb 4, 2023 1:14 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

There are no Good Persons. The institution of the persona from its inception was an elitist agenda of self-specialness enforcing its dictate as membership, inclusion and survival.
The nature of individual and social is love.
The splitting off or dissociation from love is a forceful substitution.

I don’t argue your point but expand it.
State of being can be psychotically dissociated and blind by the stamp of its own past conditioning.
or aligned in a felt presence of spontaneous appreciation for being.

the fear of losing sets the grip of control whereby we are dispossessed of our whole mind to predictive modelling set by grievance.

Feb 4, 2023 11:46 AM
Reply to  Penelope

If only.

Feb 5, 2023 2:23 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Yes, yes, James & Jeffrey– just what the globalists want you to do: Give up any responsibility for improving the govt. I don’t know whether you’re simplistic idiots or working for the other side.

History is FULL of govts better than what we have right now, and they didn’t appear as the result of the abdication of their citizens. You behave like children. I’m ashamed of you.

Feb 4, 2023 3:00 AM

In the PRC:

Who owns TikTok now? A mysterious new Chinese company that no one has heard of!
Americans are increasingly aware of the privacy the security risk associated with TikTok. Some call it “digital fentanyl.”

The CCP.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Feb 4, 2023 12:38 AM

I tend to think of Russia and China as a unit — they’re disctinct societies and cultures but they share something important in common in that “the West” has been at war with them for many decades now and its not showing any signs of letting up. When you look at these societies, what they have in common apart from size and resources is that neither is running a current account deficit. Deficit financing is probably the most important tool for wealth transfer our western societies have, its a way of invisibly taxing everything, everywhere, but it can only work if it is universal — “There Is No Alternative”. If a society of any size fails to play the game then it poses an existential threat because its inherent efficiency leads to a significant boost in investment in both the country and its people. This not only makes the society more competitive than its finance based competitors but also has the potential to be ‘catching’ — other societies see the benefits of not playing the game of economic imperialism and so undermine the pillars of the ‘system’, most notably by trading among themselves and not using ‘hard’ western currencies such as the US dollar. This is why there’s been so much thought and effort put into crushing communism over the last 100 years — it not only called out the old colonialsts for its game of rentier captialism but it also posed a dangerous (if flawed) alternative. The propnents of “Domino Theory” were more on the money than they could imagine. Given the situation we’re in today its only natural that the apologists for our way of life in the West — which is currently failing a lot of its population — should pivot from trying to introduce fear (e,g,… Read more »

Feb 4, 2023 12:29 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

As far as Russia is concerned “the tail is not allowed to wag the dog” as M.Usher states above. Reading Mr Davis’s piece this fact is buried in his eagerness to show that Russia is no different from the venal corruption and corporate control as exhibited from the West. For much too long now the Western MSM has continued its campaign of hatred towards Russia and its people who are now demonised along with those of China. Through NATO aggression this sickness has festered and has been actively supported by those supine individuals we call politicians. America is fast becoming a basket case run by crazed neocons tied and beholden to their MIC where perpetual war is essential for an insane desire requiring evermore wealth and power. Their lapdog allies in Europe obediently follow in the same footsteps where we now arm and support one of the most corrupt countries in Europe whose government and military are controlled by a Neo Nazi ideology. Russian oligarchs are no different from those in the West but they do not to dictate foreign policy in the manner of our so called democratic institutions whose corruption and duplicity is widespread.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Feb 4, 2023 12:15 AM

He’s got that lizard look!

Feb 4, 2023 12:13 AM

IAIN, if there is one story that could establish Russian-Western cooperation in faux-warfare it’s the story of Russian entry into Syria: On the day that the Iran “Nuclear Deal” was announced Thierry Meyssan on Voltaire leaked that on the outskirts of the interminable Iran negotiations, there was a US-Russian deal that the Russians would enter the Syrian war! –You’ll remember that their initial action was strictly by aircraft. Accordingly, 2 Western actions occurred at once: the missiles on the Turkish/Syrian border that had grounded the Syrian airforce were withdrawn. AND the long seige of Syria’s Hmeymim (Latakia) air base was suddenly ended as the US had its mercenary troops withdraw so the Russians could come in to renovate/extend the airport. –The massive amounts of material necessary for this work were “not seen” by the combined intelligence agencies of the US, NATO, Israel and Turkey (though it all passed through the Turkish Straits). Likewise nobody “noticed” the work on the airfield though it was clearly visible by satellite. There were Congressional hearings at the time about this “greatest intelligence failing of all time.” –And when it was time for the Russians to have boots on the ground, Britain & the US arranged a phoney shoot-down of a Russian passenger liner as a pretext. The “crash scene” was the most transparent hoax I’ve yet seen: the wrong engine, which sat lightly on the sand instead of half-burying itself in the “fall from the sky,” the wings that flew themselves and landed right-side-up and undamaged, and the report from the Russian airport that there was NO FLIGHT over the Sinai at that time. So Russian participation in the Syrian conflict was overtly agreed upon by at least the US & Britain. And likely the Ukrainian conflict as well. And the whole story including… Read more »

Feb 4, 2023 9:56 AM
Reply to  Penelope

“ So Russian participation in the Syrian conflict…”

Yes, I suggest you look at the input that the Iranian General Solemani, now dead assassinated by the US, had in coaxing Moscow to intervene in yet another City of London controlled US colour revolution.


Feb 3, 2023 11:44 PM


I scoured the article in vain for the word neocon. It’s absence renders it of little value.

Feb 4, 2023 1:04 AM

Try “neoconservatives,” or :”Straussians” as Thierry Meyssan of Voltaire refers to Nuland, et al.

Feb 3, 2023 11:10 PM

For Android users, and probably Apple too:

Have you noticed the live theming that pulls colors from your wallpaper?

I find it annoying and have attempted using apps that help set the colors to my choices. If you have also, then you may have noticed that they routinely fade back to Monet colors.

The apps aren’t able to make permanent changes because the wallpaper theming APIs are now blocked to developers.
This is where it gets worse; the colors revert because the wallpaper service takes a screenshot every minute by default. It can then detect that the wallpaper colors have changed.

The obvious concern is that tight control over theming, could possibly, give cover if some entity wanted to collect or view minute by minute updates to an end users device.

Glad I have old phones to use. My Android 13 phone is a bit off-putting to use. It also consumes 13% of the battery in a single day, without ever being opened.

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 3, 2023 10:33 PM

Off topic …. but fun:


““We all know, we live in a world with a climate crisis, and we have a role to play and then companies have a role to play,” Smith Ihenacho said. “So we have stepped up our expectations towards the companies when it comes to setting targets to get to that net zero [emissions] by 2050 target. And we will push the companies more in setting targets and understanding how they’re going to get there.””

We all know, don’t we? Of course we do! Targets and net zero. That’s what we know. And of course it’s always good for the media to remind us of what we know and how much we know it!

“It comes as the prime minister of Norway, Jonas Gahr Støre, bowed to public pressure” (??!!) “to release more money from its oil profits to help support Ukraine. The country donated 10bn kroner in civilian and military aid last year.”

That peculiar “public pressure” again. Just like the “public pressure” to impose lockdowns.

It makes your heart swell to realise how much we know and how we can exercise public pressure to force through the right thing based on what we know. And it’s so good that the media should remind us to force them to do the right thing.

Feb 3, 2023 9:57 PM

Ellwood´s dangerous obsession is being driven by the quasi-psychotic Chris Donnelly who gave us the “Integrity Initiative” and other Orwellian mechanisms that have turned England into a STASI state. The recent Twitter revelations have shown how the media barons now want to dispense with objectivity in journalism by labelling anyone who dissents from “The Narrative™” as ´not objective´.
This is ´Fact Checkers´ on steroids and, effectively, the Ministry of Truth.

Feb 3, 2023 9:18 PM

It is interesting that this article fails to mention the almost millennium long struggle to destroy the Russian state.

It also fails to mention that Putin, who is no saint but saints are few and far between in this world, is a nationalist to his core and believes in the nation state hence his statement about living in a multi polar world rather than a unipolar world which is pushed by the globalists some of whom reside in Russia.

Moreover, it fails to investigate the cultural beliefs of the Russian people, including Putin, who made a speech outlining this some time ago. Ie the belief in the family unit a father and mother with children not a man and mummy man, daddy mummy and mummy mummy with children or the notion that a man or woman can have multiple genders.

Not forgetting, a very strong spiritual belief something which Solzhenitsyn said when he first left the Soviet Union that West had lost.

We can see the results of that statement nearly 50 years later in Western countries.


Feb 3, 2023 11:28 PM
Reply to  Brianborou

Intelligent response; I agree with your assessment.

Feb 4, 2023 1:07 AM
Reply to  Brianborou

Putin SAYS multipolar, but is pursuing the same actions as the globalists, both in word (more consistently), and certainly in deed.

Feb 4, 2023 9:07 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Hmm, you must pose that statement to the people’s of Venezuela, Belarus, Kazakhstan etc and see what their response would be. I will give you a clue they were all targeted for colour revolutions, such as in the Ukraine, and look were that led.

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Feb 4, 2023 12:25 PM
Reply to  Brianborou

Fair comment. I did not address those issues in this article, though I have covered them elsewhere.

I do not accept your assessment that Putin is a nationalist to his core. I fail to see how avidly pursuing global governance or multipolarity can be considered a defence of the nation state.

Multipolar theory is predicated upon regional, not national power and the new global monetary and financial system, espoused by Putin and Galsyev among other Russian “leaders,” is based upon the idea that global finance will be beyond the control of any nation state. Thus, if these plans are successful, all nations states, including Russia, will effectively lose control of their fiscal policies.

I hear what Putin has said in many speeches, just as I hear what Biden, Macron and Sunak have said in many speeches. As a rule of thumb, I don’t believe what politicians say unless I see some evidence to support it. The point is not what government mouth pieces claim but rather what the impact of government policy decisions are.

If the Russian government’s clearly stated policy objectives for the new global economy and global governance built upon SDGs, CBDC, Digital ID, biosecurity, information control, anti-terror operations and censorship, etc. go ahead, then not only will nation states lose control of fiscal policy they will be subject to global governance control in pretty much every other policy sphere too.

If the contention is that Putin is the Russian “leader” then, regardless of what he says, the policies he support are all “globalist.” I cannot see how that can possibly evidence Putin’s self-declared “nationalism.”

Feb 4, 2023 9:47 PM
Reply to  Iain Davis

Let’s cast our minds back from the early 2000’s to the late 2000’s the Russian Federation was about to collapse because of the policies of the City of London controlled oligarchs. I witnessed this first hand: old women begging on the streets, mostly no old men because they on average died by the time they were late 50’s. I witnessed handicapped children placed in positions to beg money and legless men on trolleys.

Let’s not forget that the Russian Federation was on the precipice of oblivion. It was tottering on a point of balkanisation. F.W Endgahl wrote a very insightful article from 2012 explaining how the Western intelligence agencies under the auspices of the City of London, namely the Rothschilds agent one Kordorkhosvsky, was about to achieve a Western millennium goal of the destruction of Russia by overtaking the last natural resource controlled by it. Namely oil !

Let’s not cloud our judgement, that Putin in his 2007 Munich Security conference speech layed out where the direction of the refusal to accept Russia in a European community was leading. This should come as no surprise to anyone who has studied Russian history.

Let’s not overlook, that Putin has stepped in to prevent colour revolutions/ revolutions in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Venezuela etc. If you read the Confessions of an Economic Hitman, it is not to much of a step to follow how the City of London use economic strategies to achieve their objectives without military invasion intervention.

This was the strategy until Putin thwarted this.

You put in inverted commas Putin is not the leader of the Russian Federation, yet since he became president he has reinvigorated Russia !

Feb 5, 2023 3:08 AM
Reply to  Brianborou

Brianborou, Certainly all that you say about the US/UK and colour revolutions is true; I think no one has doubts of this. I suppose our point of difference is whether a motivation other than solidarity w the Russian people can explain the actions of Putin that you cite. I think the motivation is the following:

A necessary ingredient in the globalists’ path to their goal is “conflict between nations.” It creates an alternate reality which distracts from our real peril and enhances the loyalty of so many people to their own country. As such it enhances the citizen’s tolerance to the govt’s anti-liberty acts.

My own personal view is that Putin was from the beginning a Kissinger protege, and that there is no way that the West will dismember Russia until they no longer need “an enemy.”

I simply do not believe the surface that we see; I think it’s theatre. I hope that you are somehow right and that Putin’s actions in support of the vaxx, programmable money, and advocacy for totalitarian climate regulations have a different explanation.

Feb 5, 2023 7:55 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Do you have concrete factual evidence ” Putin was …Kissinger protege” ?

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Feb 3, 2023 9:00 PM

The rich rule, everybody else drools, man, it’s that way everywhere. Humans are humans and they aren’t that complicated in the end.

Ever see somebody in their brand new car? Ya, they FEEL different. (until they make their first payment) “Got me a big 4 wheel truck man, I’m the shit and you’re not!”

“As long as the globalists who seek to divide us are believed by the public at large, humanity will continue to be the loser. It has always been this way.”

“globalists” – “rich people” (same thing only different, same in Russia, same in India, same in China, same in Europe, same in the U.S. And if anyone has noticed, it keeps getting worse. We’ll have trillionaires before we know it. The big corporations are things, they are directed by humans.

Maybe we need a global come to jesus moment about the rich. Except they won’t let us. And collectively we don’t seem to want to discuss that elephant in the room (not that there aren’t a whole bunch of fucking elephants). Because we might get rich too! You never know.

Relative to this from Patrushev,
“It is no coincidence that a growing number of Americans are saying that Republicans and Democrats are just two actors in one play that has nothing to do with democracy.”

Come on man. Dude’s a little late to the party:

“The republican and democratic parties, or to be more exact, the republican-democrat party represent the capitalist class in the class struggle. They are the political wings of the capitalist system and such differences that arise between them relate to spoils and not to principles.”

Eugene Debs – 1903

Class. Class!! CLASS!!!!

S Cooper
S Cooper
Feb 3, 2023 9:45 PM

comment image

“Politically what exists today in many parts of the world is a large criminal gang of war racketeering corporate fascist psychopaths passing themselves off as “government,” preying upon (and victimizing) the rest of hapless humanity. If only there was honest government of the people,by the people, for the people, based on the principles of equality (political/economic/social)civil liberty, respect and peace.”


Fran Crowe
Fran Crowe
Feb 3, 2023 8:50 PM

When we see all political leaders families, together with all of the offspring of the wealthiest 1% on the front lines, fighting and dying for “the cause” then we’ll know it’s time to do something similar, but only as reservists when they’re all dead.

Feb 3, 2023 8:21 PM

The UN Secretary General says- ” the 17 Sustainable Development Goals are the WORLD’S AGREED BLUEPRINT for building a safer more equitable world leaving no one behind” So that’s it then, no shilly shallying around, like it or lump it. No false modesty for Antonio eh? “No one left behind”- is that running up the red pennant – take no prisoners? Kill the Poor, how else can you make it more equitable? They’ll be much safer too.

Feb 3, 2023 7:44 PM

The entire LONG article is filled with “hate corporations” and “the unfairness of inequality” stuff but very short on criticism of evil governments, of which the US regime is number 1

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Feb 4, 2023 12:20 AM
Reply to  Kreditanstalt


But your government is just now selling out its people, bankrupting the nation, deindustrialising it, having previously dumbed it down a plenty and may very well soon send its soldiers off to war to boot.

Feb 4, 2023 12:46 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

All governments are controlled by the banksters.

Feb 4, 2023 7:01 AM

Rothschild thugs.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Feb 3, 2023 7:43 PM

Perhaps a working solution could be to say ie: Musk Corp. Inc., to tone down the so-called English speaking social atmospheric square block?

Feb 3, 2023 7:26 PM

Nicholas Roerich is a figure well worth some looking into.

Mystic, artist, Occultist, spy… although in what order will be very much according to taste. The resemblance to Crowley is striking.

His art has a dedicated museum in NYC and he influenced the design on the dollar bill through Henry Wallace who was an acolyte. Just as one would expect from a Russian mystic….

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Feb 3, 2023 8:10 PM
Reply to  Edwige

The Art as you call it is nothing of the sort other than a scientific representation of men & women worldwide tuning the fine art of recognition to inform Public of counterfeit fakes. When was the last time you bought even an authentic Antique Collectable Bank Note?

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Feb 3, 2023 8:35 PM
Reply to  Clive Williams

Furthermore, as I grab me coffee your selfdefeating thought is championing a universal basic income for every man woman and child in The United Kingdom., or forget the whole thing and we’ll grab a Pint,.. And return to a lad & lass 15yr old getting their Pay Packet every Friday dinnertime.
How about It? Nah! We can’t Those were the Days…..A Fantasy a folly a walk down Memory Lane. Beautiful thought..

Feb 4, 2023 12:50 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Roerich and his wife were both big fans Madame Blavatsky, the globalist and Theosophist.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Feb 3, 2023 6:34 PM

It’s really simple. Just leave the natural monopolies alone! A healthy society’s common requirements in order to thrive are state-funded healthcare, education, public utilities, communication airwaves, etc., a state jobs guarantee program, separated commercial and investment banks, more nationalized banks, capitalist regulations/safety standards and a constitutional buffer against corporate predation. Disturb that and society unravels.

The West’s “rules based order” unleashed unfettered, deregulated, rogue capitalism worldwide for over 40 years. Private central banks now rule the world. The IMF and World Bank are just as effective at decimating a nation as the MIC. Ukraine was already well destroyed before Russia entered the picture. The war is cover for yet another privatization, public asset-stripping maneuver that’s been going on for decades.

Until Nikola Tesla’s free energy infrastructure is installed, do not take the “sustainable agenda” seriously.

Until multipolarity means that there is a divisive break from implementing a biosecurity state, do not believe the fluff.

Opt Out Challenge: Opting Out of CBDCs
ALL crypto is gypto. Especially CBDCs.

Charlie Munger’s OpEd in the WSJ Is Spot On About Banning Crypto; But Calling It “Gambling” Fails to Capture Its Dangers

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Feb 3, 2023 9:58 PM
Reply to  Straight Talk

All crypto is Jewpto!

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Feb 3, 2023 10:12 PM
Reply to  Mann Friedmann

That’s shit XD

Feb 4, 2023 10:30 AM
Reply to  Mann Friedmann

Did the chosen a easy ride during covid…?
err NOPE!

Levi Tate
Levi Tate
Feb 3, 2023 6:30 PM

Wait…your thesis is that Russia and the West are in agreement to do battle on the jousting field. The Russians wanted this contest and so entered the field in Ukraine.

The fact that some Western leaders have spilled the beans
as to their true motives
does not equate to
the Russians and the West have reached an agreement.

The Russians were shouting well before they entered Ukraine as to the true motives of the West while the West was denying these motives. The West was lying.

The West filled the airwaves with their propaganda about “protecting democracy”
and “we have a right to do what we want, and what we want is make Ukraine part of NATO”. These motives were just for sheeple consumption.

Now the BS Curtain is wearing thin and various Western leaders are spilling the beans
about their true motives.
That is **not** anything close to working in concert as your thesis promotes.

Levi Tate
Levi Tate
Feb 3, 2023 6:42 PM
Reply to  Levi Tate

Oh look! This just in.

Russia and Germany ***agree*** about blowing up Nord Stream.

Those pesky Russians.

The most important twist to the West’s narrative that is featured in the Times report concerns Germany. Its officials say they are now “open to theories” that the sabotage attack was conducted by a Western country “with the aim of blaming it on Russia.”

You know the Russians are in agreement with that.

Feb 3, 2023 8:00 PM
Reply to  Levi Tate

The agreements were made long before the current punch up. Isn’t it the old diuretic ( it pisses me off)- A against B resulting in just what C wants. These operators are so bent and twisted they can’t do anything straight.

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Feb 4, 2023 1:16 PM
Reply to  Levi Tate

No, that is not my thesis at all. For the umpteenth time, I am saying that the conflict currently suits both sides and is being exploited to redistribute the global balance of power as the sides jockey for position within the rapidly advancing multipolar global governance system. That is not a claim that war was wanted by either or that there aren’t very real tensions and animosities. It is saying that the outcome will be the multipolar system of global governance that has long been planned by the parasite class because centralised authoritarian structures are always the outcome of such conflicts. This is why they always back both sides. With regard to everything else you said, yes that’s true. All of a sudden, Western leaders are spilling the beans aren’t they? While they continue to fill the airwaves with Russophobic propaganda, exclusively for our benefit in the West so that we will agree with war for however long they wish to maintain it, they are also admitting that their financial system is finished, that their support for peace negotiations were essentially a ruse and that Western states do indeed fight “proxy” wars, the list goes on. Can you remember a period in history where so many frank admissions of Western skulduggery and subterfuge were not only admitted by Western leaders but actually reported by their bought and paid for MSM? Why should that be? Why now, during a war when “loose talk costs lives”? While you have misrepresented my thesis—I don’t blame you, not speaking in the binary terms of goodies and baddies is currently an almost impossible position to explain it seems—your claim that this remarkable slew of hitherto unthinkable admissions from the West somehow proves that they are opposed to Russia is a moot point in the context… Read more »

Feb 3, 2023 6:24 PM


Somebody was asking about something positive. This might be one of such things:

Gary Jordan
Gary Jordan
Feb 3, 2023 7:06 PM
Reply to  Kurt

Is this Jordan Petersonsteinberg who was groveling at the feet of Benjamin Netanyahu quite recently?

Feb 4, 2023 8:50 AM
Reply to  Gary Jordan

Why don’t you try to discuss the ideas he’s talking about or, if you find them utterly unacceptable, propose something yourself?

What does Netanyahu have to do with any of this?

Feb 3, 2023 9:24 PM
Reply to  Kurt

Your fucking kidding us Kurt.??
this establishment owned internet algorithm, med head fruitcake shill for Monsanto.
In his ideal world everyone must have id to verify themselves coz he doesn’t like people on the internet anonymously.

You can go and live in his village with the woke alt right twat.
@ 8m.48s hypocrisy at thee worse type.

Feb 4, 2023 4:46 AM
Reply to  Ananda

The other alternative is keep fucking whining how fucked up everything is and how they’re fucking after you.

BTW, who is “us”? You have a multiple personality or there are multiple fucking yous where you’re corresponding from?

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Feb 3, 2023 10:04 PM
Reply to  Kurt

Jordan is unfortunately on the receiving end of a plot to destroy his family.
I wonder what stressors the Zionists have put him there than the obvious his daughter and his grandchild lives’ are at stake.
His daughter’s latest “squeeze” is being charged for sex trafficking in Romania.

Feb 4, 2023 10:38 AM
Reply to  Mann Friedmann

Andy Tate arrest is about as real as Juden solution’s.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Feb 4, 2023 12:28 AM
Reply to  Kurt

Hopeful words. Now let’s wait for the action.

Feb 4, 2023 8:48 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Exactly. At least it’s an effort to DO something, to discuss stuff, solutions.

As to waiting for action, I’m afraid that it’s not a good strategy. EVERYBODY HAS TO ACT. Like NOW. Nobody will fight this fight for you. Or us.

Feb 4, 2023 10:40 AM
Reply to  Kurt

Nobody will fight this fight for you. Or us.

Then you post a shill of the highest order aimed for internet idiots.

Feb 3, 2023 6:12 PM
Feb 3, 2023 6:10 PM

The West has had a crusade lasting nearly a millennium to destroy Russia. It very nearly succeeded at the last attempt in the 90s under the Russian equivalent of Biden.

The country was being financially raped by the City of London controlled Western governments and the Russian fifth columnists such as Khordokovsky who was the Central Bankers Rothschild’s representative in Russia.

Putin thwarted their plans.

“ Mikhail Khodorkovsky’s real crime was not stealing Russia’s assets for a pittance in the bandit era of Yeltsin. His real crime is that he was a key part of a Western intelligence operation to dismantle and destroy what remains of Russia as a functioning state “

Feb 3, 2023 7:26 PM
Reply to  Brianborou

“Why Putin Can’t Stop Killing Russian Billionaires”

As we can see ATL, Putin did stop killing Russian oligarchs, or exiling them to their natural home — The City in London. A pity; but the fighter of oligarchs combats a powerful god: Mammon, armed with plentiful pieces of silver.

Feb 3, 2023 10:14 PM
Reply to  NickM

Since the Ukrainian war has began, some of these oligarchs have lost their bottle and fled. Very few Russian people shed any tears for their departure, including Putin.


Fugazi Shoe-gazy
Fugazi Shoe-gazy
Feb 3, 2023 5:45 PM

Excellent piece – have always thought that the Western comp to Putin is the career of HW Bush. Former heads of their respective intelligence agencies to pres and corrupt the whole way. Making the comparison to your average MSNBC lib makes their head explode.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Feb 3, 2023 5:20 PM

I have been a Zero Hedge reader for over a decade. I was also an active commenter there. I got kicked off the comment section twice for reasons unknown. The second time was about 3 years ago. It is quite easy to get back on just by getting a new email address, handle, and maybe now IP. However I decided not to re-enlist as it was wasting too much of my time. This has an arguable drawback as then one only has access to about 30% of the comment section of articles. Since ZH is dependent on Google ads for it revenues, it has had to throw out a lot of WOKE bones in its articles, though this has been reduced dramatically in the last year. However, most readers still just read the first paragraph of an article and then jump to the comments. I write this in relationship to the article above, because the comments on ZH are indicative of the conservative and libertarian professional classes in the USA. Unfortunately there is a lot of unfounded racism there which IMO is a reaction to the NWO agenda to use race as well as “genders” as a dividing tool. But let me get to the question of Russia and China. I would say that Putin is a hero to 90% of the ZHC (ZH commenters) and they support Russia in the current war. This is to a large extent caused by their burning hatred of the USA and western Deep State agenda. They choose to be oblivious to Russia’s oligarchy and neofascist tendencies as Davis points out, as well as its vaccine policies. In their defense, they are very aware of the west’s surrounding Russia and NATO’s relentless expansion eastward to the Russian border against Baker’s broken promise to Gorbachev not to do so as a trade off to Russia not interfering with the reunification… Read more »

Feb 4, 2023 1:04 AM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

I’ve had the same thought myself. What really soured my on Putin was how the Russian government went right along with the plague-hoax. That spoke volumes about his true agenda!

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Feb 4, 2023 1:11 AM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

I also don’t care one bit for their Wagner Group, a spitting image of Blackwater.

Feb 4, 2023 12:46 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

All the reports of USans captured, injured or killed in Ukraine avoided mention of Blackwater. Some Ukraine Nazis got training un US.

Feb 4, 2023 7:47 AM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

Quite. Putin (and Xi) would probably feel as vulnerable as; Zuckerberg, Fauci and most Western Pms or Presidents. Who wouldn’t when there all those govt. controlled mercenaries just waiting to be given the green-light to turn one’s lights out?

Although, whatever one might want to think about Putin and/or Xi, for that matter … It becomes a monumental task to withstand the formidable pressure/s that the DS are able to bring to bear on the individual. Moreover, one can only imagine the mental-torture the likes of [a] Putin, Kennedy, Gadaffi, Xi, Hussein, et al would endure if and when they have their epiphany of wanting to do the ‘right-thing’ for their people. The PTB would not allow them to entertain such thoughts for too long … not while there are all those resource-riches to control.
No human is invincible and I’m sure that all current and/or potential leaders are oft’ reminded of their fragility by, ‘the men in dark suits’.
Would you want to get between, the banksters and the MONEY-TROUGHS?

Feb 3, 2023 5:00 PM

Wagner’s now advertising for American mercenaries “to fight the NWO.”
–Cairns News

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Feb 3, 2023 5:52 PM
Reply to  Penelope
Feb 4, 2023 12:06 AM
Reply to  Iain Davis

Not surprising: the New World Order was Hitler’s slogan, and in the 1930s some Brits (George Orwell for instance) went to fight the NWO in Spain — even though the British govt sided with Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany (the RAF even flew Franco in from exile to head the NWO’s Falangist forces).

As I repeatedly remind people, not all Yanks are fascists — even though President “Read My Lips” Bush said he wanted a New World Order. Not all medics are fascist, even though the WHO wants a New World Order.

“Which New World Order would that be?” — with apologies to Nadine Gordimer.

A German
A German
Feb 4, 2023 5:27 AM
Reply to  NickM

After a meeting with General Gordon of Khartoum in South Africa in 1881, Cecil John Rhodes set up a secret society, with the aim of establishing a new world order. The society, disciplined on Jesuit-style lines, became Rhodes’s lifelong obsession, and after his death it lived on and grew under the leadership of his executor, Lord Alfred Milner. The society played a key role in the governance of Britain during the Great War and in the controversial peace terms to end it, and it was linked to appeasement initiatives involving Hitler, the Duke of Windsor and Mrs. Simpson before World War II. Echoes of the secret society survive in different guises to this day, including the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) and the Rhodes Scholarships.

The Secret Society: Cecil John Rhodes’s Plan for a New World Order, Robin Brown

Feb 4, 2023 8:10 AM
Reply to  A German

Thanks, I did not know that book, but every point in your summary agrees with my own research. In 1990, after the Clinton & BLiar unleashed NATZO’s “irresistible armed might” on tiny Serbia, I started digging into the question:

“Why is the EU, which was supposed to bring peace to a united Europe, now dropping more bombs on Belgrade than Hitler did?”

After 30 years of solitary digging, my tunnel broke through in the same place and among the same historical personages as in Robin Brown’s book: my native South Africa under Rhodes and Milner, and their successors in the 20th century Anglo-sphere whom you mention in your summary.

I can add one little thing which I read somewhere on the internet and remembered only because TB.Liar is now Director in House of Rothschild — the highest rank ever bestowed on a retired British Prime Minister::

“Rhodes was a Rothschild man”.

Feb 4, 2023 12:44 PM
Reply to  NickM

I learned about Rhodes and his secret society from James Corbett’s two documentaries about World War 1. Fabulous. His interview with researcher and author Jerry Docherty is fascinating.

I have tried to link it to no avail. Apologies. But one can easily find it on Corbett Report, Bitchute, youtube. Well worth a watch.

Explains so much.

A German
A German
Feb 4, 2023 3:11 PM
Reply to  NickM

Quigley cites a letter from Rhodes to Lord Nathan Rothschild in 1888
In considering questions suggested take Constitution of The Jesuits if obtainable and insert ‘English Empire’ for ‘Roman Catholic Religion’.
But Rhodes found Rothschild ‘not able to understand’ his thoughts, so he was looking for another trustee and found WT Stead.
Stead wrote to his wife
Mr. Rhodes is my man! I have just had a three hours talk with him. … I cannot tell you his scheme because it is too secret … Told me some things he has told no other man – save Lord Rothschild … He said he has taken his ideas from P.M.G. (Pall Mall Gazette) , that the paper permeated South Africa, that he met it everywhere.
1889 he wrote to Rhodes
... as it seems to me, your idea and mine is in its essence the undertaking according to our lights to rebuild thr City of God and reconstitute in the 19th century some modern equivalent equipped with modern appliances of medieval church of the ninth century on a foundation as broad as humanity..
And so on. There are many of this sort of letters and Articles from Stead.
Stead was the person, and he was linked to Milner and – Mme Blavatsky, he was a great fan of her and her occultism, practised sceances himself.
Think, Stead is the person you are looking for.

A German
A German
Feb 5, 2023 10:14 PM
Reply to  NickM

Curious about the Rothschild role I found this intersting podcast/s
I’ve listened to the first of the two and was very impressed, because it sounds a very rational and serious explanation.
Maybe interesting for you too.

Feb 5, 2023 8:53 AM
Reply to  A German

Half Truths

Lord Rothschild was the executor of Rhodes will. Rhodes was an arsehole that wanted the Africans replaced by Europeans.

Appeasement is a disgusting establishment warmongering bankster term.An astonishingly overused term. WW2 was arranged by the banksters in order to make huge profits, kill lots of people in horribly brutal ways and create a new state in the Middle East.

A German
A German
Feb 5, 2023 3:59 PM

That is, what I know. But I am open to learn new facts. Do you have any source for your statement about Rothschild?

Feb 4, 2023 2:01 PM
Reply to  Penelope

Wagner Group has a battalion of UK mercenaries led by a ex-US general.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 3, 2023 4:22 PM

Take a long look at the list of alphabet soup designations for corporate agency and governmental bodies included in the article. Maybe even make a written list. It’ll be a LONG list.

None of these listed “employees” provide food, housing, clothing, nor secure access to commonly needed resources. They are parasitic and redundant throughout history.

It doesn’t matter one wit what country they reside in, or what agency they designate as their provider. Where do these suited assholes come from? Clue: It ain’t Mars…

Feb 3, 2023 7:02 PM

There is no appreciable difference between West and Russia (or China) in this regard. The power-hungry “clans” in both East and West,..are seeking to maximise their  influence over a single set of global [profit making] policy agendas.  the “clans” have the same objectives and the same goals  The clans operate as non government organizations [NHOs]. NHOs are designed to redirect the benefit [profit] of government into the hands of special interest. AND I THINK THAT IS WHERE PUTIN AND BIDEN DIFFER; BIDEN IS SEEKING CORPORATE CONTROL OVER GOVERNMENT, AND PUTIN IS TRYING TO REAL IN CORPORATE CONTROL OVER GOVERNEMT.    Government is not only divided into domestic and global functions, but also government is the original owner of all monopoly power IN A NATION STATE so government is the parent of all monopoly powers, even those found in tbe other NHOs which government sponded (corporations).  Because corporations(NHO Non Human organization) do not suffer the division of benefit of the profits from the exercise of their monopoly power [M-Power] as do national governments the corporations are able to circumvent the division of benefits governments encounter. The result is that cumulative gains from productive output are distributed to make a few investors wealthy instead of to satisfy the needs of citizens . Simple formula shows how the monopoly power of government is continuously removed from the oversight of voters. Nothing a non government, NHO does, is subject to voter oversight.  The model for continuous dilution of government follows: M-Power of current government = [[M-Power in orig. Government – M-Power in NHOs]]. (beneficiaries are citizens)  ———————–            (beneficiaries are investors) From the formula; government chartered private NHO (Corporations, etc.) either remove monopoly powers from government or share monopoly powers with governments and nearly always redirect the benefits of operations to a special interest [profit] or special purpose[social or political]. Governments, corporations, partnerships,… Read more »

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Feb 3, 2023 11:28 PM
Reply to  eman

What utter nonsense.
Up through to the end of the 1960’s it took 100 to provide for One Citizen in the British Isles. A Single to a Family of Four.
Give or take in a Community called the United Kingdom of Men Women and Children.

Feb 4, 2023 2:08 PM
Reply to  eman

There is no appreciable difference between West and Russia (or China)
So, you find no difference in homelessness, starvation, drug addiction, insane violence, police brutality, usury, etc. between US and others.

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Feb 11, 2023 11:17 AM
Reply to  mgeo

There is no appreciable difference between West and Russia (or China) ….

in this regard….

…. The power-hungry “clans” in both East and West,..are seeking to maximise their influence over a single set of global [profit making] policy agendas. The “clans” have the same objectives and the same goals