Unconditional Surrender
Todd Hayen
I know I am beating a dead horse here, but I am still fuming about The Atlantic article from October 2022. How dare they?! I am also a bit perturbed by all the folks prematurely declaring victory over this totalitarian abomination.
I know many of you who read my work think I am way too dark about all of this, and that I should acknowledge all of the incredible headway we have made. I mean, really…lots of wonderful stuff ICAN is doing, and Bob Kennedy with Children’s Health Defense, Dr. Kory and Dr. Marik with the FLCCC, America’s Front Line Doctors, on and on.
Tireless, I know. And I do not question their efficacy.
But…we are not there yet folks, and in my dark Dr. Doom opinion, nowhere near it.
The WEF and WHO have not skipped a beat carrying out their agendas although DAVOS didn’t seem to go as smoothly as they had hoped, they all still march on.
Digital IDs, Pandemic Treaties, which put global control in the hands of a couple of unelected officials, plans to replace physical currency with a digital currency (CBDC) (don’t kid yourself, this has horrendous consequences). Closer to every day living level, we have a return to mask mandates showing up as “suggestions” in various places and we hear the PM of New Zealand boasting that he will hunt down the unvaccinated and give them the jab.
I could go on, but I would run out of my allotted words pretty quickly. As I have said before, you don’t have to pull back the sheets too far to expose all the bedbugs you can’t see on the surface. They are all still there, waiting to chew you up good.
We can’t expect sheeple to see them. There are plenty on the surface as well, at least there were over the past few years, and the sheeple can’t see them either. So there is no way we can expect them to see the millions of those buggers who are carrying on their business under the sheets. But we can see them. And feel them biting and sucking our blood. We are like the kid in the movie Sixth Sense. We see dead people, only these people we see are not dead, they are very much alive, and they are destroying our world very quickly.
Just like bedbugs, they are difficult to get rid of. They go underground, they hide, they come out under the protection of night. “Night” in this case is the use of deception and lies to entice people to not notice what they are really doing. Distractions. Carrots. Candy bars (quite literally when it comes to manipulating our children).
Note again The Atlantic article on amnesty.
They offer olive branches, “oh, we didn’t know the vaccines were dangerous, we were just trying to help.” Limited Hangout.
Soon people are going to start getting slaps on the wrists—fall guys. Or even a few people getting heftier reprimands just so it looks like “they are taking care of their own and punishing who needs to be punished.” The Atlantic article makes it clear, certainly at this early point in the process, that they will give as little as they can get away with and admit no wrong doing. That may change, they may at some point give a bit more, but they will never voluntarily give what they need to give to fix this (well, it will never be fixed.)
What will at least come close to fixing it? Unconditional surrender. We cannot take any prisoners.
I am not a big one for capital punishment. I don’t believe killing someone for wrongdoing really accomplishes much of anything other than a certain closure to those who have been wronged. In certain cases I would be on board with this. But there is a lot you can do on the way to correcting a situation before you hang someone or inject them or fry them. And this correction needs to be massive.
I am afraid that many of us are so forgiving, and are so shell-shocked, they will be satisfied with the tiniest victories. Very much like they already are. I can’t see how this sort of response is going to completely kill this many-headed hydra. The bedbugs have to be entirely annihilated, there cannot be a single one standing, or else the colony will come right back.
The system is so deeply corrupt. And I am not just talking about government, or corporate America, or the US educational system, or law enforcement, or the CIA, all this, yes, but even the deepest of moral foundations has nearly entirely collapsed. It has all turned into a slurry of ugliness, hatred, and indecency. We are losing our souls. More accurately, many are giving their souls away in exchange for hit after hit of artificial euphoria.
Euphoria found either in the form of material acquisition in a blindingly consumer-oriented culture, or euphoria found in the form of the threat/resolution, threat/resolution, repetitive cycle that churns on endlessly. Read Orwell’s 1984 for a chilling example of how all of this works.
To “fix” this entire system, and the swill it sits on, probably requires armageddon. Not a pretty solution, but possibly the only option we have unless people take action very quickly. And of course if there is some sort of divine intervention, things could change for the positive more quickly and efficiently. But don’t count on that. We humans typically have to get ourselves out of our own messes. Although I am pretty certain God intervenes quite often and keeps things from getting much worse—things are always capable of getting much worse.
So lets rule out depending on God to get us out of this, and lets also rule out going into Mad Max or Terminator mode. What then would this great reckoning look like? I don’t think we can get away with it being simple. I also doubt if any sort of revolution will heat up to the point it needs to in order to burn out all the bedbugs hiding in the mattress. We may have to experience something much worse than we already have from the powers that be to get the heat high enough. And I don’t think it will be a complete failure if the infestation isn’t 100% cleared out with just one blast of heat. The body has to survive, even if all of the cancer is removed through radical means. We may have to do this in stages.
The first stage in this reckoning would entail a complete removal of any of the major players in this whole affair, including trials, prosecutions, and sentencing. This has to be unabashedly public so there is no one on the planet who has any doubt as to what has happened. This would be logically followed by a wide-ranging rebuild of the public health system, including the CDC, FDA, NIAID, etc.
Of course there would be many stages to follow. So many, if one is to get to the core of the fundamental issues, it makes my head spin. Certainly this IS an opportunity to start creating something new and meaningful, but it has to start with an unconditional surrender and an end to the global movement toward totalitarianism. That can only start with a comprehensive admission to guilt and wrongdoing by all those guilty of these crimes against humanity.
Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here
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However, the most simple way to boycott all this BS is stop consuming all the mass stuff – and start buying locally!! Stop buying in super markets all the shit we dont need, stop buying clothes from big brands, stop spending time on social media. The power systems depend on our consumption every day, if we all stop consuming they will crash very quickly.
The sovereign is supposed to be the last defence and guarantor of our individual liberties.
I have not much faith in Charles III (his sister as Anne II would do a much better job), given his subservience to the WEF.
His coronation is due on 6th May but he must swear an oath to the people of England, not the WEF nor anyone else. And he must be acclaimed by the people – a trial by jury.
Pretty dark I agree. The density of fear based policy in our power structures is molasses like, soulless and strangely alien (probably A.I.)
Any effective interruption to such a system will be(or will need to be) totally catastrophic.
I watched the old VHS videos of Rothchild/Rockefeller where they spelled-out exactly what they Planned in their Agenda for a 1-World Govt./Military/Currency/Religion! All that the WEF/WHO/NIH/CDC, etc. are doing is adding to & accelerating this original Agenda! I kept shaking my head & rolling my eyes when so many people bought-into the ‘New Normal’ propagandizing–actually believing things would go back to ‘normal’. We’ve never had a real ‘normal’, anyway! We’ve just been led to think/believe our lives were ‘normal’.
Look at the photo in yesterday´s “The Conservative Woman” under ´Oops! Who let that Rascal into the Coronation?´ It´s clear Charlie is the errant schoolboy scolded by Evelyn de Rothschild.
Instead of rebuilding the public health system is better to get rid of it. Health is an individual problem, not a public problem.
Gads! A singular voice of reason within a din of complete nonsense. What the hell is “public health”? I say it’s a definitive way to rob individual choice for corporate profit. The perps call it “public health” yet treat the public as a disease…
This is a good point. All “public health” can do is attempt to control people and by so doing oppress them.
It is no accident that the more money one has the healthier one is likely to be. However poorly thought out, public health systems do attempt to level the playing field.
Plus, there is another factor impacting this whole public vs private health: the public through its willingness to turn a blind eye to the private sector’s on-going pollution of the environment, is contributing to the health crises so many people face. So why shouldn’t this same public have to pay to repair the damage its policies cause?
It’s not Gates, Schwab, Tedros or even Johnson, Handcock, Sturgeon, Justin Castreux, Macron, Andrews or Ardern who carried out the tasks which made the fake pandemic work. The last (or opening?) line of authority which gained the public’s attention was that of Whitty, Van Tam, Fauci, Birx, Tam in Canada, Chant in Oz and Leitch in Scotland. If anyone should be placed on or near a gallows, it’s the latter. The former, must only serve any “punishment” while fully aware and in severe, but not fatal constant pain.
The mistake is STILL being made that the public in some way feel they have been hoodwinked, or are angry and upset about the rollout and it’s alleged consequences. They’re really, really not- and they never were hoodwinked either. They jumped at the first suggestion of a “new” way of dealing with a crisis without a second’s thought about it’s results. That’s the level of confidence They have in humans solving a human problem, in a simple manner. None. Zero. Fuck all. And that levelhas diminished further.
I’m not angry or upset- just a little disappointed but also hugely relieved that so many people revealed true colours- “lifting of the veil”- and if it’s possible i’d love to aid anything which keeps me from a totally seperate awareness (or timeline has been mentioned) going forward, forever. No let up. No forgiveness. Never.
Once you understand that the greatest blame must inevitably fall to those who were willingly duped, you must ease up on calls for revenge on the perps. The perps were only giving the people what they wanted: an easy, non-demanding way of dealing with a (supposed) crisis.
You are absolutely right, Howard. I agree. In the case of the USA, 70% of the population were acutely aware that the fake vaccines would cause a serious possibility of death and/or very painful disabilities, though we still can not estimate just how many and for how long. Ed Dowd has shown however that insurance companies that insured the working employees of Fortunate 500 companies (18-65 years), the usually largest healthy demographic in the country, had a death benefit payout 40% higher in 2021 than 2020. This was a 5 sigma event. Now that word is leaking out to the flock just how dangerous the jabs are, less than 15 percent are taking them. A large percentage of those that took the jabs did so under extreme duress at the threat of losing their jobs and income if they refused. Now that I realize just how dangerous they are, I’m gonna catch up with at least the starter 2 and 3 boosters. What the hell are you smoking?
It’s the boosters that people aren’t taking. And that is very much the American way. Once the thrill of the latest hoola hoop (which is what the jabs were) begins to wear thin, people very very quickly lose interest.
There was a time when the Union movement was just getting started, and people who banded together took risks. Nothing was stopping employees from banding together to oppose the jab mandates. It just wasn’t worth it to them.
For that matter, nothing prevented Joe Six-Pack and Jane Soccer-Mom from doing some research online – and bear in mind that the real censorship did not begin until much later.
The dangers – both of a fake pandemic and a deadly “vaccine” – were being presented from the get-go. All people had to do was take the thing as seriously as their Facebook entries.
To rebut your stereotype just a bit, it was mostly Joe Six Pack and even some Soccer Moms who saw through the vax lie early. Sadly, it was more like Joe Graduate Degree and Jane Graduate Degree that smugly bought into “The Science” completely and held old Joe and Soccer Mom in open contempt for questioning the brilliance of all those well educated scientists who created the miracle cure. Not to mention how Joe and Soccer Mom were more than likely vehemently opposed to a lockdown that took away their ability to feed their kids, how dare they not just work from home! While it’s fun to bash on old Joe and Soccer Mom, they are hardly the only problem and are in reality a smaller part of the problem than Joe and Jane Graduate degree.
But otherwise I do agree on the latest hoola hoop of the “vaccine” and now that the novelty of that has worn off even the Graduate Degree believers are starting to doubt the necessity of the vax. Of course, they can NEVER admit to that, as that would put a large dent in “The Science” they like to use to show the rest of us lesser educated how much smarter they are. So they silently move along, nothing to see here, no harm, no foul until it touches them directly. And even then, they seem to be the majority who will deny that miracle shot had one thing to do with a loved ones unexpected death, all the while assuring those of us lesser educated that they might have made a mistake wishing a long painful death on the unvaxxed but that is just because even the well educated can make mistakes and they really, really didn’t mean any of that ugly rhetoric they spewed back in the dark ages of two years ago.
While these educated can and did make some mistakes, the same is not true of “The Science” in any way, shape or form. “The Science” is sacrosanct, and anyone who now doubts “The Science” due to some silly mistakes with a vaccine is just a crazy conspiracy theorist who’s more worried about soccer and six packs than public health! And don’t even get the smart set started on NWO, WEF and the surveillance state, that’s just totally lunatic and just shows a woeful lack of higher education since we all should know by now our leaders “would never do that!”
That’s a very good observation.
Who has been able to resist the best? It wasn’t people who did their research. A lot of people who did their research are fervently pro-establishment. Because they followed the wrong premises. And within the premises (shoveled down their throat by the establishment), their reasoning was correct. To understand what the fuck is going on, one has to not only do their research, but also be a priori a black sheep, an enfant terrible, a non-conformist. The other group of people who have done well are those who either don’t give a shit or for whom all the fuckery rammed into people’s skulls is way over their head. For instance, I know a guy who never knew that there is such thing as COVID and consequently couldn’t give two shits. The funny thing is that he travels across Europe to work, and he continued to do so while all the crazy restrictions were in place, but nobody ever stopped him anywhere. It was all mostly smoke and mirrors.
The people who are most affected by the mental fuckery foisted on the world are those who are part of or subscribe to the “system”. They’re educated in any of the branches of the scientific-mechanistic-technological-systemic scheme that constitutes the framework of today’s incarnation of the world, where their thinking patterns function as a cage from which they can’t escape.
In other words, what we’re witnessing is not primarily a problem of waking up, mass formation, global complot, stupidity, conformism, and the usual suspects, even though all of that does play a role. It’s a fundamental problem of how this civilization has chosen to perceive the world.
Ultimately, we’re back to the ol’ dichotomy of individualism vs. collectivism. People have excessively embraced the latter, in a very very misguided way, and they’re being rightfully fucked over for doing so. One might argue that at the core of everything is laziness – the main driver of collectivism. For it’s easier for a person to rely on others to take care of his shit than to work to be self-reliant and take care of his shit himself.
But then there are those who are just too stupid not to be duped.
I have a hard time thinking up suitable punishments for those – and they are many . . .
The coming Covid/ Ukraine debacles will shred whatever vestiges of credibility remain to our Establishment and its lapdog media.
But there needs to be a day of reckoning, a settling of some very weighty accounts, certainly with the Johnsons and the Arderns of this world, and their functionaries like Fauci and Whitty.
There is no need for death penalties, or even imprisonment. There is a precedent for dealing with such people. In the immediate post war period, lower level Nazi functionaries were banned from holding any positions of power or authority. They were allowed to perform menial and manual tasks, clearing bomb sites and the like, useful and necessary work where they could do no further harm whilst making a modest contribution to society.
With suitable monitoring and supervision, such people could be found appropriate work. Instead of the current NGO sinecures and lucrative gigs as Guardian columnists or game show contestants, they could be found employment as road sweepers, toilet attendants, refuse collectors, and brussels sprout pickers. There are many other similar tasks they could perform.
The problem is much deeper and goes far beyond the CV hoax. A fairly interesting thoughts are voiced in the article about Desmet’s totalitarianism treatise.
As much as the COVID madness was foisted on the world, the problem is that it fell on fertile soil. People readily accepted the phantasmagorical measures because they’ve grown accustomed to being cogs in the system and behaving the way the system commands. The mechanistic way of thinking, which only accepts as legit stuff that can be ‘expressed by numbers’, plays a role too. People are already part of the Borg, having just about all aspects of their lives outsourced to it.
At the beginning, I thought that the CV hoax was concocted by a few people at the top of the pyramid, with the rest being victims. Not quite so. While it was foisted on the world, it took life of its own and was willingly propagated by people conditioned over decades if not centuries to act the way they acted.
If anybody is to blame, it’s humanity for falling excessively for the pitfalls of collectivism. For collectivism – in a nutshell, sacrificing a part of one’s wellbeing for the wellbeing of others – might be to some extent a noble concept, but it can be very easily misused for totalitarian purposes. In the past, communism imposed totalitarianism through economy. Today, totalitarianism is being imposed through contagion, climate, and all sorts of other shit, where people are being forced to sacrifice their wellbeing, freedom, etc. for the alleged benefit of the collective.
It really is much more nuanced than pointing a finger at any of these assholes who are the main perpetrators of this crap. If people were self-reliant, self-sufficient, freedom-loving individuals, m-effers like Turd wouldn’t stand a chance.
Humanity has fucked itself into a corner, mentally, ideologically. Atrophied its instincts.
But then the question arises, how did so much of humanity get so dumbed down? Where we born that way? I think not.
I don’t think it’s primarily a matter of being dumbed down, even though there’s a fair amount of that too.
The problem is that humanity has embarked on a path toward, say, technocracy and unintentionally put itself into a straitjacket of thinking patterns conducive to the kind of shit we’re witnessing.
Progress (why do we need progress anyhow?) is equated with technological advancement and systematization. In order to not only see through the fuckery but also actively oppose it, you gotta be a priori unconventional, a black sheep. Otherwise, the conformist you will override whatever devil’s advocate there might be in you and will follow the establishment’s reasoning, which makes pretty good sense within their systems.
In other words, the dumbing down process has been very long. The “dumbness” is an integral part of the occidental thinking framework.
Interesting discussion. A praised short film will clear many eyes.
Search “Bus 44” to see why the sheeple favour the bad guys out of cowardice and laziness, and why the sheeple reject our hero macho man and the self sacrificing hero woman.
The directors of the bus company follow the screams from the crowd. Otherwise they cant get the buses driving on the street.
“Atrophied its instincts.”
We’ve atrophied the right hemisphere of the brain, according to Iain McGilchrist:
“In ‘The Matter with Things’, Iain McGilchrist..argues that we have become enslaved to.. a partial view dominated by the brain’s left hemisphere [mechanistic, materialistic].. in order to understand ourselves and the world we need science AND intuition..”
How the Brain’s Left Hemisphere “Mesmerizes” Us into Misunderstanding Reality
“If we are wreaking havoc on ourselves and the world, it is because we have become mesmerized by a mechanistic, reductionist way of thinking.”
The dots are nearly touching but people still aren’t making the connections.
You can lead a human to knowledge but you can’t make him/her think.
Humankind will not perish for want of information; but only for want of appreciation. The beginning of wisdom lies in understanding that life without wonder is not worth living.
-Abraham Heschel
It is most often misquoted: the line isn’t ‘A little knowledge is a dangerous thing,’ but ‘A little learning is a dangerous thing.’ (Alexander Pope.) There is perhaps no greater difference in the world.
The perpetrators of the biggest genocide in the sordid history of ‘human’kind are not worth to be killed.
But they are certainly good enough to lock them up permanently and give them a dose of their own ‘medicine’ every other day, until they understand what it really does and what they have done to other human being!!
Nah. The perpetrators are definitely worthy of being killed. Fuck locking them up. Take a machete to their sorry asses…
If you want a better world, you have to behave in a way that makes it possible. If you have the same careless attitude to life as those you oppose, then I’m not sure what you are standing against
Hello Dominic: I don’t want a better world. I just want to be left the fuck alone. I’m not careless – at all. I’m not standing against anything when I stand up…
If killing them would remove them from ‘the genetic pool’, I don’t think it would be such a burdensome exercise, but I fear genetics don’t tell the whole story.
These retarded souls are going to be born to coming generations too.
So true but the sheep still refuse to see it even when they can smell the slaughter house.
All the parties involved learned that they can ride roughshod over civil liberties as long as they use the excuse of ‘public health’.
Fascism in the name of terrorism or “won’t someone think of the children” didn’t work, but now they seem to have found a winner – judging by the complicity of the public.
Absolutely no-one here will be surprised to find that all futures attempts at authoritarianism will be done in the name of keeping us safe from some imagined medical disaster.
“… they will never voluntarily give what they need to give to fix this (well, it will never be fixed.)”
For some, like Maddie de Garay, it will physically never be fixed. The vax ruined her young life.
It’s almost like it was a bad idea to volunteer (your children) for the trial of an never-before-tried experimental gene therapy, conducted by a massively criminal organization like Pfizer, on account of an alleged virus with a 0.2% fatality rate, which nobody would have ever noticed except for the biggest state propaganda campaign in human history, which was obviously fraudulent from the outset.
Heartless people like me will shockingly reserve their sympathies for those whose troubles are not entirely self-inflicted; such as those who didn’t want the poison vaxx, but only took it so that they could continue to provide for their children, as opposed to those who foisted it on their children in the service of their own narcissistic virtue-signalling.
Are you referring to the parents who volunteered their children for the fake phase 1 trials of Pfizer and Moderna, or the parents who had their child jabbed after the EUA rollout? If the former I tend to agree with you. If the latter you assuming that these parents had their children jabbed because they were narcissistically virtue signaling. Many of the parents I know had their children jabbed because of the day and night media and .gov propaganda mill told them that they would probably die if they did not. Fear is the great mind killer, As to affixing blame and real culpability, one really has to distinguish between the evil and the narcissist Karens and the simply naive. I personally find this intense anger against the latter repulsive. Many are already paying a huge price for their naivety, and many now waking up are in constant fear for their children dropping dead on the soccer field. Fifty years ago I might have fallen for this dogshit also. I did vaccinate my child in the 80’s for example and he had a severe reaction with a 105F fever.
After much investigation, I’ve come up with the name of the entities behind all the mischief: Humanity.
We must root out all humans if we truly wish to rid ourselves of the kind of madness sweeping the world.
Indeed, the Hs have it: humanity, hubris, hypocrisy. The 2nd and 3rd a subset of the 1st. It’s not that we somehow lost our way – we never found it.
Or, more precisely, our “way” has always been the way that leads to exactly where we are now.
Morality has always been nothing but a formalized Holier than Thou regime. There has never – NEVER – been a moral system which condemned those who constructed it. Always someone else.
+100 points.
Whattabout the 500 mio left on the Guidestones? Seems like a pretty precise calculation to me. 500 mio non-vaxxers versus 7,5 mio green clima change vaxxers.
Im serious. Some of my fellowman too have mentioned all people over 15 years old should be erased in their country to start all over again.
“You see the splint in your brothers eye, but not the beam in your own”…………..LOL.
Magnificent Orwellian doublespeak from the UK government:
Arming Ukraine is the only way to peace!
All of this manufactured divide & conquer drama is leading to one inevitable conclusion. They will burn it all down before we ever have the chance to bring them to justice. Prepare accordingly.
Dont get your knickers in a twist Todd, but your not as awake as you like to think, you fallen for man of Belmonty doubled jabbed launched via joke rogan appeared on CIA tuk tuck fox666 westernized Pleiadian looking Jesus Christ wearing white coat creator of the MNR bullshiter.
You all surrendered and excepted amnesty the minute you got mesmerized by the accolades and titles of fake CEO’s or Doctors/Psychologist or even now Politicians turned celebrities regurgitating internet fashionable 3 year late to the party as they manufactured them to lead you lot down the garden path.
Its so new age (sewage) this psyop being played out, hear is a little example of the small lengths they go to appeal to the new age Gaia TV crowd audience of yesteryears turned believers of whitecoats/ politicians in 2020.
Message from the Galactics: Orion Council of Light, Pleiadian, and Andromedan Council.
Today’s translated as Dr Robert Malone and 17000 doctors,
World earth summit of 70/8o’s translated as Covid summit in 2020.
There website is called Global Covid Summit which is a new age twist of Global Earth Summit declaration disclosures that never happened from the 70/80’s era.
Check out Malones mission statement
If you change the key words to Galactics: Orion Council of Light, Pleiadian, and Andromedan Council.
GalacticDeclaration IV – Restore Scientific Integrity A Joint Statement, representing 17,000PhysiciansPleiadians and Orion Council of LightMedicalScientists to end the National Andromedan earth Emergency, Restore AlienScientificIntegrity, and Address Crimes Against Humanity.DoctorAlien human unite.Same psyop being repeated.
I agree. Malone from his first appearance has left me feeling colder than a witch’s tit. Kennedy too,if i’m honest. RFKJ might have found his fight after all those years arguing MMR and the rest, but he didn’t succesfully win those despite clear widespread childhood neurolagical malfunctions on every street in every town. I don’t need him, Malone, Desmet, GvbB or the fabled Zelenko any more than MattDazolam looking after me,they can all fuck off becauze their reliance on the narrative is just as vital as old Billy Boy or Unkle Klaus’ credibility relies on it. Even Sam White was caught mid-swindle.
I want bugger all to do with any of them!
I have to disagree. Since the DS has control of all the branches of government, one cannot expect them to concede a serious victory against their agenda. The victories of RFK Jr. and Bigtree are with the public themselves. A much higher percentage now are not only refusing further clotshots but also poisoning their children. The silver lining of the scamdemic. I also have serious doubts regarding Malone in particular. But any public figure opposing the clotshots is doing some good.
Ukraine war getting too lunatic even for the Rand Corporation:
This is not a serious document.
Spiritual warfare and corrupted souls from generation to generation…
“For we battle not against flesh and blood”
This is a false dilemma. It’s not about being ready for the pure truth, which nobody really knows what it is anyway. It’s about a genuine debate about issues, about presenting both sides of the story. Never before in history have so many people been so well educated as today. At the same time, the way totalitarianism is being imposed on the world is through turning “science” into religion. But what they’re peddling is not true science. It’s technology, at best. And they’re suppressing any alternative viewpoint. I see no reason why people wouldn’t be ready for an open debate about, say, the virus issue. Why not have a debate between guys like Kaufman, Cowan, Lanka with the advocates of viruses? I don’t see why this would be in any way injurious to people, why the “truth” would need to be kept away from them.
Debate or truth is not the problem. The problem is the motherfuckers who have managed to convince the populace that whatever doesn’t coincide with their bullshit is disinformation, conspiracy theory, etc.
Also, should people be spoonfed information, in small bits, so they wouldn’t be overwhelmed and reject stuff they don’t like to hear because it’s liable to upset their worldview? I’d certainly err on the side of telling them the way it is, rather than handpicking stuff that one assumes they’re able to swallow. People are remarkably adaptable. Take for instance the totalitarian regimes of the Second World. It seemed that they’d remain in place for ever, people in the communist bloc had no hope that things would ever change. It was what it was. Then, within a year or so, the whole thing came crashing down and disappeared down the tubes, pretty much instantly. Interestingly enough, the same thing happened to the First World, with COVID. Within a few months, all the notions of liberty, freedonm of speech, democracy, etc. disappeared. And people accepted that too – unfortunately, things went the wrong direction this time.
Anyway, I don’t think that withholding anything from people is a good strategy. Let them have the stuff and think about it.
In the modern era “education” is really indoctrination and brainwashing. There is little real debate, discussion or examination of the various theories, options and potentialities; what we have is fragmented groupthink left vs right, progressive vs conservative, straight vs trans/homosexual etc. At best some training exists where a person is shown or taught skills to fit into the mold of the ownership class or on rare occasions entrepreneurship. Alas true education meaning cultivating, developing and expressing ones’ innate aptitudes, gifts and talents rarely occurs via the state or elite systems.
Well, I’ve been out of school for about a quarter of a century, which means that things might have changed, but my experience is the complete opposite, at least as far as college and university are concerned. Not only I learned heaps and heaps of stuff, but the academic environment truly allowed me to spread my wings intellectually and explore stuff inside out, beyond the horizon.
Even in subjects where we were taught pretty strict rules, such as the prohibited use of parallel fifths … 😀 …, we were encouraged to be creative and there was a dialogue. Plus, the rules are not carved in stone anyways.
I guess what you’re describing might be the case in fields where they groom people to be cogs in the system, but I wouldn’t be caught dead in a school like that. After all, we only have one life and wasting it on climbing the corporate ladder would be a shame.
Gotta hitch your wagon to a star and go for broke, man!
Except that I don’t think neural implants are necessary, even though they’d be the ultimate nail in the coffin. But the process toward the “Borg” is well underway, as humans have been for ages rendering themselves less and less self-sufficient, self-reliant. Look at the world hundred years ago and today. People are more and more cogs in the system, less and less consequential contributors to the “Borg”, subject to schemes, systems that govern their lives, place 1000+1 restrictions on them. Nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care as per Carlin – most of the idiots like it. They’re already part of the Borg through their phones.
Dull sameness is engulfing the world. Everything is being standardized, individuality is suppressed.
It might seem that this collectivization on steroids bears semblance to communism or is an extension thereof. Absolutely not. Communism, however utopian and abused, was a bottom-up concept hijacked by the fucks in charge. Today’s fuckery is completely top-down, where total control is the only objective.
We can all thank the indiscriminate use of technology and the embracement of industrialized living, for the noose around our necks. Civilians all flocked to the cities and allowed usury banking systems to bankrupt their futures and foreclose their private lands. Does anyone actually do physical work anymore?
What will you bequeath your children and grandchildren when you’ve been made bankrupt and landless? Perhaps cute pink cell phone and a rented box of air called an apartment?
Right. Indiscriminate and injudicious.
Technologies have been applied to aspects of life where it has no business to be. Worse still, thinking has become mechanistic, reflecting how people are mesmerized by the doodads and gizmos that can do all sorts of things, introspection is nearly non-existent.
and this all continues until ‘we the people’ get off our assess and stop complaining and start doing something about it – thoughts here – Democracy Study Guide – https://www.rudemacedon.ca/DSG/0000-summary.html
Don’t worry, you’re not being a pessimist. I don’t know who these people are saying things will be fine. The only solution is that the US must be broken up into at least 3 parts. Selling out Americans is just too profitable–no one can resist it. Even if a seemingly good person is miraculously elected, he or she can’t resist selling us out. The world’s other big problem is the alliance of US/UK elites. That problem is solved by breakup of US.
Hello susan: ‘Three parts’? How about 50? We could call them States… All elected leaders should be executed within a week of winning an election. That’d sort things out pretty damn fast…
Better yet, how about the slow “execution” of limiting ALL political offices to one term only. That way the big winners have all the rest of their lives to fret over all the riches they lost by not being able to run indefinitely.
You have to bear in mind that the same mindset that hypes up the fear of Covid also uses anything else convenient that comes along (like a random Chinese ‘spy’ balloon!). Along the way it will stir up fear of Monkeypox, “Winter Surges”, gas cookers — you name it, its a mortal threat (or is likely to cause premature dementia, will permanently wreck you child’s education etc. etc. etc.)
Back when Covid first broke out the Vietnamese government put out a music video to help educate the people about the virus and what you could do to stop it spreading. This is actually pretty generic ‘how to deal with infectious virus’ stuff but worth watching because it shows that at least someone, somewhere, had their head screwed on.
“That can only start with a comprehensive admission to guilt and wrongdoing by all those guilty of these crimes against humanity.”
It is highly unlikely any of the psychopathic plutocrats will voluntarily admit to, confess or turn themselves in for their heinous crimes against humanity. That is not how this system works. Did the conspirators who tried to overthrow FDR get arrested, tried and go to jail? Did Eisenhower face a world court for the way he bombed German civilians? LBJ who waged war in/on Viet Nam, Cambodia and Laos died not in a jail but surrounded by his family a rich man at home. Nixon was deposed via Watergate but other than that embarrassment lived comfortably until he died. World class killers like George H.W. Bu$h, Bill Clinton, George W. Bu$h, Barack Obama and their warmonger policymakers all got off Scott Free! Even though he didn’t destroy a country or a region like his predecessors (unless you count the US) Donald Trump doesn’t get a pass because he unleashed “Operation Warp Speed” and its concomitant ills on us. Lastly Dementia Joe a career grifter and warmonger will just ride off into the sunset to enjoy his millions.
It is naïve to expect things to change via the system; this society is not structured to hold the ruling class accountable for its wickedness and evil. it never has been. Given the current pall of nihilism, depression, cowardice, lethargy and apathy hanging over the world, maybe Divine Intervention is the only solution.
Nothing less than a stake through the heart would ensure these perpetrators of absolute evil would not rise up, regroup and repeat their abominable crimes against humanity. We should show them no mercy, though collaborators and accomplices may be allowed a modicum of extenuation and forgiveness if they unreservedly acknowledge their complicity to atrocity and are truly repentant.
A stake through the heart would be too kind. The collaborators and accomplices need a good solid smash across the nose with a crowbar. Forgiveness is for pussy’s.
What do you think of my suggestion for dealing with these people.
I wouldn’t be one of those.
I do, however, think you’re a bit optimistic about things improving.
About 75% of the population are going to sleep walk into the incoming fascist nightmare. The other 25%, vis-a-vis us, will be hunted down.
So in the coming years, if you haven’t worked out how to avoid this incoming fascist nightmare or camouflaged yourself sufficiently to exist within it, if you want to live like that, then I absolutely guarantee you that the underside of floorboards and dusty attics are going to become your friend, and they’ll be some of the few that you have.
For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
2 Corinthians 10
There is only one antidote and that is to embody the spirit of Christ as much as one can. It purifies others and demolishes evil. Millions of Christ-like humans would terrify tptb.
Yes. That’s how it looks to me too.
The one conversation we’re not having is about
“What are we gonna do with all our free time ?”
We know machine’s are gonna replace, us do most of the work.
We all are being made redundant (in more than one way)…
So, “What are we gonna do with all our fee time ?”
( I hope the pay is good !)…
We are going to be scrabbling for food, shelter and safety.
We will be allowed no free time at all.
Every prison governor knows that when the inmates have time to think, trouble ensues.
And our current ‘authorities’ are far worse than prison governors.
They are, essentially, murderers.
Yuval Harari is busy coming up with ideas for this.
“Drugs and video games,” as per Harari.
A Thai princess is in a Pfizer induced coma as we speak. Some are hoping that this could mean the Thai government could gun for Pfizer but I doubt if anything will come of it. Pfizer had a revenue of $100 billion last year.
The problem is the King own Siam Bioscience and thus involved in the vaccine scam himself ooooops. Talk about karma.
mRNA vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna only make up 5.7% of the COVID-19 vaccines delivered to the Thai government.
The media is in the process of keeping tennis player Djokovic unpopular. The clot shot is not mentioned but it is obvious the narrative is still in place. People are still “testing” themselves for convid. Muzzles are still quite widespread. The nightmarish excesses of the last three years could be brought back with minimal pushback from the sheeple. I am not sure why the banksters eased the dystopia. Perhaps Ukraine. There is some nonsense about a Chinese balloon. The long term prognosis in uncertain.
Simple mindfuckery? Shits and giggles? It’s not hard to get Outraged, from Ryslip demanding “something must be done!”. Maybe people are still too comfortable? They found ways round the house arrests, Zoom etc despite an alleged microchip shortage; they seem to cope with extortionate heating and travel; they pesky Russians are still far away.
Release the hounds, won’t be far away. UN army on the streets?
‘Unconditional surrender’ is not in the vocabulary of psychopaths, authoritarians and narcissists.
They have no concept of “Sorry, we fucked up”
Their warped world view will go to their graves with them.
Why do you speak of Armageddon like it’s a bad thing? It’s good to know the meaning of Word before speaking.
Armageddon appears once in the book of Revelation. It’s when God destroys all evil. There is nothing to be afraid of, since destruction of evil is a good thing.
The end of the evil spirits is necessary for our salvation.
The evil structures in this world, or in our spirits, must come to an end. We can’t live with it. This world is not good for humanity, nor is it any glory to God, so we decided, or God did, it’s time to end it. End of evil, how would it be a bad thing?
Armageddon is certainly a bad thing – at least in the sense that Jesus Himself mourned the loss of some of his friends.
Perhaps we all know some people whom we would regard as friends, but who are, by the standards of, say, the Bible, not morally or spiritually developed at all – perhaps even very irresponsible in that respect.
An admittedly apocryphal story says that one day Jesus’s disciples found him weeping, and asked Him what was wrong.
He told them that Satan’s forces had been unable to make a dent in (I think) the Essene community – an exceptional group of spiritually enlightened people – and so they would inevitably turn to mankind in general in order to seek their revenge…
The message I take from that story is that Jesus was not at all confident that mankind as a whole would be able to withstand the coming assault, and that the thought upset Him a great deal.
I think perhaps we should try our best anyway.
Let Armageddon come when it comes; I’m sure we don’t need to hasten its arrival, and now might be a good time to think about what this all means.
I don’t understand anything you wrote. None of that is in the book of Revelation.
This is spiritual, from start to finish.
It’s not about people, mundane communities or historical figures. It’s about God being God and doing what God does.
And yeah, we all as Humanity agreed. As far as I’m concerned, the Antichrist has already lost. All things evil are being removed. But evil is spiritual; it is not a man or some people over there.
My comment didn’t set out to quote the book of Revelation.
It set out to express my own somewhat religious thoughts concerning a famous religious book.
Do you only understand what is written in a book? Does what people say, or what they write to you make no sense?
As to the relevance and understandability of my comment, I was addressing your criticism of the author when you asked, “Why do you speak of Armageddon like it’s a bad thing?”
My very first sentence was, “Armageddon is certainly a bad thing”, and if you find that hard to understand, I can only apologize for not being one of your books.
As far as understanding you, I can only say that I agree with everything you said in your comment, so we really ought not to have a problem here.
Yes, indeed, the core of the matter is spiritual, and I wish more people were aware of that.
What I didn’t agree with was your criticism of the author in this article, so I used a few more sentences, along with an anecdote, to try and explain why.
Spiritual matters are extremely important to me, so you need not assume that my arguments are made from a materialistic point of view just because they don’t coincide with yours.
Armageddon as the end of evil is only bad for those who are with the Devil.
I know it doesn’t seem like that, yet. But in reality that is what is happening. The Good Lord told me about this war ten years ago. I had almost forgotten it, and in March 2020, when they declared war in almost every state in the world, I got so desperate about all this shit that I planned on suicide. That’s when God made me read the Revelation, and it sure did help to remind me of the purpose of this. The purpose is good. Really.
Just have in mind that The Good Lord didn’t make you ignore everything that is not in The Book of Revelation.
We can still make choices.
Apart from that, I very much congratulate you on having found your way out of suicide. These things are indeed spiritual in their nature, and I’m very glad you found spiritual answers to the difficult things which can confront sensitive people today.
The same sources have also been a great comfort to me many times. Peace, brother.
And yes, the purpose is ultimately good, as you say.
“I come not to bring peace, but a sword.”
It’s a test, and a choice.
why not bring a fancy French slicing machine?
surely 200-year-old technology is an improvement on 2000-year-old-technology.
The Godless fear His wrath.
Perhaps eventually, but I see an awful lot of The Godless fearing nothing at all, except death, which they simply see as the end of everything, so “why even try to do good things?” . . .
It’s a matter of perspective. I might be counted among The Godless (though not that Godless crowd). So I see it as “why pollute what little time we have doing bad things that hurt others?”
Indeed it is a matter of perspective.
Still, I sometimes find myself wondering why “The Godless” don’t find doing bad things that hurt others to be a perfectly normal pursuit, if there is a personal profit to be made from it.
And of course some of the godless do exactly that – the godless in government, for example.
Then there is the old saying, which is also interesting food for thought:
“If God didn’t exist, it would be necessary to invent Him”
Another existential challenge for those who think they know it all, but that one makes my brain hurt . . .
Right now, the Godless are mocking
A critique of another disingenuous ‘apology’ : https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/dissecting-the-new-plea-for-covid
I knew 8 years ago that they have submarines listening to our conversations fact.And now they don’t even hide it.What do you think your army is doing if there is no war?!?
I’ve often wondered why there is a submarine floating around in my bathtub. They tried to disguise it as a dead fish, but I knew better.
Thanks for explaining what it’s really there for.
RE: …run out of my allotted words…
Does Off-G have word count policy for what they publish? What is it?
You all might laugh at my thoughts am I not right we are consciousness you can be anything you want you don’t have to go along with the trend you can be and do whatever you want for the good of everything.
The Walls of Surveillance and Indignity, Erected Before Our Eyes
80% of the comments come from 20% of the users. (in most articles)
Dear 20%, the excess of information is noise.
If you care about bringing your point across,please,wrap it up a little bit.
Thank you
You are not the field you are the universe.
WHO releases international pandemic treaty zero draft that targets “misinformation” and “disinformation”
WHOSatan releases international pandemic treaty zero draft that targets “misinformation” and “disinformation”There is never going to be a “Nuremberg 2.0”
Even if there is ~ and this is a best case scenario ~ remember that Nuremberg 1.0 was just a bunch of show trials.
For each war criminal prosecuted, thousands got away, many of them fêted by the MIC’s of the victorious world powers.
The biggest war criminals were turned into heroes.
That’s the reason we are where we are. Those who escaped then, instrumental in the chaos and destruction ever since and particularly now. I hate to say it, but this time I think justice will be delivered by the people initially and chaos will reign for a while. If you look at WW2, before Nuremberg the same happened then, except it was the German people and not their leaders who were the main victims of the revenge.
With so many potential targets now, globalists, governments/opposition, media, medical profession, top judiciary, other state traitors etc I dread to think of the social unrest to come – on top of the chaos they already have planned against us. Thorough preparedness and faith and doing ones bit, as mentioned in comments above, the key to survival. imo
You’re absolutely correct. Nuremberg 1.0 was a theater of the absurd. “No bankers, Vatican operatives, or corporate oligarchs were injured in the making of this play.”
Correct. All for show.
“an end to the global movement toward totalitarianism… can only start with a comprehensive admission of wrongdoing by all those guilty of crimes against humanity”.
There is no end to movements toward totalitarianism, nor do they last. Humanity has been committing crimes against humanity for millions of years — even when humanity was only a gleam in some proto-chimpanzee’s eye — and humanity has never apologized to itself for its crimes against itself. Nor does totalitarianism ever succeed in establishing itself over human nature. Because nature, human or otherwise, is endlessly inventive and tries first one thing, then another.
Arrest the criminals if you can do it. Extract confessions of guilt if you can do it. Send the guilty to join their dead victims if you can do it. But don’t expect “to end a global movement” — whether toward totalitarianism or toward the hoola hoop. Might as well expect “to end a global movement” of the sea towards Spring tide or Neap tide.
“Time is no healer: the patient is no longer there” — TS Eliot.
“These things pass like storms.” — Max Born to Albert Einstein in Nazi Germany during one of humanity’s more acute swerves toward totalitarianism.
Five years 1940-45 are easily over, even in a concentration camp. We shouldnt waste so much time about it but live.
“I mean, really…lots of wonderful stuff ICANis doing, and Bob Kennedy with Children’s Health Defense, Dr Kory, and Dr. Marik with the FLCCC, America’s Front Line Doctors, on and on.”
You mean like telling the world we’ve been facing a “mismanaged pandemic” marked by a disease called “COVID-19” which could be better countered by means other than shots which “don’t stop transmissions” or “protect people from the virus,” all caused by a virus called SARS-CoV-2?
Never mind that there is ZERO proof for a “pandemic,” if you look at excess death numbers before the shots began, as Denis Rancourt has done. Zero proof for the existence of a unique disease called “COVID-19” since it does not even have unique symptoms, and can only be distinguished by tests like the PCR or antigen, inaccurate under the best of conditions> And meaningless since there is no proof for the existence of SARS-CoV-2 via physical isolation, purification and demonstration it is a pathogen, hence no way to calibrate these tests.
Yes, never mind, just keep regurgitating the same lies which the official narrative has been pushing, in fact the core lies of that narrative, and contest only the countermeasures, claiming you have better ones. Wonderful stuff indeed, Todd.
I have no idea how this got posted twice. Sorry. Admin, please feel free to remove this extra copy, i would if i could.
I agree with you regarding ICAN/Del Bigtree. However, regardless of his stance on viruses etc, he does engage in the good fight for freedom of speech and medical freedom. And for that alone ICAN and Del are my allies. Our allies don’t have to agree with all our own principles, so long as they stand for freedom.
and to be more fair, bigtree has let other viewpoints out. he gave time to andy kaufman. think he did same for bryan ardis too.
Andy Kaufman was on in …. July 2020. Almost 3 years ago. Ardis played to Bigtree’s agenda of reinforcing the fear message. His science was non-existent, right from the fact that snake venom is not active orally, is only toxic when injected into someone or some entity’s blood.
IIRC, Ardis wasn’t suggesting actual snake venom; he was suggesting agents that acted the way that snake venom does.
Specifically, venom from elapidae snakes.
(It occurs to me that he also associated the venom with water supplies, so yeah, not much science to back that idea up.)
Not a matter of agreeing with us on principles. When you channel false information, and doing so knowingly, you are engaged in disseminating disinformation. Saying that there is a “pandemic” when there is zero proof of one and lots of evidence that there isn’t one is lying, RFK Jr knows the fact, he interviewed Denis Rancourt about his findings, and tried to push back, claiming that death patterns showed leapfrogging because of ….. air travel (by allegedly infected humans). Rancout explained how this was false, RFK Jr persisted.
He told Rancourt he didn’t understand the specifics of Tuscany in Italy, Rancourt gently corrected him to “Lombardy,” over 100 miles to the north. Later, RFK Jr stated he didn’t really know much about Italy. There you have him tryin gto maintain a false narrative. How does this support “freedom”?
Del Bigtree vehemently supports freedom of speech and health freedom. That’s enough for me.
How do you know he’s lying about the pandemic? Could he not actually believe in it, in viruses? That wouldn’t be lying….
Exactly. Why is this so hard to explain to people in the truth movement? Many seem to act as though we had allies to burn.
As a related point to this I include the following comment which I made a few days back concerning the interview RFK did with Denis Rancourt.
While this does not speak to the discussions around virology it does speak to the discussions around the false notion that there was a “pandemic” and the overall tenor of these discussions.
If you listen to this interview with Denis Rancourt you will see multiple examples that illustrate RFK’s inherent contradictions and assorted logical fallacies as he discusses and attempts to defend the notion that there was a viral pandemic.
Are we suppose to ignore this?
Look this is THE guy who sits atop the mountain of the “health freedom movement.” Yet on this most basic of questions he hasn’t the capacity to discuss this with any degree of intellectual rigor. He simply doesn’t know much about it- admits he doesn’t- yet not only forms (and has) a firm hypothesis (which defies all logic and biological and medical history) but has the audacity to state that his cock-eyed theory is what EVERYONE should hold to be true.
And guess what- because he is seen as THE sacred cow virtually everyone who hears the words out of RFK’s mouth will believe this patently absurd theory EVEN AS he openly admits he doesn’t know much about one of the lynchpins of his theory.
That’s nuts man, and I can guarantee that if it were the other way around people would be skewering Rancourt but I guess RFK is to get a pass here cause it might “hurt the cause” or “create division? What crazy logic is this?
This snippet is not unique it is indicative.
BTW Tuscany is in western Italy, west of the Apennines, south and west of the actual region which appeared to be heavily impacted. He couldn’t even get the damn place right and knows zero about what has been happening in N Italy for the last 15 years- hint: it ain’t a virus.
Here is the interview:
In this instance RFK was in way over his head as witnessed in the way he sidestepped many of Rancourt’s points which illustrated, via concrete evidence, there was no pandemic.
Here is a clip from the transcript. At this point in the interview Kennedy is responding to Rancourt’s evidence that viral transmission could not be possible for excess mortality as it has been stated. Note that RFK postulates his theory as to how the viral spread occurred in N Italy AND has the audacity to presume “most people” would recommend this:
“Okay, so let me push back on you. Yeah. You know, I think most people are going to recommend here, which is that the reason that you had these huge number of deaths in Paris and New York and for example, in northern Italy, which you did not mention in Tuscany, the same time as earlier, actually, than the spikes that I was mentioning. I’d love to hear your explanation for that. Because that seemed to be I mean, that’s where we all got the idea that this virus was galloping through and killing lots and lots of people. And they didn’t have remdesivir in Italy at that time, so something was killing people.”
The conversation returns to Italy and after Rancourt suggests the deaths there were mainly in hospitals RFK says the following:
“My impression I don’t know much about Italy either than the news reports and having been over there and people having the impression…”
Read that again- RFK freely admits he doesn’t know much about what happened in Italy but just 23 minutes earlier he used that very place, N Italy, as the example and a lynchpin for his esoteric and illogical “hypothesis.”
There are multiple other examples of RFK’s lack of coherence. He simply can’t or won’t come to terms with the fact that there was no pandemic it was administrative slaughter by the Bio-Security State used to instill fear, force lockdowns, roll out mRNA’s and smash the economic order for the Going Direct Great Reset as decided upon by the G7 nations in 2019 at Jackson Hole.
I just responded to Veri Tas right above using the RFK Jr interview of Rancourt, before reading this. Great minds think a like.-)
I’d like Todd Hayen to respond to this comment!
RE: RFK Jr’s interview with Denis Rancourt
Ironically, RFK Jr is more open to consider Rancourt’s hypothesis than Todd Hayen is.
Well…whatever it is…a bad cold, the flu…I know people who have been really sick…with whatever…the organizations Todd mentions are truly helping people. Nothing is black and white…it is so easy to put down any statement made. Easy.
Any proof of a “pandemic,” a debilitating disease being spread by infection, a pattern of sickness which indicates this? Denis Rancourt has clearly demonstrated otherwise.
“Really sick” does not remotely show this is caused by a virus, let alone a specific virus. The EPA told people living near toxic waste sites in the 1980s that they were sick because of the flu, before admitting something else was happening. Polio was the result of spraying by arsenic and then DDT, not a virus. And so on.
Yours is a win-win situation. You ask for proof of contagion.
But if someone says they know 15 people who one by one got sick after close contact with each other – you will dismiss it as anecdotal and not scientific.
There are ONLY certain things you are willing to accept as proof. So, tell us: where does your paradigm differ from that of the Dr. Fauci’s who also insist that ONLY certain things can be accepted as science?
Frankly I agree, and anyone who unaccountably can’t see such very obvious points, who has an unaccountably blinkered urge to aggressively spread no-germ arguments in the comments here, should be viewed extremely skeptically, IMHO.
Commenters here are worthy of a higher level of debate than Strahl and others are prepared to offer.
Rancourt is not anti-germ or anti-virus IN THE SLIGHTEST. Rancourt has made some first class statistical observations which indicate a pandemic wasn’t at work in 2020, and one way he does this is to compare 2020 data to previous pandemic data.
He dismantles the pandemic argument using its own official data against it. A strong argument with very few moves.
But observe the counter intelligence process operate in real time: all of a sudden Rancourt is now associated with hardline no-germ enthusiasts.
Whether wittingly or no (and I honestly don’t know which), Strahl is misleading readers by mentioning Rancourt out of context, while associating him closely with with no-germ/terrain theory proponents.
Every piece offg publishes about covid nowadays becomes riven with unproductive bickering like this.
Divide and conquer in action. And it’s being steered. And I’m getting sick and tired of pandering to it.
So, no more mister nice guy about this intellectually bankrupt, criminally counterproductive pseudo-debate. Sure, it can be an interesting discussion in a low stakes environment but it is NOT the way to counter encroaching authoritarian brainwashing. It is way too flaky-sounding for that. It sounds bonkers to 99% of people.
No-germ/terrain theory works in favour of Covid propagandists by completely discrediting all moderate anti-pandemic arguments by association, and making us all look like a bunch of flat earth loons in the eyes of many/most,
No more mr nice guy huh, tough guy? Does the banning of people from this site start next, since apparent disagreements as to tactics will not be tolerated anymore? The vax nuts are welcome, but anyone who says covid is a complete and utter lie is not? Huh, who knew?
I’m sorry, but the tone of YOUR comment here doesn’t help matters much at all. As for the way to counter encroaching totalitarianism, I guess reasonable, consensus “arguments” are the only way to go? Isn’t that part of how we got here? Doesn’t that whole demand for “reasonable” kinda fly in the face of this article about “unconditional surrender” being necessary to stop the encroaching totalitarianism? How does one reasonably argue against such a thing? One is either for it or against it, there sure seems to be no middle ground to me on that. But then again, the middle ground is fertile for the blooming of totalitarianism.
Tyranny doesn’t always arrive in one big moment, it takes many little moments, many “reasonable arguments” about nothing to arrive at full tyranny. Masks. Germs. Viral Vectors. Vaccines. Lockdowns. Mandates. CBDC…. By the time those “reasonable arguments” are seen for the weasel words they were, it is much too late to fight off real tyranny. So perhaps that isn’t the goal here? I would not be the first to think that there’s a little bit of limited hangout to this site, but then again, by mentioning such a thing I too am being merely unreasonable, impolite, too damned blunt, a loon.
Pick a label and preferably a pejorative one, that’ll show your reasonable, educated bona-fides and weed out all the loons. The flaky. The bonkers. Are moderators supposed to engage in name calling? Aren’t ad hominem attacks what you’re supposed to be moderating? Or are those acceptable for you to use but not those of us who read this site?
Arguing the data is not a ‘middle ground’. Many argue that arguing the data, and the data alone, is the only grounding force in an increasingly charged and binary atmosphere.
All I request is some discipline – let’s reasonably define what is factual and separate this from our assertions and beliefs beyond these facts. Let’s always acknowledge this divide,
As Rancourt argues, all-cause mortality is raw, depoliticised data. ‘Cause’ has been politicised and weaponised and is therefore untrustworthy data and basically irrelevant.
Risk over time was minimal in 2020, according to bald age /population adjusted statistics. This was known early in 2020. Therefore all the terror campaigns which ensued cannot be justified. That is all we need to remember.
You accuse me of ‘weasel words’. I accuse you and others of losing perspective and allowing unproven hypotheses to lure you into tactically indefensible positions.
We employ tactics to win each battle. Each battle must be approached on its own terms, while we struggle to maintain our overarching goals. This is the struggle we all face.
Take each battle as it comes. Have the intellectual discipline to hold your short term goals alongside your longterm goals while keeping both in sight, without compromise to either.
I know this is exhausting but it’s a discipline we must maintain.
Luckily, arguing the data alone gets us a long way to defeating totalitarian thinking. Truth, empirical evidence and veridical reality are totalitarianism’s nemeses.
In my experience, cognitive dissonance and group thinking is allergic to simple truths. We’ve all witnessed the discomfort of covidians when faced with simple, stand-alone facts which contradict their psychosis.
I wish we lived in a world where we didn’t have to think about logistics and tactics, but we do. I don’t believe this site is merely an echo chamber for shagged-out lockdown skeptics to rattle off interesting but ultimately far-fetched ideas while there’s still a battle raging outside.
I actually enjoy terrain theory discussions and it certainly has its place and raises very interesting points, But we need to dial back our level of personal investment in belief, and dial up our objectivity in order to be prepared for major struggles ahead.
That’s why I’ll be warning against a willy-nilly association between fake-pandemic arguments and Terrain theory arguments in future.
I hope I’ve explained myself adequately. If not, oh well, I”m sure we’ll be able to strike up this convo on future threads.
No argument from me regarding all cause mortality. Fortunately the CDC and its British equivalent forgot to fudge and rig those numbers before it was too late. Unfortunately, very few things in science are that clear cut. And yet many of our foremost and respected scientists are telling us that the cause of this all cause mortality was climate change and lock down cabin fever suicides.
“You accuse me of ‘weasel words’. I accuse you and others of losing perspective and allowing unproven hypotheses to lure you into tactically indefensible positions.”
I don’t recall accusing you of using weasel words, one of Corbett’s favorite phrases:-) A hypothesis is by its very definition unproven. It is the starting point of real science.
The Mac dictionary app: hypothesis – a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation:
You make a lot of observations and then you make a hypothesis. The you structure an experiment, and if you are really lucky and/or clever, you can get a single variable in it and exclude that variable from the control experiment. Without “unproven” hypotheses we do not literally begin to have science which is simply a method.
Speaking of making unfounded accusations and on a personal level, regarding the existence of viruses, I have repeatedly stated that I am undecided on the issue but am starting to lean strongly toward the non-existence side. I will say that every paper I have looked at regarding the isolation of SARS-CoV-2 has had methodology that contradicted its conclusions and used circular logic. Additionally the FDA and CDC when asked to supply pure samples of SARS-CoV-2 by responsible, credentialed research laboratories have replied that they cannot supply samples because they simply do not have any. If not them then WHO?
But do I hear you arguing that my position is an “unproven hypothesis” but your position, by contrast, is what? Settled science. And that people are ruining this comment section today and yesterday by coming forth with…. misinformation? Boy that sounds familiar.
That’s nothing like what I said though, is it? 😅
I sense it’s time to pause things here. This is a very long and confusing thread. I actually wasn’t replying to you, above, but to @Lizzyh7. It’s been a great convo though which will turn into many more of the same, I’m sure. A2
“I mean, really…lots of wonderful stuff ICAN is doing, and Bob Kennedy with Children’s Health Defense, Dr. Kory and Dr. Marik with the FLCCC, America’s Front Line Doctors, on and on.”
You mean like telling the world we’ve been facing a “mismanaged pandemic” marked by a disease called “COVID-19” which could be better countered by means other than shots which “don’t stop transmissions” or “protect people from the virus,” all caused by a virus called SARS-CoV-2?
Never mind that there is ZERO proof for a “pandemic,” if you look at excess death numbers before the shots began, as Denis Rancourt has done. Zero proof for the existence of a unique disease called “COVID-19” since it does not even have unique symptoms, and can only be distinguished by tests like the PCR or antigen, inaccurate under the best of conditions> And meaningless since there is no proof for the existence of SARS-CoV-2 via physical isolation, purification and demonstration it is a pathogen, hence no way to calibrate these tests.
Yes, never mind, just keep regurgitating the same lies which the official narrative has been pushing, in fact the core lies of that narrative, and contest only the countermeasures, claiming you have better ones. Wonderful stuff indeed, Todd.
And yes again 👍
I’m sorry, with all due respect, I do not believe the world is ready for the pure truth (I don’t even know what that is at this point). I personally am in more agreement with you (although not fully certain as you are) than the people and organizations I am giving credit to. But the pure truth will not at all be accepted.
As sad as it is, this has to be fed to the sheep slowly, in chunks they can digest. Sure, if you want to continue pushing stuff that very few on that side of the fence can take in, that is certainly your prerogative. But please consider this before you diss people, including me, that are working hard to ease people into the truth. I do not believe your method is effective, assuming you are even publically presenting it.
A simple change in a point of view can result in profound changes.
A different point of view held by Francis Pottenger, Jr. MD, Weston Price, D.D.S., Andre Voisin, DVM, and William Albrecht, PhD, as expressed in Albrecht’s words: “It’s not the overpowering invader we must fear but the weakened condition of the victim.”
Based on the evidence they present, I have adopted this point of view. (I am not running for office so I no need to be popular.)
RE: “I do not believe the world is ready for the pure truth…”
I don’t think you realize what you are saying here. So, you are now a gatekeeper of the “truth”? You decide what people are ready for? Is that what CHD, Del Bigtree et al are doing and you agree with that? Fundamentally you are making an argument for censorship.
We are not children.
No I am not the “gatekeeper” of truth, but I am my own gatekeeper of what I present to the world in my articles, that is an exercise of my own freedom to speak what I wish to speak. And according to your own comment here, are YOU the gatekeeper of the truth? Is Jeffrey? And I beg to differ, you and I might not be children, but the sheep certainly seem to be. That is who I was referring to, sorry I didn’t make that clear.
Negotiation always requires compromise to be successful in coming to a settlement. We may have to compromise the truth we know as we convey it to those we are negotiating with. Whether people like Kennedy et al present the full truth or not, they are presenting what they believe is palatable by the parties they are negotiating with, it is a compromise. The party we are presenting to, the sheep, already know what we believe the truth is, and they have rejected it. They are not being treated like children, it is only that I (we) are making a compromise not to say “either you believe ALL of this, or don’t believe ANY of it.” I don’t personally think that works.
What I present in my articles I do not consider a lie. I simply do not go into nuance with terms like “virus” “pandemic” “Covid 19″…you may consider this “not telling the whole truth” but I do not. There is a lot out there that I am unsure of, just because you, or Jeffrey, thinks you have it all figured out, I do not.
Sorry…I have no intention to continue with this fight. I write what I write, if you don’t like it, don’t read it. And yes, I do take in what you all say, it does impact my position, I respect what all of you say, and unlike you (or so it seems) I consider us all on the same team, not all believing the exact same thing, but on the same team. I would never put any of you down. I will not condemn people the likes of Robert Kennedy, ICAN, et al because they are not preaching the most extreme position out there. If they did, very few people would listen and they would be rendered useless I do believe they have done great work. This is indeed unfortunate, but it is just the way it is.
We are not children but the many out there have the mindset of children. Speaking only from experience after trying to hit them with info from the likes of Lanka, Bailey, and others. It’s like telling young kids Santa does not exist.
By lying to them, you are keeping them in child mindsets.
Naw. I was four or five when the kids at school laughed at everybody in the class who still believed in Santa.
It hurt a bit, but my parent’s little half-smiles while they went through the traditional Santa shenanigans told their own story.
I paid attention to my parents’ little half-smiles, so my childish disappointment didn’t scar me for life, or make me think my parents were liars.
In fact, later, I very much appreciated all their efforts many decades ago to make a rather mundane existence much more entertaining.
The borderline between little fibs for the sake of fun and outright lying always seemed pretty clear.
I suppose it depends on the personalities of all the people concerned, but Santa was never a figure of religious worship in my family. Just a bit of fun, with lots of presents . . .
I often think that a pinch of humorous salt will save us all.
You don’t have to lie to them. Rather than making pronouncements, you can ask them questions, have them make observations, let them come to the truth at their own pace.
Forgive me for beating a dead horse, but you’ve got me riled up. 😀
I stand by my statement that most of the world does not seem to be ready for certain truths and if we are to make an impression on them we have to be careful what we present. If you, or anyone else wants to dump all of the pure truth on them at once, be my guest. That is not making an argument for censorship. It is making my own personal statement about what I write and how I write it.
You certainly may disagree with my assessment and my style, and you have the perfect right to criticize my approach. I don’t have any intention in stopping you. What I have issue with is the style Jeffrey presents his own argument. It is personally offensive, and although he has the right to be offensive, I have the right to be offended and tell him about it. That’s all.
Disseminating blatant lies is WAY different from not speaking the whole truth. Talking to people in language which takes “pandemic” and “COVID-19” as if these are facts is the former. Not talking about the question of viruses is the latter. If you can’t tell the difference, that’s mind-blowing.
I don’t mean to be splitting hairs here, and I am sincerely curious to know this, but where have I “talked to people” in language which takes “pandemic” and “Covid 19” as if these are facts?
If I have, and show me the text, then I agree with you 100%, that is wrong. I have never believed either of those things WERE fact. If I use those words in my articles I am referring to them as such: “what is popularly known as the pandemic” or “what is typically referred to by the sheep as Covid 19″…obviously I am not going to write such cumbersome descriptions.
I also will admit that in the beginning I did believe there was something out there that could be “identified” as “Covid 19″…whether it be “virus” or whatever…but again, I have generally thought of Covid 19 as a NAME the powers that be and sheep were calling “this thing.”
This is what RFK Jr, Del Bigtree and the other people you mention have been doing. ““talked to people” in language which takes “pandemic” and “Covid 19” as if these are facts?” The title of Chapter 1 of RFK Jr’s Fauci book is “A Mismanaged Pandemic.” He and others in that group have criticized the shots for “not stopping transmission” or for “not protecting people against infection by COVID.” When “truth” media peddle lies, we got problems.
So you are saying if I support someone, like RFK, Jr, or Bigtree, who have said things we consider untruths, i.e. viruses are real or the pandemic was real, then by extension I am telling a lie myself? Is that what you mean?
I see your point and do understand what you mean. It is a valid point, but I just can’t agree with it. As a writer following that sort of logic would stifle my work so much I wouldn’t be able to write a sentence let alone a whole article.
We have a thing in psychology we call “object constancy” which means if you assess a person, all their good points and their bad points, you come up with an average…do the good points outweigh the bad points? I believe RFK, Jr. is a good person, in fact, I think he is an exemplary person in this fight. His past proves that, and what he is doing now proves that. Yes, if he believes in viruses and believes the pandemic was a real thing ,those are big errors (and in fact, regardless what his chapter 1 said, I don’t really think he believes what he says), but in my opinion it doesn’t outweigh the good things he has done in this fight. Sure, it could have been better, but it is what it is.
I think I basically do that with all of the players in this game, and the bottom line, it is MY assessment. It is MY article…you certainly don’t have to agree with it but. I do not believe I am a liar. Those are pretty strong words.
I never said YOU were a liar. I said you were endorsing people who are telling lies without bothering to say that they are telling big lies, not about peripheral matters, but about the core of the narrative. The specific countermeasures of the US government after 9/11 were questioned, but not the core lie, the fact that there was no external attack by “foreign Islamic terrorists on the US, which brought down the WTC.” This lie was not even questioned by most “truth” activists, not the leading ones, for at least a couple of years. This should have been called to attention.
And the countermeasures to “COVID pandemic” are being questioned, but not the idea that there is a pandemic, marked by a unique disease called “COVID,” This keeps the core lie going, setting the stage for different “countermeasures,” when no countermeasures are necessary except counters to fear.
People who push what they know to be lies, and what constitutes the core of the official narrative, whose aim is domination and subjugation, should be called out, at the very least criticized for doing so even if lauded for good deeds against specific countermeasures. Failure to do so, to make them nothing other than doers of good deeds, is seriously misinforming people.
For what it’s worth, I make a considerable effort to ensure that I never lie when discussing important matters.
That said, the choice of words, as well as how many or how few we use, can be our most effective tool.
I see Todd’s approach as an attempt to maximize the chances of success by, as he says himself, “easing” people into the truth.
This is not lying, even if dishonest people can, of course, pervert the meaning of any given sentence.
I certainly see no attempt by Todd to do that, because I can well imagine what Jacinda Ardern or Sushi Riddick would do with exactly the same material.
This is just sparing people the “frying-pan-over-the-head” shock of hearing something they are psychologically not prepared to hear.
There is no need for untruths here. We’re just talking about digestible portions for people with sensitive stomachs – like nurses with experience in keeping people alive and helping them recover from horrible injuries and diseases.
We want the patient to get better, not to be moved from one mental ward into another . . .
Todd didn’t say that was what he was doing at all.
His comment above makes a great deal of sense, since the point is whether or not we succeed in persuading people, rather than fail by bludgeoning the truth into them. That way only makes people mad.
As a teacher, I know that digestible portions are essential when educating students – of any age. In that respect, the brain actually behaves rather like a stomach:
When the stomach gets over-stuffed with nourishment which would otherwise be perfectly good, it gets indigestion and rebels with consequences that we all know pretty well.
The brain also knows how to defend itself against over-stuffing. It just switches off – which is not at all the result we want.
Thank you….
You too do not differentiate between not telling the entire story, and telling lies about it. There is a huge difference. Not telling kids of 6 about sex is not the same as telling them that a bogeyman hiding in closets at home is gonna get them if they don’t do their homework.
Why do you think I disagree with that?
It’s not as if when we want the entire story, all we have to do is come to jeffrey…
It’s a question of intent:
Just as we have gradually come to know that the intent of our current ‘authorities’ has reached atrocity-level, it takes time to assess the intent of anybody regularly writing articles here.
My own conclusion is that Todd does not intend to distract or conceal, but to succeed in persuading.
That in itself is a formidable task, as I am sure many of us here are aware when dealing with our own families and friends.
Ricky Gervais made the same point rather drastically in the first minute of this clip:
As for myself, I most certainly do differentiate between not telling the entire story and telling lies about it, but I do not attempt to tell ‘the entire story’ in a comments section like this one.
Why would I? And who could be bothered to read three whole pages of my considered opinion on anything at all – assuming a site like this could even accommodate such an assault on its bandwidth?
One step at a time, jeffrey.
I’m sure your own ‘entire story’ would not fit onto three pages here either.
Again, there is a difference between not telling the whole story, and telling outright lies, which is what CHD, High Wire and the like are doing. See the excellent response by “Maxwell” to Sam the Admin, below.
Reichs Minister for Propaganda, Dr Josef Goebbels, faced a quandary –
How to spare the feelings of the German people, how to break it gently to them that the National Hero, General Erwin Rommel, got thrashed in the deserts of North Africa by the Brits…He decided to not tell them…
And Winston Churchill told the entire truth about everything that happened in the war to the British people at that time…?
C’mon, make some attempt to understand what I’m getting at . . .
Let me get this. The world isn’t ready to be told that there was no “pandemic,” that the statistical facts do not show this to be true? That what Denis Rancourt presented doesn’t shred the “pandemic” notion into sub atomic particles? That RFK Jr tried to push back hard against Rancourt and asserted nonsense in doing so?? Or that the health agencies around the world are themselves saying that “COVID-19” cannot be distinguished from other ailments without PCR or antigen tests? The world isn’t ready to hear what the health agencies are admitting? Really?
Are we going to lie to people because we think they’re too stupid to understand things? Isn’t that exactly how we’ve been treated by the authorities? Should we keep telling people that 2 “hijacked” airliners knocked down three steel frame hi rises at the WTC on 9/11 because they aren’t ready for demolition? Are you fully aware of what you are saying?
If you think they are ready, then tell them! Do you write? Then write, get out there and TELL THEM. And guess what, I will support you every step of the way.
If you want to, send me links, write up what you believe, and send it to me and I will write an article…inform me, tell me what you think I don’t know, I want to hear it.
[email protected]
Anomalies work for me. Tell normies that maybe there was a flu or something in some places but the fact that there was no covid in Africa pretty much proves there was no world-wide “pandemic.”
The limited hangout is the pfizer leak mutate, lab leak, gain of function etc, Anybody perpetuating the existence of viruses is maintaining the narrative. Once you kill that the whole thing dies, and they have to move to climate change or something else for complete control.
Is “People are Sheeple” the cornerstone of your thoughts here?
Is that all there is? Is this some “self-evident truth?”
Everyday people are aware of the contempt that many so-called “intellectuals” hold for their presumed inferiors.
I’ve been hearing this jive-ass cynicism for decades amongst the lib/progs who contemptuously and condescendingly blame the people for being ignorant and stupid and brain-washed when there is no one more thoroughly brain-washed then those who have been inculcated with liberal and progressive ideas.
Now, I guess the question is: Do you believe that the people can make determinations for themselves?
“Sheeple” is a pejorative term, the implication is that you believe that the majority of the people are “sheeple” based on your statement – I do not believe the world is ready for the pure truth.
Does this mean you (or some selected “Officials of Truth Dispensary”) are to be arbiters of this truth and the one(s) who are qualified to dole out “portions” of this truth to the sheep at some predetermine time in some predetermined “quantity?”
Just how does this work?
If that is true, how can anybody who advances this theory exempt themselves unless they see themselves as superior to the hapless “sheeple” who can only be fed the truth “in chunks they can digest” according to your “belief.”
If the people are “sheeple”, why aren’t you bleating?
Perhaps you should you not heed your own “advice”- “please consider this before you diss people”– as you just dissed some significant portion of the, according to you, “not yet ready world.”
I so agree with you Todd!
I just re-read your post and I honestly cannot understand why you have chosen to attack me the way you have, so I am going to drop and just let you feel the way you feel with no rebuttal. Just ignore my previous post.
This is the problem as I see it. Once a person sees that virology is essentially a big pharma corporate money making fraud..well then (even though it is obviously almost impossible for most people to digest) you still just want to tell the “whole” truth and stop beating around the bush with “half” truths, when by doing so, you are essentially reinforcing the “central” lie on which pandemic scams depend… that there is an identifiable “virus” for each illness… Sorry..there just isn’t … Whatever your personal or professional reservations..try to watch “The end of Germ Theory”on odysee.
I was a terrain theory advocate probably before a lot of you were born. I have no problem declaring to my readers the germ theory, and viruses in particular, are bogus. I am not in a position right now to go through all of my articles word for word and make a declaration that what I might or might not imply about viruses, the pandemic, etc. is really the point of a particular article, because most of the time I can be pretty sure I have never said something like “viruses are REAL, the pandemic is REAL, Covid is REAL”…granted an implication is a problem as well, I understand that, so I am taking what all of you are saying to heart. But I guarantee you I will not please all of you all of the time.
In THIS article my mentioning of the hard work that Kennedy, ICAN, et al have done is not an endorsement of germ theory, or an endorsement of every single word any of these people have uttered. I was simply recognizing them as hard workers in this cause…I am sure everyone everywhere do not all agree on everything. I DO believe these people are champions in this cause, if you have proof and evidence they are NOT, please inform me. Just because I acknowledge their work in an article does not mean I believe every word they have ever said.
For what it’s worth Mr. Haydn I like your article.
If it were not for listening to RFK Jr and Polly Tommy discussions beginning in April 2020 I would be triple jabbed and boostered.
I do not agree with everything RFK Jr or Children’s Health Defense reports or says, and I let them know when I don’t, but what I do trust is people that have been in the trenches for YEARS, for years before this present nightmare and are still in the fight.
RFK Jr has been in the vaccine fight since 2003, others at CHD for longer. I appreciate that. They have all been through the wringer, been vilified, scorned and dismissed. And they still battle on.
Del Bigtree has conducted some great interviews.
Both Bigree and RFK Jr have stated that their forums will provide a voice for many differing views.
I appreciate that they are fighting the tyranny, both medical and political.
I think they are all do yeoman’s work.
I saw the interview with Rancourt. I watch all interviews with Rancourt. I appreciated the discussion. I had the same questions RFK Jr did.
I thought it was a good fair discussion. But then I am not attached to whether this nightmare has been an actual pandemic or not. Or whether viruses exist. We all know by now the absolute fraud, lies and deceit foisted throughout the world by WEF, WHO, IBS, UN, govts, banks and pharma.
In any case, I’ve learned a lot from CHD and ICAN. And Offguardian, Cobett, Fitts, Tenpenny, Farber, Crispin Miller, Dowd, KIrsch. I know there are many others.
KIrsch is heavily invested in 4IR and digital IDs, has been involved with the Santa Fe Institute, which he now tries to hide. And are you saying you’re not too attached to truth, you don’t care if CHD, ICAN/High Wire push outright lies such as “pandemic” and “COVID”?
I have never heard CHD or Highwire push the pandemic. Quite the opposite. From everything I have watched over the past 3 years they espouse the idea that there was no real pandemic. The pandemic was created. The definition of pandemic was changed. The definition of a number of things was changed to suit the lie.
I learned that on CHD and Highwire.
If they and others believe in something called covid, so be it. What is important to me, and I stress TO ME, is that they have been fighting the fake pandemic, the mandates (masks, shots), the lock downs, the closings, the censorship, the tyranny. They have raised awareness of the Great Reset – it’s history and it’s possible future for many many people that would not necessarily have discovered such things.
I do not see that they have been pushing outright lies. YOU and others may think that covid is an outright lie and that is certainly your right, but many are still uncertain. In spite of that uncertainty many people are not uncertain about the villainy. And CHD, ICAN and others seem to be doing a good job fighting that.
I watch the HighWire every week, at a minimum the Jaxen Report, and I think that they have helped to push back in a very positive way. In fact, though my only source of income is Social Security, I have donated to them modestly on several occasions. That said, I feel that exposing the fraud in the scamdemic is very important and they have the platform to do it. They are doing a good job on exposing the fraud in the fake vaccines and the so-called regulatory agencies, though I am waiting to see how they handle or don’t handle Sasha Latypova’s amazing and thoroughly documented exposure that the DoD was running the whole vaccine show and the FDA, CDC, and NIH had absolutely no decision making power. Same goes for Pfizer and Moderna. Just take the money and run. This will be hard for most people to wrap their heads around. I feel that until the full nefarious fraud of the “virus” part of the scamdemic, not just the toxic fake vaccines is exposed, the miscreants will not be stopped on further bioterrorism. As we write they are arranging to give the WHO global power to enforce whatever they choose for the next fake pandemic. Bill Gates constantly smirks about the next one. When I hear them reporting on THW regarding cases and variants as if they are real, it makes me want to puke.
Thanks for your reply El gallinazo.
Yes, Jaxen report is always interesting. (And I believe he reports from my neck of the woods in New England)
When you refer to the “virus” part of the scamdemic, do you mean that this thing called “sars cov 2 which leads to covid 19” is fake as in created in a lab through gain of function (CHD, David E Martin, and others), with the purpose of creating the scamdemic?
Or do you believe that there is no such thing as a viral contagion (Kaufman, Bailey, and others)?
Right now I fall in the category of I don’t know what the virus is or was but it was not from nature.
(As I’ve stated, I am not concerned about germ theory and terrain theory with regard to the nightmare of the past 3 years. I’m wholly open to it, but I’m in the camp that it only distracts right now)
I get the impression from CHD, HIghwire, Fitts, Corbett et al that they all believe this was a huge fake “pandemic” and that if there is a bona fide virus it did not meet the criteria to cause and implement a world wide pandemic. I think they are all on the same page about that.
I have seen interviews with Latypova and what she reports seems very reasonable and believable. I could be wrong about this but I think (?) she did an interview on CHD.
I am not wed to any particular theory and I have learned not to put personalities on a pedestal. Question everything, come to your own conclusions as TLAV would say.
As I have mentioned in previous comments, I lean toward the ideas of Kaufman et al as being of far greater probability of being true. But I also feel that tactically it is more fruitful to attack the physical existence fraud of SARS-CoV-2. Kaufman’s expertise in molecular biology is very useful in this regard.
Furthermore, it does not necessitate the intelligence of a Tesla or an African grey parrot to see the inconsistency between the lab release of a gain-of-function virus and the real danger of the scamdemic was no more than a moderately difficult seasonal flu.
RFK and Del Bigtree most defintiely believe and openly and frequently perpetuate the falsehood that there was a pandemic.
They both are ardent proponents of the “pandemic” being caused by a “lab leak.”
That is absolutely true, and while they are doing a lot of good work, this is very harmful. Furthermore RFK Jr. has been pushing the global warming fraud on his daily , Children Health Defense newsletter. Their last article on this elicited so much unified scorn and derision from the comment gallery, that there has been nothing for a while. But it does make one wonder that someone smart enough to have written The Real Anthony Fauci can be deluded into innocently pushing this Schwabian nonsense.
There was no lab leak, which is just the pre-planned fallback position as the pangolin – bat soup love match falls apart. The perps of the shitshow, as Knightley recently pointed out, really do not have a problem with the lab leak theory. The only thing that drives them batshit, pun intended, is the no SARS virus – it’s just the regular flu Bro position, because they are just smart enough to realize that this is the literal keystone of their arch of crap upon which it all rests or it all collapses. So tactically, the best battle position is not to attack the scam with terrain theory viruses do not exist, which IMO is probably true, but that this specific virus was a total fabricated fraud, which is certainly true.
No one was at significant elevated risk during the faked ‘pandemic’, the risks were tiny. In fact it was governments and media steering a terror campaign. Official epidemiology demonstrates this quite clearly.
This is the argument which uses the fewest number of moves to discredit the virus fear propaganda and put Covid authoritarianism in the cool light of day. This argument doesn’t require us to dismantle any paradigms of western medicine or risk getting ourselves labelled germ theory denying crackpots. Lol
It serves no tactical advantage to oppose germ theory. It’s more work, people tune out and it quickly turns into a circle jerk in a (germ-free) vacuum.
And, ironically, even if we could prove a negative and get germ theory chucked out (good luck with that everyone lol) it’s not going to help! It won’t help because anything can be weaponised! Terrain theory can be weaponised to justify masks and authoritarianism just as easily, if not more easily, than germ theory!
I illustrated this in a comment yesterday which I’ll repeat here, mildly tweaked:
[Imagine the ‘Stay home > Protect the NHS > Save lives’ banner on your screen. A soothing voiceover actor starts speaking…]
“According to Terrain theory science, we all know it’s possible to trigger a detox cycle in others, in various psychosomatic and bio resonant ways.
Covering the mouth and nose mitigates this.
It’s just responsible.
Something as small as a sneeze or a red nose could trigger a detox cycle in someone you care about. It could be your children. It could be your mother. Detox cycles can kill, and covering your facial signifiers can make a huge difference.
In wintertime more people enter detox cycles naturally. If we are careless and trigger detox cycles in others this creates detox spread. If this spread is too quick it becomes a detox pandemic. This puts healthcare under pressure and vulnerable people’s lives at risk.
Last year toxicity and long-toxicity accounted for 100% of deaths! A vulnerable person’s next detox cycle could be their last.
So save a life today and remember to…
It’s only simple. It’s only safe.
(Failure to comply is an offence and will automatically incur social credit penalties. This will affect your ability to buy rations, travel outside your allotted sector, breath clean air and enjoy regulation social privileges)”
[Edited by Admin2 to include the term ‘bio-resonance’, which more aptly reflects the terminology/processes described by some terrain theory advocates]
Nothing in terrain theory remotely justifies masks. You are not understanding this theory if you think this.
Ive watched the same videos you have dude, and it does. Anything can be weaponised to justify authoritarianism. Wake up.
I do have to smile when I see this agenda being steered around in the comments.
Common sense arguments are needed to halt advancing authoritarianism, which can threaten to overwhelm by sheer weight of numbers. The truth is powerful. A simple, elegant, powerful argument can halt that because people are vulnerable to truth, honesty and common sense. Even when they’re fanatically screaming about the ‘current thing’, they can be slowed and halted with simple, solid truths.
’There is no epidemiology to justify the fear governments and media created’ is just such a simple, truthful argument.
’Germs don’t cause disease actually’ isn’t.
I don’t really need shortsighted folk labelling me a ‘germ theory denier’ by association, thanks. So I’m stopping pandering to it. I think this whole no-germ stance is fucking ridiculously stupid.
And I won’t stop saying that from now on.
Yeah, terrain theory is an interesting mental exercise, when stakes are low, but if things are as dire as everyone keeps flippin’ saying on here then let’s smarten up yeah? Shall we stop self-sabotaging in really obvious ways? Shall we stop allowing ourselves to be steered quite so easily?
They aren’t all genuine people who comment here, you know? Most people seem to forget there are trolls here who steer things. As quick as everyone is to accuse Offg of being controlled opposition, all the commenters seem very trusting of each other lately lol. Funny that.
I’ve met and caught many people, sometimes well-established commenters, in the act of trying to mislead and steer discussion here using multiple identities and loaded agendas.
It’s a joke. You gotta laugh 😂
Why would you want to stop your body from detoxifying? What “common sense” does that possibly make?
And you are insistent upon making this about germ theory vs terrain theory. The argument i’ve put forth is about whether there is or has been a “pandemic” the last 3 years, marked by a unique disease called “COVID.” There either is/has been such a “pandemic” or there has not. That’s an easily determinable fact. just like any claims by authorities that there has been an invasion by Extraterrestrials, without any proof provided.
You think questioning this basic premise doesn’t work to stop the implementation of the authoritarian regime? Do you think it was wrong to question whether the US was actually attacked by foreign terrorists and people should have focused entirely on “bad countermeasures”?
And where have i called Off G controlled opposition?
Strahl, I was replying to @Sean who was trying to swing this round to no germ/terrain theory and I’m putting my foot down about that.
You just got irate with the author for handling this debate in a way you don’t approve. May I say, if you are really so naive about the obvious counter intelligence agenda behind terrain theory then frankly you’ve got no business criticising anyone. 😆
This is a long thread. Longer than I realised. And I do appreciate that my long post above might have added to a sense of confusion.
When you have time to reread this thread with a fresh head perhaps you’ll realise i adequately demonstrated the rationale that might be used to weaponise terrain theory and justify lockdowns etc.
The point being you can weaponise anything, and therefore disproving germs cause contagion achieves NOTHING.
Perhaps, on reflection, you’ll also realise you were needlessly confrontational coming into this whole thread. I think you shouldn’t do that. Please be normally courteous to authors, they do read the comments sometimes and it’s just not respectful of you.
I think the author was extremely gracious and tolerant, considering. A2
“if you are really so naive about the obvious counter intelligence agenda behind terrain theory then frankly you’ve got no business criticising anyone.”
Can you prove that Doctors Sam and Mark Bailey, Dr Tom Cowan, Dr Andrew Kaufman, Dr Stefan Lanka, Dr Kevin Corbett, Dr Stefano Scoglio (whose work has appeared in Off G!), MSc Christine Massey and Mike Donio, investigative reporters like Torsten Engelbrecht (work has been posted at Off G), Michael Bryant (likewise), Eric Francis Coppolino, and many others, are part of a counter intelligence operation?
I applaud you Jeffrey. Keep up the good fight.
There appear to be many apparently ‘awake’ people who cannot comprehend that those who are supposedly ‘on our side’ but who do not challenge the fraudulent foundations of ‘virus theory’ thereby perpetuate it and everything done in its name; that rather than helping in the fight against tyranny, they help to ensure its inevitability.
And some appear to think that lying to people helps bring them to the truth!
Or maybe they think that triaging the tyranny is the better way to go.
And then we can debate germ theory.
Nice way of putting it 👍
I don’t know if these guys are interested in listening though. Seems like they’re here to rather emptily push terrain theory right now. They’ll move on soon perhaps.
Who precisely are “these guys” that are here “to rather emptily push terrain theory?”
Are you sure you read these comments carefully?
You must realize that this discussion around germ theory/terrain theory precedes either you or I and will likely be ongoing long after we are long gone.
You must also realize based on the copious articles and comments here that the totality of this particular discussion takes up less than a half percent of “all things Covid” and outside of here even less than that.
If you think the conversation is BS fine but as far as sucking up oxygen and energy from the “Covid opposition” the terrain/germ debates are way, way down on that list if that is how you consider these things.
Why it is this has you so riled up is another thing.
You speak to the need to focus on the hard facts and data which prove demonstrably that there was no pandemic, which is true, so why not get riled up about those in the “health freedom movement” who are doing all they can (willingly or no it doesn’t matter) to put these facts on the back shelf. And I’m not speaking abstractly here or merely about “comments” section at websites.
I could also say quite a bit more about what I do to provide documentation and data and facts about all that has happened over these past three years. So if there is an insinuation there you haven’t a leg to stand on.
Another conversation perhaps.
Bottom line Sam is I don’t get to decide this- you don’t get to decide this. That conversation has surfaced due to all we have experienced these past three years- it would be quite strange if it did not bubble up given we have been “terrorized” by a “viral event.”
It will continue regardless of what you or I think is the “best tactic.”
So yeah- get to the core issues of the crimes committed – write about it (further if you have already) and broadcast it to the public over and over.
Do what you can.
Go here- get these people’s stories out there:
Take note of who these people are and what happened. Are these the “sheeple” that are being referenced?
You think they’re not ready to hear the “pure truth”- they lived it. Let’s get riled up about that.
I understand that sheeple as a pejorative can be problematical.
However this is a separate point to the main point being discussed in this thread.
Thanks for the link. I lost my father during lockdown to so-called ‘Covid’ so my mind is very much with the poor people documented here.
And it never hurts to refresh our perspective.
Perhaps we should talk about this more when it next surfaces, this thread is so long it’s stressing me right out. A2
NO! You must accept Terrain theory, Uber alles!
This seems to be the case. 😅
I’m one step ahead of you. Just about everything humans have ever come up with – especially in the realm of science – sits on “fraudulent foundations.”
Why? Well, how about because NO human who ever lived is omniscient? Therefore NOTHING the human mind concocts can possibly be based on every possible aspect of it.
I guarantee you the Terrain Theory has as many holes in it as the Germ Theory. It simply cannot be otherwise.
We shake our heads that the ancient Egyptians wore jewelry made of lead. If there are humans in the distant future and they haven’t been rendered brain dead, they will shake their heads that we once believed disease was caused by Germs and Terrain.
The only absolute is that whatever “Theory” we come up with today will be rendered moot some day.
That’s why it’s a waste of time dealing in anything but straight facts, drawn from data.
The fear and authoritarianism wasn’t justified by a raised level of threat posed by any virus, compared to years previous. The statistics demonstrate that. It is irrefutable.
As you’ve just pointed out yourself, drilling down further becomes futile. Science and logic don’t require it. You make a preposition and you satisfy that proposition.
Solid logic and truth are powerful antidotes to brainwashed thinkers.
No, you will never ‘convert’ a lot of brainwashed people probably, nevertheless, you can slow the momentum and halt the advance of dangerous, irrational authoritarian thinking. We’ve all witnessed this, I think. We’ve all seen the level of fear and avoidance covideans feel if urged to engage in the basic facts. A2
Thanks, Mark, i applaud you as well. You state things very well.
If you think transplanting one medical paradigm with another will prevent it becoming weaponised I think you’re being simplistic. In fact I suggest you’re fighting the symptom not the cause. Anything can be weaponised.
The primary focus of terrain theory is that disease is caused primarily by chemical toxins and that many of its symptoms are the attempt to expunge them from the body. I think that it might be possible to weaponize this concept, but a lot more difficult than a sub-microscopic invidious, contagious killer. The Overlords will stage a war against real, corporate pollution?
You say this, but there’s no germ theory science supporting masks. In fact the existing science CONTRADICTS wearing masks. YET DIDN’T PEOPLE WEAR THEM ANYWAY?
Likewise, there’s no epidemiology supporting ‘zero-Covid’ or lockdowns. In fact the science again contradicts these things. YET DIDN’T PEOPLE LOCK DOWN ANYWAY?
These were irrational acts contradicting the known science, known to be counterproductive, but it didn’t stop anyone.
So I guess I’m asking where you got this notion that, given all this conflicting science, masks and social distancing are easier to justify with germ theory?
In fact, using Cowen’s waterborne bio-resonance argument or the principles of epigenetics or cymatic resonance or morphogenic fields (all of which I’ve seen postulated to explain certain aspects of observed ‘contagion’ under a Terrain Theory model) there might actually be some grounds for wearing masks and socially distance, to avoid triggering a detox cycle in others, visually or olfactorily etc.
I’m wondering what your rationale is. A2
First, I have listened to Kaufman suggest the resonance theory which may be plausible, but unlike yourself, I see nothing regarding this which would make face diapers effective to prevent contagion or less unhealthy.
Regarding people not going direct and doing their own research. First, most people are not equipped to read or evaluate these papers except perhaps the abstract and conclusions, and according to John Ioannidis of Stanford, over half of them are not reproducible anyway and (IMO) fraudulent. Usually the only way to evaluate that is to carefully deconstruct the methodology section. People in our society are trained from birth to obey authority, and as proof of this one only need watch the film, They Live 🙂 Most people have been carefully programmed to obey authority, and MD’s have become the new priest class. It is not surprising, if unfortunate, that they are unaware that they are lying and ignorant sacks of shit. Furthermore just look at your UK political shitheads that pay sociopathic psychologist with the morals of a tomcat in heat, to “nudge” the population. While I am a firm advocate of personal responsibility, a total pureblood, and have acted upon my reluctant prepping inclinations, I have loved ones who were not born renegades, and I find the commenters on this site who wish to give the Overlord psychopaths a pass and blame common people for being conned to be hateful in the true as opposed to the WOKE sense of the word.
I’ve been linked to this video before and seen it a couple of times, which makes a point at about 45 mins in.
It makes the point hard about this alt. method of contagion.
Also, perhaps you make another point for me, that without anyone clarifying the science there is no way you can really contradict my interpretation of this, we’re all pretty much at liberty to interpret what ‘bio-resonance’ and its implications actually mean. There’s nothing really quantifiable there.
Further study is required before we’re in any position to supplant germ theory, in my view.
Doesn’t mean I believe germ theory. Doesn’t mean I WANT to believe it.
But I feel as if we’re Australia being tricked into giving up their guns here lol We’re disarming ourselves by neutralising the most powerful weapon we have to resist encroaching fascism, which saved us during the fake pandemic years: the ability to speak simple, honest truths without being immediately dismissed as nutters and kooks. A2
You’re just talking past me, acting as if I’m saying things I’m not saying, avoiding addressing things I’ve said.
If you’re going to lecture the author for a perceived inconsistency in their logic, well show some consistency yourself. Deal with what’s actually been said. Thank you.
Where did I say all proponents of no virus were controlled?
Kindly shove that lame post hoc fallacy right up your jacksie, sir, with my compliments.
To give you an example of what I’M talking about, in a Kit Knightly piece about mask-wearing, published here the other day, the comments section was nothing but a hive of bickering about whether germs exist.
Has it not occurred to you this is blatant divide and conquer?
An appropriate response to terrain theory is… ‘yes, debating terrain theory is an interesting intellectual exercise, but it’s not a viable tactic to win an informati9n war or make progress countering rising authoritarianism in the dark days ahead. It sounds way too wacky and flat earth for that. Therefore I will make this distinction plain and focus instead on uniting with my awakened brother and sister, and establishing a common goal and some solidarity’.
Some people are saying this, about half.
The other half have this quaint notion, apparently, that if only people can glimpse the truth that there’s no germs then the brainwashing spell will be broken!
Which is utter shit, as I demonstrate above. Anything can be weaponised, and terrain theory can be twisted to justify all pandemic protocol just as easily, if not more easily. So what is this actually achieving?
People are jabbing their babies, even after they’ve developed mysterious myocarditis. They aren’t in the market for switching medical paradigms right now XD
However this resting fanaticism does need to be countered, and it takes good, strong common sense and common frames of reference to do it..
It’s very obvious this faux controversy is being weaponised here in the comments in order to hobble this resistance movement by seeding needless division and making it appear flaky. It’s blatantly being steered.
How awake can you really claim to be, Strahl, if you’re so ready to blinker yourself about this possibility?
Disappointed, man. A2
You gotta provide some specifics- you have way too much vaguery in your comments.
You have made some generalized comments that could be easily be misinterpeted.
…the obvious counter intelligence agenda behind terrain theory…
Do you have any specifics for this statement, any evidence?
…adequately demonstrated the rationale that might be used to weaponise terrain theory…
You really didn’t make much of a case for this at all.
People are jabbing their babies, even after they’ve developed mysterious myocarditis. They aren’t in the market for switching medical paradigms right now.
This is not illustrative of anything. The number of individuals that fit into that category is less and statisitically insignificant. The very few that fall into that category are never changing their minds on any of this and are not the ones that will ever be allies. Poor example.
…debating terrain theory is an interesting intellectual exercise, but it’s not a viable tactic to win an information war or make progress…
There is a case to be made for this but again you have not done so. The better case is to utilize the historical underpinnings of how germ theory has been weaponized to cover up the crimes of colonialism for but one example. That’s a long discussion.
In today’s instance it is also vital to make the distinction between the germ theory/terrain theory debate and the discussion speaking to the material fraud of the entire pandemic.
It must be noted that those who are “leading” the “opposition movement” avoid both of these discussions. Ask yourself why that is.
Are these people perhaps the “real” counter intelligence operatives? I say that sardonically as that means getting into motives which I won’t do here.
However it would be more the case that you wouldn’t want the discussion to get into how the entirety of the pandemic as declared on March 11,2020 was fraudulent.
if you were purposefully engaged in misdirection you would much rather people stick with the narratives being perpetuated by the likes of Malone, Kirsch, Cole etc., who are flat wrong on their fundamental assertions about the non-pandemic. That has to be challenged at every turn.
I also must add that this is not simply an information war it is a very real war, against the poor mainly, with material consequences. The information/propaganda component is only one aspect and calling it an information war as is de riguer can abstract the reality of what is happening on the ground.
It’s very obvious this faux controversy is being weaponised here in the comments in order to hobble this resistance movement by seeding needless division and making it appear flaky. It’s blatantly being steered.
What resistance movement? The entire “divide and conquer” and “sowing division” is a canard and that in itself is problematic.
There are a number of implied assumptions behind this “dividing the movement” line of assault – and make no mistake, it is an assault, designed to silence people and terminate consideration and discussion.
To say that acceding to the foundational lies of there being a pandemic is being rejected because “people aren’t ready to hear this truth” (aside from the arrogance of such a statement) is to imply that the current “oppositional movement” is kinda getting there, or heading “in the right direction.”
It isn’t.
What is presumed by your thinking this is a “faux controversy” – which a few of us are supposedly unwilling to overlook in our stubbornness and obtuseness – are actually accurate glimpses through the camouflage at the whole picture, not minor peripheral and insignificant flaws.
The years slip by. Conditions grow worse and worse, The danger grows and grows. The ruling class gets stronger and stronger.
The “can’t we all speak half truths and get along and play nice?” is bringing no positive returns and there is nothing to lose by speaking the truth as harshly as need be to get the message across.
If you want to build solidarity and an actual movement let’s discuss how to do that. I can assure you repeatedly calling people “sheep” is not going to cut it. The elitism involved in such a “critique” is gross.
It is broad participation by the people in politics that the ruling class most fears and works hardest to prevent. That is why saying in essence to millions of people that “you aren’t smart enough to join our elite club” is the kiss of death for any serious movement that claims to be in any sort of opposition to the ruling class.
This is a chronic problem and cripples any attempts at mobilizing the working people. I believe that a relatively small group of people control all discussion and all power on what passes for this “movement”, at least in the US, and that they would sooner surrender anything else – including selling all of us down the river – before they would let go of their sense of exceptionalism, superiority and entitlement.
I am saying that germ theory/terrain theory is moot because there is no evidence in the statistics to warrant the terror campaign we were subjected to. Talking about terrain theory is as counterproductive as discussing HCQ etc like Malone et al..
This is not ‘acceding to the foundational lies of there being a pandemic’ and if you’d read my comments thoroughly you’d realise I made that quite obvious.
I actually laid out the logical justification one could use to fully endorse ‘hands/face/space’ under a terrain theory model. Which you ignored. In fact no one has addressed it. I would be most grateful if you would, actually.
It took me 20 mins to come up with it (so please don’t tell me TPTB couldn’t do likewise). A Terrain Theory hands/face/space model actually makes MORE logical sense than a germ theory hands/face/space model, to my mind. XD
What are your thoughts on that?
WHen you search for Terrain Theory on Wikipedia it is filed under ‘Germ Theory Denilaist’, so here alone is sufficient motive to for trolls to infiltrate here. Therefore I will continue to urge our commenters to be cautious.
You tell me that Divide and Rule is a ‘canard’. Oh on your bike 😂 😂 😂
And you go on to say (in binary opposition to me and with absolutely zero irony) that Divide and Rule is ITSELF a disinfo tactic designed to manufacture a fake consensus???!!! 😂 😂 😂
Well if that is the case I must be very mistaken indeed.
You ask toward the end ‘what resistance movement?’. To which I must reply ‘well, quite’.
I am not condoning calling anyone sheep. I agree, this raises problems in terms of reaching anyone.
I think that concise, logical and simple arguments were essential to stemming the tide of rising authoritarianism in 2020/21/22. This will be required again in time. It’s not about changing minds, it’s about staking out a perimeter with truisms, a perimeter which repels brainwashed, irrational fanaticism, similar to garlic with vampires lol
We’ve ALL witnessed how squirmingly uncomfortable cognitively dissonant people become when confronted with basic facts about 2020.
However, in the off chance the establishment IS busy reframing Terrain Theory as the new Flat Earth and raising its profile as a nutty belief and sending agents out to populate comment boards such as this, I think we should be cautious.
When I say ‘there was no pandemic’ I want my statement to pack punch, not be ridiculed as if I were shouting ‘the earth is flat’.
Time to shift tack, brother. A2
What a great comment!! Yeah, people, let’s not look at the “leadership” ranks, people like Steve Kirsch, heavily involved in digital IDs, was involved with the Santa Fe Institute, a major Great Reset/4IR entity, grew out of the Los Alamos Labs, which have a long sordid history. Kirsch provides ample financing and platforms for the false opposition.
For a moment I thought Strahl/Maxwell might be the same entity. Just something unnatural in this exchange. But nah, that was a silly, momentary idea I had just then. I am getting paranoid in my old age. Lol
By all means continue to not address the crux of my point, it’s fine. It’ll come round again. We have all the time in the world. 🙂
Excellent points Maxwell.
In the terrain versus germ theory of disease, I am leaning toward terrain. This is for the simple reason that when one deconstructs the methodology of all those peer reviewed virology papers, they are total shit science. If you want to base a trillion dollar industry on unicorns, at least produce one honestly. Preferably a live one but even a dead one.
But I sort of agree with Sam that at the moment with all the BS conditioning we’ve had since moments after leaving the womb, I think it is strategically more effective to focus on the fact that they never produced the specific unicorn named SARS-CoV-2. This fraud when people are literally dropping dead as in suddenly and unexpectedly from safe and effective, can make some impact with Joe and Jane Bagadonuts. The point of my position with them is not that viruses don’t exist (which I regard as probable) but this specific virus doesn’t exist. It’s all fraud. The evidence for that is overwhelming. It was just the seasonal flu, Bro (whatever that is.) No special virus. Why wait for a crisis to come along? Time is money. “We are an empire now and we can make our own reality” (Karl Rove, the Shrub’s chief strategist.)
Thank you!
Because it’s pick your side time Todd. No time left for sitting on the fence in any respect.
Yes, but the viewing of ideas for remediation must now take over our focus as we imagine a new future reality of 99% self-governing.
We’ve heard all the problems and know them well. We’ve tried every way within the system to respond and expect solutions. The system has not responded, will not respond to solve the actual problem, to provide for the social needs of Humanity. All is Empire and the prosecution of maintaining it’s authority and hording of wealth over Humanity and protecting the special club class that occupies it.
We know this. So why do we keep speaking to the hand that will never respond? It’s at this point that we realize our solutions lie not with them. It’s our problem now and we need to solve it. The solutions are infinite in possibility. All of the broadly adopted existing system solutions have useful parts but no whole that serves the People’s needs. We have many, many examples from the Ancestors, in anthropological findings and in literature through the ages. Anarchism, a widely misunderstood word, has it’s roots in the self-organizing technologies of Humanity’s indigenous ancestors on every continent on Earth. It is functional ancient wisdom that eschews leaders and a vanguard and empowers each person equally to participate to create an egalitarian world we desire.
In this pursuit I ask everyone to consider imaging the world they would want to live in. Is it where you and your family can get rich and succeed? or is it a world where everyone respects everyone else and works toward a decent respectful life no matter their ambitions or simple intents? The capitalist war gaming for loot & booty is now an ecocidally obsolete paradigm for how to live. Spaceship Earth is at full capacity to house all occupants on a successful ongoing basis and Humanity needs to transition to a culture of maintenance and facilitation, not infinite growth.
For all the naysayers, here’s just a scrap of the Ancestor’s speaking to us through us, giving us the ground for a path to an egalitarian future. David Graeber unfortunately died way too young recently and now, as Ancestor, speaks to us with cosmic presence, on what can be.
Please read this little book that is described in this post…
Sandy, whole heatedly agree. The rulers rule and begging them for anything is head banging. It’s time to turn our back on this authoritarian tyranny and consider rules without rulers.
Here’s what the rulers orders are as spoken by Karl Rove (aka GW Bush’s brain): “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality judiciously, as you will, we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out.” This is what they have to offer.
You are so right energy from thousands of years ago are driving the ones that don’t want to be robots.
I too, have come to that conclusion…
The revolution will not be televised.
people are now finally seeing how stupid it is to trust authority
That would be “public” authority – which, if it’s true, is in itself a step forward. But authority is so deeply engrained in human nature that simply distrusting certain public figures does very little toward distrusting the idea of authority altogether.
Some headlines:
Early 2021 – The Covid Narrative is Collapsing.
Early 2022 – The Covid Narrative is Collapsing.
Early 2023 – The Covid Narrative is Collapsing.
Is Hopium Addictive ?
Recently little billy gates used Australia as a pulpit to broadcast to the world his prediction ‘the next pandemic will most likely be manmade and will be more brutal than covid.’
Most folks havent heard “the covid narrative is collapsing”, but they heard little billy gates.
Manmade what? Even con-vid is weaker than the flu.
gain of function is pure bullshit