Jacinda Ardern: Saint or Psychopath?
Martin Hanson

While still at the height of her popularity, “Jacinda Ardern: Leading with Empathy”, a biography of the New Zealand Prime Minister was published. It was described by the publisher as “a major biography of one of the most important and inspirational leaders of the twenty-first century”.
20 months later came her shock resignation. The UK Daily Mail< reported that Ardern had said that she “wanted to be remembered for her kindness”.
Among the eulogies that followed, some verging on the sycophantic, many emphasized her “kindness and empathy”:
- “Thank you for your partnership and your friendship – and for your empathic, compassionate, strong, and steady leadership over these past several years.” –Justin Trudeau, Canadian premier.
- “Her leadership was shaped and defined by a series of national and international crises – and her responses in those pressured moments, which repeatedly emphasised the values of empathy, humanity and kindness, will likely form the standout legacy of her political career. – Tess McClure, The Guardian
- New Zealand’s Ardern leaves legacy of kindness, disappointments – Praveen Menon, Reuters
- “Empathetic, humane” – Toby Manhire NZ journalist.
- Jacinda Ardern brought ‘compassion and kindness as well as strength’ to her leadership – Sky News
- “Jacinda Ardern reminds us that kindness and strength are not mutually exclusive” –Anthony Albanese, Australian Prime Minister
Among the voters, not all the sentiments were as obsequious. Many were abusive; “Ding Dong the witch is gone” was one of the milder ones. The most extreme compared her to Hitler. Part of a poster read:
Treason – Genocide – Fraud – Murder – Terrorism – War Crimes – Violations of the Conventions of Human Rights – Violations of the Nuremberg Code – Malfeasance & Misconduct in Public Office
The near-universal response of New Zealand media was to accuse Ardern’s accusers of an unrelenting campaign of vicious, often crude, misogyny. The only journalist to deal objectively with the issue of such ‘misogyny’ was Graham Adams in an op-ed piece “The martyrdom of Jacinda Ardern”, in which he puts media bias in the spotlight:
The glaring double standard in what abuse is tolerated for men and women is perhaps best exemplified by the reaction in 2017 to a five-metre-high statue of then Environment Minister Nick Smith showing him defecating as he crouched over a glass with his genitals exposed.
Artist Sam Mahon made the statue [out of horse dung] as a protest over Smith allegedly allowing the pollution of our waterways. Not only did Mahon parade the statue outside Environment Canterbury’s offices in central Christchurch, it received widespread coverage both locally and overseas, including by the BBC.
One can imagine the media explosion that would have resulted had Nick Smith been a woman, but New Zealand Herald journalist Kurt Meyer merely described it as “cheeky”.
What the media journalists don’t seem to realise, or conveniently forget, is that such double standards imply that women are held to be psychologically more fragile than men, needing correspondingly greater protection.
So, what can be the explanation for this orgy of misogyny accusations? Either the media journalists are stupid (most are not) or it is a means of distracting attention from the very real public anger that has driven Ardern from office.
In the free speech vacuum that is New Zealand today, I shall devote much of what follows to giving some reasons why the anger against Ardern and her then government is more than justified. Her transgressions can be characterised as
- broken promises
- malfeasance
- cruelty
- malice
- divisiveness
Taken together, they go a considerable way to justifying at least some of the descriptors in the poster I cited earlier.
Broken promises
On 22 Sept, 2020, Jacinda Ardern was interviewed by Duncan Garner on the AM Show, in which (13:24) she was asked:
Will people who refuse to take the Covid-19 vaccine be banned from travelling internationally or be at the end of tax penalties?”
In her reply, Ardern implied that her government would not force people to take the vaccine. It’s possible she thought that she had left herself some wiggle room by not stating unequivocally that kiwis wouldn’t be forced to have the injection. She might have forgotten that two weeks earlier, Rachel Sadler of NewsHub had reported that at a press conference, Health Minister Chris Hipkins (13:35) had slammed the ‘deliberate misinformation’ that the Government was reportedly going to make COVID-19 vaccinations compulsory.
Chris Hipkins said on Thursday that these false reports have been circulating social media and have caused many concerned members of the public to contact him.”
Sadler continued to quote Hipkins:
“This morning, I spent some time signing out correspondence, as we do as ministers, and I have to say I was alarmed at the number of letters I’ve received from people concerned that the Government would be making COVID-19 vaccinations compulsory,’ he said during a press conference […] This is a direct result of deliberate misinformation that’s being spread through social media. The Government is not making COVID-19 or any other vaccinations compulsory”
He added while the Government will encourage New Zealanders to get vaccinated once one is available, “it won’t make it compulsory.”
In case it’s thought that Hipkins was talking out of turn, a couple of weeks later, Dan Satherley of Newshub reported that:
“Conspiracy theorists have claimed a COVID-19 vaccine, when available, will be “forced” on everyone – including Kiwis.
The Government rubbished those claims, made most notably by Jami-Lee Ross and Billy Te Kahika’s Advance NZ.
The New Zealand Public Party (NZPP) had issued a video titled “Say no to Labour’s Forced Vaccinations Agenda”. In a Newshub article titled “Dangerous and misleading” Vita Molyneux reported that the video had stated that:
“Labour passed a law change… They gave themselves the power… To force citizens to be vaccinated.”
I haven’t been able to see the video, so it’s possible the NZPP had been mistaken in the bit about ‘a law change’. But its take-home message, that New Zealanders would be compelled to be vaccinated, was absolutely correct. So much for the ‘conspiracy theorists’.
These promises to the New Zealand public were broken as, one-by-one, vaccine mandates were introduced. First the border workers, then the armed services and police, then health workers and teachers and finally, all members of the public who want to enter public enclosed spaces such as bars and restaurants. Thus workers had to choose between jab or loss of livelihood.
Significantly, this ‘choice’ was not portrayed for what it actually was. In a verbal sleight of hand, Michael Neilson of The New Zealand Herald (12 Nov 2021) said [emphasis added]:
Millions of New Zealand workers will soon be covered by mandates to be vaccinated against Covid-19, or potentially be forced to leave their jobs.
A health professional I know chose not to be jabbed, but he assures me that he did not ‘leave’ his job – his employer prevented him from working.
The mandates were a fundamental breach of Section 11 of the1990 Bill of Rights Act, Section 11:
Everyone has the right to refuse to undergo any medical treatment.
This step-by-step breach of fundamental democratic rights brings to mind German Pastor Martin Niemöller’s famous poem, written after his release from concentration camp in 1945. He had been arrested by the Gestapo in 1937 for his criticism of Nazi totalitarianism:
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out, because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out, because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out, because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me.
Small wonder, then, that the vaccine mandates generated considerable anger and for some who had lost their livelihood, real hatred. In clear breach of its promise, the government was forcing people to submit to the injection of an experimental product – or loss of livelihood.
And on February 8, a convoy of protesters began to set up camp out in Parliament’s grounds. The camp grew into a mini-village, with portaloos, child care with on-the-hoof schooling.
The protesters demanded that Prime Minister Ardern meet them to discuss concerns, but were met by blanket refusal, though the latter could not have been ignorant of the validity of their case.
Myocarditis is a normally rare condition in which the heart muscle (myocardium) becomes inflamed, which in severe cases can result in cardiac arrest and death. In 2021, soon after the worldwide programme of Covid-19 mass injections was initiated, reports of deaths from myocarditis began to surface. Such reports became so numerous that they became difficult for medical authorities to ignore.
Yet at a press conference on 19 August, 2021, Prime Minister Ardern said [at 22:15, emphasis added]:
As you know, it’s imperative that we get as many people as possible vaccinated. When we make a decision on who is eligible, though, our No. 1 priority is the medical advice of our experts. You will remember that in June, our regulator, Medsafe, granted provisional approval for the Pfizer vaccine to be given to 12 to 15 year olds in New Zealand. Similar decisions have been made by other regulators in Europe, the US, Canada and Japan. The advice was then considered by an additional group of experts, who also supported an extension of eligibility to young people. On that basis, Cabinet has agreed to make the Pfizer vaccine available for 12 to 15 year olds. This is not a decision we have taken lightly.
Many of us are parents ourselves and take this duty of making decisions about other people’s children extremely seriously, but it is safe, and it’s the right thing to do. So 12 to 15 year olds can become eligible and book, along with everyone else that we are opening up to from the 1st of September .
This was the take-home message for the assembled journalists: based on expert advice, the vaccine was “safe, and the right thing to do”.
Except that it wasn’t safe, according to their own expert medical advisers – advice that the government had knowingly and deliberately ignored, following a report by the CV TAG (COVID-19 Vaccine Technical Advisory Group), chaired by the Chief Science Adviser, Dr. Ian Town.
Had it not been for a certain investigative blogger working under the name ‘Thomas Cranmer’, it’s likely that the public would have continued to be deceived.
On June 24 CV TAG issued a memo headed “Decision to use the Pfizer mRNA COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 12 -15 years. Among the group’s recommendations were the following:
- “there is a potential safety signal for myocarditis in people under 30 years whoreceive mRNA vaccines (e.g., Pfizer/BioNtech and Moderna), which requiresongoing consideration”
- “overall, there is not an urgent need to progress with vaccination of this group, butconsideration should be given to equity and whānau-based approaches andensuring that other childhood immunisation programmes are not compromised,e.g., measles and HPV vaccination.”
So, what happened to the ‘safety signal for myocarditis’? The government knew about it, yet ignored the advice from their experts.
And there’s more. The Cabinet paper dated Sept 27, 2021, prepared by Chris Hipkins, the Covid Minister, stated in point 17 of the Executive summary that:
subsequent advice from CV TAG in August, supported the inclusion of all children aged 12 to 15 years in the Immunisation Programme.”
The paper continued [emphasis added]:
based on the advice received from the Director-General of Health, I recommend that Cabinet agree to proceed with using the Pfizer vaccine for children aged 12 to 15 years.”
And what about the ‘advice from CV TAG in August’? A memo CG TAG to Joanne Gibbs, Director of National Operations, COVID Vaccination Immunisation Programme and Dr Ashley Bloomfield, dated August 4. Among its 13 recommendations, 12d was as follows [emphasis added]:
The COVID-19 vaccine should not be routinely administered to children and young people aged 12 to 15 years of age, at this time. Children and young people have a low risk of severe disease or death due to COVID-19 compared to adults, and, given the low prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in Aotearoa New Zealand, there is currently a low risk of exposure”
This, and much more on Cranmer here and here.
Following her landslide victory in the general election in October 2020, Jacinda Ardern told her adoring crowd in Auckland Town Hall that Labour will be “a party for all New Zealanders”. She received a standing ovation.
Fast forward to 23 November 2021, when she announced a ‘traffic light’ system, or “Covid-19 protection system”. She said:
for the most part, if you’re vaccinated, you can go about doing all the kinds of things you’d usually expect … what varies is just how large those gatherings are at different levels”.
Each area would be designated one of three settings – green, orange or red. A key factor determining each region’s ‘colour’ on Dec 3 would be its level of vaccination, Ardern said.
“If you want to be guaranteed that no matter the setting that we are in, that you can go to bars, restaurants and close-proximity businesses like a hairdresser, then you will need to be vaccinated,” Ardern told a press conference on October 22
Under the ‘traffic light’ policy, in ‘red’ zones, people who are jabbed will be able to move around and use services relatively freely, while those who are unjabbed will not.
Is an interview with the New Zealand Herald on October 24, the reporter asked Ardern if her policies are intended to create a two-tier society in New Zealand society where unvaccinated citizens do not enjoy the same rights as those vaccinated against COVID-19.
“That is what it is,” Ardern responded as she smiled. She added that it’s about giving “confidence” to those vaccinated.
Ardern’s restrictions on liberties generated headlines overseas:
“Jacinda Ardern admits New Zealand will become a two-tier society between vaccinated and unvaccinated.”
UK Independent
“New Zealand is moving to a two-tier society, but the unvaccinated are already a global underclass”
UK Telegraph, Oct 25
Following her resignation, Jacinda Ardern was asked how she would like New Zealanders to remember her leadership, she said “as someone who always tried to be kind.”
It’s doubtful if many of the 50,000 New Zealanders who were locked out of their own country would agree. Cameron Carpenter, writing for the Daily Mail Australia, tells how he was prevented from returning from Sydney to visit his seriously concussed mother, a mental health nurse, in Wellington. Like the great majority of ex-pats, he was prevented from returning home for two years. As Carpenter put it:
In a staggering human rights violation, New Zealand citizens overseas had to apply to enter their own country, with a small number of places only available via an online lottery system.”
Even worse was the predicament of pregnant New Zealand women who were stranded overseas during lockdowns. Although people with medical conditions overseas were able to return to New Zealand, pregnancy and childbirth were excluded.
This was brought into sharp focus by the case of Charlotte Bellis, an Al Jazeera journalist in Afghanistan, who was prevented from returning to New Zealand where her baby could be born safely. But after submitting 59 documents in attempting to return to New Zealand, her application was rejected. In a speech attacking the Government’s Covid-19 response, ACT leader David Seymour said;
…that great feminist organisation the Taliban has now been given the outsourcing of New Zealand’s maternity care.”
In response to the international publicity, the government finally caved in and allowed her back in her home country.
But for pregnant ex-pat kiwis forced to give birth overseas, there was another problem – citizenship for the child. Under New Zealand law, babies that are born overseas can’t automatically pass on New Zealand citizenship to their own children.
Sophia Malthus is a 25 year-old woman who became tetraplegic after a riding accident. Her full time carer is her mother who is unvaccinated for medical reasons. Despite her GP’s letter explaining her situation, the Ministry of Health (MOH) is yet to give her exemption from the mandate.
For people with spinal cord injuries, respiratory infections can be particularly serious, as they may have additional breathing difficulties. Accordingly, Malthus has been particularly careful to minimise her risk by keeping her social contacts during lockdown to the absolute minimum.
But now the MOH has ruled that since her mother is unvaccinated, she cannot be allowed to care for her, and the healthcare agency will have to replace her mother with vaccinated carers, even though she will continue to live with her daughter. And with her mother doing 60-hour weeks, she would have to be replaced by more than one carer.
“This mandate that’s intended to protect me, pretty much doubles my exposure to Covid,” she said. “I’ll have two or three new carers coming into the house and they all have their own families that they live with, and everybody wants to go back to work – so my bubble would be bigger than everybody else’s bubble.”
As a result of the mandate she cannot get ACC funding for her mother to act as her carer because of the alleged risk she poses by being near her daughter, with whom she lives anyway, whether or not she is acting as carer. Sophia’s risk of infection has thus been actually increased by the mandate.
Whether or not you accept that “Covid” exists, this clearly makes no sense even on their own terms.
That was in November 2021. One would have thought that the authorities might have learned something from the debacle, but it seems not.
A not altogether different case was detailed by RNZ on 19 September, 2022. A group who care for family members with whom they are living, is seeking a judicial review of the health workers’ mandate, having lost thousands of dollars in funding. Despite the fact that the workers care for family members with whom they are living, their payments have been cut because they are not Covid-vaccinated. And although the mandates were due to be removed, they believe that the loss of payments was unlawful.
One member of the group cares for her brain-injured son, but is unvaccinated, for personal reasons. Jennie had been receiving over $1000 a week as an in-home carer, but when she became included in the health workers’ vaccine mandate, funding was cut.
“It was quite a huge financial stress, and we’ve had to carry out the care regardless of whether we’re paid to do it or not, so it did seem a little bit silly that we are living in the same house, carrying out the care anyway, but we are having the funding cut,” Jennie said.
After initially leaving family carers out of the mandate, MOH officials then ruled that in-home carers should be treated the same as other workers.
“To me that seems completely ridiculous because we’re not the same as the other employees in the sector,” Jennie said. “It’s not a public health approach, which is what the vaccine order is meant to be all about.”
Wellington lawyer Matthew Hague has been acting for the group of home-based care workers. Via the High Court, he argued that their inclusion lacked reason, given they mostly lived with the person they cared for.
Despite requests, the group had not been given any health reason for the mandate applying to them.
“We asked the government exactly that. We said, first of all, ‘Can you please review this? There’s some concerning parts about it. Secondly, if there is a reason can you let us know so we can tell the people it affects’…There was zero response to that.”
Hague said one of the people involved in the court action had received an Official Information Act reply from the Covid-19 response minister, which spelled out the officials’ position.
“She says, and this is from Ayesha Verrall, ‘The distinction between family and non-family carers was not considered to be relevant to public health and so was removed to ensure that all vulnerable people received the same protection, whether cared for by a family carer or not’. It’s very clear from that that the purpose of the change is to protect the people being cared for, but it doesn’t because they’re already living with them.”
I used the heading ‘unconscionable’ to describe the MOH’s treatment of full-time family carers, because I could not find words that were adequate. ‘malice’, ‘spite’, vindictiveness come to mind. I suppose it’s just conceivable that it’s bureaucratic blockheadedness, but to me, there has to be an element of motive. ‘Callous’ might come nearer, but you’ll have to judge for yourselves.
So, how does all this stack up with Ardern’s trade mark brand of ‘kindness’?
The first thing to strike one is that genuinely kind people don’t feel the need to advertise promote their kindness – they just get on with being kind, because that’s the sort of people they are. I think I’ve gathered more than enough evidence to suggest that rather than being the “queen of empathy”, Ms Ardern is a psychopath.
In the public mind the psychopath is a violent, often sadistic murderer like Hannibal Lecter. But most psychopaths are not criminal or violent; though there is a higher proportion in prisons, the vast majority blend in with the rest of society and are often highly successful professionally.
Moreover, they are surprisingly common. In all societies studied they constitute between 1 and 2 percent of adult males (most are males), so most of us will have known at least one. The key characteristic is a complete incapacity for empathy — the ability to identify with the suffering of others. Psychopaths also tend to be egocentric, deceitful, glib, shallow and prone to risk-taking.
To normal people there is an unspoken understanding that to receive, one must be prepared to give. This ‘golden rule’ is learned in childhood, but psychopaths have no capacity for such learning. There is no reciprocity; it’s all take. Psychopaths are like predators, and we are their prey.
Psychopathy is not a mental illness but a personality disorder. Whilst psychopaths cognitively distinguish between right and wrong, they don’t feel the difference emotionally. What makes them so dangerous is that they are often skilled at acting as if they feel the difference, which is why they are so adept at deception – witness the ‘Jacindamania’ stoked by the servile, fawing, media. This enables them to take decisions without the need to take into account complicating moral considerations of conscience that put such inconvenient constraints on the rest of us.
Unsurprisingly, psychopaths are over-represented in some occupations, particularly politics, business and finance, in which power plays a dominant role. The proportion of psychopaths among corporate bosses is significantly higher than in the general population, according to research by forensic psychologist Nathan Brooks of Bond University.
Why is this? Do psychopaths tend to prefer certain occupations, or do these occupations preferentially recruit and promote such people? The journalist and entrepreneur Brian Basham, writing in The Independent, recalls a senior UK investment banker saying:
“At one major investment bank for which I worked, we used psychometric testing to recruit social psychopaths because their characteristics exactly suited them to senior corporate finance roles.”
So perhaps we should not be surprised that Jacinda Ardern has managed to deceive so many. It’s interesting that she spent two and a half years working in the Cabinet Office of UK Prime Minister Tony Blair.
Many who have read Geoffrey Wheatcroft’s Yo, Blair!, a blow-torch biography of the political life of the man, will see parallels between Ardern and Blair.
Indeed, in his review in the UK Sunday Telegraph, Anthony Howard describes the book as
“The best account I’ve seen of what can happen when a political leader chooses to clothe himself simply in the armour of self-righteousness.”
Martin Hanson is a retired biology teacher living on New Zealand’s South Island. He was born and educated in the UK, where he received a degree in zoology from the University of Manchester.
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I wonder how ‘Jacinda’ would get on with Michael Obama?
birds of a feather
I can only presume that the title of this post is a rhetorical question.
Die bitch die
My mum threw her undies on the stage when she saw him in concert… she asserts.
Any abused child can spot her fake insincerity a mile off.
Her insincerity is very real.
“All you need to make it in this world is honesty and sincerity… and if you can fake them you’ve got it made”
Bob Monkhouse
If I were an New Zealander, I would want her to stand trial for all the above accusations and if found guilty, sent to prison for whatever the courts found fitting.
She should never have reach the office of PM. Silly girl at best in my humble opinion.
Of course this preponderance of tyrannical.. moralising and lets face it plain ‘Evil’ schoolmarms parachuted into positions of political power in the so called ‘Western Democracies’…(they all seem cut from same ‘cloth’)..
isn’t anything to do with ‘equality’ or fairness and everything to do with censorship and narrative control…
because if you attempt any analysis of the intellectual paucity of any of these incompetent imbeciles..the wizard behind the curtain springing into action will accuses you of a moral transgression…..rather than a statement of obvious fact..
Which of course ensures you wont get very far with any objective critique and purview to wider pubic consensus.. which could possibly lead to getting rid of the bastards and closing the door on any more of them squatting in your living room.. shitting in your bed and murdering your children…
in fact you may very well end up being targeted yourself and the victim of a cunning role reversal and ahem…put in the ducking chair.. and burnt at the stake…
they use this theme with variations all the time… and that’s because bereft of any positive attributes it’s the only thing that holds all this nonsense together…and that’s why your societies resemble Hellraiser 2…
Ms. Ardern is a terrorist and an Accessory, both before and after the fact.
Accessory Before The Fact
“An accessory before-the-fact is a person who aids, abets, or encourages another to commit a crime but who is not present at the scene. An accessory before the fact, like an accomplice may be held criminally liable to the same extent as the principal. Many jurisdictions refer to an accessory before the fact as an accomplice.”
Accessory Before The Fact | Wex | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute (cornell.edu)
18 U.S. Code § 1111 – Murder | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute
There are similar Statutes and legal enforcement available in New Zealand.
You quoted the famous poem by German Pastor Martin Niemöller:
There are multiple versions of the poem. Perhaps the one you cited is
copied from a wall (entire wall) at the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC.
After Ukraine (2022) it could be amended.
The ADL issued a statement in the summer of 2022 that the Nazis in Ukraine aren’t of concern as they haven’t (Yet !!) attacked Jews or Jewish institutions.
Thus, as people never learn from history,
history invites a new version:
Here is a link to the ADL quote:
I see you’re not ready to leave the asylum!
Sick puppy.
True compassion comes from the individual, it’s the result of a personal decision.
Forcing people to exercise “compassion” essentially at gunpoint, where said “compassion” consists of destroying their livelihoods, relinquishing their freedom, and getting themselves injected with poison, is not compassion. That’s tyranny.
Fuck that.
Get your semantics straight.
And on that topic, how a dumbass reacts: two examples-
New work colleague, says she suffered “long covid”, also says, “We have become desensitised” to our health”, meaning we are not aware of how fragile we are. This is how bullshit works. It doesn’t tell you you’re ill. It tells you about your “pathological failure to realise how ill you are”.
Assistant manager: “Even though thankfully we seem to be getting over covid we mustn’t forget to keep wiping all surfaces. We don’t want to get caught out with the latest variant.”
Late to the fray. Apologies for being such a slow thinker and doer. Thanks as always to OffG for letting us know that we are not alone. Thanks to all those who contribute so wisely and wittily in the comments section. Above all, it is greatly heartening to know that here on OffG, there are far more articulate and courageous Kiwis than I realised. My “Book Club” is a great open church for alternative thinkers (some way out there 😉 but at least it is a safe haven to air concerns and share food. NZ has certainly been the crash test dummy for the WEF and the Gates Gang, whilst all of academia and the MSM are agin’ us – but still we thrive. Like the early Christians perhaps, we thrive under persecution: Our numbers grow daily. Once awake, always awake The message (finally!) is that the crash test dummy may just start to form a mind of its own…Ought we to give them a memorable name like The All Backs?
As bad as things have been in NZ, at least there has been a sizeable number of us who stood up and refused the psychopaths’ demands. My observance of certain Asian countries has been that of zero resistance, and to this day they are still masking up and doing whatever other dumb shit they were told to previously.
Occupying parliament grounds and the adjoining blocks for several weeks was no small thing.
And good for you. Hope my SA family who immigrated to NZ were among them.
I went to the Wellington Freedom Camp and worked in the kitchens serving food for 3 days. That allowed me to meet just about everyone involved and I can honestly state that they were great, brave, smart and decent people from every walk of life. They were not the “river of filth”. But what did it all achieve? I suppose both sides learned something: we learned how deceitful and evil our own politicians and media are. They learned just how many and how strong we are. No plan survives first contact with the enemy, and I suspect that Jacinda’s brand was fool’s gold. The wizard of Oz was a psychopathic puppet. Doubtless she will attempt a return as Helen Clarke’s successor, unless her puppet masters accept that she is beyond repair…One can but dream and hope. Venceremos!
A big salute to you Hugh! Me and the missus enjoyed the sausage sizzle while there. You speak wise words. Best wishes from Taranaki.
Unfortunately she didn’t culled herself!
oh no! I got a boner!
Eish! 😁
More damnation for those celebs who abandon the covid/climate/woke world:
“An anti-woke nightmare! Why the Fawlty Towers remake is a truly nauseating idea”
Starting with an uneasy dutiful tribute to an undeniably much loved old sitcom. “It is a high-frequency comedy of class and social climbing” but – yes here comes the woke card! – “it is very much of its age, with moments of deliberate insensitivity that modern audiences quite rightly find unappealing”.
Yes – the parental concern expressed through the blasé arrogant assumption about how “modern audiences” are. “Quite rightly”! Because, you know, we’re just so fucking sophisticated and wonderfully wise now aren’t we? (Backslapping over the champagne).
But every time one of these hack cockroach writers tells you “how we feel” i.e. how you should feel, don’t you feel like kicking him in the gonads?
And we move in for the kill:
“This Cleese spends his life on Twitter, huffing about the world. … Imagine how every episode will end with him complaining about cancel culture until he runs out of breath. Imagine how the series will finish with a 45-minute sequence in which he curls up into a ball and babbles about how everything is far too woke these days.”
As the Graud readers are marshalled into the appropriate regimented lines.
Hadn’t heard about the Fawlty Towers re-boot. Wish I hadn’t. And Rob Reiner? Meathead? What a stupid idea.
Lack of creativity and talent-“a karaoke world”
Rebooting “Fawlty Towers”? FWIW, a US-produced version has been done– and it was a flop.
I regret using a New York Times link, but this March 15, 1999 review was the only result in my search worth citing:
TELEVISION REVIEW; Whispering Pines Whispers Of Its Origins
I ran out of free NYT articles for this month, but here’s the actual show.
Cue the Laugh Track.
Maybe they’ll make an mRNA viagra that gets injected directly into…well, maybe not.
I know everyone will damn Cleese for bringing back Fawlty but I have sympathy for him. I know he was paying an arm and a leg for alimony and is probably still looking for some dosh. Thus he’s written a Fawlty Towers comeback. But it’s almost bound to be a disaster because:
1. The paternal media will mercilessly compare it to the sacred original.
2. Hypocritically, that same media will trash the original for being “horrifically outdated in its non-PC attitude”.
3. The new series will have to navigate the ever tightening PC swamp.
4. Cleese has already “disgraced” himself by protesting against the cancel culture that the media denies the existence of.
5) The involevemnt of Rob “Meathead” Reiner.
Whole thing been sold off to commercial dramatist start up companies. including ’80’s Brit music. Some cheap remakes are pre recorded years ago on u-tube. Doesn’t matter, Your personal classics are still out there., just like Books films anything else, including foreign films don’t forget.
You can study it as Original Entertainment, forward as Period Home Front Propaganda, if you like.?
And the latest drain on the finances via an entertaining black hole:
This from the Graud. Something to do with “a “moonshot” idea to deal with global heating” proposing “firing plumes of moon dust from a gun into space in order to deflect the sun’s rays away from Earth” via “mining the moon of millions of tons of its dust and then “ballistically eject[ing]” it to a point in space about 1m miles from Earth, where the floating grains would partially block incoming sunlight.”
“Mining the moon” eh? So I reckon the old Hollywood studio with the sand and the craters just outside L.A will be up and running again. Maybe draft in the sets from Star Trek and Lost In Space.
Here’s the link if you fancy an alternative to Harry Potter:
Please observe board etiquette and insert ‘dump’ before ‘theguardian’ in the url, if you can.
This diverts to a way back machine, and denies the guardian click revenue.
Like this: https://www.dumptheguardian.com/science/2023/feb/08/moon-dust-moonshot-geoengineering-climate-crisis
Sorry, my bad from a luddite who hasn’t a clue.
Film any alien world in a quarry in southern England like Dr who. Let’s try stay a little old fashioned for that one
Just re-run the original Star Trek and call it a documentary.
Psychopathic tranny.
RE: So, what happened to the ‘safety signal for myocarditis’? The government knew about it, yet ignored the advice from their experts.
Yes, the government knew and yes they ignored advice from experts but they did so because government knew the “vaccines” were/are weapons and harming people was/is the intent. “Mistakes were [not] made.”
Safety signal sounds innocuous tcompared to danger alert.
So, scripted earthquakes, or real ones?
Manufactured crisis, or a real one?
Some clues: “Christian and his team-mates were playing poker until 3:30am at a friend’s apartment”
He apparently survived falling 9 (3×3) floors.
So the rotten stench of the occult is pervasive.
I mean, they faked a global pandemic, a war in ukraine, surely a little techtonic plate shenanigans isn’t beyond their capability?
That’s an interesting argument you’re having with yourself. Let me know who wins.
There is some evidence that the HAARP can influence geologic events.
Intensive fracking and HAARP are a dangerous mix?
I missed the numbers game…
I am no fan of the ROP but today my thoughts are with the poor people and the tens of thousands of grieving relatives affected by this disaster.
Imagine you studied earthquakes, volcanoes etc for a living. You’d want to know everthing about them; where they happen, what sets them off, what places are prone to them. The more knowledge you gained about them, they more questions you’d have. One of those questions would be: “Could we create an earthquake”? You’d come up with theories, and then, maybe, you’d want to test them.
Earthquakes are natural disasters. Ordinarily they just happen according to natural processes. If, however, one understands the natural world deeply enough, and has the resoucrces, the natural world can be manipulated.
By the way, many thanks to OffG and Martin Hanson, for presenting such an erudite and meticulously composed article on Ardern’s shameful legacy.
Question this. would OG have the guts to do similar article about Orban, Trump, Boris, Bolsonaro, Giuseppe Conte fake populist / nationalist sold to the not so wise by billionaire oligarchy funded alt media fakin it as independent media as game changers and
will put the Country first 💤 , and lockdown first and hardest causing the chaos we see now.
Where’s the Saint or Psychopath articles on them.??
We have to start somewhere. Interestingly you don’t mention Turdeau, Bidet, Macron, Modi, Dictator Dan and innumerable others.
Agreed. And OffG has in fact at various times, “had the guts” to call them out also.
Orban is no psychopath.
Interesting you would put him in a group of shitheads.
Of all these you have mentioned, only Orban has a gun to his head.
Explain why, please.
OT but important
EU to withdraw from Energy Charter Treaty.
This is huge.
Essentially, the ECT guarantees the free flow of fossil fuels and provides protection for companies damaged by government climate mandates.
Could this YT vid have anything to do with it ?
The Ardern vid is not what I posted
It was titled “7 years until expropriation”
Try again. If not search on YT.
Seems a number of commentators here, rather than follow basic forum etiquette and stay on topic of the corresponding article – view this platform as their own personal soapbox for ‘enlightening’ us with inconsequential trivia and their self absorbed stream of consciousness.
Thank you for your comment about the article.
Which “inconsequential trivia and their self absorbed stream of consciousness?”
Jacinda Arden a Freemason Scholar & YGL which is an externalisation of secret societies
“a poisonous monster with a kind human face” — Dante, Inferno, the Descent to the Hell Corrupted Intelligence.
Blairite “Labour” prominent behind her. Will that face be as twisted as Tony’s when she reaches his age? The title picture ATL may be showing the first transformation in The Portrait of Jacinda Ardern.
Another sick monkey with a salient face.
“The descent to Lower Hell is done on the back of a monster with the face of a kindly human” — Dante, Inferno
Follow the money: TB.Liar, another Publicly Preachy Prime Minister clothed in righteousness, retired to “only a modest fortune” of 100 Million in various Rothschild enterprises.
Does the following bible verse from 1 Timothy 5:10 apply to Jacinda Adern? “having a reputation for good works; and if she has brought up children, if she has shown hospitality to strangers, if she has washed the saints’ feet, if she has assisted those in distress, and if she has devoted herself to every good work”.
1) UK families to be £4k worse off this year – but it’s not a recession. (Sounds like immiseration to me.)
2) Biden says USA has “pride” returning. (Pride is one of the seven deadly sins. Biden is supposedly a Catholic. Think he doesn’t know this?)
3) Turdeau greets someone with a funny handshake. (Just his social clunkiness of course).
Another morning at the Fraud…..
Similarly for the weaponized homosexual agenda. Pride. Well, there’s pride before a fall too. Don’t think you homosexuals won’t be thrown to the wolves when your usefulness is up.
Gay is an American French domestic political media Investoring holy fashion.
A social atmospheric solution embodying the capital businesses involving Cinematography. Its idiotic, preposterous to assume it means anything other than feeling happy.
Another morning in which Ed is doing the woky dokey…..
Guardian is like any other newspaper for numbskullians to file away in an unsociable environment. They’ll be people who find words offensive so be it. Newspapers are for grown ups not for blind cronies incapable of responsibilities.
“Pride is one of the seven deadly sins”
Hey! Didn’t you get the memo? The sins are all virtues now.
Industrial left the building 50 years ago. If your not mechanically minded your simply reacting to it’s byproduct.
She is a C U N T.
They are all cunts.Nuf said.We don’t need convincing.
Tremendous concern for the lives still to be saved from the rubble of 6,000 Turkish buildings quake-flattened. While many times that number have just been killed by the vaxx. Close to a quarter million casualties in the Russian/Ukraine action. And in Canada they’re ramping up their assisted-suicide propaganda.
There is so much good in the hearts of ordinary people– and so much murder in the psychopaths.
Duckman– Do you think so? Any evidence? Clearly the Japanese tsunami was. And there was clear foreknowledge of the 2010 Haiti earthquake, cuz the US military response was mobilized a few days in advance & waiting in Florida; don’t know whether haarp CAUSED it or if seismologists were able to predict it was coming.
Y’know I was just about to post a comment about Turkey being a comparatively free country– more sovereign than most, fewer covid regs, etc.
Sign O’ The Times
1987.Genius lyrics.
Why o’ why ?
Working Dilligently ⚒ me …
For B.P.(see D.o.D)
‘UN’-just as ‘we’
Got Haarp 4Free,
ARCO Let it be…
Against Humanity.
N.A.T.O. & ☪ Turkey
+ FUKUShima sea …
From Powers that bee…
Atop hive mentality,
Sleeping every-body,
Zzzzzzee…V 4 Victory ✌
W.H.O. needs military,
To harvest the Tree…
The psychos in Australia are trying to jab everyone with number 5 based on the lie that the underjabbed are dying, yet the largest cohort of ”deaths” with covid are 4 times jabbed. They are also now spending $430 million to keep 65 known refugees locked in an island prison under guard of murderous US company prison guards and sending $10 million to the Turks.
Don’t worry, for every locked up refugee, 100,000 get in on the red carpet.
Isn’t GlobHomoZio influence a real bitch?
Bizarrely horrible. I’ve never understood why Australian cops are so much more willing to impose violence on the citizens. They WERE Aussie cops, right? Not UN, as in the Canada truckers suppression?
How in the world cd they spend 430 million on 65 captives??
there were reports some police were speaking foreign lingo
so there may have been UN troops involved
title’s a bit off, that’s not even remotely a ‘question’ to any of us here, I would think –
100% correct 👍. The answer is not Saint!!
Her faux compassion and fawning insincerity were palpable from the outset. She deserves to be remembered for what she revealed herself to be, the Gollum of Antipodean leaders.
Psychopath.Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-02-06. Superbly covert giant white Chinese “Spy Balloon” – never mind spying from satellites, your cell phone (blog, gab, tweet).
All this masturbation about psychology makes me want to slash my wrists… Heh… Ooooh! I’m soooooo depressed…
When I take my car to a mechanic, I don’t ask him if he was strictly potty trained or has “issues” with women. I just ask him if he knows how to fix the goddamn problem. Hello? Come on…
Many of the “woke” need brain mechanics.
For whatever reasons, a few countries with the evidenced ‘YGL’ in power went a bit stronger re the weird ‘take over’ feeling that has happened. Ardern made money and resigned, Johnson made it look like a sham to the public in UK and put himself in a position to resign. And made money. Trudeau is a last bastion perhaps. No-one can hack it – we need to find reasons to care.
Once we work out who in the circus is being played or exploited – done? – we need to care about something other than the actual circus.
I can see various pieces being put in place for the so called New Normal – I can see that works. But actually, however far you manipulate people – they are not sheep. Even real sheep will stampede if they feel threatened.
Cuomo in US.
The sheep we are dealing with don’t feel threatened, YET. When they do they may indeed stampede, but will they stampede against those who control them, or those who refuse to be controlled? That is the million dollar question. They can get to those of us who see through the sham, they haven’t a hope in hell of getting to those who have set this in motion, unless they’re willing to really see that small number as THE problem and join the refuseniks at great personal risk to themselves.
I hope our sheep do see who the real problem is, but the ease with which they’ve been taught to hate those of us who do see through this makes me question whether that is possible. Compliance is their comfort in life, I for one have serious doubts whether they’ll be able to give that up.
Niemoller’s poem didn’t begin “First they came for the Socialists”. It actually began ” First they came for the Communists” (“Als die Nazis die Kommunisten holten”).
In NZ you can pay up to $2 or more for a single tomato no bigger than a tennis ball. A bottle of beer will cost you less. Even an energy drink is cheaper than a tomato.
Any government that allows that sort of thing to go on doesn’t have any ethical priorities at all. Food is more expensive than vices.
Maybe they’re afraid civilians will throw the tomatoes at them… Same situation with eggs…
I’m mourning the disappearance from public life of the sole source of korrekt information.
No, seriously, the poster mentioned above sums up her crimes against humanity nicely.
Psychopath? I dunno. To an old Kiwi (fifth generation septagenarian) with a long-standing, left-leaning interest in politics she seemed, at the outset, to be a breath of fresh air. That impression did not last long as she revealed herself to be a soft-brained idealogue – product of a “woke ’til its broke” education system.
It was all there for anyone to see but even a cynic like me missed it.
Raised within the bizarre American cult of Mormonism, graduated from Waikato University (my old alma mater) with a degree in “Communication” i.e. “Propaganda” then an internship with the odious Tony Blair (slap to the forehead) – the obvious lack of substance was manifest.
New Zealand used to be a country divided between “townies” and rural dwellers, the latter being the majority. Hardy, self-sufficient and with deep ties to the land and profound understanding of the link between productive effort and prosperity, that demographic once maintained a healthy political influence that is now overwhelmed by an urban consumerist culture based on dubious, ephemeral values – the stock in trade of the Arderns of this World.
Just a rather silly girl devoid of any real life experience outside of the self-delusory circle of Social (anti) Science. A girl with no career who fluked a short career in politics.
A fluked career that has caused death and destruction within a country that had prior a very positive and valuable “brand” within the world.
That brand has now been damaged not to mention peoples lives in the process which will take decades at best to gain back, never mind what it will take to surpass.
Such political “flukes” need to be held accountable so that the next degenerate that thinks about taking the bait may just step back and excuse themselves.
I met Jacinduh back in 2010 when she was still a list MP. I remarked to my family at the time that she was thick as pig shit. Turns out she’s a nasty piece of shit to boot.
Like a seasoned hacker the fundamentalist changes clothes and boots at every junction as they quote from that old hackneyed reprint with its many inconsistencies and exhortations to bentness. They also run courses in hypnotism (see Silverlake academy)
Once the 15 Minute City scheme is implemented you’ll retain the right to protest & demonstrate, but only in your own 15 Minute City, not in anyone else’s 15 Minute City.
This has the hallmarks of woky.
One can see establishment funded indy media screaming over this.
Do a bit of your own journalism, rather than woke it up by the clifts on the right.
build back better Boris Bikes. zone one, London. 12 years ago.
Dartford tunnel 1994
Toll charges U>K
The woke alt right media news black this one out….wonder why.? because it a Conservative strong hold and the woke $£ from them.
*BCP Council gains Department for Transport approval for e-scooter … A fleet of brand-new electric powered scooters will soon be available for hire across Bournemouth and Poole following Ministerial approval for a trial in the area. The initial trial is set to commence on January 25 2021. The e-scooters will provide an innovative emission-free transport option for both residents and visitors to the area.
Exact same formula is happening in the opposite side of the world with 1,500 e-scooters will be rolled out across the City of Melbourne, City of Yarra and City of Port Phillip for one year. The City of Ballarat is also running a 12-month electric scooter trial program. Two of Australia’s leading micro-mobility operators.
You dont have any rights, if you need permission to protest or hold a demonstration and in the U>K at the moment- you must ask permission first.
The U.K is bringing in newer laws on top of the laws they already brought in within Public Order Bill, . aimed at mainly protesters. Hardly a murmur about this by the woke alt right, infact they sold you stop oil as bad, but couldn’t see the hook involved, the woky want you online listening to them $£.
I’ve been having nightmares about balloons. Jacinda’s been in them too. I wonder what Dr Freud would say. I hope it’s “Not every balloon is a phallic symbol.”
Dr. Freud says: “Keep ze teef avay from ze balloon.”
Jubal, you reminded me that I read Freud’s Interpretation of Dreams one year too soon– and I simply couldn’t understand why forks and spoons seemed to mean something contrasting to him.
As a farm girl I don’t know why I was so dense, except that I was told the pigs were just “playing,” and pigs really aren’t obvious– or should I say “prominent”? like horses & burros.
………………. 👀 😂
to much alt woke media.? and you need to pop it.
its no secret, Jacinda’ has a phallic.
The news sources quoted along with praise of her from Trudeau, should tell the story of who she is!
This is like an Orwell thing, i.e., “War is peace, Freedom is slavery, Ignorance is strength.” You can add “Kindness is fascism”.
Kindness is cruelty.
Many have seen this, glass slipper as it were ( fits perfectly ):
from C. S. Lewis, from his 1948 book God in the Dock: Essays on Theology:
In a nutshell: born in Original Sin, sent to a religious school to have the devil whipped out of you “for your own good”. Parents outsourcing your ‘moral education’ to the descendants of those who ran The Inquisition (psyop) to ferret out Moral Degenerates (dissenters & heretics) so their souls could be cleansed by fire “for their own good”. (’tis
better they be destroyed than be allowed to live in sin.)
Looks like a couple of dem ‘whippers’ done down thumbed ya. Fer yer own ‘good’ of course.
Just wow. !!
Tom, yes, quite: Patronized to death. It’s such an assumption of superiority. All the while that they “are only thinking of us” they’re actually most insistently stroking their own egos.
Er… excuse me… we never use the word “saint” in this sort of context – not even in the form of a question.
Thank you.
I’ll just mention that the title of this article leaves only one other option:
A generous term for such a dangerous criminal.
Will Jacinda Ardern join the few that have insects named after them ? (Jacindas Ardenas ?)
https://www.farmersweekly.co.za/opinion/by-invitation/the-possible-dangers-of eating insects/
Jacinda seems to confirm that the possible dangers of eating insects, and the possible dangers of voting for politicians are very much the same. “You dont know where they’ve been !”
I’d be a faggot if I ate Jacinda.
Why is Niemoller always misquoted?
It should read:
Since you ask: my guess is that during the Famous Original Cold War beginning c. 1945, the Western Hegemony overclass made sure that the term “Communist” (“Communism”, etc.) became a knee-jerk, one-size-fits all, ultra-pejorative epithet– at least in the alleged minds of Decent, Right-Thinking Westerners, who were encouraged to despise and fear the ostensible Specter of Predatory Godless Communism that threatened the virtuous “Free World”.
When the USSR collapsed, and Islamic international terrorist organizations became the replacement Phantom Menace, this classic red-bashing subsided. To my surprise and dismay, though, it didn’t perish but merely became dormant. Now “communist” is again being enthusiastically and reflexively thrown around as a synonym of “unredeemed and unmitigated sociopolitical evil”.
So my guess is that somewhere in there, “socialist” surreptitiously replaced the accurate word “Communist” because it was seen as at least, or relatively, marginally acceptable.
That is, the general public might muster faint sympathy for “socialists”, however misguided socialists might be. But, Communists? Nah– given the Cold War pop culture indoctrination, it was actually OK if “they” came for the Communists. Thus, the quote was righteously tweaked, lest the jarring retention of “Communist” confuse the audience and undermine the quote’s meaning.
Oh yawn! call it American English as apposed to English language and move on.
I prefer the “King’s English”, as it were.
Yank language is deteriorating into texting language.
The good old days of “reds under the bed”. Now the establishment want us to be afraid of “far right extremists”.
its dem rabid murderous anti-vaxxers
dey be pubic enemy numero uno!
Those who support capitalism are far more deluded than socialists.
Greedy, insatiable psychopaths make a dog’s breakfast out of any ideology that is just an abstraction.
Sigh it’s because to the American a Socialist is a Communist.
The communists went after millions of people themselves. They believe the 9/11 bullshit. Their conduct during convid was an absolute disgrace.
They weren’t Communists.
They were Degenerates.
shows how much you know
you do realise we are at war
Here’s what happens when you’re in the celebrity club and you step out of line:
I lost Roger Waters when he said in May 2020 that ‘Social distancing is a necessary evil in Covid world.’ And then he sang ‘Mother’ in isolation. What a guy eh, as in:
‘Mother should I trust the government?’
Roger Waters did…
Ah the lyrics. Waters knew… His mother was
‘gonna make all of your
Nightmares come true
Mama’s gonna put all of her fears into you
Mama’s gonna keep you right here
Under her wing
She won’t let you fly but she might let you sing
Well, they didn’t let him fly then, that’s for sure. And he sang a false tune.
Good example, Language is like splitting the atom..in Art Print and Speech and…in Music., with Politics.
But let’s praise Van the Man Morrison and — eventually — Eric Clapton for seeing through the BS.
What one says or does or even thinks 20, 30, or 40 years later doesn’t necessarily reach back in time to besmirch the original creation. It’s not that unusual for the creation to be greater than its creator.
good tune above all else)
The line not spoken,
“Mama are they going to break my balls.”
I give Roger some space, especially now he is so far from the mainstream due to being canceled over supporting Assange, now for not supporting the rise of Collective Waste’s Neo-nazism via the Ukraine Crisis.
Meanwhile, Down undah in the Bio-Med Vax Penal Concentration Colony known as Stralya we have this from the lamestream corporate lie-spew outlets:
Fresh COVID-19 booster shot approved as 10m doses of new vaccine due to arrive
The federal government has announced that 10 million doses of the newest Pfizer Omicron-specific bivalent vaccine will be available within weeks.
“ATAGI has been quite clear in its advice that it prefers the Omicron-specific versions of the vaccine, whether that’s the Moderna or Pfizer BA.1 or the BA.4[-5] version [over the older vaccines],” he said.
He encouraged people to protect themselves against severe illness, even as less than half of the eligible Australian population had come forward for their fourth booster doses. (bahahahahaha!)
A Resolve Political Monitor survey, conducted exclusively for this masthead by research company Resolve Strategic, last month found a fall in the number of adults willing to receive a booster.
While 44 per cent of all respondents said in August they had received three doses and were likely to get a fourth, that fell to 16 per cent in October and 6 per cent in January. (OMG!!! Get dem Vax Concentration Camps Ready!!!!)
Isn’t it stunning how much money and resources they can pull out their arses when they want to? 10 million doses of spit in a tube while everyone’s lives and livelihoods go down the drain.
Half hour interview with campaigner against the Oxford 15 minute city plan:
Of particluar interest is her breakdown of the full plans which don’t stop at penning people into their designated city zone – for example there are also parking levies on businesses whose workers drive to work and park.
BTW I’m not a great fan of Neil Oliver but OG has featured him sometimes. There seems to have been some sort of co-ordinated twitter campaign against him today.
I think in this time of history, it doesn’t matter who is in charge and the simplicity is, that many governments – if not all – is “penetrateted”(WEF Klaus Schwab’s word) by people with an insane agenda, based on the fantasy transformation of every aspect in our life’s. They use phrases like “for the common good”, while at the same time they implement anything to achieve the end game goal. Remarkably they are the same ones who define what “the common good” is and it’s not even similar to dictatorship – it’s the same coin of madness. The template of transformation is thoroughly organised for decades. They are proud of their accomplishments and bragg about it, because they are quite certain, that they will be protected against the billions of puppets. Mistakingly many inhabitants listen to honey sweet words from well established and well known institutions and “great leaders” and deceptive “experts”. They don’t see and understand, that their words contradicts their actions. If seen and understood, it should exclude the individuals behind the insanity to deal with issues that matters us all. The real danger is, that the people in power knows they are the untouchable, caused by their powers given. That’s why the insanity will continue on all levels, everywhere – but only for a short time… It’s about the eradication of mankind in a large scale. This knowledge is not new, but it certainly needs to be circulated again. By the way I think Jacinda is a tiny part of the worldwide madness, but I will not be the judge about her acts and insane statements, although moral standards wasn’t a part of her official life, in the days she was the NZ PM. Let’s hope she improves for “the common good” – whatever that means in our world of madness.
Amen! Right on Target!
Its over She’s a woman NZ domestic Politican. so it’s easy to follow a bias pattern. imo
Sexual orientation is a major part of the Political scene.
OT, and in other tyrannical news, Canada now stands on the precipice of, well, complete tyrannical rule. Definitely an event to monitor.
Honestly, WTF is going on up there.
Must be the “Young Global Leaders” and “Global Shapers”.
Also: Pablo Rodriguez, Minister of Canadian Heritage.