AUDIO: Michael Bryant on Perspective with Jesse Zurawell
Independent journalist (and regular OffG contributor) Michael Bryant joins Jesse Zurawell on Perspective to discuss Italy’s role in establishing the Covid narrative in 2020.
They talk demographics, pollution, struggling hospitals, and how misinformation stoked the hysteria.
Michael Bryant is a freelance journalist/activist and researcher who presently focuses primarily on issues surrounding health freedom. His work has appeared on HealthFreedomDefense. TNT Radio is a 24/7 internet radio station, available here. You can also listen to back-episodes of Perspective here and follow host Jesse Zurawell on Telegram here.
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Whatever the hell it is the CDC offered the best advice of what to do if you think you had it. Get in bed. Take aspirin. Hunker down. Isolate yourself for seven days. Soon you will be well.
Gentlemen, I know you have better minds than you are exhibiting when you insist upon the irrelevant “isolation.” Pray let me explain: Koch’s Postulates are apparently the genesis of the idea that isolation is required to establish identity or causality, but Koch’s Postulates are false, and we accept THOUSANDS of instances of causality without isolation. KOCH’S POSTULATES: 1. The pathogen must be present in the diseased animal and not in healthy animals. [not in healthy animals? False!] 2. The microorganism must be extracted from the diseased animal and cultured. [Some bacteria cannot be cultured, and a virus replicates within cells] 3. The microorganism must cause disease when introduced to a healthy animal. [In most cases other factors are necessary or we wd all be ill constantly.] 4. The microorganism extracted from the diseased animal must be the same. [Streptococcus Group A produces a myriad of diseases including rheumatic fever.] [At least one disease is caused by two separate viruses acting together, with neither of the hosts being ill] —Koch’s Postulates did not anticipate viruses, bacteriophages, or prions– all of which are contagious. —The overall principle is that our inability to manipulate phenomena in a particular way doesn’t determine whether it exists or not. Nor is it permissible to reject evidence merely because it isn’t equivalent to an imagined but unattainable or IRRELEVANT standard. CAUSALITY W/O ISOLATION –Effect of Mercury’s orbit upon other planets; if we isolated it we’d alter what we’re studying. –Effect of EMFs on lifespan; we can’t isolate lifespan from the creature, and the response will be VARIABLE because we are dealing with the organic, rather than the more nearly understood inorganic. —— CAUSALITY WITHIN ORGANIC SYSTEMS OFTEN REQUIRES R E Q U I R E S THE AVOIDANCE OF THE ISOLATED VARIABLE This is a founding principle of functional medicine: A… Read more »
Hello Penelope: For the most part, you are addressing a brain dead audience. They believe there is a god with no empirical evidence available. Some will even kill in the name of that same invisible and unprovable entity.
They divorce human illness from known pathogenic diseases, which have been isolated and proven empirically millions of times. They are functionally insane…
First indication of where all the “investment in services” is going to go…. robots, AI and nonsense:
Great discussion! Thanks a lot!
This is a false dilemma and I encourage everybody not to fall for the virus/non-virus debate, which will not be resolved anytime soon and which is not what matters.
What matters is that disease, namely respiratory disease, has been used as a collectivist instrument that has transformed health from a private matter into a public matter.
There is no such thing as fucking public health. People get sick individually, not publicly or collectively. Fuck viruses and germs – what needs to be vehemently rejected is the notion that anybody is responsible for anybody else. Health-wise and in any other regard.
Verification matters, if only because as long as belief in cough and kill Grandma persists, curbs on freedoms can be justified. Isolation is THE issue.
I’d wager that belief in contagion is more powerful than all the world’s religions combined, with viruses the most recent iteration of gods are angry.
Could be. Even though there probably are quite a few other beliefs that constitute our thinking, which are basically unfounded.
The good news is that even if you stay inside their sandbox, contagion doesn’t mean that people would have to isolate or even get fuckccinated, since they’ve invented the immune system.
In other words, you got a problem with contagion? Boost your immune system and leave me the fuck alone.
Could you explain how common sense works to alert somebody with a runny nose, a cough, a sneeze and a fever that the cause is ANYTHING but a germ?
“Oh it must have been that movie we watched about Count Dracula that caused you to feel bad! It couldn’t have been that neighbor who coughed and sneezed right in your face!”
The only verification that matters for me is verifying that no motherfucker is infringing on my life.
Leave me the fuck alone and I’ll leave you the fuck alone in return.
There has been too much collectivism in recent history. Time for people to get more self-reliant.
You wanna isolate your ass, be my guest. Kindly leave me out of your germaphobia.
My two cents …
Yes. My “germs” health is no ones business but my own. Collectivism is complete CDC and FDA approved balderdash.
We are individuals and a collective. No man is an island. I agree with you, all interactions come with terms and conditions. That’s why they pressured the ‘private’ sector to enforce the edicts. “You can’t come into my shop” not because they were afraid of a germ, they were afraid of a fine.
I think this is a very strong argument for the lack of efficiency (existence?) of virii
Kind of like how “why has no one ever gone back?” is the best argument why its unlikely man ever landed on the moon
When Italy was having major problems in the north of the country, Russia sent medical teams and supplies to help.
Now Italy is repaying the favour by sending weapons to Ukrainian Nazis.
This is traditional. Italians are the Backstabbers of the world. Always have been. Ask Julius Caesar.
“They voted in a WEF shill puppet.”
If you mean Draghi, he wasn’t voted in – he was appointed. When the voters got the chance to express an opinion on the parties that supported Draghi, their support went down drastically.
I don’t know if the covid virus exists, but it appears that Jesse’s argument is really the unstated “the virus hasn’t been isolated.” I think that if it’d been isolated he wouldn’t be trying to explain it away. I also made the point in the middle of the Italian illness that the poor air quality was probably exaggerating the death count– especially taking into account the scarcity of hospital beds. However, exaggeration is different than nonexistence.
If you are going to find this particular virus nonexistent really merely because it hasn’t been isolated, then you have to ask whether isolation is a necessary part of identifying a virus. I don’t understand the obsession with isolation vis-a-vis viruses. To identify them you don’t have to isolate animals, people, elements, gases, bacteria, plants, molds, etc.
There may very well be something fraudulent about the identification of this virus– but that it hasn’t been isolated I think is simply an irrelevance that’s grown out of the obviously false Koch’s Postulates.
At least tens of thousands of experienced medical workers believe they are looking at an illness that is not influenza, nor a cold, nor pneumonia. Rational observation is the basis of the scientific method. I, too, began with the notion that this was just another phoney virus, but I was brought up short by those who are actually looking at the illness. I cannot give more weight to my notions– or yours– than I MUST give to their observations.
Unless a different explanation is available for the illness, it’s probably a virus.
Koch’s Postulates are “obviously fake” ? 😮 😂
Is the weather nice on your planet, Penny?
And you’ll have absolutely oodles of oil there, too, I dare say?
“I don’t understand the obsession with isolation vis-a-vis viruses.”
Here we go – calling trying to maintain a focus on an essential point in the middle of endless distractions an “obsession”. Same playbook as 9/11 truthers being labelled “obsessed” with the melting point of steel.
“To identify them you don’t have to isolate animals, people, elements, gases, bacteria, plants, molds, etc.”
The point is to prove causation. Merely identifying something is not the same as proving it is a cause.
“the obviously false Koch’s Postulates.”
So “obvious” there’s apparently no need to explain why.
“At least tens of thousands of experienced medical workers believe they are looking at an illness that is not influenza, nor a cold, nor pneumonia.”
Who were being ferociously prpagandised to believe just that. Thousands of them thought they were seeing the results of the AIDS virus but they weren’t. It’s not difficult to see why they wouldn’t like to believe it’s their own treatments causing some of the symptoms they’re observing. Tens of thousands of construction workers and architects though they were seeing three buildings colapse because of two airliners and 19 hijackers but they weren’t.
Edwige, I have done so at great length in the past & not a single comment attempted to refute what could not be denied:
WHAT’S WRONG WITH KOCH’S POSTULATES posted at Jan 6, 2023 8:51 on off-guardian “Yet-another covid variant-omicron-xbb”
I demolished the entire argument re “isolation” & not a single commenter would address a single point I made.
Quite true, Edwige, that identification is not causality, but it’s a necessary element of causality although not sufficient in itself, as we are in agreement.
Prove it.
150 years.
A global institutional system.
Enormous numbers of medical personnel engaged in ‘research’.
Unlimited amounts of money.
No proof.
Not one molecule found.
Utter failure of all attempts to ‘prove’ contagion.
My money’s still on the invisible unicorns with the poisoned horns; I know I’ve got no evidence, but apparently it doesn’t matter. All I need to do to prove my theory is ridicule anyone who asks for proof.
Mark, contagion is known by common experience.
How do you know it’s not the cleaning products?
Confirmation bias P.
My experience, and I’m not by any means unique, is that it is the exact opposite.
Thirty years as a uni lecturer in daily close and extended contact with at least a hundred students/colleagues, around one in twenty of whom were exhibiting the usual symptoms of disease. Twice I had a few days of blocked sinuses and once had three days off as I felt exhausted. In thirty years. My partners and children were regularly ‘ill’; I didn’t ‘catch’ anything.
I also noticed that it was the same colleagues and students who were serially ill, the rest rarely, if ever.
The ‘science’ is unable to prove contagion, our real lived experience confirms this.
Your reasoning is wrong.
You have ZERO – that’s nada, zilch, fucking rien – evidence, experience, observation, anything whatsoever that contagion occurs. All you have is the empirical experience that people get sick at the same time, seemingly after coming into contact with one another.
Contagion is one possible explanation, but there are countless others.
I’ll give you an explanation.
In the last two days, I’ve been sick. Sore throat, a bit of cough. Feeling like shit. Your virophile self would say – virus. I don’t think so. The day before my throat got scratchy, I got a call from my son’s teacher (whom I happen to know because we’ve played a few gigs together) who bitched about my son’s this and that and the other thing in a totally unfounded manner (he’s mostly jealous that my kid gets called for more gigs than him). Finally, the motherfucker pulled the fact that my son got dragged away from school by the cops for refusing to get tested or something like that, and that was the last drop. I went full postal on the asshole and got so angry that I was literally shaking. I was looking at my hand and it was oscillating like five inches on each side …. Anyway, the day after, the affected part of the body – larynx – got sick.
This virus crap is total bullshit. If viruses were infectious, you’d have to be sick all the time – they’re all over the fucking place. The germ theory is sick, pun intended, period.
I’ll give you an explanation about your bullshit – being infected is necessary but insufficient to be sick – you only get sick if the infection leads to really significant replication of the infectious agent.
Your body is full of infectious agents 24/7 the whole length of your life. 90%+ of the time your immune system keeps everything under control. Every so often, it doesn’t and the opportunistic pathogens get a chance to do nasty things.
Shove your unsolicited explanation back into your asshole.
You have zero evidence that things actually work as you parrot. You’re just regurgitating what you’ve been fed all your life.
Also, maybe it works like that in your fucking body, but it doesn’t in mine. And even if it did, it’s none of your fucking business.
I hope that I’m making myself clear.
As I said – leave me the fuck alone, including the alleged infectious agents whereof my body is allegedly full. I promise that I’ll leave you the fuck alone too, including them bugs that are 90%+ of the time trying to eat you alive.
Come on Rhys. Only people who believe they are sick actually get sick. The rest are perfectly healthy, all the time, because sickness doesn’t exist… Right?
I dunno what’s wrong w them, Rhys: “Either you get sick every time you encounter a germ or virus” OR “Germs, viruses and contagion don’t exist.”
Surely they can’t be serious.
I often think that if they ever tried gardening they’d decide that vegetables don’t exist. I mean all of us have “proven” that germination is false at one time or another.
Rosenau’s “failure” to find contagion is nearly as obvious as Koch’s Postulates. I can’t figure out how anyone can be smart enough to reject the exaggeration of covid, the falsity of manmade global warming & yet fall prey to the giggles, chortles, laughter, disdain & mockery of Kaufman, Cowan & company.
What a maddening, crazy incident, Kurt. I think he was lucky he was only talking to you on the phone, and not in person. Doubtless stress played a part in your illness– but not necessarily as a sole factor.
Nor are viruses a sole and determining factor, or– as you say– we’d be sick all the time. In fact I just make that point in my latest comment above, so we’re in agreement on that score.
It could just be that the gods were angry.
Thta’s the kind of statement I can only gape at. What does it mean? Is it true? Is it verifiable? You have the names and addresses of these tens of thousands? Or did somebody just tell you this? And even if they do believe it, so what? What is it? A virus from Mars? From the fourth dimension?
And your comment is riddled with these kind of statements.
Another example:
Actually with animals and people you can clearly see separate individual exmples. With elements, gases etc. you see effects that are supposed to have been caused by these items etc.
What illness? The one that looks pretty much like the regular cold? Or the flu?
Appeal to authority/argumentum ad populum ….
Totally fallacious. The crux of the matter is collectivizing disease to put people under control, turning a personal thing into a private matter to justify totalitarianism.
If a premise is wrong it remains wrong no matter how many motherfuckers claim it’s right or what their credentials are.
“Appeal to authority” good thinking, Kurt– but I don’t think if I defer to a witness to an auto accident that I’m guilty of that. Nor thousands of witnesses to the covid illness.
I’ve spoken to a few of those medical witnesses, and we all know of some who have come forward to oppose the covid regulations and vaxx, yet who still maintain the illness is real.
All that I have heard to oppose their expertise is that people who’ve never seen the illness insist that it doesn’t exist. My mother had walking pneumonia. Should I have insisted that it was only a cold? Should we insist that the covid illness is only a cold until it is fully developed in the susceptible and displays its full characteristics? Should we ignore microbial evidence cuz it isn’t “isolated?”
People get sick all the time. It’s a normal thing.
If there was something different about the normal respiratory disease during the fake COVID pandemic, it was the addition of fear. The psychosomatic effect of that is huge, much greater than the seasonal cold itself.
There is so much evidence, biological, statistical, you name it, that there was no such thing as a COVID pandemic that it really is useless to dwell on the matter any further.
There are much more important things to worry about. From where I’m standing, it’s the fact that the world is transitioning from an era in which human manual labor was replaced by machines to an era in which intellectual work will be taken over the effing robots. What will be the raison d’etre for people? These are things people should discuss, not a fake virus.
George, I don’t think isolation is necessary to establish the science of virology– not in the sense of being able to separate a quantity of virus apart from every other thing in a tube. If you think that virology’s being unable to do this invalidates the entire science– and much of bacteriology too, I would really like it if you can explain to me why.
I’m perfectly open to the possibility. I just honestly don’t see why. I can see that it would be DESIRABLE, but I guess my sympathies are on the side of those who say that it’s not possible. To me it just seems reductionist to say that entities must let me do certain things to them, or they don’t exist.
To me it is sufficient that we can identify an entity, even though we can’t isolate it.
Please understand that I’m not arguing about the covid virus in particular, but virology in general.
Forgive my boorish ludditery, but since this covid thing started – and the further it goes – the less I can be bothered with these arguments that blather on about hair splitting over somebody’s “postulates” or whether the micro-jiffery argument is more valid than the Quadro-pentacular one or whatever. Covid was effectively a spin of relentless fear mongering over the common cold. Do “viruses” exist? Who cares? We don’t need to get bogged down in that. In about two years the media erased millennia of natural immunity in the name of something called “The Science” which proved to be the opening number for the new pharma-capitalism. And the polysyllabic gargantuan tomes of medico-gloopery were the sustaining mechanism.
Ditto all the above for the transgender whammery. And for the climate crunch crapola.
Bottom line: there’s no need to overthink all this because there was relatively little to think about. We were conned. We continue to be conned. There are innumerable ways to keep the bull charging and the manure splattering: Wuhan bio-lab tomfoolery, American “inside job” bio-lab tomfoolery etc. Anything to hypnotise you into thinking something nasty is hovering just outside your letter box and ……gasp! … perhaps even oozing through!
Even virologists, the people who believe in the virus religion, say purification/isolation are necessary, especially with something deemed novel.
East Palestine train chemical spill inside story.
Basically, getting people off the land; also the war on food.
That guy seems like a disinformation agent to me. If the agenda was to clear local residents from the area then why did the authorities tell them to go home instead of keeping them away? If the agenda was fear mongering then why have the EPA and the mainstream media done everything to play down the dangers from the blast? His thesis doesn’t hold water. I smell psy-op.
So they would die?
Maybe there is a big deposit of minerals in the ground.
Another odd “coincidence” is the CDC’s change of Vinyl Chloride exposure limits about two weeks before the incident. The CDC update changed the lethal exposure from 100 PPM to 100,000 PPM. ??? >
‘Inside Job’: CDC Changed Toxicity Info on Vinyl Chloride Days Before Derailment – The Gilmer Mirror
Toxicological Profile for Vinyl Chloride, Draft for Public Comment (
Published January, 2023
Other train cars were carrying toxic chemicals such as Iso butylene, Ethylhexyl acrylate, and Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether. All were released into the air, surface soils, and surface waters.
The “controlled burn” was not necessary. It was simply a hurried way to avoid time consuming methods of chemical recovery and disposal. It was a regulatory insanity…
If you happen to be interested, there are Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) available on each of these chemical materials. Enter the chemical name followed by MSDS on your search engine.
Really, Paul? They actually CHANGED the exposure limits? God. they’re doing all kinds of things to get people off the land— closing freeway off-ramps, for instance.
In this case, TPTB have also decided they want to put a Smart City in the locale.
It’s reminiscent of some California fires which were followed by insane regulations against rebuilding so they could take the land.
It’s an ancient technique– ala The City of London– or the New Orleans flood caused by destruction of the levees.
Note to OffG; you know there are other TNT presenters to listen in with, right? Patrick Henningson, or Jeremy Nell for example. In fact, one of your regular columnists Todd Hayen even appears with Jerm regularly.
F’ck The Covid Narrative…There is supposed to be a f’cking war on…You know like USA + European Slaves Versus Russia.
It seems to me that The ELiTES – are completely taking the P1SS…whilst feeding most of us into the Meat Grinder…How would you like to die?
The President of The USA Flies to Kiev, and asks Putin Not to shoot him…
meanwhile…keep up…
Its Pancake Tuesday
“Pancake Day race”
“Charlie Chaplin – The Kid – Pancake Scene”
Take a Break,
There’s no “war”, it’s handbags in the playground. But if you believe it to be, they got you.
activate engl. subs
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-02-20. Jabs damage brain, heart, liver, bone marrow, fetus, causing harm, injury, death. Moderna’s 2016 patent (blog, gab, tweet).
Curious downvoting.
I received the same number of downvotes.
Hopefully from a bot…
Can one downvoter explain?
Would be good to know who is down voting.
A couple of key points were missing:
– Italy declared “state of emergency” in January 2020 and maintained it for two years.This was more than just declaring the lockdown and other restrictions, this gave special powers to the government to pass laws without debate.
– A medical team from Russia was allowed in the Bergamo area to investigate what was going on. After they left nothing was disclosed regarding what they found and why they were choosed for the task.
The main purpose of an Emergency is to gain those powers.
Priming of TV and Films State of Emergency helped sell the fake ones.