AUDIO: Kit Knightly talks Nordstream 2 Sabotage

On his latest appearance on Perspective, OffG editor Kit Knightly and host Jesse Zurawell discuss our recent article on Sy Hersh’s Nordstream 2 “revelations”.

The talk ranges across the history of the conflict in Ukraine, how it furthers the same agenda as Covid, how the war might end, the nuclear “near miss” scenario and the why you should never trust “some guy said” journalism.

TNT Radio is a 24/7 internet radio station, available here. You can also listen to back-episodes of Perspective here and follow host Jesse Zurawell on Telegram here.


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Categories: audio, latest, Ukraine
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Mar 8, 2023 3:55 PM

3 days after the furtive Olaf Schulz/ Brandon meeting, we now have the NYT and the rest of the MSM putting out the approved Spook Cover Story in unison. It was all done by some mysterious Ukrainians and/ or White Supremacists nobody really knows anything about. But it definitely, definitely, definitely wasn’t anything to do with America, Britain or NATO. And it’s all an incredibly big mystery..

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 5, 2023 7:45 AM

Wouldn’t it be more parsimonious to conclude that the Azov “Neo-Nazi” battalion was an Israeli (Zionist) operation? — Israel is arming, and its military personnel are even fighting alongside explicitly Neo-Nazi units. Press TV: Zionism and Ukraine Mar 12, 2022 Uploaded by: Vanessa Beeley Ukraine: The Zionist Connection Images from the war in Ukraine have dominated the headlines over the last few weeks. But the Jewish identity of Ukraine’s President Zelensky, has been used by many in the West, to cover NATO’s manifest alliance with Neo-Nazi battalions in the war against Russia. But it’s not just NATO that’s working with these Neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine. Israel is arming, and its military personnel are even fighting alongside explicitly Neo-Nazi units The Zionist regime has supplied arms to the Ukraine military including the Nazi Azov battalion which traces its antecedents to Nazi collaborators in the 1939-45 war. Azov Battalion members have been photographed toting Tavor rifles built by Israeli Military Industries a subsidiary of Elbit Systems. In February 2016 it was revealed that Elbit Systems would be part of a group investing in Ukraine’s defense establishment. Haaretz newspaper revealed in 2018 that A Ukrainian military training school website indicates that training there is provided by former IDF officers and that its instructors were trained by Israelis… It notes that the school trains units of the National Guard, whose members include Azov militiamen. Odessa in southern Ukraine has been referred to at the ‘Gates of Zion’. Both Leon Pinsker founder of ‘Lovers of Zion’ a forerunner of the Zionist movement and the revisionist Zionist leader Vladimir Jabotinsky, hailed from Odessa. Jabotinsky historically supported the Ukrainian nationalists including their leader Symon Petliura. Zionist sources today credit Petliura with responsibility for the deaths of 50,000 Jews in the pogroms in the 1920s. But Jabotinsky maintained… Read more »

Feb 28, 2023 10:13 PM

The Nordstream terrorism produced a real eco disaster as millions of tons of methane were pumped out, poisoning all the little fishes and cuddly sea creatures. A holocaust. A real one. Real eco terrorism. The equivalent of a million Range Rovers being driven at top speed for 500 years. I fully expected to see Little Greta marshalling her troops and banging on a big bass drum, blocking the M25 and every city on the planet. But no. All we get is a deafening silence. Nada. Zilch. Where’s Bono? Where’s Leonardo di Caprio? I just can’t explain it.

Whoever could have perpetrated this dastardly act of eco terrorism? I just can’t think who might have done it. I suppose it’s just one of life’s great unsolved mysteries. We shall never know. Where’s Poirot when you need him?

Like the Ohio mini Chernobyl derailment. Millions of pounds of toxic vinyl poisoning everything and all the little creatures. But Little Greta seems to be asleep at the wheel. It’s as though it all never happened. Just can’t explain it. I’m baffled.

Luke Funke
Luke Funke
Mar 3, 2023 5:46 AM
Reply to  paul

It’s because the perpetuators are behind both, and silence their puppets on command. Obvious answer; watch their actions, not their words.

Feb 28, 2023 11:32 AM

Excerpts from “Setting the stage for Hybrid World War”, by Pepe Escobar:

“For years some of us have been showing how the EU$A’s Global Hegemon is being challenged by an emerging Multipolar World – a world characterized by, but going way beyond high speed interconnectivity, both Physical and GeoEconomic. And now we reach the stage where the two Leaders of the Multipolar world — Putin and Xi Jinping – almost simultaneously publish essays that conceptualize key civilizational directions of Multipolarity.

The bombing of Nord Stream, a 911-size military-cum-industrial terrorism atrocity perpetrated against the EU by the same U$ perp that perpetrated 911 against its own people, leaves the Collective West paralyzed, dazed and confused.

Russia’s pivot to the East is not merely its military reaction to the pivot against China by the U$ regime under Obomba and Biden; it was the only Logical path to follow: “Go East, young man” because the sun is setting across the West.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs chose this existential Geo-Political moment to take the gloves off against the EU$A Hegemon: Enter the CCP report in the form of an existential essay, US Hegemony and its Perils

Riding perfect tandem with Putin’s speech, the essay made a hit with Chinese media and was examined with relish all across East Asia. This blistering enumeration of the Hegemon’s decades of lethal folly, constitutes a point of no return for Chinese diplomacy, which has hitherto been characterized by traditional inscrutability, restraint and extreme politeness.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 28, 2023 4:08 AM

Russian Foreign Ministry:

We firmly reject the insinuations about Russia’s alleged desire to “undermine” the situation in Moldova. Unlike Western countries and Ukraine, we do not interfere in the internal affairs of Moldova and other countries of the world. Russia poses no threat to Moldova’s security and advocates the development of mutually beneficial and equal bilateral cooperation.


Maria Vladimirovna Zakharova is the Director of the Information and Press Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (Spokeswoman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation) since 2015.

Please remain calm while you are being denazified.

Thank you.

comment image

Denazification of Ukraine: operational summary

Feb 28, 2023 1:06 PM

“Please remain calm while you are being denazified.”

Last time, around 1945, de-Nazification of Ukraine was a much bigger job: the Russians had to go all the way to Berlin. Hope it won’t be necessary this time.

No NATZO nukes East of Berlin!

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 28, 2023 1:53 PM
Reply to  NickM

Don’t worry. The question this time is whether or not “Russia” will be reduced to Muscovy – or less.

Feb 28, 2023 7:49 PM

I’m not worried about Russia but about the level of intelligence in 21st century Europe.

Where Napoleon’s France and Hitler’s Germany tried and failed, Biden’s EU$A is unlikely to succeed. Especially since NATZO, which knows it has never beaten any country bigger than Serbia (drew with Syria and lost to Afghanistan) is unlikely even to try. Especially since it seems that, if we take on Russia we shall have to take on China as well.

For the sake of the people of Europe, I hope we are not all as stupid as the Ukrainians, to fall for NATZO’s promise of “our irresistible armed might”.

“The Americans say they will give the Filipinos wonderful weapons if we will fight China. Do they think we are stupid?” — our Filipina caregiver.

Feb 28, 2023 10:51 PM
Reply to  NickM

“Russia is a dwarf and I will force it to its knees.” Mr. Charles XII, 1706.
“Russia is a colossus with feet of clay.” Mr. N. Bonaparte, 1812.
“We only have to kick the front door in and the whole rotten structure will come crashing down. I will conquer Russia by the end of the year.” Mr. A. Hitler, 1941.

Of course on those occasions Russia’s antagonists lacked the inspired and gifted leadership of Sleepy Joe Biden, Sergeant Schulz, Anna Bare Back, Manny Macron, and our very own Bojo.

With those inspired geniuses at the helm, what could possibly go wrong? Putin realises that his days are numbered and has a plane fuelled up on the tarmac at Domodedovo ready to fly him out to South America at a moment’s notice.

“The rouble is rubble.” Sleepy Joe, 2022.
“Russia is in tatters.” Mrs. V.D. Leyen, 2022.

Feb 28, 2023 10:29 PM

Germany is now at war with Russia, as Anna Bare Back helpfully explained.
That didn’t work out too well for them last time.
Things didn’t quite pan out in line with the Power Point presentation.
Maybe they’ll do better this time.
Good luck with that.

Sal P
Sal P
Feb 26, 2023 5:28 PM

I usually don’t listen to long interviews but glad I decided to plunge into this one. Very interesting and thought-provoking perspectives.

Feb 26, 2023 5:03 PM

I see Putin as the future leader of the Eurasia technate, and Elon Musk as the possible leader of North America technate. One is allowed to say he is anti-globalist, and the other is arguing for less one-world government structure. So it would seem like the plan is less of a smooth transition into a brave new world, and more likely to be 1984 world war as the narrative develops. Don’t see how the act can be captivating without a nuclear show, be it real or fake or somewhere in-between.

Feb 26, 2023 5:00 PM

Russian officials: Ukrainian troop false flag invasion of Transnistria wearing Russian uniforms is planned. The Cobasna depot, by some estimates, occupies about 100 hectares and contains some 20,000 tons of mostly obsolete ammunition left here after the withdrawal of the Soviet Army from East Germany and Czechoslovakia in the early 1990s.

Experts from the Moldovan Academy of Sciences, in a report published in 2005, pointed out that an explosion at the Cobasna warehouse would be comparable to the detonation of the 10-kiloton nuclear bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima in 1945.

Feb 26, 2023 7:29 PM
Reply to  Penelope

Moldova is NATOstan’s next cannon fodder candidate when the last Ukrainian has been killed.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 26, 2023 3:01 PM

According to Kit Knightly, Seymore Hersh (along with half the world’s populace) was just barking at airplanes. >

Gravitas Plus: Did NATO push Ukraine into war?
Premiered March 6, 2022
Gravitas Plus: Did NATO push Ukraine into war? – YouTube

The title is a bit misleading. The only unexplained point is that NATO is made of puppets controlled by corporate entities such as Airbus Space & Defense, BAE Systems, The Boeing Company, General Dynamics Corporation, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon Technologies Corporation, and other significant operations located on European soil. Invest today!!!

colin buchanan
colin buchanan
Feb 26, 2023 2:20 PM

Neither side wants a nuclear war. Therefore: it’s fake binary and they’re all friends, or colleages! 😀  War is politics carried on by other means. There is no such thing as total war, at least not in the minds of the sane. There is nothing new in Medvediev’s recapitulation of Russia’s position. I’d listen rather to Senator Richard Black’s interview with Kim Liverson if you want an intelligent assessment of the risks of nuclear war. Regarding the continued bombardment of the Donbass, it’s still within range of Ukranian rockets, artllery etc.They,ve carried out an attack deep inside Russia. Look to the West’s provision of long range weapons.The Collective West describes quite well a set up where Tobias Ellwood proposes setting up an arms factory in Poland. “The Responsibility to Protect (R2P or RtoP) is a global political commitment which was endorsed by all member states of the United Nations at the 2005 World Summit in order to address its four key concerns to prevent genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity.[1][2] The doctrine is regarded as a unanimous and well established international norm over the past two decades.” Wikipedia. Russia were entitled to invoke RIP on the basis of the UN resolution (2202?)ratifying the Minsk Accords and carry out a Special Military Operation to protect the people of the Donbass. It’s normal not just to kill prisoners but to exchange them for your own people. Medvedchuk is a significant figure, well worth a few NAZIs. But then, as an disaffected Westerner I would say that! Russia is still vaccinating people but are they killing a substantial number of their own citizens? They didn’t vaccinate people with Pentagon bio-weapons and gave the world an alternative to them. Nor did China! Russia will continue the war until they achieve… Read more »

Feb 27, 2023 5:38 AM
Reply to  colin buchanan

Over the past week, MSM has been consistent and relentless in its propaganda, i.e.,
China having the nerve to propose a peace plan for Ukraine
at a “security” conference
means that
China may provide armaments to Russia.
This gives us a fair idea of their opinion of the intelligence of the masses.

Feb 26, 2023 1:14 PM

Excellent analysis.

The fact that a revelation may appear to support your case could simply be that the leaker may be playing higher dimensional chess than you.

Examples might be Climate gate and Wikileaks Arab Spring material.

Feb 26, 2023 1:07 PM

Hersh declared that he had absolutely proof of what happened to Seth Rich (Wikileaks) because it came from his close chums at the FBI. Expecting I believe for his audience to be impressed by his contacts.

Feb 26, 2023 12:59 PM

Alternatively, despite being relentlessly propagandised, nearly 2/3s of Britons want nothing to do with this manufactured conflict as an extortion racket:

The claimed 37% of donors are entirely self-identified and there’ no proof they aren’t lying (for example, to appear generous). Funnily enough the Fraud would use the same flaw to dismiss the VAERS data but it’s hunkydory here. At the start of the war, every major UK food outlet tried to get money out of customers at checkouts, that’s how ubiquitous it was.

As for 81% being “concerned” about the conflict, what does that even mean?

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 27, 2023 5:08 PM
Reply to  Edwige

From the cited article: “More than a third of British adults have donated to help the humanitarian relief efforts in Ukraine, according to new polling that reveals the vast majority of the public remain concerned about the conflict a year on.”

Seems there’s a lot of fog in Great Britain…

colin buchanan
colin buchanan
Feb 26, 2023 12:53 PM

Seymour Hersh isn’t just some guy someone met down the pub. The point is, he has a track record of coming out with good stories which were afterwards shown to be correct and protecting his sources. If as Zurawell says, “it really isn’t news” then what Hersh said is uncontraversial. So is it a questionable story that from only one source or is it a banal statement of what everyone already knows: make up your mind, gentlemen!

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 26, 2023 2:21 PM
Reply to  colin buchanan

Hello colin buchanan: Denigrating Seymore Hersh’s interpretations of events has become the hobby of anti-conspiracy theorists and persons who fail the task of simple logic. It took me less than a day to research the background history related to the event and identify the most the most likely agencies and perpetrators involved. Hint: North sea petroleum “interests”.

I certainly wasn’t alone, as most competent journalists reached the same conclusions less than two weeks following the event. Seymore Hersh simply connected the dots which millions of persons had already connected. No one wants to face the music. They’d rather have the honor of pointing at operatives playing musical chairs in corporate boardrooms…

colin buchanan
colin buchanan
Feb 26, 2023 12:37 PM

I see, no change in Russia’s internal agenda. What about return to a gold standard- complete bypassing of dollar in global south trade?

Feb 26, 2023 11:23 AM

A good example of a constructed double-bind (so good they’ve run it on both sides of the Atlantic):

Cheer on increased surveillance – or accept corruption in the electoral process. It’s their own weaponised migration that’s created the whole issue of course.

On a meta-level, it’s just an excuse to get “chaos” in another headline. “Bit of a delay” is probably more accurate but doesn’t fit the “no global technocracy = chaos” overarching agenda.

BTW Iain Davis has rightly called China a technate but I’d add the Gulf states as examples as pretty much undisguised current technates now. It’s no coincidence that Dubai hosted the recent World Government Summit.

Feb 26, 2023 3:24 PM
Reply to  Edwige

We don’t need electronic surveillance at the polls. A good, old-fashioned photo ID would be enough.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 26, 2023 10:21 AM

The Fable Agreed Upon

Stunned, the oligarch asked Lavrov how Putin could have planned such an enormous invasion in such a tiny circle — so much so that most of the senior officials at the Kremlin, Russia’s economic cabinet and its business elite had not believed it was even possible.

“He has three advisers,” Lavrov replied, according to the oligarch. “Ivan the Terrible. Peter the Great. And Catherine the Great.”

How Putin blundered into Ukraine — then doubled down
The Financial Times
Feb 23, 2023

The Financial Times spoke to six longtime Putin confidants as well as people involved in Russia’s war effort, and current and former senior officials in the west and Ukraine for this account of how Putin blundered his way into the invasion — then doubled down rather than admit his mistake. All of them spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive matters.

The people who know Putin describe a leader who has become even more isolated since the start of the war. “Stalin was a villain, but a good manager, because he couldn’t be lied to. But nobody can tell Putin the truth,” says one. “People who don’t trust anyone start trusting a very small number of people who lie to them.”

Last year was not the first time Putin had withheld plans of an invasion from close advisers. When Russia seized Crimea from Ukraine in 2014, he did not inform his own security council — instead on one occasion gaming out the peninsula’s annexation with his defence minister, Sergei Shoigu, and three top security officials all night until 7am.

Feb 26, 2023 1:49 PM

The Telegraph lamenting that the Russian ‘fable’ is better than theirs:

Putin’s myth-making glorifies Russia. Ours humiliates the West

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 26, 2023 2:21 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Janet Daley:

This is really a very old kind of story: the sanctification of the history of a people whose collective memory must be reshaped into a tale of heroic resurgence with all the nasty bits left out.

What is – so far as I know – quite unprecedented is what the opponents of this aggressive campaign, our side, are doing to their history at precisely the same moment. While Putin tells the Russians that they have been, for centuries, the blameless victims of the world’s hostility, the West is teaching its young that they have inherited the fruits of evil – that the advantages which their political culture and economic system have provided are inherently tainted, that even their ineradicable genetic traits such as skin colour convey guilt and the need for endless self-abasement.

Instead of editing out the bad chapters in its history as Russia is doing to such spectacular effect, the West is perversely avoiding any recognition of the tremendous contributions it has made to improving the conditions of life through the spread of mass prosperity and personal freedom.

The above was no accident. Indeed, it was part of the agenda of resetting to the Multipolar World Order. Additionally (and closely related), there was the manufactured, fake binary of the culture wars. However, it all fell apart on the roads to Kyiv and Odesa when St. Javelin intervened. By the way, this narrative is from The Book of Lesser Known Fables and I doubt it will make it into either The Telegraph or The FT.

Feb 26, 2023 6:36 PM

I seem to recall children being named ‘Javelin’ and ‘Javelina’ at one point in the madness. The ‘saint’ will be smiling  😉 

Feb 26, 2023 7:39 PM

If the totally honest and completely reliable and trustworthy Financial Times, which is certainly not just a discredited spook mouthpiece, says it has some anonymous Soros funded Pussy Riot fanboy sources who told them this, then we must all, without further ado, accept that this is all 100% accurate. And I say that without fear of contraception.

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Feb 26, 2023 9:41 PM

Citing six unnamed sources, and “former senior officials” at that, is good journalism. Good on you FT.
Citing one unnamed US source is bad journalism. Seymour should know better. (Possibly Seymour made up that “source” ? He could have.)

Feb 28, 2023 1:23 PM

“He has three advisers,” Lavrov replied. “Ivan the Terrible. Peter the Great. And Catherine the Great.”\

Reminds me of a music teacher’s report on the boy Beethoven: “He plays nothing but Bach”. Why learn from lesser performers when you can learn from the top artists?

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 26, 2023 9:01 AM

The software grinds into gear at The Atlantic:

“The Future of Long COVID

This emergency is not about to end.”

Long covid is getting longer all the time because the shortness of the zega-morgenson model has been deftly overtaken by the biometrical curve thus ensuring the transfiguration of the whajja-particles into wheeja-particles and condemning everyone in the entire world to the longest ever long long covid whose longness is only going to get ever longer until it becomes ….like … really really long!

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 26, 2023 8:54 AM

Time for a fear update. BBC: https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20230203-why-the-world-feels-so-unstable-right-now “Why the world feels so unstable right now For many of us, life seems to progress smoothly and predictably for much of the time. Indeed, it seems one of our biggest concerns appears to be getting stuck in a rut. But then, seemingly out of nowhere, our world is turned upside down. A global pandemic strikes us down, killing millions of people and forcing entire countries into lockdown. Then inflation takes off and economic downturn threatens our livelihoods. And (not unrelated) one country invades another and the resulting war affects us all. Whoa! Where on Earth did all that come from?” The text highlighted is highlighted in the original as there are links respectively to the WHO (cue scary graphs) and the IMF (cue snappy statistics and colour co-ordinated maps). Techno-psychobabble: “…generic reason …. nonlinear systems” … physical, biological and social sciences: intermittent instability. .. exhibiting extreme fluctuations…..outputs are not in direct proportion to inputs. …” We find that “weather is a nonlinear chaotic system” so it looks as if we can’t say anything about that except that “ensemble weather prediction is today revolutionising the way humanitarian and disaster relief agencies send emergency food, shelter, medicine and even finance to regions at risk of extreme weather.” Read: We can be certain really bad things will happen and force us to send … umm “humanitarian aid”. Sounds like a business op to me, boys! Time to get in Bob the Builder: “Can we humans influence the likelihood of such intermittent instabilities? Yes, we can.” And how can Bob fix it (just like Jim once did!)? Climate action! Bet you didn’t see that one coming! And now in the “Ya gotta be fuckin’ kiddin’ me!” category: “Over a hundred years ago, the French physicist Henri Poincaré… Read more »

Feb 26, 2023 10:38 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Keep em shakin
So they don’t start breakin
Heads, that is
Heads of government
Heads of corporations

Feb 28, 2023 2:07 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Excuse please, Pedant’s Corner. Re: Fear Porn on the BBC,

“A global pandemic strikes us down, killing millions of people”.

That global pandemic, “killing millions of people” is called the Common Cold.

The global pandemic of influenza is a long way from “striking us down”. Annually, influenza kills only about 6 Million people around the globe. Hunger likewise kill around 6 Million per annum. Neither of these two pestilences rate on the BBC Fear Chart

So what is this BBC “global pandemic” and how could “killing millions of people” globally “strike us down” when the global population is 1000 times greater than 8 million? To really “strike us down” globally a pandemic would have to kill Billions not mere Millions.

Sorry to be such a pedant, but I think more people should read a little book called: “Innumeracy”; innumeracy is as bad as illiteracy.

A German
A German
Feb 26, 2023 8:10 AM
Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 26, 2023 5:52 AM

People see what they want to see.

Thematic apperception test (TAT) is a projective psychological test developed during the 1930s by Henry A. Murray and Christiana D. Morgan at Harvard University. Proponents of the technique assert that subjects’ responses, in the narratives they make up about ambiguous pictures of people, reveal their underlying motives, concerns, and the way they see the social world. Historically, the test has been among the most widely researched, taught, and used of such techniques.

Donald Trump WARNS of Russia & China’s DANGEROUS unification
Glenn Beck
Feb 24, 2023
Russia and China seem to be unifying against their common enemies, and that may be the ‘most dangerous thing that could happen for our country,’ President Donald Trump tells Glenn. Especially since, Trump says, the Biden family seems to be ‘compromised by China.’ Trump explains why, plus he discusses the possibility of World War III, why America is beginning to resemble a Soviet Union-type nation, and his recent trip to East Palestine, Ohio…
[Nord Stream discussed at 6:00]

Feb 26, 2023 7:56 PM

Perhaps he’ll be elected again soon so he can give another few hundred billion to his Zionist wire pullers.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 26, 2023 11:21 PM
Reply to  paul

They openly admit to being Zionists; though it’s not about money and I very much doubt anybody is “pulling his wires”.

Aug 25, 2020

During a stump speech last week, Trump said his decision to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem was “for the evangelicals.” Both Pompeo and Vice President Pence count among a leading rank of Christian Zionist politicians in the United States, who link matters of geopolitics — whether confronting a regional nemesis in the theocratic Iranian regime or helping Israel extend greater control over the Holy Land — to biblical prophecy and revelation.

Feb 27, 2023 10:34 AM

Sheldon Adelson was pulling his wires. He gave Trumpo $20 million and told him to appoint Pompeo and Bolton. Trumpo is the world’s biggest shabbos goy.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 28, 2023 5:08 AM
Reply to  paul

20 million dollars !!!

Feb 28, 2023 2:31 PM
Reply to  paul

And in return for his $20M donation toward Trumpeter’s election expenses, Adelson’s business received $Billions in U$ subsidies when the Trump regime was elected. But the real ties are family ties: Trump’s Jewish daughter successfully pleaded with Daddy to bomb Syria with Cruise missiles, and his Jewish son-in-law in the Israel govt successfully persuaded Aba to double the U$ contribution to Israel’s war chest.

A diamond is just a way of saying, “I love you”.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Feb 28, 2023 3:06 PM

Glenn Beck … someone really worth listening to … a fine turd of human bean

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 26, 2023 3:02 AM

Re the WHO’s One Health being “very dangerous” and having “nothing to do with public health”.

The One Health agenda is just another ring of razor wire in the concentration camp. But we were already entrapped by 2020. The Scamdemic was rolled out using existing policies and social conditioning. What more do they need?

Those policies and social conditioning started over a century ago. Its three main foundational supports are the notions of Vaccination, Mental Illness and Public Health. The first has sustained a small dent, but will probably recover. However, so-called “awake” people are still pushing the other two.

“Public Health” was created by H.G. Wells, FFS !

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 27, 2023 7:02 AM

If anybody can find a scientific (i.e. objective) definition of “health”, please let me know.

public health is concerned with protecting the health of entire populations

Public health is the science of protecting and improving the health of people and their communities. This work is achieved by promoting healthy lifestyles, researching disease and injury prevention, and detecting, preventing and responding to infectious diseases. Overall, public health is concerned with protecting the health of entire populations. These populations can be as small as a local neighborhood, or as big as an entire country or region of the world.

Scenario – Tiger in a Circus

(A) The tiger is well-fed, well-behaved, and free from disease and injury
(B) The tiger rips the head off the trainer at the first opportunity

Which tiger is “healthier”, A or B?

Feb 28, 2023 3:09 PM

“Which tiger is “healthier”, A or B?”

Nice one. Reminds me of the old joke:

“I’m fit”
“Fit for what?”

Pedant’s corner: I believe the English word “Health” and “Healed” is related to “Whole” which is related to “Wholesome” and even to “Holy” — all of which are A Good Thing. They all come from Germanic “Heil” meaning Whole and Greeting & “Heilig” Holy. . Curiously, in a different Language branch, there is a semitic word “Salam” or “Shalom” which likewise is used to denote Health, Wholeness, Greetings and Peace — all of them likewise being A Good Thing.

As for definitions, the Older and Wiser Wittgenstein gave up trying to define words. Having undergone a Salutory (Latin: Health, Salvation) experience as primary school teacher. he concluded, from observation rather than theory, that children learn the “use” of words by using their share of words as “counters” in a game called Language which they play both with their elders and among their peers. Hence from his own experience the child may confirm that It is A Good Thing to be “Healthy” or “Whole” (or even “Holy”?)..

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 28, 2023 6:20 PM
Reply to  NickM

My definition of health roughly corresponds with wholeness and I would say that the tame tiger is lacking an essential element of tigerness. Consequently, I would say that tiger B is healthier. However, the circus would presumably think it were tiger A.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 26, 2023 2:20 AM

There is no “contradiction” in the leading Azovs going to Israel. The Nazification hoax was a dual-citizen operation and the people who went to Israel were most likely agents.

Feb 26, 2023 6:07 AM

They’re Zio-nazis.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 26, 2023 1:59 AM

For what are Ukrainians fighting?

The major part of the motivation is represented by 1991 – the right to exist as an independent, self-determining, sovereign nation. And it’s why Poland and the Baltics are joined in the fight.

A referendum on the Act of Declaration of Independence was held in Ukraine on 1 December 1991. An overwhelming majority of 92.3% of voters approved the declaration of independence made by the Verkhovna Rada on 24 August 1991.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 26, 2023 2:36 PM

Whilst it might be true that 92.3% of voters approved the Ukrainian declaration of independence, the same percentage failed to reign in the entrenched oligarchical classes which international interests had financed and bribed for decades before 2014.

Civil populations create the leadership they deserve.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 26, 2023 6:15 PM

Civil populations create the leadership they deserve.

That’s why the current population of Ukraine is kicking out Putin!

Feb 28, 2023 3:18 PM

Wishful thinking. The current Anglo-Zio plus Nazi alliance (Anglo-Zio government plus Ukro-Nazi stormtoopers} tried to kick out the Ukraine’s ethnic Russian citizens. They will find that Mother Russia has come to take her Ukraina back to her ample bosom.

As for democratic vote: “None so enslaved as those who believe they are free” — Geheimrat Johan Wolfgang von Goethe.

Feb 26, 2023 7:57 PM

Less than 20% were ever in favour of joining the EU/ NATO.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 26, 2023 10:57 PM
Reply to  paul

Not according to this:

April 5, 2022

The number of Ukrainians who want their country to join the European Union rose to a record high of 91% by the end of March but support for joining NATO fell . . . Support for EU membership mostly has hovered around 60% for the past three years but started climbing steeply after Russia invaded Ukraine on Feb. 24 . . . Rating [one of Ukraine’s main independent pollsters] said support for Ukraine joining NATO also rose when the war started, but has since returned to near pre-war levels of around 68%.

Feb 27, 2023 7:12 AM

Is a report such a survey done in war-time Ukraine realistic?

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 27, 2023 8:28 AM
Reply to  mgeo

According to the above, the pre-war polls show support for EU and Nato membership to be consistently well over 50%.

Feb 27, 2023 10:36 AM


Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 28, 2023 7:04 AM
Reply to  paul

Do you have any numbers other than “20”?

Feb 28, 2023 11:23 PM

52 million. (Population of Ukraine at independence, 1991.) The most prosperous and highly developed part of the Soviet Union.
38 million. (Population of Ukraine pre Maidan, 2010.) After 20 years of non stop looting by corrupt oligarchs. Plus 7.5 million more working abroad, scratching a living picking cabbages in Poland. Or working as ubiquitous “Natasha” prostitutes, the only thing Ukraine produces the EU actually wants.
20 million. (Current Population of Cokehead Zelensky’s Ukraine.)
Zero. (Population of Ukraine after Zelensky has fought to the last Ukrainian, and fled to his $8 million mansion in Israel, or his $50 million mansion in Florida, or his $30 million mansion in Italy.)

Feb 28, 2023 10:38 PM

“ Not according to ..”

I suggest you research your sources a bit more!


Mar 7, 2023 1:03 PM

For what are Ukrainians fighting?
Non stop double gay anal, unlimited child trannies, rainbow coloured dildos all round, Kolomoisky and assorted gangster oligarchs, Bandera, ethnic cleansing, Hunter Biden, Monsanto, Lockheed Martin and Raytheon.

Feb 26, 2023 1:53 AM

“… and the why you should never trust “some guy said” journalism”

Which is essentially what journalism has become today. It’s so important not to subscribe to that abomination.

It’s not as if it’s new advice either… Buddha apparently mentioned it too:
”Never believe anything just because somebody said it”…

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Feb 26, 2023 3:00 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Bob Woodward channeled ‘Deepthroat’
Helped bring down a USA president.

Feb 26, 2023 10:14 AM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

Woodward, former naval intelligence and parachuted into the Washington Post despite an atrocious writing style, showing that he could function-stack with the best of them! He could not only change the President – one elected with a massive majority btw – but publicise and normalise hardcore porn.

Incidentally, Jackie Kennedy played a major role in that too – her attendance at the film was widely advertised. She also seemed strangely content with her nominally Catholic husband to be memoralised with a Luciferian eternal flame. It’s details like these that make the whole Kennedy-as-Jesus-substitute official conspiracy analysis sit not quite right.

Art Costa
Art Costa
Feb 26, 2023 1:37 AM

A recent comment I made on ConsortiumNews:

I think what we have here is the emergence of willing global partners in both co-operation and conflict.

The lesson from the Cold War is that the best way to manage the populations within a nation-state is to keep a conflicting relationship always at hand, small or low intensity conflicts which feed the MIC as well as subdue the population. (We know that the “war on terror” was a temporary stop-gap that couldn’t be sustained.)

I don’t think the US, Russia or China are truly in a major conflict. This is not to say that there’s never any animosity but it’s always controlled.

The real target throughout the ages is the general public . It’s important that the public believe there are these major threats always contending for dominance and always threatening global annihilation.

I think the work of Professor Sheldon Wolin, particularly his last, Democracy Incorporated and most specifically his concept of Inverted Totalitarianism touches on this (not so much geopolitically, but how the US controls it’s population). In a nation claiming democratic principles, rather than an all out totalitarian state such as fascist Italy or Nazi Germany or the Soviets, you don’t use the iron fist when you can subdue the people through apathy, through media, particularly entertainment, and of course divide and rule (id politics or Woke-ism).

But what’s missing is the ingredient of global adversaries which provides ever more power to be concentrated: the lesson of the Cold War.
In a word, while there may be a perceived see-saw in this game, it is really a partnership that provides a closed loop of faux “choice” much like parties or products. Few choices is really a closed loop monopoly and all the better to control the population.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 26, 2023 3:44 AM
Reply to  Art Costa

The general rule:

There is a global power structure which selects, grooms, approves, appoints the national “leaders”. If ever the local appointee steps out of line, they get taken out.

Feb 26, 2023 7:27 AM
Reply to  Art Costa

Inverted Totalitarianism .. [explains] how the US controls it’s population <=yes ,it fixes election outcomes to match its needs, it denies non party politics, it conducts its affairs in absolute secrecy and it uses MSM to set and control the narrative which drowns out all significant opposition. .

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 26, 2023 1:28 AM

Not a good start!

Feb 26, 2023 1:24 AM

Supposed anomalies and irrationalities:- X. Putin/ Moscow is not really concerned about the Donbas. He has not prevented the shelling of the Donbas, because he doesn’t really care or for some other reason. This is difficult to accept. Kiev has consistently sought to genocide/ ethnically cleanse the region. There is no doubt they would have done so if they could. About 15,000 civilians have been killed there by Azov/ Ukrainian forces since 2014. Shelling with heavy artillery/ sniping etc. Persecution of civilians. This is a major issue inside Russia. Is this difficult to understand? In 1982 Britain went to war against Argentina, 6,000 miles away, ostensibly to protect 2,000 Falkland Islanders, none of whom had been killed or even harmed in any way at the time. Over a period of 8 years, the Ukrainian standing army was built up to a force of 240,000, the largest and most powerful in Europe, with thousands of armoured vehicles and artillery weapons and hundreds of aircraft. Tens of billions of weapons were poured into the Ukraine. It built very deep sophisticated defensive lines facing the Donbas. Russia does not have sufficient forces simply to overwhelm these without accepting heavy casualties. Instead they have been laboriously ground down with heavy artillery fire, with a ratio of casualties approaching 10:1 in Russia’s favour. X. Russia has agreed to prisoner exchanges instead of pursuing war crimes trials against captured Azov personnel. This was probably difficult for Russia to stomach, but they wanted their captured personnel back. There have been similar very difficult exchanges between Israel/ Palestine, America/ Russia, Griner/ Boot etc. These have been difficult and controversial for all involved, but the rationale is the same. X. Openly Nazi Azov individuals being released to tour Israel. Politics makes strange bedfellows. Kolomoisky, a Zionist Jew, has bankrolled… Read more »

Feb 27, 2023 11:37 AM
Reply to  paul

Well said !