Catte’s Corner: “lab leaks” & brick walls
Catte Black

The “covid was a lab leak” story was always a back door official narrative that reinforced the reality of the “pandemic” while appearing to be a suppressed “alternative”.
You know, one of those “suppressed alternatives” that end up in the WSJ.
It’s now going to be used to finally bury any hope that 2020-21 will wake us up to the full modern reality of geopolitics.
Remember the grotesque spectacle of supposedly ideologically opposed world leaders all in lockstep, promoting the non-existent “pandemic”, giving the same advice, talking the same talk?
Yeah, they’d much rather you didn’t remember that…
Do you recall how suddenly it was so obvious what they all were?
Little actors, with their lines carefully written for them, scurrying about doing as they’re bidden by forces we had heretofore barely realized were operational?
They suddenly looked so small & ridiculous didn’t they – in their masks & bio-hazard costumes. Speaking with one voice – that belonged to none of them.
We could see they were just employees toeing some company line.
ALL of them. East & West. Left & Right. Putin & Biden. Trump & Xi. All differences forgotten. All rivalries put aside.
Just to sell a lie.
And kill some people with “solutions” to a problem they knew did not exist.
Remember the shock factor as realization dawned – my God, they are literally all in this together and not even pretending otherwise.
Remember how it started to wake us up – like we had never been before?
We had to abandon all our “heroes” because they all abandoned us. Or made it clear they had never really been with us.
They took the covid shilling & got in line to read from the covid script & forced us to face the fact they had never been what we thought they were.
That the world in fact had never been what we thought it was.
I think covid was supposed to launch a brand new geopolitical narrative. I think it was to be the end of “conflict” and the start of the world “coming together” to face a “common threat”.
And I think, like good little actors our global leaders and our tame media were all given new scripts and new motivations. “Ok, guys, in this scene, you’re no longer enemies. You’re seeing that human beings need to work together to overcome terrible existential threats…”
The plan was to get that New Normal communitarian nightmare world all locked in place before we could react – or even get a bead on what was going on.
It was Agenda 2030 in quick time. Six months, not ten years. A bold headlong dash instead of the usual steady creep.
It was crazy.
And it didn’t work.
The fear factor never got high enough. The obvious non-existence of the “threat” became too clear too quickly to too many.
There was pushback. They had to halt and retreat.
And today the New Normal remains just a half-built prison.
They’re still working at it but they have gone back to slow and steady and the 2030 goal. One “shortage”, one act of censorship, one tiny new legislative incursion at a time.
And meanwhile what they REALLY need from us is that we all stop thinking about what we just saw.
It didn’t happen!
You didn’t see supposed autonomous and diametrically oppositional world leaders all suddenly stop being autonomous and oppositional – as if by magic.
You didn’t see them adopt totally new personas on cue and meekly start selling the same pandemic lies, and culling their populations with the same lockdowns & useless toxic vaccines.
It did not look for all the world as if they were all on the same side, working for the same goals.
You didn’t get any kind of glimpse behind the curtain.
You didn’t suddenly get to see how superficial and performative global politics must be.
The New Normal? Please. It was just the old normal, ok? – and frankly we’d be grateful if you’d stop using that particular phrase.
The Great Reset? What even was that? Big ole nothing burger is all.
NO. You were mistaken. Imagining things. Being a conspiracy theorist.
Global politics is NOT performative. Conflicts CAN’T all be turned off in a second when it becomes convenient to do so. And any impression they can was purely accidental/imaginary.
In fact look over there – a war has started! And we can’t stop or prevent it!
See, all nice and old normal.
Oh and ok -sigh… “covid” was a lab leak bioweapon…
We feel forced to admit it.
It was those pesky Russians.
Or maybe those awful Yanks.
Or the Chinese.
Or maybe the Iranians.
Or could be ISIS I guess.
Or Israel.
Pick your side. Any side. We don’t really mind which.
Just so long as you totally forget the most important lesson you are ever going to learn about the nature of geopolitics.
Because if you remember it we are rather screwed, and you will be able to set yourself free.
And we don’t want that do we.
What a dreadful unintended consequence of our crazy little covid gamble that would be!
An awake and free world! – Horrible.
No, boys and girls (and “others”), don’t be playing with any of that nonsense.
Just come back to what you know.
The old show. The familiar songs.
Just keep your seat in our theater.
You know you want to really. It’s warm in here. And kind of reassuring.
Just keep buying our tasty popcorn, keep watching our shows. Cheer your chosen good guys, hiss at your chosen baddies.
All we ask is you never – ever – notice that brick wall at the back.
Or if you do notice it – look away and pretend you don’t.
And by the way, have you ever thought that while prisons might not be free – they are lovely and safe.
Just a thought to leave with you – for future reference.
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This person created the name fake binary..?
well done.
Oh come on, what an ignorant, foolish-naive piece of bullshit written by a total FUCKHEAD…disgusting to put it in a “friendly” manner
I’ve always been vaguely amused by your posts but this is really pedestrian.
“while prisons might not be free – they are lovely and safe” — this exemplifies the rank niavety with which the whole article is written.
I think the point is lost on you
“Lab Leak” is the WMD or Iraq Incubator Babies of 2023.
Sure, we have lied to you, again and again and again, but this time we really, really, really are telling you the truth.
Expect to see a posse of “experts” doing the rounds of the MSM sounding off with evidence free “highly likely” assertions of a Chinese lab link. The same people who were telling us this was all just a Trump conspiracy theory. “Fauci has proved its zoonotic origin.”
With a chorus of synchronised outrage from Ace Reporter Sid Scurvy at the Daily Bugle, Express and Mail, howling for revenge against them dirty Chinks.
Probably they erased Truth from the dictionary.
The perils of putting all one’s eggs in the terrain theory basket. If a virus is proven to escape from Wuhan, then the worldview collapses. A big squishy mess on the floor
Better to hold out 2 equally tenable options:
1. Covid was pure psyop (no virus)
2. Covid (or Sars-Cov-2) was a virus with a mortality rate on a par with flu or the common cold
A more stable worldview, unthreatened by any lab leak
Peter and John agreed over Covid. Peter and John disagreed over Ukraine
Not just random names
Peter enforced vaccination in his state, John did no such thing.
As for Ukraine, Peter seems to be flip-flopping.
Tell me about Peter… What exactly does Peter mean, when he says: “Even when you only worship the devil for a short while, but repeatedly, he still controls you.” A reference to each Sunday 10-11 a.m.?
John was the more reluctant vaccinator. Peter was in charge. He held the keys
With respect to the ‘quotation’, unlikely. That’s not what happens in any church I’ve been to
But taken simply by itself it does make sense. Lapses into sin, would be my interpretation.
Any source for the quotation?
Read it on Θ. Sure, if you take it on face value. But Loyola in his spiritual excercises exhibits an outright Zoroastrian dualism, with perfect symmetry between God and the devil. Since Peter is a Jesuit, I find his obsession with the devil disturbing.
Could be said of many in Dystopian News. An overemphasis on the dark side
As I read it the reset is of the lie & the father of it.
In that sense it ‘works’ for all who draw or boost their identity in its framing which is an ancient beast, no matter the obfuscate of state of the art technological definitions set into intricate modelling whose understanding IS the attainment of confusion.
“No-one who understands what you have learned, how carefully you have learned it, and the pains to which you went to practice and repeat the lessons endlessly, in every form you could conceive of them, could ever doubt the power of your learning skill. There is no greater power in the world. The world was made by it, and even now depends on nothing else. The lessons you have taught yourselves have been so overlearned and fixed they rise like heavy curtains to obscure the simple and the obvious. Say not you cannot learn THEM. For your power to learn is strong enough to teach you that your will is not your own, your thoughts do not belong to you, and even you are someone else.”
from my reading today of A Course in Miracles – (not a political treatise, but to the revealing to acceptance that You are a miracle and not a stamp of a past to a world made by attack, locked down and distanced to separate bodies acting out masked hatred as if THIS time it will work! The nature of meaninglessness and futility is the recognition there is nothing there to struggle or ally in putting Humpty together again – and according to whose plan…
From the same reading is an invitation to an alternative to the persistence in battling lies as if to have made truth a weapon in a holy call to war only for it to be turned against us as if by a treachery concealed even from its beginning.
“Let us be still an instant, and forget all things we ever learned, all thoughts we had, and every preconception which we hold of what things mean, and what their purpose is. Let us remember not our own ideas of what the world is for. We do not know. Let every image held of everyone be loosened from our minds and swept away. Be innocent of judgement, unaware of any thoughts of evil or of good that ever crossed your mind of anyone. Now do we know him not. But you ARE free to learn of him, and learn of him anew. Now is he born again to you, and you are born again to him, without the past that sentenced him to die, and you with him. Now is he free to live, as you are free, because an ancient learning passed away, and left a place for truth to be reborn.”
i think there is a ‘politics’ to a restored wholeness of being, but not in any frame of our own manufacture. Note the underlying hack being attempted is not really according to genetic dogma, contrived to reset us to systemic control, under false-framed risk modelling as a biological patho-genesis, such as to need to kill and replace a true inherence with a false inheritance. That promises the world, but… be careful what you wish for!
The nano-bio-tech seeks to hack and override the bio-field. Sounds familiar?
Isnt it curious that the structured water is a liquid crystal of offset hexagonal lattice that serves energetic and informational communication – just as does graphene sheets – apparently – for the ability to set a new ‘science’ as a primed gold-rush of invested identity works a mind -capture that learns to see and comply according to its own wishing, along with a deeper guilted complicity in lies that are never neutral or made worthy by war to eradicate ever shifting evils.
The world we meet is not more or less than we give it. That we map out rules it doesn’t keep, or laws we don’t keep, to promises that cant be kept, is the grasp of a love that turns to hate that runs to a love of hating as a means to vengeance seeking self-vindication.
No matter the purpose of others or world, my own learning and joy in being is an alignment in the heart – as an acceptance or decision. But I cannot do this of myself – because… I am never truly of myself. But CAN be phished by thinking or False Evidence Appearing Real.
I would avoid that book. It’s not the same Christ as in the gospels
I don’t think it’s any christ at all. They just made it up all those years. Those truly understand should speak clearly and surely not lengthy. Lengthy wording shows no mastery.
“It was the Chinks wot did it.”
This is now the officially authorised conspiracy theory, so we must all, without further ado, accept that this is all completely accurate.
It has nothing whatsoever to do with any propaganda and vilification campaign against China. Anyone who says so is just a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist, and probably a Putin Bot to boot.
And the FBI says this is true, an organisation of unimpeachable integrity with a record of 100% accuracy and reliability.Sound and honest men one and all.
We must go to war with Johnny Chinaman at once.
War with China ?
Thry could possibly create a new “axis” as in WW2. China, Russia and possibly Iran. Possibly other countries. If only we could bug Waddesdon Manor.
There’s no sacrificial lamb nation to take all the hits for the Yanks off the Chinese coast. So it’s either US citizens die or just a phoney war.
A classic of the “it was all a big misunderstanding” genre:
If there really was a new lethal virus and masks/isolation were any use against it, what more was there to understand? They carried on partying because one – probably both – of those claims was bollocks and they knew it.
CHD is fully pushing “lab leak,” this piece includes RFK Jr.’s tweet parroting the New York Times.
DOE Finds COVID Likely Emerged From Wuhan Lab, Sparks Congressional Investigation. 2/28/23.
Gatekeepers extraordinare
Who would of thought it…
Remember to donate to the legal fee;s….
Once one accepts that there was a “pandemic” then you are “gotten” and the rest follows as day follows night.
just asking for a friend…
Is that Kamala Harris covering up or cleaning after someone on the Banksy above?
‘The “covid was a lab leak” story was always a back door official narrative that reinforced the reality of the “pandemic” while appearing to be a suppressed “alternative”.’
Totally agree, Catte, and you’ve put it well. I’ll quote you often.
There were always plenty of clues that it was a beatup: the judgement of credible virologists etc (as reported in Off Guardian), the evidence out of Italy, an early hotspot, that the vast majority died of something else, all the various bs stories which smacked of desperation such as asymptomatic covid.
NY Post has article ’10 myths told by COVID experts — and now debunked’, one of them being the Wuhan Leak. Still has a lot of useful stuff, and the fact that such an outlet has to make concessions is something, even if they’re digging in on the actual existence of the dread virus. I just tell people to ignore the bs about a leak.
Barbara – most humans are asymptomatic following most viral infections. We are constantly exposed to infectious viruses and if we are in good health, we won’t get symptoms. What’s stupid is calling asymptomatic SARS-CoV2 infection Covid19, since ‘Covid19’ was a clinical set of symptoms.
Sure enough, the pre-covid world has been shattered. And that in itself is an insurmountable barrier to comprehension – especially for those of my own generation (in their 60s) who are in the comfy position of being able to look back fondly on a time of complacent plenty. It was a measure of how far we could fall that the 80s was excoriated as a disastrous collapse when it was still a luxuriant hedonistic fairground of excess and fun for all – or at least for that class of academic sycophants which, truth be told, made up most of the folks I … umm “fondly” recall.
I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the generations coming up now grow to hate us – or perhaps they already do? Do they not see us as a kind of extension of that bourgeois liberal hippie ethos which even has the nerve to congratulate itself on how “wildly subversive” it was when it was nothing of the sort, where the “wild subversion” just turned out to be another marketing gimmick to shift a load of worthless consumer junk?
And we self-regarding rebels are now confronted with incontrovertible proof of how phoney all that old crap was. Naturally, most of us can’t stand that and will never admit it. We can never own up to being only the snottiest spoiled brats in all history.
It was a measure of how far we could fall that the 80s was excoriated as a disastrous collapse when it was still a luxuriant hedonistic fairground of excess and fun for all – or at least for that class of academic sycophants which, truth be told, made up most of the folks I … umm “fondly” recall.
I called it in 1983, while at UVic BC, Canada.
It was called the “Promise of Prosperity” when the fait accompli known as Expo86 was announced, at the same time as “Fiscal Restraint”.
Irony of ironies, a Hong Kong Triad Crime Lord known as Li Kashing (KaChing!) bought the most expensive Vancouver Downtown property (False Creek) AT A DISCOUNT, before reselling to developers.
“Fiscal Restraint” meant that the money goes to Oligarchs and not the citizenry.
I even predicted the 3P Development Fraud – Fascism writ large.
75 into the 80’s Amongst us working lads and retailers it was the called rise of smart investing in London’s City districts., by us Northerners wide spread unemployment.,
Well I’ve always had a gloomy “Calvinist” outlook. Though I think that those who started to suspect the truth through the covid scam and then retreated have less and less excuse as time goes on.
It matters.
Hippies – peace, free love, brotherhood, dawning of Aquarius.
Here is an ultra-popular song from that era.
Jimmy Hendrix
Hey Joe
[Verse 1]
Hey Joe, where you going with that gun in your hand?
Hey Joe, I said, where you going with that gun in your hand?
[Verse 2]
I’m going down to shoot my old lady
You know, I caught her messing around with another man
I’m going down to shoot my old lady
You know, I caught her messing around with another man
And that ain’t too cool
[Verse 3]
Hey Joe, I heard you shot your woman down
You shot her down, now
Hey Joe, I heard you shot your old lady down
You shot her down to the ground
[Verse 4]
Yes I did, I shot her
You know, I caught her messing around, messing around town
Yes I did, I shot her
You know, I caught my old lady messing around town
And I gave her the gun, I shot her!
[Guitar Solo/Bridge]
Hey Joe, alright
Shoot her one more time, baby
[Verse 5]
Hey Joe, where you going to run to now?
Where you going to run to?
Hey Joe, I said, where you going to run to now?
Where you, where you going to go?
Well, dig it
[Verse 6]
I’m going way down south
Way down to Mexico way, alright
I’m going way down south
Way down where I can be free
There’s no one going to find me
[Verse 7]
Ain’t no hangman going to
He ain’t gonna put a rope around me
You better believe it right now, I got to go now
Hey Joe, you better run on down
Goodbye everybody, ow!
Hey Joe, run on down
Early saw him live oh he was incredible. US was always a decade behind European music imo, then you stomped on it with rap garbage fucked ever since.
Elderly Americans musical tastes are 55 years off the charts in the Smithsonian imo.
Hendrix didn’t write that song you know. It was written in the late 1950s.
Are there more things Hendrix didnt do?
Your point being?
1972-74 was a blast George yea where were you at, oil petrol 3 day week power cuts. Where were your families friends chums outages communities and further afield come spit it out. WE got on throughout rough and tumble expecting double triple quads inflationary various pricing yeahhh WE got on., We still went out moved Scots Irish Welsh English British.
Yes George…the year one thousand.
What’s this folks and bad guy thing, are you Americans or something??
Where are you from?
John Michael Greer agrees with you, George.
“I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the generations coming up now grow to hate us”.
Today I saw that the local school children of my small town (city?) in NZ had been taken into town to chalk on the pavement in “protest”, slogans such as “you will die of old age, but we will die of climate change”. Presumably because of the cars that their parents drive (and drop them off to their indoctrination camps/schools in) and other such modern evils. Bastards.
Are any of these kids being groomed as the next Greta?
Why not graffiti back ‘Get a grip or jump off a bridge. But stop spouting claptrap to prove how ignorant you are!’?
The One who is in control is Him who has always been. This epic time is for our collective development; His project which will absolutely succeed in rendering us fit to inhabit His domain in Eternity. We don’t have to like it, nor can we escape it, but we can be held harmless if we access the state of Thoughtless Awareness regularly. From there the Play can even be enjoyed at times. That is our mission, should we decide to accept it; we can refuse in our freedom and glory but cannot thereafter expect an easy time of it.
I would suggest that He doesn’t bother about whether we live or die; He endowed us with the self-preservation instinct as part of our empowerment. Anyway, we don’t perish at death but resume our ascent in the next life, and so on until we achieve our immortality.
There seem to be quite a few here who exercise that instinct!
We ascend into the realm of Pure Consciousness, which is Universal and doesn’t scintillate into individuals.
A single past tense path leading to retrospective oblivion needing outsourcing revisions, no wonder your group thinking contains individualic confirmed linking via other group tagged recommendation.
The transgender goon squad moves its tendrils towards the disabled:
As one who works with the disabled, and also the parent of a disabled child, I find this utterly vomitable. And I have been through some unbelievably crass and uncomprehending media campaigns allegedly intended to aid this segment by e.g. promoting a barrage of acronyms representing groups who were supposed to help and which even the non-disabled would have trouble figuring out. After a while I came to the suspicion that none of the labyrinthine “easy read” explanations was intended to explain anything at all and was only there to sow confusion whilst supplying employment to people who were even less socially adept than the ones they were supposed to be helping.
But that was relatively harmless do-goodery. Now it’s the trans-mafia sinking their festering claws into the most vulnerable, twisting minds that are already struggling with heaps of nonsense, and terrorising the lonely by implanting totally artificial “discoveries” which are sheer Orwellian distortion.
I don’t believe that any of these mind poisoners are naïvely “attempting to help”. They are fully aware of the chaos and fear they are spreading.
Just because they’re disabled doesn’t mean they can’t have non stop gay sex and rainbow coloured dildos like everybody else. Everybody has to join in.
Sorry for yet another link from But this is without doubt the most insane Covid related thing I’ve yet encountered. Maybe those of you who are British already know of it. But it was news to me.
“Exterminate All Cats in Britain”: Culling Pet Cats at Start of Pandemic, Says Former U.K Minister – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
Well, with a zoned out on drugs and tittytainment populace who needs any cuddly fur babies, right?
Is that the sound of cheering mice I can hear?
Increases in stray cats eating discarded filth carrying bacteria are they dumpster diving? Hanging around councill tips large town open containers rubbish trash cans dustbins City Dumpsters.
Common in Europe ask a veterinarian. I suspect it’s one reason the Cat was a hint for Americans to take care of their Pets like part of the family imo.
To be fair, they sound like they were brainstorming possible decisions in a what-if kind of way. There’s no suggestion they came close to actually doing this.
While more and more people are waking up, more and more will succumb to the death clot jab.
The next 24 months are going to be interesting.
We ain’t seen nothing yet.
They ain’t seen nothing yet.
We’ll see what the excess mortality stats say about 2023 next year.
Now that less and less are actively taking the injections, the fallout will be more innocuous. More and more cancers and other sudden deaths that just crept up and jumped on normally healthy people. Nothing to see here.
“Scientists discover a hidden metal orb at the centre of the Earth”
Ooh I can’t look! Tell me when it’s all over!
Why is it hidden? If it’s there it’s in the center of the planet an thus unfuckingobservable, JFC, not “hidden”.
Notice the general theme – unobservable but 100% true and in existence.
That’s an easy one. In all the Sci-Fi shows, a space ship “hides” behind a moon or an asteroid till the bad guys go on by – they’ve even done it on “Red Dwarf.”
So, obviously, in real life, billions of years back, a space ship hiding behind a moon was inadvertently blown away when the new planet – Earth (though they didn’t call it Earth back then) – was being formed.
Kind of the ultimate “Oops!” moment.
The start of humanity was when an alien spaceship emptied its bilge over an inhabited planet.
“they’d much rather you didn’t remember”. Period.
Since I’m new to this site, I don’t know what the cogitations were that led to the verdict that the corona virus could not have been engineered.
If it would have been my job to run the show, I would have released an artificial virus, because it would have strengthened my case to respond in the intended way. Perhaps not everybody was on board, initially. But after some top secret reports that could never be disclosed, because that would cause panic, the people in the know would have known that they had to participate in the charade. And why not turn around then and leak them inofficially for good measure?
On the other hand, if there was nothing, then I would have to promise something as a reward for the participation in the show. I think that also occurred, but only with leftists: they were probably told, judging by their behaviour, that the whole thing was simply a joke in order to spoil the fascist take over, to make sure that the populistic simpletons were relegated back to their places.
The beauty of this hush hush stuff is that you can tell a different lie to everyone and even if they find out, they still think that it’s a necessary deception in order to keep the problematic factions in the dark.
But this much is totally obvious: Whoever is running this and to whatever end, the focus of the influence operation is on the GOs and NGOs, not the general public.The general public only consumes a week dilution of the programming that went into the key players’ heads.
Be totally sure that they are deceived. You see, it is easier to burn than to build. If your own authority (prestige, recognition) isn’t sufficient, instead of working on it, if you need quick results, better destroy the authority (prestige, recognition) of the other party.
Normality has gone in just 3 years. It’s a historic achievement.
So, now what? Amnesty? Everything is better than to continue on this trajectory?
Methinks the fecklessness has to be eradicated. Me also thinks that the only way is through an actual emergency. Right now, this is all still Knight Kadosh, burning the stubble, inflicting a wound in order to increase the vigour. But all that it causes is: We better grant amnesty, let’s just get over this. And what is repaired by that? What trends have been turned around?
No, it’s an F. You do all these things, and you still think that you’re doing nothing wrong. Sorry, you do. Trump couldn’t even make minute changes to the supply chains. Well, with war with Russia and China on the horizon, perhaps some changes can be made now? Or is that wrongheaded, and there is no problem with the China price? Just go on as before. It’s all just evil plans by the likes of Soros, creating artificial chaos and without these evil actors this is the best system. They are just a-holes, chill dude and take a joint.
Klaus Schwab thinks, if you don’t want to become a cyborg you’re a Luddite. But he has a point there: For our society to advance in the established pattern, we would indeed have to become cyborgs (and eventually God, or Q, I mean John de Lancie). But for us to advance in another pattern, we certainly would have to show more resolve than, well, sit there and take it.
The seals are surprises during adventures, the trumpets transgressions under systemic pressures and the vials rebukes in aberration. That is a natural arc: You weave your clothes, you wear them and eventually they unravel.
When now the strongest military in the world sees that its foundation unravels, what will it do?
What would you do in its place?
And hence the unravelling will flow into an authoritarian state. It’s a natural arc.Also it’s natural that that authoritarian state does not weave new clothes, but tries to hold the old ones together. This is all predictable. It’s what happened wiith Caesar, Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero.
Really, I don’t get this obsession with the lab leak at all.
No one “released” anything
They rebranded seasonal flu
I (mostly) agree with you.
But what are all those people working in pharmacology and virology labs actually doing? What is the nature of their work?
and the “seasonal flu” is likely symptoms of vitamin D and zinc deficiency, most noticeable in the winter months in the northern hemisphere. Any other symptoms can likely be explained by the usual suspects: parasites, malnutrition and poisoning (of air, water, food etc).
TPTB are all about control and self preservation. They wouldn’t dare release something only for it to come after them. It was weaponization of the seasonal flu using the MSM to conduct a fear porn campaign.
I suggest you learn about Terrain Theory, that is a counter to Germ Theory.
I see your point, but here’s A.P. on the subject of preservation:
Perhaps, then, sheep like complacency is seen as a threat to preservation? Perhaps the pot needs to be stirred?
Only, with very limited success so far. It could still go all according to plan, but if you compare the current situation with the kind of vigour you still had 50 years ago, it doesn’t look good. And so, perhaps, things will go differently, because the clothes have worn thin, as I put it.
Great article, unfortunately the articles that follow, is back to numpty-ville.
You should have a article at least once a week Catte.
Rather than a bio monthly corner.
Your a breath of fresh air on Off Guardian.
Just say, “Alex Jones”.
That is how easy it is to dismiss the opposition.
Just create a barrel
for the nut case opposition
and any serious person that doesn’t follow the official narrative
is treated collectively with the Alex Joneses.
Alex Jones has left the building so the Five Eyes need other barrels.
And here one is – OffG.
Return this article to Sender:
Ms False Binary
Explain the false Binary, please.
Historian Carroll Quigley called it the Network and their ultimate goal is the destruction of national sovereignty. If they haven’t succeeded yet, is no worry to them, they play the long game. But what is very clear now that was harder to see prior to Plandemic, is how many countries have already given up their sovereignty to the Network.
Any country part of the financial oligarchy, Rothschild banking cartel / IMF / BIS system is certainly part of the network.
Russia also historically, although since Putin kicked out the oligarchs it appears to be taking a different turn.
How it pans out will be interesting but quite a few similarities to Germany in the 30’s. Hence the MSM opprobrium.
Excellent article. The last two sentences above offer the solution, there really is no other way and it’s even more effective at scale. We are the way out.
Everything We Were Told About Covid And The ‘Vaccines’ Was A LIE
“…we’ve established beyond ANY doubt that:
1. *Every single thing we were told is a lie.
2. The “vaccines” not only don’t work to protect people, but they are injurious and have killed millions.
Personally I no longer believe there was any novel respiratory virus, though my beliefs don’t change anything.
See Denis Rancourt’s articles and interviews.
So arguing details just wears us out. I stick with the big picture because this is the heart of it.
If we can’t persuade people of that, humanity is going down.
Best wishes,
Mike [Yeadon]
Disinfo: So where are all of these mass graves and millions of dead bodies?
Time for your next booster.
Death stats are the gold standard in epidemiology
Wakey wakey!!
Go and ask around at the funeral/cremation-parlers, the embalmers and the Life-insurrance Co’s about it bc your toothfairy isn’t going to tell you….
Mike Yeadon, has see thru the veil, he’s right. And the key, of course, is Rancourt.
I can get along with this statement. But I can’t get along with ‘the vaccines have killed millions’. Almost everyone I know went and got jabbed and every one of the daft bastards is still alive and kicking, thankfully. No illness, no injury. That’s anecdotal of course, but then everyone of the people I know who had the vaccine also know people who got the vaccine and no one has reported any deaths or injuries or illness. I also don’t know anyone who died or was hospitalised by ‘Covid’.
Along with that vaccine anecdote (which carries as little statistical weight as anyone saying that someone they know died due to a covid vaccine), there’s also inconvenient facts such as hospitals and healthcare facilities lying empty and unused, despite a supposedly virulent and deadly pandemic.
So, given that there’s allegedly now a killer-vaccine pandemic, I’m confused as to why there aren’t piles of bodies in the street and hospitals stocked with uncountable dead. How many strangers have you witnessed dropping dead recently? Funny that, considering most people got a jab, apparently.
I’m willing to accept that mental and physical healthcare support is intentionally worn to bits so those at the bottom suffer greatly and die more frequently. I believe the main driver of this is greed, because it all just costs so much money and resources to help those people and the parasites don’t like that one bit. This explains the unusual excess death situation also.
Is there real evidence for vaccines killing people on a grand scale? I don’t believe so, but it does keep us all pointlessly looking into that (you don’t actually believe such a truth would ever see the light of day do you?) while they rearrange the face of our world by pretending an imaginary disease killed millions of people.
The jab is toxic and that explains the excess deaths. Any questions?
Nobody has stated that vaccines don’t have any side effects. Think of the open discussion in the media about heart issues directly caused by some vaccines as one example. They don’t mind telling you they might cause some issues in some people, because it’s impossible to deny all issues.
Many medicines or treatments come with a list of potential side effects, including death.
So that said, I’m struggling to make the leap from apparent excess deaths to the intentional murder of millions of people by vaccination.
I do believe the evident and unprecedented increase in the parasites profit and wealth and their, mostly successful, tyrannical moves to control and manipulate a global population, are ample motives for the deranged propaganda and rabid vaccine push seen in the last few years.
Would they kill their insanely lucrative business and control model? The next pandemic, lockdown, arms out, jab jab jab?
Would they want that to end by murdering the faithful?
That would be extremely un-parasite like.
I live in a small village in Australia and can name 5 people who had serious affects, blood clots, strokes and one young lady nearly bleed to death from her vagina and another young lady told me she had a ‘horrific’ reaction after the 2nd. I didn’t pry, but she left her job because she would not take a 3rd. Then talking to a guy the other day, he told me 5 people in his extended family all got cancer and 2 died within 3 months. I think the injection shortens life and makes infertile.
Exactly. Anecdotes are fairly weak as proof of anything, yours and mine. But whose anecdote seems more typical? If yours was more typical we would all, almost certainly, see strangers dropping dead in the street regularly.
I saw a woman go into a coma on a bus trip soon after the clot shots were rolled out. Not long after another woman fell and broke an arm on a moving escalator. I spoke to a person that was nearly killed by the clot shot. Are you paid by Pfizer or any of the NWO’s myriad tentacles ?
“…open discussion in the media…”? Really? Shola, which planet are you posting from?
Myocarditis and pericarditis are two obvious examples of admitted potential adverse effects from the vaccines. This was put out frequently in msm for last few years. This by itself supports my point about acknowledged effects and makes you look like you can’t make any relevant points about the substance of my comment.
If the jab kills 0.1% and injures 0.5%, will your anecdote reveal that?
If I can pluck imaginary numbers from thin air like you did, then I can use them to support anything I want.
I acknowledged the uselessness of anecdotes in my comment, whether in support of or denial of a hypothesis.
VAERs have 34,000 killed. Given that only 1% of events are reported that is 3.4 million Yanks alone. Denis Rancourt’s figures extrapolated imply 30 million deaths worldwide. Not enough to satisfy Kill Gates and yourself I assume.
Shola, see Gerard’s post just above. And consult Denis Rancourt at his website on the topic of all-cause mortality. That should straighten out your anecdotally-created misperception. The sober fact is that ‘the measures’ plus the poison-stabs have killed millions globally, and maimed many millions. Meanwhile, it’s now widely accepted that the Infection Fatality Rate of the – alleged – covid pathogen is in the usual range of seasonal flus: less than half of one percent.
And remember, the stabs have been done in their billions. Most of the deluded recipients have been lucky – so far; there ar no long-term figures for overall effects just yet, since the stabs only started getting foisted on the over-trusting a couple of years ago. Early signs of persistent damage to natural immunity, and the consequent up-tick in cancers and other immune-related diseases, are not encouraging, though. This poison-vat is still bubbling…
I’m only talking about the vaccine deaths, the intent therein, and the evidence for it.
Rancourt correlating covid-19 all cause mortality to a “likely signature of mass homicide by government response”, has absolutely nothing to do with my comment.
It’s gone listening to me voices 24/7 for God’s sake wake up. Who in their right mind would listen to commentary voices. God Blimey, and we left school at fifteen years old.
You have something specifically to say? No, then get the Hell out of the way, we know our rules of do’s s and dont’s, piss off digital nats your circulatory annoying. Instant recognisable singleton gobshites.
Crackpot dollies and dickhead self opinioned habitat moronic pre- schooled uselessly Obese Gobs. 🤡
Mind the Gap..then toe poke.
I’m sure it was. The pricks will do anything to get ahead.
Does it mean, however, that there are unlimited reserves of oil on Earth? More importantly, does it mean that the extraction can continue at an ever-increasing rate to provide fuel for constant growth? Does it mean that the economic model that shifts production in time through debt and in place through transport (globalization) is unsustainable?
Don’t think so.
Even if Rockefella was a no good prick it doesn’t mean that ecology/energy issues are not real. It’s patently wrong to dismiss a statement by an asshole solely on the grounds that the asshole is an asshole. The asshole might be right.
Check out the genetic fallacy.
Russia has has infinite oil.
It doesn’t matter whether oil reserves are finite or not.
The problem is that the economic model is based on consuming more than it produces. The deficit production is shifted to the future through debt. The model requires growth to be constant, which means that more and more energy is needed. Even if there was an unlimited amount of it, there is point beyond at which its generation cannot be increased and the system fails. That’s probably happening now.
You are assuming that what they tell us is true regarding production. There is enough production capacity to make a barrel of oil worth less than 25 USD. Part of what has propped up the petrol dollar is the controlled production and concept that oil is finite.
How many times do they get to predict that oil will run out by X, then it doesn’t happen, before we figure out that it is all a con game?
You seem to have no clue what’s going on.
This is not about some random amount of some random pieces of paper (petro fucking dollars). This is about the PHYSICAL world, the actual stuff. You can’t cheat that by fucking with the financial system, which is a superimposed abstract concept, where the PHYSICAL SHIT GOVERNS what happens, not what droves of wishful-thinking motherfuckers try to concoct.
So, it’s like this. What spins the wheels of this world is energy, namely oil/natural gas. The shit is also used to make fertilizers, which is important, but perhaps secondary. Anyway, the way economy is set up is that it needs more and more energy, not only to sustain economic growth but also to cover deficit in current production shifted to the future through debt. This simply can’t go on indefinitely, regardless of how some fucking dollars. It’s a PHYSICAL thing.
Plus, you have to factor in all sorts of extraneous costs, like pollution and stuff like that.
Sorry man, but invoking some random dollar figure is endlessly myopic.
Human ingenuity will overcome this just like it overcame every other problem. It might be through nuclear fusion or through solar or something radically different, but don’t underestimate humans. We are the solution, not the problem.
I’m not sure if I share your confidence.
Your conviction is based on pure belief and completely ignores PHYSICAL REALITY.
As much as underestimating humans is the last thing I’d do, lets look at the facts.
The only energy Earth gets in real time comes from the Sun. Some energy can be harvested from the Moon. There is also accumulated solar energy in the form of all sorts of shit that we burn, ranging from oil to fucking trees. Nuclear, as you correctly point out, is the only usable thing that comes from Earth itself and it’s also the only source of energy that comes from the human ingenuity you mention. The rest is basically just burning shit we’ve found lying around.
Now, if the accumulated energy in the form of oil-gas-whatever is running out and since nuclear is not quite capable of replacing it, where the notion that solar power (or wind, which is solar too) can replace oil/gas is pure phantasmagoria, where is the energy we need to sustain our way of life gonna come from? And it appears that this needs to be done rather quickly.
Where are you gonna get the juice from? And I’m all ears, truly.
Unfortunately, everything suggests that the population overshoot is
a real thing. That we’re living off energy accumulated over eons, which we’re burning like there was no tomorrow and which will sooner or later run out. And even if it’s later, the economic model that runs on ever-increasing use of energy is not sustainable.
I don’t like the great resetters, the depopulators, all them fuckers any more than the next guy, but the aforestated does appear to be the actual reality. If not, I’ll be glad to stand corrected.
Bitcoin fixes this
Give me a break.
This is not a financial problem. It’s a thermodynamic problem.
Have you become so divorced from matter, soil, the tangible world, that you’d actually believe some shit about bitcoin?
There ain’t enough energy in the world to run the whole fucking circus it’s presently set up. Wrap your head around it.
Jesus ‘Severely Regarded’ is a hilarious laugh! All the usual magical thinking trotted out steadily in the usual reality-denying spiel! Blind, ignorant faith in bitcoin and ‘human ingenuity’ startrekkytechietechie is going to fix it all? Yeah? Really?
😂 I’m pissing meself!
More soberly: Kurt (and anyone else interested in reality-based thinking) you might like to take a look at Tim Morgan’s SEEDS analysis of the energy crisis. Tim is one of those who understands EROEI – energy returned on energy invested (though he calls it ECoE – energy cost of energy).
That understanding helps crucially in grokking the real emergency of our fossil-hydrocarbon energy dilemma; for which, incidentally, there are no, zero, zilch replacement solutions anywhere on the realworld horizon (as distinct from the faith-based startrekkytechietechie dreamworld).
Don’t kid yourselves about nuclear or ‘renewables’ (which are only functional because of a continuous fossil-hydrocarbon energy subsidy to make, build, maintain and replace them).
They won’t be enabling continuation of business – and life – as usual when the hydro-carbon shortages (the real, geophysically-mandated ones, not the market-jiggery-pokery ones) begin to bite. They only provide electricity, not the vital, all-important high-energy-density liquid fuels that power transport (and please, before anyone starts babbling about electrolysis to generate hydrogen, do take a serious look into the whole hydrogen fantasy; and a bit of deep digging too about the sober realities of electric vehicles, and their never-more-than-niche viability, wouldn’t hurt either.
Don’t just quote something you read on Fart Brook. Do some serious self-educational digging!
Here’s the link to Tim’s website:
Here is a nice article summing up the problems with nuclear power –
As to hydrogen, I can tell you that the gas companies are actually working on adding hydrogen to natural gas. There was a plan to install large solar plants in Ukraine (i), use them for electrolysis to produce hydrogen, and blend the shit with natural gas transported from there. Out of the question pour le moment.
I like the ‘reality-based’ thinking – it’s staggering how people are all intangible vs. tangible, software vs. hardware, abstract vs. concrete. They probably think that having sex is watching porn …
Even if there were infinite reserves of oil and coal, all we need is one giant solar flare to finish us off. And the 12th anniversary of Fukushima is coming up.
Asimov said we’d be roaming around the universe abou now, as did Hollyweird (Star Wars) and TV serials (Star Trek). A load of bollocks.
I’m not aware of anyone saying oil will run out by any given date. Only that Peak Oil has been passed and there’s a decline in the future.
Nothing – absolutely nothing – can conceivably be infinite. Even the biggest, brightest star in the universe will eventually run out of fuel and begin its decline.
Why would oil be the one exception?
If it is produced quicker than we can use it up, when is gonna run out?
Do you have some basic education in fucking physics? How the fuck can it be produced quicker than used up? Where does the energy come from?
Oh christ! Please stop SR! I shall injure myself! 😂
When it finally isn’t, you mooncalf narna! 😂
Oil isn’t finite, Tom? Really? Oh god, please stop! I shall die laughing! 😂 😂 😂
Obviously you’re not familiar with Albert Bartlett’s famous dictum about humankind’s fatal inability to grasp the significance of the exponential function. Do try to get a grasp on it, dearie! And all you other wishful-thinking deluded cornucopianists too…
The economy is based on debt, that cannot be repaid as it grows exponentially due to usury.
Keep sluggin’ Kurt. The over-riding fact of ecological-overshoot, and consequent Peak Everything, particularly Peak Energy, is right now in the early stages of batting us all round the head with its non-negotiable objective reality. Even the most delusional of the wishful thinkers will be thumped into waking up eventually.
You’ll need to be patient though, Just take a look at ‘Severely Regarded’s’ brain-dead post just below. ‘Has’ times two, just to underline her/his/its gob-smacking twittery! S/he/it even seems to think Wikideceivia is a credible source!! 😮 😂
Cornucopian magical thinking is still rife amongst the btls here.
Good Questions for Corbett on mrna so-called vaccines for cattle. The road leads to One Health, an important but under-appreciated part of the big picture.
Meanwhile the UK MSM have been frothing for two days about some Matt Hancock leaks. Hancock seems to be being turned into the Prince Andrew of Covid (i.e. the lightning rod for discontent while being no innocent but not one of the main players).
Great piece, Catte.
The next scene of the play is ESG investment.
When a companies investment strategy is ruled by “climate” at the risk of losing your company, you no longer have private enterprise.
What do you have ?
Well, it’s a lot like communism and it’s a lot like fascism but then don’t the two meet at some point ?
Neither dogma will accept a free market without government intervention.
Whatever you want to call it, thankfully you don’t have to choose.
You can have a good dose of both !
The Myths Told by Covid Experts – And Now Debunked
Covidisrealcovidisrealcovidisreal. Repeat.
Your one of the editors are you not…?
Lead by example. Then Catte……
You’ve started to publish crap recently – lowering the IQ levels.
Either, you’ve all been given the script..? like they was in 2020/2021.
and now your type is back to publishing left bashing and concentrate of the blame on the few- trying to whitewash covid history.
Each week on OFFG expect Ardern, Trudeau or Biden to be mentioned at least 3 times + or none story’s like Roald Dahl whilst the CONseratives/Republicians
get a pass.
There is nothing wrong with the 1% passing laws defining “hate speech” for the 99%? The best Democracy that money can buy.
Florida, The Sunshine State.
5 years in prison.
DeSantis is fighting the deep state 😂
5 years for hate speech ….dont except the MSM alt media to cover it ..
There to bu£y $shilling and punching left.
Hate is a human right.
This is just our Zionist chums criminalising any criticism of Israel.
I find it a difficult call, Catte, between the scenario that you offer here, with all your usual panache (and with which your editorial colleagues clearly agree), and the other alternative.
Have to stay open-mindedly sceptical, I guess; a stance which I find myself forced to adopt in spades these days, on all matters to do with large-scale public affairs: WTF is going on!? I dunno. Too confusing to indulge in certainties – in any direction.
i’ve never been convinced by Off-G’s AIIT thesis. It seems to me, on the contrary, that the wearisomely-inevitable deadly rivalry between the world’s power blocs is entirely real, and is indeed simply the latest iteration of a – now quite unnecessary – animus between rival clans, that goes back into our remote past, and which is based solely on our irrational instincts as a social species which defends territory against rival groups, simply as a survival strategy. A viable strategy amongst animals living the instinctual life in a global wilderness (works very well for wolves and other pack-canids, for example), but clearly not in the homsap-overloaded world which we have now.
So – how to explain that lockstep unanimity with which all the blocs, and all their satellite-states, imposed the ‘measures against covid’, if it really wasn’t a case of AIIT?
Someone at Moon of Alabama suggested that the ruling factions within the power-structures in China and Russia started out thinking that the WHO’s announcement of a PHEIC (pronounced ‘fake’) pandemic might just be genuine, so – better to take precautionary steps quickly, just in case. But then, savvy people within those two blocs saw, as many of us did quite quickly, that it was all a big swindle. Without benefit of any state intelligence I was already there myself within a week or two of the March, 2020 launch of the covid swindle. I was pretty certain it was a fake. I can’t believe that others within the power-structures didn’t see it pretty quickly too.
But then, the Russian and Chinese ruling factions decided to play along with the pretence. They both knew that a whole lot of criminal jiggery pokery had been going on in the Anglozionist empire’s biowar laboratories, attempting for many years to develop catastrophically-lethal pathogens for use against rivals – preferably racially-targetable, of course – just as they themselves – the Russians and the Chinese – had been doing in their own semi-secret biowar labs.
Also, it beggars belief to imagine that the Chinese didn’t know about the US scams being attempted actually within the Chinese labs, as in Wuhan for example. Of course they grasped that, how could they not, and they were watching, war-gaming, and counter-moving all along. God knows where Shi Zhengli stands in all this. Probably in a somewhat similar situation to Lee Harvey Oswald, who shouted out to the media at one point during his arrest that he was the patsy… Er yes, exactly so Lee/Shi. What took ya so long?
I find no difficulty in entertaining the hypothesis that there are people within both the Russian and the Chinese power-structures who would like to join with their counterparts within the West – multibillionaire oligarchs all – and would like to organise the AIIT-style globalist-fascist racket which Off-G describes; the Jack Ma’s and Khodorkovski’s and their ilks. Sure they would. Twits like that really seem to think that because they have this one lonely talent – to be Olympic-class money-grubbers – they just must be highly superior to we mere hoi-polloi plebs, and that therefore they’re wholly entitled to manage – and cull – us as their cattle (the poor delusional farts!).
But – as has been pointed out by several street-savvy commentators – when it comes to a face-down between the schmucks who command huge dragon-hoards of wealth, and the other schmucks who have fanatically-loyal bands of professionally-competent killer-thugs at their command – military, police, mafia-hitmen, etc., it’s the violence-wielders who have the upper hand. So, the multibil-oligarch farties get told:
“Yeah sure, you can go on money-grubbing – so long as we get our protection-money cut, natch: “ten-percent for the big guy” – but don’t ever try to call the shots. That’s our prerogative; step out of line from our policies and you’ll be gone in a moment; most unfortunate, unsuspected heart weakness or some such misfortune…”
And the ollies calculate that their own merely hired-gun muscle are never going to be as loyal to them as are the heart-and-mind followers of the violence-wielding schmucks to them. So the ollies uncle, and go along quietly.
In other words: there’s no clear-cut AIIT consensus amongst the true power-wielders in the blocs. And their apparent deadly rivalry is not only apparent but absolutely real. Do the good folk here at Off-G really imagine that the Stavka class – the steadfast true Russian patriots of the military and the intel outfits (including Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin) – or their equivalent true Chinese patriots in China – would go along meekly with the grubby scams of the globalist oligarch fascist delusionals? Really? Ya think…? 😂
If so, may I suggest that you must be globalist-inclined strangers to the life-and-death passions of patriotism yourselves. That sort of footloose deracination does seem to come over some members of the uni-plankton intelligentsia…
Obviously, it would be entirely possible for all humans, worldwide, to agree to work together to climb down very carefully and humanely from the precarious ecological-overshoot pinnacle on which we now teeter, and then set about bringing in a world where everyone has enough, and we all have (real) democracy and basic human rights, and we honour and take care of the living Earth, to ensure that we don’t fuck it over ever again. Of course we could do that. It’s technically possible. But we’re Earthings, not Vulcans, and we don’t do constant cool rationality at all times. No, we think like wolves: ‘My pack against the world!’
That being so, the AIIT thesis really doesn’t convince.
PS: Wolves are fellow-Earthlings whom I absolutely adore. No disrespect ever intended to them! 🙂
I think you’re on the right track. It has puzzled me no end why the Chinese and the Russians went along with the covid scam. However there IS such a thing as geopolitics and it clearly pitches NATO against the anti-West power blocks. Russia and China adopting the covid fraud cannot imply that they go along West’s lockstep scenarios. They obviously don’t. Hence the war. (And I really don’t want to read again that it is phoney and not a real war. That’s actually an outrageous statement.)
How about this: Covid was a tool to bring down European and Russian economies and to harm the Chinese one. It wasn’t even meant as a Big Pharma bonanza initially (they would have had the ‘vaccines’ ready from the start in this case, wouldn’t they). But Russia and China didn’t take the bait. Instead Sputnik V and Sinovac went through first. By the end of 2020 it must have been clear that this approach had failed. From then on a weird propaganda frenzy directed inwards to cover the tracks, muddy the waters, distract and antagonize. And also the build-up to the war.
That would explain why the prison is only half built as of now.
Russia and China have also found it useful to play along with the fake moon landings. The ruling classes do have shared interests that bridge racial divides. But after what happened to Saddam and Gaddafi they must have worked out that NATO is not to be trusted.
Big Pharma bonanza is also a piece of it. And they did have the vaccines ready from before. Pfizer invested in Biontech around 2018 and the EU sent 50 million to Biontech in December 2019. The vax passes have been planned in the EU since at least 2015 when the first documents appeared in the public domain. That’s how they the technical backend ready to go so quickly. Normally it takes them a decade to change a lightbulb.
Biontech did their IPO in late 2019. Anyone with inside knowledge could have invested a 100k at the opening share prices in 2019 and ended up with a few millions by selling in summer 2021 when clot shot “efficiency” peaked.
I also disagree that China and Russia were “onboard” with the covid scam. By China and Russia I refer to the highest levels of government and not to the scientists and other technical elite on NATO’s payroll.
China (aka government) objected vociferously to WHO’s declaration of the scademic in March 2020. That factoid seems to have been memory holed. They had been tricked into a huge lockdown, quickly discovered it was the flu yet they were being blamed for everything. I have always held that closing their borders and the idiotic zero covid was their way of pushback to say: stop blaming us.
I mean if China and Russia tomorrow declare the moon landings were fake and covid is a scam who here seriously thinks that the NYT and Wapo and CNN will give them a say?
They can’t even get an inquiry into Nordstream going…but that’s OK because Nordstream was fake….does anyone see the circular logic here?
All you delusional downvoters who believe that the war in the Ukraine is just ‘performative’: ( 😂 ) off to the frontlines at Bakhmut/Arteemovsk in the new Russian province of Donetsk People’s Republic, pronto. See for yourselves just how ‘performative’ the Russian artillery barrage is! Life expectancy of ukie sacrificial troops there: around four hours.
Yeah, very ‘performative’ – FFS!
A good example of the dialectic they’re pimping – “the two prevailing hypotheses”:
The underlying message:
“Since the beginning of the pandemic, the search for the origin of the virus has been distorted by politics”.
Gosh, if only we had a technocracy to use “science ” to find the “truth” free of all that pesky “politics” how safe we’d all be!
Don’t you mean ‘The’ science? 😉
How exactly is this “operation global control” supposed to work? We’re talking the mother of all operations, so think hard before you air your opinion.
Good question.
I think that the idea that there is one motherfucker on top of the pyramid pulling the strings is ludicrous. It might appear like that and I’m sure many a motherfucker would like to be in that position and some actions might be instigated in this fashion, but there are just too many variables.
Is there, however, behind the various skirmishes, an actual issue or threat, whether real or perceived, that all of the fucks are aware of and agree upon, which they’re not telling the populace because global panic would ensue?
For example, is it that the economic-ecological model has come to a point where it will collapse, no matter what, everybody knows that, and they’re trying to bring it down in a controlled manner while fighting for a piece of whatever pie there will be left at the same time? That would be my guess.
In other words, it’s true both that there is an operation global control and that the “infighting” is real too.
Bullseye dead centre, Kurt!
Exactly, Kurt!
Why is it ludicrous? There was a single person in charge of Ancient Egypt.
They’re telling us that constantly … while they pull the strings and force it to collapse.
Forcing it to collapse? You can’t be serious! The ecological overshoot that we’re in right now is coming steadily to the point where a serious downslope is opening up, correcting automatically the overshoot which we have created with utter blind fecklessness, and simply forcing us to get by on much less, with no other – realworld – option available.
If you really believe that ANY human agency, anywhere, is able to take charge of that process and force it (hah!) in any direction at all, you’re still living in the startrekkytechietechie dreamworld of ‘man the master of all things’ – which is now becoming SO last century. 😀
Indeed it is hard to accept. But I’ve found no other explanation for the synchronicity and identical policies. Belgium and The Netherlands never respond to the same problem in the same way, yet their response to Covid was identical. How can that be?
As to how it works, Dutch open government request showed that Covid policy was made by the Anti Terror Unit. A central, semi-official entity that told every government department and organization what to do. Health department experts mailed around in frustration, wondering why they were ignored, and who was in charge.
Once you accept “operation global control”, you’ll find it explains other things as well. For example, I’ve wondered about the Dutch parliament. Parliamentarians do not read the laws they vote on, and travel around the country using flyers and presentations prepared for them. When you ask them how they make up their mind, they tell you that party leadership tells them how to vote.
I guess it’s all out in the open. It’s just not in the media.
There are things explicable as per what you say, such as COVID, which was obviously a centrally instigated job.
The notion that all the goings-on on the planet happen like that, in a completely controlled manner, is kinda hard to swallow. I’m sure that efforts are made to that effect. But that doesn’t mean that everything happens as planned.
At any rate, I clearly said both alternatives are possible, simultaneously.
It doesn’t matter anyway.
What matters is how people en masse respond to things, to what extent they allow shit foisted to be on them. Whether it’s one cocksucker who’s doing it or thousands of cocksuckers around the planet.
Another aspect of this All In It Together thing – which nobody ever thinks to mention – is THE PEOPLE!
It wasn’t just the separate nations, nor the various leaders, who went marching in lockstep – it was the peoples of the separate nations as well.
Granted there were a few exceptions (such as some of the African peoples) but the exceptions, as they say, prove the rule.
So does that mean the people were in on it too? That they all donned their little masks, and stood six feet apart, and rolled up their sleeves because they were part of the “conspiracy?”
Or does it mean simply that most everyone on the planet did what humans (unfortunately) do best: they responded to what they took to be a “Higher Authority?”
Before there were telephones, electronic communications and computers there were in 1848 the largest group of revolutions going off in Europe.
These all originated with the Young Movement controlled by Giuseppe Mazinni who was an agent of Lord Palmerston. These were all coordinated through the secret societies and Freemasons.
They saw systematic insurrections across a number of European cities planned and organised through the same source before any availability to the technology of today. Compared to today in terms of communications and organisation it was impressive.
In comparison today, as long as the will existed the rest would be a piece of cake.
Some of us are lucky enough not to have to run the rat race.
Not to be beholden to a mortgage or a landlord.
Not to have to toe the line at a job you need to pay your bills.
It’s much harder to rebel when your existence depends on your paycheck and your paycheck depends on your compliance.
“They” know this and will use it to attack in subtle or less subtle ways.
Jab mandates at the less subtle end of the spectrum when the reign of terror was in full swing.
Followed up by artificially increased fuel prices, inflation and,of course, most recently, “shortages” in supermarkets.
All designed to concentrate the mind on just getting by for most people..
“Conspiracy theories” are an unaffordable luxury.
Not running the rat race is not a matter of luck, but a matter of choice.
You can either follow the script for living your life they try to shove down your throat since day one, or you can tell them to stick it up their ass and go your own way. I understand that it’s not necessarily easy to make this decision and that going your own way can mean that you won’t have as many shiny goodies as people who comply, but it’s up to you.
The truth is that gluttony is a sin and that people have been overindulging and living gluttonous lives, as per the “rate race”. Mostly on credit, I should add. They’re now paying the price.
I’m the last one to condemn people who want all the shiny stuff, their excitement is understandable, but it’s what it is.
Shallow, naive (again) view of ordinary people trapped in a system of tradition and enforced education that limits choices, capabilities and outcomes, for generation after generation.
Do you know what real life is like for the majority of people? Why not stop punching down and let us all know what amazing things you’ve done to change the system? Go on.
Absolutely nothing.
I DON’T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE SYSTEM. Get it through your head, I repeat – I DON’T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE SYSTEM. I live my life and the system can go fuck itself.
If you think it’s my or anybody else’s job to be changing the system for you, you’re wrong. You’re in the driver’s seat of your life.
And yes, people are trapped in this that and the other fucking thing. I guess it’s time to get untrapped. Obviously you’re aware of the problems. So stop whining, pointing the finger at me, and do something about it.
God, you’re so edgy.
Van-life is it? Nothing wrong with that, but you certainly don’t have a job, right? You can’t have or you’d be part of the system you don’t give a fuck about. A house? No, you can’t have one of those for the same reason. Married? Nope, can’t be as that would be participating in the system’s traditions linked to religious and social control. You certainly don’t own much because you’re not gluttonous like the rest of us.
I’m very interested to hear what you do to show that you don’t give a fuck about the system. A system that, according to you, everyone else chooses to be part of because they like shiny stuff. Hilarious!
Unfortunately, I have to tell you to fuck the fuck off and leave me the fuck alone.
You’re ad hominem intrusions into my private life go far, far beyond what’s acceptable in a discussion about issues of general application.
FYI, no I don’t have a job. I’m self-employed and have been my whole life. Married – what the fuck does that mean? You’re such a schmuck that you need some authority to give you approval to love, fuck, live with, and have children with your favorite member of the opposite sex? Geez, I certainly fucking don’t.
Anyway as far as “the rest of you”, there are multiple Sholas where you’re corresponding from? Don’t think so. So, kindly speak for yourself and yourself only.
I’ve hurt your feelings, I’ll leave you alone Kurt.
You’re attempting No. 8? You can’t piss me off.
And for the record, you’re not leaving me alone. You’re fucking yourself off in accordance with my instructions.
That’s number 26 but I think you won 🙂
Different kinds of evil emerge in different situations.
In a times of peace, with everyone in agreement, AI-backed propaganda organs are rolled out to promote depriving humans of basic breath and a useless ‘vaccine’. Precursors to the reign of the Antichrist?
Then two groups of nations killing each other on the battlefield (a continuation of Latin West vs Orthodox East) – another kind of evil. People (rightly) longing for an end to the bloodshed and for peace.
Both scenarios have their ways of combating evil and their ways of dealing with the universal problem of death. Different evils emerging in war and peace.
Even if a perfect physical utopia were created (no wars, no poverty, no hate, …), unless it solves the fundamental problem of death and evil, then it would still be imperfect.
In short imho, there is no physical utopia (nor watertight dystopia) this side of heaven.
NB There have been sci-fi depictions where even death has been removed from the utopia, such as in the (off-beat) film ‘Zardoz (1974)’.
It resulted in a world where the ‘punishment’ for crimes was a partial aging from the perfect youthful state.
that was sean wasn’t it, may have a gander..
but, how is death a “universal problem”? i perceive it as part of the cycle,..
evil, that is a universal problem.
Yes, it was Sean Connery. The film’s a little silly (ok, very silly) in places but if you consider the overall plot and themes then it’s more interesting imho.
I take your point about death. It does appear to be ‘built into the system’ somewhat (at least for now).
Death’s a problem on the personal level. We all have to come to terms with our own mortality. And then there are relatives/friends we’d rather not have left the scene. A society (utopia or otherwise) can help shape its citizens’ view of death – whether that includes a hope of resurrection or not.
The Covid narrative preyed on the ‘fear of death’. The fear of catching the virus. Would people have cowered in their homes or bothered with masks/vaccines, if they’d had no fear of death??
And maybe a soldier fights better if he/she believes in the righteousness of their cause and in a future resurrection 🤔
there was no lab leak, becuase there was no virus, there was only ever the intention to roll out a depop via vax therapy, which just happens to come with various extra “outcomes”,
the creators of such now evident as “america” (whatever the fk that now means?)
a) compliance at genetic level
b) disconnection from “source”, “god” or creation if you prefer
c) the ability to terminate, quickly and effectively the “useless” at will, remotely
and now with further muscles being flexed by the fallen, godless, putrid ones, countries like Turkey and Syria are being shown what national level no-compliance incurs.. not to mention red voting states in the good ol yanxville, or forgetting the stubborn red necks who wont move from Hawkes bay.
As many now know the narrative has utterly fallen apart at the seams… yet the pages still flutter and can be read and thus enacted… words are spells
In a drastic attempt to reverse the inevitable slide into oblivion that the godless, fallen, dickless scum see awaiting them, very little is off the table
As their claws scratch feebly at the slick metal chute and nothingness awaits them, just remember the Balrog and his firey whip, they aint done yet
From a site called “science focus” (“science fuck us’?):
“Earth’s inner core is slowing down its spin. Should we be worried?
The planet’s solid iron inner core has stopped spinning faster than the surface, a new study suggests.”
So they’ve recruited yet another new study to the vast team of studies. No matter. To translate these polysyllabic gargantuan waffle tomes into legible English:
And I’ll bet it works on some. I’ll bet they think every little dizzy turn is an effect of the Earth’s Inner slowing.
And it gets better. From the BBC:
“New research suggests there’s an even more inner core inside Earth’s inner core”
Clearly the start of a new franchise. I hope it has a better pay off than “Lost”.
The deepest humanity has physically gone is 12kms in the Kola borehole. Their predictions during drilling of what they would find were repeatedly wrong and then they hit an impenetrable layer.
Only crazy conspiracy theorists would doubt their story about what lies beneath. After all, it isn’t as if there’s a massive contradiction between the molten iron core story and the earth’s magnetic field when actual science shows that iron when heated loses magnetism.
Most of their stories about the depths are plain Luciferianism. Satan is confined to the abyss. That lovely James Cameron made a film called ‘The Abyss’ where what lives down there turns out to be cute aliens. Whitechapel at the time of Jack the Ripper was called the abyss – see Jack London. Curiously, London was living with a policemen who’d been involved in the Ripper investigation when he wrote that book ‘People of the Abyss’. Cameron named Leonardo WEF YGL Di Caprio’s character in ‘Titanic’ “Jack” after London. It’s now openly admitted that the mission that discovered the ‘Titanic’ wreck was a CIA mission to find a Russian submarine and the search for ‘Titanic’ a mere diviersionary cover story.
Excellent article. You describe exactly how I experienced the last three years and how I learn the “most important lesson you are ever going to learn about the nature of geopolitics”. Personally, I’ll never forget it. These years have changed totally the way I see the world.
Even though it’s all been a discredited failure, they press on:
World Health Organization pushes for global vaccine passports
The unelected health agency wants to make this Covid-era surveillance tech permanent.
“These suggested amendments to the IHR have faced some political pushback. However, the WHO continues to march forward with its plans.
Last week, the WHO held a meeting where a WHO working reviewed the proposed amendments to IHR, agreed on the next steps for more intensive negotiations, and planned for their next meeting which will be held from April 17 till April 20. The amendments are expected to be finalized by May 2024, according to a provisional timeline.”
‘ And today the New Normal remains just a half-built prison.’
Like Babylon. They continue to work on it though and the question is
-when will it fall?
-what will we do in the meantime?
-how do we escape the destruction from the fall?
-and what will we replace it with?
Civil disobedience by non-compliance is the only option that I see fit for the purpose. Best civil disobedience (imho) is to act according to what you would like to replace Babylon with. I think the answer to how to fight Babylon is to go local instead of global.
I think this is the fight that is currently fought. The fight of global (automated, non-individual) against local (families, individual).
Nice to see Catte’s article here again.
Babylon is regularly rebuilt with the expectation that this time it won’t fall.
That the media backed down from their one world global (non) touchy feely camp would also explain the ferocity of the Ukraine propaganda. The media were saying in effect, “So you bastards won’t buy our ‘all in it together’ soap opera? Well FUCK YOU! You want the old stuff back? Here it is: BLOODY RUSSIANS!”
And of course the “Left” sighed in relief. They no longer had to suffer the strain of pretending to be oppositional whilst agreeing with the mainstream. The media said, “Look you lot, here’s your usual place. Get ready with the Marx (and Spencer) label. Start booing.”
… and bingo.
View from another insider:
It wouldn’t surprise me.
I listen to Col. Macgregor, Scott Ritter, the crowd promoting the Euroasian partnerships, the endless propaganda in the West, and my gut feeling is telling me that something is not adding up. I don’t believe a single word of what any of these motherfuckers say.
What it all looks like to me is that the people who ‘control the levers’ have become convinced that the world is facing an imminent human-ecology disaster – meaning that resources and energy are, or will soon be unable to sustain the present global population size and all the shit it produces – and they’re acting on their conviction. Throw in the fucked up economy and monetary system and tons of other issues. It’s irrelevant whether their assessment is correct or not, even though one has to objectively admit that humanity have fucked themselves into a corner and are facing a predicament impossible to resolve using means from within our existing systems. In other words, there is a controlled demolition in progress. And there is probably struggle going on as part of that as to whose fucking house will be torn down, who will make it and who won’t, who will come out as the warlord in charge of those who make it to the other end.
What should a judicious person do? The first thing is not to discount the quite distinct possibility if not an obvious fact that the current economic model is ecologically unsustainable due to PHYSICAL constraints, even if it means acknowledging some of the shit the powers that shouldn’t be claim. In other words, just because they’re no good motherfuckers doesn’t mean that they don’t have a point.
Secondly, me thinks that it’s a good time to run for the fucking hills, figuratively speaking, because people left and right are so fucked up that the prospect of bringing anybody to their senses is in the realm of the delusional.
The futility of protests:
Food for thought.
⭐ brilliant.
My thoughts exactly
I think what this Gary Barnett guy gets wrong is that he is critiquing (rightly) a Liberal understanding of the protest (march, rally etc). To the extent that people believe the protest is the be-all-end-all of a movement, they entrench tyranny. No, protests do not challenge tyranny. What the “physical protest” does do is demonstrate to the demonstrators themselves their own numbers, their own (possible) political strength. The signs, slogans, speeches, demonstrate the coherency (or lack thereof) of the political ideas of the group/movement. He is right that the real challenge to power comes elsewhere. But protests are not “useless” if you understand what they can do and what they cannot.
Absofuckinglutely spot the dog with a tail, bang on
You missed one bit, “they” call it the “Compassionate extcintion program TM” and WE are all invited, no bars to race, ehtnicity, culture or sex here, all useless eaters form an orderly fucking queue, “I said fucking ORDERLY you morons”
Were it not for the few that smelt a rat, things would be going just dinky, but they aint, so while the intent remains the “tools” that will be used to regain comliance will become much more “under the counter”..
Aside from the usual suspects of greed, finite resources, control and lets be clear outright satanism, there is the posibility of an additional elephant in the room, pole shift, nothing more, nothing less
If running for the hills seems so yesterday, its because it is, that time “to go” was 2019, if only we knew it??
We must all face the facts that barring smallish geographical movements we are where we are supposed to be, thus resilience and heart are all we have left to ensure the remnant are made aware of what was what and how it happened
I recomend Michael Moorcock and the Deep Fix album from 1975 “New worlds fair”
I think you’re bang on the money there Kurt and I have thought those things myself for a while. I think the fuckers in charge do have a point, we are fucked by physical, ecological constraints and by the mass consumption that THEY have promoted so heavily since the end of WWII and most people in the west have lapped up, on credit, like unquestioning, naive fools.
The main problem I have with the fuckers in charge is their rank dishonesty. They are still promoting the plastic and empty life of plenty, now with a “green” twist which is simply an illusion designed to make weak spined Westerners feel good about themselves while they sink further into ecological oblivion and enrich the liars selling them the dream.You know they love a good controlled demolition as well.
They do tell the truth if you look for it, and you don’t have to look very hard, but the general populace is so engrossed in the fake reality of adverts, propaganda, mainstream culture, official news, celebrity and soap operas that they think you are insane if you point out what the fuckers are actually saying and doing, right in front of their eyes.
We’re on the same page.
Now, put yourself in the shoes of the said motherfuckers who, as you correctly say, were the ones to create or instigate the predicaments the world is facing in the first place.
Anyways, so here I am, Klaus Anal Schwab or one of the other assholes, thinking how to make people accept the fact that the party is over. I know that they’re so addicted to their fixes of this and that, and that they’re subject to all sorts of constraints I myself and other shitheads like me have put on them, that there is no way I could come out and honestly say, sorry guys, the world is fucked. We’re going back to the stone age – I mean you plebs are … ha ha … People would go apeshit. They wouldn’t believe me or they would refuse to comply. So what would I do? Well, pretty much what the motherfuckers are doing.
They always act in self interest, first and foremost. Where ordinary people tend to just go for the easy option all the time, which is usually contrary to their self interest, and then claim that they had no choice. The arseholes know it, so the game is easy for them. They can wave it in everyone’s face and still most people won’t believe it. It isn’t convenient to actually pay attention to what’s being said and done and to choose the difficult path even though it actually makes your life easier in the long run.
When are people going to stop blaming the victim? There are no ‘environmental emergencies’ other than the ones the rulers hoax in order to justify getting rid of us. Nature is not in any danger; we are.
Certainly. Nature will make do, one way or another. She couldn’t give two shits as to whether humans will continue pester her, whether some other creatures will take over, or whether all this living shit will disappear for a while, such as in another Ice Age, and give Earth a break for a while.
This is not about Nature. It’s about the human ecosystem, specifically the fact that humans seem to have invented ways of essentially living beyond their means in a manner that can’t be sustained. Our economic model hinges on constant growth, which translates into ever-increasing energy consumption and the consequent production of waste, and that can’t be sustained even if energy supply was unlimited.
Oh yes, sure, the pricks in charge have been instrumental in fucking things up and creating this existential cul-de-sac, but it doesn’t mean that the problem doesn’t exist. And it doesn’t mean that removing a few fuckheads would solve it.
Yep! Dead right Kurt.
The present economy was never meant to be sustained. It was always meant to lead to this. It was just another one of their traps.
A brilliant essay, thank you Catte. Explains the whole thing perfectly, a global lockstep hoax from start to finish.
Who can ever forget them all, awkwardly parroting “build back better “
The pigs on their hind legs with whips chanting ‘four legs good, two legs BETTER!’
The problem they have with us rebels is that we won’t get back onto all fours for them.Too big an evolutionary backward step for us to stomach….
Or 6uild 6ack 6better.
Apart from the usual Cold War mindset motive I always thought the whole purpose of the ‘lab leak’ theory was to blame the Chinese government so that could open the floodgates for inventive tort lawyers.
“Or maybe those awful Yanks.”
No “maybe” about it.
Uncle $cam, the perp that blew up NordStream2 and WTC 911.
“And meanwhile what they REALLY need from us is that we all stop thinking about what we just saw”
Gary Larsen’s comic strip “The Far Side” take:

That cartoon is so damned appropriate…